Brookhart Asks Resignation of Treasury's Sec

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Brookhart Asks Resignation of Treasury's Sec THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCtTLATION Hartford. for the Month of October, 1929 State LiVirary^Comp. Conn. Fair tonig^ht and Wednesday; ris­ 5,522 ing temperatures Wednesday. Jlembcra of the Audit Durcan of anriffatfr iEtirtttng Clrculotlona PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TT/e SDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929. TWELVE PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 31. (Classifled Advertising on Page 10) FAIR WEATHER Premier Enthusiastic AIR INSPEaOR MAY COMPLETE FLIGHT BROOKHART ASKS GREETSVOTERS Over His Visit Here AND m s PILOT RESIGNATION OF I must leavo DIE IN CRASH OF THE STATE London, Nov. 5.— (A P )—Prim.e,:tual understanding:. Minister MacDonald, making u.r! the result to fructify in action. • --------- : ;agerly-awaitea statement in Uk The prime minister paid a pleas- „ TREASURY’S SEC. I House of Commons today upon m : ant tribute to Ambassador t^aw^s, ^ jj J J j 5(3^0^ from BoS' decent trip to the United State.^ recalling that his visit was the re-; uuoi uiaiivu iiuiii \ Both Parties Confident; ! expressed thanks to President Hoo-i suit of conversations they had hpd , DOG BITE CHANGES 'ver the Cabinet, the Senate and' during the summer. ton for Bridgeport When POLITICAL VIEWS I Gives Details of Dinner to Heavy Votes Recorded; ' Reoresentatives for the welcome! “Ambassador Dawes persomfieo I fh e v la v e ^ : in such a delightful way the down - : Buffalo, Nov. 5.— (A P )—Be- > i They showed the best kind ct i right desire of his government to- Plane Goes Into TaQspin; cause a chow dog belonging to Congress Where Liquor Politicians Watching Vir­ friendship, he said, by the cand>;r ' peace and good will. / her father Mayor Frank X. | I with which they exchanged views : Conference Certain. / Schwab, bit her child, Mrs. Al- j Was Served — Suggests and the straightforwardness with “These conversations had alreadv Tank Explodes. bert A. Gunther is supporting his ginia s Balloting. which they raised . and discussed removed every fear that at an intei- ■ rival at the election today. question.cau.u.i of delicacy. national conference the unbridp-' Boston, Nov. 5.—(AP)—Clifton D. That Maj. Gen. Butler Be New Haven, Nov. 5.— (AP) — Mr MacDonald remarked that he able differences between the United! Federal air inspector, and would have little to add to what had ! States and ourselves would doom Electors in the cities of Hartford, “Hank" Carter, pilot for Skyways been printed in the press. His dis­ such a conference to failure.' Inc., were killed today when their Given Enforcement Task; Bridgeport and New Haven today cussions with Premier Mackenzw- The prime minister went on airplane crashed after going into a McCULLOCHlN would have voted unanimously on King of Canada had only been pri;- say that he reviewed these conver-1 t^Uspin over the East Boston Air- sations with President Hoover ana | Demands That Drive Be 3ne question if it had been sub­ visional. they studied ways of filling in “the mitted to them, and that was the Although he had had to raue Tank Explodes. some questions that might easJy narrow gaps still remaining in a RUROTS PLACE weather for election day. All would I The gasoline tank exploded when Made Against Big Fellows have been presented to the pub­ program of building which would, "I*'I have agreed it was of the best. 1 the plane struck the ground. The lic in such a way to reawaken old at the same time, recognize both craft was destroyed and the men But in the three cities the issues ; end parity in strength and variety in use In Bootlegging World. were mostly political, so the R e -! prejudices, were burned to death before airport IN U . M A T E publicans. Democrats and Social- i he had found nothing b ^ of tonnage. attaches could extricate them. John­ in all three , fairness and a desire to co-operate They had both recognized that, the son and Carter had taken off for ists were not in accord were seeking was Washington, Nov. 5.— (A P )—De­ the vote up till noon was regarded | and to place facts and issues be ore Jgreemen^^^jy themselve.s Bridgeport, Conn., a few minutes be­ as normal which meant there would ! the country, fore they crashed from a height cf / Ex-Congressman and Public tails of the celebrated dinner to be a great many stay at homes in Warm Welcome but one that would have to be sec about 150 feet. members of Congress at which he could have re­ into a wider agreement and that a ^ / I ""i L spite of efforts of ward workers. ' “No ambassadar How Accident Happened. r\ said liquor was served, were given to In New Haven the Republicans ; ceived a'warmer welcome,” he sa.d. final settlement would have to de Johnson, an Inspector for the De­ Utilities Official Is Ap­ pend upon a five-power conference. 