A Vision for Water is a strategic research and innovation agenda developed by stakeholders in the Swedish water sector, with the goal of establishing more sustainable water and wastewater systems in Sweden and contributing to more sustainable water and wastewater services abroad. A Vision for Water is a joint declaration of the direction the water sector should take, but it does not preclude the stakeholders from reaching even further during the period covered by the Vision. A Vision for Water should be seen as a starting point for further cooperation between the industry, actors in the public sector, universities, research institutes and other organisations involved in the innovation chain for sustainable water systems.

A Vision for Water should guide Vinnova, Formas and other agencies funding Swedish research and innovation in water and wastewater services. It is also directed to politicians at different levels of governance, and to water professionals within government departments and in national, regional and local agencies.

A Vision for Water has been funded by Vinnova and participating organisations. The research and innovation agenda has been drawn up under the leadership of the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association (Svenskt Vatten), the trade organisation for municipal water and wastewater utilities, in collaboration with the National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket), the Drinking water research program DRICKS at Chalmers University of Technology, Wastewater Technology South (VA-teknik Södra) at University, Water and Wastewater Cluster Mälardalen ( University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Mälardalen University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, IEA at Lund University of Technology, JTI – Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering), Stormwater&Sewers (Dag&Nät) at Luleå University of Technology, Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Institutes within RISE (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Acreo Swedish ICT, Corrosion and Metal Research Institute Swerea KIMAB), VARIM, Sydvatten and Ecoloop. A list of the organisations that have contributed to this effort can be found on p 70.

Stockholm, June 2013 (published in English in September 2014) Daniel Hellström Manager Research and Development, Swedish Water and Wastewater Association

Editorial group: Daniel Hellström, Swedish Water and Wastewater Association, Please quote the content Frida Pettersson, Urban Water Management, Annelie Hedström, Luleå University in A Vision for Water, but of Technology, Thomas Pettersson, Chalmers University of Technology remember to cite the Chief Editor: Birgitta Johansson, Primula Ordval source. Graphic Design: Lupo Design Illustrations: Pertti Salonen Cover Photo: Shutterstock Press: Kaigan, 2014

2 A VISION FOR WATER CONTENTS 04 OUR AIMS WITH A VISION FOR WATER GLOSSARY OF WATER TERMS WATER IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT 10 Water source Global water challenges Water challenges in Sweden Groundwater or surface waters used as the raw water sources for a water 15 CHALLENGES FOR SOCIETY AND AREAS OF INNOVATION treatment plant. 16 Safe drinking water supply from water source to tap Problems and challenges Raw water Vision Water entering the first treatment Goals for the years 2020 and 2050 process of a water treatment chain. Areas of innovation Need for coordination and collaboration Water treatment plant Swedish strength areas Facility that treats raw water to a safe 28 Climate and environmentally adapted stormwater management drinking water standard. for an attractive urban landscape Problems and challenges Pipe network Vision The pipes and other appurtenances in Goals for the years 2020 and 2050 the distribution and collection networks Areas of innovation that convey drinking water from the Need for coordination and collaboration water treatment plant to the customers, Swedish strength areas and sewage from the customers to the 40 Climate- and resource-efficient wastewater systems for a sewage treatment plant. good environment Problems and challenges Wastewater Vision A common term for sewage, which may Goals for the years 2020 and 2050 be combined with stormwater. Areas of innovation Need for coordination and collaboration Stormwater Swedish strength areas Rainwater that runs off natural surfaces or paved surfaces such as roads, roofs 52 An effective value chain Driving forces in the value chain and parking lots. Measures for a more innovative value chain Sewage 63 ANTICIPATED EFFECTS IF A VISION FOR WATER IS REALISED Wastewater from households, busines- ses and industries. 69 A VISION FOR WATER – THE WORKING PROCESS Wastewater Treatment Plant A facility where sewage and sometimes­ stormwater are treated and where resources such as nutrients and energy can be extracted and utilised.

Receiving waters A water body, into which treated or untreated stormwater and sewage are discharged.

A VISION FOR WATER 3 OUR AIMS WITH A VISION FOR WATER The water sector’s common agenda for research and innovation will create opportunities for innovative and sustainable solutions for water challenges in Sweden and globally. It will strengthen Sweden’s international competitiveness in the water sector and help boost export opportunities for Swedish companies. This will be achieved through new, long-term and in-depth national and international collaboration and mobilisation.

VISION ”Swedish research, innovation and cooperation among the partners in the water sector shall create sustainable and globally competitive water services, products and system solutions protec­ting human health and the environment­ in Sweden and around the world.”

4 VATTENVISIONENA VISION FOR WATER THE VISION GOALS FOR THE WILL LEAD TO: YEARS 2020 AND 2050 • Swedish actors will have world leading In order to realise our vision we, the positions. The water sector is an excellent actors within the water sector, have environment for research and innovation based on good collaboration between established a number of goals that different stakeholders. show our position in the years 2020 and 2050 in the areas of safe water • Innovative Swedish solutions for the water supply, climate- and environmentally sector will have a leading position in the international market and contribute to safe adapted stormwater solutions as well drinking water, sustainable stormwater as climate-adapted and resource- solutions and resource-efficient waste­ efficient wastewater treatment. water treatment that reduce our impact on the environment. Detailed goals can be found for each section later in the document. We have also agreed on • Everyone in Sweden – from the individual to a number of overarching goals. municipal and commercial activities – has access to long-term safe drinking water of a high quality and in sufficient quantity. OVERARCHING GOALS: There are services and products adapted to a changing climate for better protection of • Society’s water challenges are met both in water sources and safer processing in the Sweden and globally: safe drinking water in water treatment plant. sufficient quantity, sustainable stormwater solutions and resource-efficient waste­ • There are climate-adapted water systems water treatment for a better environment. in designed to utilise rainfall as a resource, and treatment of stormwater • Swedish actors within the water sector create is achieved with as little environmental new solutions that are commer­cialised and impact as possible. established on the world market. We will see significant export successes that create • Wastewater systems can reduce their many new jobs in Sweden and promote discharges of pollutants, despite a changing vigorous technological development in the climate, so that the goal of good ecological area. and chemical status can be achieved in the groundwater and in receiving waters • Strong innovation structures and active including the seas, lakes and watercourses. marketing efforts have ensured a leading Additionally, wastewater systems contribute Swedish position on the international market. to greater resource efficiency through the recovery of biogas, nutrients and water. • The value of water in society is made visible for citizens and politicians. This has led to raised awareness and improved resource efficiency and environmental awareness.

A VISION VATTENVISIONEN FOR WATER 5 INNOVATION AREAS WE WILL REACH THIS BY: A Vision for Water identifies the potential • Innovative Swedish companies develop new for a number of innovation areas. solutions that are marketed and sold There is an opportunity for Swedish nationally and internationally. This is achieved through close collaboration solutions to become international between academia, government agencies, models to a much greater extent than municipalities and private companies in an currently and to contribute to meeting environment where companies implement the future global challenges in water results from reserach and innovation. supply and sanitation. • We build more, larger and more sophisticated test- and demonstration Sweden should possess the best possible solu- facilities for demonstration of new solutions. tions for water and wastewater management in both dense urban settings and decentralised, • Authorities formulate clear, credible, long- rural dwellings. Resource efficiency and low term and effective directives guiding the emissions and discharges are obvious characte- development but at the same time allow ristics of these systems. Major investments will sufficient time for the development of be needed to cope with the changes happening innovations to meet new requirements. in the environment and the society. The necessary investments include: 1) improved protection of • Authorities have the possibility to participate our raw water sources, 2) ensuring that water in the development of solutions while works have sufficient treatment, and 3) reduce managing their role as impartial decision- wastewater discharges to water resources by makers. more sustainable stormwater management and efficient treatment of wastewater at wastewater • The municipal water and wastewater treatment plants. utilities participate in innovation-promoting The pipe networks account for a large procurement processes and also promote portion of the water system renewal costs, and procurement of innovation. operation and maintenance have both economic and public health consequences. Thus, methods • The national government more actively and techniques for efficient renewal programs promotes the export of environmental must be developed. technologies. Urban water systems must be developed to cope with climate change, in order to reduce the • Swedish stakeholders are active in risk of flooding and minimise the consequences international networks and cooperation. of flooding that will inevitably occur. This can be achieved by the inclusion of blue and green • Universities and institutes provide competent infrastructure in urban environments. Through and well-educated staff to water utilities developments in stormwater management and and companies within the water sector, and improvements in the pipe networks, the quanti- contribute with high quality research and ties of stormwater inflow and infiltration can be development. They contribute through high reduced. This in turn, can lead to improved treat- quality research and development of ment results and resource efficiencyat wastewater innovative services and products and the treatment plants. It can also lead to a reduction development of a high level of competence in discharges of partially-treated or untreated through life-long learning. wastewater caused by heavy rains. Wastewater treatment plants will develop into facilities for recovery and recycling of water, energy and nutrients. Swedish system solutions for e.g. increased biogas production shall be an international model and be among Sweden’s most successful export products.


Sweden is at the forefront of the knowledge-intensive and development- oriented water sector where scientists, private companies and government agencies have a tradition of collaboration. STRONG TRADE ASSOCIATIONS All municipal water utilities are a member of a single trade association, Swedish Water and Waste­water Works Association (Svenskt Vatten). This allows for a wide dissemination of results of successful ventures, even reaching the smaller utilities. The Swedish Water and Wastewater Association’s University programs (Clusters) has allowed the establishment of a strong collabora- tion between universities, institutes, municipal water and wastewater utilities and industry. This collaboration provides a good foundation to build on. The University programs are interna- tional and have networks of contacts that are already used by private companies that partici- pate in the programs. These programs can help to ensure that A Vision for Water influences the research and innovation that is crucial for a successful outcome. There is an active trade organisation, VARIM, which represents contractors, consultants and suppliers within the Swedish water treatment sector. Sweden has innovative companies with in-house R & D activities. Knowledgeable contractors and consultants is a critical factor for success when it comes to design, construction and completion of facilities. There is also a great deal of technical knowledge among contractors, in particular with regards to biogas plants. PARTICIPATION AT A NATIONAL LEVEL The sector has unique possibilities to strengthen Swedish excellence and international competiti- veness. However, in order to respond to the com- plex challenges that lie ahead, a clearer common approach from all stakeholders in the water sec- tor is required. This includes the necessity for the parliament, government, government agencies and society in general to assume responsibilities for their part in this approach.

A VISION FOR WATER 7 As a result of climate change, water supply EXPORT systems must adapt to new challenges. One OPPORTUNITIES example of this is increased concentrations of organic matter in surface water sources that Sweden has a very good international require additional treatment processes. Swedish research in the characterisation of organic matter reputation for sustainable solutions is well advanced and can be applied globally, as in the water sector, and there is great can Swedish research into risk analysis tools for a potential for growth for Swedish changing climate. companies within this field. STORMWATER SOLUTIONS Swedish companies will compete in a global Swedish water management in the urban market with a turnover of approximately SEK environ­ment can serve as an international 3, 000 billion and an estimated growth of 2–10 model for cities in similar climatic zones in per cent per year. Today, Swedish water expertise terms of stormwater management, and in terms of worth SEK 6 billion is exported annually. design, construction, operation and maintenance of stormwater systems in order to make them DRINKING WATER SUPPLY functional and contributing to attractive cities. Swedish research in the area of risk analysis Swedish know-how and the products related to and management for water supply systems is sustainable water management in cities can be well developed. International EU-projects have important export products. Modelling tools and led to the implementation of Swedish tools and technology for treatment and use of storm­water methods in Europe and Africa, and these can be are examples of products with considerable spread to the rest of the world to contribute to export potential. sustainability of water supplies. Cities and such as Malmö and Växjö On-line sensor technology is another strong have become international examples of inte- Swedish research area where we can share know- grating stormwater issues into urban planning ledge and technology in a global arena. We also and demonstrating how collaboration across have capacity within universities and govern- administrative boundaries can result in multi- ment agencies, to develop cost-effective methods functional blue and green solutions. for microbiological and chemical analyses, with the goal of making these available for drinking water producers at commercial laboratories. Sweden has been instrumental in globally enhancing knowledge of modelling pathogens in catchments and water sources, and can contri- bute to improved knowledge globally.

8 A VISION FOR WATER WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT with facilities that cost less than today’s solutions. Sweden has a strong international standing From an international perspective, water reuse is with regards to wastewater management. This high on the agenda. Thus, it is important to is a result of the early introduction of stringent develop methods for highly advanced waste­water requirements for phosphorous removal at muni- treatment if we are to be an important player in cipal wastewater treatment plants, followed up the future global water market. by significant investments in increased nitrogen In the future, Swedish companies will be removal over the past twenty years. In the past able to offer wastewater management for different ten years Sweden has been a leader in the pro- local contexts. We currently have many small duction of biogas from wastewater, biogas that companies that supply components, but we need replaces fossil fuels in different end-uses. larger companies or consortiums that can be In order to succeed in the international awarded large contracts for the supply of system market, Sweden will have to develop further in solutions. the removal of nitrogen, pathogens, pharma- The water sector must also take into account ceutical residues and endocrine disruptors from that the international situation for urban wastewater. We will have to be even better at sanitation is quite different from the situation extracting biogas and recycling the nutrients in Sweden. Globally, millions of people in the from wastewater to agricultural lands. urban environment rely on on-site sanitation We will need to develop solutions that con- solutions. There are many on-site and decentra- nect the ’s water and waste problems in more lised sanitation systems with poor performance, unconventional ways, from which resources can even in Sweden. If there are clear legislative be extracted in the form of energy, recycled water requirements from a central authority, it is likely and nutrients that can be returned for productive that Swedish products can be developed to good use. It should be possible for this to be achieved export products.

A VISION FOR WATER 9 Photo Mikael Ullén Mikael Photo WATER IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Water is a key resource for humans and the environment and is a pre-requisite for prosperity. However, clean water cannot be taken for granted. Not now, nor in the future, in Sweden or globally.

