Howdy, Pahdner! Ranch Week's Hen THE SKIFF Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University

\Ol.UME41 «" FORT WOWORTH,RTH. Jh.XAh.n:\AS. IKID.M,FRIDAY, vr.nn.inmFEBRUARY 12,... ■1943 Jedqe Bean to Try Montgomery at I P. M. Today t * * T ******************** ************ * Religious Emphasis Week Will Begin Monday, Close Thursday

_r}irrcr\ . ^ -^ — —. ..—... ID for B D anchWeek iu four touffh sruva. Thes'^:'' i "'■ e■ • ^+ •«• A ■*• ■ n __ ^A KloutU Ur f, i Conviction Anticipated---Big "D" Dr. Edwin M. Poteat to Be a and Sheriff Sam i Wi ford. Main Speaker, Will Give Withdraws From Spittin' Contest, Series of Four Addresses Dr Edwin McNeill Poteat, principal or Religious Leaves Competition Wide Open i [f Wei k, will arrive bj M ■ cord- Bj IS1I LIE 1KAN BONE^ ng to information received bj President M E. Sadler. Dr, Poteat will give the firsl in his series of addressee at It't hvar 'it the gUl '' hl'' i p. m. Monday in the Auditorium. It will be baaed on the topic Five Positions tagithei caze thi can '^'V'" •This la a Lost World." way Ranch Week is really hvar! The arm Hi, second address, at 8 p. m. Tui daj "The New Direc- Go Unopposed they're no

tion" His third address is "Who Will Kind If.'" and the fourth tradition. Wl a Sam say if hecould i: ,.. |a "The Qui t IsEterna rhe third addn - is at 8 p. m. New Deodline Set for why worr ti - Cumminga is a ' • loot at the si; ,,..,).,, an(j the last will be presented at 8 p. m. Thursday. Two Frosh Offices—Date Spatial organ rauric ami a etudem! Bei chi M merj haa jual been si i Of Next Election Feb. 25 ayer will precede P adler's kin' a little He won'l have a - : . ., . charges which are bi ntroduction of the ipaaker, 1 Institute Opens Five Student i him He' d with disturbing tl entry, mis- ll| each of the mmn addresses tha filled withou public propertj and the kidnaj and •udonts go to ; Monday Night as the petition deadline th meeting! over the earn] No pi titions wei e subn il Dr. May to Be Assembly dencj of tin RANCH WEEK I After the first address the entire Speaker—Dr. Poteat to Talk freshman class. The deadline for ! M will pull t audience will adjourn to the : J u, ur\i irrkl" H Leoi Nightly—10 Seminars Given theae I itil noon t^UttiN Louise Wall 1I»1I parlor, where they will partici- Wedneaday, with the electl n picl in d S*i pate in a ma" discuaeion led by The Mil ' 1 ' ' ita "ill open Thurada , Fel 25. ..- mi t thi ' i , ■ it Sadler. Dr Potaat and night with a participation in Bill Hal 11 . .- of Convn ; cilman al large, Placi 2. Filling thi ' ■ .., f | |« go , •.: aaaiat Week pro- gradua i i the I ouncil ii gram which is presenting Dr. President Sadler in leading the dis- Bill S1 th when cussion. Poti at, a member of the In- \i i hi md Mi--< dander up. A group of men students will meet dty. Nina i , ctad to their 1 at Starling House after each ad- Tiie [net ' have as a part of Its Director Knits— ortcrs ha dress, which is to he of an hour'a gram thi nightlj addn | I ■ duration. Dr. Edwin A. Elliotl " I Dr, Potaat, and in addition I" semi- , i It's i lest you lead the Starling House disc. nars will be offi Band (Mad) House Is Scene Fillii g thi i The subject will be chosen anew each T. C, U. profeaaora who are to head of the SO] ' Palmer \ aeati I H le night. nan are: P Of Lively Doings-Always kins. In thi conti 'l ri . w V. Rooaa wil laad I r 11 \. L. Porterfield, Preai to cussion in Gib on Houee and Mmaa. NI -cent undei di i ,1, „• M. E Sadler, Di W, C, Morro, B> I'd I I II II vN P" 1 in I icco i". R. Sharar, H< i man Pittman and by his ,,wn Bnozzle I e sub- Two to Attend 8. W. Hutton, Prof- < A. H. R. Mundhcnke will alter! lr Col, N, J, Whitl hurst enters amidst ., ■ of thi ami II And » i; . fa and Dr. Clinton Loekhert. ■ laading the girla' diac isaion groupa mad whittling and foot jumping, : '. , 'Americas' Meet The aeminara will he presented meeting in Foster Hall. takes his plai ■ podium, rapt - rring! veil and Eai I Dr. H. R. Mundhenke en n 8 until 12 o'clock. At 11 Kirkpatrick wi a. in. there will be a general aseem- twice with his silver baton an : Sherer will have eharga of the Clark day musing a« to whi ; might p. m. ' B in trial Hall discussions. During tha four which the apeakar will bi Prof. n the "tui. for thi vs been thi cial ii p. in Ranch nights. Dr. Poteat and Prof. May of the Union Theo- musk 1" begin. That'l a general idea which he m I - Bal I and the International Si Horse shoe logical Seminary, New York. will go from croup to group, lead- of what happen! somewhere around House tome time ago. Then- may be t igan in* the discussions in each one alter- al?0 12:15 p. m. a bouse. rhe Mil ■ i "ill ■*" a moral to thai tale but if thi re ia you Austin Feb. 20-21. i nately. . miners at 10 o'clock each morn- Then are approximate^ 32 can figure it oul for yo ! . ention i I ilin' "Wa are confident that the Rail- l is the din I ■ the band and a d ffi renl 16 Sevi ral atti mpt h ivi M'! be "The Future of the : '.li p, re giout Emphaala program will prova thi " nga will be show up tor : i ach day. They to bum the I- ■ down, The ,-,- " I. I tie- l m's I neat entertaining a i i pi il on the figure lfi can make as much noise as B ita United - Latin A "li,, - loath (I eampua, It It tha typa of | as which will coma at 2 o'clock for tin- maj bi Bome and to ol iy ian't attend. which it . pai oi oi the be pal i U»u "Curs 'i "u li ally in nearly all of the betl i faurcl Mi ■ obvioua at all, i I In hit il with hot Rev. |. B Holmes to Speak Ualton." (Continued on Page II rl Worth li knit*. Ma> i- al h . io I ant W o imblin') 11 "Di I 1-uehrcr's- At Church Service Sunday ■' with a capita] K. Hi of which •lhl. i iurn Friday, and sock or embli e\ ; almost sets the pli The Rei 1 B H Feb. 19, after the 11 o'clock seminar cute. H. >» olive I .1 from an;, oodj' fai e is i Christ an Mi ioni Voice has been completed, drab affaii ' will speak on "I he Idei tod ■ D. Had »aye 'hat the [goi Stravinsky's "B rceuse" and or off, rhi at the Sundi I r-Bq from the "' ire Bird l : ,■ that attendance will be knit heai ■ i Bi to bam : at thi ■ l III p n, 'A - l, in of the can do to a [0:50 a. in. have to in li thi pan I . . ■ i Dacus will sing ■ ind .i 0 man.', m It age. a pi Nol Sfe, O 1 and sham, sentence Next Friday Is TCU Day p Editor Could he put in q lotl but it would At Carnegie Art Exhibit aiet a!,-;: thi band houei Ha orship. by only lead to blood ; net iced .i An; waj. ii wa- during the Dr. A. L. P vi v-xi Friday hat been deaignated ■ i . pa in oul al I Lois Jeane Cayce ;,. r. C. U. studenta' day at the Car- cold ipi II and thi ■ to keep thi " the Band Ho eek or to o'clock Sum Once more the Old Waat \:i Exhibit which it on view ; and givi s the i" a. few I . ■ Forl Worth Public Library. pulled down ■ ' sue II Mrs. Ladd, A. B '32, . to us own on tha campui but the cold), llns promiacu >u He'a big-time i I well, you : th Members of Miai Lorraine Shi i .pert a fellov, w ilh his ainbi- Author of "Trip" Book Week is fun, kids, ao here'i hoping a particular portion of i. "Intern al - I thi trte" da ..• bunch II,ee- I everybody enti at the formal opening of the the profi oul read of things. ., i tmell. ■ ty 'white trasl - ana. ..' tl # * + * show Monday night. Maw a an. ti Final!: tl University Vesper Service : til The new Student Onion Center il The exhibit, which haa been at the i | i .•.,,. v- Museum In New same appearing to serve Us purpi I about him. Vou oni bit To Be in Bnte Tuesday ■ ,,• months, is tl The social committee wai I English Club to Present II around the Cii Arl Museum : A pecial 1 Bill, a paraoni to coma oul each I Marine in Assembly I and iponaorad by the Ci negii ' " i SB < and Thursday avaningi and enjoy the : . Corp Vincent 1 ' ■ tpel. 1 gal together!, The Studenl Council n ,,r Nev. fork, Admiseion li ■ her. '■ speak al \ has furnished tha foundation. It'a up ■ Tin guj I under: laid one I II Wil portunitie for men in the Instil tn the student body to keep the center and they enjoy life -nral'li ' II hum. wh Bill who can V Brlti New V-5 Class

