^ E O Landry Captured in Jacksonville, Fla. Lalone
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v \ - ’ ' THE WEATHER Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, NET PBESS BUN Elartford. AVKBAGE DAILY CIBCULATION for the Month of December, 1929. SSrstlite ilbrary-^P- Ooudy, not quite so cold to 5 , 5 1 6 E t i m t n g night and Tuesday; snow Tuesday. Members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations ______ TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1930. VOL. XLIV., NO. 94. (Classified Advertising on Page 10) Farewell for General Smuts DRY KILLINGS^ E O LANDRY CAPTURED NAVAL DELEGATES BRINGTOPIC ARRANGE PROGRAM TO CONGRESS IN JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Meet Premier MacDonald to IBROPHYLODGED Prohibition Again in Lime-i LALONE AND PAL FLEE O t f t o Fw D .^ s P h « i iKCOiufTYJAll light This Week— Doran V Later the Envoys Are Re Says Capital Comment One of Escaped Convicts ceived by the King* WITHHISPALS Was to Blame for Deaths Deputy V^jurden Quits I from Wethersfield Prison, London, Jan. 20.— (AP)—Prepa Washington, Jan. 20.— (A P.)— i As Result of Escape Implicated in Kilfing of ration of the elaborate diplomatic Confesses He Fired Shot A s. Congress settled down today to and physicad settings of the London another week of work it found the j Florida Sleuth, is Arrest Haven, Jan. .— (AP)—Col.^has been promoted to deputy war- naval conference which opens to That Killed Patrolman prohibition question more forcibly New 20 o f: N. G. Osborn, president of the state morrow, were completed this after thrust forward by the killing 'The report that prison officials ed— Denies Shooting Bu! two dry agents at West Palm prison directors today confirmed-the noon with the American delegates McNamee in Bristol— Is resignation of George Pattejjipn, heard rumors of a planned outbreak playing a prominent part and bat Beach, Fla., and the subsequent deputy warden of the State Pnion last August, Colonel Osborn said, ' was correct. The administration Admits Identity — Sayi tleships momentarily the absorbing statement by Commissioner Doran at Wethersfield and said it was an took all precautionary measures to Not Admitted to Bail. of the Prohibition Bureau that re “administration matter.” topic of conference eve discussion. meet it if it came, and Warden The Washington disclosure that cent caustic utterances from Capi- The resignation Colonel Osborn His Companions Escaped said, was incident , to an inquiry Scott, who was ill left his bed in the President Hoover was ready to Hartford, Jan. 20.— (A P )—The Mrs. Andrew Carnegie, who has rarely appeared In the public eye j tol Hill about the enforcement per- morning of the day supposed to have move for battleship reduction was which the board had held into the straight and narrow path upon^ ■ since the death of her husband, the late^steel magnate, is shown, left, were in part to blame for escape of three men, Roland LA- been set for the outbreak and In Auto. received generally as one of the * ' after a meeting in connection with the Students International Union, p.t , watched the inmates as they left most hopeful signs, although it was which John Brophy, 19, alleged con- i ^fter a meeting ... -------------- ------ — — . u ^ the shooting. lone, Leo Landry and Watson Moul- fessed slayer of Patrolman James : which General Jan Smuts, Boer war hero, made Ws thrope, three weeks ago. Burton J. realized that the offer must be con At the right is Mrs. Alexander Hadden, vice- By-Law In Limelight (Continued on Page 2.) Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 20.— (AF) McNamee, and five other suspects ■ sailing back to England, In both the House and the Sen Caswell, assistant deputy warden ditional on what others are willing Leo Landry, escaped convict from to do. look today, is the strip of concrete j president of the union. ate prohibition legislation formed a Connecticut, who was arrested here Britons' Silent. running in front of their cells in | conspicuous part of the program The British, who would be af county jail here. Parallelograms of mapped out for the six working last night, signed a confession to fected most, made no comment and steel bars are the vista of the man, days and the opinion prevailed that day, saying he was one of the three comment shortly would be forth the Japanese apparently were dis who police claim, said he did not LOWER HOUSE, MISNOMER men sought in coimection with the WIVES OF DELEGATES coming on both the slaying of the tinctly favorable. Great Britain al think the shot he fired “would kill killing of Detective W. D. Smith enforcement officers and the an ready has Indicated she would go the policeman.” and serious wounding of Detective far toward scaling down battleship nouncement by Mr. Doran. Willie