MAPPING OF SANDŽAK Sandžak in the Regional Context: Maping Influences and Proposing Solutions for Improvement of the Socio-Political Development in Sandžak FONDACIJA ZA OTVORENO DRUŠTVO, SRBIJA OPEN SOCIETY FOUNDATION, SERBIA Belgrade, January 2018 MAPPING OF SANDŽAK Sandžak in the Regional Context: Mapping Influences and Proposing Solutions for Improvement of Socio-Political Development in Sandžak Belgrade, January 2018 Kraljice Natalije 45/VII 11000 Belgrade, Serbia +381 11 36 20 804
[email protected] • The policy paper: Mapping of Sandžak is one of the outputs of the project: “Sandžak in a Regional Context - Mapping Influences and Proposing Solutions for Improvement of the Socio-Political Development in Sandžak”, supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Serbia. This policy paper is based, among other sources, on the findings of research conducted within the project: “Analysis of the Attitudes of Minority Policy Stakeholders in the Republic of Serbia”, supported by the Open Society Foundation. The views expressed in this policy paper are those of the authors. FORUM CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд Year 8, issue nr. 4 323.1 Publisher Forum za etničke odnose, Beograd FORUM : the magazine of FER / editor in chief Nenad Đurđević. - Year 1, iss. 1 Editor in chief (2002)-year 2, iss. 4 (2003) ; 2013, no. 1- Dušan Janjić, PhD . - Belgrade : Forum for Ethnic Relations, 2002-2003; 2013- (Belgrade : Dosije studio). Translation - 30 cm Agencija TOUCH TWO Povremeno. - Ima izdanje na drugom jeziku: Prepress Forum (Forum za etničke odnose) = ISSN Atelje, Beograd 2335-0490 ISSN 1451-6357 = Forum - Forum for Ethnic Printing Relations Dosije studio, Beograd COBISS.SR-ID 25690639 Published periodically Contents Introductory remarks ..........................................................5 I) SANDŽAK: REALITY AND MYTH ...................................................................7 1.