DRINKING WATER IS OUR most important re- Water in nature, is in turn affected by every­thing source. Functioning water supply and wastewater that happens in society; our use of chemi­cals, how treatment are essential for the urban development we manage our wastewater and land-use patterns process. Water and wastewater utilities provide such as transport, farming and forestry. For example, important infrastructure and deliver a service to treated wastewater from Västerås is discharged to residents, businesses and other services. The water the lake Mälaren that is the raw water source for sector delivers social and economic sustainability, the region. The water is re­cycled and and contributes to ecological sustainability. thus properly functioning wastewater treatment is one of the cornerstones of the maintenance of healthy water resources into the future.

WATER IS A HERITAGE THAT MUST BE PROTECTED ”Water is not a commercial product like any other, but rather a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such.” From EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EG)

10 A VISION FOR WATER Production in the water sector can be described by two interconnected Waterworks cycles. To the right, the water cycle is connected with both a wastewater treatment plant, which is part of the environ­ mental protection indu- stry, and a water treat- ment plant, which is part of the food production industry. To the left is a nutrient cycle showing Energy circulation of nutrients (biogas, electric power, Stormwater between the urban and heating) rural areas. Between the city and the wastewater treatment plant, there is Nu trients Wastewater an exchange of energy treatment plant resources. The water sector also deals with rainwater (precipitation) that becomes storm- water when it falls on impervious surfaces, as well as with on-site GLOBAL WATER CHALLENGES systems for water supply and sanitation. Water Supply of drinking water and provision of sanitation services are among the in nature is affected by everything that happens greatest global challenges. An increasing proportion of the population live in cities. in society. Access to safe drinking water is severely limited in many parts of the world, including a majority of the most expansive regions.

The UN has estimated that in the year 2010 more Swedish companies to only demonstrate already than 750 million people lacked a functioning established and proven systems. To be credible in water supply and more than 1 billion people were their marketing and sales to countries that wish without any form of toilet. Water resources are to import Swedish solutions they must also be expected to be even more limited in large regions able to show that the Swedish government agen- as a result of climate change. In other regions, cies and water utilities together with the export climate change will lead to more intensive rain- industry have solved the problems at home. fall with risk for flooding and contamination of raw water sources. Declining population, a problem in some regions, also creates significant problems for water supply, as the turnover time of the drinking water network becomes long and accumulation of sediments in the sewer system increases when the flow decreases. Phosphorous of high quality is a finite resource that must be considered with a global perspective. Phosphorous is essential to main- tain food production, and greater recovery and reuse of nutrients in wastewater is required in the future. SWEDEN CAN CONTRIBUTE Swedish solutions and systems can become international models when it comes to meet- ing the global challenges for the supply of water Njuguna UNICEF/Antony Photo and sanitation to a much greater extent than In the of Kerio in Kenya women and girls queue at one of the few functioning currently. However, it will not be sufficient for water pumps in the area.


While Sweden is a water-rich country, unlimited access to clean water cannot be taken for granted. About one half of the lakes and waterways in the country do not meet the requirements for ‘good water status’; many of them are raw water sources. Groundwater is being polluted and over-exploited and eutrophication is a very serious problem both in lakes and in the seas surrounding Sweden.

Climate change is expected to result in higher WATER IN URBAN PLANNING and more intensive rainfall, with an increased Water issues must come in at an early stage in risk of flooding and contamination of raw water the planning process and remain a part of an sources. The ever-growing number of chemicals integrated urban planning process. Awareness used by the society place new demands on water of the long-term value of water resources needs and wastewater treatment plants. At the same to increase among the urban planners and poli- time the legislative requirements on wastewater ticians. This requires future-oriented political treatment systems are nearing “zero tolerance” decisions, effective legislation, better organisa- as the Baltic Sea and many other receiving wa- tion and greater financial resources for actions ters can no longer cope with additional nutrient in water resource management. Water issues loads. It is clear that Sweden also faces major are integral in the planning and establishment challenges in terms of water supply and waste- of the whole society. The national government, water treatment. While research, innovation and government agencies and municipalities will development enhance our ability to meet these need to change their approach and see water as challenges, a clear legislative framework and a prerequisite for long-term development and as strong political commitment is required at all an investment in society’s well-being. levels of society.

A FINITE RESOURCE WITH AN ECONOMIC VALUE ” Water should be regarded as a finite resource having an economic value with significant social and economic implications reflecting the importance of meeting basic needs.” From Agenda 21 of the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992

The water cycle in nature. The EU Water Solar energy Rain Framework Directive Transpi- requires that water ration planning is based on the catchments of water- ways’ that may extend Evaporation Evaporation across the boundaries Evaporation between municipalities and countries. Is it possible to include the water cycle as a natural part of the development of the built environment? Surface runoff

River Lake

off run ater Sea ndw Grou

12 A VISION FOR WATER Water does not recognise administrative boundaries; catchments extend across the boundaries between municipalities and countries. EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EG) requires planning based on catchment boundaries, not those of municipalities or regions. Municipal planners will need to collaborate both across the de- partmental boundaries within their municipalities and across boundaries with other municipalities. INTERACTION WITH OTHER SECTORS Water utilities will need to collaborate with the municipal entity for energy and waste for the exchange of materials and energy. Heat from wastewater can be converted in a heat pump

and used in the district heating grids. Wastewater Thomas Henrikson Photo treatment plants produce biogas that can be used as a fuel for transportation. Food waste could be The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Slow sandfilter at ground in kitchen sink food waste grinders to Manage­ment estimates that at least 40 000 on- Norsborg water a greater extent and transported to wastewater site wastewater treatment systems (for single treatment plant in Stockholm. treatment plants for increased biogas production. houses) need to be improved annually over the There are several links between the water next ten years. With a cost of approximately SEK and wastewater system and agriculture. Agri­ 100 000 per system, this will mean a market of culture requires clean water for animal and plant SEK 4 billion per year in Sweden alone. production. Animals grazing near raw water sources risk spreading pathogens, and farms use GOVERNMENT AGENCIES HAVE A pesticides that make their way to the ground­ ROLE IN PROMOTING INNOVATION water. Wastewater systems can contribute nutri- Given the long-term perspective, it is very impor- ents to croplands, and agriculture’s products pass tant to create a culture of innovation that identi- through people to the wastewater treatment plants. fies new opportunities. Government agencies Wastewater systems risk releasing pathogens and have an important role in promoting innovation. other contaminants that can be spread to farm- They can create pressure for change by setting land and animals. clear legislative requirements and introducing other effective policy instruments. An extensive LARGE INVESTMENTS cooperation between all the stakeholders in the Large investments will be required to reduce the water sector’s value chain is an important pre- negative impacts of the changes we see in nature requisite for an active culture of innovation. This and society, and to create better security in the cooperation includes water and wastewater utili- supply of drinking water. Raw water sources need ties, academia, research institutes, private compa- to be better protected and the treatment processes nies and government agencies at different levels. of water treatment plants must function also in The water sector differs from other sectors in a changing climate. The discharge of untreated a number of ways. It has a trade association wastewater into water resources can be reduced of which all water and wastewater utilities through more sustainable stormwater manage- are members. The sector has the opportunity ment and more effective wastewater treatment. to think in terms of long-term sustainability. The publicly-owned water and wastewater As there are no requirements for short-term pipelines in Sweden have an estimated replace- financial gain, a 100-year perspective is not ment value of SEK 500–700 billion. Additional uncommon. Water and wastewater utilities are to this is the value of private service mains closest not competitors and have no need to hide new to buildings. Current annual expenditure on ideas and new technology from each other. Thus, renewal of the publicly-owned pipelines is initiatives directed to the water and wastewater approximately SEK 2 billion. This investment in industry have a much greater impact than those renewal needs to increase by 50 per cent if a directed to other industries. There is potential sufficient rate of investment is to be achieved; for a wide dissemination of results of successful even greater investment is required in order to ventures, even reaching the smaller utilities. In cope with the challenges of a changing climate. addition, water management is a global issue Considering both the costs and the health con- with significant export potential for new solu- cerns, it is important that the correct material is tions. selected in pipeline renewal programs.

A VISION FOR WATER 13 14 VATTENVISIONENA VISION FOR WATER CHALLENGES FOR SOCIETY AND AREAS OF INNOVATION The stakeholders in the water sector have jointly prioritised certain areas where improvements can be made through both research and innovation activities within the public and private sectors as well as through improved collaboration between government agencies and other stakeholders in the sector.

The R & I needs are grouped under the principal tasks of the sector: supply of drinking water, stormwater management and wastewater treatment.

The value chain in the water sector is presented after the sections that relate to the principal tasks.

A VISION VATTENVISIONEN FOR WATER 15 DRINKING WATER Photo Daniel Olausson, Botz foto Daniel Olausson, Photo

Forslunda water treatment plant in Umeå. SAFE AND SECURE DRINKING WATER SUPPLY FROM WATER SOURCE TO TAP Raw water from a groundwater or surface water source is treated at a water treatment plant, before drinking water is distributed to consumers through a water distribution and reservoir network. As we in Sweden traditionally have considered our raw water sources to be of good quality, the treatment processes at the water treatment plants have been relatively simple. This can cause problems when raw water quality changes. Raw water from surface water sources requires a more advanced treatment process than that from groundwater sources. The treatment process can consist of biological pre-treatment, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection.


Surface water sources have a number of threats, including boat-traffic. Here, a boat on its way into Mälaren through one of the locks in

Photo Sjöfartsverket (The Swedish maritime administration) (The Swedish Sjöfartsverket Photo Södertälje. PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES The threats to drinking water sources come from different parts of society, including wastewater systems, agriculture, forestry, marine and road transport, industrial sites and landfills. Receiving waters for wastewater are often also raw water sources.

Groundwater is threatened by pollution and HEALTH EFFECTS IN SWEDEN over-extraction. The threats to raw water sources Pathogenic microorganisms, pharmaceutical are increasing as a result of climate change and residues, chemical discharges from society and increasingly intensive human impacts. Concen- naturally occurring chemical substances in water, trations of natural organic matter in raw water soil and bedrock pose health risks if they occur have increased, something that greatly affects the in drinking water. Discharges from waste­water treatment processes at water treatment plants as treatment plants are a significant source of well as the biological processes that occur in the microbiological contamination in surface waters. distribution network. We need to increase the Well functioning wastewater treatment and good protection of raw water sources, and treatment control of run-off from agriculture are required processes at the plants need to be adapted to for safe drinking water production. changes in raw water quality. There are only a few investigations into the health effects of consumption of drinking water GLOBAL HEALTH IMPACTS impacted by different types of environmental More than 2 million people around the world, pollutants from discharges from wastewater, mostly children in poor countries, die every year industrial sites and landfills. as a result of a lack of clean water and a hygienic The materials that come in contact with sanitation solution; and many more become ill. drinking water during treatment and distribu- The deaths and illnesses are a result of both acute tion are also a potential, but poorly investigated, infections as well as long periods of exposure to source of health risks. As new materials and pro- harmful chemical substances. ducts are developed and installed, the demand for In light of these health risks, the UN has iden- health risk assessments increases. We currently tified water as a human right and urges countries lack the knowledge to appropriately assess which and international organisations to increase the substances can leach out into the water and the tact of provision of “safe, clean, accessible and health effects they may cause. affordable water and sanitation for all”. Problems relating to water quality as a result There are real and widespread health issues of poorly maintained water distribution networks with microbiological and toxic chemical substances­ and inadequate building installations also pose in drinking water even in countries with well- health risks. In order to improve the quality of devel­oped infrastructure. Researchers need to drinking water, rates of renewal of distribution collaborate in international networks in order to networks will need to increase or a final polishing develop methods and skills to assess and address step in the network system will need to be more these risks. commonly applied.


Outbreaks of waterborne diseases can be caused by viruses such as the norovirus (left) or parasites such as Crypto­sporidium (middle)

Photo Smittskyddsinstitutet Smittskyddsinstitutet Photo and Giardia (right).

EACH YEAR, A HANDFUL of outbreaks resulting POOR PROTECTION OF RAW from water-borne pathogenic microbiological WATER SOURCES contaminants in drinking water are reported in The long-term protection of raw water sources Sweden. However, it is very difficult to trace the is currently poor and many other interests may outbreaks to the water supply. In a few cases, for take precedence over security of drinking water example the Cryptosporidium outbreak in provision. The sustainability of water supplies Öster­sund in November 2010 and Skellefteå must receive a much stronger position in local in April 2011, entire regions have experienced and regional planning than is the case today. personal suffering on a large scale. There have Conflicts of interest over water resources are also been significant economic consequences for likely to increase, with regards both to quality the affected municipalities as a result mainly of and quantity. Strong leadership as well as models labour shortfalls. The causes of both these out- for management of conflicting interests are breaks, as well as most other known outbreaks, required to handle these new situations. An are higher levels of pathogens in the raw water additional problem is the lack of clear legislative supply than the water treatment plants are able requirements for raw water quality. to reduce to a safe level. With this background, it Only 70 per cent of the municipal ground- is obvious that microbiological risks in drinking water sources currently have a declared Water water have been neither foreseen nor sufficiently Protection Area, and many groundwater aquifers prepared for in Sweden to this date. In the future, are polluted. Groundwater protection needs to be microbial risks in drinking water systems will incorporated more comprehensively in planning need much greater attention. processes. A well-established Water Protection Approximately 1.2 million people in Sweden Area is an important tool to achieve water source access drinking water from private wells. These protection. are exposed to the same types of risks as larger Many of Sweden’s drinking water producers surface water sources. do not have a back-up raw water source, which Similarly, livestock can be infected by could lead to a complete lack of water if there is pathogens from surface waters, resulting in the a major accident or discharge to the primary raw risk that these pathogens are introduced into the water source. food chain through the livestock pathway.


CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS in an increased risk for contamination of the ON DRINKING WATER groundwater with chemical and microbiological The quality of raw water is strongly affected by contaminants from surface water run-off. climate change in combination with an in­ Treatment processes in water works are creasingly polluted environment. Increased seldom adapted to treat higher concentrations of rainfall leads to increased run-off and transport microbiological and chemical contaminants in to raw water sources of both microbiological the raw water. Thus, there is a significant vulner­ and chemical contaminants, as well as organic ability for such contaminants. Additionally, the material from forest and agricultural lands. current awareness of this vulnerability is low There are also greater risks of overflows from the within the water utilities as well as the authorities. wastewater system and of flooding in urban and Climate change, increasing human impact industrial areas, which also involve risks for raw and future challenges within drinking water water sources. supply are not unique to Sweden. This means As water flows increase, groundwater that innovations and knowledge developed in levels rise, so that the unsaturated zone in the this area can be of value and exported to other soil decreases and hence, its infiltration and regions of the world. treatment capacity is reduced. This may result

Protection of water sources must be strengthened. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo


VISION Everyone shall have access to secure drinking water of high quality and in sufficient quantity, through the development of services and products that ensure compliance with stricter demands with regards to the protection of raw water sources and water treatment in a changing climate, and through greater aware­ ness in society of the long-term value of water.


DRICKSVATTEN GOALS FOR THE YEARS 2020 AND 2050 The water sector has identified the following goals for the research and innovation area of safe and secure drinking water supply.

YEAR 2020 • There is long-term protection for all water • Risk analyses are conducted in all Swedish sources and water planning is included in municipalities in a structured way that the early stages of town planning entails the implementation of risk-based measures to prevent outbreaks of water- • There are tools and technologies for safe borne diseases. drinking water supply in a changing climate. • Risk analyses also include measures to • Test methods have been developed to assess prevent the spread of diseases to livestock. the health effects of materials in contact These types of analyses can in most cases with drinking water; and the methods are be carried out in parallel with risk-analyses systematically applied for the approval of for humans. material and products. • There is knowledge and technical solutions • On-line sensors for the detection of micro- for the characterisation of organic matter biological contamination are developed and that facilitate the selection of appropriate test-sensors are deployed in raw water water treatment processes. sources, reservoirs and in the distribution network for long-term evaluation. • There is knowledge and technological solutions for safe and effective treatment • Swedish laboratories are at the forefront in of raw water with elevated concentrations their ability to analyse for microbiological of natural organic matter. and chemical contaminants. New cost- effective analytical methods are applied and Methods for determining sustainable rates customers outside Sweden choose Swedish • of renewal of the distribution network have laboratories. been developed and are used in a number of municipalities. • Risk-analysis tools for both large and small water utilities have been developed and are There are rapid and effective methods for used in a number of municipalities in • tracing specific chemical and micro­- accor­dance with Water Safety Plans devel-­ biological sources of contaminants, oped by the World Health Organisation (WHO). methods that can be used for both prevention and in the event of a crisis.

YEAR 2050 • Swedish drinking water supply systems, • Swedish solutions for safe and efficient both large municipal systems and small drinking water production are international private wells, have become an international models and are among Sweden’s most standard and are operated based on Water successful export products. Safety Plans. This means that consumer safety is so high that outbreaks of water- • All distribution networks have rates of borne diseases belong to history. renewal that are sustainable from a health and economic perspective. • The drinking water sector is one of the most attractive labour markets in Sweden and attracts highly-skilled labour from within Sweden and internationally.


Norsborg water treat- AREAS OF INNOVATION ment plant in Stockholm. The water sector has identified R & D requirements within the areas of risk analysis and economic assessments, effective and safe production of drinking water, effective and secure supply of drinking water and safe water in private wells.

to completely eliminate all risks in drinking water RISK ANALYSIS AND ECONOMIC provision, the aim is rather to strive to achieve a ASSESSMENTS balance where an acceptable (low enough) level of risk can be achieved at a reasonable cost. THE VALUE OF WATER. Develop models that can raise the awareness of the long-term ECONOMIC ANALYSES. Develop improved value of water resources among planners and methods and tools for economic analyses and politicians. prioritisation of risk-mitigation measures in the form of cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness MODELS FOR CONFLICT MANAGEMENT. analyses. Measures to adapt drinking water Develop legal and economic tools and methods supply to a changing climate are expected to for decision makers that are to balance different be extensive and costly. Policy- and decision- stakeholders’ and other countries’ claims on makers will require relevant background to make water resources. appropriate decisions.

TOOLS FOR RISK ANALYSIS. Develop methods to analyse risks and impacts of actions taken in the provision of drinking water, in particular, general tools which are useful to both large and small water producers. It is not possible


IT-SECURITY AND PREPAREDNESS FOR ASSESSMENT OF HEALTH EFFECTS. MALICIOUS ACTS. Research is required Develop tools and methods to measure ill-health into security in treatment processes and in the associated with consumption of drinking water distribution network against deliberate sabotage, to enable the evaluation of the effects of various vandalism and contamination from an emergen- actions. Different types of tools are required as cy management perspective. This is particularly ill-health can be of an acute nature caused by important as the production and distribution of pathogens or of a chronic nature caused by pro- drinking water is becoming increasingly longed exposure to chemical substances such as dependent on computer and IT-based control perflourated carbons and pesticide residues. systems. RISK-ASSESSMENT OF POLLUTION REMEDIATION TECHNIQUES FOR SOURCES. Develop a greater understanding of RAW WATER SOURCES. Develop remedia- the existence and amounts of microorganisms tion techniques for chemical accidents and spills that are pathogenic to humans present in the into raw water sources. faeces of humans and animals. This should in- clude knowledge of transport of pathogens from EFFECTIVE AND SAFE PRODUCTION sewage discharges and run-off from pastures OF DRINKING WATER and farmlands with the goal to make accurate risk-assessments. It is important to be able to QUALITY-ASSURANCE SYSTEMS FOR effectively discriminate between species that can DRINKING WATER. Develop and standar- and those that cannot infect humans. We also dise quality-assurance systems that are suited need a greater understanding of the inactivation Grazing animals at to drinking water provision, such as Blue Drop and fate of pathogens outside the host organism. the water’s edge are Certificate in South Africa, Water Safety Plans considered a high risk for contamination of raw according to the WHO, HACCP (Hazard Analysis water sources, but we and Critical Control Points) and Bonn Charter. have too little knowledge A common global system is required. to assess the degree of risk for drinking water consumers. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo


METHODS FOR THE MEASUREMENT treatment plant. Knowledge is required of how OF CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL natural organic material affects drinking water RISK-MARKERS. Develop robust and reliable treatment and how to ensure the efficiency of measurement methods for the detection of water treatment plant processes with increased pathogens and/or antibiotic-resistant micro­ levels of such compounds in raw water. For organisms, natural toxins and chemicals in raw example, increased concentrations of organic water. These methods would strengthen work to matter are known to reduce the effectiveness of protect raw water sources and should be linked chlorine disinfection. They also increase corrosion to decision-support systems for water treatment in the distribution network and furthermore plant operators. Monitoring with the help of cause clogging of carbon filters so that these do model-based methods, software sensors and not work as a chemical barrier. “sensor data fusion” are also of interest. PACKAGE SOLUTIONS FOR SMALL CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL WATER TREATMENT PLANTS. Develop BARRIERS. Continue to develop microbial package treatment plants, standard models and barriers for resource-efficient reduction of proven purification steps that can be recommended pathogens (protozoa, bacteria and virus) as well for small water treatment plants. as methods to assess the effectiveness of these barriers. New knowledge is required about the RESOURCE-EFFICIENT TREATMENT AND combination of microbiological barriers needed DISTRIBUTION. Develop innovative solutions to meet future challenges. The barriers against to reduce losses in the drinking water supply net- chemical pollutants such as heavy metals, work, for example more efficient leak-detection uranium, petroleum products, algal toxins, equipment. Water production and distribution pesticides and drug residues require impro- accounts for about half of the electricity use in vement to maintain function under different the water and wastewater sector, with electricity operating conditions and in different steps of the for distribution dominating this use. treatment process. ARTIFICIAL INFILTRATION. Develop REDUCTION OF NATURAL ORGANIC greater knowledge regarding the microbiological MATTER. Develop more effective treatment effect of barriers in artificial infiltration as this is technology for removal of organic pollutants, a very important stage in the treatment process such as membrane technology. Additionally, for removal of pathogens from contaminated develop methods for the characterisation of surface waters. organic carbon in raw and drinking water. The latter is expected to lead to new types of on- line sensors for process-control in the water Photo Alexander Keucken Alexander Photo

Membrane technology is tested at a number of Swedish water treatment plants for the removal of natural organic matter. To the left, a membrane unit with hollow fibre membranes that look like perforated straws. In the middle is a module that has been disassembled for examination after the test run. To the right is a bubble test, a test for leakage through pressurising.



OPTIMISED RENEWAL OF WATER QUALITY IN PRIVATE WELLS. DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS. Develop Evaluate how human health is affected by water new methods and materials as well as new tools from private wells. Develop new technology and for assessment and implementation of effective materials to remedy existing problems. One fifth renewal programs for water distribution net- of the 450 000 wells for private water provision works. Water distribution systems account for a are currently regarded as unsuitable for drinking large portion of the replacement costs for water water abstraction. Common problems include systems, and operation and maintenance have natural contaminants from bedrock and the pene- both economic and health consequences. tration of microbiologically contaminated surface waters through well liners and easily permeated HEALTH EFFECTS OF PIPELINE- soil layers. Additionally, water of poor quality can MATERIALS. Research is required into new be more corrosive and therefore cause leaching types of materials for pipe networks and other of harmful substances from material that is in installations, including polymers, composites, contact with the water. paints and surface-protection. Knowledge of the leachates from different materials and their health effects is still very limited.

MARKERS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF DRINKING WATER QUALITY. Develop individual or combinations of markers that are easily analysed and that can be used for the assessment of drinking water quality. Previous research has shown that large-scale sequencing of bacterial genomes in biofilms in the distribu- tion networks have made it possible to distinguish drinking water that the consumer considers of high quality and drinking water that is considered to have a lower quality. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo

A VISION FOR WATER 25 DRINKING WATER – COLLABORATION NEED FOR COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION Better coordination and collaboration is required at various levels in the field of safe drinking water supply – within EU, the and Sweden.

COOPERATION WITHIN EU COORDINATED RESEARCH FOR AN REGARDING RISK MANAGEMENT. OPTIMISED TREATMENT PROCESS. Cooperative projects with a number of European Funding is required to initiate collaborative countries should be initiated to develop and national research projects that aim to optimise implement a risk-based approach, such as the the drinking water treatment process and ensure WHO’s Water Safety Plans. Water utilities need an effective and robust combination of processes to prepare to implement these methods and that minimise the risks for both operational associated tools in preparation for a future audit problems and outbreaks of disease. A toolkit of of the Drinking Water Directive. tested solutions needs to be developed that can be applied if particular disruption events occur in the COMMON DRINKING WATER RESEARCH future, e.g. related to climate change. WITH THE NORDIC COUNTRIES. Funding is required to initiate collaborative DEMONSTRATION FACILITIES. To research projects with other Nordic countries in enhance­ the exchange of experience between order to exchange experiences and cooperate Swedish actors within the innovation chain, from within the field of drinking water science. Our research through commercialisation to export, we technological systems and drinking water quality believe that these should be gathered in are very similar. association with development and demonstration facilities. Such facilities provide the opportunity for demonstration to potential customers and international partners. Photo Thomas Pettersson, Chalmers University of Technology University Chalmers Thomas Pettersson, Photo

The water treatment plant in Pretoria was used as a study object when the EU-project Techneau held courses in risk-analysis according to the WHO’s Water Safety Plans for water providers in South Africa in 2008.

26 A VISION FOR WATER DRINKING WATER – STRENGTH AREAS SWEDISH STRENGTH AREAS Sweden has a national network of committed agencies that together with a number of water utilities run development projects in close collaboration with universities, several consulting firms with expertise in the area of drinking water, several active research groups and research institutes that are becoming more active in drinking water issues, and a number of Swedish contractors and manufacturers that are active in the drinking water market.

In order to strengthen the work on drinking RESEARCH IN COLLABORATION water issues in Sweden, The National Food WITH WATER UTILITIES Agency (Livsmedelsverket) has since 2009 had An example of the close cooperation between responsibility of coordinating drinking water water utilities and universities is the research pro- issues. The Agency leads the work of the gram DRICKS based at the Chalmers University National Network for drinking water, in which of Technology. The University of and government agencies, water utilities as well as Linköping University are also involved, as well as universities cooperate. The network brings several water utilities. The program is supported together approximately 100 experts with working by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association groups for emergency preparedness, planning (Svenskt Vatten), EU, the Research Council Formas, and research. the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Sweden has a well-established system and in National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket), the some cases a unique tradition of collecting and Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) and the research storing data. Databases such as the water source institute Acreo Swedish ICT. DRICKS is active archive (VASS), the Water Information System within the entire field of drinking water, from the Sweden (VISS) and the medical information raw water source to the tap, with particular focus hotline 1177 contain large amounts of information on risk-analysis and management. that are directly or indirectly linked to drinking Another example is the close cooperation water quality and safety. Research programs extract, between Lund University and the large water combine and analyse this information and and wastewater utilities in Skåne that is studying convert it to findings accessible for the industry. the changes in water quality in the microbial Properly used, these databases can give innova- biofilms in the distribution network. A third tive Swedish companies a valuable knowledge example is the collaboration between Lund and edge compared with their foreign competitors. Uppsala Universities and water treatment plants Other areas in which Sweden is at the fore­ that are testing membrane technology and front are in biofilm research at Lund University other measures to reduce the concentrations of and faecal source tracking at the Swedish organic carbon in raw water. Research institutes University­ of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Uppsala such as Acreo Swedish ICT and Swerea KIMAB University, National Veterinary Institute (SVA), contribute with expertise in the areas of sensors National Food Agency (Livsmedels­verket) and the and measurement methodologies and materials Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI). Umeå in contact with drinking water respectively. University and SLU also have strong research groups in the drinking water field, with SLU being a leader in research on natural organic matter in raw water. Photo Thomas Henriksson Photo

A VISION FOR WATER 27 STORMWATER Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo

A waterway in a city can divert rainwater and enrich the urban CLIMATE AND environment. ENVIRONMENTALLY ADAPTED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FOR ATTRACTIVE URBAN LANDSCAPES In order to maintain the city’s functions it is important to take care of the storm­water in the most efficient way possible, with respect to managing its quantity and quality. Rain that falls on roofs, roads and other impervious surfaces runs off as stormwater. Rainwater contains pollutants that originate from the atmo­spheric emissions that occur in the region where the rain is formed. Storm­water is then further polluted through the ”town washing” that occurs when rain falls on the city’s surfaces. Thus, the quality of stormwater depends on the atmospheric emissions in the region and other sources of pollution in the catchment where the stormwater originated.


