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Istria VACATION PLANNER Istria FROM THE DEEP BLUE SEA . TO THE CRESTS OF THE HILLS . Istria VACATION PLANNER Istria. Green Mediterranean. Welcome. ou have in front of you a guide for holi- Whether you prefer setting off on your Istrian Y day planning, a modest booklet that will adventure by spreading all canvas at sea or introduce you to all the beauty and charms roaming through its enchanting scenery on of Istria and provide you help in leisure time your bicycle, here you will find all necessary planning. information. Are you a lover of the cultural Amplified through attractive photo- heritage? Istria will charm you both with its graphs, detailed writings and all necessary magnificent Roman amphitheatre in Pula, information this is not an ordinary guidebook. the basilica of St. Euphrasius in Poreč and Instead of the standard tale of sun, sea, wine the humble medieval chapels and romantic and truffles told town by town, we present to ruins. If you long for gastronomical treats and you 7 Istrian clusters and a completely new divine drops of the finest native wines, you approach to holiday planning. Don’t hesi- will find your harbour in one of the numerous tate - find out all the secret of this sunny country tourisms and wine cellars. Everything peninsula! Discover the itineraries where the you have ever dreamed of is at hand. Leaf warmth of the blue Mediterranean is exalted through these pages and take your first step by the peaceful charm of picturesque Istrian towards a dream holiday. medieval towns in the inland. Tomislav Popović Director of Istria Tourist Board 1 04 A beach of your own for true pleasures GREEN MEDITERRANEAN. 05 Dive into the crystal clear Adriatic Sea under the ancient sun hether you choose hidden coves interrupted by a sea gull or some small W with white pebbles, small or larg- boat just spreading its sails somewhere er bays, or rocky sundrenched fragrant in the distance. Surrounded by the full- reefs, the pure and intact Istrian beaches ness of scent, flavor and summer noises, are true wonders of nature. Though it has you will jump from a rock deep into the always been easier to capture them in blue sea and rise to the surface among paintings than describe them in words, the fireworks of the flaming red sunset... you just have to think about them and the Sounds unreal? This is only the beginning. he blue flag marks only the best sight will emerge before your eyes. While T beaches of Europe. Blue fl ags fl utter the sun is at its zenith, and the maestral Wreathed with heavenly islets simi- on more than 40 Istrian beaches. They wind (landward breeze) blows lightly over lar to a string of beads adorning a gen- represent the ecological prestige of rec- the pine-trees crowns whose branches tle countenance, Istrian coasts are the ognizing and preserving natural values yearn for the azure of the high seas, you cleanest and the most beautiful beaches with constant maintainance and checking can leisurely sprawl on a warm white in the Mediterranean. Washed in the gen- on the sea quality, educating and infor- rock in a hidden cove enjoying the sound tle salt of the Adriatic, awakened by the mating the public about the environment of cicadas. Run your fingers through the northeastern wind and caressed by the and insuring the maximal safety to the pebbles sparkling under the crystal-clear mild landward breeze, they represent a visitors with all modern additional services waters of the Adriatic, while your lungs true sanctuary of peace and happiness. and facilities. Considering the quality and fill with fragrances of the Mediterra- Surrender yourself to them, and, like an purity of the sea, out of 537 km of the nean. Here, time is irrelevant. Enjoy the elixir, they will have an eternal invigorat- coast, 99.6% of Istrian beaches today are peacefulness of infinity that can only be ing effect on your soul. suitable for swimming. 4 2 3 o not have any doubts. What is wait- 5 D ing for you here is a true challenge for all those with particularly curious minds who will be able to discover the miraculous flora and fauna in the depth of the sea as well as the contours of sunken towns, the wreckage of a galley and many ships... ( 1.4.5.Pula 2.Umag 3.Rovinj ) 1 06 Amazing views wherever you go hite, gray and red, Istria is a land whose di- Find W versity is almost unique in the Mediterranean. This heart-shaped piece of land deeply immersed into the blue waters of the Adriatic, is a secluded hidden treasures garden of nature and extraordinary beauty. A look from above reveals this special Istrian palette: in the north, the undulating peninsula mildly comes of untouched down to the sea with its white calcareous hills, in its center it reveals its grey plateaus rich in water; on the southwest its low-lying valley fl ames in the nature heat of its characteristic red soil. Istrian landscapes are unique. Look at its coast: west and south fi lled with indented shapes, numerous islands and islets, ( 1.Labin 2.Poreč 3.Grožnjan 4.Buzet 5.6.Pula ) GREEN MEDITERRANEAN. 