successful. I ■ V-l, V-7, College Program i orp i editor of Thi ,. ■ band Log. ilu pa] ■ fountain ' -i . Tn be commended, or Is Effective Until July 1 r Is Due Today Mai ne ', ' I ogram it had rathi r have an app - ative audi- ' thanked, arc tha paraoni ri pon ible will Prof. L D Fallis to Read President M. E. Sadlai bai released being sponsored by Sigma Tan Helta a trip to Dalli . Di D Navy Cadets to Tram for putting the flag up each day, I government bulletin lead a I At Meliorist Club Sunday i ,. am< time it did not fly. The For Aviation—Group Is hit office. "Wi hope to ha Skiff urged action. The flag flea for ' "According to tha baal information A REQUEST FOR CO-OPERATION ' Larger Than Before .„„„„ tin,, following tins. Lafc now available, u appaari that the Di W iiliain V. R oM rut wai back, and no flag could \- all of the atudenti know, we ha%e nun in the Control H>mK l; ; President Sadler to Serve lhanks for seeing thai the I'.,. be pin into effect until July 1, "' [natructora Course. Theae men operate on ■ mj atrtct its proper place al the propel nine. lently, until thai date, thi re- schedule. For example, the) tune te gel their it i meal At Brotherhood Meet » * * - quirement remaine in effect thai V-1 Copt. Johnson, III, ex 77, and gel the bus which leave- ior the airport al 12:15 p.m. President W T,me is something thai '"' „.,] v T reaerviata mual be enrolled The bus leave- exactlj al this lime and the) have tfl he on It. Is Killed in Plane Crash lo, ,„ thaaa dayi Aunoel evi ,„ college and m actual daily attend- The morning group coming in from the alrporl gets here at l lh, ninth g"M star ha- been add lev to remain on In- l-la D in li mir regular atudents couW gel their noun meal ain- lives by the clock.. Pro i ,.,! t,, i i i . - e, Flag i apt plain "hen students come ti duty status." between 12:15 and 1:15 o'clock, it would help and would «ei- by tie I ' "' lainlv he appreciated. If there Ml lime- uheii the-e men ( harb- i lohnson III. (I l late. . . wearer of the siUcr Slar and I'm - Okay, now to the point. Wouldn t have to secure their meals ahead ol regular students, the - Shirley Hall, Freshman, Threi ■ ' P pie Heart, waa killed it be a wise for the clocks in students will under-land that it is Mil) a matter of necessity . Foster Hall to have tha proper tirael Added to Debate Team in carrying out their -ind schedule, the I niyeraity wanta a plane ria-h neai I onopah, Nl 1 ' I ( apt. Johnson, one ol the ] They have been stopped al I il•' Shirley Kail, freshman, has to do everything ii possibl) can to make ita eating ami other a mini- o'clock for several monthi now, And nl contbal captain iii the Iraij b,, n added at a member of T. I U '- facilities a- -ati-lacloi v a- Boaaible. This can he accomplished u without the clocki operating, taw r v 11- i oi as aa commandin ;t onh if all are willing Io co-operate. ;. ikera will ehool belli are ailanl In the dormi- debati " ' \n\ BUggestioni anyone haa al an) time for Ihe Improvt- ginii Thaxton, who hat withdrawn „l ibe 151 I Ightl i I.reap orj Por thi bei fil of tho f „m achool ' '"'i"1 llu' FveningCol- menl of our service will be carefullv considered. ,,„,; about stalling the elocki In Pea- r M. K. Sadler. I'resident. day, Fab, 16, ler (o running" Page Two TH F «KIFF F tiH.n. l>hruan It, H43 THESKIF1 H. G. Wells Sees Newsman's Utopia THE SKIFF SALUTES As World of Reporters, Journalists • MARY LOUISE WALDRON Hi VIRGINIA rOMME I By Martha Meliowti ing, and . ■ - ■ - in mil \'. bo I P/itl KDITOR »'. a much fa>trr I U/ll.

