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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84443-7 - The New Cambridge History of Islam: Volume 6, Muslims and Modernity Culture and Society Since 1800 Edited by Robert W. Hefner Index More information Index Abba¯s, Farhat 150 Adalet ve Kalkinma (AK) party 203 qAbba¯s, hand of 605 Aden 56–7 qAbba¯s H. ilm¯,ı Khedive 541 Adnan, Etel 617–18 Abba¯s Mirza¯, prince of Persia 562, 575 adoption, laws on 437 Abbasid caliphate 6, 315, 390 al-Afgha¯n¯,ı Sayyid Jama¯l al-D¯nı 18, 142–5, 176, Abbott, Nabia 615–16 209, 392–3, 398, 484, 555, 567, 649–50 qAbbu¯d, Ibra¯h¯mı 163 biography 142–3, 564 qAbd¯,ı qAbba¯s 455 journalism 582 qAbduh, Muh.ammad, Shaykh 18, 142, 144–7, political theory 143–4, 200–1 153, 176, 201, 342–4, 390–1, 396, 400, 404, studies 142 484, 567, 582, 607, 618–19 Afghanistan 70 biography 144–5, 564 clerical leadership 185 death 146–7 economy 93 influence 157 education 26, 516 legal theory 281, 282 internal conflicts 192, 447 reform programme 145–6 legal system 302, 312 relationship with al-Afgha¯n¯ı 143, 144–5 as militarist base 33–4 Risa¯lat al-Tawh.¯dı (Treatise on the Oneness post-colonial government 73 of God) 145 Soviet occupation 27, 194–5, 408 studies 144–6, 282 US invasion (2002) 251, 463 qAbdülaziz, Sultan 539–40, 599 see also Taliban Abdülhamid II, Sultan 41, 54, 67, 143, 201, 365, qAflaq, Michel 396 392, 406, 504, 505, 532, 538–9, 578, 583 Africa Abdülmecid, Sultan 52 colonial divisions/rule 15 Abu¯Bakr, Caliph (father-in-law of the Islamic expansion 360 Prophet) 114–15 nationalist movements 154–6, 164–5 Abu-Lughod, Janet 200, 525, 528 schools of thought 134 Abu-Odeh, Lama 418 Sufi networks 359–64, 375–7 Abu¯Sayf, S.
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