LAW NO. 1 OF 2019 ISA A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation o f the Sum o fMI4U.21I7.37I.290only fo r the Services o f the 'nwHo.t 012019 Government o f Abia State o fNigeria fo r the year ending 3 f December, 20/9 and fo r other relatedpurposes




General Provisions

Long Title Enactment

Sections Part I:______Preliminaries

1. Citation and Commencement 2. Interpretation

Part II: Issue of...... Appropriation...... ofTransfer from...... Expenditure of...... Appropriation...... of and No Issue after 31s1 December. 2019

3. Issue ofN 68,777,351,290

4. Appropriation o f {468,777,351,290

5. Transfer from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to Capital Development Fund of 5425,026,150,390

6. Expenditure of N71,430,020,000

7. Appropriation o f N71,430,020,000

8. No issue after 31“ December, 2019



LAW NO. 1 OF 2019


Long T itle A Law to make Provision for the Appropriation of the One Sum Hundred of and Forty Billion, Two Hundred and Seven Million, Three Hundred and Seventy-One Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety Naira40,207,371,290) (N=I only for the Services of the Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st Day of December, 2019 and for other related purposes. E n actm ent BE IT ENACTED by the Abia State House of Assembly of Nigeria as follows:

PABTI: PRELIMINARIES Citation and 1. This Law may be cited as the Abia State of Nigeria Appropriation Law, 2019 and shall be Commencement deemed to have come into force on the lsl day of January, 2019. Interpretation 2. In this Law, except the context otherwise requires; “Accountant General”means the Accountant-General of Abia State; “Governor”means ; and “State” means Abia State of Nigeria.


Issn e o f 3 . The Accountant General shall, when authorized to do so by Warrants signed by the Governor, N68,777,351,290 pay out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the State during the year ending 31s1 December, 2018 the sum ofSixty-Eight Billion, Seven Hundred and Seventy-seven Million, Three Hundred and Fifty-One Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninetyonly. Naira Appropriation of 4 The sum mentioned in Section 3 shall be appropriated to the Heads of Expenditure as indicated NG8,777,351,290 in the First Schedule to this Law.

Transfer from the 5. The Accountant-General shall, when authorized to do so by Warrants signed by the Governor, Consolidated Revenue transfer from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to the Capital Development Fund during the year Fund to Capital ending 31st December, 2019 any sum not exceeding the Twenty-five sum of Billion and Development Fund of Twenty-six Million, One Hundred and Fifty Naira, Three hundred and Ninetyonly. Naira #25,026,150,390

Expenditure of 6 . The Accountant-General shall, when authorized to do so by Warrants signed by the N71,430,020,000 Governor, pay out of the Capital Development Fund of the State, during the period of Is1 January, 2019 to 31st December, 2019, the sumSeventy-One of Billion Four Hundred and Thirty Million, Twenty Thousand Nairaonly. Appropriation of The sum mentioned in Section 6 shall be appropriated to the Heads of m i,430,020,000 Expenditure as indicated in the Second Schedule to this Law.

No issue after 3151 No part of the sums mentioned in Sections 3 and 6 shall be issued out of the December, 2019 Consolidated Revenue Fund or Capital Development Fund of the State after 31st December 2019. A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Governnment of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes

BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Nam e Personnel Overhead Consolidated Revenue T o tal Code Cost Cost Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure NNNN 01 Administrative Sector 11001001 Office of the Governor - Government House 2,591,262,550 9,500,000,000 12,091,262,550 11001002Office of the Deputy Governor - Government House 117,691,570 540,000,000 657,691,570 11018001Abia State Emergency Management Agency - 8,000,000 8,000,000 11008001 Bureau of Public Procurement (Due Process) 25,700,000 10,500,000 36,200,000 11010001 Office of the Secretary to the State Government 344,805,450 87,000,000 431,805,450 11013001Bureau of Political Affairs 19,302,500 15,000,000 34,302,500 11014001Bureau of Economic Affairs 19,619,010 4,000,000 23,619,010 11016001Executive Council Secretariate 18,078,010 7,350,000 25,428,010 11017001Bureau of Special Services 28,417,510 170,000,000 198,417,510 11018001Abia State Liaison Office, Lagos 36,695,740 22,500,000 59,195,740 11021001Abia State Liaison Office, Abuja 47,374,960 52,500,000 99,874,960 11021002Abia State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS 5,976,090 45,500,000 51,476,090 11033001 Abia State Pension Board - 5,000,000 5,500,000,000 5,505,000,000 11035001 Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board - 150,000,000 150,000,000 11037001 Muslim Pilglrims Welfare Board - 10,000,000 10,000,000 11037002Abia Physical Planning and Infrastructural Dev. Fund 35,500,000 3,850,000 39,350,000 11039001 Abia State Oil Prod.Areas Dev.Comm.(ASOPADEC) 175,000,000 70,000,000 245,000,000 11101001Abia State Marketing & Quality Management Agency - 3,100,000 3,100,000 11101003 Abia State Infrastructure Develop. Initiative (ASTIDI) - 10,750,000 10,750,000 11101004Abia State Sig. & Advertisement Agency (ABSSAA) 12,875,380 6,700,000 19,575,380 11101005Public Priv. Partnership & Invest. Promotions Office 35,069,140 24,050,000 59,119,140 12003001 Abia State House of Assembly (The Legislature) 595,476,900 1,804,900,000 2,400,376,900 12004001 Abia State House of Assembly Service Commissions 10,000,000 150,000,000 160,000,000 23001001Ministry of Information 194,059,410 5,000,000 199,059,410 23003001 Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State - Television 347,167,220 70,000,000 100,827,000 517,994,220 23004001Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State - Radio - - - 23013001 Government Printing Press --- 23055001Abia State Pinting & Publishing Corporation 72,202,810 6,941,700 79,144,510 25001001Office of the Head of Service 73,160,140 50,250,000 123,410,140 25005001Bureau of Training 37,700,180 14,500,000 52,200,180 25005002Bureau of Common Services & Service Monitoring 29,361,960 6,000,000 35,361,960 25005003Bureau of Service Welfare 74,725,160 8,000,000 50,000,000 132,725,160 25005004Bureau Administration 97,108,920 11,100,000 108,208,920 2 A.S.N. A Law to make Provisio n fo r the Appro priation o f the Sum o f N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services o f the Law No.1 o f 2019______Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated Revenue Total Code Cost Cost Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure NNNN 01 Administrative Sector 25005007Bureau of Establishments and Pensions 87,112,170 8,450,000 95,562,170 25007001Local Government Staff Pensions Board 2,060,830 5,500,000 350,000,000.0 357,560,830 40001001Office of the Auditor General (State) 145,713,720 14,900,000 160,613,720 47001001Civil Service Commission 118,655,590 33,050,000 151,705,590 48001001Abia State Independent Electoral Commission 265,209,530 7,400,000 272,609,530 63001001Office of the Auditor General (Local Government) 72,263,820 5,450,000 77,713,820 64001001Local Government Service Commission 8,659,930 5,100,000 13,759,930 65001001Ministry of Boundry Matters and Conflict Resolution 21,659,530 31,000,000 52,659,530 66001001Ministry of Establishment and Training 23,506,690 19,730,000 43,236,690 68001001Ministry of Inter State Affairs 22,993,340 7,600,000 30,593,340 Total = 5,812,165,760 13,010,671,700 6,000,827,000 24,823,664,460

