The identification and syndromic management of snakebite in South Africa Blaylock RS, MBChB(UCT), FRCS(Ed), FCS(SA), MMedSc(Natal), MD(Natal) General Surgeon. Leslie Williams Private Hospital Goldfields Health, Carletonville

Keywords: snake bite, antivenom

Correspondence: Dr Roger S Blaylock, PO Box 968, Carletonville, 2500, Tel (018) 788 1000, Fax (018) 788 1151, e-mail: [email protected]

(SA Fam Pract 2005;47(9): 48-53)

Introduction • Painful progressive swelling treatment and follow-up by the The identification of snakebite injury is (PPS) practitioner. (See Algorithm 2) uncertain, especially in the 40% of • Progressive weakness (PW) patients who do not see the offending • Bleeding (B) Antivenom snake, unless there are paired fang The suggested indications are for threat marks or typical findings of an This article follows the syndromic to limb or life, whether potential or envenomation syndrome. The approach which is logical and effective, established. (See algorithm 3.) Antivenom differential diagnosis would include whether the species of the snake is known is best given in a hospital setting as a thorn prick, spider bite or scorpion or not. (Algorithm 1). For easy reference, anaphylaxis may occur, the latter being sting. Thorn pricks are not associated the three syndromes have been colour- best prevented or treated with 8 with the onset of progressive swelling coded in the text and in the algorithms. adrenaline. or systemic illness within minutes. Swelling following dermonecrotic spider First aid Take to Practice Messages: bites is slow in onset, whilst significant There is no good first aid measure for ¥ There is no first aid measure button (widow) spider bites and scorpion all snakebites. These measures attempt effective against all snake bites. stings are associated with muscle to denature venom (topical applications, spasticity which is not a feature of electrotherapy, cryotherapy), remove ¥ Tourniquets are not recom- snakebites. 1, 2, 3 venom (incision and suction, excision) mended if the snake species is Where snakes and humans abound, or retard its absorption (various types of unknown. encounters between the two are not tourniquet, cryotherapy). These ¥ Syndromic management of uncommon, with bites leading to 30 – measures in most cases are either 80 hospital admissions per 100,000 ineffective per se or the venom is snakebite without knowing the persons per year.4 -7 Snakebites are most absorbed too rapidly (mambas) or species of the snake is logical common in the summer months, from deposited too deeply (adders) for them and effective. late afternoon to early evening, affecting to be effective. The vast majority of males and females roughly equally, snakebites lead to PPS and here ¥ The majority of poisonous snake- depending on daytime activity. Most tourniquet use would aggravate or bites may be managed without occur on the foot or leg during the first precipitate necrosis and compartment the use of antivenom. three decades of life. Finger and hand syndromes. The pressure immobilisation ¥ Antivenom is best administered bites are far more prone to necrosis than (Sutherland) technique is useful for non- bites elsewhere. Multiple bites on any spitting bites where the dominant in a medical setting. body part may occur in sleeping neurotoxin(s) is lymphatically transported ¥ Antibiotic use is not necessary patients. The venom to mass ratio is and an arterial tourniquet is effective unless there is bite site necrosis larger in children, resulting in a higher against the bites of the same snakes mortality rate than adults. 4 - 7 and mambas but is extremely or iatrogenic interference. uncomfortable and should not be left on ¥ Puff adder bites are responsible The syndromic approach to for more than 90 minutes. Venom in the for most cases of bleeding. snakebite mouth should be washed out with water ¥ Heparin should not be used for Snakebite presents as minor mechanical or another bland solution. Venom on the trauma, allergy to venom (rare) and/or an skin should be wiped or washed away. a consumption coagulopathy. evenomation syndrome. Simplified, three Venom ophthalmia may be complicated ¥ True compartment syndromes main clinical envenomation syndromes by corneal erosions which require are uncommon. in snakebite should be identified, namely: repeated slit lamp examinations, specific

48 SA Fam Pract 2005;47(9) CPD

Algorithm 1: Guidelines for the Management of Snakebite

Venom type Cytotoxic Neurotoxic Mixed cytotoxic and Haemotoxic neurotoxic

Puff adder, Gaboon adder, spitting cobras (Mozambique, black- Rinkhals, berg adder, Black and green Peringuey’s adder, necked, black, zebra), mamba, non-spitting Boomslang, vine snake Snake species Stiletto snakes, night desert mountain adder, cobras (snouted, Cape, garter snakes, shield- (eastern and savanna) adders, horned and forest, Anchieta’s) many horned adders, nose snake lowland swamp .

