Refer to: Becker CE, Tong TG, Boerner U, et al: Diagnosis and treatment of phalloides-type mushroom poison- ing-Use of thioctic acid. West J Med 125:100-109, Aug 1976 Diagnosis and Treatment of -Type Mushroom Poisoning Use of Thioctic Acid


The number of cases of mushroom poisoning is increasing as a result of the increasing popularity of "wild" mushroom consumption. Amanitin and phal- loidin cytotoxins found in some Amanita and Galerina species produce the most severe and frequent life-threatening symptoms of Amanita phalloides- type poisoning. Delay in onset of symptoms, individual susceptibility variation and lack of rapid and reliable identification have contributed to the significant morbidity and mortality of this type of poisoning. A rapid chromatographic assay for identifying the potent cytotoxins and apparently successful management using thioctic acid of two cases of A. phal- loides-type mushroom poisoning are reported. All known cases of A. phal- loides-type mushroom poisoning treated with thioctic acid in the United States are summarized.

THE GATHERING AND EATING of wild mushrooms lieve that poisonous varieties can be identified is a popular pastime in the United States, partly easily2'3 and many have the erroneous notion that owing to increased interest in "organic" foods and some toxic species can be rendered harmless by in the hallucinogenic substances found in certain cooking in a particular manner. As a result, even species. Severe and life-threatening poisonings experienced mushroom seekers have been stricken from the ingestion of wild mushrooms have in- when they harvested and ate poisonous varieties. creased in frequency. Of the 2,000 or so species From 1957 to 1964, 30 deaths from ingestion of mushrooms known to exist, fewer than 50 are of wild mushrooms were reported in the United poisonous to man.' Many mushroom hunters be- States; 11 of these occurred in California.2 From From the Medical Service (Drs. Becker, Tong, Roe, Scott and 1964 to 1974, 57 cases of mushroom poisoning, MacQuarrie), and the Toxicology Laboratory (Dr. Boerner), San Francisco General Hospital, and the 'Department of Medicine, including eight deaths, occurred in California SChool of Medicine (Drs. Becker and Roe), and the Division of alone (Table 1); 18 of the poisonings and four Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy (Dr. Tong), University of California, San Francisco, and the National Heart and Lung In- of the deaths occurred in 1972. stitute, Bethesda, Maryland (Dr. Bartter). Submitted December 4, 1975. The principal toxins of the most poisonous Reprint requests to: Editorial Office, Room 4101, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110. mushrooms are complex proteins containing

100 AUGUST 1976 * 125 * 2 0

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TABLE 2.-Diagnosis of Mushroom Poisoning Toxic Cause Constituents1'"0 Genus and Species Comments

Cellular Toxins Amanitins Amanita (Sp. phalloides, Found mostly in wooded areas, frequently during verna, virosa) late summer and fall seasons. No obnoxious taste or smell. Gastrointestinal symptoms occur 6 to 24 hours after ingestion. A transient period of im- provement is followed by metabolic disturbances and renal and hepatic impairment. Most fatalities occur within several days. As little as one third of a single cap can be fatal in a child. Mortality is 40 to 90 percent. These species of Amanita ac- count for nearly 90 percent of all cases of severe mushroom poisoning.

Amanitins Galerina (Sp. autumnalis, These species are found in the western and mid- marginata, venenata) western United States on lawns, meadows, and de- caying wood. Symptoms are similar to those of A. phalloides-type poisoning. Despite absence of the toxin, the mortality risk from ingestion of these species should be considered as significant as for A. phalloides due to presence of amanitin.

Enzyme Toxins Monomethyl- Gyromita (Sp. esculenta) These species (except underwoodii) are not con- hydrazine Helvella (Sp. esculenta, fined to any particular habitat or geographic (Gyromitrin) underwoodii) region. These mushrooms produce symptoms simi- lar to intoxication by amanitin but less severe, appearing 6 to 12 hours or more after ingestion. Symptoms are primarily gastrointestinal. Hemol- ysis and central nervous system effects are asso- ciated with these mushrooms. Certain people are resistant to their effects. Cooking may attenuate toxicity. Estimated mortality is 2 to 4 percent.

Neurologic Inocybe (Sp. napipes) Toxins produce "muscarinic" effects, e.g. saliva- Toxins Clitocybe (Sp. rivulosa, tion, lacrimation, nausea, bronchospasm, abdomi- trunicola, cerussata, nal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and miosis olearia, dealbata) within 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion. Brady- cardia, hypotension and shock may also occur. Death is infrequent. Treatment is primarily sup- portive and symptomatic. Atropine is a specific antidote for muscarine intoxication. There appear to be species differences because only some have caused death.