3 4

A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation o f the Sum o f N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services o f the Law No.1 o f 2019______Government o f Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated T o ta l Code Cost Cost evenue Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure NNNN 02 Economic 15001001 Ministry of Agriculture 244,031,590 13,247,000 257,278,590 Sector 15102001 Abia Agricultural Development Program (AADP) 408,035,150 11,345,400 419,380,550 15111001 Abia Golden Chicken Okoko Item - 2,300,000 2,300,000 20001001 Ministry of Finance 147,523,670 35,150,000 182,673,670 20007001 Office of the Accountant -General 255,492,180 278,896,010 11,028,500,000 11,562,888,190 20008001 Board of Internal Revenue 271,879,730 359,200,000 631,079,730 20009001 Abia State Gaming & Control Board - 4,000,000 4,000,000 22001001 Ministry of Trade and Investment 26,901,040 7,730,000 34,631,040 22005001 Metallurgical Complex 19,639,090 10,450,000 30,089,090 28001001 Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology 57,893,250 15,000,000 72,893,250 29001001 Ministry of Transport 82,618,600 8,500,000 91,118,600 29001002 Abia State Fire Services 30,000,000 5,000,000 35,000,000 29007001 Abia State Passenger Integ. Manifest Sch.(ASPIMS) 34,200,000 3,650,000 37,850,000 29053001 Abia Transport Corporation (Abia Line Network) 168,787,570 26,445,200 195,232,770 29056001 Abia State Transport Loan Scheme - 3,750,000 3,750,000 29056002 Abia State Trafic Management Agency 78,648,000 4,650,000 83,298,000 31001001 Minisitry of Enegy and Mineral Resources 34,506,850 8,001,680 42,508,530 32001001 Ministry of 54,678,390 8,200,000 62,878,390 34001001 Ministry of Works 138,358,310 14,600,000 152,958,310 34004001 Abia State Road Maintenance Agency (ABROMA) 50,400,000 6,950,000 57,350,000 36001001 Ministry of Toursim Arts and Culture 15,363,000 16,920,000 32,283,000 36004001 Abia State Council for Arts and Culture 61,008,790 7,250,000 68,258,790 36052001 Abia State Tourism Board 10,002,820 4,080,000 14,082,820 38001001 Abia State Planning Commission 141,804,850 73,061,160 214,866,010 38004001 Abia State Bureau of Statistics 106,360,130 16,750,000 123,110,130 38005001 Abia State Community and Social Develop. Agency 75,900,000 21,350,000 97,250,000 38005001 Abia State Social Safety Net Prog. (YESSO/SOCU) 10,200,000 5,600,000 15,800,000 52001001 Ministry of Public Utilities and Water Resources 435,049,280 98,550,000 533,599,280 52102001 Abia State Water Board 102,875,100 44,850,000 147,725,100 52103001 Abia State Rural Water Sanitation Agency 26,817,350 4,048,130 30,865,480 53001001 Ministry of Housing 108,145,500 117,100,000 225,245,500 53100001 Abia State Housing and Property Corporation 47,003,450 18,775,000 65,778,450 53056001 Capital Development Authority (UCDA) 34,485,610 20,348,000 54,833,610 54001001 Min. of Economic Planning and Poverty Reduction 182,836,930 7,600,000 190,436,930 54001001 Ministry of Lands and Survey 260,446,170 24,800,000 285,246,170 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision for the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Sewices of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes

BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated Revenue Total Code Cost Cost Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure N N NN 02 Economic Sector

54001002 Abia State Estate Development Agency 62,453,970 65,900,000 128,353,970 62001002 Open Spaces Development Commission 8,809,710 3.750.000 12,559,710 71001001 Ministry of Industry 26,514,250 8.150.000 34,664,250 72001001 Ministry of Small & Medium Enterprise Development 30,417,590 8.400.000 38,817,590

Total = 3,850,087,920 1,394,347,580 11,028,500,000 16,272,935,500

5 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation o f the Sum o f M140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services o f the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government o f Abia State o f Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes

DRAFT ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated Total Code Cost Cost evenue Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure N N NN o w 3 a & J s t u L ice Sector

18011001 Judicial Service Commission 78,649,650 8.300.000 86,949,650 26001001 Ministry of Justice 271,966,860 119.100.000 391,066,860 26002001 Abia State Law Review and Reform Commission 10,206,420 5.500.000 15,706,420 26003001 Legal Aid Council 26051001 Judiciary - High Court 1,051,127,940 170.900.000 1,222,027,940 26052001 Judiciary - Customary Court of Appeal 1,303,693,000 78,600,000 1,382,293,000 Total= 2,715,643,870 382,400,000 3,098,043,870

