EstablishEd 1917 a CEntury of sErviCE GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • GARY W. BLACK, COMMISSIONER • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2021 • VOL. 104, NO. 16 • © COPYRIGHT 2021 COVID-19 is the mother of invention Beef producers become processors to overcome challenges of pandemic recovery By Jay Jones others to consider selling beef directly to customers is a labor
[email protected] er1s7ary shortage among large processors nationwide. ni v20 The workforce lost last year has been slow to come back, Beef producers like Joseph Egloff are finding new ways to 7n – and that has caused the number of slots – places where ranch- sell their beef in the wake of COVID-19. Demand for beef is h9 A1 ers can schedule a cow to be processed – to shrink. strong, but processors cannot expand production due to labor 100t1 Sandlin said wait times for processing slots are up to nine shortages. months, making it difficult for ranchers. Those factors, along with new interest from consumers to “By the time it takes us to get a cow ready to go to market, buy locally, are reshaping the beef market, according to Egl- we’re looking right at 24 months,” Sandlin said. “Now, (ranch- off. He runs a small ranch in Monroe County and saw an op- ers) are having to build in nine months backward, and that portunity to open a processing operation to package his meat takes a considerable amount of time to make sure that you’re and meat from other ranches nearby. hitting that timing just right.” “When you sell beef instead of cattle, you become a price Sandlin said the cattlemen’s association wants to help the setter instead of a price taker,” he said.