Painful progressive swelling (PPS) Bleeding may occur in Progressive puff adder bites weakness (PW) Combined PPS Dominant clinical Bleeding (B) presentation of victim (thrombocytopenia) and PPS occurs in non- and PW Gaboon adder bites spitting cobra bites (consumption coagulopathy)

* Suction. Non-spitting cobras : pressure immobilisation or arterial tourniquet. Do not apply a See PPS and No specific first aid First aid tourniquet! Mambas : arterial tourniquet. Protect the PW column measures airway. Artificial respiration may be necessary ¤

Hospitalisation Take the patient to Take the patient to Take the patient to Take the patient to hospital hospital hospital hospital

Intravenous fluids Protect the airway. See cytotoxic and Blood or blood Supportive treatment Elevate bitten limb † Oxygen by mask or Analgesia ventilation. neurotoxic component therapy ‡

Antivenom may be necessary for threat to Puff adder, spitting limb or life cobras, Gaboon All species Rinkhals Boomslang See Algorithm 3 adder

Antivenom type Polyvalent Polyvalent Polyvalent Boomslang monospecific

50ml : puff adder and 80 ml (40 Ð 200 ml) Small doses may lead Suggested dose by spitting cobras 50 ml 10 Ð 20 ml intravenous injection 200ml : Gaboon adder to a recurrence of symptoms.

Percentage bites in which antivenom is < 10% 50 Ð 70% < 10% 80 -100% indicated

* Mechanical suction device if HIV status is not known (Suction is of minimal benefit but reassuring to the patient.). † Some authorities prefer keeping the bitten limb at heart level. ‡ Heparin, antifibrinolytics and thrombolytics are of no value and may be dangerous. ¤ Polyvalent antivenom for the triad of perioral paraesthesia, excessive salivation and sweating or metallic taste, within a few minutes of the bite (mambas) OR difficulty in breathing. Polyvalent antivenom is effective against the bites of the mambas, cobras, rinkhals, puff adder and Gaboon adder only. A test dose of antivenom is not indicated.

Antivenom Unit (SAVP (Pty) Ltd: (011) 386 6000 Fax (011) 386 6016 For emergencies: Contact Dr Roger Blaylock at 083 652 0105

SA Fam Pract 2005;47(9) 49 CPD

South African manufactured antivenom is Algorithm 2: Management of venom ophthalmia recommended as venom from South African snakes is used during manufacture, which First aid negates geographic venom variation. Immediate irrigation with water or other bland solution Undiluted antivenom administered (open and close the eyes under water) intravenously over 10 minutes is as safe as Medical practitioner 9 diluted antivenom over 30 minutes and A single application of local anaesthetic eye drops to ensures that a medical practitioner is at the overcome tightly closed eyelids facilitates irrigation. bed side should an acute allergic reaction occur. A test dose of antivenom for acute Fluorescein staining. adverse reactions does not predict the response to the main dose and may be Slit lamp omitted. Appropriate administration of antivenom can stop progression of swelling, prevent or reverse an inability to breathe Corneal erosions (not the latter in Cape cobra bites) and stop bleeding. Antivenom is efficacious whilst Absent Present venom is still active as shown by continued deterioration of the patient which in some Antibiotic eye ointment Antibiotic eye drops/ointment cases may last several days. Indications Eye pad Mydriatic for antivenom arise sooner and more Resolution within Eye pad frequently in children due to high venom- 24 Ð 48 hours Daily slit lamp examination until cured to-mass ratio which counteracts the increased morbidity and mortality in this Antivenom topically (dilute) or systemically not indicated. age group. Steroids (topical or systemic) are contraindicated. Antivenom is effective and readily available from the SAVP (Pty) Ltd Algorithm 3: Indications for antivenom (Antivenom Unit) at Tel 011-386-6000 and Clinical syndromes of envenomation Fax 011-386-6016 (There may be overlap between syndromes)

