Review on Verious Type of Welding Process
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume 3, Issue 3, November-2015 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718 REVIEW ON VERIOUS TYPE OF WELDING PROCESS Onkar Patel1, Prakash Kumar Sen2, Gopal Sahu3, Ritesh Sharma4, Shailendra Bohidar5 1Student, Mechanical Engineering, Kirodimal Institute of Technology, Raigarh (C.G.) 2,3,4,5 Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, Kirodimal Institute of Technology, Raigarh (C.G.) ABSTRACT: In manufacturing process two part are joint is Friction welding necessary where welding is generally use. Welding is a Cold presser welding permanent joint process in this paper discuss in welding Spot welding process there type and its defect and safety process. Seam welding Key word- welding pressure arc. Projection welding Upset but welding I. INTRODUCTION Flash but welding Welding often done by melting the work pieces and filler Percussion welding material is added to form a pool of molten material that cools to become a strong joint, with the pressure, sometimes used 2.2 Non presser welding (fusion welding)-in this type of in conjunction with heat, or by itself, to produce the weld. welding process of joining two piece of metal by application The history of joining metals goes back several millennia, of heat the two parts to be joined are placed together heated with the earliest examples of welding from the bronze Age to molten state often with the addition of filler metal until and the Iron Age in Europe and the Middle East [1]Welding they melt and solidify on cooling . in this welding , the technology which is a high productive and practical joining material at the joint is heated to molten state and then method is widely used in modern manufacturing industry allowed to solidify Such as shipbuilding, automobile, bridge, and pressure vessel Gas welding industry [2].
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