Sotavangit Ja Internoidut. Kansallisarkiston Artikkelikirja. Prisoners of War and Internees. a Book of Articles By

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Sotavangit Ja Internoidut. Kansallisarkiston Artikkelikirja. Prisoners of War and Internees. a Book of Articles By ja SOTAVANGIT INTERNOIDUT Tämä Kansallisarkiston julkaisema artikkeliko- koelma käsittelee sotavankeja ja internoituja pää- asiassa toisen maailmansodan aikana. Viisitoista tutkijaa Suomesta, Norjasta, Saksasta, Puolasta ja Venäjältä tarkastelevat eri aspekteja liittyen so- SOTAVANGIT tavankien ja internoitujen vangitsemiseen, koh- ja teluun, etniseen taustaan ja palautuksiin. INTERNOIDUT This collection of articles, published by the Prisoners of War and Internees Finnish National Archives, deals with issues relating to Prisoners-of-War and internees primarily during World War II. Fifteen scholars from Finland, Norway, Germany, Poland, and Russia examine different aspects of the capture, ISBN 978-951-53-3139-7 treatment, ethnic backgrounds and repatriation of POWs and internees. 9 789515 331397 Lars Westerlund (toim.) SOTAVANGIT JA INTERNOIDUT Kansallisarkiston artikkelikirja Lars Westerlund (toim.) Prisoners of War and Internees A Book of Articles by the National Archives Lars Westerlund (ed.) Lukijalle – To the reader……………………...………………………………..5 SOTAVANKEUS PRISONERS OF WAR Prisoners of war in Finland in WWII……………...………………………….8 Lars Westerlund Soviet soldiers KIA and MIA in the war against Germany and her allies, 1941–1945………………………………20 Lars Westerlund – Sergey Ilenkov Suomi ja Stalinin venäläiset vastustajat: toisen maailmansodan tuntemattomat tapaukset……………………….44 Kirill Aleksandrov SAKSALAISTEN SOTAVANKILEIRIT POHJOISESSA GERMAN POW CAMPS IN THE NORTH Soviet Prisoners of War on the German Lapland Front, 1941–1944…………………………………….64 Reinhard Otto Sotavankileirit Suomessa ja Norjassa…………………………………...114 Vasili Hristoforov Saksalaisten neuvostosotavankileirit Karjalan pohjoisosissa ja Pohjois-Suomessa vuosina 1941–1944………...…..123 Einar Laidinen SOTAVANKIEN KOHTELU THE TREATMENT OF POWS Behandling etter tjenestegrad og etnisitet blant krigsfanger på østfronten og i Norge 1941–1945.......................140 Marianne Neerland Soleim Jugoslaviske fanger i Norge under andre verdenskrig.......................166 Trond Risto Nilssen Neuvostoliittolaiset juutalaissotavangit Romaniassa ja Suomessa………………………....182 Pavel Poljan Kaukasialaisten sotavankien luovutukset Suomesta vv. 1943–1944…………………………………....198 Frank Nesemann Talvi- ja jatkosodan lentäjävangit…………………………………………211 Carl-Fredrik Geust Sotavangit kertoivat Neuvostoliiton sähköverkosta ja sotapotentiaalista – suunnitteliko Saksa Suomen tukemia hyökkäyksiä Neuvostoliiton vesivoimaloihin ja GULAG:in leireihin?......................269 Carl-Fredrik Geust The mass death of Soviet Prisoners of War in Finland and the negligence of the Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian Red Crosses………………………..291 Lars Westerlund INTERNOITUJA INTERNEES Internment and deportation in WWI and WWII. A comparative study with a special survey of the situation in Finland……………………………….352 Lars Westerlund Valkea kotka, avoin lintuhäkki: Ruukin leirin internoidut puolalaiset sotilaat 1940–1941…………………….…398 Jussi Jalonen Polske OT-arbeidere i Finland under den andre verdenskrig...................................................415 Emilia Denkiewicz-Szczepaniak Suomalaisten merimiesten internoinnit toisen maailmansodan aikana……………………………...430 Sven-Erik Nylund NEUVOSTOLIITTOON PALAUTETTUJA REPATRIATES TO THE SOVIET UNION Repatrieringen av sovjetiske krigsfanger fra Norge............................515 Marianne Neerland Soleim Kenraali Kirpitšnikovin sotavankeus ja paluu Neuvostoliittoon………………………………….543 Vasili Hristoforov Kenraalimajuri Severin Tsezarevitš Dobrovlski………………………..556 Petr Bazanov Painopaikka: Oy Nord Print Ab, Helsinki 2008 Kannen suunnittelu: Heigo Anto Lukijalle Suomi, sotavangit ja ihmisluovutukset 1939–1955 –projektin puitteissa luotiin useita kontakteja etenkin saksalaisiin, norjalaisiin ja venäläisiin tutkijoihin. Hankkeen ympärille kehittyi vähitellen kansainvälinen verkosto, joka oli suurena apuna tutkimuksessa ja arkistotyössä eri maissa ja joka auttoi luomaan yhteyksiä muihin tutkijoihin. Vuonna 2005 todettiin, että projekti voisi tarjota verkostoon kuuluville tutkijoille mahdollisuuden julkaista artikkeleita sotavangeista ja internoiduista Kansallisarkiston julkaisemassa artikkelikirjassa; näin tämä kirja sai alkunsa. Kirja sisältää kuusi alun perin venäjäksi kirjoitettua artikkelia, jotka on käännetty suomeksi. Artikkeleista viisi on englanniksi ja neljä norjaksi. Alkujaan viisi artikkeleista on kirjoitettu suomeksi, mutta mukaan luettuna kuusi suomennettua venäläistä tekstiä suomenkielisten artikkeleiden osuus on nyt yksitoista. Yksi artikkeli on alun perin saksankielinen, mutta se on käännetty englanniksi. Suomea tai norjaa taitamattomia lukijoita