

Volume 1

Preface ...... xvii Introduction ...... xxv

A Andrew Adams ...... 1 ...... 3 ...... 12 Thomas Adams ...... 18 Robert Alexander ...... 19 Andrew Allen ...... 21 ...... 24 Benjamin Andrew ...... 27 Annapolis State House ...... 28 John Armstrong, Sr...... 31 John Armstrong, Jr...... 33 Jonathan Arnold ...... 36 Peleg Arnold ...... 38 The Articles of Confederation ...... 41 John Baptista Ashe ...... 46 Samuel John Atlee ...... 48 Crispus Attucks ...... 50

B Reverend Isaac Backus ...... 51 ...... 53 ...... 57 The Bank of the ...... 59 Robert Gibbes Barnwell ...... 62 Dr. ...... 64 John Bubenheim Bayard ...... 69 John Beatty ...... 73 Gunning Bedford ...... 76 Gunning Bedford, Jr...... 78 Thomas Bee ...... 82 Egbert Benson ...... 84 Richard Beresford ...... 87 ...... 89 ...... 90 Jonathan Blanchard ...... 94 ...... 96 Theodorick Bland ...... 99 ...... 102 ...... 106 Simon Boerum ...... 110 The Massacre ...... 111 The Boston Port Bill ...... 116

v vi Table of Contents

Elias Boudinot ...... 119 ...... 124 ...... 126 John Brown ...... 129 Nathan Brownson ...... 132 John Bull ...... 134 Archibald Stobo Bulloch ...... 135 Thomas Burke ...... 137 Dr. William Burnet ...... 140 Robert Burton ...... 142 ...... 143

C Lambert Cadwalader ...... 147 Canada and Canadian Relations ...... 149 Capitals of the ...... 155 William Carmichael ...... 161 Carpenters’ Hall ...... 168 ...... 170 Charles Carroll “Barrister” ...... 175 Charles Frémont Carroll III “of Carrollton”...... 178 ...... 183 Richard Caswell ...... 186 Jeremiah Townley Chase ...... 191 ...... 193 ...... 199 ...... 201 Joseph Clay ...... 203 ...... 206 George Clinton ...... 208 ...... 213 The Coercive Acts ...... 216 ...... 216 The ...... 218 The Committee of Fifty ...... 220 The Committee of Fifty-One ...... 222 The Committee of Safety/Council of Safety ...... 222 The Committee of Secret Correspondence ...... 224 Committees of Correspondence ...... 227 Committee of Foreign Affairs ...... 229 The of 1775 ...... 229 ...... 230 Benjamin Contee ...... 231 The ...... 233 Joseph Platt Cooke ...... 237 John Cooper ...... 239 Ezekiel Cornell ...... 240 Tench Coxe ...... 242 Stephen Crane ...... 245 William Cumming ...... 247 ...... 248 Table of Contents vii

D ...... 252 Nathan Dane ...... 255 Second Lord Dartmouth, William Legge ...... 259 John Dawson ...... 259 Elias Dayton ...... 262 ...... 264 ...... 267 The Declaration of Independence ...... 274 John De Hart ...... 287 Charles DeWitt ...... 289 Samuel Dick ...... 291 ...... 293 The “Dickinson Draft” of the Articles of Confederation ...... 301 ...... 304 Diplomacy of, and by, the Continental Congress ...... 305 ...... 309 ...... 317 Reverend Jacob Duché ...... 322 William Duer ...... 329 Reverend George Duffield ...... 333 John Dunlap ...... 334 Eliphalet Dyer ...... 337

E Pierpont Edwards ...... 342 ...... 346 ...... 348 ...... 352 ...... 357 Espionage Tactics by the Continental Congress ...... 359 The Essex Principles, also known as The Essex Result ...... 363 Nicholas Eveleigh ...... 373

F The Fairfax County Resolves ...... 377 John Fell ...... 381 , Jr...... 384 The Henry Fite House ...... 388 William Fitzhugh ...... 389 ...... 391 William Fleming ...... 393 ...... 396 Nathaniel Folsom ...... 398 James Forbes ...... 401 The Department of Foreign Affairs ...... 402 ...... 408 ...... 410 Relations with ...... 413 ...... 415 The “Franklin Draft” of the Articles of Confederation ...... 424 viii Table of Contents

Fraunces Tavern ...... 425 Frederick Frelinghuysen ...... 428 The French Arms Tavern ...... 431 George Frost ...... 433

