1994 by John A. Lynn

Printed in the United States of America.

This book is printed on acid-free paper.


Illustrations Note on Codes and Call Numbers Acknowledgments

PART ONE — Introductory Materials Introduction Reference Works Special Collections of Documents and Ordonnances

PART TWO — Military Treatises Sixteenth-Century Military Treatises, 1449-1598 Seventeenth-Century Military Treatises, 1599 to 1699 Eighteenth-Century Military Treatises, 1700 to 1789 Treatises on Military Medicine Treatises on Military Law and Collections of Military Laws Periodicals as Sources of Military History

PART THREE — Sixteenth-Century Wars, 1489-1598 The , 1489-1559 Wars of Religion, 1562-1598 Sixteenth-Century Military Miscellany

PART FOUR — Seventeenth-Century Wars, 1598-1700 Wars, 1598-1618 The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648/59 The English Civil Wars, 1642-1660 The Dutch War, 1672-1678/9 The Nine Years’ War, 1688-1697 Seventeenth-Century Military Miscellany

PART FIVE — Eighteenth-Century Wars, 1700-1789 The War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714 The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748 The Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763 Eighteenth-Century Military Miscellany

Index Illustrations

Title page adapted from the title page of Johan Jacobi von Wallhausen, L’art militaire pour l’infanterie (Leeuwarden, 1630).

Part One title page adapted from the title page of Bernardino de Mendoza, Theorica & practica militaris (Frankfort, 1617).

Part Two title page adapted from the title page of Jacob de Gheyn, Maniement d’armes, d’, mousquetz et piques (Amsterdam, 1608).

Part Three title page adapted from the title page of a German edition of Vegetius (Augsburg, 1529).

Part Four title page adapted from the title page of , Le maistre du camp général (Frankfort, 1617).

Part Five title page adapted from the title page of M. Bouchotte, Les règles du dessein et du lavis, pour les plans ... de l’architecture militaire (, 1721).

Reproductions of the original plates appear in Spaulding and Karpinski, Early Military Books in the University of Michigan Libraries (Ann Arbor, 1941), which was used as the source for the above illustrations.

Note on Codes and Call Number

Throughout this Guide, libraries are identified by their National Union Catalog codes. The collections cited in this edition of the Guide include the following:

IC Chicago Public Library, Chicago ICarbS Southern Illinois University, Carbondale ICJ John Crerar Library, Chicago ICN Newberry Library, Chicago ICRL Center for Research Libraries, Chicago ICU University of Chicago, Chicago IEdS Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville IEG Garrett Theological Seminary, Evanston IEN Northwestern University, Evanston IMunS Saint Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein INS Illinois State University, Normal IU University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign InNd University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame InU Indiana University, Bloomington IaAS Iowa State University, Ames IaU University of Iowa, Iowa City MiD Detroit Public Library, Detroit MiDB Detroit Public Library, Burton Collection, Detroit MiDU University of Detroit, Detroit MiDW Wayne State University, Detroit MiEM Michigan State University, East Lansing MiU University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MiU-C University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor MnU University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MoU University of Missouri, Columbia OC Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cincinnati OCl Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland OClW Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OClWHi Western Reserve Historical Society Cleveland OCU University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati ODW Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware OHi Ohio State Historical Society, Columbus OKentC Kent State University, Kent OO Oberlin College, Oberlin OOxM Miami University, Oxford OU The Ohio State University, Columbus WU University of Wisconsin, Madison

In addition to the basic codes, other information is supplied for some volumes. “Lilly” indicates the Lilly Library at Indiana University. “RBC” signifies that the book is housed in the rare book collection of the particular library.

It is assumed that modern editions are available at all larger libraries, so no effort has been made to trace them at all institutions. In most instances, only the University of Illinois citation for a given modern edition appears, which should be read as indicating general availability at peer institutions.

For many volumes, actual call numbers have been supplied.


This Guide was made possible by grants from the Research Board at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The authors would like to express their thanks to personnel at the following libraries: the University of Illinois libraries, particularly the Rare Book and Special Collections Library; the Lilly Library at Indiana University; and the libraries of the Ohio State University. We must single out for special gratitude the people at that astounding institution, the Newberry Library in Chicago.

In preparing this volume for publication, we drew shamelessly upon the facilities and staff of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security at the University of Illinois. Special thanks go to Merrily Shaw, Assistant to the Director. Lastly, we would like to thank Amy Zook and Clinton Grubbs for proofreading the copy and John Huhn for assisting in printing this volume.

Introduction to the Second Edition

This Guide was born in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Having traveled there to read seventeenth-century military literature, I began by assembling a list of essential works from Pohler’s invaluable bibliography. But to conserve my valuable time in Paris, I consulted the copy of the National Union Catalog kept at the B.N. to see which books I might find in Chicago or even in Champaign. I was surprised to see how much of my list was available in the Midwest. Then and there I resolved to make a systematic search for sources that I could use at home, without the expense of an international journey. The noted French historian Richard Cobb once relegated American scholars to a secondary role in European historical writing because they were hampered by only occasional and limited access to archival documents. This Guide is intended to improve that access by alerting midwestern scholars to the rich funds of original materials stored in their own back yard. Less an erudite exercise than a practical tool, the Guide does not pretend to list everything that has been published, but only those items that exist in the heartland. It will help to free midwestern historians from exclusive reliance upon infrequent and costly expeditions to the old country by allowing them to benefit from the kind of four or five day research forays that Europeans can make. In particular, I hope that it aids graduate students to do creative research with primary sources early in their student careers. It is sad to see energetic students with exciting ideas crash in seminar because they cannot locate sources to test their hypotheses. This second edition of the Guide represents considerable revision and addition. However, while it is twice as long as the original, this second effort must remain incomplete. George Satterfield and I based the first edition on searches of the card catalogs in four libraries. In order to expand the entries for the second edition, we took the first as our beginning, and used the list of authors and works there to search the National Union Catalog for further entries. Besides an increased number of entries, the other major difference between this volume and the Guide’s first version is the provision of an index, which should make the book far more useful. When the first edition appeared two years ago, we regarded it as a work in progress and promised a more expanded collection sometime down the road. This is it. However, the labor that went into this volume has been so great that we have no plans to offer a third edition in the future. Once again I must plead guilty that this volume speaks in a decidedly French accent, since both George and I specialize in French history. This is true both in its emphasis on French works and in its organization. However, we have done our best to include works in English, German, Spanish and other languages. In setting up the sections, we decided on a reasonable breakdown of works as either treatises, dealing with military topics in general, or histories, dealing with particular wars or eras of conflict. Treatises are listed by date of publication and histories by the wars they discuss. When a work covers several conflicts, as in the case of a general’s memoirs, it appears under “miscellany” by century. Since in many cases it was difficult to decide where to place a particular work, the reader is advised to consult the index of authors as well as the various sections of this Guide in order to locate all the works by a particular author. Some modern editions have been cited when it seemed relevant, but in general we have restricted ourselves to works written and published in the early modern era. We took 1789 as our cut-off, since the heralded a new epoch. Why have we lavished this effort on the early modern period, particularly when military history is usually practiced with a present-minded orientation? The early modern era holds the answers to some of the most fundamental questions in history. I am reminded of those scholars who collected and studied classical works in the firm conviction that they held great universal truths that could be unlocked through humanistic scholarship. It gave Italian libraries something of the air of excitement and discovery that today hangs about scientific laboratories. I see my own chosen field of study in much the same way as Renaissance humanists viewed Plato and . The examination of the three centuries between 1500 and 1789 can illuminate the absolutely fundamental relationship between war and history, in particular how military institutions shaped societies and states. A proper understanding of the military variable in early modern Europe may even spawn a new vision of history to compete with those that stress economics and class alone. Our Guide is meant to encourage and facilitate scholarship in this vital area.

John A. Lynn September 1993

Reference Works Dealing with Early Modern European Military History

(Unless a specific library is noted, these works should be available at most major midwestern research libararies.)

Bodart, Gaston. Losses of life in modern wars. Oxford, 1916.

Bodart, Gaston. Militär-historisches kriegs-lexikon (1618-1905). and Leipzig, 1908. ICN, U 006 .1 (Vienna and Leipzig, 1908); ICJ (Vienna and Leipzig, 1908). Comments: A fairly rare work that is probably the best list of battles and available.

Bruce, Anthony. A Bibliography of British Military History from the Roman Invasion to the Restoration, 1660. , 1981.

Bruce, Anthony. A Bibliography of the British Army, 1660-1914. Munich, 1984.

Cockle, Maurice J. D. A Bibliography of Military Books up to 1642. With an Introduction by Sir Charles Oman. , Holland Press, 1978. Comments: This work was first published in 1900 and then appeared in a second edition in 1957. The 1978 volume is a reprint.

Dumas, Samuel. Losses of life caused by war. Oxford, 1923.

Dupuy, R. Ernest, and Dupuy, Trevor. The Encyclopedia of Military History. , 1970 and later editions.

France--Archives de la guerre. Inventaire sommaire des archives historiques. Archives anciennes. 3 vols. Paris, 1898-1905. Comments: Also found under Louis Tuetey. This work catalogs the A1 series of correspondence; unfortunately, it is available in the U.S. only at Harvard and the Library of Congress.

France--Archives de la guerre. Catalogue général des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de France. Archives de la guerre. 3 vols. Paris, 1912-1920. IU (Paris, 1912-1920); ICJ (Paris, 1912-1920). Comments: Also found under Louis Tuetey. This work catalogs the MR series of manuscript memoirs and papers.

Higham, Robbin, ed. A Guide to the Sources of British Military History. Berkeley, 1971.

Jessup, John E., and Coakley, Robert W. Guide to the Study and Use of Military History. Washington, 1979.

Parker, Geoffrey. The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Pohler, Johann, 1851-?. Bibliotheca historico-militaris. Systematische Uebersicht der Erscheinungen aller Sprachen auf dem gebiete der Geschichte der Kriege und Kriegswissenschaft seit Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bus zum Schluss des jahres 1880. 4 vols. Leipzig, G. Lang, 1887-99. ICN, U .7 (Leipzig, 1887-99); ICJ (Leipzig, 1887-99); MnU (Leipzig, 1887-99). Comments: Contents--Vols. 1-2: I. “Geschichte der Kriege von den ältesten Seiten bis zum Jahre 1880.” (1887-90). Vol. 3: II. “Kriegsgeschichte einzelner Staaten und Länder.” III. “Allgemeine Geschichte von Festungen.” IV. “Heeres- und Truppengeschichte.” V. “Geschichte der heereseinrichtungen.” VI. “Geschichte der Kriegskunst.” VII. “Marine.” (1895). Vol. 4: VIII. “Lebensbeschreibungen, Denkwürdigkeiten und Briefwechsel.” (1899).

Ross, Steven. French Military History, 1660-1799: A Guide to the Literature. New York, Garland, 1984.

Showalter, Dennis E. German Military History, 1648-1982: A Critical Bibliography. New York, Garland, 1983.

Spaulding, Thomas M., and Karpinski, Louis C., 1878-1956. Early Military Books in the University of Michigan libraries. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan press, 1941.

Special Collections of Documents and Ordonnances

André, Louis; Bourgeois, Emile et al, eds. Recueil des instructions données aux ambassadeurs et ministres de France depuis les traités de Westphalie jusqu’à la Révolution française, 30 vols. N.p., 1884-1983. IU, 327.44 F84C (N.p., 1884-1983).

Armée française. Collection d’édits et d’ordonnances du roi avant 1789. 7 vols. N.p., 1333-1791. MiU (N.p,, 1333-1791). Comments: This is a collection of about six hundred items, varying in length from a single leaf to 123 pages. The subjects covered include army regulations and drill regulations, organization, pay, allowances, drill, transport, etc. The dates of items run from 1333 to 1791.

Depping, Georges Bernard, ed. Correspondance administrative sous le regne de Louis XIV entre le cabinet du roi, les secretaires d’etat, le Chancelier de France et les intendants et governeurs des provinces, etc. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, etc., 1850-55. IU, 944 C681 v.55 (Paris, 1850-55).

Documentos sobre hechos militares de d. Juan de Austria, hijo natural de Felipe IV in Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España, vol. 8. Madrid, 1848. ICN, F 40 .18 (Madrid, 1848).

Dumont, J[ean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726], comp. Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens; contenant un recueil des traitez. 8 vols. Amsterdam, 1726-31. OU, RBC (Amsterdam, 1726-31); MiU (Amsterdam, 1726-31); MnU (Amsterdam, 1726-31); IaU (Amsterdam, 1726-31); WU (Amsterdam, 1726-31); OCl (Amsterdam, 1726-31). Comments: This extremely valuable collection provides the full texts of treaties signed by major European powers from the middle ages into the eighteenth century. With Supplement, edited by J. Rousset de Missy. 5 vols. Amsterdam, 1739.

France. Les ordonnances militaires du roy de France reduites en practique, et appliquées au detail du service. Ouvrage très utile à tous les gens de guerre. Il contient l’explication des fonctions militaires, & un abregé des XV tomes d’ordonnances du roi, disposée selon l’ordre des matières. 2 vols. , Chevalier, 1734-35. ICN, U 339 .314 (Luxembourg, 1734-35).

France--Service Historique de l’Armée de Terre. Archives de Guerre, series A1, vols. 36-38 (1637), 42 (1637), 112-115 (1649), 208-210 (1667), 289 (1672), 294-295 (1672), 339 (1673), 372 (1674), 388 (1674), 395 (1674), 433- 435 (1675), 440-442 (1675), 444 (1675), 479 (1676), 501 (1676), 532 (1677), 538-539 (1677), 546 (1677), 560 (1677), 751 (1685), 770 (1686), 775 (1686), 783 (1687), 875 (1689), 888 (1696), 1071 (1691), 1146-1147 (1692), 1150- 1151 (1692), 1339 (1696), 1351 (1689), 1370 (1696), 1828-1829 (1705), 1835 (1705), 1837 (1705), 2265-2266 (1710), 2272 (1710). Microfilm. Comments: These 52 rolls of complete volumes are available in the United States only through John Lynn at the University of Illinois.

Sixteenth-Century Military Treatises, 1449-1598

1449 Mariano, Jacopo, called il Taccola, 1381-1458?. De Machinis, the engineering treatise of 1449. 2 vols. (Facsimile of Codex Latinus Monacensis 28 800 in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich; with additional reproductions from Codex Latinus 7239 ...) N.p., 1971. ICN, 6A 898 (N.p. 1971). Comments: At head of title: Mariano Taccola. Contents: Vol. 1. Introduction, notes and texts. Vol. 2. Facsimiles.

1475 Modestus, c. A.D. 200-300. Modestus de re militari. Pomponius Laetus de magistratibus urbis et sacerdotiis et de legibus. [Rome, Johann Schurener?, ca. 1475.] ICN, Inc. 3489 ([Rome, ca. 1475]); IU, RBC xq871 F7s 1495 case (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus, Bologna, 1495-96); ICJ (Bologna, 1495-96); ICN, Case Y 679 .8 (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus, [Bologna, 1505]); ICU (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus, Bologna, 1505); MiU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, [, 1524]); InU, Lilly U 101 .V4 1532 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Cologne, 1532); InU, Lilly U 101 .V4 1585 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, , 1585); InU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Lyons, 1592); WU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Lyons, 1592); OClW (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Lyons, 1592); IEN (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Lyons, 1592); ICN, Wing ZP 5465 .P 705 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Vegetius, Lyons, 1592). Comments: The Rome 1475 edition at ICN has the bookplate of Augustus Frederick, duke of Sussex. The title De vocabulis rei militaris ... by “Modestus” is actually a forgery by Pomponius Laetus, or one of his pupils, based upon Vegetius. Nevertheless, the Libellus De vocabulis rei militaris [the full title] is “a short, but valuable vocabulary of terms used in the drilling and manoeuvering of the phalanx.” Cockle.

1483 Thucydides, 471?-400? B.C. Historia belli Pelopennesiaci. [Treviso, Johannes (Rubeus) Vercellensis, 1483?] IU, xq881 T6 .Lv 1483 ([Treviso, 1483?]). Comments: The Treviso 1483? edition was translated from Greek to by the humanist scholar Laurentius Valla. Numerous other editions are available at every major research library in the Midwest.

Valturio, Roberto, 15th cent. De re militari. Verona, Boninus, 1483. ICN, Inc. f 6921 (Verona, 1483); OU, RBC U101* V3 1532 (Paris, 1532); MiU (Paris, 1532); ICN, Wing fZP 539 .W 41 (Paris, 1535); French edition: ICN, Wing fZP 539 .P 41 (Paris, 1555).

1488 Vegetius, Renatus Flavius, 4th cent. De re militari. Pescia, Sigismundus Rodt, 1488. ICN, Inc. 7317 A (Pescia, 1488); ICN, Inc. 3878 (From Scriptores rei militari, Rome, Eucharius Silber, 1494); ICN, Case Y 679 .94 (With Frontinus and Aelianus, Paris, 1515); MiU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, [Cologne, 1524]); InU, Lilly U 101 .V4 1532 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Cologne, 1532); ICN, Wing ZP 539 .W 41 (With Frontinus and Aelianus, Paris, 1535); InU, Lilly U 101 .V4 1585 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Antwerp, 1585); InU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Lyons, 1592); WU (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Lyons, 1592); OClW (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Lyons, 1592); IEN (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Lyons, 1592); ICN, Wing ZP 5465 .P 705 (With Frontinus, Aelianus and Modestus, Lyons, 1592); MiU (Antwerp, 1606); MiU (With Polybius, Hyginus and Cato, [Antwerp], 1607); German edition: ICN, Case *Y 672 .V 623 ([N.p., 1511]); MiU (Augsburg, 1529); Italian editions: ICN, Case Y 672 .V 626 (Venice, 1525); InU, Lilly U 101 .V4 F39 1551 (Venice, 1551); ICN, Case Y 672 .V 627 (Vinegra, 1551); English edtion: ICN, Case Y 672 .V 61 (London, 1572). Comments: The five books of Vegetius are divided as follows: Bk. I. On the levying and training of recruits. Bk. II. On the legion, its organization, rank of officers and men, and their arms. Bk. III. On tactics; and the thirty-two maxims of war. Bk. IV. On and the attack and defence of places; and on machines of war. Bk. V. On the navy. Both the 1511 and 1529 German editions are entitled Vier buches der rytterschaft ... Italian 1525 edition is entitled De la arte militare ... Italian 1551 edition is entitled Vegetio dell’arte della guerra. The 1572 English edition is entitled The foure bookes of Flavius Vegetius Renatus, brieflye contyninge a plaine forme and perfect knowledge of martiall policye, feates of chivalrie and whatsoever pertayneth to warre. The Cologne 1532 edition has an introductory note by Gottfried Hittorp and is also bound with, subsequent to publication, Taciti, Cornelii, Germania, Wittenberg, Luft, 1557. The 1592 Lyon edition and the 1606 Antwerp edition are edited by Godescalcus Stewechius. The 1607 Antwerp edition is edited by Petro Scriverii.

1493 Cornazzano, Antonio. Opera bellissima de la arte militar. Venice, Christophorus de Pensis for Piero Benalio, 1493. MiU (Venice, 1493).

1494 Onosander, c. 1st century A.D. De optimo imperatore. (From Scriptores rei militares). Rome, E. Silbur, 1494. MiU (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus, Rome, 1494); ICN (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus Rome, 1494); InU, Lilly PA 6139 .M5 S8 (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Aelianus, Rome, 1494); ICN, Case U 0 .645 (With Caesar and Forquevaux, Barcelona, 1566); ICN, Wing ZP 547 .C 73 (Heidelberg, 1600); ICN, Case 4A 1507 (Rome, 1610). Comments: Onosander’s tract De optimo imperatore is on the office of the general. The Rome 1494 edition has a colophon to Vegetius dated 24 Oct., a colophon to Frontinus 3 Nov., other pieces without dated colophons; Vegetius and Frontinus may have also been sold separately. The Barcelona 1566 edition was translated from the Greek by Diego Gracian. Diego Gracian also translated Forquevaux’s work from the French to Catillian. Colophon dated 1565.

1495 Aelianus, Tacticus, c. A.D. 100, Frontinus, Sextus Julius, c. A.D. 40-103. De re militari, sive Strategematicon. Bologna, Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 10 July 1495-17 Jan. 1496. IU, RBC xq871 F7s 1495 case (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Modestus, Bologna, 1495-96); ICJ (Bologna, 1495-96); ICN, Case Y 679 .8 (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Modestus, [Bologna, 1505]); ICU (With Vegetius, Frontinus and Modestus, Bologna, 1505); ICN, Case Y 642 .A 1608 (Venice, 1552); MiU (With Leo, Imperator, 866-912, , 1613); MnU (With Leo, Imperator, 866-912, Leiden, 1613); Italian edition: IU, RBC 881 A16 .If 1551 (Venice, 1551); English editions: ICN, Case fY 642 .A 161 (London, 1616); MiU (London, 1616); MnU (London, 1616); IU, RBC Film UM Reel 607, [also] Brown 14 n 41 Gen. Res. (London, 1616); IU, RBC Film Um R1591 no. 7 (London, 1631). Comments: The contribution by Aelianus was entitled De instruendis aciebus. It is a tract frequently found in a collection known as Scriptores rei militaris, including tracts by Flavius Vegetius Renatus, Frontinus and Modestus. These tracts are found in various arrangements and in the National Union Catalogue are entered under the author of the tract bound first, or the editor. Aelianus “treats of the organisation, drilling , arming, and battle formations of the phalanx; the position of cavalry in the field, their number, officers, etc.,; of chariots and elephants; of various battle formations both of horse and foot; of changing front, wheeling, countermarching, etc., etc.” Cockle. The Bologna 1495-96 edition includes woodcuts. The Bologna 1505 edition is bound with other tracts under the title: Scriptore[s] rei militaris. Francesco Robortello, 1516-1567 was the editor of the Venice 1552 edition. The 1613 Leiden edition has Greek and Latin in parallel columns. The 1551 Italian edition is entitled Eliano Del modo di mettere in ordinanza. The translator was Francesco Ferrosi. The title of the 1616 [and 1631 English edition] is The tactiks; or, Art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner. Englished & illustrated with figures throughout: & notes upon ye chapters of ye ordinary motions of ye phalange by John Bingham. The exercise military of ye English by ye order of Generall Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange is added. This edition includes Maurice’s system (derived from Aelianus) and has a dedication from John Bingham to Prince Charles signed: From my garrison at Woudrichem in Holland the 20 of September 1616 ... Jo[hn] Bingham.

Frontinus, Sextus Julius, c. A.D. 40-103. Sextus Julius Frontinus vir consularis, De re militari. Flavius Vegetius vir illustris, De re militari. Aelianus, De instruendis aciebus. Modesti, Libellus de vocabulis rei militaris. Bologna, Plato de Benedictis, 1495-96. IU, RBC xq871 F7s 1495 case (With Vegetius, Aelianus and Modestus, Bologna 1495-96); ICJ (Bologna, 1495-96); ICN, Case Y 679 .8 (With Vegetius, Aelianus and Modestus, [Bologna, 1505]); ICU (With Vegetius, Aelianus and Modestus, Bologna, 1505); IU 871 F7s Id (Venice, 1537); IMunS (Venice, 1537); ICN, Case *Y 672 F 73 (Venice, 1541); InU, Lilly PA 6389 .F4 I 8 1541 (Venice, 1541); IU (Venice, 1543); MnU (Venice, 1543); ICN, Case Y 642 .A 1608 (Venice, 1552); Italian edition: ICN, Case U 2 .317 (Venice, 1574); German edition: ICN, Case F 474 .396 (, 1578). Comments: Frontinus’ work, the Stratagems, is actually a collection of clever anecdotes from the great captains of the ancient world. 1537, 1541 and 1543 editions entitled Astutie militari ... di tutti li famosi et eccellenti capitani romani, greci, barbari et hesterni. 1574 Italian edition entitled Stratagemi militari ... translated by Giulio Frontino. German edition entitled Kriegspractica, das ist: Artliche und geschwinde Griff der furnembsten ... Krieg und Schlachten, so die Römer jederzeit mit iren Feinden gehalten ... Neben Erzehlung der Keyserlichen Kriegs Recht und Ordnung, wie es füglich anzugreiffen und zu halten sey. German edition is bound with Henricpetri, Adam, General Historien ... [1577].

1498 Polybius, 205?-125? B.C. De primo bello Punico. [Latin adaptation by Leonardus Aretinus Brunus] Plutarchi Parallela minora. [Translated by Guarinus Veronensis.] Brescia, Jacobus Britannicus, 24 Oct 1498. ICN (Rome, 1473); IU, RBC xq881 P7 .Lb 1498 (Brescia, 1498); InU, Lilly PA 4392 P94 B89 1498 (Brescia, 1498); ICN (Brescia, 1498); IU (Venice, 1498); ICN (Paris, 1512); ICN (Basel, 1549); IaU (Basel, 1549); IU (Basel, 1549); ICU (Lyons, 1554); IU (Lyons, 1554); ICN, Case Y 642 .P 712 (Basel, 1557); ICU PA 4391 .A2 C33 1610 (Frankfurt, 1610); French editions: ICN (Lyons, 1558); MnU (Lyons, 1558); IU (Paris, 1727-30); MnU (Paris, 1727-30); ICarbS (Amsterdam, 1753); IU (Amsterdam, 1774); English editions: IU xq881 P7 .Eh 1756 (London, 1756-72); OCU (London, 1756-72); ICN (London, 1756-72); OKentU (London, 1766); IU (London, 1772-73); OO (London, 1777); German edition: ICN Y 642 .P 7189 (Vienna, 1759-60) Comments: Numerous other editions available at every major research library in the Midwest. The 1558 French edition also includes “le dessein du camp des rommeins extrait de la descripcion de Polybe ...”

15-- Rovere, Francesco Maria della, duke of Urbino, 1490-1538. I discorsi de

Francesco Maria Io delle Rovere duca d’Urbino sopra le fortificazioni di Venezia. Mantova, Prem. tip. degli operai, 1902. ICN 4A 3107 (Mantova, 1902). Comments: At head of title: Elisa Viani.

Kirchof, Hans Wilhelm, 16th cent. Militaris disciplina. Stuttgart, A. Hiersemann, 1976. ICN, oUB 795 .G 46 K (Stuttgart, 1976).

Rovere, Francesco Maria della, duke of Urbino, 1490-1538. I discorsi de

Francesco Maria Io delle Rovere duca d’Urbino sopra le fortificazioni di Venezia. Mantova, Prem. tip. degli operai, 1902. ICN 4A 3107 (Mantova, 1902). Comments: At head of title: Elisa Viani.

1503 Caesar, Gaius Julius, 100-44 B.C. Commentariorum de bello Gallico. Venice, 1503. InU (Venice, 1503); ICN, Inc. 4074(+) (Venice, 1471); IU, RBC xq871 C2 1490 (Venice, 1490); MiU Z 232 E82 1544a (Paris, 1544); IEN (Venice, 1569); IU 871 C2 1716 (London, 1716); InU (. 1758). Comments: Numerous early modern editions and many more recent editions available at every major research library in the Midwest.

1511 Surget, Jean. Johannis Surgeti natione galli suessionem dioces, in legibus licentiati: Militaris discipline enchridion in quo varie juris Materie et peregrine questions continentum Cuius finis est paces perusasio inter principes xpianos belli exhortatio in Sara cenos et infideles hostes religionis catholic. Paris, ab Joanne Paruo[t], [1511 or 1512?]. ICN (Paris, [1511]); ICN, Wing ZP 539 .P43 (Paris, 1512).

1532 Busteter, Hans, 16th cent. Ernstlicher Bericht, wie sich ain frume Oberkayt vor, in, und nach den gefärlichsten Kriegssnöten, mit Kluge Vortayl, zy ungezweyfletem Sig, loblichen uben, un halten sol ... Augsburg, H. Stayner, 1532. ICN, Case U 0 .134 (Augsburg, 1532).

1534 Patrici (or Patrizi), Francesco, 1413-1494. ... De institutuone reipub. libri novem. Historiarum sentiarumque varietate refertissimi, cu annotationibus margineis, indiceque vocabulorum, factorum, dictorumque memorabilium copiosissimo, literarum serie phyluratom digesto. Paris, Apud Gialliotum Pratensem, 1534 [1535]. ICN (Paris, 1534 [1535]); MiU (Paris, 1575); ICU, JC 121 .P29 Rarebk (Paris, 1585); ICN, Case J15 .53522 (Strasbourg, 1594); ICU, JC 121 .P3 Rarebk room (Strasbourg, 1608); Italian edition: ICU, JC 143 .P306 1547 (Rare) (Venice, 1547).

1537 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 1469-1527. Libro de la arte della guerra. Venice, 1537. MiU (Venice, 1537); ICN, Case *Y 672 .F 73 (Venice, 1540); MiU (Venice, 1540); ICN, Case 3A 391 ([London],1587); ICN U 2 .5364 ([Leghorn, 1936]); French edition: ICN, U 0 .537 (Amsterdam, 1693); English editions: ICN, Case U 2 .537 (London, 1573); ICN, Case U 2 .537 (London, 1575). Comments: The 1st ed. of the English 1573 work appeared in 1560. Peter Whithorne, fl. 1550-1563, was the translator. Numerous other editions are available at most major midwestern research libraries. The London 1587 edition is in Italian and is entitled I sette libri dell’arte della guerra di Nicolo Machiavelli.

1538 Soiterus (or Soiter), Melchior, fl. 1538. De bello pannonico, per illustrissimum principem ... Fridericum comitem palatinum Rheni Bavariaeom ducem ... adversus Soleymannum Turcarum tyrannum ... gesto ... libri duo. Melchiore Soitero ... auctore ... Item de Turcarum militaribus magistratibus ... liber unus. Johanne Schnotenbeckio ... auctore. M.D.XXXVIII ... [Colophon: Augsburg, Alexander Vueissenhorn [Weisshorn], excudebat., 1538.] MiU (Augsburg, 1538). Comments: See also in: Scriptores rerum hungaricarum veteres ... Cura et studio Joannis Georgii Schwandtneri ... [Augsburg], 1746-48; vol. 1 (1746), pp. 569-602. Available at ICN.

1539 Cottereau, Claude. ... De jure, et privilegiis militum libri tres. Ad haec De officio imperatoris liber, no magis ipsi imperatori, quàm cuivis alij communis prudentiae studioso utilis. Cum singulorum cupitum, vocum, & rerum indice luculentissimo ... Lyons, Apud Steph. Doletum, 1539. ICN, Wing fZP 539 .D 685 (Lyons, 1539).

Marozzo, Achille, 16th cent. Opera nova de Achille Marozzo ... maestro generale, de l’arte de l’armi. [Modena?, 1540?.] ICN, Wing ZP 5351 .4 ([Modena?, 1540?]); ICU (Modena, 1540); IU RBC, 796.86 M340 1550 (Venice, 1550); MnU (Modena, 1536).

1543 Amboyse, Michel d’. Le guidon des gens de guerre. Paris, 1543. MiU (Paris, 1543). Comments: “We have failed to locate any other copy, either in this country or in Europe, although the work was reprinted in 1878.” Spaulding.

1547 Nannini, Remigio Fiorentino, 1521?-1581?, ed. Orationi militari. Raccolte ... da tutti gli historici greci e latini, antichi e moderni, con gli argomenti che dichiarono l’occasioni, per le quali elle furono fatte, dove sommariamente si toccano l’historie. Dal medesimo con diligenza corrette & tradotte ... Venice, Appresso G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1547. ICN, Case U 0 .5998 (Venice, 1547); MiU, U 101 .N18 (Venice, 1557); IU (Venice, 1557); ICN (Venice, 1557); WU (Venice, 1557); ICU (Venice, 1557); IU (Venice, 1560); ICN, Case U 0 .6 (Venice, 1585).

1550 [Fourquevaux, Raimondo de Beccarie de Pavie, baron de, 1509-1574.] Tre libri della disciplina militare. Tradotti nella lingua italiana ... [Venice, Per M. Tramezzino, 1550.] ICN, Case U 0 .311 ([Venice, 1550]); French edtions: ICN, Case U 0 .31088 (Lyons, 1592); MnU (Lyons, 1592); MiU (Lyons, 1592); English edtions: ICN, Case U 0 .31091 (London, 1589); MiU (London, 1589); MiU Film (London, 1589); ICN U 0 .3109 (London, 1954); MiU (London, 1954); OU (London, 1954); IaU (London, 1954); German edition: MiU (Mümpelgart, 1594). Comments: “One of the most famous, most widely read, and most widely quoted of sixteenth century books on the military art.” Cockle. First published anonymously in 1548; wrongly attributed to Guillaume Du Bellay, sieur de Langey. 1550 edition translated by Mambrino Roseo. 1954 edition edited by G. Dickinson. 1589 English edition translated by Paul Ive and bound with Ive, Paul, The practise of fortification ..., 1589.

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 1469-1527. Tutte le opere. Florence, 1550. MiU (Florence, 1550); IU (Florence, 1929); ICN (Florence, 1929); ICarbS (Florence, 1929); OU (Florence, 1929); InU (Florence, 1929). Comments: The title of the 1929 Florence edition is: Tutte le opere storiche e letterarie di Niccolò Machiavelli a cura di Guido Mazzoni e Mario Casella. Some edition of the complete works is available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Tartaglia, Niccolò, d. 1557. La nova scientia. Venice, 1550. MiU (Venice, 1550). Comments: “The first published work on ballistics.” Spaulding.

Valle, Battista della, d. 1535. Vallo libro continente appertinente à capitanij, ritenere & fortificare una città con bastioni, con novi artificij de fuoco aggionti, come nella tavola appare, & de diverse sorte polvere, & de espugnare una città con ponti, scale, argani, trombe, tranciere, artegliarie, cave, dare avisamenti senza messo allo amico, fare ordinanze, battaglioni, & ponti de dissida con lo pingere. Opera molto utile con la esperientia de l’arte militare. Venice, per gli heredi di Piero Ravano, & compagni, 1550. MiU (Venice, 1550); MnU (Venice, 1550); ICN, Case F 057 .714 (Venice, 1524); IEN (Venice, 1524); ICN (Venice, 1529); MiU (Venice, 1529). Comments: With illustrations and diagrams. First published in Naples, 1521. “The elementary character of his work made it accessible to the rudest soldier, and it ran through eleven editions in thirty-seven years.” Cockle.

1551 Giovio, Paolo, bishop of Nocera, 1483-1552. Pavli Jovii ... Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium veris imaginibus supposita, quae apub musaeum spectantur. Florence, in officina L. Torrentini, 1551. ICN, Case 6A 51 (Florence, 1551); OCl (Florence, 1551); InU (Florence, 1551); MiU (Florence, 1551); OU (Florence, 1551); MiDW (Florence, 1554); MiU (Florence, 1554); ICN (Florence, 1554); ICN, Case 3A 295 (Venice, 1557); ICN, Case 3A 296 (Venice, 1558); IU (Venice, 1559); ICN, Case E 3 .345 (Venice, 1559); MnU (Venice, 1559); MiU (Venice, 1567); MiDU (Venice, 1567); IU (Venice, 1567); ICN, Case fE 3 .34 (Basel, 1575); MiU (Basel, 1575); WU (Basel, 1575); ICN, Case fE 3 .342 (Basel, 1576); IEN (Basel, 1577); WU (Basel, 1579); ICN (Basel, 1579); MiU (Basel, 1579); InU (Basel, 1579). Comments: Inspired by the author’s own gallery of portraits.

Polyaenus, c. A.D. 150. Stratagemi dell’arte della guerra ... Dalla greca nella volgar lingua italiana tradotti da m. Nicolo Mutoni. Venice, Al segno d’Erasmo, 1551. ICN, Case Y 642 .P 6988 (Venice, 1551); IU, 881 P68 .Im (Venice, 1552); ICN, Case Y 642 .P 699 (Venice, 1552); ICN, Case Y 642 .P 6984 (Lyons, 1589). Comments: “Polyaenus (circa A.D. 150) dedicated his “Stratagems of War” to the Emperors M. Aurelius and L. Verus ... His materials were collected from sources many of which are now lost, so that his work is an important one, scanty as the details are.” Cockle. The 1552 edition is entitled Gli strategemi di Polieno; di grandissimo utile a i capitani nelle diverse occasioni della guerra ... Lelio Carrani translated the work from Greek to Italian.

1552 Polybius, 205?-125? B.C. Polibio Del modo dell’accampare. Tradotto di greco per M. Philippo Strozzi. Calculo della castrametatione di messer Bartholomeo Cavalcanti. Comparationé dell’armodura, & dell’ordinanza de Romani & de Macedoni di Polibio. Tradotta dal medesimo Scelt a de gli Apophtegmi di Pluctarco. Tradotti per m. Philippo Strozi. Eliano De nomi, & de gli ordini militari. Tradotto di greco per m. Lelio Carani. Florence, Lorenzo Torrentino, 1552. ICU (Florence, 1552); ICN, Case U 0 .712 (Florence, 1552).

1554 Cataneo (or Cattaneo), Pietro, 1510-1569. I quattro primi libri di architettura. Venice, sons of Aldo [Manuzio], 1554. MiU (Venice, 1554); IU (Venice, 1554); OKentC (Venice, 1554). Comments: “First edition. 43 woodcut plans of ideal fortified towns.” Pollak.

Tartaglia, Niccolò, d. 1557. Quesiti et inventioni diverse ... di novo restampati con una gionta al sesto libro, nella quale si mostra duoi modi di redur una città inespugnabile. [Venice, Per Nicolo de Bascarini], Appresso de l’auttore, 1554. MiU ([Venice], 1554); InU, Lilly UF 825 .T19 N93 1558 ([Venice], 1554); ICJ ([Venice], 1554); ICN U 0 .862 (N.p., n.d.). Comments: Bound with his La nova scientia, Venice, 1558. Portion of imprint from colophon. Two previous editions printed 1546.

Zanchi, Giovanni Battista de’, b. 1515. Del modo di fortificar le città. Trattato. Venice, P. Pietrasanta, 1554. MnU (Venice, 1554); MiU (Venice, 1540). Comments: Only 63 pages with illustrations.

1555 Gorgieri, Lauro. Trattato della guerra. Pesaro, Bartolomeo Cesano, 1555. MiU (Pesaro, 1555).

1556 Du Choul, Guillaume, 16th cent. Discorso sopra la castrametatione, et disciplina militare de Romani ... con i bagni, & essercitij antichi de Greci, & Romani ... Tradotto in lingua toscana par M. Gabriel Symeoni. Lyons, Appresso G. Rovillio, 1556. ICN, Case fU 135 .244 (Lyons, 1556); IU (Padua, 1558); ICN (Venice, 1582); MnU (Venice, 1582).

1557 Lanteri, Giacomo, d. c. 1560. Due dialoghi di m. Jacomo de’ Lanteri ... ne i quali s’introduce Messr Girolamo Catanio ... & Messer Francesco Treulisi ... à ragionare del modo di disengnare le piante delle fortezze secondo Enclide; et del modo di comporre i modelli & torre in disegno le piante delle Città. Venice, appresso V. Valgrisi, & Baldessar, 1557. ICN (Venice, 1557); OU Film 15-51 no.30 (Venice, 1557); MiU (Venice, 1601); Comments: OU copy is a microfilm of original in Biblioteca Vaticana. “Lanteri served the king of as engineer in Naples and on the coast of northern Africa where he drew up the plans of local .” Pollak.

1558 Centorio degli Hortensii, Ascanio, b. 1480. Discorsi di guerra, del Signor Ascanio Centorio. Divisi in cinque libri. Nel primo si continne l’officio d’un Generale d’essercito, nel secondo, l’ordine del medesimo per espugnare una Provincia. Nel terzo, si tratta delle qualità, ufficio, et autoritàd’un mastro di campo; nel quarto, del modo che devetenere una città che aspetta l’assedio; e nel quinto, sotto diversi capi si contengono molte cose appartenenti all’arte dell militia. MnU (Venice, 1558); MiU (Venice, 1558-1562); ICN, Case U 0 .158 (Venice, 1558-62) Comments: Apparently, only the Newberry and the Michigan libraries have all five discourses.

Frönsperger, Leonhardt, baron von Mindelheim, 1520-1575. Fünff Bücher, vonn Kriegs Regiment und Ordnung, wie sich ein jeder Kriegssmann inn seinem Ampt unnd Beuelch halten soll, was zu anfang eines Kriegs zuerwegen unnd zubetrachten sey ... Durch Lienhart Frönsperger. Frankfurt, Getruckt durch Davidem Zephelium, 1558. MnU (Frankfurt, 1558); MnU (Frankfurt, 1564). Comments: 1564 edition entitled Kriegs Ordnung und Regiment, sampt derselbigen Befehl, Statt und Empter, zu Rossz und Fuss, auch an Geschütz und Munition, in Zügen, zu Feldt ...

Philipp Eberhard, duke of Cleve, 1456-1528. Instruction de toutes manieres de guerroyer, tant par terre que par mer, des choses y servantes. Redigée par escript, par Messire Philippes duc de Cleves, cìte de La Marche, & seigneur de Ravestain. Paris, G. Morel, 1558. MiU, U 101 .P55 (Paris, 1558).

Tartaglia, Niccolò, 1499-1557. La nova scientia. Venice, 1558. MiU (Venice, 1558).

1559 Lanteri, Giacomo, d. c. 1560. Due libri di N. Giacomo Lanteri ... Del modo di fare le fortificationi di terra intorno alle città, & alle castella per fortificarele. Et Di fare cosi i forti in campagna per gli allogiamenti de gli esserciti; come anco per andar sotto ad una terra, di fare i ripari nelle batterie. Venice, Appresso Bolognino, Zaltieri, 1559. MiU, UG 400 .L32 (Venice, 1559); MnU (Venice, 1559). Comments: This is a separate work from the Due Dialoghi, 1557.

La Ramée, Pierre de, 1515?-1572. P. Rami, regii eloquentiae et philosophiae professoris, Liber de Caesaris militia, ad Carolum Lotharingum cardinalem. Paris, Apud Andream Wechelum, 1559. MiU (Paris, 1559); ICN (Paris, 1559); IU (Paris, 1559); ICJ (Frankfurt, 1584); IaU (Frankfurt, 1584); ICN (Frankfurt, 1584); IU (Frankfurt, 1584); IU RBC, Baldwin 2194 (N.p., c. 1600).

Solms, Reinhard, graf von, 1491-1562. Das Kriegsbuch. 4 vols. in 1. Lich, 1559. ICN, Wing +ZP 547 .S 688 (Lich, 1559). Comments: Bound with Philipp Eberhard, duke of Cleves, Borgundische Kriegesordnung, 1559. A work on the organization and administration of an army written by Count Reinhard, the elder, of Solms-Lich, lord of Muenzenberg who published the work at a press he established in his residence at Lich.

1564 Fronsperger, Leonhardt, baron von Mindelheim, 1520-1575. Von Geschütz und Fewerwerck wie dasselb zuwerffen unnd schiessen ... Das ander Buch. Von Erbawung, Erhaltung, Besatzung unnd Profantierung der wehrlichen Bevestungen... Frankfurt, 1564. ICN, Case fU 0 .3145 (Frankfurt, 1564). Comments: Colophon: Getruckt ... bey Johann Lechler in Verlegung Sigemund Feyerabendt und Simon Hüter.

1566 Cicuta, Aurelio, fl. 1566. Della disciplina militare del capitano Alfonso Adriano [pseud.]. Libri III ... Con due tavole ... & una dichiaratione intorno a’ nomi antichi, & moderni de’ regni. Venice, Appresso L Avanzo, 1566. ICN, Case U 0 .169 (Venice, 1566); MiU (Venice, 1566).

Rocca, Bernardino, 1515-1587. Imprese, stratagemi, et errori militari. Venice, Gabriel Giolito, 1566. MiU (Venice, 1566); MiU (Venice, 1567); WU (Venice, 1567); ICN, Case U 0 .753 (Venice, 1567). Comments: Continuation issued in 1570.

1567 Cataneo, Girolamo, fl. ca. 1540-1584. Avertimenti et essamini intorno a quelle cose che richiede a un bombardiero, cosi circa all’artegliaria, come anco a fuochi arte ficiati. Di Girolamo Cataneo novarese. Da lui, in questa seconda impressione, in diversa luoghi ampliati. Brescia, Appreso Thomaso Bozzola, 1567. MiU (Brescia, 1567).

Cataneo, Girolamo, fl. ca. 1540-1584. Tavole brevissime per sapere con prestezza quante file vanno a’ formare una giustissima battaglia ... Et appresso un facilissimo, et approvato modo di armarla di archibugieri, &, di ale di cavalleria secondo, l’uso moderno. Di nuovo aggionte, et largamente ampliate ... dal medesimo auttore ... Brescia, appresso Thomaso Bozola, 1567. ICN, Case 4A 975 (Brescia, 1567); English edition: ICN, Case U 2 .537 (London, 1574); MiU (London, 1574). Comments: English edition translated from Italian by H. G. “The standard manual for the use of sergeants-major general, translated from the Italian of 1563.” Spaulding. ICN edition (London, 1574) is with Machiavelli, Niccolò, The arte of warre ..., 1573.

Cicogna, Giovanni Mattheo. Il primo libro del trattato militare ... nel quale si contengono varie regole, & diversi modi, per fare con l’ordinanza battaglie nuove di fanteria. Venice, Appresso Giovanni Bariletto, 1567. MiU (Venice, 1567); ICN, Case U 0 .172 (Venice, 1567).

Mora, Domenico, 1539-?. Tre quesiti in dialogo sopra il fare batterie, fortificare una città, et ordinar battaglie quadrate, con una disputa di precedenza tra l’arme & le lettere. Di M. Domenico Mora, bolognese ... Venice, Per Giovanni Varisco, & compagni, 1567. MiU (Venice, 1567); ICN (Venice, 1567).

1568 Ferretti, Francesco, fl. 1577. Della osservanza militare ... libri due ... Venice, C. & R. Borgomineri fratelli, 1568. ICN, Case U 0 .172 (Venice, 1568); MiU (Venice, 1576); ICN, Case U 0 .292 (Venice, 1577).

Marozzo, Achille, 16th cent. Arte dell’armi, di Achille Marozzo ... Ricorretto, et ornato di nuove figure in rame. Venice, Appresso A. Pinargenti, 1568. ICN, Wing ZP 535 .P 63 (Venice, 1568). Comments: Colophon: In Venetia, 1569.

1569 Du Choul, Guillaume, 16th cent. Discorso della religione antica de Romani, insieme un’altro discorso della castrametatione, & disciplina militare, bagni, et essercitij antichi di detti Romani. Composti in franzese dal S. Guglielmo Choul ... et tradotti ... in toscano da M. Gabriel Simeoni. Lione, Appresso Guglielmo Rovillio, 1569. IU (Lione, 1569); MiU (Lione, 1569); IMunS (Lione, 1569); ICN (Lione, 1558); ICU (Lione, 1558); IU (Lione, 1559); MnU (Lione, 1559); French editions: ICN (Lyon, 1581); InNd (Lyon, 1581); IU (Lyon, 1581); IEN (Lyon, 1581); Spanish edition: IU (Leon, 1579).

1570 Mora, Domenico, 1539-?. Il soldato di m. Domenico Mora, bolognese ... nel quale si tratta di tutto quello, che ad un vero soldato, & nobil cavalliere si conviene sapere, & essercitare nel mestire dell’arme. Et questa, secondo l’ordine da noi posto è la quarta [i.e., quinta] gioia congiunta all’anella della nostra Collana historica ... Venice, Appresso Gabriel Giolito di Ferrarii, 1570. InU, Lilly U 101 .M82 S68 (Venice, 1570); ICN, Case U 2 .592 (Venice, 1570); MiU (Venice, 1570). Comments: With illustrations and diagrams. Lilly imprint: 1570. Colophon: In Venetia, Per Giovan. Griffio, 1569. “Giolito printed only the preliminary matter; the text is that of the first edition, printed by Griffio in 1569. ICN edition edited by Tomaso Porcacchi.

Rocca, Bernardino, 1515-1587. La seconda [-terza] parte del governo della militia ... nella qual sitratta ... come s’ha da procedere ne’ fatti d’arme ... Et questa ... è la sesta gioia congiunta all’anella della nostra collana historica ... 2 vols. Venice, Appresso G. Giolito di Ferrari, 1570. ICN, Case U 0 .754 (Venice, 1570); MiU (Venice, 1570). Comments: A continuation of the author’s Imprese ...

1571 Rocca, Bernardino, 1515-1587. Des entreprises et ruses de guerre: et des fautes qui par fois surviennent és progrez & execution dicelles: ou Le vray pourtrait d’un parfait general d’armee: tiré de l’italien du sieur Bernardin Roque de Plaisance par le seigneur de la Popelliniere, Lancelot du Voesin. Ici sont donnez les moyens de bien faire la guerre: soit pour façonner les soldats à la devotion du chef, pour assieger ou deffendre une place, pour bien regler, conduire & faire camper une armée: soit pour emporter l’avantage tant és escarmousches, surprises, rencontres, que batailles assignees. Le tout enrichi de si graves sentences & notables exemples anciens & modernes, que le discours n’en peut qui en fera la lecture. Paris, Chez Nicolas Chesneau, rue S. Jaques, à l’enseigne de l’escu de Froben, & du chesne verd, 1571. MiU (Paris, 1571). Comments: A translation of Rocca’s Impresse stratagemi et errori militari.

1572 Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. 1566. Precetti della militia oderna, tanto per mare, quanto per terra. Trattati da diversi ... ingegni, & raccolti ... dal Signor Girolamo Ruscelli. Ne’ quali si contiene tutta l’arte del Bombardiero ... Venice, Appresso gli Heredi di Marchio Sessa, 1572. MnU (Venice, 1572); MiU (Venice, 1572); ICN (Venice, 1583).

1573 Fronsperger, Leonhardt, baron von Mindelheim, 1520-1575. Kriegszbuch ... 2 vols. in 1. Frankfurt, Sigmund Feyerabendt, 1573. InU, Lilly DD 102.7 .F934 K9 (Frankfurt, 1573); ICN, Case fU 0 .3144 (Frankfurt, 1573-78 [vol. 1, ‘78]); OCl (Frankfurt, 1573-78); MiU (Frankfurt, 1573-78); MiU (Frankfurt, 1596). Comments: First edition (Frankfurt, 1573, 2 vols.). Contents: Vol. 1. Von kayserlichem Kriegszrechten, Malefitz und Schuldhändlen, Ordnung und Regiment. Jetzt von newem ... ubersehen, und ... gebessert. Vol. 2. Von Wagenburgk und die Feldleger ... item von allerley Geschütz und Feuerwerck ... Vol. 3. Von Schantzen unnd Befestunngen. This work also contains numerous woodcuts (including portrait of author), by Jost Amman. “The most important work on military science published during the sixteenth century, containing practically all that was considered of military interest, and forming the acknowledged authority of its subject.” Spaulding.

Whithorne, Peter, fl. 1550-1563. Certaine wayes for the ordering of souldiours in battleray, and setting of battayles, after divers fashions, with their maner of marching: and also fugures [sic] of certayne newe plattes for fortification of townes: and more over, howe to make saltpeter, gunpouder, and divers sortes of fireworkes or wilde fyre. London, W. Williamson for J. Wight, 1573. ICN, Case U 2 .537 (London, 1573); MiU (London, 1573). Comments: “The first Englishman to write on fortification and on the manufacture of gunpowder.” Spaulding. ICN edition (London, 1573) with Machiavelli, Niccolò, The arte of warre ..., 1573.

1575 Locatelli, Vincentio. Invito generale del cap. Vincentio Locatelli da cremona ... Alli professori del reparare, fortificare, & edificare luoghi, & a quelli che dapoi construtti detti luoghi accettano carico di difenderli contra la tremenda offesa hoggidi usata da Maumetani, cioè, de canoni, colubrine, basilsichi, zappa, & pala ... Bologna, 1575. MiU (Bologna, 1575). Comments: “The University [of Michigan] has several hundred books, of which this treatise is one, from the library of Riccardi, the great Italian bibliographer of mathematics.” Spaulding.

Zuccolo, Gregorio. I discorsi ... Ne i quali si tratta della nobilita, honore, amore, fortificationi, et antigaglie ... Venice, appresso Gio. Bariletto, 1575. IU, RBC (Venice, 1575).

1576 Ferretti, Francesco, fl. 1577. Della osservanza militare. Venice, Camillo & Rutilio, Borgominerii Fratelli, 1576. MiU (Venice, 1576); ICN, Case U 0.292 (Venice, 1577); ICN, Case U 0 .293 (Ancona, 1579); ICN, Case U O .294 (Ancona, 1604). Comments: 1577 edition is revised and expanded. 1579 edition and subsequent editions are entitled Diporti notturni. Dialoghi familliari del cap. Franc. Ferretti ... Con la dimostratione figurale intagliata da Michel’ Angelo Marrelli ... Ancona, Appresso Francesco Salvioni, 1579. The dedication and collophon of the 1579 edition are dated 1580.

1578 Proctor, Thomas, fl. 1578. Of the knowledge and conducte of warres, two bookes, latelye wrytten and sett foorth, profitable for suche as delight in hystoryes, or martyall affayres, and necessarye for this present tyme. [London], In aedibus Richard Tottell, 1578. ICJ ([London], 1578); MiU ([London], 1578). Comments: ICJ edition ([London], 1578) is with Cataneo, Girolamo, Most brief tables, 1574.

1579 Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. A generall rehearsall of warres, wherein is five hundred severall services of land and sea: as sieges, battailles, skirmiches, and encounters. A thousande gentle mennes names, of the best sort of warriours. A praise and true honour of soldiours: a proofe of perfite nobilitie. A triall and first erection of heraldes: a discourse of calamitie. And joyned to the same some tragedies and epitaphes as many as was necessarie for this firste booke ... London, Imprinted by E. White, 1579. ICN, Case Y 145 .C 48 (London, 1579); MiU (London, 1579).

Digges, Leonard, d. 1571?. An arithmetical militare treatise, named Stratioticos ... London, Printed by H. Bynneman, 1579; reprint, xerox copy, Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1965. ICN 4A 1307 (London, 1579; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1965); MiU (London, 1579; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1965); IU (London, 1579); MiU (London, 1590).

1581 Styward, Thomas. The pathwaie to martiall discipline, devided into two bookes, verie necessarie for young souldiers, or for all such as loveth the profession of armes. The first book entreateth of the offices from the highest to the lowest, with the lawes of the field, arming, mustering and training of souldiers, with the imbattailing of such numbers, to the greatest force of the like regiments. The second booke entreateth of sundrie proportions and training of caleevers and how to bring bowes to a great perfection of service, with imbattailling of greater regiments: also how to march with a campe royall: likewise how to encampe the same, with divers tables annexed for the present making of your battells, as otherwise to know how manie paces they require in their march & battels from 500 to 1000. London, Imprinted by T. East for M. [Myles] Jenyngs, 1581. ICN, Case U 0 .8534 (London, 1581); MiU Microfilm AC 4 E5 Reel no. 333, [University microfilms no. 15600 (case 56, carton 333), short-title catalogue no. 23413] (London, 1581); MiU Microfilm AC 4 E5 Reel no. 333, [University microfilms no. 15601 (case 56, carton 333), short-title catalogue no. 23414] (London, 1582). Comments: The third book does not appear in the London, 1582 copy at MiU.

1582 Ayala, Baltasar. De jure et officiis bellicis et disciplina militari. 2 vols. N.p., ca. 1582; microfilm copy, n.p., n.d. ICN, Microfilm, 558, reel 1 (N.p., ca. 1582; n.p., n.d.).

Gutierrez de la Vega, Luis, b. ca. 1509. A compendious treatise entituled, De re militari, containing principall orders to be observed in martiall affaires. Written in the Spanish tongue. And newlie translated into English, by Nicholas Lichefild ... London, Imprinted by T. [Thomas] East, 1582. ICN, Case U 2 .37 (London, 1582); MiU Film, University microfilms no. 14376 (case 54, carton 320), short-title catalogue no. 12538 (London, 1582). Comments: ICN edition (London, 1582) contains manuscript notes and was bound by Riviere & Son.

Rocca, Bernardino, 1515-1587. De’ discorsi di guerra ... Libri quattro. Dove s’insegno a’capitani, & soldaiti il modo di condurre esserciti, di far fatti d’arme, espugnare, & difender città ... con gran copia d’essempij antichi, & moderni appartenenti all’arte militare ... Venice, Appresso D. Zenaro, 1582. ICN, Case U 0 .752 (Venice, 1582); MnU (Venice, 1582); MiU (Venice, 1582).

1583 Cicogna, Giovanni Mattheo. Il primo libro del Trattato militare ... nel quale si contengono varie regole ... per fare con l’ordinanza battaglie nuove di fanteria ... Venice, Appresso C. Castelli, 1583. ICN, Case U 0 .1722 (Venice, 1583); MiU (Venice, 1567); ICN, Case U 0 .172 (Venice, 1567). Comments: Infantry drill and tactics.

Escalante, Bernardino de, 16th cent. Dialogos del arte militar ... Seville, A. Pescioni, 1583. InU, Lilly UA 782 .E74 Mendel (Seville, 1583). Comments: First edition.

Rovere, Francesco Maria [I] della, duke of Urbino, 1490-1538. Discorsi militari ... ne i quali si discorrono molti avantaggi, & disvantaggi, della guerra, utilissimi ad ogni soldato. Ferrara, Per D. Mammarelli, 1583. ICN, Case U 0 .3112 (Ferrara, 1583); ICN 4A 3107 (Mantova, 1902). Comments: 1583 edition edited by D. Mammarelli. The Discorsi also concern the fortifications of Venice.

García de Palacio, Diego, fl. 1576-1587. Diálogos militares por el doctor Diego García de Palacio ... Obra impressa en México, por Pedro de Ocharte, en 1583, y ahora editada en facsimil. Madrid, Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1944. InU, Lilly Mendel Z 241.3 .A 1 C6 v.7 (Mexico, 1583; Madrid, 1944); ICN, Ayer 655 .52 G19 1583 1944 (Mexico, 1583; Madrid, 1944). Comments: From Colección de incunables americanos, siglo XVI, vol. 7. Title of facsimilie: Dialogos militares, de la formacion, è informacion de personas, instrumentos, y cosas nescessarias para el buen uso de la guerra. Compuesto por el Doctor Diego Garcia de Palacio. Mexico, En casa de Pedro Ocharte, 1583.

Maggi, Girolamo, d. 1572. Della fortificatione delle città, di Girolamo Maggi, e del capitan Jacomo Castriotto ... Discorso del medesimo Maggi sopra la fortificatione de gli alloggiamenti de gli esserciti. Discorso del capitan Francesco Montemellino sopra la fortificatione del Borgo di Roma. Trattato dell’ordinanze, ò vero battaglie del capitan Giovacchino da Coniano. Ragionamento del sudetto Castriotto sopra le fortezze della Francia. Venice, Appresso C. Borgominiero, 1583. ICN (Venice, 1583); MiU (Venice, 1583).

Patrizi, Francesco, 1529-1597. La militia romana di Polibio, di Tito Livio, e di Dionigi Alicarnaseo. Da Francesco Patricii dichiarata e con varie figure illustrata ... Ferrara, Per D. Mamarelli, 1583. ICN, Case U 0 .664 (Ferrara, 1583); MiU (Ferrara, 1583). Comments: ICN edition has armorial bookplates of Marchésa Salsa, and of Baron Ward, Earl of Dudley.

Ruscilli, Girolamo, d. 1566. Precetti della militia moderna, tanto per mare, qvanto per terra. Venice, M. Sessa, 1583. ICN, Case U 0 .765 (Venice, 1583).

1584 Cataneo, Girolamo, fl. ca. 1540-1584. Dell’arte militare libri cinque, ne’ quali si tratta il modo di fortificare offendere, et diffendere una fortezza: et l’ordine come si debbano fare gli alloggiamenti campali; & formare le battaglie, con l’essamine de’ bombardieri, & di far fuochi arteficiati. Di Girolamo Cataneo novarese ... 5 vols. in 1. Brescia, Appresso Pietro Maria Marchetti, 1584. IU 623.1 C28d 1584 (Brescia, 1584); MiU (Brescia, 1584).

Maggi, Girolamo, d. 1572, and Castriotto, Jacomo Fusto, fl. 1548. Della fortificatione delle citta. Di M. Girolamo Maggi, e del capitan Jacomo Castriotto ... Venice, Camillo Borgominiero, 1584. MiU (Venice, 1584). Comments: The most extensive treatise of fortification published up to this time.

1585 Brancaccio, Lelio, 1560-1637. Della nuova disciplina & vera arte militare del Brancatio libri VIII ... Venice, Presso Aldus, 1585. MiU (Venice, 1585); ICN, Case U 2 .12 (Venice, 1585).

Nannini, Remigio Fiorentino, 1521?-1581?, ed. Orationi militari. Raccolte per m. Remigio Fiorentino, da tutti gli historici greci, e latini; antichi, e moderni. Con gli argomenti, che dechiarano l’occasioni, per lequali elle furon fatte ... Venice, Alla insegna della Concordia, 1585. ICN, Case U 0 .6 (Venice, 1585). Comments: Colophon: In Venetia, Appresso Gio. Antonio Bertano, 1585.

1586 Collado, Luis. Practica manuale di arteglieria; nella quale si tratta della inventione di essa, dell’ordine di condurla, & piantarla sotto à qualunque fortezza, fabricar mine da far volar in alto le fortezze, spianar le montagne, divertir acque offensive à i Regni & provincie, tirar co i pezzi in molti & diversi modi, far fuochi artificiali; con altri bellissimisecreti all’essercitio dell’arteglieria appartenenti. Nuovamente composta & data in luce Dal Mag. Signor Luigi. Venice, Presso Pietro Dusinelli, 1586. MiU (Venice, 1586); Spanish edition: MiU (, 1592). Comments: The writer is said to have been the first to conduct practical tests of firing. The Spanish edition of 1592 is greatly enlarged from the first edition of 1586, and practically a new work.

Evoli, Cesare d’, 16th cent. Delle ordinanze et battaglie del signor Cesare d’Evoli ... Nuovamente da lui revisto & corretto con l’agiuntione di molte cose necessarie. Con un nuovo trattato de gli allogiamenti di capmpagna ... Rome, Tito & Paulo Diani, 1586. MiU (Rome, 1586); ICN, Case fu 2 .018 (Rome, 1586).

Schiavina, Zaccaria. Breve essamine intorno l’artegliarie, cannoni, colombrine, perieri, mortari, & altri simili instromenti, con il modo di cognoscerli et usarli utilissimo à tutti quelli che brevemente vogliono essercitarsi in questa arte. Raccolto dal giudicio del sign. capitano Zaccaria Schiavina ... Et posta in luce per m. Achille Porporini bresciano. Brescia, Apresso Policreto Turlini, 1586. MiU (Brescia, 1586).

1587 La Noue, François de, 1531-1591. Discours politiques et militaires du Seigneur de la Noue. Nouvellement recueillis & mis en lumiäre par Philippe Canaye, sieur de Fresne. Basel, L’imprimerie de F. Forest, 1587. IaU (Basel, 1587); ICN, Case U 0 .476 (Basel, 1587); MnU (Basel, 1587); IU (Basel, 1587); ICU (Basel, 1587); ICU (Basel, 1588); ICN, Case U 0 .477 ([Paris?], 1588); ICU (Lyons, 1595); WU (Lyons, 1595); MiU (Basel, 1599); MiU (Paris, 1612); OCU (Geneva, 1614); ICN F 39193 .48 (Paris, 1793); OClW (Paris, 1819- 29); ICN 4A 2665 (Geneva, 1967); English editions: MiU (London, 1587); ICU (London, 1587); OClW (London, 1587); ICN (London, 1587). Comments: “Written by the great Huguenot general, called Bras-de-fer, during his five years’ imprisonment in the .” Spaulding.

1588 Belleforest, François de, 1530-1583. Harangues militaires, et concions de princes, capitaines, ambassadeurs, et autres, manians tant la guerre que les affaires d’estat ... Recueillies, faites françoises par François de Bell-forest ... Reveu, corrige, augmenté, & enrichi de plusieurs belles harangues de nostre temps, pour la seconde edition. Paris, I. Houze, 1588. ICN, Case fU 0 .084 (Paris, 1588).

Ramelli, Agostino, 1531-ca. 1600. La diverse et artificiose machine del capitano Agostino Ramelli. Composte in lingua italiana et francese. Paris, 1588. IaAs (Paris, 1588); ICN (Paris, 1588); ICJ (Paris, 1588); IaU (Paris, 1588); OClW (Paris, 1588); WU (Paris, 1588); MiU (Paris, 1588).

Tartaglia, Niccolò, d. 1557. Three books of colloquies concerning the arte of shooting in great and small peeces of artillerie. London, T. Dawson for I. Harrison, 1588. ICN, Case fU 444 .86 (London, 1588).

Xenophon, Cyrupaedia, 434?-355? B.C. Le opere di Senofonte molto utili a capitani di guerra et al viver morale et civile. Tradotte dal greco da Marc’Antonio Gandini. Con alcune annotationi, necessarie per l’intelligenza di tutta l’opera ... Venice, Presso Pietro Dusinelli, 1588. IU, RBC 881 x2 .Ig (Venice, 1588); French edition IU, RBC Xq881 X2.Fc (Cologne, 1613); English edition: IU, RBC 881 x2c.El (London, 1632). Comments: The 1613 edition is dedicated to Louis XIII by Pyramus de Candole who edited the volume. The English edition is entitled: The institution and life of Cyrus, the first of that name, king of Persians. Eight bookes. Treating of noble education, of princely exercises, military discipline, warlike stratagems, preparations and expeditions: as appeareth by the contents before the beginning of the first booke. Written in Greeke by the sage Xenophon. Translated out of Greeke into English and conferred with the Latine and French translations by Philemon Holland of the city of Coventry doctor in physick. Dedicated to His Most Excellent Maiesty ... London, Printed by J. L. for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at the signe of the Beare in Pauls church-yard, 1632.

1589 Escalante, Bernardino de, 16th cent. Dialogos, del arte militar de Bernardino de Escalante ... , En casa de Rutger Velpio, 1588. MiU (Brussels, 1588).

Ive, Paul, fl. 1589-1602, comp. The practise of fortification: wherein is shewed the manner of fortifying in all sorts of scituations, with the considerations to be used in delining, and making of royal frontiers, skonces, and renforcing of ould walled townes. Compiled ... by Paule Ive ... Imprinted at London, By T. [Thomas] Orwin, for T. [Thomas] Man, and T. [Toby] Cooke, 1589. ICN, Case U 0 .31091 (London, 1589); MiU Film Short-title catalogue no. 14289, carton 963 (London, 1589). Comments: Contains diagrams. With [Fourquevaux, Raimond de Beccarie de Pavie, baron de], Instructions for the warres ..., 1589.

Mora, Domenico, 1539-?. Il cavaliere in risposta del Gentil’huomo del Sig: Mutio ... nella precedenza del armi, et delle lettere ... Vilna, Appresso D. Lanciense, 1589. ICN, Case F 05 .594 (Vilna, 1589).

1590 Alaba y Viamont, Diego. El perfeto capitan, instruido en la disciplina militar, y nueva ciencia de la artilleria. Madrid, Pedro Madrigal, 1590. MiU (Madrid, 1590).

Digges, Thomas, d. 1595. An arithmetical warlike treatise named Stratioticos ... As well concerning the science or art of great , as the offices of the sergeant major generall ... London, 1590. MiU (London, 1590).

Discours de la police et discipline militaire, à l’imitation des anciens Grecs & Romains & selon qu’elle a esté observée par les plus advisez & experimentez capitaines de nostre temps. Basel, 1590. ICN, Case U 0 .234 (Basel, 1590). Comments: The author, a Protestant refugee in Basel, signs his dedication to Henri IV: F. D. D. R.

Smythe, Sir John, 1534?-1607. Certain discourses, written by Sir John Smythe, knight: concerning the formes and effects of divers sorts of weapons, and other verie important matters militarie, greatlie mistaken by divers of our men of warre in these daies; and chiefly of the mosquet, the caliver and the long-bow; as also, of the great sufficiencie, excellencie, and wonderful effects of archers: with many notable examples and other particularities. By him presented to the nobilitie of this realme, & published for the benefite of this his native countrie of . London, Richard Johnes, 1590. WU (London, 1590); MiU (London, 1590); MiU [Film] AC4E5 Reel no. 340 (London, 1590); ICN, U 0 .826 (Ithaca, NY, 1964). Comments: The most eloquent argument in favor of the longbow against firearms. A manuscript dated 1589, now in the Folger library, is possibly Sir John’s final revision of the work for the press. The 1964 edition is edited by J.R. Hale.

Valdés, Francisco de. Dialogo militar. Compuesto por el maestro de campo Francisco de Valdes: en el qual se trata del oficio del sargento mayor ... Madrid, Por Pedro Madrigal, 1590. MiU (Madrid, 1590); IEN (Madrid, 1944); English edition: MiU Film University microfilms no. 15711, case 79, short-title catalogue no. 24570, carton 471 (London, 1590); Italian edition: MiU (Venice, 1598). Comments: Dedication to 1590 Madrid edition dated 1571. First published in 1586 under title: Epeio, y deceplina militar. Madrid, 1944 edition entitled: Espejo y disciplina militar. Francisco Manuel de Melo: Politica militar. [Prólogo por Joaquin Rodríguez Arzua]. From the Colección Cisneros. [Melo, Francisco Manuel de, 1608-1666.] English edition entitled The sergeant major. A dialogue of the office of a sergeant major. Translated by John Thorius. Italian edition (Venice, 1598) translated by Giovanni Paolo Gallucci, 1538-1621?.

1591 Digges, Thomas, d. 1595. A geometrical practical treatize named Pantometria ... Lately reviewed by the author himselfe and augmented with sundrie “additions,” “diffinitions,” ... to open the passage and prepare away to the understanding of his Treatys of martially pyrotechnic and great artillerie, hereafter to be published. London, Abell Jeffes, 1591. MiU (London, 1591).

1592 Gentilini, Eugenio. Instruttioni de’ bombardieri, di Eugenio Gentilini da Este. Oue si contiene l’esamina usata dallo strenuo Zaccharia Schiaviana. L’aggiunta che copiosamente dichiara, quanto nell’esamina si comprendre: et un discorso intorno alle fortezze, fatto tra l’autore e suo fratello, il capitan marin ingegnero della serenissma Republica di Venetia. Dalle quali ogni bombardiero e capi maestri vengono à pieno instrutti di ciò, ch’alla lor professione appartiene; e per maggior lor eccellenza anco vi sono alcuni mezzi geometrici, che molto son giouevoli communemente a bombardieri, & a ingegneri di fortezze. Vi son anco le figure per maggior intelligenza. Venice, appresso Francesco de’ Franceschi Senese, 1592. ICN (Venice, 1592).

Molanus, Johannes, 1533-1585. Militia sacra ducum et principum Brabantiae ... Adiectae sant ... annotationes M. Petri Louwij ... Antwerp, Ex officina Plantiniana, Apud viduam, & Joannem Morelum, 1592. ICN, Case F 46616 .586 (Antwerp, 1592).

1593 Sutcliffe, Matthew. The practice, proceedings, and lawes of armes. London, Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1593. MiU (London, 1593).

1594 Patrizi [or Patrici], Francesco, 1529-1597. Paralleli militari di Francesco Patrizi. Ne’ quali si fa paragone delle milizie antiche, in tutte le parti loro, con le moderne ... 2 vols. in 1. Rome, L. [Luigi] Zannetti, 1594-95. MiU (Rome, 1594-95); ICN, Case fU 0 .666 (Rome, 1594-95). Comments: Vol. 2 has title: De Paralleli militari ... Parte II. Della militia riformata ... Rome, G. Facciotto, 1595.

1595 Carrión Pardo, Juan, fl. 1595. Tratado como se deven formar los quatro esquadrones, en que militia nuestre nacion española: en el qual se hallaran cosas muy curiosas tocantes al origen de las armas ... Lisbon, A. Alvarez, 1595. ICN, Case U 2 .787 (Lisbon, 1595). Comments: With Scarion, Bartolmé, Doctrina militar ..., 1598.

Escalante, Bernardino de, 16th cent. Dialogos, del arte militar de Bernardino de Escalante ... Brussels, En casa de Rutger Velpio, 1595; microfilm copy, n.p., 1961. ICN Film 15-24 no.14a (Brussels, 1595; n.p., 1961); OU, RBC Film 15-24 no.14 (Brussels, 1595; n.p., 1961). Comments: Original in Vatican (Biblioteca vaticana). Bound with Londono, Sancho de, El discursos sobre la forma de reduzir la disciplina militar ..., Brussels, 1596. Microfilm from series: Manuscripta, microfilms of rare and out of print books, list 24, no. 14.

Hurault, Jacques d’, fl. 1588. Politicke, moral and discourses. Written in French by M. Jacques Hurault, lord of Vieul and of Marais, and one of the French kings Privie councell. Dedicated by the author to the French-kings Majestie. And translated into English by Arthur Golding. London, Printed by Adam Islip, 1595. MiU (London, 1595); OCU (London, 1595); ICN (London, 1595); IU (London, 1595); IaU (London, 1595); MiU, Film University microfilms no. 14808, case 42, carton 249, short-title catalogue no. 14000 (London, 1595).

Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540 or 41-1604. Theorica y pratica de guerra, escrita al principe don Felipe nuestro señor ... Madrid, Por la viuda de P. Madrigal, 1595. ICN, Case U 2 .559 (Madrid, 1595); MiU, U101 .M54 1596 (Antwerp, 1596); Italian editions: ICU, U101.M53 (Venice, 1596); MnU (Venice, 1596); MiU (Venice, 1602); ICN, Case U 2 .568 (Venice, 1616); English editon: ICN, Case U 2 .56 ([London], 1597); German edition: MiU (Frankfurt, 1617); ICN, Case U 2 .564 (Frankfurt, 1625). Comments: “The author, who had served under Alva, gives a clear account of that general’s system.” Cockle. “Written after his retirement to a monastery because of total blindness, after thirty-years’ service.” Spaulding. English translator’s [Sir Edward Hoby, 1560-1617] dedication in Spanish: “The authors epistle to Don Philip, prince of Castill,” dated Madrid, 1594. “Censure” dated Madrid, 1595. English edition at ICN with autograph of George Carew, 1597. Binding stamped with Beaufoy crest. Bookplate of Henry B. H. Beaufoy.

Rantzau, Henrik, 1526-1598. ... Commentarius bellicus, libris sex distinctus, praecepta, consilia, et strategemata, pugnae terrestris ac naualis, ex variis eruditorum collecta scriptis, complectens ... Frankfurt, Apud Z. Palthenium, 1595. ICN, Case U 0 .733 (Frankfurt, 1595); MiU (Frankfurt, 1595).

Romano, Bartolomeo. Proteo militare-diviso in tre libri. Nel primo si descrive la fabrica di detto proteo ... Nel secondo, e terzo si tratta dell’uso di detto istrumento. Naples, [G. I.] Carlino & [A.] Pace, 1595. ICN, Case U 205 .755 (Naples, 1595); MiU (Naples, 1595). Comments: Mathematical instruments, military engineering and nautical instruments.

Smythe, Sir John, 1534?-1607. Instructions, observations, and orders mylitarie. Requisite for all chieftaines, captaines, and higher and lower men of charge, and officers to understand, knowe, and observe. Composed by Sir John Smithe, Knight, 1591. And now imprinted, 1595. London, by Richard Johnes, 1595. MiU (London, 1595); MiU Film University microfilms no. 15527, case 67, carton 399, short-title catalogue no. 22885 (London, 1595); MiU Film University microfilms no. 13478, case 71, carton 421, short-title catalogue no. 22885+ (London, 1594). Comments: With his Certain discourses ... concerning the formes and effects of divers sorts of weapons, London, 1590.

1596 Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. Justi Lipsi Polioceticun; sive, De machinis, tormentis, telis, libri quinque. Ad historiarum lucem. Cum privilegiis Caesareo & Regio. Antwerp, ex officina Platiniana, apud viduam, & I. Moretum, 1596. ICJ (Antwerp, 1596); MnU (Antwerp, 1596); ICN (Antwerp, 1596); MiU (Antwerp, 1596); MiU (Antwerp, 1599); IaU, JC 145 L7 1599 (Antwerp, 1599); WU (Antwerp, 1599); MiU (Antwerp, 1599); ICN, Case Y 682 .L66 no.1 (Antwerp, 1604); MiU (Antwerp, 1604); IaU (Antwerp, 1610); IaU (Antwerp, 1625); ICU (Antwerp, 1630); IaU (Antwerp, 1630); OClW (Lyons, 1589); MnU (Lyons, 1590); MiU (Lyons, 1590); ICN (Lyons, 1590); IEN 321 L767p (Lyons, 1590); IaU (Lyons, 1592); IU (Lyons, 1592); MiU (Lyons, 1594); ICU (Lyons, 1628); MiU, JC 145 .L7 1690 (Lyons, 1690); OU, JC 145 LC 1615 (Frankfurt, 1615); ICJ (Amsterdam, 1632).

Lodoño, Sancho de. El discurso sobre la forma de reduzir la disciplina militar. A meior y antiguo estado por Don Sancho de Londoño ... Brussels, En casa de Roger Velpius, 1596; microfilm copy, n.p., 1961. ICN, Film 15-24 no. 14a (Brussels, 1596; n.p., 1961). Comments: Original in Vatican (Biblioteca vaticana). Bound with Escalante, Bernadino de, Dialogos ..., Brussels, 1595. Microfilm from series: Manuscripta, microfilms of rare and out of print books, list 24, no. 14a.

Roscius, Julius. Julli Rocii Hortini Elogia militaria ... Rome, Aup Jo. Angelum Ruffinellum, Typis Bartholomaei Bonfadini, 1596. ICN, Case U 01 .756 (Rome, 1596). Comments: Military and naval biography.

1597 Flamand, Claude, b. 1570?. La guide des fortifications et conduitte militaire, ou sont contems sept livres de mathematique, & geometrie, contenant ce qu’est le plus necessaire, pour l’utilité de la vie humaine ... Par Claude Flamand ... Montbeliard, Par Jaques Foillet, 1597. MiU, UG 400 .F58 (Montbeliard, 1597); WU (Montbeliard, 1597); IU RBC, Fletcher (Montbeliard, 1611); German edition: MiU (Mümpelgardt [Montbeliard], 1612). Comments: The German edition is a translation of the Montbeliard 1611 edition.

Lorini, Buonaiuto, ca. 1540-ca. 1611. Delle fortificationi di Buonaiuto Lorini ... libri cinque, ne’quali si nostra con le piu facili regole a scienza con la pratica, di fortificare le città, & altri luoghi sopra diversi siti, con tutti gli avvertimenti, che per intelligenza de tal materia possono occorrere ... Nuovamente dati in luce. Venice, Gio. Antonio Rampazetto, 1597. MiU (Venice, 1597); WU (Venice, 1597); MnU (Venice, 1609), WU (Venice, 1609); German edition: MiU, UG 400 .L875 1621 (Frankfurt, 1621) Comments: Venice, 1597 book at MiU and WU is only book five of six books. 1609 and 1621 editions include all six books of this work. German 1621 edition also includes: Das sechste Buch, von der Fortification ... Oppenheim, Gedruckt bey H. Gallern, 1616. Bound at the end are 21 plates illustrating infantry drill and tactics, apparently from an edition of J. Jacobi von Wallhausen’s Kriegskunst zu Fuss.

1598 Barret, Robert. The theorike and practike of moderne warres. London, William Ponsonby, 1598. MiU (London, 1598).

Busca, Gabriello, ca. 1540-1605. Della espugnatione et difesa delle fortezze. Libri due. Di nuovo dall’autore correti, & ampliati; con l’aggionta di molti capitoli, & figure di più, che nella prima edittione. Aggiontovi nel fine l’instruttione de’ Bombardieri, pur dell’istesso autore: con le figure, et espositione delle cose più utili, ... Turin, Gio. Dominico Tarino, 1598. MiU (Turin, 1598); ICN, Case 5A 182 (Turin, 1598); MnU (Turin, 1598); ICN (Turin, 1585). Comments: ICN (Turin, 1598) edition contains annotations in ink throughout. “Son of a founder of employed by the state of Milan, (Gabrio) Busca was employed as military architect and engineer at the Savoy Court from 1570 to 1594.” Pollak. First edition 1581.

Capobianco, Alessandro. Corona e palma militare di artiglieria, nella quale si tratta del’inventione di essa, e dell’operare nelle fattioni da terra, e mare, fucchi artificiati da giuoco, e guerra; d’un nuovo instrumento per misurare distanze ... Venice, G. A. Rampazetto, 1598. MnU (Venice, 1598); ICN, Case fU 0 .032 (Venice, 1602); MiU (Venice, 1602).

Gentilini, Eugenio. Instruttione di artiglieri ... dove si contiene la esamina usata dallo strenuo Zaccaria Schiavina, con una gionta dell’auttore ... et un discorso fatte dal medesimo sopra la fortezze. Trattando con il Capitan Marino Gentilini ... Venice, Appresso Francesco de’ Fraceschi Senese, 1598. ICN (Venice, 1598).

Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606. Analecta sive observationes reliquae ad militiam. Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1598. MiU (Antwerp, 1598).

Lipsius, Justus. De militia Romana. Editio nova. Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1598. MiU (Antwerp, 1598); MiU (Antwerp, 1614).

Scarion, Bartolomé, fl. 1598. Doctrina militar. En la qual se trata de los principios y causas porque fue hallada en el mundo la milicia ... Lisbon, P. Crasbeeck, 1598. ICN, Case U 2 .787 (Lisbon, 1598).

Seventeenth-Century Military Treatises, 1599 to 1699

1599 Savorgano, Mario, conte de Belgrado, d. 1597?. Arte militare terrestre, e maritima; secondo la ragione, è l’uso de piu Valorosi capitani antichi, e moderni. Già descritta ... dall’illustrissimo signor Mario Savorgnano conte de Belgrado; per instruttione de sig.ri suoi nepoti ... Et hora ridotta ... da Cesare Campana, da esso data in Luce ... Venice, Appresso, gli heredi di Francesco de Franceschi, 1599. MiU (Venice, 1599); ICN, Case fU 0 .7844 (Venice, 1614). Comments: “The work was edited and published by Cesare Campana, after the author’s death.” Cockle.

16-- Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. The art of war. Edited by W. H. Schukking. Amsterdam, Swets & Seillinger, 1964. ICN, 5A 671 (Amsterdam, 1964).

1600 Edmonds, Sir Clement, 1564?-1622. Observations, upon the five first bookes of Caesars Commentaries, setting fourth the practise of the art military, in the time of the . Wherein are handled all the chiefest points of their discipline, with the true reasons of every part, together with such instructions as may be drawn from their proceedings, for the better direction of our moderne warres. By Clement Edmonds. London, Printed by Peter Short, dwelling on Bredstreet hill at the signe of the Starre, 1600. IU, RBC, x871 C2g.Ee 1600 (London, 1600); IU, RBC, x871 C2g.Ec (London, 1604); MiU (London, 1609); MiU (London, 1655).

Smith, Thomas, fl. 1600-1627. The arte of Gunnerie. Wherein is set foorth a number of serviceable secrets, and practical conclusions, belonging to the art of gunnerie, by arithmeticke skill to be accomplished: both pretie, pleasant, and profitable for all such as are professors of the same facultie. London, Printed by R. Field for William Ponsonby, 1600. IU, RBC Film UM R939 (London, 1600); MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 22855, carton 939 (London, 1600); MiU, UF 800 S66 1643 (London, 1643). Comments: Includes “certaine additions to the booke of gunnery, with a supplie of fire-workes.” London, 1600 edition at IU has special title-page with imprint date 1601.

1601 Contarini, Pietro Maria. Corso di guerra et partiti di guerreggiare, et combattere ... Venice, G. Perchacino, 1601. ICN, Case U 0 .188 (Venice, 1601); MiU (Venice, 1601); MnU (Venice, 1601).

Lanteri, Giacomo, d. c. 1560. Delle offese et diffese della citta, et fortezze. Con due discorsi d’architettura militare d’Antonio Lupicini fiorentino. Ove si vede con bellissimo modo, & ordine quanto a questa professionne si appartiene ... Venice, Appresso Tomaso Baglioni, 1601. MiU, SS (Venice, 1601); IU, RBC Stonehill 243 (Venice, 1601). Comments: Venice, 1601 edition at MiU is a reprint of two works by Lanteri, two by Lupicini, and one by Zanco [Zanchi]. Includes: I. Zanchi, Giovanni Battista [or Zanco, Gieronimo or Zanchius, Hieronymus], Del modo di fortificar la città. II. Lupicini, Antonio, Dell’architettura militare. III. Lupicini, Antonio, Discorsi militari sopra l’espugnazione d’alouni siti. IV. Baglioni, Tomaso, ed. The Venice 1601 edition at IU was printed by Roberto Meietti.

Rigault, Nicolas. De verborum significatione, quae ad novellas impp. qui in Oriente post Iustinianum regnauerunt, de re militari constitutiones pertinent. Paris, C. Morellum, 1601. ICN Case U 2 .745 (Paris, 1601).

Savile, Sir Henry, 1549-1622. Henrici Savilis Angli Commentarius de militia romana ex anglico latinus factus. Heidelberg, typis Voegelinianis, 1601. IU, RBC 355.093 Sa94c (Heidelberg, 1601).

Tarducci, Achille. Delle machine, ordinanze, et quartieri antichi et moderni ... discorsi d’Achille Tarducci. Aggiuntuoi dal medisimo Le fattioni occorse nell’Ongaria ... nel 1597 e la battaglia in Transilvania contra il Valaaco, 1600. Fatte dal signor Giorgio Basta ... Venice, G. B. Ciotti, 1601. MiU, SS (Venice, 1601).

1602 Perret, Jacques. Architectura et perspetiva; des fortifications & artifices de Jacques Perret ... Mis en lumiere par la vefue & les deux fils de Theodore de Bry. Frankfurt, Imprimé par Wolf Richter aux despens desdicts de Bry, 1602. IU, RBC q724.144 P42a (Frankfurt, 1602); MiU (Paris?, 1602); ICN (Paris?, 1601). Comments: “First Edition. No dedication, but engraved view of of Paris, taken by Henri IV on 22 March 1594, on title page ... The first edition of this `useless work, but still sought after for its splendid engravings by de Leu’ (Brunet) was published in Paris in 1601. Perret was a Savoyard, possibly a Protestant from Chambéry, where he taught mathematics.” Pollak.

Segar, Sir William, d. 1633. Honor, military and civill, contained in foure bookes. Viz. 1. Justice, and jurisdiction military. 2. Knighthood in generall, and particular. 3. Combats for life, and triumph. 4. Precedencie of great estates, and others. London, Robert Barker, Printer to the Queenes most excellent majestie, 1602. IU, RBC Norman 20 Mr 39 Gen. Res. Baldwin (London, 1602); ICU (London, 1602); OU (London, 1602); MnU (London, 1602); MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 22164, carton 1006 (London, 1602).

1603 Cassani, Giovanni Alberto. Essercitio militare, il quale dispone l’huomo à vera cognitione del scrimire de spada, e dell’ordinare l’essercito à battaglia ... Naples, Appresso T. Longo, 1603. ICN, Case U 0 .152 (Naples, 1603).

Hulsius, Levinus, d. 1606. Ander Tractat der mechanischen Instrumenten ... Grundlicher Unterricht dess newen Buchsen Quadrants. Frankfurt, Wolfgang Richter, 1603. MiU (Frankfurt, 1603); ICJ (Frankfurt, 1603); MiU (Frankfurt, 1605-9); MnU (Frankfurt, 1605-9). Comments: “Artillery instruction, with an explanation of an instrument.” Spaulding. The Frankfurt, 1605-9, edition at MnU and MiU is entitled Tractatus primus[-tertius] intrumentorum mechanicorum Levini Hulsii ...

1604 Agrippa, Camillo. ... Trattato di scienza d’arme et un dialogo in detta materia. Venice, R. Meglietti, 1604. IU, RBC 796.86 Ag8t (Venice, 1604). Comments: 71 pages. “Includes illustrations and diagrams. A treatise on fencing. The copper plates were reproduced from those in the first edition (Rome, 1553). Two of the large plates in the first edition have been ascribed to Michelangelo, to da Venci, and to Stradano (Gelli).” Cockle.

Altoni, Giovanni, fl. 1604. Il soldato di Giovanni Altoni Fiorentino della scienza, e darte della guerra. Florence, Nella stamperia di Volcmar Timan German, 1604. ICN, Case fU 0 .032 (Florence, 1604); MiU (Florence, 1604). Comments: Bound with Capobianco, Alessandro, Corona e palma militare di artiglieria ..., Venice, 1602.

Cinuzzi, Imperiale. La vera militar disciplina antica e moderna. 3 vols. Siena, S. Marchetti, 1604. ICN, Case U 0 .173 (Siena, 1604); MnU (Siena, 1604); ICN U 0 .1729 (Siena, 1620); MiU (Siena, 1620). Comments: 1620 edition entitled: Della disciplina militare antica e moderna ...

Digges, Thomas, d. 1595. Foure paradoxes, or politique discourses: 2 concerning militarie discipline ... by Thomas Digges ... 2 of the worthinesse of warre and warriors, by Dudley Digges, his sonne ... London, H. Lownes for C. Knight, 1604. ICN, Case U 2 .23 (London, 1604); IaU (London, 1604).

Errard de Bar-le-Duc, Jean, 1554-1610. Fortificato, das ist: Künstliche und wolgegründte Demonstration un Erweisung wie und welcher Gestalt gute Festungen anuordnen ... In hochteuster Sprach an Tag geben ... durch ... Dietrichs de Bry hinderlassene Wittib und zween Söhne. Frankfurt, Bey W. Richtern, 1604. ICN, Case fU 26 .27 (Frankfurt, 1604); French editions: MiU (Paris, 1604); ICN (Frankfurt, 1604); MnU (Frankfurt, 1617); MiU (Paris, 1620). Comments: Jean Errard de Bar-le-Duc was one of the most highly skilled military engineers of the sixteenth century. The first edition of this work was entitled La Fortification réduite en Art, Paris, 1600.

Fiammelli, Giovanni Francesco. Il principe difeso. Nel quale si fortificazione, oppugnazione, espungnazione, e propugnazione, o difesa ... Rome, Appresso Luigi Zannetti, 1604. ICN fJ 8544.295 (Rome, 1604); MnU (Rome, 1604); MiU (Rome, 1604).

1606 Basta, Giorgio, 1550-1607?. Il mastro di campo generale, di Giorgio Basta, Conte d’Hust ... Venice, G. B. Ciotti, 1606. ICN, Case 4A 1490 (Venice, 1606); MiU, U 101.B32 (Venice, 1606); French edition: MiU (Frankfurt, 1617) Comments: The French edition was translated by Jean Theodore de Bry.

Fiammelli, Giovanni Francesco. I quesiti militari di Gio. Francesco Fiamelli ... Fattigli in diversi tempi da diversi principi, e gran personaggi, e da lui risoluti con esempi, e con l’esperienze fatta insu la guerra, e con cose da esso ritrouate per mettersi in esecuzione, e a comune beneficio con diligenza serbati, e ora messi in luce ... Rome, Appresso C. Vullietti, 1606. MiU (Rome, 1606).

Stewechius, Godescalcus. Commentarius ad Flavi Vegeti Renati de re militari libros. Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1606. MiU (Antwerp, 1606).

Tartaglia, Niccolò. Opere. Venice, al segno del Lione, 1606. MiU (Venice, 1606).

1608 Dilich, Wilhelm Schäffer, called Wilhelmi Dilichii, d. 1655. Kriegssbuch darin die alte une newe Militia eigentlich beschreben ... Cassell, W. Wessell, 1608. ICN, Case U 0 .232 (Cassell, 1608).

Flurance, David Rivault, sieur de, 1571-1615. Les elemens de l’artillerie concernans tant la theorie que la pratique du canon. Augmentés en cette nouvelle edition & enrichis de l’invention description & demonstration d’une nouvelle artillerie qui ne se charge que d’air ou d’eau pure, & à neantmoins une incroiable force. Plus d’une nouvelle facon de pouldre a canon tres- violente qui se faict d’or, par un excellent & rare artifice non communiqué jusques à present. L’histoire du progrez & des premiers usages des armes à feu tant recentes qu’anciennes, est deduitte en l’avant-propos. Le tout par le sieur de Flurance Rivault. Paris, Chez Adrien Beys, 1608. MiU (Paris, 1608).

Gheyn, Jacob II de, 1565-1615. Maniement d’armes d’arquebuses, mousquetz, et piques. En conformite de l’ordre de monseigneur le prince Maurice, prince d’Orange ... representé par figures, par Jaques de Gheijn. Ensemble les enseignemes par escrit a l’utilite de tous amateurs des armes, et ausi pour tous capitaines & commandeurs, pour par cecy pouvoir plus facillement enseigner a leurs soldatz inexperimentez l’entier et parfait maniement dicelles armes. Amsterdam, imprimé chez R. de Baudous on les vend’ aussi a Amsterdam chez J. Janssen, 1607? MiU (Amsterdam, 1607?); ICN, Case 6A 76 (Amsterdam, 1607?); English edition: IU, RBC Stonehill (Amsterdam, 1608). Comments: Imprint date on title-page changed in ink from 1607 to 1608. ICN edition is with Breen, A., Le maniement d’armes de Nassau, 1618. “A magnificent collection of plates, with text in French, English, German, and Dutch versions.” Spaulding.

Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. Festung-Bawung das ist Kurze und eygentliche Beschreibung wie man Festungen bawen. Frankfurt, Wolfgang Richter, 1608. MiU (Frankfurt, 1608); ICJ Frankfurt, 1623); MiU (Frankfurt, 1623); MnU (Frankfurt, 1623).

1609 Reusner, Elia, 1555-1612. Strategmatographia, sive Thesaurus bellicus, docens, quomodo bella juste et legitimé suspici, recte & prudenter administrari, commodé & sapienter confici debeant: ex latissimo & laetissimo historiarum campo Herculeo labore erutus ab Elia Reusnero. Cum eiusdem synopsi, & gemino indice locupletissimo, altero historiarum, altero rerum memorabilium. Frankfurt, E. Collegio Musarum Novenarum Paltheniano, 1609. ICN, Case U 0 .7389 (Frankfurt, 1609); ICN, U 0 .739 (Frankfurt, 1661).

1610 Baccellini, Matteo. Aforismi politici e militari ne’quali si mostra come il prinicpe, e la republica s’hà da gouvernare con la militia,; e l’arte di creare un’essercito, d’armarlo, essercitarlo alloggiarlo, e condurlo alla giornata. Il modo di edificare terre, e fortezze, como si ponno espugnare, e difendere, nouvamente posti in luca ... Paris, Chez I. de la Haye, 1610. ICN, Case U 0 .061 (Paris, 1610).

Bracaccio, Lelio, marchese di Montesilvano, 1560-1637. I carachi militari ... Antwerp, J. Trognesio, 1610. ICN, Case U 2 .116 (Antwerp, 1610); MiU (Venice, 1620); MnU (Venice, 1620); ICN, Case U 2 .118 (Venice, 1626).

Sereno, Bartolomeo. Trattati del cavalier Bartolomeo Sereno. Dell’uso della lancia à cavallo. Del combattere a piede alla sbarra. Et dell’imprese, et inventioni cavalieresche ... Naples, Per Gio. Battista Gargano, & Lucretio Nucci, 1610. MiU (Naples, 1610).

