Humani Generis and the Limits of Theology Cyril Vollert, S J
HUMANI GENERIS AND THE LIMITS OF THEOLOGY CYRIL VOLLERT, S J. St. Mary's College INCE the encyclical Humani Generis treats of "some false opinions S which threaten to undermine the foundations of Catholic doctrine/' its exceptional gravity is apparent at first glance. A second detail to attract attention is the fact that it is addressed to all the bishops of the world, not to the hierarchy of a single country. Some French writers have asserted that France is envisaged. For instance, the Parisian weekly, UObservateur politique, tconomique et litteraire, published in the issue of August 31, 1950, an article entitled, "L'Encyclique contre les nouveautes franchises." And Robert Barrat states confidently: "No one is deluded about 'Humani Generis' in France. It is France and certain currents of French theological thought to which this encyclical refers."1 Readers who are able to keep abreast of the theological writings of the day are aware that such reports are superficial. Theories condemned in the encyclical have appeared not only in France, but in Germany, Belgium, England, Italy, Spain, and elsewhere. Even in the United States, where a pioneering spirit in theological speculation is not very conspicuous, some of the repudiated opinions, for example, those dealing with evolution, polygenism, and the gratuity of the super natural, have found favor. Nor should anyone suppose that only certain members of two great religious orders are called to account. Tendencies reproved in the encyclical have been fostered by philosophers and theologians of various orders and congregations, of the diocesan clergy, and also of the laity.2 The encyclical did not take the Catholic world by surprise.
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