Jones in a gun battle here Homicide Charge Between now and Saturday night fleets but of course on both sides FACE SOCIAL SESSIONS THE SPEAKER DECLARES Friday night. Brophy, with Bernhardt Schrager, the House is expected to make a the real difficulty is calculating re Henry Schrager, Allen Norton, Wil Landry blamed the shooting on duction which would mean real definite start on several phases of his two companions, Roland Lalone liam Slade10.UC and AkV****W%^Kenneth Gallagherww— ----------t the Hoover plan for reorganization parity. and Watson Moulthrope. also es were of dry law enforcement. The Wil caped Connecticut convicts, who Italy's evident purpose to stand automobiles)biles containing-------------„ eight„ .police- I All Official London Planning liamson bill to provide for the Objects to Use of Term jp NINETEEN DIE pat on her demand for parity with SENATE FAVORS fled after the shooting. men and brought to Bristol from transfer of the Prohibition Bureau Caught Last Night France meantime is troubling the Waterbury for arraignment. The | from the Treasury to the Justice | delegates and some lesser clouds are Series of Entertainments Describing House of Rep Police said Landry was taken in young gunman who Friday had two | Departments is regarded as the, to custody late last night, but the hovering above Westminster palace pistol duels with police was charged j measure most likely to reach the | AS TWO P L A N E SOMECHANGES 1 arrest was not made public until where the conference opens tomor with homicide and not admitted to | for Women Visitors in House fioor first. i resentatives; Each Has today after he had been identified row. although on the whole the at bail. Henry Schrager, reputed crony | Senate’s Program I mosphere appeared one of concilia by photographs and fingerprints of Brophy,, in default of $25,000 j Tomorrow the Senate judiciary i sent here by \Connecticut authori tion. bonds was taken to jail for safe i England for the Parley. IN THE TARIFF committee will hold a session to, Equal Powers. FALLTOEARTH Meet Premier. keeping on a technical charge of | decide upon the procedure for con-1 After the shooting, Landry said All five delegations met this breach of the peace. 1 sideration of all of the Hoover rec-1 he hid under a house. morning with Prime Minister Mac The other four, two of whom London, Jan. 20.— (A P )—Party ommendations. | Washington, Jan. 20.—Speaker Sixteen Killed in Los An The two detectives were shot Donald at No. 10 Downing street, police believe were In the death car frocks were unpacked, invitations Adopts Amendments Wiping Informal discussions over tne | during a gun batUe after they had and had no difficulty in agreeing on from which McNamee was shot last week-end continued to disclose that Lon^orth objects to the appella scanned, and decisions made about ; crowded an automobile containing a program designed to avert the Thursday were also technically the suggestion that Federal com tion "Lower Branch of Congres.s” geles When Big Air Liner the three escaped convicts to the . weakness encountered at Geneva in charged with breach of the peace dates, by the vvdves of the delegates , Out Existing Provisions missioners he permitted to decide when people speak of the House of curb. They captured Landry and 1927 where actual discussions were and remanded to jail in default of upon minor prohibition violations I to the naval conference today, as Representatives. searched him, but while doing so, left to minor committees. Here the similar bail. I they prepared for a flurry of teas, j Crashes; Three Killed at the other two convicts opened We. chiefs of the delegations thern- Thursday all will again come be Relatmg to Coal and «ppo»>- The Constitution, he said today, I receptions and luncheons beginning ^ Landry fled during the shooting selves will constitute the real Big fore the Bristol court. gives the Senate and House co-ex- and after the two detectives had Five where the major decisions will It is alleged that in Brophy’s con- 1 with the opening of the conference j tensive and equal powers, and the Palm Beach^ Fla. been wounded, his two companions Supreme Court has ruled that the be made. i London Is p.annms a ' h h g escaped in an automobile. The last detail of the prelimina » P n « h * . ' B IN LONDON two branches have balanced author Landry said he had not seen the ries was a call by the delegates on accompuoes are not among the other ; Washington, Jan. 20 (AP) ity and that neither “Upper or Los Angeles, Jan. 20.— (AP) — other two convicts since the shoot Buckingham palace late this after suspects, held by police but were Lower Houses’ exist in Congress. dates and the nature of the func The Senate today adopted amend-i P f7 a n V C A D D A P I 1?V Sixteen charred and mangled bodies ing.