6 7 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision for the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only for the Sewices of the Law No.1 o f 2019______Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED RECURRENT EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION FIRST SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated Total Code Cost Cost evenue Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure N NNN 05 Social Sector - 13001001 Ministry of Youth Development 157,816,570 7,000,000 164,816,570 14001001 Ministry of Women Affairs 96,335,610 64,900,000 161,235,610 14002001 Skill Acquisition Centre - 1,500,000 1,500,000 17001001 Ministry of Education 611,014,600 47,250,000 658,264,600 17003001 Abia State Universal Basic Edu. Boaord (ASUBEB) 364,485,670 18,650,000 383,135,670 17008001 Abia State Library Board 87,248,040 10,600,000 97,848,040 17008002 E - Library - 10,400,000 10,400,000 17010001 Agency for Mass Literacy Adult & Non-Formal Edu. 4,946,250 23,600,000 28,546,250 17018001 Abia State Polytechnic, Aba 2,066,351,510 540,400,000 95,000,000 2,701,751,510 17021001 Abia State College of Edu. (Technical ) 156,249,800 99,362,700 255,612,500 17051001 , Uturu 3,663,438,580 1,522,500,000 270,000,000 5,455,938,580 17056001 Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) 4,849,864,570 106,050,000 4,955,914,570 21001001 Abia State Examination Development Commission 63,366,320 85,000,000 148,366,320 21002001 Ministry of Health 1,342,933,620 18,900,000 1,361,833,620 21002001 Abia State Health Insurance Agency - 7,500,000 7,500,000 21003001 Abia State Primary Health Care Management Agency 22,266,270 14,850,000 37,116,270 21026001 Abia State University Teaching Hospital - Aba 2,200,563,750 196,400,000 2,396,963,750 21026002 Abia State Coll.of Health, Scien. & Mangt. Tech. Aba 312,568,800 70,800,000 383,368,800 21027010 Abia State Specialist Hosp. & Diagn. Centre,Umuahia 156,972,770 58,150,000 215,122,770 21102001 Abia State Hospital Management Board 1,334,434,940 59,900,000 1,394,334,940 35001001 Ministry of Environment 235,045,110 51,200,000 286,245,110 35016001 Aba State Environment Protection Agency (ASEPA) 242,627,730 23,900,000 266,527,730 39001001 Ministry of Sports 71,521,680 10,400,000 81,921,680 39002001 Enyimba Football Club 1,000,000,000 502,000,000 1,502,000,000 39002002 Abia State Warriors Club 400,000,000 349,000,000 749,000,000 39002003 Abia State Comets Football Club 170,000,000 40,000,000 210,000,000 39051001 Abia State Sports Council 296,926,050 13,000,000 309,926,050 39051002 Youth Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON) 18,000,000 6,000,000 24,000,000 39051003 Abia Angels Football Club 120,000,000 23,300,000 143,300,000 51001001 Ministry of Local Government & Chieftaincy Affairs 99,935,810 14,900,000 114,835,810 69001001 Ministry of Strategy & Social Development 37,689,120 10,150,000 47,839,120 70001001 Ministry of Special Duties (Vulnerable Groups) 20,391,590 7,150,000 27,541,590

Total= 20,202,994,760 4,014,712,700 365,000,000 24,582,707,460 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services o f the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes


Sector Organisation Organisation Name Personnel Overhead Consolidated T o ta l Code Cost Cost tevenue Fund Charges Recurrent Expenditure N NNN


Personnel Cost 32,580,892,310 Over head Cost 18,802,131,980 CRFC 17,394,327,000 Total Recurrent Expenditure 68,777,351,290