Under-sized stormwater system during snowmelt. Photo Godecke Blecken Godecke Photo

TODAY, STORMWATER IS OFTEN DIVERTED, without any treatment, to the nearest receiving Roads Vehicles waters through separate storm sewer networks and drainage ditches. In densely developed cities, it is not uncommon that stormwater is collected Particles transported by air Cigarette waste and conveyed together with wastewater in combined sewer systems to a wastewater treat- ment plant where it exerts increased pressure Construction on the treatment plant capacity. In the worst Winter road maintenance Cadmium case, stormwater contributes to the situation, in which some portion of the wastewater must Nickel be discharged without treatment, because of Phthalates PAHs in­sufficient plant capacity. In the winter, precipi- Salt Buildings tation creates the needs for snow management, Industries Nonylphenol Chromium and runoff occurring during the snowmelt can Nitrogen be large in terms of volume, and substantially Zinc Endosulfan increase the hydraulic loading of the wastewater Herbicides Bacteria treatment systems. Sediment Viruses Dog, Parasites Parks and PBDEs cat, bird gardens TBT excrements Oil Copper Phosphorus

Stormwater receives Typically discharged pollutants from many untreated into the sources and may receiving waters become contaminated by pathogens and chemical substances of many different kinds.


High water level on Götgatan in Uppsala, on a Sunday afternoon in August 1997. Hundreds PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGES of basements were flooded by runoff caused Increased precipitation with more intensive rain, and more frequent rain-on- by a persistent thunder- storm lasting more than snow events – these are the impacts of a changing climate in Sweden. The two hours. increased precipitation will occasionally cause very high hydraulic loading of the stormwater collection networks, resulting in an increased risk of flooding and pollutant discharges.

In low-lying coastal areas in southern Sweden, events, delaying stormwater flow entry into collec­ with traditionally uniform rainfall patterns, the tion networks by creating more green areas in cit- issues of changing rainfall patterns are becoming ies, and ensuring that there are shallow waterways more urgent. A good understanding of how to divert stormwater away from built up areas, or these issues should be managed in the context of building houses that are adapted to withstand high a rising sea level may become a matter of survival water levels. for a number of towns in the region. There are some good examples of how cities, particularly in southern Sweden, have been TOWN PLANNING PERSPECTIVE working on climate adaptation with the goal of ON STORMWATER reducing the risk of flooding, but more methods Stormwater management is a shared challenge and strategies that are effective across the tradi- for municipalities and wastewater utilities. One tional departmental boundaries in municipali- stumbling block is that the perspective of the ties are needed. wastewater utility enters the planning process To make it possible to create space for green much too late. and blue stormwater management, it is important It is important to place stormwater and that stormwater is considered early in the planning flooding issues into a larger urban planning process. Stormwater management and its needs perspective. The issue must be resolved across are often overlooked, which leads to the situation, the traditional departmental boundaries in where there is only enough space for traditional municipalities and across municipal boundaries stormwater collection networks, when the whole – with different competencies, tools and new area has already been planned for. Additionally, working methods. Climate change adaptation when the density of development increases in in the planning process may involve limiting the urban areas, it can be challenging to find space construction of buildings at low points in the ur- for delaying and diverting stormwater runoff, and ban area and along low-lying coastlines, specifying therefore, such solutions, as underground storm- the building elevations in relation to the capacity water storage and compact treatment facilities, of managing stormwater during extreme rainfall may be the only feasible alternatives.


Another important aspect of urban planning is controlling stormwater pollution by restricting the use of potentially harmful building materials such as copper roofing. GREAT NEED FOR STORMWATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES An installation for Diverting untreated stormwater to the nearest detention of storm­ water body results in environmental impacts that water in Augustenborg vary from place to place, depending on the type in Malmö. The lawn will

of receiving waters and the stormwater quality. In Elisabet Rudenholm Photo serve as a flood zone. order to achieve sustainable urban development and a good ecological status of receiving waters, interest in “green and blue solutions” or “green polluted stormwater flows must be managed and and blue infrastructure” that can manage large treated. It is also important to develop upstream quantities of stormwater and associated pol- controls in order to minimise the input of pollut- lutants, and at the same time, create attractive ants from different sources into stormwater (i.e., urban environments. It is still uncertain how source controls). these systems should be designed to enable Some success has been achieved during the stormwater treatment as well as to manage high recent years regarding the treatment of storm­ volumes of stormwater after intensive rainfalls. water. Stormwater detention ponds have been For example, there is a risk that stormwater man- established in many areas, however, there is still agement systems that have been designed for the considerable uncertainty regarding their treat- treatment of stormwater can become sources of ment efficiency and their operation and main- pollutants in the case of an extreme rain event or tenance. Particle settling is the main treatment if they are not operated correctly, and there is a mechanism considered in pond design. Removal release of pollutants from such systems. of dissolved substances is generally low, even Implementation of blue and green infra- though such substances may exert direct toxic structure and solutions for delay of stormwater effects in the aquatic environment. Therefore, runoff also places greater demands on the urban there is a great need to develop technologies and planning process. Water issues need to be strategies for reducing the loads of such pollutants considered at an earlier stage of the planning and their discharges into rivers, lakes and seas. process to ensure that, for example, vacant land areas (without buildings) are reserved or that KNOWLEDGE GAPS stormwater management requirements for A medium-sized Swedish city may have a hundred establishing green infrastructure are specified in of discharge points for untreated stormwater. This is neighbourhood plans. problematic for planning municipal environ­mental These considerations can in turn be linked works, as with today’s know­ledge and technology, to the allocation of responsibilities with respect it is difficult to prioritise which discharge points to stormwater. Who is responsible for driving should be addressed first and how. Our knowledge the development within the field of stormwater of the quality of storm­water and how it can vary management? And how should the responsibili- is still relatively limited. There is also uncertainty ties be allocated to ensure that stormwater is surrounding the effective­ness of different treatment managed in a climate-adapted and long-term methods. Additionally, the prioritisation of storm- sustainable way, with low environmental im- water control measures should be related to the as- pacts, while at the same time enhancing the sessments of specific stormwater discharge impacts urban environment with green solutions? These on the environmental values of the receiving waters. questions are important to consider. The Linné channel in It is complicated to characterise stormwater Växjö. quality at specific locations, because the quality variations are large, both in space and in time. These variations constitute a major challenge to the development of more accurate standards for stormwater quality, reflecting different urban surfaces and activities that can be found in cities during different times of the year. GREEN AND BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE The implementation of such management measures as stormwater ponds has increased the Photo Malin Engström Photo

A VISION FOR WATER 31 STORMWATER – VISION Photo Anna Grevlind Photo VISION Urban stormwater management systems are designed to cope with climate change and to utilise rainwater as a resource in the urban environment while contributing to the treatment of stormwater with minimal environmental impacts.


GOALS FOR THE YEARS 2020 AND 2050 The water sector has identified the following goals for the areas of climate and environmentally adapted stormwater management. YEAR 2020 • Water management is an integral part of • There are strategies and technologies sustainable urban planning that takes into developed to avoid environmental impacts account the effects on local receiving caused by the discharge of untreated waters, flood risk and resources required waste­water into lakes and streams. That is, for the management of the whole urban preventing discharges caused by heavy rain- water cycle in a town or city. falls that can result in the spread of environ­ mental pollutants including pathogens. • There are well-developed strategies for working on climate adaptation in the urban • There is knowledge and technological environment, and the cities/towns have solutions available for stormwater treat- climate-adapted urban water systems so ment, and such solutions are tailored to the that vital public services can be maintained characteristics of the stormwater and the during intensive rainfalls that may cause sensitivity of the receiving waters. flooding. • Know-how and products for sustainable • There is knowledge available for sizing water management in urban environments surface-based stormwater solutions with are important Swedish export products. respect to flows and their delay, and how such solutions can be implemented in the urban environment. YEAR 2050 • Swedish water management in the urban • Stormwater is managed and treated in environment is an international model for appropriate systems that are properly stormwater treatment in cities in similar operated and maintained (year 2030). climatic zones, in terms of stormwater treatment and how systems should be • The urban environment is permeated with designed, constructed, operated and main- multifunctional green and blue systems that tained in order to be both functional and are important components of climatic adap- to contribute to attractive cities. Swedish tation in the urban environment and serve companies export advanced know-how and as treatment systems for certain pollutants, related products for climate and environ- while contributing to an attractive urban mentally adapted stormwater systems. environment with good biodiversity.

• All stakeholders in the urban develop- • Building materials used in cities, for ex- ment process collaborate on a long-term ample roofing and facade materials, do not development of that can adversely impact on the stormwater quality, withstand intensive rainfall, while negative and the urban activities that have been environmental impacts are minimised. New identified as significant sources of pollu- methods and tools for more sustainable tants have been addressed and no longer city/town planning have been developed, impact negatively on stormwater quality. implemented and commercialised. • Rainwater is managed in an innovative way • The urban water systems are climate- and used as a resource. adapted so that the impact of intensive rainfall is small in terms of structural damages to buildings, disruption of vital public services and activities, and environ- mental impacts on lakes and waterways.


Western Harbour AREAS OF INNOVATION Malmö.

The water sector has identified R & I needs in the area of climate change, in part to keep cities dry and in part to reduce the hydraulic load on treatment plants. There are also R & I needs in relation to reducing stormwater pollution in a cost-effective manner and utilising stormwater as a resource.

STORMWATER SYSTEMS FOR management. Operation of these systems is A NEW CLIMATE as important as their design. There is still un­ To address climate change, stormwater systems certainty regarding the effectiveness of different must be adapted and designed to cope with more systems in reducing and delaying stormwater intensive and increased rainfalls and rising sea flows, concerning their design and standardisa- levels. Combinations of retention areas, reser­ tion of the assessment of the effects and robust- voirs, small dams and filters can be possible ness of systems from a whole-city perspective. solutions for long-term sustainable stormwater Thus, there are a number of R & I needs.


DELAY AND REDUCTION OF STORM­ STRATEGIES AND DECISION SUPPORT WATER FLOWS. Develop system solutions that FOR BLUE AND GREEN ZONES. Evaluate cover the whole chain from implementation to the system of green and blue zones in cities and operation for different retention systems. The from this evaluation create strategies, methods extent of retention effects for each technology and decision-support systems that can be used and combinations of technologies needs to be by urban planners and wastewater engineers for investigated. At the same time this information water management in the entire urban environ- needs to be linked to the development of climate ment, including roads, parks and buildings. In and runoff models that can form the basis for this way more stakeholders in the society will design and dimensioning of stormwater work together towards climate adaptation. manage­ment systems. EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS FOR CLIMATE AND RUNOFF MODELS FOR FLOODING. Develop alarm systems that are URBAN CONDITIONS. Develop climate and based on the evaluation of precipitation data in run-off models that are better adapted to urban real-time and that can provide flood warning in conditions, better account for such issues as the case of torrential rains. snowmelt and ground frost, and that can be used as tools to evaluate blue and green infrastructure TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE and underground retention tanks. These models STORMWATER COLLECTION NETWORKS. should also be able to estimate the effects of Develop technology and regulation of flows in planned management interventions. the collection sewer pipe networks so that the volume of pipes and retention storage facilities are used more efficiently. There is a great potential in this field to develop products for the global market.

Stormwater retention

ponds in Växjö. Blecken Godecke Photo


Stormwater biofilter – ”rain garden” – in

Melbourne, Australia. Blecken Godecke Photo

COST-EFFECTIVE REDUCTION OF that the variations are large, but there is still little STORMWATER POLLUTANTS knowledge of when, where and how the storm­ water should be treated to achieve the best results. EXISTING AND NEW METHODS FOR STORMWATER TREATMENT. Assess and TOOLS FOR PRIORITISATION OF STORM­ refine the treatment methods that already exist, WATER FLOWS. Develop tools that can help such as storage reservoirs, and develop other prioritise the stormwater discharges that should more innovative methods. These include local be addressed first, based on, for example, storm- infiltration areas, combinations of methods with water quality and the ecological status of the new materials, vegetated filter areas and green receiving waters. roofs that contribute to both treatment and flow reduction. Other innovative methods are advanced DESIGN OF SYSTEMS ADAPTED TO treatment processes for the most polluted CLIMATE CHANGE. Evaluate and develop streams and nanotechnology applications for treatment systems that are adapted to a future specific pollutants. Additionally, there is a need climate. For which flows the treatment devices for developing compact treatment technologies should be designed and in what way they should for densely built up urban environments to be be adapted to extreme rainfalls are important located near the sources of pollution. questions to be addressed.

