In North America Edited by John Algeo Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-26479-2 - The Cambridge History of The English Language: Volume VI: English in North America Edited by John Algeo Index More information INDEX NOTE: African-American English and African-American Vernacular English are abbreviated to AAE and AAVE respectively. a: broad, eastern seaboard, 79, 123, 141, Adams, John, US President, 61–2, 67, 346, 143; flat, in fast, calf, bath, can’t, 23, 79, 412 140–1; in mercy, 99, 139; in off, soft, drop, Adams, John Quincy, US President, 347 crop, 99, 141; London influence after adaptability and language change, 2 Revolution, 123, 141, 143; in twice (Cape Ade, George, 231, 250 Fear Valley), 135. See also barn words; adios, 176 cot/caught merger; wash words adjectives, AAE copula deletion before, a-,prefix with present participle, 132, 133, 299 145, 148; Gullah progressive marker, adobe, 176, 201, 207 302 adverbs: disjuncts, 413; flat, 369, 396, 411 aa, 181 advertising, 209. See also trade names abbreviations, 18th-century, 343 advocate, 372 ABC broadcasting network, 492 æ, 77, 140–1, 143, 340, 355 -able, silent e before, 340, 355 Africa: Carter’s diplomacy, 47; English as Aboriginal peoples of Canada, 425; lingua franca, 16th century, 180. See also Canadianisms relating to, 434–5; African languages; slaves and slavery; contacts with Newfoundland English, South Africa 442, 443, 451–2; pidgins and jargons, African-American English (AAE), 156, 162. See also individual names xxiv–xxv, 291–324; African influences abortion, 49 and African substrate hypothesis, 151, abstraction, language as, xix–xx 180, 214, 312–13, 318; age of speaker, abuse, verbal, 229–30 and usage, 323; Americanisms, xxii–xxiii, academy, language: American proposals 213–15; and Amerindian languages, 160; for, 35, 61–2, 346–7, 392, 412; British animal tales, 311; article, indefinite, 296, failure to establish, 62, 186; French, 62 320; aspectual system, 135, 147, 302–5; Acadia (Nova Scotia), 17 autonomy, 323; auxiliary verbs, 149, 301, accountability, principle of, 322 302, 306, 323; basilects, 291, 292–3, 314, acquisition.
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