Antibiotics Antivenom not absolutely indicated Antivenom may be life-saving In general, antibiotics are usually unnecessary as bacterial infection is uncommon unless secondary to necrosis Painful progressive Progressive weakness Bleeding swelling (PPS) (PW) (B) or iatrogenic bite site interference.10 There is a paucity of bacteria in snake mouths Severe envenomation anticipated which are mainly Gram negative enterobacteriacae and venom has 1. Swelling extending at 1. The triad of pins and 1. Fang punctures do not antibacterial properties.11,12 Steroids are of 15 cm or more for 1 hour needles, profuse stop bleeding and/or 2. Extremity bites Ð swelling sweating and excessive severe headaches, no value and interfere with the venom / to the elbow or knee by 3 salivation (mamba) or dizziness, fainting or antivenom reaction Ð 4 hours metalic taste convulsions

Painful progressive swelling (PPS) Severe or life-threatening envenomation present Clinical presentation 3. Extremity bites - swelling 2. Shortness of breath due 2. Active systemic This is by far the most common presentation of a whole limb within 8 to weakness in the bleeding (not bruising comprising about 90% of all envenomations hours absence of PPS of the bitten limb alone) (mamba) and is due to cytotoxic venom. Swelling 4. Swelling threatening 3. Non-clotting blood after the airway 3. Inability to swallow saliva 20 minutes in an commences around the bite site within a few undisturbed, new, dry, minutes and spreads mainly in a proximal 5. Associated unexplained 4. Generalised weakness clean test tube. Use shortness of breath in the presence of PPS blood from a healthy direction. It is painful, often tender, warm to (non-spitting cobras) or person as a control. hot and indurated. The duration and rate at 6. Associated abnormality generalised muscle of blood clotting (see pain (sea snakes). 4. Significant laboratory which it spreads is mainly snake species bleeding syndrome) evidence of a blood dependent. It is quicker with the adders at 5 Notes clotting abnormality. 7. Very tense limb * The latter indication – 10 cm or more per hour whilst that due to (compartment syndrome) accounts for some patients or compressed major who, when paralysed, will stiletto snake and spitting cobra bites blood vessel (vessel not respond to antivenom. spreads at about 1 - 2 cm per hour. It spreads entrapment) * Drooping eyelids, dilated faster soon after the bite and slows before pupils or squint per se may stopping. Within 1 – 2 hours of the bite there not be followed by respiratory distress. is usually painful regional lymphadenopathy.

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Painful progressive swelling (PPS)

Puff adder bite Stiletto snake bite Antivenom was not administered. Antivenom is ineffective and should not be used. Platelets 28 x 109/l at 4 h 10 min. Blistering There is initial blanching at the bite site. A blister does not necessarily equate to necrosis, but equates to necrosis, which occurs in 25% of bites. did in this case.

Day of the bite

_17 hours after bite 5 days after bite__

Day five following debridement

Second day after bite - Note continuous Mozambique spitting cobra bite ooze of blood Necrosis occurs in the majority of bites and is usually surrounded by a peripheral blister 4 to 6 days after the bite. Antivenom does not prevent necrosis.

Discoloured area 6,5 hours after bite Second day after bite - Purpura

Common night adder bite Antivenom is ineffective and should not be used. Necrosis has not been recorded following a night adder bite.

