Howdy, Pahdner! Ranch Week's Hen THE SKIFF Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University \Ol.UME41 «" FORT WOWORTH,RTH. Jh.XAh.n:\AS. IKID.M,FRIDAY, vr.nn.inmFEBRUARY 12,... ■1943 Jedqe Bean to Try Montgomery at I P. M. Today t * * T ******************** ************ * Religious Emphasis Week Will Begin Monday, Close Thursday _r}irrcr\ . ^ -^ — —. ..—... ID for B D anchWeek iu four touffh sruva. Thes'^:'' i "'■ e■ • ^+ •«• A ■*• ■ n __ ^A KloutU Ur f, i Conviction Anticipated---Big "D" Dr. Edwin M. Poteat to Be a and Sheriff Sam i Wi ford. Main Speaker, Will Give Withdraws From Spittin' Contest, Series of Four Addresses Dr Edwin McNeill Poteat, principal or Religious Leaves Competition Wide Open i [f Wei k, will arrive bj M ■ cord- Bj IS1I LIE 1KAN BONE^ ng to information received bj President M E. Sadler. Dr, Poteat will give the firsl in his series of addressee at It't hvar 'it the gUl '' hl'' i p. m. Monday in the Auditorium. It will be baaed on the topic Five Positions tagithei caze thi can '^'V'" •This la a Lost World." way Ranch Week is really hvar! The arm Hi, second address, at 8 p. m. Tui daj "The New Direc- Go Unopposed they're no tion" His third address is "Who Will Kind If.'" and the fourth tradition. Wl a Sam say if hecould i: ,.. |a "The Qui t IsEterna rhe third addn - is at 8 p. m. New Deodline Set for why worr ti - Cumminga is a ' • loot at the si; ,,..,).,, an(j the last will be presented at 8 p. m. Thursday. Two Frosh Offices—Date Spatial organ rauric ami a etudem! Bei chi M merj haa jual been si i Of Next Election Feb. 25 ayer will precede P adler's kin' a little He won'l have a - : . ., . charges which are bi ntroduction of the ipaaker, 1 Institute Opens Five Student i him He' d with disturbing tl entry, mis- ll| each of the mmn addresses tha filled withou public propertj and the kidnaj and •udonts go to ; Monday Night as the petition deadline th meeting! over the earn] No pi titions wei e subn il Dr. May to Be Assembly dencj of tin RANCH WEEK I After the first address the entire Speaker—Dr. Poteat to Talk freshman class. The deadline for ! M will pull t audience will adjourn to the : J u, ur\i irrkl" H Leoi Nightly—10 Seminars Given theae I itil noon t^UttiN Louise Wall 1I»1I parlor, where they will partici- Wedneaday, with the electl n picl in d S*i pate in a ma" discuaeion led by The Mil ' 1 ' ' ita "ill open Thurada , Fel 25. ..- mi t thi ' i , ■ it Sadler. Dr Potaat and night with a participation in Bill Hal 11 . .- of Convn ; cilman al large, Placi 2. Filling thi ' ■ .., f | |« go , •.: aaaiat Week pro- gradua i i the I ouncil ii gram which is presenting Dr. President Sadler in leading the dis- Bill S1 th when cussion. Poti at, a member of the In- \i i hi md Mi--< dander up. A group of men students will meet dty. Nina i , ctad to their 1 at Starling House after each ad- Tiie [net ' have as a part of Its Director Knits— ortcrs ha dress, which is to he of an hour'a gram thi nightlj addn | I ■ duration. Dr. Edwin A. Elliotl " I Dr, Potaat, and in addition I" semi- , i It's i lest you lead the Starling House disc. nars will be offi Band (Mad) House Is Scene Fillii g thi i The subject will be chosen anew each T. C, U. profeaaora who are to head of the SO] ' Palmer \ aeati I H le night. nan are: P Of Lively Doings-Always kins. In thi conti 'l ri . w V. Rooaa wil laad I r 11 \. L. Porterfield, Preai to cussion in Gib on Houee and Mmaa. NI -cent undei di i ,1, „• M. E Sadler, Di W, C, Morro, B> I'd I I II II vN P" 1 in I icco i". R. Sharar, H< i man Pittman and by his ,,wn Bnozzle I e sub- Two to Attend 8. W. Hutton, Prof- < A. H. R. Mundhcnke will alter! lr Col, N, J, Whitl hurst enters amidst ., ■ of thi ami II And » i; . fa and Dr. Clinton Loekhert. ■ laading the girla' diac isaion groupa mad whittling and foot jumping, : '. , 'Americas' Meet The aeminara will he presented meeting in Foster Hall. takes his plai ■ podium, rapt - rring! veil and Eai I Dr. H. R. Mundhenke en n 8 until 12 o'clock. At 11 Kirkpatrick wi a. in. there