
Official Game Accessory Gamer's Handbook of the

Volume 7


Arcanna ...... 3 ...... 69

Cable ...... 5 Quantum ...... 71

Calypso ...... 7 ...... 73

Crimson and the Raven ...... 9 ...... 75

Crossbones ...... 11 Rintrah ...... 77

Dane, Lorna ...... 13 Sefton, Amanda ...... 79

Doctor Spectrum ...... 15 ...... 81

Force ...... 17 Set ...... 83

Gambit ...... 21 Shadowmasters ...... 85

Ghost Rider ...... 23 ...... 87

Great Lakes ...... 25 Skinhead ...... 89

Guardians of the Galaxy ...... 27 ...... 91

Hodge, Cameron ...... 33 Spider-Slayers ...... 93

Kaluu ...... 35 Stellaris ...... 99

Kid ...... 37 Stygorr ...... 10 1

Knight and Fogg ...... 39 Styx and Stone ...... 10 3

Madame Web ...... 41 Sundragon ...... 10 5

Marvel Boy ...... 43 Szardos, Margali ...... 10 7

Master Man I and II ...... 45 ...... 10 9

Mister Hyde ...... 47 To paz ...... 115

Modam ...... 49 Tr ick Shot ...... 117

Mutant Liberation Front ...... 51 U-Man ...... 11 9

Naga ...... 57 ...... 12 1

Night Thrasher ...... 59 Warrior Wo man ...... 12 3

Odin ...... 61 ...... 12 5

Power Princess ...... 63 Zaladane ...... 127

Psionex ...... 65

1 Written by Scott Davis, Anthony Herring, and William Tracy Edited by Mike Breault Project Coordination by Steven E. Schend Cover by Jeff Butler Interior Illustrations by Jeff Butler and the Marvel Bullpen Typography by Gaye O'Keefe

E�� TSR, Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva, WI .-iMI 53147

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F GD(10) A GD(10) S TY(6) E EX(20) R GD(1 0) I EX(1 0) P MN(75) Health: 46 : 95 Resources: UN(100) (as a Squad­ ron member) Popularity: 40

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Arcanna Jones Occupation: Government agent, former medium Identity: Publicly known Legal Status: No criminal record Other Known Aliases: Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Philip (husband), Drusilla, Katrina (daughters), An­ drew, Thomas, Benjamin (sons) Base of Operations: Squadron City Past Group Affiliations: Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Elemental Control: Amazing control over natural elements (earth, air, fire, and water), Remarkable control over processed materials (metals, plas­ tics, etc.). Empathy: Good rank. Flight: Good air by means of simple magical flight. Force Field vs. Magic: Amazing rank. Force Field vs. Psionics: Amazing rank. Illusion Casting: Amazing rank. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Iron Will: Good control of her body. Arcanna presents herself as a glam­ Ta lents: Excellent knowledge of oc­ orous blonde, but under it all she's cult lore. Good knowledge of hand­ very devoted to her family. She is al­ to-hand combat. so a very determined individual who Contacts: Other Squadron mem­ has no compunction about using her bers, . illusionary powers to get what she wants. She hid her pregnancy for months behind the facade of an illu­ sion, so she could continue to be an active member of the Squadron.

3 powers. Jones was slated to become this uni­ Arcanna went into labor during a verse's next Sorcerer Supreme. He battle with the Redeemers, a super­ opted to trade places with the white HISTORY: Arcanna is a of the other di­ group put together by Nighthawk, a being and thus stop Lightner from mensional alternate Earth, home of former Squadron member who be­ devouring worlds. As a conse­ the superpowered team, the Squad­ lieved that the Program was a quence, the powers of Sorcerer Su­ ron Supreme. mistake. The Shape, a former preme were conferred upon Thomas Arcanna was born with an apti­ Squadron member who joined the Lightner. Benjamin left the Sq uad­ tude for the mystical arts as well as Redeemers, transported Arcanna to ron's dimension, set on undoing all some psychic prowess. These the hospital where she gave birth to the that Lightner had powers matured as she grew older. her son, Benjamin Thomas Jones. caused. She was a medium until she mar­ Back at the battle, the Squadron lost On the way back to their Earth, the ried her husband, Philip Jones. She &nd , conceding that Night­ Squadron was transported to the then decided to become an official hawk had been right, pledged that main Marvel Universe Earth by the crimefighter to support her family. the control of the U.S. would be new Sorcerer Supreme of their di­ She eventually became the fifth re­ given back to the people and the mension, Thomas Lightner. He obvi­ cruit of the Squadron Supreme. Utopia Program be dismantled. ously didn't want the Squadron Arcanna, as well as most of the The next great test of the Squad­ around to challenge his newly ac­ rest of the Squadron, succumbed to ron occurred when a white being of quired powers. Arcanna used her il­ the enthralling power of the entity immense size began grow and to de­ lusion powers and appeared to be known as the . This collec­ vour the Sun. The Squadron mount­ Moonglow. The reason for this illu­ tive mind entity, working together ed a last-ditch effort to save their sion has yet to be revealed. with the demonic , the Living world with the help of one of their They ran into Quasar in space and Darkness, used the Squadron to rule greatest enemies, Master Menace. were taken to Project Pegasus, hop­ the Earth. One member retained his As they were leaving for outer space ing to find a 'way home. They con­ freedom however. Hyperion, in a ship, Power Princess told Arcan­ sulted with to see if of the Squadron, managed to travel na that she wouldn't be allowed on his time machine could help, but that to another Earth and recruit the su­ this mission since she had just given failed. Then, Dr. Strange came to perteam known as the to birth and her place was with her fam­ Project Pegasus to send them home help him. To gether, the Defenders ily. Arcanna didn't like that idea and, magically. However, Lightner had and the Squadron defeated the using her illusionary powers, got laid a magical trap for the Squadron Overmind and Null, freeing the Earth aboard the ship by impersonating that caused half of their bodies to from thralldom. Moonglow. She also secretly took stay on Earth and the other half to be This battle left the Squadron's Benjamin Thomas with her. flung into the space between dimen­ world in an economic and political All efforts to fight this growing enti­ sions. They were rescued from this mess. The Squadron decided to ty failed. Their universe was saved horrible by Quasar and Dr. take over America for a year and im­ when Arcanna's son, Benjamin, Strange. plement their Utopia Program. They traded places with the white being, Arcanna and the other Squadron intended to use their powers to solve who turned out to be Thomas members trapped on Earth are now all of the country's problems. During Lightner, the , a man from waiting for her son, Benjamin, to ­ this time, Arcanna became pregnant Project Pegasus (on the Standard ish repairing the Nth Man's destruc­ again. Fearful that the Squadron Marvel Earth) who had turned into a tion and arriving at the Nth Man's would force her into a less active living hole in space. He had de­ birthplace-Project Pegasus. Once role, she concealed her pregnancy voured seven universes before hap­ Benjamin returns to Earth, the at first. She later announced it, pre­ pening across the Squadron's Sq uadron should be able to return tending that it had just occurred, hid­ universe. home with Benjamin's help. ing the truth by using her illusionary The infant Benjamin Thomas

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F IN(40) A EX(20) S EX(20) E EX(20) R RM(30) I RM(30) P RM(30) Health: 100 Karma: 90 Resources: GD(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Nathan Occupation: Adventurer Identity: None Legal Status: No criminal record, currently by U.S. authorities Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Unnamed son, deceased Base of Operations: X-men Man­ sion Past Group Affiliations: Leader of , X-Force Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: None revealed. Equipment: Bionic Arm: Remarkable Material Strength, provides Remarkable Strength in hand-to-hand combat. Bionic Eye: Provides into the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, as well as telescopic vision to a range of 5 areas (+ 1 CS to targets within range). Hidden Compartment: Cable has at least one hidden compartment with- in his bionic parts, large enough to ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: hold an eight-inch-Iong cylindrical Cable is a capable, confident leader, tube. apparently dedicated to bring down Telekinesis: Cable has a Good (10) the Liberation Front (MLF). rank telekinetic power which he He stresses the values of indepen­ keeps hidden from almost everyone. dence and responsibility. Cable's left Ta lents: Cable has a Remarkable eye glows during combat situations. rank in the use of guns. Other talents are Handguns, Semi-automatic weapons, Military, Espionage, and Leadership. Contacts: X-Men, New Mutants, X­ Factor, , CIA, INTERPOL, S.H.I.E.L.D.