07 2 3 gentle bays, mild coves covered with peb- slowly give way to fragrant pines and the bles and natural ports freshened by land- Mediterranean macchia (dense evergreen 4 ward breeze, exuding a genuine Mediter- shrubs). And hardworking peasants have ranean charm. On the other hand, the east, further enhanced it with thousand-year-old with fragrance of sage that embraces the olive-trees and wine grapes. It is a beautiful naked coasts of the steep cliffs, calls for land, Istria. north-eastern wind and the Kvarner Bay. So, do not hesitate - enter this hidden The climate here is as unique as its fl ora. garden of nature and meet its wonderful, in- Everywhere you look the Mediterranean tact landscape. As your lungs fi ll with sharp melts with the mainland. Northern woods scents of the aromatic plants or sleepy of oaks and beeches cast their shades, stone pines and sweet Spanish broom, you cultivating the underground treasure - will become aware of the perfect harmony the truffl e. Towards west and south, they of the Mediterranean and middle Europe. 5 6 08 Charming days in enchanting Istrian towns ( 1.5.Pula 2.Labin 3.Grožnjan 4.Rovinj ) GREEN MEDITERRANEAN. 09 12 4 Visit magical places emerging from the blue-green sea cattered along the coasts and hill- 3 S ocks, amidst the vineyards and ol- ive-groves, Istrian small towns look as if they have just descended from a paint- ing. Just like people who had happier and less happier periods in their lives, some Istrian towns have been preserved, while others, ravaged by time and misfortune, are nothing more than romantic ruins, an abandoned scenery from which sensi- tive souls read records of the times past. Towns on the coast proudly display their true belonging to the Mediterranean, be- ing the typical coastal Roman municipali- ties with ports, jovial ships and seething and romantic ships anchored in the lively streets. On the other hand, mediaeval port, and head to the fairylike paths of towns blooming on the hillocks in the the undulating landscape. Whether it is hinterland are true small mid-European Motovun, Groænjan, Zavrπje, Oprtalj or the forts exuding the calmness of the main- smallest town in the world, Hum, a walk land. If you want to truly experience Istria though its stony streets will quickly be- in all its diversity, start from Pula, Rovinj, come a magical journey through history. or PoreË, then go to SvetvinËenat and Follow the path from the massive town Dvigrad, and finally to Motovun or Hum. gate to the small bench of the Munici- In Rovinj you will recognize the contours pal Loggia and then ascend to the small and heritage of Venice, in Pazin the spirit church on the plaza and the tower from of Austria will speak for itself. Do not which Istria will glisten completely differ- hesitate, for a short time leave the tales ently. Although they seem to look alike, of the sea and salt, murmur of the crowd each of these mediaeval towns is unique. Be curious, peek into the doorways, and inspect coats of arms and palaces. Step 5 into the churches and rest in the shades of the chapels. Here you will meet and understand popular legends of diligent fairies who renew the town walls at night, but also of the witches that know how to make trouble. If you meet someone, feel free to stop that person and ask what- ever comes to your mind. People here are gentle and kind, and will be glad to tell you the story of Istria - a piece of land where the greatest diversities exist side by side in harmony. 1 10 Breathtaking history from stirring ancient times aking a walk along the magical paths Three thousand years T of the rich and tempestuous past, you will arrive at a noble interchange of civilizations on a piece of land whose of history waiting cultural arboretum has been settled from the time of the Histrians, Celts, to be discovered Romans and Lombards, over Byzantine, the Slavs and Venetians, to Franks and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. With its autochthonous gods, its magical world of Glagolitsa, its unique musical scale, Istria is a land whose authenticity simply lures you. It is still a home of a fantastic world ( 1.2. Pula 3.Bale 4.Rovinj 5.Poreč 6.Buje ) GREEN MEDITERRANEAN.
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