United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,821,183 Hauris [45] Date of Patent: Apr. 11, 1989

[54] A CIRCUIT WITH 4,439,827 3/1984 Wilkes ...... 364/21!) PLURAL MICROPROGROM INSTRUCTION 4,446,518 5/1984 Casamatta 364/200 COUNTERS 4,551,798 11/1985 Horvath ...... 364/200 [75] Inventor: Jon F. Hauris, Manassas, Va. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 73 Assi ee: Internatio :11 B siness Mach'nes “(H843 8/l932 PCT In“ APPL ' l 1 g“ corpom?gn, Armonk N_Y_ ' 2013923 4/1980 United Kingdom.

21 A LN .: 937772 Primag'Y Examiner-David Y. Eng . [ 1 pp 0 ’ Attorney, Agent, or Firm—H. St. Julian; John E. Hoel 22 F1 d: D .4 1986 [ 1 16 W ’ [51] ABSTRACT [51] Int. Cl.4 ...... G06F 9/30 A . . l I [52] US. Cl...... 364/200 mlcliosequencer ‘.nc “.des at Fast two prcigram count [58] Field of S e at ch 364/200 MS File 900 MS File ers which access microinstrucnons stored in a memory ’ system. A ?rst is cyclicly incremented [56] References Cited to sequentially access rnicroinstructions of a principal U_s_ PATENT DOCUMENTS microprogram. When a particular microinstruction is accessed which indicates that a subroutine will be the gardner e‘ """"""" " next program to be executed, a branched-from address, 3'967’lo4 6/1976 33:21:51‘;smleets' 364/900 representing the microinstruction calling the subrou 3:978:454 8/1976 - ' ' 364/900 tine, is retained in the ?rst program counter. An address 3,991,404 11/1976 364/200 representing the ?rst instruction of the subroutine 15 4,003,033 1/1977 364/200 loaded into a second program counter. The second 4,038,643 7/1977 364/200 program counter is then cyclicly incremented to se 4999329 7/1978 364/200 quentially access microinstructions associated with the 2,159,522 2/ 354/200 subroutine. After the subroutine has been executed, the £133’??? ‘£1979 ?rst program counter is re-enabled and cyclicly incre 4’323’963 4/1982 364/200 merited so that the execution of the principal program is 4:370:729 1/1933 resumed in an orderly manner. 4,429,361 1/1984 Maccianti et al. 364/200 4,438,492 3/ 1984 Harmon, Jr. ct al...... 364/200 3 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

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T0 PROCESSOR 4,821,183 1 2 machine cycles in a sequential microcoded micro A MICROSEQUENCER CIRCUIT WITH PLURAL processor in accessing a branched-from address. MICROPROGROM INSTRUCTION COUNTERS SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 These objects, features and advantages of the inven 1. Field of the Invention tion are accomplished by an improved microsequencer disclosed herein. The microsequencer circuit includes a This invention relates to a data processing system and memory means for storing a plurality of instructions more particularly to a microsequencer circuit used in a therein and a first means for sequentially addressing the sequential type for increasing the speed instructions. A second means, responsive to a subrou of /control word access and generation. tine being addressed by the ?rst addressing means, se 2. Background Information quentially addresses instructions associated with the It is known that data processing systems generally addressed subroutine. A branched-from address is comprise a central unit, a main memory and plurality of stored in the ?rst addressing means and a ?rst address of peripheral units connected to the central unit by means the subroutine is loaded in the second addressing means. of a plurality of input/output channels for the exchange An enabling means facilitates the sequential accessing of of information. The data processing system functions by the instructions of the subroutine until the execution processing data according to well de?ned program thereof is completed. Thereafter, the enabling means instructions. From a logical point of view, the central disables the second addressing means and then re-ena unit comprises a and an operative unit. The bles the ?rst addressing means to continue to sequen program instructions are interpreted and executed by tially address instructions stored in the memory means. means of rnicroprograms which are microinstruction Alternately, the microsequencer includes a ?rst pro sequences read from a control memory by the control grammed logic means for generating a ?rst address unit, one microinstruction at a time. Through suitable associated with an instruction. A ?rst counter which decoding the microinstructions generate a set of ele 25 receives an input from the ?rst programmed logic mentary commands, or microcommands, which cause means, combines with the ?rst logic means to sequen the operation of several logic networks of the central tially address microcode stored in a second pro unit in the manner required by the several program grammed logic means. Microcode stored in the second instructions. logic means is then sequentially addressed until a sub Generally, the control unit includes a program routine call is encountered. Thereafter, the ?rst counter counter which enables the control unit to sequentially is disabled and a second counter is enabled in combina~ execute the program instructions. However, the execu tion with the ?rst programmed logic means and the ?rst tion of a program instruction may cause an interruption counter to sequentially access microcode associated in the sequential execution thereof in order to execute a with the called subroutine. After the subroutine has subroutine. All of the information regarding the status been executed, the second counter is disabled and the of the interrupted process must be saved in order to ?rst counter re-enabled so that the ?rst programmed resume such process once the subroutine has been exe logic means and the ?rst counter continued to sequen cuted. One known technique for solving this problem , tially address tthe microcode associated with the in includes a register ?le or RAM partition dedicated to a struction. push-down stack function where each consecutive BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS branched-from address is stored in a last in/?rst out order. This technique requires the skipping of machine This invention will be described in greater detail by cycles in order to access the register ?le or RAM parti referring to the accompanying drawings and the de tion. scription of the best mode that follows. 45 FIG. 1 is a block diagram implementation of a mi Another known technique includes the use of a plu crosequencer circuit in accordance with the principles rality of memories. A ?rst control store of the invention. memory contains the primary microinstruction group, a FIG. 2 is a logic implementation of the mi second control store memory contains a branched-to crosequencer circuit of FIG. 1 in accordance with the subroutine microinstruction group and possibly a third principles of the invention. control store memory contains tertiary branched-to FIG. 3 shows an alternate embodiment of the mi subroutine microinstruction groups. In such a con?gu crosequencer circuit of FIG. 1 in accordance with the ration, a branched-from address must be stored prior to principles of the invention. accessing the secondary or tertiary control store memo ries. Moreover, after the subroutine has been executed, DESCRIPTION OF THE BEST MODE FOR machine cycles must be skipped in order to access the CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION branched-from address in order to resume the execution Referring to FIG. 1, there is shown a block diagram of the primary microinstruction group. implementation of a microsequencer circuit 10 in accor Consequently, there is a need for a microsequencer dance with the principles of the invention. A program which overcomes the necessity for skipping machine 60 counter 12 facilitates the sequential execution of a plu cycles in order to access the branched-from address. rality of program instructions stored in a random access OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION memory (RAM) 14. A primary microinstruction group, which includes a plurality of microinstructions, is Therefore it is an object of the invention to provide stored in a control store memory such as a read only an improved microsequencer for a data processing sys 65 memory (ROM) or a programmed logic array (PLA) tern. 16. Additionally, a micro subroutine group, which in It is another object of the invention to provide an cludes a plurality of subroutines each containing a plu improved microsequencer which avoids the skipping of rality of microinstructions associated with the respec 4,821,183 3 4 tive subroutine, is stored in ROM 16. Each of the stored cuted, respectively. Moreover, a jump logic circuit 38 microinstructions includes a ?eld of control bits which then generates a logic zero on its output line 40. Lines may be fully encoded, partially encoded or unencoded. 34, 36 and 40 are coupled to inputs of an AND gate 42 In addition, each microinstruction includes a sequence which facilitate the generation of a logic zero on output ?eld which speci?es whether a selected microinstruc line 44. The logic zero appearing on output 44 is fed to tion is to be succeeded by the next microinstruction in an input of a D-type flip ?op 46 through NOR gates 48 sequence or is either a conditional branch instruction, and 50. A logic zero, which then appears on an output jump to subroutine instruction or return from subrou of flip ?op 46, is fed to an output of an inverter 52 in tine instruction. order to enable the incrementing of the ?rst micropro~ A selected program instruction is fed to an instruction gram counter 22. The microinstructions stored in the register (IR) 18. An op code associated with the se ROM 16 are then addressed sequentially by the micro lected program instruction is then decoded by a de program counter 22 until a subroutine call or jump coder circuit 20 in order to generate a microaddress instruction is encountered or a microinstruction is en