8 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes

BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ASIA STATE OF NIGERIA , 2 0 1 9 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION SECOND SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Budget Code 2019 N 01 Administrative Sector 11001001 Office of the Governor - Government House 1,913,000,000 11001002 Office of the Deputy Governor - Government House 240,000,000 11018001 Abia State Emergency Management Agency 23,000,000 11008001 Bureau of Public Procurement (Due Process) 20,000,000 11010001 Office of the Secretary to the State Government 15,000,000 11013001 Bureau of Political Affairs 9,000,000 11014001 Bureau of Economic Affairs 6,000,000 11016001 Executive Council Secretariate 2,000,000 11017001 Bureau of Special Services 8,000,000 11021001 Abia State Liaison Office, Abuja 13,000,000 11021002 Abia State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS 180,000,000 11033001 Abia State Pensions Board 2,000,000 11035001 Christian Pilgrims Welfare Board 5,000,000 11039001 Abia State Oil Producing Areas Dev. Comm.(ASOPADEC) 2,040,000,000 11101001 Abia State Marketing & Quality Management Agency 3,500,000 11101003 Abia State Infrastructure Development Initiative (ASTIDI) 250,000,000 11101004 Abia State Signage & Advertisement Agency (ABSSAA) 7,000,000 11101005 Public Private Partnership & Investment Promotions Office 5,000,000 12003001 Abia State House of Assembly (The Legislature) 875,000,000 23001001 Ministry of Information 91,000,000 23004001 Broadcasting Corporation of Abia State - Radio 400,000,000 23055001 Abia State Pinting & Publishing Corporation 50,000,000 25001001 Office of the Head of Service 109,000,000

9 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services o f the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes


25005001 Bureau of Training 5.000.000 25005002 Bureau of Common Services & Service Monitoring 3.000.000 25005003 Bureau of Service Welfare 5.000.000 25005004 Bureau Administration 4.600.000 25005007 Bureau of Establishments and Pensions 4.800.000 25007001 Local Government Staff Pensions Board 15.000.000 36052001 Abia State Tourism Board 60,800,000 40001001 Office of the Auditor General (State) 27.000.000 47001001 Civil Service Commission 8.000.000 48001001 Abia State Independent Electoral Commission 710.000.000 63001001 Office of the Auditor General (Local Government) 4.000.000 64001001 Local Government Service Commission 128.000.000 65001001 Ministry of Boundry Matters and Conflict Resolution 48.000.000 68001001 Ministry of Inter State Affairs______4.000.000 Sub Total 7,293,700,000

10 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207/371,290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes

BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION SECOND SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Budget Code 2019 02 Economic Sector 15001001 Ministry of Agriculture 1,573,000,000 15102001 Abia Agricultural Development Program (AADP) 45,000,000 20001001 Ministry of Finance 152,500,000 20007001 Office of the Accountant -General 127,000,000 20008001 Board of Internal Revenue 97,000,000 22001001 Ministry of Trade and Investment 490,800,000 22005001 Metallurgical Complex 20,000,000 28001001 Ministry of Science and Technology 120,000,000 29001001 Ministry of Transport 60,500,000 29001002 Abia State Fire Service 120,000,000 29007001 Abia State Passenger Integrated Manifest Scheme (ASPIMS 88,000,000 29053001 Abia Transport Corporation (Abia Line Network) 180,000,000 29056003 Abia State Trafic and Indicipline Management Agency (TIMA 24,000,000 31001001 Minisitry of Enegy and Mineral Resources 650,000,000 32001001 Ministry of Petroleum 24,000,000 34001001 Ministry of Works 20,200,000,000 34004001 Abia State Road Maintenance Agency (ABROMA) 400,000,000 36001001 Ministry of Toursim, Arts and Culture 52,000,000 36004001 Abia State Council for Arts and Culture 15,000,000 38001001 Abia State Planning Commission 11,967,620,000 38004001 Abia State Bureau of Statistics 20,000,000 38005001 Abia State Community and Social Development Agency 400,000,000 38005001 Abia State Social Safety Net Programme (YESSO/SOCU) 62,000,000 52001001 Ministry of Public Utilities and Water Resources 1,290,000,000 52102001 Abia State Water Board 3,822,000,000 11 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government o f Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes


02 Economic Sector

52103001 Abia State Rural Water Sanitation Agency 50,000,000 53001001 Ministry of Housing 1,400,000,000 53100001 Abia State Housing and Property Corporation 600,000,000 53056001 Umuahia Capital Development Authority (UCDA) 50,000,000 54001001 Ministry of Economic Planning and Poverty Reduction 80,000,000 54,001,001 Ministry of Lands and Survey 2,130,000,000 54,001,002 Abia State Estate Development Agency 100,000,000 62,001,002 Open Spaces Development Commission 3,000,000 71,001,001 Ministry of Industry 166,000,000 72,001,001 Ministry of Small & Medium Enterprise Development 45,500,000 Sub Total = 46,624,920,000