5 HISTORY: with the immediately In the meantime, the X-Men also Cable's past is almost a complete behind him. Unfortunately for Cable, moved back into the Westchester mystery. There have been few hints the helicopter had been tampered mansion. , Boom-Boom, Ric­ of his history before his fight with the with and he plunged into the East tor, Wo lfsbane, and were Freedom Force, and his consequent River. He continued on foot towards captured by Genoshan agents, assumption of the leadership of the his destination, until he was inter­ which sparked the incident known New Mutants. cepted by the and . With as the X-tinction Agenda. The Japanese mutant Sunfire has the arrival and aid of some of the Cable, as well as the combined X­ expressed regret over the loss of Ca­ New Mutants-Cannonball, Sun­ Men, X-Factor, and New Mutant ble's son, whom Cable has vowed to and Boom-Boom-the Free­ teams, traveled to to free avenge. Also, Wo lverine and Cable dom Force was defeated and Cable their teammates and eventually bat­ have met in the past and bear some was freed. tled with a mechanically enhanced animosity toward each other. Back at X-Factor's ship, Cable Cameron Hodge. After many battles, Cable's first documented adven­ stopped Moira McTaggert from tak­ the mutants finally defeated Hodge ture began when the group he was ing Rahne (Wolfsbane) back to Scot­ and freed their friends. following, the MLF, broke into an en­ land. Cable was again recognized , Back at the mansion, Cable was ergy research station in Pine Bluffs, this time by Moira. He told the young attacked by the assassin named Wyoming. He clashed with them but mutants that he needed allies so he , who was sent by an old was caught in the blast of a bomb could stop the MLF from setting off a enemy called Mr. To lliver. Deadpool the MLF had set within the facility. devastating bomb. At the energy re­ was defeated, primarily by , He wasn't seriously injured, how­ search station, the MLF had stolen a who arrived on the scene just as she ever, and he was waiting for the MLF quantity of the element tritium, was needed. Domino is an old friend at their next target, the facility where which is used for the manufacture of of Cable, who called her to help him the government was holding the mu­ hydrogen bombs. train the New Mutants. tants and . All the New Mutants except Cable's philosophy-that they're Again Cable took on the MLF agreed that Cable should become at with the MLF-contributed to alone, and again he came up short. their new leader. Cable became the the disintegration of the New Mu­ He managed to take out Te mpo, but group's leader despite Rictor's ob­ tants as a team. Rahne stayed in Reaper hit Cable with his scythe, jections. Rictor knew Cable from an Genosha as a mutate, Rictor ran off temporarily paralyzing him. Strobe incident in his youth, something to to rescue her, and left the then finished the job by melting Ca­ do with Rictor's father, and conse­ team after his father's death. Other ble's mechanical arm . The MLF es­ quently he didn't trust Cable at all. people arrived and stayed for rea­ caped with Rusty and Skids and The New Mutants moved back to sons of their own: , Warpath, Cable was captured by U.S. govern­ the partially destroyed Westchester and . ment forces. mansion and Cable immediately be­ Cable believed that the New Mu­ As a result of this battle and its re­ gan training the youngsters, getting tants needed to actively use their sulting loss, Cable decided that he them ready for the upcoming war. powers in combat, instead of just needed to get help fighting the MLF. Cable and the New Mutants learning how to control them, which In a conversation with Pyro, the clashed again with the MLF in Madri­ went against the philosophy of Blob, and Crimson Commando while poor. They also encountered both Charles Xavier, the group's founder. in the holding cell, it was revealed Sunfire and , as they end­ For that reason, he disbanded the that Cable had been a U.S. agent ed up fighting Kamikaze, Sumo, New Mutants and began the X­ who had had differences with certain Dragoness, and the leader of the Force. factions within the government. MLF, . In the final battle of this In a recent shocking revelation, These differences had caused him encounter, Cable and Stryfe fought Stryfe finally took off his helmet, re­ to go . hand-to-hand as the battle raged vealing the face of Cable. It seems Cable escaped his cell by using a around them. Stryfe was knocked that Cable has been playing both straw as a blowgun and a vial of acid unconscious as the weapon ware­ sides of the fence, using two oppos­ to dissolve his chains. He broke out house caught on fire. The building ing teams to fight for mutant's rights. of the prison and headed towards X­ exploded and Stryfe was assumed How they met and fought face to Factor's ship in a stolen helicopter to have been killed in the explosion. face has yet to be explained.

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STATIS TICS: F TY(6) A GD(1 0) S PR(4) E EX(20) R GD(1 0) I IN(40) P IN(40) Health: 40 Karma: 90 Resources: GD(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Ezili Occu pation: Witch Legal Status: Native of a small Car­ ibbean island with a U.S. criminal re­ cord Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Caribbean Islands Marital Statu s: Presumably single Known Relatives: Sister (de­ ceased) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliat ions: Former partner of Kraven Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Magic: Calypso is a Master of Vo o­ doo Magic. She sold her soul to a mysterious, evil god in exchange for he r powers. Most of her spells have not yet been revealed. Those which have are the following:

• Illusion (Universal): Calypso can create illusions in the minds of oth­ ers. She casts this spell at Remark­ able rank with a duration of one hour and an area of effect of 2 areas. The illusion looks, sounds, and smells real, but it cannot directly cause damage. Because the illusion exists only in the mind , no one outside the victim must have a Psyche of less • Te lepathy (Personal): Calypso can area of effect can see it. All affected than Incredible, and Calypso must broadcast her thoughts to others characters experience the same illu­ succeed at a spell rank FEAT roll to and receive their thoughts in return sion. For it to be believable, Calypso control the target. If successful, Ca­ (if the target responds). She casts must concentrate on the illusion for lypso can control the victim for one this spell at Monstrous rank with a the entire duration of its existence. full day. If the victim is commanded range of 40 areas. To communicate Affected characters may attempt a to do something he would normally with a being of a higher Psyche than Psyche FEAT roll to disbelieve the il­ be strongly opposed to, such as her own, Calypso must first succeed hurting himself or a friend, he is al­ at a spell rank FEAT roll. When using lusion the round it begins and once lowed a Psyche FEAT roll, with suc­ every other round thereafter. If suc­ Te lepathy in conjunction with her cessful, the illusion fades from the cess indicating he has broken the Mental Control spell, Calypso gains character's mind. spell. a + 1CS, making her Mental Control • Te lekinesis (Personal): At Incredi­ spell rank Amazing. • Mental Control (Universal): At In­ ble rank, Calypso can cast this spell credible rank, Calypso can magi­ Ta lents: In the pursuit of her magical to move up to 10 tons of material cally attack another character's studies, Calypso has trained herself mind and attempt to control it. The within an area of effect of 5 areas. to go for up to six days without food