which is associated with the op code. The microaddress countered which represents an “end of operation” (EN is then loaded into a ?rst microprogram counter 22 DOP). which facilitates the sequential accessing of microin If the microinstruction which was loaded into the structions stored in the ROM 16. Thereafter, the mi CSDR 24 is a subroutine call, a logic one is fed to the croaddress contained in the ?rst microprogram counter logic circuit 28 over each of the lines 34 and 36. More 22 is fed to an address register (not shown) associated over, the jump logic circuit 38 generates a logic one on with the ROM 16. When the ROM 16 is addressed by its output line 40. A logic one now appears on output the current address in the address register, a corre line 44 which enables the seond microprogram counter sponding microinstruction is read out in parallel and 30 to load an address appearing on lines 54 and 56. loaded into a control store data register (CSDR) 24. As Additionally, the logic one appearing on line 44 is fed noted above, each of the microinstructions stored in the through NOR gates 48 and 50 to the input of flip ?op ROM 16 includes a plurality of ?elds. These ?elds are 25 46. Flip flop 46 then generates a logic one on its output used to activate or enable a digital device to be con which disables the ?rst microprogram counter 22 and trolled such as the 18, an instruction enables the second microprogram counter 30. The sec unit 26 and logic circuit 28. The ?rst microprogram ond microprogram counter 30 then sequentially ac counter 22 is then incremented to addras the next se cesses microinstructions associated with the subroutine quentially stored microinstruction. 30 until a microinstruction is accessed which represents a Altemately, when a particular microinstruction is subroutine return. Thereafter, the CSDR 24 feeds a accessed and indicates that a subroutine will be the next signal representing the subroutine return to an input of program to be executed, the CSDR 24 facilitates the an AND gate 58 which causes a flip flop 46 to generate disabling of the ?rst microprogram counter 22, the a logic zero on its output. The logic zero appearing on enabling of the second microprogram counter 30 and a 35 the output of the flip flop 46 facilitates the enabling and switching of the 32 to the second micropro incrementing of the ?rst microprogram counter 22 and gram counter. The microprogram counter 22 retains the the disabling of the second microprogram counter 30. last microaddress stored therein as a branched-from Thus, the ?rst microprogram counter 22 then proceeds address. The branched-from address is associated with to sequentially access microinstructions stored in the the microinstruction which called the subroutine. The 40 ROM 16 until the ENDOP statement or another sub instruction unit 26 facilitates the loading of an address routine call is encountered. associated with the ?rst microinstruction of the subrou Alternately, the microinstruction loaded in the tine into the second microprogram counter 30. Thereaf CSDR 24 may represent a conditional or unconditional ter, the second microprogram counter 30 is incremented jump instruction. The CSDR 24 then feeds a logic one to facilitate sequential addressing of microinstructions 45 over line 34 and logic zero over line 36 to the logic associated with the subroutine being executed. When circuit 28. The CSDR 24 also feeds conditional jump the subroutine has been fully executed, the CSDR 24 signals to the jump logic circuit 38 over line 59. Line 34 facilitates the re-enabling of the ?rst microprogram is coupled to and feeds the logic one to inputs of AND counter 22, the disabling of the second microprogram gates 42, 60 and 62. The logic zero is fed to an input of counter 30 and the switching of the multiplexer 32 to 50 AND gate 42 and through inverter 64 to an input of the first microprogram counter. The first microprogram AND gate 62. The jump logic circuit 38 then generates counter 22 is then incremented so that the next program a logic one on output line 40 if the jump instruction is an instruction is executed in a sequential orderly manner. unconditional jump instruction or, if the jump instruc Referring to FIG. 2, there is shown a logical imple tion is conditional, when the desired condition gener mentation of the microsequencer 10. As noted above a ated by the processor has occurred. A logic one now program instruction is loaded into the instruction regis appears on the output line 66 of the AND gate 60 if all ter 18. The op code associated with this instruction is of its inputs are of logic one. Output line 66 is coupled decoded by the decoder circuit 20 and a starting address to and feeds the logic one to an input of AND gate 62 is loaded into the ?rst program counter 22 when the and OR gate 67. The AND gate 62 then generates a instruction unit 26 generates a “fetch load clock signal.” logic one on output line 68 which is then fed to a multi