will be a general aseem- twice with his silver baton an : Sherer will have eharga of the Clark day musing a« to whi ; might p. m. ' B in trial Hall discussions. During tha four which the apeakar will bi Prof. n the "tui. for thi vs been thi cial ii p. in Ranch nights. Dr. Poteat and Prof. May of the Union Theo- musk 1" begin. That'l a general idea which he m I - Bal I and the International Si Horse shoe logical Seminary, New York. will go from croup to group, lead- of what happen! somewhere around House tome time ago. Then- may be t igan in* the discussions in each one alter- al?0 12:15 p. m. a bouse. rhe Mil ■ i "ill ■*" a moral to thai tale but if thi re ia you Austin Feb. 20-21. i nately. miners at 10 o'clock each morn- Then are approximate^ 32 can figure it oul for yo ! . ention i I ilin' "Wa are confident that the Rail- l is the din I ■ the band and a d ffi renl 16 Sevi ral atti mpt h ivi M'! be "The Future of the : '.li p, re giout Emphaala program will prova thi " nga will be show up tor : i ach day. They to bum the I- ■ down, The ,-,- " I. I tie- l m's I neat entertaining a i i pi il on the figure lfi can make as much noise as B ita United - Latin A "li,, - loath (I eampua, It It tha typa of | as which will coma at 2 o'clock for tin- maj bi Bome and to ol iy ian't attend. which it . pai oi oi the be pal i U»u "Curs 'i "u li ally in nearly all of the betl i faurcl Mi ■ obvioua at all, i I In hit il with hot Rev. |. B Holmes to Speak Ualton." (Continued on Page II rl Worth li knit*. Ma> i- al h . io I ant W o imblin') 11 "Di I 1-uehrcr's- At Church Service Sunday ■' with a capita] K. Hi of which •lhl. i iurn Friday, and sock or embli e\ ; almost sets the pli The Rei 1 B H Feb. 19, after the 11 o'clock seminar cute. H. >» olive I .1 from an;, oodj' fai e is i Christ an Mi ioni Voice has been completed, drab affaii ' will speak on "I he Idei tod ■ D. Had »aye 'hat the [goi Stravinsky's "B rceuse" and or off, rhi at the Sundi I r-Bq from the "' ire Bird l : ,■ that attendance will be knit heai ■ i Bi to bam : at thi ■ l III p n, 'A - l, in of the can do to a [0:50 a. in. have to in li thi pan I . ■ i Dacus will sing ■ ind .i 0 man.', m It age. a pi Nol Sfe, O 1 and sham, sentence Next Friday Is TCU Day p Editor Could he put in q lotl but it would At Carnegie Art Exhibit aiet a!,-;: thi band houei Ha orship. by only lead to blood ; net iced .i An; waj. ii wa- during the Dr. A. L. P vi v-xi Friday hat been deaignated ■ i . pa in oul al I Lois Jeane Cayce ;,. r. C. U. studenta' day at the Car- cold ipi II and thi ■ to keep thi " the Band Ho eek or to o'clock Sum Once more the Old Waat \:i Exhibit which it on view ; and givi s the i" a. few I . ■ Forl Worth Public Library. pulled down ■ ' sue II Mrs. Ladd, A. B '32, . to us own on tha campui but the cold), llns promiacu >u He'a big-time i I well, you : th Members of Miai Lorraine Shi i .pert a fellov, w ilh his ainbi- Author of "Trip" Book Week is fun, kids, ao here'i hoping a particular portion of i. "Intern al - I thi trte" da ..• bunch II,ee- I everybody enti at the formal opening of the the profi oul read of things. ., i tmell. ■ ty 'white trasl - ana. ..' tl # * + * show Monday night. Maw a an. ti Final!: tl University Vesper Service : til The new Student Onion Center il The exhibit, which haa been at the i | i .•.,,. v- Museum In New same appearing to serve Us purpi I about him. Vou oni bit To Be in Bnte Tuesday ■ ,,• months, is tl The social committee wai I English Club to Present II around the Cii Arl Museum : A pecial 1 Bill, a paraoni to coma oul each I Marine in Assembly I and iponaorad by the Ci negii ' " i SB < and Thursday avaningi and enjoy the : . Corp Vincent 1 ' ■ tpel. 1 gal together!, The Studenl Council n ,,r Nev. fork, Admiseion li ■ her. '■ speak al \ has furnished tha foundation. It'a up ■ Tin guj I under: laid one I II Wil portunitie for men in the Instil tn the student body to keep the center and they enjoy life -nral'li ' II hum.
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