varten on laadittu englanninkieliset tiivistelmät suomen- ja norjankielisistä artikkeleista. Lisäksi norjankielisistä artikkeleista on myös suomenkieliset tiivistelmät. Haluan kiittää kirjoittajia heidän ponnistuksistaan ja halukkuudestaan ottaa osaa tämän kirjan kirjoittamiseen. Helsingissä lokakuussa 2008 Lars Westerlund tutkimusjohtaja To the reader In carrying out the Research Project “Prisoners of War and People Handed Over in Finland in 1939-55”, we established many contacts particularly with German, Norwegian, and Russian scholars. An international network gradually developed around the project, a network that was a great aid to the project in terms of the information on the contents of research and archives in their respective countries, and the further contacts that these scholars helped us to establish among other researchers. In 2005, we saw that the Project could, in a collection of articles by the Finnish National Archives, provide an opportunity for the scholars belonging to the network to publish articles on POWs and internees; this is how the twenty articles of this book were gathered. The book itself contains six articles that were originally written 5 in Russian, but have been translated by the Project into Finnish. Five articles are in English, and four in Norwegian. Originally, there were five articles written in Finnish, but as six Russian articles have been translated into Finnish, the total number of Finnish articles in the book is now eleven. One of the articles was written in German, but has been translated into English. We have, to make it possible for English-speaking readers without knowledge of Finnish or Norwegian to get an overall picture of the contents of the book, provided English summaries of the Finnish and Norwegian articles. Furthermore, there are also Finnish summaries of the Norwegian articles. I would like to thank the authors of the articles for their efforts, and for their willingness to take part in writing this book. Helsinki, October 2008 Lars Westerlund Research Director 6 SOTAVANKEUS PRISONERS OF WAR 7 Prisoners of War in Finland in WW II An Introduction Lars Westerlund Finland waged three separate wars in WW II: the defensive Winter War against the Soviet Union in 1939-40, the offensive Continuation War likewise against the Soviet Union in 1941-44, and finally, the Lapland War to drive the German AOK 20 out of Finland in the fall of 1944. In the course of these wars Finland captured altogether some 70,000 Soviet and approximately 2,500 German POWs, and interned approximately 26,000 Soviet civilians in concentration and relocation camps, primarily in occupied East Karelia. The research project ‘Deaths among prisoners of war in Finland and among people handed over to foreign authorities, 1939–55’ The National Archives founded in 2004 the research project `Deaths among prisoners of war in Finland and among people handed over to foreign authorities, 1939–55´. The aim of this project is to clarify the circumstances of the war-time deaths of POWs in the camps, among the people handed over and exchanged between the Finnish and German authorities during the war, as well as to examine the post-war repatriation, transfer, and return of Soviet and German POWs and Soviet citizens to the Soviet Union. The project has used as data large archive collections of primarily Finnish, Russian, Estonian, and German war-time and post-war documents. In September 2007, the project published the personal prisoner cards of 23,681 deceased persons on the internet at War-time mortality among the captives War time mortality among the captives was as follows: Captives Deceased (n) Death rate (%) Soviet POWs in the Winter War (5,700) 135 2,4 Soviet POWs in the Continuation War (64, 400) 19,085 29,6 Civil internees in the East Karelian camps (24,000) 4,361 18,2 Internees in the Miehikkälä camp (1,970) 138 7,0 German POWs in the Lapland War (2,500) 44 1,8 Total 23,681 24,0 The death rates among POWs in the Winter- and Lapland Wars were low, and most of the deceased soldiers were either seriously wounded or sick. 8 During the Continuation War, a disaster took place on the POW camps, with rampant mass mortality among POWs from December 1941 to September 1942. In ten months 16,136 Soviet POWs died, representing 85 % of the total amount of deceased POWs. Although many individual causes of death were registered, the bulk of POWs died due to bad camp conditions and the poor basic supply of food, shelter, clothing, and health care. About a thousand POWs, representing approximately 5 % of the deceased, were shot, primarily in escape attempts. A minor part of these cases were actually homicides, and probably several thousand POWs were maltreated in one way or another. The camp commanders had the right to flog POWs as punishment for offences, and indeed thousands of POWs were publicly flogged. Numerous POWs were publicly
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