Approved 2020 Appropriation Bill
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ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA THE ABIA STATE 2020 APPROPRIATION LAW LAW NO. 1 OF 2020 ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA THE ABIA STATE 2020 APPROPRIATION LAW LAW NO. 1 OF 2020 GENERAL PROVISIONS Long Title Enactment Sections. Part 1: Preliminaries 1. Citation and Commencement 2. Interpretation. Part II: Issue o..... f Appropriation .......o f Transfer from...... Expenditure o..... f Appropriation ......o f and No Issue after 31st December 2020 3. Issue of £467,038,217,116 4. Appropriation of £467,038,217,116 5. Transfer from Consolidated Revenue Fund to Capital Development Fund of J470,381,400,000. 6. Expenditure of 1470,381,400,000 7. Appropriation of £470,381,400,000 8. No Issue after 31st December, 2020. SCHEDULE ASIA STATE OF NIGERIA THE ABIA STATE 2020 APPROPRIATION LAW Long Title A Law to Appropriate the sumOne of Hundred and Thirty-Seven Billion, Four Hundred and Nineteen Million, Six Hundred and Seventeen thousand, One Hundred and Sixteen Naira (N137,419,617,116 ^only for the services of the Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2020 and for other related purposes. Enactment BE IT ENACTED by the House of Assembly of Abia State of Nigeria as follows: PART I: PRELIMINARIES Citation and 1. This Law may be cited as the Abia State 2020 Appropriation Law Commencement and shail come into force on the 1st day of January, 2020. interpretation 2. in this Law, except the context otherwise requires: “Accountant-General” means Accountant-General of the State; “Government” means Government of Abia State of Nigeria. “Governor”, means Governor of Abia State; and “State”, means Abia State of Nigeria PART II: ISSUE OF APPROPRIATION OF TRANSFER FROM .... EXPENDITURE OF .... APPROPRIATION OF ... AND NO ISSUE AFTER 31st DECEMBER. 2020 issue of 3. The Accountant-General shall when authorized to do so by fit 67,038,217,116 warrants signed by the Governor, pay out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State, the sums not exceeding in aggregate, the sum ofSixty- Seven Billion, Thirty-Eight Million, Two Hundred and Seventeen Thousand, One Hundred and Sixteen Naira (N 67,038,217,116) only. i uuvcinincin ui nuia oiaic iviyciid ui iu iu ic y c a; eiiuiny j r - ucfyu us ts L a n u a , LJL'J. Appropriation of The sum mentioned in Section 3 shall be appropriated to the N 67,038,217,116 Heads of Expenditure as indicated in the First Schedule to this Law. Transfer from the 5. The Accountant-General shall when authorized to do so by Consolidated Revenue Fund to Capital warrants signed by the Governor, transfer from the Development Fund of Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State to the Capital N 70,381,400,000 Development Fund the sums not exceeding in aggregate, the sum ofSeventy Billion, Three Hundred and Eighty-One Million, Four Hundred Thousand naira (N 70,381,400,000) only. Expenditure of 0 The Accountant-General shall when authorized to do so by N 70,381,400,000 warrants signed by the Governor, pay out of the Capital Development Fund, the sums not exceeding in aggregate, the sum ofSeventy Billion, three Hundred and Eighty-One Million, Four Hundred Thousand naira (N 70,381,400,000) oniy. Appropriation of The sum mentioned in Section 6 shall be appropriated to the N 70,381,400,000 Heads of Expenditure mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Law. No Issue after 31 8. No part of the sums mentioned in Sections 3 and 6 of this Law, December, 2020. shall be issued out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund or Capital Development Fund of the State after 31 December, 2020. 2 M A low to Appropriate the su n o f M13 7.419.617,116 only for the senices of the v No. 1 of 2020 governm ent ofAbio State o f Nigeria far the year ending 31st d m of December. 2020. FIRST SCHEDULE BUDGET m ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2020 SUMMARY OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANIZATION Sector Organisation Organisation Ma»ne Personnel Overhead Comaiidated ‘ Tcts! ------- Revenue Fund Recurrent Code Cost Cost Charges Expenditure H N N 1 Administrate ector 11001001 Office of the Governor - Government House 688,066,770 8,383,000,000 9,071,066,770 11001002 Office of Use Deputy Governor Government House 101,454,340 593,000,000 004,464,340 11013001 Aid* Siaie ismergeney Management Agency - 8,000,000 8,1)00,1)00 11008001 Bureau of Public Procurement (Due Pr ocess) 20,700,000 10,150,000 30,850,000 11010001 Office of the Secretary to the State Government 282,540,940 90,000,000 372,540,940 11014001 Bureau of Political Affairs 18,382,430 90,000,000 108,382,430 11016001 Bureau of ccsr.smic Affairs 24,915,120 4,000,000 28,915,120 11017001 Executive Cauiwll Secretariat 16,044,950 7,350,000 23,384,860 11018001 Bureau of Special Services 29,500,500 125,000,000 154,500,500 11021001 Abla State Liaison Office, Lagos 43,970,560 22,500,000 60,470,560 11021002 Abla State Liaison Office, Abuja 50,490,440 53,400,000 103,390,440 11033001 Abla State Agency for tha Control of HIV/AIDS 5,900,090 40,500,000 46,400,090 11035001 Abla State Pension Board - 8,000,000 6,000,000,000 6,005,000,000 11037001 Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board - 125,000,000 125,000,000 11037002 Muslim Pllglrlms Welfare Soard - 50,000,000 50,000,000 11039001 Abla Physical Planning and Infrastructural Dav. Fund 35,500,000 3,850,000 33,030,000 11101001 Abla State Oil Producing Areas Dev. Comm.