G Christopher Gadsden ...... 436 ...... 441 Leonard Gansevoort ...... 449 John Gardner ...... 450 Joseph Gardner ...... 452 David Gelston ...... 454 George William Frederick, King George III of Great Britain and Ireland ...... 456 George Germain, 1st Viscount Sackville ...... 462 ...... 466 John Lewis Gervais ...... 474 William Gibbons ...... 478 ...... 482 ...... 485 Robert Goldsborough ...... 488 Mary Katherine Goddard ...... 491 ...... 497 ...... 500 Great Seal of the United States ...... 504 ...... 509 Second Earl of Guilford ...... 515 James Gunn ...... 515 ...... 517

H John Habersham ...... 521 ...... 526 John Hall ...... 528 ...... 531 Alexander ...... 536 ...... 546 Edward Hand ...... 553 ...... 557 Samuel Hardy ...... 563 John Haring ...... 565 ...... 568 Benjamin Harrison ...... 572 William Harrison, Jr...... 578 John Hart ...... 580 The Hartford Convention ...... 582 ...... 588 ...... 591 Jonathan J. Hazard ...... 597 William Hemsley ...... 600 James Henry ...... 602 John Henry, Jr...... 603 Table of Contents ix

Patrick Henry ...... 606 William Henry ...... 613 ...... 616 Thomas Heyward, Jr...... 621 ...... 627 Whitmell Hill ...... 632 Michael Hillegas, Jr...... 634 ...... 638 William Hillhouse ...... 640 ...... 642 ...... 646 ...... 650 ...... 655 Stephen Hopkins ...... 660 ...... 664 Josiah Hornblower ...... 671 ...... 674 Hospital Department of the US ...... 677 William Churchill Houston ...... 680 ...... 684 William Houstoun ...... 688 ...... 691 David Howell ...... 694 Richard Howly [Howley] ...... 699 ...... 701 ...... 703 Benjamin Huntington ...... 707 Samuel Huntington ...... 711 ...... 716

I ...... 721 ...... 723 The ...... 727 William Irvine ...... 735 ...... 738

J David Jackson ...... 744 Jonathan Jackson ...... 745 ...... 747 ...... 753 Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer ...... 760 ...... 765 William ...... 769 ...... 771 Allen Jones...... 774 Joseph Jones, Sr...... 776 Noble Wimberly [Wymberley] Jones ...... 779 Samuel Jones ...... 782 Willie Jones ...... 783 x Table of Contents

K John Kean ...... 786 Dyre Kearney ...... 788 ...... 789 Francis Kinloch ...... 792 James Kinsey ...... 795 Volume 2

L Lancaster Court House ...... 797 John Langdon ...... 798 Woodbury Langdon ...... 802 ...... 804 John Ten Eyck Lansing, Jr...... 806 ...... 809 ...... 812 Richard Law ...... 819 ...... 820 ...... 824 Henry Lee ...... 828 ...... 830 ...... 835 ...... 837 William Legge, Second Earl of Dartmouth ...... 840 Daniel Leonard ...... 843 ...... 843 Lexington and Concord ...... 846 Ezra L’Hommedieu ...... 853 The Library of the Continental Congress ...... 855 ...... 857 ...... 861 Robert R. Livingston ...... 867 ...... 874 ...... 878 Edward Lloyd ...... 884 Pierse Long ...... 886 James Lovell ...... 890 Isaac Low ...... 896 John ...... 900 Loyalists ...... 904 The Lundin Letter ...... 911 Thomas Lynch ...... 914 Thomas Lynch, Jr...... 917

M ...... 919 James Manning ...... 926 ...... 929 The Convention ...... 933 Table of Contents xi

Massachusettensis vs. Novanglus ...... 935 ...... 938 Timothy Matlack...... 942 Eleazer McComb ...... 945 Alexander McDougall ...... 948 James McHenry ...... 952 Lachlan McIntosh ...... 957 Thomas McKean ...... 961 James McLene ...... 965 The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence...... 966 ...... 969 ...... 972 ...... 976 ...... 979 ...... 984 ...... 989 Nathan Miller ...... 994 ...... 996 Stephen Mix Mitchell ...... 999 The Model Treaty ...... 1002 ...... 1004 John Montgomery ...... 1010 Reverend Joseph Montgomery ...... 1012 William Montgomery ...... 1014 Cadwalader Morris ...... 1016 ...... 1019 ...... 1024 Robert Morris ...... 1027 John Morton ...... 1031 Isaac Motte ...... 1034 Daniel Mowry, Jr...... 1036 Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg ...... 1039

N Abner Nash ...... 1042 , Princeton, ...... 1046 Native and Their Relations with the Continental Congress ...... 1048 Thomas Nelson, Jr...... 1053 City, City Hall ...... 1056 The Nicola Affair ...... 1058 The Nonexportation Agreement of 1774 ...... 1060 The Nonimportation Agreement of 1774 ...... 1063 Frederick North, Lord North, Second Earl of Guilford ...... 1066 The Northwest Ordinance ...... 1070

