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wmmmmmm mrmmmimm^^^*™^**^^^^^ •\.- v Effective March 078, Unl- population and territory,'' Dr. ment of family prqetice, he con can the family physician help attributes to the growing demand vei'sityjOf Michigan! ita!, Am) Davies said. tinued. "An enrolled patient and immeasurable expenses and frus by patients for mere personalized Arbor, ;is the new Iff $ holde//- , According to the American family can count on continuing tration for everyone concerned care. for the Chelsea r Board of Family Practice rul* health care. For example, If our but that."over 90 percent of all "Family practice has become |' and is now respo i am ings;, the training of. medical stu- patiet happens to be a diabetic human illness can be dealt, with a popular and respected area of ''• ploying physicians 1¾ fo/ em* :0M$ must take place in B'-M-. and has missed a blood'sugar effectively by the wfell-trained medicine Unlike any other medi ' cording to, UniverSii ts&ff, 'ac-, ;: tiept! poptjlation wliich is s table test, we will call'and remind family physician." cal specialty, these physicians The University hospital, :^a%; where members seek con- the patient' about it. If the pat Family practcie has only been must renew their American ifjital 'has < also established'a : -lihtjing rathe? -than • dispersed ient's family needs immunization a formalized specialty of medi Board certification every seven tice Ceuter at theff oily Praj^- jCJatei;"Tlie; training sties should or flu. shots, we will call and cine since 1989 which Dr. Davies years," Dr. Davies explained. .#lp- .which promises to bring! r : :. > hjet ideated, in'- a ruraksuburban arrange appointments," Dr. Davr heard of practice ^Jl^u^e-call$k- $e i'wns /18: similar to locales where ies said. ., by doctors for Chs^aj^sidents;.. 'pj-Ograrh graduates are encour "further, family practice Until the :Unive^||||J{Hospital'; aged to practice,"' according to means 24-hour availability to the received approval^||M';lease 'the.1; \trte- board's, rulings. Blood Pressure Clinic 1 <; patient of a physician and a team Chelsea Clinic.fronphe Michigan; ^jMhile services will continue as of resident physicians. This in Department of Public^ ^Health on ^th§j?' have been in. the past, at ; cludes house calls by,, both the Feb. 21, the clini^ilease had, ::'v.th3 'clinic, the lesidency program physician and team members. Scheduled Saturday fcec-n held by the^Anjii^rborB^rp;,. Vis not expected to begin until' Home, visits are an obligatory ft Trust Co. The #&j$ated -<^m- :=; ;^uly, 1979, and patient/ enroll- part of the resident physician's May is High Blood Pressure cians," Graham W. Ward, co-ordi* of the ler.se was jppiOO. M<'?,••\, nrents for family 'practice, care training program," he explained. According' to UniY%Si-y Hd$Ju<r' Month and the Chelsea Commun nator of the. National Program sa .-vyivll be accepted.on a selective •"Family practice also means ity Hqspital Auxiliary, in co-opera "Too many people take their tal "the;e will not'$$&,ctang^••. : feusis starting in July, 1978. In that if a.specialist or surgeon is in the services proy'ldcoj;, by•'••>$$> tion with the Chelsea State Bank pills for a whjle, and then quit July;rof this, year the clinic' will needed, we will find the appro is holding a free blood pressure after a few months," he said. clinic but, rather tr*eie will: be/ ^hjftVeVa staff of eight qualified, priate One for our parents," Dav an''expansion, of thet:f|mily pjcacr phy'sieiafl^ in family practice clinic Saturday, May 13 from 9 He cited two common reasons ies added. a.m. to ndon at the bank. why a patient drops (herany. First, tice health care prt>gr.am -'^ow t€chrji^ju[§s. :\, ~: -•••; •;• Another component of family Statistics compiled by the Na available," a••spokesperson; sgid.;. v ?,. f>r,; 'Davies defines family, prac- a patient confuses controlling high *n addition, .the (Ihelsea Mpdi-'': ;^#$i asJ one of total inyQJvement practice, according to Davies, is tional Institute of Health High blood pressure with curing n. Al cal Clinic .has.becc-irte:lthe train by! the doctor in a. patient's con- community medicine. "A family Blood Pressure Education Pro ter reaching a goal blood pressure : gram show that of the people who reading, patients think they don't ing site for,: the h^itaiV new, tinjuing health care program. practice physician is trained to have high blood pressure, only fdrmal three-ye^r ^s.i#hcy .pror: : "When a.' patierit; enlists our know where to secure auxiliary have to take: their medication any 1 ; about 29 percent successfully con longer. "There is no cure for the gram which was .'a^dpted ; !a^ v <?Care, theventire 'family bec6mes health seryices needed by a pa trol it. year. "How those ;iriQlined.,f<&: '/•qii)*.pjtfieht;" Dr.' Dayies said. tient from resources within the disease, but often only a pill a ward personalized itieiiical c|are^ 7;'^ are, only beginning to a'ck- community, either priyate, yolurtr Another 29 percent do not know day will permit a person to live can formally tVaihs - 'as family :vho}Yledge that'.'a-,patient's organ- tary, or .governmental. Today's, they have the disease, 19 percent a normal life," he said. practitioners,"< Dr. Terrence 0¾ •;lc problems cart be treated more farnily physician is.much like the. are under treatment but do not Second, Ward says that too many oavies, professpi: ;a^L ch&irmanv.: '..effectively if we,.' take :•: the .home .