Isoxazole Amanita (Sp. muscaria, Commonly fouind in wooded areas, especially Derivatives: pantherina, cokeri, crenulata, conifer forests of western United States in spring solitaria) and fall. These mushrooms are also known as "fly Muscazone mushroom" or "fly agaric." These species have been associated with the toxin muscarine, but in Pantherin fact contain toxicologically insignificant quantities Tricholomic of it. They produce symptoms resembling the cen- Acid tral nervous system effects of excessive atropine and display anticholinergic and mild hallucinogenic properties. Symptoms occur within 1/4-2 hours after ingestion and frequently resemble alcohol intoxication. Severity and duration of symptoms vary with individual. Muscle spasms can occur after ingestion of large quantities. Prognosis for recovery is good. Avoid use of sedatives; atropine is contraindicated in treatment. Death is rare.

Psilocybin Psilocybe (Sp. cubensis, Psychotropic "LSD-like" manifestations begin about Psilocin eaerulescens, silvatica) 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion and may continue Panaeolus (Sp. foenisecii for several hours. Recovery is spontaneous and usually within a day. Treatment is symptomatic.


TABLE 2.-Diagnosis of Mushroom Poisoning (Continued) Toxic Cause Constituents'"" Genus and Species Comments Gastrointestinal Not Yet *Boletus (Sp. satanas, eastwoodii) Irritating constituents have not been identified. Irritants Identified Clitocybe (Sp. nuda, illudens) Probably many toxins are involved. Mild to severe Chlorophyllum (Sp. molybdites) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and Russula (Sp. emetica) other gastrointestinal symptoms occur 1/2 to 2 Tricholoma (Sp. venenatum, hours after ingestion and may persist for several pardinum) hours. The incidence and severity of gastrointesti- Catharellus (Sp. floccosus) nal symptoms are greater with raw mushrooms. Hebeloma (Sp. crystuliniforme) Treatment is supportive, and symptoms usually Lactarius (Sp. torminosus, terminate spontaneously within a short time. Rare glaucescens) fatalities have been reported. Naematoloma (Sp. fasciculare) Rhodophyllus (Sp. sinuatus) Disulfiram-like Monomethyl- Coprinus (Sp. atramentarius) Disulfiram reaction-like symptoms of flushing, Constituents hydrazine palpitation, hyperventilation and tachycardia occur only if alcohol is consumed in combination with these mushrooms. These effects may take place up to 48 hours between ingestion of mushroom and alcohol and last for a short time. Gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have also occurred. The severity of symptoms is greatest after ingestion of raw mushrooms. Treatment is supportive and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. *These species have been the most frequently associated with gastrointestinal irritants. cyclic heptapeptides (phalloidins) and cyclic though not all species of these genera contain octapeptides (amanitins).4 Phalloidin appears to these toxins (Table 2). In Europe, A. phallqides disrupt hepatic cell membranes and to change the is the most frequent cause of mushroom poison- structure of the hepatic endoplasmic reticulum ing; nearly 90 percent of all such deaths are at- adversely. The role of phalloidin in the produc- tributed to A. phalloides, the "death cap." tion of symptoms and pathologic changes in the In the United States, Amanita verna (the "de- liver of a poisoned patient is unclear because stroying angel"), and A. phal- some species now known to contain this cyclo- loides are the common causes of mushroom poi- peptide and no amanitin have been consumed soning and death (90 percent). Recent deaths in without causing the undue effects. The toxicity of California have been attributed to A. phalloides. amanitin has been compared in vitro with that of Cases of severe mushroom poisoning by Galerina phalloidin and found to be 10 to 20 times greater. marginata, autumnalis and venenata have oc- The amanitin is believed to be the major toxin curred in this country but are infrequent.2 Poison- responsible for the symptoms and pathology fol- ing by the very toxic Amanita and Galerina lowing the ingestion of Amanita phalloides-type species will be referred to as A. phalloides-type mushrooms. This is best demonstrated by the poisoning in this article. toxicity of some species of the Galerina mush- There appears to be considerable variability in rooms that contain only amanitin. It has been individual susceptibility to the toxins of poisonous shown that amanitin inhibits the enzyme ribo- mushrooms.2 For instance, several members of nucleic acid polymerase II and interferes with the the family of one of our patients (Case 1) ate the synthesis of messenger ribonucleic acid.5,6 Histo- meal containing the offending mushrooms, but chemical examination of hepatic cells after ex- only one other family member experienced any posure to amanitin shows the presence of abnor- ill effects. Whether or not there is a quantity-con- mal concentrations of lipids and carbohydrates in sumed association to development of symptoms the cell nuclei.78 Amanitin is also a direct-acting is unclear. Severity of symptoms has been thought nephrotoxin that produces necrosis of the distal to depend on the season and the state of matura- and proximal convoluted tubules.9 tion of the mushrooms when picked and eaten, Mushrooms containing phalloidin and amanitin the location where they were picked, and the belong to the genera Amanita and Galerina, al- amount ingested.2 There is no evidence to vali-

THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 103 MUSHROOM POISONING date this impression. Approximately 75 percent Diagnosis of Mushroom Poisoning of the cases in California occurred in the fall, The time between ingestion and onset of symp- probably coincident to the season when these toms and the type of systemic involvement (for are most and poisonous mushrooms abundant example, neurologic versus gastrointestinal) can easily harvested. During the past three years, we have managed be helpful indexes for characterizing the type of five patients; two are reported here. We consulted mushroom poisoning. Mushroom poisoning can in three other cases of severe A. phalloides-type be divided into cases in which symptoms appear mushroom poisoning. The results of our expen- within several minutes to six hours after ingestion ence in identifying and treating A. phalloides-type and those in which symptoms develop much later mushroom poisoning are presented. (Table 2).

TABLE 3.-Cases of Mushroom Poisonings Treated with Thioctic Acid (TA) in the United States Case No. Age Dose of TA Method of (year) and Duration Identification* Sex Year State of Treatment Mushroom (Result) Hospital Courset

1 .. 328 1973 California 300 mg X 6 days Amanita TLC (+) Refer to Case No. 1 described in phalloides mycologist text 2.. 87& 1974 California 100 mgX I day A. phalloides TLC (+) Refer to Case No. 2 described in then 300 mg mycologist text X 6 days 3 .. 33 a 1974 California 100 mgX Iday A. phalloides TLC (+) Admitted 12/30. Nausea, diarrhea, then 300 mg mycologist and vomiting beginning 12 to 16 X 6 days hours after ingestion. Severe dehy- dration on admission. SGOT 728 and 850 and SGPT 1,018 and 2,320 units per ml. Treated with TA, glucose, and supportive measures. SGOT and SGPT returned to nor- mal levels during treatment. Dis- charged 1/17. 4 .. 23 8 1974 California 100 mg X I day Chlorophyllum TLC (-) Admitted 8/26. Abdominal pain, then 300 mg molybdites mycologist nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and X 1 day fever 2 hours after ingestion. SGOT 25, SGPT 20, LDH 210, CPK 70 units per ml, bilirubin (total) 1.0 mg per 100 ml. Treated with TA, glucose, and supportive measures. Discharged 8/29.

5 .. 409 1974 New York 100 mgX1I day Galerina TLC (+) Admitted 10/30. Severe nausea, then 300 mg autunmalis mycologist vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal X 4 days cramps 10 hours after ingestion. BUN 23, serum creatinine 1.2, bili- rubin (total) 2.4 mg per 100 ml, SGOT 100, LDH 224 units per ml, urine glucose +1, acetone + 1. Treated with TA, glucose, and supportive measures on day 2 of treatment. Course otherwise un- complicated. Discharged 11/8. 6 ..508 1974 New York 100 mgX Iday G. autumnalis TLC (+) Admitted 10/30. Nausea, vomiting, then 300 mg mycologist diarrhea, and abdominal cramps X 2 days 12 hours after ingestion. BUN 45, serum creatinine 1.8, bilirubin (total) 1.2 mg per 100 ml, SGOT 33, SGPT 36. Treated with TA, glucose and supportive measures. Course uncomplicated. Discharged 11/4.