1611 Melzi (or Melzo), Lodovico, 1567-1617. Regole militari sopra il governo e servitio particolare della cavalleria ... Antwerp, Appresso G. Trognaesio, 1611. ICN, Case fU 0 .566 (Antwerp, 1611); Spanish edition: MnU (Milan, 1619).

1612 Basta, Giorgio, 1550-1607?. Il governo della cavalleria leggiera. Venice, Bernardo Gionti, Gio. Battista Ciotti & compagni, 1612. MiU (Venice, 1612); ICN (Venice, 1612); French editions: MiU (Rouen, 1616); ICN Case fU 43 .078 (Rouen, 1627). Comments: The first French edition of this very influential work appeared in 1614.

1613 Croce, Flaminio della. Teatro militare. Milan, Bernardino Lantoni, 1613. MiU (Milan, 1613); ICN Case U 0 .198 (Antwerp, 1617); MnU (Antwerp, 1617).

Dallington, Sir Robert, 1561-1637. Aphorismes civill and militariei amplified with authorities, and exemplified with historie, out of the first quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine. London, Imprinted for Edward Blount, 1613. IU, RBC X828 D16a (London, 1613); OCU (London, 1613); ICN (London, 1613); ICU (London, 1613); MiU (London, 1613); OU (London, 1613); ICN (London, 1629); IaU (London, 1629).

Fumée, Jacques F. de. L’arcenac de la milicie françoise. Où est representee la reformation & graduation de la carte marine du Levant & trouvee la hauteur en sa longitude. Avec plusieurs belles & notables instructions aux chets & conducteurs d’armees, pour faire la guerre tant sur mer que sur terre. Contenant plusieurs questions & leurs contrarietez, sur ce qui doit estre observé à bien ordonner des batailles dresser des batailons, situer places & forteresses, & le moyen de les attaquer & defendre. Ensemble ce qui dépend de l’artillerie, & generalement tout ce qui est requis en l’art militaire ... Paris, J. Corrozet, 1613. ICN, Case 3A 986 (Paris, 1613).

Pellicciari (or Pellizzari), Bartolomeo. Parte prima delle rassegne et modo per essercitare fanteria. Con dichiarationi espedite, & figure ... Usaté dal colonello Bartolomeo Pellicciari da Modona ... Modena, Presso Giulian Cassiani, 1613. ICN (Modona, 1613); MiU (Modona, 1613).

Ufano, Diego. Tratado dela artilleria yuso della platicado. Brussels, Ivan Momarte, 1613. MnU (Brussels, 1613); French edition: MnU Z358.1 fUf1 (Rouen, 1628); MiU (Rouen, 1628). Comments: French edition published by Jean Berthelin.

1614 Du Praissac. Les epistres ... contenans des briefves leçons sur diverses matieres. Paris, Vefue M. Guillemot, & S. Thiboust, 1614. MnU (Paris, 1614). Comments: 66 pages. Bound with his Les discours militaires ..., Paris, 1614.

Du Praissac. Les questions militaires. Paris, chez la vefue M. Guillemot, & S. Thiboust, 1614. ICN, Case U 0 .248 (Paris, 1617); English edition: IU (Cambridge, 1639); MnU (Cambridge, 1639).

1615 Marolois, Samuel, 1572?-1627. Fortification ou Architecture militare tant offensive que defensive ... The Hague, Ex officino H. Hondii, 1615. ICN (The Hague, 1615); MiU (The Hague, 1615); IU (Amsterdam, 1627); ICN (Amsterdam, 1627); OCU (Amsterdam, 1638); IU (Amsterdam, 1638); English edition: MiU (Amsterdam, 1638). Comments: “Extensive treatment of fortification, with fine drawings.” Spaulding. Editions after 1615 were reviewed, augmented, and corrected by the mathematician Albert Girard. The Amsterdam 1638 edition at IU and OCU is found in Marolois’ Opera Mathematica, vol. 2, 1638.

1616 Bocerus (or Bocer), Heinrich, 1561-1630. De bello et duello tractatus juris ... nuper ... varijs in locis recognitus ... reformatus, & denuo editus. Accessit Oration ... de privilegiis doctorum ... a Dn. Johanne Halbrittero ... dicta. 3rd ed. Tubingen, Johann Alexander Cellius, 1616. ICN, Case 85 .106 (Tubingen, 1616); MiU (Tubingen, 1616).

Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637, supposed author. A schoole for young souldiers, containing in briefe the whole discipline of warre, especially so much as is meet for the captaine to teach, or the souldier to learne, that is, to trayne or to be trayned. Fit to be taught throughout England. London, Printed for R. Higginbotham, 1616. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 17387 (carton 814) (London, 1616). Comments: Broadside.

Pellicciari (or Pellizzari), Bartolomeo. Tyrocinium. Das ist, Bericht und Ubung nach welchem angehende Soldaten sollen in allerhandt Waffen abgericht werden ... Gepracticiert ... durch Bartholomaeum Pelliciari ... und ... in italianischer Spraach publiciert ... Jetzundt aber ... in unsere Muttersprach gebracht und in Druck verfertiget. Frankfurt, Gedruct bey A. Hummen, in Verlegung L. Jennis, 1616. ICN, Case U 0 .672 (Frankfurt, 1616).

1617 Adams, Thomas, fl. 1612-1653. The souldiers honour. Wherein by divers inferences and gradations it is evinced, that the profession is just, necessarie, and honourable; to be practised of some men, praised of all men. Together with a short admonition concerning munition to this honour’d citie. Preached to the worthy companie of gentleman, that exercise in the Artillerie Garden: and now on their second request, published to further use. London, Printed by A. Islip and E. Blount, 1617. IU, RBC Film R 818 (London, 1617).

Croce, Flaminio della. Teatro militare ... La seconda volta dato all’impressione con l’aggiunta di molte figure, molti capitoli nuovi, & gli altri tutti ampliati ... Antwerp, Appresso H. Aertissio, 1617. ICN, Case U 0 .198 (Antwerp, 1617); MnU (Antwerp, 1617).

Fludd, Robert, 1574-1637. Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia. Oppenheim, Heirs of T. de Bry, 1617-18. MiU (Oppenheim, 1617-18); WU (Oppenheim, 1617-18). Comments: Contains a section called “De arte militari.”

Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. Nieuwe maniere van sterctebov door spilsluysen. Rotterdam, Jan von Waesberghe, 1617. MiU (Rotterdam, 1617); ICN (Rotterdam, 1617); IaU (Rotterdam, 1617); French editions: MiU (Leiden, 1618); MnU (Leiden, 1618). Comments: “Simon (or Symon) Stevin served as an engineer and surveyor in the service of Maurice, Prince of Orange.” Pollak.

Theti, Carlo, 1529-1589. Discorsi delle fortificationi, espugnationi, & difese delle città, & d’altri luoghi. Di Carlo Theti. Diviso in libri otto. Oue difusamente si dimostra quali debbano essere i siti delle fortezze, le forme, i recinti, fossi, baloardi, castelli, & altre cose à loro appartenenti, con le figure di esse. Hora di novo in questa ultima impressione ricorretti, & ampliati ... Venice, Ad instanza di Giacomo Franceschi, 1617. MiU (Venice, 1617); ICN (Venice, 1617); ICN, Case U 26 .871 (Venice, 1575). Comments: With illustrations, plans, and diagrams. First published with slightly different title, Rome, 1569. “Afterwards rewritten and enlarged to about eight times the original size; in which form it should be described as a distinct work.” First published with present title, 1575. Cockle.

Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von, 17th cent. Corpus militare. Darinnen das heütige kriegswesen in einer perfecten und absoluten idea begriffen und vorgestelt wirdt. Alles in gewisse praecepta polemica ordentlich verfasset mit beygegebenem jederm Theyl seinen kriegs-maximus observationibus regulis, axiomatibus unnd sehr künstlichen kriegs fabuln. Allen potentaten und regentten, allen feldherzen, generalln, obristen, haupteuten, befelchshabern und gemeinen soldaten zu pferdt unnd zu fuss, zu wasser und zu landt zunutzn. Vor diesem niehmals an tag gegeben. In vorschein und ans liecht gebracht, von Johann Jacobi von Wallhaussen ... , In verlegung dess authoris, [1617]. MiU, U 101 .J16 J (Hanover, [1617]). Comments: This work is bound with his Defensio patriae ..., 1621 and Kriegskunst zu fuss, 1631.

Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von, 17th cent. Künstliche Picquen-Handlung. Darinnen schrifftlich und mit Figuren dieses adeliches exercitium angewiesen und gelehret wirdt ... Von Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen ... Hanover, In Verlegung dess Authoris, [1617]. ICN (Hanover, [1617]).

1618 Breen, Adam van, fl. 1618. Le maniement d’armes de Nassau, avecq rondelles, piques, espees & targes; representez par figures, selon le nouveau ordre du ... Prince Maurice de Nassau ... par Adam van Breen, avecq instruction par escript pour tons cappitaines & commandeurs, nouvellement mis en lumiere. The Hague, 1618. ICN, Case 6A 76 (The Hague, 1618); Dutch edition: ICN, Case 6A 76 (The Hague, 1640). Comments: This work is actually a collection of plates from three volumes: Breen, A., Le maniement d’armes, 1618; Gheyn, J., Maniement d’armes, d’arquebuses ..., 1607?; and Breen, A., De Wapen-handelinge ..., 1640. Included in the volume are plates signed by Breen and Gheyn, some hand colored plates, and manuscript notes.

Davies, Edward. Military directions: or The art of trayning: plainely demonstrating how every good souldier ought to behave himselfe in the warres ... London, E. Griffin, 1618. OU, Film S.T.C. reel 1233 (London, 1618). Comments: Microfilm of original in the Bodleian Library.

Du Praissac. Les libres discours du Sieur Du Praissac. Paris, S. Thiboust, 1618. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1618n (Paris, 1618). Comments: 32 pages. Binder’s title: Recueil de pièces, 1618.

Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. La castrametation. Descrite par Symon Stevin ... selon l’ordonnance & usage de tres-illustre, tres-excellent prince et seigneur Maurice, par la grace de Dieu prince d’Orange ... Seconde edition reveuâ & corrigée. Leyden, Chez Matthieu & Bonaventure Elzevir, 1618. MnU (Leyden, 1618); IU (Leyden, 1618); MiU (Leyden, 1618); German edition: WU (Frankfurt, 1631); Dutch edition: ICN, Case fU 256 .842 (Rotterdam, 1617). Comments: With this work is bound, as issued, his Nouvelle maniere de fortification par escluses, 1618.

1619 Ammirato, Scipione, 1531-1601. Discours politiques et militaires sur Corneille Tacite, excellent historien, & grand homme d’estat. Contenans les fleurs des plus belles histoires du monde ... Traduits, paraphrasez, et augmentez par Laurens Melliet, Sr. de Montessuy en Bresse ... Lyon, Claude Morillon, 1619. IU, RBC Baldwin 252 (Lyon, 1619); IU, RBC 854Am6 Od.Fm (Lyon, 1628).

Busca, Gabriello, ca. 1540-1605. L’archittettura militare, nella quale si da contezza ad ogni professore, e seguace della guerra tanto di grande, quanto di basso titolo, del modo di fortificare luochi debili ... Milan, 1619. IU, RBC 723 B96a (Milan, 1619); MiU (Milan, 1601); OU (Milan, 1601); MnU (Milan, 1601).

Fitch, William. The Christian knight compiled by Sir William Wiseman knight ... London, John Legatt, 1619. IU, RBC Barry (London, 1619).

Pellicciari (or Pellizzari), Bartolomeo. Avertimenti in fattioni di guerra, utili & necessarii à tutti gl’uffici, che convengono in un ben formato essercito, principiando dal soldato privato, & ascendendo per ordine fin’al carico del capitano generale ... Di nuovo dall’auttore corretti & ampliati ... Venice, Appresso P. Farri, 1619. ICN, Case U 0 .671 (Venice, 1619); ICU (Venice, 1619); MiU U 101 .P39 (Modona, 1600); MnU Z355 P365 (Modona, 1606).

1621 Sardi, Pietro, 1560- ca. 1640. L’artiglieria. Divisa in tre libri. Venice, Appresso G. Guerrilgi a spese dell’autore, 1621. MiU (Venice, 1621).

Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi, 17th cent. Art militaire a cheval. Instruction des principes et fondements de la cavallerie, et de ses quatre especes, a scavoir lances, corrasses, , & drageons, avec tout ce qui est de leur charge & excercise. Avec quelques nouvelles inventions de batailles ordonnees de cavallerie. Et demonstrations de la necessite, utilite et excellence de l’art militaire, sur toutes aultres arts et sciences. Experimenté, descript & representé par plusieurs besses figures entaisses en cuivre. Par Jean Jacques de Wallhausen ... Zutphen, Andre d’Aelst, 1621. MnU (Zutphen, 1621); MiU (Zutphen, 1621); MWicA (Zutphen, 1621). Comments: Translation of Kriegskunst zu Pferdt.

Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi, von, 17th cent. Camera militaris: oder Kriegskunst Schatzkammer darinnen allerley Kriegs-Stratagemata zu Wasser und Land von Anfang der Welt biss auff Caesarem Augustum heutige Stunde zugebrauchen geseiget werden ... Frankfurt, In Verlegung D. und D. Aubrien und C. Schleichen, 1621. ICN, Case fU 26 .27 (Frankfurt, 1621). Comments: Bound with Errard, Jean, Fortification ..., 1604.

Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi, von, 17th cent. Defensio patriae; oder Landtrettung. Darinnen gezeigt wirdt: I. Wie alle und jede in der werthen Christenheit potentaten, regenten, stätte unnd communen, ihre und der ihrigen underthanen tettung und schutzung anstellen sollen. II. Der modus bene belligerandi, viel hundert jahr bissher gefàhlet ... Durch Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen ... Frankfurt, D. unnd D. Aubrij und C. Schleichen, 1621. MiU (Frankfurt, 1621). Comments: Bound together with his Corpus Militare, 1617.

1622 Du Praissac. Les discours militaires. Le 2. édition de nouveau corrige et augmente. Paris, Chez la veufe M. Guillemont et S. Thiboust, 1622. ICN, Case U 0 .248 (Paris, 1622); MiU (N.p., 1618); MiU (Rouen, 1628); English editions: MiU (Cambridge, 1639); IU (Cambridge, 1639); MnU (Cambridge, 1639); ICN (Cambridge, 1639). Comments: Issued with the following, each with its own title page, are his Les questions militaires, Paris, 1617; Les epistres ... contenans des briefves leçons sur diverses matieres, Paris, 1622; Les libres discours, Paris, 1622; La methode pour resoudre facilement toute question militaire propsée, Paris, 1622. The English edition was translated from the French by John Cruso and includes a second title: A short method for the easie resolving of any militarie question propounded ... [In] two parts. It is bound with Rohan, Henri, duc de, The Complete captain ..., 1640.

Markham, Francis, 1565-1627. Five decades of epistles of warre. London, Augustine Matthewes, 1622. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 17332, carton 813 (London, 1622); ICN, Case U 0 .55 (London, 1622); MnU (London, 1622).

1623 Massari Malatesta, Alessandro. Trattato universale della vera arte militare ... Dove si descrivono tutte le militie del mondo, dal principio d’esso, sin’hora, et come dourebbe esser’una perfetta militar disciplina in tutte le sue parti ... Turin, Per G. A. Seghino, 1623. ICN, Case U 0 .544 (Turin, 1623).

The military discipline wherein is most martially shone the order of drilling of ye musket and , 1623. Set forth in postures with the words of command and brief instructions for the right use of the same. To be exercised in musters by order from ye Lords of his Ma:ties most ho:ble Privy Counsaile. [London], Are to be sould by R. Daniell, [1623]. OU Film STC reel 1296 ([London], [1623]); MiU (London, 1623).

Panciroli, Guido, 1523-1599. De magistratibus municipalibus, et corporibus artificum libellus. [London], S. Gamonetus, 1623. ICN, fF 363 .636 ([London], 1623). Comments: 39 pages. With Notitia dignitatum. Notatia dignitatum, 1623.

Sardi, Pietro, 1560-ca. 1640. Corona imperialis architecturae militaris, das ist: Gründlicher bericht von der fortification unnd befestigung allerhandt oerter wie die mögen vorfallen wider allen anlauff so beydes zur offension und zur defension von nöhten. Erstlich in italianischer sprach gestellet und mit ... Kupfferstücken geziert und erkläret durch Petrum Sardi ... vetzunder aber ... in hochteutsche sprach ubergesetzet. Am ende seynd such etliche principia geometriae ... Frankfurt, Durch Hartmannum Palthenium in verlegung Jacobi de Zetter, 1623. MiU (Frankfurt, 1623); Italian editions: ICN (Venice, 1618); MiU (Venice, 1639). Comments: Translated by Jacob de Zetter.

Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. Festung-Bawung das ist Kurtze und eygentliche Beschreibung wie man Festungen bawen und sich wider allen gewaltsamen Anlauff der Feinde zu Kriegszeiten auffhalten sichern und verwahren möge: Auff jetziger Zeit Zustand und Gelegenheit gerichten und auss niderlàndischer Verzeichnuss Simonis Stevini ... unserm geliebten Vatterland Teutscher Nation zu besondern Nutzen in hochteutscher Sprach beschrieben durch M. Gothardum Arthus, ... Jetzo zum andern mahl wiederumb auffgeleget und verbessert. Frankfurt, Gedruckt durch H. Pathenium In Verlegung der Hulsischen, 1623. ICJ (Frankfurt, 1623); ICN (Frankfurt, 1623); MnU (Frankfurt, 1623).

Xenophon, 434?-355? B.C. The historie of Xenophon: containing the ascent of Cyrus into the higher countries. Wherein is described the admirable journey of ten thousand Grecians from Asia the lesse into the territories of Babylon, and their retrait from thence into Greece, notwithstanding the opposition of all their enemies. Whereunto is added a comparison of the Roman manner of warres with this of our time, out of Justus Lipsius. Trans. John Bingham. London, Printed by J. Haviland for R. Mabb, 1623. IU, RBC Xq881 X2h.Eb (London, 1623); InU; MiU. Comments: The passage from Justus Lipsius is from books of his De militia Romana.

1624 Mansfeld, Ernst, graf von, 1580-1626. Count Mansfields directions of warre. Given to all his officers and souldiers in generall. London, Printed by E. Allde for R. Whittaker, 1624. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 17260, carton 812 (London, 1624).

Norton, Robert, d. 1635. Of the art of great artillery, viz. the explanation of the most excellent and necessary definitions, and questions, pronounced and propounded, by that rare souldier and mathematician, Thomas Digges esquire; and by him published, in his Stratiaticos, and Pantometria, concerning great ordinance, and his theorems thereupon. Together, with certaine expositions, and answers thereunto adioyned. London, Printed by E. Allde, for I. Tap, 1624. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 18676, carton 967 (London, 1624).

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. The Belgick souldier: dedicated to the Parliament. Or, Warre was a blessing. Dordrecht, 1624. IU (Dordrecht, 1624); MnU (Dordrecht, 1624); ICN (Dordrecht, 1624); MiU (Dordrecht, 1624); MiU, Microfilm STC no. 22072 (Dordrecht, 1624). Comments: MiU microfilm is from the original in the Huntington Library.

Tensini, Francesco, 1581-1630. La fortificatione, guardia, difesa, et espugnatione delle fortezze esperimentata in diverse guerre ... Venice, [Appresso E. Deuchino], 1624. ICN, Case fU 26 .866 (Venice, 1624); IU (Venice, 1655); MiU (Venice, 1655).

1625 Hondius, Hendrik, b. 1573. Description & breve declaration des regles generales de la fortification, de l’artillerie, des amunitions, & vivres; des officiers, & de leurs commissions, des retranchemens de camp, des approches, avec la maniere de se deffendre, & des feux artificiels. Par Henry Hondius. Le tout traduit du flamend en langue françoise par A. G. S. ... The Hague, 1625. ICN, Case fU 26 .416 (The Hague, 1625).

Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. The souldiers accidence. Or, An introduction into military discipline, containing the first principles and necessary knowledge meete for captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers of the infantrie, or foote bandes. Also, the cavallarie or formes of trayning of horse-troopes, as it hath beene received from the latest and best experienced armies. A worke fit for all noble, generous, and good spirits that love honor, or honorable action. London, Printed by J. Dawson for J. Bellamie, 1625. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 1738, carton 814 (London, 1625); MiU (London, 1635).

Marolois, Samuel, c. 1572?-1627. Geometrie; contenant la theorie et practique d’icelle necessaire a la fortification. Jadis escrite par Samuel Marolois. Mais du depuis corrigée et la pluspart du discours changé et redigé en meilleur estat par Albert Girard, mathematicien. Amsterdam, 1625. ICJ (Amsterdam, 1627); Latin edition: MiU (Amsterdam, 1633).

Metius, Adriaan Adriaansz, 1570-1635. Arithmeticae libri duo: et Geometriae lib. vi. Huic adivgitur Trigonometriae planorum methodus suecincta. Altera verò, praeter alia, nova regulae proportionalis inventa proponit; et quaecunque loca adversus hostium insultus iuxta hoc seculo praxin (quam fortificationem vocant) munire solide docet. Lyon, Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1625-1626. MiU (Lyon, 1625-26); MiU (Leiden, 164). Comments: “Treats of fortification also.” Spaulding.

1626 Billon, Jean de. Les principes de l’art militaire. Rouen, Jean Bethelin, 1626. MiU (Rouen, 1626); ICN U 2 .095 (Rouen, 1641). Comments: Suite des pricipes de l’art militarie. Rouen, Jean Berthelin, 1626, is also available at MiU. The full title of the 1641 edition is as follows: Les principes de l’art militaire. Ou il est sommairement traicté de la pluspart des charges & devoirs de hommes qui sont en une armée: ensemble du mot & preeminence des charges. De la charge et consideration du general de l’armée, de l’ordre et motions militaires qui sont maintenant observées en Hollande par le Prince Maurice. Prins sur la derniere copie reveuâ & augmentée ... Avec la Suite, & Ordonnances militaires. 3 vols in 1. Volumes 2-3 of 1641 edition have special title-pages. Volume 2: Suite des principales de l’art militaire. Ou il est amplement traicté des devoirs du sergent-major ...; Volume 3: Ordonnances militaires. Touchant l’ordre, reglement, discipline, police & devoir de l’infanterie françoise, avec leurs privileges. Le tout dilligemment recueilly du Code Henry, par le capitain Sainct Chaman ...

Gentilini, Eugenio. Il perfeto bombardiero et real instruttione di artiglieri, sperimentata, & composta da E. Gentilini ... Venice, appresso Alessandro de’Vechi, 1626. MiU (Venice, 1626); MnU (Venice, 1626).

Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Obsidio Bredana. Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1626. MiU (Antwerp, 1626); English edition: MiU (, 1627).

Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. The souldier’s grammar: containing, the high, necessarie, and most curious rules of the art militarie: as first, whether it be in great motions in generall: Or foote motions especially? Or motions of horse, generall, or speciall? The ranges of foote, or horse? The ranges of officers. The several imbattailings of foote, and horse. The imbattailings of a regiment. The joyning of many regiments. Or the forming of maine battailes, of any extent, or number; with their formes, and figures, in lively demonstration &c. By G. M. gent. Unto which is added the booke of postures, according to that which is ordered by the Lords of his Maiesties most honorable Privie counsell. Printed at London, for William Shefford, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes-head alley, going into Lumbard street, 1626-27. MiU, Film nos. 17391-92, carton 814 (London, 1626-1627). Comments: Published in two parts.

Uttenhofer, Caspar (Kaspar), d. 1621. Circinus geometricus, zu teutsch mess- cirkel, nemlich: ein geometrisch instrument, durch welches gar leicht, gewiss unnd Künstlich, so wohl ohne, als durch die rechnungen, alle höhe, länge, tieffe, breite und schräge: dessgleichen einen acker, wissmat oder wald, abzumessen: eine mappa oder landtafel zu beschreiben; eine gerade lini in etliche gewisse theil abzuschneide: grosse stuck oder geschütz zurichten ... Mit sonderm fleiss und langer müh zusam getragen und beschrieben. Durch Caspar Uttenhofern, burgern zu Nürnberg [Nuremberg], Gedrukt und Verlegt durch Simon Halbmayern, 1626. MiU ([Nuremberg], 1626). Comments: Daniel Schwenter’s 1585-1636, ed. “Has particular reference to geometrical compasses, but treats also of artillery and the making of cannon.” Spaulding.

1627 , Cornelius, A.D. 55?-after 117. C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae exstant. Justus Lipsius postremùm recensuit. Additi commentarii aucti emendatique ab ultima manu. Accessit c. Velleius Paterculus cum eiusdem Lipsi auctoribus notis. Ed. Johann von Wowern. Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, Moreti, & Jo. Meursium, 1627. IU, RBC q871 T 1672 419 (Antwerp, 1627).

1628 Norton, Robert, d. 1635. The gunner, shewing the whole practise of artillerie: with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Together with the making of extraordinary artificiall fireworkes, as well for pleasure and triumphes, as for warre and service. Written by Robert Norton ... London, Printed by A. M. [i.e., A. Mathewes] for Humphrey Robinson, 1628. MiU (London, 1628); ICN (London, 1628); MiU Film (London, 1628). Comments: “The standard English work of the period on artillery.” Spaulding.

Norton, Robert, d. 1635. The gunners dialogue. With the Art of great artillery. London, Printed for I. Tap, 1628. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 18674, carton 967 (London, 1628). Comments: Imperfect: lacks Art of great artillery, filmed as STC no. 18676.

1629 Achesone, James. The Military Garden, or Instructions for all young soldiers, And such who are disposed to learn ... Edinburgh, J. Wreittoun, 1629. IU, RBC Film UM R864 (Edinburgh, 1629).

Besozzi, Antonio Giorgio. Discorsi di filosofia militare del sig. Antonion Georgio Besozzo ... da Nicolo Pellizzari ... riformati e dati in luce. Milan, Nella stampa del Collegio , 1629. ICN (Milan, 1629).

Croce, Flaminio della. L’essercitio della cavalleria. Antwerp, Guilielmo Lesteenio, 1629. MiU (Antwerp, 1629); ICN (Antwerp, 1629).

Fabre, Jean. Les practiques du sieur Fabre sur lordre et reigle de fortifier, garder, attaquer, et defendre les places. Avec un facile moyen pour lever toutes sortes de plans, tant des places et des batimens, que de la campaigne pour les cartes. Paris, Chez Samuel Thiboust, 1629. IU, RBC xf623.1 F11p (Paris, 1629). Comments: 4 parts in 1 volume. Contains illustrations, folded maps, and diagrams.

Malthus, Francis. Traité des feux artificiels pour la guerre, et pour la recreation; avec plucieurs belles observations, abbrege de geometrie, fortifications & exemples d’arithmetique ... Par le sieur F. d. M. Paris, P. Guillemot, 1629. ICN, Case U 4964 .548 (Paris, 1629); ICU (Paris, 1632); MiU (Paris, 1641); English edition: MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 17217, carton 851 (London, 1629).

Ville, Antoine de, 1596-1657. Les fortifications du Chevalier Antoine de Ville, contenans la maniere de fortifier toute sorte de places tant regulierement, qu’irregulierement ... Avec l’ataque, et les moyens de prendre les places par intelligence, sedition, surprise, stratageme, escalade: les effects de diverses sortes de petards, pour faire sauter les portes ... Plus la defense, & l’instruction generale pour s’empescher des surprises ... Le tout represente en cinquante-cinq planches, avec leurs plantes, prospectives, & païsages. Le discours est preuvé par demonstrations, experiences, raisons communes, & physiques, avec les rapports des histoires anciennes, & modernes. Lyon, Chez Irenee Barlet, 1629. MiU (Lyon, 1629); MnU (Lyon, 1640); MiU (Paris, 1666); ICN, U 26 .2274 (Paris, 1672); MiU (Paris, 1672); MnU (Paris, 1672).

1630 Appier Hanzelet, Jean, 1596-1647. La pyrotechnic de Hanzelet, Lorrain ou sont representes les plus rares & plus apprevuez secrets des machines & des feux artificiels. Propres pour assieger battre surprendre & deffendre touts places. Pont à Mousson, par I. & Gaspard Bernard, 1630. ICN, Case U 444 .042 (Pont à Mousson, 1630).

Furtenbach, Joseph, 1591-1667. Architectura martialis: das ist aussfuhrliches bedencken uber das zu dem geschütz und waffen gehorige gebaw; darinnen fur das erste eygentlich zuvernemmen in was gestalt ein wolgeordnetes zeug-oder rusthauss samptdess zeuges notwendigen behaltnussen auffzubawen: auch wie dasselbige mit geschutz waffen und rustungen solle aussgestaffiert werde ... Aller martialisten besondersden zeugwartten und buchsen-meistern zu Wolgefallen beschrieben und mit 12. hierzu dienlichen kupfferstucken aussgefertiget durch Josephum Furttenbach. Ulm, Jonam Saurn, 1630. OCl (Ulm, 1630).

Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. De militia equestri antiqua et nova ... libri quinque. Antwerp, Ex officina Plantiniana, B. Moreti, 1630. ICN, Case fU 43 .424 (Antwerp, 1630); MiU (Antwerp, 1630). Comments: “Engravings (except the title-page) are attributed to Jacques Callot.” Cockle.

1631 Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi von, 17th cent. Kriegskunst zu fuss. Darinnen gelehret und gewiesen werden: I. Die handgriff der mussquet und dess spiesses jedes in sonderhiet. II. Das exercitium, oder wie man es nennet das trillen mit einem fähnlein gantz perfect, nach der gewöhnlichen praxi dess durchleuchtigen fürtrefflichsten Kriegshelden Mauritti ... angewiesen, gemehret und gebessert. III. Schöne newe batailie, oder schlachtordnongen mit einem fähnlein, wie auch einem gantzen regiment Knecht ... IV. Der ungerischen bisshero geführten regimenten Kriegs disciplin zu fuss. Alles mit schönen kupfferstücken angewiesen ... Gepracticiret und beschrieben von Johann Jacobi von Wallhausen ... Hanaw, Gedruckt bey D. Anbrij, in verlegung M. Merian, 1631. MiU, U 101 .J16 (Hanaw, 1631); French editions: MiU (Leeuwarden, 1630); ICN, Case fU 42 .451 (Francker, 1638?). Comments: Bound with his Corpus militare, 1617. French editions entitled: L’art militaire pour l’infanterie au quel est monstré: I. Le maniemant du mousquet et de la pique. II. L’exercice d’une compagnie ... declaré augm. & corr. III. Belles & novelles ordonnances de batailles ... IV. La discipline militaire ... According to Cockle’s Bibliography of English military books, this work was first published at Oppenheim, 1615, in German (Kriegskunst zu Fuss) and in French, French translation by DeBry. This was the first of a series of military manuals, to comprise five works; engravings by J. T. Bry.

1632 Cruso, John, d. 1681. Militarie instructions for the cavallrie: or, Rules and directions for the service of horse collected out of divers forrain authors ancient and modern, and rectified and supplied, according to the present practise of the low-countrey warres. Cambridge, Printers to the Universitie, 1632. MiU (Cambridge, 1632); ICN, Case fU 438 .204 (Cambridge, 1632); OCl (Cambridge, 1632). Comments: “Written when the author was a freshman at Cambridge University, it retained its authority for thirty years.” Spaulding. Lessons from the Dutch wars.

Le Normant, René. Discours pour le restablissement de la milice de France. Contenant les fonctions depuis le simple soldat jusques à celles du general d’armeé, ensemble les exercises tant de l’infanterie que cavallerie: la forme de ranger les armées en bataille en raze campagne, & lieux montueux: le moyen pour recognoistre la capacité des ingenieux en la theorie & pratique de la fortification, castrametation, feux d’artifices & autres choses dependantes de la deffensive & offensive de guerre. Rouen, C. Osmont, 1632. ICN, Case U 139 .499 (Rouen, 1632).

Winstrup, Elias Peter, 1607-1679. ... Manipulus stratagematum. Amsterdam, Typis I. Janssonij, 1632. ICN, Case U 0 .977 (Amsterdam, 1632).

1633 Faulhaber, Johann, 1580-1635. Ingenieurs-Schul ... Durch Johann Faulhabern. 4 vols. Vol. 1: Nuremberg, In verlegung Wolffgang Endters, 1637; vols. 2-4: Ulm, durch Jonam Saurn, 1633. MiU (Nuremberg, 1637 & Ulm, 1633); WU (Nuremberg, 1637 & Ulm, 1633). Comments: “Three of the volumes relate largely to fortification.” Spaulding. Vol. 1 “anjetzo zum andernmal auffgelegt” (first published in Frankfurt, 1630).

1634 Barry, Gerrat, fl. 1624-1642. A discourse of military discipline, devided into three boockes, declaringe the partes and sufficiencie ordained in a private souldier, and in each officer; servinge in the infantery, till the election and office of the captaine generall; and the laste booke treatinge of fire-wourckes of rare executiones by sea and land, as alsoe of firtifasions. Brussels, By the widowe of J. Mommart, 1634. IU, RBC Film UM R777 (Brussels, 1634); ICN, oBX 1750 .A1 E5 v.389 (Ilkey, England, 1634).

Stevin, Simon, 1548-1620. Les oeuvres mathematiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges. Ou sont inserées les memoires mathematiques, esquelles s’est exercé le tres-haut & tres-illustre prince Maurice de Nassau ... Le tout reveu, corrigé, & augmenté par Albert Girard ... 6 vols. in 1. Leyden, Chez B. & A. Elzevir, imprimeurs, 1634. IaU (Leyden, 1634); ICJ (Leyden, 1634); MiU (Leyden, 1634); OClW (Leyden, 1634); WU (Leyden, 1634); IaAS [microfilm] (Leyden, 1634). Comments: A compilation of many of his works. Vol. 1 appeared separately in 1625; vols. 2-5 form part of The Memoirs of Prince Maurice of Nassau. Contents: ... Vol. 4. “L’art ponederaire, ou la stratigique.” Vol. 6. “La castrametation. La fortification par escluses. La forticication.”

1635 Barriffe, William, 1601?-1643. Military discipline; or the young artillery- man. Wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike ... Together with the motions which are to be used, in the exercising of a foot- company. With divers and severall formes and figures of battell ... By William Barriff ... London, Printed by T. Harper, for R. Mab, 1635. ICN, Case U 444 .06 (London, 1635); MiU (London, 1635); MiU (London, 1639); ICN, Case U 444 .061 (London, 1643); MiU (London, 1643); MnU (London, 1643); ICN, Case U 444 .062 (London, 1645); ICN, Case U 444 .062 (London, 1648); ICN, Case U 444 .07 (London, 1661); MiU (London, 1661). Comments: The 1643, 1648, and 1661 editions are revised and enlarged. With the 1648 and 1661 editions is also bound Barriffe’s Mar’s, his triumph, London, 1645. In the 1661 edition is added, Some brief instructions for the exercising of the cavalry ... “‘Artilleryman’ here means merely ‘soldier.’ This was the most influential English work of its period.” Spaulding.

Ritratti et elogii di capitani illustri. Rome, P. Totte, 1635. ICN, Case U 01 .88 (Rome, 1635).

1637 Monro, Robert, d. 1680? Monro His Expedition With the Worthy Scots Regiment (Called Mac-Keyes Regiment) levied in August 1626 by Sr. Donald Mac-Key Lord Rhees, Colonell for his Majesties service of Denmark ... Collected and gathered together at spare-houres, by Colonell Robert Monro. To which is annexed the Abridgement of Exercise, and divers practicall Observations, for the younger Officer his Consideration; ending with the Souldiers Meditations going on service. London, Printed by William Jones in Red-Crosse streete, 1637. ICN (London, 1637); MiU (London, 1637); WU (London, 1637); MnU (London, 1637); MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 18022, carton 966 (London, 1637); MiU, UA 796 .M16 M7 1644 (London, 1644); OC1 (London, 1644). Comments: The Practicall Observations were apparently published under a separate title in 1644: The Scotch military discipline learned from the valiant Swede ... “Robert Munro, a cousin of Robert, Lord Foulis, had, in his youth, served in the Scots Guards of the King of France ... Included in the Practical Observations are some remarks on regulations to be observed in a garrison town, on treaties, and on artillery. In the chapter on artillery is a list of books in which references to gunpowder and cannon are to be found.” Cockle.

Naudé, Gabriel, 1600-1653. Syntagma de studio militari. Rome, Jacob Facciotti, 1637. MiU (Rome,1637); ICN, Case U 0.615 (Rome, 1637). Comments: “The first approach to a military bibliography.” Spaulding.

1638 Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642. Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche. Leyden, Elzevir, 1638. MiU (Leyden, 1638). Comments: “The modern treatment of the trajectory of a missile begins with this work. Galilei was the first to indicate the parabolic character of the curve.” Spaulding.

Rohan, Henri, duc de, 1579-1638. Le parfait capitaine, autrement L’abrégé des guerres de Gaule des Commentaires de César, avec quelques remarques sur icelles, suivy d’un recueil de l’ordre de guerre des anciens, ensemble d’un traicté particulier de la guerre. Revue par l’autheur, et augmenté d’un traicté, De l’interest des princes et estats de la chrestienté. 2 vols. Paris, A. Courbé, 1638. ICN, Case U 2 .7542 (Paris, 1638); IaU (Paris, 1642); ICN, Case U 2 .75425 (Paris, 1648); ICN, Case U 2 .7543 (Paris, 1658); ICU (Paris, 1744); English editions: MiU (London, 1640); IU (London, 1640); ICN, Case U 2 .245 (Cambridge, 1640); MiU, Microfilm short-title catalogue no. 4338, carton 1197 (Cambridge, 1640). Comments: With the 1640 Cambridge edition is bound Du Praissac, The art of warre ..., 1639.

1639 Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1600?-1658. Military discipline for the Christian souldier. Drawne out in a sermon preached to the captaines and souldiers exercising armes in the artillery garden, at the their generall meeting in Saint Andrew’s Undershaft, in London, October 18, 1638. By Obadiah Sedgwicke ... London, Printed by G. Miller for T. Nicholes, 1639. ICN, Case C 6977.81 (London, 1639); ICU, BX9327 .s45c4 1640 Rare bk room (London, 1639); MiU, Film STC no. 22152 (London, 1639; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1971); OU, Film STC reel 1257 (London, 1639; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1971). Comments: For MiU and OU editions: microfilm of original in the Union Theological Seminary Library, McAlpin Collection. MiU, microfilm collection: Early English books, 1475-1640.

Ward, Robert. Anima’dversions of warre; or, A militarie magazine of the truest rules, and ablest instructions, for the managing of warre. Composed, of the most refined discipline, and choice experiments that these late Netherlandish, and Swedish warres have produced. With divers new inventions, both of fortifications and stratagems. As also sundry collections taken out of the most approved authors, ancient and moderne, either in Greeke, Latine, Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, or English. In two bookes. By Robert Ward, gentleman and commander ... 2 vols. in 1. London, Printed by I. Dawson, 1639. MiU (London, 1639); ICN, U 0 .954 (London, 1639). Comments: [Vol. 2] has title: Anima’dversions of warre. The second booke ...

1640 Breen, Adam van, fl. 1618. De Wapen-handelinge van schilt, spies, rapiers, en targis. Nae de nieuwe ordere, vanden...prince van Oraignien, Mauritius van Nassauw ... Door Adam van Breen in figuren ... The Hague, Ghedruckt ... door H. Hondius, 1640. ICN, Case 6A 76 (The Hague, 1640).

Forni, Fillippo. Nuovo stablimento di milizia. In servitio dell’Italia del Marchese Filippo Forni, governatore dell’armi delli stati, e ducato d’Urbino e di Montefeltro e della città di Pesaro ... Pesaro, Per Ippolito Censurini, 1640. MiU (Pesaro, 1640).

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. Il guerriero prudente, e politico, del conte Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato ... Venice, Appresso i Bertani, 1640. MiU, U 101 .692 (Venice, 1640); ICU, JX4510 .G9 Rare Bk (Venice, 1640).

Marc de Toulisans. Memoires militeres pour la deffance de la France ... Par Marc de Toulisans, gentilhomme natif de la ville d’Avignon, seigneur de Lanessan en Medoc. Manuscript, ca. 1640. ICN, Case MS +U 0 .548 (Manuscript, ca. 1640).

Ville, Antoine de, 1596-1657. De la charge des gouverneurs des places. Dernière édition. Jouxte la copie imprimée à Paris [Leyden], 1640. ICN, Case U 26 .22681 (Paris [Leyden], 1640); ICN, U26 .227 (Paris, 1666); German edition: ICN, U26 .2272 ([N.p., n.d.]). Comments: German edition entitled: Des Commandant-Spiegels oder Gründlicher Unterrichtung. [See Pollack for comments.]

1641 Collado, Luis. Prattica manuale dell’artiglieria, opera historica, politica, e militare, dove principalmente si tratta dell’eccellenza, & origine dell’arte militare, e delle machine usate da gli antichi; dell’inventione della polvere, & artiglieria ... E nel fin e d’un molto copioso & importante essamine de’bombardieri ... Composta da Luigi Colliado... Milan, per F. Ghisolfi, & ad instanza di G. B. Bidelli, 1641. MiU (Milan, 1641).

Fucina di Marte, nella quale ... s’apprestano tutti gli ordini appartenenti à qual si voglia carico, essercitabile in guerra. Fabbricata da’migliori autori ... ch’abbiano scritto sin’ora in questa materia ... Venice, Appresso i Giunti, 1641. ICN, Case U 0 .3146 (Venice, 1641). Comments: Contents:--Carichi militari, di fra Lelio Brancaccio.--Regole militari sopra il governo della cavalleria, di fra Lodovico Melzo.--Il mastro di campo generale, di Giorgio Basta conte d’Hust.--Specchio, et disciplina militare, di Francesco di Valdes, nuouamente tradoto dalla lingua spagnuola nella italiana, da Gio. Paolo Gallucci, con un dialogo dell’istesso intorno al formare uno squadrone di gente, & di terreno.--Il governo della cavalleria leggiera, trattato del conte Giorgio Basta.--Origine, eccellenza, e necessità dell’arte militare, di Gio. Battista Colombina.--Disciplina militare, del capitano Enea Cervellino.--Il bombardiero veneto, essaminato dal suo generale, dialogo fatto fracese [dal baron di Sciaban] & tradotto in italiano.--Regole de squadroni di fanterie, del s. Fabio Gallo da Osimo.-- Mode breve, e facile per formare squadroni, trouato dal capitanio Francesco Piccinino.--Lo scolare bombardiere ammaestrato di cento cinquanta instruzioni di conoscere, e tirare con l’artiglieria, e molte altre cose, raccolte da Alessandro Chincherni.--Il capo de’bombardieri essaminato & approuato dal generale dell’artiglieria, di Pietro Sardi. Il capo de’bombardieri has special title-page.

Sardi, Pietro, 1560-ca. 1640. Il capo de bombardieri essaminato, & approvato dal generale dell’artiglieria. Opera nuova, utile, e necessarissima à tutti que’che si vogliono essercitare, e far professione di arte tanto honorata di bombardiero, per servitio del suo principe. Di Pietro Sardi romano ... Venice, Appresso I. Giunti, 1641. MiU (Venice, 1641).

1642 Bisaccioni, Majolino, conte, 1582-1663. Sensi civili ... sopra Il perfetto capitano di H. D. R. e sopra la tactica di Leone imperadore. Venice, T. Pavoni, 1642. ICN, U 2 .096 (Venice, 1642).

Cruso, John, d. 1681. Castrametation, or the measuring out of the quarters for the encamping of an army. London, R. C. for Andrew Crook, 1642. MiU (London, 1641). Comments: Second title: The order of military watches. [In] two parts.

Freitag, Adam. Architectura militaris nova et aucta, oder newe vermehrte Fortification, von regular Vestungen von irregular-vestungen und russen Wercken. Von praxi offensira und defensira auff die neweste Niederlandische Praxin gerichtet und beschrieben. Letzte Edition Verbessert. Leyden, B. und A. Elzevier, 1642. ICN, Case fU 26 .316 (Leyden, 1642); MnU (Leyden, 1642); MiU (Amsterdam, 1665); French edition: ICN, fU 26 .315 (Paris, 1640). Comments: First edition published in Leyden, 1631. French edition translated from the German by Toussaint Quinet.

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?. The first[-third] part of the principles of the art military, practised in the warres of the United Netherlands, under the command of Highnesse The Prince of Orange our Captaine generall ... Composed by Captaine Henry Hexham ... The second edition newly corrected and amended. Printed for the lovers of the noble art military. Delft, ... , 1642 [pts. 1-2]; Rotterdam, James Moxon, 1643 [pt. 3]. ICN, Case U 2 .395 (Delft, 1642; Rotterdam, 1643); MiU (Delft, 1642; Rotterdam, 1643). Comments: “The three parts, with the appendix, form one of the most valuable military encyclopedias of the time.” Spaulding. Each part has special title-page. Part 3 has imprint, Rotterdam. Contains many full-page illustrations and a folded plan of the opposing forces at the battle of Nieuport, 1600.

1643 Bonbra, Franciscus David. Ars belli et pacis. Sive De bello felicter gerendo, et pace firmiter stabilienda. Libri duo, ad praesentem Rom. Imperii statum accomodati ... 2 vols. in 1. Strasburg, Typis S. Galli, 1643. ICN, Case fU 2 .107 (Strasburg, 1643).

Furtenbach, Joseph, 1591-1667. Buchsenmeisterey-Schul, darinnen die new angehende Büchsenmeister und Feurwercker, nicht weniger die Zeug- Wartten, in den Fundamenten und rechten Grund der Büchsenmeisterey, auch allerhand Feurwercken zu Schimpff und Ernst, zu Wasser und Land, vom Geringsten biss zum Höchsten, dieselbige in Kurtzer Zeit, beneben guter Vorsichtigkeit, auch ohn einige Leibs Gefahr, mit geringer Mühe und Ersparung viler Unkosten zu erlernen, getrewlich und auffrichtig underwisen und gelehrt werden. Alles auss eigener Ergahrenbeit gantz vertrewlich beschriben, vermehret, auch mit 45 Kupferblatten delinirt und für Angen gestelt durch Josephum Furttenbach. Augsburg, Gedruckt bey Johann Schultes, 1643. MiU (Augsburg, 1643). Comments: Gunsmithing.

Fourquevaux, François de Beccarie de Pavie, baron de. Les vies de plusieurs grands capitaines françois ... Paris, I. du Bray, 1643. ICN, Case F 59 .078 (Paris, 1643).

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?, trans. An appendix of the lawes, articles, & ordinances, established for marshall discipline, in the service of the Lords the States Generall of the United Provinces ... Together, with the articles of quarter for the ransoming of officers and souldiers, agreed and concluded on, betweene the king of Spayne ... and the States Generall of the United Provinces ... Translated out of Dutch into English, by Captaine Henry Hexham ... The Hague, Issac Burchoorn, 1643. MiU (The Hague, 1643); ICN (The Hague, 1643).

Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. The souldiers exercise: in three bookes. Containing most necessary and curious rules for the exact mustering both of horse-troopes, and foote-bands, with severall formes of battailes described in figures ... 3 pt. in 1 vol. 3rd ed. London, Printed by John Dawson, 1643. ICN, Case U 1455 .55 (London, 1643); MiU (London, 1643). Comments: Each part has a special title-page. This work is a collective edition of: The souldier’s accidence ..., by G. M., 1625; and The souldiers grammar ..., by G. M., gent., 1626-27.

1644 Mersenne, Marin, 1588-1648. Ballistica, et acontismologia, in qua sagittarum, jaculorum, & aliorum missilium jactus, & robur arcuum explicantur. Paris, sumptibus Antonius Bertier, 1644. MiU (Paris, 1644); IU (Paris, 1644). Comments: “This appears to be the first use of the word ‘ballistica’ in a title.” Spaulding.

Zonta, Camillo. Compendioso trattato della militar geometrica professione diviso in due libri. Nel primo si contengono gli ordini del fortificare in offesa, & difesa. Nel secondo si dà il modo, & l’ordine di cordurre esserciti, & combattere; assalire fortezze, accampare, & alloggiare. L’ordine de gli approcci, & di riconoscerla fortezza, di assalira per via de Belloardi, & la maniera di far le mine con l’aggiunta di 25. capitoli di fortificatione. Venice, Gio. Pietro Pinelli, 1644. MiU (Venice, 1644).

1645 Cellarius, Andreas. Architectura militaris. Amsterdam, Judocus Jansson, 1645. MiU (Amsterdam, 1645).

Cellarius, Andreas. Le cours de mathematique. Paris, François Pelican, 1645. MiU (Paris, 1645). Comments: “About one-half of the work is devoted to fortification.” Spaulding.

Goldmann, Nicolaus, 1623-1665. La nouvelle fortification ... Leyden, 1645. ICN, Case fU 26 .352 (Leyden, 1645); IEN (Leyden, 1645). Comments: Translation of Elementorum architecturae militaris. Lyon, Ex officinâ Elseviriana, 1643.

Stone, Nicholas, 1586-1647. Enchiridion of fortification, or A handfull of knowledge in martiall affaires. Demonstrating both by rule, and figure, (as well mathematically by exact calculations as practically) to fortify any body, either regular, or irregular. How to runne approaches ... &c. With many other notable matters belonging to warre ... Never before imprinted ... London, M. F. for Richard Royston ..., [1645]. MiU (London, [1645]); ICN (London, [1645]); MnU (London, [1645]).

1646 Alimari, Doroteo. Bellona recens armis exercita, opus plane noum campestris militiae universa munia sigillatum complecs. Dorotheo Alimaro auctore. Venitiis, 1646, Illmo. atque Exmo. Dno. Nicolao Secundo Erizzo Patritio Veneto Mecenati suo amplissimo dictatum. Venice, 1646. ICN, Case MS 4A 25 (Venice, 1646).

Malthus, Francis. Pratique de la guerre. Contenant l’usage de l’artillerie, bombes & mortiers, feux artificiels & petards, sappes & mines, ponts & pontons, tranchées & travaux. Paris, I. Guillemot, 1646. ICN, Case U 444 .548 (Paris, 1646); MiU (Paris, 1648); MnU (Paris, 1650).

Metius, Adriaan Adriaansz, 1570-1635. Manuale arithmeticae et geometriae practicae in het welcke beneffens de stockrekeninge ofte Rhabdologia I. Nepperi, Kortelijk ende dnydelijk’t gene den Land-meters ende ingeniuers ... De tweede Editie gecorrigeert, gelijck in de praefatie tot den beserte sien is. Frankfurt, W. Black, 1646. MiU (Frankfurt, 1646).

Ritratti et elogii di capitani illustri. Rome, F. de’Rossi, 1646. ICN, Wing ZP 635 .M 37 (Rome, 1646).

Starowolski, Szymon, 1588-1656. Institutorum rei militaris. Libri VIII. Florence, Sumptibus I. Baptistae & I. Corbi, 1646. ICN, U 0 .839 (Florence, 1646). Comments: Half-title: De bello in genere.

1647 Dögen, Matthias, 1605 or 6-1672. Matthiae Dögen dramburgensis marchichi Architectura militaris moderna, varijs historijs, tam veteribus quam novis confirmata; et praecipuis totius Europae munimetis, ad exemplum adductis exornata. 3 vol. in 1. Amsterdam, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium ..., 1647. IU, RBC qx623.1 D677a (Amsterdam, 1647); OCl (Amsterdam, 1647); French edition: InNd (Amsterdam, 1648); MiU (Amsterdam, 1648); ICN, Case U 26 .23 (Amsterdam, 1648); German edition: ICN (Amsterdam, 1648); MnU (Amsterdam, 1648). Comments: Contents: Volume 1 treats regular fortifications. Volume 2 treats irregular fortifications. Volume 3 treats laying siege to and defending fortifications.

Lostelneau, de. Le mareschal de bataille. Contenant le maniment des armes. Les evolutions. Plusieurs bataillons, tant contre l’infantrie que contre la cavalerie. Divers ordres de batailles. Avec un bref discours sur les considerations que doit avoir un souverain, avant que de commencer la guerre. Et un abregé des functions de generaux d’armées, de mareschaux de camp, & autres principales charges d’icelles ... Inventé & recueilly par le Sieur de Lostelneau ... Paris, De l’imprimerie d’Estienne Migon, chez Augustin Courbé, 1647. ICN, Wing fZP 639 .M 635 (Paris, 1647); MiU, U 101 .L88 (Paris, 1647); MnU (Paris, 1647).

Soares de Brito, Gregorio. Tratodo de theorica e pratica da guerra do mar e terra ... composto pello capitao & sargento mor, Gregorio Soares de Britto. Lisbon, Paulo Craesbeeck, 1647. InU, Lilly U 164 .S676 Mendel (Lisbon, 1647). Comments: Barbosa Machado, II, 386, has date, probably in error, 1642, as Innocencio, 3:166, following him, since the latter declares he has not seen a copy. Approved at S. Domingos de Lisboa, 27 March 1647. From the library of Charles R. Boxer.

1648 Bernardi, Maro Tullio, 16th-17th cent. Trattato militare nel quale si contengono varij modi di formare battaglie, ò squadroni, con facilità di nuova inventione. Bologna, A. Salminicio, 1648. ICN, U 2 .091 (Bologna, 1648).

Severall politiqve and militarie obervations: upon the civill, and militarie governments ... London, R. White, 1648. ICN, Case J 0 .809 (London, 1648).

1650 Stevin, Simon ,1548-1620. Materiae politicae. Burgherlicke stoffen. Leyden, A. Rosenboom, 1650? ICN, Case J 0 .8413 (Leyden, 1650?).

1653 La Vallière, François de la Baume Le Blanc de, d. 1647. Pratique et maximes de la guerre, enseignant les charges des généraux; les devoirs de tous les officiers d’armées; l’ordre de marcher ... avec l’exercice général & militaire de l’infanterie. Et un Traitte des fortifications nouvelles. Observations tirees des experiences des plus illustres ... capitaines de ce temps. Par I. de Laon, sieur Daigremont ... Paris, Chez le vefu G. Loyson et I. B. Loyson, 1653. ICN, U 0 .488 (Paris, 1653); MiU (Frankfurt, 1672); Spanish edition: MiU U 101 .L397 (Madrid, 1676); English edition: MiU (N.p., 1680?). Comments: Traite des fortifications ..., Paris, 1651, with special title-page, and Traitte particulier, both by J. de Laon, sieur Daigremont, are paged separately.

1654 Floriani, Pietro Paulo, 1584-1638. Difesa et offesa delle piazze. Opera non solo utile e necessaria à capitani e governatori di fortezze, ma anco di sommo profitto à studiosi dell’histoire militare, cosi antiche, come moderne. Venice, Francesco Baba, 1654. MiU (Venice, 1654); MnU (Venice, 1654); WU (Venice, 1654); IU (Venice, 1654); ICN, U 26.3 (Macerata, 1630).

Fournier, Georges, 1595-1652. Traité des fortifications; ou, Architecture militaire, tirée des places les plus estimées de ce temps, pour leurs fortifications. Divisé en deux parties. La première vous met en main les plans, coupes, & elevations de quantité de places fort estimées, & tenuâs pour très-bien fortifiées. La seconde vous fournit des pratiques faciles pour en faire de semblales. 2. ed. Paris, Chez I. Henault, 1654. IU, RBC x623.1 F82t2 (Paris, 1654); ICN, Case U 26 .31 (Paris, 1661); MiU (Amsterdam, 1668).

Upton, Nicholas, 1400?-1457. Nicolai Uptoni, De studio militari, libri quatuor. Johan. [Joannes] de Bado Aureo, Tractatus de armis. Henrici Spelmanni, Aspilogia. Edoardus Bissaevs e codicibus mss. primus publici juris fecit, notisque illustravit. 3 vols. London, Typis R. Norton, impensis J. Martin, 1654. ICN, Case fF 07 .92 (London, 1654); IU (London, 1654). Comments: Includes: Bado Aureo, Joannes de, Tractatus de armis, and Spelman, Sir Henry (1564?-1641), Aspilogia, both with special title-page and separate pagination. Sir Edward Bysshe, 1615?-1679, ed.

1655 Bourdin, Pierre. L’architecture militaire, ou, L’art de fortifier les places regulieres. Expliqué, pratiqué, & demontré d’une façon facile, & agreable. Avec un abregé de la pratique de La geometrie militaire. Par le r.p. Pierre Bourdin ... Paris, Chez G. Benard, 1655. ICN, Case U 26 .11 (Paris, 1655); MiU, UG 400 .B76 (Paris, 1655). Comments: Includes Le dessein; ou, La perspective militaire. Piece tres-facile, et tres necessaire à tous ceux qui desirent de pratiquer l’art de fortifier. Par le feu p. Pierre Bourdin ... Paris, Chez G. Benard, 1655.

Tensini, Francesco, 1581-1630. La fortificatione guardia difesa et espugnatione delle fortezzee. Venice, Francesco Broggiollo, 1655. MiU (Venice, 1655); IU (Venice, 1655).

1657 Puente, Pedro de la. Los soldados en la guardia. Dividido en quatro discursos, con unos apuntemientos politicos al ultimo dellos ... Por el coronel Pedro dela Puente ... Pavia, Por Juan Andres Magro, 1657. MiU (Pavia, 1657).

Saumaise, Claude de, 1588-1653?. Cl. Salmassi de Re Militari Romanorum liber. Opus posthumum. Lyon, Apud Johannem Elsevirium, Academ. Typograph., 1657. InU, Lilly DG 89 .S356 (Lyon, 1657); MiU (Lyon, 1657); IU (Lyon, 1657); IEN (Lyon, 1657); InU (Lyon, 1657); OCU (Lyon, 1657); ICU (Lyon, 1657); MiU (Leiden, 1657).

1659 Bettini, Mario. Recreationum mathematicarum apiaria novissima duodecim; quae continent militaria ... Bologna, Gio. Battista Ferronio, 1659. MiU (Bologna, 1659).

Correa, Joao de Medeiros, ?-1671. Perfeito soldado, e politica militar, dedicado a dom Hieronymo d’Attaide ... Lisbon, Officina de Henrique Valete de Oliveira, 1659. InU, Lilly U 101 .C824 Mendel (Lisbon, 1659).

Elton, Richard, fl. 1650. The compleat body of the art military. Divided into three books: the first, contenining the postures of the pike and musket ... the second, comprehending twelve exercises ... the third, setting forth the drawing up & exercising of regiments ... lastly, directions for ordering regiments or private companies to funeral occasions. Illustrated with variety of figures, of battail ... in a fuller manner than hath been heretofore published. The second edition with new editions, by Richard Elton ... London, Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, 1659. MiU (London, 1659); ICN (London, 1668). Comments: “This work, along with Barriffe’s, formed the foundation for the military system of the American colonies.” Spaulding.

Twysden, John, 1607-1688. A short treatise of fortifications. In Foster, Samuel, d. 1652. Miscellanies: or Mathematical lucubrations of Mr. Samuel Foster, sometime publicke professor of astronomie in Gresham colledge in London. Published, and many of them translated into English by the care and industry of John Twysden, C.L.M.D. Whereunto he hath annexed some things of his own. The catalogue of all which the following page will shew. London, Printed, by R. & W. Leybourn, and are to be sold in St. Paul’s church-yard, the Bible upon Ludgate-hill, and at the Middle-Temple-gate in Fleet-street, 1659. MiU (London, 1659); IU (London, 1659). Comments: Seven of the treatises have special title-pages. Contents and preface are in English and Latin. The order of the treatises differs from that given in the “Catalogue”. Contents: ... [13.] A short treatise of fortifications written by John Twysden, M.D. ...

1660 Schelius, Radbodus Hermannus, 1622-1662, ed. Hygini Gromatici, et Polybii Megalopolitani, De castris romanis, quae exstant. Cum notis & animadversionibus, quibus accedunt dissertationes aliquot de re eadem militari populi romani, R. H. S. Amsterdam, apud Judocum Pluymer, 1660. ICN, U 135 .792 (Amsterdam, 1660); IEN (Amsterdam, 1660); MiU (Amsterdam, 1660). Comments: Concerns military camps based on Roman precedents.

1661 Malthus, Francis. Traite des feux artificiels pour la guerre, et pour la recreation. 3rd ed. Paris, Cardin Besongne, 1661. MiU (Paris, 1661).

1664 Mut, Vicente, 1614-1687. Arquitectura militar. Primera parte de las fortificaciones regulares, y irregulares ... Majorca, En la impr. de F. Oliver, 1664. ICN, Case U 26 .608 (Majorca, 1664).

1665 Freitag, Adam. Architectura militaris nova et aucta, oder newe vermehrte Fortification Letzte Edition verbessert. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1665. MiU (Amsterdam, 1665).

Moretti, Tomaso, d. 1675. Trattato dell’artiglieria. Venice, Francesco Brogiollo, 1665. MiU (Venice, 1665); ICN (Brescia, 1672); IU (Brescia, 1672). English editions: MnU, 623.1M784 (London, 1683); ICN (London, 1683). Comments: English editions include: Some additions for sea-gunners, by Sir Jonas Moore. With an appendix of artificial fire-works for war and delight, by Sir Abraham Dager.

1666 Brioys, Jean. Nouvelle maniere de fortification. Composée pour la noblesse françoise, exposée en forme d’elements. Metz, Au frais de l’autheur, 1666. ICN, U 2639 .121 (Metz, 1666). Comments: 68 pages.

La Fontaine, sieur de. Les fortifications royales, ou, Architecture militaire, par une nouvelle pratique; avec celles de tous les plus excellens autheurs qui ont escrit de cette matiere depuis Henry le Grand, jusqu’à present; & un traité de l’artillerie & usage du canon ... Par le sr. de la Fontaine ... Paris, Chez Estienne Loyson, 1666. MiU (Paris, 1666). Comments: Bound with his Nouveau traité de la fortification, 1667.

1667 La Fontaine, sieur de. Nouveau traité de la fortification, par une pratique cavaliere & si facile, qu’on peut l’apprendre ... sans l’aide des nombres ny des instrumens geometriques ... Par le sieur de La Fontaine ... Paris, Chez Estienne Loyson, 1667. MiU (Paris, 1667). Comments: Bound with his Les fortifications royales, 1666.

1668 Boeckler, Georg Andreas, fl. 1648-1685. Schola militaris moderna oder Neu vermehrte Kriegs-Schule darinnen von den nothwendigsten Sachen die zum Krieg gehören so wohl defensive also offensive gehandelt wird als da seynd: Gelt, Volk, Geschütz, Munition, Proviant, Vestugen, Schantzen, Läger, Schift- Brücken, Exercitz zu Pferd und zu Fuss Battaillien, sampt den Kriegsrechen Kriegs-Künsten. Alles in L. Classen ... an den Tag gegeben. Frankfurt, T. M. Götz, 1668. ICN, U 2 .106 (Frankfurt, 1668). Comments: 1037 pages.

La Fontaine, sieur de. Les devoirs militaires des officiers d’infanterie et de cavalerie, enseignans le maniâment des armes, les evolutions de l’infanterie & de la cavalerie ... avec la forme de camper ... Paris, E. Loyson, 1668. ICN, U 2 .472 (Paris, 1668); ICN, U 2 .474 (Paris, 1671); MiU (Paris, 1671). Comments: The 1671 edition was published under a new title: La doctrine militaire, ou Le parfait general d’armée, contenant le devoir des gens de guerre, les evolutions ou motions des trouppes ... la maniere d’attaquer & defendre les places, selon la pratique de ce temps; le tout representé par quantité de figures. It is available at MiU and ICN as indicated above.

Malthus, Francis. Pratique de la guerre. Paris, Gervais Clousier, 1668. MiU (Paris, 1668).

Pagan, Blaise François de, comte de Merveilles, 1604-1665. Les fortifications de monsieur le comte de Pagan. Avec ses theoremes sur la fortification. êdition nouvelle. Brussels, Chez F. Foppens, 1668. MiU, UG 400 .P13 1668 (Brussels, 1668); ICN, Case fU 26.654 (Paris, 1645); ICN, U 26 .6543 (Paris, 1669).

Tacquet, André, 1612-1660. Opera mathematica r.p. Andrae Tacquet antverpiensis e Societate Jesu demonstrata et propugnata a Simone Laurentio Veterani ex comitbus Montis Calvi, in collegio Societatis Jesu Lovannii anno MDCLXVIII mense novemb. Antwerp, Jacobum Meursium, 1669. MiU (Antwerp, 1668); MiU, QA33 f.T16 (Antwerp, 1669); ICU (Antwerp, 1669); InU, Microprint Q 111 .L2 no. T2 (New York, Readex Microprint, 1970. 12 cards. Landmarks of Science.) (Antwerp, 1669); MiU (Antwerp, 1668); WU (Antwerp, 1707, 2nd ed.); OU (Manuscripta; microfilms of rare and out-of-print books. List 79, no. 144.) (Antwerp, 1707, 2nd ed.); ICJ (Antwerp, 1707, 2nd ed.). Comments: Contents: ... Architecturae militaris liber unus ... “Contains a section of thirty-six pages on ‘Architectura militaris.’“ Spaulding.

167- Pimentel, Luiz Serrao, 1613-1679. Tratado da fortificaçao. Escrita por Luis Serrao Pimentel ... Resumido per Goncalo Gomes Caldra ... [N.p., 167-?]. MiU ([N.p., 167-?]).

1670 Marzioli, Francesco. Precetti militari ... Bologna, Per l’erede di D. Barbieri, 1670. ICN, Case fU 0 .554 (Bologna, 1670); MiU, U 101 .M39 1673 (Bologna, 1673). Comments: Contents:--Discorso per il maneggio militare della picca.--Discorso per il maneggio militare del moschetto.--Discorso per fare l’esercitio militare delle volutione.--Discorso per formare diverse battaglie.--Discorse per osservare le regole praticate nelle fortezze.--Massime militari.

Nye, Nathaniel, b. 1624. The Art of Gunnery. Wherein is described the true way to make all sorts of Gunpowder, Gum[sic]-match, the Art of shooting in great and small Ordnance: Excellent ways to take Heights, Depths, Distances, accessible, or inaccessible, either single or divers distances at one operation: to draw the Map or Plot of any City, Town, Castle, or other fortified place. To make divers sorts of Artificiall Fire-works ... also to cure all such wounds that are curable, which may chance to happen by Gunpowder or Fire-works. This Treatise is composed for the help of all such Gunners and others, that have charge of Artillery, and are not well versed in Arithmetick and Geometry ... By Nathaniel Nye Mathematician, Master Gunner of the City of Worcester. London, Printed for William Leak, at the sign of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple Gates, 1670. MiU (London, 1670). Comments: “A treatise of artificiall fire-works ... by Nathaniel Nye”: pp. 57-102, with special title-page.

Lourenço de Sampaio, Luis. Discurso politico, e militar emblema que mosta com evidêia advertidos acertos para a conservaçao do princepe & seu estado, quado preciso lhe sea mover a guerra defensiva & offensiva, com subsistencia contra outro, posto que mais poderoso, etc. Pello mestre de Campo Luis Lourenço de Sampayo. Lisbon, Antonio Craesbeck de Mello, 1670. ICN, Greenlee 4547 5192 1670 (Lisbon, 1670).

Stewechius, Godescalcus. Commentarivs, ad. Flavi Vegeti Renati libros, De re militari. [Vesaliae ?], Hoogenhuysen, 1670. ICN, U 2 .845 (*Vesaliae, 1670); MiU ([Vesaliae ?], 1670).

Stubbs, Henry, 1632-1676. Legends no histories; or, A specimen of some animadversions upon The history of the Royal society; wherein ... sundry mistakes about the making of salt-petre and gun-powder are detected, and rectified: whereunto are added two discourses, one of Pietro Sardi, and another of Nicolas Tartaglia, relating to that subject; translated out of Italian ... Together with the Plus ultra of Mr. Joseph Glanvill reduced to a non-plus, &c. By Henry Stubbe ... London, 1670. IU (London, 1670); ICU (London, 1670). Comments: Includes treatises by Pietro Sardi (1560-ca. 1640) and Niccolò Tartaglia (d. 1557).

Vegtius, Renatus Flavius. Veteres de re militari scriptores quotquot extant, nunc prima vice in unum redacti corpus. I. Flavii Vegetii Renati Institutorum rei militaris libri v. II. Sexti Julii Frontini Strategematum & Strategeticon libri iv. III. Claudius Aelianus De instruendis aciebus. IV. Modestus De vocabulis rei militaris. V. Polybius De militia & castrametatione Romanorum. VI. Aeneae Poliorceticus. seu De toleranda obsidione. VII. Incerti auctoris, De re militari opusculum, quod M. Tullio Ciceroni vulgò inscribitur. Accedunt Godescalci Stewechii ... In Fl. Vegetium commentarius. II. Ejusdem Conjectanea, & Francisci Modii Notae in Sex. Jul. Frontinum. III. Petri Scriverii In Fl. Vegetium & Sex. Jul. frontinum animadversiones. [Vesaliae Clivorum ?], ex officina, Andreae ab Hoogenhuysen, 1670. InU, Lilly U101 .V4 1670 ([Vesaliae Clivorum ?], 1670).

1671 Albemarle, George Monk, 1st Duke of, 1608-1670. Observations upon military and political affairs. Written by the Most Honourable George Duke of Albemarle, &c. London, Printed by A. C. for Henry Mortlocke, and James Collins, 1671. ICN, Case fU 2 .02 (London, 1671); MiU (London, 1671). Comments: “Written in 1646, although not then published, ‘and thus presents General Monk’s continental rather than his English military experience.’” Spaulding.

La Fontaine, sieur de. La doctrine militaire, ou Le parfait general d’armée, contenant le devoirs des gens de guerre, les evolutions ou motions des trouppes ... la maniere d’attaquer & defendre les places, selon la pratique de ce temps; le tout representé par quantité de figures. Par le sieur de La Fontaine ... Paris, E. Loyson, 1671. MiU (Paris, 1671); ICN (Paris, 1671).

1672 Lamont, de. Les fonctions de tous le officiers de l’infanterie, depuis celle du sergent jusques à celle du colonel ... Par monsieur de Lamont, capitaine & major de la ville de Toulon. Jouxt la copie imprimée à Paris. A Frankfurt, Chez W. Serlin, et imprimé, chez I.-G. Drullman, 1672. MiU, UD 144 .L23 1672 (Paris, 1672); MiU, UD 144 .L23 1675 (Paris, 1675); English edition: ICN, Case U 0 .474 (Philadelphia, 1776). Comments: French and German on opposite pages. Bound with La Vallière F. de La Baume Le Blanc, Pratique et maximes de la guerre, 1672. The (Paris, 1675) edition includes Essence, et abregé de toutes les ordonnances et reglemens que le roy a fait faire depuis 1651, jusques à present [1667], the most active period of Le Tellier’s reforms: pp. 115-159. First published in 1667.

Mallet, Alain Manesson, 1630-1706. Les travaux de Mars, ou La fortification nouvelle tant reguliere, qu’irreguliere. Divisée en trois parties. La première contient la construction des places regulières, citadelles & dehors ... La seconde partie donne & examine les diverses constructiones ou methodes de fortifier toutes sortes de villes ... La derniere donne la connoissance des materiaux qui servent à l’élevation des ramparts, parapets, & chemises des villes ... 3 pts. in 1 vol. Jouxte la copie a Paris, 1672. ICN, U 26 .553 (Paris, 1672); ICN, Case U 26 .5531 (Paris, 1684-85 [v.1, ‘85]); MiU (Paris, 1684-85); OU, Rare Book Coll. U 101 M3 1684 (Amsterdam, 1684-85); ICJ (The Hague, 1696); MnU (The Hague, 1696); German editions: ICN, Case U 26 .55318 (Amsterdam, 1672); ICN U 26 .5532 (Amsterdam, 1687); Dutch edition: MiU, U 101 .M258 1686 (Amsterdam, 1686). Comments: In the Paris, 1672 edition each volume [part] has also an engraved title- page: Den arbeid van Mars, Amsterdam, Joannes Janssonius van Waesberge, 1672. The Amsterdam, 1684-85 edition has additional engraved title-pages; volume 1 has the imprint date 1685. The Amsterdam, 1672 edition has additional title-pages, engraved: Den argeid van Mars. “A picture book with over five hundred illustrations depicting various phases of the military art.” Spaulding. The Amsterdam, 1684-85 edition claimed to be the last edition.

Manlyn, Daniel. Pyrotechnia, of Konstige vuuwerken, waer in wort seer duydelijck beschreven de manier van het maken en toestellen an allerley vuuwercken tot vermaeck, het zy loopende of staende ... door D. M. 2 vols. in 1. Rotterdam, Gedruckt by H. Rijckhals, 1672 [1671]. MiU (Rotterdam, 1672, [1671]); O (Rotterdam, 1672, [1671]); MiU (Amsterdam, 1673). Comments: Volume 2 of the Rotterdam, 1672 [1671] edition has special title-page only: Pur erga yslatryan of te Vuuwerken tot dienst ...

Venn, Thomas, Captain. Military & maritime discipline in three books: Book I. Military observations or tacticks put into practice for the exercise of horse and foot ... with Sir Francis Veres directions for officers ... By Captain Thomas Venn. Book II. An exact method of military architecture ... Rendered int English by John Lacey, out of the works of ... Andrew Tacquet. Together with corrections made by the Count de Pag’an and Sr. Sam. Moreland’s methods of delineating ... fortifications. Book III. The compleat gunner ... Translated out of Casimir, Diego, Uffano and Hexam, &c. To which is added The doctrine of projects applied to gunnery by Galilaeus and Torricellio ... 3 vols. in 1. London, R. Pawlet, 1672. ICN, Case fU 0 .9377 (London, 1672); MiU (London, [E. Tyler and R. Holt], 1672).

1673 Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. Teatro del Belgio ... con le piante della citta e fortezze principali. Frankfurt, 1673. MiU (Frankfurt, 1673); ICN (Frankfurt, 1673). Comments: “Contains double-page plans of the fortifications of 120 towns in the .” Spaulding.

Manlyn, Daniel. Pyrotechnia, of konstige Vuur-werken. Amsterdam, Baltes Boekhole, 1673. MiU (Amsterdam, 1673).

Moore, Sir Jonas, 1617-1679. Modern fortification: or, Elements of military architecture. Practised and designed by the latest and most experienced ingeneers of this last age, Italian, French, Dutch, and English. And the manner of defending and besieging forts and places. With the use of a joynt- ruler or sector, for the speedy description of any fortification. By Sir Jonas Moore ... London, Printed by W. Godbid, for Nathaniel Brooks ..., 1673. MnU (London, 1673); MiU (London, 1673); MiU (London, 1689); ICN, Case U 26 .59 (London, 1689).

Moore, Sir Jonas, 1617-1679. Modern fortification ... London, Obadiah Blagrave, 1689.

1674 Anderson, Robert. The genuine use and effects of the gunne ... with tables of projection ... By Thomas Streete. London, J. Darby for William Berry and Robert Morden, 1674. MiU (London, 1674).

Bitainvieu, sieur de, pseud. (or Du Breuil, Jean), 1602-1670. L’art universel des fortifications. 3rd ed. Paris, Jacques Du Breuil, 1674. MiU Paris, 1674).

Moore, Sir Jonas, 1617-1679. A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepairs rods or bones; making of movements, and the application of pendulums: with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. Collected out of the notes and papers of Sir Jonas Moore. By Nicholas Stephenson. London, Printed and sold by Nathanael Brooke at the Angel in Cornhill, 1674. MiU (London, 1674); MiU (London, 1681); InU (London, 1705); MiU (London, 1705).

1675 Paffenrode, Johan van, vrijheer van Ghussigny, 1618-1673. Der Griken en Romeynen Krygs-handel; ofte Beschrijvinge van de Griekse en Roomse landmilitie. Doorgaens verçiert met kopere platen. Gorinchem, By Paulus Vink, 1675. MiU (Gorinchem, 1675); ICU 1 U 29 .P17 (Rare) (Gorinchem, 1675).

1676 Porroni, Annibale, marchese, 1623-1684. Trattato universale militare moderno del marchese Annibale Porroni ... Diviso in sei libri ... Venice, Per Francesco Nicolini, 1676. MiU (Venice, 1676). Comments: First published in 1666.

1677 Binning, Thomas. A light to the art of gunnery. London, J. D. for the author, 1677. MiU (London, 1677).

Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of, 1621-1679. A treatise of the art of war: dedicated to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. And written by the Right Honourable Roger Earl of Orrery. [London], In the Savoy, Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringham, 1677. ICN, Case fU 2 .64 (STC II 0 499) ([London], 1677); MiU ([London], 1677).

Philippes (or Phillippes), Henry. A mathematical manual; containing tables of logarithmes for numbers, sines, and tangents. With the manifold use thereof briefly explained and applied in arithmetick, geometry, astronomy, geography, surveying, navigation, dialling, gunnery, and gauging. By Henry Phillippe. London, by A. Clark for W. Fisher, E. Thomas, J. Northcot and E. Hurlock, 1677. WU (London, 1669); MiU (London, 1677). Comments: “Gives tables for use with certain types of mortars.” Spaulding. First published in 1669.

1678 Gaya, Louis de. The art or war, and the way that it is at present practised in France ... Wherein the duties and functions of all the officers of horse and foot, artillery and provisions, from the general of the army to the private souldier, are treated of: with the method of conducting armies, encamping, besieging and giving of battel ... Written in French ... Translated for publick satisfaction and advantage. 2 pts. in 1 vol. London, R. Harford, 1678. ICN, Case U 2 .332 (STC II 398) (London, 1678); MiU (London, 1678). Comments: Part 2 has caption title only.

Gaya, Louis de. Traité des armes, des machines de guerre, des feux d’artifice, des enseignes & des instrumens militaires anciens & modernes; avec la maniere dont on s’en sert presentement dans les armées, tant françoises qu’etrangeres, enrichi de figures. Par le sieur de Gaya, cy-devant capitaine dans le regiment de Champagne. Paris, Chez Sébastien Cramoisy, ruâ saint Jacques, à La Renommée, 1678. Avec privilege. MiU (Paris, 1678); MnU (Paris, 1678); ICN (Paris, 1678); ICJ (London, 1911); MiU (London, 1911); OClW (London, 1911). Comments: In this edition (Paris, 1678), the illustrations are woodcuts; in another (earlier?) edition with the same imprint, the illustrations are etched on copper by N. Guérard. The London, 1911 edition was edited by Charles Ffoulkes with a preface by Viscount Dillon.

La Fontaine, sieur de. The military duties of the officers of cavalry, containing the way of exercising the horse, according to the practice of this present time. The motions of horse, the functions of the several officers, from the chief captain, to the brigadeer. Written originally in French, by the sieur de La Fontain ... And translated for the use of those who are desirous to be informed of the art of war, as it is practised in France. [Trans.] by A.L. London, Robert Harford, 1678. MiU (London, 1678); MnU (London, 1678). Comments: Bound with Gaya, Louis de, The art of war ..., London, 1678.

1680 Digges, Thomas, d. 1595. Englands defence. A treatise concerning invasion: or, A brief discourse of what orders were best for repulsing of foreign forces, if at any time they should invade us by sea in Kent, or elsewhere. Exhibited in writing to the Right Honourable Robert Dudley earl of Leicester, a little before the Spanish invasion, in the year 1588. By Thomas Diggs esq; muster- master general of all Her Majesty’s forces in the Low-Countries. To which is now added, An account of such stores of war, and other materials as are requisite for the defence of a fort, a train of artillery, and for a magazine belonging to a field army. And also a list of the ships of war, and the charge of them, and the land-forces designed by Parliament against France, anno 1678. Also a list of the present governors of the garrisons of England ... Lastly, the wages of officers and seamen serving in His Majesty’s fleet at sea per month. Collected by Thomas Adamson, master-gunner of His Majest’s train of artillery, anno 1673 ... London, Printed for F. Haley, 1680. MiU (London, 1680); MnU (London, 1680); IaU (London, 1680).

Pimentel, Luis Serrao, 1613-1679. Methodo lusitanico de desenhar as fortificac, oens das pracas regulares & irregulares, fortes de campanha e outras obras pertencentes a architectura militar ... Lisbon, A. Craesbeeck de Mello, 1680. InU, Lilly UG 400 .P6 Mendel (Lisbon, 1680); MiU (Lisbon, 1680).

1681 Gualdo Priorato, Galazzo, conte. Arte della guerra, o sia Maneggio moderno dell’armi. Con alcune particole de Gioseppe Leoncini. Rome, Per il Bernabò, 1681. ICN, U 0 .372 (Rome, 1681).

1682 Rohault, Jacques. Oeuvres posthumes. Paris, Chez Guillaume Desprez, 1682. MiU (Paris, 1682); ICJ (Paris, 1682). Comments: “Includes a Traité des fortifications of 106 pages.” Spaulding.

Whitmore, Christopher. Treatise of the English military discipline, both the old way, and the shortest way now in use. London, Printed by J. Grantham, 1682. MiU (London, 1682).

1683 Blondel, François, 1618-1686. L’art de jetter les bombes. Paris, Chez l’autheur et Nicolas Langlois, 1683. MiU (Paris, 1683); WU (Paris, 1683). Comments: “Written in 1675, but Louis XIV forbade its publication at that time, for fear that his enemies might profit by it.” Spaulding.

Capra, Alessandro, ca. 1609-ca. 1683. La nuova architettura militare d’antica rinovata da Alessandro Capra ... divisa in trè parti, con l’indice, e lore argomenti ... Bologna, Per Giacomo Monti, 1683. MiU (Bologna, 1683).

Crasso, Lorenzo. Elogii di capitani illustri. Venice, Combi e Là Noù, 1683. ICN, U 01 .197 (Venice, 1683); MiU (Venice, 1683); ICU (Venice, 1683); OU (Venice, 1683).

Naudé, Gabriel, 1600-1653. ... Bibliographia militaris in Germania, primum ed. cura G. Schubarti. Jena, Ex officina Nisiana, 1683. MiU, 355 N29 1683 (Jena, 1683); ICN (Jena, 1683); IU, 907 W56d 1684 (Cantabrigiae [Cambridge], 1684); MiU (Halle, 1712); MiU-L (Halle, 1712); French edition: WU (Paris, 1642). Comments: Gabriel Naudé also wrote Bibliographia politica.

Turner, Sir James, 1615-1686. Pallas armata. Military essayes of the ancient Grecian, Roman, and modern art of war. Written in the years 1670 and 1671. By Sir James Turner, knight. London, Printed by M. W. for Richard Chiswell at the Rose and crown in S. Paul’s church-yard, 1683. ICN, Case fU 2 .89 (London, 1683); MnU (London, 1683); IaU (London, 1683).

1685 Chales, Claude François Milliet de, 1621-1678. L’art de fortifier, de defendre, et d’attaquer les places, suivant les methodes françoises, hollandoises, italiennes & espagnoles. Paris, Chez A. Moetjens, 1685. ICN U 26 .161 (Paris, 1685); MiU UG 400 .C44 1684 (Paris, 1684); MnU (Paris, 1677); ICN (Paris, 1677).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras. La conduite de Mars, necessaire à tous ceux qui font la profession des armes ... autorisée d’exemples arrivés dans ces derniers temps avec des mémoires contenant divers évenemens remarquables arrivés pendant la guerre d’Holande. The Hague, H. van Bulderen, 1685. ICN, Case U 2 .196 (The Hague, 1685); MiU (The Hague, 1685) Comments: Also ascribed to Du Buisson, probably a pseudonym of de Courtilz.

1686 Blondel, François, 1618-1686. Nouvelle maniere de fortifier les places. Edition nouvelle. The Hague, Arnout Leers, 1686. MiU (The Hague, 1686); WU (The Hague, 1684).

1688 Flaemitzer, Johann Nicolaus. Politico-militarischer Staats-Minister. Oder vielmehr: Prudentia politico-militaris. Das ist; Eine gründliche Anweisung was bey der zur Conservation eines Reichs nothwendigen militarischen Staats-Administrations, so zu Friedens- als Kriegs-Zeiten sowol in procurir- und Stifftung der Kriegs-Allianzen als auch in locuplitirung des Ærarii militaris, und dann einer wol-instruirten Miliz ... wie auch bey tractir- und Schliessung eines Friedens zu observiren seye ... Nuremberg, B. J. Endters, 1688. ICN, U 0 .303 (Nuremberg, 1688).

S[teed], Capt. J[ohn]. Fortification and military discipline in two parts. The first shews the principles and practice of all manner of fortifications, regular or irregular, as now used by the Dutch, English, Italian, German, and French ingeniers ... The second part treats of the rules for the exercise of horse and foot, with all sorts of instructions and other observations belonging to the whole art of war, as now practised. All illustrated with 54 copper plates. Improved and designed by Capt. J. S. [John Steed]. 2 vol. in 1. London, Robert Morden, 1688-89. MiU (London, 1688-89); ICN, Case U 26 .308 (STC II S 61) (London, 1688-89). Comments: Volume 2 has special title-page: Military discipline; or, The art of war. Shewing directions for the postures in exercising of the pike and musket, the dragoons, granadeers, and horse ... 2d ed. with many additions and corrections.

1689 Dilich, Wilhelm Schäffer, called, d. 1655. Wilhelmi Dilichii ... Hochuernünfftig gegründet und auffgerichtete, in gewisse Classen eingetheilte ... Krieges-Schule ... Frankfurt, In Verlegung J. D. Zunners, 1689. ICN, Case fU 0 .233 (Frankfurt, 1689); MiU (Frankfurt, 1689).

Science militaire, contanant L’A.B.C. d’un soldat. L’art de la guerre. Et le directeur general des fortifications. De mr. de . The Hague, A. Moetjens, 1689. ICN, Case U 0 .79 (The Hague, 1689).

1690 Anderson, Robert. To hit a mark, as well upon ascents and descents, as upon of the horizon. London, Robert Morden, 1690. MiU (London, 1690).

Chales, Claude François Milliet de, 1621-1678. Cursus seu mundus mathematicus. 4 vols. Leyden, Anissonios, J. Posuel and C. Rigaud, 1690. MiU (Leyden, 1690); ICJ (Leyden, 1690); ICN (Leyden, 1690); MnU (Leyden, 1690). Comments: “Treats of fortification and explosives also.” Spaulding.

Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720. Introduction a la fortification. Dediée a monseigneur le duc de Bourgogne. Par son tres humble serviteur de Fer. 3 vols. in 1. Paris, Chez l’autheur, [1690]-93 [i.e. ‘94?]. IU, x623.1 F37i (Paris, [1690]-93 [i.e. ‘94?]); ICN, Case +U 26 .2919 (Paris, 1705); ICN (Paris, 1723).

Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720. Les forces de l’Europe ou description des principales villes avec leurs fortifications. 8 pts. in 1 vol. Paris, chez l’auteur, 1690-95. MiU (Paris, 1690-95); OU (Paris, 1690-95); MiU (Paris, 1695); ICN (Paris, 1695- 96).

Gesellschaft der Constafleren und Feuerwerkern im Zeughausse zu Zürich, A¯, 1712. [Zurich, 1690-1793]. New Year’s card, frontispiece. MiU (Zurich, 1690-1793). Comments: 81 New Year’s cards. “From 1689 to 1798 this ‘honourable artillery company’ had headquarters in the arsenal at Zurich. Cards were published annually ... Fortification, the attack of cities, manufacture of powder and cannon, and many other matters are thus treated.” Spaulding.

Gottscheer, Martin, 1648-1731. Philosophia polemica. Secundum aphorismos Aristoteli Stagritae cum annotationibus tum philosophicis, tum strategicis ex variis desumptis. In celeberrima Universitate graecensi publicae disputationi proposita a d. Joanne Georgio Krassnigg ... philosophiae baccalaureo, & pro suprema ejusdem laurea candidato. Praeside r.p. Martin Gottseer ... Graecii [i.e. Graz], Apud Haerdes Widmanstadii, 1690. InU, Lilly PA 3890 .A99 G68 1690 (Graz, 1690); MiU (Graz, 1690). Comments: Selected quotations from with brief explanations and longer applications to military science. Plates show military manoeuvres and fortifications.

Hyginus et Polybius. De castris Romanis. With commentary of Rabodi Hermanni Schelii. Amsterdam, J. Pluymer, 1690. MiU (Amsterdam, 1690).

Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de, 1601-1682. Les memoires de messire Jacques de Chastenet, chevalier, seigneur de Puysegur, colonel du regiment de Piedmont, et lieutenant general des armées du roy. Sous les regnes de Louis XIII. & de Louis XIV. Donnez au public par M. Du Chesne ... Avec des Instructions militaires ... 2 vols. in 1. Amsterdam, Chez A. Wolfgang, 1690. OU, RBC DC 123.9 P8 A3 1690 (Amsterdam, 1690). Comments: The Amsterdam, 1690 edition contains Instructions militaires: pp. 463- 524.

Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de, 1601-1682. Les mémoires de messire Jacques de Chastenet, chevalier, seigneur de Puységur, colonel du regiment de Piémont, et lieutenant général des armées du roy. 2 vols. Paris, J. Morel, 1690. ICN F 3923 .719 (Paris, 1690).

1691 Du Torar, Sieur. Leçons de geometrie pratique: expliquant la science des ingenieurs, arpenteurs, toiseurs, & commissaires d’artillerie. Par une methode nouvelle, courte, facile, & demontrée par le sieur Du Torar ... 2. ed. reveuë & augmentée par l’auteur. Paris, Chez Laurent d’Houry, 1691. MiU (Paris, 1691). Comments: “A large part of this work is devoted to fortification.” Spaulding.

Vauban, Sébastien le Prestre de. The new method of fortification ... made English by Abel Swall. London, Abel Swall, 1691. MiU (London, 1691).

1692 Alimari, Doroteo. Instruttioni militari. Nuremberg, 1692. MiU (Nuremberg, 1692).

Du Fay, abbé. Manière de fortifier selon la methode de Monsieur de Vauban. Avec un traité préliminaire des principles de geométrie. Amsterdam, Chez A. Braekman, 1692. MiU UG 400 .D85 1692 (Amsterdam, 1692); IU 623.1 D872v1702 (Amsterdam, 1702); ICN U 26 .244 (Paris, 1718). Comments: First edition 1681. Numerous editions of this work, by Abbé Du Fay and De Cambray, a French engineer, were published in Paris and Amsterdam between 1681 and 1771. Most editions bore Du Fay’s name only. De Cambray’s name appeared alone on the Amsterdam, 1689 edition, while the Paris 1694 edition was issued under both names. Du Fay wrote the geometrical part and De Cambra the material on fortification.

Gaya, Louis de. Le nouvel art de la guerre, et la maniere dont on la fait aujourd’huy en France. Augmenté d’une nouvelle methode d’exercer les troupes d’infanterie, de cavalerie, & de dragons. Ensemble de la maniere dont se doivent gouverner les officiers. Paris, E. Michallet, 1692. ICN U 2 .3319 (Paris, 1692).

1693 Clermont, sieur de. La geometrie pratique de l’ingenieur. Strasbourg, Frid. Guil. Schmuck, 1693. MiU (Strasbourg, 1693). Comments: “Treats of fortification also.” Spaulding.

Sturm, Johann Christoph. Mathesis compendiaria ... altera vice ... edita. Altdorf, Heinrich Meyer, 1693. MiU (Altdorf, 1693). Comments: “Contains a series of tables on mathematical subjects, and has a section on ‘Architectura militaris.’“--Spaulding, no. 210.

1694 Dawson, George. Origo legum. London, Richard Chiswell, 1694. MiU (London, 1694).

De Graaf, Abraham. De geheele Mathesis of Wiskonst. Amsterdam, J. ten Hoorn, 1694. MiU (Amsterdam, 1694). Comments: “De Graaf published a series of mathematical textbooks; in his geometry he included fortification.” Spaulding.

De Graaf, Abraham. Derde druk. Amsterdam, J. Loots and A. van Damine, 1717. MiU (Amsterdam, 1717). Comments: This is another edition of De Graaf’s De geheele Mathesis of Wiskonst, Amsterdam, 1694.

Ozanam, Jacques, 1640-1717. Traité de fortification, contenant les methodes anciennes & modernes pour la construction & la deffense des places, et la maniere de les attaquer, expliquée plus au long qu’elle n’a été jusques à present. Par monsieur Ozanam ... Paris, Chez Jean Jombert, 1694. MiU (Paris, 1694); ICN, U 26 .649 (Paris, 1694); English edition: MnU (London, 1711 [1712]). Comments: The English edition is illustrated with 46 “curious” copper plates and was translated and amended by J. T. Desaguiliers. Included is, “an appendix, containing a true and short account of Mr. Vauban’s manner of fortifying: taken from a French book, publish’d by the abbot Du Fay ...”: p. 193-204.

1696 Fernández de Medrano, Sebastián, 1646-1705. L’ingenieur pratique, ou, L’architecture militaire et moderne, contenant la fortification reguliere & irreguliere, avec une nouvelle methode de l’auteur, la fabrique des ramparts & des murailles, des quartiers, magazins, &c. ... Par le general de bataille don Sebastian Fernandez de Medrano ... Brussels, Chez Lambert Marchant, 1696. MiU (Brussels, 1696). Comments: Originally written in Spanish; rewritten in French by the author, cf. Preface.

1697 Nodot, François, 17th cent. Le munitionaire des armées de France, qui enseigne à fournir les vivres aux troupes avec toute l’oeconomie possible. Ce traité contient l’employ particulier du munitionaire. Celui du general des vivres. L’ordre, & la regie des equipages. Les instructions pour tous les commis, avec la reformation des abus & des fautes qu’ils commettent contre le service des troupes, & les interêts du munitionaire ... aussi la maniere ancienne dont on faisoit les vivres en France; avec les edits de creation des charges de surintendans des vivres de tresoriers, & de commissaires qui y étoient préposés dans chaque election du roiaume. Par M. Nodot ... Paris, se vend chez Cusson & Wit; Brussels, chez Foppens; etc., etc., 1697. MiU, UC 265 .F8 N76 (Paris & Brussels, 1697); ICN, U 139 .628 (Paris, 1697). Comments: The ICN edition lists a publication date of 1697, but since it cites examples from 1702, so the earlier date must be an error.

Re, Elia del, 1654-1733. Aritmetica, e geometria prattica, composta dal Elia del Rè ... 2 vols. Naples, Nella stamparia di Carlo Troyse, e Giovan- Domenico Pietroboni, 1697. MiU (Naples, 1697); MiU (Naples, 1733). Comments: “Treats also of military geometry and the square battle array, illustrated by thirty-six plates.” Spaulding.

1698 Lydius, Jacobus, 1610-1679. Jacobi Lydii Syntagma sacrum de re militari: nec non De jure jurando dissertatio philologica. Opus postumum & multa eruditione commendatum cum figuris aeneis elegantissime incisis, quod nunc primum ex tenebris eruit, notisque illustravit. Salomon van Til ... Dordrecht, C. Willegardum, 1698. ICN, U 0 .528 (Dordrecht, 1698); MnU (Dordrecht, 1698); ICU (Dordrecht, 1698); MiU (Dordrecht, 1698). Comments: Concerns military oaths.

Toland, John, 1670-1722, [supposed author]. The militia reform’d; or An easy scheme of furnishing England with a constant land-force, capable to prevent or to subdue any forein power; and to maintain perpetual quiet at home, without endangering the publick liberty ... London, Printed for J. Darby and sold by A. Bell, 1698. ICN, Case U 145 .66 (London, 1698); ICU, DA 430 .E6 no. 225 Rare bk (London, 1698); MnU (London, 1698). Comments: 94 pages.

