wmmmmmm mrmmmimm^^^*™^**^^^^^ •\.- v Effective March 078, Unl- population and territory,'' Dr. ment of family prqetice, he con­ can the family physician help attributes to the growing demand vei'sityjOf Michigan! ita!, Am) Davies said. tinued. "An enrolled patient and immeasurable expenses and frus­ by patients for mere personalized Arbor, ;is the new Iff $ holde//- , According to the American family can count on continuing tration for everyone concerned care. for the Chelsea r Board of Family Practice rul* health care. For example, If our but that."over 90 percent of all "Family practice has become |' and is now respo i am ings;, the training of. medical stu- patiet happens to be a diabetic human illness can be dealt, with a popular and respected area of ''• ploying physicians 1¾ fo/ em* :0M$ must take place in B'-M-. and has missed a blood'sugar effectively by the wfell-trained medicine Unlike any other medi­ ' cording to, UniverSii ts&ff, 'ac-, ;: tiept! poptjlation wliich is s table test, we will call'and remind family physician." cal specialty, these physicians The University hospital, :^a%; where members seek con- the patient' about it. If the pat­ Family practcie has only been must renew their American ifjital 'has < also established'a : -lihtjing rathe? -than • dispersed ient's family needs immunization a formalized specialty of medi­ Board certification every seven tice Ceuter at theff oily Praj^- jCJatei;"Tlie; training sties should or flu. shots, we will call and cine since 1989 which Dr. Davies years," Dr. Davies explained. .#lp- .which promises to bring! r : :. > hjet ideated, in'- a ruraksuburban arrange appointments," Dr. Davr heard of practice ^Jl^u^e-call$k- $e i'wns /18: similar to locales where ies said. ., by doctors for Chs^aj^sidents;.. 'pj-Ograrh graduates are encour­ "further, family practice Until the :Unive^||||J{Hospital'; aged to practice,"' according to means 24-hour availability to the received approval^||M';lease 'the.1; \trte- board's, rulings. Blood Pressure Clinic 1 <; patient of a physician and a team Chelsea Clinic.fronphe Michigan; ^jMhile services will continue as of resident physicians. This in­ Department of Public^ ^Health on ^th§j?' have been in. the past, at ; cludes house calls by,, both the Feb. 21, the clini^ilease had, ::'v.th3 'clinic, the lesidency program physician and team members. Scheduled Saturday fcec-n held by the^Anjii^rborB^rp;,. Vis not expected to begin until' Home, visits are an obligatory ft Trust Co. The #&j$ated -<^m- :=; ;^uly, 1979, and patient/ enroll- part of the resident physician's May is High Blood Pressure cians," Graham W. Ward, co-ordi* of the ler.se was jppiOO. M<'?,••\, nrents for family 'practice, care training program," he explained. According' to UniY%Si-y Hd$Ju<r' Month and the Chelsea Commun­ nator of the. National Program sa .-vyivll be accepted.on a selective •"Family practice also means ity Hqspital Auxiliary, in co-opera­ "Too many people take their tal "the;e will not'$$&,ctang^••. : feusis starting in July, 1978. In that if a.specialist or surgeon is in the services proy'ldcoj;, by•'••>$$> tion with the Chelsea State Bank pills for a whjle, and then quit July;rof this, year the clinic' will needed, we will find the appro­ is holding a free blood pressure after a few months," he said. clinic but, rather tr*eie will: be/ ^hjftVeVa staff of eight qualified, priate One for our parents," Dav­ an''expansion, of thet:f|mily pjcacr phy'sieiafl^ in family practice clinic Saturday, May 13 from 9 He cited two common reasons ies added. a.m. to ndon at the bank. why a patient drops (herany. First, tice health care prt>gr.am -'^ow t€chrji^ju[§s. :\, ~: -•••; •;• Another component of family Statistics compiled by the Na­ available," a••spokesperson; sgid.;. v ?,. f>r,; 'Davies defines family, prac- a patient confuses controlling high *n addition, .the (Ihelsea Mpdi-'': ;^#$i asJ one of total inyQJvement practice, according to Davies, is tional Institute of Health High blood pressure with curing n. Al­ cal Clinic .has.becc-irte:lthe train­ by! the doctor in a. patient's con- community medicine. "A family Blood Pressure Education Pro­ ter reaching a goal blood pressure : gram show that of the people who reading, patients think they don't ing site for,: the h^itaiV new, tinjuing health care program. practice physician is trained to have high blood pressure, only fdrmal three-ye^r ^s.i#hcy .pror: : "When a.' patierit; enlists our know where to secure auxiliary have to take: their medication any 1 ; about 29 percent successfully con­ longer. "There is no cure for the gram which was .'a^dpted ; !a^ v <?Care, theventire 'family bec6mes health seryices needed by a pa­ trol it. year. "How those ;iriQlined.,f<&: '/•qii)*.pjtfieht;" Dr.' Dayies said. tient from resources within the disease, but often only a pill a ward personalized itieiiical c|are^ 7;'^ are, only beginning to a'ck- community, either priyate, yolurtr Another 29 percent do not know day will permit a person to live can formally tVaihs - 'as family :vho}Yledge that'.'a-,patient's organ- tary, or .governmental. Today's, they have the disease, 19 percent a normal life," he said. practitioners,"< Dr. Terrence 0¾ •;lc problems cart be treated more farnily physician is.much like the. are under treatment but do not Second, Ward says that too many oavies, professpi: ;a^L ch&irmanv.: '..effectively if we,.' take :•: the .home .