• old-time.. family, doctor.; Me or. yet^ have it under control, and 23 eople believe high blood pressure of: the Department; or Family^;V?on'ex t and family .interrelation she makes hpiise calls, has a per percent are not treating it at all. Eas symptoms. Since they don't Practice, U-. of f.'M; Medical: :H;§hjpG into account. Very -often; gonal friich, and offers a program It is these latter categories to feel sick, they don't treat the dis School, and head of the Chelsea rV'ywe find another family member of' continuity ;and prevention that which the program is devoting its ease. He points out that most high Family Practice Center, said. ':;rnore in hee.d, of care th,am the can eliminate the. need; for. emer efforts during May. "We must blood pressure has no symptoms University of Michigan Hospital has established a ,; '".'• ;FAMIty PRACTICE: Mrs. Richard Cesarz •'Ch elsea is an ideal commun- '.;enfoIled. patient,' he said. gency medical care and expen convince and help people with high and a person can't tell when his Of Chelsea brings her children (baby Naomi pad Family Practice Center. itv for a Family. Practice Center: deluding the/entire. family is sive hospitalization," he said. blood pressure to follow the treat or her blood pressure is up. "Once Joseph) to the Chelsea Medical Clinic wherp the since it provides ; the, required only' part of the . total involve Dr. Davies said that not only ment prescribed by their physi (Continued on page six) WEATHER ; ..-.v Mln. Max Prceip. QUOTE M'hUr^day, May 4 ..:,38 03 0.00 iFriday,' May :5-.. 43 54 0.16 "Knowledge and timber shouldn't ISaturaay, May- 6 ,42 45 0.12 be much used until they are well Isimd&y, May . 7 .40 62 0.00 seasoned." |Motid£(y( May 8 • •*• !•»* 49 63 0:44 •Tuesday, May 9 .49 63 0.55 —Oliver Wendell Holmes. IWednesday, May 10 ....50 67 0.00 Phis 0N£ HUNDRED-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 48 16 Pages This Week 2 Supplements CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1978 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PER YEAR Village Council Raises Millage •*• * 1 ;Cliel^ea Community Hospital^ ha| pccupation.a}',, • recreational, and jceiv6d' a1 Certificate of: Need from'' s^e6h;^lr&rapyReenters will be (he he Michigan ^Department of Pub emphasis of the expansion pro Parking Lot To Be Improved. gram. Stress teMingiacilities, pul ic Health authorizing improve-, monary function services, kitchen rents -and modifications to facili- and dimirig.room facilities will also Meter Fees Being Increased |es in a $U million building pro- be enlarged. iram.. financed by the Farmers In addition, educational and A millage rate of 9.52, up from nue Sharing Funds although no one Ibme Administration, a division of conference spaces • and a con last year's millage rate of 9.30, appeared for the hearing. As a ie United States Department of centrated location1 for all adminis was adopted by the village coun result, council will decide how the Agriculture, according to an an trative. offices will be. developed. cil during the May 2 regular ses money will he incorporated into nouncement today from the Hospi- Existing spaces currently housing sion. the 1978-79 general budget. jl'sBoard of Governors. Construc all these facilities are scattered For taxpayers this represents a In other council action, members tion; bids are scheduled to be let throughout three buildings will be 22 cents per $1,000 assessed valu approved several improvements to renovated and converted, to' pro ation increase over last year. the Park Street Parking Lot in jury; with contract awards' to vide for an increased number of Council based the increase on the cluding the widening of the side \e 'iriade in August. Construction private rooms and an< increase in assessed valuation report submitt walk along Park St., adjacent to scheduled to begin in Septem- total bed'capacity, from 110 t0 113< ed by Assessor Judson Goltra and the parking lot. Federal Revenue W- ":'K '••'.• determined by the Sylvan and Lima Sharing funds of $2,306 were ap Jn commenting on this program, TOP-RANKED IN STATE: 8th grade band members gathered exhibited excellent contrast and was fine sounding," judges com J Township Boards of Review.