Second day after bite Ð discoloured area larger and more obvious

1 2 Seventh day after bite Ð peripheral blistering. Area 1. Seventh day after bite Ð Blister formation of underlying necrosis much larger than appears 2. Seventh day after bite Ð Deroof of blister on the surface. Photographs © RS Blaylock

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Complications of PPS may be classified Algorithm 4: Painful Progressive Swelling as: • Local, such as bite site blister, Management of local and regional complications haematoma or necrosis (10%). • Regional, such as compartment syn- drome, nerve and vessel entrapment Local Regional and deep vein thrombosis (bite site) (limb) (uncommon). • Systemic, due to loss of fluid and blood components into the swollen Blisters Suspected or proven Entrapment Deep vein Leave alone compartment syndrome thrombosis area which may lead to hypotension, syndrome (uncommon) anaemia, hypoalbuminaemia and Only anticoagulate if no coagulopathy hypofibrinogenaemia with pro- Deep haematoma Book theatre Nerve present longation of the PTT and INR. This Leave, aspirate or • Attain Conservative drain normovolaemia treatment occurs mostly in those cases • Treat a coagulopathy where swelling rapidly spreads to if present Necrosis • Steep elevation* the trunk and is most common Do not debride • Antivenom 50 mg IVI Vessel following puff adder bites. Cardio- before 5 Ð 7 days • Mannitol 100 g (probably femoral) (500 ml 20%) Decompression toxicity and pulmonary oedema due • IVI over 1 hour and fasciotomy if to circulating venom have only been • (less mannitol for no coagulopathy children) described following Gaboon adder 13 bites. 1 Reassess at 1 - 1 /2 hours Snakes responsible for PPS include: • Puff adder (Bitis arietans) Compartment pressure still elevated and • Spitting cobras (Naja mossambica, coagulopathy N .nigricollis sp.) controlled or absent • Stiletto snake (Atractaspis bibronii) • Night adders (Causus sp.). Open full length fasciotomy Gaboon adder (B. gabonica) and other * Elevation is controversial but practiced by the author small adder bites are less common. Although bites by all these snakes lead be successfully managed conservatively should not be anticoagulated if a to PPS there are clinical peculiarities for an hour by elevating the limb, coagulopathy is still present. which identifies offending snake species. administering intravenous mannitol Bite site necrosis may result.14-16 (reduces swelling and helps prevent Progressive weakness (PW) renal failure) and intravenous antivenom Clinical Presentation Management (Algorithm 1,3,4) which, in an appropriate dose, stops Injected neurotoxic venom produces Elevation is analgesic and diminishes progression of swelling. Conservative striated muscle dysfunction: swelling. Intravenous fluids replace what treatment must be aggressively policed • Venom of the non-spitting cobras has been lost into the swollen area. or nothing other than elevation and a (Cape (Naja nivea), snouted (N. Analgesia is important. This triad of drip will have been achieved during this annulifera), forest (N. melanoleuca) elevation, intravenous fluid and analgesia time. Should conservative treatment fail, and Anchieta’s (N. anchietae)) contain is all that is required for the majority of providing there is no significant curare-like post-synaptic toxins. snake bites. Should there be necrosis, coagulopathy, open full-length • Mamba (Dendroaspis spp.) bites surgery is best left for 5 – 7 days, as, fasciotomy should be performed. lead to excessive circulating levels prior to this time, the junction between Carpal tunnel syndrome is not of acetylcholine dead and dying tissue may not be well uncommon if bitten on a hand or finger. • Some of the small adders, i.e. berg defined. This procrastination does not It is self-limiting and responds to adder (Bitis atropos), Peringuey’s prejudice the patient in any way. elevation. adder (B. peringueyi), desert Compartment syndrome of a limb is Vessel entrapment syndrome of the mountain adder (B. xeropaga) uncommon but requires urgent attention. femoral vessels beneath the inguinal contain pre-synaptic toxins. Snake bitten limbs may present like ligament and the axillary vessels at the compartment syndrome but, on thoracic outlet lead to limb ischaemia. The different mechanisms of producing measuring intra-compartmental A blister covered pulseless limb paresis lead to different symptomatology. pressures, most are not.17 Compartment suggests the diagnosis.18 (D. polylepis) bites may syndromes of hands and feet self- Deep vein thrombosis is not be associated with minor swelling which decompress via the bite site. common, is usually diagnosed late when is neither painful nor tender whilst that Compartment syndromes of limbs may swelling persists for several days and caused by non-spitting cobras, the rinkhals

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Progressive weakness (PW) Black mamba bite (juvenile snake) Rinkhals bite Progressive weakness may occur and necrosis is uncommon. The patient was unconscious within one minute due to venom-induced anaphylaxis.