(ASOPADEC) 174,999,990 80,000,000 254,999,990 11IUIUU* m o ii o w e manceting * wuauty Management Agency - 3,1UU,00U 3,100,000 11101003 Abla State Infrastructure Development initiative (A.STID!) - 10,000,000 10,000,000 11101004 Abla 8tats Slqnacm & Advertisement Agency (ABS8AA) 17,058,220 6,000,000 23,058,220 11101005 Public Private) PartnaiSiiiii a mveoiiiioiii rltlliiOiiuiM Oi'iiuv 20,000,000 18,000,000 38.000.000 12003001 Abla State House of Assembly (The Legislature) 768,638,170 4,509,000,000 5,277,638,170 12004001 Abla State House of Assembly 8ervlce Commissions 20,000,000 150,000,000 170,000,000 21026001 Abla State University Teaching Hospital - Aba - • • 23001001 {Ministry of Information 190,052,950 8,000,000 196,052,950 23003001 Broadcasitog Corps railon ~ siais 291,997,180 81,500,000 ao,ogo , ooo 463,497,130 23013001 Government Printing Preaa 4,500,000 4,500,000 23065001 Abla State Printing & Publishing Corporation 72,069,900 6,000,000 78,069,900 25001001 Office of the Head of Service 85,000,000 60,450,000 145,450,000 25005001 Suraau of Training 37,665,900 10,000,000 4r ,0ttb,90U 25005002 Bureau of Common Scrvlcas & Ssrvics Monitoring 41,197,750 12,000,000 53,197,750 25005003 Bureau of Ssrvicsi Waif'are 65.001,390 10.000,000 50,000.000 125,001,390 Sub Total 3.101.147,530 14.378.300,000 6,140,000,080 23,819,447,590 LN A !m to Appropriate (hesmp_qt NU7,il9,6l7,116 only for the S c/ lic f/ie. e s w No. 1 of 2020 Government pfAbh; ?tfltg ofNiqerigJor the yea.' Ending3Ut day of DecenterJOjO, FIRST SCHEDULE BUDGET OF ABIA STATE Clr M?SSK1A, 2020 SUMMARY OF RECUftR^LiT liifl ENBiTU;i£ BY OKi£A.MI&*riOM Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated rotsi Code Coat Coot Revenue Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure 1 Administrative 25C05004 Bureau of Administration 111,468,157 10,000,000 121,468,157 Sector 25005005 Computer Training School (Confd) 25005007 Bureau of Establishments and r^itsiunss 87,111,430 14.000.000 101,111,430 25007001 Local Staff Pension;; Board 2.000,830 8.150.000 250,000,000.0 260,210,830 3S052001 Abia Stats Tourism Board 40001001 Office of the Auditor Genera* (Stats) 186,454,010 40.350.000 206,804,010 47C01001 Civil Service Commission 118,614,810 20.250.000 138,8B4,B10 48001001 Abia State iti&ependasii BtoeSe^ ««iinm is»ion 263,062,250 14.000.000 277,062,250 63001001 Office of the Auditor General (Local Government) 75,510,300 30,904,830 106,414,930 64001001 Local Government San/lcs Commission 30,405,730 5.100.000 35,505,730 65001001 Ministry of boundary Matters ana Conflict Kesoiutlon 18,563,140 25.000.000 43,563,140 66001001 Ministry of Establishment and Training 6,866,620 19730.000 26,596,620 68001001 Ministry of inter State Affairs 21,050,000 7.420.000 28,470,000 73001001 Ministry of Home Land Security r . 96.000,000 10.550.000 106,550,000 Sub Total 997,167,277 205.454,830 25C.008.000 1,452,521.S07 Total 4,098,314,867 14,783,784,830 6,390,000,000 25,272,039,497 \M A law to Appropriate the sum ofN137.419.617.116 only for the ser/ces o f the n No. lo f 2020 Government ofAhia State o f Nigeria for the year ending 31st day o f December. 2020. FIRST SCHEDULE BUDGET OF ABIA STATE OF NJ&£RIA, 2020 SUMMARY OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORvANMh :VFiON Sector Organisation Organisation Name Psrsonnei > «rarh»ad Corraclldstsd Total Coda Cost Cost ftavanua Fund Charges f.iirsriuiiUio 2 Economic M NM N Sector 15001001 Ministry of Agriculture 443,332,020 10,01)0,000 453,432,020 15102001 Abia Agricultural Devalop.viant Program (AADF) 408,710,340 3,845,000 412,555,340 15111001 Abia Golden Chicken Qkoko iism ■ 3,600,000 3,000,000 20001001 Ministry of Finance 257,025,310 30,000,000 287,025,310 20007001 Office of tna Accountant -sanaral 204,880,890 142,096,000 10,603,023,110 10,950,000,000 20008001 Board of Intarnoi Revenue 202,123,740 300,000,000 502,123,740 20009001 Abia State Gaming & Contra! Board - 4,850,000 4,350,000 220U1U01 Ministry of Trade and Investment 249,409,350 8,000,000 257,409,350 22005001 Metallurgical Complex 18,150,360 8,000,000 26,150,360 26001001 Ministry of Industry, Sclauea Teciinoiotjy 69,359,400 10,000,000 109,359,400 29001001 Ministry of Transport 76,489,250 8,650,000 85,139,250 29001002 Abia Mate Fire Servlcs 36,063,660 4,500,000 40,563,660 29007001 Abia State Passenger Integrated Manifest Sch.(ASPIMS) 30,200,000 4,000,000 34,200,000 29053001 Abia Transport Corporation (Abia Line Network) 168,787,570 25,200,000 193,987,570 29056001 Abia State Transport Loan Scheme - 3,000,000 3,000,000 29056003 Abia State Traffic and ind.