7 or sleep if researching anything American Museum of National His­ Kraven and Spider-Man were sur­ magical or just using a spell (no tory. While Calypso watched from rounded by police officers. Calypso physical combat or extensive move­ the shadows, Kraven and Spider­ realized that Kraven would not flee ment allowed). Man began their duel. USing his from the police, because he did not Contacts: None. deadly nerve-grip, Kraven nearly de­ want Spider-Man to injure himself feated Spider-Man, but in the end he further. She hurled a spear at Spider­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: and Calypso were both taken into Man, hoping to force Kraven to think police custody. of his own welfare when the wall­ Kraven's strength and skill soon crawler was dead. Kraven, however, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: allowed him to free himself and Ca­ leapt in front of the hero and Calypso is a very unstable woman, lypso from prison. In order to restore grabbed the spear in midair. Once who is driven by an insane lust to kill his honor, and thus be worthy of Ca­ again he cursed Calypso for trying to Spider-Man. She is totally evil, hav­ lypso's love, Kraven felt he must dishonor him, then willingly gave ing been drawn into the ways of humble Spider-Man. But first he himself over to the police. Calypso darkness in her search for magical needed to hone his skills. He con­ was also taken into custody. Spider­ power. Calypso relishes the psycho­ structed a facsimile urban jungle in­ Man recovered from the drug and logical torture of her victims, and of­ side a large warehouse, complete slipped away from the scene. ten uses her spells to force others to with mock buildings and streets, and Recently, Kraven captured and be the instruments of her evil deeds. hired several thugs to be his prey. buried Spider-Man alive. Eventually, Kraven soundly defeated the hench­ a despondent Kraven swore to the men. Kraven was now ready to hunt then-freed Spider-Man that he would the spider. never hunt again. Shortly thereafter, HISTORY: Although much of Calypso's back­ After several weeks, one of Kraven killed himself. Kraven's stakeouts paid off, and he Calypso returned to the Caribbe­ ground is a mystery, it is known that saw Spider-Man swinging toward an and turned toward dark gods in a she grew up on a small Caribbean is­ him. After Kraven gave a signal, Ca­ quest for infinite powers. Upon a hid­ land. Here, in a land of mysticism and den altar, Calypso sacrificed her own magic, she became envious of the lypso readied her yoruba spirit drum power wielded by the tribal heads. on a nearby rooftop. The mesmeriz­ sister, taking the first soul of hun­ ing drumbeats of the mystical instru­ dreds to come. After years of study, She gave herself totally to the study of ment had the desired effect of Calypso became a Master of Vo odoo , and she plunged ever deeper into the darkness of her own dulling Spider-Man's spider-sense, Magic. soul. which normally alerts him to any Calypso considered Kraven to be danger. Left unprepared, Spider­ a coward for taking his own life, and At about this point in her career as Man barely avoided Kraven's snares she took it upon herself to destroy a witch, Calypso met , who had on several previous and surprise attacks. Finally, the Spider-Man. She used her magic to occasions Spider-Man. Ca­ web-slinger was able to enter into control the , and sent him in close combat with his deadly foe on search of Spider-Man. The battle be­ lypso confided in Kraven that she a rooftop, but Calypso's drum gave tween the two arch-enemies was first came to care for him when he hunted Spider-Man. Kraven the advantage. Spider-Man fierce. Weakened by poison, Spider­ Kraven took her to New Yo rk City, webbed the drum and hurled it off Man was defeated and taken to Ca­ the roof, then began to pound lypso's lair. As Calypso was about to where he planned to deliver a ship­ Kraven with renewed vigor. finish him off with her magic, Spider­ ment of animals. When they arrived at the Staten Island Zoo, Calypso and Seeing that her lover was losing Man recovered enough to strike out at the Lizard. During the fight, the Kraven saw Spider-Man web­ the fight, and knowing that he would refuse her help out of , Calypso building exploded and caught fire. swinging overhead. As Kraven watch­ decided to secretly aid Kraven. She All three individuals survived, and ed the hero, Calypso snuck away and unlocked all of the cages, freeing the shot Spider-Man with a small cross­ Spider-Man was captured once animals and causing a stampede. She bow bolt, injecting him with an herb­ again. al hallucinogen. Kraven easily In a last-ditch bid for freedom, hoped in this way to return Kraven to subdued a delirious Spider-Man, Spider-Man dove out a window, "his natural greatness." Kraven quick­ ly recaptured the animals, then he and then noticed the poisoned dart. flinging a mass of chains behind Calypso retired to his New Yo rk apart­ Kraven became furious and turned him, which hung the Lizard about his attention to Calypso. Suffering the head and arms, apparently kill­ ment. Here, Calypso tried to persuade from bizarre and terrifying hallucina­ ing him. As Spider-Man watched in her lover that Spider-Man was respon­ sible for releasing the animals. Kraven tions, Spider-Man fell over the side dismay, Calypso caused the entire building to collapse in upon herself. said he disagreed, and Calypso called of the building. Realizing that the web-slinger's death would bring him The bodies of Calypso and the liz­ him a coward, goading him into once dishonor, Kraven went to Spider­ ard were never found. more trying to defeat Spider-Man. Man's aid, and saved him from a Kraven challenged Spider-Man to deadly fall. On the street below, a fight to the death at midnight in the

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CRIMSON THE RAVEN BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown STATISTICS: STATISTICS: Occupation: Thrill seekers Identity: Unknown to general popu­ F RM(30) F RM(30) lation A RM(30) A EX(20) Legal Status: Not known to govern­ S RM(30) S EX(20) ments E RM(30) E EX(20) Other Known Aliases: None R EX(20) R GO(10) Place of Birth: Unknown I RM(30) I RM(30) Marital Status: Single P AM(50) P AM(50) Known Relatives: None Health: 120 Health: 90 Base of Operations: Global Karma: 100 Karma: 90 Past Group Affiliations: The Raven Resources: EX(20) Resources: EX(20) Present Group Affiliation: Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0

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KNOWN POWERS: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: For the first time in 200 years, a Empathic Vampirism: A Raven feeds Human life means nothing to Crim­ member of the Raven had died . One off of the victim's memory and dis­ son and the Raven. Their only desire of the rules of the Raven is that the tressed feelings. A Raven can suck is to experience more and more. circle must be complete and the re­ out memories and emotions a little at Crimson has discovered that mu­ placement has to be the person who a time and can do so at will, even in tants provide her kind with more en­ killed the Raven member. The Rav­ public. The victim appears as if he is joyment and power than normal en, as a group, captured Archangel having a heart attack or some other humans. She will go to almost any to convert him to their cause. Crim­ type of physical pain. length to get a mutant to become a son placed a power inhibitor on This is an Amazing ability for member of the Raven. Archangel to keep him from break­ Crimson to feed off of emotional dis­ ing free of their mind control. tress. It is only an Incredible rank With Archangel captured, the ri­ power for the average member of valries within the Raven began to the Raven. Each time they feed, all HISTORY: flare. Whoever took Archangel's of the victim's abilities are -1CS for The Raven is an ancient organiza­ emotions would probably be the new 1-10 turns. If a Raven feeds with the tion consisting of 24 individuals leader of the group. Crimson and intent to kill, the victim's endurance ("four and twenty blackbirds" as Cobalt were the two main con­ drops -1 CS per turn of feeding until it Crimson describes the group) scat­ tenders for that honor. reaches Shift 0, at which point the tered throughout the world. New The Raven also captured the po­ victim dies. Yo rk, however, was home to six of licewoman, Charlotte Jones, a friend Mind Contro l: Amazing rank of the them. The Raven feeds on human of Archangel, for him to feed on once possession form of mind control for distress and has the ability to walk the conversion has taken place. Crimson. Incredible rank for the usu­ among the general population un­ X-Factor, with the aid of and al Raven. seen. , tracked Archangel to the Tra nsformation: Members of the Crimson, a prominent member of Raven's residence and broke in on Raven can change into a red mist the Raven, but not the leader, dis­ the ceremony just when Archangel that enables Good flight. covered a new sensation, draining was about to feed on Jones. Archan­ the emotions from a mutant. Crim­ Invisibility: Remarkable rank psionic gel fought off the compulsion to at­ ability to cloud human minds and son set out to dominate Archangel tack his friend, so Crimson decided thus become invisible. during the period of time that he was that she would just feed on the terrorizing the city. Other members Mutant Detection: Monstrous ability strong-willed mutant. Jones es­ for Crimson, dependent upon the of the Raven warned Crimson off, caped and ripped the inhibitor off the mutant being within eyesight range. but she continued to follow through powerless Archangel. He threw off Amazing ability for the usual Raven. with her plan to attack Archangel. the mind control and beheaded Meanwhile, one of the Raven, Crimson with a slash of his wing. Azure, fed off a human, but the man Limitations: There are some weak­ Meanwhile, the battle was going nesses applicable to the Raven. survived. Azure visited the hospital poorly for X-Factor when Sunlight: A Raven cannot stand the in order to kill the man so he couldn't killed Cobalt by crushing his head light of the Sun and must be indoors tell the world about their existence. with a hurled ankh. With the destruc­ during the day or suffer Amazing At that point Archangel flew in tion of their current leader, the Rav­ damage. through the window and Azure im­ en circle was broken beyond repair Permanent Destructio n: The only mediately put him in mind control. and the remaining Raven members proven way to kill a member of the Archangel, however, possesses imploded and dissolved into their Raven is to separate its head from great willpower and broke free. He true forms of shrieking, noxious red its body. It is then consumed by an instinctively sliced out with his mists, which then into the night unearthly fire. wings, decapitating the Raven at­ sky. Whether they survived the en­ tacker. Azure's body was consumed Ta lents: None known. counter or were irreversibly de­ in flame. Contacts: None known. stroyed has not been revealed.


