United States National Museum
Q 11 U563 CRLSSI . e I ^ t UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BULLETIN 218 Papers 1 to 11 Contributions FROM THE Museum OF History and Technology SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION O WASHINGTON. DC. ^ 1959 WS'n NOV 16 1959 ISSUED NOVl 61959 Smithsonian Institution UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM Remington Kellooo Director Smith, Director Trank a. Taylor, Director Albert C. Museum oj jXatural History Afiisfum of ///'A"V 'iiiil Tirhwiliniv Publications of the United States National Museum include two The scientific publications of the United Stales National Museum States National Museum scries, Proceedings oj the United States National Museum and United Bulletin. dealing with the In these series are published original articles and monographs facts in the collections and work of the Museum and setting forth newly acquired Copies of fields of Anthropolog)', Biology, Geolog)', History, and Technology. each publication are distributed to libraries and scientific organizations and to specialists and others interested in the dififerent subjects. separate The Proceedings, begun in 1878, are intended for the publication, in size, with the form, of shorter papers. These are gathered in volumes, octavo in publication date of each paper recorded in the taljle of contents of the volume. separate In the Bulletin series, the first of which was issued in 1875, appear longer, publications consisting of monographs (occasionally in several parts) and volumes either octavo or in which are collected works on related subjects. Bulletins are papers re- qiiarto in size, depending on the needs of the presentation. Since 1902 lating to the botanical collections of the Museum have been published in the Bulletin series under the heading Contributions Jrom the United Stales National Herbarium.
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