MODELLING OF TREATMENT PROCESSES. STRATEGIC UPSTREAM CONTROL Develop modelling tools for estimation of treat- MEASURES. Develop strategic upstream ment efficiencies that can be achieved in storm- activities that can help reduce the concentra- water treatment. tions and loads of contaminants in stormwater (e.g., source controls). Materials and activities LONG-TERM PERFORMANCE OF EXISTING that impact on stormwater quality must be STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS. identified, and strategies developed to enable the Studies of the long-term functioning of existing phasing out of such materials and activities as stormwater treatment systems: Under what condi- much as possible. tions can they become sources of pollution in the long-run? Develop strategies for operation and POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR UPSTREAM maintenance of systems for long-term sustainable CONTROL MEASURES. Identify which policy management of stormwater and its pollutants. instruments can most effectively realise the ef- fects of upstream control measures in practise THE QUALITY OF STORMWATER AND ITS and develop strategies that can be used in this VARIATIONS. Deepen the understanding of the process. quality of stormwater and its variations, depending on both time and space. We are currently aware


A cube-channel for storm- water in Augustenborg in Malmö. Photo Anna Grevlind Photo

REDUCED HYDRAULIC LOADING RAIN AND STORMWATER AS A TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT RESOURCE IN ATTRACTIVE CITIES PLANTS Precipitation in itself is also a water resource that can be used for a variety of purposes. Particularly By developing systems that increasingly main- in drier regions, it is important to find methods tain stormwater on the catchment surface (green that allow for the conservation of available re- and blue infrastructure), the hydraulic load on sources. Even in areas with good access to water the wastewater collection network will be re- local re-use of stormwater reduces the resources duced in terms of reduced inflows. This in turn required for treating both drinking water and can improve treatment efficiency and reduce wastewater, improves the ability of the municipal resource use at wastewater treatment plants, and infrastructure to cope with extreme rains, and also reduce the discharges of partially treated or makes the city more attractive. untreated wastewater associated with intense rainfalls (e.g., overflows). Keeping stormwater RAINWATER AS A RESOURCE. Develop tech- above ground is assumed to be a more cost- and nology and equipment that can enable the use time effective way to minimise the hydraulic of rainwater, for example for fire fighting, irriga- loads to the wastewater treatment plant and the tion, car washing, street cleaning, toilet flushing receiving waters, than expanding the collection and cooling of buildings. Questions to be answered networks. Minimising the amount of storm­water include, which sources of rainwater can be used that enters the wastewater treatment plant can and how the rainwater should be stored and also lead to a reduction of pollutants in the sewage purified before the use. sludge, which in turn could facilitate the recovery of nutrients from the wastewater sector. INTEGRATION OF STORMWATER SOLUTIONS IN CITIES – DESIGN AND A BALANCE BETWEEN THE COLLECTION RESPONSIBILITY. Investigate how water issues SEWER NETWORK AND THE TREATMENT can be incorporated into urban and regional plan- PLANT. Further develop and implement ning in order to meet future demands on climate methods and procedures to reduce the contribu- adaptation and treatment, while at the same time tions of drainage water, groundwater and wrong- contributing to attractive urban environments. ly connected stormwater in collaboration with Water issues must come up earlier in the planning property-owners. Develop decision-support tools process to enable innovative stormwater solutions that contribute to resource-efficient choices of to be implemented. There is a need to investigate actions. which policy instruments are available or can be developed to bring about a change in this direc- tion as well as how the division of management responsibilities should be organised for improved stormwater management.


Increased coordination and collaboration in the field of stormwater management is required in particular with respect to urban planning.

HIGHLIGHT THE ROLE OF WATER ISSUES DEMONSTRATION FACILITIES. We believe IN THE PLANNING PROCESS. Collaboration that the best place to gather Swedish actors within the entire spectrum of urban development within the innovation-chain from research to is required to achieve long-term development of export is at demonstration and/or development a society that can cope with more intensive rains facilities. These types of facilities also provide and higher sea levels, while at the same time re- the opportunity for demonstrations to potential ducing environmental impacts of stormwater. We customers and international partners. need greater understanding of the role of water in the planning process to provide a better decision- support to urban planners.

INCREASED COLLABORATION BETWEEN RESEARCHERS, MUNICIPALITIES AND PRIVATE COMPANIES. It is important that there be a better interaction between research groups in order to cover the topics along the interfaces of different research fields. The re- search network Stormwater&Sewers (Dag&Nät) at Luleå University of Technology can be spear- heading the stormwater work. More municipali- ties and private companies should participate in the cluster interactions to enable a more rapid development of products, solutions and services that can be used in the municipal water sector. Photo Lars-Erik Widarsson Lars-Erik Photo Photo Elisabet Rudenholm Photo

A school playground in rain and shine, Augustenborg in Malmö.


Swedish stakeholders can work broadly with stormwater management as they have a holistic approach that incorporates quality and quantity, as well as both upstream and downstream perspectives.

There is a great awareness in the water sector With high and increased competence within of the need for adaptation to climate change municipalities, universities, consulting and there is a good dialogue at various levels on companies, research institutes and government how the urban environment can and should be agencies, there is a potential for Sweden to adapted with methods ranging from retained maintain a leading position in this field. runoff flows and appropriate elevations to Swedish researchers in this area belong to a ensuring the establishment of shallow waterways. wide international network and are partners in Sweden has a lot of experience and knowledge large international projects. This will enhance in the field of stormwater management. Further Swedish research and development. In Sweden, development of this expertise promotes the the research network Stormwater&Sewers is sustainable development of urban areas in Sweden based at Luleå University of Technology. as well as the development of export products.

An opening in the stone curb in in Malmö. Photo Pär Hagstrand Pär Photo

A VISION FOR WATER 39 WASTEWATER Photo Ulrika Wahlström Ulrika Photo

Disc filter facility at Ryaverket in Gothenburg, with basins CLIMATE- AND in the foreground. RESOURCE-EFFICIENT WASTEWATER SYSTEMS FOR A GOOD ENVIRONMENT Wastewater systems are designed to divert and treat wastewater in an efficient way to reduce the risk of contamination and negative effects on the environment. Well functioning wastewater systems are essential for good health and environment, and for sustainable development. They are also a pre-requisite for economic growth. In Swedish cities and towns it is most common to have two separate wastewater systems – one for stormwater and one for sewage. In older town and city centres, however, it is more common with combined systems, which are systems where stormwater and sewage are combined.


SEWAGE IS WASTEWATER from schools, work- Nitrogen, phosphorous and organic matter places, retail, services and households. Storm- are removed at the treatment plant as these water is rain and snowmelt water run-off from contribute to eutrophication and oxygen depletion impervious surfaces such as roofs, roads and in the receiving waters. The removal rate for parking lots. persistent water-soluble organic pollutants is Household sewage contains wastewater low, as these are neither broken down by the from the toilet and greywater from the kitchen, bacteria in the treatment process nor trapped in bathroom and laundry. This is collected in a piped the sludge. Many pharmaceuticals and chemicals network and flows to a treatment plant where used in households and industry are among the it is mechanically, biologically and chemically substances that pass through the treatment plant treated. The treated wastewater is then discharged and end up in the receiving waters. Of the patho- to receiving waters – the sea, a lake or a river. The genic microorganisms, most end up in the sludge, sludge that remains contains phosphorous and while others pass through the treatment plant and many other substances concentrated from the are released to the receiving environment. wastewater. The sludge can be used for biogas To improve resource-efficiency through production and the digestate can be used as a increased biogas production and use, wastewater fertiliser or in soil production. systems can be integrated with other technical service supply systems such as waste, district heating and public transport. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo

Integration with other technical service-supply systems can increase biogas production and lead to a more resource- efficient use of biogas produced.


Water is used for a variety of purposes, including irrigation, drinking water production and recreational activities such as fishing and swimming. Well-functioning wastewater systems are required to minimise the risks of contamination, eutrophication and environmental pollutants in the waterways.

There are two major challenges for wastewater volumes to the collection networks and in this systems: one is to minimise emissions and dis- way reduce the risk of overflows. However, there charges from the entire system even in a changing is also a need to treat the wastewater that actually climate, the other is to contribute to the manage- overflows to receiving waters. The wastewater ment of resources such as energy and nutrients. system must thus be adapted to a changing Globally, it is a huge challenge that so many climate so that pollution as a result of increased people lack access to adequate sanitation and flows does not increase. wastewater systems. At the same time, measures are required to meet the increasing regulatory requirements REDUCED EMISSIONS DESPITE that are anticipated for treatment for nutrients, A CHANGING CLIMATE pathogens and chemical substances. Reduction More rainfall and rising sea levels are expected as of the load to receiving waters and improved a result of climate change. This will lead to greater plant nutrient recovery requires that undesirable hydraulic loads to the wastewater systems, substances do not enter the wastewater system, resulting in reduced treatment levels and in- that is, they are not discharged to the wastewater creased risk for discharge of untreated waste­ from households, buildings, industries, roads, water, so called overflows. traffic etc. This requires restrictions as well as an It is important to see society, collection net- increased awareness among all those that dis- works, pump stations and treatment plants as one charge to the wastewater systems. entity. Stormwater connected to the sewage net- Well-functioning policy instruments are work leads to a large hydraulic load on the treat- required that allow for interventions that have the ment plant during heavy rains. Other problems greatest environmental benefit. Even with cost- related to the network are infiltration, overflows effective instruments, the anticipated regulatory and the need for network renewals. A long-term requirements will likely require multi-billion SEK program of works is required to minimise inflow investments in wastewater systems. Photo Jann Lipka, Nordicphotos Jann Lipka, Photo


RESOURCE-EFFICIENT ON-SITE SANITATION SYSTEMS – WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENTS ARE REQUIRED Resource efficiency in wastewater management Even small contributions of poorly treated means that electricity and chemicals are used wastewater can contribute to microbial contami- more efficiently, that heat is recovered, that bio- nation of water sources used for drinking water, gas production increases, that the biogas pro- irrigation or for animal husbandry. It is there- duced is used more efficiently and that nutrients fore important that treatment technologies are are recovered and re-used. It also means that the developed for on-site and decentralised sewage entire wastewater system, even the collection treatment systems. This technology develop-

Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo network is built, managed and operated more ment should result in new products that become effectively. available on the market. Recovery of nutrients Resource-efficiency should also enable the According to the Swedish Agency for Marine from wastewater needs to increase. re-use of water; treated wastewater should be and Water Management as many as half of the of sufficient quality that it could be used for the 700 000 Swedish properties that have on-site production of drinking water or for irrigation. sanitation systems do not meet current re- Most of the nutrients that leave society do quirements. Approximately 130 000 of these this via the wastewater system. Much of the have only septic tanks and are thus illegal. The electricity used by wastewater treatment plants manage­ment of decentralised water and waste- today is in the treatment process to transfer am- water needs to be developed so that they can monium nitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen. At meet both environmental and health require- the same time, the fertiliser industry uses energy ments. This can be done by improvement of on- to bind atmospheric nitrogen for fertilisers. site sanitation systems, development of multi- Swedish wastewater treatment plants re- property decentralised systems or connection to move more than 95 per cent of the phosphorous the centralised wastewater network. in the wastewater influent. The potential for phosphorous recycling to agricultural land is therefore very high. However, there are also heavy metals, undesirable substances and per- sistent organic compounds in the sewage sludge. Today, only about 25 per cent of sludge is used on agricultural lands. Measures are needed to increase the propor- tions of nutrients that are re-used in agriculture or in other areas. If nutrient recycling is to occur through the re-use of sludge, the quality of sludge must be secured through control of in- coming material to the wastewater treatment plant, effective treatment of the sludge and proper control of the treated sludge. Photo Ravi Kappel Ravi Photo Alm Axel Photo Maria Hübinette Foto: Maria Hübinette Photo Systems for on-site sanitation need to be developed.

A VISION FOR WATER 43 WASTEWATER – VISION Foto: Mikael Ullén Mikael Foto: VISION The vision is that the wastewater system can reduce discharges and emissions, despite a changing climate, so that the objectives for good ecological and chemical status in oceans, lakes and rivers can be achieved and that groundwater is not adversely impacted. At the same time the systems contribute to better management of resources such as nutrients and high-value energy like electricity and biogas. Wastewater treatment plants con- tribute to a reduced climate impact through reductions in emission of greenhouse gases, more efficient energy usage and through the production and efficient use of biogas.


GOALS FOR THE YEARS 2020 AND 2050 The water sector has identified the following goals for the areas of climate- and resource-efficient wastewater systems for a good environment.

YEAR 2020 • Wastewater in Sweden should not cause • Swedish wastewater systems are an increased risk of transmission of disease to important link to a sustainable cycle of humans or animals. Knowledge and technical nutrients, in particular phosphorous. systems will exist to avoid or minimise Biogas and other commodities from these risks. wastewater systems are used in society, for example nutrient-rich by-products. • Collection networks and wastewater treat- ment plants are considered as one entity • Swedish companies offer innovative waste- and there is good control of overflows that water solutions adapted to local conditions. may still need to occur as a result of the Dependent on the situation, the systems system’s design. can function individually, in combination with other systems and also in the long- • Swedish wastewater treatment plants are term, integrated into a whole system. resource-efficient and robust. The treat- ment plants protect the environment and • Swedish solutions are established on the prevent contamination. Periods of high world market and contribute to an improved hydraulic load can be handled by technical environment in other countries. means at the treatment plants. YEAR 2050

Sweden has the best possible wastewater • Swedish system-solutions are international solutions for both urban and rural areas. • models and are among our most successful Resource-efficiency and low emissions export products. and discharges are obvious. Sweden has contributed significantly to global access to The water sector is one of Sweden’s most well-functioning sanitation solutions. • attractive labour markets and attracts Swedish and foreign skilled labour. • Collection networks and wastewater treat- ment plants are operated in an integrated Sweden uses appropriate decision-making fashion and the discharge of untreated • processes and technology for the best wastewater via overflows does not occur. possible wastewater management solutions for all settlement types, from the dense The wastewater system and treatment • urban landscape to an isolated cottage and plants have become production facilities for everything in between. the recycling of water, energy and nutrients. This will mean that the export of Swedish services and products has increased by at least 500 per cent.


Himmerfjärdsverket, a wastewater treatment AREAS OF INNOVATION plant south of Stockholm.

The water sector has identified the following R & I needs for resource- efficient wastewater systems that reduce the impact on the climate, new and more efficient treatment technologies and wastewater systems for different needs.

RESOURCE-EFFICIENT WASTE­ MODELS OF ENERGY AND MATERIAL WATER SYSTEMS THAT REDUCE FLOWS. Increase knowledge and optimal THE IMPACT ON THE CLIMATE manage­ment of energy and material flows and use of chemicals in sewage treatment plants, and POLICY INSTRUMENTS FOR COST- develop models that can be used for the operation EFFECTIVENESS. Develop efficient and effective of the wastewater system. instruments so that efforts are made where environ­mental benefit is greatest per invested MODELLING OF PROCESSES AND Swedish crown. HYDRAULICS. Develop advanced models for sewer system processes and hydraulics. Better CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEMS. utilisation of existing systems will be crucial Develop flexible control and monitoring systems when increased flows and loads from a greater that can contribute to continued development number of connections are to be treated in the of resource-efficient treatment of wastewater. same treatment plant area. These methods can increase the level of integra- tion in the operation of the wastewater system ENERGY OPTIMISATION THROUGH NEW by including wastewater generation, collection CONTROL METHODS. Develop instrumenta- networks and the recipient. One example of this tion (e.g. flow measurement) and new ways to is through so-called ”plant-wide control”. measure and evaluate relevant parameters and process equipment for energy-optimisation of the wastewater system (e.g. pumps and aeration equipment).