1699 Charles V, duke of Lorraine, 1643-1690. Political and military observations, remarks and maxims, of Charles V. late duke of Lorrain, general of the emperor’s forces. From a manuscript left by him, and never printed before ... London, J. Jones [etc.], 1699. ICN, UO .163 (London, 1699).

Kreus, Peter von der. Neu erfundene Krieges-Bau-Kunst: begreiffend unterschiedene vornehme Krieges-Ubungen [sic] und Exercitia: sambt viele profitable Anweisungen und Andeutungen, auch wie man auf eine gantz leichte Art ... Festungen abreissen, fortificiren und in Grund legen lernen kan [sic]: allen Liebhabern und denen Krieges-Waffen Ergebenen zum Nutzen heraus gegeben und ans Licht gebracht durch P. V. D. Kreus ... [--?] Brieg, Gedruckt mit Jacobischen Schriften, 1699. InU, Lilly DD 102.7 .K92 N47 ([--?] Brieg, 1699).

Eighteenth-Century Military Treatises, 1700 to 1789

17-- Wolfe, James. Instructions for young officers. N.p., n.d. ICN, Case MS U 0 .99 (N.p., n.d.).

1700 Sturm, Leonhard Christoph. Vade mecum architectonicum, comprehndens tabulas architecturae civilis atque militaris. Amsterdam, C. H. Schumacher, 1700. MiU (Amsterdam, 1700). Comments: “Contains an extensive treatment of fortification.” Spaulding.

1702 Coehoorn, Menno, baron van, 1641?-1704. Nieuwe vestingbouw, op een natte of lage horisont ... Leeuwarden, 1702. WU (Leeuwarden, 1702); English editions: MnU (London, 1705); ICN (London, 1705); MiU (London, 1705); French editions: MiU (Wesel, 1706); MnU (The Hague, 1741); German edition: ICN, U 26 .183 (Wesel, 1708).

Gruber, Johann Sebastian. Neue und grundliche mathematische friedens- und Kriegs-Schule, worinnen der kern und die nothwendigsten stucke der sechs nachfolgenden wissenschafften, als: Geometriae theoreticae et practicae... Architecturae civilis... Architecturae militaris... Artis tormentariae... Pyrotechniae damnosae... Pyrotechniae jucundae ... aus eigener erfahrung, sowohl, alten, als neuen vielen beruhmten autoren ... verb., aufgeset zet und zusammengetragen durch Johann Sebastian Grubern... Nuremberg, Christoph Riegel, 1702. MiU (Nuremberg, 1702). Comments: “Contains section on fortification.” Spaulding.

1703 Borgsdorff, Ernst Friedrich, baron von. Neu-triumphirende Fortification auff allerley Situationen defensive und offensive zu gebrauchen. Erstes opus, handelt wie man die Royal-Vestungen und Citadelle, Auxiliar-Wercke und Contra-Approschen, Retrenchementer und Feld-Schantzen auff alten und neuen Plätzem ... mit kleinen als auch ansehnlichen unkosten auss siben wichtigen approbirten disponieren erbauen und verthaidigen möge... Verlegt und in Kupffer gebracht von Joh. Andreas Pfeffd... Vienna, Johann Georg Schlegel, 1703. ICN, U 26 .107 (Vienna, 1703); MiU (Vienna, 1703).

Sturm, Johann Christoph. Mathesis compendiaria ... altera vice ... edita. Altdorf, Heinrich Meyer, 1703. MiU (Altdorf, 1703).

1704 Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Memorie del general principe di Montecuccoli che rinfermano una esatta instruzzione de i generali ed ufficiali di guerra ... e particolarmente le massime politiche militari e stratagemi da lui pratticati nelle guerre d’Ungheria, d’Italia e contro li Suedesi in Germania... Alle quali si ha aggiunta la vita dell’autore per il signor H. D. H. C. D. R. D. P. Il tutto con note cavate dag l’autori antçchç e moderni. Poste in luce per ... Enrico di Huyssen. 2 vols. in 1. Colonia [Filoni?], La Compagnia de i Librari, 1704. ICU, U 101 .M75 (Colonia [Filoni], 1704); ICN, U 0 .5928 (Colonia, 1704); Spanish edition: MiU U 101 .M777 1708 (Lisbon, 1708); French editions: IaU (Paris, 1712); ICN, U 0 .593 (Strasbourg, 1740); IU (Amsterdam, 1752); ICN, U 0 .5932 (Paris, 1760); MiU (Paris, 1760); ICN, U 0 .5934 (Amsterdam, 1770); OU RBC U101 M6512 1770a (Amsterdam, [1770?]); Latin edition: InU, Lilly U 101 .M 77 (Vienna, 1718); German edition: ICU (Leipzig, 1736); MiU (Leipzig, 1736). Comments: The Spanish edition is a translation of L’attione bellica, 1692, which was later issued in volume 1 of the author’s Memorie della guerra. The French editions (Strasbourg, 1740), (Amsterdam, 1752), and (Paris, 1760) include a relation of the campaign of 1664 and the battle of St. Gothard. The French editions (Strasbourg, 1740) and (Paris, 1760) were translated from the Italian by J. Adam.

1705 Cassani, José, 1673-1750. Escuela militar. De fortificación ofensiva y defensiva. Arte de fuegos, y de esquadronar... Compuesta por el padre Joseph Cassani... Madrid, A. Gonçales de Reyes, 1705. MiU (Madrid, 1705).

Saint-Julien, Antoine, chevalier de. Architecture militaire, ou l’art de fortifier les villes, de quelle assiette ou figure qu’elles soient; avec les noms, les maximes & les instructions nécessaires à ce sujet les sentimens des ceuteurs anciens & modernes, leur idée, leurs principes & leurs constructions, la maniére d’aujour d’hui d’assiéger les places & de les deffendre, suirie d’une nouvelle méthode pour fortifier les plus puissantes villes de l’Europe, en diminuant le nombre des ouvrages sans rien diminuer de leur terrain, ni de leurs forces. Suivi d’un Abrege de geometrie. Par le chevalier de Saint Julien. The Hague, Jean van Millinge, 1705. MiU, UG 460 .S14 (The Hague, 1705); ICN (The Hague, 1705); MnU (The Hague, 1705).

1706 Boon, Nicholas, 1679-1738, compiler. Military discipline. The compleat soldier, containing I. The exercise of the musquet, as now in use. II. The Duke of Monmouth’s exercise of the musquet. III. The general words of command for the evolutions. IV. The exercise of a private company, viz. in their distances, facings, doublings, countermarches, and wheelings. V. The exercise of a troop of horse. VI. Directions for salutes. VII. The several duties belonging to a foot company. VIII. Of military watches. IX. Ordering a company at a funeral. X. The various beats of the drum. To which is added, The military law of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in N.E. The second edition with additions. Being a collection from several author’s by N. Boone. Boston, Printed by B. Green for Benj. Eliot, 1706. ICN (Boston, 1706).

Goulon, Louis, b. 1640. Memoires pour l’attaque et pour la defense d’une place, par Mr. Goulon... Amsterdam, Chez Daniel de la Feuille, 1706. MiU (Amsterdam, 1706); MnU (The Hague, 1730); German edition: ICN, U 26 .361 (Nuremberg, 1761).

1707 Clermont, sieur de. L’arithmetique militaire, ou L’arithmetique pratique de l’ingenieur et de l’officier, divisée en trois parties, ouvrage également necessaire aux officiers, aux ingenieurs & aux comeráans. 2. edition, corrigée & de beaucoup augmentée. Strasbourg, Chez J. R. Doulsseker, 1707. ICN, U 26 .178 (Strasbourg, 1707).

Sturm, Johann Christoph. Mathesis compendiaria ... altera vice ... edita. Leipzig and Coburg, Paul Grunther, 1707. MiU (Leipzig and Coburg, 1707).

Taylor, John, mathematician. Thesaurium mathematicae; or, The treasury of the mathematicks. Containing variety of useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, trigonometry, astronomy, geography, navigation and surveying. ... To which is annex’d a Table of 10000 logarithms, log-sines and log-tangents. Illustrated with several mathematical sculptures on copper-plates. Originally compos’d by J. Taylor, gent. And now carefully revis’d and corrected. ... With many ... considerable additions and improvements. By W. Alingham. ... London, Printed by J. L. for W. Freeman, 1707. MiU (London, 1707). Comments: “Contains three sections on military topics: ‘Of fortification,’ ‘Of military orders,’ and ‘Of gunnery.’” Spaulding.

1708 The Accomplished officer; a treatise containing the most essential and necessary accomplishments of an officer ... with the art of discovering the strength and weakness of any place. And the military art and discipline of the ancients, compar’d with the modern... To which now is added an appendix concerning sieges. Written originally in French by A. R. and done into English from the manuscript. 2nd ed. London, Printed for L. Stokes, 1708. ICN, Case U 2 .014 (London, 1708).

A military dictionary. Explaining all difficult terms in martial discipline, fortification, and gunnery. The 3d ed., improv’d. To which is likewise added, A sea-dictionary of all the terms of navigation... By officers who serv’d several years at sea and land. London, Printed and Sold by J. Morphew, 1708. ICN, Case U 005 .58 (London, 1708); IU, RBC x355.03 M599 1708 (London, 1708).

1711 Sturm, Johann Christoph. Mathesis juvenilis. 2 vols. Nuremberg, J. Hoffmann and widow of E. Streck, 1711. MiU (Nuremberg, 1711). Comments: “Contains section on ‘ars muniendi ... fortificatore et architectura miliaris...’” Spaulding.

1713 Bion, Nicolas, 1652?-1733. Neu-eroffnete mathematische werck-schule; oder, Gründliche anneisung die mathematische instrumenten nicht allein schicklich und recht zu gebrauchen sondern auch auf die beste und accurateste manier zu verfertigen zu probiren und allezeit in gutem stand zu erhalten sind... Leipzig, Peter Conrad Manatti, 1713. MiU (Leipzig, 1713); MiU (Nuremberg, 1765); French editions: MiU (Paris, 1725, 3rd ed.); MiU (Paris, 1752, 4th ed.); English edition: MiU (London, 1758, 2nd ed.) Comments: “The most popular work of the eighteenth century on mathematical instruments, including instruments used in warfare.” Spaulding. English edition translated by Edmund Stone.

1714 Sturm, Johann Christoph. Mathesis juvenilis. 2 vols. Nuremberg, Heirs of J. Hoffmann, 1714. MiU (Nuremberg, 1714).

1715 Der Geöffnete Ritter-Platz worinnen Die vornehmsten Ritterlichen Wissenschafften und Ubungen sonderlich, was bey der Fortification, Civil- Bau-Kunst, Schiff-Fahrt, Fechten, Reiten, Jagen, Antiquen so wol als Modernen-Müntzen und Medaillen Hauptsächliches und Merckwürdiges zu beobachten, in Eröterung der nothwendigsten und gewöhlichsten kunst- wörter, wie auch einer Kurtz-gefasten Beschreibung... Denen Liebhabern zum Vernügen, vornemlich der Politischen Jugend zu Nutzen, und denen Reisenden zur Bequemlichkeit an das Licht gestellet werden. 4 pts. in 1 vol. , Bey Benjamin Schillers, 1715. OU, RBC NA 490 DEr 64 (Hamburg, 1715).

1717 Capra, Alessandro, ca. 1609-ca. 1683. La nuova architettura civile e militare ... in questa nuova impressione diligentemente corretta, ed. accrescivita. 2 vol. in 1. Cremona, R. Ricchini & G. Forbici, 1717. ICN, Case W 2 .144 (Cremona, 1717); IU, RBC 724 .145 C174n 1717 (Cremona, 1717); ICJ (Cremona, 1672); MiU (Bologna, 1678); WU (Cremona, 1678); OU (Bologna, 1678). Comments: First published in Bologna in 1678. “Between 1647 and 1648 he [Capra] worked on the defense of Cremona during its siege.” Pollack.

Kaschube, Johann Wenceslaus, d. ca. 1727. Cursus mathematicus, oder, Deutlicher begrief der mathematischen Wissenschaften, mit gehörigen rissen zur bequehmlichkeit der lehrenden und lernenden, auch fernerem fortgang dies es nützlichen studii, mitgetheilet von m. Johann Wentzel Kaschuben... Jena, Johann Felix Bielcken, 1717. MiU (Jena, 1717). Comments: “Treats of artillery and fortification, with four plates devoted to each of these subjects.” Spaulding.

Sturm, Johann Christoph. Kurtzgefasste mathesis. Leipzig and Coburg, Paul Grunther, 1717. MiU (Leipzig and Coburg, 1717).

Wolff, Christian, freiherr von. Elementa matheseos universae. 2 vols. Halle, a. S. in officina libraria Rengerian, 1717. MiU (Halle, 1717); MiU (Halle, 1730-41, 5 vols.).

1718 Dölffer, Johann Anton. Das wolleingerichtete Krieges-Recht oder Rechts gegründete Information, auff was Art bey Krieges-Gerichten vornehmlich aber in Criminal-Sachen ein Process vorsichtig zu formiren, wie bey Inquisitionen, Incarerationen, Todes und andern Straffen, wie auch Torturen ... zu verfahren... Andere edition fleissig durchgesehen und gemehret. Leipzig, H. F. Hoffman, 1718. ICN (Leipzig, 1718).

Du Fay, abbé. Manière de fortifier selon la methode de Monsieur de Vauban. [N.p.], 1718. ICN, U 26 .244 ([Place?], 1718). Comments: 198 pages.

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Commentarii bellici Raymundi Sac. Rom. Imp. Principis Montecuccoli, juncto Artis bellicae systemate, ex Augustissime Bibliothecae authographo, figuris aeneis illustrati, et à quodam Societatis Jesu sacerdote Latinitate donati, cùm... Positiones ex universa philosophia defenderet ... ex praelectionibus R. P. Michaelis Bonbardi... Vienna, Typis I. D. Voigt, 1718. InU, Lilly U 101 .M 77 (Vienna, 1718).

1719 Castelo Branco, António do Couto de, 1669-1742. Memorias militares: pertencentes a o serviáo da guerra assim terrestre, como maritima; em que sucintamente se contem as obrigaáoens dos officiaes de infantaria, cavallaria, artelharia, engiheiros, e mar: insignias, que lhe tocam trazer: a forma de camper e conservar o camp: o modo de expugnar e deffender as pracas, e a disposicam das batalhas terrestres, e navaes: a noticia de todas as praáas, fortalezas, fortes, e redutos do reyno de Portugal, e suas conquistas: as de Castella, que fazem frente âs de Portugal e todas com so vaos dos rios, e as da coroa de Franáa ... de Antonio do Couto de Castello Branco... Amsterdam, En Caza de Miguel Diaz, 1719-40. InU, Lilly U 101 .C349 Mendel (Amsterdam, 1719-40); ICN, Greenlee 4547 C34 1719-40 (Amsterdam, 1719-40). Comments: The Amsterdam, 1719-40 editon was in 3 volumes, but the Lilly Library has only 1 volume. The work was to have been published in six volumes, but three remain in manuscript.

Grollier de Servière, Nicolas, comte, 1677-1745. Recueil d’ouvrages curieux de mathématique et de mécanique; ou, Description du cabinet de Monsieur Grollier de Servière. Avec des figures en taille douce par Mr. Grollier de Servière ... son petit fils. Lyons, David Forey, 1719. MiU (Lyon, 1719); WU (Lyon, 1719); OC (Lyon, 1719); ICJ (Lyon, 1719); OCl (Lyon, 1732); IU (Lyon, 1732); WU (Lyon, 1733). Comments: “The author was a descendant of Jean Grolier. He devotes over a hundred pages to artillery and fortification. An examination of the book discloses that many of the machines illustrated and described in his work exist in a modified form today.” Spaulding.

1720 Mello, Francisco Manuel de, 1608-1666. Aula politica, curia militar. Epistola declamatoria ao serenissimo principe d. Theodozio, & Politica militar... Lisbon Occidental, M. Pereyra da Sylva & J. Antunes Pedrozo, 1720. ICN, Greenlee 4547 M51 1720 (Lisbon [Occidental], 1720). Comments: Contents:--Aula politica, curia militar (p. 1-107).--Epistola declamatoria (p. 109-132).--Politica militar (pp. 133-239).

1721 Bouchotte, M. Les regles du dessein et du lavis, pour les plans ... de l’architecture militaire pour les plans des ouvrages & des bâtimens, & pour leurs coupes, profils, elevations & faáades... Paris, Claude Jombert, 1721. MiU (Paris, 1721). Comments: Also includes the “rules” for composing maps of “elections, provinces, and kingdoms.”

Daniel, Gabriel, 1649-1728. Histoire de la milice franáoise, et des chanáemems qui s’y sont faits depuis l’etablissement de la monarchie franáoise dans les Gaules, jusqu’à la fin du regne de Louis le Grand. 2 vols. Paris, D. Mariette, 1721. ICN, fU 139 .214 (Paris, 1721).

1722 Ray de Saint-Geniès, Jacques Marie, 1712-1777. Praktische Kriegskunst. 2 vols. , G. F. Günther, 1722. ICN, U 2 .734 (Berlin, 1722).

1723 Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720. Introduction à fortification... Paris, J. F. Bernard, 1723. Another edition: Paris, Chez l’autheur, 1705?. ICN, Case fU 26 .292 (Paris, 1723); ICN, Case fU 26 .2919 (Paris, 1705?).

1724 Aquino, Carlo d’, 1654-1737. Lexici militaris authore Carlo de Aquino ... pars I-II. 2 vols. Rome, typis A. de Rubeis, 1724. IU, RBC q355.03 Aq4l (Rome, 1724). Comments: A dictionary of military terms.

Folard, Jean Charles, 1669-1752. Nouvelles decouvertes sur la guerre, dans une dissertation sur Polybe. Ouvrage utile & neccessaire à tous les generaux, commandans & officiers d’armées. Par le Sieur de Folard... 2. éd., rev. par l’auteur. Brussels, F. Foppens, 1724. ICN, U 0 .306 (Brussels, 1724); English edition: ICJ (N.p., 1727); ICN, Case MS +U 2 .3066 (N.p., 1727). Comments: The 1727 ICN entry is actually a manuscript, a unpublished English translation of Folard’s commentaries, translated from the French, of which the first edition appeared in 1727.

Liebknecht, Johann Georg, 1679-1749. D. Joh. Georg Liebknechts ... Grund- Sätze der gesammten mathematischen wissenschaften und lehren ... auf eine leicht-und deutliche maniere vor lehrendre und lernende besonders zur prazi und gemeinen nutzen mit vernehmlichen rissen vorstellet. 2 vols. Vol. I, Giessen and Frankfurt; Vol. II, Frankfurt and Leipzig, Bey Eb. Henr. Lammers, 1724-26. MiU (Vol. I, Giessen and Frankfurt; Vol. II, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1724-1726). Comments: “Contains extensive treatment of ‘Artillerie’ and ‘Architectura militaris.’” Spaulding.

Wagner, Johann Tobias. Entwurff einer Soldaten-Bibliothec nebst der gantzen alten Römischen teutschen wie auch neuen Kriegs-Verfassung, verfertiget von Johann Tobias Wagnern. Leipzig, J. C. König, 1724. ICU (Leipzig, 1724); ICN, Case Z 491 .M 513 (Leipzig, 1724).

1725 Belidor, Bernard Forest de, 1697?-1761. Nouveau cours de mathematique, a l’usage de l’artillerie et du genie. Paris, Ch. Ant. Jombert, 1725. MiU (Paris, 1725); MiU (Paris, 1757).

Bion, Nicolas, 1652?-1733. Neu-eroffnete mathematische. French edition. 3rd ed. Paris, M. Brunet [etc.], 1725. MiU (Paris, 1725); MiU (Paris, 1752, 4th ed.); German editions: MiU (Leipzig, 1713); MiU (Nuremberg, 1765); English edition: MiU (London, 1758, 2nd ed.). Comments: English edition translated by Edmund Stone. “The most popular work of the eighteenth century on mathematical instruments, including instruments used in warfare.” Spaulding.

Wiedeburg, Johann Bernhard, 1687-1766. Einleitung zu denen mathematischen Wissenschaften für anfänger auf hohen und niedrigen Schulen, darinn der grund zu der arithmetic, geometrie, trignometrie, static, hydrostatic, aerometrie, mechanic, hydraulic, architectura civili und militari, optic, catoptric, dioptric, astronomie, geographie, chronologie und horographie auf das deutlichste geleget durch Joh. Bernhard Wiedeburg ... 2 vols. Jena, Verlegts Joh. Meyers seel. Witwe, 1725-26. MiU (Jena, 1725-26). Comments: “Discusses fortification.” Spaulding.

1726 The new art of war. Containing, I. The duties of officers of horse and foot; II. The duties of a soldier in general, from a private sentinel to a commander in chief; III. The practice of war by all great generals... To which are added (never published before); IV. The manner of drawing up a regiment, and posting officers...; V. The exercise of the foot...; VI. The method of forming and reducing the hollow square; VII. The exercise of the horse and dragoons as now practiced; VIII. The rules and orders of His late Majesty King William, when Prince of Orange, to be observed by all guards and garrisons; IX. Lastly, an abridgement of the articles of war now in force. The whole illustrated with several copper cuts. London, Printed for E. Midwinter, 1726. InU, Lilly U 101 .N 53 (London, 1726).

Prussia--Armee. Unter-officier-reglement, vor die Königliche preussische infanterie, worin enthalten die hand-gewehr, und mit den fahnen, und was die unter-officiers ... sonst zu observiren haben, auch wie der dienst im felde und guarnison ... geschehen soll. , 1726. ICU, UD 155 .G3P9 1726 (Potsdam, 1726).

1727 Bland, Humphrey, 1686?-1763. A treatise of military discipline; in which is laid down and explained the duty, of the officer and soldier, thro’ the several branches of the service... 2nd ed. London, 1727. ICN, Case U 2 .1 (London, 1727); MiU (London, 1743, 5th ed.); ICN, U 2 .102 (London, 1743, 5th ed.); InU, Lilly U 101 .B642 1743a (Dublin, 1743, 5th ed.); MiU (Boston, 1754); MiU (London, 1759); ICN, U 2 .103 (London, 1759). Comments: The most popular treatise on war in the English language during the eighteenth century. It went through nine editions. First published in 1727. Does not include drill for artillery, at that time still not under military control. “Bland’s treatise was as preeminent in the eighteenth century as were those of Barriffe and Elton in the seventeenth.” Spaulding.

1728 Hermann, Jacob, 1678-1733. Abregé des mathematiques pour l’usage de sa Majesté Imperiale de toutes les Russies... 3 vols. St. Petersburg, De l’imprimerie de l’Academie Imperiales des Sciences, 1728. MiU (St. Petersburg, 1728). Comments: “This work was intended for Russian use. The third volume is devoted to the subject of fortification.” Spaulding.

Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de, 1666-1736. L’art de la guerre: ou Maximes et instructions sur l’art militaire. The Hague, H. Scheurleer, 1728. MnU, 355 Q43 (The Hague, 1728); MiU (Paris, 1740). Comments: The MiU edition includes Traité des mines, & des tables pour l’approvisionnement des places de guerre, par M. le Maréchal de Vauban...

1729 Belidor, Bernard Forest de, 1697?-1761. La science des ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de fortification et d’architecture civile. Paris, C. Jombert, 1729. ICN, U 26 .088 (Paris, 1729); MiU (Paris, 1739); German edition: MiU (Nuremberg, 1757).

Ludovici, Jacob Friederich, 1671-1723. Einleitung zum Kriegs-process, worinnen von der Kriegs-jurisdiction und wem dieselbe zustehe ... wie auch denen Kriegsstrafen, aus denen Kriegs-rechten und bewährten rechtslehrern, deutlich und umständlich gehandelt wird. Nebst einem anhang derer Königl. preuss. allerneuesten Kriegs-artickel für die gemeine soldaten und Unter- officier, wie auch verschiedener formulen, welche einem auditeur bekant seyn müssen. 6 ed. Halle, In verlegung des Wäysenhauses, 1729. MiU (Halle, 1771, 10th ed.).

Siemienowicz, Kazimierz (or Simienowicz, Casimir), 17th cent. The great art of artillery of Casimir Simienowicz... Translated from the French by George Shelvocke, jun. ... Illustrated with twenty three copper plates. London, J. Tonson, 1729. MiU (London, 1729); OClWHi (London, 1729); ICJ (London, 1729). Comments: The Latin original appeared at Amsterdam in 1650, and the French translation, by Pierre Noizet, at Amsterdam in 1651.

1730 Perrot d’Ablancourt, Nicolas, 1601-1664, comp. Les apophtegmes, ou Bons mots, des anciens tirez de Plutarque, di Diogene Laerce, d’Elien, d’Athénée, de Stobée, de Macrobe, & de quelques autres; de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot, sieur d’Ablancourt. Avec un traité des Stratagemes de Frontin, & De la bataille des Romains. Amsterdam, L’Honoré, 1730. ICN, Y 02 .675 (Amsterdam, 1730).

Schenk, Peter, 1661-1715. Schouwtoneel van den oorlog beginnende met konig karel de Tweeden bestaande in velslagen, en belegeringen ... afgebeeld in twee-hondert, en agt-en-dertig historische figuren ... met eene korte beschryvinge in’t latyn en nederduytsch. Als mede alle krygswerktuygen tot de krygskunde vestingbouw ... Uytgevonden door de heeren Koehorn, Vauban, en andere groote ingenieurs. Amsterdam, 1730. WU (Amsterdam, 1730); Latin edition: ICN, Case F 4052 .792 (Amsterdam, 1712 [i.e. 1713?]). Comments: The Latin edition is described as “a suite of 162 engravings of battles, military plans, maps, views, etc., relating for the most part to the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713).”

Wolff, Christian, freiherr von. Elementa matheseos universae. 5 vols. Halle, a. S. in officina libraria Rengerian, 1730-41. MiU (Halle, 1730-41); MiU (Verona, 1746-54).

1731 Polybius. De militia Romana libellus. With commentary of Johann Georg Poeschel. Nuremberg, Felsecker, 1731. MiU (Nuremberg, 1731).

1733 Breton, William. Militia discipline. The words of command and directions for exercising the musket, bayonet & carthridge ... for the instruction of young soldiers... To which is added, some further directions for the exercise of a company of battalion drawn up three or six deep... Boston, Printed for D. Henchman..., 1733. East Winthrop, Maine, Museum Research Associates, 1975. ICN, 3A 7137 (East Winthrop, Maine, 1975; fascimile of 1733 edition). Comments: The first edition was published in London in 1717. 78 pages.

Saint-Julien, Antoine, chevalier de. Gründlicher Unterricht von der Theoria und Praxi der heutigen Büchsen-Meistery als auch des Ernst-Feuer-Wercks, nach der Methode des Welt-berühmten Ingenieurs Mr. de Vauban, in Frag und Antwort verfasset, und in neun besondere Theile ordentlich eingetheilet... Aus dem Französischen in Teutsche übersetzt ... von Augustin Branden. Frankfurt, J. F. Rüdiger, 1733. ICN, U 444 .774 (Frankfurt, 1733); MnU (Frankfurt, 1733).

Savornin, de. Sentimens d’un homme de guerre sur le nouveau systême du chevalier de Folard; par rapport à la colonne & au mêlange des differentes armes d’une armée. Avec une dissertation sur l’ordre de bataille de César & de Pompée à la journée de Pharsale. Par monsieur D***. Paris, Briasson, 1733. MiU (Paris, 1733); ICN, U 0 .307 (Paris, 1739).

1734 Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, marquis de, 1648-1711. Mémoires sur la guerre. Contenant les maximes les plus necessaires dans les opérations de l’art militaire. Recueillis par feu M. le Marquis de Feuquieres ... pour l’instruction de son fils. Amsterdam, Chez Jean Frederic Bernard, 1734. MiU (Amsterdam, 1734); ICU U17.F4 1735 (Amsterdam, 1735); IaU (London, 1736-50); OCl (London, 1740); ICN F 0976 .293 (Amsterdam, 1741); IU (Amsterdam, 1741); OCl (Amsterdam, 1740). English editions: OU (London, 1736); OCl (London, 1736); ICN, F 0976 .295 (London, 1736-37); IU (London, 1737). German edition: ICN, F 0976 .2928 (Leipzig, 1738). Comments: German edition: Leipzig, Weidmann, 1738, entitled: Geheime und sonderbare Kriegsnachrichten.

1735 Santa Cruz de Marcenado, Alvar de Navia Osoris de, 1684-1732. Reflexions militaires et politiques, traduites de l’espagnol [par M. de Vergy]. 6 vols in 3. The Hague, P. de Hondt, 1735-39. ICN, U 0 .784 (The Hague); MiU, U 101 S234 (Paris, 1738, 11 vols.); German edition: ICN, U 0 .783 (Göttingen, 1775).

1736 Campbell, John. The military history of the late Prince Eugene of Savoy, and of the late John Duke of Marlborough. 2 vols. London, Bettenham for Du Bosc, 1736-37. ICN, +F 0976 .14 (London, 1736-37).

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Besondere und geheime Kriegs-Nachrichten. Leipzig, in dem Weidmannischen Buchladen, 1736. MiU (Leipzig, 1736).

Weidler, Johann Friedrich. Institutiones matheseos. Editio nova. Wittenberg, ex officina Hakiana, 1736. MiU (Wittenberg, 1736).

1737 Frezier, Amédée François, 1682-1773. La theorie et la pratique de la coupe des pierres et de bois, pour la construction des voutes et autres parties des bâtimens civilis & militaires, ou Traité de stereotomie a l’usage de l’architecture, par m. Frezier... 3 vols. Strasbourg, J. D. Doulsseker le fils; Paris, L. H. Guerin, 1737-39. MiU (Strasbourg and Paris, 1737-39); OCU (Paris, 1754-69). Comments: Volume III (of the 1737-39 edition) adds to title: Auquel on a joint une Dissertation sur les ordres d’architecture.

Vauban, Sébastien le Prestre de. D’attaque et de la defense des places. The Hague, Pierre de Hondt, 1737. MiU (The Hague, 1737). Comments: Modern edition, A Manual of Siegecraft and Fortification. Trans. G. A. Rothrock, Ann Arbor, 1968. IU (Ann Arbor, 1968).

1738 Khevenhüller-Frankenburg, Ludwig Andreas, graf, 1683-1744. Observations- Puncten...worinnen im ersten Theil...gezeiget wird, was ein jeder von Dragoner an...zu verrichten habe... Im zweyten Theil I. Von Subordination, Gehorsam und Respeckt. 2. Von Conduite der Herren Officier. 3. Regiments- Privilegien. 4. Von unterschiedlichen Diensten... 5. Was in Guarnisonen zu thun... 6. Von Ceremonial und Ehren-Bezeugnüssen... 7. Ceremonial von neuer Standart Anschlag- und Weyhung. 8. Von Vorstellung derer Officiers. 9. Von Remonte und Recroutirung. 10. Von Musterung und Revisionen, und dann 11. Von Begräbnüssen gehandelt wird. Nicht weniger Das Exercitium zu Pferd und zu Fuss... 2. Auflage. 3 vol. in 1. Vienna, J. P. Krauss, 1738-39 [v. 1, ‘39]. ICN, U 156 .464 (Vienna, 1738-39); MiU (Vienna, 1738-39); ICN, U 156 .465 (Vienna, 1748, 3rd ed.); MnU, 355 .528 (Vienna, 1749). Comments: Contains illustrations. Parts 2-3 (of the 1738-39 edition) have special title-pages.

Naudin, [Ingenieur ordinaire du Roi.] L’ingénieur franáois, contenant la géometrie pratique, sur le papier, & sur le terrain, avec le toisé des travaux & des bois; la fortification regulière & irregulière; sa construction effective: l’attaque & la défense des places. Avec la methode de Monsieur de Vauban, & l’explication de son nouveau sustéme. Par M. N***, ingenieur ordinaire du Roy. Lyons, Chez Jacques Certe, 1738. MiU (Lyons, 1738).

1739 Belidor, Bernard Forest de, 1697?-1761. La science des ingénieurs dans la conduite des travaux de fortification et d’architecture civile. Paris, Charles- Antoine Jombert, 1739. MiU (Paris, 1739); ICN, U 26 .088 (Paris, 1729); German edition: MiU (Nuremberg, 1757).

Faludi, Francisco. Collectiones mathematicae ex architectura militari. Graz, Heirs of Widmanstad, 1739. MiU (Graz, 1739). Comments: “Discusses fortification.” Spaulding.

Savornin, de. Sentimens d’un homme de guerre sur le nouveau systême du chevalier de Folard. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1739. ICN, U 0 .307 (Paris, 1739); MiU (Paris, 1733).

1740 Bardet de Villeneuve. Cours de la science militaire. The Hague, J. van Duren, 1740-41. ICN, U 0 .07 (The Hague, 1740-41). Comments: The Newberry Library (ICN) has only volumes 1-2, and 4. Contents: Vol. 1. Les fonctions et les devoirs des officiers. Vol. 2. Traité de l’architecture militaire. Vol. 4. La tactique ou l’art de ranger des bataillons.

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Malfi, 1608-1680. Mémoires de Montecuculi, généralissime des troupes de l’empereur. Diviséz en trois livres. I. De l’art militaire en général. II. De la guerre contre le Turc. III. Relation de la campagne de 1664. Nouvelle édition. Strasbourg, J. R. Doulssecker, 1740. ICN, U 0 .593 (Strasbourg, 1740).

Williamson, Adam, 1676?-1747, comp. and trans. Military memoirs and maxims of Marshal Turenne. Interspersed with others, taken from the best authors and observations, with remarks. Dublin, G. Faulkner, 1740. ICN, U 0 .9482 (Dublin, 1740).

1741 Cormontaigne, Louis de, 1696-1732. Architecture militaire, ou l’art de fortifier, qui enseigne ... la construction de toutes sortes de fortifications ... deux nouveaux systemes pour construire, avec beaucoup moins de dépense, des places d’une défense plus longue & plus avantageuse que celles fortifiées suivant le systéme de Mr. le Maréchal de Vauban... 3 vols. in 1. The Hague, Jean Neaulme and Adrien Moetjens, 1741. MiU (The Hague, 1741); MnU (The Hague, 1741). Comments: Volume two contains: “récit abrégé, mais suffisant des batailles les plus mémorables du regne de Louis XIV.” Cormontaigne was an officer during the War of Spanish Succession.

Cormontaigne, Louis de, 1696-1732. L’art de la guerre. The Hague, Jean Neaulme & Adrien Moetjens, 1741. MiU (The Hague, 1741).

1742 Dupain de Montesson, ca. 1720-ca. 1790. Construction de la fortification reguliere et irreguliere... Paris, 1742. OHi (Paris, 1742).

Robins, Benjamin, 1701-1751. New principles of gunnery: containing the determination of the force of gun-powder, and an investigation of the difference in the resisting power of the air to swift and slow nations. London, J. Nourse, 1742. WU (London, 1742); German edition: MiU (Berlin, 1745); IaU (Berlin, 1745); ICN (Berlin, 1745); ICU (Berlin, 1745). Comments: German title: Neue grundsätze der artillerie.

Vauban, Sébastien le Prestre de. D’attaque. Tome second, contenant un traité pratique des mines. The Hague, Pierre de Hondt, 1742. MiU (The Hague, 1742).

1743 Beust, Joachim Ernst von, fl. 1750. Observationes militares oder Kriegs- Anmerckungen, in welchen sonderlichen die Materien von der Beschaffenheit und unterschiedenen Arten des Krieges; von dessen Betugniss, und wie sich ein Regent dabey zu verhalten habe ... beleuchtet werden. Gotha, C. Mevius, 1743. ICN, U 0 .091 (Gotha, 1743).

Bland, Humphrey, 1686?-1763. A treatise of military discipline; in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, thro’ the several branches of the service. The 5th ed. London, for Daniel Midwinter et al., 1743. Another edition, Dublin, Printed by M. Rhames, for P. Crampton, 1743. MiU (London, 1743); ICN, U 2 .102 (London, 1743); InU, Lilly U 101 .B642 1743a (Dublin, 1743); ICN, Case U 2 .1 (London, 1727, 2nd ed.); MiU (Boston, 1754); ICN, U 2 .103 (London, 1759); MiU (London, 1759). Comments: First edition 1727. “Bland’s treatise was as preeminent in the eighteenth century as were those of Barriffe and Elton in the seventeenth.” Spaulding.

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Elemens de la guerre des sièges, ou Traité de l’artillerie de l’attaque, et de la deffense des places, à l’usage des jeunes militaires. 3 vols. Paris, C-A Jombert, 1743. ICN, U 444 .4963 (Paris, 1743); MiU (Paris, 1743). Comments: Contents: Vol. 1. Traité de l’artillerie, ou Des armes et machines, en usage, à la guerre, depuis l’invention de la poudre. Vol. 2. Traité de l’attaque des places. Vol. 3. Traité de la deffense des places, avec un mémoire ... et un petit dictionnaire.

Loen, Johann Michael, freiherr von, 1694-1776. Le soldat, ou Le métier de la guerre considéré comme le metier d’honneur. Avec un essai de bibliothèque militaire par Monsieur de**. Frankfurt, J. F. Fleischer, 1743. ICN, U 0 .517 (Frankfurt, 1743). Comments: “Bibliotheque militaire” has special title-page. A German edition was published in Frankfurt, 1752, but it is not available in the Midwest.

Prussia--Armee. Reglement vor die Königl. Preussische Cavallerie- Regimenter. Worinn enthalten: Die Evolutions zu Pferde und zu Fuss, das Manual und die Chargirung, und Wie der Dienst im Felde und in der Guarnison geschehen soll, auch wornach die sämtlichen officiers sich zu rerhalten haben. Desgleichen wie viel an Tractament bezahlet und daron abgezogen wird, auch wie die Mondirung gemacht werden soll. Ordnung halben in IX. Theibe abgefasset. Berlin, 1743. ICN, U 43 .715 (Berlin, 1743); English edition: MnU (Edinburgh, 1757); French edition: ICN, U 101 .F924 1761 (Frankfurt, 1762). Comments: The French edition is a translation of the German edition printed at Potsdam June 12, 1744.

1744 Bubilan, de. La science de la guerre, ou soit connoissances nécessaires pour tous ceux qui entreprennent la profession des armes. Ouvrage divisé en deux livres, le premier traite de la fortification, avec l’analyse des systemes des meilleurs autheurs, le second traite des operations d’une armée en campagne soit en guerre défensive, ou offensive, suivant les differentes figures des pays. Turin, Imprimerie royale, 1744. ICN, U 2 .126 (Turin, 1744).

A Short course of standing rules for the government and conduct of an army, designed for, or in the field. London, R. Dodstet, 1744. ICN 4A 7089 (London, 1744).

Der Vollmommene Soldat, oder Abschilderung eines wahrhaftingen Heldinus. Altenburg, P. E. Richter, 1744. ICN, U 0 .947 (Altenburg, 1744). Comments: A translation of Le parfait homme de guerre.

1745 Aubert de la Chesnaye des Bois, F. A. A. de, 1699-1789. Dictionnaire militaire... Par M.C.D.L.C. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Paris, David fils, 1745-46. ICN, U 005 .469 (Paris, 1745-46); ICU (Paris, 1745-46).

Kane, Richard, 1666-1736. Campaigns of King William and Queen Anne; from 1689, to 1712. Also, A new system of military discipline, for a battalion of foot in action; with the most essential exercise of the cavalry. Adorn’d with a map of the seat of war, and a plan to the exercise. London, Printed for J. Millan, 1745. MiU, UA 649 .K16 (London, 1745); OCl (London, 1745); InU, Lilly Spec. DA 460 .K18 (London, 1745); InU (London, 1747); ICN (London, 1747); MnU (London, 1747). Comments: 140 pages.

Perrinet d’Orval, Jean Charles, 1701-ca. 1780. Essay sur les feux d’artifice pour le spectacle et pour la guerre. Par Mr. P. d’O. Paris, Chez Coustelier, 1745. ICN, U 4964 .675 (Paris, 1745); IU (Paris, 1745); IaU (Paris, 1745); WU (Paris, 1745); IEN (Paris, 1745).

Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de, 1666-1736. Ausführliche und in fünff Theilen abgehandelte Kriegs-Kunst in sich enthaltend nothwendige Unterweisungen und Grund-Regeln. Nuremberg, J. G. Lochner, 1745. ICN, U 0 .724 (Nuremberg, 1745).

Robins, Benjamin, 1707-1751. Neue Grundsatze der Artillerie... Par M.C.D.L.C. 2nd ed. 2 vols. Paris, David fils, 1745-46. MiU (Paris, 1745-46); ICN (Paris, 1745-46); ICU (Paris, 1745-46).

1746 Wolff, Christian, freiherr von. Elementa matheseos universae. 5 vols. Verona, D. Ramanzini, 1746-54. MiU (Verona, 1746-54); MiU (Halle, 1717, 2 vols.); MiU (Halle, 1730-41, 5 vols.). Comments: “There are over a hundred pages, with plates, devoted to ‘Elementa pyrotechniae’ and ‘Elementa architecturae militaris.’” Spaulding.

1747 Muller, John, 1699-1784. The attack and defence of fortify’d places. Containing, I. Preparations, and different operations of an attack... II. Preparations, and defense of every particular part of a fortification... III. A treatise of mines, explaining the manner of making and loading them... For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich. London, J. Millan, 1747. ICN, U 26 .6 (London, 1747); MiU (London, 1747); OCl (London, 1747); MiU UG 443 .M96 1757 (London, 1757); ICN (London, 1757); MnU (London, 1770); ICJ (London, 1770). Comments: The 1770 edition includes M. Belidor’s New method of mining, and M. Vallier’s Dissertation on countermines. 32 pages.

1748 Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Abregé de l’arithmétique et de la géométrie de l’officier. Contenant le quatre premieres opérations de l’arithmétique & les régles de trois & de compagnie. Les principes de la géométrie les plus utiles pour l’intelligence & la pratique des fortifications, & pour lever des cartes & des plans; le foisé des surfaces, & un abregé de celui des solides. Par M. Le Blond... Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1748. MiU (Paris, 1748); IU (Paris, 1748); MnU (Paris, 1748).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Essai sur la castrametation, ou sur la mesure et le tracé des camps; contenant les premiers principes pour l’arrangement des troupes, la formation et l’ordre de bataille & la distribution ou construction du camp ... par M. Le Blond... Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1748. ICN, U 26 .494 (Paris, 1748); MnU (Paris, 1748); German edition: ICN, U 256 .496 (Strasbourg, 1770). Comments: The German edition is entitled Versuch übendie Lagerkunst...

Muller, John, 1699-1784. Elements of mathematics ... To which are prefix’d, the first principles of algebra, by way of introduction. For the use of the Royal academy of artillery at Woolwich... 2 vol. in 1. London, Printed for the author, and J. Millan, 1748. IU, 510 M91e (London, 1748); ICJ (London, 1765, 3rd ed.); MiU (London, 1765). Comments: Volume 1 of the 1748 edition contains the section, “Books that have been consulted,” p. xvii.

1749 Suhm, Peter Fredrick. De gamles krigs-skole, aabnet ved de gamle skibenterres Frontini, Polyaeni, Aeliani og Ariani oversaettelser. 2 vols. Copenhagen, E. H. Berling, 1749. ICN, U 0 .854 (Copenhagen, 1749).

175- Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de. Grund-Sätze und Regeln der Kriegskunst. N.p., 175-. ICN, Case U 2 .719 (N.p., 175-).

1750 Weidler, Johann Friedrich. ... Institutiones matheseos selectis observationibus illustratae in usum praelectionum academicarum. Ed. 4a ab auctore recognita. Amsterdam, prosat apud Petrum Mortier, sumtibus Jo. Jaach. Ahlfeldii, typis Hakianis, 1750. MiU (Amsterdam, 1750); MiU (Wittenberg, 1736).

1751 Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784, ed. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers ... Par une société de gens de lettres mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot ... 17 vols. of text and 12 vols. of plates. Paris, Briasson, [etc.], 1751-65. IU, RBC, Xq EN 1 1751. Comments: Contains numerous articles of military nature.

Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damarzit-Sahuguet, baron d’, 1713-1783. Essai sur la science de la guerre; ou, Recueil des observations de différens auteurs, sur les moyens de la perfectionner... 3 vols. The Hague, P. Gosse & J. Neaulme, 1751. ICN, U 0 .271 (The Hague, 1751); MiU, U 101 .E77 1753 (Paris, 1753); German edition: ICN, U 0 .272 (Copenhagen, 1763).

Ferro, Francesco, 18th cent. Instruzioni militari raccolte dal colonello Francesco Ferro al servizio della serenissima repubblica di Venezia. Brescia, J. Turlino, 1751. ICN, fU 0 .295 (Brescia, 1751); MiU U 101 .F42 (Brescia, 1751).

1752 Bion, Nicolas, 1652?-1733. Neu-eroffnete mathematische. French edition. 4th ed. Paris, C. A. Jombert [etc.], 1752. MiU (Paris, 1752); MiU (Paris, 1725, 3rd ed.); German editions: MiU (Leipzig, 1713); MiU (Nuremberg, 1765); English edition: MiU (London, 1758, 2nd ed.). Comments: English edition translated by Edmund Stone. “The most popular work of the eighteenth century on mathematical instruments, including instruments used in warfare.” Spaulding.

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Elemens de fortification: contenant les principes & la description raisonnée des differens ouvrages qu’on employe à la fortification des places; les systêmes des principaux ingénieurs, & un traité abregé de la fortification irréguliere. 3. éd., augmentée de plus d’un tiers. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1752. MnU (Paris, 1752); ICN, U 26 .493 (Paris, 1756, 4th ed.); MiU (Paris, 1775). Comments: The MiU edition (Paris, 1775) includes a “discours sur utilité des places fortes...” The 4th edition has also been augmented and corrected.

Prussia--Armee. Sr. Königl. Maj. in Preussen und churfürstl. durchl. zu Brandenburg &c. Reglement vor dero Husaren-Regimenter. Berlin, 1752. ICN, U 43 .715 (Berlin, 1752). Comments: Contains 60 pages. The ICN edition is with Prussia--Armee, Reglement vor die Königl. Preussische Cavallerie-Regimenter, 1743. With this are bound Le husard ou Courtes maximes de la petite guerre, Berlin, 1761, and Gerstenberg, Heinrich Wilhelm, von. Handbuch für einen Reuter, Altona, 1763.

1753 Douazac. Dissertation sur la subordination, avec des réflexions sur l’exercice et sur l’art militaire, par Monsieur ***. Nouvelle édition, augmentée de lettres critiques. Avignon, Aux dépens de la Compagnie, 1753. ICN, U 0 .238 (Avignon, 1753).

Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de. Des Herrn Marshalls von Puysegur Grundsätze und Regeln des Kriegs-Kunst, hrsg. von seinem Sohne Marechal de Camp in Frankreich. 2 vols. Leipzig, J. F. Gleditsch, 1753-54. ICN, U 2 .718 (Leipzig, 1753-54).

Santa Cruz de Marcenado, Alvar de Navia Osoris de, 1684-1732. Gedanken und Kriegs- und Staats-Geschäfften. Aus dem Franösischen über setzet. Mit einer Vorrede des Herrn P. F. von Bohn. 12 vols. Vienna, J. P. Kraus, 1753. ICN, U 0 .782 (Vienna, 1753).

1754 Cassini de Thury, César François, 1714-1784. Atlas geographique et militaire de la France. 2 vols. Paris, Julien, 1754. ICN, +G 1039.15 (Paris, 1754).

Liesganig, Joseph. Tabulae memoriales praecipuae arithmeticae. Vienna, J. T. Trattner, 1754. MiU (Vienna, 1754); MiU (Vienna, 1755). Comments: Discusses fortification also.

Ray de Saint-Geniès, Jacques Marie, 1712-1777. L’art de la guerre practique. 2 vols. Paris, A. Jombert, 1754. ICN, U 0 .734 (Paris, 1754); ICN, U 0 .7342 (Frankfurt, 1755).

Turpin de Crisse, comte de. Essai sur l’art de la guerre. 2 vols. Paris, 1754. ICN, fU 2 .894 (Paris, 1754).

1755 Clermont, sieur de. La géometrie pratique de l’ingénieur. Paris, J. Jombert, 1755. MiU (Paris, 1755).

Khevenhüller-Frankenburg, Ludwig Andreas, graf, 1683-1744. Kurzer Begriff aller militarischen Operationen, so wohl im Feld als Festungen, aus welchem sich ein erfahrner Officier ganz leicht ersehen kan, was er in einem zu thun, im andern aber sich prëcautionern solle. Vienna, J. P. Krauss, 1755. ICN, U 26 .4647 (Vienna, 1755).

Liesganig, Joseph. Tabulae memoriales praecipuae arithmeticae. Vienna, J. T. Trattner, 1755. MiU (Vienna, 1755); MiU (Vienna, 1754). Comments: Discusses fortification also.

Muller, John, 1699-1784. A treatise containing The practical part of fortification. In four parts: I. The theory of walls... II. The knowledge of materials... III. The manner of tracing a fortress on the ground... IV. The method of building aquatics... For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich. London, A. Miller, 1755. ICN (London, 1755); MiU (London, 1755); ICN, U 26 .603 (London, 1764); MiU (London, 1764); MnU (London, 1764); OCl (London, 1774); ICJ (London, 1774); MiU (London, 1799); Spanish edition: MiU U 6400 .M967 (Barcelona, 1769).

Ray de Saint-Geniès, Jacques Marie, 1712-1777. L’art de la guerre practique. 2 vols. Frankfurt, J. A. Knoch, 1755. ICN, U 0 .7342 (Frankfurt, 1755); ICN, U 0 .734 (Paris, 1754).

1756 Beuer, Samuel. The cadet. A military treatise. By an officer... London, W. Johnston, 1756. ICN, U 0 .092 (London, 1756).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Elemens de fortification, contenant les principes & la description raisonnée des differens ouvrages qu’on employe à la fortification des places; les systêmes des principaux ingénieurs, la fortification irréguliere, &c. 4. éd., corr. & augm. ... Paris, Chez C. A. Jombert, 1756. ICN, U 26 .493 (Paris, 1756); MnU (Paris, 1752, 3rd ed.); MiU (Paris, 1775). Comments: The MiU edition (Paris, 1775) includes a “discours sur utilité des places fortes...” The 3rd edition has also been augmented.

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Les reveries, ou Maximes sur l’art de la guerre de Maurice de Saxe. The Hague, P. Gosse, 1756. ICN, fU 0 .787 (The Hague, 1756).

1757 Belidor, Bernard Forest de, 1697?-1761. Ingenieur-Wissenschaft. Nuremberg, Christoph Weigel, 1757. MiU (Nuremberg, 1757).

Belidor, Bernard Forest de, 1697?-1761. Nouveau cours de mathematique, a l’usage de l’artillerie et du genie. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1757. MiU (Paris, 1757).

Dupain de Montesson, ca. 1720-ca. 1790. Les amusemens militaires: ouvrage egalement agreable et instructif: servant d’introduction aux sciences qui forment les guerriers. Paris, G. Desprez, 1757. ICN, U 0 .246 (Paris, 1757); ICU (Paris, 1757).

Eggers, Jacob von. Neues Kriegs-ingenieur-artillerie-see- & ritter-lexicon... 2 vols. in 1. , 1757. IU, RBC 355.03 Eg3n (Dresden, 1757). Comments: Contains illustrations.

Prussia--Armee. Regulations for the Prussian cavalry. Translated from the German original. London, Printed by J. Haberkorn, for the translator..., 1757. InU, Lilly U 101 .P85 R313 1757.

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Mes rêveries. Ouvrages posthume de Maurice comte de Saxe, augmenté d’une histoire abrégée de sa vie, & de différentes pièces qui y ont rapport, par l’abbé Pérau. 2 vols. Amsterdam, Arkstée et Merkus, et se trouve à Paris, Dessaint et Saillant, 1757. OCl (Amsterdam and Paris, 1757); MiU (Amsterdam and Paris, 1757); MiU (Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1757); German edition: ICN (Leipzig, 1767); English editions: OU (London, 1757); OCl (London, 1757); MiD (London, 1757); ICU (London, 1757). Comments: “This includes detailed discussion of military strategy, illustrated with many folded and even colored diagrams together with military costumes in color.”-- Spaulding. German edition (Leipzig, 1767) is entitled Der Kriegskunst. Saxe’s Rêveries may also be found in Phillips, Thomas Raphael, Roots of strategy, London, 1943; and Reveries on the art of war, translated and edited by Brig. General Thomas R. Phillips, Harrisburg, Pa., 1944.

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Reveries, or Memoirs upon the art of war ... London, J. Nourse, 1757. ICN, U 0 .788 (London, 1757).

Stövesandt, J. C. Deutliche Anweisung zur Feuerwerkerey, worinnen alle gebräuchliche Arten der Lust- und Ernst-feuer nebst derselben Verfertigung und denen dazu nötigen Werkzeugen ordentlich und genau beschrieben und mit Kupfern erläutert werden von J. C. Stövesandt... Leipzig, In J. F. Gleditschens Buchhandlung, 1757. ICN, U 4964 .846 (Leipzig, 1757).

A System of camp-discipline military honours, garrison-duty, and other regulations for the land forces. Collected by a gentleman of the Army. In which are included, Kane’s [General Richard Kane, 1666-1736] Discipline for a battalion in action. To which is added General Kane’s Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough. With his remarks on the several stratagems by which every battle was won or lost, from 1689 to 1712. Continued from the Restoration to 1757 by an impartial hand. 2nd ed. London, 1757. ICN, Case U 045 .856 (London, 1757); MnU (London, 1757); IU (London, 1757); MiU (London, 1757). Comments: Binder’s title: Kane’s Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough. This work itself (Kane’s Campaign’s...) published in London, 1747, 2nd edition, and include’s Also a new system of military discipline, for foot in action, with the most essential exercise for cavalry...

Tosca, Tomás Vicente, 1651-1723. Compendio mathematico, en que se contienen todas las materias mas principales de las ciencias, que tratan de la cantidad. Que compuso el doctor Thomas Vicente Tosca... 3. impression. Corr., y enmendada de muchos yerros de impression, y laminas, como lo verà el curioso... 9 vols. Valencia, Impr. de J. García, 1757. MiU (Valencia, 1757); WU (Valencia, 1727-94 [v. 1, 1794]). Comments: Contents: ... [vol.] V. Arquitectura civil. Montea, y canteria. Arquitectura militar. Pirotechnia, y artilleria. ... [vol.] IX. Gnomonica. Ordenacion del tiempo. ... “Fortification and artillery are treated in the fifth and ninth volumes.”--Spaulding. Volumes 2-9 of the Valencia, 1727-94 edition have imprint: Madrid, Impr. de A. Marin [1727?].

1758 Bion, Nicolas, 1652?-1733. Neu-eroffnete mathematische. English edition. Trans. Edmund Stone. 2nd ed. London, J. Richardson, 1758. MiU (London, 1758); German editions: MiU (Leipzig, 1713); MiU (Nuremberg, 1765); French editions: MiU (Paris, 1725, 3rd ed.); MiU (Paris, 1752, 4th ed.). Comments: “The most popular work of the eighteenth century on mathematical instruments, including instruments used in warfare.” Spaulding.

Gedanken über die Wissenschaften eines Ingenieur- und Artillerie-Officiers und wie dergleichen Corps auf eine vortheilhafte Art eingerichtet werden könnten. Von einen hochfürstl. braunschweig- und lüneburgischen Officier und Ingenieur. Leipzig, C. L. Jacobi, 1758. ICN, U 0 .33 (Leipzig, 1758). Comments: 72 pages. Attributed to Waser.

Guischardt, Karl Gottlieb, called Quintus Icilius, 1724-1775. Mémoires militaires, sur les Grecs et les Romains; où l’on a fidélement retabli, sur le texte de Polybe et des tacticiens grecs et , la plñpart des ordres de bataille & des grandes opérations de la guerre, en les expliquant suivant les principes & la pratique constante des anciens, & en relévant les erreurs du chevalier de Folard, & des autres commentateurs. On y a joint, une dissertation sur l’attaque et la défense des places des anciens; la traduction d’Onasander et de la tactique d’Arrèn, et l’analyse de la campagne de Jules Cesar en Afrique. Avec des notes critiques & des observations militaires repandües dans tout le cours de l’ouvrage. Par Charles Guischardt ... Avec quantité de plans & de figures... 2 vols. The Hague, Chez Pierre de Hondt, 1758. MiU (The Hague, 1758); ICU (Lyon, 1760); MnU (Lyon, 1760); OCU (Lyon, 1760).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Élémens de tactique, ouvrage dans lequel on traite de l’arrangement & de la formation des troupes; des évolutions de l’infanterie & de la cavalerie; des principaux ordres de bataille; de la marche des armées & de la castramétation, ou de la maniere de tracer ou marquer les camps par regles & par principes... Paris, C.-A. Jombert, 1758. ICN, U 2 .496 (Paris, 1758); MiU (Paris, 1758).

Schönaich, Ephraim Otto, freiherr von. Freye Gedanken über einige Theile der Kriegskunst. Frankfurt, 1758. ICN, U 0 .3115 and F 4797305 .967 v.4a (v.5?) (Frankfurt, 1758). Comments: Edition with call number F 4797305 .967 v.4a (v.5?) is bound in Wernich, C. F., Beyträge zur neuern Staats- und Krieges-Geschichte, Danzig, Bey J. C. Schuster, 1757-64, 20 vols., includes maps and plans.

1759 Bland, Humphrey, 1686?-1763. A treatise of military discipline: in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, through the several branches of the service. The 8th edition revised, corrected, and altered to the present practice of the army. London, R. Baldwin, 1759. ICN, U 2 .103 (London, 1759); MiU (London, 1759); ICN, Case U 2 .1 (London, 1727, 2nd ed.); MiU (London, 1743, 5th ed.); ICN, U 2 .102 (London, 1743, 5th ed.); InU, Lilly U 101 .B642 1743a (Dublin, 1743); MiU (Boston, 1754). Comments: First edition 1727. “Bland’s treatise was as preeminent in the eighteenth century as were those of Barriffe and Elton in the seventeenth.”-- Spaulding. Does not include drill for artillery, at that time still not under military control.

Fage, Edward. A regular form of discipline for the militia, as it is perform’d by the West-Kent regiment commanded by the Right Honourable Robert Lord Romney. London, 1759. ICN, U 2 .282 (London, 1759). Comments: 38 pages.

Jeney, de. Le partisan, ou l’art de faire la petite-guerre avec succès selon le génie de nos jours... The Hague, H. Constapel, 1759. ICN, U 0 .452 (The Hague, 1759); English edition: ICN, Case U 0 .453 (London, 1760).

Molyneux, Thomas More. Conjunct expeditions: or expeditions that have been carried on jointly by the fleet and army with a commentary on a littoral war. By Thomas More Molyneux... 2 vols. in 1. London, R. and J. Dodsley, 1759. ICN, F 4505 .59 (London, 1759); MiU (London, 1759).

Polybius. Geschichte des Polyb, mit den Auslegungen und Anmerkungen des Ritters Herrn von Folard, französischen Obersten; worinne derselbe die Kriegskunst nach allen ihren Theilen nebst seinem Lehrgebäude von der Kolonne ... abgehandelt und in vielen Kupferstichen vorgestellet hat. Vermehret mit den vortrefflichen Kriegsgedanken des Herrn von Guischardt. Aus dem Französischen übersetzet. By Johann Theobald Bion. 7 vols. Vienna, und Trieste, Johann Thomas Trattner, 1759-60. InU, Lilly PA 4392 .G4 B61 1759 (Vienna, Prague, and Trieste, 1759-60).

1760 Bourgelat, Claude, 1712-1779. Réflexions sur la milice, et sur les moyens de rendre l’administration de cette partie uniforme & moins onéreuse. Lyon, 1760. ICN, U 139 .11 (Lyon, 1760). Comments: Bourgelat was better known for his Elémens de l’art Vétérinaire.

Burn, Richard, 1709-1785. A digest of the militia laws. London, A. Millar, 1760. ICN, U 347 .125 (London, 1760). Comments: The author was well-known in eighteenth century England for his work The Justice of the peace, and parish officer.

Folard, Jean Charles de, 1669-1752. L’esprit du chevalier Folard tiré de ses commentaires sur l’Histoire de Polybe pour l’usage d’un officier de main de maåtre. Paris, Par la Compagnie des Libraires, 1760. ICN, U 2 .3068 (Paris, 1760); ICN, U 2 .308 (Leipzig, 1761); ICN, U 2 .307 (Berlin, 1761); ICN, U 2 .3069 (Amsterdam, 1761). Comments: Compiled by Frederick the Second, King of Prussia. First published in 1753, with title: Extrait tiré des commentaires du chevalier Folard. Cf. Oeuvres de Frédéric le Grand, v. 28, p. xviii.

Jeney, de. The partisan: or, The art of making war in detachment. With plans proper to facilitate the understanding of the several dispositions and movements necessary to light troops, in order to accomplish their marches, ambuscades, attacks and retreats with success. Translated from the French of Mr. de Jeney. By an officer in the army. London, R. Griffiths, 1760. ICN, Case U 0 .453 (London, 1760); French edition: ICN, U 0 .452 (The Hague, 1759).

Kurzgefassete Geschichte aller kaiserlichen königlichen Regimenter zu Pferde und zu Fuss... N.p., 1760. ICN, U 047 .469 (N.p., 1760).

La Noue du Vair, Louis, comte de. Nouvelles constitutions militaires, avec une tactique adaptée à leurs principes, et demonstrée en XX Planches graveés en taille douce. 2 vols. in 1. Frankfurt, Knoch et Eslinger, 1760. ICN, U 2 .482 (Frankfurt, 1760); MnU (Frankfurt, 1760).

Le Rouge, George Louis, 18th cent. Le parfait aide de camp, où l’on traité de ce que doit sçavoir tout jeune militaire qui se propose de faire son chemin à la guerre; avec des notes sur différens ouvrages de campagne, & sur les plans des principaux camps des guerres de 1740 & 1756. Ensemble la description d’un instrument nouveau pour lever promptement toutes sortes de plans. Paris, Chez l’auteur, 1760. ICN, U 2 .501 (Paris, 1760). Comments: 30 pages with diagrams and plans.

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Malfi, 1608-1680. Mémoires. Paris, Gissey, 1760. MiU (Paris, 1760).

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Malfi, 1608-1680. Mémoires de Montecuculi, généralissime des troupes de l’empereur. Divisés en trois livres. I. De l’art militaire en général. II. De la guerre contre le Turc. III. Relation de la campagne de 1664. Nouvelle edition, revûe & corrigée en plusieurs endroits par l’auteur, & augmentée de plus de 200 notes historiques & géographiques. Paris, Despilly, 1760. ICN, U 0 .5932 (Paris, 1760). Comments: Translated from the Italian by J. Adam.

1761 Dalrymple, Campbell. A military essay. Containing reflections on the raising, arming, clothing, and discipline of the British infantry and cavalry; with proposals for the improvement of the same... London, Wilson, 1761. ICN, U 145 .213 (London, 1761).

Essay on the art of war: in which the general principles of all the operations of war in the field are fully explained. The whole collected from the opinions of the best authors. London, A. Millar, 1761. ICN, U 0 .273 (London, 1761).

Folard, Jean Charles de, 1669-1752. L’esprit du chevalier Folard, tiré de ses commentaires sur l’Histoire de Polybe, pour l’usage d’un officier. De main de maître. Avec les plans & les figures nécessaires pour l’intelligence de cet abregé. Amsterdam, Z. Chatelain et fils, 1761. ICN, U 2 .3069 (Amsterdam, 1761); ICN, U 2 .307 (Berlin, 1761); ICN, U 2 .308 (Leipzig, 1761); ICN, U 2 .3068 (Paris, 1760). Comments: Compiled by Frederick the Second, King of Prussia. First published, 1753, with the title: Extrait tiré des commentaires du chevalier Folard. Cf. Oeuvres de Frédéric le Grand, v. 28, p. xviii.

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Essai sur la grande guerre, de main de maître. Ou Instruction militaire du roi de Prusse pour ses généraux. Avec de Courtes maximes pour la petite guerre. Publié par mr. F****, l. c. s. [lieut. col. (dans les troupes) saxonnes.] Et enrichie de XIV plans en taille douce. Translated by G. R. Fäsch. London [Paris?], Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1761. ICN, Case U 0 .312 (London [Paris?], 1761).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Instruction militaire du roi de Prusse pour ses généraux. Traduite de l’allemand par Mr. Faesch, lieut. col. dans les troupes saxonnes. Avec XIII planches, gravées en taille douce. Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1761. MiU, U 101 .F924 1761 (Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1761); ICN, U 0 .3129 (Frankfurt, 1761); German edition: WU (Berlin, 1936); English editions: ICN (London, 1762); MiU-C (London, 1762); ICN, U 0 .3135 (Sherborne, 1797); MiU (Sherborne, 1818); OKentC (Harrisburg, PA, 1944); IaU (Harrisburg, PA, 1944). Comments: The French edition at MiU (Frankfurt & Leipzig, 1761) is a translation of Die Instruktion Friedrichs des Grossen für seine Generale von 1747. With this MiU edition is bound, Prussia--Armee, Reglement pour la cavalerie prussienne, Frankfurt, 1762. The German edition (Berlin, 1736) is a facsimile of the 1747 Instruktion Friedrichs des Grossen für seine Generale.

Funck, Carl, 1708-1783. Anmärkningar, gjorde, under flere campagner, öfver lätta troupers oumgängelighet och fördelaktige nyttjande vid armeer. Af J. F. Stockholm, L. Salvius, 1761. ICN, U 2 .318 (Stockholm, 1761).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. L’artillerie raisonnée, contenant la description & l’usage des différents bouches à feu, avec les principaux moyens qu’on a employés pour les perfectionner, la theorie & la pratique des mines, & du jet des bombes... Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1761. MiU (Paris, 1761); MnU (Paris, 1761).

Montalembert, Marc René, marquis de, 1714-1800. La fortification perpendiculaire, ou Essai sur plusieurs nouvelles manieres de fortifier la ligne droit, le triangle, le quarré & tous le polygones... Paris, Desaint & Saillant, 1761. ICN (Paris, 1761). Comments: A 15 page prospectus, containing a preface by the author and a preliminary discourse.

Robins, Benjamin, 1707-1751. Mathematical tracts. 2 vols. London, J. Nourse, 1761. MiU (London, 1761).

1762 Abregé de la fortification. Leipzig, 1762. ICN, U 0 .3126 (Leipzig, 1762).

Billistein, Charles Léopold Andreu de, 1724-18--?. Institutions militaires pour la France, ou Le Vegece Franáois. Amsterdam, E. van Harrevelt, 1762. ICN, U 139 .095 (Amsterdam, 1762).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Des grôssesten Meisters in der Kriegskunst Anweisung um den Krieg mit Vortheil zu führen: nebst kurzen Grundsätzen für die leichte Völker, wie dieselben ihre Unternehmungen in dem Kleinen Kriege sicher stellen sollen herausgegeben von ... Georg Rudolf Fäsch ... und mit 14 illuminirten Plans versehen. Leipzig, 1762. InU, Lilly U 101 .F83 E715 1762 (Leipzig, 1762). Comments: A translation of Fäsch’s Essai sur la grande Guerre de Main de Maitre, ou Instruction militaire du Roi de Prusse pour ses Généraux..., 1761. Fäsch’s work was a translation of Die Instruktion Friedrichs des Grossen für seine Generale von 1747.

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Des Königs von Preussen Majestät Unterricht von der Kriegs-Kunst an seine Generals. Frankfurt, 1762. ICN, U 0 .3126 (Frankfurt, 1762). Comments: With this is bound Abregé de la fortification, Leipzig, 1762.

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Military instructions, written by the King of Prussia, for the generals of his army: being His Majesty’s own commentaries on his former campaigns. Together with short instructions for the use of his light troops. Translated by an officer. London, T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1762. ICN, U 0 .313 (London, 1762).

Kirchhof, Johann Heinrich. Abhandlung von den besondern Soldatenrechten, Vorzügen und Freyheiten. Mit einer Vorreder Gottfried Schützens. Hamburg, G. C. Grunds Wittwe, 1762. ICN, U 0 .468 (Hamburg, 1762).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Traité de l’attaque des places, par M. Le Blond... 2. éd., rev., cor. & augm. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1762. MnU (Paris, 1762).

Maubert de Gouvest, Jean Henri, 1721-1767. Mémoires militaires sur les anciens. Ou idée précise de tout ce que les anciens ont écrit relativement à l’art militaire. Recueillis & mis en ordre par M. Maubert de Gouvest... 2 vols. The Hague, H. Constapel, 1762. ICN, U 0121 .56 (The Hague, 1762); MiU (Brussels, 1762); MnU (Brussels, 1762); ICN (Brussels, 1762).

Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, 1713-1796. Ecole militaire, ouvrage composé par ordre du gouvernement. Paris, Durand, 1762. ICN, U 0 .7345 (Paris, 1762).

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Esprit des loix de la tactique et de différentes institutions militaires, ou Notes de Mr. le maréchal de Saxe: contenant plusieurs nouveaux systêmes sur l’art de la guerre. Commentées par M. de Bonneville. Avec un mémoire militaire sur les Tartares & les Chinois... 2 vols. Leipzig, M. G. Weidmann, 1762. ICN, Case U 0 .786 (Leipzig, 1762).

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Esprit des loix de la tactique et de différentes institutions militaires ... 2 vols. The Hague, P. Gosse, 1762. ICN, Case U 0 .7862 (The Hague, 1762).

Seegers, Christoph Dionysius. Abhandlung von dem Einfluss der Künsten und Wissenschaften in die Kriegskunst. Tübingen, J. G. Cotta, 1762. ICN, U 0 .805 (Tübingen, 1762). Comments: 48 pages. With Von der Bildung des Officiers, 1786.

1763 Der Einfluss des Krieges in die Tugend. Berlin, 1763. ICN, U 0 .948 (Berlin, 1763). Comments: With Von der Bildung des Officiers, 1786.

Dupain de Montesson, ca. 1720-ca. 1790. L’art de lever des plans de tout ce qui a rapport à la guerre, & à l’architecture civil & champêtre. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1763. ICN, L 99 .247 (Paris, 1763).

Espagnac, Jean Baptiste, Joseph Damarzit-Sahuguet, baron d', 1713-1783. Versuch über den grossen Krieg, der Sammlung von Beobachtungen Verschiedener Schriftsteller über die Art, den selben vollkommener zu machen. übersetzet aus dem Französischen. Copenhagen, J. B. Ackermann, 1763. ICN, U 0 .272 (Copenhagen, 1763); French editions: ICN, U 0 .271 (The Hague, 1751); MiU, U 101 .E77 1753 (Paris, 1753).

Estor, Johann Georg, 1699-1773. Sammlung militarischer Abhandelungen zum Nutze und Vergnügen der Herren Officiers und Auditeurs. Frankfurt, H. L. Brönner, 1763. ICN, U 0 .274 (Frankfurt, 1763). Comments: Library [ICN] has Volume 1 only.

1764 Bracho Bustamante, Pedro Antonio. Tratado de artilleria y bombarderia, para instruccion de los artilleros; el que hà formado. Lima, Peru, Imprenta Real, 1764. MiU (Lima, 1764).

Stiernemann, Olof von. Principes de l’art de la guerre, détaillés avec ordre & prouvés par une description exacte de la discipline militaire des anciens Grecs et Romains. Strasbourg, J. Lorenz, 1764. ICN, U 2 .8458 (Strasbourg, 1764). Comments: Contains illustrations and plans.

Turpin de Crisse, Lancelot, comte. Turpin und Le Febvre Zum Taschenbuche worinnen die Zeichnungen und Anweisunge der Bewegungen eines Heeres oder Corps ... Berlin, C. F. Günther, 1764. ICN, U 2 .8945 (Berlin, 1764).

1765 Bion, Nicolas. Neu-eroffnete mathematische. 3 vols. Nuremberg, George Peter Monath, 1765. MiU (Nuremberg, 1765); MiU (Leipzig, 1713); French editions: MiU (Paris, 1725, 3rd ed.); MiU (Paris, 1752, 4th ed.); English edition: MiU (London, 1758, 2nd ed.). Comments: English edition translated by Edmund Stone.

Muller, John, 1699-1784. Elements of mathematics. Containing geometry, conic-sections, trigonometry, surveying, levelling, mensuration, laws of motion, mechanics, projectiles, gunnery, &c., hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, a theory of pumps. To which is prefixed, the first principles of algebra... 3d ed. improved. With an addition of a new treatise on perspective. London, Printed for J. Millan, 1765. ICJ (London, 1765); MiU (London, 1765); IU, 510 M91e (London, 1748). Comments: “Includes trigonometry, surveying, and mensuration as applied to fortification and discusses projectiles.” Spaulding. The London, 1748 edition consists of 2 volumes in 1. Volume 1 of that edition contains the section, “Books that have been consulted,” p. xvii.

Schmettow, Herman Valdemar, 1719-1785, ed. Militaerisk bibliotek. Christiania [Oslo], S. C. Schwach, 1765. ICN, U 0 .7895 (Christiania [Oslo], 1765).

1766 Abregé de la théorie militaire à l’usage de ceux qui suivent le parti des armes, ou sont détailles les maximes principales de la guerre. On trouvera des exemples anciens & modernes avec des notes instructives pour servir d’éclaircissement aux matières. Par Mr. le Comte V. D. S. G. Vienna, J.-T. de Trattnern, 1766. ICN, U 0 .013 (Vienna, 1766).

L’abbé, Pierre Paul. L’héroïsme, ou l’histoire militaire des plus illustres capitaines qui ayent paru dans le mondes: instructive & intéressante, surtout pour la jeunesse destinée à la profession des armes. Paris, Merlin, 1766. ICN, U 0 .147 (Paris, 1766).

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788. An essay on the command of small detachments. With eight copper plates. [London], J. Millan, 1766. MiU (London, 1766). Comments: Issued with: Manoeuvres for a battalion of infantry, London, 1766.

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788, [supposed author?]. Manoeuvres for a battalion of infantry, upon fixed principles. With seventeen copper plates. Including the late General Wolf’s. By a German officer. London, J. Millan, 1766. MiU (London, 1766); MiU (London, 1767). Comments: Bound with An essay on the command of small detachments, [by Sir William Young], London, 1766; and The manuel exercise, with explanations, as ordered by His Majesty, London, 1766.

1767 Brück, Gottlob Friedrich von. Vortheile eine Situation zum militairischen Gebrauch auf zunehmen und zu zeichnen, wie auch die nützlichen Feld- Schanzen zu traciren und zu bauen, zum dienlichen Gebrauch derer jenigen, welche keine Kenntniss der Geometrie haben, in diese Kurze Anweisung und sieben Tabellen abgefasset. Dresden, Walther, 1767. ICN, U 26 .1248 (Dresden, 1767). Comments: Contains 100 pages. With this is bound Schertel von Burtenbach, Anton Eberhard, freiherr von, Betrachtungen und Erfahrungen über verschiedene militarische Gegenstände..., Nürnberg, 1779.

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Versuch uber die Lagerkunst ... ubersetzt von Johann Moritz Grafen von Bruhl. Colmar, Joh. Heinrich Decker, 1767. MiU (Colmar, 1767).

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Die Kriegskunst des Graften von Sachsen. Leipzig, D. Siegert, 1767. ICN, U 0 .7883 (Leipzig, 1767).

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788. Manoeuvres for a battalion of infantry, upon fixed principles. By a German officer. London, J. Millan, 1767. MiU (London, 1767).

1768 Aufsätze eines alten Generals über verschiedene militärische Gegenstände. Aus dem Französischen. Altenburg, Richter, 1768. ICN, U 0 .055 (Altenburg, 1768).

Considerations on the establishment of the British engineers. London, T. Cadell, 1768. MiU (London, 1768).

Le Roy de Bosroger. Principes élémentaires de la tactique, ou Nouvelles observations sur l’art militaire. Par M. B** Chevalier de l’ordre royal & militaire de Saint Louis. Paris, L. Prault, 1768. MiU (Paris, 1768). Comments: Le Roy de Bosroger also authored Élémens de la guerre. Paris, 1772. ICN, U 0 .502 (Paris, 1772). A separate work?

Muller, John, 1699-1784. A treatise of artillery: containing I. General constructions of brass and iron guns ... II. General constructions of mortars and howitzes [sic] ... III. Dimensions of all carriages used in artillery. IV. Exercise of the regiment at home ... V. Its march and encampment ... VI. Lastly, the necessary laboratory work for fire-ships, &c., To which is prefixed an introd., with a theory of powder applied to fire-arms. 2d. ed., with large additions and corrections. London, Printed for J. Millan, 1768. ICN (London, 1768); ICJ (Philadelphia, 1779); MiU-C (Philadelphia, 1779); MiU, UF 144 .M96 1780 (London, 1780). Comments: First published in 1757, with title: A treatise on artillery.

Ordenanzas de S. M. para el regimen, disciplina, subordinacion, y servicio de sus exercitos. 3 vols. Madrid, Antonio Marin, 1768. MiU (Madrid, 1768).

Silva, marquis de. Pensées sur la tactique et sur quelques autres parties de la guerre. Paris, C. A. Jombert, 1768. ICN, U 2 .8173 (Paris, 1768).

Windham, William, 1717-1761, and Townshend, George, viscount. A plan of discipline for the use of the Norfolk militia... Part I. Containing the manual exercise... Part II. The method of teaching the exercise... Part III. Reviewing, forming the battalion, firings... With an introduction from Aelian, Vegetius, Folard, K. of Prussia, M. Saxe, Wolfe, and the most celebrated ancient and modern authors... By William Windham ... and the Right Hon. George lord visc. Townshend... The 2d ed., greatly improved. To which is now added, the present manual exercise for the army, as ordered by His Majesty and the Adjutant general. With encampments for infantry and cavalry. [London], Printed for J. Millan, 1768. MiU (London, 1768); ICN (London, 1768); IaAS (London, 1768); MiU (London, 1759). Comments: “Widely used in England and generally adopted by the American colonies.” Spaulding.

Wolfe, James. Instructions to young officers. Edited by William Young. London, J. Millan, 1768. MiU (London, 1768).

1769 Suckow, Laurenz (or Lorenz) Johann Daniel, 1722-1801. Erste Gründe der Kriegs Baukunst in einem Zusammenhange entworfen. Frankfurt, Tobias Goebhardt, 1769. ICN, U 26 .8549 (Frankfurt, 1769); MiU (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1769). Comments: Contains 158 pages with diagrams.

Hoste, Paul, 1652-1700. A compendious course of practical mathematics. Particularly adapted to the use of the gentlemen of the army and navy. ... For the most part tr. from the French of P. Hoste ... by the late William Webster. The 3d ed., corrected and improved by S. Clarke... 2 vols. London, Printed for H. Woodfall [etc.], 1769. MiU, QA 35 .H843 1769 (London, 1769). Comments: “Discusses fortification and gunnery.” Spaulding.

177- A plan for recruiting the British army, to which are added thoughts upon the present method of impress for the sea service. London, 177-. MiU (London, 177-).

1770 Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Des grössesten Meisters in der Kriegs-Kunst Anweisung, [um] den Krieg mit Vortheil zu führen, nebst kurzen Grundsätzen für die leichte Volker, wie dieselben ihre Unternehmungen in dem Kleinen Krieg sicher stellen sollen. Hrsg. von dem ... Herrn Georg Rudolf Fäsch. Mit nöthigen Anmerkungen erläutert. 2 Aufl. Frankfurt, 1770. ICN, U 0 .3118 (Frankfurt, 1770).

Leblond, Guillaume, 1704-1781. Versuch über die Lagerkunst. Strasbourg, König, 1770. ICN, U 256 .496 (Strasbourg, 1770).

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Memoires de Montecuculi, généralissime des armées, et grand-maître de l’artillerie de l’empereur; avec les commentaires de Monsieur le comte Turpin de Crissé. 3 vols. Amsterdam, Arkstée & Merkus, 1770. ICN, U 0 .5934 (Amsterdam, 1770); OU, RBC U101 M6512 1770a (Amsterdam, [1770?]).

Young, [Sir] William, bart., 1725?-1788. Manoeuvres, or practical observations on the art of war. 2 vols. London, J. Millan, [1770?] ICN, U 2 .996 (London, [1770?]); MiU (London, 1771). Comments: Each part has a special title-page and separate pagination. Title-pages dated 1766-70. Contents.--Vol. 1. The manual exercise. An essay on the command of small detachments. A new system of fortification. General Wolfe’s Instruction to young officers.--Vol. 2. Manoeuvres for battalion of infantry. Manoeuvres for a battalion, and brigade of infantry. This work is a compilation of separate works, gathered together under a general title. By Major William Young. Pamphlets issued separately, 1766-1771, brought together with collective title [and author’s preface].

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788. The manual exercise, with explanations, as ordered by HIs Majesty. London, J. Millan, 1770. MiU (London, 1770).

1771 Aus gewissen Grundsätzen heregeleitete Anweisung, wie das stellen und Richten der Kriegsvölker am natürlichsten und leichtesten reglemässig zu bewerkstelligen sey, schriftlich abgefasset, und um mehrerer Deutlichkeit willen mit in Kupfer gestochnen Zeichnungen erläutert von einem Königl. Staabs-Officier. Brandenburg, J. W. Halle, 1771. ICN, U 2 .054 (Brandenburg, 1771).

Bonneville, Zacharie de Pazzi de. Les Lyonnoises protectrices des états souverains et conservatrices du genre humain, ou Traité d’une découverte importante & nouvelle sur la science militaire et politique. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1771. ICN, U 0 .108 (Amsterdam, 1771). Comments: A description of a weapon that the author regarded as more murderous than a cannon. He nammed the weapon the “Lyonnaise” after the town where it was invented.

Faesch (or Fäsch), Georg Rudolph, d. 1787. Regeln und Grundsätze der Kriegskunst, aus den besten Schriftstellern, welche über diese Wissenschaft geschrieben haben, in gewisser Ordnung zusammen getragen. 4 vols. Leipzig, M. G. Weidmanns Erben und Reich, 1771-74. ICN, U 2 .2809 (Leipzig, 1771-74).

Ludovici, Jacob Friederich, 1671-1723. Einleitung zum Kriegs-Process. 10th edition. Halle, Waisenhaus, 1771. MiU (Halle, 1771).

Moltke, Caspar Hermann Gottlieb, greve, 1738-1800. Breve, indeholdende anmërkninger ved det forrige og nu vërende krigs-systems sammenligning. Af C. H. G. v. M. Copenhagen, A. F. Stein, 1771. ICN, U 0 .589 (Copenhagen, 1771). Comments. 72 pages.

New Hampshire (Colony). For promoting military discipline, this plan of exercise, extracted from the plan practiced by the Norfolk militia, is presented to ------of the regiment of militia, by the province of New-Hampshire. Portsmouth, 1771. ICN, Case U 3842 .62 (Portsmouth, 1771).

Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de, 1666-1736. Auszug derer gegen das Ende des verwichenen und im Anfange des gegenwärtigen seculi angegriffen und vertheidigten Städte. 2 vols. Berlin, G. J. Decker, 1771. ICN, U 26 .724 (Berlin, 1771).

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788. Manoeuvres, or practical observations on the art of war: containing, Vol. I. 1. The manual exercise. 2. An essay on the command of small detachments. 3. A new system of fortification, by making use of standing timber, &c. and General Wolfe’s instructions to young officers. Vol. II. 1. Manoeuvres for a battalion of infantry. 2. Manoeuvres for a battalion, and brigade of infantry. 3. Manoeuvres in general, with a short table, containing above two hundred and forty different movements. With 62 copperplates. 7 parts, bound in one volume. London, J. Millan, 1771. MiU (London, 1771).

Young, Sir William, bart., 1725?-1788. The practice of manoeuvring a battalion of infantry. By William Young, late major of brigade to the corps of Grenadiers and Highlanders who served in , and now in the service of Brunswick. London, Printed for J. Millan, near Whitehall, 1771. MiU (London,1771). Comments: 33 pages. This is No. 3 in Vol. 2 of his Manoeuvres, or Practical observations on the art of war..., London, [1776?].

1772 Buchenroeder, Johann Nicolaus Carl. Militärisches Taschenbuch. 2 vols. Frankfurt, 1772. ICN, Case U 047 .094 (Frankfurt, 1772).

Ray de Saint-Geniès, Jacques Marie, 1712-1777. Praktische Kriegskunst. Oder: Der Dienst im Felde, für den General, Staabs-Officier, Hauptmann und Subalternen-Officiers. 2. verb. und von Druckfehlern gereinigte Aufl. Berlin, C. F. Günther, 1772. ICN, U 2 .734 (Berlin, 1772).

Simes, Thomas. A military guide for young officers, containing a system of the art of war, “A military, historical, and explanatory dictionary.” London, 1772. ICN, Case U 0 .819 (London, 1772).

1773 Cavan, Richard Lambert, 6th earl of, 1722?-1778. A new system of military discipline: founded upon principle by a general officer [i.e. R. Lambart, 6th earl of Cavan]. London, Printed for J. Almon, 1773. InU, Lilly U 101 .C377 (London, 1773); InU (London, 1776); MiU (London, 1776); ICRL (London, 1776).

Clairac, Louis André de la Mamie de, 1690-1750. The field engineer... Translated by John Muller. 2nd edition. London, John Millan, 1773. ICJ (London, 1773); MiU (London, 1773); OO (London, 1760); MiU (Philadelphia, 1776); IaU (Philadelphia, 1776); French editions: MnU (Paris, 1749); InNd (Paris, 1757?); German editions: MnU (Breslau and Leipzig, 1757); ICN (Breslau, 1776).

Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de, 1743-1790. Discours sur l’état actuel de la politique et de la science militaire en Europe. Avec le plan d’un ouvrage intitulé La France politique & militaire. Genève, Bibliothek Zoffingen, 1773. WU, U 101 G8 (Genève, 1773). Comments: Also bound with Essai général de tactique.

Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de, 1743-1790. Essai général de tactique, précédé d’un discours sur l’état actuel de la politique & de la science militaire en Europe; avec le plan d’un ouvrage, intitulé La France politique et militaire. Nouvelle édition revue & corrigée par l’auteur. 2 vols. in 1. London, Chez les libraires associés, 1773. ICN, U 0 .374 (London, 1773); MiU (Liège, 1773); MnU (Liège, 1775); English edition: MiU, U 101 .G943 (London, 1781); German edition: ICN, U 0 .375 (Dresden, 1774).

Quanten, Carl von. Tankai i krigs-wetenskapen. 2. uplagen, ansenligen tilökt och förbättrad. Stockholm, H. Fougt, 1773. ICN, U 2 .72 (Stockholm, 1773).

Tielke, Johann Gottlieb. Eigenschaften und Pflichten eines Soldaten zur Prüfung derer, die es sind und derer die en diesen Stand tretten vollen, nebst einem Auszuge aux Xenophons Rüchzuge der zehntausend Giechen, von einem Officer. Dresden, Gerlachs, Wittwe und Sohn, 1773. ICN, U 0 .875 (Dresden, 1773).

1774 Gröben (or Groeben), Georg Dietrich von der, 1725-1794, ed. Neue Kriegsbibliothek; Ioder, Gesammlete beyträge zur Kriegswissenschaft ... 10 vols. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, 1774-81. MiU (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1774-81); MiU-C (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1774-81); MnU, Z355.08 K893 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1755-64); ICN (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1755-64). Comments: The 1755-64 edition was compiled by G. D. von der Gröben.--cf. C. G. Kayser, Vollständiges Bücher-Lexicon. It contains 6 volumes in 2 [books].

Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de, 1743-1790. Versuch über die Tactik, nebst einer Vorläufigen Abhandlung über den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Staats- und Kriegs-Wissenschaft in Europa, und dem Entwurf eines Werks, betitelt: Das politische und militärische Frankreich. Aus dem Französischen des Herrn Obristen von Guibert übersetzt. 2 vols. Dresden, Walther, 1774. ICN, U 0 .375 (Dresden, 1774); French editions: ICN, U 0 .374 (London, 1773); MnU (Liège, 1775); English edition: MiU, U 101 .G943 (London, 1781).

Guischardt, Karl Gottlieb, called Quintus Icilius, 1724-1775. Mémoires critiques et historiques sur plusieurs points d’antiquités militaires, contenant l’histoire détaillée de la campagne de Jules-César en Espagne contre les lieutenants de Pompée, avec des preuves & des observations ... par C. Guischard... Vol. 1. Paris, P. E. G. Durand neveu and Marchand, 1774. MiU (Paris, 1774).

Harvey, Edward, adjutant general. The manual exercise as ordered by His Majesty in 1764. Together with plans and explanations of the method generally practis’d at reviews and field-days. Boston, New England, Printed by T. and J. Fleet, 1774. InU (Boston, 1774); MiU-C (Boston, 1774); MiU (Newburyport, [Mass.], 1774); MiU-C (Philadelphia, 1776). Comments: Recommended by the Provincial congress at Cambridge, October 29, 1774.

Le Michaud d’Arçon, Jean Claude Éléonore, 1733-1800. Correspondance sur l’art de la guerre. Entre un colonel de dragons & un capitaine d’infanterie. Bouillon, 1774. MiU, U 101 .L55 (Bouillon, 1774). Comments: Volume 2 has title: Suite de la Correspondance sur l’art de la guerre; caption title: Observations sur un ouvrage intitulé: Esprit de la tactique. With this are bound: Esprit de la tactique ancienne et modern, 1774; La glose de l’auteur de la Lettre a un ami, 1775; Lettre a un ami, sur les nouvelles gentillesses du correspondant, 1775; and Le Michaud’s Réflexions sur la lettre a un ami, 1775.

Le Michaud, d’Arçon, Jean Claude Éléonore, 1733-1800. Suite de la correspondance sur l’art de la guerre. Bouillon, 1774. MiU (Bouillon, 1774).

Le Michaud, d’Arçon, Jean Claude êléonore [or Eleanore?], 1733-1800. Esprit de la tactique ancienne et moderne. Besançon, Fantet, 1774. MiU (Besançon, 1774).

Zincken, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm. Kurze und gründliche Einleitung zur Kriegs-Rechts-Gelahrsamkeit. Nebst einer Vorrede von dem Pflichten eines Auditeurs. Magdeburg, J. C. Zapffe, 1774. ICN, U 347 .998 (Magdeburg, 1774). Comments: Bound with Kurze Anleitung zur praktischen Kriegs- Rechtsgelahrsamkeit in Deutschland... Helmstedt, J. H. Kühnlin, 1778.

1775 Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damarzit-Sahuguet, baron d’, 1713-1783. Cartes et plans pour l’intelligence des deux éditions in-12 de l’Histoire du Maréchal de Saxe avec le portrait de ce génèral. Paris, 1775? OU, DC 135* S3 E8 Atlas (Paris, 1775?). Comments: Includes 43 fold. maps and plans.

Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, marquis de, 1648-1711. Mémoires sur la guerre. 4 vols. 5th ed. Paris, Ch. Ant. Jombert, 1775. MiU (Paris, 1775).

Grimoard, Phillippe Henri, comte de, 1753-1815. Essai Théorique et pratique sur les batailles. Par m. le chevalier de Grimoard. Paris, Veuvre Desaint, 1775. MiU (Paris, 1775).

Le Michaud d’Arçon, Jean Claude êléonore, 1733-1800. Lettre a un ami, sur les nouvelles gentillesses du correspondant. N.p., 1775. MiU (N.p., 1775).

Le Michaud d’Arçon, Jean Claude êléonore, 1733-1800. Reflexions sur la lettre a un ami. N.p., 1775. MiU (N.p., 1775).

Le Michaud d’Arçon, Jean Claude êléonore, 1733-1800. La glose de l’auteur de la lettre a un ami, sur les reflexions contre sa lettre. N.p., 1775. MiU (N.p., 1775).

“Officier.” A new system for the establishment, pay, cloathing, provisions, &c. of the army. London, J. Almon, 1775. MiU (London, 1775).

Nicolai, Ferdinand Friedrich von, 1730-1814. Versuch eines Grundrisses zur Bildung des Officiers, entworfen durch F. F. von Nicolai. Ulm, A. L. Stettin, 1775. ICN, U 2 .62 (Ulm, 1775).

Pirscher, J. D. C. Coup d’oeil militaire, oder Kurzer Unterricht, wie man sich ein militarisch Augenmaass erwerben, nach demselben Carten aufnehmen und leicht verstehen könne, nebst der Beschreibung von einem zu diesem Behuf erfundenen Instrumente, zum nützlichen Gebrauch auch derer, die die Mathematik nicht erlernet haben, praktisch beschreiben. Berlin, A. Wever, 1775. ICN, U 2 .693 (Berlin, 1775). Comments: 70 pages. With this is bound his Von der Castrametation, Berlin, 1778.

Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesty’s horse and foot guards, and all other His Majesty’s forces ... from the 24th day of March 1775. London, Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1775. MiU (London, 1775).

Santa Cruz de Marcenado, Alvar de Navia Osoris de, 1684-1732. Freyer Auszug aus des Herrn Marauis von Sana-Cruz-Marzenado, Gedanken von Kriegs- und Staatsgeschäften, nebst einem Versuch über di Kinst den Krieg zu studiren, von Friedrich Wilhelm von Zanthier. Göttingen, J. C. Dieterich, 1775. ICN, U 0 .783 (Göttingen, 1775).

Tielke, Johann Gottlieb. Beyträge zur Kriegs-Kunst und Geschichte des Krieges von 1756 bis 1763. 6 vols. Freiburg, Barthel, 1775-86. ICN, F 4797305 .875 (Freiburg, 1775).

1776 Jetze, Franz Christoph. Gemeinnützige Praxis auf dem Feld und Papier ohne Winkelmesserinstrumente alle Winkel zu messen und überzutragen, nebst mehrerley leichten Arten militarische Plans aufzenehmen, dem militarischen Augenmaasse und einem neuen Plan von dem Schlachtfelde bey Leibnitz 1760 und der Erklärung der Signaturen. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], C. F. Gutsch, 1776. ICN, L 0 .466 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1776).

Lamont, de. The art of war, containing, I. The duties of all military officers in actual service... By Monsieur de Lamont... II. The duties of soldiers in general... [Written by a French officer.] III. The rules and practice of the greatest generals... By the Chevalier de La Valiere. Philadelphia, R. Bell, 1776. ICN, Case U 0 .474 (Philadelphia, 1776). Comments: Each part has special title-page.

Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesty’s horse and foot guards, and all other His Majesty’s forces ... from the 24th day of March 1776. London, Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1776. MiU (London, 1776).

Simes, Thomas. A military guide for young officers, containing a system of the art of war. 2nd ed. London, J. Milan, 1776. ICN, U 0 .8195 (London, 1776); MiU (London, 1776); ICN, Case U 0 .819 (London, 1772); ICN, U 0 .82 (London, 1781, 3rd ed.).

Simes, Thomas. The military guide for young officers, by Thomas Simes, esq. author of the Military medley. In two volumes ... London, printed. Philadelphia, Re-printed by J. Humphreys, R. Bell, and R. Aitken, 1776. IaAs (Philadelphia, 1776); MiU-C (Philadelphia, 1776); ICN, U 0 .8195 (London, 1776); MiU (London, 1776); ICN, Case U 0 .819 (London, 1772); MiU U 101 .S57 1781 (London, 1781); ICN, U 0 .82 (London, 1781, 3rd ed.). Comments: Volume 2 consists of “A new military, historical, and explanatory dictionary: including Warrior’s gazetteer of places remarkable for sieges or battles. By Thomas Simes, esq. Philadelphia: Sold by Humphreys, Bell, and Aitken, [1776].” “Extract from a military essay, containing reflections on the raising, arming, cloathing and discipline of the British infantry and cavalry. By Campbell Dalrymple, esq.; lieut. colonel to the King’s own regiment of dragoons. Philadelphia: Printed by Humphreys, Bell, and Aitken, [1776].” “The manual exercise, as ordered by His Majesty, in the year 1764... Philadelphia, Sold by J. Humphreys, R. Bell, and R. Aitken, [1776].”