• old-time.. family, doctor.; Me or. yet^ have it under control, and 23 eople believe high blood pressure of: the Department; or Family^;V?on'ex t and family .interrelation she makes hpiise calls, has a per­ percent are not treating it at all. Eas symptoms. Since they don't Practice, U-. of f.'M; Medical: :H;§hjpG into account. Very -often; gonal friich, and offers a program It is these latter categories to feel sick, they don't treat the dis­ School, and head of the Chelsea rV'ywe find another family member of' continuity ;and prevention that which the program is devoting its ease. He points out that most high Family Practice Center, said. ':;rnore in hee.d, of care th,am the can eliminate the. need; for. emer­ efforts during May. "We must blood pressure has no symptoms University of Michigan Hospital has established a ,; '".'• ;FAMIty PRACTICE: Mrs. Richard Cesarz •'Ch elsea is an ideal commun- '.;enfoIled. patient,' he said. gency medical care and expen­ convince and help people with high and a person can't tell when his Of Chelsea brings her children (baby Naomi pad Family Practice Center. itv for a Family. Practice Center: deluding the/entire. family is sive hospitalization," he said. blood pressure to follow the treat­ or her blood pressure is up. "Once Joseph) to the Chelsea Medical Clinic wherp the since it provides ; the, required only' part of the . total involve­ Dr. Davies said that not only ment prescribed by their physi­ (Continued on page six) WEATHER ; ..-.v Mln. Max Prceip. QUOTE M'hUr^day, May 4 ..:,38 03 0.00 iFriday,' May :5-.. 43 54 0.16 "Knowledge and timber shouldn't ISaturaay, May- 6 ,42 45 0.12 be much used until they are well Isimd&y, May . 7 .40 62 0.00 seasoned." |Motid£(y( May 8 • •*• !•»* 49 63 0:44 •Tuesday, May 9 .49 63 0.55 —Oliver Wendell Holmes. IWednesday, May 10 ....50 67 0.00 Phis 0N£ HUNDRED-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 48 16 Pages This Week 2 Supplements CHELSEA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1978 15c per copy SUBSCRIPTION: $6.00 PER YEAR Village Council Raises Millage •*• * 1 ;Cliel^ea Community Hospital^ ha| pccupation.a}',, • recreational, and jceiv6d' a1 Certificate of: Need from'' s^e6h;^lr&rapyReenters will be (he he Michigan ^Department of Pub­ emphasis of the expansion pro­ Parking Lot To Be Improved. gram. Stress teMingiacilities, pul­ ic Health authorizing improve-, monary function services, kitchen rents -and modifications to facili- and dimirig.room facilities will also Meter Fees Being Increased |es in a $U million building pro- be enlarged. iram.. financed by the Farmers In addition, educational and A millage rate of 9.52, up from nue Sharing Funds although no one Ibme Administration, a division of conference spaces • and a con­ last year's millage rate of 9.30, appeared for the hearing. As a ie United States Department of centrated location1 for all adminis­ was adopted by the village coun­ result, council will decide how the Agriculture, according to an an­ trative. offices will be. developed. cil during the May 2 regular ses­ money will he incorporated into nouncement today from the Hospi- Existing spaces currently housing sion. the 1978-79 general budget. jl'sBoard of Governors. Construc­ all these facilities are scattered For taxpayers this represents a In other council action, members tion; bids are scheduled to be let throughout three buildings will be 22 cents per $1,000 assessed valu­ approved several improvements to renovated and converted, to' pro­ ation increase over last year. the Park Street Parking Lot in­ jury; with contract awards' to vide for an increased number of Council based the increase on the cluding the widening of the side­ \e 'iriade in August. Construction private rooms and an< increase in assessed valuation report submitt­ walk along Park St., adjacent to scheduled to begin in Septem- total bed'capacity, from 110 t0 113< ed by Assessor Judson Goltra and the parking lot. Federal Revenue W- ":'K '••'.• determined by the Sylvan and Lima Sharing funds of $2,306 were ap­ Jn commenting on this program, TOP-RANKED IN STATE: 8th grade band members gathered exhibited excellent contrast and was fine sounding," judges com­ J Township Boards of Review.
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