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F RM(30) A GO(1 0) S EX(20) E RM(30) R TY(6) I PR(4) P GO(1 0) Health: 90 Karma: 20 Resources: GO(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Mercenary Legal Status: Unrevealed Other Known Aliases: Frag Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Ally of the , Skeleton Crew Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: None. Equipment: employs a variety of weapons: Automatic Pistol: He carries this fire­ arm in a holster at his side. It has a range of 3 areas, inflicts 6 points of damage, and holds one clip of am­ munition with 14 rounds. Crossbow Pistol: This weapon is al­ so carried in a side holster. It has a range of 2 areas and causes 4 points of damage. Throwing Knives: He carries one of these in each boot. Crossbones can throw them or use them in hand-to­ hand fighting to inflict 10 points of damage each. Wrist Blades: Concealed within each of his wrist bands is a switch- mechanism. Crossbones can make them flick out into fighting position at a moment's notice. They can only be used in hand-to-hand combat. Each ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: blade inflicts 10 points of damage. Crossbones is a brutal killer who en­ Ta lents: Crossbones is trained in a joys what he does. While he is a number of weapon and fighting trustworthy henchman, his loyalties skills, including Thrown Weapons, lie first and foremost with himself. Bows, Guns, Wrestling, and Martial He has little sense of honor, and will Arts B, C, and E. do whatever it takes, including lay­ Contacts: Crossbones is a hench­ ing traps and taking hostages, to man of the Red Skull. gain an advantage over his enemies.

11 rapidly. The chemical also neutral­ bones kidnapped Diamondback, ized the effects of the Super-Soldier Cap's partner. Crossbones took the serum, which is what gives Captain woman to , a small me­ HISTORY: Almost nothing is known about the America his enhanced abilities. tropolis on an island south of Singa­ early life of the man who would be­ After the Red Skull captured the pore. He planned to use come Crossbones. He made his first elderly , Diamondback as bait in a trap for appearance as a mercenary called extracted samples from Cap's body. Captain America. He forced her to Frag, who had been hired, along However, the weakened Avenger call Cap on the telephone in order to with four other soldiers of fortune, to overpowered the Red Skull, who fi­ lure the Avenger to Madripoor. storm the castle of Arnim Zola. As nally expired due to his old age. Af­ Not long after Cap arrived in Ma­ they scaled the wall, booby traps ter being cured of the effects of the dri poor, he encountered Cross­ quickly eliminated two of Frag's chemicals, Captain America re­ bones, who immediately fled, comrades, alerting Arnim Zola and turned to normal . leading the hero into a trap. With his his guest, the Red Skull, to the intru­ Although Captain America did not foot caught in a bear trap, the Aveng­ sion. Zola commanded one of his bi­ know it, Arnim Zola had preserved er fought off Crossbones's ferocious zarre servants, named , to the Red Skull's consciousness using assault. Once again, Crossbones take care of the interlopers. his advanced technology. From the fled, leading Cap into yet another While Arnim Zola and the Red cell samples he had previously tak­ trap. This time the super-soldier Skull watched from a surveillance en from Cap, Arnim Zola created a found himself in a rundown building room, Doughboy engulfed one of clone of Captain America and used standing upon a rug that concealed Frag's men. After the creature his machines to cause it to rapidly a pressure-sensitive plate connect­ proved impervious to his explosive reach adulthood. Arnim Zola then ed to a bomb-if he moved his arrows, Frag leapt atop the monster placed the Red Skull's conscious­ weight off the plate, he would be and tried to pull his comrade free. ness in the cloned body. As a result, blown to bits. Gloating, Crossbones The remaining mercenary blasted the Red Skull was reborn in a dupli­ left Captain America in order to radio away at Doughboy, but with little ef­ cate of his hated rival's body, com­ a message to the Red Skull. fect. Both men were subsequently plete with the full effects of the In the meantime, Diamondback engulfed. Super-Soldier serum. escaped her captors, but she was Impressed by Frag's ferocity, the Intrigued at the prospect of fight­ cornered in a toy factory by a brutish Red Skull asked Arnim Zola to spare ing Frag in single combat, and eager goon named Mister Phun. Diamond­ the mercenary. Zola commanded to test his new clone-body, the Red back defeated Mister Phun, who fell Doughboy to create an air pocket Skull accepted the mercenary's into a vat of boiling plastic. around its victim, and Frag was challenge. After a fierce battle, the After Crossbones spoke with the brought into the castle as a captive. Red Skull proved victorious, and Red Skull, he watched from outside Even under torture, however, Frag was about to crush Frag's neck the building as the bomb he had refused to talk, except to challenge when he suddenly changed his mind planted to kill Captain America ex­ the Red Skull to a man-to-man fight. and decided to ask the mercenary to ploded. He left Cap for dead. How­ At this point it is important to know be his bodyguard. The Red Skull of­ ever, the Avenger had placed his exactly how and why the Red Skull fered to have Frag trained by the under his feet before leaping happened to be at Arnim Zola's cas­ best people in Europe and to teach off the pressure-sensitive plate, and tle. Not too long ago, the Red Skull him new disciplines in order to help survived the blast. Drawn to the site was shocked to learn that the effects him attain his ultimate fighting po­ of the fiery explosion, Diamondback of an experimental gas that had kept tential. Frag gladly accepted the of­ found Captain America, and the two him from aging while he was in sus­ fer, revealing that since his early left the city together. pended animation were reversing childhood he had always admired Crossbones has continued to themselves: he began to age at the Red Skull as the "baddest of the serve as the Red Skull's right-hand great speed, making him so elderly bad." Pleased with his new pupil, the man. Recently, Crossbones was de­ that he would soon die of old age. Red Skull gave Frag the name feated by Captain America in single With the help of Arnim Zola, the Crossbones. combat, even after Cap had been Red Skull devised a plan that would When his training was cOfTIplete, deprived of the Super-Soldier serum possibly save his life, and hopefully Crossbones soon came into conflict due to a total blood transfusion. end the life of Captain America. The with Captain America, a man he Crossbones managed to escape, Red Skull brainwashed , would grow to hate. During Captain and will most likely seek revenge Captain America's ally, then forced America's mission to keep Baron Ze­ against the mighty Avenger in the Nomad to dose the hero's food with mo from getting the five mystical near future. a chemical that caused Cap to age fragments of the Bloodstone, Cross-



F EX(20) A EX(20) S AM(50) E AM(50) R GD(10) I EX(20) P RM(30) Health: 140 Karma: 60 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Lorna Dane (adopted name, real name unknown)

____ Occupation: Graduate student in geophysics, adventurer Identity: Secret Legal Status: US citizen with no criminal record Other Known Aliases: Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: X-Men, X­ Factor Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Body Armor: Incredible protection from physical and energy weapons. Emotio n Control: Either through some chemical or psionic ability, Lorna has the Remarkable ability to make others act aggressively. This emotion control is always in opera­ tion and Lorna herself is unaware of its full ramifications. Growth: Feeble rank growth that isn't completely under her control. Ta lents: Remarkable Reason in the field of geophysics. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Contacts: X-Men, X-Factor. Lorna Dane has gone through much in her recent past and this has bol­ stered her confidence. She has be­ come a very determined person, able to persevere even against the longest odds. The loss of her mag­ netic powers and the unknown capa­ bilities of her new powers have caused her to be somewhat hesitant recently. This is sure to fade away af­ ter she becomes more familiar with her new-found strength and invul-, nerability.