■ l"» Club, B . and !., I ■ate hi» ■ I ne is a in- 1 I 0 make

■ fur she \S 1. ■ s and ■ hie. I that ap- - one lik> ! - ■ that. hn- music populai JAM much in the same H 1 iiae ii -ipers *■ 1 She jU»t id. ope more dai- | Apology to Hutton and has oodles of them. Tha Educational Changes in Europe, America of the . *per rt« of (he draft, competition with defetm •a today's edition repr : duel ■ 1 - dumplings as hi ■ nl\ H few nf the ■ ■ be cren a I 1 u mc changes The S. W. Hutton for doe- 1 he average student and ■ I I -'"P to tl eater efftet of UM Enro- cal« mil be the 01 firm h ll nd unit • I am«. news in toinom vritten - iper she In England, it 1- -aid no ~tu'i• - ,1 nniversit) unle»* I be of a better ! Up " have him ther Ml thn-e - the . The Skiff adds 1 no rule tiki ■ military training. ( hina, mov- - at a par he •pace in tomorrow's pa| of Com mi ri 1 any dif- ola far int< nee Japanese aaaanlt, ■ . I la 1 the 194 ference"'' I- k that has refused to ed The "transplanted" colleges ;ire 111 take on teach ■ the we , meant It hoax h ia - are conducted in lenporaxj simple ad, 111 be fewer in nu: handicap ban (if.n the in oioi 1 f the 1 The mechanic" of prfa • . Mr. Hutton. The sentence »i- a play have that con. Ight Of the libraries and laboratories. and have more fidelity than ■ registrar. rman-omipied of the firat Nati anovea alwaya la common use today. One Council Comment ■he existing school ■ratem, dee hooka ■ ■ay«, "There is no < "Pi"- ' rahaping the roarsea ol study. Hchol- - hat ara have n tinst thia aetion. oalj lo be am lureri. ■ I the next century can't spin oat "There are many um rj unfaii ■ - therwll* sent to concentration camp rhe Dutch have been par- newi rtaad, leave h""r I tKched mat mural ..ain topic «• ticulai igaiitat Hitler's "pseudo-education." Bd me 10 min- quality .. half full —in the regiatrar'i office I Student Council me, ting Motl acked 1 That is an amateurish sentence with Educational negli in Genaan; itself, at f the Tex fiuinan crnss-exami- tures, folded into a convenien '■ no factual ha . It was purely the present, that unle-- swift emergency measures are taken, it is I the ball g Some dream of adiess pair MILLS, GE0RG1 \ B \I:M:S. DB R man* I opinion of the writer and eatim 1 professioti j| \,e ■ I me the UM general contention BELL TIPP8 ai i DAVID McKEl • i bj from in to 83 per more req educa- and when . ave been prv was appointed t.> aee about ;- tional and general magazii not deni th - serioua I at ■ Htnaei from th( In regard to the rule charg ■ | n |3 ment of iporta. lional "destruction" i- occaring, I'.-hap- no one 1- concerned feet It fee if 1 Announcen- ' -uih a shortage in Germany, but thin example suggests the • not on far.-.- In connection with the net cans., of interference with an after- i'i h, ,11 till i . 1 hack in bat ret noon j ■ • nature of the problem in man> European and (eiatii rountriea • herere, ■ Ii generaH for the Council vacancies and frelri I to more all angles the rule my and ■ ■ In the peal war world, the co-om adaeati I peraaaat ■ tree. There will • untrue should importance. One of the Important tasks u : tl many cha- . |; «hat th The writer I - ntion of ha- "' Vmerieaa elping theae educatioaal institution* ■appraise tl ■ will bi to reorganize, and to aaaiat m replacing lost equipment, This is Be of the significant fn ir or kneel work of his staff and himself ded inrin'i 1 to American collegi ntinuw operating on natural and social science'; there will On The Go ear-normal a- possible schedule during aartimt. idea of tho editorial 1 ■ ill be much man 4 txptrti in all lines ol •I from change in the rule tog." This it is believed, will call 1 would i - |( T. C. 0, I kl to have a and chanecs for a rerifton of ealttea and make the a e a good time. And you can bet if they A Man to Remember - editorial department the highest paid ah had been held and less in nil all yea 1 | ■ ■ ■ ■ • apei production. lance, the DEN - to infer that the registrar was not the pla-•

■ fair in administering this rule. It running down my blue dress have the rule chanc If it . it's likely to be child a* thi win: 1 11 or MAJESTIC down- ■ chang- town and I > i:hu Al [ ".in Daiia? Feb. tt, for I ' » Web, he was Infi induct: • suburbs. bj Ml H hy the cab- E Hardln, e< '41. i- in the inet. I -hat the rule be " ■ I ittracl Ion a' I • -1 Army Air Corpi and is Itadjring me- altered M that working on exam WORTH THEA1 ER ia "SI IND BI t ■ the Unrreraitji of 1 ah- time he , I OH Al ll'i' - OBERl