TABLE 3.-Cases of Mushroom Poisonings Treated with Thioctic Acid (TA) in the United States (Continued) Case No. Age Dose of TA Method of (year) and Duration Identification* Sex Year State of Treatment Mushroom (Result) Hospital Courset

7 .. 719 1974 Washington 100 mgXlI day G. autumnalis TLC (+) Admitted 11/21. Nausea, vomiting, then 300 mg mycologist profuse diarrhea, tachycardia, and X 5 days slight abdominal pain 12 to 16 hours after ingestion. Treated with TA, glucose, and supportive meas- ures. Course uncomplicated and laboratory indexes were within normal limits. Discharged 12/1. 8 .. 588 1972 Ohio 300 mgX 13 days Amanita virosa mycologist Admitted 10/2. Severe hypoten- sion, vomiting, and diarrhea 6 hours after ingestion. BUN 51, serum creatinine 4.5 mg per 100 ml, SGOT 900, SGPT 1,750, LDH 1,920 units per ml, Hct 58%. Complicated course requiring he- modialysis; biopsy revealed acute tubular necrosis, liver function tests returned to normal values at completion of a 13 day course of TA, glucose, and supportive meas- ures. Maculopapular rash and ery- thema multiforme of unknown etiology developed at completion of TA treatment. Discharged 10/21. 9 .. 249 1972 Ohio 300 mg X5 days A. virosa mycologist Admitted 10/3. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea of 1½2 day duration beginning about 6 hours after in- gestion. Treated with TA, glucose, and supportive measures. Course uncomplicated. Discharged 10/12. 10 14 mo 8 1972 Ohio 300 mg X 1 day A. phalloides mycologist Admitted 10/3. No symptoms. He- patic and renal functions normal throughout. Treated with TA, glu- cose, and supportive measures. Course uneventful. Discharged 10/8. 11 .. 52 9 1972 California 300 mg X 1 day A. phalloides mycologist Admitted 11/5. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps developed 12 hours after ingestion. "Improved" on fourth day but then became progressively disori- ented and obtundated. TA begun on day 7 after ingestion at "time of cerebral death." Died on 11/14. 12 .. 35a 1970 Pennsylvania 300 mgX6 days A. verna mycologist Admitted 11/15. Severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diar- rhea developed 9 hours after inges- tion. Treated for 5 days with glu- cose and supportive measures. Liver function decreased: SGOT 2,000+ units per ml and bilirubin (total) 7.6 mg per 190 ml. Con- dition complicated by hepatomeg- aly, ascites, and intermittent coma. TA started on day 8 after inges- tion. Liver function tests returned to normal values by sixth day of TA. Liver biopsy showed necrosis with repair. Discharged 12/2. *TLC = thin layer chromatography. iSGOT = serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; SGPT = ser um glutamic pyruvate transaminase; LDH = lactic dehydrogenase; CPK=creatine phosphokinase; BUN=blood urea nitrogen, and Hct=hematocrit. THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 105 MUSHROOM POISONING Most nonlethal poisonous mushrooms produce handling and cooking. Attempts to identify them symptoms soon after ingestion, whereas A. phal- retrospectively by collecting mushrooms from the loides-type mushrooms produce life-threatening area where the ingested ones were harvested is reactions 6 to 24 hours after ingestion. However, unreliable because poisonous species frequently since a mixture of wild mushrooms is often in- grow in immediate proximity to nontoxic ones. gested; early onset of symptoms does not exclude Examination of fungus spores in the gastric con- the possibility of more serious poisoning. Poison- tents may also be inconclusive. If poisoning by ing with immediate onset of symptoms is further A. phalloides-type mushrooms is suspected, gas- distinguishable by the type of symptoms; that is, tric contents, mushroom samples, and stool speci- gastrointestinal disturbance, parasympathetic stim- mens, if available, should be assayed to verify ulation and hallucinations. Such poisoning is the presence of the amanitin and phalloidin toxins. rarely serious, and recovery usually occurs within To confirm the diagnosis of mushroom poison- 24 hours (Table 2). ing, we modified a thin-layer chromatographic Symptoms of the more toxic A. phalloides-type assay that can rapidly detect the presence of mushrooms characteristically occur in three stages. amanitin and phalloidin. (This assay is done in ( 1 ) The first stage occurs abruptly, 6 to 24 hours the Toxicology Laboratory at San Francisco Gen- after ingestion: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, eral Hospital.) Vomitus, intestinal aspirate, stool diarrhea (occasionally bloody) and hematuria. or uneaten specimens are dehydrated in a roto- These are frequently accompanied by fever, tach- vacuum evaporator. Fat is removed by refluxing ycardia, hyperglycemia, hypotension, dehydration with benzene in a Soxhlet apparatus. The defatted and electrolyte imbalance. (2) During the next material is then extracted with methanol. This 24 to 48 hours (two to three days after ingestion), extract, containing the toxic cyclopeptides, is there appears to be remission of symptoms in the taken to dryness in vacuo and the residue is dis- face of progressive deterioration of hepatic and solved in 2 ml of anhydrous methanol. Aliquots renal function. (3) During the subsequent 24 to of this extract are then spotted on commercially 48 hours (three to four day, after ingestion), available 0.25 mm silica G-60 thin-layer chroma- hepatocellular damage and renal impairment tography plates. progressively worsen, and jaundice, hypoglycemia, For comparison, extracts prepared from A. oliguria, delirium and confusion develop. Myocar- phalloides mushroom and 5, 10 and 20 Mt1 of diopathy and coagulopathy may be present, and alpha-amanitin and phalloidin (both as 0.1 per- convulsions, coma and death may occur. The cent solutions in methanol) are spotted as com- mortality rate varies from 40 to 90 percent.,"1 parison standards. The thin-layer chromato- Death from A. phalloides-type poisoning is usu- graphic solvent system consists of a mixture of ally the result of hepatic or renal failure or 100 ml of glycol monobutylether, 85 ml concen- both.11-13 trated aqueous ammonia and 0.5 ml transcinna- Because of the delayed onset of symptoms in maldehyde. The average time for the solvent front A. phalloides-type poisoning, patients frequently to ascend 12 cm is approximately three hours. fail to associate their symptoms with the ingestion The plate while still moist is sprayed with 0.1 of wild mushrooms. Therefore, a careful history percent fluorescamine in methanol. Fluorescamine of the patient's activities before onset of symp- reacts with the primary amino group of alpha- toms is imperative. Failure to suspect mushroom amanitin to form derivatives that fluoresce as poisoning, to identify the more toxic A. phal- bluish-white spots under ultraviolet light. loides-type mushrooms and to implement early These are compared with the standards. The treatment contribute to the high morbidity and same chromatogram is then sprayed with 0.5 per- mortality associated with the ingestion of A. phal- cent transcinnamaldehyde in methanol. The sol- loides-type mushrooms. vent is allowed to evaporate and the chroma- togram is exposed for 15 minutes to hydrogen Morphologic and Toxicologic chloride gas. The amanitin and phalloidin appear Identification of Mushrooms as bluish- to purplish-colored spots. The chroma- In a suspected case of mushroom poisoning, togram should be evaluated immediately because identification of the species by morphologic char- the color of the toxins fades rapidly. The solvent acteristics is a formidable task because the ap- system gives average relative distance (rf) pearance of the mushroom may be distorted by values of 0.35 for alpha-amanitin, 0.31 for beta-