5 hours after the bite. Puncture wounds were not visible. The patient was ventilated from 3 hours 25 min for 2 hours 5 min. 60 ml polyvalent antivenom IVI was administered during ventilation. Patient discharged the following day. If the patient 40,5 hours after bite 10 days after bite had been bitten by an adult snake, death would have occurred within half an hour due to high venom-to-mass ratio.

Photographs © RS Blaylock

(Haemachatus haemachatus) and Management 6. Wilkinson D. Retrospective analysis of snakebite at a rural hospital in Zululand. S Afr adders is appreciable in extent, painful, Antivenom has the greatest benefit should Med J 1994; 84 (12): 844 – 7. tender and bite site necrosis may result. a patient have a severe coagulopathy 7. Blaylock R. Epidemiology of snakebite in 21 Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Toxicon with active bleeding. There is no place 2004 ; 43 (2): 159 – 66. Management for heparin, fibrin stabilising drugs, 8. Blaylock RSM. Acute adverse reactions to South African manufactured snakebite A clear airway and adequate fibrinolytics or thrombolytics. Venom- antivenom. Current Allergy & Clinical oxygenation are all important. Ventilation induced ‘thrombin’ is far less susceptible Immunology 2002: 15 : 107 – 13. 22 9. Malasit P, Warrell DA, Chanthavanich P, Viravan may be required, in which case sedation to heparin than physiological thrombin. C, Mongkolsapaya J, Singhthong B, Supich C. is mandatory to prevent the patient (See Algorithm 1 and 3 for further Prediction, prevention, and mechanism of early (anaphylactic) antivenom reactions in victims overhearing disturbing conversations. management.) of snake bites. Br Med J 1986 292: 17 – 20 There is little place for muscle relaxants 10. Blaylock RS. Antibiotic use and infection in snakebite victims. S Afr Med J 1999; 89 (8): except during intubation of a struggling Referral guidelines 874 – 6. hypoxic patient. The approach to • If the patient’s condition is outside 11. Blaylock RSM. Normal oral bacterial flora from some Southern African snakes. Ondestepoort neurotoxic bites is depicted in Algorithm of local expertise and resources. Journal of Veterninary Research 2001; 68: 175 1 and 3. • While awaiting referral, give – 82 12. Blaylock RSM. Antibacterial properties of supportive care (algorithm 1). KwaZulu Natal snake venoms. 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Observations on the factors II and X leading to a consumption snakes as some elapid species, particu- bite of the southern burrowing (Atractaspis bibronii) in Natal. S Afr Med J 1989; 75: 327 coagulopathy with all the possible larly the rinkhals, feign death. Sleep in – 31. attendant complications and mortality.19,20 a zip-up tent or tuck a mosquito net under 17. Murbarak SJ, Hargens AR. Acute compartment syndromes. Surg Clin North Am 1983; 63: 539 These bites are uncommon. the mattress when on camping trips. – 65 Puff adder bites are far more 18. Blaylock RSM. Femoral vessel entrapment and compartment syndromes following snakebite. common and these snakes are See CPD Questionnaire, page 41 S Afr J Surg 2003; 41 (3) : 72 – 3 responsible for the majority of patients 19. Becker JHR, Jacobson B, Franz RC. Boomslang (Dispholidus typus) coagulopathy with bleeding due to snake bite. In this References with special reference to thromboelastography. case a whole limb may be swollen, which 1. 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