■ . TA^ I.( IR. A family—the writer Ralph Md n, has EWEN HAM. ai I H1I.1.Y Ml I II lie wai at thi 1 that he ha 1 'he editorial tl a naval e ' ■ ■ and thi 1 1 remarks he is PA RK and ii WAV THEATER Gi ■ Air Fon ■ I nmli- ilncere I the »ion at f Ni,-.. in. IT?" wtt in Jane, James Phillips, (j :|, . Monday the at! I - wtt -M B. 'St, il Infantry at 1 ■ . Ii '"ii'i WERE NEVER Ll have , C. P. T. mil He • amp Oi ii,.! attending parents in Fort Worth hi ital ■ ■! a) 1 amp i; D ASTAIR1 I HI training at Kti of The ex '12. h;. RITA HAYWORTH. Skiff 1. B, '11, is Nava lining 1 The M vII.-Hi' 1 HEATER is giv. rr of tl 1 Wallace, Mai Ga astoi II. name^ loon, how< >' ' I it., A B. 'II. is in en in the birtl . ■ week. 1, laat • idet Robert L'. Andrews, Hawaii with the Infanti 1 ! C, for 0 Don't forget to dee your birl tramp r\ ' ;7, has been appointed cadet (rroup former member of the Frog track

Students and Faculty Friends adjutant a' 1 1 at Brady. ■ V. G I . and Ensign w. 1 Beb 1 1 . In. is chief ip rood !'-, ' ■ I ■ II, has dun, ii at the Naval Air Base In San- in the .Vie ■ He il itati : He i.S fi rd, Fla. Jl parett and la in I at 1 ■' at Laki 1 Naval 1 raining Sta- 1 1' d at Ellington h ■ I and is ioi. are now SI MtIS TOD \> ! in San Diet tion leting hi< graining at to the puble- relation! • '"' er the 1 ro- Norfolk, Va. duty. offI David U . ex tl, has ■ B 1 Ithi ter, B s. ,n warrant or I Kill U \\|i S \l I Klin nd lieuten- Cba A. B. '41, is in train- Arab, ■ ■ the Ma- n ant in the A 11 \. 1 ii. ing in the Munal corps school at AHHMMOM ■ rineii • 11 . 1 •■-■ ■ I Elliiurt f Id a< a I ■ Mi ■ luth, \. J. "WHO DONE IT?" love' love' thin] flight Aviation 1 adi I Dan Downi, u 11, «ith or fie I Dave U'liiiaiii- 1 ) for Athens, (la., foi pn Hud Vliimit. Lou CoateUo of tl of which Ernie P flight training. T. C. U. n thi Port tVorth Hobby Millet, ex '4J, is now in the SI M) \^ \.N|) HONO n *!»&& • ■■■ ■ ■ 1 doing tl Preu. 1 .; how "thn Navy. "YOU WERE NEVER

■ 1 w. 1 TrUBM > '42. is a lieuten- LOVELIER" dov r \ p 1 .. , limped ant in the Air Corp*. He il an in- Fred Aatalre, Rita Haj wotth *c baj ,. "1 their N 11 ■ base r at the Flying Skiff hi |)Ut „ MI- ing had tin ir plani Pampa, Part of the Picture ■till In G Fall Moat Hi ni" • ihot out under them." livin Allen, A. B. II. vllited PARKWAY 1 Inex, I fro 1 A, A Ii . en route to Ran- .11 The d ai the Naval dolph ho id Hr has jtiM md in'' ■: Ski'fl. ■ I: ., ton I'IK- from >nil. At 1 HI School md re- Staff ," Jai Sunday, Hoada) and Tmadaj .. \,l It; ci ■■' 'I hi a inga. BOWIE l . . . A H Thrill pi - th, 1 Beeklt Exell ii still In Hawaii ' »pt. IV. !■. "linh" fcaaktn, A B. I Kill n and BATI RDA1 rlowai to 1 1 ip B It I and er fine." i Ited in Port Worth la ■ : WHO DONE IT? tl . . . M . - 1. N I "ROAD TO Bob Ali'oi'k. 1 12, ll il ■ In Navy He is in the Home Ferry ( ommand Mill, ' . . . editor of Howitzer, ( itatloned at Qreal hall-, Mont. : ■nd ■tatioaed at Nat) Plot outaldi of Hud Abbott tad I.mi Costello are all tradition Thi - 1 ■ l.tmn. Knox Scott, lOphomOre, left Tues- MOROCCO" got of The 1 . vhen hi eporta, hi n * * * * Added to H" . Ranch Week. day morning for Dallai far Induction Huh Hinc Dorothy SI MlAV Altho .,1 lightness n quit ed a 1 1 mto the Naval An- 1 in pv, Capp Hope t'rnsliv mi r Bob Hope - Hiiitr Creeby and fri • ■ •. 1- traditii Palli rton Paguj Cote, ex '4:>, is Kelton Smith, ex 'ii, wa> Inducted Dorotkj l.aiiuirr pirfl ol ' ol Ranch Week it thi \i \,, 1 It the Army Ar f ^1 lailifl- into : 1 today, will ii- ■ an onl I Ha 1 atlon 1 i■nter 111 San Antonio. Lieut, < IK 1 .John 11 Hammond, A. H. 1 1 pi I b) TIVOLI 'ROAD to MOROCCO' a Co I'.n id Smith, t >.. left icheol two ■■1.;. Il now initructlng Spanish at the week 1 in ■ '.. tin Army at I ■ s Naval Aeademy, Alia- A Fairy Tale 1 mull Bee ie, is 11,.- tat oa< d In New Pvt, Kih.ot w i.unsfoid. former Ii In th. Array Ah Force*, ■ HOLLYWOOD si tin: t )ni 1 ■ al I'M flight eVedd 1 0 Donnell, R. s. in Com- ■tatioaed at Hill Held In Ogden, FRIDAY! All era* well, Ihej had plenty of Iime to 1, .1 I '41, la h the Ai my Ait I orpi 1 tab. He is training to be « weathi 1 1 heir 12 0 1 but 1 here appeared on 1'- n I. T"oung, • 1 in. hai bi ■ 1 I laid in Ala- "AMERICAN EMPIRE ' ,-i woli ■ ' the two aiiation hainn. Cbl. C. w. Chrlitenberry, farmei IMi II Mill PRE8TO.N They could I with him, however! and Ie1 him in 1 in- line ited n nli tin- An- Km 1 B, Dyi i, B. s. in Comateree student, is in Ait ■.. : !)I\ till jet to cli ■ timi 1 ' - - - ' Modal, A membei of the Naval 'I-. 1 m 1 aiiii at Corpus William Ljrnn Kendrlck, ex. is with CARRILLO FOSTER IPECIALI t he plgrt bat 1 thei day goi bj ■•■ Itl al for the ad Mi fi- ■■ 1 Iti "i he) MI.V the ma- the Mai Ini • on Guadalcanal. ■ litth pis ■A ■;: h. trai the Elmer Addfngton, tx '3», 1- in train- \I llllMil • SENjATIONAI ' I \( 1.1 si\ | ' Moral: • D in Mai Im 1 it gonna do mj darndeil ing with the Neva] Alt 1 orp MARCH of TIMK aroll in tin lim or when you di our I ■ 1 -i 1 can't get ■ ■ 11 • HI 1 m 1.1; 1 hrlitl, "ONE DAY OF TVAR—RUSSIA I'M! in it tighti 1 and can e other pit ■ II thuai d D*i 1 Hie idea of red I'M Che M I 8b id, B. s ■;;u, , .lel,ruarv 12. I'll.', Kr H;n T II K SKI ¥ V Page Three 16 Boys Vie ACTION TOMORROW' Eel - I I'!..n . Man II ! i ... Swedi Pi I II a .. ;,, f w hen needed. HI". For Jackets Di fen e Ii I hut anything i Hub McQ team I Richard Moore Leads Race tor Intramural Award—McLeroy Second mi | f