13 to helping him. She joined the She was able to pull her chains out X-Men and aided them in defeating of the stone wall and she grew about Saxon, , the fake , a foot taller. The group of mutants HISTORY: Lorna Dane's biological parents are and the Demi-Man army. successfully escaped Zalad ane's said to have been killed in a plane For a while afterward, Lorna was clutches, but the X-Men were tele­ crash only weeks after her birth. She romantically inclined towards Bobby ported out of the by was then adopted by the Danes, Drake, the , but eventually , leaving Lorna and Ka-Zar probably her mother's sister and she fell in love with Alex Summers, there to fend for themselves. brother-in-law. The Danes never told the mutant known as . With Lorna finally left the Savage Land Lorna that they were not her true the advent of the new X-Men, the and got on a boat headed in the gen­ parents because they feared that the couple tried to leave the life of fight­ eral direction of Muir Island. During knowledge would traumatize her. ing crime and would-be world con­ this trip, two other powers manifest­ Lorna didn't learn about the truth querors behind them. Neither Dane ed themselves. First, invulnerability about herself until she was nearly 20 nor Summers wanted to live the life was discovered when bullets years old. of adventurers; they soon discov­ bounced off her. Then the ability to The only outward sign of Lorna's ered that they had a mutual interest affect other people's emotions sur­ mutant genetic structure was her in geophysics. They spent some faced . The whole crew of the ship green hair, which was dyed brown. time wandering the mountain lost control of themselves, destroy­ Her mutant powers might never range in California. But this life was ing each other and the ship, so that have been activated, except for the not to be for either mutant. Lorna called Muir Island and asked intervention of "Starr" Saxon, the Lorna received a new costume, of for help. Banshee arrived and saved master roboticist. He had construct­ Shi'ar design, when her mind was her from the sinking ship. ed a duplicate Magneto and a large taken over by the Shi'ar intelligence Back on the island, Moira McTa g­ army of androids with strange agent, Davan Shakari. Davan gert put Lorna through a series of powers, called the Demi-Men. Sax­ served D'ken, the now-deposed em­ tests, but she couldn't figure out on decided that he needed some peror of the Shi'ar galaxy. Charles where these new powers were com­ real mutants to lead the android ar­ Xavier finally freed Lorna from Sha­ ing from. my while he stayed behind the kari's control. Muir Island was attacked by the scenes, giving directions to the fake Ye ars later, Lorna, as Polaris, was mutant hunting group known as the Magneto. taken over by the evil entity known , which prompted Moira to The first recruit was the mutant as . Under the creature's con­ fo rm a new group of X-Men consist­ called Mesmero. Then, using a trol, Polaris joined the group known ing of Banshee, , Forge, psycho-generator, which has some as the , which was lead , Sunder, and Lorna features in common with Charles by . During this time in Dane, using her new powers. This Xavier's , Mesmero sum­ Mr. Sinister's service, Malice be­ group of X-Men, aided by the timely moned mutants in North America came completely bonded with Po­ arrival of the Freedom Force, man­ with latent powers. Lorna Dane laris, suppressing Lorna's aged to fight back against the Reav­ found herself compelled to travel to personality. ers and forced them to retreat after , where Mesmero and She, along with the Marauders, the deaths of and . his androids captured her. After be­ fought the combined X-Men and X­ Recently, Muir Island was taken ing brought to their desert headquar­ Factor teams during the in over by the . Lorna was ters, Lorna was subjected to the New Yo rk City. She was the last Ma­ his prisoner, and he used her as a genetic stimulator that enabled her rauder standing, other than Mister key to controlling all the inhabitants to use her previously latent powers. Sinister; she escaped after the battle of the island and enhancing their Mesmero also used his hypnotic was over. natural aggressiveness. X-Factor powers to make Lorna believe in the Lorna Dane was captured by min­ and the X-Men defeated the Shadow bogus Magneto's cause and think ions of her supposed sister, Zala­ King by freeing Lorna from his that she was Magneto's daughter. dane, and brought to the Savage power. Shortly afterward , however, Mes­ Land. There, Zaladane transferred Soon after the King's defeat, mero dropped his control over the powers of Polaris from Lorna to Lorna's magnetic powers returned Lorna, believing that she would obey herself. In the transferral, all evi­ and she accepted Val Cooper's offer her "father" no matter what hap­ dence of the creature Malice, was to join the government sponsored X­ pened. Unfortunately for Mesmero, seemingly wiped away. The X-Men Factor. (For Lorna's magnetic power the X-Man named Iceman revealed came to rescue her, and it was dur­ statistics, see "Polaris," in the to Lorna that Magneto wasn't her fa­ ing the rescue that some of Lorna's Gamer's Handbook of the MARVEL 3.) ther and that she had been duped in- new powers manifested themselves. UNIVERSE'", Vo lume



F GD(10) A RM(30) S GD(1 0) E GD(1 0) R GD(10) I EX(20) P RM(30) Health: 60 Karma: 60 Resources: UN(100) (as a Squad­ ron member) Popularity: 40

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Joe Ledger Occupation: Government agent, former astronaut and flight instructor Identity: Publicly known Le gal Statu s: No criminal record Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Statu s: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Past Group Affiliations: Squadron Supreme Present Group Affiliation :

KNOWN POWERS: Fo rmer Eq uipment: Power : Dr. Spectrum's powers were based on the possession of a given to him by a . He could control it from up to 100 feet away. This power has now been ab­ sorbed into his body. His powers are as follows: Energy Solidification: Monstrous rank ability to generate and shape light energy. Power Stunts include the following:

• Containers and barriers of Mon­ strous Material Strength ADDITIONAL NOTES : • Carrying Monstrous loads (up to 80 tons) HISTORY: • Hands and limbs with Monstrous Ledger is a native of an other Strength ROLE-P LAYING NOTES : dimensional alternate Earth, home Flight: Excellent air speed Doctor Spectrum is a fun-loving, of the superpowered team , the Machine Animation : Excellent ability usually even-tempered man and a Squadron Supreme. Ledger be­ to power and control devices practical joker. With the death of came an astronaut for that world's Phasing: Excellent ability on his conscience, he has be­ National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ Ta lents: Remarkable knowledge of come more aware of the conse­ ministration (NASA). piloting, astronautics, and flight in­ quences of the use of his powers During a mission in outer space, struction. and therefore uses them more re­ Ledger fo und a disabled spacecraft Contacts: Other Squadron mem­ sponsibly. and rescued its only occupant, a bers, Quasar member of the Skrull race. As a to-