The starting address is then fed through multiplexer 32 plexer 70. Multiplexer 70, in response to the logic one to the ROM 16. Thereafter, the addressed microinstruc appearing on output line 68, switches its input from tion is loaded into the CSDR 24. If the microinstruction position 0 to position 1. The CSDR 24 feeds a next loaded into the CSDR 24 is not a subroutine call, a logic instruction or a jump address to a second input of the zero is fed to the logic circuit 28 over lines 34 and 36 65 multiplexer 70 over line 54 and 72. Thereafter, micro which indicates that the microinstruction stored in program counter 22 is enabled to load the next address CSDR does not have the format of a jump instruction by the logic one appearing on the output line 66. Micro or a subroutine call and a subroutine will not be exe program counter 22 then sequentially accesses microin 4,821,183 5 6 structions stored in the ROM 16 beginning with the second program counter 94 is three bits wide. In this “next instruction or jump address.” manner, the next address ?eld of the control word is Referring again to FIG. 1, the microsequencer circuit required to be only three bits wide. The remainder of ll] may also include a plurality of microprogram count the address bits are generated by the PLA 82. ers 74 each having input coupled to respective outputs While the invention has been particularly shown and of a demultiplexer circuit 76. The plurality of micropro described with reference to a preferred embodiment gram counters 74 facilitates the nesting of subroutines. thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art If the microsequencer circuit 10 is executing a first that various changes and detail maybe made therein subroutine and a subroutine call to a second subroutine without departing from the spirit, scope and teaching of is encountered, a branched-from address is stored in the the invention. Accordingly, the improved mi second microprogram counter 30 and a starting of ad crosequencer circuit disclosed herein is to be consid ‘ dress is loaded into a selected one of the plurality of ered merely as illustrative, and the invention is to be microprogram counters 74 under the control of the limited only as speci?ed in the claims. logic circuit 28. The selected one of the plurality of What is claimed: microprogram counters 74 then sequentially addresses 5 1. An improved microsequencer circuit including a the instructions associated with the second subroutine. microinstruction counter having a sequential numeric Whenever the second subroutine has been executed, the output which is applied to the address input of a micro logic circuit 28 then re-enables microprogram counter program control store memory containing a sequence 30 to sequentially address the remaining instructions of of micro instructions to be executed, the mi the ?rst subroutine. The number of subroutines which crosequencer applying address information to said con can be nested using this technique is limited to the num trol store memory, the improvement containing: ber of microprogram counters included in the plurality a ?rst microinstruction counter having an input cou of microprogram counters 74. pled to an output of said microprogram instruction Referring to FIG. 3, there is shown a alternate em memory, for receiving an address value corre bodiment of a microsequencer circuit 80 which utilizes 25 sponding to the initial microinstruction of a pri associative memory techniques to establish a starting mary microinstruction group in said control store address. The microsequencer circuit 80 includes two memory; PLAs 82 and 84. An op code which associated with a an N-to-l multiplexer having a ?rst input connected program instruction, is fed through a multiplexer/de to the output of said ?rst microinstruction counter, coder circuit 86 to an input of PLA 82. PLA 82 then 30 having a control input, and having an output con decodes the op code and generates a starting address. A nected as the address input to said control store predetermined number of bits of the starting address are memory; fed directly to an input of PLA 84 over a bus 88. The said control store memory having a primary microin remaining bits of the starting address which are loaded struction group which includes a plurality of mi into a ?rst microprogram counter 90, are also fed to a 35 croinstructions, at least one of which includes a second input of PLA 84. Thus, PLA 82 serves as an destination address ?eld and a subroutine calling associative memory element which speci?es a ?rst, of a ?eld, said control store memory further including a sequence of addresses for each program instruction and ?rst micro subroutine group consisting of a plural for each microbranch, microcall and microsubroutine ity of microinstructions with a ?rst microinstruc set of microcodes stored in PLA 84. PLA 84 includes a tion which is addressed by said destination address series of sequences of microcode which