SENATE Speaker Pro Tempore Announced That Barrett (WI) Danner Frost Becerra De La Garza Furse a Message from the Senate by Mr
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1995 No. 200 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The question was taken; and the procedure has never been used before, called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Speaker pro tempore announced that and it is my understanding that this pore [Mr. LONGLEY]. the ayes appeared to have it. procedure is being used to avoid a prob- f Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, I object to lem we may anticipate down the road the vote on the ground that a quorum in terms of our ability to later adjourn DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER is not present and make the point of the House. I wonder if perhaps the PRO TEMPORE order that a quorum is not present. Chair or the majority leader could en- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- lighten us. The last time the House fore the House the following commu- dently a quorum is not present. failed to adjourn during the last Gov- nication from the Speaker: Pursuant to clause 5, rule I, further ernment shutdown, Members on this WASHINGTON, DC, proceedings on this vote will be post- side of the aisle were not notified December 15, 1995. poned, and the vote will be taken later ahead of time as to the Speaker's in- I hereby designate the Honorable JAMES B. today. tentions regarding the length of the re- LONGLEY, Jr., to act as Speaker pro tempore The point of no quorum is considered cesses called as a result. Regarding the on this day. withdrawn. length of recesses called, we would NEWT GINGRICH, f hope some Democratic Members who at Speaker of the House of Representatives. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE that time ended up remaining in their f offices throughout the weekend be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the PRAYER cause they had not been assured in ad- gentleman from Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT] vance of notice as to when the House The Chaplain, Rev. James David come forward and lead the House in the could come back into session would be Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- Pledge of Allegiance. informed, given perhaps as much as 2 er: Mr. TRAFICANT led the Pledge of days' notice as to when we may be Let us pray using the words of Psalm Allegiance as follows: called back into session. I wonder if the 138: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Chair or the majority leader could as- I give Thee thanks, O Lord, with my United States of America, and to the Repub- sure Members on both sides of the aisle whole heart; before the gods I sing Thy lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. that sufficient notice will be given so praise; I bow down toward Thy holy that we can avoid that kind of problem f temple and give thanks to Thy name in the future. for Thy steadfast love and Thy faith- MOTION TO AUTHORIZE SPEAKER The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fulness; for Thou hast exalted above ev- TO DECLARE RECESSES SUB- Chair believes this is a privileged mo- erything Thy name and Thy word. On JECT TO THE CALL OF THE tion, the Chair believes that adequate the day I called, Thou didst answer me, CHAIR THROUGH MONDAY, DE- notice will be given, and the Chair will my strength of soul Thou didst in- CEMBER 18, 1995 defer to the majority leader in response crease. Amen. Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a to the parliamentary inquiry. f privileged motion. Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, if I might respond to the gentleman from Califor- THE JOURNAL The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will report the motion. nia, let me assure the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The Clerk read as follows: California that Members would be Chair has examined the Journal of the given ample notice before we would re- Mr. ARMEY moves that the Speaker may be last day's proceedings and announces authorized to declare recesses subject to the convene the body. We obviously take to the House his approval thereof. call of the chair through Monday, December this measure in order for Members to Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- 18, 1995. be with their families later today, and nal stands approved. PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY tomorrow, and Sunday, insofar as it is Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- possible to do that. Should work to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on er, I have a parliamentary inquiry. present itself that would be compelling agreeing to the Chair's approval of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- enough for us to interrupt that time Journal. tleman will state his parliamentary in- with their families, we will first notify The SPEAKER pro tempore. The quiry. the Members in ample time for them to question is on the Chair's approval of Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- return, and then second, of course, con- the Journal. er, as many Members may know, this vene to take up that work. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 14929 H 14930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE December 15, 1995 Mr. FAZIO of California. Further [Roll No. 863] Kanjorski Moran Sawyer Kennedy (MA) Murtha Schroeder parliamentary inquiry, Mr. Speaker: YEASÐ215 Kennedy (RI) Neal Scott I assume we are using this device as Allard Funderburk Myers Kennelly Oberstar Serrano a way of moving forward if no CR is en- Archer Gallegly Myrick Kildee Obey Sisisky Kleczka Olver Skelton acted, and obviously I would hope, as I Armey Ganske Nethercutt Bachus Gekas Neumann Klink Ortiz Slaughter assume we all would, that some sort of Baesler Gilchrest Ney Levin Orton Spratt continuing resolution could be put in Baker (LA) Gillmor Norwood Lewis (GA) Owens Stark place so that we would actually not be Ballenger Gilman Nussle Lincoln Pallone Stenholm Barr Goodlatte Oxley Lipinski Pastor Studds in a position to shut the Government Barrett (NE) Goodling Packard Lofgren Payne (NJ) Stupak down, but this device does remain Bartlett Goss Parker Lowey Payne (VA) Tanner available if we are not able to accom- Barton Graham Paxon Luther Pelosi Taylor (MS) Markey Peterson (FL) Thompson plish that. Could the gentleman give us Bass Greenwood Petri Bateman Gunderson Pombo Mascara Peterson (MN) Thornton some outstanding date or time on a Bereuter Gutknecht Porter Matsui Pickett Thurman given day when he would anticipate the Bilbray Hancock Portman McCarthy Pomeroy Traficant recess coming to a close? Bilirakis Hansen Radanovich McDermott Poshard Vento Bliley Hastert Ramstad McHale Rahall Volkmer Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, the gen- Blute Hastings (WA) Regula McKinney Rangel Ward tleman, of course, is free to assume Boehlert Hayworth Riggs Meek Reed Waters whatever he likes. Boehner Hefley Roberts Menendez Richardson Watt (NC) Bonilla Heineman Rogers Miller (CA) Rivers Waxman Mr. Speaker, I would anticipate that Bono Herger Rohrabacher Minge Roemer Williams what work might get done on the budg- Brownback Hilleary Ros-Lehtinen Mink Roybal-Allard Wise Moakley Rush Woolsey et would not be done in sufficient time Bryant (TN) Hobson Roth Bunn Hoekstra Roukema Mollohan Sabo Wyden for us to act on it before Monday next. Bunning Hoke Royce Montgomery Sanders Wynn There is other work we can do, but it is Burr Horn Salmon NOT VOTINGÐ65 not of such compelling urgency that we Burton Hostettler Sanford Buyer Houghton Saxton Abercrombie Green Mfume would need to schedule it for the week- Callahan Hunter Scarborough Ackerman Gutierrez Nadler end given that we can do it during the Calvert Hutchinson Schaefer Baker (CA) Hall (OH) Pryce course of next week's proceedings. Camp Hyde Schiff Beilenson Harman Quillen Canady Inglis Seastrand Bonior Hastings (FL) Quinn So, I would anticipate that except in Castle Istook Sensenbrenner Bryant (TX) Hayes Rose the extraordinary circumstance of a Chabot Jacobs Shadegg Cardin Hinchey Schumer budget agreement that Members might Chambliss Johnson (CT) Shaw Chapman Hoyer Skaggs Chenoweth Johnson, Sam Shays Clayton Jefferson Stokes prepare to go to their districts to be Christensen Jones Shuster Collins (IL) Kaptur Tejeda with their families and their constitu- Chrysler Kasich Skeen Collins (MI) LaFalce Torres ents until Monday afternoon. We would Clinger Kelly Smith (MI) Cox Lantos Torricelli probably try to arrange the schedule so Coble Kim Smith (NJ) Crane Lewis (CA) Towns Coburn King Smith (TX) DeFazio Lightfoot Velazquez that there would be no votes until after Collins (GA) Kingston Smith (WA) Dellums Linder Visclosky 5 on Monday. Combest Klug Solomon Deutsch Maloney Waldholtz Cooley Knollenberg Souder Dixon Manton Walker Mr. FAZIO of California. Mr. Speak- Crapo Kolbe Spence Doolittle Martinez Wilson er, I appreciate that assurance. I think Cremeans LaHood Stearns Dornan McDade Yates it gives Members some confidence that Cubin Largent Stockman Ehrlich McInnis Young (AK) even though this is a rather extraor- Cunningham Latham Stump Emerson McNulty Young (FL) Davis LaTourette Talent Fields (TX) Meehan dinary, in fact perhaps unprecedented, Deal Laughlin Tate b delegation of authority, at least the DeLay Lazio Tauzin 1028 Members on our side are being given, in Diaz-Balart Leach Taylor (NC) Mr. MORAN and Mr. MURTHA Dickey Lewis (KY) Thomas effect by the gentleman's comments, Dreier Livingston Thornberry changed their vote from ``yea'' to adequate notice.