O The ...... 1075 Henry Osborne ...... 1077 ...... 1079 Samuel Allyne Otis ...... 1083 xii Table of Contents

P ...... 1088 Mann Page ...... 1092 Ephraim Paine ...... 1095 ...... 1098 ...... 1104 The ...... 1110 John Parker ...... 1116 ...... 1117 ...... 1121 John Patten ...... 1125 Dr. Nathaniel Peabody ...... 1127 William Peery ...... 1130 Philip Pell, Jr...... 1133 ...... 1135 Nathaniel Pendleton ...... 1138 ...... 1141 State House ...... 1145 Richard Peters, Sr...... 1145 Charles Pettit ...... 1148 State House ...... 1152 William Leigh Pierce, Jr...... 1152 Charles Pinckney ...... 1154 ...... 1160 Zephaniah Platt ...... 1163 Richard Potts ...... 1166 The Post Office Department ...... 1168 The ...... 1172 Presidents of the Continental Congress ...... 1175 Princeton, New Jersey ...... 1191 The ...... 1191

Q The ...... 1196

R ...... 1199 Edmund Jenings Randolph ...... 1204 ...... 1211 George Read ...... 1215 ...... 1220 ...... 1224 James Randolph Reid ...... 1229 Religion and the Continental Congress ...... 1230 ...... 1236 Richard Ridgely ...... 1239 ...... 1240 ...... 1244 Thomas Rodney ...... 1248 John Rogers ...... 1253 Jesse Root ...... 1255 Table of Contents xiii

David Ross, Jr...... 1258 George Ross ...... 1259 Benjamin Rumsey ...... 1262 ...... 1263 ...... 1268 ...... 1272

S ...... 1278 Philip John Schuyler ...... 1280 Gustavus Scott ...... 1285 ...... 1287 Dr. ...... 1290 James Searle ...... 1292 Secrecy in the Continental Congress ...... 1295 The Secret Journal of the Continental Congress ...... 1295 ...... 1298 Joshua Seney ...... 1301 Sergeant ...... 1303 William Sharpe ...... 1307 Shays’ Rebellion ...... 1309 ...... 1315 Dr. William Shippen ...... 1322 John Sitgreaves ...... 1324 Slavery and the Continental Congress ...... 1326 James Smith ...... 1332 Jonathan Bayard Smith ...... 1335 Melancton Smith ...... 1337 Meriwether Smith ...... 1340 Richard Smith ...... 1342 Thomas Smith ...... 1345 William Smith ...... 1348 The Solemn League and Covenant ...... 1349 ...... 1353 Joseph Spencer ...... 1358 The ...... 1361 The Stars and Stripes ...... 1365 The State House, Philadelphia ...... 1368 Arthur St. Clair ...... 1368 The Conference ...... 1374 John Stevens ...... 1376 Charles Stewart ...... 1378 Richard Stockton ...... 1381 ...... 1384 Jonathan Sturges ...... 1387 James Sullivan ...... 1389 ...... 1392 John Swann ...... 1398 ...... 1399 John Cleves Symmes ...... 1401 xiv Table of Contents

T George Taylor ...... 1405 ...... 1408 Thanksgiving, Resolution by the Continental Congress ...... 1411 /Thacher ...... 1413 ...... 1416 Dr. ...... 1421 ...... 1425 Dr. ...... 1429 Paul Trapier ...... 1433 John Treadwell ...... 1434 The Treaty of Paris ...... 1436 Treaty of Alliance with France ...... 1439 Trenton, New Jersey ...... 1442 Joseph Trumbull ...... 1444 Dr. ...... 1446

V Nicholas Van Dyke...... 1449 James Mitchell Varnum ...... 1451 ...... 1454

W James Wadsworth ...... 1457 Jeremiah Wadsworth ...... 1459 John Walker...... 1462 ...... 1464 John Walton ...... 1469 ...... 1470 Samuel Ward ...... 1474 ...... 1477 John Wentworth, Jr...... 1482 Samuel Wharton ...... 1484 ...... 1487 Dr. James White ...... 1490 Phillips White ...... 1493 Right Reverend William White ...... 1495 John Williams, V ...... 1497 William Williams ...... 1499 ...... 1501 ...... 1504 James Wilson ...... 1506 Paine Wingate ...... 1509 Henry Wisner ...... 1510 ...... 1512 ...... 1516 Joseph Wood ...... 1518 Turbutt Wright ...... 1520 Henry Wynkoop ...... 1522 ...... 1525 Table of Contents xv

Y Abraham Yates ...... 1530 Peter Waldron Yates ...... 1532 York, Pennsylvania, Courthouse ...... 1533

Z ...... 1537

Historical Timeline ...... 1539 Primary Documents ...... 1549 Appendixes ...... 1614 Bibliography ...... 1628 Index ...... 1700