46 A VISION FOR WATER WASTEWATER – AREAS OF INNOVATION Photo Norrköping Vatten Norrköping Photo

METHODS FOR REDUCING WASTE­WATER wastewater system, including GIS-systems On the left, sources of IN-FLOWS AND OVERFLOWS. Develop methods for mapping and tracking sources, smarter infiltration are identified through sampling in a to identify, quantify and reduce inflow, infiltration samplers for tracking pollution sources in the wastewater well. On the and overflows. Develop different methods of sewer network, faster and more reliable methods right, leak-detection treatment of wastewater overflows in those cases for on-line tracking and faster and cheaper equipment that is under overflows are permitted. Stimulate the develop­ methods of analysis. development. ment and use of water-saving fixtures and plumbing installations to reduce water usage and RECYCLING OF NUTRIENTS. Develop different decrease the amount of wastewater generated. methods to increase the utilisation of phosphorous, including more effective identification of upstream MORE EFFICIENT CONSTRUCTION AND measures for a cleaner sludge. Other methods OPERATION OF THE NETWORK. Develop for the extraction of phosphorous from sludge more efficient forms of pipe-laying, better pipe or wastewater need to be developed, for example material, the possibility to better use the capacity phosphorous extraction in combination with of the system by distribution of flows and pollutant incineration of sludge. Develop methods for loads and more efficient electricity use for the resource-efficient removal of nitrogen from operation of the network. nitrogen-rich sub-streams such as reject water from sludge treatment, and increase recycling of REDUCED EMISSIONS OF NITROUS OXIDE nitrogen through existing products, e.g. sludge. AND METHANE. Develop technologies and The development of source-diverting systems measures to reduce the climate impact of the can also contribute to increased recycling of treatment plants from nitrous oxide and methane nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorous. emissions in the treatment process and in the processes for production and use of biogas. RECYCLING OF OTHER SUBSTANCES. Develop opportunities for the recovery of other DECISION-MAKING SUPPORT AND valuable substances such as biopolymers. METHODS FOR OPTIMISED PRODUCTION OF BIOGAS. Develop decision-making support and methods (including further development of technologies for anaerobic digestion) that allow existing digester volume to be used optimally to produce more biogas by supplying additional organic matter from e.g. households or agricul- ture, without causing sub-optimisation in the form of poorer sludge quality, reduced nutrient recycling or increased use of a high-quality energy resource for nitrogen removal. The carbon source used for nitrogen removal can also be used to produce biogas or directly as a fuel.

BETTER TOOLS FOR UPSTREAM MEASURES. Develop better tools for more effective work in identifying pollution sources upstream in the Photo Borås Energi och Miljö AB Energi Borås Photo


Disc filter unit at

Ryaverket in Gothenburg. Magnusson Peter Photo Ulf Gingsjö Photo

NEW AND MORE EFFECTIVE ENERGY EFFICIENT NITROGEN REMOVAL. TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES Further develop a process for partial nitritation and de-ammonification to increase the total energy- COST-EFFECTIVE TREATMENT METHODS. efficiency of nitrogen removal. Nitrogen removal Develop cost-effective treatment methods and in is an energy-intensive process, as it requires some cases analytical methods for both old and aeration for nitrification and a carbon source for new chemical pollutants (pharmaceutical resi- denitrification. dues, pesticides, petroleum products, industrial chemicals etc.) as these can be subject to treat- PROCESS MODELS AND CONTROL ment requirements in the future. STRATEGIES. Develop innovative control strategies for optimal operation of new process DISINFECTION AND SANITISATION. Develop solutions for better integration between process procedures for disinfection of wastewater and design and control. Create relevant process models sanitisation of sludge and other products to meet for the development of control strategies and increasing treatment requirements for pathogens. process monitoring. In order to enable evaluation Discharge standards must also be constantly up- of different strategies at an early stage, simulations dated and there must be well-developed methods that involve evaluation of control strategies and for testing the end products. monitoring methods for different process solutions are required. In the analysis, it is important to have a holistic perspective to avoid sub-optimisa- In Huskvarna, the treated tion. It is also important to find sensible compro- wastewater effluent is exposed to UV-light prior mises between different criteria such as energy- to discharge into the efficiency and risk for nitrous oxide emissions. receiving waters during the summer months, to NEW SENSORS AND METHODS FOR DATA reduce the risk of QUALITY. Develop methods to ensure data polluting a nearby beach quality in view of more stringent treatment re- by wastewater pathogens. quirements and demands for resource-efficiency. Develop new sensors and further develop methods for automatic detection of erroneous sensors or other malfunctions in the system. An increasing number of sensors are used to monitor and control treatment processes. There can be tens of thousands of signals in a modern wastewater system. Photo Magnus Bäckström Photo


DECENTRALISED SOLUTIONS FOR FLEX­ IBILITY IN THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM. Develop good, decentralised solutions that can be integrated into a whole system where resources from wastewater treatment are utilised. For many areas with a large distance to the existing wastewater treatment plant, a decentralised solution is better. Good decentralised solutions allow for flexibility in the wastewater system and can also lead to export successes. Waste­ water systems with a long connection main to the centralised system include risk for the build up of hydrogen sulphide in the network, greater energy use for transportation of wastewater and significantly higher costs for pipe-laying com- pared to if wastewater is treated locally.


Photo Thomas Pettersson, Chalmers University of Technology University Chalmers Thomas Pettersson, Photo package plants, standard models and tested treatment steps that can be recommended for In southern Africa WASTEWATER SYSTEMS FOR on-site sewage treatment. Many on-site sewage there is a serious treatment systems are old and have poor technical water shortage in many DIFFERENT NEEDS areas. In this ultra-filter function. treatment plant at the NEW SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES. New Goreangab Water Develop different system-solutions for different Reclamation Plant in areas, ranging from simple urine-diverting dry Windhoek, Namibia, Wastewater systems with toilets to more “traditional” wastewater systems. separation of sources treated wastewater is This is required to meet the challenge that all used as the raw water Wastewater Organic people shall have access to a well-functioning with or without waste source for drinking urine water production. sanitation solution. Swedish companies should be able to provide wastewater systems for dif- ferent situations, from local communities with inadequate infrastructure to on-site sewage treatment to large cities. Possible separation Greywater of urine WASTEWATER SYSTEMS WITH SOURCE- Treatment plants SEPARATION. Further develop and test waste- Biogas water systems with source-separation and decentralised systems that will enable increased Treatment of Treated levels of recycling of nutrients and reduce the wastewater wastewater discharge of nutrients that cause eutrophication. This kind of system can be an attractive and user- friendly alternative in sparsely populated areas Urine where long pipe networks are not a sustainable processing alternative and existing alternatives cause local Recycling of nutrients environmental impacts. Source-separating sys- tems can also be combined with recycling systems for the resource-efficient handling of food waste A wastewater system with separation of blackwater can take various forms dependent on the treatment and with the systems for the preparation of solid possibilities and demands from the users and farmers. concentrated fertiliser such as ammonium ni- Source-separation systems allow for the re-use trate, for example through partial nitrification and of a greater fraction of nutrients than ”traditional” microbial fuel cells. An important challenge is to systems, in particular for nitrogen, but not necessarily integrate source-separating systems, both techni- for phosphorous. cally and organisationally in a strategic way.


In the field of wastewater management there is a need for greater coordination and collaboration between different municipal departments and other stakeholders.

COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE VARIOUS found between up-stream measures (eliminating STAKEHOLDERS AND TECHNICAL SUPPLY the pollutant at its source) and the use of advanced SYSTEM. Sweden has a tradition of collaboration treatment technology that risks being very resource- between different stakeholders, however this intensive. A broad collaboration is required needs to be strengthened further. Collaboration between government agencies, researchers, waste- needs to increase between urban planners, those water utilities and those that generate the environ- responsible for the technical supply systems and mental pollutant in order to do a resource-efficient compliance officers. There are even benefitswith trade-off. For those substances and receiving increased collaboration between the differenttech - waters where it is difficult to achieve the desired nical supply systems; that is wastewater, waste upstream measures, resource-efficient treatment and energy, and with the users as well as the agri- processes will need to be developed. Here too, cultural sector. collaboration between researchers, suppliers of equipment and wastewater utilities is required. CLEARLY DEFINED REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWAGE IN SPARSELY POPULATED AREAS. TEST AND DEMONSTRATION FACILITIES. Clearly defined requirements are needed from In order to gather the Swedish stakeholders in government agencies in collaboration with in- the innovation chain, from research to com- dustry to allow for the development of sustainable mercialisation and export, we strongly believe in and efficient wastewater solutions for isolated gathering them at test and demonstration facili- dwellings. There is also a need for an organisation ties where they jointly lead developments for- that provides information on the most appropriate ward. Some examples that have been requested sanitation solutions, as well as simpler and clearer are facilities for treatment of pharmaceutical requirements in defining the municipal respon- residues, treatment of overflows, processes for sibility in rural areas that increase in density and nutrient extraction, larger source-separation develop /town features over time. installations and systems as well as advanced on- line instrumentation for various pollutants and COLLABORATION AROUND POLLUTION contaminants. Such facilities provide opportuni- STREAMS. Collaboration is required with respect ties for demonstration to potential customers to society’s streams of pollution so that the impor- and international partners. More on demonstra- tant flows can be identified and eliminated in a tion facilities can be found in the next section on resource-efficient manner. A balance needs to be the value chain.


Sweden has stringent treatment requirements by international standards and thus relatively advanced wastewater treatment. There are also stringent requirements for sludge quality by international standards, which means that the upstream work is well developed. With regards to biogas production, Sweden has a compre- hensive solution where stakeholders together ensure that biogas is used in the most resource-efficient manner possible.

Sweden has internationally leading researchers consists of both short-term tasks and more long- within wastewater treatment technology, includ- term national and international research pro- ing control and automated control and operation grams. Small and large technology companies technology. Significant R & D capabilities have as well as municipalities are involved. Through been built up through several large research pro- close collaboration between business, society grams. There are strong research institutes and and various research actors, Hammarby Sjöstad good research environments with a critical mass wastewater treatment plant provides an exclusive within several educational institutes. platform for innovation of products and systems. Good collaboration between universities, There is great potential to develop the business wastewater utilities and industries is already further. established and there is a structure to build upon Sweden has innovative companies with that also involves demonstration facilities. R & D activities, where Xylem dominates in Examples of this include Wastewater Technology terms of size. Other innovative companies with South (VA-teknik Södra) sited at Lund University R & D activities in the field of wastewater, in- that focuses on advance wastewater treatment cluding biogas, are Wallenius Water, Malmberg and Wastewater Cluster Mälardalen that is a Water, Sorubin and Purac, and there are several program for research, development and training small innovative companies that can be devel- in water and sanitation with a focus on energy oped further. Innovative Swedish companies and resource use. have developed, among other things, simple IVL Swedish Environmental Research Insti- sanitation solutions for people who lack access tute and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) to a wastewater system. Sweden has developed own and operate Hammarby Sjöstad wastewater a holistic approach with respect to resource- treatment plant. The facility is used for develop­ efficiency with nutrients while ensuring that ment and demonstration of environmental hygiene requirements are met when faeces and technologies in wastewater treatment. The project urine are handled separately. Photos Lars-Gunnar Lindfors Lars-Gunnar Photos

At the demonstration facility Hammarby Sjöstad wastewater treatment plant basic research and training is conducted and research and development are applied by both large and small companies as well as end users such as municipal treatment plants. The facility also serves as a reference and demonstration facility for methods and equipment and has a large number of foreign visitors annually.

A VISION FOR WATER 51 THE VALUE CHAIN Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo AN EFFECTIVE VALUE CHAIN Water and wastewater associations, academia, institutes, private companies and authorities collaborate in the value chain for the water sector. In interplay with the rest of society, the stakeholders are responsible for the development of sustainable water systems and water services in Sweden. Innovative solutions to Swedish water challenges can also be used to meet global challenges. For example, knowledge about energy efficiency in is also valuable in Zurich and Cape Town.

THE VALUE CHAIN COULD BE described linearly institutes and companies. Companies with beginning with challenges and needs that through patent and licensing rights can refine and certify research lead to concept and function models the solution so that it can be commercialised to that are tested and developed to products and full-scale systems. Demonstration of solutions is services that can then be commercialised and done in collaboration with interested water and sold. But the process is slow and in practice it wastewater utilities. With the help of references needs to be more interactive where research and from facilities and muni­cipalities where the innovation are conducted in collaboration challenge has been solved, companies can sell between all the actors in the value chain. the solutions in Sweden and for export. Today, there are established clusters for The open process means that new challenges various water issues in Sweden. In the clusters, are constantly identified and resolved. The researchers, water and wastewater utilities and feedback generates new research projects, new companies collaborate in R & D projects to concepts, new refinements and new demon­ develop innovative solutions. The overarching strations and test beds as well as increased solution that is developed through research sales that solve new problems. The chain is, in response to a particular challenge can be in other words, a circle with active feedback patented and developed to a concept design by between the parts.


Needs Challenges Requirements

Launch/Export Research, Implementation Innovation & Parliament Development Government Authorities

Water users/ Academia Society

Demonstration Design

Water and Private Wastewater companies Associations/ Municipalities

Institutes The value chain of the water sector. Different stakeholders cooperate Refinement of Test in developing sustainable Product water systems and water services.

NITROGEN REMOVAL IN SWEDEN – AN EXAMPLE OF A FUNCTIONING VALUE CHAIN In the early 1960s it was discussed whether wastewater treatment plants should invest in phosphorous or nitrogen removal. During the 1970s, the national govern- ment invested a lot of money in the construction of municipal wastewater treatment plants, and for a number of reasons phosphorous reduction was prioritised. Re- searchers that were studying the Stockholm archipelago re-ignited the question of the importance of nitrogen discharges to receiving water again in later years, and in 1982, following an algal bloom in Laholms Bay the discussion took off once more.