Wolff, Carl Gottfried. Versuch über die sittlichen Eigen schaften und Pflichten des Soldatenstandes für junge Leute von Stande und Erziehung, die sich den Waffen gewidmet haben. Leipzig, C. H. Hilscher, 1776. ICN, U 0 .992 (Leipzig, 1776).

1777 Borgo, Carlo. Analisi ed esame ragionato dell’arte della fortificazione. Venice, Antonio Zatta, 1777. MiU (Venice, 1777).

Brück, Gottlob Friedrich von. Coup d’oeil militaire, oder, Das Augenmerk im Kriege, nebst denen vorhergehenden darzu nöthigen Wissenschaften, zum dienlichen Gebrauch eines Officiers, in diese Anweisung abgefasset von Gottlob Friedrich von Brück... 2 Aufl. mit 22 plans. Dresden [etc.], J. N. Gerlach Wittbe und Sohn, 1777. ICN, U 0 .125 (Dresden, 1777).

Donkin, Robert, 1727-1821. Military collections and remarks... Published by Major Donkin. New York, Printed by H. Gaine, 1777. ICN, Case U 0 .237 (New York, 1777); MiU (New York, 1777); microfilm copy: ICRL (New York, 1777). Comments: A treatise on military science. Published for the benefit of “the innocent children and widows of the valiant soldiers inhumanly and wantonly butchered” on April 19, 1775, in “the bloody massacre committed on his majesty’s troops peacably marching to and from Concord.” Spaulding.

Mémoire pour servir à l’instruction des chasseurs à cheval. N.p., 1777. MiU, UE 157 .M53 (N.p., 1777). Comments: In manuscript.

“Officer de l’etat-major des troupes prussiennes.” Elemens de tactique... Traduit en françois par M. le Baron de Holtzendorf. Paris, Nyon, 1777. MiU (Paris, 1777).

Simes, Thomas. A military course for the government and conduct of a battalion, designed for their regulations in quarter, camp, or garrison; with useful observations and instructions for their manner of attack and defence... By Thomas Simes... 2nd ed. London, Printed for the author; and sold by Almon..., 1777. ICN, Case U 4 .818 (London, 1777); InU (London, 1777); MiU-C (London, 1777).

Warnery, Charles Emmanuel de, 1719-1786. Commentaires sur les Commentaires du Comte de Turpin sur Montecuculi, avec des anecdotes relative à l’histoire militaire du siècle present, et des remarques sur Guibert et autres ecrivains anciens et modernes, par M. de W. G. M. 3 vols. St. Marino, Chez Roturier [i.e. Breslau (Wroclaw, Poland), G. Korn], 1777-79. ICN, U 0 .595 (St. Marino [i.e. Breslau (Wroclaw, Poland)], 1777-79); MnU Z355 W248 (St. Marino [i.e. Breslau (Wroclaw, Poland)], 1777-79). Comments: Warnery was a Prussian major general of Hussars.

1778 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 1784-1846. Entwurf eines militair-Feld- Reglements. Hanover, H. E. C. Schlüter, 1778. ICN, U 2 .092 (Hanover, 1778).

Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de, 1743-1790. Observations sur la constitution militaire et politique des armées de sa majesté prussienne. Avec quelques anecdotes de la vie privée de ce monarque. Amsterdam [Paris?], 1778. ICN, Case U 0 .312 (Amsterdam [Paris?], 1778); English edition: ICN (London, 1780). Comments: French edition (Amsterdam [Paris?], 1778) at ICN is bound with Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, Essai sur la grande guerre..., 1761.

Hinde, Robert, d. 1786. The discipline of the light horse. By Captain Hinde, of the Royal regiment of foresters, (light-dragoons.) ... London, W. Owen, 1778. MiU (London, 1778); ICN (London, 1778); MiU-C (London, 1778).

A Military Dictionary. London, G. Robinson, 1778. ICN, U 005 .581 (London, 1777).

O’Rourke, John, count. A treatise on the art of war: or, Rules for conducting an army in all the various operations of regular campaigns. London, Printed by T. Spilsbury, and sold by J. Dodsley [etc.], 1778. ICN, U 0 .647 (London, 1778); MnU Z355 Or6 (London, 1778).

Pirscher, J. D. C. Von der Castrametation. Eine Fortzetzung des Coup d’oeil militaire zum Unterricht junger Krieger. Berlin, A. Wever, 1778. ICN, U 2 .693 (Berlin, 1778). Comments: 71 pages. With this is Coup d’oeil militaire..., 1775.

Schertel von Burtenbach, Anton Eberhard, freiherr von. Vermischte Beyträge zur Kriegswissenschaft. Frankfurt, C. G. Hauffe, 1778. ICN, U 0 .789 (Frankfurt, 1778).

1779 Buchenroeder, Johann Nicolaus Carl. Militärisches Taschenbuch. 2 vols. in 1. Frankfurt, 1779. ICN, Case U 047 .094 (Frankfurt, 1779). Comments: Contents.--Kriegs- und Helden-Geographie.--Kriegs- und Helden- Almanach auf das Jahr 1779.

Cuthbertson, Bennett. A system for the complete interior management and oeconomy of a battalion of infantry. 2nd ed. London, Printed for the author, 1779. ICN, U 145 .208 (London, 1779).

Ewing, Alexander, d. 1804. A synopsis of practical mathematics. Containing plain trigonometry; mensuration of heights, distances, surfaces, and solids; surveying of land, gauging, navigation, and gunnery. With tables of the logarithms of numbers, and of sines and tangents. For the use of schools and men of business. 2nd ed. Edinburgh, Printed for T. Cadell, London, and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, 1779. MiU (Edinburgh, 1779); MiU (London and Edinburgh, 1799). Comments: “Includes a section ‘On Gunnery.’” Spaulding.

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Geheime Instruction Sr. Majestät des Königs in Preussen an die Officiere seiner Arme, hauptsächlich von der der Cavallerie. Prague, J. F. Edlen von Schönfeld, 1779. ICN, U 43 .317 (Prague, 1779). Comments: A French translation was made by Charles Joseph, Prince de Ligne.

Kriegskatechismus den kaiserl. königl. Truppen gewidmet von ihrem Verehrer. Erste Abtheilung. N.p. 1779. ICN, U 047 .469 (N.p., 1779). Comments: 36 pages. With Kurzgefassete Geschichte aller kaiserlichen Königlichen Regimenter zu Pferde und zu Fuss..., 1760.

Saint-Germain, Claude Louis, comte de. Mémoires de M. le comte de St. Germain ... éscrits par lui-même. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1779. MiU (Amsterdam, 1779); WU (Amsterdam, 1779); ICU (Amsterdam, 1779); OCl (Amsterdam, 1779); IEN, 355 S139m (N.p., 1779); MnU (N.p., 1779); ICN, U 0 .776 (London, 1781). Comments: The MnU (1779) edition is bound with Choiseul, Stainville, E. F., duc de, Mémoires, 1790.

Schertel von Burtenbach, Anton Eberhard, freiherr von. Betrachtungen und Erfahrungen über verschiedene militarische Gegenstände und Verfälle. Nuremberg, Felssecker, 1779. ICN, U 26 .1248 (Nuremberg, 1779). Comments: 184 pages. With Brück, Gottlob Friedrich von, Vortheile eine Situation zum militairischen Gebrauch aufzunehmen und zu zeichnen..., 1767.

Turpin de Crisse, Lacelot, comte. Commentaires sur les institutions militaires de Végèce. 3 vols. Montargis, Lequatre, 1779. ICN, Y 672 .V 645 (Montargis, 1779).

1780 Grothaus, Karl, freiherr von. Rede von der Kriegskunst, gehalten zu Göttingen, in einer Versammlung der Königl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, in Gegenwart Sr. durchlaucht des Prinzen Karls v. Hessen... Am 19 Merz 1778. Prague, J. F. Edlen v. Schönfeld, 1780. ICN, U 0 .627 (Prague, 1780). Comments: 28 pages with illustrations. With Nitzsche, Johann Gottlieb, Die neue Kriegskunst, 1782.

Servan, Joseph, 1741-1808. Le soldat citoyen, ou Vues patriotiques sur la maniere la plus avantageuse de pourvoir a la défense du royaume. N.p., 1780. ICN, U 139 .809 (N.p., 1780). Comments: Also attributed to Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de Guibert.

Silva, marquis de. Gedanken über die Taktik und Strategik oder wahre Grundsätze der Kriegswissenschaft. Aus dem Französischen ... übersetz. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], W. G. Korn, 1780. ICN, U 2 .817 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1780); French editions: ICN (Paris, 1768); MnU (Turin, 1778); MiU Film 7932 (Turin, 1778). Comments: The French editions include at end: Considerations sur la guerre de 1769 entre les Russes et les Turcs, ecrites partie au mois d’octobre, & partie au mois de décembre de cette même année. Nouv. ed. corr., & augm. de plusieurs notes historiques. 55 pages at end.

Simes, Thomas. The regulator: or Instructions to form the officer, and complete the soldier, upon fixed principles ... To which is added, Proceedings of general courts-martial, with the nature of the office, and duties of the judge-advocate. As also observations upon several of the articles of war; and the authors opinion upon some military queries. London, W. Richardson, 1780. ICN, U 145 .818 (London, 1780); IU (London, 1780).

Simes, Thomas. A treatise on the military science, which comprehends the grand operations of war, and general rules for conducting and army in the field ... to which is added, The manner of attacking and defending of military posts...&c. London, Printed by H. Reynell, 1780. MnU (London, 1780); MiU (London, 1780).

Verschuer, George, freiherr von, d. 1789. Abhandlung über den Wehrstand und dessen Erfordernisse aus Erfahrungs gründen in besondern Anmerkungen beschrieben. Reval, Albrecht und Co., 1780. ICN, U 0 .939 (Reval, 1780).

Wimpffen, Christian Peter von, 1725-1781. Commentaires des Mémoires de Monsieur le comte de Saint-Germain, ministre & sécretaire d’etat de la guerre... London, 1780. ICN, U 0 .774 (London, 1780); OCl (London, 1780); MiU FILM 10739 (London, 1780); MnU Z 233 M3W71 (London, 1781).

Wolfe, James. General Wolfe’s instructions to young officers: also his orders for a battalion and an army ... 2nd ed. London, J. Millan, 1780. ICN, U 0 .991 (London, 1780); MiU (London, 1780).

1781 Bertuch, Johann Georg. Ueber Erziehung des [Kunft]igen Soldaten, nebst einem Vorschlage, bey einzelnen Regimentern Schulen zu errichten. Berlin, C. F. Himburg, 1781. ICN, U 0 .09 (Berlin, 1781).

Dupain de Montesson, ca. 1720-ca. 1790. Die Kunst, alles in Grund-Riss zu bringen, was auf dem Krieg oder auf die bürgerliche und ökonomische Baukunst einige Beziehung hat. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Dresden, J. S. Gerlach, 1781. ICN, L 99 298 (Dresden, 1781).

The field of Mars: being an alphabetical digestion of the principal naval and military engagements, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, particularly of Great Britain and her allies, from the ninth Century to the present period. Selected from the best historians and journalists, and adjusted from the greatest authority ... To which is prefixed an essay on the art of war, and a comprehensive system of military and naval discipline... 2 vols. London, Printed for J. Macgowan, 1781. ICN, U 012 .287 (London, 1781).

Nicolai, Ferdinand Friedrich, 1730-1814. Die Anordnung einer gemeinsamen Kriegsschule für alle Waffen. Stuttgart, J. B. Mezler, 1781. ICN, I 873 .624 (Stuttgart, 1781).

Saint-Germain, Claude Louis, comte de. Mémoires et commentaires de M. le comte de St. Germain. 2 vols. London, 1781. ICN, U 0 .7738 (London, 1781).

Simes, Thomas. A military guide for young officers, containing a system of the art of war. 3rd. ed. London, J. Millan, 1781. ICN, U 0 .82 (London, 1781).

Warnery, Charles Emmanuel de, 1719-1786. Remarques sur la cavallerie, par mr. de W. ... Lublin, 1781. MiU (Lublin, 1781).

1782 Algarotti, Francesco, conte, 1712-1764. Letters military and political. From the Italian of Count Algarotti... London, Egerton, 1782. ICN, U 0 .02 (London, 1782).

Dorset, Michael. An essay on defensive war, and a constitutional militia; with an account of Queen Elizabeth’s arrangements for resisting the projected invasion in the year 1588, taken from authentic records in the British Museum, and other collections. By an officer. London, Printed for T. Evans, J. Robson and J. Sewell, 1782. MiU (London, 1782).

Legendre, Adrien Marie, 1752-1833. Dissertation sur la question de balistique proposée par l’Academie royale des sciences et belles-lettres de Prusse pour le prix de 1782, qui lui a été adjugé dans l’assemblée publique du 6 juin. Par m. le LeGendre... Berlin, Chez G. J. Decker, 1782. MiU (Berlin, 1782).

Nitzsche, Johann Gottlieb. Die neue Kriegskunst in Vergleichung gestellt mit der Kriegskunst alter Zeiten, durch Beyspiele und Zeugnisse aus der Heiligen Schrift. Leipzig, J. P. Haug, 1782. ICN, U 0 .627 (Leipzig, 1782). Comments: 63 pages. With this is bound Grothaus, Karl, freiherr von, Rede von der Kriegskunst, Prague, 1780.

Der Veteran, oder Militairisches Mancherley. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], W. G. Korn, 1782. ICN, U 0 .935 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1782).

1783 Anglesy, baron d’. Des Freyherrn von A*** ... nöthiger Unterricht zur wahren Bildung eines Offiziers; in einigen auf Erfahrung und nachdenken gegründeten hehren eines Vaters an seinen Sohn. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt [von C. S. Walther]. Dresden, Walther, 1783. ICN, U 0 .039 (Dresden, 1783).

Fossé, Charles Louis François, 1734-1812. Idées d’un militaire pour la disposition des troupes confiées aux jeunes officiers dans la défense et l’attaque des petits postes. Par M. Fossé, officier au régiment d’infanterie du Roi... 2 pts. in 1 vol. Paris, Chez Alexandre Jombert, jeune, rue Dauphine, 1783. ICN, Case fU 0 .3108 (Paris, 1783); ICU (Paris, 1783); MiU (Paris, 1783); German editions: ICN (Copenhagen, 1789); ICN (Copenhagen, 1790); English edition: MiD-B (N.p., 1806). Comments: With Paris, 1783 (ICN) edition is appended: “Précis pour servir à représenter les plans militaires,” and “Construction de la perspective militaire,” the latter including colored plans, signed: “Gravé par Louis Marin Bonnet, premier graveur dans ce genre.”

Lloyd, Henry, 1720?-1783. Abhandlung über die allgemeinen Grundsätze der Kriegskunst. Aus dem Englischen. Frankfurt, P. H. Perrenon, 1783. ICN, U 2 .515 (Frankfurt, 1783). Comments: Translated by Hermann Flensberg.

Rahmel, August Wilhelm Leopold von, d. 1808. Ueber den Dienst, von einem, ehemals unter der preussischen Armee gestandenen, und jetzt unter den Amerikanern dienenden Offizier. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1783. ICN, U 0 .732 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1783).

1784 Drewe, Edward. Military sketches. Exeter, B. Thorn and son, 1784. MiU (Exeter, 1784). Comments: At the head of title: Dedicated to the British army. The author was wounded at Bunker Hill.

Desfours, Franz Joseph, graf von, 1765-1823. Generalreglement oder Verhaltungen für die Kayserlich-königliche Generalität. Anhang. Auszug aus ganz newen noch ingedruckten Nachrichten von der jetzigen Stärke der Kayserlichrichten von der jetzigen Stärke der Kayserlich-königliche Armee. Leipzig, 1784. ICN, U 11 .226 (Leipzig, 1784); ICN, U 11 .2262 (Leipzig, 1785).

Kinsky, Franz Joseph, graf von, 1739-1805. Elementarbegriffe von Dienstsachen. Vienna, C. F. Wappler, 1784. ICN, U 0 .465 (Vienna, 1784); ICN, U 0 .466 (Vienna, 1795).

Kriegswissenschaft, oder belehrende Nachrichten für diejenigen, so sich dem Soldatenstand widmen wollen. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], W. G. Korn, 1784. ICN, U 0 .469 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1784).

Mauvillon, Jacob, 1743-1794. Einleitung die sämmtlichen militärischen Wissenschaften für junge Leute, die bestimmt sind, als Offiziers bey der Infanterie und Kavallerie zu dienen. In drey Jahrgänge abgetheilt von J. Mauvillon. Brunswick, Verlag der Fürstl. Waisenhaus-Buchandlung, 1784. ICN, U 2 .554 (Brunswick, 1784).

Wissel, Georg von. Der Jäger im Felde, oder Kurze Abhandlung wie der Dienst bei leichten Truppen im Felde zu verrichten. Göttingen, J. C. Dieterich, 1784. ICN, U 2 .979 (Göttingen, 1784).

1785 Bergstraesser, Johann Andreas Benignus, 1732-1812. Correspondance sur le problème annoncé le 21 dec. 1784 relativement aux distances que l’oeil peut parcourir, ou qu’il ne sauroit atteindre dans les événemens militaires, ou sur la synthematographique ... le tout compris dans une suite de lettres adressées ä Son Altesse...Monseigneur le prince Ferdinand duc de Brunsvic & Lunebourg etc. Hanau, 1785. ICN, U 41 .09 (Hanau, 1785).

Desfours, Franz Joseph, graf von, 1765-1823. Generalreglement oder Verhaltungen für die Kayserlich-königliche Generalität. Anhang. Auszug aus ganz newen noch ingedruckten Nachrichten von der jetzigen Stärke der kayserlichrichten von der jetzigen Stärke der Kayserlich-königliche Armee. Leipzig, 1785. ICN, U 11 .2262 (Leipzig, 1785); ICN, U 11 .226 (Leipzig, 1784).

Glenie, James, 1750-1817. A short essay on the modes of defence best adapted to the situation and circumstances of this island... By an officer. London, G. & T. Wilkie, 1785. MiU (London, 1785); MiU-C (London, 1785); ICN (London, 1785); ICJ (London, 1785).

Hogrewe, Johann Ludwig, d. 1814. Theoretische und praktische Anweisung zur militairischen Aufnahme oder Vermessung im Felde. Zum gebrauch für officiers und angehende ingenieurs. Hannover, Gedruckt bey C. W. H. Pockwitz, jun., 1785. ICN, U 205 .413 (Hannover, 1785).

Laurenberg, S. Versuch eines geometrischen Augemaasses, Samlung einiger geometrischen Aufgaben, die sowol bei geographischen und topographischen Vermessungen ganzer Länder und Provinzen, als auch bei kleinen Situationen angewendet werden können. Riga, J. F. Hartknoch, 1785. ICN, U 205 .486 (Riga, 1785).

Nockhern de Schorn, François. Versuch über ein allgemeines System aller militairischen Kenntnisse, nebst einer einleuchtenden Methode die Kriegswissenschaft mit Ordnung und Erkenntniss zu studieren. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt. Nuremberg, G. P. Monath, 1785. ICN, U 0 .628 (Nuremberg, 1785).

O’Cahill, baron. Geschichte der grössen Heerführer neuerer Zeiten gesammelt und mit taktisch-geographischen Noten begleitet von Baron O’Cahill. 11 vols. Frankenthal, K. B. F. Gegel, [1785]-89 [vol. 1, ‘86]. ICN, U 01 .64 (Frankenthal, 1785-89).

Prussia--Armee. Reglement für die königl. preussische Infanterie, worinnen enthalten: Die Evolutionen, das Manual, die Chargirung, und wie der Dienst im Felde, und in der Garnison geschehen soll, auch wornach die sämmtlichen Offiziere sich sonst zu verhalten haben; desgleichen wie viel an Traktament bezahlet, und davon abgezogen wird, auch wie die Mundirung gemacht werden soll. Vienna, J. T. Edlen v. Trattnern, 1785. ICN, U 428 .713; MiU, UD 233 .P8 A4 1750 (Berlin, 1750); English editions: MiU (London, 1754); IU (London, 1759).

1786 Von der Bildung des Officiers. Hadersleben, H. Luckander, 1786. ICN, U 0 .948 (Hadersleben, 1786).

1787 Considérations sur l’influence des moeurs, dans l’état militaire des nations. London, 1787. ICN, U 012 .19 (London, 1787).

Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de, 1743-1790. Éloge du Roi de Prusse. Par l’auteur de l’essai général de tactique. London, 1787. IU 943.1 F87 Wgu (London, 1787).

Kinsky, Franz Joseph, graf von, 1739-1805. Allgemeine Prinzipen zur öffentlichen, und besonders Militär-Erziehung. W. Neustadt, Adam und Kompagnie, 1787. ICN, U 0 .464 (W. Neustadt).

1788 Bezout, Etienne. Cours de mathematiques, a l’usage du corps royal de l’artillerie. 4 vols. Paris, 1788. MiU (Paris, 1788). Comments: “Practically the whole of Book IV which employs calculus methods, is devoted to the treatment of trajectories and projectiles. The first edition was published in Paris, 1770-72.” Spaulding.

Mauvillon, Jacob, 1743-1794. Essai sur l’influence de la poudre à canon dans l’art de la guerre moderne, très humblement dédié à S. A. S. monseigneur le duc Ferdinand, duc de Bronsvik et Lunebourg, par J. Mauvillon... Leipzig, J. P. H. Veuve, 1788. MiU (Leizig, 1788); ICU (Leipzig, 1788).

Medicus, Heinrich. Was ist jedem Officier während eines Feldzugs zu Wissen nöthig? Karlsruhe, Macklot, 1788. ICN, U 2 .557 (Karlsruhe, 1788).

Schleicher, Franz Karl, 1756-1815, ed. Ueber die vollkommenste Bildung des Soldaten in Friedenszeiten, besonders in Rücksicht auf unsre hohen Schulen. Marburg, In der neuen Academischen Buchhandlung, 1788. ICN, U 0 .7893 (Marburg, 1788). Comments: 32 pages.

1789 Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damarzit de Sahuguet, baron d’, 1713-1783. Histoire de Maurice, comte de Saxe. Nouvelle éd., augementée de l’êloge de M. le maréchal de Saxe, par M. Thomas. Toulouse, N. êtienne Sens, 1789. MiU (Toulouse, 1789); ICU, DC 135 .S3E77 (Paris, 1773); OU (Paris, 1775); ICN (Paris, 1775).

Fossé, Charles Louis François, 1734-1812. In Erfahrung gegründete Gedanken vom Gebrauch der Mannschaften, die jungen Officieren anbetrauet werden, bey Angriff und Vertheidigung kleiner Posten. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt und hrsg. von Heinrich Johannes Krebs. Copenhagen, N. Möller und Sohn, 1789. ICN, U 0.31082 (Copenhagen, 1789); ICN, U 0 .31083 (Copenhagen, 1790); French edition: ICU (Paris, 1783); ICN, Case fU 0 .3108 (Paris, 1783); MiU (Paris, 1783); English edition: MiD-B (N.p., 1806).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786. Oeuvres de Frédéric II, roi de Prusse. 4 vols. Publiées du vivant de l’auteur ... Berlin, Voss et fils, etc. 1789. IU (Berlin, 1789); OClW (Berlin, 1846-57); OCl (Berlin, 1846-57); OU (Berlin, 1846-57); ICarbS (Berlin, 1913-1914); MnU (Berlin, 1913-1914); ICU (Berlin, 1913-1914); OCU (Berlin, 1913-1914); ICN (Berlin, 1913-1914); InU (Berlin, 1912-1914); IaU (Berlin, 1912-1914). Comments: The nineteenth and twentieth century editions include the correspondence of . The twentieth century Berlin edition is in German, while the other editions are in the original French.

Militairische Gedanken und Kriegsregeln für junge Leute die sich dem Militair widem. Aus den Papieren eines alten Chursächsischen Staabsofficiers gesammelt v. B. Leipzig, G. E. Beer, 1789. ICN, U 0.5765 (Leipzig, 1789). Comments: 76 pages.

Scholten, Johann Anton von, 1723-1791. Hvad bor en officeer vide, naar han vil opfylde sin stands pligter og med rette vente befordring? Oversat og sammendraget, med tillaeg tagne af en tale, holdet af samme forfatter. Udgivet til Fordeel for Soldaterbornene i Citadellet Fredrikshavn. Copenhagen, J. F. Schultz, 1789. ICN, U 0.7897 (Copenhagen, 1789).

Treatises on Military Medicine

Clowes, William, 1540?-1604. A prooved practice for all young chirurgians concerning burnings with gunpowder, and wounds made with gunshot, , halbard, pyke, launce, or such other ... Hereto is adioyned a treatise of the French or Spanish pockes, written by John Almenar ... Also, a commodious collection of aphorismes bothe English and Latin, taken out of an old written copy. Published by Wylliam Clowes. London?, Printed by Thomas Orwyn, for Thomas Cadman, 1588. IU, RBC Film R193 and Film UM R1055 (London?, 1588); MiU (London?, 1588); IU, RBC Film UM R1230 (London?, 1591). Comments: The author also concerned himself with a cure for “Morbus Gallicus” or veneral disease.

Clowes, William, 1540?-1604. Profitable and necessarie booke of observations. By William Clowes, with introductions general and medical, by De Witt T. Starnes... and Chauncey D. Leake ... New York, Scholar’s facsimiles & reprints, 1945. ICN, Q .18 (New York, 1945).

Monro, David. Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers; and of conducting military hospitals. 2nd ed. 2 vols. London, J. Murray, 1780. ICN, U 4785 .588 (London, 1780).

Pringle, Sir John, bart., 1707-1782. Observations on the diseases of the army. 1st American edition. With notes, by Benjamin Rush ... Philadelphia, 1810. ICN, Q .715 (Philadelphia, 1810); German edition: ICN, Q .716 (Altenberg, 1772).

Der Veteran, oder Militairisches Mancherley. 2 vols. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], W. G. Korn, 1782. ICN, U 0 .935 (Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], 1782).

Woodall, John, 1556?-1643. Woodalls Viaticum: The path-way to the surgions chest. Containing chirurgicall instructions for the younger sort of surgions now imployed in the service of His Maiestie for the intended reliefe of Rochell. Intended chiefly for the better curing of wounds made by gun- shott. London, 1628. IU, RBC Film UM R1055 (London, 1628).

Woodall, John, 1556?-1643. The surgions mate, or A treatise discovering faithfully and plainely the due contents of the surgions chest, the uses of the instruments, the vertues and operations of the medicines, the cures of the most frequent diseases at sea: namely wounds, apostumes, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, dislocations, with the true maner of amputation, the cure of scurvie, the fluxes of the belly, of the collica and illiaca passio, tenasmus, and exitus ami, the callenture; with a briefe explantion of sal, sulphur, and mercury; with certaine characters, and tearmes of arte. Published chiefly for the benefit of young sea-surgeons, imployed in the East-India Companies affaires. London, Printed by E. Griffin for L. Lisle, 1617. IU, RBC Film UM R946 (London, 1617); MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 25962, carton 946 (London, 1617); ICU [microfilm] (London, 1617); MnU-B (London, 1639); MnU-B, B617 qW85 1655 (London, 1655).

Treatises on Military Law and Collections of Military Laws

Adye, Stephen Payne. A treatise on courts martial, to which is added, An essay on military punishments and rewards. 3rd ed. London, 1786. ICN, Case U 345 .02 (London, 1786).

Ayala, Baltasar. De jure et officiis bellicis et disciplina militari. Washington, Carnegie Institution, 1912. ICN, J 8 .18 no. 2 (Washington, 1912).

Brunswick (Duchy). Chur-Braunschweig-Lüneburgisches Kriegs-Recht, Calenbergishchen und Lüneburgischen Theils ... Neue und mit einem Supplement vermehrte Auflage. Hanover, N. Förster, 1762. ICN, U 347 .125 (Hanover, 1762).

Burn, Richard, 1709-1785. A digest of the military laws. London, A. Millar, 1760. ICN, U 145 .569 (London, 1760).

Colón de Larriátegui, Félix. Juzados militares de España y sus Indias. Por d. Félix Colón y Larriátegui, Ximenez de Ebrum. Madrid, Ibarra, 1788-89. ICN, Ayer 655.5 C71 1788 (Madrid, 1788-89).

Corpus juris militaris. Cölln an der Spree, R. Völcker, 1693. ICN, U 3 .194 (Cölln, 1693).

Corpus juris militaris recognitum. Frankfurt, C. Hermsdorff, 1674. ICN, U 3 .193 (Frankfurt, 1674).

Danske love, forordninger, kund-goreker og plakater. Copenhagen, 1740- 1865. ICN (Copenhagen, 1740-1865).

Dölffer, Johann Anton. Das wolleingerichtete Krieges-Recht oder Rechts gegründete Information ... Leipzig, H. F. Hoffmann, 1718. ICN, U 3 .235 (Leipzig, 1718).

Eberhard, Phillip, duke of Cleves, 1456-1528. Borgundische Kriegesordnung, darinn begriffen ist wie ein gut Ordnung des Kriegs fürgenommen unnd gehalten soll werden. Nach der Teutschen hergebrachten Kriegsregirungen und alten Römischem gebrauch. Durch den hochgebornen Fürsten und Herrn ... Philipsen Hertzog zu Cleve ... [N.p.], 1559. ICN, Wing +ZP 547 .S 688 ([N.p.], 1559). Comments: With Solms, Reinhard, graf von, Das Kriegsbuch, 1559. Coat of arms of Reinhard, graf von Solms on recto of last leaf.

Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of, 1591-1646. Lawes and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the Army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament for the defense of the King and Kingdom. And now inlarged by command of His Excellency ... London, Printed for John Partridge and Robert Rothwell, 1642. MiU (London, 1642).

Fronsperger, Leonhardt, baron von Mindelheim, 1520-1575. Von Kayserlichem Kriegsrechten, Malefitz und Schuldhändlen. Ordnung und Regiment, sampt derselben und anderen hoch oder niderigen Befelch, Bestallung, staht und Ampter zu Rossz un Fuss, an Geschütz und Munition, in Zug und Schlachtordnung, zu Feld, Berg, Thal, Wasser und Land, vor oder in Besatzungen gegen oder von Feinden fürzunemmen, welcher Art, Sotten, herkomen und Gebrauch under und bey Regierung dess ... Keysers Caroli dess fünfften ... geübt un gebraucht in zehn Bücher ... von neuwem beschrieblichen Kriegsrechten ... Frankfurt, 1566. MiU (Frankfurt, 1566).

Great Britain--Adjutant General’s Office. English military discipline. London, Robert Harford, 1680. MiU (London, 1680).

Great Britain--Adjutant General’s Office. An abridgment of the English military discipline. Printed by especial command, for use of His Majesties forces. London, Printed by the assigns of John Bill deceas’d: and by Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, 1685. ICN (London, 1685); MiU (London, 1686); ICN, U 2 .3641 (N.p., 1686). Comments: The London, 1686 edition is bound with La Fontaine de, The military duties of the officers of cavalry, 1678; English military discipline, 1680; and Rules amd articles for the better governmemt of His Majesties Land-forces, 1688.

Great Britain--Adjutant General’s Office. Rules and articles for the better government of His Majesties land-forces in pay. Published by His Majesties command. London, Printed by Charles Bill, Henry Hills, and Thomas Newcomb, 1688. MiU (London, 1688); ICN, U 2 .3641 (London, 1688). Comments: Bound with Gt. Brit. Adjutant General’s Office. An abridgment of the English military discipline, 1686.

Great Britain--Adjutant General’s Office. The exercise of the foot; with the evolutions, according to the words of command. London, Charles Bill and Thomas Newcomb, 1690. MiU (London, 1690).

Great Britain. Hereafter ensue certayne statuts and ordenances of warre made, ordeyned, enacted, establysshed by the most nobel victoryous and most Christen prynce our noste drade soveraygne lorde Kynge Henry the viii. London, R. Pynson, 1513. ICN, Case U 345 .368 (London, 1513).

Great Britain. Kriegs-Ordre jetzt regierender Sr. Königlichen Majestät von Gross-Brittannien ... N.p., 1691. ICN, U 3 .194 (N.p., 1691).

Great Britain--Adjutant General’s Office. The Perfection of military discipline, after the newest method; as practiced in England and Ireland, &c., or, The industrious souldier’s golden treasury of knowledge in the art of making war ... To which is added, as a second part, The art of gunnery; or, The complete engineer ... The 2nd ed. corrected; with large additions in both parts. London, N. Boddington, 1691. ICN, Case U 0 .674 (STC II P 1533) (London, 1691).

Holy Roman Empire. [Disputationes militares. A collection of 193 tracts on Roman-Germanic law, mostly public disputations and mostly on aspects of law dealing with war and military matters, by various hands.] 7 vols. Wittenberg; Leipzig; Jena et al., various publishers, 1620-1755. InU, Lilly DD 88 1620 (Wittenberg; Leipzig; Jena et al, 1620-1755). Comments: Binding title: Disputationes militares. Includes works with Heinrich von Cecceji (1644-1719), Johann Peter von Ledewig (1688-1743), Samuel Stryk (1640-1710) and Johann Samuel Stryk (1668-1743) as Praeses.

Junghans von der Olnitz, Adam. Kriegsordnung zu wasser und landt. Kurtzer und eigenlicher underricht aller Kriegsshändel so geübet werden und im brauch sein sampt nützlichen darbey angezogenen bericht schlachtordnungen zu machen ... Jetzt auffs new ubersehen unnd zum viertenmahl in truck verfertigt auch mit andern nützlichen stücken gemehrt und gebessert ... Cologne, Wilhelm Lützenkirchen, 1611. MiU (Cologne, 1611). Comments: “A complete field service manual for the three arms; of special interest for army organization in Germany just prior to the Thirty Years’ War.” Spaulding.

Maldoneri, Johann Franciscus. Synopsis militaris, oder Kurtzer Begriff über die kayserliche. Kriegs-Articul, mit ihren neuverbesserten sonderbahren, so wol hoch als miedern Kriegs-Officiren. Und denen gemeinen Knechten sehr nutz- und dienlichen Anmerckungen und Frag-Stucken ... Editio 3. Sed multo auctior. Nuremberg, J. C. Lochner, 1724. ICN, U 347 .547 (Nuremberg, 1724).

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795)--Staten generaal. Recueil der militaire ordonnantien van haar Hoogh Mog. de Heeren Staten Generaal der Vereenighde Nederlanden, en van den Raad van Staate, voorde troupes in dienst zynde van haar Hoogh Mog. Den 3, druck, van seen veel fouten gesuyvert, en met veele reglementen en ordennantien vermeerdert tot den jare 1719 incluys. Recueil des ordonnances militaires de leurs Hautes Puissances les Seigneurs êtats generaux des Provinces unies, & du Conseil d’Etat, pour le reglement des troupes qui sont au service de leurs Hautes Puissances. 3 ed., corr. & aug. des plusieurs ordonnances & reglemens jusques à l’année 1719 inclusivement. The Hague, By P. Scheltus, 1720. MiU, UB 635 .A2 1720 (The Hague, 1720). Comments: Text in Dutch and French on opposite pages.

Ordne et reiglement que doivent tenir et garder les soldats & gens de guerre à pied. Extraict des registres de la Connestablie & mareschaussée de France, au siege general de la Table de marbre du Palais. Paris, 1649. WU (Paris, 1649). Comments: 4 pages. Dated at end, 14 January 1649.

Prussia. Armee. Reglement vor die Königl. Preussische Cavallerie Regimenter. Worinn enthalten: Die Evolutions zu Pferde und zu Fuss, das Manual und die Chargirung, und Wie der Dienst im Felde und in der Guarnison geschehen soll, auch wornach die sämtlichen officiers sich zu verhalten haben. Desgleichen Wie viel an Tractament bezahlet und daron abgezogen wird, auch wie die Mondirung gemacht werden soll. Berlin, 1743. ICN, U 43 .715 (Berlin, 1743); English edition: MnU (Edinburgh, 1757); French edition: ICN, U 101 .F924 1761 (Frankfurt, 1762). Comments: With the Berlin, 1743 edition is bound: Reglement, vor der Husaren- Regimenter. Berlin, 1752. With the French edition, Frankfurt, 1762, is bound: Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. Instruction militaire du roi du Prusse pour ses généraux. Frankfurt, & Leipzig, 1761.

Reuss. Contentum oder Innhalt aller Königl. Dänischen von av. 1683 bis hieher emanirten den Militir-Etat zu Pferde und zer Fuss concerniren-den Verornungen, Verbohte, Ordonnancer, Reglemeni ... und anderer sowohl ungedruckten als gedruchten Anordnungen ... Copenhagen, 174-. ICN, U 230 .738 (Copenhagen, 174?).

Le Roy de Barincourt, d. ca. 1797. Principe fondamental du droit des souverains ... 2 vols. Geneva, 1788. WU (Geneva, 1788).

St. Chaman, Henri de. Ordonnances militaires, touchant l’ordre, reglement, discipline, police & devoir de l’infanterie francoise. Rouen, Jean Berthelin, 1626. MiU (Rouen, 1626).

Scotland--Army. Articles of Militarie discipline. Edinburgh, Printed by James Bryson, 1639. IU, RBC Film UM R819 and EE 77 (Edinburgh, 1639); OU, UB 795 S35 1639a (Amsterdam and New York, 1969). Comments: 16 pages. The 1969 edition is from collection entitled: The English experience, its record in early printed books; published in facsimile, no. 77. Original title-page has imprint: Edinburgh, Printed by James Bryson, Anno Dom. 1639.

Sweden. Allerneuester königlich-schwedisches Reglement für den Dienst der Fussvolks im Felde und zu Hause im Lande. Dresden, Walter, 1786. ICN, U 42 .8582 (Dresden, 1786).

Sweden. Neuester königliches schwedisches Reglement für das Fussvolk. Göttingen, J. C. Dieterich, 1782. ICN, U 42 .858 (Göttingen, 1782).

William III, king of Gt. Brit., 1650-1702. Ordre ende reglement, by Syne Hoogheyt gearresteert, omtrent het logeren ende refraischeren vans lants militie, ten platten lande. The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1675. MnU, Z949.2 Z 1675:1 (The Hague, 1675). Comments: 6 pages.

Ziegler, Kaspar, 1621-1690. Casparis Ziegleri ... In Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libros ... Notae et animadversiones subitariae. Ed. 2, indice auctior. Wittenberg, 1676. IU, 341.3 G91dYz (Wittenberg, 1676).

Zincken, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm. Kurze Anleitung zur praktischen Kriegs- Rechtsgelahrsamkeit in Deutschland ... Helmstedt, J. H. Kühnlin, 1778. ICN, U 347 .998 (Helmstedt, 1778).

Zincken, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm. Kurze und gründliche Einleitung zur Kiegs- Rechts-Gelahrsamkeit Magdeburg, J. C. Zapffe, 1774. ICN, U 347 .998 (Magdeburg, 1774).

Periodicals as Sources of Military History

Gazeta de Barcelona. Dec. 23, 1700-Nov. 1, 1760. 69 nos. Barcelona, 1700- 1760. InU, Lilly DP1 .G289 Mendel (Barcelona, 1700-1760). Comments: “Our holding mostly covers the period of the Spanish Succession War, 1701-1714; one incomplete issue at end dated 1762.”--Lilly Library.

Gaceta de Madrid. 15 de diciembre de 1761-11 de noviembre de 1808. 455 nos. 6 vols. Madrid, 1761-1808. InU, Lilly DP 1 .G127 Mendel (Madrid, 1761-1808). Comments: Volume one contains a manuscript letter and a report sent to the king of Spain by Antonio Flobert, concerning the political and military events leading to the battle of Almeida, Portugal, 1762.

Gazette de France. 122 vols. in 82. Paris, 1631-1678, 1683-1709, 1721-56, 1761-85. ICN, A 54 .35 (Paris, 1631-1678, 1683-1709, 1721-56, 1761-85). Comments: Issued irregularly 1631-87; weekly 1688-1761; semiweekly, 1762- .

Hollandse mercurius. Verhalende de voornaemste saken van staet, en andere voorvallen, die in en omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden, en elders in Europa ... zijn geschiet ... 1-41 deel (1650-1690). 41 vols. , [1651]-91. ICN, Case F 0976 .42 (Haarlem, [1651]-91). Comments: Edited by Pieter Casteleyn. Title varies slightly. Vol. 1 has half-title: Annales Batavicae, onder den naem van Holantsche mercurius.

Mercure de France ... Paris, jan./mai 1672, mar. 1678, sept. 1767, juin 1738- dec. 1785. ICN, A 54 .573 (Paris, 1672-1785); IU (Paris, 1672-1785). Comments: Approx. 1672-1785, but not all numbers are available, Some eighteenth century numbers available at IU. Title varies: 1672-74, 1677-Apr. 1714- -Mercure galant. 1677, May 1714-Oct. 1716--Nouveau mercure galant. 1717-May 1721--Nouveau mercure. June 1721-1723--Mercure. Dec. 1791-1799--Mercure française. Suspended 1675-76, Sept. 1799-May 1800, May-Aug. 1815.

Mercurio portuguez. Monthly. Jan. 1663-July 1667. 55 nos. Lisbon, Na Officina de Henrique Valente de Oliveira, 1663-67. InU, Lilly DP 501 .M556 Mendel (Lisbon, 1663-1667).

Mercurius publicus. Comprising the sum of all affairs now in agitation in England, Scotland, and Ireland, together with forrain intelligence; for information of the people, and to prevent false news. Published by authority. Weekly. Jan. 2/9, 1661-June 25/July 2, 1663. 3 vols. London, Printed by T. Newcomb, etc., 1661-1663. ICN, Case F 455 .561 (London, 1661-1663).

Mercurius politicus. Comprising the sum of foreign intelligence with the affairs now on foot in the three nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland ... Weekly. [515] nos. Nos. 1-[615]; June 6, 1650-Apr. 12, 1660. 8 vols. London, Printed by T. Newcomb, 1650-1660. ICN, Case J 5454 .569 (London, 1650-1660).

The Italian Wars, 1489-1559

Académie des sciences morlaes et politiques. Collection des ordonnances des rois de France: Catalogue des actes de François 1er. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1887-1908. IU, 944.02 Ac1c (Paris, 1887-1908).

Auton, Jehan d’. Chroniques de Louis XII. 4 vols. êdition pub. pour la Société de l’histoire de France Paris, par H. Laurens, successeur, 1889-95. OU, DC 108A2A93 (Paris, 1889-95); IU, 944 SO13p V.245, 250, 264, 273 (Paris, 1889-95).

Baeza, Gonzalo. Cuentas de Gonzalo Baeza, tesorero de Isabel la Catolica. Ed. preparada por Antonio de la Torre y E.A. de la Torre. 2 vols. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, partonato Macelino Ménéndez Pelayo, 1955-56. IU, RBC, 352.1B14c (Madrid, 1955-56).

Bernáldez, Andrés. Historia de los reyes catolicos D. Fernando y Dona Isabel, escrita por el bachiller Andrés Bernáldez (d. 1513?) ... 2 vols. Seville, Imp. que fué de J.M Geofrin, 1870. IU RBC, 860.8So12ser.1v.1 (Seville, 1870).

Bourdeille, André, vicomte de, seigneur de Brantìme, 1519?-1582. Oeuvres d’André de Bourdeille, accompagnées de remarques historiques. Nouvelle édition, collationnées sur les manuscrits autographes. Paris, Foucault, 1823. ICN, E 5 .B 6643 (Paris, 1823). Comments: Includes the Maximes et advis du maniement de la guerre.”

Brunon, Jean. Les Français en Italie sous Henri II., d’après les papiers du baron de Fourquevaux, homme de guerre et diplomate, ordonnateur général du Roi de France en Italie, 1550-1557. Pref. du général Weygand. êd. original. Marseille, Collection R. et J. Brunon [1952]. IU, RBC xq944.02 B836f (Marseille, 1952). Comments: The facsimiles are of forty documents from the archives of the château de Fourquevaux. With translations of those in Italian and in cipher and transcriptions of those in French and with “Inventaire détaillé des archives ‘Guerres d’Italie de Fourquevaux.’”

Capella, Galeazzo Flavio. Commentarii Galeacii Capelle de rebus gestis pro restitutione Francisci II. mediolanensium ducis, nuper ab ipso auctore recogniti, & antea impressis emendatiores ... Paris, 1537. InU, Lilly Spec. DG 539 .C2 (Paris, 1537); IU, RBC x945.06C17d1533 (Antwerp, 1533); ICU (Antwerp, 1533); InU, Lilly Spec. DG539.C2 (Paris, 1537).

Cartas que se escribieron de órden del emperador Cárlos V á varias provincias con motivo de impedir al Francés la entrada que intentaba hacer por la Navarra, Perpiñan y Rosellon el año de 1542. (In Collección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España ... Madrid, 1842-95. t. VIII (1846) pp. 529-547.) IU, 946 C67 v. 8 (Madrid, 1842-95).

Charles V, Emperor of the , 1500-1558. Entschuldigung des fürgenommen Kriegs gegen dem Künig von Franckreich. Nuremberg?, 1536. InU, Lilly DD 180.6 .E61 (Nuremberg?, 1536).

Cirni, Antonfrancesco, fl. 1560. Comentarii d’Antonfrancesco Cirni Corso; ne quali si descrive la guerra ultima di Francia, la celebratione del Concilio Tridentino il soccorso d’Orano, l’impresa del Pigone, e l’historia dell’ assedio di Malta ... Rome, Appresso Giulio Accolto, 1567. InU, Lilly DG 538 .C578 (Rome, 1567). Comments: Cirni took part in the events he describes. There are passages about the knights of Malta and struggles against the Turks.

Comines, Philippe de, sieur d’Argenton, 1445?-1511? Cronique & histoire composée par Philippe de Comines, chevalier, seigneur d’Argenton: contenant les choses advenues durant le regne du Roy Loys unziesme. Reveue & corrigée ... Paris, Estienne Grouleau, 1559. InU, Lilly DC 106.9 .C7 1559 (Paris, 1559); IU (Paris, 1840-7); OCU (Paris, 1840- 7); ICU (Paris, 1840-7); OCl (Paris, 1840-7); OClW (Paris, 1840-7); MiU (Paris, 1840-7). Comments: Various other editions in several different languages available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Descriptio Apparatus bellici regis Frâcie Karoli intrâtis Italie civitates florentia ac deinde romam dñ exercitu duceret cìtra rege neaplitanu pro recupando regno Sicilie, et cìtra Thurcos infestissimos christianitatis inimicos. Cologne, Johannes Koelhoff, 1495. InU, Lilly Spec. DG 541 .A2 D4 (Cologne, 1495). Comments: 24 pages. Concerns the invasion of Italy by Charles VIII of France.

Dolet, Etienne, 1508-1546. Les gestes de Francoys de Valois Roy de France: dedans lequel oeuvre on peult congnoistre tout ce qui a esté faict par les Francoys depuis l’an mil cinq cents treize, jusques en l’an mil cinq cents trente neuf. Premierement composé en Latin par Estienne Dolet; et apres par luy mesmes translaté en langue francoyse. Lyon, chés Estienne Dolet, 1540. InU, Lilly DC 113 .A3 D614 1540 Vault (Lyon, 1540).

Du Bellay, Martin, sieur de Langey, d. 1559. Les memoires de Mess. Martin du Bellay, seigneur de Langey. Contenans le discours de plusieurs choses avenues au royaume de France depuis l’an M.D.XIII. jusques au trespas du roy François Premier, ausquels, l’autheur a inserétrois livres & quelques fragments des Ogdoades de Mess. Guillaume du Bellay seigneur de Langey son frère. Oeuvre mis nouvellemet en lumiere, & presenté au roy par Mess. René du Bellay ... baron de La Lande ... Paris, P. l’Huillier, 1573. InU, Lilly Spec. DC113 .A3D79 (Paris, 1573).

Ain Erschrockenliche newe Zeyttung: so geschehen ist den 12 tag Junij, in dem 1542 Jar: in ainem Stattlin hayszt Schgarbaria leyt 16 welsch Meyl wegs von Florentz, da haben sich grausammer Erdtbidem siben in ainer stundt erhöbt ... Ein anndere newe zeyttung so geschehen ist in des Turckhen Land: da ist ain Statt versuncken, das nit ain mensch darvon ist kumen, die ist von Solonichii ein Tagraysz ... N.p., 1542? InU, Lilly DG 471 .E73 (N.p., 1542); ICN, Bd. W. PA 111 E5 1546 Cage (N.p., 1542).

Fleuranges, Robert III de La Marck, seigneur de, 1491-1537. Mémoires du maréchal de Florange, dit le Jeune Adventureux. 2 vols. Pub. pour la Société de l’histoire de France, par Robert Goubaux et P. André Lemoisne ... Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1913-24. IU, 944 So13p V.363,406 (Paris, 1913-24); MiU (Paris, 1913-24); OU (Paris, 1913- 24); OClW (Paris, 1913-24); OCU (Paris, 1913-24).

Friedrich III, Emperor of Germany. Keiserlich Aufbot. [Basel, Michael Eureter? after 11 Feb. 1493.] InU, Lilly DD 173.5 .F91 K27 1493 Vault (Basel, 1493?). Comments: Broadside. Wax imperial seal. The Emperor summons his vassals to help in the war between his son Maximilian and Charles VIII of France.

Guicciardini, Francesco, 1483-1540. La historia d’Italia. di M. Francesco Guicciardini, gentil’huomo Fiorentino. Florence, Appresso L. Torrentino, 1561. InU, Lilly DG 539 .G94 1561 (Florence, 1561); IaU (Florence, 1561); IU (Florence, 1561); ICN (Venice, 1562); IU (Venice, 1562); InU, Lilly Spec. DG 539 .G 94 1564 (Venice, 1564); InU, Lilly Spec. DG 539 .G94 (Venice, 1583); MnU (Venice, 1616); WU (Venice, 1640); French editions: InU, Lilly DG 539 .G94 1593 Mendel (Geneva, 1593); English editions: InU, Lilly DG 539 .G94 1579 (London, 1579); MiU (London, 1599); InU (London, 1599); OCU (London, 1618); IU (London, 1618); OO (London, 1618); OU (London, 1618); MnU (London, 1618). Comments: Numerous editions available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Mailles, Jacques de, fl. 1527. Histoire du seigneur de Bayart, le Chevalier sans paour et sans reprouche. Composée par le Loyal serviteur; trascription de l’édition parisienne de 1527. Paris, E. Droz [etc.], 1927. ICU (Paris, 1927); OCU (Paris, 1927); ICN (Paris, 1927); ICN (Paris, 1619); IaU (Paris, 1619); MnU (Paris, 1619); WU (Paris, 1619); WU (Grenoble, 1650); OCl (Grenoble, 1650); OCU (Paris, 1942); English editions: OCU (London, 1883); OCl (London, 1883); OKentU (London, 1883); OClW (London, 1883); IEN (London, 1883); ICarbS (London, 1883). Comments: Other editions are availabe at most major midwestern research libraries.

Mexia, Pedro, 1496?-1552? Historia del emperador Carlos V; escrita por su cronista, el magnifico cavallero Pedro Mexia (1496?-1552?)... Edicion y estudio por Juan de Mata Carriazo. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1945. OU, DP3C6v.7 (Madrid, 1945); IU (Madrid, 1945); IEN (Madrid, 1945); ICN, Ayer 2500 M61 1918 (New York, 1918); MiU (New York, 1918); ICU, PC 4002 .R5 v.44 (in Revue hispanique, v. 44, pp. 1-564.) (New York, 1918) Comments: Forms part of the Colección de Crónicas españoles.

Montluc, Blaise de Lasserau-Massencome, seigneur de, d. 1577. Commentaires et lettres de Blaise de Monluc, maréchal de France. 5 vols. édition revue sur les manuscrits et publiée avec les variantes pour la Société de l’histoire de France par M. Alphonse de Ruble ... Paris, J. Renouard, 1864- 72. MiU (Paris, 1864-72); OU (Paris, 1864-72); OCU (Paris, 1864-72); OCl (Paris, 1864-72); IaU (Paris, 1864-72); ICU (Paris, 1864-72); IU (Paris, 1864-72); IU, 944C68 v.45, 49-50 (Paris, 1911-25); Comments: The Commentaires are in volumes 128, 134, 140, 152, 160. There are numerous other editions and translations of the Commentaires available in most major midwestern research libraries.

Rabutin, François de. Commentaires des guerres en la Gaule belgique (1555- 1559) par François de Rabutin. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Ch. Gailly de Taurines ... Paris, H. Champion [etc], 1932-. IU, 944 So13p v.428 (Paris, 1932); OU (Paris, 1932); OCU (Paris, 1932); OCl (Paris, 1932); MiU (Paris, 1932); InU, Lilly DC 114 .R11 C73 1574 (Paris, 1574).

Rodríguez Villa, Antonio. ... Crónicas del Gran Capitán. Por Antonio Rodríguez Villa ... Madrid, Bailly, Balliére é hijos, 1908. OClW (Madrid, 1908).

Valdés, Alfonso de, d. 1532. Relacion de las nuevas de Italia: sacadas de las cartas que los capitanes y Comisario del emperador y rey nuestro señor han escripto a Su Majestad: assi de la victoria, cìtra el rey de Fracia como de otras cosas alla acaecidas; vista y corregida por el señor gran chaciller & Consejo de Su Magestad. Madrid? 1875. IU 946.04 V233r (Madrid?, 1875); MiU (Madrid?, 1875); ICN (Paris, 1586); English editions: MiU (London, 1590); OU (Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1952); OO (Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1952). Comments: 15 pages. Signed at end: Alonso de Valdes.

Wars of Religion, 1562-1598

An Abstract of the proceedings of the French king. The defeating of the Duke of Parma’s forces. The preparation of His Maiestie for the reducing of his towns in Normandy. London, Printed for W. Wright, 1590. IU, RBC, Film UMR1487 no.15 (London, 1590).

Aggas, Edward. Articles concerning the yeelding of the citie of Grenoble into the King’s obedience, agreed upon betweene the Lord Desdiguiers, and the committies of the countrey. Togither with the besieging and yeelding up of Chartes. Faithfully translated out of the French coppie ... By Edward Aggas. London, Printed by J. Wolfe, 1591. IU, RBC, Film UMR1307 (London, 1591).

Aggas, Edward. A most excellent exploit perfourmed by Monsieur de Diguieres ... upon the Popes armie... With the taking of Sainct-Esprite, and the mutiny in Paris. Together with A discourse of the overthrow of the Duke of Savoyes army defeated by the Lord de Diguieres, in the plaine of Pont- Charra ... the eighteenth of September 1591. Printed at Tours by J. Mattayer ... and truely translated into English by Edward Aggas ... London, Printed by J. Wolfe, 1591. IU, RBC, Film UMR1304 (Tours, 1591).

Alba, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duque de, 1508-1582. Epistolario del III duque de Alba, don Fernandez Alvarez de Toledo [por el] duque de Alba. 3 vols. Madrid, 1952. IU, qB A3252al (Madrid, 1952).

Allen, William, cardinal, 1532-1594. The copie of a letter written by M. Doctor Allen concerning the yeelding up of the Citie of Daventrie, by Sir William Stanley ... before which is also prefixed a gentlemans letter, that gave occassion, of this discourse ... Imprinted at Antwerp, by Joachim Trognaesieus ... 1587. IU, RBC, Film UM 10482 (Antwerp, 1587).

Ambillou, René Bouchet, sieur d’, b. 1560. Discours de la guerre civile et mort très-regrette de Henry III. roy de France & de Pologne. Tours, J. Mettayer, 1590. IU, RBC, Film x944.02 Am16d (Tours, 1590). Comments: 44 pages. The IU microfilm is a copy of the original in the Bibliothèque Nationale.

Antonio, prior of Crato, 1531-1595. The explanation. Of the true and lawfull right and tytle, of ... Anthonie ... king of Portugall concerning his warres, againste Philip King of Castile, and against his subjectes and adherentes, for the recouverie of his kingdome. Together with a briefe historye of all that hath passed aboute that matter, untill ... 1583. Translated into English and conferred with the French and Latine copies ... At Leyden in the printing house of Christopher Plantyn, 1585. IU, RBC, Film UM 10583 (Leyden, 1585).

Arnauld, Antoine, 1560-1619, (supposed author.) The Coppie of the anti- Spaniard, made at Paris by a Frenchman, a Catholique. Wherein is directly proved how the Spanish king is the onely cause of all the troubles in France. Translated out of French into English. London, Printed by John Wolfe, 1590. IU, RBC, Film UM 6013 (London, 1590).

Articles des plaintes et doleances du peuple, sur lesquelles est fondee l’occasio de la guerre presente. N.p., 1567. ICN (N.p. 1567); IU, RBC Film 944.02F889 reel 7 (N.p., 1567). Comments: The IU microfilm is a copy of the original at ICN.

Articles generaux, de la paix universalle. Paris, M. Buffet, 1585. IU, RBC, Film 944.02F889 reel 8 (Paris, 1585). Comments: The IU microfilm is a copy of the original in the Bibliothèque Nationale.

Aske, James. Elizabetha triumphans. Conteyning the damned practizes, that the divelish popes of Rome have used ever sinthence Her Highnesse first comming to the Crowne, by moving her wicked and traiterous sujects to rebellion and conspiracies ... With a declaration of the manner how Her Excellency was entertained by her souldyers into her campe royall at Tilberry in Essex, and of the overthrow had against the Spanish fleete ... set forth ... by I. A. ... At London, Printed by Thomas Orwin, for Thomas Gubbin, and Thomas Newman, 1588. IU, RBC, Film UM 10643 (London, 1588).

Birago, Giovanni Battista. Historia delle rivolutioni del regno di Portogallo per lequali la corona è stata trasferita dal rè di Castiglia al duca di Braganza Giovanni IV., composta dal d. Gio. Battista Birago, auogaro. [N.p.] Presso Stef. Gamoneto, 1646. InU, Lilly DP 628 .B5 Mendel ([N.p.] 1646).

Biron, Armand de Gontaut, baron de, 1524-1592. The letters and documents of Armand de Gontaut, baron de Biron, marshal of France (1524-1592). Collected by the late Sidney Hellman Ehrman, M.A. With an introduction, by James Westfall Thompson... 2 vols. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1936. IU, B B619361 (Berkeley, 1936); OU (Berkeley, 1936); MiU (Berkeley, 1936).

Bouillon, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de Turenne, duc de, 1555- 1623. Mémoires du vicomte de Turenne, depuis duc de Bouillon, 1565-1586, suivis de trente-trois lettres du roi de Navarre (Henry IV) et d’autres documents inédits publiées pour la sociéte de l’histoire de France par le comte Baguenault de Puchesse. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1901. IU, 944 S013p v.302 (Paris, 1901); OCU (Paris, 1901); OU (Paris, 1901); MiU (Paris, 1901).

Campana, Cesare, d. 1606. La vita del catholico ed invittissimo Don Filippo secondo d’Austria re delle Spagne, &c. con le guerre de suoi tempi ... al che si è aggiuntto il successo delle cose fatte dapoi, sotto l’auspicio del re D. Filippo il terzo, fino a nostri tempi ... Venice, 1605-09. IU, RBC, 946.04 F33Wc (Venice, 1605-09); MiU (Venice, 1605-09); MnU (Venice, 1605-09).

Castelnau, Michel de, sieur de la Mauvissière, d. 1592. Memoirs of the reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX. of France. Containing a particular account of the three first civil wars raised and carried on by the in that kingdom. Wherein the most remarkable passages in the reigns of king Henry VIII of England, Queen Elizabeth, and the unfortunate Mary Queen of Scots, are set in true light. Done into English by a gentleman, and publish’d for his benefit. London, 1724. IU, RBC, xq944.02 C27mEk (London, 1724); French editions: OU (Paris, 1836- 39); OCU (Paris, 1836-39); MiU (Paris, 1819-1829). Comments: Other editions are available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Catherine de Médicis, queen consort of Henry II, king of France, 1519-1589. Lettres de Catherine de Médicis. 11 vols. publiées par M. le comte Hector de la Ferrière... Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1880-1943. IU, 944 C681 v.45 (Paris, 1880-1943); IEN (Paris, 1880-1943); ICN (Paris, 1880- 1943); IMuns (Paris, 1880-1943); OCl (Paris, 1880-1943); ODW (Paris, 1880- 1943); ICU (Paris, 1880-1943); OOxM (Paris, 1880-1943); OCU (Paris, 1880- 1943).

Condé, Louis I de Bourbon, prince de, 1530-1569. Memoires de Condé, ou Recueil pour servis à l’histoire de France, contenant ce qui s’est passeé le plus mémorable dans le royaume, sous le regne de François II & sous une partie de celui de Charles IX où l’on trouvera des prevues de l’histoire de M. de Thou: augmentés d’une grande nombre de piéces curieuses, qui n’ont jamais été imprimées, et enrichis de notes historique et critiques; avec plusieurs portraits, et deux plans de la Bataille de Dreux. 6 vols. London, C. du Bosc, 1743. IU, 944.02 C75m 1743 (London, 1743); MnU (London, 1743); ICN (London, 1743); IaU (London, 1743); ICN (London, 1743-45); MiU (London, 1743- 45); ICU (Paris, 1745).

Coningsby, Sir Thomas, d. 1625. Journal of the , 1591, by Sir Thomas Coninsby ... Edited by John Gough Nichols esq ... London, printed for the Camden Society, 1847. [The Camden Miscellany. v. 1, no. 4]. IU, 820.8 C14 V.39 (London, 1847); OCU (London, 1847); OU (London, 1847); MiU (London, 1847); OOxM (London, 1847); OCl (London, 1847). Comments: 84 pages. Forms part of the society’s publication no. 39.

Davila, Enrico Caterino, 1576-1631. The historie of the civill warres of France. Written in Italian by H.C. Davila, translated out of the original. Translation of C. Cotterell and W. Aylesbury of his Istoria delle guerre civile de Francia. London, Printed by R. Raworth, 1647. InU, Lilly DC 111 .D265 1813 (London, 1647). Comments: Other editions are available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Declaration du Roy sur l’Edict de pacification faict par le defunct roy Henry IIIe en l’an mil cing cens septante & sept pour l’entretenement d’iceluy. A Paris, Chez Frederic Morie, Jamet Mettayer, & Pierre l’Huillier, 1595. IU, RBC x272.4 F84d (Paris, 1595). Comments: 40 pages.

La Defaite de dix-sept compagnies de gens de pied, & trois cens chevaux du Comte de Brienne. Par Monseigner le Duc de Mayenne ... Paris, N. Nivelle et R. Thierry, 1589. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1589f (Paris, 1589). Comments: Binder’s title: Recueil de pieces. An account of the battle at Montoire, April 26, 1589.

La Deffaite de trois cornettes de reistres par commandement de Monseigneur le Duc de Guise. Lyon, J. Pillchotte, 1587. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1587d (Lyon, 1587).

La Deffaite des trouppes huguenottes et politiques, en Champagne; par le Sieur de Sainct-Paul. Ensemble la prise de Bisseul; & la honteuse retraite du Baron de Thermes. Paris, D. Millot, 1589. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1589f (Paris, 1589); MWiW-C (Paris, 1589). Comments: 13 pages.

Díaz de Vargas, Francisco. Successi della guerra di Portogallo; ne’quali solamente si descrivono gli apparecchitutti, che in essa furono fatti; ma l’incoronatione ancora della maestà cattolica del re Filippo. Venice, F. Ziletti, 1582. InU, Lilly DP 624 .D54 Mendel (Venice, 1582).

Discours ample et veritable, de la defaicte obtenuâ aux Faux-bourgs de Tours, sur les trouppes de Henry de Valois. Par Monseigneur le Duc de Mayenne... Paris, N. Nivelle et R. Thierry, 1589. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1589f (Paris, 1589). Comments: 15 pages. Binder’s title: Recueil de pieces.

Discours touchant la prise admirable de la grande & puissante ville d’Amiens capitale de Picardie, saisie par les espagnloz, le xi. jour de Mars l’an 1597. Arras, Chez G. de la Riviere, et G. Nauduyn, 1597. ICN (Arras, 1597). Comments: 15 pages.

Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of, 1566-1601. The Earl of Essex’s vindication of the war with Spain, in an apology to Mr. Anthony Bacon. Penn’d by himself, anno 1598. To which are added, the several speeches delivered by the lords of the councel, in the Star-chamber ... 1599 in accusation of the earl, for miscarriages of the war in Ireland ... All publish’d from the original manuscripts. London, 1729. ICN, F 4549.27 (London, 1729).

French anonymous political pamphlets of the 16th century. Paris, [etc.] 1563- 99. IU, Film 944.02 F889 (Paris, [etc.], 1563-99). Comments: 61 reels. Microlfilm copies (negative) of originals in the Bibliothèque Nationale, ICN, and British Museum.

Gaches, Jacques, 1588-1612. Mémoires sur les guerres de Religion à Castres et dans le Languedoc (1555-1610) et suite des mémoires (1610-1612). Publiés pour la première fois d’après les meilleurs manuscrits avec notes et variantes par Charles Pradel. Paris, Sandoz et Fischbacher, 1879. MiU (Paris, 1879); ICN F 399026 .002 v. 3 (Albi, 1894); IU, 944.029 G11m 1970 (Geneva, Slatkine Reprints, 1970).

Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. La troisieme recueil contenant l’histoire des choses plus memorables avenues sous La Ligue... N.p. 1601. IU, RBC, Uncat. 77 1112 (N.p., 1601); ICN, Case F 39196 .36 (Paris? 1598-1604); MiU (Amsterdam, 1758); MnU (Amsterdam, 1758); InU (Amsterdam, 1758); IaU (Amsterdam, 1758).

Henry III, king of France. Lettres de Henri III, roi de France. Recueillies par Pierre Champion; publiées avec des compléments, une introduction et des notes pour la Société de l’histoire de France ... par Michel François. 2 vols. Paris, C. Klincksieck, 1959-65. IU, 944 So13p v.463 [etc.] (Paris, 1959-65).

Henry IV, king of France. Recueil des lettres missives... [1562-1610]. 9 vols. Publié par M. Berger de Xivery... Paris, 1843-76. (Collection des documents inédits sur l’histoire de France... Vol. 49.) IU, 944 C681 v.49 (Paris, 1843-76).

Hotman, François, sieur de Villiers Saint Paul, 1524-1590. De furoribus Gallicis, horrenda et indigna amirallii Castillionei, nobilium atque illustrium virorum eaede, scelerata ac inandita priorum strage passim edita per complures Galliae civitates, sin e ullo discrimine generis, sexus, aetatis & conditionis hominium: vera & simplex narratio. Ernesto Varamundo Frisio [pseud.] auctore. Edinburgh, 1573. ICN (Edinburgh, 1573); MiU (Edinburgh, 1573); InU (London, 1573); MiU (London, 1573); English editions: InU, Lilly DC 118 .H82 Mendel (Striveling, Scotland [i.e. London], 1573).

Hotman, François, sieur de Villiers Saint Paul, 1524-1590. Protestation et defense pour le roy de Navarre Henry III, premier prince de France, & Henry, prince de Condé, aussi prince du mesme sang, contre l’iniuste & tyrannique bulle de Sixte V. publiée à Romme, au mois de septembre 1585, au mespris de la maison de france. Traduicte du latin intitulé Brutum fulmen Sixti V. [N.p.] 1587. IaU (N.p., 1587).

Hotman, François, sieur de Villiers Saint-Paul, 1524-1590. La vie de Gaspard de Coligny, seigneur de Chastillon sur Loin, gouverneur pour le roi de l’Isle de France & de Picardie, colonel general de l’infanterie françoise, & amiral de France. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1686. MiU (Cologne, 1686); IaU (Paris, 1643); IaU (Paris, 1665); ICN (Paris, 1665); OU (Grenoble, 1669); English edition: MiD (Edinburgh, 1844). Comments: Attributed also to Jean de Serres, 1540?-1598. Also published under title Mémoires de messire Gaspar de Coligny ...

La Huguerye, Michel de, 1545-1608? Éphéméride de l’expédition des Allemands en France (août-décembre 1587). Pub. avec la collaboration de M. Léon Marlet et offerte à la Société de l’histoire de France par le Comte Léonel de Laubespin... Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1892. IU, 944.02 L13e (Paris, 1892). Comments: An account of the infamous expedition of the “reiters” or “black riders,” so named for their polished black armor.

La Huguerye, Michel de, 1545?-1608? Mémoires inédits de Michel de La Huguerye. Publiés d’après les manuscrits autographes pour la société de l’histoire de France, par le baron A. de Ruble... 3 vols. Paris, Renouard, 1877-80. Publiés d’après le manuscrit conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale. IU, 944 So13p vols.184, 190, 198 (Paris, 1877-80).

La Noue, François de, 1531-1591. Correspondance de François de La Noue, surnommé Bras-de-fer, accompagnée de notes historiques et précédée de la vie de ce grand capitaine. Par Ph. Kervyn de Volkaersbeke ... Gand, Duquesne; etc. etc. 1854. InU (Gand, 1854); MnU (Gand, 1854); MiU (Gand, 1854).

La Noue, François de, 1531-1591. The declaration of the Lord de La Noue, upon his taking armes for the just defence of the townes of Sedan and Jametz ... Truely translated (according to the French copie printed at Verdun) by A. M. London, Imprinted by John Woolfe, 1589. MiU (London, 1589).

L’Estoile, Pierre de, 1546-1611. Fragment des Recueils de Pierre de l’Estoile. Édition critique originale. Isabelle Armitage. Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas Publications, 1976. IU, 149.9 K13b no. 47 (Lawrence, Kansas, 1976).

L’Estoile, Pierre de, 1546-1611. Journal des choses memorables advenues durant tout le regne de Henry III. roy de France & de Pologne. Paris, 1621. 49 p. IU, Film x944.029 L56 (Paris, 1621); InU, Lilly DC 119 .L642 J86 1621 (Paris, 1621).

L’Estoile, Pierre de, 1546-1611. Mémoires-journaux de Pierre de L’Estoile. édition pour la première fois complète et entièrement conforme aux manuscrits originaux. Publiée avec de nombreux documents inédits et un commentaire historique, biographique et bibliographique par MM. G. Brunet, A. Champollion, E. Halphen, Paul Lacroix, Charles Read, Tamizey de Larroque et Éd. Tricotel... 11 vols. Paris, Librairie des bibliophiles, 1875-83. IU, RBC, 944.03 L56m (Paris, 1875-83).

Lucinge, René de, seigneur des Alymes et de Montrozat, 1553-c. 1615. Lettres sur les débuts de la Ligue (1585). Texte établi et annoté par Alain Dufour. Geneva, Droz, 1964. (Textes litteraires françois, 110). IU, 944.029 L96l (Geneva, 1964); ICU (Geneva, 1964); MiU (Geneva, 1964); OU (Geneva, 1964); InU (Geneva, 1964); MiDW (Geneva, 1964); ICN (Geneva, 1964).

Maggi, Girolamo, d. 1572. Cinque primi canti della guerra di Fiandra di M. Girolamo Magi ... In Venice A San Luca al segno del Diamente [Per Comin da Trino di Moferrato] 1551. ICN (Venice, 1551).

Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621. L’histoire des derniers troubles de France ... Derniere edition [sic.], jouxte la coppie imprimée à Lyon. Paris?, 1610-1611. InU, Lilly DC 111 .M44 1610 (Paris? 1610-1611); ICN F 39193.555 (Lyon? 1600); ICU (Paris, 1601); MiU (Lyon, 1603-1604); OCl (Lyon, 1610); WU (Paris? 1610- 11).

Mémoires anonymes sur les troubles des Pays-Bas, 1565-1580. Avec notice et annotations par J. B. Blaes ... 5 vols. Brussels, Société de l’histoire de Belgique, 1859-66. ICU (Brussels, 1859-66); MiU (Brussels, 1859-66); OCl (Brussels, 1859-66). Comments: Half-title: Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique.

Memoires de tout ce qui s’est fait et passe en l’Armee du Roy de Navarre; composee de Resitres, Lansquenets, Suisses, & François: depuis le 23 Juin, jusques au 13. Decembre 1587. [Paris?] 1588. WU (Paris? 1588). Comments: 22 pages.

Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540-1604. Commentarios de lo sucedido en las guerras de los Paises-Bajos desde el año de 1567 hasta el de 1577 ... Madrid, 1863. OU (Madrid, 1863); French edition: MiU (Brussels, 1860-63); OCl (Brussels, 1860- 63); ICJ (Brussels, 1860-63); ICU (Brussels, 1860-63). Comments: The Madrid, 1863 edition is in the series Biblioteca de autores españoles ... v. 28, pp. 389-560. The French edition is in the series Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique, 1860-63.

Montluc, Blaise de Monluc, maréchal de France. Ed. critique publ. et annotée par Paul Courteault ... 3 vols. Paris, A. Picard et fils, 1911-25. IU, 944C68v.45,49-50 (Paris, 1911-25); English edition: IU, 944.028M8 3h1972 (Hamden, Conn., 1972). Comments: 1911-25 edition is part of the Collection de textes pour servir à l’étude et à l’enseignement de l’histoire. Vols. 45, 49-50.

Moreau, Jean, 1552-c. 1617. Mémoires du chanoine Jean Moreau sur les guerres de la Ligue en Bretagne. Publiés par Henri Waquet avec le concours du centre national de la recherche scientifique et du conseil général du Finistère. Nouv. éd. enrichie d’une annotation et d’un index alphabétique. Quimper, Archives départementales, 1960. IU, 944.02 M81M (Quimper, 1960); MiU, DC 611 .B842 M84 (Brest, 1836). Comments: The Brest, 1836 edition is entitled Histoire de ce qui s’est passé durant les guerres de la Ligue et particulièrement dans le diocèse de Cornouaille.

Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, called Du Plessis-Mornay, 1549-1623. Memoires de Messire Philippes de Mornay ... Contenans divers discours, instructions, lettres, & depesches par lui dressées, ou escrites aux rois, roines, [sic], princes, princesses ... 2 vols. A La Forest: Par Jean Bureau, 1624-1628. InU, Lilly DC 112 .M 95 A2 (La Forest, 1624-1628).

An oration militarie to all naturall Englishmen whether Protestants, or otherwise in religion affected, to move resolution in these dangerous times. Wherein is expressed the delight of libertie, and the tyrannie of the enemie. With a praier ... Written by a zealous affected subject ... At London, Printed by Thomas Orwin, and Thomas Cadman, 1588. MiU, Microfilm AC 4 E5 Reel no. 538 (London, 1588).

Paris, Louis, 1802-1887, ed. Négociations, lettres et pièces diverses relatives au règnes de François II, tirées du porte feuille de Sébastien de l’Aubespine, évêgue de Limoges, par Louis Paris... Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1841. IU, 944 C681 v.46 (Paris, 1841); MiU (Paris, 1841); OCU (Paris, 1841); OCl (Paris, 1841); IEN (Paris, 1841); IaU (Paris, 1841); OU (Paris, 1841).

Recueil de diverses pièces servant à l’histoire de Henry III, Roy de France et de Pologne. Cologne, Pierre du Marteau, 1666. InU, Lilly DC 111 .R311 1666 (Cologne, 1666). Comments: Includes the Journal du regne de Henry III.

Relacion venida de Flandes, de lo que suscedió al serenissimo señor don Juan de Austria desde 29 de enero hasta 3 de febrero de 78 años en que se contiene la señalada y milagrosa victoria ... Seville: Fernando Diaz, impressor de Su Magestad, 1578? InU, Lilly DH 801 .G32 R3 Mendel (Seville, 1578?). Comments: Concerns the victory achieved by Juan de Austria at the battle of Gembloux.

Serres, Jean de, 1540?-1598. Memoires de la troisieme guerre civile, et des dernières troubles de France sous Charles IX. Le I. livre est depuis la paix M.D.LXVIIII. jusques à la mort de Monsieur le prince de Coné. Le II., depuis la mort d’iceluy jusques à la bataille de Mon-gontour. Le III. ce ce qui s’est faict apres en divers lieux ... N.p., 1570. ICN, Case F 39194.808 (N.p., 1570); IaU, Film 8416 (Meidelbourg?, 1571); IU, RBC x944.02 Se68M (Meidelbourg?, 1571); English editon: InU, Lilly DC 111 .S488 C713 1574 (London, 1574); ICU (London, 1574); MiU (London, 1574); MiU, Microfilm no. 15466 (case 67, carton 397) short-title catalogue no. 22242 (London, 1574).

Strada, Famiano, 1572-1649. De bello Belgico. The history of the Low countrey warres. Written in Latine by Famianus Strada; in English by Sr. Rob. Stapylton. London, Printed for H. Moseley, 1650. InU, Lilly Spec. DJ 146 .S9 (London, 1650); ICN (London, 1667); IEN (London, 1667); MnU (London, 1667); WU (London, 1667); French editions: IU, 949.2 st8ldFd 1712 (Brussels, 1712); ICN f4614.8493 (Paris, 1775); MiU 949.203 S89h Vault (, 1651); ICU DH 186.S891 (Brussels, 1739); Spanish edition: WU DH +186 +S895 (Cologne, 1682); Latin editions: OKent U (Rome, 1640); ICN (Rome, 1640); IEN (Rome, 1645); OU (Rome, 1648); IaU (Rome, 1648); ICN (Rome, 1648); MnU (Rome, 1648) ICU (Rome, 1648); MnU 949.203 st8 pt.1 (Rome, 1653); WU (Rome, 1653). Comments: Strada’s work consists of twenty books divided into two decades or volumes. The second decade (1578-1590) appeared in 1647. The two decades were first issued together (Decades duae) in 1651. Each decade was again published separately, 1653 and later. A third decade, written by the author, was not published, owing to obstacles interposed by the Spanish court. The English edition in the Lilly library, and the Latin editions listed above, consist only of the first ten books, or first decade. The French and Spanish editions listed above include both decades. Editions of decas secundo (in Latin) include: OKent U (Rome, 1647); MiU (Rome, 1647); MnU (Rome, 1658).

Le Tocsain contre les massacreurs et auteurs des confusions en France. Par lequel la source & origine de tous les maux, qui de long temps travaillent la France, est descouverte. Afin d’inciter & esmouvoir tous les Princes fidelles de s’employer pour le retrenchement d’icelle. Reims, De l’impr. de I. Martin, 1577. IU, Film 944.029 T565 (Reims, 1577). Comments: 163 pages.

A True discourse of the armie which the king of Spaine caused to bie assembled in the haven of Lisbon, in the kingdome of Portugall, in the yeare 1588, against England ... Translated out of French into English, by Daniel Archdeacon. Whereunto is added the verses that were printed in the first page of the Dutch copy printed at Colen [i.e. Cologne], with answeres to them, and to Don Bernardin de Mendozza. London, Imprinted by J. Wolfe, 1588. IU, RBC, x946.04 T766 (London, 1588).

Velázquez, Isidro. La entrada que en el reino de Portugal hizo la S. C. R. M. de don Philippe, invictissimo Rey de las Españas, segundo deste nombre, primero de Portugal, assi con su real presencia, como con el exercito de su felice campo. Hecho por Isidro Velazques alamantino andante en corte. Lisbon, Manuel de Lyra, 1583. InU, Lilly DP 624 VH34 Mendel (Lisbon, 1583).

Sixteenth-Century Military Miscellany

Adelphus, Johannes. Die turckish Chronica von irem Ursprung Anefang und Regiment biss uff dise Zeit sampt yre Kriegen und Streyten mit den Christen begangen ... Colophon: Getruekt zu Strassburg durch ... Martin Flach, im Lar des Herrê, 1513. ICN (Strasbourg, 1513); IU, RBC Film 8254 (Strasbourg, 1513). Comments: IU copy is a microfilm of the Newberry library title.

Andrea, Alessandro. Della guerra di Campagna di Roma, et del regno di Napoli, nel pontificato di Paolo IIII l’anno. M.D.LVI. et LVII. True ragionamenti ... Nuovamente mandati in luce da Girolamo Ruscelli. Venice, 1560. IU, RBC 945.7 An25d (Venice, 1560). Comments: 140 pages.

Bentivoglio, Guido, cardinal, 1579-1644. The compleat history of the warrs of . Written in Italian by ... Cardinall Bentivoglio: Englished by the Right Honorable Henry Earl of Monmouth: The whole work illustrated with many figures of the chief personages mentioned in this history. London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1654. ICN, Case fF 4614 .094 no. 2 (London, 1654).

Cirni, Antonfrancesco, fl. 1560. Comentarii d’Antonfrancesco Cirni Corso; ne quali si descrive la guerra ultima di Francia, la celebratione del Concilio Tridentino il soccorso d’Orano, l’impresa del Pigone, e l’historia dell’ assedio di Malta ... Rome, Appresso Giulio Accolto, 1567. InU, Lilly DG 538 .C578 (Rome, 1567). Comments: Cirni took part in the feats of arms described by him. There are passages about the knights of Malta and much material relating to the struggles against the Turks.

Ain Erschrockenliche newe Zeytlung: so geschehen ist den 12 tag Junij, in dem 1542 Jar: in ainem Stattlin hayszt Schgarbaria leyt 16 welsch Meyl wegs von Florentz, da haben sich grausammer Erdtbidem siben in ainer stundt erhöbt ... Ein anndere newe zeyttung so geschehen ist in des Turckhen Land: da ist ain Statt versuncken, das nit ain mensch darvon ist kumen, die ist von Solonichio ein Tagraysz ... N.p., 1542? InU, Lilly DG 471 .E73 (N.p., 1542?).

Fumée, Martin, sieur de Genille et Marly le-Chatel, 1540?-1590. The historie of the troubles of Hungarie: containing the pitifull losse and ruine of that kingdome, and the warres that happened there, in that time, betweene the Christians and Turkes. By Mart. Fumée ... Newly translated out of French into English by R. C. ... London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1600. IU, RBC (London, 1600).

Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621. Histoire veritable des guerres entre deux maisons de France et d’Espagne durant le regne des tres chrestiens rois François I, Henry II, François II, Charles IX, Henry III, & Henry IIII ... jusques à la paix de Vervins & mort de Philippes II, roy des Espagnes, 1598. Avec la genealogie de la royale maison de Bourbon. Paris?, 1613. ICN (Paris?, 1613); OCl (N.p., 1601).

Sandoval, Prudencio de, bishop of Pamplona, ca. 1560-1620. The civil wars of Spain in the beginning of the reign of Charles the 5t, emperor of Germanie, and king of that nation. Written originally in the Spanish tongue, by Prudencio de Sandoval, doctor of divinitie, and abbot of the monasterie of St. Isidro el Real, in , of the Order of St. Bennet, historiographer roial to Philip the Third; never yet translated, now put into English by captain J. W. [James Wadsworth]. London, Printed by William Du-Gard; and are to bee sold by John Holden in the New Exchange, 1652. InU, Lilly DP 174 .5212 (London, 1652); ICN (London, 1652); IU (London, 1652; WU (London, 1652); InU (London, 1655).

Tarducci, Achille. Il turco vincibile in Ungaria, con mediocri aiuti di Germania. Discorso appresentato à i supremi capitani dell’essecercito confederato contra il turco. E doppo mandato alli suoi amici d’Italia da Achille Tarducci ... In Ferara, Per Vittorio Baldini, stampatore camerale, 1600. MnU (Ferrara, 1600).

Vallés, Pedro. Historia del fortissimo y prudentissimo capitan don Hernando de Avalos marques de Pescara, con los hechos memorables de otros siete exceletissimos capitanes del emperador don Carlos V ... el Prospero Coluna el duq de Borbon, don Carlos Lanoy, don Hugo de Moncada, Philiberto principe de Orange, Antonio de Leyua, y el marques del Guasto. Con una adicion hecha por Diego de Fuentes, dode se trata la presa de Africa y ... conquista de Sena ... Antwerp, En casa de Philippo Nutio, 1570. InU, Lilly DP 175 .P5 V18 1570 Mendel (Antwerp, 1570).

Villela de Aldana, Juan, fl. 1548. Expedicion del Maestro de campo Bernardo de Aldana a en 1548. Escrita por Frey Juan Villela de Aldana ... Publicada ahora por primera vez, abreviada y precedida de una introduccion por Antonio Rodríguez Villa. Madrid, Casa editorial de Medina, 1878. MiU (Madrid, 1878); InU (Madrid 1878); ICN (Madrid, 1878); OCl (Madrid, 1878).

Wars, 1598-1618

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich--Historische Kommission. Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges in den Zeiten des vorwaltenden Einflusses der Wittelsbacher. 11 vols. Munich, M. Rieger, 1870-1909. ICN, F 475 .02 (Munich, 1870-1909).

Arnauld, Antoine, 1560-1619. A true discourse of the whole occurences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, until her arrivall at the citie of Marseilles, together with the triumphs there made at her entrie: whereto is adioyned her receiving and entrie into Lyons. Hereunto is annexed, the first Savoyan: wherein is set forth the right of the conquest of Savoy by the French, and the importance of holding it. All faithfully translated out of French, by Edward Aggas. London, Imprinted by S. Stafford, for C. Burby, 1601. IU, RBC Film UM R966 (London, 1601).

Articles of agreement, concerning the cessation of warre, betweene the Arch- duke and the states of the United Provinces. Procured by a fryar, called John of Ney, confessour to the Arch-duke and the Infanta. Whereunto is annexed the state of other things happened about the same time. With warres testament, or his last will, made at his departure out of the said Netherlands. Translated out of Dutch. By W. B. B. London, Imprinted for T. Archer, 1607. IU, RBC Film UM Reel 723 (London, 1607). Comments: “Warres Testament” in verse.

A briefe and true relation of all what hath happened unto His Princely Excellencie, Counte Maurice of Nassau, since the taking of Rynberk: his passage into : his agreement at Weert, and his siedge now laide before s’hertoghenbos, with such skirmidges as have happened since before the same. Translated out of the Netherlandish tongue according to the printed coppie, printed at Gorcum, by Hans Moermans, 1601. Hereunto is anexed, the victorious taking of the strong cittie ... London, Printed by Ralph Blower, Cauthbert? Burbie, 1601? IU, RBC x949.202 B765 (London, 1601?).

Breve relatione della resa della città di Vercelli al sig. Don Pietro di Toledo, govvernatore di Milano, per sua maestà cattolica dal campo sotto Vercelli, li 21 di luglio MDCXVII. Perugia, nella stampa de gl’Aluigi, 1617. IU, RBC 945.114 B758 (Perugia, 1617). Comments: 6 pages.

Capriano, Giovanni Pietro. The history of the wars of Italy from the year 1613 to the year 1644, in XVII books. Written originally in Italian, by Pietro Giovanni Capriata ... and rendered in English by Henry earl of Monmouth. London, Printed by J. Macock and are to be sold by G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1663. InU, Lilly DG 483.5 .C 2m7 (London, 1663).

Les cartas, plans et profils des principles villes, et lieux considerables du Comte de Bourgogne et pais adjacenta. Paris, Par le Sieur R. ..., 16--. IU, RBC Rostenberg 10 Je .60 Gen. res. (Paris, 16--).

Ciaghte vanden Kloecken soldaet ende vance poltron: als oock een disput vanden soldaet ende boer. Wt het Fransche in Nederlandsche ghetranslateert. N.p., 1609. InU, Lilly DH 207 1609 .C58 (N.p., 1609). Comments: 12 pages.

Code Michaud. Ordonnance du roy Louis XIII, roy de France & de Navarre sur les palaintes & doleances faittes [sic] par le deputez des Estats de son royaume convoquez & assemblez en la ville de Paris en l’année 1614: & sur les advis donnez à son majesté par les assemblées des notables tenuâs à Paris en l’année 1626. Paris, Par A. Estiene, P. Mettayer, & C. Proust, 1629. InU, Lilly JN 2369 .F8 M35 (Paris, 1629).

Dekker, Thomas, 1570?-1641?. Worke for armourers: or, the peace is broken. Open warres likely to happin this yeare 1609: God helpe the poore, the rich can shift. London, Printed for N. Butler, 1609. IU, RBC Film UM R881 (London, 1609).

Estrées, François Annibal, duc d’, 1573-1670. Mémoires du maréchal d’Estrées sur la régence de Marie de Médicis (1610-1616) et sur celle d’Anne d’Autriche (1643-1650). Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Paul Bonnefon. Paris, Librairie Renouard, 1910. IU, 944 So13p v.349 (Paris, 1910).

Fumée, Martin, sieur de Genille et Marly le-Chatel. The historie of the troubles of Hungarie: containing the pitifull losse and ruine of that kingdome, and the warres happened there, in that time, betweene the Christians and Turkes. Newly translated out of French into English by R. C. ... London, Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1600. IU, RBC [call number indecipherable] (London, 1600).

r Girard, Guillaume, d.1663. Histoire de la vie du duc d’Espernon, par M Girard ... 3 vols. Rouen, et se vend à Paris, chez T. Jolly, 1663. WU (Rouen, 1663); OCl (Paris, 1655); IaU (Paris, 1655); IU (Paris, 1730); English edition: MiU (London, 1670); MnU (London, 1670); OU (London, 1670). Comments: English edition translated by Charles Cotton.

Girard, Guillaume, d.1663. The history of the life of the Duke of Espernon, the great of France. Englished by Charles Cotton, esq.; in three parts, containing twelve books. Wherein the history of France is continued from the year 1598 where D’Avila leaves off down to our own times, 1642. London, Printed for E. Cotes, and A. Clark, for H[enry] Brome, 1670. ICU, xq B E63gEc (London, 1670); InU, Lilly DC 121.8 .E7 G513 (London, 1670).

Haynin, Louis de, seigneur du Cornet, 1582-1640. Histoire générale des guerres de Savoie, de Boheme, du Palatinat, & Pays-Bas, depuis l’an 1616 jusques celuy de 1627 inclus. Contenante qu vray deduction particuliere des batailes & journées de Bouduits du pont de Vienne, de Prague, de Helbrune dite de Torlac, de Vinssein, de Host de Fleurue, de Statelot, de Hanaverre, d’Assau, & de Luther. Avec tous les rencontres, escarmouches, combats, prises & sieges de ville, qui s’y sont faits durant ce temps ... Par le seigneur du Cornet, gentilhomme belgeois. Douai, De l’impremerie de Baltazar Bellere, au Compas d’Or, 1628. IU, RBC x943.03 H33h (Douai, 1628); ICN, F 465 .127 no.28-29 (Brussels, 1868). Comments: The 1868 edition (in 2 vols.) was published by the Société de l’histoire de Belgique (publication nos. 28 & 29) and is part of Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique.

Henri IV, king of France, 1553-1610. Henry IV peint par lui-même; lettres guerriêres, amoureuses et politiques. Présentées par Marcel Bourrier ... Paris, Horizons de France, [1941]. IU, 944.03 H39Wh1b (Paris, [1941]).

Henri IV, king of France, 1553-1610. Oeuvres de Henri IV; lettres et harrangues. Paris, Plon, [1941]. IU, 944.03 H39Wh1 (Paris, [1941]).

Khevenhueller, Franz Christoph, Graf von Frankenburg, 1588-1650. Franz Christoph Khevenhillers ... Annales Ferdinandei: oder Wahrhaffte Beschriebung Käysers Ferdinandi des Andern ...: samt Kurzer Erzehlung deren in der gantzen Welt ... Käyserl. Majestat Geburthen ... von Anfang des 1578. biss auf das 1637. Jahr vorgelauffenen Handlungen und denckwürdigen Geschichten mit vielen Kupffern. Leipzig, Verlegts Moritz Georg Weidmann, 1721-26. InU, Lilly DD189 .K26 A61 1726 (Leipzig, 1721-26); WU (Leipzig, 1721-26); MnU (Leipzig, 1721-26); ICN (Leipzig, 1721-26).

Kort verhael, van de ghelghentheyd des Koninghs van Spaignien, getranslateert uyt het hooghduytsch in de Nederduytsche tale. The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1628. InU, Lilly DP 185 .K84 (The Hague, 1628). Comments: Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the Spanish monarchy and empire.

Lasseré, Jean de, ?-1673. Memoires de feu Mr. le Duc d’Orleans, contenant ce qui s’est passé en France de plus considerables depuis l’an 1608 jusqu’en l’année 1636. The Hague, A. Moetjens, 1685. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .G3 L34 (The Hague, 1685).

L’Estoile, Pierre de, 1546-1611. Journal pour le rêgne de Henri IV. Texte intégral présenté et annoté par Louis-Raymond Lefêvre. 3 vols. [Paris], Gallimard, 1948-60. IU, 944.03 L56j 1948 ([Paris], 1948-60). Comments: Vols. 1-3 of Mémoires du passé pour servir au temps présent.

Mármol Carvajal, Luis del, fl. 1575. Historia del rebelion y castigo de los Moriscos del reyno de Granada. Dirigida a don Juan De Cardenas y Cuñiga conde de Miranda, marques de la Bañeza, del consejo de estado del rey nuestro señor, y su presidente en los dos reales consejos de Castilla, y de Italia. Hecha por Luys del Marmol Carvajal, andante en corte de su magestad ... Málaga, por Juan Rene a costa del auctor, 1600. IU RBC, (Málaga, 1600); ICN (Málaga, 1600); WU (Málaga, 1600); MnU (Málaga, 1600); MnU Bn38 .265 (Madrid, 1797); ICU (Madrid, 1797); InU (Madrid, 1797).

Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange. A true relation of the famous and renowned victorie ... neere to Newport in Flaunders against the Archduke Albertus ... London, Ralph Blower, for C. B., [1600]. IU, RBC, King 2 JE 44 Gen. res. (London, 1600?).

Meteren, Emanuel van, 1535-1612. Belgica. Emanuels van Meteren Historie der Nederlandscher ende haerder na-buren oorlogen ende geschiedenissen, tot den iage M.VICXII [sic]. Nu de laestemael bij hem voor sijne doodt merckelyck verbetert en in, XXXII, boecken voltrocken. Is mede’hier by gevoegt des autheurs leven. Verrijckt beneffens de land-caerte met bij na hondert correcte conterfeijtsels vande voortreflijeste personagien in dese historie verhelt, alle cierlijck na d’leven ghedaen ende in coperen platen gesteken ... The Hague, H. Jacobssz, ducker vande Staten generael, 1614. ICN (The Hague, 1614); MnU (The Hague, 1614); MiU (The Hague, 1614); ICN (The Hague, 1623).

Meteren, Emanuel van, 1535-1612. Belgische ofte Nederlandtsche histoire van onsen tijden: inhoudende hoe de Nederlanden aenden anderen gehecht, ende aen Spaengten ghecomen zijn: met de oorsaken der inlantsche beroerten, ende oorlogen der selver ... Beschreven door , va Antwerpen. Eensdeels int Latijn ende Hoochduytsch stuckwijs in druck wtghegaen, maer nu by den Autheur selve oversien, verbetert en vermeerdert, wtghegheven. Delft, ghedruckt by J. C. Vennecool, 1605. InU, Lilly DH186 .M589 1606 (Delft, 1605). Comments: Described on title as translation of Historia belgica, [Cologne], 1598. Harvard cataloging for Historia belgica (Mansell 378:373) describes original as Dutch; Latin and German versions as unauthorized translations.

