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.DTIC 0 :-i ~ •t AD-A238~ ~~II~lllll M039 lia JUL 0 1991 IDOFAA/CT-a8/8-1 Aircraft Icing Handbook FAA Technical Center Atlantic City International Airport Volume 1 of 3 N.J. 08405 .. 1 0 March 1991 This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 "FederalU.S. Department .""ation ofAdmi Transportation fl191-03901I i!nistration IIi i I 0 .i Ii _ _ _[------- - NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U. S. Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof. The United States Government does not endorse products or wanuf• cturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the objective of this report. 0 IV• • Technical Report Documentation Pagle 1. Repart No. Government Access*un No. 3. Recip~ent's Catalog NM. DOT/FAA/CT-88/8- I 4. Title end Subtitle 5. R ep ote March 1991 Aircraft Icing Handbook - 6. Performing Organisation Code Volume i of 3 .. .. | ~~.vPrormingl Organisaetion Report No. 7. "v""',A. Heinrich, R. Ross, G. Zumwalt, J. Provorse, DOT/FAA/CT,88/8-l V. Padmanabhan, J. Thompson, J. Riley 9. Performing Orgoeniutian Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) Gates Learjet Corporation 11. ContracG, No. 8220 W. Harry DTFA03_85_C_09QQ7 T Wichita, KS 67277 13. ype of Report and Period Cowered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Final Report Department of Transportation February 1985-March 1991 Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center 14. Ssaio Agency Code Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405 ACD 230 15. Supplementary Notes FAA Technical Monitor, E. E. Schlatter Flight Safety Research Branch ACD 230 16. Abs tract "-- The design and validation of adequate aircraft ice protection has evolved into a specialized and technically complex area where many engineering disciplines are involved; namely, aeronautical, electrical, mechanical, electronics, chemical simulations, mathematical modeliDg, airframe/engine systems design, atmospheric physics, and meteorology. Research advances in any one discipline have a direct effect on updating the procedural technology used in the design and validatiow of ice protection configurations, equipment, and systems. Periodically the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides documentation to assist regulatory certification teams and industry design engineers in standardizing testing and validating procedures. Examples of such documentation are "Engineering Summary of Airframe Icing Technical Data," FAA Report No. ADS-4 dated December 1968, and 'TEngineering Summary of Powerplant Icing Technical Data," FAA Report No. RD-77-76 dated July 1977. Although most of the information contained in these reports is stiil valid, some is outdated, and more usable information is now available through recent research and experience. Therefore, this work was directed towards developing an updated and more comprehensive combined version of Report ADS-4 and RD-77-76 that includes reference material on ground and airborne icing facilities, simulation procedures, and analytical techniques. This document represents all types and classes of aircraft and is intended as a working tool for the designer and analyst of ice protection systems. (.• I17. Kay Wards II. Distribution Stotement Aircraft Icing Ice Protectioni Document is available to the U. S. public Atmospheric Icing t Icing Certificationj through National Technical Information Icing Measurements, •- De Icing - :J.41 Service, Springfield, Virginia. Anti-Icing lelicopterIT_ Icing, I* 5#rliy Clessil (o( this report) 20. Socuri#Y Classif. (af this sage) 21. No. of Polges 22. Price Unclassified. I Unclassified. :3 86 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page auborlzed 'I PREFACE This document, FAA Technical Report No. DOT/FAA/CT-88/8, produced in three volumes, is the final report of a program conducted by the Gates Learjet Corporation of Wichita, Kansas, to develop an updated comprehensive multi-volume engineering handbook on aircraft icing. he work effort was directed towards producing a combined version of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Reports Number ADS-4 (airframe icing) and RD-77-76 (engine icing), which would include reference material on ground and airborne icing facilities, simulation procedures, and analytical techniques and represent all types and classes of aircraft. The program was sponsored by the FAA Aircraft Icing Program, Flight Safety Research Branch, at the FAA Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. Mr. Ernest Schlatter, Research Meteorologist, was the Technical Monitor for the FAA Technical Center. Dr. James T. Riley and Mr. Charles 0. Masters of the FAA's Aircraft Icing Program were instrumental in the