12 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140/207/371/290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes


03 Law &Justice Sector

18,011,001 Judicial Service Commission 2.500.000 26,001,001 Ministry of Justice 20,000,000 26,002,001 Abia State Law Review and Reform Commission 7.500.000 26.003.001 Legal Aid Council 26.051.001 Judiciary - High Court 511.000.000 26.052.001 Judiciary - Customary Court of Appeal 142.000.000 Sub Total = 683,000,000

13 14

A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140,207,371,290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes BUDGET ESTIMATES OF ABIA STATE OF NIGERIA, 2019 SUMMARY OF BUDGETED CAPITAL EXPENDITURE BY ORGANISATION ------SECOND SCHEDULE Sector Organisation Organisation Name Budget Code 2019 05 Social Sector 13001001 Ministry of Youth Development 40,000,000 14001001 Ministry of Women Affairs 110,000,000 14002001 Skill Acquisition Centre - 17001001 Ministry of Education 5,200,000,000 17003001 Abia State Universal Basic Education Board (ASUBEB) 200,000,000 17008001 Abia State Library Board 209,400,000 17010001 Agency for Mass Literacy Adult & Non-Formal Education 50,000,000 17018001 Abia State Polytechnic, Aba 1,000,000,000 17021001 Abia State College of Education (Technical ), Arochukwu 230,000,000 17051001 Abia State University, Uturu 2,000,000,000 17056001 Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) 40,000,000 21001001 Abia State Examinations Development Commission 250,000,000 21002001 Ministry of Health 2,210,000,000 21002001 Abia State Health Insurance Agency 78,000,000 21003001 Abia State Primary Health Care Management Agency 950,000,000 21026001 Abia State University Teaching Hospital - Aba 750,000,000 21026002 Abia State College of Health, Science & Mangt.Tech.Aba 310,000,000 21027010 Abia State Specialist Hospital & Diagn. Centre,Umuahia 270,000,000 21102001 Abia State Hospitals Management Board 100,000,000 35001001 Ministry of Environment 2,200,000,000 35016001 Aba State Environment Protection Agency (ASEPA) 335,000,000 39001001 Ministry of Sports 200,000,000 51001001 Ministry of Local Government & Chieftaincy Affairs 25,000,000 69001001 Ministry of Strategy & Social Development 55,000,000 70001001 Ministry of Special Duties (Vulnerable Groups) 16,000,000 Total = 16,828,400,000 Grand Total = 71,430,020,000 A.S.N. A Law to make Provision fo r the Appropriation of the Sum of N140/207/371/290 only fo r the Services of the Law No.1 o f 2019 Government of Abia State of Nigeria for the year ending 31st December, 2019 and for other related purposes



CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 71,430,020,000 TOTAL 140,207,371,290

TOTAL BUDGET = N140,207,371,290


4 S .fi 4 Law to make P rovision fo r the A ppropriation o f the Sum o f#140.207.371290only fo r the S ervices o f the Law No ! o !2019 Government o f4bia S tate o fNigeria fo r th e year ending 3 f December. 2019and fo r o th e r re la te dpurposes


This Law to which the Governor has by a letter Reference...... No dated the ...... day o...... f ,2019 signified the Withholding of his Assent, has again been passed by the Abia State House of Assembly by a two-third majority...... this day of ...... ,2019.

fOHNPEDRO NNAMD1 IROKANSI (KSJI) Clerk of the House of Assem bly Abia State of Nigeria

DATED a! Umuahia this...... day o...... f ,2019


Assented to on th...... e day o f ...... ,2019


Passed by the Abia State House of Assembly by a two-third majority ...... th is day of ...... 2019

This printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has been passed by the Abia State House of Assembly and found by me a true and correctly printed copy of the Bill.

JOHNPEDRO NNAMDI IROKANSI (KSII) Clerk of the House of Assem bly Abia State of Nigeria

Dated day of 2019