Meteren, Emanuel van, 1535-1612. Commentarien ofte memorien van-den Nederlandtschen staet, handel, oorloghen ende gheschiedenisen van onsen tyden; etc. Mede vervattende eenige haerder ghebueren handelinghen. Beschreven door Emanuel van Meteren, ende by hem voor de tweede ... reyse over-sien, verbeteret ende vermeerdert; oock soo verreghebrocht totten afstandt van wapenen ende Vrede in’t jaer 1608. London [i.e., Amsterdam?], H. van Loven, 1610. ICN, Case F 4614 .57 (London [i.e., Amsterdam?], 1610.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795)--Staten generaal. Propositions made by Monsieur Vander Hurst at the Assembly of the Generall States of the United Provinces upon the 13 of Januarie, 1608. With the answer of the sayd Generall States given unto the sayd Monsieur Vander Hurst, touching the said propositions. AAnd also a declaration made and sent unto all the provinces and townes under their government, touching peace to be made: printed 1608. The finall answer made by the said Generall States of the United Provinces unto the commissioners for the king of Spaine and the Archduke, assembled in The Hague, concerning peace to be made, 1608. London, Printed for P. Harison, 1609. IU, RBC Film UM R980 (London, 1609).

Pontis, Louis de. Mémoires du Sieur de Pontis, officier des armées du roy: contenant plusieurs circonstances des guerres & du gouvernement, sous les rêgnes des roys Henry IV., Louys XIII., & Louys XIV. 2 vols. Amsterdam, Chez André de Hoogenhuysen, 1694. InU, Lilly DC 121.8 .D6 A3 1694 (Amsterdam, 1694).

Relatione dell’impressa della citta d’Alba Pompea, fatta dal serenissimo sig. duca di Savoia, dalli, vintidue de febraro, sino alli sei de marzo, 1617. Turin, Appresso L. Pizzamiglio, 1617. MiU (Turin, 1617). Comments: Title vignette (arms of the duke of ).

Rohan, Henri, duc de, 1579-1638. The memoires of the Duke of Rohan: or a faithful relation of the most remarkable occurrences in France: especially concerning those of the Reformed churches there. From the death of Henry the Great, until the Peace made with them, on June, 1629; Together with Divers politick discourses upon several occasions. Written originally in French by the Duke of Rohan; and now Englished by George Bridges ... London, Printed by E. M. for G. Bedell and T. Collins ..., 1660. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .R7 A313 (London, 1660); IU, RBC 944.03 R63m Eb (London, 1660). Comments: The 1660 edition bound with Divers politique discourses.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. An experimentall discoverie of Spanish practices; or The counsell of a well-wishing souldier for the good of his prince and state ... Where in is manifested from known experience, both the cruelty, and policy of the Spaniard, to effect his own ends. Chiefly swelling with multiplicity of glorious titles, as one of the greatest monarchs of the earth, that being admired of all, his greatnesse might amaze all, and so by degrees seeking covertly to tyrannize overall. When as indeed and truth, the greatest part of his pretended greatnesse, is but a windy crack of an ambitious minde. London?, 1623. InU, Lilly DC 111.5 .C7 (London?, 1623); MiU [Film] University microfilms no. 17630 (carton 668), Short-title catalogue no. 22077a [i.e., Bishop Checklist no. 22077.1]; OCl (London?, 1623-24); MnU (London?, 1623-24); InU (London?, 1623-24); IEN (London?, 1623-24); MiU-C (London?, 1623-24); ICN (London?, 1623-24.) Comments: 54 pages. Bound with A Comparison of the English and Spanish nation, London, 1589. The London?, 1623-24 edition is in 2 parts.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. The Spaniards cruelty and treachery to the English in the time of peace and war, discovered, being the council of a person of honour to King James, them upon treaty of peace with them, for to insist upon a free trade in the West-Indies with some expedients for the subjecting of the Spaniard in America, to the obedience of England. Now tendered to the consideration of His Highness the Lord Protector, and his council. London, Printed by J. M. for Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at his shop, 1656. MnU (London, 1656). Comments: Originally published London, 1623 as pt. 1 of his: An experimentall discoverie of Spanish practises.

Souvigny, Jean Gangnières, comte de, 1597-1673. Mémoires du comte de Souvigny, lieutenant général des armées du roi. Pub. d’aprês le manuscrit original pour la Société de l’histoire de France, par le baron Ludovic Contenson. 3 vols. (330, 339, 328). Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens successeur, 1906-9. ICN, E 5 .S73 (Paris, 1906-9); IU, 944 So13p v.328, 330, 339 (Paris, 1906-9); OCU (Paris, 1906-9); MiU (Paris, 1906-9). Comments: Contents: 1. 1613-1638; 2. 1639-1659; 3. 1660 et appendice.

Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de, 1559-1641. Mémoires de Maximilien de Béthune, duc de Sully ... Mis en ordre, avec des remarques, par M. l. d. L. D. L. Nouv. éd., rev. & corr ... 8 vols. in 4. London, 1778. IU, RBC x944.03 Su5Ws 1778 (London, 1778). Comments: Vol. 4 imperfect: pages 1-192 wanting.

Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de, 1559-1641. Memoires des sages et royalles oeconomies d’estat, domestiques, politiques et militaires de Henry le Grand ... Et des servitudes utiles obéissances convenables & administrations loyales de Maximilian de Béthune ... 2 vols. Amsterdam, chez Alethinosgraphe de Clearetimelee, & Graphexechon de Pistariste, 1638. IU, xq944.03 Su5Wsm (Amsterdam, 1638); InU, Lilly DC 122 .S9 M5 1638 (Amsterdam, 1638).

Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de, 1559-1641. Les oeconomies royales de Sully. éditées par David Buisseret et Bernard Barbiche. Paris, Klincksieck, 1970- . IU, 944.03 Su5wsm 1970 (Paris, 1970- ).

Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon, 1619-1697. Les histoirettes. 3 ed., entiêrement rev. sur le manuscrit original et disposée dans un nouvel ordre, par MM. de Monmerqué et Paulin Paris. 9 vols. Paris, J. Techener, 1854-60. IU, 920.044 T14h 1854 (Paris, 1854-60); IU, 920.044 T14h 1959 ([Paris], 1959). Comments: Vol. 8, printed in 1860, is erroneously dated 1850. The 1959 edition edited by Francis Cleirens.

Tourneur, Cyril, 1575?-1626. A funerall poeme. Upon the death of the most worthie and true souldier; Sir , Knight. Capitaine of Portsmouth, & c. L. Gouvernour of His Majesties cautionarie towne of Briell in Holland, & c. London, Printed for E. Edgar, 1609. MiU, microfilm stc. no. 24148 (carton 1011) (London, 1609).

True historie of the memorable siege of ... Translated ... by Edward Grimeston ... London, Printed for Edward Blount, 1604. IU, RBC Stonehill 2 F 49 Gen. Res. (London, 1604).

A true relation of the famous and renowned victorie ... neere to Newport in Flaunders against the Archduke Albertus ... London, Ralph Blower, for C. B.?, 16??. IU, RBC King 2 JE 44 Gen. Res. (London, 16??).

Vaghiotto, Benedetto. Relatione del seguito dell’armata olanda in Fiandra. Publicato per Benedetto Vaghiotto. Rome, Ristampata Firenza, 1600. IU, RBC Stonehill 907 7 Jan 55 22 Feb 66 (Rome, 1600).

Vere, Sir Francis, 1560-1609. Extremeties urging the Lord Generall Sir Fra. Veare to the anti-parle with the Archduke Albertus, written by an English gentleman of verie good account from Ostend, to a worshipfull gentleman his friend heere in England, imprinted verbatim according to the originall. With a declaration of the desperate attempt made since, by the sayde Archdukes forces, for the winning of the ould towne. London?, Printed for T. Pauyer, 1602. IU, RBC x949.203 Ex89 and x949.203 V585c (London?, 1602); MiU Film Short- title catalogue no. 24651, carton 944 (London?, 1602).

Vere, Sir Francis, 1560-1609. The commentaries of Sr. Francis Vere, being diverse pieces of service, wherein he had command. Written by himself in way of commentary. Pub. by William Dillingham ... Cambridge, Printed by J. Field, 1657. ICN (Cambridge, 1657); InNd (Cambridge, 1657); MnU (Cambridge, 1657); InU (Cambridge, 1657); WU (Cambridge, 1657); MiU (Cambridge, 1657); ICU [Film] (Cambridge, 1657). Comments: “An account of the last charge at Newport battel, by Sir John Ogle,” and “Sir Francis Vere his parlie at Ostend, written by Sir John Ogle there present”: pp. 106-117, 143-178.

Wood, Thomas, trans. An oration or speech appropriated into the most mightie and illustrious princes of Christendom. Wherein the right and lawfullnesse of the Netherlandish warre, against Phillip king of Spain is approved and demonstrated. Composed by a Netherlandish gentleman, and faithfully translated out of divers languages into Dutch, and now Englished by Thomas Wood. According to the printed copie at Amsterdam, by Michael Collyne stationer, dwelling upon the Water at the corner of the old bridge street, anno 1608. [London?], 1624. MiU ([London?], 1624); IU, RBC Film UM R1180 (N.p., 1624). Comments: With An adioyner of sundry other particular wicked plots ... of the Spaniards ..., n.p., 1624.

The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648/59

An Adioynder of sundry other particular wicked plots and cruel ... practises of the Spaniards: chiefly against the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands ... Gathered and translated out of severall Dutch writers, as that revered Gulielmus Baudaitius, in his Morgen Wecker, and Emmanuel de Miter, by S. O. [London?], 1624. ICN, Case F 4614 .016 ([London?], 1624); IU, RBC Film UM R1180 (N.p., 1624).

Advis donné a l’archeduc de Flandres, par les Baviere & comte de Bucquoy, de l’emprisonnement des princes protestants; et de la sanglante rencontre entre le marquis de Spinola & le reste de l’armée du prince Palatin, le 29 novembre 1620. Avec les noms tant de ceux qui ont esté tuez que arrestez prisonniers, et de la reduction des plus notables villes du Palatinat, au service de l’empereur. Paris, N. Alexandre, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1620). Comments: Political pamphlet from the extensive Newberry collection concerning the regency of Marie de Medici. 12 pages.

Agréable conférence de deux paisans de Saint Ouen, et de Montmorency. Sur les affaires du temps. Paris, 1649. IU, RBC, Uncat. 70 77 (Paris, 1649). Comments: Bound with Agreable et veritable recit de ce qui s'est passé, devant et depuis l'enlevement du roy hors la ville de Paris, par le conseil de Jule Mazarin. En vers burlesques. Paris, Jacques Guillery, 1649. 16 pages.

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich--Historische Kommission. Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges in den Zeiten des vorwaltenden Einflusses der Wittelsbacher. 11 vols. Munich, M. Rieger, 1870-1909. ICN, F 475 .02 (Munich, 1870-1909); ICN, F 475 .021 (Leipzig, 1907-19). Comments: An extremely important collection of documents for the history of in the Thirty Years War assembled by the Munich Academy of the Sciences. Contents--1. Bd. Die Gründung der Union, 1598-1608, bearb. von M. Ritter. 2. Bd. Die Union und Heinrich IV, 1607-1609, bearb. von M. Ritter. 3. Bd. Der Jülicher Erbfolgekrieg, bearb. von M. Ritter. 4-5. Bd. Die politik Bayerns, 1591-1607, bearb. von F. Stieve. 6. Bd. Vom Reichstag 1608 bis zur Gründung der Liga, bearb. von F. Stieve. 7. Bd. Von der Abreise Erzherzog Leopolds nach Jülich bis zu den Nerbungen Herzog Maximillians von Bayern im März 1610, von F. Stieve, bearb. von K. Mayr. 8. Bd. Von den Rüstungen Herzog Maximilians von Bayern bis zum Aufbruch Passauer, von F. Stieve, bearb. von K. Mayr. 9. Bd. Vom Einfall des Passauer Kriegsvolks bis zum Nürnberger Kurfürstentag, bearb. von A. Chroust. 10. Bd. Der Ausgang der Regierung Rudolfs II und die Anfänge des Kaisers Matthias, bearb. von A. Chroust. 11. Bd. Der Reichstag von 1613, bearb. von A. Chroust. The Leipzig, 1907-19 edition (5 vols.) is a continuation of this collection. Contents:--1. Bd. 1618-1620, bearb. von G. Franz. 2. Bd. 1623 and 1624, bearb von W. Goetz. 3. Bd. 1625, bearb von W. Goetz. 4. Bd. 1628-Juni 1629, bearb. von W. Goetz. 5. Bd. Juli 1629-Dezember 1630, bearb. von D. Albrecht.

Ambassade de l'ange gardien de la France au roy tres-Chrestien & de Dieu donné Louis XIV ... Par le sieur de B. L. C., gentilhomme à la suitte de son Altesse Royal. Paris, Rolin de la Haye, 1649. IU, RBC, Uncat. 70 78 (Paris, 1649).

Assarino, Luca, d. 1672. Delle rivolutioni di Catalogna ... Libri due. Dove pienamente se narrano le origini, e le cagioni di tutte le turbulenze in quella Provincia succedute del sito, e delle qualità di quel paese ... 2 vols. in 1. Genoa, Per Gio. Maria Farroni, 1645-47. (Vol. 2: Genoa, Per Giovanni Calenzani, 1647.) IU, RBC Dolphin 5 Dec 61 Gen. res. Spanish (Genoa, 1645-47); ICN (Bologna, 1645). Comments: The Genoa, 1645-47 edition includes a map of Catalonia.

Avaux, Claude de Mesmes, comte d’, 1595-1650. Correspondance inédite du comte d’Avaux (Claude de Mesmes) avec son père Jean-Jacques de Mesmes sr. de Roissy (1627-1642). Publiée par A. Boppe. Paris, E. Plon, Nourrit et cie, 1887. ICN, F 392 .058 (Paris, 1887).

La Bataille donnée entre le comte de Bucquoy, lieutenant de l’empereur avec l’armée protestante ensemble la reduction de la Moravie, surprise de villes. Preparatifs du siège de Prague. Et tout ce qui s’est passé au Palatinat depuis l’arrivee du marquis de Spinola jusques à present ... Paris, J. Bouïllerot, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620b (Paris, 1620). Comments: Political pamphlet from the extensive Newberry collection concerning the regency of Marie de Medici. 13 pages.

Bisaccioni, Majolino, conte, 1582-1663. Commentario delle guerre successe in Alemagna. Di nuovo ristampato corretto, & aggiontoui li successi piu notabli della Francia, Fiandra, & Italia. 4 pts. in 1 vol. Venice, A. Baba, 1634-38. ICN, F 475 .098 (Venice, 1634-38). Comments: Italian history of Gustavus Adolphus written in 1634-38.

Bisaccioni, Majolino, conte, 1582-1663. Delle historie memorabili de nostri tempi, che contengono le guerre di Germania dalla mossa del re di Suetia doppò la Pace di Lubecca sino all’altra di Munster l’anno 1650 ... Libro in ordine la quarta parte delle historie di Alessandro Zilioli. Venice, Presso il Turrini, 1653. ICN, F 0976 .104 (Venice, 1653).

Bohatcova, Mirjam. Irrgarten der Schicksale. Einblattdrucke vom Anfang des Dreissigjährigen Krieges. Aus dem Tschechischen ubers. von Peter Aschner. Prague, Artia, 1966. OU, Journalism library, D258 B613 (Prague, 1966). Comments: Facsimiles of Thirty Years War broadsides.

Borgo, Pietro Battista, 17th cent. De bello suecico commentarii, quibus Gustavi Adolphi ... in Germaniá expeditio uso ad ipsius mortem comprehenditur. Leyden, Apud H. Edelmannum, 1633. ICN, F 475 .108 (Leyden, 1633); MiU (Leyden, 1633); ICU (Leyden, 1639).

Bougeant, Guillaume Hyacinthe, 1690-1743. Histoire des guerres et des négociations qui précéderent le traité de Westphalie ... composée sur les mémoires du comte d’Avaux ... par le père Bougeant ... 3 vols. Paris, 1767. ICN, F 475 .11 (Paris, 1767); MiU (Paris, 1767); OU (Paris, 1767); MiU (Paris, 1727); ICU (Paris, 1744); OU (Paris, 1751); IaU (Paris, 1751); InU (Paris, 1751). Comments: Based on the memoires of Claude de Mesmes, Comte d’Avaux (see above). Bougeant was a popular eighteenth century author of comedies and religious satires.

Brachelius, Adolphus, d. 1652. Adolphi Brachelii Historiarum nostri temporis. Editio ultima. In duas partes divisa. Prioribus multo emendatior, & continuata in annum 1654. Diversis variorum principum & virorum illustrium figuris exornata ... Amsterdam, apud Jacobum van Meurs, 1655. InU, Lilly D 258 .B7 (Amsterdam, 1655); OU, RBC D228 B7 1655 (Amsterdam, 1655); OU Film 15-45 no. 2 (Amsterdam, 1655). Comments: A chronicle of European history from 1517-1648, but especially of the Thirty Years War. OU film is a copy of original in the Vatican library.

Briefue Information des affaires du Palatinat, lesquels consistent en quatre chefs principaux ... N.p., 1624. InU, Lilly D 262 .B 853 (N.p., 1624). Comments: Political pamphlet, 37 pages.

Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de, 1618-1693. Les memoires de messire Roger de Rabutin, comte de Bussy ... Nouv. ed., corrigée & augmentée sur un manuscrit de l’auteur. 3 vols. Amsterdam, chez Zacharie Chatelain, 1731. InU, Lilly DC 130 .B9 A2 1731 (Amsterdam, 1731).

Capriano, Giovani Pietro. The history of the wars of Italy from the year 1613 to the year 1644, in XVII books. Written originally in Italian, by Pietro Giovanni Capriata ... and rendered in English by Henry Earl of Monmouth. London, Printed by J. Macock and are to be sold by G. Bedell and T. Collins, 1663. InU, Lilly DG 483 .C 2m7 (London, 1663).

Choiseul du Plessis-Praslin, César, duc de, 1598-1675. Mémoires des divers emplois et des principales actions du maréchal du Plessis. In Collection des mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de France ... Edited by Claude B. Petitot. Paris, 1819-29. Also in Nouvelle collection des mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de France. Edited by J. F. Michaud. Paris, 1836-39. OClW (Paris, 1819-29); OU (Paris, 1819-29); OU (Paris, 1836-39). Comments: Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de France (Paris, 1819-29) also includes Relation du siége de Roses, par le marq. de Chouppes, pp. 442-49; and Relation de la bataille de Rethel, par le comte de Puysègur, pp. 449-64.

Considerationes legati Hispanici super neutralitate Imperiji cum provincijs Belgij confoederatis, Ratisbonae 19 Novembrie 1636. Electoribus propostae. The Hague, A. Meuris, 1637. MnU (The Hague, 1637).

The Continuation of the forraine avisoes for two weekes last past, containing many very remarkable passages of Germanie, France, Spaine, Italy, Sweden, the Low countries, and other parts of the world ... No. 49 (Jan. 23, 1640). [London], 1640. ICN, Case J 5454 .188 v.1 (London, 1640). Comments: Pamphlet. Binder’s title: Commonwealth tracts, I.

The Continuation of our forraine occurrences: with the confirmation of the late cruell and bloody battell fought betwixt Wesell and Collen. And, the particulars of the losses on both sides and what townes the Weymarish and Hessish have since taken. Also, some letters and passages of note from other parts of Christendome. Translated and collected out of good originalls. London, Butler, 1642. ICN, Case J 5454 .188 v.2 (London, 1642). Comments: Pamphlet, 13 pages. Binder’s title: Commonwealth tracts, II. 1642-44.

The Continuation of our Weekely avisoes, since the 30 of last moneth to this present. London, Printed by I. Dawson for N. Butter and N. Bourne, 1632. MiU, Film (London, 1632). Comments: At head of title: July 6, numb. 32. Includes: “A letter from Norimberg [sic] concerning the king of Sweden his being at Furte with 20,000 experienced souldiers”; “The passages of the Duke of Saxonie, and Walsteyn”; “The late accord betwixt the French king, and the D. of Lorraine”; “Generall Pappenheym beaten by the Lands-grave of Hessen.”

A Continued journall of all the proceedings of the Duke of Buckingham His Grace in the Ile of Ree, containing these particulars. The strong siedge of the French King before the towne of Rochell. The state of the towne of Rochell ... The state of the English army ... The surprising of nine boates of the enemies ... The French in the fort driven unto a parley. The new supplies of the fort. The now state of the fort ... The supplies the Rochellers have sent unto the Duke ... London, Printed by A. Mathewes for T. Walkey, 1627. MiU (London, 1627). Comments: See the other two titles concerning the Rée expedition on film (carton 1043).

Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. Memoires de Mr. L. C. D. R.: contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus particulier sous le ministre du cardinal de Richelieu, et du cardinal Mazarin; avec plusieurs particularitez remarquables du regne de Louis le Grand. Cinquième ed., revûe ed. & corrigée. The Hague, Chez H. van Bulderen, 1713. InU, Lilly DC 130 .R6 1864 1713 (The Hague, 1713); ICN (Cologne, 1687). Comments: Attributed by Courtilz to “le comte de Rochefort,” further identified in the text as “Charles César.” First printed, Cologne, 1687.

Crosse, William, fl. 1630, supposed author. Belgiaes troubles, and triumphs. Wherein are truly and historically related all the most famous occurrences, which have happened betweene the Spainards, and Hollanders in these last foure yeares warres of the Netherlands, with other accidents, which have had relation unto them, as the battels of Fleurie, and Statloo, the losse of Gulicke and , the sieges of Sluce and Bergen, the conquest of St. Salvador in Brasilia, and the taking of Goffe by Charles Lambert, &c. London, Printed by A. Matthewes, and I. Norton, 1625. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 6072, carton 954 (London, 1625).

A Cruell and bloudy battaile, betwixt the Weymarish and Hessish, and the imperialists ... fought betwixt Cullen and Weesel, the 12.22. of the last moneth, where it pleased God to give the victory to the Weymarish and Hessish ... London, Butler, 1642. 6 p. ICN, Case J 5454 .188 v.2 (London, 1642). Comments: 6 pages.

Declaration des protestants d’Allemagne, au roy d’Angleterre. Sur l’estat present des affaires du prince palatin son gendre. Paris, Suivant la coppie imprimée à Bruxelles, par H. Anthoine, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1620). Comments: Based on a copy printed in Brussels. 13 pages.

Deffaicte de l’armée du prince Betheleem Gabor près Vienne en Austriche. Par Messieurs les chevaliers de la milice chrestienne, le 4. octobre 1620. Ensemble le nombre & les noms des seigneurs qui ont esté tuez, & generalement tout ce qui s’est passé en ladicte deffaicte. Paris, N. Alexandre, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1620). Comments: 12 pages.

Defoe, Daniel, 1660(61)-1731, supposed author. Memoirs of the honourable Col. Andrew Neuport, a Shropshire gentleman, who served as a cavalier in the army of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany, and in that of Charles the First in England; containing anecdotes and characters of the principal persons of that time: the whole forming a complete military history of Germany and England towards the middle of the seventeenth century. A new ed., with additions, and a portrait of the Earl of Essex ... London, 1792. ICN, y 155 .D 39 (London, 1792); OCl (London, 1792); OO (London, 1792); IaU (London, 1792). Comments: A fictionalized account but interesting nevertheless for the light it sheds on on how war was experienced vicariously by the reading public of the eighteenth century.

Discours addressé aux soldats francois. Dedié a Mr. Deslandes-Payen, conseiller en . Paris, Chez Louis Sevestre, ruâ du Meurier, prés sainct Nicolas du Chardonnet, 1649. MnU (Paris, 1649). Comments: 16 pages.

Ditfurth, Franz Wilhelm, freiherr von, 1801-1880, compiler. Die historisch- politischen Volksleider des Dreissigjährigen Krieges. Aus fliegenden Blättern, sonstigen Druckwerken und handschriftlichen Quellen gesammelt und nebst den Singweisen zusammengestellt von Franz Wilhelm Freiherrn von Ditfurth. Herausgegeben von Karl Bartsch. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1882. IaU (Heidelberg, 1882); OClW (Heidelberg, 1882); OCl (Heidelberg, 1882); InU, Research Coll., Folklore Coll. M1734 .D6 H67 [facsimile] (Leipzig, 1972); InU, Music Library M1734 .D6 H6 [facsimile] (Leipzig, 1972). Comments: German poetry, folk songs and music--principally texts--relevant to the Thirty Years War.

Du Fossé, Pierre Thomas, 1634-1701. Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis; who served in the army six and fifty years, under King Henry IV., Lewis the XIII. and Lewis the XIV. Containing many remarkable passages relating to the war, the court, and the government of those princes. Faithfully Englished by Charles Cotton ... London, Printed by F. Leach for James Knapton, 1694. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .D8 A3 1694 (London, 1694).

Ellerbach, Johann Baptist, 1850-1924, ed. Der dreissigjährige Krieg im Elsass (1618-1648). Nach archivalischen quellen dargestellt und mit zahlreichen zeitgenössischen abbildungen versehen. Hrsg. von J. B. Ellerbach. 3 vols. Carspach (Ober-Elsass), Bethsaidadruckerei, 1912-28. ICN, F 47903 .258 (Carspach, 1912-28); OU, D258 E45 (Carspach, 1912-28).

L’Estat present des guerres de la Boheme & Allemagne avec le denombrement des troupes qui y sont arrivees tant pour le secours de l’empereur, que pour le party du comte palatin. Traduict d’Alleman en françois par J. D. C. Paris, D. Langlois, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1620). Comments: 11 pages.

Estrades, Godefroi Louis, comte d’, 1607-1686. Correspondance authentique de Godefroi comte d’Estrades, de 1637 à 1660. Publiée pour la Société de l’histoire de France par A. de Saint-Léger et le docteur L. Lemaire ... Paris, Champion, 1924- . OU (Paris, 1924- ); MiU (Paris, 1924- ); OCl (Paris, 1924- ); OClW (Paris, 1924- ); OCU (Paris, 1924- ); ICN (Paris, 1924- ); IU, 944 So 13p v.407 (Paris, 1924). Comments: Société de l’histoire de France. Publications in octavo, 407.

Estrées, François Annibal, duc d’, 1573-1670. Mémoires du maréchal d’Estrées sur la régence de Marie de Médicis (1610-1616) et sur celle d’Anne d’Autriche (1643-1650). Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Paul Bonnefon. Paris, Libraire Renouard, 1910. IU, 944 So13p v. 349 (Paris, 1910).

An Exact coranto from most parts of Christendom: from July 3, to this present, viz., Cullen, Leipsich, Newheruse, Aldenburg, Bohemia, Vienna, Prague, Collen, Hamburgh. London, Printed by L. N. and I. F. for E. Hubands and I. Franck, [1642?]; microfilm (1 reel), Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms International, 1981. InU, Research Coll. Microform serv. Wing Micro-film Reel 1206 (London, [1642?]; Ann Arbor, 1981). Comments: [7] pages. At head of title: July 20, 1642. Reproduction of original in the Bodleian Library [microform]. References: Wing E3637.

Exceeding joyful newes from Holland, being a true relation of two great battels fought betweene the gouvernour of Flanders, Don Francisco de Melos and the Hollanders upon the 20. and 21. dayes of Aprill, 1642. With the names of the places and sconces which he assaulted, but was overthrowne by the Hollanders, and many thousands of his men slaine. London, Raymond, 1642. ICN, Case J 5454 .188 v.2 (London, 1642). Comments: 7 pages. Binder’s title: Commonwealth tracts, II. 1642-4.

An excellent new ditty: or, which proveth that women the best warriers be, For they made the Devill from Earth for to flee. To the tune of, Death’s dance. London, Printed for H. G., [1630?]. IU, RBC Film UM R986 (London, [1630?]).

Fernández Alvarez, Manuel, 1921- . Don Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba y la guerra de sucessión de Mantua y del Monferrato (1627-1629). Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Historia Moderna, 1955. ICN, F 35949 .294 (Madrid, 1955). Comments: With “Apéndice documental.”

Fin de la guerre des Pays-Bas, aux provinces qui sont encor sous l’obeissance d’Espagne item la descouverte des proffondeurs d’Espagne cachées sons ceste proposition de donner au Roy de France en mariage l’infante d’Espagne avec les dixsept provinces des Pays-Bas en constitution de dot. N.p., 1645. InU, Lilly DJ 146 F4 (N.p., 1645); Dutch edition: InU, Lilly DJ 146 .F 45 (N.p., 1646). Comments: 48 pages. The Dutch version appeared under title: Ontdekking der Spaensche practijcken ... Anonymous writer proposes that France and the United Provinces should divide the Spanish Netherlands between them.

Fransch praetie. Münster, Niclaes Staets, 1646. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .F82 (Münster, 1646). Comments: Continuation of Munsters Praetje, stressing that the Franco-Dutch alliance can only last as long as both parties fear Spain.

Friesenegger, Maurus. Tagebuch aus dem 30 jährigen [i.e, dreissigjährigen] Krieg. [By] Maurus Friesenegger; nach einer Handschrift im Kloster Andechs mit Vorwort, Anmerkungen und Register hrsg. von Willibald Mathaser. Munich, Suddeutscher Verlag, 1974. InU, Research Collections D256 .F68 A35 (Munich, 1974). Comments: “Original der Handschrift: Tagbuch von Erling, und Heiligenberg vom Jahre 1627 bis 1648 inc.” Personal narratives of the Thirty Years War. Includes bibliographical references and index.

La grande et memorable victoire obtenue sur le prince palatin, par les duc de Baviere & comte de Bucquoy, lieutenant de l’empereur dans le champ de bataille. La prise du jeune prince d’Anhalt, d’on s’est ensuivie la reduction de la ville de Prague ... Aussi tout ce qui s’est fait par le marquis de Spinola au Palatinat du Rhin en ce present mois de Novembre. Paris, P. Rocollet, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620gr (Paris, 1620).

La Grande et signalée victoire emportee en champ de bataille par l’armee Catholique, sur l’armee Protestante allant au nombre de vingt mille combatans au secours du Prince Palatin ... Paris, P. Ramier, 1622. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1622g (Paris, 1622). Comments: 13 pages.

Girard, Guillaume, d. 1633. The history of the life of the Duke of Espernon ...: wherein the history of France is continued from the year 1598 where D’Avila leaves off down to our own times, 1642. Englished by Charles Cotton. London, Printed for E. Cotes, and A. Church, for Henry Brome, 1670. InU, Lilly DC 121.8 .E7 G513 (London, 1670).

Der Grosse Kampf um die Vormacht in Europa: die Rolle Schwedens und Frankreichs: Quellen zur Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges 1635- 1643. [Hrsg. von Bohumil ... et al.] Prague, Akademia, 1978. InU, Research Collections D251 .G76 (Prague, 1978). Comments: Documenta Bohemica Bellum Tricennale illustrantia: tomus 6. Includes index.

Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645. Hugonis Grotii Annales et historiae de rebus Belgicis. Amsterdam, ex typographeo J. Blaeu, 1658. InU, Lilly DH196 .G879 1658 (Amsterdam, 1658). Comments: Previously published in 1657.

Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645. Briefwisseling. ... Door P. C. Molhuysen. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1929- . ICU (The Hague, 1929- ); INS (The Hague, 1929- ); IaU (The Hague, 1929- ); WU (The Hague, 1929- ); ICN (The Hague, 1929- ); OCl (The Hague, 1929- ); OU (The Hague, 1929- ); IU (The Hague, 1929- ). Comments: Rijks geschiedkundige publicatiân [Groote ser.]. Grotius, Sweden’s ambassador to Paris, had first-rate information about France, Germany and the Low Countries at his disposal. His correspondence contains in addition some information on military and political events and a great many comments on the scientific world of his time.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. L’histoire des dernières campagnes et négociations de Gustave-Adolphe en Allemagne. Ouvrage traduit de l’Italien avec des notes historiques et géographiques ... par M. l’abbé de Francheville ... xxiv. Berlin, G. J. Decker, 1772. MnU (Berlin, 1772); ICU, D264 .G9 Rare bk (Berlin, 1782).

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. Histoire du traité de la paix concluâ à S. Jean de Luz entre les deux couronnes, en 1659. Translated by H. Courtin. Cologne, T. Bruggen, 1665. ICU, DC124 .45 .G9 Rare bk. (Cologne, 1665).

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. Historia delle guerre di Ferdinando II e Ferdinando III imperatori e del re’ Filippo IV de Spagna. Contro Gostavo Adolfo re’ de Suetia, e Luigi XIII re’ di Francia. Successi dall’anno 1630 sino all’anno 1640. Del conte Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato. All’illustriss. et excellentiss. signore, il sig. conte Mattias Galasso ... Venice, Presso i Bertani, 1640. IU, 943.04 G931hi 1640 (Venice, 1640); ICN, F 0976 .375 (Bologna, 1641); WU, D265 .G88 (Venice, 1642); ICU, D265 .G9 (Venice, 1642); IU, 943.04 G931hi 1643 (Venice, 1643); OCl (Venice, 1648-54); English editions: InU (London, 1648); WU (London, 1648); MnU (London, 1648). Comments: English edition entitled: An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom ... First English edition published in 1648.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. An history of the late warres and other state affaires of the best part of Christendom, beginning with the King of Swethlands entrance into Germany, and continuing to the yeare 1640. Written in Italian by the count Galiazzo Gualdo Priorato: and in English by the right honourable Henry earl of Monmouth. London, Printed by W. Wilson, 1648. InU, Lilly D265 .G9 (London, 1648). Comments: First English edition.

Gustav II Adolf. Minnesskrift på 300-Ürsdagen av slaegt vid Lützen utarbetad inom Generalstabens Krigshistoriska avdelning. Stockholm, Aktiebolaget H. W. Tullbergs, förlag 1932. OU, DL 706 A12 (Stockholm, 1932).

Haynin, Louis de, seigneur du Cornet, 1582-1640. Histoire generalle des guerres de Savoie, de Boheme, du Palatinat, et Pays-Bas, depuis l’an 1616. jusques celuy de 1627. inclus. Contenante au vray deduction particuliere des batailles & journées de Boudits du pont de Vienne, de Prague, de Helbrune, dite de Torlac, de Vinssein, de Host, de Fleurue, de Statelot, de hanaverre, d’Assau, & de Luther. Avec tous les rencontres, escarmouches, combats, prises & sieges de ville, qui s’y sont faits durant ce temps ... Par le seigneur du Cornet, gentilhomme belgeois. Douai, De l’impremerie de Baltazar Bellere, au Compas d’Or, 1628. IU, RBC x943.03 H33h (Douai, 1628).

Haynin, Louis de, seigneur du Cornet, 1582-1640. ... Histoire générale des guerres de Savoie, de Bohême, du Palatinat & des Pays-Bas, 1616-1627, par le seigneur du Cornet ... avec une introduction et des notes par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy ... 2 vols. Brussels, Société de l’histoire de Belgique, 1868. ICN, F 465 .127 no.28-29 (Brussels, 1868). Comments: Société de l’histoire de Belgique publication no. 28 & [29]. Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique.

Heberle, Hans, 1597-1677. Der Dreissigjährige Krieg in zeitgenossischer Darstellung: Hans Heberles “Zeytregister” (1618-1672), Aufzeichnungen aus dem Ulmer Territorium: ein Beitrag zu Geschichtsschreibung und Geschichtsverstandnis der Unterschichten von Gerd Zillhardt. Ulm, Stadtarchiv; Stuttgart, Kommissionsverlag Kohlhammer, 1975. InU (Ulm & Stuttgart, 1975). Comments: Forschungen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ulm, bd. 13. Originally presented as Zillhardt’s thesis, Tübingen, 1972.

Heinsius, Daniel, 1580-1655. Histoire du siege de Bol Duc: et de ce qui s’est passe es Pais Bas Unis, l’an M DC XXIX. Faicte francoise, du Latin de Daniel Heinsius ... Lyons, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1631. InU, Lilly DH 206 .B8 H897 1631 (Lyons, 1631); IEN, Elzevir L1631 He (Lyons, 1631). Comments: With maps. Translation of Rerum ad Sylvam-Ducis. On the siege of ‘s Hertogenbosch (Bol Duc=Bois le Duc=‘s Hertogenbosch). Translation attributed to Andre Rivet, by Barbier. First printing in original Latin at Leyden, by Elzevir, 1631 (cf. Willems 351). At InU, Lilly with: [Obsidio bredana. French.] Traduicte du Latin du Pere Hermannus Hugo ... Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1631. Bound together subsequent to publication.

Hénault, Charlotte. Les admirables sentiments d'une fille villageoise: envoyez à monsieur le prince de Condé, touchant le party qu'il doit prendre. Paris, Jean Henault, 1649. IU, RBC, Uncat. 70 92 (Paris, 1649). Comments: 7 pages.

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?. A Historicall relation of the famous siege of the Busse, and the surprising of Wesell. Together with the articles, and points of composition graunted by His Excellencie the Prince of Orange to those of the towne. And a supposicion of the state, and order of their garrison marching out of the city. And some other additions hereunto annexed. Delph, 1630. MiU, Film no. 13262, carton 962 (Delph, 1630).

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?. A journall, of the taking of Venlo, Roermont, Strale, the memorable siege of Mastricht, the towne & castle of Limburch under the able, and wise conduct of his excie.: the Prince of Orange anno 1632. With an exact card drawne first by Charles Floyd (nowe ensigne) and since lessened and cutt by Henricus and Willihelmus Hondius ... Compiled together by Capt. Henry Hexham ... As also a list of the officiers, voluntiers, gentlemen, and souldiers slayne, and hurt in this siege. With the articles of composition. Delph, Printed by I. P. Walpote, for N. Butler, and are to be sold at H. Hondius, in The Hagh, 1633. MiU (Delph, 1633).

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?. A tongue-combat, lately happening betweene two English souldiers in the tilt-boat of Gravesend, the one going to serve the king of Spaine, the other to serve the States Generall of the United Provinces. Wherein the cause, course, and continuance of those warres, is debated, and declared ... London, 1623. ICU (London, 1623); MnU (London, 1623); ICN (London, 1623). Comments: 4 page pamphlet.

Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?. A true and briefe relation of the famous siege of Breda: besieged, and taken in under the able and victorious conduct of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange ... Composed by Henry Hexham quartermaster to the regiment of the honorable Coronell Goring. Delft, Printed ... by James Moxon ... to be sould at Hendricus Hondius ..., 1637. Ind, Lilly DH 206 .B85 H61 (Delft, 1637); MiU, Film no. 13265, carton 962 (Delft, 1637). Comments: The 1637 text includes the articles of capitulation, description of the surrender, and casualty lists.

The honest informer; or Tom-tell-troth’s observations. Upon abuses of government. Directed to His Maisty by way of an humble adver-tisement, wherein it may easily appeare that amongst other things, the chiefest cause of these civill combustions now at home, proceeds from the neglect of making juste warre abroad ... London[?], 1642. ICN, Case F 4552 .171 (London[?], 1642). Comments: Binder’s title: Civil war tracts, 1642. 24 pages.

Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Obsidio bredana armis Philippi III., auspiciis Isabellae ductu Ambr. Spinolae perfecta. Scribebat Hermannus Hugo ... Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1626. MiU (Antwerp, 1626); MiD (Antwerp, 1626). Comments: Siege of Breda, 1624-25. First printing.

Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629. Le siege de la ville de Breda: conquise par les armes du Roy Philippe IV. par la direction de l’Infante Isabelle Cl. Eug. par la valeur du Marquis Amb. Spinola. Traduict du Latin du Pere Hermannus Hugo ... par Philippe Chifflet ... Antwerp, ex officina Platiniana, 1631. InU, Lilly DH 206 .B8 H897 1631 (Antwerp, 1631). Comments: With maps and plans. Translation of Obsidio bredana. Imprint in colophon adds name of printer Balthasar Moretus. First printing in original Latin at Antwerp, ex officina Plantiniana, 1626. At InU, Lilly with: [Rerum ad Sylvam- Ducis. French.] Faicte Francoise du Latin de Daniel Heinsius. Leyden, ex officina Elzeviriorum, 1631. Bound together subsequent to publication.

The Invasions of Germanie. With all the civill, and bloody warres therein, since the first beginning of them in anno 1618. And continued to this present yeare 1638. Wherein are described the severall battles ... at severall times, and in severall places, with a new and exact map of Germany ... Together with the progresse of every army ... Faithfully collected out of good, and credible originalls. By a gentleman well deserving that hath suffered much in these warres. London, Printed by I. Norton, for I. Rothewell, 1638. ICN, Case F 475 .12 (London, 1638). Comments: Bound with Brinckmair, The warnings of Germany, 1638.

James II, king of England, 1633-1701. Memoirs of the Duke of York. In The history of Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, viscount de Turenne, [by A. M. Ramsay], vol. 2, pp.339-516. N.p., 1735-40. ICN, E 5 T 8449 v.2 (N.p., 1735-40).

James II, king of England, 1633-1701. Memoirs of James the Second, king of England, &c., &c.; collected from various authentic sources ... 2 vols. London, Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1821. MiU (London, 1821); OCl (London, 1821).

Der Kampf des Hauses Habsburg gegen die Niederlande und ihre Verbundeten: Quellen zur Geschichte des Pfälzisch-Niederlandisch- Ungarischen Krieges, 1621-1625. Prague, Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, 1976. InU, Res. Coll. D251 .K3 (Prague, 1976). Comments: Documenta bohemica Bellum Tricennale illustrantia, tomus 3.

Der Kampf um den besten Frieden: Quellen zur Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Kriegs zur Zeite der Friedensverhandlungen von Westfalen und der Ratifizierung des Friedens, 1643-1649. [Hrsg. von Miroslav Toegel ... et al.] Prague, Academia, 1981. InU, Res. Coll. D251 .K34 (Prague, 1981). Comments: Documenta Bohemica Bellum Tricennale illustrantia, t. 7. Documents in German, French, Italian, Latin and Spanish.

Khevenhueller (Khevenhüller), Franz Christoph, graf von Frankenburg, 1588- 1650. Franz Christoph Khevenhillers ... Annales Ferdinandei: oder Wahrhaffte Beschreibung Käysers Ferdinandi des Andern ...: samt Kurzer Erzehlung deren in der gantzen Welt ... Käyserl. Majestät Geburthen ... von Anfang des 1578. biss auf das 1637. Jahr vorgelauftenen Handlungen und denckwürdigen Geschichten mit vielen Kupffern. Leipzig, Verlegts Moritz Georg Weidmann, 1721-26. InU, Lilly DD 189 .K26 A61 1726 (Leipzig, 1721-26).

Kort verhael, van de ghelghentheyd des Koninghs van Spaignien, getranslateert uyt het hooghduytsch in de Nederduytsche tale. The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1628. InU, Lilly DP 185 .K84 (The Hague, 1628). Comments: Analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the Spanish monarchy and empire.

Lasseré, Jean de. Memoires de feu Mr. le Duc d’Orleans, contenant ce qui s’est passé en France de plus considerables depuis l’an 1608 jusqu’en l’année 1636. The Hague, A. Moetjens, 1685. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .G3 L34 (The Hague, 1685).

Louis XIII, king of France, 1601-1643. Louis XIII, d’après sa correspondance avec le cardinal de Richelieu par le comte de Beauchamp ... Nouv. éd. Paris, 1909. ICN, F 3923 .524 (Paris, 1909); OCl (Paris, 1909).

Lundorp, Michael Caspar, ca. 1580-1629. Guerre di Germania: dall’anno MDCXVIII. sino alla Pace di Lubeca transportate nella lingua italiana da Alessandro de Noris Veronese. Bologna, ad’instanza di Nicolo Corti, 1640. InU, Lilly D 258 .L962 G9 1640 (Bologna, 1640). Comments: Mostly translated from German of Lundorp who wrote under pseud. Nicolaus Bellus.

[Mailly, Jean Baptiste], 1744-1794. L'esprit de la Fronde, ou Histoire politique et militaire des troubles de France pendant la minorité de Louis XIV ... 5 vols. Paris, Moutard, 1772-1773. InU, Lilly DC 124.4 .M21 (Paris, 1772-1773). Comments: Published anonymously.

Malvezzi, Virgilio, marchese, 1595-1654. The chiefe events of the monarchie of Spaine, in the yeare 1639. Written by the Marquesse Virgilio Malvezzi, one of His Majesties councell of warre. Tr. out of th’ Italian copy, by Robert Gentilis, gent. London, Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, at the sign of the princes arms in St. Paul’s churchyard, 1647. IU, RBC x321.6 M29dEa (London, 1647); MnU (London, 1647); OU (London, 1647). Comments: First edition in English (London, 1647).

Mansfeld, Ernst, graf von, 1580-1626. The appollogie of the illustrious Prince Ernestus, Earle of Mansfield, &c. Wherein from his first entertainment, are layd open the occasions of his warres in Bohemia, Austria, and the Palatinate, with his faithfull service to the king of Bohemia. Translated out of the originall French coppie. Heidelberg, 1622. IU, RBC Film UM R1014 (carton 1014) (Heidelberg, 1622); MiU, Short-title catalogue no. 24915, carton 1014 (Heidelberg, 1622). Comments: A political pamphlet.

Mazarin, Jules, cardinal, 1602-1661. Lettres du cardinal Mzarin à la reine, à la princesse palatine, etc., écrites pendant sa retraite hors de France, en 1651 et 1652. Avec notes et explications, par M. Ravenal ... Paris, J. Renouard, 1836. OCU (Paris, 1836); ICN (Paris, 1836); OU (Paris, 1836); OClW (Paris, 1836); WU (Paris, 1836); IU (Paris, 1836); MiU (Paris, 1836); IEN (Paris, 1836). Comments: Published for the Société de l'histoire de France.

Mazarin, Jules, cardinal, 1602-1661. Lettres du cardinal Mazarin, où l'on voit le secret de la négociation de la paix des Pirenées; & la relation des conferences qu'il a eües pour ce sujet avec D. Loüis de Haro, ministre d'Espagne. Avec d'autres lettres trés curieuses écrites au roi & à la reine, par le même cardinal, pendant son voyage. Nouvelle édition, augmentée d'une seconde partie. Amsterdam, H. Wetstein, 1693. MnU (Amsterdam, 1693); ICU (Amsterdam, 1690); OCl (Amsterdam, 1690). Comments: Includes thirty-six letters from July 10, 1659 to September 4, 1659.

Mazarin, Jules, cardinal, 1602-1661. Lettres du Cardinal Mazarin pendant son ministère recueilles & publiées par M. A. Chéruel. Decembré 1642-Mars 1661. 9 vols. Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France, Paris, 1876-1906. IU, 944 C681 v. 54 (Paris, 1876-1906); InNd (Paris, 1876-1906); ICN (Paris, 1876- 1906); OU (Paris, 1876-1906); OCl (Paris, 1876-1906); OCU (Paris, 1876-1906); ICU (Paris, 1876-1906).

Montglat, marquis de. Mémoires du Marquis de Montglat. Collection des mémoires relatifs a l’histoire de France, Petitot and Monmerqué. Paris, Foucault, 1826. IU (Paris, 1826).

Moreau, Célestin, b. 1805, ed. Choix de mazarinades. 2 vols. Publié pour la Sociéte de l'histoire de France par C. Moreau ... Paris, J. Renouard et cie., 1853. IU, 944 So13p v. 73, 74 (Paris, 1853).

Motteville, Mme. Françoise (Bertaut) de. Mémoires sur Anne d’Autriche & sa cour ... Ed. ... par ... M. F. Riaux & une notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. 4 vols. Paris, n.d. IU, 944.03 M85 (Paris, n.d.).

Muñoz, Juan, fray, fl. 17th cent. Carta. Granada, Vicente Alvarez, 1635. InU, Lilly DD 183 .M967 Mendel (Granada, 1635). Comments: “Concerning the homage to the Lord’s Supper in the reparation to the irreverencies committed against it by the French Army in Flanders.”

Pontis, Louis de. Memoires du Sieur de Pontis, officier des armees du roy: contenant plusieurs circonstances des guerres & du gouvernement, sous les regnes des roys Henry IV., Louys XIII., & Louys XIV. 2 vols. Amsterdam, Chez Andre de Hoogenhuysen, 1694. InU, Lilly DC 121.8 .D6A3 1694 (Amsterdam, 1694).

Propositie, ghedaen by de gesanten van de corresponderende, geunieerde, ende tot Nurenberg vergadert-genesene ceurfursten, stenden ende heeren: aen den ... Heer Maximiliaen, Paltzgrave aen den Rhijn, Hertogen in Bayeren, etc. Mitsgaders derselven ... antwoorde ... Ende voorts, de Replijcke daerop ... The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1620. InU, Lilly DD 189 .P962 (The Hague, 1620). Comments: Correspondence between the German protestant potentates and the Roman Catholic Duke of Bavaria in December 1619 on the outbreak of the Thirty Years War. 24 pages.

Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de, 1601-1682. Les mémoires de messire Jacques de Chastenet, chevalier, seigneur de Puysegur, colonel du regiment de Piedmont, et lieutenant général des armées du roy. Sous les règnes de Louis XIII. & de Louis XIV. Donnez au public par M. Du Chesne ... Avec des Instructions militaires ... 2 vols. Paris, J. Morel, 1690. ICN, F 3923 .719 (Paris, 1690).

Raguenet, François. Histoire du vicomte de Turenne ... Nouv. éd. plus correcte que les précedentes. Amsterdam, 1787. ICN, E 5 .T 84487 (Amsterdam, 1787).

Ramsay, Andrew Michael. Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne maréchal général des armées du roi. 4 vols. Amsterdam, Arkstée & Merkus, 1749. ICN, E 5 .T 84489 and E 5 .T 84488 (Amsterdam, 1749).

Recit de ce qui s'est passé à la conference de Ruel; où se void le sujet du retardement de la paix, causé par Maarin. Avec la plainte par luy faire à ses confidens. En vers burrelesques. Paris?, 1649. WU (Paris?, 1649). Comments: 8 pages.

Recit exact et fidel de ce qui s'est passé a la conference de Ruel, pour la negotiation de la paix. Paris, Chez Nicolas Bessin, imprimeur & libraire, au Palais en l'allée S. Michel et ruâ des larmes, au mont S. Hilaire, 1649. WU (Paris, 1649). Comments: 8 pages.

Recit veritable de ce qui c'est passé de plus considerable au Parlement de Paris, & de qui a esté fait par son ordre, pour le service du roy, depuis l'enlevement de Sa Majesté, fait le 1. janvier 1649. Paris, 1649. MnU (Paris, 1649); WU (Paris, 1649). Comments: 7 pages.

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est passé en la frontiere de Champagne, depuis qui l’armee du comte de Mansfeld est partie du Palatinat pour venir en France. Ensemble la defaite de plusieurs des siens, par le sr. marquis de Dampierre. Et la redition de son canon entre les mains de mr. le comte de Grand-pré, gouverneur de la ville de Mouzon. Paris, Chez François Pomeray, ruâ Sainct Jacques, à la Vigne dor-fin, 1622. Avec permission. WU (Paris, 1622).

Recit Veritable de la defaicte des trouppes du conte de Mansfelt par monsieur le duc de Baviere proche de la ville de Vertesen. Ensemble la mort du conte de Mansfelt, & la prise de cinq drapeaux d’enfanterie, & d’une cornette de chevallerie. Ensemble la defaicte d’une compaignie d’Hollandois par monsieur de Grobandon, gouverneur de Bolducque. N.p., Jouxte la copie imprimée à Anvers, chez Abraham Verhowen, 1621?. MiU, D 259 .R29 (N.p., 1621?). Comments: 8 pages.

Recit Veritable de la deffaite et dissipation de l’armee imperiale, composée de vingt mil hommes; par celle des Suedois & Saxons. Avec tout ce qui s’est passé en Silesie depuis le 28 d’Aoust jusques au 16 de Septembre dernier; entre l’armee imperiale, d’une part; & celle desdits Suedois & Saxons de l’autre, principalement devant la ville & fort de . Paris, 1632. WU (Paris, 1632).

Recit veritable de la reduction du pays sur Ens, & de toute la haute Austrice au service de sa Majesté Imperialle, & ce par la vaillantise & prouesses des Es lecteurs de Saxe & de Baviere. La prise du pays Veltelin par le Gouverneur de Milan, le massacre de six cents Huguenots surprins au Presche, & de trente Ministres trouvez audict pays. L’estat veritable auquel est à present l’armee du Marquis de Spinola, le jour qu’il a passé le Rhin avec ladite armee, & la deffaite de cincq cents paysans qui vouloient resister audit passage. Liège, chez Nicolas Trigault, n.d. ICN (Liège, n.d.).

Recit veritable de la sanglante rencontre advenue les 25 & 26 d’avril 1626, en la basse Saxe entre les armes de l’empereur, soubz la conduitte du duc de Fridland, prince de Walstein general: et le comte de Mansfelt pour les princes protestans, & de la part du roy de Dennemarcq, & autres de la Ligue, escrit de l’armee dudit Walstein le 26 d’avril 1626. Paris, Chez Jean Bessin, ruâ de Reimsprés le college, 1626. ICN (Paris, 1626). Comments: 8 pages.

De Reductie van Duynkercke onder de gehoorsaemheyt vanden Koninck van Vranckryck. Beneffens d’articulen van capitulatien, ende t’gene daer ontrent voorgevallen is. Utrecht, Jan van Swol, [1658]. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .R322 (Utrecht, [1658]). Comments: Relation of the battle of the Dunes with articles of capitulation [of ].

Les Regrets du cardinal Mazarin sur le lèvement de siège de Cambray, avec la description des arcs de triomphe qu’il prétendoit faire ériger lorsqu’il feroit sa première entrée dans la place. Paris, 1649. MnU (Paris, 1649); WU (Paris, 1649). Comments: A Mazarinade, 12 pages.

Relaçam do felice successo e milagrosa vitoria, que ouve o Capitao Luis Medes de Vasconcellos, contra o inimigo Castellano, no termo da cidade de Elvas em 30 de Julho 1641. Lisbon, Por Manoel da Sylva, A de Lourenço de Queiròs, 1641. ICN (Lisbon, 1641).

Relacion de la liga que el emperador de Alemania y los principes, potentados, y republicas catholicas, han instituydo contra los rebeldes, y demas enemigos de nuestra santa fè catholica: refierese el numero de los principes que entran en esta santa loga, y el copioso exercito de infantes y cavalleria que cada uno ofrece: va inserta en este papel una carta que la catholica magestad del rey nuestro señor remitio a nuestro Santissimo padre Urbano Papa Octavo, acerca de otra liga q tieñe instituyda los cìtrarios desta real corona. México, Imprenta de la viuda de Diego Garrido, 1626. InU, Lilly D 259 R382 1626 Mendel (México, 1626).

Relación de lo sucedido en España, Italia, Francia, Flandes, Alemania, y en otras partes, desde abril del año passado de 34 hasta abril deste presente año de 1635. [N.p., n.d.] InU, Lilly DP 184 .R 382 Mendel ([N.p., n.d.]).

Relación de lo sucedido en Flandes desde que entraron en los Estados obedientes a Su Magestad Catolica, los exercitos de Francia, y Olanda, este a•o de mil y seiscientos y treinta y cinco. Madrid, Imprenta del Reyno, 1635. InU, Lilly DH 801 .H43 R3 Mendel (Madrid, 1635). Comments: Dated at end, Madrid, 31 August 1635.

Relación de todo lo sucedido en España, Flandes, Alemania, Italia, y Francia, y otras partes del mundo, desde abril del año 1633 hasta abril de 1634. N.p., 1634[?]. InU, Lilly DP 184 .R 3819 Mendel (N.p., 1634[?]).

Relation contenant ce qui s'est passé samedi, dernier jour du mois (août) au faubourg Saint-Marcel entre la garde bourgeoise et les gens de guerre des princes. Paris, 1652. MnU (Paris, 1652). Comments: 8 pages.

Relation contenant le secour jetté dans la ville de Gravelines par les soins du sieur d’Estrades, lieutenant général dans les armées du roi et gouverneur de Dunkerque, avec l’état de cette première place et ce qui s’est passé en son siége jusques au 29 (19 avril) de ce mois. Paris, Jacques Bellay, 1652. MnU (Paris, 1652). Comments: 8 pages.

Relation contenant tout ce qui s'est fait passé dans la ville de Pontoise entre les vrais serviteurs du roy et les partisans du cardinal Mazarin, avec la conspiration secrète de quelques uns des plus apparents pour livrer la ville au duc d'Elbeuf, découverte par les habitants. N.p., 1652. MnU (N.p., 1652). Comments: 12 pages.

Relation de la défaite de l'armée du marquis de Saint-Luc, ave la levée du siége de la ville de Mont-de-Marsan. Jouxte la copie à Bordeaux. Paris, Jean Brunet, 1652. MnU (Paris, 1652). Comments: 8 pages.

Relation de tout ce qui s'est fait et passé en la ville de Bordeaux et province de Guyenne, et la réponse faite par le roi aux députées dudit Parlement et ville de Bordeaux, depuis l'arrivée desdits députés en la ville de Libourne, le 3 août 1650, jusques au 12 dudit mois, ensemble la prise de l'île Saint-Georges, avec les nouvelles apportées à Leurs Majestés, du 12 août 1650, du secours arrivé à Porto-Longone de la galère commandée par le lieutenant du chevalier de Châtellus (sic), renforcée de 510 hommes de guerre, argent et munitions, et la défaite de 1500 paysans révoltés en Catalogne, envoyée à M. le maréchal de L'hôpital. Paris, Guillaume Sassier, n.d. MnU (Paris, n.d.). Comments: 8 pages.

Relation véritable contenant la défaite des forces que le maréchal de La Meilleraye envoyoit contre Angers, par monseigneur le duc de Rohan. Angers, Jean Martin, 1652. MnU (Angers, 1652). Comments: 8 pages.

Remonstrance à la reine sur les abus des intendant de justice et la cruauté de l'exaction des deniers royaux à main armée (par la cour des Aydes). Paris, Nicolas Jacquard, 1649. OCl (Paris, 1649); MnU (Paris, 1649); WU (Paris, 1649). Comments: 8 pages.

Retz, Jean François, Paul de Gondi, cardinal de, 1614-1679. Mémoires du cardinal de Retz, contenant ce qui s'est passé de remarquable en France pendant les premiéres années du regne de Louis XIV. 4 vols. Nouv. éd., rev. exactement, augm. de plusieurs eclaircissemens historiques & de quelques piéces du cardinal de Retz & autres, servant á l'histoire de ce tems-là ... Amsterdam, J. F. Bernard, 1731. IU, 944.03 R31m 1731 (Amsterdam). Comments: Numerous other editions available at most major midwestern reserach libraries.

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal, duc de, 1585-1642. Letters of the Cardinal-Duke de Richelieu ... Faithfully translated from the original by T. B. [probably Thomas Brown]. 2 vols. in 1. London, Printed for A. Roper [etc.], 1697. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .R5 A4 1697 (London, 1697).

Richelieu, A. J. du P. [Armand Jean du Plessis], cardinal, [duc de], 1585- 1642. Lettres; instructions diplomatiques & papiers d’état du cardinal de Richelieu. Recueilles & publiés par M. Avenel. 8 vols. Paris, 1853-77. IU, 944 C681 v.50 (Paris, 1853-77); MiDW (Paris, 1853-77); IaU (Paris, 1853-77); OCU (Paris, 1853-77); InU (Paris, 1853-77); OU (Paris, 1853-77); ICN (Paris, 1853-77); IEN (Paris, 1853-77); ICU (Paris, 1853-77); IMunS (Paris, 1853-77); MiU (Paris, 1853-77). Comments: Paris, 1853-77 edition forms part of the Collection de documents inédits sur l’histoire de France ...

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal, duc de, 1585-1642. Mémoires du cardinal de Richelieu. Pub. d’après les manuscrits originaux pour la Société de l’histoire de France sous les auspices de l’Académie françiase. 10 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens successeur, [1907-31]. IU, 944 So13p v. 335, 340, 358, 389, 399, 410, 413, 416, 420, 426 (Paris, [1907- 31]); MiU (Paris, [1907-31]); OCU (Paris, [1907-31]); OCl (Paris, [1907-31]). Comments: Other editions available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal, duc de, 1585-1642. Les papiers de Richelieu: section politique intérieure, correspondance et papiers d’êtat. Par Pierre Grillon; préf. par Mousnier. Paris, A. Pedone, 1975- . IU, 944.03 R39p (Paris, 1975- ). Comments: Monumenta Europae historica.

Richelieu, [Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal, duc de, 1585-1642]. Testament politique d’Armand du Plessis, cardinal duc de Richelieu ... 2 vols. in 1. Amsterdam, Chez Henry Desbordes, 1688. InU (Amsterdam, 1688); ICU (Amsterdam, 1688); OU (Amsterdam, 1688); IaU (Amsterdam, 1688); WU (Amsterdam, 1691); MiU (Amsterdam, 1691); ICN (Amsterdam, 1696); MiDW (The Hague, 1740); IU ([Paris], 1947); MiU ([Paris], 1947); OU ([Paris], 1947); OO ([Paris], 1947); ICU ([Paris], 1947); ICN ([Paris], 1947); INS ([Paris], 1947); IaU ([Paris], 1947); ODW ([Paris], 1947); IEN ([Paris], 1947). Comments: And other cited libraries. Authenticity formerly questioned. Ascribed also to Paul Hay, marquis de Châtelet, whose Traité de la politique de France was published also under title: Testament politique d’Armand du Plessis, cardinal duc de Richelieu, Amsterdam, 1689.

Rodríguez Villa, Antonio, 1843-1912, ed. El coronel Francisco Verdugo (1537-1595). Nuevos datos biográficos y Relación de la campaña de Flandes de 1641, por Vincart. Publicados con notas é illus. por Antonio Rodríguez Villa. Madrid, Est. Tip. Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1890. IU, 949.3 R61c (Madrid, 1890); ICN (Madrid, 1890). Comments: Curiosidades de la historia de España, t. 3.

Rohan, Henri, duc de. The memoires of the Duke of Rohan: or a faithful relation of the most remarkable occurrences in France: especially concerning those of the Reformed churches there. From the death of Henry the Great, until the Peace made with them, on June, 1629; Together with divers politick discourses upon several occasions. Written originally in French by the Duke of Rohan; and now Englished by George Bridges ... London, Printed by E. M. for G. Bedell and T. Collins ..., 1660. InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .R7 A313 (London, 1660).

Salgado de Araujo, Joao. Successos militares das armas portugesas em suas fronteiras depois de real acclamaçao contra Castella. A el rey nosso senhor ... com a geographia das Provincias et nobreza dellas. Lisbon, por P. Craesbeeck, 1644. InU, Lilly DP 634 .A6 Mendel (Lisbon, 1644).

Sangrienta batailla de Norlinguen, y rompimiento del exercito de Gustavo de Orns, Veimar, y Cratz, por el Catolico y Cesareo, en seis de setiembre deste año de 1634. Madrid, Herederos de Pedro de Madrigal, 1634[?]. InU, Lilly D 267 .N7 S2 Mendel (Madrid, 1634[?]).

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626, supposed author. A briefe imformation of the affaires of the Palatinate. ... Which consist in foure principall heads, which be 1. The acceptation of the crowne of Bohemia. 2. The difference and controversie which hath ensued thereof, betweene the Emperour Ferdinand, and the King Frederick. 3. The proscription and bloudy proceeding that hath ensued thereof. 4. And the interposition of the King of Great Brittaine, and with that which hath happened in the meane space. London[?], 1624. IU, x943.43 Sco85b (London[?], 1624); ICN (London[?], 1624). Comments: Ascribed to Scott by Halkett and Laing and in the Dictionary of National Biography.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. Certaine reasons and arguments of policie, why the King of England should hereafter give over all further treatie, and enter into warre with the Spainard. N.p., 1624. IU (N.p., 1624); InU (N.p., 1624); MnU (N.p., 1624); MiU Film Short-title catalogue no. 9982 and no. 22073, carton 884 (N.p., 1624); ICU [microfilm] (N.p., 1624).

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. Den compaignon vanden veree-sienden waerschouwer Thoonende met veele redenen waerom tot bevestinghe vanden staet van dese landen, den oorlogh veel dienstiger is dan den treves ... The Hague, Aert Meuris, 1621. MnU (The Hague, 1621); InU (The Hague, 1621). Comments: [12] pages.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. A relation of some speciall points concerning the state of Holland. Or The provident counsellours companion. By many reasons shewing, why for the good and security of the Netherland United Provinces warre is much better then peace ... The Hague, Printed by Aert Muris, 1621. MiU, Film FP 1155 Short-title catalogue no. 22083, carton 1155 (The Hague, 1621); ICU (The Hague, 1621).

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. A speech made in the lower house of Parliament, anno. 1621. By Sir Edward Cicill, colonell. [London,], Printed 1621. IU, x942.061 Sco8s (London, 1621); ICN (London, 1621); InU (London?, 1624); MiU microfilm stc. no. 22088 (London?, 1624). Comments: A speech made in favor of military aid to the Palatinate.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. The wicked plots and perfidious practices of the Spaniards against the seventeen provinces of the Netherlands, before they took up arms. Being gathered out of several Dutch writers, by a lover of truth, and an unfeigned hater of oppression and tyranny, the bane of common- wealths. N.p., Printed about the year, 1642. ICN (N.p., ca. 1642); MnU (N.p., ca. 1642); OCl (N.p., ca. 1642); IEN (N.p., ca. 1642). Comments: By Thomas Scott, cf. S. Halkett and J. Laing, Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous English literature.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. Votivae Angliae: or The desires and wishes of England. Contayned in a patheticall discourse, presented to the King on New-Yeares Day last. Wherein are unfolded and represented, manie strong reasons, and true and solide motives, to perswade His Majestie to drawe his royuall sword, for the restoring of the Pallatynat, and Electorat, to his sonne in lawe Prince Fredericke, to his onlie daughter the Ladie Elizabeth, and theyr princelie issue. Against the treacherous usurption, and formidable ambition and power of the Emperour, the King of Spayne, and the Duke of Bavaria, whoe unjustlie possesse and detayne the same. Together with some aphorismes returned (with a large interest) to the Pope in answer of His. Written by S. R. N. I. Utrecht, 1624. MiU, Film Short-title catalogue no. 22092, carton 975 (Utrecht, 1624); ICU [film] (Utrecht, 1624); InU (Utrecht, 1624); IaU (Utrecht, 1624); ICN (Utrecht, 1624); IU (Utrecht, 1624); MnU (Utrecht, 1624). Comments: By John Reynolds, merchant of Exeter; wrongly attributed to Thomas Scott: cf. Halkett and Laing; Brit. Mus. Cat.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. Vox coeli, or, Newes from heaven of a consultation there held by the high and mighty princes, King Hen. 8, King Edw. 6, Prince Henry, Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth and Queene Anne wherein Spaines ambition and treacheries to most Kingdomes and free estates of Europe, are unmask’d and truly represented, but more particularly towards England and now more especially under the pretended match of Prince Charles with the Infanta Dona Maria. Whereunto is annexed two letters written by Queene Mary from heaven, the one to Count Gondomar, the Ambassador of Spaine, the other to all the Romane Catholiques of England. Written by S. R. N. I. [pseud.]. Elisium, 1624. MnU (Elisium, 1624); ICN (Elisium, 1624); MiEM (Elisium, 1624); IaU (Elisium, 1624); MiU Film University microfilms no. 17631, carton 668, Short-title catalogue no. 22094a [i.e., Bishop Checklist no. 22094.1] (Elisium [i.e., Utrecht?], 1624); ICU Microfilm (negative; original in the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Calif.) DA 29 (Elisium, 1624).

Sictor, Jan, 1593-1652. Carmina lugubria de infelici casu et praematuro obitu, ex naufragio ... non procul ab Amstelredamo in fluvio Ya apud Batavos facto ... Principis Friderici Henrici ... Bohemorum Regis Friderici ... primogeniti filii ... conscripsit ... M. Johannes Sictor Rokyczanus ... London, Typis T. Cotes, [1629]. MiU, Film FP 1156 Short-title catalogue no. 22529, carton 1156 (London, [1629]).

Sictor, Jan, 1593-1652. Chronometra aliquot memorabilium rerum his certis annis gestarum epigramma: historia est testis mundi, & narratio rerum quae nisi sit veri nuncia, laude caret: Herodotus libro primo, cui titilus Clio, de Croeso ad Cyrum ex Solone: est circulus quidam actionum humanarum qui circumactus non sinit semper eos dem esse felices ... Cambridge, Ex officina Rogeri Daniel, 1645; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms International, 1981. InU, Research Coll. (Microform serv.) Wing Micro-film Reel 1213 (Ann Arbor, 1981). Comments: Reproduction of original in the Cambridge University Library. Chronicle of the Thirty Years War.

Souvigny, Jean Gangnières, comte de. Mémoires du comte de Souvigny, lieutenant général des armées du roi. Pub. d’après le manuscrit original pour la Société de l’histoire de France, par le baron Ludovic Contenson. 3 vols.: 330, 339, 328. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens successeur, 1906-9. ICN, E 5 .S73 (Paris, 1906-9). Comments: Contents: 1. (Vol. 330) 1613-1638; 2. (Vol. 339) 1639-1659; 3. (Vol. 328) 1660 et appendice.

Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665. Copia de avisos embiados de Flandes al excelentissimo semor marques de Balparayso [sic] Virrey y capitan general, del Reyno de Navarra y sus fronteras, de lo que ha sucedido en aquellos Estados, y en Alemania, hasta dos de setiembre deste año de mil y seiscientos y treinta y cinco. Madrid, Viuda de Juan Goncalez, 1635. InU, Lilly HD 801 .C783 Mendel (Madrid, 1635). Comments: Pamphlet.

Spain--Manuscripts. “Despacho real ... 7 abril 1639 dirigido a su consejero P. de Villanueva en el que se trata de asuntos de Estado.” IU, RBC Pallares 20 N59 Gen. res. Spanish. Comments: 17th cent. manuscript on paper.

Spain--Manuscripts. “Discurso en que se representa a el Rey Christianissmo de Francia de romper la guerra con España.” [16--]. IU, RBC Viuda de Estanislao Rodriguez ([16--]).

Spain--Manuscripts. “Documento de la época de Felipe IV y del Conde Duque de Olivares (siglo XVII).” MS, 16--. IU, RBC Balague 13 Jly. 60 Gen. res. Spanish (16--).

Sucessos de Flandes, Alemania, y Africa, desde diez y seys de setiembre hasta ocho de Octubre, y vitorias que el señor Infante Cardenal à tenido contra el Christianissimo Rey de Francia rota del exercito del Cardenal de la Valeta, y toma del fuerte de Genep. Granada, en casa de Blas Martínez, mercader, e impressor, de libros, 1635. InU, Lilly DP 184 .S9421 Mendel (Granada. 1635).

Sucessos y vitorias de las catolicas armas de España, y del imperio en Francia, y otras provincias, desde 22 de junio deste año, hasta 20 de agosto del mismo de 1636. Madrid, Imprenta del Reyno, a costa de Alonso Pérez, librero de Su Magestad, 1636. InU, Lilly DP 184 .S942 Mendel (Madrid, 1636). Comments: , 324484 considers Anton de Mendoza as author.

The true copies of two especiall letters verbatim sent from the Palatinate by Sir, F. N. Relating the dangerous incounter which hapened betwixt the Duke Christian of Brunswicke, and Monsieur Tillies ... With the uniting of his forces with the King of Bohemias ... With the late proceedings in the Low Countries, in their proclamations set forth by the States of Holland ... London, Printed by W. Jones for N. Bourne and T. Archer, 1622. MiU, microfilm stc. no. 18328 (Carton 1211) (London, 1622). Comments: Letters by Sir Francis Nethersole?

Turenne, Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de, 1611-1675. Lettres oubliées ou inédites de Turenne pour l’année 1652. Par. A. de Meuditte, avec les conseils de P. Waksman. [Vincennes], êtat-major de l’Armée de terre, service historique, 1975. IU, q944.03 T86Wt1l ([Vincennes], 1975).

Turenne, Henri de la Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de, 1611-1675. Mémoires du maréchal vicomte de Turenne, contenant l’histoire de sa vie, depuis l’année 1643 jusque’en 1659. Publiés, avec un grand nombre de documents inédits, par mm. Champollion-Figeac et Aimé Champollion fils. In Nouvelle collection des memoires relatifs à l’histoire de France ... par mm. Michaud ... et Poujoulat, vol. 27. Edited by Joseph François Michaud. N.p., 1857. ICN, F 39 .57 v.27 (N.p., 1857).

Ultima relacion de las vitorias de Torrecuso en Portugal: licencia que le da Su Magestad por su mucha edad, y achagues, para exonerarse de las armas de aquel reyno: y entrada del marques de Leganes, hyerno del celebre marques de Espinola: y estado presente de las guerras de Cataluña, y progressos felices de las armas españolas, contra los fráceses en aquel principado: y favores que haze, Innocencio X. Pontifice Maximo, á España, y á su Rey Catolico: y una feliz vitoria de los cavalleros de Malta, contra el gran Turco. Lima, Por Pedro de Cabrera, 1645. InU, Lilly DP 184 .U47 Mendel (Lima, 1645).

Vincart, Jean Antoine, 17th cent. Les relations militaires des années 1634 et 1635, rédigées par Jean-Antoine Vincart, secrétaire des avis secrets de guerre aux Pays-Bas. Éditées avec une introd. et des notes par Michel Huisman, Jean Dhondt et Lucienne van Meerbeeck. Brussels, Palais des académies, 1958. IU, 940.24 V74r (Brussels, 1958); MnU (Brussels, 1958); ICN (Brussels, 1958); MiU (Brussels, 1958). Comments: At head of title: Académie royale de belgiques, Commission royale d’histoire.

Vincart, Jean Antoine, 17th cent. ... Relations des campagnes de 1644 et 1646. Par Jean-Antoine-Vincart, secrétaire des avis secrets de guerre. Texte espagnol tiré des archives du royaume, avec la traduction en regard, introductions & notes par Paul Henrard ... Brussels, Société de l’histoire de Belgique, 1869. MiU (Brussels, 1869); ICU (Brussels, 1869); OCl (Brussels, 1869). Comments: Half-title: Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique, publication de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique. Société de l’histoire de Belgique, publication no. 30. Exemplaire de sociétaire, no. 29. At head of title:

XVIIe siècle. Edited by Paul Jean Joseph Henrard, 1830-?.

Wimbledon, Edward Cecil, viscount, 1572-1638. A journall, and relation of the action, which by his Majesties commandement Edward lord Cecyl, baron of Putney, and viscount of Wimbledon, admirall, and lieutenant generall of his Majestyes forces, did undertake upon the coast of Spaine, 1625. [London?], Printed in the yeare, 1626. InU ([London?], 1626); MiU Microfilm, Short-title catalogue no. 4892, carton 1166 ([London?], 1626); IU, RBC Film UM R1166 (London, 1626). Comments: 33 pages.

[You know the hand.] Observations concerning the present affaires of Holland and the United Provinces, made by an English gentleman there lately resident, & since written by himselfe from Paris, to his friend in England. St. Omer, English College Press, 1621; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1975. IU, RBC Film UM R1382 (St. Omer, 1621). Comments: The epistle of the author signed: “You know the hand.” Microfilm of the original in the Cambridge University Library.

The English Civil Wars, 1642-1660

An abridgment of the late Remonstrance of the army. With some marginall attestations, for the better understanding, remembrance, and judgement of the people ... London, Printed for Laurence Blaiklocke, 1648. IU (London, 1648).

Akerman, John Yonge, ed. Letters from Roundhead officers, written from Scotland, and chiefly addressed to Captain Adam Baynes, July MDCL-June MDCLX. Edinburgh, 1856. IU, 820.8 B22p v.101 (Edinburgh, 1856).

All the proceedings of His Excellency the Earl of Essex, from the 1. October to the 14. being a true relation of divers skirmishes which happened between the Earle of Essex his forces and the Cavaliers in the foresaid time. Also a true relation of the taking of divers forts and castles by the said earle. Likewise a true relation of the taking of nine boats laden with ammunition by the Parliaments forces upon the River Severne as it was going to Shrewsbury. London, Printed for Th. Thompson, October 14. 1642. IU, RBC 942.062 Al51 (London, 1642).

All the transactions between the nobleman and gentlemen now in arms for the covenant ... Edinburgh, Evan Tyler, [1648?]; Reprinted London, John Field, 1648. IU, RBC (Edinburgh [1648?]; London, 1648).

Anonymus, Basilius, pseud. The case of the king stated, from the very beginning of the warre to this present day, in relation I. to the two houses, II. to the army. ... etc. [London?], 1647. IU, RBC x942.062 C4992 and x940.06 St291 no.20 ([London?], 1647); ICU DA412 .A1 no.193 Rare bk room ([London?], 1647). Comments: ICN edition is part of series: English tracts, 1640-1660, no. 193.

Argyll, Archibald Campbell, marquis of, d. 1661. The Lord marques of Argyle’s speech to a grand committe of both Houses of Parliament, the 25th of this instant June, 1646. Together with some papers of the Commissioners for the kingdom of Scotland, wherein they do give their Consent to the Sending of the propositions of peace to His Majesty, and desire their armies to be supplyed, and the accounts between the kingdoms to be perfected, to the end all armies maybe disbanded, &c. Also His Majesties letter to the marques of Ormond, discharging all further treaty with the Irish rebles. And a letter from General Major Monro Concerning the state of affairs in Ireland. Pub. by authority. London, Printed for L. Champman, 1646. ICN (London, 1646); MnU (London, 1646).

The army’s plea for their present practice: tendered to the consideration of all ingenuous and impartial men. Printed and published by special command. London, Printed by Henry Hills, printer to the army, dwelling in Aldersgate street next door to the Peacock, 1659. IU, RBC x942.062 C4991 (London, 1659); ICN, Case F 4552 .198 (London, 1659). Comments: Civil war pamphlets, 1644-60. Dated by Thomason Oct. 24, 1659. Binder’s title of ICN edition: Cromwellian tracts.

Arrowsmith, John, 1602-1659. The covenant avenging sword brandished: in a sermon, before the honorable House of Commons, at their late solemne last Jan. 25. By John Arrowsmith B.D. preacher of the Gospel at Kings-Linne in Norfolke. Published by order of that House ... London, Printed for Samuel Man dwelling at the signe of the Swann in Pauls churchyard, 1643. IU, 252 Se676 v.2 (London, 1643).

Arrowsmith, John, 1602-1659. Englands Eben-ezer or, stone of help. Set up in thankfull acknowledgment of the Lords having helped us hitherto. More especially, for a memoriall of that help, which the Parliaments forces lately received at Shrewsbury, Weymouth, and elsewhere. In a sermon preached to both the Honorable houses of Parliament, (the Lord Major and aldermen of citie of London, being present) at Christ-church London, upon the late solemne day of Thanksgiving: March 12. By John Arrowsmith, B.D. Published by order of both houses ... London, Printed by Robert Leyburn, for Samuel Man, dwelling in Pauls church-yard, at the signe of the Swan, 1645. IU, 252 T329 (London, 1645).

The articles of agreement between the Lord Generall, and the Kentishmen, at the delivering up of the city of Canterburie. A letter from York; and the storming of Pembroke by Lieutenant-Generall Cromwell, and the successe thereof. London, Printed by E. A., 1648. MnU (London, 1648).

Ascham, Anthony, d. 1650. A discourse: wherein is examined, what is particularly lawfull during the confusions and revolutions of government. Or, How farre a man may lawfully conforme to the powers and commands of those who with various successes hold kingdomes divided by civill or forreigne warres ... Likewise whether the nature of warre be consistent with the nature of the Christian religion ... By Ant: Ascham ... London, Printed, Anno Dom, 1648. IU, RBC 172.4 As2d (London, 1648).

Ascham, Anthony, d. 1650. Of the confusions and revolutions of governments ... London, W. Wilson, 1648. ICU, RBC Last 29S42 Gen. res. (London, 1648).

Ashe, Simeon, d. 1662. A continuation of the true intelligence from the armies in the north, from the 10. day, to the 27. of this instant July, 1644. Wherein is given a full and particular accompt of the surrender of York, and of the removes of the armies since. By Sim. Ash, chaplain to the Earl of Manchester, and one of the ministers of the Assembly. Published by authoritie, and entered according to order. London, Printed for Thomas Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1644. IU, RBC 942.062 As35c (London, 1644).

Atkyns, Richard, 1615-1677. The Civil War by Richard Atkyns. Edited by Peter Young and John Gwyn, edited by Norman Tucker. Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, 1968. IU, 942.062 C4993 1968 (Hamden, Conn., 1968). Comments: Military memoires of John Gwyn and Vindication of Richard Atkyns (see next entry).

Atkyns, Richard, 1615-1677. The vindication of Richard Atkyns, esquire. As also a relation of several passages in the western-war, wherein he was concern’d. Together with certain sighs or ejaculations at the end of every chapter ... London, 1669. ICN, E 5 .A 879 (London, 1669). Comments: 80 pages.

Brereton, Sir William, bart., 1604-1661. Shrewsbury taken. A copie of Sir William Brereton’s letter to the Parliament: and the copie of a letter from the Committee of Shropshire: with a full relation of the manner of the taking of Shrewsbury ... on ... February 22 ... Also a list of the chiefe prisoners names ... London, R. Austin, 1645. ICN, Case F 4552 .108 (London, 1645). Comments: 13 pages.

Brereton, Sir William, bart., 1604-1661. Sir William Breretons letter concerning the surrender of the city of Chester for the Parliament: together with the articles agreed on betwixt both parties, and the commissioners names ... London, Printed for Edward Husband, printer to the honorable House of commons, February 6, 1645 [i.e., 1646, n.s.]. IU, RBC x942.062 B7531 (London, 1645). Comments: 8 pages.

The case of the army truly stated, together with the mischiefes and dangers that are imminent, and some sutable remedies, humbly proposed by the agents of five regiments of horse, to the respective regiments and the whole army. London, 1647. ICN (London, 1647). Comments: 24 pages. English tracts, 1640-1660, no. 637.

Civil War declarations, ordinances, petitions, etc., 1641-49. 3 vols. London, [etc.], 1641-49. IU, RBC x942.062 (London, 1641-49).

Civil War pamphlets, 1644-60. 31 pamphlets in 1 vol. London, [etc.], 1644- 60. IU, RBC x942.062 C4991 (London, 1644-60).

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl of, 1609-1674. The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England to which is added An historical view of the affairs of Ireland. By Edward earl of Clarendon ... 6 vols. Oxford, Clarendon press, n.d.; reprinted, Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1827. OCl (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827); MiU (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827); OCU (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827); MnU (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827); OU (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827); MiEM (Oxford, n.d.; Boston, 1827). Comments: Numerous other editions also available at almost every major research library in the Midwest.

A Collection of loyal songs written against the Rump Parliament, between the years 1639 and 1661. Containing, a great variety of merry and diverting characters of the chief sectaries ... With an historical introduction to the whole ... 2 vols. London, Printed for J. Stone, [etc.], 1731. IU, RBC x942.06 C685 (London, 1731). Comments: Alexander Brome, 1620-1666, supposed compiler.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. An abstract of a letter from Lieutenant- Generall Cromwell to Sir Thomas Fairfax, commander in chiefe of the forces raised for the defense of the Kingdome. Dated April 26, 1645. Of a great victory obtained by the said Lieutenant Generall Cromwell agianst a party of the Earle of Northamptons regiment ... neere Oxford ... Also the taking of Bletchington-house ... Pub. by authority. London, F. Coles, 1645. ICU, DA 412 .A1 no. 146 Rare bk room (London, 1645); MnU (London, 1645). Comments: 7 pages. English tracts, 1640-1660, no. 146.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. A copy of Lieutenant General Crumwels letter, read in the House of commons. And other letters of a great and bloody fight neere Preston. The Scots army totally defeated by Lieutenant Generall Crumwell. With the particulars of the fight, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last ... London, Ibbitson, 1648. ICN, Case J 5454 .188 v.3 (London, 1648). Comments: 6 pages. Binder’s title: Commonwealth tracts, III.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. A full relation of the great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces under the command of Lieut. gen. Cromwell against the whole army of the Scots, under the conduct of Duke Hamilton ... With an order of Parliament for a Thanksgiving for the same ... London, I. Wright, 1648. ICN (London, 1648). Comments: 8 pages.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. A letter from the Lord General Cromwel, concerning the rendition of the Castle of Edinburgh to His Excellency on Articles [dated Dec. 24, 1650]. Together with the passages between His Excellency on Articles and the Governor in order hereunto [i.e., seven letters from Cromwell], and the articles upon which the same were surrendered, and a list of the ordnance and ammunition therein. London, Printed by E. Husband and J. Fields, 1650. IU, 942.063 C881 (London, 1650). Comments: 16 pages.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. A letter from the Lord General Cromwel from Dunbar; containing a true relation of the proceedings of the Parliament army under his command in Scotland; and the success ... at Dunbar the 3 of September, 1650. Together with a list of the Scotish officers then taken ... London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, 1650. ICN (London, 1650). Comments: 16 pages.

Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658. Oliver Cromwell’s letters and speeches, including the supplement to the first edition. With elucidations by Thomas Carlyle ... 2 vols. New York, Harper & brothers, 1859-60. IU, RBC 942.06 C88Wc 1859 (New York, 1859). Comments: In various editions and available at almost every midwestern university library.

Een declaratie van Sir Thomas Fairefax, ende d’armee onder zyn commando. Gelijck het ootmoedelicken aen de rechtgerbare Lords ende de Gemeente in’t Parlement vergadert is gepresenteert ... Amsterdam, Gedruckt by de weduwe van J. Broersz, 1647. ICN, Case F 455 .66 v.9 (Amsterdam, 1647). Comments: [12] pages. Binder’s title: Pamphlets.

The declaration and ingagement of the Protestant army in the province of Mounster. Under the command of the Right Honourable the Lord baron of Inchiquin. Printed at Cork; and re-Printed at London, 1648. MnU (London, 1648); ICN (London, 1648). Comments: 6 pages.

A declaration from His Excellencie Sir Thomas Fairfax, and his Councell of warre: concerning their proceedings in the proposalls prepared and agreed on by the Councel of the army, ... Cambridge, 1647. IU, 942.062 C4991 (Cambridge, 1647). Comments: Civil War pamphlets, 1644-60 (6); another copy (14).

Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of, 1591-1646. Two proclamations [on recruiting for the Parliamentary Army]. By ... Robert Earl of Essex; Captain Generall of all the forces raised for the defence of the King and Parliament, and kingdom. London, J. Frank, March 8, 1642. ICN (London, 1642).

Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of, 1591-1646. A worthy speech spoken by his excellence the Earle of Essex. In the head of his armie, before his arivall at Worcester, on Saturday last, being the 24. of September, 1642. Wherein is declared every particular order and duty which his excellence expects to be performed both by his commanders and souldiers ... London, Printed for Henry Fowler, 1642. MnU (London, 1642); ICN (London, 1642).

Fairfax, [Sir] Thomas Fairfax, 3d baron, 1612-1671. A change delivered in the name of the army under the command of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, into the Commissioners of Parliament with the army, at S. Albans, June 14, 1647 and by them sent up to the Parliament against several members of the Honorable House of Commons ... London, Printed for Laurence Chapman, June 18, 1647. InU (London, 1647); ICN (London, 1647). Comments: 8 pages.

Fairfax, [Sir] Thomas Fairfax, 3d baron, 1612-1671. Original memoirs of Sir Thos. Fairfax. Written by himself, during the great civil war: with an appendix containing the sieges of Bradford, Manchester, & Preston. London, Knaresbrough, Hargrove and Sons, [etc., etc.], 1810. ICU, DA410 .F2 (N.p., 1810); MnU (N.p., 1810); OCl (N.p., 1810).

Fairfax, Sir Thomas Fairfax, 3d baron, 1612-1671. Short memorials of some things to be cleared during my command in the army [1645 to 1650]. In An English garner, by Edward Arber, vol 8., pp. 566-610. Westmister, 1897. OCl (Westminster, 1897).

Fairfax, [Sir] Thomas Fairfax, [3d] baron, 1612-1671. Short memorials of Thomas lord Fairfax. Written by himself. London, Printed for R. Chiswell, 1699. ICN (London, 1699); OU (London, 1699); IaU (London, 1699); MnU (London, 1699); WU (London, 1699); IU (London, 1699). Comments: Edited by Brian Fairfax. Appended: “Thomas lord Fairfax, his epitaph,” made by the Duke of Buckingham. See also in Maseres, F., ed., Select tracts relating to the civil wars in England, in the reign of King Charles the First, pt. 2, pp. 409-53, London, 1815; available at MnU and MiU.

Fairfax, Sir Thomas Fairfax, 3d baron, 1612-1671. Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Oxford, and the governours answer, with the names of those Sir Thomas Glenham desires passes for to treat about what he shall send. Also Sir Thomas Fairfax his summons sent into Wallingford, Bostoll, and Rudcot. And the copie of the articles for the surrender of Dudley castle to Sir William Brereton, with all ordnance, armes and ammunition, bag and baggage. These being examined by the originall copies, are commanded to be printed, and are published according to order of Parliament. London, Printed by Elizabeth Purslow, May 14, 1646. IU, 942.062 F161s (London, 1646).

Fairfax, [Sir] Thomas Fairfax, 3d baron, 1612-1671. Two letters from His Excellency Sr. Thomas Fairfax. One to the commissioners of the armie, the other to the Right Honorable the Lord major, aldermen, and common- councell of the city of London. As it was presented, July 29, 1647. [London?, 1647]. ICN ([London?, 1647]). Comments: 4 pages. Caption title.

Filmer, Sir Robert, d. 1653. The anarchy of a limited or mixed monarchy. Or, a succinct examination of the fundamentals of monarchy, both in this and other kingdoms, as well about the right of power in kings, as of the originall or naturall liberty of the people. A question never yet disputed, though most necessary in these times ... London, 1648. IU, RBC x321.7 H921Yf (London, 1648).

Gwynne, John (or Gwyn, John, Captain), fl. 1660. Military memoires of the great civil war. Being the military memoirs of John Gwynne; and an account of the Earl of Glencairn’s expedition, as general of His Majesty’s forces, in the Highlands of Scotland, in the years 1653 & 1654. By a person who was eye and ear witness to every transaction. With an appendix. Edinburgh, Printed for A. Constable and co.; [etc., etc.] 1822. IU (Edinburgh, 1822).

Holles, Denzil, 1st baron, 1599-1680. An exact and true relation of the dangerous and bloody fight, between His Majesties army, and the parliaments forces, neer Kyneton in the county of Warwick, the 23 of this instant October. Sent in a letter to John Pym ... London, E. Husbands & J. Franck, 1642. ICN (London, 1642); MnU (London, 1642); IU (London, 1642). Comments: 8 pages.

Holles, Denzil, 1st baron, 1599-1680. A grave and learned speech, or An apology delivered by Denzill Hollis, esq.; in a full answer to the charge against him, from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army: for the clearing of himselfe in every particular crime charged against him in the papers. [London], 1647. ICN, Case J 5453 .2665 1646-48 (London, 1647); IU (London, 1647). Comments: ICN edition included bound under the title “English pamphlets, 1646- 1648.”

Holles, Denzil, 1st baron, 1599-1680. The petition of the members of the House of Commons, who are accused by the army. Presented to the House upon Tuesday the 29 of June 1647. Expressing their grounds for desiring leave to absent themselves from the House, and their earnest desire for a speedy day to be given unto Sir Thomas Fairfax and the army to send in what particulars they pretend to have against them; that so a way may be open for them to vindicate their honour and innocency. London: Printed for R. Smith, 1647. IU (London, 1647). Comments: 7 pages.

A list of the Colonels as also of the severall counties out of which they are to raise their men; as also the names of ships, captaines, and lieutenants that are now set forth under the command of ... Algernoon Percey Earle of Northumberland, &c. generall and admirall of His Maiesties armie and fleete for this expedition, 1640. London, T. Paine, for T. Walkley, 1640. MiU (London, 1640).

Memorable dayes and workes of God in the yeare past, 1645, or A catalogue of the cities, castles, townes, and forts that have beene taken by the Parliaments forces since January last. London, Printed for J. Bartlett, 1646. InU (London, 1646); MnU (London, 1646).

Monro, Robert, d. 1680? A letter of great consequence, sent by the Honorable, Robert lord Monro, out of the kingdom of Ireland, to the honorable, the Committee for the Irish affairs in England, concerning the state of the rebellion there. Together with the relation of a great victory he obtained, and of his taking the Earl of Antrim, about whom was found divers papers, which discovered a dangerous plot against the Protestants in all His Majesties dominions, their plot being set down by consent of the Queens Majestie, for the ruine of religion, and overthrow of His Majesties three kingdoms ... [London?] Printed for Edward Husbands, July 8, 1643. IU, 941.56 M7571 (London?, 1643); WU (London?, 1643). Comments: 7 pages.

Nethersal, Sir Francis, 1587-1659. Problems necessary to be determined by all that have, or have not taken part on either side of the late unnaturall warre. For the making of their peace with God ... By P. D. [pseud.] ... [London], 1648. ICN (London, 1648).

The petition of the knights, gentlemen, freeholders, and others to the inhabitants of the county and city of York, presented to the Honorable House of Commons now assembled in Parliament. Wherein (inter alia) they humbly offer to billet and mayntain at their own charge 300 of their horse, and 3,000 of their trained bands within their own shire for three months, if the Parliament shall think fit. Subscribed by the lord major and aldermen of York, by the high sheriff and very many knights, esquires, and gentlemen of good quality. With the manner of their taking protestation, before they subscribed the petition. London, Printed for John Franke, and are to be sold at his shop next doore to the Kings Head in Fleet Street, 1642. IU, RBC 942.062 C499 v.2 (London, 1642).

Political and religious pamphlets, 1636-57. 36 pamphlets in 1 vol. London, 1636-57. IU, RBC x942.062 P759 (London, 1636-57).

Propositions of the Irish rebells (by the name of Roman Catholiques of Ireland) presented to his Maiestie in pursuance of their remonstrance of grievances, and annexed to the said remonstrance. Which being granted, the rebells doe offer to assist his Majestie with ten thousand Irish against the Parliament. And further to expose their lives and fortunes to serve His Majestie as occasion shall require. London, Printed by I.N. for Henry Twyford at the three Daggers in Fleet-street, 1644. ICU (London, 1644).

Pym, John, 1584-1643. Certain select observations on the several offices and officers in the militia of England, with the power of the Parliament to raise the same, as they shall judge expedient, &c. Collected and found among the papers of the late Mr. John Pymm, a member of the House of Commons. Writ in the year 1641. Manuscript. MnU (manuscript, 1641).

Pym, John, 1584-1643. Mr. Pym, his speech in Parliament on Saturday the 19th of February, concerning the passing of the bill in the commons House, for the present pressing of 15,000 men, to be immediately transported for Ireland. Which bill was that evening sent up to the Lords for their assent, and was by them also consented unto, and passed accordingly. London, R. C., 1641. ICN, Case J 5453 .83 (London, 1641); InU (London, 1641); IaU (London, 1641). Comments: ICN edition bound under title “Speeches in Parliament, 1640-42.”

Raguenet, François, 1660?-1722. Histoire d’Olivier Cromwel. Paris, Chez C. Barbin, 1691. IU (Paris, 1691); OU (Paris, 1691).

A relation of the taking of Ciceter in the county of Glocester, on Thursday, Febru. 2, 1642, by seven thousand of the Cavliers, under the command of Prince Rupert, Prince Maurice, the earles of Northampton, Carnarvon, Denbigh, and Cleveland ... and divers others. sent to a friend in London, by one who was present at, and some days after the taking of it. Published because of the many false reports that were in print concerning that businesse. Printed at London, 1642 [repr. Gloucester, 1823?]. MnU (London, 1642). Comments: Reprint edition (In: [Washbourn, J.] ed. Bibliotheca gloucestrensis. Gloucester, 1825. p. [175]-185.)