completion of this document following the retirement of Mr. Schlatter. Work was performed under the coordination of Mr. A.M. Heinrich, Project Director. Technical support was provided by Mr. Rihrd FRoss of Ross Aviation Associates, Sedgwick, Kansas; Dr. Glen Zumwalt of Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas; Mi. John Provorse of Cedar Hill Industries, El Dorado, Kansas; and Dr. VYiwa Pad manabhan of the Gates Learjet Corporation. Additional subcontractor contribution to the handbook was provided by the following companies * and academic institutions: Aeromet, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma A; Beech Aircraft Corporation, Wichita, Kansas Boeing Vertol Company, Ridley Park, Pennsylvania 0.!' ?,. Douglas Aircraft Company, Long Beach, California '"' Li Ideal Research, Inc., Rockville, Maryland - . Kohiman Aviation, Lawrence, Kansas Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio - -t --- .I t-r 1-- I.Q,,-t /e .. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Group, East Hartford, Connecticut Av-iva1.l / Rosemount Inc., Burnsville, Minnesota Didst Speal Rohr Aircraft Industries, Inc., Chula Vista, California Sikorsky Aircraft Company, Stratford, Connecticut RA Sverdrup Technology, Inc., Tullahoma, Tennessee Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas An additional contractor contribution to the handbook was provided by Mr. James Thompson of Thompson Enterprises, Arlington, Virginia. Appreciation is gratefully extended for the assistance and material provided by personnel of the B.F. Goodrich Company, Akron, Ohio; Fluidyne Engineering Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota; National Research Council (NRC), Ottawa, Canada; NASA Lewis Research Center, - iii "fi" Cleveland, Ohio; U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Hanover, New Hampshire; Mount Washington Observatory, Gorham, New Hampshire; Leigh Instrument Company, Ontario, Canada; and McKinley Climatic Laboratory, Eglin AFB, Florida. Technical review was provided by the FAA's Aircraft Icing National Resource Specialist in Washington, D.C.; personnel in the four FAA Aircraft Certification Directorates (Boston, Massachusetts; Ft. Woi in, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; and Seattle, Washington); personnel at the NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C.; and members of the Society of Automotive Engineers Aircraft Icing Technology Subcommittee AC-9C. iv 0 IN-FRODIUCTION The formailon of ice on aircraft has been a concern since the early days of aviation. There are three basic forns et' ice accumulation on aircraft: rime ice, glaze (clear) ice, and frost. Mixtures of rime and glaze ice are common. Ice on the airframe decreases lift and increases weight, drag, and Ai~ stalling speed. in addition, the accumulation of ice on the exterior moveable surfaces affects the control of the aircraft. If ice begins to formu on the blades of a propeller or helicopter rotor, its propulsion efficiency is decreased and further power is demanded of the engine to maintain flight. The overall effect on the aircraft is loss of aerodynamic efficiency, engine power, proper control I surface operation, brake and landing gear operation, outside vision, proper flight instrument t j indications, and, in the extreme, loss olý radio communication due to antenna shielding or damage. Certain area3 of the aircraft's outer surfaces, sometimes even critical surfaces, may be damaged when impacted by shed ice. Engine ingestion of the shed ice and subsequent damage or engine failure is another cause for concern. Early aircraft were often forced down due to ice accretion on wings, * empennage, and propellers. If the aircraft was unuamaged, the ice was cleared and the aircraft continued on its flight. Eventually, pneumnaltic -boot de-icers were developed followed by fluid, hot air and electric ice p.rotection systems. Both the number of instrument rated pilots and the number 2 ~of rotorcraft and general aviation aircraft equipped for flight into icing environmients have increased dramatically in recent years. Transport category and corporate aircraft are continually advancing in aerodynamic designs and striving for more fuel efficient engines and propellers. As the requirements change, so do the requirements for modifying contemporary ice protectioc systems. Therefore, to improve and optimize ice protection capabilities, there is a need for research and development of de-icing/ anti-icing systems and analysis procedures. Present research is concentrating in the areas of electro- impulse, improved pneumatics, electro-thermal, fluid freezing point depressant, mnicrowave, and icephobic ice protection systems. The design and successful certification of these systems depend