■ i mural

n the jacket

I still in th"

i ery, I t Lei i hy the alii,' i I' Pi u I \ Mehaffey, ■ uti kiul if thoie !■■ , Trultt, |(ht, ill don i: and ■ latt, ■

. • • IV ii"! fiant 1.' i ■ ■ pi t>| rain. Whether the i will i.|i. i .-. i ni to be Juniors Victors s. M. r. ha- ni.-" dr ppi 'l the port it i-i touch for the In Day League For thi An afti :nl< r'-v night have bad i ivlded the ph five. 23 to 12, . eligible from la ' I ool ball ipring ti aining . . i ■ rith the a hapless 1 .. ■ 11-5.

■ I I 'heir I campus job lay, hoth defeat- nilred to taki pai I ■■ ing ' by i, uith the exception "f the large n The Junlori defeated t ilotea Mi i • the Sophomon Prosh B. .■:" :!:■ ■ rill taki ran "'. Bipedal); those In the service The Froih five has lost but one Ii m i .| the coi litioi ■ | : that was to the Jtffll A ■ 111 furni-h. tin a chance at the

• • « ■ The Sophomores rose above their I he Kroif "till are in the race and al pull- !"i that Bottthweal ' imferenrr id the upsei of the season, outfight- rhampionship. I hatices are of the Bears to Test Frogs in "Pay Dirt Game ing tho Juniors, for three qua outride nature, hut Hire- rktof) — bi <" re succumbing. Thi "e utood MM r the undeleatrd I.nnKhorna in 22-22 when James wai fouled as lursday helped tinhten the race. Victory for T. C. U. Necessary the | I. He then calmly can- leva-, anil lrfctrrr*1 have each Noisy Defeat of Cadets ned the pratiB shot for the winning -t only one game. Rice and Ice Scrap Leaves point. i C I. have dropped three. Ar- For Chance at Conference Professor Prouse \\ . !' . day, the Juniors meet the uwa« has icl to pla> hoth the Gives Frogs Revenge ihman five, while the high-scor- lurple and the l.onniiorns. on opi- Minus 3 Teeth In the wild Both ti t a pi i; " for too take on the - oneeta' courts. Ihu-e four fames Title-Conard to See Action Ha', i'n'1 you board thai Prof. on, thi I mall, and Mike < In the other niirht Ramf, the Pi »ill be touuh for the Raaorbacka. en and Sophi battle it out for the By ELMO WEBB T. m Prouie has loit three I i : from the I he I rocs hue finished up rela- cellar championship. n. OH nilh S. M. 0, one ot the AlthotiRh the sfasim's standing! find Baylor with only ■ No, it waan't from old i I hotteal teams in the conference at victorv and on the bottom of the conference heap, the Frogi will I Ighing play anyway. i . ai- aft. n in years of high February Skiff Magazine liresent. Texas must meet the Mils. have anything bul an eaay time in Wind tomorrow night. | n and Laagl again, and it would he no sur- After being swamped by Arkansas last Friday night, school and i To Be Literary Issue Hears' lo-t the Saturday encounter to the same team by a ilim final!: while play- . prise to tea 8. M. I . come out on The February edition of the Skiff i.ip. Texai had a hard time eown- 2-point martin. . a o itralghl di p a din t to ml I . students. I will he the mid- lag the I'rmies II to .17 earlier. The Frogs downed the Bears here in thi opi er ol the season minutei ime! ..„-, ,„ ;i p. i . i . fans si ill remember the shooting that nighl oi While in 1 lition sponsored by If the l ins- ahoaM take their rc- : to ga, ■ ■ LI high k in a DM nainlag fire cames, it »,>uld he a Baylor's No. 18, Frankie Edwards. Frankie has scored 89 points ntally had IB and "All , this edition Brett] -ah lot thai the] would at in eighl games . i ■ 11- i M >.r the conference season. ! I ■ should be turned in at the Kngli-h , tat Ret a tie for the flat. Hi tallied M agi I i ^gglaa. of Si .MS minus office by ton i i Dr. Rebecca E ■ Bill Hailey, With >''l Smith. • * • W. S. A. to Choose ■ i il Baae Van Sweet, with 57, are the other Prof, I'n 'ear I aic football has taken over tl i , li fii ill; 20, ' ■ '.nous of th.' football player-. Fottt high icartri for thi Bruina. Regular Activities Friday mati TCU Endeavor Meeting igan and wai I I . . I .no playing a round robin at center, Merlin link-, ha- 14. Either 'A' s. A. members will sign up for Postponed for Next Week on the Big Tai all BUI i I the Fro Only Jama Reedi r 01 Harmo thi ipnng iemi ter at a meet and fn k i,.,' i DeLong; he no meeting of the game an afternoon i being Hi Fail open at thi othat regular po itiona. be held at 7 i I leavor society- |; , d. i ,,plain- of the I'll teams a grei Into ting quintet. The Frog Gym naiium. liX field .1. C. Oneal, 1'unk Smith, I Ichigan'i cha next week, due tO I "-' Il ' hold on lo that