doi: 10.19090/i.2017.28.86-104 UDC: 94(497):355.48(497.127 Mohács) ISTRAŽIVANJA ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCHES Received: 13 May 2017 28 (2017) Accepted: 27 August 2017 ATTILA PFEIFFER University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History
[email protected] THE BATTLE OF CHRISTIANS AND OTTOMANS IN THE SOUTHWEST OF BAČKA FROM THE BATTLE OF MOHÁCS TO THE PEACE OF ZSITVATOROK Abstract: After the battle of Mohács in 1526 the medieval kingdom of Hungary was torn into three parts. The middle part from Buda to Belgrade was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. These territories suffered much in the 16th century because of the wars between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Turks. Therefore, we do not have many historical resources from this period. The territory of South Bačka was a war zone many times from 1526 to 1606, where the Habsburgs, Hungarians and Ottoman Turks fought many battles. The aim of this study is to represent these struggles between Christians and Muslim Turks, focusing on the territories of the early modern Counties of Bač and Bodrog. Moreover, we are going to analyse the consequences of these wars for the population and economy of the mentioned counties. Keywords: early modern period, Ottoman Hungary, Counties of Bač and Bodrog, fortress of Bač, Turkish wars, military history. fter the defeat of the Hungarian army on the field of Mohács (29 August 1526), Hungary went through perhaps the worst period in its history. Simultaneously it A had to fight against the conquerors and in the meantime, the issue of the heir to the throne was raised because of the death of king Lajos II (1516-1526) in the battle of Mohács.