Sedgwick, Obadiah, 1600-1658. A thanksgiving-sermon, preached before the Honourable House of commons at Westminister, April 19, 1644. For the happie and seasonable victory of Sir Will. Waller and Sir Will. Balfore, & c. over Sir Ralph Hopton and his forces raised against the Parliament. By Obadiah Sedgqick B. D. and pastour at Coggeshall in Essex. Published by order of the House of commons ... London, Printed by J. R. for Samuel Gellibrand, and are to be sold at his shop at the Brasen Serpent in Pauls church-yard, 1644. ICN (London, 1644); IU (London, 1644).

Stevens, Henry, 1597-ca. 1655. The papers of Captain Henry Stevens, waggon-master-general to King Charles I. Transcribed and edited by Margaret Toynbee. [Oxford?], Oxfordshire Record Society, [1961]. ICN ([Oxford?], 1961).

To the Kings Most Excellent Maiesty. The humble gratulation, and petition of the trained bands, and freeholders, and others the gentry, and communalty of the county palatine of Chester; whose names are under-written. Delivered upon Hoole-heath, by the trayned bands, a coppie of the same being hung upon the top of every collours; subscribed by the severall companies, and so presented to the King. London, Printed for M. Y., 1642. IU, RBC xq942.062 C499 v.3 (London, 1642). Comments: Broadside. Civil war declarations, ordinances, petitions, etc., 1641-49, vol.3, no. 12. Dated Oct. 24, 1642.

Washbourn, John, 1760?-1829, ed. Bibliotheca gloucestrensis: a collection of scarce and curious tracts, relating to the county and city of Gloucester; illustrative of, and published during the civil war; with an historical introduction, notes, and an appendix. Gloucester, Printed for the editor, 1825. MnU (Gloucester, 1825); MiU (Gloucester, 1825); OCl (Gloucester, 1825); WU DA 670 +65 W3 (Gloucester, 1825); IU q942.41 W27b (Glouceseter, 1825). Comments: Includes several relations of battles and skirmishes in Gloucester county during the .

Wishart, George, bishop of Edinburgh, 1599-1671. The history of the Kings Majesties affairs in Scotland, under the conduct of the most honourable James Marques of Montrose, earle of Kinkardyn, and generall governour of that kingdome, in the years 1644, 1645, & 1646. London?, 1648. IU, RBC x941 W75dE 1648 (London?, 1648).

Wither, George, 1588-1667. The British appeals, with Gods mercifull replies, on the behalfe of the common-wealth of England. Contained in a briefe commemorative poem, composed for a memorial of some of those many signall mercies, lately vouchsafed to this republike; especially, for those deliverances upon the appeales of the parliaments, and royall forces at Naseby; of the English and Scottish armies neer Dunbar in Scotland, and for the late surrender of Edenburgh castle, & c. By Geo. Wither, esquire ... Printed for the author, and are to be sold by Nathaniel Brooks, at the Angel in Corn-hill, 1651. WU ([London?], 1651). Comments: In verse.

Wither, George, 1588-1667. Campo-musae, or the field-musings of Captain George Wither, touching his military ingagement for the king and Parliament. The justnesse of the same, and the present distractions of these islands ... London, Printed by R. Austin, and A. Coe, 1643. IU, RBC 821 W77c (London, 1643); MnU (London, 1643); ICN (London, 1643); ICU (London, 1643); WU (London, 1644); IU (London, 1644). Comments: In verse.

The Dutch War, 1672-1678/9

Aitzema, Lieuwe van, 1600-1669. Saken van staet en oorlogh in, ende omtrent de Vereenigde Nederlanden ... 6 vols. in 7. The Hague, J. Veely, J. Tongerloo, ende J. Doll, 1669-72. IU, RBC xq949.204 Ai94s cs (The Hague, 1669-72).

Anon. Mémoires des expéditions militaires qui se sont faites en Allemagne, en Hollande & ailleurs, depuis le traité d’Aix-la-Chapelle, jusqu’à celui de Nimégue. Par un officier de distinction. Ausquels on a joint la Relation de la bataille de Senef par M. le prince, & quelques autres mémoires sur les principales actions qui se sont passées durant cette guerre. 2 vols. Paris, Briasson, 1734. MiU (Paris, 1734); ICN (Paris, 1734).

An answer to the letter from Amsterdam, of April the 18, 1678. Being found at Harwich, open’d and carried to the magistrates of that place. [London], 1678. IU, 942.06 An85 ([London], 1678).

The answer of the states-general of the United Provinces of the Low- countries, to the declaration of war of the King of Great Britain. Printed in 1673. The P[?]henix. London, J. Morphen, 1707, vol. 1, p. 271-303. MnU (London, 1707).

Barillon, Paul, marquis de Branges, 1630 or 31-1691. Despatches of Paul Barillon, French ambassador at the Court of St. James, to Louis XIV, king of France, dated Oct. 13, 1678 to Sept. 29, 1681. Photo-copy of manuscript copies in the Public Record Office, London, from French originals in A.A.E., Paris. IU, xq942.066.

Bassenn, J. H. V. Apologie ofte verantwoordingh van de heer Commandeur Basenn, geschreven aen haer Edele Mogende, rakende het overgaen der stadt Rhynbergh. N.p., 1672. InU, Lilly D277.5 .B318 (N.p., 1672). Comments: 8 pages.

Beaurain, Jean, chevalier de, 1696-1771. Histoire de la campagne de M. le prince de Condé, en Flandre en 1674; précéde d’un tableau historique de la guerre de Hollande jusqu’à cette époque. Paris, Chez l’auteur, 1774. ICN, fF3924 .086 (Paris, 1774); MnU (Paris, 1774).

Bondigh en Waerachtigh verhael van het voornamest voorgevallen aen den Rhijn bysonderlijk in, voor, en omtrent Orsoy, Burick, Rees en Emmeryck ... Amsterdam, J. van Velsen, 1672. InU, Lilly D277.5 .B712 (Amsterdam, 1672). Comments: 42 pages.

Bos, Lambert van den. Schau-platz des Krieges: aufgerichtet in den Vereinigten Niederlanden: durch die Waffen der Konige von Franckreich und Engeland ... gegen die Stten der Vereinigten Niederlande und dero Gealirten ... Amsterdam, J. von Meurs und J. von Someren, 1675. InU, Lilly DJ155 .B5 (Amsterdam, 1675).

Bulstrode, Sir Richard, 1610-1711. Original letters written to the Earl of Arlington by Sir Richard Bulstrode, envoy at the court of Brussels from King Charles II, &c., containing the most remarkable transactions, both in court and camp, during his ministry, particularly the famous battel of Seneff, between the Prince of Orange and the Prince of Condé. With a prefix giving an account of the author’s life and family [by E. Bysshe]. London, Printed for R. Sare and sold by J. Morphew, 1712. IU, RBC x944.204 B878o (London, 1712).

Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury, 1643-1715. History of his own time (1833) by Gilbert Burnet. Edited by Martin Joseph Routh. Hildesheim, G. Olms, 1969. IU, 942.06 B93o 1969 (Hildesheim, 1969). Comments: Vols. 1-6. Reprint of Routh’s 2nd enlarged edition of 1813 (1833).

Campagne de Hollande, en MDCLXXII, sous les ordres de Mr. le duc de Luxembourg, contenant les lettres de ce grand capitaine ... & autres officiers ... des armées de France ... avec les reponses de ce sécretaire d’état de la guerre, ses négociations en Allemagne, & diverses relations de siéges & d’actions. Recueil ... pour la politique & pour la guerre ... Copié sur les originaux au dépìt de la guerre de la cour de France [par Du Moulin]. The Hague, Chez P. de Hondt, 1759. ICN, +F3924 143 (The Hague, 1759).

Carlet, Louis François, marquis de la Rozière, 1735-1808. Campagne de Louis, Prince de Condé en Flandres en 1674. Paris, Chez Merlin, 1765. WU (Paris, 1765).

Carlet, Louis François, marquis de la Rozière, 1735-1808. Campagne de M. le marechal de Crequy en Lorraine et en Alsace en 1677. Paris, 1764. WU (Paris, 1764). Comments: Compiled from a manuscript journal by Marechal Créquy and Campagne de M. le marechal de Créquy by F. B. de Baye.

Carleton, George, fl. 1728. The memoirs of an English officer, who serv’d in the Dutch War in 1672, to the peace of Utrecht in 1713. Containing several remarkable transactions both by sea and land and in divers countries but chiefly those wherein the author was personally concern’d. Together with a description of many cities, towns and countries in which he resided ... London, Printed for E. Symon, 1728. ICN, Case E 5 .C1938 (London, 1728); ICN, E 5 .C1941 (London, 1929); ICN, E 5 C1939 (London, 1743); ICN, F4052 .15 (London, 1929); ICN (Edinburgh, 1808).

Charles II, king of Great Britain, 1630-1685. The letters, speeches and declarations of King Charles II. Edited by Arthur Bryant ... London [etc.], Cassell and company, ltd., 1935. IU, 942.066 C38l (London, 1935); OCl (London, 1935); OO (London, 1935); ICU (London, 1935); OCU (London, 1935); ICarbS (London, 1935).

Charles II, king of Great Britain, 1630-1685. Missive van Syne Majesteyt den koning van Groot Brittanien aen Syn Hoogheyd den heere Prince van Oranien. Uyte Withall, den 28 July, 1672. N.p., 1672 MnU (N.p., 1672).

Chouppes, Aymar, marquis de, 1612-1673. Mémoires du Marquis De Chouppes, lieutenant général des armées du roi, suivis des Mémoires du Duc de Navailles et De La Valette ... (1630-1682). Revus, annotés et accompagnés de pieces justificatives inédites par M. C. Moreau. Paris, J. Techener, 1861. ICN, F3924 .167 (Paris, 1861); OCl (Paris, 1861).

Clayton, John William, 1833-?. Personal memoirs of Charles the Second; with sketches of his court and times. By J. W. Clayton ... 2 vols. London, C. L. Skeet, 1859. IU, 942.06 C382Wc (London, 1859).

Consideratien over den tegenwoordigen toestand van het Vereenigde Nederland, gestelt door een liefhebber van’t Vaderland, tot encourgement van sijne landsgenooten in desen bekommerlijken tijd. N.p., 1672. MnU (N.p., 1672); WU (N.p., 1672). Comments: 27 pages.

Court, Pieter de la, 1618-1685, tr. Memoires de Jean de Wit, grand pension[n]aire de Hollande. Traduits de l’original en françois. Par Mr. de *** [la Court]. 3rd ed. Ratisbonne, E. Kinkius, 1709. InU, Lilly Spec. DJ 146 .W82 M53 (Ratisbonne, 1709).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. Histoire de la guerre de Hollande. Où l’on voit ce qui est arrivé de plus remarquable depuis l’année 1672 jusques en 1677 ... Suivant la copie de Paris. 2 vols. in 1. The Hague, Chez Henri van Bulderen, marchand libraire dans le Pooten à l’enseigne de Mezeray, 1689. IU, RBC x949.2 C83h (The Hague, 1689); ICN (The Hague, 1689); MnU (The Hague, 1689); OU (The Hague, 1689).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. Mémoires de M. d’Artagnan, capitaine-lieutenant de la 1ère compagnie des mousquetaires du roi ... 3 vols. Paris, A la Librairie illustrée, [1896]. IU, 843c835 Om 1896 (Paris, [1896]); IU, 843c835 Om.s ([Paris], 1965); English edition: IU, 843c835 Om.En (London, 1925). Comments: [Paris], 1965 edition includes facsimile of original title page (Cologne, 1700).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660-1731. The military memoirs of Capt. George Carleton. From the Dutch war, 1672. In which he serv’d, to the conclusion of the Peace of Utrecht, 1713. Illustrating some of the most remarkable transactions ... during the reigns of King Charles and King James II, hitherto unobserv’d by all the writers of those times ... London, Printed for E. Symon, 1728. InU, Lilly Augustan PR3404 .M5 1728 (London, 1728).

Deschamps, Nicolas, fl. 1670. Mémoires des deux dernières campagnes de monsieur de Turenne en Allemagne. Et de ce qui s’est passé depuis sa mort sous le commandement du comte de Lorge. Nouv. éd. revué & corrigée. , N. Wilmet, 1756. ICN, U039 .225 (Maubeuge, 1756). Comments: Campaigns of 1674 and 1675.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726, comp. Acts et memoires des negotiations de la paix de Nimegue ... 4 vols. A Amsterdam, Chez Abraham Wolfgangk; et à Nimegue, chez Adriaen Moetjens, 1679-1680. MiU (Amsterdam and Nijmegen, 1679-1680).

The Dutch War, 1672-74. (Binder’s title.) Bound by Morrell, London. Manuscript copy. ICN, Case MS F 4672 .246. Comments: May be an unprinted pamphlet.

Duval, Pierre, 1618-1683. Les acquisitions de la France par la paix. Avecque les cartes géographiques des lieux mentionés dans les articles des Traitez de Munster, des Pyrenées, de Lorraine, d’Aix-la-Chapelle, de Nimmegue. Paris, Chez l’auteur, 1679. MnU, z911.44 D 956 (Paris, 1679).

Estrades, Godefroi, comte d’, 1607-1686. Lettres et negociations de Messieurs le Marechal d’Estrades, Colbert, Marquis de Croissy, et comted d’Avaux, ambassadeurs plenipotentiaires du roi de France à la paix de Nimegue, et les responses & instructions du roi & de Monsieur de Pomponne ... The Hague, A. Moetjens, 1710. ICU (Brussels, 1709) MiD (Brussels, 1709); OU (Brussels, 1709); OU (London, 1743); WU (London, 1743); OCl (London, 1743); ICU (London, 1743); ICN (London, 1743); English editions: OCl (London, 1710); IaU (London, 1710).

Etienne, H., sieur du Belle. Journal de la guerre de Hollande: depuis le depart du roy jusqu’à son retour. Par H. Etienne, escuyer, sieur du Belle. 2 vols. Paris, Chez Claude Barbin, 1673. InU, Lilly DC 127.6 .E84 (Paris, 1673).

France--Conseil du roi. Mémoriaux du Conseil de 1661. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Jean du Boislisle ... 3 vols. (nos. 320, 325, 333). Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1905-7. IU, 944 So13p v.320,325,333 (Paris, 1905-7).

De Fransche tyrannie, bestaende in twen deelen; van de welken het eerste een dagelijks verhael van h un over-felle handel binnen Uytrecht en Woerden, en’t ander hun gruwelijke wreetheden, te Bodegraven, Swammerdam, Loenen, Loosdrecht, Waverveen, Botshol, Abcoude, Nichtevecht, en elders, gelijk ook in hun optocht, in’t jaer 1673, in Brabant en Vlaenderen bedreven vertroont wert. Amsterdam, By J. Claesz ten Hoorn, 1674. ICU, DJ190 .F83 (Amsterdam, 1674); WU (Amsterdam, 1674). Comments: Possibly a translation of Advis fidelle aux veritables Hollandois, attributed to Abraham van Wicquefort.

Great Britain--Public Record Office. Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles II, 1660-1685. Preserved in the State Paper Dept. of Her Majesty’s Public Record Office. 28 vols. London, Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1860-1938. IU, 942 G795 (London, 1860-1938).

Grimoard, Philippe Henri, comte de, 1753-1815. Histoire des quatre dernieres campagnes du marechal de Turenne en 1672, 1673, 1674, & 1675 ... Par M. le chevalier de Beaurain ... Paris, Chevalier de Beaurain, 1782. ICN, +F 3924 .37 (Paris, 1782); ICU (Paris, 1782); WU (Paris, 1782). Comments: Handsome atlas of 24 maps.

Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, conte, 1606-1678. Teatro del Belgio, ó sia Descritione delle diecisette provincie del Medesimo; con le piante delle città, e fortezze principali; da chi al presente possesse ... Aggioatovi un succinto racconto di quanto è occorso dalla mossa d’armi del rè christianissimo contro gli stati generali delle Provincie Unite sin’al fine del 1672 ... Frankfurt, 1673. ICN, Case fU 26465 .376 (Frankfurt, 1673); MiU (Frankfurt, 1673); OU (Frankfurt, 1673); IaU (Frankfurt, 1673).

Hispania Illustrata: or, The Maxims of the Spanish court, and most memorable affairs from the year 1667 to the year 1678. Fully laid open in letters from ... the earl of Sandwich, the earl of Sunderland, and Sir William Godolphin, during their embassies in Spain ... Now first published from the respective originals. London, Printed by W. Norton for G. Saubridge, 1703. InU, Lilly DP 65 .H64 (London, 1703). Comments: Partially in two columns, with text in Spanish-English, and French- English, in opposite columns.

A Journal of the war with Holland since his most Christian Majesties departure from Paris until his return. Translated out of French. Oxford, 1673. InU, Lilly DC 127.3 .J86 (Oxford, 1673). Comments: [Translation of Etienne’s journal.] 186 pages. An account of the war between Louis XIV and the Dutch from April 28, 1672, to August 1 with a Continuation to January 1, 1673.

Kortzfleisch, Gustav von. Der oberelsässische Winterfeldzug 1674/75, und das Treffen bei Türkheim. Nach archivalischen Quellen bearbeitet ... Strasbourg, 1904. IU, 830.9 B39 v.29 (Strasbourg, 1904). Comments: Beiträge zur Landes- und Volkeskunde von Elsass-Lothringen, XXIX.

La Fare, Charles Auguste, marquis de, 1644-1712. Memoirs and reflections upon the principal passages of the reign of Lewis XIVth: and the character of persons chiefly concern’d therein. By Monsieur L. M. D. L. F. Translated from the French. London, Printed for M. Kettilby, 1719. InU, Lilly Augustan DC 130 L 16 A3 1719 (London, 1719).

Lisola, François Paul, baron de, 1613-1675. Appel de l’Angleterre touchant la Secrete cabale ou assemblée a Whithael à & envers le grand conseil de la nation, se trouvant la noblesse & la communeauté assemblée. Fait en anglois par un zelateur veritable de sa patrie. Contenant une parfaite image des fausses demarches de la France; ensemble une ample demonstration du danger qu’il y a pour Sa Majesté britannique de continuer la guerre ... Amsterdam, La vefue de feu J. Bruynink, 1673. MiU, D 273 .A2 F82 (Amsterdam, 1673).

Lisola, François Paul, baron de, 1613-1675. The buckler of state and justice against the design manifestly discovered of the universal monarchy, under the vain pretext of the Queen of France her pretensions. Translated out of French. London, Printed by James Flesher, for Richard Royston, bookseller to His Majesty, 1667. IU, RBC x944.033 L69bE (London, 1667).

Lisola, François Paul, baron de, 1613-1675. Detention de Guillaume, prince de Furstenberg necessaire pour maintenir l’authorité de l’empereur, la tranquilité de l’empire et pour procurer une paix juste, utile, et necessaire. Traduit du latin. Amsterdam, Imprimé par D. Elevier, 1674. MnU (Amsterdam, 1674).

Mémoires des expéditions militaires que se sont faites en Allemagne, en Hollande & ailleurs, depuis le traité d’Aix-la-Chapelle, jusqu’à celui de Nimégue. Par un officier de distinction. Ausquels on à joint la Relation de la bataille de Senef par M. le prince, & quelques actions qui se sont passées durant cette guerre. 2 vols. Paris, Briasson, 1734. ICN, F0976 .573 (Paris, 1734).

Mémoire pour servir a l’histoire du temps. Lisez la page suivante. Raisons & moyens qui peuvent servir à la paix generale, conceus par une personne des- interessée & affectionnée au bien-public. Cologne, 1676. ICN (Cologne, 1676). Comments: 95 pages.

The Mercury-gallant: containing many true and pleasant relations of what hath passed at Paris, from the first of January 1672. till the kings departure thence. Translated from the French. London, 1673. ICN, Case A 54 .58 (Paris, 1673). Comments: Translated from vol. 1 of the Mercure-galant, by John Dancer.

Le Mercure hollandois, contenant les choses les plus remarquables de toute la terre. Arrivées en l’an 1672 jusqu’à l’an 1673. Amsterdam, Henry & Theodore Boom, 1678. ICN, Case A 52 .56 (Amsterdam, 1678).

Le Mercure hollandois, contenant les choses les plus remarquables de toute la terre. Arrivées en l’an 1676 jusqu’à l’an 1677. Amsterdam, Henry & Theodore Bomm [or Boom?], 1678. ICN, Case A 52 .56 (Amsterdam, 1678). Comments: Continuation of Choses ... Arrivées en l’an 1672 jusqu’à l’an 1673. Really covers only 1676.

Mercure Hollandois contenant Les Conquestes du Roy Louys XIV Dit Le Grand, sur les Provinces Unies, des Pays-Bas. 4 vols. Lyon, Estienne Baritel, 1674. ICN, Case F 4614 .5215 (Lyon, 1674).

A Narrative of the late action between the French and Confederate armies, on Saturday, the 1. of August, 1674. With an account of the grand officers, and numbers of common soldiers kill’d and taken prisoners on either side. Being two letters, the one from Brussels, and the other from Paris. London, Printed for P. Brooksby, 1674. ICN, Case 6A 160 no.5 (London, 1674). Comments: 4 pages. In a volume assembled by Narcissus Luttrell.

Neerlandts Fooytje, de Koele Franse-wijnen met al haer gesnor an aenhang van Franseazijnen, kastaenjes, papieren, kanefassen ... Deventer, W. Wier, 1672. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N372 (Deventer, 1672). Comments: 30 pages.

Nieuwe Spiegel der Jeugd, of France Tiranny. Zynde een kort Verhaal van d’Oorsprong en Voortgang des Oorlogs 1672. Als mede de Schriklyke en onmenslyke wreedheide en gruwelen, door de Francen in Nederland en elders bedreven ... Zwolle, Gedrukt by D. Rampen, 1739. ICN, 3A 1694 (Zwolle, 1739). Comments: 128 pages.

D’Orangie vlagge op den Haegschen tooren of den tweeden trits van verstanden ... N.p., 1672. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .064 (N.p., 1672). Comments: 12 pages.

Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul, 1624-1693. Histoire de Louis XIV; depuis la mort du Cardinal Mazarin en 1661, jusqu’à la paix de Nimegue en 1678. 3 vols. Paris, Rollin fils, 1749. IU, 944.03 L92Wpe (Paris, 1749).

Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul, 1624-1693. Lettres historiques de Monsieur Pellisson ... Paris, J. L. Nyon, 1729. InU (Paris, 1729); IEN (Paris, 1729).

A Perfect narrative: or a full, and exact relation of the late great and bloody fight between the Dutch, Spanish, and Imperial forces on the one side, and the French army, under the command of the Prince of Condé, on the other. With the numbers slain on both sides; and a list of the commanders that were kill’d and taken prisoners: as it is confirmed by several letters. Published to prevent false reports. London, Printed for H. B., 1674. ICN, Case 6A 160 no.4 (London, 1674). Comments: 2 pages. In a volume assembled by Narcissus Luttrell.

Poincten van redres en reformatie op de regeeringe finantien ende militie, by de Ed. Mogende Heeren Staten van Frieslandt ten landsdage extraordinaris vergadert tot Sneeck. den 28. November 1672. Leeuwarden, M. Andries, 1672. InU, Lilly DJ 401 .F53 P75 (Leeuwarden, 1672). Comments: 12 pages.

Den politiquen mantel opgeligt in’t Princen leger, of leger-praatjen tusschen een Hollander, zeeuw, Uytrechts-man, en Vries. N.p., 1672. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .P768 (N.p., 1672). Comments: Not in Knuttel.

Sourches, Louis François. Les campagnes du marquis de Sourches, 1667 et 1672; journal inédit. Publié d’apres le manuscript original appartenant à M. le duc des Cars, avec une introduction et des appendices par Jean de Boislisle et Léon Lecestre. Nogent-le-Rotrou, Daupelay-Gouverneur, 1927. ICN, F3924 .826 (Nogent-le-Rotrou, 1927).

Stubbs, Henry, 1632-1676. A further justification of the present war against the United Netherlands ... By Henry Stubbe ... London, Printed for H. Hills, and J. Starkey, 1673. ICN (London, 1673); MnU (London, 1673); OC (London, 1673); OU (London, 1673). Comments: Usually found with A justification of the present war ... London, 1672.

Stubbs, Henry, 1632-1676. A justification of the present war against the United Netherlands ... In answer to a Dutch treatise entituled, Considerations upon the present state of the United Netherlands. By an English man ... London, Printed for H. Hills and J. Starkey, 1672. MnU (London, 1672); ICN (London, 1672); OU (London, 1672); InU (London, 1672); WU (London, 1672); ICU (London, 1672); MiU (London, 1672); OC RA 949 .204 S93 (London, 1673); WU (London, 1673). Comments: The London, 1673 edition is bound with the author’s A further justification of the present war against the United Netherlands, London, 1673.

Temple, Sir William, 1628-1699. Memoirs of what past in Christendom, from the war begun 1672. To the peace concluded 1679. By Sir William Temple, baronet. Beginning exactly where his Letters leave off. London, Printed for Ric. Chiswell, and are to be sold by Jacob Tonson at Gray’s-Inn-gate in Gray’s-Inn-lane, 1700. IU, x940.7 T24m (London, 1700).

Wicquefort, Abraham van, 1606-1682. Advis fidelle aux veritables Hollandois. Touchant ce qui s’est passé dans les villages de Bodegrave & Swammerdam, & les cruautés inoüies que les François y ont exercées. Avec un memoire de la derniere marche de l’armée du roy de France en Brabant & en Flandre. The Hague, J.et D. Stencker, 1673. IU, RBC x949.204 W63a (The Hague, 1673); WU (The Hague, 1673); MnU (The Hague, 1673); MiU (The Hague, 1673). Comments: 202 pages.

Wicquefort, Abraham van, 1606-1682. Journael, of dagelijcksch verhael van de handel der Franschen en de steden van Uytrecht en Woerden, sedert hun koomst daar binnen, tot aan hun vertrek. Daer in hun gruwelijke wreetheyt en tyrannie, in dese twee plaetsen, gelijck oock in verscheyde anderen geplegt, seer levendig ten toon gestelt worden. Alles uyt de daghteeckenigen, in de voorgedachte plaetsen gedaen, getrocken, en nu door de druck in’t licht gebracht ... Amsterdam, By J. Claesz ten Hoorn, 1674. WU (Amsterdam, 1674).

Wicquefort, Abraham van, 1606-1682. Korte deductie ... Met de relasen en sommieren, rakende ... affairen en gevanekenis, Mar. 15, 1675. N.p., 1675. MnU, Z949.2 Z1675:8 (N.p., 1675). Comments: 16 pages.

William, III, king of Great Britain, 1650-1702. Missive van ... den heere Prince van Oraigne, geschreven aen de heeren Staten van Zeelant, rescriberende op haer Ed. Mog. missive van den 16 der voorleden maendt February 1675. N.p., 1675. MnU, Z949.2 Z1675:7 (N.p., 1675); WU (N.p., 1675). Comments: 8 pages.

William III, king of Great Britain, 1650-1702. Missive van Sijne Hoogheydt den heere Prince van Orange, geschreven in’t hooftquartie tot Quaringnan den 18. Augusti 1674. Geaddresseert aen de heeren haer Hoog: Mog: gedeputeerden tot de secrete saecken. Na de copye, in s’Graven-hage, by Jacobus Scheltus, 1674. MnU, Z949.2 Z1674:9 (The Hague, 1674); WU (The Hague, 1674). Comments: Political broadside that concerns the battle at Senef.

Witt, Johan de, 1625-1672. Mémoires de Jean De Wit. Grand Pensionaire de Hollande. Traduits de l’original en François. Par Mr. De. 3rd ed. Ratisbonne, E. Kinkius, 1709. InU, Lilly Spec. DJ 146 .W82 M53 (Ratisbonne, 1709).

The Nine Years’ War, 1688-1697

A., A. The sad estate and condition of Ireland, as, represented in a letter from a worthy person, who was in Dublin on Friday last, to the Honourable Sir ____. Together with the declaration of the Earl of Tyrconnel, for the disarming all Protestants, and preventing their escape out of that kingdom. London, Printed for R. Baldwin, 1689. InU, Lilly Augustan DA945 .A12 (London,1689). Comments: 8 pages. The letter signed: “A. A.”

An Account of the defeat of the Rebels by Their Majesties forces in Queens- County in Ireland, May 4, 1691. [London], Printed by Edw. Jones, 1691. InU, Lilly DA 495 .A172 ([London], 1691). Comments: Broadsheet. Lilly imprint: 1691.

An account of the proportion of the forces of the Confederates, for carrying on the war against France, this year, 1694. London, Printed and are to be sold by R. Taylor ..., 1694; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1970. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 339 Item 11 (London, 1694; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1970). Comments: Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641-1700.

An Account of the raising of the siege of Esseck. London, Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1690; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1961. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 3 Item 19 (London, 1690; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961). Comments: 1 sheet [page]. Broadside. At head of text: “Vienna, November 12.”

An Account of a second victory obtained over the Turks by the Imperial Army in Servia: and of the taking the and other of Bonne by storm. London, Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy, 1689; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1961. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 2 Item 16 (London, 1689; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961). Comments: 1 sheet [page]. Broadside. Caption title. Reproduction of original in Huntington Library. Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641-1700. [See also under Austro-Turkish wars.]

An Account of the . London, Printed by Edward Jones, 1690. InU, Lilly D 280 .M7 A17 (London, 1690). Comments: Broadsheet. Cf. Wing A 388. At head of text: “Hague, March 30, N.S., 1691.”

An Account of the Siege of the famous town of Mons, by the forces of the French King ... London, Printed for S. Norris, 1691. InU, Lilly D 278 .M7 A17 (London, 1691). Comments: Broadsheet. Lilly imprint: 1691.

An account of the transactions of the late King James in Ireland. London, 1690. ICU, RBC 941.56 W15t (London, 1690).

The Art of getting money by double-faced wagers; or, cross and pile whether Mons be taken, or no? A dialogue between a courtier, a citizen, and a sharper of the town. InU, Lilly D 280 .M7 A78 (InU, Lilly). Comments: 4 pages.

Beaurain, Jean, chevalier de, 1696-1771. Histoire militaire de Flandre, ou Les campagnes, du maréchal de Luxembourg, depuis l’année 1690-1694. Nouvelle édition, plus correcte et augmentée de notes tactiques, par un officier prussien. 5 pts. in 1 vol. Potsdam, C. C. Horvath, 1787. ICN, F 4651 .085 (Potsdam, 1787); MnU (Paris, 1755). Comments: Includes maps of the movements of the allied armies as well as the movements of the French armies.

Bennet, Joseph, 1629-1707. A true and impartial account of the most material passages in Ireland since December 1688. With a particular relation of the forces of Londonderry: being taken from the notes of a gentleman who was eye-witness to most of the actions mention’d therein ... To which is added a description and map of Londonderry, as he took it upon the place ... London, Printed for J. Amery, 1689. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .B4 (London, 1689). Comments: 31 pages. Lilly’s copy of the London, 1689 edition lacks map.

Le bombardement et la machine infernale des Anglais contre Saint-Malo en 1693. Récits contemporains en vers et en prose avec figures. Nantes, Société des bibliophiles bretons et de l’histoire de Bretagne, 1885. OU, DC 801 S235 B6 (Nantes, 1885). Comments: Contains lyrical poem of bombardment of St. Malo and sonnets, and a relation from the Mercure galant of December 1693.

Boyse, Joseph, 1660-1728. A vindication of the Reverend Mr. Alexander Osborn, in reference to the affairs of the North of Ireland ... Written at Mr. Osborn’s request by his friend, Mr. J. Boyse ... London, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, Tho. Cockerill, John Lawrence, and John Dunton, 1690. InU, Lilly DA 945 .B 79 (London, 1690).

A brief account of Charleroy: besieged by the French army under the command of the Duke of Luxemburgh. London, Printed and sold by J. Wallis, 1693; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms International, 1982. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 1245 (London, 1693; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1982). Comments: 1 sheet (2 pages). Caption title. Reproduction of original in the Harvard University Library. Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641- 1700.

Castlehaven, James Touchet, 3rd earl of, 1617?-1684. The Earl of Castlehaven’s review, or his memoirs of his engagement and carriage in the Irish wars: with Lord Anglesey’s letter, containing observations and reflexions thereon. Dublin, Printed for G. Mullens, 1815. InU, Lilly DA 943 .C 2 (Dublin, 1815).

Catinat de la Fauconnerie, Nicolas de, 1637-1712. Mémoires et correspondance du marechal de Catinat, mis en ordre et publiés d’aprês les manuscrits autographes et inédits conservés jusqu’à ce jour dans sa famille par M. Bernard Le Bouyer de St. Gervais ... 3 vols. Paris, P. Mougie, 1819. ICN, E 5 .C 293 (Paris, 1819); ICU (Paris, 1819); MnU (Paris, 182?); OCl (Paris, 1836).

Chamillart, Michel, 1652-1721. Michel Chamillart, controleur général des finances et secrétaire d’état de la guerre (1699-1709). Correspondance et papiers inédits recueillis et publiés par l’abbé G. Esnault. 2 vols. Paris, A. Picard, 1885. MnU (Paris, 1885); ICU (Paris, 1885); IU, 944.033 C817 1977 (Geneva, 1977 repr.).

A compleat collection of papers, in twelve parts: relating to the great revolutions in England and Scotland, from the time of the seven bishops petitioning K. James II. against the dispensing power, June 8. 1688. to the coronation of King William and Queen Mary, April 11, 1689. London, Printed by J. D. for R. Clavel, H. Mortlock, and J. Robinson, 1689. IU, RBC x942.068 C685 1689 (London, 1689). Comments: Includes: “The Prince of Orange his letter to the English army.” “The expedition of the Prince of Orange for England.” “A further account of the Prince’s army.” “Several reasons against the establishment of a standing army.”

Consideratie of kort vertoog van Nederlants, waar belang by dese Fransen oorlog. Overgegeven aan Haar Hoog Mog. de Heeren Staten Generaal. Amsterdam, P. Rotterdam, 1691. MnU (Amsterdam, 1691).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. Annales de la cour et de Paris pour les années 1697 & 1698. 2 vols. in 1. Cologne [i.e., The Hague], Chez Pierre Marteau, 1701. InU, Lilly DC 126 .C86 A6 1701 (Cologne [i.e., The Hague], 1701).

D’Auvergne, Edward, 1660-1737. The history of the campagne in Flanders for the year, 1695. With an account of the siege of . London, Printed for M. Wotton, and J. Newton, 1696. OU, RBC D 279.5 D3 (London, 1696).

D’Auvergne, Edward, 1660-1737. The history of the campagne in the Spanish Netherlands, anno Dom. 1694, with the journal of the siege of Huy. By Edward D’Auvergne ... London, Printed for M. Wotton and J. Newton, 1694. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .D22 (London, 1694); InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 91 Item 7 (London, 1694; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1963). Comments: 104 pages. Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641-1700. Microfilm copy is reproduction of original in Huntington Library.

D’Auvergne, Edward, 1660-1737. The history of the last campagne in the Spanish Netherlands, anno dom. 1693, with an exact draught of the several attacks of the French line by the Duke of Wirtemberg, with the detachment under his command. Done upon copper. Edited by P. Falle. London, J. Newton, 1693. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .D2 (London, 1693); OU, RBC Wing D299 (London, 1693). Comments: 132 pages.

The detestable designs of France expos’d Or, the true sentiments of the Spanish Netherlanders: representing the injustice of the King of France by his declaration of war against His Catholick Majesty, and the justice of the counter declaration of the Marquess of Gastannaga his Governour general of the Low-Countries. London, Printed for R. Clavel, 1689. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .D4 (London, 1689). Comments: 30 pages.

The Discovery made by Captain Mark Baggot, the person lately taken in womans clothes, coming from Limerick to Dublin, where he was apprehended, and tried as a spy, by a court-martial, on Friday last; at which he received sentence of death: but upon this confession, execution was respited. London, Printed for James Partridge, 1691. InU, Lilly DA 946 .D611 (London, 1691). Comments: Broadsheet.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726. Mémoires politiques pour servir à la parfaite intelligence de l’histoire de la paix de Ryswick. 4 vols. The Hague, F. L’Honoré et E. Foulque, 1699. MnU (The Hague, 1699); MiU (The Hague, 1699); OCl (The Hague, 1699).

Echard, Laurence, 1670?-1730. Flanders: or, The Spanish Netherlands, most accurately described: shewing the several provinces, their bounds, dimensions, rivers, riches, strength, traffick, religion, languages, archbishopricks, bishopricks, universities; and a large and exact description of the cities, and who they are at present subject to ... 2nd ed., to which is added a map of the ten Spanish provinces. London, Printed for T. Salusbury, 1692. InU, Lilly Augustan DH 801 .F43E18 (London, 1692).

An Exact account of the elector of Saxony’s passing the Rhine, with his army, defeating several of the French, and rendering himself master of several strong places abandon’d by them: together with the raising of the blockade of Mountmelian in Savoy. London, Printed for R. Bauldwin ... 1691; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1961. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 28 Item 17 (London, 1691; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961). Comments: Broadside. 1 sheet [page]. Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641-1700. Reproduction of original in Harvard University Libraries. Concerns Johann Georg IV, elector of Saxony, 1668-1694.

An Exact list of the French army in Flanders, commanded by the Duke of Luxembourg; who acts the defensive part against the Confederate Army commanded by the King of Great Britain. As it was drawn up in two lines at Bain la Compte, June 21. 1691. London, Printed for Robert Hayburst, 1691. InU, Lilly u11 .F815 (London, 1691). Comments: Broadside.

Extract uit de Franse en brabantse brieven: als mede van de Belegering van het Casteel van Namen. Amsterdam, A. D. Oossaan, 1692. InU, Lilly D280 .N2 E96 (Amsterdam, 1692). Comments: Broadside. Caption title. News from Paris (16 June), Brussels (18 June), and Antwerp (19 June) on the War of the Grand Alliance and especially the Siege of Namur. Also reports from the port at Amsterdam (20 June) of recent arrivals and departures of ships. Especially the siege of Namur.

Extract uyt de Franse, brabantse en andere brieven. Amsterdam, A. D. Oossaan, 1692. InU, Lilly D279.5 .E96 (Amsterdam, 1692). Comments: Broadside. Caption title. Date from bylines. News from Paris (12 September), Gent (14 September) and other European cities about the War of the Grand Alliance. Also reports from the port at Amsterdam (16 September) of recent arrivals and departures of ships.

France--Treaties, etc., 1643-1715 (Louis XIV). The late treaty made between Lewis xiv. of France, and the States General about the exchange and ransom of the prisoners of war. Together, with the rates, or prices of ransom, from a general, to a private soldier. London, Printed for Randal Taylor, 1691. InU, Lilly D 279.5 .F815 (London, 1691). Comments: 12 pages.

A further account of the state of Ireland and the proceedings of the late King James in that kingdom. With an account of the Irish Parliament and the preparation of the English army to pass over for the relief of Protestants, &c. ... (N.p., n.d.). OClWHi (N.p., n.d.). Comments: 1 page.

Great Britain--Public Record Office. Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reign of William III ... preserved in the Public record office ... 11 vols. London, Printed for H. M. stationary office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, [etc.], 1895-1937. IU, RBC 942 G796 (London, 1895-1937).

Gt. Brit.--Sovereigns, etc., 1688-1694 (William and Mary). A proclamation for calling out heretors and fencible men, to attend the king’s host ... Given under our signet at Edinburgh, the ninth day of May, 1692. Edinburgh, Printed by the heir of A. Anderson, 1692. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279 .A2 1692b (Edinburgh, 1692). Comments: Scotland militia. 4 pages.

Great News from Ireland: Being a true relation of the killing one hundred and twenty rebels, the taking many prisoners, with several small garrisons ... London, Printed for R. Hayhurst, 1691. InU, Lilly DA 945 .G786 (London, 1691). Comments: Broadsheet. Lilly imprint: 1691.

An Impartial Account of the surrender of Charleroy, with the several Articles, &c. London, Printed for A. Roper, 1693. InU, Lilly D280 .c4 I34 (London, 1693). Comments: Broadside.

An impartial enquiry into the advantages and losses that England hath received since the beginning of this present war with France ... London, Printed for R. Baldwin, 1693. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .I3 (London, 1693). Comments: 31 pages.

Ireland--Lords Justices and Council. ... Whereas several persons in the Province of Ulster ... Given at the Council-Chamber at Dublin, the 7th day of March, 1688 ... Dublin, Printed by Andrew Crock and Samuel Helsham; London, Reprinted for T. G. and are to be sold by Rich Baldwin, 1689. InU, Lilly DA 28.5 .B 86 no.33 (London, 1689). Comments: Broadsides, pamphlets and newspapers relating to English history, 1656-1746, no. 33. At head of title: By the Lord Deputy and Council.

A journal of the late motions and actions of the confederate forces against the French, in the United Provinces, and the Spanish Netherlands. With curious remarks on the situation, strength and rarities of the most considerable cities, towns and fortifications in those countreys. Together with an exact list of the army. Written by an English officer, who was there during the last campaign. London, Sold by R. Baldwin, 1690. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .J8 (London, 1690). Comments: 32 pages.

Kennedy, David, fl. 1698. The late history of Europe ... from the treaty at Nimiguem in anno 1676 to the conclusion of the late peace at Reswick, in September 1697 ... Edinburgh, Printed by George Mosman, and are to be sold at his shop in the Parliament-Closs, 1698. InU, Lilly D 279 .K35 L35 (Edinburgh, 1698).

A letter from Duke Schomberge’s camp, giving an account of the condition of the English and Irish army. And a true account of all the papists in Ireland ... With all the material circumstances that relate to that kingdom. From the camp at Dundalke, November 4. 1689 ... London, Printed for T. Parkhurst and pub. by R. Taylor, 1689. 9 p. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .L6 (London, 1689).

A letter to a member of Parliament relating to the Irish forfeitures. London, 1701. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .L 63 (London, 1701). Comments: 15 pages.

The Life and adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies, the British Amazon, commonly called Mother Ross; who served as a foot-soldier and dragoon in several campaigns, under King William and the late Duke of Marlborough; containing a variety of transactions both serious and diverting ... The whole taken from her own mouth, and known to be true by many noblemen, generals, and other officers ... who served in these wars at the same time, and were witnesses of her uncommon martial bravery. The 2d edition, to which is added, an appendix, containing several remarkable passages, omitted in the former impression. London, 1741. ICN, Case Y 155 .L 6195 (London, 1741). Comments: “The authorship ... has, on no reasonable grounds, been sometimes attributed to Defoe.”--Dict. Nat. Biog.

The life & adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies, commonly called Mother Ross. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue. London, 1928. ICN, Y 155 .L 62 (London, 1928).

Littleton, Edward, b. 1626. The management of the present war against France consider’d. In a letter to a noble lord. By a person of quality. London, Printed for R. Clavel, C. Wilkinson and J. Hindmarsh, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers-Hall, 1690. MiU-C (London, 1690); ICU (London, 1690); OU (London, 1690); ICN (London, 1690); InU (London, 1690).

Littleton, Edward, b. 1626. A project of a descent upon France. By a person of quality. London, Sold by R. Baldwin, 1691. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279 .L7 (London, 1691); InU (London, 1691); MnU (London, 1691). Comments: 28 pages.

Littleton, Edward, b. 1626, supposed author. A short discourse concerning the invasion of France, by the German army upon the Rhine. [London, R. Taylor, 1693.] InU, Lilly Augustan D 279 .L 72 ([London, 1693]). Comments: 8 pages.

Memoires of the transactions in Savoy during this war. Wherein the Duke of Savoy’s foul play with the allies and his secret correspondance with the French king, are fully detected and demonstrated, by authentick proofs, and undeniable matter of fact. With remarks upon the separate Treaty of Savoy with France, and the present posture of affairs with relation to a general peace ... Made English from the original. London, Printed for M. Gylliflower, [etc.], 1697. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279.5 .M5 (London, 1697); MiU-C (London, 1697).

A new declaration of the confederate princes and states, against Lewis the Fourteenth, King of France, and Navarr. Delivered in a late audience at Versailles, July the 15th, 1689. Tr. out of French ... London, Printed for T. Goodwin, 1689. InU, Lilly Augustan DC 129 .N5 (London, 1689). Comments: 28 pages.

The new politicks of the court of France, under the reign of Lewis XIV. wherein are to be seen all his intreagues, and his present manner of acting, in respect of all the pontentates of Europe, to satisfie his ambition and grandeur. Made English from the original. Printed at Cologne, 1694. London, 1695. IU, RBC x944.03 N42 (London, 1695).

Parker, Robert, b. ca. 1665. Memoirs of the most remarkable military transactions from the year 1683, to 1718. Containing a more particular account, than any ever yet published, of the several battles, sieges, &c. in Ireland and Flanders, during the reigns of K. William and Q. Anne. By Captain Robert Parker ... Published by his son. London, 1747. ICN, F 4556 .66 (London, 1747); IU (London, 1747); MiU (London, 1747); WU (London, 1747); MnU (London, 1747); ICU DA66 .1 .P24A3 (Dublin, 1746); OCl (London, 1753, 2nd ed.).

The present French king drawn to the life; or, A relation of the many stratagems, Jesuitical devices, and diabolical policies that he at this time makes use of to aggrandize himself; ... whereby, all that are in arms in Ireland, may take caution that they are not likewise deluded. London, 1690. IU, RBC x944.03 P926 (London, 1690). Comments: Williamite propaganda piece for the Irish.

Present State of affairs in Ireland. Being a full and distinct relation of the condition of the Irish army; of the miscarriages of the French officers; and of several other remarkable things relating to Dublin. In a letter from Chester, of February 5. from some persons lately arrived from Ireland. London, Printed for J. Williams, 1690. InU, Lilly DA 945 .P888 (London, 1690). Comments: Broadsheet.

Proposals for raising a million of money out of the forfeited estates in Ireland: together, with the answer of the Irish to the same, and a reply thereto. London, Printed for T. Goodwin, 1694. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .P9 (London, 1694).

Quincy, Joseph Sevin, comte de, 1677-1749. Mémoires du chevalier de Quincy. Publiés pour la premiêre fois pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Léon Lecestre ... 3 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1898-1901. IU, 944 So13p v.289,293,305 (Paris, 1898-1901); OU, D 281 Q7 (Paris, 1898- 1901). Comments: Publications in octavo: 289, 293, 305. Contents: t. 1. 1690-1703; t. 2. 1703-1709; t. 3. 1710-1713. Léon Lecestre, 1861-?, ed. A soldier’s perspective.

Saint-Hilaire, Armand de Mormês, sieur de, 1652?-1740. Mémoires de Saint- Hiliaire. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Léon Lecestre ... 6 vols. Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1903-16. ICN, F 3924 .771 (Paris, 1903-16). Comments: First edition: Amsterdam, 1766. Société de l’histoire de France, [vols.] 314, 329, 341, 354, 368, 378. Contents: 1. 1661-1678; 2. 1680-1697 3. 1697-1704; 4. 1704-1706; 5. 1707-1710; 6. 1711-1715.

A short view of both reports, in relation to the Irish forfeitures, in a familiar dialogue between A. and B. Most humbly offer’d to the consideration of both houses of Parliament. London, 1701. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .S5 (London, 1701). Comments: Gt. Brit.--Parliament--House of Commons--Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Irish forfeitures, 1699.

Story, George Warter, d. 1721. An impartial history of the wars of Ireland, with a continuation thereof ... Together with some remarks upon the present state of that kingdom. By George Story ... 2 vols. London, Printed for R. Chiswell, 1693. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .S87 (London, 1693). Comments: With folded maps and plans. Part I: 2nd ed. Each part has special title page: pt. 1, A true and impartial history ...; pt. 2, A continuation of the impartial history ...

Story, George Warter, d. 1721. A true and impartial history of the most material occurrences in the kingdom of Ireland during the two last years. With the present state of both armies. Published to prevent mistakes, and to give the world a prospect of the future success of Their Majesties arms in that nation. Written by an eye-witness to the most remarkable passages. London, Printed for R. Chiswell, 1691. IMunS, DA945 .S84 (London, 1691); InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .S88 (London, 1691); ICN (London, 1691); ICU (London, 1691); IEN (London, 1691); MnU (London, 1691). Comments: 163 pages.

A true account of the barbarous cruelties committed by the French in the Palatinate, in January and February last. Faithfully translated from the High-Dutch copy. London, Printed, and are to be sold by Randall Taylor ..., 1689; Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms, 1974. InU, Res. Coll. Wing Microfilm Reel 519 Item 24 (London, 1689; Ann Arbor, Mich., 1974). Comments: 1 sheet [2 pages]. Microfilm collection: Early English books, 1641- 1700. Reproduction of original in Huntington Library.

A true and perfect journal of the affairs in Ireland since His Majesties arrival in that kingdom. By a person of quality. London, Sold by R. Taylor, 1690. InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .T8 (London, 1690).

Walker, George, 1618-1690. A true account of the present state of Ireland, giving a full relation of the new establishment made by the late King James ... With an account of what sums of money, arms, and number of officers arrived there from France: together with the state of Derry and Enniskilling, and several other affairs relating to that kingdom, particularly of the proceedings of their Parliament there. By a person that with great difficulty left Dublin, June 8th, 1689. London, Printed by E. Jones for R. Clavel, 1689. IU (London, 1689); InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .T78 (London, 1689); ICN (London, 1689); IaU (London, 1689); ICU (London, 1689); MiU (London, 1689); OClW (London, 1689). Comments: 36 pages. “A letter from Colonel Walker, giving a full account ot the treachery of the late governour of Londonderry”: pp. 29-36.

Walker, George, 1618-1690. A true account of the siege of Londonderry. By the Reverend Mr. George Walker, Rector of Donoghmoore in the County of Tirone, and late governour of Derry in Ireland. The second edition corrected. London, Printed for Robert Clavel, and Ralph Simpson, in St. Paul’s Churchyard, 1689. IEds (London, 1689, 2nd ed.); InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .W18 (London, 1689, 3rd ed.); IU 941.62 W15t 1882 (Londonderry, 1882); InU DA 945 .W17 (Londonderry, 1895); Dutch edition MnU Z949.2 Z 1689:35 (Amsterdam, 1689); French edition: OU (Amsterdam, 1689). Comments: Also published [with 2nd ed.], A new and exact map of London-Derry, and Culmore Fort, drawn with great exactness, by Captain Macullaoh, who was there during the siege. Price 6d. Sold by Robert Clavel, and Ralph Simpson. Londonderry, 1882 [and 1895] edition entitled: Reprint of Walker’s diary of the siege of Derry in 1688-89; with reproduction of original title-page: A true account of the siege of Londonderry. Dutch edition entitled: Waarachtig en pertinent dag- verhaal, van de belagering van London-derry ... French edition entitled: Relation veritable; ou, Journal du siege de la ville de Londonderry ...

Walker, George, 1618-1690. The siege of Londonderry, in 1689, as set forth in the literary remains of Colonel the Rev. George Walker, D.D., which are now first collected, and comprise: 1. A true account of the siege; 2. A vindication of the True Account; 3. A letter on the treachery of Lundy; 4. Other official letters; 5. Sermons, prayers, and speeches during the siege. With notes, original, and selected from the best authorities on the subject ... Ed. by the Rev. Philip Dwyer ... London, E. Stock; etc., etc., 1893. OCl (London, 1893); IU, 941.62 W15t 1882; InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .W18 (London, 1689); IEds (London, 1689); Dutch edition: MnU, Z949.2Z1689:35 (Amsterdam, 1689); French edition: OU (Amsterdam, 1689). Comments: Cover-title and binder’s title of 1893 edition at OCl: The siege of Derry.

Walker, George, 1618-1690. A vindication of the True account of the siege of Derry in Ireland. By Mr. George Walker ... Published by authority. London, Printed for R. Clavel, 1689. IMunS (London, 1689); IEN (London, 1689); ICN (London, 1689); InU (London, 1689).

Weighty queries relating to the past, present, and future state of Ireland; calculated for the present and future benefit of that unhappy kingdom. And tendred [sic] to the serious consideration of all who are willing to be inform’d how it became unhappy, and how it may yet be made happy again to posterity. [London, Printed for R. Baldwin, 1691.] InU, Lilly Augustan DA 945 .W4 ([London, 1691]). Comments: 4 pages. Caption title. In double columns.

William III, king of Gt. Brit., 1650-1702. By the Prince of Orange, a declaration. Whereas we are informed, that divers regiments, troops and companies, have been encouraged to disperse themselves in an unusual and unwarrantable manner ... London, In the Savoy, Printed by Edward Jones, 1688. InU(London, 1688). Comments: Broadside.

William III, king of Gt. Brit., 1650-1702. Declaratien van Syn Hoogheyt Wilhem Henrick, by der Gratie Gods, Prins van Orangien, &c. behelsende de redenen die Hem bewegen met de Wapenen en het koningrijck van Engelant over te gaen tot Bescherming van de Protestante religie, ende tot herstellinge van de Wetten en Vryheden van Engelant, Schotlant en Yerlant. The Hague, A. Leers, 1688. MnU (The Hague, 1688); WU (The Hague, 1688); English editions: ICN, Case J 54555 .2677 (London, 1688); MnU (N.p., 1688); ICU DA430 .E6 no.154 (The Hague, 1688); ICN, Case F 4556 .97 v.1 (The Hague, 1688). Comments: 29 pages.

William III, king of Gt. Brit., 1650-1702. Missive van Syne Koninglyke Majesteit van Groot Brittannien, geschreven aen de Hoogh Hogende Heeren Staten General der Vereenighde Nederlanden, In’t leger by Timolen den 24. July 1690. The Hague, Jacobus Scheltus, 1690. MnU, Z949.2 Z 1690:4 (The Hague, 1690). Comments: Broadside.

Seventeenth-Century Military Miscellany

Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Medailles sur les principaux evenements du regne de Louis le Grand, avec des explications historiques. Par l’Académie royale des medailles & des inscriptions. Paris, Impr. royale, 1702. IU, RBC xq737 Ac1m (Paris, 1702).

Aduys-raets van staten, aengaende de cassatie van de landt-militie. Item d’op gevolghde resolutie vande Staten Generael, ... N.p., 1661. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .N45 A24 (N.p., 1661).

Aitzema, Lieuwe van, 1600-1669. Saken van staet en oorlogh in, ende omtrent de vereenigde Nederlanden ... 6 vols. The Hague, J. Veely, J. Tongerloo, ende J. Doll, 1669-72. IU, RBC xq949 .204 Ai94scs (The Hague, 1669-72).

Apasi, Michael. The declaration of the Hungarian War. Newly published by the most illustrious Michael Apasi, Prince of , against his Imperial Majesty, 1682. London, Printed by J. Grantham, 1682. IU, RBC Bumpus 23 Oct. 53 Gen. res. and Wing A3526a Caption title and Howey 11 May 42 Gen. res. (London, 1682).

The Argument against a standing army, discuss’d. By a true lover of his country ... London, Printed, and sold by E. Whitlock, 1698. ICN, Case U 145 .044 (London, 1698). Comments: 38 pages.

An argument for self-defence. Written about the year 1687, never before published ... London, Printed and sold by B. Bragge, 1710. IU, RBC Uncat. 71 147 (London, 1710).

An Argument, proving, that a small number of regulated forces established during the pleasure of Parliament, cannot damage our present happy establishment ... London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1698. ICN, Case U 145 .045 (London, 1698). Comments: 24 pages.

Barker, Thomas Mack. The military intellectual and battle: and the Thirty Years Wars. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1975. ICN, oU 39 .B37 (Albany, 1975); IU, B M773b (Albany, 1975). Comments: Includes a translated text of Montecuccoli’s Concerning battle (Sulle battaglie). Bibliography: pp. 245-48. Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680.

Bassompierre, François de, 1579-1646. Journal de ma vie; mémoires du maréchal de Bassompierre. Première éd., conforme au manuscrit original, publiée avec fragments inédits pour la Société de l’histoire de France par le Mrs. de Chantérac ... Paris, Mme. ve. [veuve] J. Renouard, 1870-77. IU, 944 So13p v.133,162,173,182 (Paris, 1870-77).

Besançon, Bernard de, seigneur Du Plessis, 1600-1670. Mémoires de Du Plessis-Besançon. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France et accompangés de correspondances et de documents inédits, par le comte Horric de Beaucaire. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1892. IU, 944 So13p v.257 (Paris, 1892).

Brief vande groot-mog: heeren staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt aen de respective provinçien ... Nopende de cassatie van de militie. N.p., 1650. 8 p. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N43 B85 1650 (N.p., 1650). Comments: 8 pages. Letter from Holland and West to the other provinces explaining why they insisted on a drastic reduction of the army.

Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury, 1643-1715. Bishop’s Burnet’s History of his own time. With notes by the earls of Dartmouth and Hardwicke, Speaker Onslow, and Dean Swift. To which are added other annotations. 2nd ed. enl. 6 vols. Oxford, University Press, 1833. ICN (Oxford, 1833); ICJ (Oxford, 1833); MiU (Oxford, 1833); ICU (London, 1766); ICU (London, 1818); IU (London, 1850); IU, 942.06 B93o 1969 (Hildesheim, 1969). Comments: Hildesheim, 1969 edition edited by Martin Joseph Routh. Various other editions available. The author chronicles the political affairs of England from the Restoration of Charles II to the Peace of Utrecht.

Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de, 1618-1693. Histoire de Louis XIV. roy de France, et de Navarre. Contenant en abrégé ce qui s’est passé sous son regne de plus remarquable jusqu’à present. Paris, F. et P. Delaulne, 1700. MiU (Paris, 1700); MiDW (Paris, 1700); Italian edition: IU, 944.03 L92WbuI (Milan, 1702). Comments: Italian edition (Milan, 1702) translated by P. P. B.

Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de, 1618-1693. Les memoires de Messire Roger de Rabutin, comte de Bussy ... 3 vols. Amsterdam, Zacharie Chatelain, 1731. InU, Lilly DC 130 .B9 A2 1731 (Amsterdam, 1731); MnU (Lyons, 1712); InU (Paris, 1857); IaU (Paris, 1857); IU (Paris, 1857); OU (Paris, 1882). Comments: The Comte de Bussy was a brillant stylist and authored one of the popular works of fiction in France in the seventeenth century, Histoire amoureuse des Gaules, a tale of eroticism. A confidant and friend of Madame X.

Les cartes, plans et profils des principles villes, et lieux considerables du Comte de Bourgogne et pais adjacenta. Paris, Par le Sieur R. ..., 16--. IU, RBC Rostenberg 10 Je. 60 Gen. res. (Paris, 16--).

Cárdenas Zapata, Iñigo de, d. 1617. Cartas á Felipe III del embajador de España en Francia d. Iñigo de Cárdenas, sobre la guerre que queria mover Enrique IV. Y una relacion de su muerte y entierro. Madrid, 1842-95. IU, 946 C67 v.5 (Madrid, 1842-95). Comments: Part of the Collección de documentos para la historia de España ...

Carvalho, Inácio Sarmento de. Relaçam dos sucessos das armas portuguesas nas partes da India & tomada de Aycòta. Por Inacio Saramento de Carvalho, capitam general de mar, & terra, no sul; athè o anno de 1661. Lisbon, Na Officina de Domingos Carneiro, 1663. InU, Lilly DS 498.7 .C331 Mendel (Lisbon, 1663). Comments: Pamphlet, 20 pages.

Catinat de la Fauconnerie, Nicolas de, 1637-1712. Mémoires et correspondance du marechal de Catinat. Mis en ordre et publiés d’après les manuscrits autographes et inédits conservés jusqu’à ce jour dans sa famille par M. Bernard Le Bouyer de St. Gervais ... 3 vols. Paris, P. Mougie, 1819. ICN, E5 .c293 (Paris, 1819).

Chouppes, Aymar, marquis de, 1612-1673. Mémoires du Marquis De Chouppes, lieutenant général des armées du roi, suivis des Mémoires du Duc de Navailles et De La Valette ... (1630-1682). Revus, annotés et accompangnés de pieces justificatives inedites par M. C. Moreau. Paris, J. Techener, 1861. ICN, F 3924 .167 (Paris, 1861).

Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 1619-1683. Lettres, instructions, et mémoires de Colbert. Publies d’après les ordres de l’empereur, sur la proposition de Son Excellence M. Magne, ministre secrétaire d’état des finances, par Pierre Clément. 7 vols. Paris, Imprimerie impériale, 1861-73. IU, 944.03 C67 (Paris, 1861-73); MiU (Paris, 1861-73); OU (Paris, 1861-73); ICJ (Paris, 1861-73); IaU (Paris, 1861-73).

Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 1619-1683. Testament politique de Messire Jean Baptiste Colbert, ministre secretaire d’état. Ou l’on voit tout ce qui s’est passé sous le regne de Louis le Grand, jusqu’en l’année 1684. Avec des remarques sur le Gouvernement du Royaume. The Hague, 1693. IU, RBC x944.03 C67t (The Hague, 1693).

Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de, called “Le Grand Condé, 1621-1686. ... Lettres inédites à Marie-Louise de Gonzagne, reine de Pologne, sur la cour de Louis XIV (1660-1667). Publiées, d’après le manuscrit original autographe des archives de Chantilly, avec une introduction, des notes et un index alphabétique, par êmile Magne. Ouvrage couronné par l’Académie francaise. Paris, êmile-Paul frères, 1920. IU, 944.03 C75l (Paris, 1920). Comments: Letters to Marie-Louise, mostly from Condé or his son, with frequent references to military affairs.

Consideratien op de deductie en declaratie van oorlogh van den Koningh van Groot-Britanjen, tegens den Koningh van Denemarcken. Onlanghs samen- ghestel en nu uyt-ghegheven door een liefhebber der waerheydt. Rotterdam, D. Jansz, 1666. MnU (Rotterdam, 1666). Comments: 28 pages.

Consideration sur l’estat de la France. Paris, P. Buray, 1614. ICN (Paris, 1614); WU (Paris, 1614); MnU (Paris, 1614). Comments: 12 pages. Signed S. B. S. Concerns the revolt of the Prince de Condé and suggest that the Queen should make concessions.

... Considérations d’estat sur le traicté de la paix avec les Sérénissimes archiducz d’Austriche: manuscrit de 1607. Avec une introduction & des notes par Charles Rahlenbeck. Brussels, Société de l’histoire de Belgique, 1869. OCl (Brussels, 1869); ICU (Brussels, 1869). Comments: Half-title: Collection de mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de Belgique, publication no. 32. At head of title: XVIIe Siècle. “Pieces justificatives”: pp. 69- 115.

The continuation of our Forraine avisoes, since the 28. of the last moneth, to this present. London, Printed by I. Dawson for N. Butler and N. Bourne, 1632. MiU, Film (London, 1632). Comments: [Contents]: 1. “The care of the old King and state of Poland, to provide for the defense of Lituania, and the confines, against the present invasion of the Muscovite.” 2. ... Also includes “The latest and best proceeding in Bavaria.”

Copia della pace tra il re christianissimo & il serenissimo Duca de Saroia. Concluso in Lione di 27. de Gennaro 1601. [Lyons?, 1601?] IU, RBC Stonehill 923 ([Lyons?, 1601?]).

[Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712.] Mémoires de Mr. d’Artagnan, Capitaine lieutenant de la première compagnie des mousquetaires du roi: contenant [q]uantité de choses particulières & sécrettes qui se sont passés sous le régne de Louis Le Grand. 3 vols. Cologne, Chez Pierre Marteau, 1701. InU, Lilly PQ 1792 .C85 M53 1701 (Cologne, 1701); MiU (Cologne, 1700); MiU (Cologne, 1700-1701); ICN (Cologne, 1700-1701); MnU (Cologne, 1700-1701); IU, 843 C835 Om1896 (Paris, [1896]); OCl (Paris, 1896); ICU (Paris, 1941); IU, 843 C835 Om.s ([Paris], 1965). Comments: [Paris], 1965 edition includes facsimilie of original title-page (Cologne, 1700).

[Courtilz, Gatien de], sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. Memoirs of Monsieur d’Artagnan ... Now for the first time translated into English, by Ralph Nevill. 3 vols. London, H. S. Nichols, 1925. IU, 843 C835 Om.En (London, 1925); OU (London, 1899); MiU (London, 1899); OCl (London, 1899); OClW (London, 1899).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1713. Memoires de Mr. L. C. d. R., contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus particulier sous le ministere du cardinal de Richelieu, et du cardinal Mazarin, avec plusieurs particularite remarquables du regne de Louis Le Grand. 5th ed. The Hague, H. van Bulderen, 1707. IU, Film 944.03 C83m (The Hague, 1707).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. La vie du vicomte de Turenne ... contenant ce qui s’est passe de plus memorable de son tems, tant dans l’armee que dans les cours de France, Allemagne, & ailleurs ... Par M. Du Buisson ... 2 vols. in 1. Cologne, J. de Clou, 1687. ICN, Case E 5 .T 84464 (Cologne, 1687); InU, Lilly DC 130 .T9 C864 1687 (Cologne, 1687); MiU (Cologne, 1687); OU (Cologne, 1693); English edition: IU, RBC x944.03 T86WcEs (London, 1686); ICN, Case E 5 .T 8447 (London, 1686); MiU (London, 1686). Comments: English edition entitled: The history of the life and actions of that great captain of his age the Viscount de Turenne. Written in French by Monsieur du Buisson [pseud.], eldest captain & major of the regiment de Verdelin and translated into English by Ferrand Spence.

Dalrymple, Sir John, bart., 1726-1810. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland from the dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II. until the sea battle off La Hogue. By Sir John Dalrymple, bart. 2 vols. 2nd ed. London, W. Strahan and T. Cadell; etc., etc., 1771-88. IU, RBC x942.06 D169me 1771a (London, 1771-88). Comments: Volume 2 mostly letters from French ambassadors in England. Taken from the Archives des Affaires Étrangères [then housed at Versailles] and King William’s private cabinet at Kensington ... 1773.

Deffaicte de la cavalerie de Montauban conduitte par le capitaine Vignaux par la cornete de feu Monsieur le duc de Mayenne ce unziesme Mars. N.p., 1623?. ICN, F 39 .326 1627cx (N.p., 1623?). Comments: 8 pages. Binder’s title: Montauban, 1623-1627.

La Deffaicte de quatre cents hommes par le Sieur de Mont-Real, aupres de Nimes en Languedoc. Ensemble la victoire obtenuâ par Monseigneur de Montmorancy sur les troupes du Sieur de Chastillon. Paris, I. Guerreau, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621rx (Paris, 1621). Comments: 16 pages. Binder’s title: Guerre de 1621.

La Deffaicte des Anglois. Par monseigneur le comte de Soissons, soubs la conduicte de Monsieur de la Molette ... Paris, R. Bretet, 1622. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620ex (Paris, 1622). Comments: Binder’s title: Pieces s’les Rochel.

La Deffaicte des ennemis rebelles au roy, par Monsieur le duc de Ventadour au pays de Vivaretz, avec la prise de deux pieces de canon. Paris, F. Jacquin, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621rx (Paris, 1621). Comments: 11 pages. Binder’s title: Guerre de 1621.

La Deffaicte entiere dis Anglois et leur honteuse fuitte & retraitte de l’Isle de Ré, par l’armee du Roy, commandee par Monsieur le mareschal de Schomberg, de laquelle Monsieur de Marillac estoit mareschal de camp, où il a esté tué quinze cens Anglois, quatre cens prisonniers, outre lesques le milor Mont-joye a esté pris, plusieurs autres prisonniers de qualité ... Ces nouvelles apportees aux roynes par le sieur de Bellingant. Paris, J. Brunet, 1627. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620ex (Paris, 1627). Comments: 13 pages. Binder’s title: Pieces s’ les Rochel.

La Deffaicte des troupes du Duc de Rohan, au siege par luy mis devant Cresseil, & sa fuite honteuse. Ensemble les noms des principaux chefs & officiers qui ont esté tuez audit siege. Par Monseigneur le Prince. Paris, J. Barbote, 1628. ICN, F 39 .326 1628d (Paris, 1628). Comments: 15 pages.

La Deffaicte des trouppes du sieur de Mont-Chrestien, levées en Normandie, contre le service du roy. Sa mort, et tont ce qui s’est passé en la poursuitte & execution des rebelles, par les gens de Monsieur de Matignon. Paris, A. Saugrain, 1621. ICN, F 39 .326 1621de (Paris, 1621). Comments: 13 pages.

Defoe, Daniel, 1660(61)-1731. An account of the proceedings against the rebels, ... in the West of England, 1685, for taking arms under the Duke of Monmouth. London, 1716. ICU, RBC x942.066 D 362a (London, 1716).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660(61)-1731. A brief reply to the history of standing armies in England. With some account of the authors. London, 1698. ICN, Case U 145 .224 (London, 1698); MiD-B (London, 1698); MnU (London, 1698); IU (London, 1698).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660(61)-1731. A military history of Germany and of England; from the year 1631 to the year 1648. Being the memoirs of an English gentleman, who served in the army of Gustavus Adolphus; and afterwards in the Royal Army of King Charles I. 4th ed. Edinburgh, Printed for Ebenezer Wilson, 1766. InU, Lilly PR 3404 .M45 1766 (Edinburgh, 1766). Comments: Fiction. First published in 1720 under the title Memoirs of a cavalier. Numerous editions at almost every major midwestern library found under both titles.

Description exacte de tout ce qui s’est passé dans les guerres: entre le roy d’Angleterre, le roy de France, les Estats des Provinces Unies du Pays-bas, & l’Evesque de Munster: commençant de l’an 1667: avec un introduction preliminaire contenant l’exile & la restitution du present roy d’Angleterre &c. Avec diverses figures en taille douce. Amsterdam, Chez Jacques Benjamin, 1668. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .K8314 (Amsterdam, 1668). Comments: Translation of Kort en bondigh verhael van ...

Discoers na den tijdt die loopt. Gouda, Pieter Vermeyden, 1647. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N43 D61 1647 (Gouda, 1647). Comments: 19 pages. The Discoers na den tijdt die loopt proposed that during the demobilization, which was then in progress, the foreign soldiers, rather than the Dutch, be discharged.

Donneau de Vizé, Jean, 1638?-1710. A diary of the siege of Luxembourg by the French King’s forces under the command of the Mareschal de Crequi: containing a full account of all that passed in the siege and surrendry of the town. Together with a compleat description of the town ... Done out of French. London, Printed by J G. for D. Brown, 1684. MnU (London, 1684).

Echard, Laurence, 1670?-1730. The gazeteer’s: or newsman’s interpreter. Being a geographical index of all the considerable cities, Bishopricks, Universities ... forts, castles, etc. in Europe ... 6th ed., corrected and much enlarged. London, Printed for John Nicholson at the King’s-Arms and Samuel Ballard, at the Blew Ball in Little-Britain, 1703. IU (London, 1703).

Echard, Laurence, 1670?-1730. A most compleat compendium of geography; general and special; describing all the empires, kingdoms, and dominions, in the whole world. Showing their bounds, situation, dimentions, ancient and modern names, history, government, religions, languages, commodities, divisions, sub-divisions, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, with their archbishopricks, bishopricks, and universities. London, Printed for Tho. Salusbury ..., 1691. InU (London, 1691); ICN (London, 1697); IU, 910.3 Ec4m7 (London, 1705).

Equicola, Mario, 1470-1525. Dell’istoria di Mantova libri cinque scritta in commentari. Nella quale cominciandosi dall’ edificatione di essa città, brevemente si raccontano tutte le cose più notabili successe di tempo cosi in pace, come in guerra. Riformata secondo l’uso moderno di scrivere istorie per Benedetto Osanna. Mantova, 1607. IU, 945.27 Eq51c2 (Mantova, 1607); ICN, DG 975 .M2E6 Rare bk (Mantova, 1607); ICN (Mantova, 1607).

Estrées, François Annibal, duc d’, 1573-1670. Mémoires du maréchal d’Estrées sur la régence de Marie de Médicis (1610-1616) et sur celle d’Anne d’Autriche (1643-1650). Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Paul Bonnefon. Paris, Librairie Renouard, 1910. OCU (Paris, 1910); OCl (Paris, 1910); OClW (Paris, 1910); OU (Paris, 1910); MiU (Paris, 1910); MiU (Paris, 1819-29). Comments: Paris, 1819-29 editionis in Petitot, C. B., Collection, 1822, 2e ser., vol. 16 and includes a “relation du siege de Mantoue” [1630].

Etzliche zu fernerem nachdencken movirte politsche und historische discursen, was von des tyrannischen Türkens jetzigem einbruch und weiteren progressen in künfftigen jahren, muthmasslich zu halten sey? Nechst darstellung seiner stats-ration zu kriegen, und wie demselbigen füglichst zuwiderstehen? Wittenberg, In verlegung D. T. Meuii erben und E. Schumachers, 1663. ICN, F 59038 .275 (Wittenberg, 1663). Comments: 55 pages. Concerns the Austro-Turkish war.

Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720. Les forces de l’Europe, ou description des principales villes avec leurs fortifications. Paris, 1695-96. ICN (Paris, 1695-96); OU (Paris, 1690-95); MiU (Paris, 1690-95); ICN (Paris, 1694); ICN (Paris, 1705); ICN (Paris, 1723). Comments: Includes 184 engraved figures (some with separate explanatory legends), views of cities, and siege and city plans. “Nicholas de Fer held the title of geographer at Louis XIV’s court and was one of the most prolific publishers of plans of European cities in the late seventeenth century. Despite the title, the emphasis is upon French towns.”--Pollack, p. 40.

France--Conseil du roi. Mémoriaux du Conseil de 1661. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Jean du Boislisle ... 3 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1905-7. IU, 944 So13p v.320,325,333 (Paris, 1905-7). Comments: Société de l’histoire de France, vols. 320, 325, 333.

La France sans bornes, comment arrivée à ce pouvoir supreme & par la faute qui. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1684. ICN, F 3924 .3135 (Cologne, 1684); MnU (Cologne, 1684). Comments: With this are bound Traité curieux su l’enlevement du prince de Furstenberg ..., Villefranche, 1676 and [Mazarin, Hortense (Mancini) de La Porte, duchesse de], Memoires de M.L.D.M., Cologne, 1676.

Frémont d’Ablancourt, Nicolas, 1625?-1693. Memoires de monsieur d’Ablancourt ... contenant l’histoire de Portugal, depuis le traité des Pyrenées de 1659 jusqu’a 1668: avec ... un detail des batailles données, & des sieges formés sous les ordres & le commandement du duc de Schomberg: avec le traité de paix fait entre les rois d’Espagne & de Portugal, et celui de la ligue offensive & defensive, conclu entre Sa Majesté trés-chre’tienne et cette couronne. Paris, Chez les heritiers de la veuve de Marbre Cramoisi, 1701. InU, Lilly DP 635 .F87 Mendel (Paris, 1701).

French political pamphlets, 1524-1696. ICN, Case F 39 .326 Comments: A collection of approximately 2,327 pamphlets, extraordinarily strong on the Regency of Marie de Medici. Hardly any pamphlets in this collection after 1648. Some of these pamphlets have been included individually in the present work.

A Further account of the proceedings against the rebels in Scotland, since the arrival of His Grace, the Duke of Monmouth. Communicated in a letter to a person of quality from Edenburgh, dated the 19th of ... June, 1679. With the substance of a new declaration, published by the rebels ... London, 1679. ICN, Case fF 4554 .266 (London, 1679); MiU (London, 1679). Comments: 4 pages. In box lettered: English pamphlets, broadsheets, and broadsides, 1679-1688.

A further account of the proceedings against the rebels in the west of England; who on the 10th of September, 1685 to the number of two-hundred fifty one received sentence of death, at Dorchester for high-treason of which number 67 were ordered to be executed at Lyme, Bridport, Weymouth, Melcom-Regis, Sherborn, Pool, and the remainder respited till farther order, September the 11th, 1685. London, Printed by E. Mallet in Black Horse-alley in Fleet street, near Fleet-bridge, [1685]. MnU (London, [1685]). Comments: 4 pages.

Girard, Antoine, 1603-1680. Les batailles mémorables des François, depuis le commencement de la monarchie, jusqu’à present. 2 vols. in 1. Amsterdam, G. Gallet, 1701. ICN, U 039 .343 (Amsterdam, 1701). Comments: Original edition appeared in 1646 with title: Memorables journées des François.

La Grand desastre nouvellement arrivé en la ville de La Rochelle. Au grand estonnement des Rochelois. Paris, S. Moreau, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621gr (Paris, 1621); WU (Paris, 1621).

Le Grand et juste chastiment des rebelles de Negrepelisse. Mis & taillez en pieces, & leur ville reduite à feu & à sang, par l’armée royale de Sa Maiesté les 10. et 11. juin 1622. Paris, D. Rocolet, 1622. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1622fy (Paris, 1622).

Le Grand et merveilleux miracle arrivé devant Montauban. Au grand estonnement de l’armée du roy. Paris, Sur la coppie imprimee à Poictiers par I. Blanchard, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1621). Comments: 7 pages.

La grande et merveilleuse sedition arrivee a La Rochelle, sur la deffaitte des trouppes des sieurs de Soubise & de Fauas. Paris, Jean Blanchet, 1622. WU (Paris, 1622).

Les Grande et signalee victoires, obtenue par Messieurs les duc d’Angoulesm[e], prince de Joinville, & duc de Montmorancy. Avec l’ordre particulier de la bataille, les noms & qualitez des seigneurs, tuez blessez & prisonniers de part & d’autre. Ensemble les Articles de la capitulation, accord[es] aux vaincus. Paris, A. Saugrain, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621rx (Paris, 1621). Comments: 16 pages. Binder’s title: Guerre de 1621.

Great Britain--Public Record Office. Calendar of state papers, Domestic series, of the reign of William III ... Preserved in the Public record office ... 11 vols. London, Printed for H. M. stationary off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode, [etc.], 1895-1937. IU, 942 G796 (London, 1895-1937).

Griffet, Henri, 1698-1771, ed. Recueil de lettres, pour servir d’éclaircissement a l’histoire militaire du règne de Louis XIV. 4 vols. The Hague, 1740. ICN, F 3924 .369 (The Hague, 1740).

Histoire de la vie et du regne de Louis XIV: roi de France & de Navarre. Redigée sur les memoires de feu monsieur le comte de ***. Publiée par mr. Bruzen de la Martinière. 5 vols. The Hague, Chez Jean Van Duren, 1740-42. InU, Lilly DC 129 .H67 (InU, Lilly). Comments: Disputed attribution of the history.

James II, king of England, 1633-1701. The Memoirs of James II: His Campaigns as Duke of York, 1652-1660. Translated by A. Lytton Sells from the Bouillon manuscript. Edited and collated with the Clarke edition. With an introduction by Sir Arthur Bryant. London, Chatto & Windus, 1962. IU, 942.067 J23Wjl. Comments: The Duke of York’s service in France and the Low Countries first on the side of France and later on the side of Spain.

Kane, Richard, 1666-1736. Campaigns of King William and Queen Anne; from 1689, to 1712. Also a new system of military discipline, for a battalion of foot on action; with the most essential exercise of the cavalry. Adorn’d with a map of the seat of war, and a plan to the exercise. By the late Richard Kane ... London, Printed for J. Millan, 1745. 140 p. InU, Lilly Spec. DA460 .K18 (London, 1745); MiU, UA 649 .K16 (London, 1745); OCl (London, 1745); InU, (London, 1747); ICN (London, 1747); MnU (London, 1747). Comments: 140 pages.

La Fare, Charles Auguste, marquis de, 1644-1712. Mémoires et réflexions du marquis de La Fare sur les principaux événemens du règne Louis XIV, & sur le caractère de ceux qui y ont eu la principale part. Publiées avec une annotation historique, biographique et littéraire et un index analytique, par Émile Raunié. Paris, G. Charpentier, 1884. IU (Paris, 1884); OCl (Paris, 1884); MiU (Paris, 1884); IEN (Amsterdam, 1782).

Langallerie, Philippe de Gentils, marquis de, 1656-1717. The memoirs of the Marquess de Langallerie: containing an account of the most secret intrigues of the French, Spanish, and Bavaria courts; and the most remarkable battles, sieges, & encampments in Germany, Spain, & Flanders. Together with the most considerable treaties and alliances made with France from the year 1687, to the year 1707 ... Translated from the French. London, Printed for R. Burrough, [etc.], 1708. InU, Lilly Augustan D 224 .L 3 A3 (London, 1708); IU, RBC x944.03 L25mEm (London, 1708); French edition: ICN (The Hague, 1743); English editions: ICN, F 0976 .48 (London, 1708); IaU (London, 1708); IU (London, 1708); MnU (London, 1708); Comments: According to A. de Boislisle (Revue historique, 1898) a work of fiction, probably written by Gautier de Faget; cf. E. Bourgeois and L. André in Les sources de l’histoire de France, XVIIe siècle, II, Paris, 1913.

Le Gendre, Louis, 1655-1733. The history of the reign of Lewis the Great, till the general peace concluded at Reswick, in the year, 1697. By Mr. Le Gendre. Made English from the third edition of the French. London, Printed for D. Brown, [etc.], 1699. InU, Lilly Augustan DC 125 .L 45 1699 (London, 1699); ICN (London, 1699); French edition: ICN, F 3924.492 (Paris, 1698).

[Letters relating to the Monmouth rebellion, especially with reference to the Rev. John Hickes’ share in it], 1685-98. IU, RBC xq942.06 L5695 Comments: 27 letters.

The life and history of Lewis XIV. present King of France and Navarre ... 2 vols. London, Printed for J. Morphew, 1709-17. InU, Lilly Augustan DC 129 .L 7 (London, 1709-17). Comments: Vol. 1: 1643-1709; vol. 2: 1709-1715.

Lisola, François Paul, baron de, 1613-1674(75). Bouclier d’estat et de justice, contre le dessein manifestement découvert de la monarchie universelle, sous le vain preteste des pretentions de la reyne de France. Nouvelle edition. N.P., 1667. ICU (N.p., 1667); OU (N.p., 1667); MnU (Brussels, 1667); English editions: IU, RBC x944.033 L69bE (London, 1667); ICU, D275 .L7 (London, 1673).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. A king’s lessons in statecraft: Louis XIV; letters to his heirs. With introduction and notes by Jean Longnon. Translated by Herbert Wilson. Port Washington, N.Y., Kenikat Press, [1970]. IU, 944.033 L92mEw 1970 (Port Washington, N.Y., [1970]). Comments: Reprint of 1924 edition.

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Lettres de Louis XIV aux princes de l’Europe, à ses généraux, ses ministres, &c. Recueillies par Mr. Rose, sécrétaire du cabinet; avec des remarques historiques, par Mr. Morelly. Paris & Frankfurt, Bassompierre, 1755. MiU (Paris & Frankfurt, 1755); OCU (Paris & Frankfurt, 1755). Comments: Letters from 1661 to 1678.

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Mémoires de Louis XIV. Edited by Charles Dreyss. 2 vols. Paris, 1860. IU, 944.03 L92 M1860 (Paris, 1860).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Mémoires de Louis XIV. Publiés avec une introduction et des notes par Jean Longnon. Paris, J. Tallmadier, ca. 1927. ICN (Paris, ca. 1927); MiU (Paris, ca. 1927); ICU (Paris, 1928); IaU (Paris, 1933); OU (Paris, 1933).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Mémoires de Louis XIV, écrits par lui-même, composés pour le grand dauphin, son fils, et adressés à ce prince; suivis de plusieurs fragmens de mémoires militaires, de l’instruction donnée à Philippe V, de dix-sept lettres adressées à ce monarque sur le gouvernement de ses états, et de diverses autres pièces inédites. Mis en ordre et pub. par J. L. M. de Gain-Montagnac. Paris, Garnery, 1806. ICU (Paris, 1806); ICN (Paris, 1806).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Mémoires de Louis XIV pour l’instruction du dauphin. Première édition complète, d’après les textes originaux, avec une étude sur leur composition, des notes et des éclaircissements, par Charles Dreyss ... 2 vols. Paris, Didier, 1860. ICN (Paris, 1860); MnU (Paris, 1860); MiU (Paris, 1860); IaU (Paris, 1860); OCl (Paris, 1860).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Mémoires for the instruction of the Dauphin. Introduction, translation & notes by Paul Sonnino. New York, Free Press, [1970]. IU, 944.03 L92mEs (New York, [1970]).

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Memoirs of Lewis the Fourteenth, written by himself, and addressed to his son. Translated from the French ... 2 vols. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1806. ICU (London, 1806). Comments: Vol. 2 includes “Military memoirs,” “Correspondance of Lewis XIV with Philip V,” etc.

Louis XIV, king of France, 1638-1715. Oeuvres de Louis XIV. Edited by Philippe Henri, comte de Grimoard. 6 vols. Paris and Strasbourg, Treuttel et Würtz, 1806. IU, RBC 944.03 L92 (Paris and Strasbourg, 1806); OCl (Paris and Strasbourg, 1806); OU (Paris, 1806). Comments: Grimoard, Philippe Henri, comte de, 1753-1815.

Louvois, François Michel Le Tellier, marquis de, 1641-1691. Letters of Louvois. Edited with introd. and notes by Jacques Hardré. University of North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, no. 10. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, 1949. ICN X 017 .634 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1949); IU, 840.09 N81s no. 10 (Chapel Hill, N.C., 1949).

Melville, Andrew, 1624-1706. Memoirs of Sir Andrew Melvill, tr. from the French, and the wars of the seventeenth century by Torick Ameer-Ali, with a forward by Sir Ian Hamilton. London, John Lane; New York, John Lane company, 1918. OU, D 244.8 M4 A5 (London, 1918). Comments: With a facsimile reproduction of original title page.: Mémoires de Monsieur le Chevalier de Melvill, general major des troupes de S. A. S., monseigneur le Duc de Cell, & grand baillif du comte de Gifron. A Amsterdam, Chez Jacques Desbordes, 1704.

Memoire inhoudende de foorten ende de quantiteyt van de vivres, die Nootsaeckelijk yder dagh sullen moeten werden gedistribueert aen troupes, soo Infanterie als Cavallerie, die den Koningh heeft geresolueert om te doen marcheren naer Hollandt, ... N.p., 1665. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .N45 M53 (N.p., 1665). Comments: 8 pages.

Memoires de la guerre des princes ou des troubles de Paris [particulierement depuis la prison de Messieurs les princes jusques au commencement de l’année 1653]. N.p., [1653?]. MiU (N.p., [1653?]). Comments: In manuscript.

Mémoires du chevalier de Beaujeu; contenant ses divers voyages, tant en Pologne, en Allemagne, qu’en Hongrie, avec des relations particulières des guerres et des affaires de ces pais [a depuis l’année 1679]. Paris, C. Barbin, 1698. MnU (Paris, 1698); ICN (Amsterdam, 1700).

La Memorable deffaitte de l’armee rocheloise. Par Monsieur le marquis de la Valette, et les sieurs de la Drouâriere et de Virsac, gouvernors de Mornac et de Talmont. Paris, Houxte les memoires imprimez à Bourdeaux par S. Milanges, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620ex (Paris, 1621). Comments: 13 pages. Binder’s title: Pieces s’les Rochel.

Mignet, François Auguste Marie Alexis, 1796-1884, ed. Négociations relatives à la succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV; ou, Correspondances, mémoires, et actes diplomatiques concernant les prétensions ... de la maison de Bourbon au trìne d’Espagne. Accompagnés d’un texte historique ... par M. Mignet ... 4 vols. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1834-42. IU, 944.C681 v.57 (Paris, 1834-42); OU, (Paris, 1835-42); IEN (Paris, 1835-42); InU (Paris, 1835-42); MiU (Paris, 1835-42); OCU (Paris, 1835-42); IaU (Paris, 1835-42). Comments: Half-title: Collection de documents inédits sur l’histoire de France, pub. par ordre du roi et par les soins du ministre de l’instruction publique, 1 sér. Histoire politique.

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Briefe an den feldmarschall Raimund grafen Montecuccoli; beiträge zur geschichte des nordischen krieges in den jahren 1659-1660. Bearbeitet von dr. Adalbert Fr. Fuchs. Vienna and Leipzig, C. W. Stern, 1910. WU (Vienna and Leipzig, 1910). Comments: Wars between Denmark and Sweden, 1657-1660.

Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi, 1608-1680. Memoires de Montecuculi généralissime des armées, et grand-maître de l’artillerie de l’empereur; avec les commentaires de Monsieur le comte Turpin de Crissé. 3 vols. Amsterdam, Arkstée & Merkus, 1770. ICN, U 0 .5934 (Amsterdam, 1770). Comments: Important source on the Habsburg-Turkish wars.

Navailles, Philippe de Montault de Bénac, duc de, 1619-1684. Memoires du duc de Navailles et de La Valette, pair et marechal de France, & gouverneur de monseigneur le duc de Chartes. Amsterdam, J. Malherbe, 1701. ICN, F 3924 .614 (Amsterdam, 1701); MiU (Amsterdam, 1701); MnU (Paris, 1701). Comments: Events from 1635 to 1683, mainly military.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795). Brief vande groot-mog: Heeren staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt aen de respective provinçien ... Nopende de cassatie van de militie. N.p., 1650. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N43 B85 1650 (N.p., 1650). Comments: 8 pages.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795). Discoers na den tijdt die loopt. Gouda, Pieter Vermeyden, 1647. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N43 D61 1647 (Gouda, 1647). Comments: 19 pages.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795)--Staaten Generaal. Aduys-raets van Staten, aengaende de cassatie van de landt-militie. Item d’op gevolghde resolutie vande Staten Generael, ... N.p., 1661. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .N45 A24 (N.p., 1661). Comments: Knuttel 8538.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795)--Staaten Generaal. Concept ofte voorslagh, ten regarde van de militie van syn Hoogheydt ... ende den raet van staten; overgebracht ter vergaderinge van hare hoog: moog: den 15 Julij, 1650. Delft, Simon Jansz, 1650. InU, Lilly DJ 146 .N45 C74 1650 (Delft, 1650). Comments: 8 pages. Includes “Liste vande ritmeesters en kapiteynen” and other documents issued by the States General and the Prince of Orange. Knuttel 6672.

Netherlands (United Provinces, 1581-1795)--Staaten Generaal. Memorie inhoudende de foorten ende de quantiteyt van de vivres, die Nootsaeckelijk y der dagh sullen moeten werden gedistribueert aen troupes, soo Infanterie als Cavallerie, die den Koningh heeft geresolveert om te doen marcheren naer Hollandt, ... N.p., 1665. InU, Lilly DJ 181 .N45 M53 (N.p., 1665). Comments: 8 pages.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, 1581-1613. Observations upon the Provinces limited. And on the state of France. Written by Sr. Thomas Overbury. London, Printed by T. Maxey for Richard Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in S. Dunstan’s church-yard, Fleetstreet, 1651. IU, RBC x949.203 Ov2o (London, 1651).

Palanco Romero, José, 1887-?, ed. Relaciones del siglo XVII. Publicadas por José palanco Romero. [Granada, Lopez Guevara], 1926. IU, 946.05 P172r ([Granada], 1926); MiU ([Granada], 1926); MiDW ([Granada], 1926); ICN ([Granada], 1926). Comments: Reprints of 21 “relaciones” belonging to the library of the University of Granada, 1611-1679. At head of title: Universidad de Granada Facultad de Filosofia y Letras.

Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul, 1624-1693. Histoire de Louis XIV. Depuis la mort de Cardinal Mazarin en 1661 jusqu’à la Paix de Nimegue en 1678. 3 vols. Paris, Chez Rollin fils, 1749. IU, 944.03 L92Wpe (Paris, 1749); ICN (Paris, 1749); ICU (Paris, 1749).

A Perfect narrative: or a full, and exact relation of the late great and bloody fight between the Dutch, Spanish, and Imperial forces on the one side, and the French army, under the command of the Prince of Conde, on the other. With the numbers slain on both sides; and a list of the commanders that were kill’d and taken prisoners: as it is confirmed by several letters. Published to prevent fase reports. London, Printed for H. B., 1674. ICN, Case 6A 160 no.4 (London, 1674).

Pontis, Louis de, 1583-1670. Memoires du monsieur de Pontis, qui a servi dans les armées cinquante-six ans, sous les rois Henri IV, Loüys XIII & Loüys XIV; contenans plusieurs circonstances remarquables des guerres, de la cour, & du gouvernement de ses princes ... 2 vols. Paris, Chez Guillaume Desprez ..., 1678. ICN (Paris, 1678); ICU (Paris, 1678); ICN, F 392 .684 (Amsterdam, 1678); InU, Lilly DC 121.8 .P6 A3 1694 (Amsterdam, 1694); ICN, F 39 .678 ser.2 v.31-32 (Paris, 1820-29); IU, (Paris, 1820-29); ICN, fF 392 .6845 (Paris, 1898); WU DC +121.8 +P6 A3 1898 (Paris, 1898); MiU (Paris, 1929); InU (Paris, 1929); English editions: InU, Lilly DC 123.9 .D8 A3 (London, 1694); OCl (London, 1694); ICN, F 392 .685 (London, 1694). Comments: Extends from 1596 to 1652. Paris, 1678 and Amsterdam, 1678 editions edited by Pierre Thomas, sieur du Fossé, 1634-1698. Paris, 1820-29 edition in Petitot, Claude Bernard, ed., Collection des mémoires relatifs à l’histoire de France ... Paris, 1898 edition edited by J. Servier and illustrated by Julien Le Blant and A. Giraldon. English edition (London, 1694) translated by Charles Cotton, 1630-1687.

Priolo, Benjamin, 1602-1667. The history of France under the ministry of Cardinal Mazarine. Containing all the remarkable and curious passages in the government of that state, from the death of king Lewis XIII, which happened in the year 1643, to the death of the cardinal which was in the year 1664. Written in Latine by Sieur Benjamin Priolo a gentleman to the Duke of Longueville. Done into English by Christopher Wase. London, Printed for J. Starkey at the Mitre in Fleetstreet, 1671. IU, RBC x944.033 P937aEw (London, 1671); WU (London, 1671).

A proclamation for calling out heretors and fencible men, to attend the king’s host ... Given under our signet at Edinburgh, the ninth day of May, 1692. Edinburgh, Printed by the heir of A. Anderson, 1692. InU, Lilly Augustan D 279 .A2 1692b (Edinburgh, 1692). Comments: 4 pages. Scotland militia.

Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, seigneur de, 1601-1682. Les mémoires de messire Jacques de Chastenet, chevalier, seigneur de Puységur, colonel du regiment de Piedmont, et lieutenant général des armées du roy. Sous les règnes de Louis XIII & de Louis XIV. Donnez au public par M. Du Chesne ... Avec des Instructions militaires ... Revus & corrigez par maitre Francois Du Chesne. 2 vols. Paris, J. Morel, 1690. ICN, F 3923 .719 (Paris, 1690).

Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de, 1666-1736. Histoire militaire du regne de Louis le Grand, roy de France ... On y a joint un traité particulier de pratiques et de maximes de l’art militaire. Par M. le marquis de Quincy ... 7 vols. Paris, D. Mariette, etc., 1726. InU, Lilly Spec. DC 125 .Q7 (Paris, 1726); MiU (Paris, 1726); MnU (Paris, 1726); OCU (Paris, 1726); MiHM (Paris, 1726). Comments: Vol. 7 in 2 parts, pt. 2 having special title-page: Maximes et instructions sur l’art militaire.

Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de, 1666-1736. Mémoires du chevalier de Quincy. Publiés pour la première fois pour la Société de l’histoire de France. Par Léon Lecestre ... 3 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1898-1901. IU, 944 So13p v.289,293,305 (Paris, 1898-1901); OU, D281 Q7 (Paris, 1898-1901). Comments: Publications in octavo: 289, 293, 305. Contents: t. 1. 1690-1703; t. 2. 1703-1709; t. 3. 1710-1713.

