The World Bank Report No: ISR16614

Implementation Status & Results Urban Services Project (P111155)

Operation Name: Zanzibar Urban Services Project (P111155) Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 7 Status: ARCHIVED Archive Date: 03-Nov-2014 Country: Tanzania Approval FY: 2011

Public Disclosure Authorized Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Zanzibar Municipal Council Key Dates Board Approval Date 24-Feb-2011 Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2016 Planned Mid Term Review Date 15-Nov-2013 Last Archived ISR Date 10-Mar-2014 Public Disclosure Copy Effectiveness Date 11-Jul-2011 Revised Closing Date 30-Jun-2016 Actual Mid Term Review Date 03-Dec-2013

Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) Improve access to urban services in Zanzibar and conserve the physical cultural heritage at one public location within the Stone Town.

Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

Yes No Public Disclosure Authorized Component(s)

Component Name Component Cost Institutional Strengthening and Infrastructure Development in Zanzibar Municipal Council Area 31.20 Support to Town Councils in Pemba 3.80 Project Management 3.00

Overall Ratings Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate Public Disclosure Authorized

Implementation Status Overview Implementation has improved significantly in the past 9 months. The designs for all major investments are underway, and with all works to either start or to be tendered by the end of November 2014. The Zanzibar Municipal Council has made swift progress to identify a suitable site to use as an interim and long-term sanitary landfill and has identified possible slights for a future sludge disposal area. The Bank technical team is working closely to support risk reduction measures for the short term disposal arrangements, and to provide Public Disclosure Copy guidance to the municipality for their preparation of the long-term use of the land-fill. The project will likely have cost overruns. Once the major works contracts are signed, commitments will exceed existing project resources. The client is aware they would be moving forward at risk, and would need to cover the gap with their own budgets unless additional IDA financing is secured.

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A coordination meeting was held between the Bank and the Zanzibar Ministry of Finance in September 2014 to discuss future IDA programming. The Ministry of Finance expressed its interest in continued support in the urban sector, including the completion of all activities in the existing project experiencing cost overruns. Future program priorities will be assessed during the mission planned for mid-November 2014.

Locations Country First Administrative Division Location Planned Actual Tanzania Not Entered Zanzibar Urban/West Region ✔

Tanzania Not Entered Zanzibar

Tanzania Not Entered Wete Public Disclosure Copy

Tanzania Pemba South Region Pemba South Region ✔

Tanzania Pemba North Region ✔

Tanzania Not Entered

Tanzania Not Entered Chake Chake


Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target Direct project beneficiaries Number Value 0.00 0.00 330000.00 Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change Female beneficiaries Percentage Value 0.00 0.00 52.00 Sub Type Supplemental Households reporting flooding inside homes in Number Value 3645.00 3645.00 0.00 ZMC project area Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change People in urban areas (ZMC) provided with Number Value 27000.00 27000.00 113400.00 access to regular solid waste collection under Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 the project Comments 5,000 HHS 5,000 HHS 21,000 HHS Public Disclosure Copy

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The Stone Town retains status of World Yes/No Value Yes Yes Yes Heritage City Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments Yes

Intermediate Results Indicators Indicator Name Core Unit of Measure Baseline Current End Target ZMC#s Change Management Strategic Plan Yes/No Value No No Yes developed and under implementation Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No Change. Consultant recently mobilized. Public Disclosure Copy Diagrammatic Indicative Structure Plan Yes/No Value No No Yes completed Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No Change. Consultant recently mobilized. Construction of surface drains completed in Meter(m) Value 0.00 0.00 19631.00 ZMC outside of the Stone Town Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change. Procurement process underway. Streets with new lighting installed along Kilometers Value 0.00 0.00 11.00 selected roads and junctions (kms) Date 28-Jan-2011 19-Aug-2011 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change. Procurement process underway. Solid waste collection points provided and Number Value 0.00 0.00 193.00 functional Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change. Procurement process underway. Length of Mizingani sea wall and promenade Meter(m) Value 0.00 0.00 340.00 constructed Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change. Final designs are being negotiated. Retooling of 3 Town Councils completed Yes/No Value No No Yes Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No substantial change. Limited retooling has been accomplished. Procurement Public Disclosure Copy process for remaining items is underway.

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Small investments identified and implemented Yes/No Value No No Yes by the three town councils in Pemba Date 28-Jan-2011 05-Apr-2012 30-Jun-2016 Comments No change. Procurement process underway.

Data on Financial Performance (as of 19-Sep-2014)

Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date P111155 IDA-48610 Effective 24-Feb-2011 06-Apr-2011 11-Jul-2011 30-Jun-2016 30-Jun-2016 Public Disclosure Copy Disbursements (in Millions) Project Ln/Cr/Tf Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P111155 IDA-48610 Effective XDR 25.00 25.00 0.00 8.06 16.94 32.00

Disbursement Graph

Key Decisions Regarding Implementation The Bank and the client Project Management Team agreed to continue to have monthly coordination meetings accelerate implementation and to closely monitor all risks and priority

Public Disclosure Copy areas (safeguards, cost overruns, project management, and quality assurance).

The Bank restricted the use of the project financed waste collection equipment until a managed disposal area was available. The Mission commends the swift actions of the Zanzibar

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Municipal Council to secure a site for an interim and final sanitary land-fill. The Bank provided technical guidance on (i.) site selection methodology, (ii.) risk assessments (technical and safeguards), (iii.) operations and management planning, and (iv.) planning for feasibility studies. The proposed new site at Kibili is a significant improvement over the previous open dump site, and the municipality has carried out necessary due diligence measures for temporary operations, risk identification and mitigation, and stakeholder buy-in. Because of the council's actions, the mission recommended that the ‘block’ on the use of the solid waste management collection equipment is lifted and Kibili be utilized in the interim as a managed disposal area. Further dialog is needed on the possibility of Bank support for the long-term sanitation needs (fully developing the Kibili site, operations and management plans, developing a sludge treatment facility) in Zanzibar. The Minister of Finance indicated their interest in additional support to the urban sector, with waste management activities as a priority. This will be discussed during the November 2014 supervision mission.

Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date.

Public Disclosure Copy Related Projects There are no related projects. Public Disclosure Copy

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