7 ^ — — - — the Senate today by Senator Brook- were predicting a victory for their : -No government or people could partment of Commerce, was pilot­ hart of Iowa, who accompanied his city ticket, becoming more confident have opened their doors, their minds “The powers concerned will very ing the plane which was of the probably have a good deal to say pointed Today by the disclosures with a demand for the “as the hours passed. i and their hearts more to a guest. moth type. The takeoff was with­ resignation of Secretary Mellon: a In Hartford it looked like a tug I ^ r. MacDonald explained that he from their owu point of view upon out any apparent trouble but with­ . __ 1- the naval problem, and we decided suggestion that someone like Major Df war between the Republicans ' with n- agreements in a few seconds it appeared that Governor of Ohio. General Smedley D. Butler be given ind Democrats. ! either his mind. or . .his pocket Heu,. to urge that preliminary and more the motor would not turn up. John­ or less informal conversations be- the dry enforcement task, and that In Bridgeport the Democrats had gone “ to try by personal con­ son apparently was trying to get a drive be made against the “big leemed at noon to be giving Mayor tact to establish a new relations!..p sufficient altitude to make a down­ I Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 5 —(AP) — fellows” in the bootlegging world. V. William Behrens, the Republican between two nations based on mu- (Continued on Page Three.) wind turn for a landing when the Former Congressman Roscoe C. Mc­ ! The Iowan, whose remarks were lominee a great contest. The Re­ crash came, according to observers I listened to by an expectant chamber publicans were meeting their op­ at the airport. Culloch, Canton, today was appoint­ ed United States Senator from Ohio and galleries crowded with curious ponents with a great deal of de- Officials of Skyways, Inc., said spectators, did not directly accuse ■.ermination. ! BUT ONE VOTER the plane was owned by Seth Hey- by Governor Cooper, filling a va­ cancy caused a week ago by the any member of Congress of having DECLARES THUGS wood, of Boston, and was being partaken of liquor at the party, and NORTHERN STATES. ^ IN THIS DIST. flown to Bridgeport on a pleasure death of Senator Theodore E. Bur­ ton. McCulloch had served a year he complimented President Hoover, While election contests drew the flight. j Vice President Curtis and Sir Esme voters of a dozen states to the polls Carter, who was 26 years of age, as chairman of the State Public THREATEN VOTERS I Four Oliicials and a Policeman Utilities Commission. Howard, the British ambassador, on .oday the eyes of the nation were was a resident of Lebanon, N. H. 1 their enforcement stands. .nxed primarily upon the guber- j Ready to Count It When En- He had been with the Skyways firm | Flasks Behind Curtain aatorial election in Virginia, watch­ for about a year and a half, first as | HIS C.AREER I gineer Deposits It. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 5 — (AP) — He said, however, that flasks were ful for any indication of what a student flyer and later as a com­ Here are the Soviet flyers, their plane, and a map of the 13,300 mile available behind a curtain in the din­ might be expected of the old do­ Roscoe C. McCulloch, chairman of Republican Leader In New New York, Nov. 5.— (AP.) — mercial pilot with a limited license. air trail they blazed from Moscow eastward to New York. Upper right ing room. Altliough he did not men­ minion in future national cam­ He had 160 flying hours to his the Ohio Public Utilities Commis­ George Schrader, an engineer is the diminutive Semyon Shestakov, chief pilot, and left is Philip Bolotov, sion and a former member of Con­ tion it today, he previously , had paigns. credit. living at 228 West 38th street, second in command. Their navigator, Boris Sterligov, is pictured lower gress, was born on a farm in named the Willard hotel as the place Mayoralty elections in New York. York Wires Governor to Johnson’s home was in Stratford, is quite an important person in left, and at the right is the mechanic, Dimitri Fufaev. Their big twin- Holmes county’, Ohio, November 27, of the party. Senator Smoot, of Boston and other cities attracted i Conn.. attention, but today’s balloting in | today’s election. He is the lone motored plane, “Land of the Soviets,’’, is shown below after it landed at 1880. He was educated in the Mil- Utah, heretofore mentioned as a Virginia w^as con^iuered a crucial ; Send State Police There.
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