execute or gen ?eld of said primary microinstruction group and erate a control word for each of the program instruc which further has a subroutine completion ?eld, tions, micro branches, microcalls and microsubroutines. said control store memory further including a next The control words generated by the PLA 84 are micro subroutine group whose ?rst microinstruc sequentially loaded into a control store data register tion is addressed by a destination address ?eld in (CSDR) 92. Each of the control words includes a con said ?rst micro subroutine group and which further trol ?eld which facilitates the operation of the ?rst includes a subroutine completed ?eld; rnicroprogram counter 90 and a second microprogram a control store data register having an input con counter 94. As noted above the PLA 82 designates the nected to the output of said control store memory starting address in PLA 84 and the ?rst microprogram 50 for receiving destination address ?eld information, counter 90 sequences or counts through the microin subroutine calling ?eld information and subroutine structions associated with the selected op codes. If dur completed ?eld information and having a ?rst out ing the sequencing by the ?rst microprogram counter put for said subroutine call and said subroutine 90, a microsubroutine is encountered, the ?rst micro completion ?elds connected to said control input of program counter is disabled and the second second 55 said multiplexer; microprogram counter is reset, loaded with a branch a next microinstruction counter having an input con /next address stored in the CSDR 92 and enabled to nected to a second output of said control store data sequence through the microinstructions of the mi register for receiving the destination address ?eld crosubroutine. Moreover, the address of the microsub output from said control store memory, said next routine is a combination of the address appearing on bus microinstruction counter having an output con 88, the contents of a ?rst microprogram counter 90 and nected to a next input of said multiplexer; the contents of a second microprogram counter 94. This a logic circuit connected between said ?rst output of technique results in a control word having a fewer said control store data register and said control number of bits. For purposes of the illustration and not input of said multiplexer, for controlling, in re of limitation, let us assume that it takes ten bits to ad 65 sponse to said primary microinstruction group gen dress PLA 84 additionally, assume that four bits of the erating a subroutine in said subroutine call ?eld, starting address are placed on bus 88 by PLA 82, the said multiplexer to disable the output of said ?rst ?rst mieroprogram counter 90 is three bits wide and the microinstruction counter and enable the output of 4,821,183 7 said next microinstruction counter substantially destination address information and said subroutine concurrently with the outputting of a destination calling information associated with said calling address from said primary microinstruction group microinstruction in said control store memory, to over said second microinstruction counter, supply said destination address ?eld and said subroutine ing the address for the ?rst microinstruction in the calling ?eld, respectively, of said control store data ?rst micro subroutine group stored in said control register; store memory; said switching means, in response to said subroutine whereby a branched-from microinstruction address is calling information in said calling ?eld, coupling stored in said ?rst microinstruction counter while said switchable path thereof between an input of a said ?rst micro subroutine group is being executed. O second one of said plurality of microprogram 2. The circuit of claim 1 wherein there are a plurality counters and said next address ?eld of said control of N microinstruction counters having outputs applied store data register and coupling said output of said to said multiplexer, said multiplexer having the logic second one of said plurality of microprogram circuit applying a control input thereto and the second counters to said address input of said control store through N''' of said microinstruction counters being memory, for loading said second address of said connected through a demultiplexer to said second out subroutine microprogram therein; put of said control store data register, whereby a plural said subroutine microprogram including a subroutine ity of N nested sets of subroutines can be accommo completed microinstruction at a subroutine com dated. pleted address having subroutine completed infor 3. A microsequencer for applying address values to 20 mation associated therewith; an address input of a control store memory to access said second one of said plurality of microprogram microinstructions stored therein, comprising: counters sequentially incrementing said address a control store data register connected to an output of value