15 ken of gratitude, the Skrull gave As part of the Utopia Program, Squadron mounted a last-ditch effort Ledger a gem , which became known To Thumb created a behavior mod­ to save their world with the help of as the power prism. The prism grant­ ification machine. With the machine, one of their greatest enemies, Mas­ ed Ledger fantastic powers and he the Squadron reformed their crimi­ ter Menace. became the costumed nal foes, including a woman named Doctor Spectrum was one of the Doctor Spectrum. After a successful Foxfire, who became st rongly at­ four heroes who flew into space with career as a solo crimefighter, he and tracted to Doctor Spectrum. The a device designed to contain the the Skrull he rescued, (known simply Golden Archer, a good friend of Dr. growing creature. Unfortunately, all as "the Skrull") became founding Spectrum, was found to have been efforts to fight the white entity failed. members of the Squadron Supreme. using the machine to brainwash La­ Their universe was saved when Ar­ Doctor Spectrum, as well as most dy Lark, a fellow team member. He canna's son, Benjamin, traded plac­ of the rest of the Squadron, suc­ was expelled from the Squadron. es with the white being, who turned cumbed to the enthralling power of Meanwhile, Nighthawk had gath­ out to be Thomas Lightner, the Nth the entity known as the Overmind. ered his own group of dissenting he­ Man, who had been turned into a liv­ This collective mind entity, working roes and vil lains, who were named ing hole in space. He had devoured together with the demonic being the Redeemers. The Golden Archer seven universes before happening Null, the Living Darkness, used the joined this team and took the name across the Squadron's universe. Squadron as pawns to rule the Black Archer, to reflect his change of The infant Benjamin Thomas Earth. One member of the Squadron heart. Jones was slated to become this uni­ retained his freedom , however; Hy­ A way of reversing To m Thumb's verse's next Sorcerer Supreme. He perion managed to travel to another machine had been created and was opted to trade places with the white Earth and recruit the superteam used on Foxfire. She also joined being and thus stop Lightner from known as the Defenders to he lp him. Nighthawk's team, but hesitantly, devouring worlds. As a conse­ To gether, the Defenders and the because she had fallen in love with quence, the powers of Sorcerer Su­ Squadron finally defeated the Over­ Doctor Spectrum. preme were conferred upon Thomas mind and Null, freeing the Earth In the climactic battle between the Lightner. Benjamin left the Squad­ from thralldom. Squadron and the Redeemers, ron's dimension, set on undoing all This battle left the Squadron's Black Archer and Doctor Spectrum the damage that Lightner had world in an economic and political battled each other. Spectrum's hesi­ caused . mess . The Squadron decided to tancy to use his powers against a foe On the way back to their Earth, the take over America for a year and im­ that he recognized as a friend al­ Squadron was transported to the plement their Utopia Program. They lowed the Black Archer to get in one main Marvel Universe Earth by intended to use their powers to solve shot, which smashed the power Lightner. He obviously didn't want all of the country's problems. As a prism. The fragments of the prism the Squadron around to challenge gesture of good faith, the members were imbedded in Dr. Spectrum's his newly acquired powers. of the Sq uadron revealed their true body. The Squadron ran into Quasar identities to the people of the world, Foxfire, in an attempt to prove her and they were taken to Project Pega­ assuring them that the Utopia Pro­ loyalty to the Squadron, killed Night­ sus. They consulted with Reed Ri­ gram would succeed. One member hawk. In retaliation for that, the Mink chards to see if his time machine of the group, Nighthawk, disagreed struck down Foxfire, killing her. En­ could help, but that attempt failed. with the majority and began plan­ raged, Dr. Spectrum wanted to strike Then, Dr. Strange came to Project ning to thwart the Squadron's plans. out at the person who had struck his Pegasus to send them home magi­ Nuke, a member of the Squadron, love; to his surprise, a beam of con­ cally. But Lightner had laid a magical watched his parents die of cancer cussive force flew out of his body trap for the Squadron that caused from the radiation that he naturally and struck the Mink. The power of half of their bodies to stay on Earth gave off. Nuke stopped partiCipating the prism was now his to control and the other half to be flung into the with the team and Doctor Spectrum without the actual prism. space between dimensions. They was assigned to find out what Nuke The Squadron gave up and con­ were rescued from this horrible was doing. Ledger found Nuke plan­ ceded defeat. They promised to dis­ death by Quasar and Dr. Strange. ning to kill To m Thumb, the Squad­ mantle the Utopia Program and Dr. Spectrum and the other ron's scientific genius, because the return the fate of America to the av­ Squadron members trapped on diminutive scientist had been unable erage person. Earth are now waiting for Arcanna's to save his parents. To stop Nuke, Following the battle, Doctor Spec­ son, Benjamin, to finish repairing the Doctor Spectrum encased hi m in an trum again fell into a depressed Nth Man's destruction through the energy bubble. Tr ying to escape, state because of the deaths of his dimensions. Once Benjamin returns Nuke kept blasting until all the oxy­ friends. to Earth, the Squadron should be gen had been used up and he suffo­ The next great test of the Squad­ able to return home with Benjam in's cated. Guilt-ridden because of ron occurred when a white being of he lp. Nuke's death, Spectrum vowed nev­ immense size began to grow and er to use his powers in combat again. threaten to devour the Sun. The




F GD(10) F EX(20) F GD(10) A GD(10) A GD(10) A TY(6) S GD(10) S IN(40) S GD(10) E EX(20) E IN(40) E EX(20) R GD(10) R TY(6) R GD(10) I TY(6) I TY(6) I GD(10) P TY(6) P TY(6) P GD(10) Health: 50 Health: 110 Health: 46 Karma: 22 Karma: 18 Karma: 30 Resources: RM(30) Resources: RM(30) Resources: RM(30) Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: Real Name: Brahl Real Name: Unknown Real Name: Eightyfive Occupation: Criminal Occupation: Criminal Occupation: Criminal Legal Status: Unknown Legal Status: Unknown Legal Status: Slave Identity: Public Identity: Public Identity: Public Other Known Aliases: None Other Known Aliases: None Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Planet Mobius Place of Birth: An unknown Kree Marital Status: Unknown Marital Status: Single controlled planet. Known Relatives: None Known Relatives: None Marital Status: Single Base of Operations: An unnamed Base of Operations: An unnamed Known Relatives: None spaceship in an alternate future, spaceship in an alternate future, Base of Operations: An unnamed 301 5 A.D. 3015 A.D. spaceship in an alternate future, Past Group Affiliations: Force Past Group Affiliations: Force 3015 A.D. Present Group Affiliations: Present Group Affiliations: Past Group Affiliations: Force Present Group Affi liations: KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: Phasing: Amazing rank Intensity Strength: When Broadside is KNOWN POWERS: with the following special Power on a planet's surface, she can chan­ Magnetic Manipulation: Incredible Stunt: nel the planet's gravity into her body rank power with the following Power Phasing Other Objects: Brahl can and increase her Strength propor­ Stunt: shoot an energy beam that causes tionately. A planet the size of Earth • Flight: Good speed. inorganic objects to become intangi­ provides her with Shift X Strength. Ta lents: Eightyfive has displayed no ble for an unknown amount of time. The enhanced Strength does not in­ known talents. The range of this power is two areas, crease her Health score. Contacts: Eightyfive can really only and it is able to affect up to one Ta lents: Broadside knows Martial depend on the other members of whole area of material. Arts Type B. Force. Equipment: Contacts: Broadside can really only Energy Pis tol: Brahl possesses a depend on the other members of ADDITIONAL NOTES: powerful energy pistol that inflicts In­ Force. credible energy damage, with a range of three areas. ADDITIONAL NOTES:: Ta lents: Brahl has no known talents. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Contacts: Brahl can only really de­ Eightyfive is slightly flamboyant. He pend on the other members of comes across as a hardened and bit­ Force. ter man. In actuality he is a merciful man who does not like to kill. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Eightyfive is one of the pink­ skinned Kree who were enslaved by ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: the blue-skinned Kree. His whole ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Broadside is a flirtatious female who family was killed before he was able Brahl is a murderous individual who falls for any man with a physique to escape captivity. His name, enjoys toying with his victims, since close to her own. She is quick to an­ Eightyfive, was the number of the they usually can't even touch him. ger if she is scorned by a male she is cell block where he and his family He is completely without mercy. attracted to. were held captive.