The requirement for nitrogen removal was lead by the national government, based on international agreements. EU’s wastewater directive came in 1991 and specified the requirements. A number of collaborative projects between government agencies, researchers and the trade association VAV facilitated the introduction of nitrogen removal that progressed rapidly in the latter part of the 1990s. Among the projects were the Nitrogen Project 1988–1991, Strategies for nitrogen removal in waste­water treatment plants (SKARV) 1992–1995 and the so-called STAMP-project in which researchers interacted with staff from the wastewater treatment plants.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s New Technology Funding during the 1990s provided municipalities, consultants and suppliers the opportunity to test different methods and processes for nitrogen removal. Anox Kaldnes is an example of a company that further developed a media for bacteria that remove nitrogen, a method initially developed through research at Lund University. Other equipment that was now required to a much greater extent included aerators, stirrers as well as control and regulation equipment. Several of Sweden’s most renowned researchers have devoted their research careers to nitrogen removal.


The important forces that drive the value chain are demands from the authorities and customers, the activities of the water and wastewater utilities striving to increase efficiency of water service delivery, and the opportunities for private companies to sell products and services in Sweden and abroad.

LEGISLATIVE AND REGULATORY different? How much are they prepared to pay? REQUIREMENTS Do property owners, tenants, manufacturing Much of the current environmental legislation industries, hairdressers and hospitals have differ- comes from the EU. The Water Framework ent demands? If so, how can these be addressed? Directive (2000/60/EG) includes requirements Are customers sufficiently informed of the risks, for water planning from a waterway catchment investment requirements and environmental perspective and not from the boundaries of impact? This is a number of the issues for social municipalities or countries. With this approach, environmental scientists to address. it is important to find the measures of greatest benefit at the lowest cost regardless of the geo- EFFICIENCY AND SALES graphic region or sector. For this to occur, better Another important driver is the opportunity for instruments and planning processes need to be improved efficiency in water and wastewater Photo Frank Chmura, Nordicphotos Chmura, Frank Photo developed. treatment plants, for example through reduced Experience has shown that the best result chemical and energy use. Innovative companies is achieved if more stringent regulations and have a role in leading this in their interaction with requirements from authorities are combined buyers in the water and wastewater sector that are with research and innovation. This may involve willing to embrace innovation. Private companies more stringent requirements for emissions or also have an important role in commercialisation discharges, security of service delivery or quality. and sale of solutions both nationally and inter- nationally. Often it is advantageous to be able to CUSTOMER DEMANDS demonstrate effective solutions in Sweden, or to Water and wastewater provision is a societal have international contacts and thus be able to service. The question is what society (customers) demonstrate solutions directly in target countries. wants from water and wastewater systems now and in the future. Specific requirements that can come from the water sector customers’ include INNOVATION-DRIVEN that basements do not flood and lime precipita- COMMONALITY OF VALUES tion does not occur in showerheads. Researchers Henriette Söderberg and But what are their demands on a more com- Sofie Storbjörk identified a number prehensive level – greater service delivery security, of important factors necessary for cleaner environment, lower costs, beautiful cities, innovation in their report: ”Suddenly swimmable waterways, or something completely it happens – Institution precondition for sustainable urban water systems” (Urban Water, 2003). The factors iden- tified are: action space – legislative and political support; value coalition between crucial actors – shared world views, problems and goals; presence of policy entrepreneurs – initiators as well as implementers; explicit division of responsibilities and risks among involved actors; access to resources – money as well as knowledge; communication with users; and an arena for participa- tion and conflict management. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo


Both business and public sector stakeholders have considerable responsibility that the value chain for the water sector functions. Facilities that are necessary to verify and demonstrate new technology require considerable investment but also capital to operate. Models of collaboration are required to ensure this.

A culture that stimulates the desire and ability water sector. What are the barriers and possi- to innovate and test new solutions is required bilities in the chain? Social research regarding within water and wastewater utilities. There is a our perception of water and the value of water need to think long-term, while at the same time as well as research into legislation and economics operating a system that must function with a would also benefit the water sector and create high degree of safety 24 hours a day, 365 days an innovative environment for research and per year. collaboration between all stake­holders in the Are there other, more effective organisational value chain. forms than the current ones? Are regional water Owners of properties outside the municipal and wastewater utilities more effective than service areas need support and information municipal utilities? Will the private sector play a regarding water and wastewater from local greater role in the future and what will this lead authorities if they as single properties or groups to? Here there is need for research. There is also of properties want to implement innovative, a need for research into the value chain of the resource-efficient and sustainable systems.

Government, industry and customers should all contribute to the fi- nancing of research and development needed to meet current and future water challenges. Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo


FUNDING FROM A DIVERSITY historically had strong government agencies and OF SOURCES a well-functioning cooperation with the water Provision of water and wastewater services industry. This has been crucial for the develop- should take place within the particular condi- ments that have occurred. However, the situation tions and funding principles applicable to natural is currently not as clear-cut positive. Stronger monopolies. Regardless of the organisational initiatives at a national level are required to create form, the municipal water and wastewater services the drive in the value chain that will facilitate are for the most part financed through tariffs issues being raised at the right level. from connected households and not through It is of benefit if the stakeholders in the municipal taxes. The total revenue collection water sector cooperate in formulating more is done on a cost-recovery basis, that is the fees stringent requirements in order for these new should cover the necessary costs, and the extraction requirements to be effective. The prerequisite of profit is not permitted. is that the collaborations between government Water and wastewater charges should be agencies, industry and researchers within the adapted to future challenges, particularly those water and wastewater sector, as well as with other related to climate change. Investment needs are sectors such as energy, waste and agriculture large and water and wastewater utilities rarely function well. fund the research, development and renewal that It is through the Swedish Water and Waste- are required to meet future needs. water Association’s investments in University In addition to increased funding from programs that the collaboration between univer- customers, national efforts are required to address sities, institutes, water and wastewater utilities the complex current and future challenges. The and the business sector has such strength. These Swedish Water and Wastewater Association’s investments are a good foundation to build on. Research and Development Program finances The University programs are engaged interna- projects that will be of benefit within a 5-year tionally and have a network of contacts that are time horizon. National funding is required for already used by those companies that are part of basic and long-term strategic research and inno- the programs. vation within the water sector. Another important platform for collabora- Funding for development should therefore tion and communication is the National network come from the government, industry and cus- for drinking water under the direction of the tomers. Funding for on-site wastewater treat- National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket) ment system innovations is a special challenge, that includes a large number of government agen- since funding mechanisms available for central- cies and other stakeholders interested in research ised wastewater systems are not applicable for within the field drinking water provision. on-site systems. Municipalities and regions need to draw up plans that protect and promote water as a resource. INCREASED COLLABORATION In order for this work to be conducted within the framework of the EU Water Directive, it is neces- BETWEEN GOVERNMENT sary that the water and wastewater plans that are The national govern- AGENCIES AND THE INDUSTRY developed extend over entire catchments. In many ment, parliament and Competent, well-resourced and pragmatic govern­ cases, this will require increased collaboration national agencies are important cogs in the ment agencies with clear and broad mandates can between planners, water and wastewater officers, value chain of water stimulate research and innovation through new environment officers and politicians and that they sector innovation. requirements and objectives. Sweden has also have greater expertise in water planning. Photos Birgitta Johansson Birgitta Photos 56 A VISION FOR WATER THE VALUE CHAIN – MEASURES

IMPORTANT MEASURES FOR INNOVATION INNOVATION-FRIENDLY PROCUREMENT AND • Establish a long-term, integrated platform PROCUREMENT OF INNOVATIONS for collaboration between all stakeholders in The Swedish water and wastewater sector needs the water sector – a platform that formulates innovative companies in order to develop, and the sector’s needs, coordinates larger suppliers need to develop new solutions in national and international R & D efforts and collaboration with water and wastewater utilities. works actively with and communicates to Public procurement is an important link between national and international contacts. the municipal water and wastewater utilities and suppliers. • Government agencies should be able to Water and wastewater utilities in Sweden are participate in the development of solutions not competitors and thus have a natural potential while maintaining the role of impartial to be open and collaborate. Procurement entities decision makers. can collaborate in both procurement of innovations as well as innovation-friendly procurement. With • Regulatory requirements and decisions innovation-friendly procurement, the procure- should be clearer, predictable and ment entity takes into account the possibility that development-oriented. products based on new innovations already exist on the market or there are products that are • The “rules of the game” and responsibilities sufficiently developed that they can be an alterna- should be clear and developed by the tive to established products. While procurement relevant government departments and of an innovation is just that – procurement of the agencies in collaboration with the water and development of a completely new product that wastewater industry. will then meet the purchasers’ requirements. • Develop appropriate policy instruments IN THE NATIONAL innovations strategy (October and useful tools for effective water manage- 2012) the Swedish government took an important ment, better protection of future water step towards the principle that procurement can sources, climate-change adaptation of stimulate the application of new solutions and settlements as well as water planning over the development of solutions that are not yet on municipal boundaries in catchment areas. the market. There are considerable opportunities Potential actions and their effects should for this to be applied in the water sector. Green have the support of the relevant stakeholders. procurement provides a great potential for inno­ vation. In order to avoid a situation with a lag of • Improved coordination of the work with innovation within the water sector, the public Swedish Environmental Quality Objectives, sector needs to demand new solutions in the same as well as with EU-directives and Swedish way this occurs in the private sector. Procurement legislation. laws are not a hinder for innovation and new ideas, but it takes new knowledge for the use of • Patents and business protection of products procurement in an effective manner. and services should be managed so that Many promising research projects that have collaboration is not hampered. demonstrated the possibilities of new solutions in the water sector have never been developed • Create legal and organisational space, and into solutions ready to be released to the market. financial incentives for collaboration At the same time, there are good examples where between government agencies and other the procurement of new technology has paved stakeholders. the way for successful products in the water and wastewater fields. • Create a program for the exchange of experience, “Mobility of experts in the water and wastewater sector”. National funding would provide economic opportunities for short-term movement of staff between industry, government agencies at different levels as well as with universities. • Sweden’s highest politicians must become more involved to increase export of environmental technology.

A VISION FOR WATER 57 THE VALUE CHAIN – MEASURES Photo Mauritius/Nordicphotos Photo

MEASURES FOR MORE INNOVATION- DRIVEN PROCUREMENT TOOLS • Communicate and educate stakeholders in • Municipal water and wastewater utilities procurement that stimulates innovation. should collaborate on development projects that include procurement of innovation for • Work actively to enable innovation-friendly new solutions that are in demand. Companies procurement by following developments and may be required to work in competition in designing specifications in ways that do not order to find solutions that can then be exclude new solutions from being considered. introduced to the market. • Develop forms of procurement by studying • Review the organisation and division of best practises within the sector and in other responsibilities in order to stimulate more sectors. innovation-driven procurement processes. • Create a dialogue between municipal water • In the context of processes for procurement and wastewater utilities and suppliers, a of innovations, create processes that enable all dialogue that enables suppliers to better stakeholders in the value chain the understand the needs of the sector. opportunity to contribute to innovative solutions. • Municipal water and wastewater utilities cooperate in setting common requirements for procurement and in this way stimulate suppliers’ investments in innovation. • Identify and develop tools and indicators to support procurement, for example evaluation models, LCC (life cycle cost) and LCA (life cycle analysis).

58 A VISION FOR WATER THE VALUE CHAIN – MEASURES Foto: Pictor/Nordicphotos Foto:

STRENGTHENED INTERNATIONAL The formation of a national platform increases COOPERATION the ability to participate in and influence the Innovative organisations are characterised by work of the EU’s common R & D program their extensive contacts and exchange with the in the water sector, including through the outside world. Within the EU, a partnership for WssTP (Water supply and sanitation Technology innovation has been created (European Innova- Platform) that is a EU-platform for cooperation tion Partnership) to better meet the needs and within the water sector. exploit the opportunities within the water sector. It requires extensive networks and an inno­ A Joint Project Initiative, Water challenges in vative cooperation with international stake­ a changing world (JPI-Water), has reached greater holders in order to jointly find solutions to maturity. Sweden has two observers within JPI- problems and challenges. All stakeholders in the Water, namely, the Swedish Agency for Marine water sector and in related sectors should work and Water Management and the National Food to organise more international conferences and Agency. A full membership is required in order seminars to which a range of stakeholders are to achieve more complete research collabora- invited in order to stimulate international net- tion with other member countries. The Swedish working. Agency for Marine and Water Management has also initiated talks with other Nordic countries IT IS IMPORTANT that Swedish government regarding the direction of the work in the JPI. agencies contribute with competent people that can influence the process of development of EU A SWEDISH PLATFORM IS NEEDED legislation, either as employees or as independent In order for Sweden to be able to collaborate national experts. In this way we can ensure that with international research programs, a national legislation takes a holistic approach to meet the water platform needs to be established. The plat- challenges in Sweden and in Europe. form should provide contacts for both research There is a need to develop financial solutions and innovation projects as well as for export that promote export. International affairs opportunities. It should also help companies and involving Swedish system solutions will be water and wastewater utilities to apply for EU difficult to deliver if there is no financial backing funding and create opportunities for the market- of these solutions. ing and sale of solutions developed. The platform can also gather Swedish cutting edge knowledge in a Centre of Excellence and arrange conferences and seminars to provide active networking opportunities.


The control room in a

Photo Thomas Henrikson Photo water treatment plant.

COMPETENT AND INNOVATION- TEST AND DEMONSTRATION ORIENTED WATER SECTOR STAFF FACILITIES Universities play a central role in delivering Test and demonstration facilities are required competent and well-trained students who also that can meet municipalities’ needs for essential know how water and wastewater treatment and long-term development needs and the need plants, pump stations and distribution and collec- for private companies’ to develop, test and show tion networks function as well as how municipal- new products. Demonstration facilities should ities and government agencies operate. A life- be large enough to constitute credible demon- long learning is then required to maintain high stration at some scale, while at the same time standards of competency. Today, many water and they should be small enough to enable flexibility wastewater utilities have considerable difficulties to create successful system-solutions. The facili- with recruitment, at all levels of their businesses. ties must be open to all stakeholders that want to research, develop and demonstrate individual IMPORTANT MEASURES components or more complex systems. Sweden FOR INNOVATION should have more demonstration facilities that support the development of different parts of the • Further training in the form of advanced water and wastewater systems such as storm- courses for water and wastewater engineers water, on-site wastewater treatment system and that have worked for some years. large-scale treatment plants. In this way, globally unique facilities can be created where Sweden’s • Mentoring for the dissemination of foremost stakeholders work side by side with knowledge from older to younger employees. the most foremost actors globally. Demonstra- tions are also required of complete, functioning • Exchange of experiences between munici- systems; that is from the consumer to the farm, palities and other stakeholders. where the resources can be put to use. That joint public and private investments in • Scope within the work of daily operations demonstration facilities can lead to successful for innovative work, collaboration and outcomes is a result demonstrated by Hammarby exchange with other organisations. Sjöstad wastewater treatment plant in Stockholm, where national and local governments invested in a research facility with advanced treatment technology. Research institutes in collaboration with private companies and universities now run this facility.