stored therein, accessing a sequence of mi said control store memory, having a destination croinstructions in said subroutine microprogram in address ?eld, a subroutine calling ?eld and subrou said control store memory, until said address value tine completed ?eld, for receiving destination ad therein equals said subroutine completed address dress information, subroutine calling information which accesses said subroutine completed microin and subroutine completed information, respec struction from said control store memory and tively, associated with microinstructions accessed transfers said subroutine completed information to from said control store; said subroutine completed ?eld of said control a plurality of microprogram counters, each counter store data register; having an input and an output, for receiving ad said switching means, in response to receiving said dress values over said input thereto and selectively said subroutine completion information from said incrementing said address values therein; control store data register, coupling said output of switching means having a control input coupled to said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram said subroutine calling ?eld and to said subroutine counters to said address input of said control store completed ?eld of said control store data register, memory, said ?rst one of said plurality of micro and having a switchable path coupled to each of program counters sequentially incrementing said said microprogram counters, for coupling the input address value stored therein, starting from said of a selected one of said plurality of counters to said 40 branched-from address, resuming the accessing of a next address ?eld of said control store data register sequence of microinstructions in said primary mi and the output of said selected one counter to said croprogram; address input of said control store memory, in re said primary microprogram including a jump micro sponse to said control input; instruction at a jump-from address which jumps to a ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram counters 45 another portion of the primary microprogram in having a ?rst address value therein which ad said control store memory located at a third ad dresses microinstructions in a primary micropro dress, from which there will be no return to said gram in said control store memory, said primary jump-from address, said jump microinstruction microprogram including a calling microinstruction having associated therewith a destination address at a branched-from address which calls a subrou 50 value representing said third address; tine microprogram in said control store memory said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram count located at a second address, said calling microin ers sequentially incrementing said address value struction having associated therewith a destination stored therein, accessing a sequence of microin address value representing said second address; structions in said primary microprogram, until said said switchable path of said switching means coupling address value therein equals said jump-from ad said input of said ?rst one of said plurality of micro dress which accesses said jump microinstruction program counters to said next address ?eld of said from said control store memory and tranfers said control store data register and coupling said output destination address information and subroutine of said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram calling information associated with said jump mi counters to said address input of said control store croinstruction in said control store memory, to said memory; destination address ?eld and said subroutine calling said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram count ?eld, respectively, of said control store data regis ers sequentially incrementing said address value ter; stored therein, accessing a sequence of microin said switching means, in response to said subroutine structions in said primary microprogram, until said 65 calling information associated with said jump mi ?rst address value equals said branched-from ad croinstruction in said calling ?eld, coupling said dress which accesses said calling microinstruction switchable path thereof between said input of said from said control store memory and transfers said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram counters 4, 82 l , 1 83 9 l0 and said next address ?eld of said control store data ers sequentially incrementing said address value register and coupling said output of said ?rst one of said plurality of rnicroprograrn counters to said stored therein, starting from said third address. address input of said control Store memory’ for accessing a sequence of microinstructions in said loading said third address of said subroutine micro- 5 program therein; another portion of said primary microprogram. said ?rst one of said plurality of microprogram count l t t ! $