F TY(6) F GD(10) F GD(10) A GD(10) A EX(20) A TY(6) S TY(6) S GD(1 0) S RM(30) E GD(10) E EX(20) E EX(20) R IN(40) R GD(10) R EX(20) I GD(10) I TY(6) I EX(20) P AM(50) P GD(1 0) P EX(20) Health: 32 Health: 60 Health: 66 Karma: 100 Karma: 26 Karma: 60 Resources: RM(30) Re sources: RM(30) Resources: RM(30) Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown Real Name: Unknown Real Name: Unknown Occu pation: Criminal Occu pation: Criminal Occu pation : Criminal Legal Statu s: Unknown Legal Status: Citizen of Centauri IV Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Public Identity: Public Identity: Public Other Known Aliases: None Other Known Aliases: None Other Known Aliases: None Pla ce of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Centauri IV Place of Birth: Zrnx Homeworld Marital Status: Unknown Marital Status: Single Marital Statu s: Unknown Known Relatives: None Known Relatives: None Known Relatives: None Base of Operation s: An unnamed Base of Operations: An unnamed Base of Operations: An unnamed spaceship in an alternate future, spaceship in an alternate future, spaceship in an alternate future, 3015 A.D. 3015 A.D. 3015 A.D. Past Group Affiliations: Force Past Group Affiliations: Force Past Group Affiliations: Force Present Group Affiliations: Present Group Affiliation s: Present Group Affiliation s:

KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: Elemental Conversion: Interface can Energy Beams: Incredible Intensity. Radar Sense: Excellent Intensity. turn any one element into any other Flight: Excellent Speed. Tr acking: Scanner can psionically element he desires. This Monstrous Ta lents: track any living being, with Incredi­ rank power can even affect man­ Photon has not displayed any tal­ ble Intensity. This power has a Shift made elements such as adaman­ ents. Z range (ten miles). tium. This power has a four-area Conta cts: Photon can really only de­ Ta lents: Scanner is a trained space­ range. As a side effect of this power, pend on the other members of ship pilot and navigator. Inte rface can tell exactly what kind Force. Yo ndu, a member of the Conta cts: Scanner can really only of elements make up an object just Guardians of the Galaxy, would depend on the other members of by looking at it. come to her aid, since she is the last Force. Ta lents: Interface is an expert on all surviving female of his race. natural and artificial elements, and ADDITIONAL NOTES:: he possesses the Leadership Ta lent. ADDITIONAL NOTES : Conta cts: Interface can only de­ pend on the other members of Force.


ROLE- PLAYIN G NOTES: Photon is a cold-hearted female, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES : who holds a hatred for anything that Interface is a cold, calculating alien has to do with her old life on Centauri ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : who is interested only in gaining IV. She particularly hates Yo ndu of Scanner is an overconfident Snark profit and power. He rules the other the Guardians of the Galaxy, the last who believes his tracking powers will members of Force with an iron hand. male member of her race. warn him of any surprises. 19 TA CHVON ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: of her hatred of reptilians. Main Ta chyon is a being made up of tachy­ Frame declared a loser be­ STATISTICS: on particles. It follows the orders of cause she had failed a test of mercy. Interface and its teammates, but it Aleta lost against Eightyfive be­ F TY(6) does not seem to be able communi­ cause she was too busy fighting with A UN(100) cate to other beings. Ta chyon is a re­ her husband Starhawk. This caused S PR(4) active being that can attack Aleta to lose her test of forgiveness E UN(100) someone only if first attacked with and charity. R TY(6) an energy blast. Yo ndu won his test of honor I EX(20) against Photon, even though he was P EX(20) almost killed by her. This was be­ cause Photon was the last female of Health: 210 HISTORY: Karma: 46 Force is a group of intergalactic Yo ndu's race, and the only chance Resources: RM(30) criminals who banded together for for their race to be re-born. During Popularity: 0 the purpose of profit. Force operates the "fight" with her, Yo ndu refused in an alternate time line in the 31 st to fight or even defend himself. BACKGROUND: century. Force and the Guardians of Starhawk was able to beat Ta chy­ Real Name: Unknown the Galaxy first came into conflict on simply by refusing to attack the Occupation: Criminal while both groups were searching alien, so that Ta chyon could not use Legal Status: Unknown for Captain America's shield. Force his reflective abilities. This was a Identity: Public was after the shield because they test of faith, because all knowledge Other Known Aliases: None had heard legends concerning the of Ta chyon had been removed from Place of Birth: Unknown shield and its supposed magical Starhawk's precognitive memory. Marital Status: Unknown powers of mind control. In a final confrontation, Vance As­ Known Relatives: None Landing on a strange planet tro fought Interface, the leader of Base of Operations: An unnamed where the shield was supposed to Force. Interface won and took the spaceship in an alternate future, rest, a mysterious machine pres­ shield. Interface then vainly tried to 301 5 A.D. ence calling itself Main Frame activate the shield's supposed Past Group Affiliations: Force (which was actually the Avenger power to control other people. Dis­ Present Group Affiliations: once known as Vision) forced the gusted when the shield did not bring Guardians and the members of the Guardians under his mental con­ KNOWN POWERS: Force to battle each other, one-on­ trol, Interface threw it away. Energy Body: Ta chyon's body is a one. Vance picked up the shield, know­ packet of tachyon energy particles. Martinex fought Brahl and was ing the true symbolic power of the This body grants him the following badly beaten by the vicious alien. shield. Thus Astro won a test of his powers: Even though mortally injured, Mar­ very soul. • Reflection: Ta chyon can reflect tinex fought bravely to the end. Main Vision then teleported Force and any energy attack back at its wielder, Frame declared Martinex the winner, their ship out of the planetary sys­ while adding a + 1 CS to the damage because he had won a test of brav­ tem. They left, seeing no reason to rating. This ability is Unearthly. Be­ ery. linger any longer. cause of the nature of his power, Ta ­ Charlie-27 underestimated Broad­ Force is currently working for Ma­ chyon can attack only if someone side, by using his brawn instead of levolence, the daughter of the de­ attacks him first. his brain. This caused Main Frame mon . This alliance was • Flight: CL3000 speed. to declare Charlie-27 the loser in the made by Brahl in a move to asurp In­ Ta lents: No revealed talents. test of cunning. terface's leadership. The other Contacts: Ta chyon can only depend Nikki was able to beat Scanner members of Force are uneasy inthis on the other members of Force. and she almost killed him because alliance and wait for Interface to take control once again. ADDITIONAL NOTES :


F IN(40) A RM(30) S GO(10) E EX(20) R GO(10) I EX(20) P IN(40) Health: 100 Karma: 70 Resources: G 0(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Thief, adventurer Identity: Secret Legal Status: Wanted by U.S. au­ thorities Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: U.S. South Central Past Group Affiliations: X-Men Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Explosive Projectiles: can take any object that he throws and imbue in it an explosive energy that detonates when the object reaches its target. Energy flows from his hands and eyes into the object be­ fore it is thrown. These projectiles cause Remarkable force damage for each object thrown. Gambit's maxi­ mum range for his projectiles is two areas. Emotion Control: Remarkable level Emotion Contro\. He has to talk to the recipient of this power for it to work. Ta lents: Gam bit is skilled with throwing all forms of projectiles. He is especially skilled at throwing ­ gle playing cards. He also has tal­ ents in the areas of Crime (thievery and lock picking) and Acrobatics. Contacts: Storm, X-Men.