slim chanei a' I eon- all i Mrs. Moberly, B. S. '41, ititute program, swan ami Boh M ' R • i. The Prof, Pi nt on not be elifl the lo - of hi- ti ' hat he ami could be called the lefi," the ferenci title A.1 pn ei I the Frogi ; Accepted in WAVES an award, iaj M Nanc; Ki Hi ■ having tie., Punklni," "Keds" and "1 |l„. ,. foul v .. '"I and tl ec defeats. pi» ol,nt. i'ttr. Mi . ia ni V The remainder ol " "ndta ... i. Physical Ed , TaKM, Wee and Arkansas all playing the WAVES It is true in ha-kethall as in any ■ FEBRUARY 14 is VALENTINE DAY other sport that players have "hot" here Hoi ba< I at 1:80 p, m. Friday. in H ' Men's Glee Club Changes i and "cold" streaks. A team with Although t'n may t t.oir it W In cnod substitutes cannot hem h a Meeting Time to Monday irting lineup. Bill t onard and on a "1 ! man «hen he is one of I he "cold ; Hiking a' i n. m. Thtmday. The meeting timi f the Men Glei Harold DeLongj will ne ■ actioi I p in Monday. Shi ' -Pell-. That »as the ra-i with the . o o'clock I roga, If a man couldn't find the tomorrow on the itrength of their Tennii al 2 p m. Tu< iday. at Smil h ' each aften basket or muffed his aaatgnmenta, play agalnai the ^ggioi l' wa« Har- Swimmlrlg al 3 p m. Thurida; liv changii | thi ting time, it i- lie still had to sta> in ihe same I he old'i weond game foi tl l Pu t Fi ni ing ai 2 p in. Thurida). M, Frsfl have some i\r» blood in the his first conference tilt, bul he is a Sprini ida? of Harold DaLoagy. Te tag real hustler, a flni guard and to find I ihat. Wild Kill Canard has hit a M i . tab. th 1 . shot, even though he did m lent. hoi" streak. Hoot he smpn-ed to the week end at l ion. ; fa flad these two boya In the itirtlng day. f loppj Bla kmon pas i I Max Hum- ' ■ I VALENTINES! imeup in Waco tomorrow * * * I: \ : d I" the Mixed Cherui will be held Flop in n"1"' ' : I.dual', itaff. Si-en on the campus uh I .,r,.i Ma. 56. Bob HcH I id spell hit: Frank Medanieh with poinU Saturday moved him to 18 for ■ ". mufflers wrapped around hia nose the -eason. ' keep it warm. It ll I After the game with Baj hat Pecoe gave up pink: pot | I morrow, the Frogi have EVEN COWGIRLS I "iild not see the table. week'i la; off. Texai mei i P » • * She Will Welcome pie Feb. 2" I" the Bi ARE GLAMOROUS! In parting, remember, "The loud- naiium here. ti of all go to Carneg r 1O Coeds, tret ready 1 ES, tin loudi ' " »" K" NOLDE 1 arnegie Hall." for the big. RANCH WELCOME Choose from our -i, WEEK CELEBRATION. RAYONS COWHANDS wide selection of Lorraine Feagin Receives (all About Our Permanent > c~. Hurt- i- a iliffererue in Rayon Commission in WAVES After ridin' Wavt Special Now On. Valentines Hout ... a- \IIII "ill (It-finer «hen 1 Mm MH> i hi new NiiUle Rayona. Thali Kin i i ,,iiie K Feaffin, e* and ropin', conn' to Conn l» VERNOWS for . ..Candies fine , dull finbh and t-U'tir 'I and E ning Collate itudent COLLEGE INN last seme-ur. Iia- completed her FINGER w WKS ...Greeting Curds gheernen make Iheai ■ C1 M \M( i KI;S training In the Naval Baaerve Mid- for refreshments delightful k'ift u> recdvt. HAIU STYLING y'/\\ shipmen's School at Northampton, ... Lunches Mass. PARK HILL She has boon commissioned a ... Sandwiches Phone 9-2093 for Appointment lieutenant lj.p.1. nnd assigned to active duty. ... Drinks VERNONS PARK HILL PHARMACY WASHER BROS. COIJ tOE INN BEAUTY SALON 2'ITI Part Rill D Ke Lion dioss-I'iesiJerU lii^'I; rjold bar pin. Hai heart 2(>h2 Park Hill Drive I'limif 1-2258 center with rubies. Rtwtrd Call 261b Hern Phom 1-0068 Mary Geni Carter. 1-3154. Friday, Fehruary 12, 1J« Page Four THE SKIFF

M cowboys and a gal are the tkree peraoni pic- Ranch Week's Here By DRUGSTORE below, Heady 10 pound the gi I Would "The Real McCoy i - ■■• - the Jud| .■! at 1 p. m. today li Re) Bloom, at left. Miss oad Edleen Armstrong V. I :i:i 11 ih ' ;n* nf "At the Know TCU Cowguys, Gals? - ft Sam Weatherford'e In '!»' center. and ; or "Dow» \' t ' ■, Jr., at wheat ranch the barbeeoe and rodeo Hv EDI I.KN UtMSTRONG —i M \in ILLENE JONES in the Mouth." Tl - of the held. attler Mary Allene Jones drunk. D Ellia) daugh- T . * H on •

B ok Mary la The ("Toggle quintet came through I' B, Wi ilding belli \>. Dad: • . | thi Hi'!. ■ . w olf by w nh a vii toi '■ ov i i the Aggli Si I Siindav toe DoHa and ' apt. 1: : Tf v by i who else urdaj night. Thej furnished I JEAN ENGLEMAN ■ coin: Itfl. dunce with lots of excitement and inpus this Week with