106 AUGUST 1976 * 125 * 2 MUSHROOM POISONING amanitin, 0.50 for gamma-amanitin and 0.25 for has been reported enthusiastically in the Euro- phalloidin. Alpha-amanitin and phalloidin when pean literature.'5"18'22'23 Finestone and co-workers applied as pure substances have a minimum de- reported the first successful treatment of A. phal- tection limit of 50 jig and 80 to 100 /Ag respec- loides-type mushroom poisoning with thioctic acid tively. in the United States in 1968.'4'5 In their patient, eight days after ingestion of A. verna, 300 mg of Treatment thioctic acid was infused intravenously over 24 Early Modes hours for three days. After 72 hours, the dosage No specific treatment of A. phalloides-type was tapered over six days and discontinued when poisoning has been available in the past. The the serum transaminase levels returned to normal. only treatment available has been supportive, in- Since 1968, thioctic acid has been used experi- cluding correction of fluid, metabolic and coagu- mentally in the United States in 11 other patients lation disturbances. Induction of emesis is not with A. phalloides-type poisoning. A review of beneficial, unless it is done soon after ingestion, these cases shows that in nearly all there was because of the long interval between ingestion chemical and clinical evidence of hepatocellular and the appearance of symptoms. Cathartics and damage; ten of the patients recovered without activated charcoal have been recommended,14 al- major sequelae (Table 3). though there is no proof of their usefulness in the The only side effect of thioctic acid to date has treatment of A. phalloides-type poisoning. If used, been hypoglycemia. Whether the hypoglycemia they should be administered soon after ingestion. was a direct effect of the drug26'27 or a result of Numerous forms of therapy such as exchange severe hepatic damage2 secondary to mushroom transfusion'3 and administration of large doses of poisoning remains unclear. To date, the only pa- corticosteroids15 or antiphalloidin antisera'6 have tient in the United States who did not respond been used, but none has been shown to be more favorably to thioctic acid as far as we know re- effective than supportive care. Hemodialysis has ceived the drug late in the course,'8 since the been used successfully to treat renal failure,'2"16-'8 patients in all other reports survived when given but its effectiveness is not attributed simply to the the drug two to three days after ingestion (except removal of amanitin and phalloidin. These toxins that of Finestone and co-workers25). This indi- appear to be poorly dialyzable when studied in cates that early administration may be necessary vitro; hemodialysis would not remove them effec- for the drug to produce its effect. tively in the poisoning circumstance. Results of studies of thioctic acid use in animals Studies with dogs given up to 0.044 mg of 14C. in which toxic effects were induced with amanitin methyl alpha-amanitin per kg of body weight by are varied. In two studies, administration of thi- intravenous injection showed that after five hours, octic acid failed to reverse the toxic effects20'26 the concentration in serum fell below detection and in one'6 hypoglycemia occurred. The signifi- limit, which is <0.3 percent of the toxin dose cance of the hypoglycemia observed in man and administered. After six hours, 85 percent of the animals and the reported lack of effectiveness of radioactivity associated with the toxin could be thioctic acid in animals need to be studied further. accounted for in the urine.'9 The investigational drug protocol approved by Cytochrome C has protected mice given lethal the Food and Drug Administration for the use of doses of amanitin from symptoms of poisoning.20 thioctic acid states that it should be used only in Penicillin, phenylbutazone, chloramphenicol and known or strongly suspected cases of ingestion of sulfamethoxazole administered to animals poi- A. phalloides, A. virosa or A. verna mushrooms.29 soned with amanitin resulted in improved survival Although they are not included in the protocol, rates." It has been suggested that these com- G. autumnalis, marginata and venenata contain pounds displace amanitin from plasma albumin amanitin, and thioctic acid is appropriate treat- binding sites, thus enhancing renal excretion of ment (Table 3) in poisonings by these mush- the cyclopeptide toxin. rooms as well. Initially, 25 mg of thioctic acid in a solution of Thioctic Acid glucose and water may be infused intravenously During the past ten years, the use of thioctic four times a day. On the second day, depending acid (alpha lipoic acid) in the successful treat- on clinical status, the dose may be increased to ment of A. phalloides-type mushroom poisoning 75 mg four times a day. This may be continued

THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 107 MUSHROOM POISONING for 14 days using findings on daily liver enzyme had eaten four large wild mushrooms picked in function tests as a guide. Measurement of serum Fresno County, California. The family physician glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), glu- administered atropine and prochlorperazine, but tamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), lactic dehy- the nausea and vomiting persisted. The patient drogenase (LDH), creatinine, blood urea nitro- was admitted to a local hospital with severe dehy- gen and glucose levels and urinalysis should be dration and oliguria. Laboratory data included carried out at least once a day and more fre- SGOT, 2,580; SGPT, 4,420 units per ml; total quently if necessary. Because thioctic acid is bilirubin, 1.9 (direct, 1.3 and indirect, 0.6); sensitive to light and heat, bottles and infusion blood urea nitrogen, 41, and creatinine, 1.9 mg lines containing the solution must be covered. per 100 ml. The mechanism of action of thioctic acid in The patient was transferred to the University patients with A. phalloides-type poisoning is un- of California Moffitt Hospital in San Francisco, clear. Lipoic acid is a component of coenzymes where symptoms of severe hepatic injury con- necessary to oxidize ketoacids such as pyruvate. tinued, although renal function returned toward It has been suggested that (1) thioctic acid may normal values. Because of strong suspicion that produce its protective effect at the level of the the mushrooms ingested by the patient were A. enzymes of the Krebs cycle29 or (2) that the phalloides-type (subsequently confirmed by chro- disulfide constituents of thioctic acid form a com- matographic detection of alpha- and gamma- plex with the cyclopeptides to modify their tox- amanitins and phalloidin at the Toxicology Lab- icity.20'29 oratory of San Francisco General Hospital) in- Because of the high morbidity and mortality of formed consent was obtained from the patient to A. phalloides-type poisoning, it would seem im- administer thioctic acid. possible to conduct a random double-blind clini- A total of 300 mg per 24 hours in 10 percent cal study of thioctic acid. While the cases repre- glucose in H20 were infused intravenously on day sented here and the three in which we consulted three after ingestion. The patient's condition im- cannot offer unequivocal evidence that thioctic proved and there was resolution of symptoms. acid was useful, they do shoW that the agent is By the sixth day of thioctic acid administration, safe to administer and apparently contributed to the following values were noted: total bilirubin, the recovery of these patients despite clinical and 0.8 mg per 100 ml; direct bilirubin, 0.3 mg per chemical evidence of severe liver impairment be- 100 ml; SGOT, 40 units, and SGPT, 250 units per fore it was given (Table 3). However, the con- ml. Thioctic acid therapy was terminated and the tribution of intense supportive care is difficult to patient was discharged. assess. Case 2. An 87-year-old man had been in good Since the chromatographic assay method now health until December 16, 1974 when severe enables specific and definitive diagnosis of A. nausea, vomiting, profuse diarrhea, and cramp- phalloides-type mushroom poisoning and since ing pain of the arms, lower abdomen and legs thioctic acid lacks significant toxicity, we believe developed suddenly; he was admitted to a local that the use of thioctic acid concomitantly with hospital. The patient 22 hours before had eaten vigorous supportive treatment in such cases is approximately a half cup of mushrooms collected justified. Except for the occurrence of hypogly- in Santa Clara County. There was no excessive cemia, this agent appears to be safe when used salivation, lacrimation, photophobia or diplopia properly. Despite the much larger initial dose but the patient was confused and disoriented. He given in Case 1 and the reported use of this drug became progressively oliguric and was transferred for over 13 days in another (Table 3, Case No. to the University of California Moffitt Hospital in 8), no ill effects have been observed. In Case San Francisco. 2, a seven day course of thioctic acid was ad- On admission, the patient was alert and ministered according to the protocol, and the re- oriented, but anorectic, nauseated and vomiting sponse was impressive. occasionally. Prothrombin time was 15.4 seconds (control 11.4) and partial thromboplastin time Reports of Cases was 43.7 seconds (control 28.6). The serum Case 1. A 32-year-old man had been well un- creatinine level was 4.4, glucose level was 208 til March 2, 1973 when nausea, vomiting, fever and blood urea nitrogen value was 43 mg per 100 and severe diarrhea developed 12 hours after he ml. Cooked and uncooked specimens of mush-