Raguenet, François, 1660?-1722. Histoire du vicomte de Turenne ... Nouv. éd. plus correcte que les précedentes. Amsterdam, 1787. ICN, E 5 .T 84487 (Amsterdam, 1787).

Ramsay, Andrew Michael, 1686-1743. Histoire du Vicomte de Turenne maréchal général des armées du roi. 4 vols. Amsterdam, Arkstée & Merkus, 1749. ICN, E 5 .T 84489 and E 5 .T 84488 (Amsterdam, 1749).

Ramsay, Chevalier (Andrew Michael), 1686-1743. The history of Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, Viscount de Turenne, Marshal-General of France. 2 vols. London, Printed by James Bettesworth and C. Hitch ... and T. Woodward ..., 1735. InU, Lilly DC 130 .T9 R19 (London, 1735); InU, Lilly Spec. DC 130 .T9 R19 1740 (London, 1740). Comments: London, 1740 edition includes Relation of the campaign of Fribourg, by the marquis de la Moussaye and Memoirs of the Duke of York with selected letters.

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est fait et passe en la prise & execution de mort d’un espion sorty de la Rochelle, charte d’un boette, ou estoient lettres addressantes au Duc de Rohan ... Paris, 1628. WU (Paris, 1628).

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est fait et passe en l’armée du roy, depuis le trentiesme Juillet 1620 ... Paris, Fleury Bourriqant, 1620. WU (Paris, 1620).

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est passé au degast fait es environs de Nismes, Use, Anduse & Alez, en la presence du Duc de Rohan, & de son armée. Avec la deffaite de son avant-garde, & le nombre des blessez & prisonniers. Par Monseigneur de Montmorency ... Paris, J. Barbote, 1628. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1628r (Paris, 1628).

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est passé aux trois nouvelles sorties de ceux de Montauban. Furieusement repoussés, chassés, & battus par Messieurs les duc de Mayenne et comte de Bassompierre. Paris, A. Saugrain, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (Paris, 1621). Comments: Binder’s title: Guerre de 1621.

Recit veritable de ce qui s’est passé contre les rebelles de Montauban. Par les trouppes de l’armée du roy. Paris, J. Mesnier, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621rx (Paris, 1621); WU (Paris, 1621). Comments: ICN copy is bound under title: Guerre de 1621.

Recit veritable de la prise du Pont de Se, et de son chasteau par l’armee du Roy, apres une grande resistance. Ensemble la déroute de trois mil cinque cents hommes qui estoient dedans: les noms des chefs, tant blessez que prisonniers; et le nombre des drappeaux pris & apportez dans le Louvre. Avec la reduction de la ville de Chasteau Gontier, surprise de Lengey, & autres particularitez. Paris, F. Bourriquant, 1620. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620rc (Paris, 1620).

Recit veritable de la prise par force, de la ville d’Albiac prês Montauban. Et punition des habitans d’icelle, mis & taillez en pieces, pour cause de perfidie & rebellion, par Monsieur le duc de Mayenne. Paris, P. Rocolet, 1621. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1621rx (Paris, 1621). Comments: Binder’s title: Guerre de 1621.

Recit veritable de l’entreprise que les Anglois avoient sur la ville & citadelle de Calais, par l’entremise d’un nommé du Parc. Descouverte par le vicomte de Fruze estranger, à Monsieur de Valence, gouverneur de ladite ville & citadelle. Avec la prise de deux barques angloises, où dans l’une s’est trouvée la femme d’un pilote d’une des remberges saisie d’une lettre. Paris, J. Barbote, 1628. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620ex (Paris, 1628). Comments: Binder’s title: Pieces s’ les Rochel.

Recit veritable de tout ce qui s’est passé à Tholose, & aux environs de Montauban, depuis le 28. du mois de juin. La rencontre furieuse de Monsieur de Malause, et de Monsieur de Rohan ... N.p., jouxte de la coppie imprimee à Lyon, et a Montpelier par J. Dech, 1625. ICN, Case F 39 .326 (N.p. 1625).

Recit veritable touchant l’estat present de l’Isle de Ré, & arrivee des flottes d’Espagne & de Dunquerque. Ensemble une lettre faisant recit de la defaite & honteuse mort du frere de Bouquingan, de cinq capitaines anglois, & grand nombre de soldats. Paris, J. Brunet, 1627. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1620ex (Paris, 1627). Comments: Binder’s title: Pieces s’ les Rochel.

Relaçam do felice successo, que conseguirao as armas do serenissimo princepe D. Pedro N.S. governadas por Francisco de Tavora, governador, & capitam general do reyno de Angola contra a rebeliao de dom Joao Rey das Pedras, & Dongo, no mez de dezembro de 1671. Lisbon, A custa de Miguel Manescal, 167?. InU, Lilly DS 325 .07 R2 Mendel (Lisbon, 167?). Comments: 12 pages. Bound with Relaçao da vigem, e successos da armada ..., Lisbon, 1670.

Relaçao da viagem, e successos da armada do estreito de Ormus e batalhado Congo. Lisbon, Por Antonio Craesbeeck de Mello, 1670. InU, Lilly DS 325 .0 7 R2 Mendel (Lisbon, 1670). Comments: 30 pages.

Relation de tout ce qui s’est fait et passé à la mort de M. le maréchal de Rantzau. Paris, 1650. MnU (Paris, 1650). Comments: 7 pages.

A relation of the siege of Candia. From the first expedition of the French forces under the command of M. de La Fueillade [sic] duke Roannez, to its surrender, the 27th of September, 1669. Written in French by a gentleman who was a voluntier in that service, and faithfully englished. London, T. Williams and J. Starkey, 1670. OCU (London, 1670).

Richards, Jacob, 1660?-1701. A journal of the siege and taking of Buda, by the imperial army, (under the conduct of the Duke of Lorrain, and his electoral highness the Duke of Bavaria,). Anno Dom. 1686. [London], Printed for M. Gilliflower and J. Partridge, 1687. OCl ([London], 1686); InU, Lilly Spec. DR 536.5 .R516 J8 Copy 2 ([London], 1686). Comments: 38 pages.

Roanez, Louis Gouffier, duc de, d. 1642?. Procés verbal de la revolte faicte par messieurs de Poictiers à leur gouverneur, Monsieur le duc de Roannes. Envoyé à sa Maieste. [N.p.], 1614. ICN, Case F 39 .326 1614ro ([N.p.], 1614); WU ([N.p.], 1614). Comments: 16 pages.

Rocha, Diego Andrés. Carta al Exc. mo señor don Baltassar de la Cueva... virrey... de los reynos del Peru, Tierrafirme, y Chile por el doctor don Diego Andrés Rocha... en que se trata algunos discursos tocantes a la milicia Christiana. Lima, 1675. InU, Lilly U 101 .R672 Mendel (Lima, 1675).

Saint-Hilaire, Armand de Mormès, sieur de, 1652?-1740. Mémoires de Saint- Hiliaire. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Léon Lecestre ... 6 vols. (vols. 314, 329, 341, 354, 368, 378). Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, Successeur, 1903-16. ICN, F3924 .771 (Paris, 1903-16); OCl (Paris, 1903-16); OU (Paris, 1903-16). Comments: Vols. 314, 329, 341, 354, 368, 378. Contents: 1. 1661-1678; 2. 1680- 1697; 3. 1697-1704; 4. 1704-1706; 5. 1707-1710; 6. 1711-1715. First edition: Amsterdam, 1766.

Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626. The Belgick souldier: dedicated to the Parliament. Or, Warre was a blessing. Dort, 1624. IU, RBC x940.5 Sco8b 1624 (Dort, 1624).

Souvigny, Jean Gangnières, comte de, 1597-1673. Mémoires du comte de Souvigny lieutenant général des armées du roi, publiés d’apres le manuscrit original pour la Société de l’histoire de France par le baron Ludovic de Contenson ... 3 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens successeur, 1906- 09. ICN, E5.S73 (Paris, 1906-09); IU (Paris, 1906-09). Comments: 1. 1613-1638. 2. 1639-1659. 3. 1660 et appendice.

Stanhope, Alexander, 1639-1707. Spain under Charles the Second; or, Extracts from the correspondence of the Hon. Alexander Stanhope, British Minister at Madrid. 1690-1699. Second edition, enlarged. London, John Murray, 1844. InU, Lilly DP 186 .S786 1844 (London, 1844); ICN (London, 1844); OO (London, 1844); IU (London, 1844); ICU (London, 1844). Comments: Selected from originals at Chevening by Lord Mahon.

Stelling-Michaud, Sven, 1905-? Les aventures de M. de Saint-Saphorin sur le Danube. Avec huit planches hors-texte et une préface de Aymon de Mestral. Paris et Neuchatel, Éditions Victor Attinger, 1934? ICN, F 5623.84. Comments: Fiction? Descriptions of 1683-89 war against the Turks.

Turenne, Henri de La Tour d’Auvergne, vicomte de, 1611-1675. Mémoires du maréchal de Turenne. Publiés pour la Société de l’histoire de France d’après le manuscrit autographe appartenant à M. le marquis de Talhouet-Roy, par Paul Marichal ... 2 vols (vols. 344, 364). Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1909-14. ICN, E 5 .T 8446 (Paris, 1909-14); IU 944 So13p (Paris, 1909-14).

Veterani, Fedrico, conte. Denkwüridikeiten vom Jahr 1683. bis 1694. worinnen di Feldzüge desselben Ungarn und den angränzenden Provinzen nebst verschiedenen dazu gehörigen Urkunden enthalten sing und jetzt zwerst ans Licht treten. Aus dem Italiänischen übersetzt [von dem Prinz zu Waldeck]. Vienna, J.F. Jahn, 1771. ICN, F 5623 .942 (Vienna, 1771). Comments: With the ICN copy is bound Veterani’s Feldzüge in Ungarn und den angränzenden Provinzen, vom Jahre 1683. bis 1694. Dresden, Walther, 1788.

Warnmundus ab Ehrenberg. Der Türcken Trutz und Christen Schutz. In kurtzer Warhafftiger Beschreibung, Des Türckischen Reichs, Herrschafften, Religion, grosser Krieges-Macht und Einkünfften, Wie auch Derer Christen ... Vormauern und welcher gestalt desro Grentzen dagegen beschaffen; Wobey unvorgreiffliche Vorschläge zu befinden ... Durch Warnmundum ab Ehrenberg. N.p., 1684. ICN, Lilly DR 536 .W28 T91 1684 (N.p., 1684).

Zarain, Aga. A relation of the last seidge and taking of the city of Babylon by the Turke... Translated out of the Turkish and Englished by W. Holloway. London, Printed by J. Raworth for N. Butler and N. Bourne, 1639. IU, RBC Stonehill 21 My 54 Grad. res. (London, 1639).

The War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714

An Account of the Earl of Galway’s conduct in Spain and Portugal ... London, Printed, and sold by J. Baker, 1711. ICN, Case F 4052 .324 no.1; Case F 4052 .01; and J 54555 .8857 (London, 1711); InU, Lilly DA 490 .G183 (MS 29 Nov 71) (London, 1711); IU, RBC x942.06 P44 wf1A (London, 1711). Comments: Binder’s title: Tracts 1710-1713. A reply to John Freind’s Account of the Earl of Peterborough’s conduct.

An account of the late, Scotch invasion as it was open’d by my lord Haversham in the House of lords of Fryday the 25th of February, 1708/9. N.p., 1709. IU, RBC x942 AC273 (N.p., 1709).

An account of the occasion and end of the war, began between Britain and France ... London, H. Clements, 1711. IU, RBC x942.069 P7591 (London, 1711).

Adams. The brave Englishman: or, The vision. Aug. 19. 1710. N.S. By Mr. Adams. [London], Sold by S. Popping, [1710]. InU, Lilly Da 497 .S8 A63 ([London, 1710]). Comments: Broadside. Poem “in praise of General James Stanhope,” Foxon A 25; imprint place and date from Foxon.

Adams, John, 1662-1720. A sermon preach’d at the Cathedral-church of St. Paul, before the Right Honourable Sir Sammuel Garrard, bar. Lord-mayor of the city of London, and the court of aldermen. On Tuesday, Novemb. 22. 1709. Being the day appointed by Her Majesty’s royal proclamation, for a publick thanksgiving. By J. Adams ... London, Printed for H. Clements, 1709. InU, Lilly Augustan D282.5 .A24 (London, 1709).

Addison, Joseph, 1672-1719. The campaign: a poem to His Grace the Duke of Marlborough. By Mr. Addison ... London, Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1705; also London, Printed and sold by H. Hills, 1710. IU, RBC xq821 Ad2c; and Nickell xq821 Ad2c (London, 1709); IU, RBC x821 Ad2c 1710 (London, 1710). Comments: To the London, 1709 edition at IU (Nickell xq821 Ad2c) is added, A letter from Italy to the Right Honourable Charles Lord Halifax, London, J. Bucks, 1756, 24 pp. The London, 1710 edition contains 16 pages.

Alingham, William. A short account of the nature and use of maps. As also some short discourses of the division of the earth into zones, climes and parallels; with the properties of the several inhabitants thereof. To which is subjoined a catalogue of the factories and places now in the possession of the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Danes, both in the East and West Indies ... By William Alingham ... London, Printed by R. Janeway, for B. Barker, 1703. ICU, RBC x526.8 Al4535 (London, 1703). Comments: With maps.

Alison, Sir Archibald, bart., 1792-1867. The life of John, duke of Marlborough, with some account of his contemporaries and of the war of the succession ... 2 vol. 3rd ed. Edinburgh, 1855. ICN, E 5 .M 34508 (Edinburgh, 1855).

Amaulry, Thomas. Histoire de la derniere revolte des Catalans, et du siege de Barcelonne ... Lyon, Chez Thomas Amaulry, 1714. InU, Lilly D 283 .B3 A48 (Lyon, 1714).

Andrews, Charles. A full and authentick narrative of the intended horrid conspiracy and invasion. Containing, I. The case of Edward Harvey ... IV. The state of the rebellion in Scotland ... London, Printed for J. Roberts, 1715. IU, RBC x942.071 An26f (London, 1715). Comments: 38 pages.

An Answer to that part of the pamphlet entitul’d Faults on both sides, which relates to the deficiency of the English Army in Spain, at the time of the Battle of Alamanza. Being the substance of her Majesty’s message to the House of Commons concerning it. London, Printed and to be sold by A. Baldwin, 1710. ICN, Case 4A 190 (London, 1710); IU, RBC x942.06 H65tYhYa (London, 1710). Comments: 16 pages. A refutation of the accusation that Peterborough’s army had not been adequately supported by the government.

The Apparent danger of an invasion, brieffly represented in a letter to a minister of state. By a Kentish gentleman. London, Printed, and sold by A. Baldwin, 1701. IU, RBC x942.068 Ap48 (London, 1701). Comments: 8 pages. Perhaps, but not certainly, by Defoe.

The assiento, or contract for allowing to the subjects of Great Britain the liberty of importing negroes into the Spanish America ... London, 1713. ICU, RBC x326.1 As75 (London, 1713). Comments: 48 pages.

Berwick, James Fitz-James, 1st duke of, 1670-1734. Memoirs of the Marshal Duke of Berwick written by himself; with a summary continuation from the year 1716, to his death in 1734 ...; to the work is prefixed a sketch of an historical panegyric of the Marshal, by the President ...; translated from the French. 2 vols. London, Printed for T. Cadell, 1779. InU, Lilly DC 130 .B553 M513 (London, 1779).

Bishop, Matthew, fl. 1701-1744. The life and adventures of Matthew Bishop of Deddington in Oxfordshire. Containing an account of several actions by sea battles and sieges by land, in which he was present from 1701 to 1711, interspersed with many curious incidents, entertaining conversations and judicious reflections. Written by himself. London, Printed for J. Brindley [etc.], 1744. ICN, E 5 .B 5434 (London, 1744); InU, Lilly D 281 .B62 (London, 1744).

Blackmore, Sir Richard, d. 1729. Instruction to Vander Bank, a sequel to the Advice to the poets: a poem occasion’d by the glorious success of Her Majesty’s arms, under the command of the Duke of Marlborough, the last year in Flanders. London, Printed by H. Hill, 1709. ICN, Case C 991 .812; Case Y 184 .179 v.2 no.8; and Case Y 1846 .7 (London, 1709). Comments: 16 pages. Binder’s title: Sermons & miscellaneous pieces.

Borrás, Gonzalo M. La guerra de succesión en Zaragoza por Gonzalo M. Borrás. Zaragoza, Diputación Provincial Institución Fernando el Católico, [1972]. IU, 946.553 B64g (Zaragoza, [1972]).

Broderick, Thomas. A compleat history of the late war in the Netherlands. Together with an abstract of the treaty of Utrecht. By Tho. Broderick, gent. The whole illustrated with 15 curious copper plates; and the coats of arms of most of the nobility, and several other eminent persons. London, Printed by W. Pearson, for T. Ward, 1713. ICN, F 4052 .12 (London, 1713); IU, RBC x942.06 B784c (London, 1713).

Campagne de Monsieur le maréchal de Villars en Allemagne, l’an M.D.CCC.III. Contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux au roi, & à Mr. de Chamillart, ministre au Département de la guerre, avec les réponses du roi, & de ce ministre. Recueil ... formé sur les originaux qui se trouvent en dépìt au Bureau de la guerre de la Cour de France. 2 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1762. ICN, F 4052 .143 (Amsterdam, 1762).

Campbell, John, 1708-1775. The military history of the late Prince Eugene of Savoy, and of the late John duke of Marlborough, including a particular description of the several battles, sieges, &c. in which either or both of these generals commanded. Collected from the best authors in all languages ... To which is added, a supplement, containing a succinct account of the remarkable events which happened in the late war, and wherein neither of the illustrious generals above-mentioned had any share, particularly in Spain ... The whole illustrated with variety of copper plates of battles, sieges, plans &c. carefully engraven by Claude Du Bosc. 2 vols. London, Printed by J. Bettenham, for C. Du Bosc, 1736-37. IU, RBC xq942.06 C15m (London, 1736-37); ICN, +F 0976 .14 (London, 1736-37); ICRL (London, 1736-37); ICJ (London, 1736-37); MiU (London, 1736-37).

Catinat (de la Fauconnerie), Nicolas (de), 1637-1712. Mémoires et correspondance du maréchal de Catinat, mis en ordre et publiés d’après les manuscrits autographes et inédits conservés jusqu’à ce jour dans sa famille par M. Bernard Le Bouyer de St. Gervais ... 3 vols. Paris, P. Mougie, 1819. ICN, E 5 .C 293 (Paris, 1819); ICU (Paris, 1819); MnU (Paris, 182?); OCl (Paris, 1836).

Chamillart, Michel, 1652-1721. A letter written by Monsieur de Chamillard Secretary of State to the French King, to the Duke of Berwick Marshal of France and capt. gen. of the French forces in Castille, which was intercepted Dec. 10. 1706. Translated from the copy printed at Saragossa [Zaragoza], by authority. London, M. Jones, 1706. InU, Lilly D 282.5 .C392 L6 (London, 1706). Comments: Broadsheet.

Chamillart, Michel, 1652-1721. Michel Chamillart, controleur général des finances et secrétaire d’état de la guerre (1699-1709). Correspondance et papiers inédits recueillis et publiés par l’abbé G. Esnault. 2 vols. Paris, A. Picard, 1885. MnU (Paris, 1885); ICU (Paris, 1885); IU, 944.033 C817 1977 (Geneva, 1977 repr.).

Chandler, David, ed. Robert Parker and Comte de Mérode-Westerloo; The Marlborough Wars. Hamden, Connecticut, Archon, 1968. ICN, 4A 7480 (Hamden, CT, 1968); IU, 940.25 C36r (Hamden, CT, 1968); OU, D 281.5 C5 (Hamden, CT, 1968). Comments: Military memoirs of Jean Philippe Eugene, comte de Mérode- Westerloo, 1674-1732. [*See card.]

Chandler, Edward, bishop of Durham, 1668?-1750. A sermon preach’d at the cathedral church of Worcester, on the Twenty-second day of November, being the day appointed for a general Thanksgiving, for the glorious campaign of the arms of Her Majesty and her allies the last summer, particularly the signal victory at Blaregnies, under the Duke of Marlborough, &c. ... Worcester, Printed by S. Bryan for J. Mountfort, 1710. ICN, Case C 991 .812 (Worcester, 1710). Comments: 16 pages. Binder’s title: Sermons & miscellaneous pieces.

The clamour of the Whigs against the conduct of the Duke of Ormonde consider’d and expos’d. London, 1715. ICN, F 4672 .643 (London, 1715). Comments: A reply to The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde in the campagne of 1712.

Cole, Christian. Memoirs of affairs of state: containing letters, written by ministers employed in foreign negotiations, from the year 1697 to the latter end of 1708. With treaties, memorials, and other transactions, mentioned in the said letters. Published by Christian Cole ... London, Printed for the editor, by H. Woodfall, 1733. ICN, +J 945 .19 (London, 1733). Comments: An account of the affairs in which the 1st Duke of Manchester took part; the letters are for the most part either written by or addressed to him.

The compleat history of the treaty of Utrecht, as also that of Gertruydenberg; containing all the acts, memorials, representations, complaints, demands, letters, speeches, treaties and other authentick pieces relating to the negotiations there. To which are added the treaties of Radstat and Baden ... 2 vols. London, 1715. IU, RBC x942.06 C738 (London, 1715).

The conduct of His Grace the Duke of Ormonde in the campagne of 1712. London, 1715. ICN, F 4672 .644 (London, 1715); OU, RBC D 282 .5 C6 (London, 1715).

Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras, 1644-1712. La guerre d’Espagne, de Baviere, et de Flandre, ou, Memoires du Marquis D***. Contenant ce qui s’est passé de plus sécret & de plus particulier depuis le commencement de cette guerre, jusqu’à present ... Nouv. ed., cor. & augm. ... 2 vols. Cologne, 1710. IU, RBC 946.05 C8356 (Cologne, 1710); OU (Cologne, 1710).

Crull, Joducus, d. 1713?. The complet history of the affairs of Spain from the first treaty of partition, to this present time ... By J. C. London, 1707. IU, RBC x946 C888c (London, 1707).

Cuperus, Gisbertus, 1644-1716. Het dagboek van Gisbert Cuper, gedeputeerde te velde gehouden in de zuidelijke Nederlanden in 1706. Uitg. door A. J. Veenendaal. ‘s Gravenhage [The Hague], M. Nijhoff, 1950. ICN, F 46 .731 v.30 (The Hague, 1950); IU, 949.2 R449k v.30 (The Hague, 1950); IaU (The Hague, 1950).

Danzer, Alphons, 1842-1899. Spanischer Successions-Krieg. Feldzug 1703. Nach den Feld-Acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Alphons Danzer ... Vienna, Verlag des K. K. Generalstabes; in Commission bei C. Gerold’s Sohn, 1878. ICN, F 56 .06 ser.1 v.5 (Vienna, 1878); IU, 940.25 D23s (Vienna, 1878). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen für Kriegsgeschichte des K. K. Kriegs- archivs, 1 ser., 5 bd. With “Militarische Correspondenz des prinz Eugen von Savoyen, 1703”: 172 p. at end; and “Benützte Quellen”: p. 727-728.

Defoe, Daniel, 1660-1731. An apology for the army. In a short essay on fortitude, &c. Written by an officer. London, Printed for J. Roberts, 1715. ICU, x942.071 D362a 1715a (London, 1715); ICN, U 045 .041 (London, 1715); OU ([London], 1715); InU ([London], 1715); ICN ([London], 1715). Comments: 58 pages.

Defoe, Daniel, 1660-1731. Armageddon: or, The necessity of carrying on the war, if such a peace cannot be obtained as may render Europe safe, and trade secure. London, Printed for J. Baker, 1711. IU, x942.069 D362ar (London, 1711).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660-1731. The memoirs of Majr. Alexander Ramkins, a Highland-officer, now in prison at Avignon. Being an account of several remarkable adventures ... London, R. King, and W. Borcham, 1719. ICN, E 5 .R 143 (London, 1719).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660-1731. Reasons against a war with France, or An argument shewing that the French King’s owning the prince of Wales as King of England, Scotland, and Ireland; is no sufficient ground of a war. London, 1701. IU, RBC, x942.06 D36rea (London, 1701). Comments: 30 pages.

The Deplorable history of the Catalans, from their first engaging in the War, to the time of their reduction. With the motives, declarations, and engagements, in which they first took arms. The letters, treaties, etc. relating thereto. The reasons of their continuing in arms against King Philip; and the remonstrances used by the Emperor and Great-Britain in their favor. With an account of what passed in the late siege of Barcelona ... Interspers’d with many original papers and matters never-before printed. London, Printed for J. Baker, 1714. ICN, F 4092 .226 (London, 1714); InU, Lilly D 282 .5 .D42 (London, 1714).

A Detection of the Earl of Gallway’s conduct at Almanza: in the following original letters writ by M. Schonenberg, the Dutch ambassador at Lisbon ... the Count de Noyelle, the Dutch General in Spain ... Brigadier Drinborn (who was in the battle) ... the Count of Cordona, governour of the kingdom of Valencia. London, John Morphew, 1711. InU, Lilly D 283 .A4 D47 (London, 1711). Comments: 15 pages.

Donneau de Vizé, Jean, 1638-1710. The history of the . With an account of the political reasons that induc’d the confederates to undertake it. Together with all the transactions, from the Duke of Savoy’s entrance into Provence, to his going out of it. Written in French by Monsieur Devize ... With a most exact, and curious plan of Toulon, never before publish’d. Done into English, from the Paris edition ... By Mr. A. Boyer. 2 vols. in 1. London, A. Collins, J. Morphew, 1708. ICN, Case F 4052 .503 (London, 1708); ICU (London, 1708); InU (London, 1708). Comments: The editions at ICU and InU were published by B. Bragge.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726. Histoire militaire du prince Eugène de Savoye, du prince et duc de Marlborough, et du prince de Nassau- Frise, ou l’on trouve un détail des principales actions de la dernière guerre, & des batailles & sièges commandez par ces trois généraux. Enrichie des plans nécessaires ... Par Mr. Dumont, baron de Carelscroon ... augmentée d’un suppliment [sic], par Mr. Rousset. 3 vols. The Hague, Kloot, 1729-47. ICN, +F 4052 .24 (The Hague, 1729-47); WU (The Hague, 1729-47); English editions: InU (London, 1736); ICN, fF 4052 .242 (London, 1736). Comments: Volume 3 of the 1729-47 edition was published by J. Neaulme; volume 1 has half-title: Supplement aux batailles du prince Eugène de Savoye. Volume [1?] is a reprint of Dumont’s Batailles, and supplement by Rousset; volumes 2-3 are by Rousset. Plates, representing battle scenes, are from the original engravings of Jan van Huchtenburgh. The English edition (1736) was translated by Paul Chamberlen. The imprint date of the English edition at ICN has been altered from 1738 to 1736.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726. La pierre de touche de la lettre a monsieur le Marquis de *** sur un livre intitulé les soupirs de l’Europe ... (, n.d.). InU, (Landrecies, n.d.). Comments: Bound with his Les soupirs de l’Europe. 168 pages.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726. Les soupirs de la Grande Britaigne: or, The groans of Great Britain, being the second part to the groans of Europe ... London, Printed for John Baker ..., 1713. ICU (London, 1713). Comments: Has been attributed to Defoe, also to Charles Gildon.

Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon, d. 1726. Les soupirs de l’Europe &c.; or, The groans of Europe at the prospect of the present posture of affairs. In a letter from a gentleman at The Hague to a member of Parliament. Made English from the original French. London, 1713. ICN (London, 1713); MiU (London, 1713); IU (London, 1713); InU (London, 1713). Comments: 128 pages.

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal duc de Coigny en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.XLIV. contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux au roi, & à mr. le comte d’Argenson ... 5 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1761-62. ICN, F 3926 .245 (Amsterdam, 1761-62).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal duc de Noailles, en Allemagne, l’an M.DCC.XLIII. Contenant le lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux, au Roi, & a mr. d’Argenson, ministre au Département de la guerre. Recueil très intéressant ... qu’il a été formé sur les originaux, qui se trouvent au Dépìt de la guerre de la cour de France ... 2 vols. Amsterdam, Chez Marc-Michel Rey, 1760-61. ICN (Amsterdam, 1760-61).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de Monsieur le maréchal de Marsin en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.IV. contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers-généraux au roi & à Mr. de Chamillart ... avec les réponses ... Recueil formés sur les originaux qui se trouvent en dépìt au Bureau de la guerre ... 3 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1762. ICN, F 3924 .239 (Amsterdam, 1762); WU (Amsterdam, 1762); OU (Amsterdam, 1762). Comments: From his Recueil des campagnes de divers maréchaux de France.

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de Monsieur le maréchal de Tallard, en Allemagne. L’an M.DCC.IV. Contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officers- généraux au roi, & à Mr. de Chamillart ... avec les réponses ... Recueil formé sur les originaux qui se trouvent en dépìt au Bureau de la guerre ... 2 vols. Amsterdam, M. H. [or should it be M. M.?] Rey, 1763. ICN, F 3924 .2392 (Amsterdam, 1763).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de Monsieur le maréchal de Villars en Allemagne, l’an M.D.CC.III. Contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux au roi, & à Mr. de Chamillart, ministre au Département de la guerre, avec les réponses du roi, & de ce ministre. Recueil ... formé sur les originaux qui se trouvent en dépìt au Bureau de la guerre de la Cour de France. 2 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1762. ICN, F 4052 .143 (Amsterdam, 1762).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Histoire des revolutions d’Ecosse et d’Irlande, ou Recueil de pieces originales qui n’ont jamais été publiées, & ou l’on decouvre les intrigues des plus secrètes du chevalier de Saint George & de ses principaux partisans, durant les années 1707, 1708 & 1709. Dublin, T. Open, 1761. ICU (Dublin, 1761).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Recueil des campagnes de divers marechaux de France, publié par Du Moulin. 27 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1760-73. MiU (Amsterdam, 1760-73). Comments: Contents:--vols. 1-2. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal de Villars en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.III., 1762.--vols. 3-5. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal de Marsin en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.IV., 1762.--vols.6-7. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal de Tallard, en Allemagne. L’an M.DCC.I., 1763.--vol. 8. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal de Maillebois en Westphalie. L’an M.DCC.XLI. & II., 1762.-- vols. 9-16. Campagne de messieurs les maréchaux de Broglie et de BelleIsle, en Boheme et en Baviere. L’an M.DCC.XLI. [M.DCC.XLIII.], 1762-63.--[vols. 17-18.] Campagne de monsieur le maréchal duc de Noailles, en Allemagne, l’an M.DCC.XLIII., 1760-61.--vols. 19-26. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal duc de Coigny en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.XLIII-M.DCC.XLIV., 1761-62.--vol. 27. Tables de les campagnes pour les XIV volumes, vols. 8-26, 1773.

Einaudi, Luigi, 1874-?. ... La finanza sabauda all’aprirsi del secolo XVIII e durante la guerra di successione spagnuola. Turin, Officine gratiche della Società tipografice-editrice nazionale, 1908. ICN, fH 8135 .257 (Turin, 1908).

Enschedé, Jan Willem, 1865-1926, compiler. Marshen in gebruik bij het Nederlansche leger gedurende den Spaanschen successie-oorlog, 1702-1713; verzameld door J. W. Enschedé, voor piano tweehandig bewerkt door Ant. [or Antoon] Averkamp ... Amsterdam, Stumpff & Koning; Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1898. ICN, VM 2 V48 V.21 (Amsterdam & Leipzig, 1898); OU, Music Lib. ML 1335 E5 M3 1898 (Amsterdam & Leipzig, 1898). Comments: Military music, songs of war of 1701-1714.

An epistle to the Right Honourable Charles Montague, baron of Halifax. Writ upon occasion of the signal successes of Her Majesties arms in the last summers campaign, 1706 ... London, Printed for S. Crouch [etc.], 1707. InU, Lilly PR 3291 .A1 E646 (London, 1707). Comments: 38 pages.

Freind, John, 1675-1728. An account of the Earl of Peterborow’s conduct in Spain, chiefly since the raising of the siege of Barcelona, 1706. To which is added the campagne of Valencia, with original papers ... London, Jonah Bowyer, 1707. ICN, F 4052 .31 (London, 1707); IU, RBC x942.06 P44wf (London, 1707); InU, Lilly D 282.5 .F76 (London, 1707); OU, RBC RARE BK DA 437 P5 F7 (London, 1707); ICarbS (London, 1707); ICU (London, 1707); OCl (London, 1707); IaU (London, 1707). Comments: John Freind was a chemist as well as a journalist.

France--Sovereigns, etc., 1643-1715 (Louis XIV). The French King’s declaration relating to a war with England, Germany, and Holland, &c. ... Given out at our court at Versailles, December 12th. 1701. in the 50th year of our reign. London, Printed by E. Hill, 1701. InU, Lilly DA 28.5 .B 86 no. 63 (London, 1701). Comments: Broadsides, pamphlets and newspapers relating to English history, 1656-1746, no. 63.

Frosterus, Gustaf, 1826-1901. Les généraux de Louis XIV en Languedoc (1702-1704). Documents inédits et recherches pour servir à l’histoire de quelques épisodes de la guerre des ... Paris, 1868. IU, q944.03 F92g (Paris, 1868).

Frosterus, Gustaf, 1826-1901. Les insurgés protestants sous Louis XIV, études et documents inédits. Paris, Ch. Reinwald, 1868. ICN (Paris, 1868).

A full and impartial history of the expedition into Spain 1702; in the year 1702. Extracted from the journals and memoirs of the generals; and from which it will be easie to draw rational conjectures, about the present enterprize, to settle the Most Serene Charles III, on the Spanish throne. To which is added, an account of Monsieur Chateaurenault’s expedition, from his first sailing from Brest, in Sept. 1701, to his putting into Vigo, in Sept. 1702 ... London, Printed and to be sold by William Davis, 1702. InU, Lilly D 282.5 .F 96 (London, 1702).

Gaedeke, Arnold Heinrich, 1844-1892. Die Politik Oesterreichs in der Spanischen Erbfolgefrage. Mit Benutzung des K. K. Haus.-, Hof- und Staats- archivs und das gräfl. Harrach ‘schen Familienarchivs nebst Akten und Urkunden ... 2 vols. in 1. Leipzig, 1877. ICN, F 4052 (Leipzig, 1877).

Gay, John, 1685-1732. Wine, a poem ... To which is added Old England’s new triumph: or, The battel of Audenard. A song. London, Printed by H. Hills, 1708. IU, RBC x821 625w 1708a (London, 1708); MWiW-C (London, 1708); ICN (London, 1708); ICJ (London, 1708); MiU (London, 1708); ICN (London, 1709); IU (London, 1709); InU (London, 1926; facsimile of the original title-page of 1708).

Goslinga, Sicco van, 1664-1731. Mémoires relatifs à la guerre de succession de 1706-1709 et 1711 de Sicco van Goslinga, publiés par mm. U. A. Evertsz et G. H. M. Delprat, au nom de la Société d’histoire, d’archéologie et de linquistique de Frise. Leeuwarden, G. T. N. Suringar, 1857. ICN, F 4052 .36 (Leeuwarden, 1857); MiU (Leeuwarden, 1857). Comments: 174 pages.

Grandchamp, de, d. 1702. La guerre d’Italie, ou Mémoires du comte D***. Contenant quantité de choses particuliéres & secrètes, qui se sont passées dans les cours d’Allemagne, de France, d’Espagne, de Savoòe, & d’Italie. 4. edition. Augmentée des evénemens de cette guerre jusques à présent [par Sandras de Courtilz]. Cologne, P. Marteau, 1710. ICN, F 355 .364 (Cologne, 1710); MnU (Cologne, 1707); WU (Cologne, 1707).

Griffet, Henri, ed. Recueil de lettres, pour servir d’éclaircissement à l’histoire militaire du regne de Louis XIV. 4 vols. The Hague, 1740-41. ICN, F 3924 .369 (The Hague, 1740-41).

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The allies and the late ministry defended against France, and the present friends of France. In answer to a pamphlet, intituled, The conduct of the allies [by Jonathan Swift]. 4 vols. London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711-12. IU, RBC x942.069 Sw5cYh (London, 1711-12); InU, Lilly Augustan DA496 .H274 (London, 1711-12); MiU-C (London, 1711-12); MnU (London, 1711-12); ICU (London, 1711-12); OCl (London, 1711-12). Comments: Answer to Swift’s The conduct of the allies. The edition at InU contains 4 pts. in 1 vol: pt. 1, 3rd ed., cor.; pt. 2, 2nd ed.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. : in a dialogue between the late Medley and Examiner ... London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711. ICN (London, 1711); IaU (London, 1711); MnU (London, 1711); IU (London, 1711). Comments: 43 pages. With his The management of the war, London, 1711.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The conduct of the Duke of Marlborough during the present war. With original papers ... London, 1712. ICN, F 4052 .378 (London, 1712); IU, RBC x942.06 M34Wh (London, 1712); InU (London, 1712); MnU (London, 1712); ICU (London, 1712); OCl (London, 1712). Comments: Pamphlet of 4 pages in defense of Marlborough.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The management of the war; in a letter to a Tory-member ... London, 1711. ICN, F 4052 .3782 (London, 1711); IU, RBC x942.069 H222m 1711d (London, 1711); MiD (London, 1711); MnU (London, 1711); ICU (London, 1711); InU (London, 1711); IU, RBC x942.06 C544YlEo 1710 v.1 (London, 1711, 3rd ed.); ICN, Case F 4052 .3783 (London, 1711, 4th ed.). Comments: 32 pages. The first letter in a series of four. The IU edition (x942.069 H222m 1711d) is bound with the author’s A second letter to a Tory member, concerning the management of the war, [London?], 1711; and The negociations for a treaty of peace, in 1709, pts. 1-2, London, 1711.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The management of the war, In a second letter to a Tory-member ... London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711. MiU-C (London, 1711); ICU (London, 1711); ICN, F 4052 .88 (London, 1711); InU, Lilly DA 496 .H274 M26 1711 (London, 1711, 2nd ed.); OU, RBC RARE BK D 281 H32 1711a (London, 1711, 3rd ed.); OU, RBC RARE BK D 281 H32 1711b (London, 1711, 4th ed.). Comments: 42 pages. A defense of the Duke of Marlborough. The second letter in a series of four.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The negociations for a treaty of peace in 1709. Consider’d, in a third letter to a Tory-member. Part the first. London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1711. MiU-C (London, 1711); ICN (London, 1711); MiD-B (London, 1711); MiD (London, 1711); IU (London, 1711): ICU (London, 1711); MnU (London, 1711); OU (London, 1711). Comments: 50 pages. Part the first was “a third letter” and part two (“a fourth letter”) was published subsequently in the same year. The first and second letters have titles beginning The management of the war.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The negotiations for a treaty of peace, from the breaking off of the conferences at The Hague, to the end of those at Gertruydenberg consider’d, in a fourth letter to a Tory-member. Part II. London, A. Baldwin, 1711. WU (London, 1711); ICN (London, 1711). Comments: 72 pages.

Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740. The management of the war; in four letters to a Tory member. London, Printed for E. Sanger, 1711. IU (London, 1711); InU (London, 1711). Comments: 100 pages. Contains all four letters in the series.

Henley, John, 1692-1756. Apotheosis. A funeral oration; sacred to the memory of the most noble John Duke of Marlborough. As it was spoken on the day of his interrment. Form’d upon the manner of the antients. By Mr. Henley. London, Printed for W. Mears, 1722. IU, x942.06 M34Whe (London, 1722).

Higgins, Francis, 1669-1728. A sermon preach’d before their Excellencies the Lord Justices, at Christ-Church, Dublin; on Tuesday the 28th of August 1705. Being the day appointed for a solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the late glorious success in forcing the enemies lines in the Spanish Netherlands, by the arms of Her Majesty, and her alliers, under the command of the Duke of Marlborough. By Francis Higgins, M.A. prebendary of Christ’s-Church, Dublin. With a preface by the author. London, Printed for Jonah Bowyer, 1707. ICN, Case OD 283 .T5 H5 (London, 1707); IEG (London, 1707). Comments: 16 pages. The occasion was the outcome of the battle of Tirlemont.

Hill, Richard, 1655-1727. The diplomatic correspondence of the Right Hon. Richard Hill ... envoy extraordinary from the Court of St. James to the duke of Savoy ... from July 1703 to May 1706; supplemental to the history of Europe, and illustrative of the secret policy of some of the most distinguished sovereigns and statesmen relative to the Spanish succession; of the rights and liberties of the Vaudois, guaranteed by England, and of the wars in the Cevennes, Piedmont, and Lombardy, during that period. With autographs of many illustrious individuals. Ed. W. Blackley. 2 vols. London, J. Murray, 1845. IU, 942.06 H554d (London, 1845); IaU (London, 1845); OCl (London, 1845).

Hipssich, Carl, freiherr von. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1707. Nach den Feld-acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Carl Freiherrn von Hipssich ... und Camillo Freiherrn Komers von Lindenbach ... Vienna, 1883. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.9 (Vienna, 1883). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegs-archivs. 1 ser., 9 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1707”: 222 pp. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 379-80.

Hipssich, Carl, freiherr von. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1710. Nach den Feld-acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Carl Freiherrn von Hipssich ... Vienna, 1887. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.3 (Vienna, 1887). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. Hrsg. von der Abtheilungen für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegs-archivs ... 2 ser., 3 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1710”: 467 pp. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 629-31.

Histoire de la vie et du regne de Louis XIV: roi de France & de Navarre. Redigée sur les memoires de feu monsieur le comte de ***. Publiée par mr. Bruzen de la Martinière. 5 vols. The Hague, Chez Jean Van Duren, 1740-42. InU, Lilly DC 129 .H67 (InU, Lilly). Comments: Disputed attribution of the history.

The History of the campaign in Flanders, in the year 1708. Containing, a faithful and exact account of all the most material actions that were transacted there. Edinburgh, Watson, 1709. ICN, F 4651 .412 (Edinburgh, 1709). Comments: 44 pages.

The history of the last war in Spain, from 1702-1710. Wherein the conduct of the British ministry, the allies, and the generals in that service, are fully defended. With an account of the annual sums granted by Parliament ... the whole collected from original papers, councils of war, &c. Interspersed with genuine copies of the letters which passed between the Earl of Peterborow, Prince of Hesse, Sir Cloudsley Shovell, Earl of Galway, Sir Charles Hedges, Prince of Lichtenstein ... etc. Written by his Lordship’s command ... London, 1726. ICN, F 4557 .4 (London, 1726). Comments: First published in 1712 under the title: An impartial enquiry into the management of the war in Spain ...

An Impartial account of all the material transactions of the grand fleet and land forces from their first setting out, from Spithead, June the 29. till His Grace the Duke of Ormond’s arrival at Deal, November the 7th. 1702. In which is included a particular relation of the expedition at Cadiz, and the glorious victory at Vigo. By an officer that was present in those actions. London, R. Gibson, 1703. ICN, F 4052 .417 (London, 1703). Comments: 32 pages.

An Impartial enquiry into the management of the war in Spain ... Collected from many original letters and councils of war never published before. Together with an account of the seven embarkations, both of British and foreign troops, that have been sent to Spain or Portugal for the support of the present war. And a distribution of the annual sums granted by Parliament ... London, J. Morphew, 1712. ICN, F 4557 .389 (London, 1712).

Jäger, Albert, 1801-1891. Tirol und der baierisch-französische Einfall im Jahre 1703. Aus archivalischen und anderen gedruckten und ingedruckten Quellen bearb. Innsbruck, Wagner, 1844. ICN, F 5698 .45 (Innsbruck, 1844).

Jahn, J. H. F. De danske auxiliarcorps i den Spanske successionskrieg. Et kriegshistorisk. Copenhagen, Berling, 1841. ICN, U 050 .42 (Copenhagen, 1841).

Jametel, comte de, ed. Lettres inédites, Louis XIV, Philippe V, roi d’Espagne, Guillaume III, roi d’Angleterre, Marie Louise de Savoie, reine d’Espagne, Marie Casimire, reigne de Pologne (1680-1714) avec introduction et notes. Paris, E. Capiomont et Cie, 1900. ICN, F 4052 .452 (Paris, 1900).

Kane, Richard, 1666-1736. Campaigns of King William and Duke of Marlborough; with remarks on the stratagems by which every battle was won or lost, from 1689 to 1712. Also a new system of military discipline, for foot in action, with the most essential exercise for cavalry ... 2nd ed., London, 1747. ICN, F 4557 .46 (London, 1747); MnU (London, 1747); IU (London, 1747); MiU (London, 1747); ICN, Case U 045 .856 (London, 1747). Comments: ICN binder’s title: Kane’s Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough. Usually bound also with A system of camp discipline ..., 2nd ed., London, 1757.

Kennett, White, bishop of Peterborough, 1660-1728. Glory to God, and gratitude to benefactors. A sermon preach’d before the Queen, in her royal chapel of St. James, on Tuesday the 22d. of Nov. 1709. The day of publick Thanksgiving, for the signal and glorious victory at Blaregnies, near Mons in Hainault ... London, Printed by H. Mills, 1709. ICN, Case C 991 .812 (London, 1709); IU (London, 1709); MnU (London, 1709); MiU-C (London, 1709). Comments: 15 pages. Binder’s title: Sermons and miscellaneous pieces.

Kirchhammer, Alexander, 1847-1909. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1708. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Alexander Kirchhammer. Vienna, 1885. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.1 (Vienna, 1885). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegs-archivs ... 2 ser., 1 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen”: 407 pp. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 535-39.

Landau, Marcus, 1837-1918. Geschichte Kaiser Karls VI. als König von Spanien ... Stuttgart, Cotta, 1889. ICN, F 4052 .48 (Stuttgart, 1889).

Langallerie, Philippe de Gentils, marquis de. The memoirs of the Marquess de Langallerie: containing an account off the most secret intrigues of the French, Spanish and Bavarian courts; and the most remarkable battles, sieges, & encampments in Germany, Spain, & Flanders. Together with the most considerable treaties and alliances made with France from the year 1687, to the year 1707 ... Tr. from the memoirs of the Marquess de Langallerie ... 1708. London, 1708. IU, RBC x944.03 L25mEm (London, 1708). Comments: Preface signed: Peter Marteau.

Leake, Stephen Martin, 1702-1773. The life of Sir John Leake, rear admiral of Great Britain, by Stephen Martin-Leake ... Ed. by Geoffrey Callender ... 2 vols. London, Printed for the Navy Records Society, 1920. ICN, U 545 .61 v.52-53 (London, 1920). Comments: Half-title: Publications of the Navy Records Society, vol. LII-LIII.

The Life and adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies, the British Amazon commonly called Mother Ross; who served as a foot-soldier and dragoon in several campaigns, under King William and the late Duke of Marlborough; containing a variety of transactions both serious and diverting ... The whole taken from her own mouth, and known to be true by many noblemen, generals, and other officers ... who served in these wars at the same time, and were witnesses of her uncommon martial bravery. The 2d edition, to which is added, an appendix, containing several remarkable passages, omitted in the former impression. London, 1741. ICN, Case Y 155 .L 6195 (London, 1741). Comments: “The authorship ... has, on no reasonable grounds, been sometimes attributed to Defoe.”--Dict. Nat. Biog.

A list of the principal officers civil and military, in Great Britain, in the year 1709. London, Printed for Abel Roper and Arthur Collins and sold by John Morphew, 1709. InU, Lilly (London, 1709). Comments: Broadside. Also available at InU, Lilly: A list of the principal officers ... for 1710 & 1712.

A list of the regiments upon the British establishment, and their original rise, placed according to the seniority, with the names of all the old and present commanders. London, Printed for J. Baker, 1712. InU, Lilly (London, 1712). Comments: Broadside.

Lopez de Mendoza y Pons, Agustín, condé de Robres. Historia de las guerras civiles de España desde la muerte del Señor Cárlos II, que sucedió en 1.¯ de noviembre de 1700, distribuida en ocho libros por los mismos años regulados hasta el de 1708, escrita por ... Sr. D. Agustin Lopez de Mendoza y Pons, conde de Robres; impresa y publicada por la Excma. Diputación provincial de Zaragoza. Vol. 4. Zaragoza, Imprenta del Hispicio provincial, 1882. ICN, fY 7209 .15 v.4. (Zaragoza, 1882); IU (Zaragoza, 1882); MiU (Zaragoza, 1882). Comments: Biblioteca de escritores aragoneses publicada por la Diputación provincial de Zaragoza. Sección histórico-doctrinal.

Machalicky, Ottokar. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1713. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Ottokar Machalicky ... Vienna, 1892. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.6. (Vienna, 1892). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Kriegsgeschichtlichen Abtheilung des K. und K. Kriegs-archivs ... 2 ser, 6 bd. Accompanied by an atlas of 2 plates.

Der Mailändische Feld-Zug, in welchem neben dem kurz-gefassten heben des tapfern Prinzens Eugenii von Savojen, vermittelst dreyer Absätze gewiesen werden: I. Gedanke über den theilungs Tractat der Span. Monarchie und des Testaments Car. II. Unrichtigkeit. II. Was sich bisher in denen Vorländen der Lombardie aus Gelegenheit gegenwärtigen kriegs zugetragen. III. Was Neapolis und Sicilien zu schreiben Anlass gegeben ... Frankfurt, [1702]. ICN, F 4052 .554 (Frankfurt, [1702]).

Marchin, Ferdinand de, comte. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal de Marsin en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.IV. Contenant: Les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers-généraux, au roi & à Mr. de Chamillart, ministre au Département de la guerre, avec les réponses du roi & de ce ministre. Recueil formé sur les originaux qui se trouvent en dépìt au Bureau de la Guerre de la cour de France. Amsterdam, Chez Marc Michel, 1762. OU, RBC D 281 M28 1762 (Amsterdam, 1762).

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. Aenspraake van ... den heere Grave van Marlborough ... aen haar Ho: Moo: de Staaten Generaal van de Vereenigde Nederlanden, den 31. Maart 1702. [N.p., 1702?]. MnU Z 949.2 z 1702:3 ([N.p., 1702?]). Comments: 3 pages.

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. The case of his grace the D--- of M------, As design’d to be represented by him to the honourable House of Commons, in vindication of himself from the charge of the commissioners of accounts; in relation to the two and half percent bread and bread waggons. [London?], 1712. IU ([London?], 1712); InU ([London?], 1712); IEN ([London?], 1712); ICN, Case H 8145 .553 ([London?], 1712); ICU HJ1039 .A21 M3 ([London?], 1712).

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. A compleat history of the wars in Flanders, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and on the Rhine. Containing, a particular account of all the glorious victories, and memorable sieges, during Her Majesty’s auspicious reign, under the command of ... John duke of Marlborough, Lord Peterborough, and the Earl of Galiway: with the several sea-fights, and acquisitions in the Mediterranean, West Indies, &c. Done from the most authentick accounts, and original letters of several ministers of state at home and abroad. London, Parker, 1707. ICN, F 4052 .554 (London, 1707).

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. Correspondance diplomatique et militaire du duc de Marlborough, du grand-pensionnaire Heinsius et du trésorier-général des Provinces-Unies, Jacques Hop; enrichie de plusieurs lettres du comte d’Avaux, de M. M. de Chamillart, de Torcy et d’autres hommes d’état, relatives aux négociations secrètes, entamées par la France après la bataille de Ramilies. (1706, 1707). Publiée d’après les manuscrits originaux par G. G. Vreede ... Amsterdam, J. F. Schleijer, 1850. ICN, J 946 .937 (Amsterdam, 1850); IU, 942.06 M34Wm (Amsterdam, 1850).

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. The correspondence 1701-1711 of John Churchill, first duke of Marlborough, and Anthonie Heinsius, grand pensionary of Holland. Edited by B. van ‘t Hoff. The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1951. ICN, F 4557 .5498 and F 46 .405 ser.4 no.1. (The Hague, 1951); IU, 942.06 M34Wm1c 1951 (Utrecht, 1951); ICN (Utrecht, 1951); OU (Utrecht, 1951); OCl (Utrecht, 1951); IaU (Utrecht, 1951); ICU (Utrecht, 1951). Comments: Werken: vitg. door het Historisch Genootschap. (Gevestigd te Utrecht.) 4 ser., no. 1.

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. His Grace the Duke of Marlborough’s letter to the Rt. Hon. Mr. Secretary Harley, together with other letters which passed between his Grace and the deputies of the States- general and the three states of Brabant, the magistrates of Brussels, &c. ... London, Printed by M. Jones in the Savoy, 1706. InU (London, 1706). Comments: 4 pages. Official correspondence relating to the liberation of Brabant after the battle of Ramillies; text of each letter except the first appears in both French and English.

Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of, 1650-1722. The letters and dispatches of John Churchill, first duke of Marlborough, from 1702-1712. Ed. by General the Right Hon. Sir George Murray ... 5 vols. London, J. Murray, 1845. ICN, F 4557 .55 (London, 1845); ICU (London, 1845); MiU (London, 1845); OCl (London, 1845); IU, 942.06 M34Wm1l 1968 (New York, 1968).

Maycock, Frederick William Orby, 1877-?, compiler. ... An outline of Marlborough’s campaigns, a brief and concise account, illustrated by nine sketch maps and plans, comp. by Captain F. W. O. Maycock ... London, G. Allen & company, ltd.; New York, The Macmillan company, 1913. ICN, F 4557 .56 (London & New York, 1913).

Mayerhofer von Grünbühl, Emil, freiherr. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1706. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Emil Freiherrn Mayerhoffer von Grünbühl ... und Camillo Freiherrn Komers von Lindenbach. Vienna, 1882. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.8. (Vienna, 1882). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegs-archivs. 1 ser., 8 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1706”: 342 pp. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 525-26.

Mercier, Henry. ... Un secret d’état sous Louis XIV et Louis XV; la double vie de Jérìme d’Erlach, général au service du Saint-Empire pendant la guerre de succession d’Espagne (1702-1714) et observateur de Sa Majesté Très- Chrétienne, avoyer de la République de Berne. Paris, Les Éditions La Bourdonnais, 1934. ICN, E 5 .E 69 (Paris, 1934).

Mignet, M., ed. Negociations relatives a la succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV, ou, Correspondances, memoires, et actes diplomatiques concernant les pretentions et l’avenement de la maison de Bourbon au trone d’Espagne: accompagne d’un texte historiqe ... 4 vols. Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1835- 42. InU, Lilly D273 .N38 1835 (Paris, 1835-42); IU (Paris, 1835-42).

Millner, John, fl. 1712. A compendious journal of all the marches, famous battles, sieges, and other most noteworthy, heroical, and ever memorable actions of the triumphant armies of the ever glorious confederate high allies, in their late and victorious war against the powerful armies of proud and lofty France ... Digested into twelve campaigns, begun A.D. 1701, and ended 1712 ... All ... under the conduct and command of ... John, duke of Marlborough ... London, 1733. ICN, F 4052 .58 (London, 1733); InU (London, 1733); IU (London, 1733).

Mühlwerth-Gärtner, Friedrich, freiherr von. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1711. Nach den Feld-acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Friedrich Freiherrn Mühlwerth-Gärtner ... Vienna, 1887. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.4. (Vienna, 1887). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs ... 2 ser., 4 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1711”: 168 pp. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 549-50.

On the victory at Ramelies. A Pindaric ... London, Printed and sold by B. Bragge, 1706. 12 p. InU, Lilly PR 3291 .A1 0 58 (London, 1706).

Ottieri, Francesco Maria, marchese, d. 1742?. Istoria delle guerre avvenute in Europa e particolarmente in Italia per la successione alla monarchia delle Spagne dall’anno 1696, all’anno 1725. Scritta dal conte e marchese Francesco Maria Ottieri ... 8 vols. Rome, Stamperia di R. Bernabó, 1728-57. ICN, F 355 .689 (Rome, 1728-57).

Parker, Robert, b. ca. 1665. Memoirs of the most remarkable military transactions from the year 1683, to 1718. Containing a more particular account, than any ever yet published, of the several battles, sieges, &c. in Ireland and Flanders, during the reigns of K. William and Q. Anne. By Captain Robert Parker ... Published by his son. London, 1747. ICN, F 4556 .66 (London, 1747); IU (London, 1747); MiU (London, 1747); WU (London, 1747); MnU (London, 1747); ICU DA66 .1 .P24A3 (Dublin, 1746); OCl (London, 1753, 2nd ed.).

Parnell, Hon. Arthur, 1841-?. The war of the succession in Spain, during the reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1711. London, G. Bell and sons, 1905. ICN, F 4052 .66 (London, 1905). Comments: “Appendices”: A. Prince George of Hesse Darmstadt; B. Henry de Ruvigny, earl of Galway; C. “The military memoirs of Captain Carleton”: pp. [309]-326.

Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, baron, 1777-1858. Atlas des Mémoires militaires relatifs à la succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV ... 11 vols. in 6. Paris, 1842-61. ICN, F 4052 .67 (Paris, 1842-61). Comments: Collection des documents inédits sur l’histoire de France ... Binder’s title: Atlas de la guerre de 1701-1714. Issued in parts, 1836-62.

Pérez Picazo, María Teresa. La publicística española en la Guerra de Sucesión. 2 vols. Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Escuela de Historia Moderna, 1966. IU 940.25 P41p (Madrid, 1966).

Peterborough, Charles, 3d earl of, 1658-1735. Letters from the Earl of Peterborough to General Stanhope in Spain. From the originals at Chevening. Not published, and only fifty copies printed. London, Printed by W. Clowes, 1834. ICN, Case F 4055 .68 (London, 1834); MiU (London, 1834).

... Postscript to the Post-Boy. London, Abel Roper, 1707. InU, Lilly D 283 .A4 P85 (London, 1707). Comments: Broadsheet. “A list of the English officers horse and foot, kill’d, wounded, and made prisoners, at the battle of Almanza, April 14, 1707.”

A proposal for humbling Spain. Written in 1711. By a person of distinction. And now first printed from the manuscript. To which are added Some considerations on the means of indemnifying Great Britain from the expences of the present war. London, Printed for J. Roberts, n.d. InU (London, n.d.); MiU-C (London, 1739); MnU (London, 1739). Comments: 72 pages.

Quincy, C. S. [Charles Sévin, 1666-1736]. Histoire militaire du regne de Louis le Grand, roy de France ... On y a joint un traité particulier de pratiques et de maximes de l’art militaire ... 7 vols. Paris, D. Mariette, 1726. InU, Lilly Spec. DC125 .Q7 (Paris, 1726).

Quincy, Joseph Sevin, comte de, 1677-1749. Mémoires du chevalier de Quincy, publiés pour la première fois pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Léon Lecestre ... 3 vols. Paris, Librairie Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1898-1901. IU, 944 So13p v.289,293,305 (Paris, 1898-1901); OU, D281 Q7 (Paris, 1898-1901); ICN, F 3924 .72 (Paris, 1898-1901). Comments: Société de l’histoire de France, [vols.] 289, 293, 305. Contents: t. 1. 1690-1703; t. 2. 1703-1709; t. 3. 1710-1713.

Ratzenhofer, Gustav, 1842-1904. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1704. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Gustav Ratzenhofer ... Vienna, 1879. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.6 (Vienna, 1879). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs ... 1 ser., 6 bd.

Rechcron (or Rechkron), Joseph Rechberger, ritter von. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1705. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Josef Rechberger ritter von Rechkron ... Vienna, 1881. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.7 (Vienna, 1881). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs ... 1 ser., 7 bd.

Rechcron (or Rechkron), Joseph Rechberger, ritter von. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1709. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Josef Rechberger ritter von Rechkron ... Vienna, 1886. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.2 (Vienna, 1886). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs ... 2 ser., 2 bd.

Relaçam da batalha, que se deu entre os dous exercitos de S. Magestade Catholica & o duque de Anjoù em 20. de agosto passado junto a Èaragoça. Publicada em 13. de septembro de 1710. Lisbon, Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galrao, 1710. InU, Lilly D 283 .S2 R4165 1710 Mendel (Lisbon, 1710). Comments: 8 pages. “Traducçam da Gazeta de Madrid impressa na quella corte em 26. de agosto de 1710,” p. 3. Bound with Relaçam dos movimentos, Lisbon, 1710; and Relaçam das ultimas noticias, Lisbon, 1710.

Relaçam de batalha que se deu entre os dous exercitos de Catalunha & Castella em 27. de julho passado, junto a Almenara. Publicada em 30. de agosto de 1710. Lisbon, A. Pedrozo Galrao, 1710. ICN (Lisbon, 1710). Comments: 8 pages.

Relaçam dos movimentos e acçoens que depois da batalha de Almenara obrou o exercito de Sua Magestade Catholica & da feliz vitoria, que ultimamente alcançou das armas do duque de Anjoù, junto a Saragoça, em 20. de agosto de 1710: com a copia de hua carta da mesma Magestade Catholica para el Rey nosso senhor. Publicada em 31. de outubro de 1710. Lisbon, Na Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galrao, 1710. InU, Lilly D 283 .S2 R4165 1710 Mendel (InU, Lilly). Comments: 12 pages. Bound with Relaçam da batalha, Lisbon, 1710. The letter of Charles, later emperor of Germany, is dated 25 Aug. 1710. From the library of C. R. Boxer.

Relaçam individual da batalha, e circumstancias, que alcançárao as armas del rey catholico & dos altos alliados, contra o duque de Anjoù, no campo de Almenara em 27. de julho de 1710. Com hua copia da carta del rey Carlos III. enviada ao nosso serenissimo rey, & senhor d. Joao N. por dom Luis Manoel ajudante general de Sua Magestade catholica. Publicada em 16. de outubro de 1710. Lisbon, Na officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galrao, com as licenças necessarias & privilegio real, 1710. Vende se em casa de Manoel Diniz, livreiro as portas de Santa Catharina, & na rua Nova. ICN (Lisbon, 1710). Comments: 11 pages. The letter of Charles, later emperor of Germany, is dated 2 Aug. 1710.

Relation de la campagne de Tannières, contenant un journal exact & fidel de ce qui s’est passé au siége de la ville & citadelle de Tournai, à la bataille de Blaugis, ou Malplacquet, & au siége de Mons, avec quelques autres particularités, & les plans. En l’an 1709. The Hague, P. Husson, [171?]. ICN, 4651 .737 (The Hague, [171?]).

Remarks upon the account lately published, of the Earl of Galway’s conduct in Spain and Portugal. In a letter to a friend in Holland. London, Printed for John Morphew, 1711. ICN, Case F 4052 .324 no.2 (London, 1711). Comments: 38 pages.

A Reply to the Paris Gazette, in a letter from Flanders. London?, 1708. ICN, Case 6A 160 no.78 (London?, 1708). Comments: Broadside. Dated at end: From the camp at Werwick, July 19, 1708. Concerns British maneuvers in Flanders, 1708.

A Report from the commissioners appointed to take, examine and state the publick accompts of the Kingdom: and to determine the debts due to the army, &c.: with a state of the expence of the late war. London, 1714. InU, Lilly HJ 1039 .A741 (London, 1714).

Rodrigues da Costa, Antonio, 1656-1732. Relaçam dos progressos das armas portuguezas no estado da India, no anno 1713: sendo vice-rey, e capitam general do mesmo estado Vasco Fernandes Cesar de Menezes. Lisbon, Na Officina de Pascoal da Sylva, 1715-16. InU, Lilly DS 498.7 .R696 1715 Mendel (Lisbon, 1715-16). Comments: Bound with numerous other relations describing military events, etc.

A Royal dragoon in the Spanish Succession War; a contemporary narrative. Edited with introduction and notes by C. T. Atkinson ... London, Society for Army Historical Research, 1938. ICN, U 045 .83 v.17 (London, 1938). Comments: 57 pages. Special publication no. 5.

The Royal prophetess; or, Israel’s triumphs over Jabin, King of Hazor. An heroick poem, written after the manner of the antients; and now publish’d upon the occasion of the unparallel’d success of Her Majesty’s forces, under the command of ... His Highness the Prince and Duke of Marlborough. London, Sold by A. Baldwin, 1706. ICN, Case Y 185 R 82 (London, 1706). Comments: 48 pages.

Saint-Hilaire, Armand de Mormés, sieur de. Mémoires de Saint-Hilaire. Publié pour la Société de l’histoire de France par Léon Lecestre ... 6 vols. Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1903-16. ICN, F 3924 .771 (Paris, 1903-16). Comments: Société de l’histoire de France, [vols.] 314, 329, 341, 354, 368, 378. First edition Amsterdam, 1766. Contents: 1. 1661-1678. 2. 1680-1697. 3. 1697- 1704. 4. 1704-1706. 5. 1707-1710. 6. 1711-1715.

Sarraméa, François (de), seigneur d’Orieux, b. 1677. Lettres d’un cadet de Gascogne sous Louis XIV, François de Sarraméa, capitaine au régiment de Languedoc. Pub. pour la Société de Gascogne, par François Abbadie ... Paris, H. Champion; etc., etc., 1890. ICN, F 3994 .04 v.21 (Paris, 1890); MiU (Paris, 1890. Comments: Half-title: Archives historiques de la Gascogne, fasc. 21.

Schenk, Peter, 1645-1715. Theatrum bellicum incipiens a Carolo II. Hispaniarum rege ad Carolum III. delineauit, et edidit Petrus Schenk. Amsterdam, 1712 [i.e. 1713?]. ICN, Case F 4052 .792 (Amsterdam, 1712 [i.e. 1713?]). Comments: A suite of 162 engravings of battles, military plans, maps, views, etc., relating for the most part to the War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713). Bound in one volume by Riviere & Son.

Siegler, Heinrich, edler von Eberswald. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1712. Nach den Feldacten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. von Heinrich Siegler Edler von Eberswald ... Vienna, 1889. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.2 v.5 (Vienna, 1889). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen ... Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs ... 2 ser., 5 bd. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1712”: 335 p. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 423-24. Accompanied by an atlas of 5 plates.

Stanhope, George, 1660-1728. A sermon preached before the Queen in the Chapel-royal at St. Jame’s; November the 7th 1710, being the day of thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the successes of this campaign, and more particularly, for those in Spain. By George Stanhope ... London, Printed by W. Bowyer, for Richard Sare, at Grays-Inn-gate, in Holbourn, 1710. IU (London, 1710). Comments: 24 pages. No. 4 in a volume of Stanhope’s sermons.

Stanhope, Michael, 1681?-1737. God the author of victory. A sermon [on Psal. xcviii 1, 2] preach’d in the Royal-Chappel at White-hall, on Thursday the 19th of August, 1708. Being the day of thanksgiving for the happy success of Her Majesty’s councils and forces against the ... attempt of the Pretender to invade Her Majesty’s kingdom ... as also for the ... victory obtain’d over the French near Audenarle ... The second edition. London, W. Taylor, 1708. IU (London, 1708). Comments: 16 pages.

Stennett, Joseph, 1663-1713. A sermon preach’d on Thursday the 7th of September 1704. Being the day appointed by Her Majesty for a solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God for the late glorious victory obtain’d over the French and Bavarians at Bleinheim near Hochstet, by the confederate forces under the command of the Duke of Marlborough. By Joseph Stennett. London, A. Bell [etc.], 1704. ICN (London, 1704). Comments: 36 pages.

Stennett, Joseph, 1663-1713. A sermon preach’d on Thursday the 27th of June 1706. Being the day appointed by her Majesty for a solemn Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the late glorious progress of Her Majesty’s arms and those of her allies in Flanders and Spain. By Joseph Stennett. London, Printed for J. Baker, 1706. ICN, Case F 4052 .835 (London, 1706).

Surville, Louis Charles de Hautefort, marquis de, d. 1721. The memoirs of the Marquis de Hautefort, aid-de-camp to Marechal Tallard. Containing an account of the most secret and memorable transactions of the war in Spain, Bavaria, and Flanders, from its commencement in 1702, to the end of the campaign in 1707. Interspersed with several curious particulares relating to the author’s own life, and the amours of the late duke regent of France, the then elector of Bavaria, and other great personages of the time. With many other anecdotes. London, Printed for the translator; and sold by S. Hooper, 1763. ICN, F 4052 .842 (London, 1763); ICU (London, 1763).

Taubman, Nathaniel, d. 1720?. Memoirs of the British fleets and squadrons in the Mediteranean, anno 1708 and 1709. Wherein an account is given of the reduction of Sardignia, Minorca, that late sieges of Port Mahon, Alicant and Denia. With descriptions of the most unfrequented places touch’d by the fleets, of the court of Barcelona ... and of ... Their Majesties of Portugal. To which is annex’d, a cursory view of Naples, the curiosities near Baiae, and Cardinal Grimani’s reception of the officers belonging to the British fleet. By ... Nathaniel Taubman ... London, Printed by D. Leach, for Arthur Collins ... and John Pemberton ..., 1710. InU (London, 1710); ICN, F 4052 .865 (London, 1714, 2nd ed.).

[Toland, John,] 1670-1722. Dunkirk or Dover; or, The queen’s honour, the nation’s safety, the liberties of Europe, and the peace of the world, all at stake till that fort and port be totally demolish’d by the French. London, Printed for A. Baldwin, 1713. ICU, DA496 1713 .T 64 (London, 1713); MnU (London, 1713); InU (2nd ed., London, 1713); ICN (London, 1713); ICN (2nd ed., London, 1713); IU (2nd ed., London, 1713). Comments: 40 pages.

A True account of the late battel between the Imperial and the French forces near Fridlingen: as it is related in a letter from Prince Lewis of Baden to the King of the Romans ... London, Printed by E. Jones, 1702. ICN, Case 6A 160 no.75 (London, 1702).

A true description of the taking, burning and sinking of the French fleet, and Spanish plats-fleet at Vigo, by her Majesties fleet, and the States General, under the command of the Honourable Sir George Rooke; with a particular relation of His Grace the Duke of Ormond’s landing with land-forces under his command, and of the wonderful courage and success of himself and soldiers. With a map of the harbour of Vigo, Boyonna and Redondell. London, Printed and sold by J. Bradford, 1702. InU, Lilly D 283 .V7 T8 (London, 1702). Comments: Broadside.

Umicalia, Agostino. Memorie istoriche della guerra tra l’imperiale casa d’Austria, e la reale casa de Borbone per gli stati della monarchia di Spagna, dopo la morte de Carlo II. Re Austriaco dall’ anno 1701 sino all’ anno 1713. Descritte da A. U. Venice, Gio. Battista Recurti, 1734. InU, Lilly D281 .U52 1734 (Venice, 1734).

Vault, François Eugène de, 1717-1790, comp. Mémoires militaires relatifs à la succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV, extraits de la correspondance de la cour et des généraux par le lieutenant général de Vault ... Rev., pub. et précédés d’une introduction par le lieutenant général Pelet ... 11 vols. Paris, Imprimerie royale [etc.], 1835-62. ICN, F 4052 .938 (Paris, 1835-62); IU, 944 C68l v.58 (Paris, 1835-62); OU, (Paris, 1835-62). Comments: With atlas of 69 maps and plans. Half-title: Collection de documents inédits sur l’histoire de France, pub. ... par les soins du ministre de l’instruction publique. 1. série. Histoire politique. Vols. 9-11 have subtitle: Extraits de la correspondance de la cour et des généraux rédigés au Dépìt de la guerre, de 1763 à 1788 sous la direction du lieutenant général de Vault ... et pub. avec le concours du ministre de la guerre par le ministre de l’instruction publique. Contents: t. 1. Introduction. Campagnes de Flandre, d’Italie et d’Allemagne en 1701. t. 2. Campagnes ... en 1702. t. 3. Campagnes ... en 1703. t. 4. Campagnes ... en 1704. t. 5. Campagnes ... en 1705. t. 6. Note de l’éditeur. Campagnes ... en 1706. t. 7. Campagnes ... en 1707. t. 8. Campagnes ... en 1708. t. 9. Campagnes ... en 1709. t. 10. Campagnes ... en 1710-11. t. 11. Campagnes ... en 1712. Campagne d’Allemagne en 1713. Jean Jacques Germain Pelet, baron, 1777-1858, ed.

Velázquez, Luís Antonio. Relación y consulta hecha a su beatitud, sobre lo sucedido en esta corte, y sus contornos, con las tropas de los aliados, mandadas por el Conde de Estaremberg, baxo las ordenes de el archiduque don Carlos de Austria. Luis Antonio Velázquez. [Madrid?, 1711?.] InU, Lilly DP 196 .V435 Mendel ([Madrid?, 1711?]). Comments: 36 pages. Type signed at end: Madrid, y Enero 31. de 1711. Lic. Don Luis Antonio Velazquez.

A view of the taxes, funds, and publick revenues of England [from 1702-1712, in a series of engraved tables]. Total moneys voted by Parliament during the course of this war. London, 1712. ICN, Case F 456 .88 (London, 1712). Comments: Binder’s title: Tracts 1670-1724.

A Vindication of her late majesty Queen Anne, of glorious memory; of his grace the Duke of Ormonde; and of the late ministry; from the horrid reflections cast upon them in a late pamphlet, intitled, The conduct of his grace the Duke of Ormonde in the campaign of 1712. London, Printed for R. Burleigh, 1715. ICN, Case 4A 191 (London, 1715). Comments: 35 pages.

Voltes Bou, Pedro, 1926- . La Guerra de Sucesión en Valencia. [Valencia], Instituto Valenciano de Estudios Históricos, Institución Alfonso el Magnánimo, Diputación Provincial de Valencia, 1964. ICN, 5A 220 ([Valencia], 1964); IU, 946.76 V88g ([Valencia], 1964). Comments: “Documentos,” pp. 102-211.

Wahrhafften Vorstellung und Relation, von der Englisch-Holländisch, und hohen Alljirten Generals en Chef, Duc de Marlborough, Feld-Marschals d’Ouverkerck und Herrn Erb-Printzens von Hessen Kassel Hoch-Fürstliche Durchl. bey Forcirung der feindlichen Linien an der Maas, den 18. Julii 1705. durch Göttliche Fügung erhaltenen sc grossen VICTORI und darauf erfolgten glucklichen Successen. Nuremberg, zufinden bey Johann Jonathen Felsseckers seligen Erben, 1706?. InU, Lilly D 282.5 .W136 (Nuremberg, 1706?). Comments: Broadside. Map. An account of the battle at the Maas, near Brussels, 1705, with a map showing troop formations, battle lines, and retreat patterns.

Wetzer, Leander Heinrich von, 1840-1904. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1701. Nach den Feld-acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Leander Heinrich von Wetzer ... Vienna, 1876. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.3 (Vienna, 1876). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs. 1 ser., 4 bd. Accompanied by 10 plates in portfolio. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1701”: 108 p. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. [511]-514.

Wetzer, Leander Heinrich von, 1840-1904. Spanischer Successions-krieg. Feldzug 1702. Nach den Feld-acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearb. ... von Leander Heinrich von Wetzer ... Vienna, 1877. ICN, F 56 .05 ser.1 v.4 (Vienna, 1877). Comments: Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. Hrsg. von der Abtheilung für Kriegsgeschichte des K.K. Kriegsarchivs. 1 ser., 4 bd. Accompanied by 10 plates in portfolio. “Militärische Correspondenz des Prinzen Eugen von Savoyen, 1702”: 302 p. at end. “benutzte Quellen”: pp. 739-40.

William III, king of Great Britain, 1650-1702. Letters of William III. and Louis XIV. and their ministers; illustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England, from the peace of Ryswick to the accession of Philip V. of Spain. 1697 to 1700. Ed. by Paul Grimblot. 2 vols. London, Printed for Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1848. MiU (London, 1848); OCl (London, 1848); InU (London, 1848); OU (London, 1848).

Wit, John de. The interest of Holland as to their alliances ... London, 1712. IU, x327.492 W78i (London, 1712).

The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748

An account of the expedition to Carthagena, with explanatory notes and observations. M. Cooper, 1743. IU, RBC x986 B777 (N.p., 1743); ICU, RBC x986 B777 (N.p., 1743).

An account of the numbers of men able to bear arms in the provinces and towns of France, taken by the King’s orders in 1743. London, M. Cooper, 1744. ICU, RBC Uncat. 77 13 (London, 1744).

An apology for the conduct of the present administration, as to foreign affairs generally. But particularly with regard to France ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1744. ICU, RBC Uncat. 77 452 (London, 1744). Comments: 54 pages.

Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis de, 1704-1771. Mémoires du marquis d’Argens, chambellan de Frederick-le-Grand, roi de Prusse. Nouv. ed. Paris, F. Buisson, 1807. IU, RBC 844Ar2 BAr2 1807 (Paris, 1807).

Arms and the man. A new ballad. London, Printed for L. Raymond, and sold by A. Moore, 1746. IU, RBC xq821 Ar561 (London, 1746). Comments: 7 pages. The poem refers to the Jacobite insurrection and the battles fought to defeat the pretender Charles Edward.

Articles et conditions proposés pour remettre la citadelle de Tournay à Sa Majesté très-chrétienne. Tournay, D. Varlé Imprimeur, du Siege Roial du Bailliage, pres de la Cathedralle, 1745. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .I61 1745 (Tournay, 1745); ICN, E 5 .L 92705 v.2 (Tournay, 1745). Comments: InU edition with: Les interets qui divisent les souverains de l’Europe, 1745. Binder’s title of ICN edition: Campagne du Roy, 1745.

Ascanius: or, the young adventurer; a true history. Translated from a manuscript privately handed about at the court of Versailles. Containing, a particular account of all that happen’d to a certain person during his wanderings in the North, from ... August, 1745, to his final escape September 19, in the following year. The whole introduced with a more critical and candid history of the rise, progress, and extinction of the late rebellion, than any yet publish’d ... London, Printed for T. Johnston, 1746. IU, RBC x942.072 As22 cs (London, 1746).

An authentic account of the late expedition to Bretagne, conducted by Richard Lestock, esq., admiral of the blue, and Lieut. General St. Clair, commander in chief of the land forces ... London, 1747. ICN, J 54555 .187 v.1 (London, 1747). Comments: In A Collection of political pamphlets ... 1744-49, vol. 1.

Biggs, William. The military history of Europe, &c. from the commencement of the war with Spain in 1739, to the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748; containing all the transactions of that war both by sea and land; also comprehending a concise and impartial history of the rebellion in Scotland. London, Printed for R. Baldwin, 1756. ICN, F 4756 .094 (London, 1756).

Britons awake, and look about you; or, Ruin the inevitable consequence of a land-war, whether successful, or not. Humbly recommended to the serious consideration of all Britons. By a lover of his country ... London, Printed for G. Lion, 1743. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .B 85 (London, 1743). Comments: 48 pages.

Broglie, Albert, i.e. Jacques Victor Albert, duc de, 1821-1901. Le secret du roi. Correspondance secrète de Louis XV avec ses agents diplomatiques 1752-1774. 2 vols. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1878. IU, RBC 944.03 B78s (Paris, 1878).

Buonamici, Castruccio, conte, 1710-1761. Castruccii Bonamici Commentariorum de bello italico liber I-III. 4 vols. in 2. Lyon, 1750-51. ICN, F 4756 .131 (Lyon, 1750-51).

Buonamici, Castruccio, conte, 1710-1761. Commentaries of the late war in Italy. Translated from the original Latin of Castruccio Buonamici; to which is prefixed an introduction by A. Wishart. London, Printed for A. Millar, 1753. InU, Lilly D 293.4 .B9 (London, 1753).

Campagne de Monsieur le maréchal duc de Noailles en Allemagne, l’an M.DCC.XCIII. Contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux, au roi, & à Mr. d’Argenson, ministre au Département de la guerre; recueil ... formé sur les originaux, qui se trouvent au Dépìt de la guerre. 2 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1760-61. ICN, F 4756 .143 (Amsterdam, 1760-61).

The Case of the Genoese impartially stated; wherein the conduct of that people, the Austrians and Piedmontese during the late convulsions, is candidly examined. To which is prefixed, A letter from an eyewitness, giving an exact account of the insurrection at Genoa. In a letter to a member of Parliament. Dublin, Printed by and for R. James, 1747. ICN, Case 4A 220 (Dublin, 1747). Comments: 52 pages.

The Case of Marshal Bellisle truly stated: in which, the manner of his being seized in Hanover, the usage he met there, and his removal hither, are examined by the law of nations, and fully justified, as well as by precedents as by arguments; and the reasons of his being brought over and detained here, explained and defended ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1745. ICN, Case 4A 284 (London, 1745). Comments: 44 pages.

A compleat and authentick account of the late revolution in Genoa ... The whole from papers never hitherto published. London, n.d. ICN, J 54555 .187 v.1 (London, n.d.). Comments: In A Collection of political pamphlets ... 1744-49, vol. 1.

Considerations on the politics of France, with regard to the present critical situation of affairs. Wherein the following propositions, viz. that the true interest of Great Britain must always be in opposing the designs, and restraining the influence of that ambitious power, is from facts, as well as arguments, clearly demostrated [sic] ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1744. IU (London, 1744); MiU (London, 1744). Comments: 58 pages.

Considerations on the war; wherein the transactions antecedent thereto, and consequent thereon, are fairly stated and impartially examined. Together with a postscript, in relation to some writings since the sitting of the present Parliament. To which is prefix’d A letter to a member of Parliament, containing the reasons for this publication. London, Printed for J. Roberts, 1742. MnU (London, 1742). Comments: 59 pages.

De Coetlogon, Dennis, d. 1749. Serious and impartial reflections on the conduct of the several princes and states of Europe at this present conjuncture. In familiar letters, written by the Chevalier De Coetlogon ... to a friend at Paris. London, Printed by J. Hart, 1743. InU, Lilly Spec. D 292.8 .C6 (London, 1743). Comments: 62 pages.

Drummond, Hon. Robert Hay, abp. of York, 1711-1766. A sermon preached before the House of lords, in the Abbey Church of Westminster, on Tuesday, April 25, 1749. Being the day appointed by His Majesty for a general thanksgiving for the peace. By Robert, Lord bishop of St. Asaph. London, Printed for J. and P. Knapton, 1749. InU, Lilly D 294 .D 7 (London, 1749). Comments: 24 pages.

Du Bois. Camps topographiques de la campagne de MDCCLVII, en Westphalie: Commencée par Mr. le maréchal d’Estrées, continuée par Mr. le duc de Richelieu & finie par Mgr. le comte de Clermont: avec le journal de ses operations, & quelques autres morceaux fort curieux. The Hague, Chez la veuve Van Duren, 1760. ICN, F 4797305 .243 (The Hague, 1760).

Du Moulin, Pierre François, commis au Département de la guerre. Campagne de monsieur le maréchal duc de Coigny en Allemagne l’an M.DCC.XLIV. contenant les lettres de ce maréchal & celles de plusieurs autres officiers généraux au roi, & à Mr. le comte d’Argenson ... 5 vols. Amsterdam, M. M. Rey, 1761-72. ICN, F 3926 .245 (Amsterdam, 1760).

Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd earl of, 1711-1770. An examination of the principles, and an inquiry into the conduct of the two b*****rs [i.e. Thomas Pelham Holles, Duke of Newcastle and the Right Hon. Henry Pelham] in regard to the establishment of their power, and their prosecution of the war, ‘till the signing of the preliminaries. In a letter to a member of Parliament. The second edition, reviewed and corrected ... London, Printed for A. Price, 1749. InU, Lilly DA 503 .E 29 1749 (London, 1749). Comments: 83 pages.

Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damarzit-Sahuguet, baron d’. Relation de la campagne en Brabant et en Flandres, de l’an M.D.CC.XLVI. The Hague, F. H. Scheurleer, 1748. ICN, F 3926 .273 (The Hague, 1748).

Eye-witness. The operations of the British and allied arms during the campaigns of 1743 and 1744: historically deducted by an Eye-Witness. London, Printed for M. Cooper ..., 1744. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .E97 1744 (London, 1744); ICN J 54555 .7021 (London, 1744). Comments: 54 pages. References: BM 69:990; Pargellis and Medley, Bib. of Brit. History, the 18th Century, 1269. Binder’s title: Political pamphlets 1740-1754.

Fäsch, Georg Rudolph, d. 1787. Geschichte des Oesterreichischen Erbfolge- Kriegs, von 1740 bis 1748. Ein Versuch ... 2 vols. Dresden, In der Waltherischen Hof-Buchhandlung, 1787. InU, Lilly D 291 .F14 G38 (Dresden, 1787). Comments: Holzmann, Deutsches Anonymen-Lexikon 2:197. Ex libris Fürst Dietrichstein (1813-1871).

Gorani, Giusseppe, conte, 1740-1819. Memoire di giovinezza e di guerra [1740-1763]. Pubblicate da Alessandro Casati. Milan, A. Mondadori, 1936. IU (Milan, 1936); OU (Milan, 1936).

Granville, John Carteret, earl, 1690-1763. A letter to a certain foreign minister, in which the grounds of the present war are truly stated: the conduct of the last administration in regard to foreign affairs fully vindicated, and the terms of a safe and honourable peace clearly pointed out. Dublin, Printed by George Faulkner, 1745. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .G76 L6 1745 (Dublin, 1745). Comments: 63 pages and publisher’s ads [1] page at end. Authorship from BM 26:1156.

The Groans of B--N: or, A pathetical display of the many hardships, miseries, and oppressions to which this distressed nation is become subjected by engaging in a tedious, ruinous, expensive, and fruitless war on the continent, the propagation of corruption throughout the constitution, and the increase of factions and broils amongst ourselves. By a lover of his country. London, Printed for W. Webb, [1747]. InU, Lilly DA 503 .G873 (London, [1747]). Comments: 24 pages. Imprint date from Mansell 219:388.

Haren, Onno Zwier van, 1711-1779. The sentiments of a Dutch patriot: being the speech of *** in an august assembly on the present state of affairs, and the resolution necessary at this juncture to be taken for the safety of the Republick. Faithfully translated from the Dutch original. London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1746. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .H276 G313 1746 (London, 1746). Comments: A translation of his De gevoelens van een Hollands patriot.

Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig, 1760-1842. Mémoires sur les campagnes des Pays-Bas in 1745, 1746, et 1747. Göttingen, J. F. Roewer, 1805. ICN, F 4756 .395 (Göttingen, 1805).

Illens, [A.] d’. Plans et journaux des sièges de la dernière guerre de Flandres, rassemblés par deux capitaines étrangers au service de France. Strasbourg, M. Pauschinger, 1750. ICN, F 4651 .43 (Strasbourg, 1750); MiU (Strasbourg, 1750). Comments: 113 pages. Dedication signed: D’Illens & Funck. According to the National Union Catalogue, Funck, a captain in the French army, 1744-48, was joint author with D’Illens.

An impartial review of the conduct of the Admirals M----ws and L----k, in the late engagement in the Mediterranean; wherein is shewn, that the miscarriage of the same proceeded either from malice or treachery. Humbly inscribed to the ensuing c---t-m-----l. By an officer on board at the time of action. London, 1745. ICN, F 47595 .61 (London, 1745). Comments: Binder’s title: Naval operations, 1743-1744.

Les Interêts qui divisent les souverains de l’Europe: depuis la mort de l’Empereur Charles VI examinés sur les principes de la nature, à l’égard de la Societé & de ses devoirs. N.p., 1745. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .I61 1745 (N.p., 1745). Comments: 34 pages. “Recapitulation des faits conséquemment au principe etabli,” pp. 33-34. With La campagne de Flandre, [D**]. Tournay, Chez D. Varlé, [1747?].--La Bataille de Fontenoy, par Mr. de . Lille, Chez André-Joseph Panckoucke, [1745].--Epitre du Sieur Rabot, maitre d’ecole de Fontenoy, sur les victoires du roy, [Pierre-Honoré Robbé de Beauveset]. Fontenoy [i.e., Paris], 1745.- -Reflexions sur un imprimé intitule: “La Bataille de Fontenoy, poeme,” [Jean Dromgold]. N.p., 1745.--Réponse a Monsieur de Voltaire sur son poeme, sur La Bataille de Fontenoy, par M. L. M. De Tr. [i.e., Comte de Tressan]. Lille, Chez André-Joseph Panckoucke, 1745.--Articles et conditions proposés pour remettre la Citadelle de Tournay à Sa Majesté trés-chrêtienne. Tournay, D. Varle, 1745.-- Relation exacte et détaillée de La Bataille de Fontenoy, [M. de *****]. Dunkerque, Chez Balthazar Weins, 1745.

Karl VII, emperor of Germany, 1697-1745. Das Tagebuch Kaiser Karl’s VII aus der Zeit des Österreichischen Erbfolgekriegs nach dem Autograt hrsg. von Karl Theodor Heigel. Münich, Rieger, 1883. ICN, F 4755 .46 (Münich, 1883); ICU DD194 .A3 1883 (Münich, 1883). Comments: Text in French.

Karl VII, emperor of Germany, 1697-1745. Vollständige Beantwortung der sogenannten gründlichen Ausführung derer dem durchleuchtigsten Chur- Haus Bayern zustehender Erb-Folgs und sonstiger Rechts-Ansprüchen auf die von Meyland Kayser Ferdinand dem Ersten besessene Erb-Königreiche und Länder. Vienna, gedruckt bey J. P. v. Ghelen, 1742. InU, Lilly D 291 .K18 V9 (Vienna, 1742). Comments: No bibliographical citation located. Presents claims of Charles Albert, Elector of Bavaria, to kingdom and lands of Austria, with lengthy rebuttal by imperial party for Maria Theresa.

Kriegs-archiv. Oesterreichischer Erbfolge-krieg 1740-1748. Nach den Feld- acten und anderen authentischen Quellen bearbeitet in der Kriegsgeschichtlichen abtheilung des K. und K. Kriegs-archives ... 9 vols. in 10. Vienna, Seidel, 1896-1914. ICN, F 4756 .05 (Vienna, 1896-1914). Comments: Includes atlas (2 vols.). Geschichte der Kämpfe Oesterreichs.

Lambert, Claude François, 1705-1765. Lettres d’un seigneur hollandois à un de ses amis. Sur les droits les intérêts & les différentes vuâs particulieres des puissances belligerantes. Avec des réflexions politiques sur les evénemens les plus intéressans de la guerre présente. 3 vols. in 1. The Hague, 1747. ICN, F 4756 .475 (The Hague, 1747).

Le Rouge, George Louis, 18th cent. Le parfait aide de camp, où l’on traite de ce que doit sçavoir tout jeune militaire qui se propose de faire son chemin à la guerre; avec des notes sur différens ouvrages de campagne, & sur les plans des principaux camps des guerres de 1740 & 1756. Ensemble la description d’un instrument nouveau pour lever promptement toutes sortes de plans. Paris, Chez l’auteur, 1760. ICN, U 2 .501 (Paris, 1760). Comments: 30 pages.

A Letter from Flanders giving an account of the present state of the war in the Netherlands, the weakness of the allies and strength of the French; with a view of the present politics of Holland, of the courts at war, and principal neutral powers of Europe. By an old English officer, from the camp near Oudenard to his friend at London, June 17/6, 1744. London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1744. ICN, J 54555 .258 1744 no. 6 (London, 1744); ICU, DA 480 .T 795 (London, 1744). Comments: 31 pages.

Lezo, Blas de, 1687-1741. The letter sent from don Blass de Lezo, the Spanish Admiral at Carthagena to don Thomas Gerldino, versified. To which is added the literal translation of the said letter ... and the translation of another ... to Admiral Vernon. [London], Published from the copy printed at Jamaica, reprinted for T. Gardner, 1740. InU, Lilly DP 194.3 .L 687 Mendel ([London], 1740). Comments: 11 pages.

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, 1717-1780. The Queen of Hungary’s declaration. In which is contained a plan for adjusting the claims of the powers at war, and settling the public tranquility of Europe. London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1744. InU, Lilly Spec. D293 .M3 (London, 1744).

Mauvillon, Eléazer de, 1712-1779. Histoire de la derniere guerre de Boheme. Ou l’on trove: 1. La carte des environs de Czaslau, avec le plan de la bataille qui y fut donnée entre les Autrichiens, & les Prussiens; 2. Le plan de la ville & du siège de Prague; 3. Celui de la ville d’Egra & de ses environs, avec le plan de Blocus formé par les troupes de la Reine d’Hongrie; 4. La plan de la bataille de Dettingen, entre l’armée des François commandée par le Maréchal de Noailles, & celle des alliés commandée par le Roi d’Angleterre ... 3 vols. Frankfurt, Paul Lenclume, 1745-47. InU, Lilly DD 406 .M 45 (Frankfurt, 1745-47); ICU (Frankfurt, 1745-47); MnU (Frankfurt, 1756); OCl (Frankfurt, 1745-47); MnU (Amsterdam, 1750); ICU (Amsterdam, 1756); IU (Amsterdam, 1756). Comments: Includes maps and plans.

Memoirs of the most Christian-brute; or, The history of the late exploits of a certain great K--g [Louis XV, king of France]. Being a genuine narrative of his cruel, inhuman proceedings in all his attempts against the lives and properties of his neighbors. Including; The most affecting particulars relating to all the battles and sieges, from the Commencement of the present war, to the taking of Bergen-op zoom. London, Printed for E. Penn, 1747. ICU (London, 1747).

Mercoyrol, Jacques de, seigneur de Beaulieu, 1725-1817. Campagnes de Jacques de Mercoyrol de Beaulieu, capitaine au régiment de Picardie (1743- 1763). Pub. d’après le manuscrit original pour la Société de l’histoire de France par le marquis de Vogüé et August Le Sourd ... Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1915. ICN, F 3926 .56 (Paris, 1915). Comments: Publications in octavo, 370 (vol. 370).

Norris, Capt. Richard, fl. 1735-1745, defendant. An appendix to the Minutes taken at a court-martial, appointed to enquire into the conduct of Captain Richard Norris; containing the result of the said court-martial, copies of the depositions ... together with letters ... London, W. Webb, 1745. IU, RBC Uncat. 77 35 (London, 1745). Comments: 48 pages. With Minutes taken at a court-martial ..., London, 1745.

Norris, Capt. Richard, fl. 1735-1745, defendant. Minutes taken at a court- martial, assembled on board His Majesty’s ship Torbay. Began the 28th of January, 1744. And ended the 5th of February following. Being an enquiry into the conduct of Captain Richard Norris, in the engagement between the English fleet, under the command of Admiral Mathews, and the united fleet of French and Spaniards in the Mediterranean, on the 11th of February, 1743. London, W. Webb, 1745. IU, RBC Uncat. 77 35 (London, 1745); MnU, 942 .072 N797 (London, 1745); ICN (London, 1745); MiU (London, 1745). Comments: 92 pages. With An appendix to the Minutes taken at a court-martial ..., London, 1745.

O’Hanlon, Chevalier. Collection historique, ou Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la guerre terminée par la paix d’Aix-la-Chapelle, en 1748. Avec quelques plans gravés en taille-douce. Edited by Anne Gabriel Meusnier de Querlon. London , N. B. Duchesne, 1758. ICN, F 4756 .642 (London, 1758). Comments: 7,345 pages.

Owen, Edward. “An Account of what pass’d in the engagement near Toulon, between His Majesty’s Squadron under the command of Admiral Matthews.” London Gazette, 1744. IU, RBC O52 LG no. 8232-8426 (London Gazette, 1744).

Pichat, Henry. La campagne du maréchal de Saxe dans les Flandres, de Fontenoy (mai 1745) à la prise de Bruxelles (février 1746) suivie d’une correspondance inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant cette campagne. Paris, R. Chapelot et cie, 1909. ICN, F 3926 .687 (Paris, 1909). Comments: Correspondance inédite de Maurice de Saxe pendant la campagne dans les Flandres (1745-46). Maps in pocket. At head of title: Publié sous la direction de la Section historique de l’état-major de l’Armée.