■ boots I aft. rwa went "in to ci le- «N Iry, for tin- third There are f n aerates >e- '•I. No date ha<- i for me: * m four corpses and tw foi th< 'i Tell the hirexl hana>. Roughridei DI ' I- they OP M 'I f"i ■ i and ieh can- the first tune In thnc yiar^. and its Bl ii I "I HKNIT.K ha put thi e s] .Mit. revealed to the public at this Saiiiidav crowd was made up mostl; gl King a good rush from thi time. oi li,iis pp i i KI v BRCn i is he arrived a fen •nerv." Beecher's ' trial the final e • ttx re will and TED NI 'K.MAN' are in the . he turned them all di > ■ why they're huV.:ng a trial. AD tiring irons :. of the Academy tra and are trm troopers. Hl'B Mr- :.d and went home *■■ ictor and act i ■ MI N n V «a< show ing his hon ■ gOOdl fl lend" off to the armr,l g of it will i» c* h i hi girl-frii I ■ . Miss Luxa to dire and be by the audirr, A I ■ .Ml. A nund" I Oi atl ml Happenings on the Hill; I Junior Recital the lea will be i preside. ■ I: I'M I. ADMIRE ( VS El IH I I - "one ami si ^ tta kill to our soprano, i II AW KING: in \ ER1 V j hi r from Bht ppa time some way] : recital BOSW 1 I I. and !>A\ II' Ml M E| FRANl E8 Min Mil Lb n in the "Ranch Week" Monrv Issued NANC1 KE1 1 I i; and ELMO * EBB and gi tting a log r. ■ , :■ ge of the I I " . i Ova in the Lone Wolf Saloon you steadies there were: Campua I'ltib dancr; ELI EN \

■ can double your money in two min- RA1 I'll "TOAD" POR1 ER end JANE RICE going with h Luxa is a ; :"■ John ■ s a guarant - t; -; Deadly Weapons Forbidden— - HRONISTER and DO! HARRINGTON ma . penny back. One cent buys the equiv- TIMvA Al KINS n fan those \._ -' - alent of 100 chips or in real money Other- mi! for th" OBi I ' - Wen ■ the eoedi since BID 11 McCorkle. rianist. will be the ac- - 'Students Can't Carry Arms' IM ITS i RUDGINGTON and M Nt: BONEV, LORNA CULP i the rodeo, there will he a companist. ;.! money has been prepared ( HAMBLEE; I HARLE1 MAYS and LINK ROBERTS dated bo . .a! that home cock- . numbers by to keep in spirit with the occasion. KI itl BA1 1.; FRANK MED AN II 11 gleland last m ok i ml: Run BALA