rooms collected by the were obtained 2. Buck RW: Poisoning by wild mushrooms. Clin Med 71:1353- patient for 1363, Aug 1964 chromatographic analysis (also done at San Fran- 3. Litten W: The most poisonous mushrooms. Sci Am 232:90. cisco General 101, Mar 1975 Hospital's Toxicology Laboratory) 4. Wieland T: Poisonous principles of mushrooms of the genus and found to contain amanitin and phalloidin. Amanita. Science 159:946-952, Mar 1968 5. Derenzini M, Fiume L, Marinozzi V, et al: Pathogenesis of Treatment with thioctic acid, 25 mg every six liver necrosis produced by amanitin-albumin conjugates. Lab Invest 29:150-158, Aug 1973 hours infused intravenously in 10 percent glucose 6. Marinozzi V, Fiume L: Effects of alpha amanitin on mouse in H20 or saline solution, and neomycin, 1 gram and rat liver cell nuclei. Exp Cell Res 67:311-322, Aug 1971 7. Panner BJ, Hanss RJ: Hepatic injury in mushroom poisoning. per day given orally, was started on day three Electron microscopic observations in two non-fatal cases. Arch Path 87:35-45, Jan 1969 after ingestion. After 24 hours, the dosage of 8. Kisilevsky R: Hepatic nuclear and nucleolar changes in Amanita poisoning. Arch Path 97:253-258, Apr 1974 thioctic acid was increased to 75 mg every six 9. Myler RK, Lee JC, Hopper J Jr: Renal tubular necrosis caused by mushroom poisoning. Arch Intern Med 114: 196-204, hours. On day two of thioctic acid therapy, levels Aug 1964 of blood urea nitrogen decreased to 39 and 10. Hatfield GM, Brady LR: Toxins of higher fungi. Lloydia 38:36-54, Jan-Feb 1975 creatinine to 2.1 mg per 100 ml. The following 11. Abul-Haj SK, Ewald RA Kazyak L: Fatal mushroom poisoning. Report of a case confirmed by toxicologic analysis of clinical values were noted: SGOT, 2,160; SGPT, tissue. 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