A plain answer to the plain reasoner. Wherein the present state of affairs is set, not in a new but true light ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1745. InU, Lilly D 292.8 .P 6 (London, 1745).

The Political cabinet: or, An impartial review of the most remarkable occurences of the world, particularly of Europe ... Nos. 1-12 (July, 1744- June, 1745). 2 vols. London, J. Roberts, 1744. ICN, Case J 007 .712 (London, 1744). Comments: Monthly.

The profit and loss of Great-Britain and Spain, from the commencement of the present war to this time ... London, T. Cooper, 1742. InU, Lilly DA 422 .K474 1743 (London, 1742). Comments: 62 pages. Bound with Killing no murder, London, 1743.

Relación de la victoria que las armas del rey, mandadas por el teniente general D. Juan de Gages, ganaron en Campo Santo, sobre las orillas del Panaro, el dia ocho de febrero de este año de 1743, contra las de Cerdeña y austriacas. [México], Reimpressa por la Viuda de D. Joseph Bernardo de Hogal, [1743]. InU, Lilly D 293.4 .C12 R3 Mendel (México, [1743]).

*****, M. de. Relation exacte et detaillee de La Bataille de Fontenoy: gagnee sur le Duc de Cumberland, le Prince de Waldeck & le Velt-Maréchal Comte de Konigsegg, par l’Armee du roy, commandee par Sa Majeste, le 11 May 1745. Dunkerque, Chez Balthazar Weins, 1745. InU, Lilly D292.8 .I61 1745 (Dunkerque, 1745). Comments: 8 pages. Author’s name from p. 2: “Lettre a Madame L. E. D. ******* par M. de ***** Major du Regiment de ***** contenant la Relation de la Bataille de Fontenoy ...” Date given as 5 Juin 1745. List on p. 8 of high ranking officers of the French and English armies who were killed or wounded in the battle. With Les Interets qui divisent les souverains de l’Europe, n.p., 1745.

Remarks on the conduct of the B--- M--- through the course of the war ... : in a letter from a ------here, to a f---- m----- at the Hague, on receiving the preliminaries. London, Printed for W. Webb, 1748. InU, Lilly DA 47 .R384 1748 (London, 1748).

Remarks on the military operations of the English and French armies commanded by His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and Marshal Saxe, during the campaign of 1747. To which are added I. Military principles and maxims drawn from the remarks. II. The siege of Bergen-op-Zoom. By an officer. London, T. Becket, 1760. ICN, F 4756 .743 (London, 1760).

A Review of the Case of the marshal Belleisle in answer to a late pamphlet intitled The Case of marshal Belleisle truly stated, &c. Wherein his right to the benefit of the cartel relating to prisoners of war, actually subsisting between Great Britain and France at the time of his arrest, is dispassionately examined ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1745. ICN, Case 4A 284 (London, 1745). Comments: 70 pages.

Richter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1717?-1774. Die Bücher der Chronicka von den Kriegen welche die Frantzosen mit Theresia ... geführt haben ... Beschrieben in jüdischer schreibart durch Jeckof Ben Saddi [pseud.] ... 2 vols. Prague, 1744-45. ICU (Prague, 1744-45).

Richter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1717?-1774. The chronicle of William the son of George. With all that passed at the ; the mighty acts of W---- -K [i.e. Waldeck] the prince, and In---dsby [i.e. Ingoldsby] the brigadier ... By Dathan the Jew [pseud.], physician to Koningsegg the marshal. The second edition. London: Printed for T. Lyon, near St. Paul’s. 1745. ICN, J 54555 .258 1745 no. 3 (London, 1745). Comments: 23 pages. Concerns William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, Leopold August, Fürst von Waldeck, and Richard Ingoldsby at the Battle of Fontenoy.

Richter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1717?-1774. Dathan’s [pseud.] account of the rebellion: being the second book of the Chronicle of William the son of George ... London, Printed for T. Lyon, [1745]. ICN, J 54555 .258 1745 no.4 (London, [1745]). Comments: 39 pages. Battle exploits of William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland.

Richter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1717?-1774. The second book of Dathan’s [pseud.] account of the rebellion: being also the third book of the Chronicle of William son of George. Containing the Battle of Falkirk, the flight of the son of James into the mountains, and the taking of Brussels by the French. London, Printed for G. Lyon, [1745]. ICN, J 54555 .258 1745 no.5 (London, [1745]).

Rolt, Richard, 1725?-1770. An impartial representation of the conduct of the several powers of Europe, engaged in the late general war: including a particular account of all the military and naval operations; from the commencement of hostilities between the crowns of Great Britain and Spain, in 1739. To the conclusion of the general treaty of pacification at Aix la Chapelle, in 1748. To which are added, Letters between Monsieur Voltaire and the author, relative to this work, and to the subject of history in general. By Richard Rolt ... 4 vols. London, Printed for S. Birt, [etc.], 1749-50. MiU-C (London, 1749-50); IaU (London, 1749-50); MiU-C (London, 1753); ICN, F 4756 .755 (London, 1753-54, 2nd ed.); InU, Lilly Spec. D292 .R75 (London, 1754, 2nd ed.). Comments: MiU-C (London, 1753), ICN (London, 1753-54), and InU, Lilly (London, 1754) editions include “Letters between Monsieur Voltaire and the author, relative to this work, and to the subject of history in general.” With the ICN and InU, Lilly (vol. 4, pp. [639]-644) editions: An ode on the peace ... by Richard Rolt, London, 1750.

Rusticus, G., pseud. Ways and means; or An easy method to raise the supplies, in a letter to an high-constable ... London, 1748. ICN, J 54555 .7021 (London, 1748). Comments: 22 pages. Binder’s title: Political pamphlets, 1740-1754.

Saxe, Maurice, comte de, 1696-1750. Lettres et mémoires choisis parmi les papiers originaux du Maréchal de Saxe, et relatifs aux évenémens auxquels il a eu part, ou qui se sont passés depuis 1733 jusqu’en 1750, notamment aux campagnes de Flandre de 1744 à 1748 ... 5 vols. Paris, 1794. ICN, F 4756 .78 (Paris, 1794).

A scheme for equipping and maintaining sixteen men of war, of twenty guns each, for securing our trade from the insults of the French and Spaniards, &c., without the least expence to the nation ... By a veteran ... The Hague, n.d.; reprint ed., London, 1747. ICN, J 54555 .187 v.2 (The Hague, n.d.; repr. ed., London, 1747). Comments: In A collection of political pamphlets, 1744-49, vol. 2.

The sequel of Arms and the man: a new historical ballad. London, Printed for W. Webb, 1746. IU, RBC xq821 Ar5611 (London, 1746). Comments: 8 pages. The historical ballad concerns the taking of Carlisle by the Duke of Cumberland.

Serious and impartial considerations on His Majesty’s going abroad this summer ... London, 1748. ICN, J 54555 .187 v.3 (London, 1748). Comments: In A collection of political pamphlets ... 1744-1749, vol. 3.

Spon, Jean François, baron de. Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de l’Europe: depuis 1740 jusqu’à la paix-générale, signée à Aix-la-Chapelle le 18 Octobre 1748 ... 3 vols. Amsterdam, Par la Compagnie, 1752. InU, Lilly D 291.876 .S76 M5 1752 (Amsterdam, 1752). Comments: Authorship from Barbier III, 238; BN 176:867 lists a 1749 edition. Volume 3 in two parts, each with separate title-page and pagination.

Stennett, Joseph, 1692-1758. Rabshakeh’s retreat. A sermon preach’d in Little-Wild-street, December 18, 1745. Being the day appointed for a general fast, on occasion of the present rebellion. By Joseph Stennett. London, A. Ward, [etc.], 1745. ICN (London, 1745). Comments: 43 pages.

Stennett, Joseph, 1692-1758. A sermon preach’d at Little-Wild-street on Tuesday, April 25, 1749, being the day appointed by His Majesty, for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the peace. By Joseph Stennett. London, Printed for , in Little Britain; J. Oswald, in the Poultry; and H. Whitridge, at the Royal Exchange, 1749. InU (London, 1749).

Stille, Christoph Ludwig von. Les campagnes du roi avec des réflexions sur les causes des événemens ... 2 vols. in 1. [Hannover or Berlin?], 1762. ICN, F 4756 .846 ([Hannover or Berlin], 1762).

Townshend, Sir Charles Vere Ferrers, 1861-1924. The military life of Field Marshal George first marquess Townshend, 1724-1807, who took part in the battles of Dettingen 1743, Fontenoy 1745, Culloden 1746, Laffeldt 1747, & in the capture of Quebec 1759; from family documents not hitherto published. By Lt.-Colonel C. V. F. Townshend ... London, J. Murray, 1901. ICN, E 5 .T 663 (London, 1901).

Townshend, George Townshend, 1st marquis, 1724-1807. A brief narrative of the late campaigns in Germany and Flanders. In a letter to a member of Parliament ... London, J. Lion, 1751. ICN, F 4756 .885 (London, 1751). Comments: 59 pages. This work got the author in trouble because of its criticism of the military leadership of the Duke of Cumberland.

A true dialogue between Thomas Jones, a trooper, lately return’d from Germany, and John Smith, a serjeant in the First regiment of foot-guards. To which is added, the memorial of the E---- of S----, presented when his resignation was accepted. Taken from the original. London, [174-?]. ICN, Case Y 17963 .88 (London, [174-?]). Comments: The first part is a political satire against the Duke of Cumberland. “The E---- of S----”: i.e., John Dalrymple, 2nd earl of Stair.

Vault, François Eugene de, 1717-1790. Les guerres des Alpes. Guerre de la succession d’Autrich (1742-1748); mémoire extrait de la correspondance de la cour et des généraux par F.E. de Vault ... Revu, annoté et accompagné d’un résumé et d’observations par D. Arvers ... 2 vols. Paris, Berger- Levrault, 1892. ICN, F 4756 .93 (Paris, 1892).

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. La bataille de Fontenoy, poëme. Troisiéme edition, plus correcte & plus ample que les précédentes. Paris, Chez Praultpere, quai de Gêvres, au Paradis, 1745. ICN (Paris, 1745); ICU (Paris, 1745); MnU (Paris, 1745).

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. Histoire de la guerre de mil sept cent quarante & un ... 2 vols. in 1. London, chez Jean Nourse, 1756. InU, Lilly D 292 .V93 1756 (London, 1756). Comments: Later published with added material as: Précis du siècle de Louis XV. References: cf. Bengescu, Voltaire, 1232 and p. 490; BM, 250:381. BN, 241.2:1308, cites copy with engraved folded plan.

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. Histoire de la guerre de mil sept cent quarante et un ... Texte établie avec introd., notes par Jacques Maurens. Paris, Garnier frères, 1971. OU, D 292 V6 (Paris, 1971).

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. The history of the war of seventeen hundred and forty one ... In two parts. London, 1756. ICN, F 4756 .943 (London, 1756); IEN, 940.26 V93hi ([London?], 1756); OU (London, 1756); IU (London, 1756); ICU (London, 1757); ICN (London, 1757); OClWHi (Edinburgh, 1758); French editions: IU, 943.053 V88h 1756 (Amsterdam, 1756); InNd (Amsterdam, 1756).

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. The history of the war of 1741. In his The works of Voltaire; a contemporary version with notes, vol. 33. N.p., 1904. OU, DQ 2075 E5 A1 1904 v.33 (N.p., 1904).

A woeful voyage indeed! Being a full and particular account of the voyage, adventures and distresses of the crew of the Aimble Nancy, commanded by Capt. A. Wr---t. London, Printed and sold at the Cheshire Cheese, 1744. IU, RBC x820.8 D64 v.1 (London, 1744); ICU, RBC (London, 1744). Comments: 26 pages.

The Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763

Alexander, William, Major-General, 1726-1783. The conduct of Major Gen. Shirley late general and commander in chief of His Majesty’s forces in North America. Briefly stated. London, Printed for R & J Dodsley, [etc.], 1758. IU, RBC x973.26 A12C (London, 1758).

Amherst, William, 1732-1781. The recapture of St. John’s, Newfoundland, in 1762, as described in the journal of Lieut. Colonel William Amherst, commander of the British expeditionary force. Ed. by John Clarence Webster. N.p., 1928. ICN, F 8318 .031 (N.p., 1928). Comments: Privately printed.

The Annual register. A compleat history of the late war, or, Annual register of its rise, progress, and events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... by J. Wright, gent. ... 2 vols. London, D. Steel, 1765. ICN, Ayer 183 A6 1765 (London, 1765); IU, RBC x943.056 An7c 1774 (Dublin, 1774, 6th ed.). Comments: Compiled by John Wright? Articles selected from the Annual register for 1758-62, during which time was editor and chief contributor, hence the work is often ascribed to him.

An answer to a letter to a late noble commander of the British forces. In which the candor is proved to be affected ... London, Printed for I. W. Owen, 1759. IU, RBC Uncat. 77 458 (London, 1759).

Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von, 1743-1812. Geschichte des sieben jährigen Krieges in Deutschland von 1756 bis 1763. Vienna, Gedruckt bey Johann Thomas Edlen von Trattnern, 1789. ICN, F 4797 305 .039 (Vienna, 1789); ICN, F 4797 305 .04 (Berlin, 1860, 6th ed.). Comments: 1789 edition with folded map. The Berlin, 1860 edition specifies a map of the theater of war.

Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis de, 1704-1771. Mémoires du marquis d’Argens, chambellan de Frederick-le-Grand, roi de Prusse. Nouv. éd. Paris, F. Buisson, 1807. IU, RBC 844Ar2 BAr2 1807 (Paris, 1807).

Backenberg, Franz Heinrich, b. 1813. Geschichte der Feldzüge der osterreichischen und preussischen Armeen in der Jähren 1756 bis 1762 mit Hinsicht auf die militairische Situationskarte von einem Theile Sachsens, der Lausitz und Schlesiens, auf welcher mehrere stellungen, Affairen und Schlachten dieser Feldzüge verzeichnet sind. Leipzig, J. B. G. Fleischer, 1805. ICN, F 4797305 .06 (Leipzig, 1805).

Belle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc de, 1684-1761. Lettres du maréchal duc de Belleisle, au maréchal de Contades; avec des extraits de quelques unes de celles de ce dernier; trouvées parmi ses papiers, après la bataille de Minden. Suivant la copie de Londres, imprimée sur les originaux, par autorité du gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne. The Hague, P. de Hondt, 1759. ICN, F 4797 305 .078 (The Hague, 1759). Comments: 42 pages.

Belle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc de, 1684-1761. Lettres de M. le maréchal duc de Belleisle, à M. le maréchal de Contades. Trouvées parmi les papiers de monsieur de Contades après la bataille de Minden. Briefe des herrn marschalls herzogs von Belleisle an herrn marschall von Contades, welche sich unter den papieren des herrn von Contades nach der schlacht bey Minden gefunden haben. Paris, 1760. ICN, F 4797305 .08 (Paris, 1760). Comments: With French and German in parallel columns.

Berner, Ernst, 1853-1905, ed. Aus der zeit des siebenjährigen Kriegs. Tagebuchblätter und briefe der prinzessin Heinrich und des koniglichen hauses. Von Professor Dr. Ernst Berner und Dr. Gustav Berhold Volz. Berlin, A. Duncker, 1908. ICN, F 477 .72 v.9 (Berlin, 1908).

Bernis, François Joachim de Pierre de, comte de Lyon, cardinal, 1715-1794. Mémoires et lettres de François Joachim de Pierre, cardinal de Bernis (1715- 1758), publiés avec l’autorisation de sa famille d’après les manuscrits inédits par Frédéric Masson ... 2 vols. Paris, E. Plon et cie., 1878. ICN, F 3926 .098 (Paris, 1878); IU, 944.03 B45m (Paris, 1878). Comments: Valuable as a source for the Seven Years’ War.

Bourcet, Pierre Joseph de, 1700-1780. Mémoires historiques, sur la guerre que les François ont soutenue en Allemagne depuis 1757 jusqu’en 1762 ... Auxquels on a joint divers supplémens, & notamment une relation impartiale des campagnes de M. le maréchal de Broglie, rédigée d’après ses propres papiers, & les pièces originales existantes dans les archives du Département de la guerre ... Edited by P. H. de Grimoard. 3 vols. Paris, 1792. ICN, F 4797305 .11 (Paris, 1792). Comments: Volume 3 is by G. D. F. Moisson de Vaux.

Briefe über die Begebenheiten des jetzigen Krieges von Augenzeugen derselben geschrieben. Frankfurt, 1759. ICN, F 4797305 .967 v.5 (Frankfurt, 1759). Comments: With Werner, C. F., Beyträge zur neuern Staats- und Krieges- Geschichte, 1757-64, vol. 5.

Broglie, Albert, duc de, 1821-1901. Le secret du roi. Correspondance secrète de Louis XV avec ses agents diplomatiques 1752-1774. Par le duc de Broglie ... 2 vols. Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1888. ICN, J 939 .12 (Paris, 1888).

Broglie, Victor François, duc de, 1718-1804. Correspondance inédite de Victor-François, duc de Broglie, maréchal de France, avec le prince Xavier de Saxe, comte de Lusac, pour servir a l’historie de la Guerre de sept ans (campagnes de 1759 à 1761). Publiée par le duc de Broglie et Jules Vernier. Paris, A. Michel, 1903-[5]. ICN, F 4797305 .12 (Paris, 1903-[5]).

Brüggemann, Fritz, 1876-?, ed. Der siebenjährige Krieg im Spiegel der zeitgenössischen Literatur. Leipzig, P. Reclam, 1935. ICN, Y 941 .227 ser.14 v.9 (Leipzig, 1935). Comments: Deutsche Literatur; Sammlung literarischer Kunst- und Kulturdenkmäler in Entwicklungsreihen. Reihe [14]: Aufklärung, bd. 9.

Bülow, Dietrich, freiherr von, 1757-1807. Prinz Heinrich von Preussen. Kritische Geschichte seiner Feldzüge. Von dem Verfasser des geistes das neuren kriegssystems. 2 vols. in 1. Berlin, Himburg, 1805. ICN, F 4797305 .128 (Berlin, 1805).

Catt, Heinrich Alexander de, 1725-1795. Frederick the Great; The memoirs of his reader Henri de Catt (1758-1760) translated by F. S. Flint, with an introduction by Lord Rosebery. 2 vols. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1917. OCU (Boston, 1917); MiU (Boston, 1917); OU (London, 1917); ICarbS (London, 1929); OCl (New York, 1930); French editions: OCl (Leipzig, 1885); German editions: ICU (Leipzig, 1884); IaU (Leipzig, 1885); MoU (Weimar, 1915); InU (Leipzig, 1940). Comments: The original manuscript in the Prussian state archives is in French.

Catt, Heinrich Alexander de, 1725-1795. Unterhaltungen mit Friedrich dem Grossen. Memorien und Tagebücher von Heinrich de Catt, hrsg. von Reinhold Koser ... Veranlasst und unterstützt durch die K. Archiv-verwaltung. Leipzig, S. Hirzel, 1884. ICN, F 47 .71 v.22 (Leipzig, 1884). Comments: Text in French.

Considerations on the expediency of a Spanish war: containing reflections on the late demands of Spain; and on the negociations of Mons. Bussy. London, Printed for R. Griffiths, 1761. ICU (London, 1761); MiU-C (London, 1761). Comments: 44 pages.

Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795. The military arguments [concerning the proposed expedition to the French coast] in a letter to a right honourable author [Thomas Potter] fully considered, by an officer. 3rd ed. London, Printed for J. Robinson, 1758. InU, Lilly Spec. DA87.5 1757 .C767 M63 (London, 1758). Comments: 72 pages.

Du Bois. Camps topographiques de la campagne de MDCCLVII, en Westphalie: commencée par Mr. le maréchal d’Estrées, continuée par Mr. le comte de Clermont: avec le journal de ses operations, & quelques autres morceaux fort curieux. The Hague, Chez la veuve Van Duren, 1760. ICN, F 4797305 .243 (The Hague, 1760). Comments: 63 pages and 56 plans [maps].

Dundas, Sir David, 1735-1820. Principles of military movements, chiefly applied to infantry. Illustrated by manoeuvres of the Prussian troops, and by an outline of the British campaigns in Germany, during the war of 1757 ... By Colonel David Dundas. London, T. Cadell, 1788. ICN, fU 42 .246 (London, 1788); MiU (London, 1788).

Eelking, Max von, 1813-1873. Leben und Wirken des herzoglich braunschweig’schen General-lieutenants Friedrich Adolph Riedesel ... Nebst vielen original-Correspondenzen und historishen Aktenstücken aus dem siebenjährigen Kriege, dem nord-amerikanischen Freiheitskampfe und dem französischen Revolutions-krieg. Von Max von Eelking ... 3 vols. in 1. Leipzig, O. Wigand, 1856. ICN, E 5 .R 442 and F 8323 .7385 (Leipzig, 1856); InU (Leipzig, 1856); MiU-C (Leipzig, 1856); MiU (Leipzig, 1856).

Entick, John, 1703?-1773. The general history of the late war: containing its rise, progress, and event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... By the Rev. John Entick, M.A. and other gentlemen ... 5 vols. London, E. and C. Dilly [etc.], 1763-64. IU, RBC x942.07 En8g (London, 1763-64); InU, Lilly DD 411 .E8 (London, 1763- 64); OC (London, 1763-64); InU (London, 1763-65); OCl (London, 1763-66); MiU (London, 1763-66); MiU-C (London, 1763-66); IU x942.07 En8g 1765 (London, 1765); MiU-C (London, 1765-66); OCU (London, 1765-75); ICN, F 4562 .267 (London, 1765-75). Comments: Various editions available.

Entwurf einer Geschichte des gegenwärtigen Krieges. 6 pts. in 1 vol. Frankfurt, 1762-64. ICN, F 4797305 .266 (Frankfurt, 1762-64).

Ferdinand, duke of Brunswick, 1721-1792. Ferdinand, Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg, während des siebenjährigen Krieges. Aus englischen und preussischen Archiven gesammelt und hrsg. von E. von dem Knesebeck ... 2 vols. in 1. Hanover, 1857-58. ICN, F 4797305 .29 (Hanover, 1857-58).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. Die Werke ... N.p., 1913-14. ICN, F 47973 .332 [v.6] (N.p., 1913-14). Comments: [Contents:] ... 2 bd. “Geschichte meiner Zeit.” 3-4 bd. “Geschichte des siebenjährigen Krieges.” 5 bd. “Altersgeschichte Staats- und Flugschriften.” 6 bd. “Militärische Schriften.” 7 bd. “Antimachiavell und Testamente.” 8 bd. “Philosophische Schriften.” 9-10 bd. “Dichtungen.”

Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. Histoire de la guerre de sept ans. In his Oeuvres, vols. 4-5. N.p., 1847. OU, DD 405 1846 v.4-5.

Frisch, Ernst von. ... Zur Geschichte der russischen Feldzüge im siebenjährigen Kriege, nach den Aufzeichnungen und Beobachtungen der dem russischen Hauptquartier zugeteilen österreichischen Offiziere, vornehmlich in den Kriegsjähren 1757-1758, von Ernst v. Frisch. Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1919. ICN, F 009 .39 v.52 (Heidelberg, 1919). Comments: Heidelberger abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren geschichte ... hft. 52. From the journal of Johann Nepomuk Cristiani von Rall.

A genuine narrative of the enterprise against the stores and shipping at St. Maloes, from the letters of a person of distinction in the service ... London, Printed for J. Staples, 1758. InU, Lilly D 295 .64 (London, 1758). Comments: 63 pages and map.

Geschichte des im 1756 und 1757sten Jähre in Teutschland und dessen angränzenden Ländern gefürten krieges in welcher nicht allein alle merkwürdige kriegs Begebenheiten mit unpartheiischer Feder beschrieben, sondern auch von den vornehmsten Generals und andern in diesem kriege bekantgewordenen Personen die hebens und andere merkwürdige Umstände angefürt werden. Frankfurt, 1758. ICN, F 4797305 .334 (Frankfurt, 1758).

Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, 1719-1803. ... Preussische kriegslieder in den Feldzügen 1756 und 1757, von einem Grenadier, mit Melodieen. Berlin, C. F. Voss, 1758. ICN (Berlin, 1758); IEN (Berlin, 1758); InU (Berlin, 1778-85); ICN, Y 944 .22 no.4 (Heilbronn, 1882); OU (Heilbronn, 1882); MiU (Heilbronn, 1882); OCU (Heilbronn, 1882). Comments: 44 pages. Prussian songs composed by a grenadier.

Great Britain--Historical manuscripts commission. “Manuscripts of M. L. S. Clements, esq.” In its Report on manuscripts in various collections, vol. 8, pp. 196-568. London, 1913. OU, DA 25 M2 A5 v.8 (London, 1913). Comments: Report by D. A. Chart, of the letters and papers of the Molesworth family, mainly from 1689 to 1744, and of three military order books of the British forces campaigning in northern Germany, July 30, 1758 to April 30, 1759. The original manuscripts of M. L. S. Clements, esq. are preserved at Ashfield Lodge, Cootehill, co. Cavan.

Hassell, William L. A. von, 1833-?. Die schlesischen Kriege und das Kurfürstenthum Hannover. In besondere die Katastrophe von Hastenbeck und Kloster Zeven. Mit benutzung archivalischer Quellen ... Hanover, 1879. ICN, F 4797304 .39 (Hanover, 1879).

Ilwof, Franz. Maria Theresia vom Aachener-frieden bis zum Schlusse des siebenjährigen Krieges, 1748-1763 ... Vienna, Prandel, 1865. ICN, F 56 .64 v.12 (Vienna, 1865). Comments: Oesterreichische Geschichte für das Volk XII.

An impartial history of the late glorious war, from its commencement to its conclusion; containing an exact account of the battles and sea engagements; together with other remarkable transactions, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America ... With remarks on the peace, the state of parties when it was concluded, and an account of ... the places ceded to Great Britain. London, W. Nicoll, 1764. ICN, Case F 4797305 .44 (London, 1764).

An impartial view of the conduct of M-----ry, in regard to the war in America; the engagements entered into with Russia, Hesse-Cassel, and Prussia; the cause of throwing out the Militia Bill; and the affairs of the Mediterranean. In answer to the many invidious [sic] attacks of pamphleteers, &c. ... London, 1756. ICN, Case F 8318 .434 (London, 1756).

Journal de la campagne de M.DCC.LX. entre l’armée du roi aux ordres de Monseigneur le maréchal duc de Broglie; et celle des alliés, commandée par S.A.S. Mgr. le prince Ferdinand de Brunswich, où l’on a joint les opérations des deux armées aux mois de février & mars M.DCCC.LXI. Par M. L. R. D. B. officier de dragons, & aide-de-camp de M. le marquis de B. Frankfurt, 1761. ICN, fF 4797305 .458 (Frankfurt, 1761); ICJ (Frankfurt, 1761). Comments: 42 pages and double map.

Journal des opérations de l’armée de Soubise, pendant la campagne de 1758. Par un officier de l’armée. Amsterdam, C. A. Jombert, 1759. ICN, Ayer 150.7 N9 L2 1756 (Amsterdam, 1759). Comments: 122 pages and 3 folding maps.

Küster, Carl Daniel. Bruchstück aus dem Campagne-Lebeneines preussischen Feldpredigers in den zehn Wochen vor der nachtlichen Schlacht bey Hochkirch den 14ten Oktober 1758 bis Weynachten desselben Jahres. Berlin, K. Matzdorff, 1790. ICN, F 4797305 .4695 (Berlin, 1790). Comments: 112 pages.

Küster, Carl Daniel. Des preussischen staabsfeldpredigers Küster, Bruchstück seines Campagnelebens im siebenjährigen Kriege ... Nebst einem Vorbericht des Königl. Herrn Oberkonistorialraths Sack. Zweyte berichtigte und stark Verm. Aufl. Berlin, Karl Matzdorff, 1791. MnU, Z943 .056 K953 (Berlin, 1791).

La Grange de Chessieux, Gilbert Arnaud François Simon de. La conduite des François justifée, ou Observations sur un écrit anglois, intitulé: Conduite des François à l’égard de la Nouvelle-êcosse ... par le sieur D. L. G. D. C. ... [Utrecht, et se trouve a Paris, chez Le Breton], 1756. ICN, Ayer 150.7 N9 L2 1756 (Paris, 1755); ICRL (Paris, 1755). Comments: With Lettres d’un François à un Hollandois, au sujet des differends survenus entre la France & la Grande-Bretagne, touchant leurs possessions respectives dans l’Amerique Septrionale. Paris, P. La Rive, 1755.

Le Rouge, Georges Louis, 18th cent. Atlas nouveau portatif à l’usage des militaires collèges et du voyageur ... 2 vols. Paris, Le Rouge, 1756-59. IU (Paris, 1756-59).

Le Rouge, George [Georges] Louis, 18th cent. Le parfait aide de camp, où l’on traité de ce que doit sçavoir tout jeune militaire qui se propose de faire son chemin à la guerre; avec des notes sur différens ouvrages de campagne, & sur les plans des principaux camps des guerres de 1740 & 1756. Ensemble la description d’un instrument nouveau pour lever promptement toutes sortes de plans. Paris, Chez l’auteur, 1760. ICN, U 2 .501 (Paris, 1760). Comments: 30 pages.

Lettres d’un François à un Hollandois, au sujet des differends survenus entre la France & la Grande-Bretagne, touchant leurs possessions respectives dans l’Amerique Septrionale. Paris, P. La Rive, 1755. ICN, Ayer 150.7 N9 L2 1756 (Paris, 1755); ICRL (Paris, 1755). Comments: With La Grange de Chessieux, G. A. F. S., La Conduite de François justifiée, 1756.

Lloyd, Henry, 1720?-1783. Geschichte des letzten krieges in Teutschland zwischen dem könige von Preussen und der kayserin königin und ihren Alliirten in den Jähren 1756 und 1757. Von einem Generale der verschiedene Feldzüge hindurch bey der Oestrischischen Armée gedienet hat. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt [von Julius August Remer]. 2. verbesserte und von neuen durchgesehene Aufl. Braunschweig [Brunswick], Im Verlage der Fürstl. Waysenhaus-Buchhandlung, 1779. ICN, F 4797305 .5165 (Brunswick, 1779); InU, Lilly DD 411 .L 7915 1783 (Berlin, 1783-1801); MiU (Berlin, 1783-1801); OCl (Berlin, 1783-1801); ICN (Berlin, 1783- 1801); ICN, F 4797305 .517 (Berlin, 1785-1801 [vol. 1, ‘94]). Comments: The Berlin, 1783-1801 and 1785-1801 editions in 6 vols. The 1783- 1801 edition with maps and folded battle plans, some with additional mounted foldouts showing progress of battles.

Lloyd, Henry, 1720?-1783. The history of the late war in Germany; between the king of Prussia, and the empress of Germany and her allies ... By a general officer, who served several campaigns in the Austrian army ... 2 vols. London, Printed for the author, 1766-81. ICN, F 4797305 .515 (London, 1766-81); OCl (London, 1766-81); InU, Lilly DD 411 .L79 (London, 1781); ICN, F 4797305 .516 (London, 1790). Comments: ICN has vol. 2 only of the London, 1790 edition: Published from the General’s manuscripts, under the inspection of an English officer, and illustrated with notes critical, historical and explanatory.

Louis XV, king of France, 1710-1774. Correspondance de Louis XV et du maréchal de Noailles. Publiée par ordre de son excellence le maréchal comte Randon ... d’après les manuscrits du Dépìt de la guerre, avec une introduction par Camille Rousset ... 2 vols. Paris, P. Dupont, 1863. IU (Paris, 1863); OCl (Paris, 1863); ICN, E 5 .L 927 (Paris, 1865); OU (Paris, 1869).

Mailliebois, Yves Marie Desmaretz, comte de, 1715-1791. Mémoire ... au sujet de la bataille de Hastenbeck. Amsterdam, 1758. ICN, F 4797305 .546 (Amsterdam, 1758). Comments: 23 pages.

Maubert de Gouvest, Jean Henri, 1721-1767. L’esprit de la presente guerre. Discours de M. de G. dans la Chambre des C. pour & contre les deux opinions dominantes dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, en faveur du commerce britannique et de la paix ... N.p., De l’imprimerie du Futur- Congrès, a l’Olivier Verd, 1758. MnU (N.p., 1758); ICN (N.p., 1758). Comments: Fictitious imprint.

Mémoires d’un militaire, depuis l’année 1755 jusqu’au quartier-d’hyver de 1758. Par Mr. R*****. Wesel, 1759. ICN, U 039 .566 (Wesel, 1759).

Mercoyrol, Jacques de, seigneur de Beaulieu, 1725-1817. Campagnes de Jacques de Mercoyrol de Beaulieu, capitaine au régiment de Picardie (1743- 1763). Pub. d’après le manuscrit original pour la Société de l’histoire de France par le marquis de Vogüé et Auguste le Sourd ... Société de l’histoire de France, vol. 370. Paris, Renouard, H. Laurens, successeur, 1915. ICN, F 3926 .56 (Paris, 1915); OU, DD 410 M5 A2 (Paris, 1915).

Montalembert, Marc René, marquis de, 1714-1800. Correspondance de Monsieur le marquis de Montalembert avec Mr. le marquis d’Havrincour, Mr. le maréchal de Richelieu, les ministres du roi a Versailles ... &c. pendant les campagnes de 1757, 58, 59, 60 & 61. Pour servir à l’histoire de la dernière guerre. 3 vols. London [i.e., Neufchâtel], 1777. ICN, F 4797305 .589 (London [i.e., Neufchâtel], 1777); ICU (London, 1777); OCl (London, 1777).

Müller, Ludwig Christian, 1734?-1804. Tableau des guerres de Frédéric le Grand; ou plans figurés de vingt-six batailles rangées, ou combats essentiels donnés dans les trois guerres de Silésie. Avec une explication précise de chaque bataille. Ouvrage qui peut servir a l’intelligence de la partie militaire de la vie de Frédéric II. Traduit de l’allemand de Louis Müller ... par le professeur J. C. T. de La Veaux. Potsdam, l’auteur, 1788. ICN, F 47973 (Potsdam, 1788); MiU (Berlin, 1788). Comments: Jean Charles Thibault de Laveaux, 1749-1827, trans.

Nevers (Diocèse), Bishop [Jean Antoine Tinseau], 1751-1782. Mandement de Monseigneur l’Evêque de Nevers, qui ordonne que le Te Deum sera chanté dans toutes les églises de son diocèse en action de grace de la victoire remportée sur les troupes prussiennes près Bergen le 13 avril 1759. [Nevers, De l’imprimerie de Louis Le Febvre, 1759]. ICN, Case oBX 961 .H6 1759 no.6 ([Nevers, 1759]).

The Operations of the allied army, under the command of His Serene Highness Prince Ferdinand, duke of Brunswic and Luneberg, during the greatest part of six campaigns, beginning in the year 1757, and ending in the year 1762. By an officer who served in the British forces ... London, T. Jefferys, 1764. ICN, F 4797305 .645 (London, 1764).

Park, Julian, 1888-1965. ... A Journal of the expedition against Cuba, 1762. University of Buffalo Studies, vol. 1, no. 4. Buffalo, University of Buffalo, 1920. OU, AS 36 B94 v.1 no.4 (Buffalo, 1920). Comments: Facsimile of original.

Poullin de Lumina, Étienne Joseph, d. 1772. Histoire de la guerre contre les Anglois. 2 vols. Geneva, 1759-60. ICN, Ayer 183 P87 1759 (Geneva, 1759-60); OU (Geneva, 1759); MiU-C (Geneva, 1759); InU (Geneva, 1759); ICU (Geneva, 1759); IU (Geneva, 1759). Comments: Published anonymously.

Proposals for carrying on the war with vigour, raising the supplies within the year, and forming a national militia. To which are added considerations in respect to manufacturers and labourers, and the taxes paid by them ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, 1757. OClW (London, 1757); ICU (London, 1757); ICN (London, 1757); InU (London, 1757). Comments: 54 pages.

Preussische Staatsschriften aus der Regierungszeit König Friedrichs II. Im Auftrage der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin hrsg. von J. G. Droysen und M. Duncker. 3 vols. Berlin, Duncker, 1877-92. ICN, F 47973 .71 (Berlin, 1877-92).

Raspe, Gabriel Nicolaus, 1712-1785, publisher. Schauplatz des gegenwaertigen kriegs durch accurate plans von den wichtigsten bataillen, belagerungen und feldlaegern ... 1756-1762. Nuremberg, G. N. Raspe, 1757- 64. ICN, Ayer 135 R22 1757 (Nuremberg, 1757-64). Comments: Includes 160 maps.

Relaçam da declaraçam da guerra dos inglezes contra os francezes, publicada em dezoito do mez de Mayo em a corte de Londres. Notavel sitio da praça de Porto Mahon, e combate horroroso, que junta à mesma praça teve hua esquadra ingleza, e outra franceza, que tudo traduzido da lingoa britanica offerece ao publico hum curioso. Lisbon, com todas as licenças Necessarias, 1756. MiU-C (Lisbon, 1756); ICN (Lisbon, 1756). Comments: 8 pages.

Relation de la campagne de 1756 tant en Boheme, qu’en Silesie et qu’en Saxe. [Account of the campaign of 1756 in Bohemia, Silesia, and Saxony]. By the K*** of P***. London, R. Griffiths, 1757. ICN, F 4797305 .014 (London, 1757). Comments: Translated from the German Umständliche nachricht von dem feldzug von 1756, in a collection of documents published at Leipzig under title: Allerneueste acta publica.

Richter, Christoph Gottlieb, 1717?-1774. Gesprache im Reiche der Todten. Frankfurt, 1758-62. ICN, F 4797305 .743 (Frankfurt, 1758-62). Comments: ICN has vols. 1, 3-5.

St. Paul, , 1729-1812. A Journal of the first two campaigns of the Seven Years’ War, written in French by Horace St. Paul ... Edited by George Grey Butler ... Cambridge, University press, 1914. MiU (Cambridge, 1914); ICN, F 4797305 .77 (Cambridge, 1914).

Sammlung der neusten Staats-Schriften zum Behuf der Historie des jetzigen Krieges in Teutschland auf das Jahr 1756. Bestehend in zwölf Stück und vier Nachtragen nebst einem Verzichnis sämtlicher darinnen enthaltenen Piecen, und doppelten Registern. Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1757. InU, Lilly DD 409 .T 352 1756 Mendel (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1757).

Sisteme et conduite de la Prusse: ou, Lettres d’un general saxon à un gentilhomme silesien dans les armées prussiennes; pour servir de réponse aux manifestes, exposés, mémoires, remonstrances, et autres ecrits, du ministre prussien ... Warsaw, 1756. ICN, E 5 .E 726 (Warsaw, 1756).

A soldier’s journal containing a particular description of the several descents on the coast of France last war; with an entertaining account of the islands of Guadaloupe Dominique, &c. and also of the isles of Wight and Jersey. To which are annexed, Observations on the present state of the army of Great Britain. London, Printed for E. and C. Dilly, 1770. ICN, F 4797305 .828 (London, 1770).

Storia delle operazioni militari eseguite dalle armate delle potenze belligeranti in Europa durante la guerra cominciata l’anno MDCCLVI ... 6 vols. in 3. Amsterdam, 1758-63. ICN, F 4797305 .84 (Amsterdam, 1758-63).

Teutsche Kriegs-Kanzley auf das Jähr 1757-[1763] ... Bestehend in achtzehen Theilen, nebst einem Verzichnis sämtlicher darinnen ehthaltenen Piecen und doppelten Registern. 17 vols. Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1757-63. InU, Lilly DD 409 .T352 1757 Mendel (Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1757-63). Comments: Probably no more published. Continues one volume published as Sammlung der neusten Staats-Schriften zum Behuf der Historie des jetzigen Krieges, Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1757.

Tielke, Johann Gottlieb, 1731-1787. Beyträge zur Kriegs-Kunst und Geschichte des Krieges von 1756 bis 1763. 6 vols. Freiburg, Barthel, 1775- 86. Maps. ICN, F 4797305 .875 (Freiburg, 1775-86). Comments: With maps and plans.

Umständliche nachricht von dem feldzug von 1756. [French translation:] Relation de la campagne de mille sept cent cinquante six: tant en Boheme, qu’en Silesie, et qu’en Saxe. N.p., 1756. InU, Lilly DD 412 .U53 R38 (N.p., 1756). Comments: 24 pages. Written by a supporter of the Prussians.

Wernich, C. F. [Carl Frideric Friderich]. Beyträge zur neuern Staats- und Krieges-Geschichte. 20 vols. Danzig, Bey J. C. Schuster, 1757-64. Fold. maps, plans. ICN, F 4797305 .957 (Danzig, 1757-64). Comments: With folding maps and plans.

Weymarn, Hans Heinrich von, ritter von, d. 1792. Ueber den ersten feldzug des russischen kriegsheeres gegen die Preussen im jähr 1757. Aus archivalnachrichten, welche der ... russ. Kaiser L. general en chef ... herr Hans Heinrich von Weymarn, auf erhaltenen befehl der Kaiserlichen conferenz zu St. Petersburg 1758 überreicht hat. Ein merkwürdiger beytrag zur geschichte des siebenjährigen krieges. Nebst einem plan der battaille bey Gross-Jägerndorf. In Neue nordische miscellaneen. N.p., 1794. ICN, Bonaparte Collection no. 10,019 (N.p., 1794).

Eighteenth-Century Military Miscellany

Abstracts of the number and yearly pay of the land-forces of Horse, Foot and Dragoons on Great Britain, by a member of Parliament. London, 1718. IU, RBC Uncat 73 373 (London, 1718).

An account of the debates for and against the bill for punishing mutiny and desertion. With the protests on that head. London, Printed S. Popping, 1717. IU, RBC, Uncat. 77 3 (London, 1717).

An account of the plot laid by the French in 1730 for the blowing up, and utterly destroying the city of Luxembourg, by setting fire to its principal powder magazines. Translated. London, J. Roberts, 1742. IU, RBC x844 v88 OmA (London, 1742).

Albania: a poem, addressed to the genius of Scotland. Dedicated to General Wade, commander in chief of His Majesty’s forces in North Britain. London, Printed for T. Cooper, 1737. IU, RBC x828 Sh52 box 2 cs (London, 1737). Comments: 21 pages.

Alderfelt, Gustaf, 1671-1709. The military history of Charles XII king of Sweden. Written by the express order of His Majesty, by M. Gustavus Alderfeld. To which is added, an exact account of the battle of Pultowa, with a journal of the King’s retreat to Bender. Illustrated with plans of the battles and sieges. Translated into English. 3 vols. London, Printed by J. and P. Knapton, 1740. IU, RBC x948.05 C38WaE Cs (London, 1740).

Algarotti, Francesco, conte, 1712-1764. Letters from Count Algarotti to Lord Hervey and the Marquis Scipio Maffei, containing the state of trade, marine, revenues, and forces of the Russian empire: with the history of the late war between the Russians and the Turks and observations on the Baltic and the Caspian Seas. To which is added, a dissertation in the reigns of the seven kings of Rome, and a dissertation on the empire of the Incas; by the same author. Translated from Italian. London, Printed for Johnson and Payne, 1769. IU, RBC x854Al3 Balc3l (London, 1769). Comments: By the author of Sir Issac Newton’s philosophy explained for the use of ladies, 1739.

An answer to the Tears of the foot guards, in which that respectable corps are vindicated from the charges of puppyism and cowardice. Inscribed to Capt. Horneck and Enseign Richardson. London, printed for G. Kearsy, 1776. IU, RBC x821 P75 v.3 (London, 1776). Comments: 21 pages.

Barbier, Edmond Jean François, 1689-1771. Chronique de la régence de du règne de Louis XV (1718-1763); ou, Journal de Barbier ... Première édition complète conforme au manuscrit autographe de l’auteur, pub. avec l’autorisation de S.E.M ... 8 vols. Paris, Charpentier, 1857. IU, 944.03 B23c 1857 (Paris, 1857).

Barbier, Edmond Jean François, 1689-1771. Journal historique et anecdotique du règne de Louis XV, par E. J. F. Barbier ... Pub. pour la Société de l’histoire de France d’après le manuscrit inédit de la Bibliothèque royale, par A. de La Villegrille ... 4 vols. Paris, J. Renouard et cie, 1847-56. IU, 944 So13p v.48, 58, 65, 80 (Paris, 1847-56). Comments: Société de l’histoire de France. Publications in octavo, nos. 48, 58, 65, 80.

Béla, Jeanne Philippe, chevalier de, 1709-1796. Mémoires militaires du Chevalier de Béla. Publiés par E. Duceré, précédées d’une biographie par J. De Jaurgain. Bayonne, A. Lamaignère, 1896. ICN, F 3925 .068 (Bayonne, 1896).

Biron, Armand Louis de, later duc de Lauzun. Memoirs of the Duc de Lauzun. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff. New York, New York Times & Arno Press, 1969. ICN, oDC 137.5 B6 A24 1969 (New York, 1969). Comments: In “Eyewitness accounts of the American Revolution.”

Considerations on a Spanish War, with remarks on the late manifesto, delivered by the Spanish ambassador. London, J. Wilkie and W. Davis, 1779. ICU, D292 .C75 (London, 1779).

Considerations on the present mode of quartering soldiers, in the suburbs of Edinburgh, particularly in the burgh of Canongate; containing some observations on the grievances complained of by the trading part of the inhabitants on that account. Edinburgh, Sold for the benefit of the Canongate Charity Work-House, 1780. MnU (Edinburgh, 1780). Comments: 29 pages.

Considerations on the present state of affairs in Europe, and particularly with regard to the number of forces in the pay of Great Britain. 2nd ed. London, Printed for J. Roberts, 1730. WU (London, 1730); ICN (London, 1730); IEN (London, 1730); MiU (London, 1730); ICJ (London, 1730); MnU (London, 1730); IU (London, 1730). Comments: Attributed to Horatio Walpole, to whom is also attributed, The case of the Hessian forces in the pay of Great-Britain ... in answer to a late pamphlet ... Considerations on the present state of affairs, etc. Concerns the employment of Hessian in the British Army. Also attributed to Francis Hare, bishop of Chichester, 1671-1740.

Conway, Henry Seymour, 1721-1795. The military arguments [concerning the proposed expedition to the French coast] in a letter to a right honourable author [Thomas Potter] fully considered, by an officer. 3rd ed. London, Printed for J. Robinson, 1758. InU, Lilly Spec. DA87.5 1757 .C767 M63 (London, 1758); MiD (London, 1758); ICN (London, 1758). Comments: 76 pages. A pamphlet in reply to Thomas Potter’s The expedition against Rochefort fully stated and considered. See also at InU Conway’s The officers answer to the country gentleman’s reply ... London, J. Robinson, 1758. 51 pages.

Coutinho, André Ribeiro. Relaçao diaria da expugna çao, e rendimento da praça de bicholym em 27 de mayo de 1726. Escrita por André Ribeyro Coutinho, sargento mó de infanteria, e alcayde mór de Baçaim. Lisbon Occidenatal, Na Officina de Miguel Godrigues [sic], 1728. InU, Lilly DS 498.7 .R696 1715 Mendel (Lisbon, 1728). Comments: 38 pages.

Cross, R., d. 1760. The adventures of John Le-Brun. Containing a surprising series of entertaining accidents on his own life. Also several historical accounts of the private memoirs of his contemporaries. Being an impartial history of his own times. In which all transaction of any secrecy or importance, whether amorous, moral, or military, are faithfully related ... 2 vols. London, Printed for G. Hawkins and sold by J. James, 1739. IU, RBC x823 C8845a (London, 1739).

Defoe, Daniel, 1660(61)-1731. An apology for the army. In a short essay on fortitude, &c. Written by an officer. London, Printed for J. Roberts, 1715. IU, RBC x942.071 D362a 1715a (London, 1715); ICN U 045 .041 (London, 1715). Comments: 58 pages.

Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784, ed. Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers ... Par une société de gens de lettres mis en ordre & publié par M. Diderot ... 17 vols. of text and 12 vols. of plates. Paris, Briasson, [etc.], 1751-65. IU, RBC, Xq EN 1 1751. Comments: Contains numerous articles of military nature.

Douglas, Stuart. A military dissertation, containing a plan for recruiting the British Army, and improving its establishment ... To which is added a second plan, for manning the Navy ... Also a third plan, for recruiting the ’s service, without having recourse to the worst of all measures, that of kid-napping ... London, 1781. ICN, U 145 .237 (London, 1781).

Enschedé, Jan Willem, 1865-1926. Marschen en marschmuziek in het Nederlandsche leger der achttiende eeuw. Door J. W. Enschedé. Amsterdam, F. Muller & co., 1898. OU (Amsterdam, 1898); MiU (Amsterdam, 1898).

État militaire de France, pour l’année 1758-93 ... Paris, Guillyn, 1758-93. ICN U 139 .274 (Paris, 1758-93). Comments: The Newberry library, ICN, has the following years in this series: 1761, 1770-1771, 1774, 1776, 1778-1779, 1781, 1784-85. The contents of each état includes the number of troops serving, uniforms, names of the principal officers, the governors of provinces, the états-majors des places, and a summary of military ordinances.

Ferguson, Adam, 1723-1816. Reflections previous to the establishment of a militia. London, R. and J. Dodsley, 1756. ICN, U 145 .291 (London, 1756). Comments: 53 pages.

Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. The art of war: a poem, in six books. Translated from the French of the king of Prussia. With a critique on the poem, by the Comte Algarotti, 1712-1764. Translated from the Italian. London, Printed for G. Riley, 1780. IU, RBC x844F91 OaE (London, 1780).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. Politische Correspondenz Friedrichs des Grossen ... Berlin, A. Duncker, 1879-19--. OO (Berlin, 1879-19--); OU (Berlin, 1879-19--).

Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia, 1712-1786. Reflexions sur les talens militaires et sur le caractere de Charles XII. Roi de Suede. Berlin, C. F. Henning, 1759. Berlin, R. Labisch & Co., 1925 facism. ICN, Wing Zp - fac. 747 .H 516 (Berlin, 1925).

Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, 1719-1803. Preussiche Soldatenlieder in den Jahren von 1778 bis 1790. Berlin, Bei Johann Friedrich Unger, 1790. IU (Berlin, 1790). Comments: Gleim is also the author of Preussische Volkslieder in den Jahren 1772 bis 1800. Halberstadt?, 1800. Available at OCl.

Glenie, James, 1750-1817. A reply to the Answer to a short essay on the modes of defence best adapted to the situation and circumstances of this island, &c. in a letter to his grace the Duke of Richmond ... London, Printed for G. T. Nilkie, 1785. ICN (London, 1785).

Gorani, Giuseppe, conte. ... Memoire di giovinezza e di guerra (1740-1763). Pubblicate da Alessandro Casat. Milan, A. Mondadori, 1936. OU, D 285.8 G6 A2712 (Milan, 1936). Comments: Text in French.

Hayes, James, ed. The military papers of Colonel Samuel Bagshawe (1713- 62). In John Rylands Library, Manchester. Bulletin, vol. 39 (1957), pp. 356- 389. ICN, Z 79 .J 608 v. 39 (Manchester, 1957).

Henley, John, 1692-1756. Apotheosis. A funeral oration; sacred to the memory of the most noble John Duke of Marlborough. As it was spoken in the day of his internment. Form’d upon the manner of antients. London, Printed for W. Mears, 1722. IU, RBC x942.06 M34 Whe (London, 1722); ICU (London, 1722); InU (London, 1722).

Le Rouge, Georges Louis. Theatre de la guerre en Allemagne contenant toutes les operations militaires des campagnes de 1733, 34, et 35, les plans des sieges et des camps ... Paris, L’auteur, 1741. ICN, Case U 047 502 (Paris, 1741). Comments: One of the few works in this guide that pertains to the War of Polish Succession.

Le Sage, Alain René. The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane. New translation. London, Printed for W. Strahan, 1785. IU, RBC x844L56 OhEs 1785 (London, 1785). Numerous other editions available at most major midwestern research libraires. Comments: Actually by the author of Roderick Random (T. Smollett). Fiction.

Mauvillon, Éléazar de, 1712-1779. Histoire du prince Eugene de Savoye, généralissime des armées de l’empereur & de l’empire. Vienna, Brittaut, 1777. ICN (Vienna, 1777); IU (Vienna, 1777); MnU (Vienna, 1777); MiU (Vienna, 1741); InU (Vienna, 1745); ICN (Amsterdam, 1750); IEN (Amsterdam, 1750); ICU (Vienna, 1755).

Mauvillon, Éléazar de, 1712-1779. Le soldat parvenu; ou, Mémoires et aventures de Mr. de Verval, dit Bellerose, par Mr. de M***. Enrichi de figures en taille-douce. 2 vols. Dresden, G. C. Walther, 1753. IU, 844M449 Os (Dresden, 1753). Comments: A novel.

Memoirs of Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland clans, and the massacre of Glenco: with an account of Dundee’s officers after they went to France. By an officer of the army ... London, J. Brown, 1714. InU (London, 1714); ICN (London, 1714); MnU (London, 1714); OCl (London, 1714); InU (London, 1718); OCl (Glasgow, 1818); MiU (London, 1903). Comments: Ridpath, Georges, d. 1726, supposed author.

Mémoires d’un militaire, depuis l’année 1735, jusqu’au quartier-d’hyver de 1758. Par M. R*****. Wesel, 1759. ICN, U 039 .566 (Wesel, 1759).

Möller, Hermann, 1850-1923. ... Ein hochdeutsches und zwei niederdeutsche Lieder von (1756-1763) aus dem siebenjährigen nordischen Kriege. Mit einem Anhang: Deutsche Lieder aus der Grafenfehde. Von Hermann Möller. Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1902. ICN, A 9 .3517 n.s. v.6.

Montalembert, Marc René, marquis de, 1714-1800. Essai su l’interêt des nations en général, et de l’homme en particulier, où l’on traite de l’homme, de son espirit, de sa folie, de sa pensée, de ses sentimens, de ses bonnes ou mauvaises qualités, de ses devoirs, depuis ceux du souverain, jusqu’à ceux de particulier, des loix, des finances, du commerce, de la religion, de la paix & de la guerre. N.p., 1749. ICN (N.p., 1749).

Paradès, Victor Claude Antoine Robert, calling himself comte de, 1752- 1786?. Secret memoirs of Robert count de Paradès, written by himself, on coming out of the Bastille. Serving to supply some important facts for the history of the late war; and containing an account of his successful transactions, as a spy in England, with the real causes of the failure of the ever memorable expedition against Plymouth, in 1779. London, Printed for R. Baldwin, 1791. InU, Lilly Spec. DC137.5 .P22 (London, 1791). Comments: 155 pages. Most authorities have agreed that the author was a pretender to the name of Paradès.

Pitt, William, 1759-1806. The war speeches of William Pitt the younger. Selected by R. Coupland. Oxford, 1915. IU, 942.07 P68w (Oxford, 1915).

Planches relatives a l’exercise de l’infanterie, suivant l’ordonnance du roi, du premier juin 1776. Metz, Collignon, 1776? MnU (Metz, 1776?)

Proposals for amending the militia act, so as to establish a strong and well- disciplined national militia; in a method consistent with justice due to the rich, and with that compassion which true policy requires should be at all times shewn to the poor: and so as to remove all cause of dislike of a militia, from all who are willing to strengthen the kingdom ... London, 1759. ICN, U 145 .88 v. 2 (London, 1759). Comments: Binder’s title: Tracts on the militia, v. 2.

Reeves, John, farrier. The art of farriery both in theory and practice, containing the causes, symptoms, and cure of all diseases incident to horses ... The whole rev., corr., and enl. by a physician. To which is added, a new method of curing a strain in the back-sinews and the anatomy of a horse’s leg ... by an eminent surgeon [i.e. Dale Ingram]. 4th ed. London, Printed for Clarnan and Newbery, S. Crowder, and B. Collins, 1778. IU, RBC x636 .1089 R26a (London, 1778).

Savile, Sir George, bart., 1726-1784. An argument concerning the militia ... N.p., 1762. ICU (N.p., 1762); MiU (N.p., 1762). Comments: 19 pages.

Simes, Thomas. A new military, historical, and explanatory dictionary including the Warrior’s gazetteer of places remarkable for sieges or battles. By Thomas Simes, esq. Philadelphia, Sold by Humphreys, Bell, and Aitken, 1776. MiU (Philadelphia, 1776); ICU (Philadelphia, 1776); WU (Philadelphia, 1776); InU, Lilly (Philadelphia, 1786).

Smollett, Tobias George, 1721-1771. The adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom. London, Printed for W. Johnston, 1753. IU, RBC x823 Sm7f 1753 (London, 1753). Comments: Fiction. Numerous other editions available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Sottiaux, Jules. La merveilleuse épopée des Gardes wallonnes en Espagne et en Italie; récits épiques. Collection Durendal, no. 71. Bruxelles, Durendal, 1948. OU, UA 786 G8 S6 (Brussels, 1948).

Sparte ressucitée, ou, Les guerriers français par un ancien élève de l’école militaire. Paris, Les Marchands de nouveautés, 1789. InU, Lilly D C 163.7 .S737 (Paris, 1789). Comments: 60 p. Signed B... de B...y. A prophetic title in light of the victories that would be won by the Republic. It was dedicated to the marquis de Lafayette.

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. Histoire de Charles XII. roi de Suède. 10 éd. De Christophe Revis, plus ample ... que toutes les précedentes, augmentée des critiques de la Montraye, & des résponses à ces critiques ... Basel, Revis, 1740. ICU, DL 732.v888 (Rouen, 1731); IU (Basel, 1732); ICN (Basel, 1732); InU (Berlin, 1752); OU (Geneva, 1763); OCl (Liège, 1789); ICN (Berlin, 1792); IU 948.05 C38Wv4 (Leipzig, n.d.); English editions: IU (London, 1733); OCl (London, 1780). Comments: Numerous other editions available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de, 1694-1778. Histoire de l’empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Par l’auteur de l’Histoire de Charles XII. 2 vols. N.p., 1759-1763. ICU (N.p., 1759-1763); MnU (N.p., 1759-1763); IU (N.p., 1759-1763); MiU (Geneva, 1759-1763); IU 947.05 v88h (Geneva, 1759-65); IaU (Geneva, 1759-65); ICU Dk131 v89 (Leipzig, 1761-1764); IEN (Leipzig, 1761-64); English editions: ICJ (Glasgow, 1764); OCl (Edinburgh, 1769); ODW (Edinburgh, 1769); ICU, DK131 .v923 (Aberdeen, 1777); MnU (London, 1778). Comments: Numerous other editions available at most major midwestern research libraries.

Warnery, Charles Emmanuel de, 1719-1786. Remarques sur le militaire des Turcs et des Russes; sur la façon la plus convenable de combattre les premieres; sur la marine des deux empires belligerants; sur les peuples qui ont joint leurs armees a celles de Russie. Breslau [Wroclaw, Poland], G. T. Korn, 1771. ICU, DR 448.W28 Austrian (Breslau, 1771); IEN (Breslau, 1771); WU (Breslau, 1771); IU (Breslau, 1771); ICN U 159. 955 (Leipzig, 1770).

Wimpfen, Louis François, baron de, 1732-1800. Refonte de l’économie de l’armée françoise, ou Extrait et développement d’une plan militaire. Paris, Didot fils ainé (Jombert jeune), 1787. ICN, U 139 .977 (Paris, 1787).

Index of Authors and Editors

Achesone, James, Adams, John (1662-1720), Adams, Thomas (fl. 1612-1653), Addison, Joseph (1672-1719), Adelphus, Johannes, Adye, Stephen Payne, Aelianus, Tacticus (ca. 100), Aggas, Edward, Agrippa, Camillo, Aitzema, Lieuwe van (1600-1669), Akerman, John Yonge, ed. (1806-1873), Alaba y Viamont, Diego, Alba, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duque de (1508-1582), Albemarle, George Monk, 1st duke of (1608-1670), Albuquerque, Alfonso de, Alderfelt, Gustaf (1671-1709), Alexander, William, major-general (1726-1783), Algarotti, Francesco, conte (1712-1764), Alghisi, Galasso da Carpi (ca. 1523-1573), Alimari, Doroteo, Alingham, William, Alison, Sir Archibald, bart. (1792-1867), Allen, William, cardinal (1532-1594), Altoni, Giovanni (fl. 1604), Amaulry, Thomas, Ambillou, René Bouchet, sieur d' (b. 1560), Amboyse, Michel d', Amherst, William (1732-1781), Ammirato, Scipione (1531-1601), Anderson, Robert, André, Louis, ed. (1867-1948), Andrea, Alessandro, Andrews, Charles, Anghiera, Pietro Martire d' (1455-1526), Anglesy, baron d', Anonymous, Basilius (pseudonym), Antonio, prior of Crato (1531-1595), Apasi, Michael, Appier, Hanzelet Jean (1596-1647), Aquino, Carlo, d' (1654-1737), Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von (1743-1812), Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis de (1704-1771), Argyll, Archibald Campbell, marquis of (d. 1661), Arnauld, Antoine (1560-1619), Arrowsmith, John (1602-1659), Ascham, Anthony (d. 1650), Ashe, Simeon (d. 1662), Aske, James, Aspin, Jehoshaphat, Assarino, Luca (d. 1672), Atkinson, Christopher Thomas, Atkyns, Richard (1615-1677), Aubert de la Chesnaye des Bois, F. A. A. de (1699-1789), Auton, Jehan d', Avaux, Claude de Mesmes, comte d' (1595-1650), Ayala, Baltasar, Baccellini, Matteo, Backenberg, Franz Heinrich (b. 1813), Baeza, Gonzalo, Bagshawe, Samuel, colonel, [see under Hayes], Barbier, Edmond Jean François (1689-1771), Bardet de Villeneuve, Barillon, Paul, marquis de Branges (1630 or 31-1691), Barker, Thomas Mack, Barret, Robert, Barriffe, William (1601?-1643), Barry, Gerat (Fl. 1624-1642), Bassenn, J.H.V., Bassompierre, François de (1579-1646), Basta, Giorgio (1550-1607?), Baynes, Adam, Captain [see under Akerman, John Younge], Beaurain, Jean, chevalier de (1696-1771), Béla, Jeanne Philippe, chevalier de (1709-1796), Belidor, Bernard Forest de (1697?-1761), Belleforest, François de (1530-1583), Belle-Isle, Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc de (1684-1761), Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953), Bennet, Joseph, captain (1629-1707), Bentivoglio, Guido, cardinal (1579-1646), Berenhorst, Georg Heinrich von (1733-1814), Bergstraesser, Johann Andreas Benignus (1732-1812), Bernáldez, Andrés, Bernardi, Maro Tullio (16th-17th centuries), Bernhardi, Theodor von (1802-1887), Berney, Arnold (1897-?), Bernhardi, Theodor von (1802-1887), Bernis, François Joachim de Pierre de, comte de Lyon, cardinal (1715-1794), Berner, Ernst, ed. (1853-1905), Bertuch, Johann Georg, Berwick, James Fitz-James, 1st duke of (1670-1734), Besançon, Bernard de, seigneur Du Plessis (1600-1670), Besozzi, Antonio Giorgio, Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm von (1784-1846), Bettini, Mario, Beuer, Samuel, Beust, Joachim Ernst von, fl. 1750, Bezout, Etienne, Biggs, William, Billistein, Charles Léopold Andreu de (1724-18??), Billon, Jean de, Bingham, John, captain [see under Aelianus and Xenophon], Binning, Thomas, Bion, Nicolas (1652?-1733), Birago, Giovanni Battista, Biron, Armand de Gontaut, baron de (1524-1592), Biron, Armand Louis de Gontaut, duc de Lauzun (1747-1794), Bisaccioni, Majolino, conte (1582-1663), Bishop, Matthew (fl. 1701-1744), Bitainvieu, sieur de [pseud.] [or Jean Du Breuil] (1602-1670), Blackmore, Sir Richard (d. 1729), Bland, Humphrey (1686?-1763), Blondel, François (1618-1686), Bocer, Heinrich, (or Bocerus, Heinrich), (1561-1630), Bodart, Gaston, Bodenehr, Daniel (1664-1758), Boeckler [or Böckler], Georg Andreas (fl. 1648-1685), Bohatcoa, Mirjam, Bonbra, Franciscus David, Bonneville, Zacharie de Pazzi de, Boon, Nicholas (1679-1738), Borgo, Carlo, Borgo, Pietro Battista, Borgsdorff, Ernst Friedrich, baron von, Borrás, Gonzalo M., Bos, Lambert van den, Bouchotte, M., Bougeant, Guillaume Hyacinthe (1690-1743), Bouillon, Henri de La Tour d'Auergne, vicomte de Turenne, duc de (1555-1623), Bourcet, Pierre Joseph de (1700-1780), Bourdeille, André, vicomte de, seigneur de Brantìme (1519?-1582), Bourdin, Pierre (1595-1653), Bourgelat, Claude (1712-1779), Bourgeois, Emile, ed., (1857-1934), Boyse, Joseph (1660-1728), Brancaccio, Lelio, marchese di Montesilvano (1560-1637), Brachelius, Adolphus (d. 1652), Bracho Bustamante, Pedro Antonio, Braubach, Max (1899-?), Breen, Adam van (fl. 1618), Brereton, Sir William, bart. (1604-1661), Breton, William, Brioys, Jean, Broderick, Thomas, Broglie, Albert (i.e., Jacques Victor Albert), duc de (1821-1901), Broglie, Jacques de, prince (1878-?) Broglie, Victor François, duc de (1718-1804), Bruce, Anthony, Brück, Gottlob Friedrich von, Brüggemann, Fritz (1876-?), Brunon, Jean, Bubilan, de, Buchenroeder, Johann Nicolaus Carl, Bülow, Dietrich, freiherr von (1757-1807), Bulstrode, Sir Richard (1610-1711), Buonamici, Castruccio, conte (1710-1761), Burn, Richard (1709-1785), Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury (1643-1715), Busca, Gabriello (ca. 1540-1605), Bussy, Roger de Rabutin, comte de (1618-1693), Busteter, Hans, Caesar, G. Julius (100-44 B.C.), Campana, Cesare, Campbell, John (1708-1755), Capella, Galeazzo Flavio, Capobianco, Alessandro, Capra, Alessandro (ca. 1609-ca. 1683), Capriano, Giovani Pietro, Cárdenas Zapata, Iñigos de (d.1617), Carlet, Louis François, marquis de la Rozière (1735-1808), Carleton, George, Captain (fl. 1728),[see under Defoe], Carrión Pardo, Juan (fl. 1595), Carvalho, Inácio Sarmento de, Cassani, Giovanni Alberto, Cassani, José (1673-1750), Cassini de Thury, César François (1714-1784), Castelnau, Michel de, sieur de la Mauvissière (d. 1592), Castelo Branco, António do Couto de (1669-1742), Castlehaven, James Touchet, 3rd earl of (1617?-1684), Castriotto, Jacomo Fusto (fl. 1548), Cataneo, Girolamo (fl. ca. 1540-1584), Cataneo (or Cattaneo), Pietro (1510-1569), Catherine de Médicis, queen consort of Henry II, king of France (1519-1589), Catinat de la Fauconnerie, Nicolas de (1637-1712), Catt, Heinrich Alexander de (1725-1795), Cavan, Richard Lambert, 6th earl of (1722?-1778), Cellarius, Andreas, Centorio degli Hortensii, Ascanio (b. 1480), Chales, Claude François Milliet de (1621-1678), Chamillart, Michel (1652-1721), Chandler, David, ed., Chandler, Edward, bishop of Durham (1668?-1750), Charles V, duke of Lorraine (1643-1690), Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1500-1558), Charles II, king of England and Scotland (1630-1685), Charles XII king of Sweden (1682-1718), [see under Hatton] Charteris, Hon. Evan Edward (1864-?), Choiseul du Plessis-Praslin, César, duc de (1598-1675), Chouppes, Aymar, marquis de (1612-1673), Churchyard, Thomas (1520?-1604), Cicogna, Giovanni Mattheo, Cicuta, Aurelio (fl. 1566), Cinuzzi, Imperiale, Cirni, Antonfrancesco (fl. 1560), Clairac, Louis André de la Mamie de (1690-1750), Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl of (1609-1674), Clayton, John William (1833-?), Clermont, sieur de, Clinton, Sir Henry, Clowes, William (1540?-1604), Coakley, Robert W., Cockle, Maurice, Coehoorn, Minno (or Menno), baron van (1641?-1704), Colbert, Jean Baptiste (1619-1683), Cole, Christien, Collado, Luis, Colon, Jean Lambert Alphonse (1864-?), Colón de Larriátegui, Félix, Comines (or Commynes), Philippe de, sieur d'Argenton (1445?-1511?), Condé, Louis I de Bourbon, prince de (1530-1569), Condé, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de, called “le grand Condé” (1621-1686), Coningsby, Sir Thomas (d.1625), Contarini, Pietro Maria, Conway, Henry Seymour (1721-1795), Corbett, Sir Julian Stafford (1854-1922), Cormontaigne, Louis de (1696-1732), Cornazzano, Antonio, Cornet, seigneur du [see under Haynin], Correa, Joao de Medeiros (d. 1671), Cottereau, Claude, Court, Pieter de la (1618-1685), Courtilz, Gatien de, sieur de Sandras (1644-1712), Coutinho, André Ribeiro, Crasso, Lorenzo, Croce, Flaminio della, Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658), Cross, R. (d. 1760), Crosse, William (fl. 1630), Cruso, John (d. 1681), Crull, Joducus (d. 1713?), Cuperus, Gisbertus (1644-1716), Cuthbertson, Bennett, Dallington, Sir Robert (1561-1637), Dalrymple, Campbell, Dalrymple, Sir John, bart. (1726-1810), Daniel, Gabriel (1649-1728), Danzer, Alphons (1842-1899), Davies, Edward, Davila, Enrico Caterino (1576-1631), D'Auvergne, Edward d' (1660-1737), Dawson, George, De Coetlogon, Dennis (d. 1749), De Graff, Abraham, De La Valette, Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731), Dekker, Thomas (1570?-1641?), Depping, Georges Bernard, ed., Deschamps, Nicolas (fl. 1670), Desfourt (or Desfours), François (or Franz Joseph), comte de (1756-1823), Deville, Antoine (1596-1657), Díaz de Vargas, Francisco, Diderot, Denis, ed. (1713-1784), Digges, Leonard (d. 1571?), Digges, Thomas (d. 1595), Dilich, Wilhelm Schäffer [or Wilhelmi Dilichii] (1571?-1655), Ditfurth, Franz William, freiherr von (1801-1880), Dögen Matthias (1605?-1672), Dölffer, Johann Anton, Dolet, Etienne (1508-1546), Donkin, Robert (1727-1821), Donneau de Vizé, Jean (1638?-1710), Dorset, Michael, Douazac, Douglas, Edward, Drewe, Edward , Drummond, Hon. Robert Hay, archbishop of York (1711-1766), Du Bellay, Martin, sieur de Langey (d. 1559), Du Bois, Du Choul, Guillaume, Du Fay, abbé, Du Fossé, Pierre Thomas (1634-1701), Du Moulin, Pierre François, Du Praissac, Du Torar, sieur, Dumas, Samuel, Dumont, Jean, baron de Carlscroon (d. 1726), Dumouriez, Charles François Dupérier (1739-1823), Dundas, Sir David (1735-1820), Dupain de Montesson (ca. 1720-ca. 1790), Dupuy, R. Ernest and Trevor N. Dupuy, Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528), Duval, Pierre (1618-1683), Eberhard, Phillip, duke of Cleves (1456-1528), Echard, Laurence (1670?-1730), Eelking, Max von (1813-1873), Edwards, Clement, Edmonds, Sir Clement (1564?-1622), Eggers, Jacob von, Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd earl of (1711-1770), Einaudi, Luigi (1874?-?), El Rey, Elton, Richard (fl. 1650), Enschedé, Jan Willem (1865-1926), Entick, John, Equicola, Mario (1470-1525), Errard de Bar-le-Duc, Jean (1554-1610), Escalante, Bernardino de, Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damarzit-Sahuguet, baron d' (1713-1783), Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of (1566-1601), Essex, Robert Devereux, earl of (1591-1646), Estor, Johann Georg (1699-1733), Estrades, Godefroi Louis, comte d’ (1607-1686), Estrées, François Annibal, duc d' (1573-1670), Etienne, H., sieur du Belle, Evoli, Cesare d', Ewing, Alexander (d. 1804), Fabre, Jean, Faesch (or Fäsch), Georg Rudolph (d. 1787), Fage. Edward, Fairfax, Sir Thomas Fairfax, 3rd baron (1612-1671), Faludi, Francisco, Faulhaber, Johann (1580-1635), Fer, Nicolas de (1646-1720), Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816), Feuquières, Antoine de Pas, marquis de (1648-1711), Fernandez Alvarez, Manvel (1921-?) Fernandez de Medrano, Sebastian (1646-1705), Ferretti, Francesco (fl. 1577), Ferro, Francesco, Fiammelli, Giovanni Francesco, Filmer, Sir Rober (d. 1653), Fitch, William, Flaemitzer, Johann Nicolaus, Flamand, Claude (b. 1570?), Fleuranges, Robert III de La Marck, seigneur de (1491-1537), Floriani, Pietro Paulo (1584-1638), Fludd, Robert (1574-1637), Flurance, David Rivault, sieur de (1571-1615), Folard, Jean Charles de (1669-1752), [see under Savornin], Forni, Fillippo, Fossé, Charles Louis François (1734-1812), Fournier, Georges (1595?-1652), Fourquevaux, François de Beccarie de Pavie, baron de, Fourquevaux, Raimondo de Beccarie de Pavie, baron de (1509-1574), François II, king of France (1544-1560), Freind, John (1675-1728), Freitag, Adam (1602-1664), Frémont d'Ablancourt, Nicolas (1625?-1693), Freye, Frezier, Amédée François (1602-1664), Friedrich II, der Grosse, king of Prussia (1712-1786), Friedrich III, (The Wise), emperor of Germany (1463-1525), Frisch, Ernst von, Fronsperger, Leonhardt, baron von Mindelheim (1520-1575), Frontinus, Sextus Julius (ca. 40-103), Frosterus, Gustaf (1826-1901), Fumée, Jacques F., de, Fumée, Martin, sieur de Genille et Marly le-Chatel (1540?-1590), Funck, Carl (1708-1783), Furtenbach, Joseph (1591-1667), Gaches, Jacques (1588-1612), Gaedeke, Arnold Heinrich (1844-1892), Gage, Henry, Colonel [see under Hugo], Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642), García de Palacio, Diego (fl. 1576-1587), Gay, John (1685-1732), Gaya, Louis de, Gentilini, Eugenio, Gheyn, Jacob II de (1565-1615), Giorgieri, Lauro, Giovio, Paolo, bishop of Nocera (1483-1552), Girard, Antoine (1603-1680), Girard, Guillaume (d. 1663), Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig (1719-1803), Glenie, James (1750-1817), Goldmann, Nicolas (1623-1665), Gorani, Giuseppe, conte (1740-1819), Gorgieri, Lauro, Goslinga, Sicco van (1664-1731), Gottscheer, Martin (1648-1731), Goulart, Simon (1543-1628), Goulon, Louis (b. 1640), Grandchamp, de (d. 1702), Granville, John Carteret, earl (1690-1763), Griffet, Henri, ed. (1698-1711), Grimoard, Philippe Henri, comte de (1753-1815), Groeben, Georg Dietrich von der (1725-1794), Grollier de Servière, Nicolas, comte (1677-1745), Groote, Alexander de, baron, Grothaus, Karl, freiherr von, Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645), Gruber, Johann Sebastian, Gualdo Priorato, Galeazzo, comte (1606-1678), Guibert, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, comte de (1743-1790), Guicciardini, Francesco, Guischardt, Karl Gottlieb, called Quintus Icilius (1724-1755), Guitierrez de la Vega, Luis (b. ca. 1509), Gustavus II Adolf (Gustavus Adolphus), king of Sweden (1594-1632), Gwyn, John (or Gwynne, John), Captain (fl. 1660), Hare, Francis, bishop of Chichester (1671-1740), Haren, Onno Zwier van (1711-1779), Harvey, Edward, Hassell, William L. A. von (1833-?), Hatton, Ragnhild Marie, ed., Hayes, James, ed., Haynin, Louis de, seigneur du Cornet (1582-1640), Heberle, Hans (1597-1677), Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig (1760-1842), Heinsius, Daniel (1580-1655), Hénault, Chalotte, Henley, John (1692-1756), Henry III, king of France (1551-1589) Henry IV, king of France (1553-1610) [see under L'Estoile] Hermann, Jacob (1678-1733), Hexham, Henry (1585?-1650?), Higgins, Francis (1669-1728), Higham, Robbin, Hill, Richard (1655-1727), Hinde, Robert (d. 1786), Hipssich, Carl, freiherr von, Hogrewe, Johann Ludwig (d. 1814), Holles, Deuzil, 1st baron (1599-1680), Hondius, Hendrik (1573-1650), Hoste, Paul (1652-1700), Hotman, François, sieur de Villiers St. Paul (1524-1590), Hugo, Herman (1588-1629), Hulsius, Levinus (d. 1606), Hurault, Jacques, d' (fl. 1588), Hyginus, Illens, A. d', Ive, Paul (fl. 1589-1602), Jäger, Albert (1801-1891), Jahn, J. H. F., James II, king of England (1633-1701), Jametel, comte de, Jeney, de, Jessup, John E., Jetze, Franz Christoph, Junghans von der Olnitz, Adam, Kaltenborn, Rudolph Wilhelm von, Kane, Richard (1666-1731), Karl VII, emperor of Germany (1697-1745), Karpinski, Louis C., Kaschube, Johann Wenceslaus (d. ca. 1727), Kennedy, David (fl. 1698), Kennett, White, bishop of Peterborough (1660-1728), Khevenhüller, Franz Christoph, graf von Frankenburg (1588-1650), Khevenhüller-Frankenburg, Ludwig Andreas, graf (1683-1744), Kinsky, Franz Joseph, graf von (1739-1805), Kirchhammer, Alexander (1847-1909), Kirchhof, Johann Heinrich, Kirchof, Hans Wilhelm, Koehoorn, Minno, baron van, Kortzfleisch, Gustav von, Kreus, Peter von der, Küster, Carl Daniel, L'Estoile, Pierre de (1546-1611), La Fare, Charles Auguste, marquis de (1644-1712), La Fontaine, sieur de, La Fuye, Mauiece de, La Grange de Chessieux, Gilbert Arnaud François Simon de, La Haguerye, Michel de (1545?-1608?), La Noue, François de (1531-1591), La Noue du Vair, Stanislas Louis, comte de, La Ramée, Pierre de (1515?-1572), La Vallière, François de la Baume Le Blanc de (d. 1647), L’abbé, Pierre Paul, Lambert, Claude François (1705-1765), Lamont, de, Landau, Marcus (1837-1918) Langallerie, Philippe de Gentils, marquis de (1656-1717), Lanteri, Giacomo (d. 1560), Lasseré, Jean de (d. 1673), Laurenberg, S., Leake, Stephen Martin (1702-1773), Leblond, Guillaume (1704-1781), Legendre, Adrien Marie (1752-1833), Le Gendre, Louis (1655-1733), Le Michaud D'Arcon, Jean Claude Éleonore, Le Normant, René, Le Rouge, George Louis, Le Roy de Barincourt (d. ca. 1797), Le Roy de Bosroger, Le Sage, Alain René, Lezo, Blas de (1687-1741), Liebknecht, Johann Georg (1679-1749), Liesganig, Joseph, Lipsius, Justus (1547-1606) [see under Xenophon and Tacitus], Lisola, François Paul, baron de (1613-1675), Littleton, Edward (b. 1626), Lloyd, Henry (1720?-1783), Locatelli, Vincentio, Lodoño, Sancho de, Loen, Johann Michael, freiherr von (1694-1776), Lopez de Mendoza y Pons, Agustín, condé de Robres, Lorini, Buonaiuto (ca. 1540-ca. 1611), Lostelneau, de, Louis XIII, king of France (1601-1643) [see under Code Michaud], Louis XIV, king of France (1638-1715), Louis XV, king of France (1710-1774), Lourenço de Simpaio, Luis, Louvois, François Michel Le Tellier, marquis de (1641-1691), Lucinge, René de, seigneur des Alymes et de Montrozat (1553-ca. 1615), Ludovici, Jacob Friederich (1671-1723), Lundorp, Michael Caspar (ca. 1580-1629), Lupicini, Antonio (ca. 1530-ca. 1598), Luz, André da, Lydius, Jacobus (1610-1679), Machalicky, Ottokar, Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469-1527), Maggi, Girolamo (d. 1572), Mailles, Jacques de (fl. 1527), Mailliebois, Yves Marie Desmaretz, comte de (1715-1791), Mailly, Jean Baptiste (1744-1794), Maldoneri, Johann Anton, Maldoner, Johann Franciscus, Mallet, Alain Manesson (1630-1706), Malthus, Francis, Malvezzi, Virgilio, marchese (1595-1654), Manlyn, Daniel, Mansfeld, Ernst, graf von (1580-1626), Mansfield, earl of [see under The appollogie], Marchin, Ferdinand de, comte, Maria Theresa, empress of Austria (1717-1780), Mariano, Jacopo, called il Taccola (1381-1458?), Markham, Francis (1565-1627), Markham, Gervase (1568?-1637), Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st duke of (1650-1722), Mármol, Caravajal, Luis de (fl. 1575), Marolois, Samuel (1572?-1627), Marozzo, Achille, Marzioli, Francesco, Massari Malatesta, Alessandro, Matthieu, Pierre de (1563-1621), Mauvillon, Eléazer de (1712-1779), Mauvillon, Jacob, Massari Mazarin, Jules, cardinal (1602-1661), Maubert de Gouvest, Jean Henri (1721-1767), Maurice of Nassau, prince of Orange (1572-1632), Mauvillon, Élézar de (1712-1779), Mauvillon, Jacob (1743-1794), Mayerhofer von Grünbühl, Emil, freiherr, Medicus, Heinrich, Mello, Francisco Manuel de (1608-1666), Melzi (or Melzo), Lodovico (1567-1617), Melville, Andrew (1624-1706), Mendoza, Bernardino de (1540?-1604), Meneses, Francisco Xavier de, conde de Ericeira, Mercier, Henry, Mercoyrol, Jacques de, seigneur de Beaulieu (1725-1817), Mersenne, Marin (1588-1648), Meteren, Emanuel van (1532-1612), Metius, Adriaan Adriaansz (1570-1635), Mexia, Pedro (1496?-1552?), Mignet, François Auguste Marie Alexis (1796-1884), Millner, John (fl. 1712), Modestus (ca. 200-300), Molanus, Johannes (1533-1585), Möller, Hermann (1850-1923), Moltke, Caspar Hermann Gottlieb, greve (1738-1800), Molyneux, Thomas More, Monglat, marquis de, Monmouth, Henry Earl of [see under Capriano], Monro, David, Monro, Robert (d. 1680?), Montalembert, Marc René, marquis de (1714-1800), Montecuccoli, Raimondo, conte, duca di Melfi (1608-1680) [see under Barker], Montespan, Françoise Athénäis (de Rochechouart) de, Montluc, Blaise de Lasserau-Massencome, seigneur de (d. 1577), Montpensier, A.M. Louise d'Orleans, duchesse de, Moore, Sir Jonas (1617-1679), Mora, Domenico (b. 1539), Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly (Du Plessis-Mornay) (1549-1623), Motteville, Mme. Françoise [Bertaut] de, Moreau, Célestin (b. 1805), Moreau, Jean (1552-ca. 1617), Moretti, Tomaso (d. 1675), Mühlwerth-Gärtner, Friedrich, freiherr von, Müller, Ludwig Christian (1734?-1804), Muller, John (1699-1784), Muñoz, Juan, fray, Muro, Innes, Mut, Don Vicente (1614-1687), Nannini, Remigio Fiorentino (1521?-1581?), Naudé, Gabriel (1600-1653), Naudin, M., Navailles, Philippe de Montault de Bénac, duc de (1619-1684) [see under Chouppes], Nethersal, Sir Francis (1587-1659), Neuport, Andrew, colonel, Nevers, Jean Antoine, bishop of (1751-1782), Nicolai, Ferdinand Friedrich von (1730-1814), Nitzsche, Johann Gottlieb, Nockhern de Schorn, François, Nodot, François, Norris, Richard, captain (fl. 1735-1745), Norton, Robert (d. 1635), Nye, Nathaniel (b. 1624), O'Cahill, baron, O'Hanlon, Chevalier, Onosander, Orange, Prince of (king William III) (1650-1702), Orleans, duc d' (1608-1660) [see under Lasseré], O'Rourke, John, count, Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st earl of (1621-1679), Ottieri, Francesco Maria, marchese (d. 1742?), Owen, Edward, Ozanam, Jacques (1640-1717), Paffenrode, Johan van, vrijherr van Ghussigny (1618-1673), Pagan, Blaise François, comte de Merveilles (1604-1665), Palanco, Romero José, ed. (b. 1887), Panciroli, Guido (1523-1599), Papillon, David (1581-ca. 1655), Paradès, Victor Claude Antoine Robert (1752-1786?), Pardaillan de Gondrin, marquise de, Paris, Louis, ed. (1802-1887), Park, Julian (1888-1965), Parker, Geoffrey (b. 1943), Parker, Robert (b. ca. 1665), Parnell, Hon. Arthur (b. 1841) Patrici (or Patrizi), Francesco (1413-1494), Patrizi (or Patrici), Francesco (1529-1597), Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, baron (1777-1858), Pellicciari (or Pellizzari), Bartolomeo, Pellisson-Fontanier, Paul (1624-1693), Perret, Jacques, Perrinet d'Orval, Jean Charles (1701-ca. 1780), Perrot d'Ablancourt, Nicolas (1606-1664), Peterborough, Charles 3rd earl of (1658-1735), Philipp Eberhard, duke of Cleves (1456-1528), Philippes (or Phillippes), Henry, Pichat, Henry, Pimentel, Luis Serrao (1613-1679), Pirscher, J. D. C., Pitt, William (1708-1778), Pitt, William (1759-1808), Poeschel, Johann Georg, Pohler, Johann (b. 1851), Polyaenus, Polybius (205?-125 ? B.C.) [see under Folard], Pontis, Louis de (1583-1670), Porroni, Annibale, marchese (1623-1684), Poullin de Lumina, Étienne Joseph (d. 1772), Pringle, Sir John, bart. (1707-1782), Priolo, Benjamin (1602-1667), Priorato, Galaezzo Gualdo, count of Comazo (1606-1678), Proctor, Thomas (fl. 1578), Puente, Pedro de la, Puységur, Jacques de Chastenet, siegneur de (1601-1682), Pym, John (1584-1643), Quanten, Carl von, Quincy, Charles Sévin, marquis de (1666-1736), Quincy, Joseph Sevin, comte de (1677-1749), Rabutin, François de, Raguenet, François (1660?-1722), Rahmel, August Wilhelm Leopold von (d. 1808), Ramelli, Agostino (1531-ca. 1600), Ramsay, Andrew Michael, chevalier (1686-1743), Rantzau, Henrik (1526-1598), Raspe, Gabriel Nicolaus (1712-1785), Ratzenhofer, Gustav (1842-1904), Ray de Saint-Geniès, Jacques Marie (1712-1777), Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François (1713-1796), Re, Elia del (1654-1733), Reeves, John, farrier, Rechberger, von Rechkron, Joseph, ritter, Rechcron (or Redhkron), Joseph Rechberger, ritter von, Renouard, Karl, Retz, Jean François, Paul de Gondi, cardinal de (1614-1679), Reusner, Elia (1555-1612), Reuss, Richards, Jacob (1660?-1701), Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal duc de (1585-1642), Richter, Christoph Gottlieb (1717?-1774), Rigault, Nicolas, Rivault, David, Sieur de Flurance, Roanez, Louis Gouffier, duc de (d. 1642?), Robins, Benjamin (1701-1751), Rocca, Bernardino (1515-1587), Rocha, Diego Andrés, Rodrigues da Costa, Antonio (1656-1732), Rodríguez Villa, Antonio (1843-1912), Rohan, Henri, duc de (1579-1638), Rohault, Jacques, Rolt, Richard (1725?-1770), Romano, Bartolomeo, Roscius, Julius, Ross, Steven, Rossetti, Donato (1633-1686), Rovere, Francesco Maria (I) della, duke of Urbino (1490-1538), Rozet, Albin, Ruggiero, Pietro, Ruscelli, Girolamo (d. 1566), Ruse, Heinrik (baron von Rysenstein or Rusensteen) (1624-1674), Rusticus, G. [pseud.], Saint Chaman, Henri de, Saint Paul, Horace (1729-1812), Saint-Germain, Claude Louis, comte de, Saint-Hilaire, Armand de Mormés, sieur de (1652?-1740), Saint-Julien, Antoine, chevalier de, Salgado de Araujo, Joao, Sampayo, Luis Laurença, Sandoval, Prudencio de, bishop of Pamplona (ca. 1560-1620), Santa Cruz de Marcenado, Alvar de Navia Osoris de (1684-1732), Sardi, Pietro (1560-ca. 1640), Sarraméa, François de, seigneur d'Orieux (b. 1677), Saumaise, Claude de (1588-1653?), Savile, Sir George, bart. (1726-1784), Savile, Sir Henry (1549-1622), Savorgano, Mario, conte di Belgrado (d. 1597?), Savornin, de, Saxe, Maurice, comte de (1696-1750), Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1552/7-1616), Scarion, Bartolomé (fl. 1598), Schwartz, Franz, Schelius, Radbodus Hermannus (1622-1662), Schenk, Peter (1645-1715), Schertel von Burtenbach, Anton Eberhard, freiherr von, Schiavina, Zaccaria, Schleicher, Franz Karl (1756-1815), Schmettow, Herman Valdemar (1719-1785), Schönaich, Ephraim Otto, Scholten, Johann Anton von (1723-1791), Scott, Thomas (1580?-1626), Sedgwick, Obadiah (1600?-1658), Seegers, Christoph Dionysius, Segar, Sir William (d. 1633), Sereno, Bartolomeo, Serres, Jean de (1540?-1598), Shelvocke, George [see under Siemienowicz], Showalter, Dennis E., Sictor, Jan (1593-1652), Siegler, Heinrich, edler von Eberswald, Siemienowicz, Casimir (or Siemienowicz, Kasimierz), Silva, marquis de, Simes, Thomas (fl. 1600-1627), Smith, Thomas, Smollett, Tobias George (1721-1771), Smythe, Sir John (1534?-1607), Soares de Brito, Gregorio, Sodenstern, E., von, Soiterus (or Soiter), Melchior (fl. 1538), Solms, Reinhard, graf von (1491-1562), Sottiaux, Jules, Souvigny, Jean Gangnières, comte de (1597-1673), Spaulding, Thomas M., Speckle, Daniel (1536-1589), Spon, Jean François, baron de, Stanhope, Alexander (1639-1707), Stanhope, George (1660-1728), Stanhope, Michael (1681?-1737), Starowolski, Szymon (1588-1656), Steed, John, captain, Stelling-Michaud, Sven (b. 1905), Stennett, Joseph (1663-1713), Stennett, Joseph (1692-1758), Stevens, Henry (1597-ca. 1655), Stevin, Simon (1548-1620), Stewechius, Godescalcus, Stiernemann, Olof von, Stille, Christoph Ludwig von, Stone, Nicholas (1586-1647), Story, George Warter (d. 1721), Stövesandt, J. C., Strada, Famiano (1572-1649), Stubbs, Henry (1632-1676), Sturm, Johann Christoph, Sturm, Leonhard Christoph (1669-1719), Styward, Thomas, Suckow, Laurenz (or Lorenz) Johann Daniel (1722-1801), Suhm, Peter Fredrick, Sully, Maximilien de Béthune, duc de (1559-1641), Surget, Jean, Surville, Louis Charles de Hautefort, marquis de (d.1721), Sutcliffe, Matthew, Tacitus, Cornelius (55?-after 117), Tacquet, André (1612-1660), Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon (1619-1697), Tarducci, Achille, Tartaglia, Niccolò (d. 1557), Taubman, Nathaniel (d. 1720?), Taylor, John, Temple, Sir William (1628-1699), Tensini, Francesco (1581-1630), Theti, Carlo (ca. 1529-1589), Thucydides (471?-400? B.C.), Tielke, Johann Gottlieb (1731-1787), Toland, John (1670-1722), Tosca, Tomás V. (1651-1723), Toulisans, Marc de, Tourneur, Cyril (1575?-1626), Townshend, George, 1st marquis (1724-1807), Townshend, George viscount ( ), Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, marshal, viscount (1611-1675) [see under Williamson], Turner, Sir James (1615-1686), Turpin de Crisse, Lacelot, comte de, Twysden, John (1607-1688), Ufano, Diego, Umicalia, Agostino, Upton, Nicolas (1400?-1457), Uttenhofer, Caspar (or Kaspar) (d. 1621), Vaghiotto, Benedetto, Valdés, Alfonso de (d. 1532), Valdés, Francisco, de, Valle, Battista della (d. 1535), Vallés, Pedro, Valturio, Roberto, Vargas, Machuca, Bernardo de, Vauban, Sébastien le Prestre de (1633-1707), Vault, François Eugène de (1717-1790), Vegetius, Renatus Flavius (4th century A.D.), Velásquez, Isidro, Velázquez, Luís Antonio, Venn, Thomas, captain, Vere, Sir Francis (1560-1609), Verschuer, George, freiherr von (d. 1789), Veterani, Fedrico, conte, Ville, Antoine de (1596-1657), Villela de Aldana, Juan (fl. 1548), Vincart, Jean Antoine, Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694-1778), Voltes, Bou Pedro (b. 1926), Wagner, Johann Tobias, Wallhausen, Johann Jacobi, von, Walker, George (1618-1690), Ward, Robert, Warnery, Charles Emmanuel de (1719-1786), Warnmundus ab Ehrenberg, Washbourn, John (1760?-1829), Webster, William, Weidler, Johann Friedrich, Wernich, C.F., Wetzer, Leander Heinrich von (1840-1904), Weymarn, Hans Heinrich von (d. 1792), Whithorne, Peter (fl. 1550-1563), Whitmore, Christopher, Wicquefort, Abraham van (1606-1682), Wiedeburg, Johann Bernard (1687-1766), William III, king of Great Britain (1650-1702), Williamson, Adam (1676?-1747), Wilson, Charles, Wimbeldon, Edward Cecil, viscount (1572-1638), Wimpfen, Louis François, baron de (1732-1800), Wimpffen, Christian Peter von (1725-1781), Windham, William (1717-1761), Wingfield, Anthony, Winstrup, Elias Peter (1607-1679), Wishart, George, bishop of Edinburgh (1599-1671), Wissel, Georg von, Wif, John de, Wither, George, captain (1588-1667), Witt, Johan de (1625-1672), Wolfe, James, Wolff, Carl Gottfried, Wolff, Christian, freiherr von, Wood, Thomas, Woodall, John (1556?-1643), Wowern, Johann von [see under Tacitus], Young, Peter, Young, Sir William, bart. (1725?-1788), Xenophon, Cyrupaedia (434?-355? B.C.), Xerez, Francisco de, Zanchi, Giovanni Battista de (b. 1515), Zanco, Gieronimo, Zarain, Aga, Zárate, Agustin de, Ziegler, Kaspar (1621-1690), Zincken, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm, Zonta, Camillo, Zucculo, Gregorio,