R & D results will be communicated and implemented. Here is an example of exchange of experience and imple- mentation of research findings into practice: Water and wastewater, Planning and Environ- ment departments from one municipality are on site together with a

Photo Frida Pettersson Frida Photo consultant.

IMPORTANT MEASURES FOR INNOVATION COMMUNICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION • Create the conditions for long-term forms of Communication and implementation activities financing for the construction and operation are necessary to fully benefit from investment of demonstration facilities. in research and innovation. This requires efforts from those who produce the results as well as • Both public and private stakeholders should those who will implement them. invest in demonstration facilities. IMPORTANT MEASURES FOR INNOVATION • Strengthen cooperation between universities and institutes to increase the opportunities • Municipal water and wastewater utilities for expert-projects. need to have sufficient capacity and expertise to set standards for transparency and • Use the opportunities for cooperation and dissemination so that they can use the funding better in Scandinavia, Europe and results from research and innovation the rest of the world. projects – the most effective is usually to participate in the actual R & D project. • There should be ”venture capital” available for tests of innovations. • Data from the Swedish databases of water- related research is collected and processed. • The results are communicated in an easily accessible way, with respect to format and content that makes them useful for a wider audience. • A variety of communication methods are used, such as social media, popular science articles, targeted reports, films, seminars, con- ference and training sessions, both “traditional” and interactive distance education. • Increased awareness is required among citizens and policy makers of the importance of research and innovation within the water sector.

A VISION FOR WATER 61 62 VATTENVISIONENA VISION FOR WATER ANTICIPATED EFFECTS IF A VISION FOR WATER IS REALISED If the measures proposed in A Vision for Water are realised, the effects presented in the following pages are anticipated.


Sweden contributes significantly to meeting contact with drinking water. The majority of global water challenges, including lack of water Swedish manufacturing companies manufacture and well-functioning sanitation. Swedish and develop materials and products with low life system-solutions are in demand and are inter- cycle costs, something that gives Swedish com- national models. Products and services from panies advantages internationally. the water sector are successful exports. Swedish Swedish water management in cities is companies have strengthened their competitive- an international model for cities in similar cli- ness and have greater advantage of the research mate zones, with respect to how stormwater is and innovation skills that have been developed planned, constructed, operated and maintained in Sweden. to be both functional as well as contributing to Swedish solutions for safe and efficient features of an attractive city. Swedish know-how production of drinking water are among Sweden’s and products are important export products, most successful export products. Swedish water- including modelling tools and technology for supply systems, both large and small, are of an treatment and re-use of stormwater. international standard and are operated based Wastewater treatment plants have evolved on WHO’s Water Safety Plans, among other to production facilities for recycling of water, frameworks. Swedish material and product energy and nutrients. Swedish companies offer companies have leading positions in terms of wastewater solutions for different local condi- the combination of reliability, safety and hygiene tions. The Swedish system-solutions are among aspects for materials and products that are in Sweden’s most successful export products.


The long-term vulnerabilities of water resources and their importance are clarified. Understanding of and a commitment to water’s role in the planning process has increased and there is good decision- making support available for town planners. All stakeholders in the urban development arena work together for development toward sustain- able settlements that can withstand more in- tensive precipitation and higher sea levels while negative environmental impacts are reduced. New methods and tools that enhance the imple- mentation of sustainable town planning have been developed and commercialised.

The importance of water in town planning is


There are many tools and methods to ensure a safe Testing methods for assessing the health effects and secure drinking water supply. Risk analysis of materials that are in contact with drinking tools for both small and large water utilities are water are applied systematically for the approval used in parallel with increasingly governing of materials and products. guidelines in WHO’s Water Safety Plans. All Methods for sustainable rates of network Swedish municipalities conduct risk analyses renewals are developed, tested and applied in that take into account climate change in a struc- many municipalities. The distribution networks tured manner to minimise water-borne disease. are renewed in a sustainable way, based on Sweden contributes to increased knowledge health and economic principles. The methods globally when it comes to modelling of pathogens have been commercialised and adapted to both in water sources, water production and distribu- national and international needs. tion. On-line sensors for the detection of micro- There are packages and standard models biological contamination are used for raw water that can be recommended for smaller water treat- sources and reservoirs and Sweden disseminates ment plants both nationally and internationally, knowledge in the global arena. with the adjustments that may be necessary for Water treatment plants’ treatment processes them to be viable in other countries. are adapted to accommodate increased con- centrations of natural organic matter, and it is routine to use reliable analysis techniques to characterise organic matter. Swedish research in this area is applied globally.


Within the field of stormwater management, green and blue structures. These structures, in there are strategies, tools and technologies that combination with filters, serve as treatment contribute to the adaptation of urban areas to systems and contribute to an attractive urban climate change, to ensure that important social environment with high biological diversity. We functions can be maintained during intense know how surface stormwater management rainfall. Computer models calculate the effects of systems should be designed, based on flow and different measures for climate adaptation. retention required, and the technical solutions Systems for control and regulation enable for stormwater treatment are tailored to the network capacity to be used to a greater extent characteristics of the stormwater flows and the for equalisation during intense rainfall. There sensitivity of receiving waters. are strategies, technical measures and renovation There are strategies for upstream measures methods to reduce the amount of water that to reduce pollution in stormwater and there are enters the collection networks through in-flow tools available for prioritisation of stormwater and infiltration. The hydraulic load to the waste- flows most in need of treatment. water treatment plants has been reduced and thus Rainwater is used as a water source in also the risk of treatment plant overflows and the situations where water with drinking water discharge of untreated wastewater. The urban quality is not required. environment is permeated by multi-functional

Allévägen in Växjö. Photo Malin Engström Photo


The point of discharge from the Henriksdal wastewater treatment

plant in Stockholm. Sandström Vatten/Micke Stockholm Photo RESOURCE-EFFECTIVE WASTE­ WATER SYSTEMS DESIGNED TO COPE WITH A CHANGING CLIMATE Sweden has the best possible wastewater solutions the environment. Swedish companies offer for dense cities and for isolated dwellings. wastewater solutions adapted to different local Resource-efficiency and low emissions and dis- contexts. The systems can work independently, charges are a given. in combination with other systems or as part of The distribution and collection networks, an integrated entity, depending on the context. society and the treatment plants are seen as one There are package solutions and standard mod- entity, and they provide a strong and climate- els for smaller wastewater treatment systems. proof infrastructure for water in cities and towns. Hammarby Sjöstad wastewater treatment The treatment plants are production facilities facility for development and demonstration has for the re-use of water, energy and nutrients. been further developed into Europe’s Centre of All wastewater is handled without the risk of Excellence in wastewater treatment technology. disease transmission or negative impacts on


There is strong collaboration between national, The municipal water and wastewater utilities regional and local authorities, water and waste- collaborate in both innovation-friendly procure- water utilities, companies and researchers. ment and procurement of innovations. Stakeholders cooperate in the formulation of The water sector is one of Sweden’s most requirements that are based in reality. Competent, attractive labour markets and attracts skilled well-resourced and pragmatic government labour from Sweden and internationally. agencies establish goals and set requirements that stimulate research and innovation.

A VISION FOR WATER 67 68 VATTENVISIONENA VISION FOR WATER A VISION FOR WATER – THE WORKING PROCESS The work with A Vision for Water shared research and innovation agenda began at The Water Conference that will take the water sector into the (Vattenstämman) in the spring of 2012, future with clear and strong goals. with a meeting of the organisations that have since been involved in a special Three major seminars have been held author group. Industry associations, between October 2012 and April 2013 universities, research institutes, as well as a number of other meetings. companies and municipal water and Draft versions of A Vision for Water wastewater utilities have contributed have been posted on the website of to the work in an open process led by the Swedish Water and Wastewater the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association on several occasions and Association. All have contributed in all interested stakeholders have been a committed manner, based on their able to follow and influence the work own premise while also respecting through a dedicated on-line platform the entirety to enable the creation of a for project management.


Here is a list of organisations that have contributed actively in some way to A Vision for Water. The list may not be complete.

INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS outside the region (Stockholm Water, SYVAB, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Käppala Association, Uppsala Water, Mälar Regions (Sveriges kommuner och landsting, Energy, Energy and Environment, SKL), trade and employers’ association for local Norrköping Water, Tekniska Verken in Linköping, government­ in Sweden. Örebro Municipal Council and Växjö Municipal Council) and two research institutes (IVL Swedish Swedish Water and Wastewater Association Environmental Research Institute and JTI – (SWWA/Svenskt Vatten), trade association for Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environ- Swedish water and wastewater utilities. mental Engineering).

The Swedish Construction Federation Stormwater&Sewers (Dag & Nät) at Luleå (Sveriges Byggindustrier), trade and employers’ University of Technology. Luleå Municipal association that represents the interests of the Council, Skellefteå Municipal Council, Umeva in construction industry. Umeå, Östersund Water and MittSverige Water with the municipalities , Timrå and VARIM, trade association for consultants, Nordanstig are all part of this cluster. contractors and product suppliers in water and wastewater treatment. RESEARCH INSTITUTES ACREO SWEDISH ICT, research and develop- The Swedish Association of Plumbing and ment institute for sensors and actuators, power HVAC Contractors (VVS Företagen), trade and electronics, digital communication and life employers’ association for plumbing, heating sciences with commercial applications. and ventilation companies association. IVL Swedish Environmental Research UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH Institute, an independent, not-for-profit, PROGRAMS environmental research institute that is owned Program for Drinking Water Research by a foundation jointly established by the (DRICKS) at Chalmers University of Technol- national government and business. ogy. Göteborg City Council, Trollhättan Energy, VIVAB and Chalmers are parts of the program. SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, a DRICKS is financed primarily by SWWA Research technical research institute owned by the Swedish and Development, EU and the Swedish Civil state that works broadly with issues related to Contingencies Agency (MSB). water systems, from components in the system, processes, methods and quality to certification Wastewater Technology South (VA-teknik and other system analyses. Södra) at Lund University. VA SYD, NSVA, Gryaab, Chalmers University of Technology, Swerea KIMAB, research institute for materials Hydrotech, Primozone, VA-Ingenjörerna and research with expertise in materials development, AnoxKaldnes are parts of this program. joining technology, component properties and materials analysis. Wastewater Cluster Mälardalen. Members of this cluster are the universities in the region of Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Mälardalen (Uppsala University, KTH Royal research institute in the areas of defence and Institute of Technology, Swedish University of security, including development of risk and security Agricultural Sciences SLU and Mälardalen analyses, tools for climate adaptation and University), Lund University, water and waste­ sensitivity analyses for pathogens in drinking water utilities in the Mälardalen region as well as water.

70 A VISION FOR WATER COMPANIES The companies (excluding those that contributed through membership in VARIM) that have contri­ buted to the work with the agenda are Aqua-Q AB, Campus Roslagen, Ecoloop, Malmberg Water, Nordaq Water Filter Systems, Purac, RD Rent Dagvatten, SKL International, Sorubin, Sweco Environment, Tyréns, Urban Water Management Sweden, Wallenius Water, Xylem Water Solutions and Xzero. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), national agency that works for the use of renew- able energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy and mitigation of climate change.

National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket),

national agency that leads the National network Johansson och Birgitta Magnusson Ulla Foton: for drinking water issues. The network includes other national agencies and trade organisations. The vision is a result of several meetings with dedicated and highly competent persons from different stakeholders. The process has been open for participation for all actors within the Swedish water sector. National Veterinary Institute (Statens veterinär­medicinska anstalt, SVA), national authority that works for good animal and human health and sustainable food production. OTHER ORGANISATIONS Swedish Institute (Svenska Institutet), national Swedish Centre for Innovation and Quality in agency that promotes interest and confidence in the Built Environment (IQ Samhällsbyggnad), Sweden around the world within activities cross-sectoral member organisation for innova- spanning over areas such as culture, society, tion and quality in the built environment. research, higher education, democracy and global development. Skåne Seas and Waterways (Skånes Hav och Vatten), a collaboration for environmental work MUNICIPAL WATER AND WASTE- and innovation for the seas, waterways and WATER ORGANISATIONS coastline of the Skåne region. The following municipal water and wastewater organisations have contributed considerably Water Innovation Accelerator, WIN. to the work with the agenda: Eskilstuna Energy The project is owned by Ideon Innovation. and Environment, Luleå Municipal Council, The following stakeholders cooperate in WIN: Gryaab, Gästrike Water, Norrtälje Municipal Kemira Kemi, Sweco Environment, Xylem, Council, Norrvatten, NSVA, Stockholm VA SYD, NSVA, Eslöv Municipal Council, Water, Sydvatten, SYVAB, Tekniska Verken in Syd­vatten, Malmberg Water, Sustainable Business Linköping, Trollhättan Energy, VA SYD and Hub and Brann. C4 Teknik in .


A Vision for Water has been drawn up by the stakeholders in the Swedish water sector in order to achieve sustainable water services in Sweden, and to contribute to sustainable water supply and waste­water management abroad.

A Vision for Water shall guide the funding of Swedish research and innovation in water supply and stormwater and wastewater management. It shall also provide the basis for long-term co- operation in the water sector among private companies, universities, research institutes, government agencies, water and wastewater utilities and other organisations.

THE VISION ”Swedish research, innovation and cooperation among the partners in the water sector shall create sustainable and globally competitive water services, products and system solutions protecting human health and the environment in Sweden and around the world.”