| ■ • Was Regulation in 1893 . Debussy. Mosart, Delibes, Fiyc hundred dollar bills have a pic- and MARTHA MELLOW N; PAT AL- HAN going with MARGARE1 al ■ after the trial, •.umber ture oi 9 them, "•^ lent ay ki i p tn their LISON with a Concbo Field lieuien- i n he 1,-av ing the "BOMB! .-.inds of cor.- now, but there a aa no will be Schu '■Vans, tfa—Shelburne and tZOl MA\ HUMPHREY S and r.KR- i anj firearm, a ,ii heating*, a> it shown by a i; VIRGINIA CARSON are been r violin 'an. aie adorned with Dean Hall. NH E BELL; BK1 1'Vt. NAIL and : ■ B"\uo knife or any kind ing j oung men to L. I.Ui AS deciding to call It ' . tobacco - i'f chance such as ru- of deadly weapon." This » ■ matter MAI EVANS; SPI D CA SUE COLGAN « ' ; Kards may be indulged of thf | s in the 1- of cutting wood, making fires, etc." since he ii t is an'; I I ill as- m. and the ; loaa. Every . Some of the courses went by ■ ■ ■: the Ait iran warfan ; BE! a late with Joe a winner, folks, so step right In 1893 T. C. I ited at BEBE IATHAM 1A 11 to go'to the opera house and .-■ up and take home the check for next ■ Thorp Springs, "away from the may not know that they are taking and DEAN BAGLEY and DORIS . ttera from a c ■, or Down in month's grocery bill. Proprietor alluring vices of a city, free front an amanuensis course. This in- ROGERS visited Br.l I l. ALFORD'S ma. .V. ell star campus cast, Science Society Plans Crudgington will indorse any checks the evils about railway stations." cluded shorthand, typing and other a ■■ ready for c - -ee horses, will present Picnic for Friday and trust any man's word. It's the It U in the city now, but not too studies in what is now secretarial ■ Ins bow. because Valentine i> ■ dranier." Afterwards opportunity which knocks only once for a picnic to be held on Fri- elose to the railway station. News'n Views Just around the corner. I . . .- -o go over to and it's a knock-out! . by the Prices were not quite as high as Regulations required the girls flocking to the "P. 11 the La -a'.ocn for a root- A special bulletin has just come in From Science Society at its last to wear a uniform dress for pub- awaiting package.-. JAKE from Director of Grub David McKee. r lic occasions. This creation wa- a ed a bottle of p -. - The bigger event of ail will be a - i OFFEE wiil be served at the bar-b-q Other Schools a dance ;n the "Little ,i-. "Round Capt. Lon Gives "solid blai lv cashmere made up in fume from her California I I and plenty of food to go with ght Thanks for . •. - Bob r wester plain simple style." There v>a.- a by MAR1 I HAR1 OTTO FAR] No more need be said as an induce- Vivid Description •d gingham dress I : liar Arrowheads." .. black hat to go with this. HOU! TON I'< 'sr El » Itl tn ment, so adoo until you do too. Beverley Wade and bonnet. 1 rr. hoping to win the Of New Guinea All of the Kiris' shopping was I I tradition when they a' tend the Western dance toget prize in UM collections of Indian ar- done under the supervision of the My date ha b beard that The heat of tropical New Guinea matron, "as the judgment of girls A Post War Reconstruction Confer- morrow night. Beginning th« • ence is being held • I niversity he has been (rowing ever since school o- ■ Religious Week ■ ly ordinary rounds can not be relied upon in making ■ freshman year, they ha>e alwa; ■ He has f-rgotten what a Miss hnrpper tn Wed t Continued Fr^m Page 1) II to fill American stock- judicious purchases." of New Mexico campus. Repri a date for this event. I s hoping to ings, according to a recent letter from "Parents will please not encour- tivea from Ixteen Muthwest colleges kges and universities," says Presi- the beard g Lieutenant Dean A ->i.,.o .1. i Lon) Beavers, R. S. age nor expect their children to and universities were invited, and fed- dent Sadler. Gotta | I about P B. in 'Zo in chem ■ r-tiT' home on Christmas, nor any itate and military officials are Happy Birthday "The University of Texas, A. & M., .-'' ' r 111,-. The t'l c I co"* home Easter and let | 12, and 1 eut, Truman Lon «■ Inaa a« "part- time before the close of the school ■ ■ «hn*f Texas Technological College and ly like movie versions of the | ing the tiaftr* »ri-< in thi» |H ■ v I year," staled the catalog. .- 'ri^ir have already had religious partly like w the United Stab I niittec of the The Bl ' ''' I empha - during the cur- for* nn1 I riri*y.) Suzy. bride-elect's like cloaca of the world." Santa International Stud, \ rent academic year. 0 Claui didn't get that far south, hut on Frank Scofield Elected port of proccedine* and Feb. 12 ly capable persons. Bvetting College Adds i mi n "had a good President of Timothy Club vv hich ai i adopted, v .lean Huntle; All students and teachers should to the International Student Service Mildn I Ugon "' Th« meal, a drink or two, and sang a C ourse in Spanish make the most of this opportunity." carol." ■ Scofield was elected presi- for inclusion in a United States Na- Feh. 13 ■ "nt Sadler is a dent of I iub at the regular F'ousf ■ I :cd an- pie Lon tional Collegiate To t War I committee consisting of Miss Lois Retty Pecor irse for begir has met in the South Pacific are | Mo iday in Brite Chapel. opinion. ■ ■ ■ e. Dunny Sims. Hugh I furlo Warm . PI North, Henry Aho elected were Robert Vincent At the University of Texas IT ee In.. M Mford. Miss Roger* Baker, James Moudy, Dr. Mund- now being Grammar, John Herbert and Tiklen dent, and i Hyde Foltz, recently received their nurse's Francia Hilson ■. and Daan Her- I red. To Wed Sunday Childs. H. encountered secretary graduation cape, forming the first Fab, lit man Pittman. - -gs of Lieut. Col. Frank Council rt ■ aker from the Ministers' In- tied Cross Volunti Curse's Aide Ruth Ball ■ "It is customary for non-church IC 1 m took Worth. stitute will be presented in the reg- Corps. Thee girls will assist gradu- Bi lea MOVTUJ ! Capt. Bruce A to observe Religious Empha- ular program Monday afternoon. Pat ! pla The other two the Arl- ' il | :,' T. i I ate nurses in giving valuable ; sis Week," comments Dean Hall. LucUle Stark • •; • of Radio, '■' - the L'niver- to the nation in time of enuit -:•'■' -rch' ■iiould have a full attend- Keb. IT -. Part II" will not I aa Medical School. He What next for the coeds! A one ance f:' • tdcnti We have Cleo B • I bride- ■ Yo: k Miss Shclton Presides aemester course in radio coda and ra- i: attention to Ranch Wei dames David Brown ' w M City. Hi dio theory is being offered st M ' ' othe: apeeia At Bible Class Banquet pfa Engler to be decorated—for heroism in rescue T< .as Agricultui al I slle| e thi I . : J01 Hillen I ' one week to religious empha Armina Schenck work. Laura Shelton presided at a The government needs women in radio Jai k Smith 1 ■ ■ Hall is in charge of thi banquet given by the Jarvis Love work and eight branches of govern- Fi ii I - Miss Smith, \.B. '33, • tote, which is meet .- Rryson Club Plans ment war agencies are seeking women /s Married the campus ni parti- Dr. Kuhlman Visits Campus Bible Class of the First Christian Alex Joiner Spring Program qualified to pass amateur license ex- Maxine Middleton cipating in Religious Emphaaii Week Church in thf church banquet room - A I To Do Joint Library Work animations in radio theoiv and (ode. ■J*.hn Steele n .. ■■:■-'■ Club met ,es. Saturday night. Rogt Robil n were ma: 1 plani for I A V. Kuhlrmn. director of the V Si,, 'Mil is retiring pre ident Boulevard Methodist I ,1e joint CJniven it) I ibrai ■ i of Nash, of the cla-'. reh. -. Nothing '« " w 3 on 'he campui thii wi The b- I ''acher in the I but the sr '-■" * Miss Enlow to Speak GET REXDY FOR the tea It, I:I I out. On "Nutrition" at a ■ led meeting. He is in this vi- Rev. Richmon to Speak will make tr I Kiizabeth I - social ■"'1 ■ Bonne 1 ; ■ ak to aa for the r. s. c. w, At Homiletic Meeting RANCH WEEK H T. C. and I i U. work out Pcrmancnts r at the h'- '-; Walter a joint library , which they T <■ K '. Lester Richman, pastor of Manicures Home Cooking That Is Really Good I . ' - tip from the the First Christian Church of Plain- Mil Enlow1 ■ .Mject will be "Nu- general education b view will speak on "The Minister's Finger Waves trition." Pri li ■ M. E ! dli i and to Social Welfare" at the Phone 4-0081 for Appointment COLONIAL CAFETERIA have already preset ■■ ,j - of the Homiletic (juild '•' day. The meeting is at noon 3062 University Drive ity to the (.'.,,, ral i d icatien boa ■■■ Conde Morris Weds in the Alcove of the Cafeteria. Kuhlman will help outline the final T.C.U. BEAUTY SHOP Hetty Whitehurst htii Betty Lou Whitehurst, fre-h- HEY, PARTNER! .rv-t, jnan. arid Comic Morn1, senior, ueie Books for Service Men Wednesday night at the home Still Needed in Campaign (iet rid of that f the lect'l parents, Mr and ■ J"' need I RANCH WEEK Mrs. John li '. ', , Mia- uted to soldi' uloi ■ is great. dowhrnok Drive. BEARD ■ - that at Choose Your are brought to the

1 '■' ■ . - T. C. U. tVBRSHARP one is urg I hrough his m GIFT SET ■ : ' ibutS as BARBER SHOP to thi "\ i' ■ Across from Ilrite ? tor »de price of. i lory Book I . pile. Phone I-nils I VALENTINE TMI SIT *875 AMD P) GUA««NIox of Valentine camlv. Wide selection, Valentine wrappings. TYPEWRITFR the fair ' SUPPLY CO. M T.C.U. HORNED FPC1 PHARMACY COX'S PHONE i-^27:> '-»» r •»».««»>• s ttai rro«LUvf "" R. E COX DRY GOODS COMPANY