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ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: finally friends. Gambit and Storm Gambit is a loner. He sees himself as then began a campaign against the a care-free, modern-day Robin criminals of the area. They would ; once embroiled in combat, steal from the looters and give the however, he becomes deadly seri­ booty to people who needed it. ous. This campaign lasted until Nanny While naturally a loner, he is cur­ and the Orphan finally caught rently with the X-Men because of the up with Storm. In the following bat­ bonds forged between himself and tle, Storm regained her memory and Storm during their time together both she and Gambit escaped. while Storm was trapped in the body Gambit followed Storm back to the of a child. He sees Storm and him­ X-Men. He became an uncomforta­ self as partners, with the X-Men ble member of the team, frequently team intruding upon that partner­ asking Storm when they were going ship. He has shown some resent­ to return to the old days. ment against the team for taking the Gambit recently defeated Wolver­ young Storm away from him. Re­ ine in a one-on-one cently, he has acted more in the he­ session, which hints at some unre­ roic role, working with the team, vealed martial training in his past. especially with . The X-Men were abruptly teleport­ In battle, he jokes and banters ed into deep space by Lila Cheney to with his teammates, but when it rescue their old , Professor comes to talking about himself, his Xavier, and were just as abruptly powers, or his past, he is absolutely captured by . Wo lverine closed-mouthed. and Jubilee freed the team. They fought alongside the and Lilandra against the Imperial Guard and won back the Shi'ar Em­ HISTORY: Gambit's history is largely a mystery. pire's throne for Lilandra. The first known information about Gambit and Jubilee, both being of him is that he was a Robin Hood­ a suspicious nature, discovered that type thief, operating in the southcen­ "" was actually a Skrull tral area of the U.S, based out of impersonating the mutant leader. New Orleans. Just as the mind-controlled Gladia­ Storm, bereft of her memory and tor was about to kill the helpless in the body of a child, was also sur­ Deathbird, Gambit burst out of hid­ viving in the same area of the coun­ ing and attacked the impersonator. try as a thief. One night in Cairo, Gambit and Jubilee battled the fake Illinois, Storm was breaking into a Professor Xavier and to a river-side mansion when the standstill, giVing Lila Cheney Shadow King and his Hounds at­ enough time to teleport Deathbird to tacked her. She managed to escape safety. In a last-ditch effort, the two by falling from the third floor into a X-Men combined their powers­ pool. Jubilee cast a wide dispersal of her Gambit fished the child out of the fireworks, then Gambit tossed some water and brought her with him back charged rocks into the fireworks. into the mansion's . The The result was a huge explosion that Hounds continued to pursue them brought the rest of the team rushing and a fight ensued. Using his explo­ to the scene. sive projectiles and his , The real Professor X and captured along with Storm's mutant powers, X-Men were eventually rescued . the two of them escaped the Gambit and Jubilee both escaped Shadow King's clutches. After an ini­ harm in the explosion and now have tial period of distrust, the Cajun thief a wise-cracking bond that was and Storm became companions and forged in the heat of battle.

22 STATISTICS: KNOWN POWERS: fects everyone within the area, including Alter-Ego: Daniel Ketch transforms into Rider. only at night, by touching Stare: If Ghost Rider successful­ F RM(30) A RM(30) the gas cap on his motorcycle. He trans­ ly grapples with someone for one round , S IN(40) forms into Ghost Rider only if the blood the other is forced to look into his eyes. E AM (50) of innocents is being shed within five The victim must make a Psyche FEAT roll R GD(1 0) miles of his current location. Daniel has or lose one rank of Psyche permanently. I EX(20) the following statistics: In addition to that, the victim must make P RM(30) another Psyche FEAT roll (possibly using Health: 150 F TY(6) a reduced Psyche rank) versus an Karma: 60 A GD(1 0) Amazing Intensity or pass out for 1-100 Resources: FE(2) (Ghost Rider) S TY(6) rounds. If a target's Psyche is brought be­ Popularity: -5 E GD(1 0) low Feeble, the person's soul is lost for­ R TY(6) ever and he or she goes insane. This BACKGROUND: I TY(6) attack works only against evil people and Real Name: Daniel Ketch/Zarathos P GD(1 0) criminals who have hurt others. Occupation: MessengerlSpirit of Health: 32 Soulfire: The Ghost Rider has used Ve ngeance Karma: 22 Soulfire only twice, but he has no control Legal Status: Citizen of the U.S. with no Resources: TY(6) over its activation or effects. The second criminal record Popularity: 0 time he used it while fighting Johnny Identity: Secret Blaze. The Soulfire, for some reason, Other Known Aliases: None Ghost Rider has the following powers entered Blaze's shotgun. The shotgun Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New Yo rk and equipment: can now fire blasts of Soulfire that cause Marital Status: Single Body Armor: Amazing protection against Remarkable damage. These blasts are Known Relatives: Mother (first name physical attacks. not affected by Ghost Rider's Body Ar­ un revealed), Barbara Ketch (sister, de­ Invulnerability: CL 1000 protection from mor and Invulnerabilities when they are ceased) fire, heat, poisons, and radiation. Ghost used against him. Base of Operations: Brooklyn, New Rider is also immune to vacuum and at­ Equipment: Yo rk tacks against a living soul. If Ghost Chain (Unique We apon): Ghost Rider Past Group Affiliations: Briefly worked Rider's body is somehow destroyed, he possesses a chain made of an Unearthly with a substitute group of the Fantastic will re-form his body in 1-10 rounds, with rank material, and can do the following Four. his full Health score returned . If some­ Power Stunts with it: Present Group Affiliations: one using an edged weapon against • Grapple with Unearthly Strength. Ghost Rider gets a red result, an explo­ • Lash out and do up to Amazing blunt sion of Amazing Intensity occurs and af- damage.

23 • Feeble Elongation enables the chain but managed to keep his soul when Soulfire destroyed the canisters, but to reach up to one area away. Mephisto came for it. The angry Mephis­ some of the biotoxin was released and • The individual links can turn into to bonded Zarathos with the soul of the deformed Blackout's face. shurikens and be thrown all at once. stunt rider, Johnny Blaze. Blackout got away and later figured out Ghost Rider can attack one person with Over the next few years , when that Daniel Ketch was Ghost Rider. The them, which does Amazing edged weap­ Zarathos took over Blaze's body, he maddened Blackout sneaked into a hospi­ on damage. Or he can attack one area, transformed it into the dread vigilante tal and killed Daniel's unconscious sister. hitting everyone in the area with 1-5 known as Ghost Rider. Zarathos had no Since then, Ghost Rider has encoun­ shurikens, each one causing Good memory of his past, he just felt compel­ tered a number of villains, such as Mr. edged damage. led to mete out justice. Hyde and the Scarecrow. He has also Motorcycle: Daniel Ketch possesses an The being known as Nightmare even­ met and teamed up with the , ordinary looking motorcycle that never tually informed Ghost Rider of his true Wolverine, Spider-Man, , needs gas. It has Typical Control, Excel­ . Ghost Rider became more inde­ and . lent Speed, and a Poor Body. When pendent of Blaze, and more violent. Fi­ At this time, Ghost Rider has yet to re­ Daniel turns into Ghost Rider, the motor­ nally, Zarathos managed to separate member his past life before he merged cycle transforms into a powerful bike himself from Blaze. The temperamental with Daniel Ketch. The being Nightmare with flaming wheels and the following demon then willingly trapped himself in has recently told him about his origins, statistics: Amazing Speed, Incredible a soul gem with his hated enemy, Cen­ but Ghost Rider still does not remember Body, and Incredible Control. turious. Apparently the two trapped his past. Daniel Ketch has come to grips Ghost Rider can mentally control the souls were doomed to fight each other with his double personality, and has now bike from up to a ten-area range. If the for an . (For more information, learned to accept it. bike is destroyed, it will reform in 1-10 see Vo lume 2 of the Gamer's Handbook Recently, Ghost Rider encountered rounds. The bike can defy gravity and of the MARVEL UNIVERSE'· for an entry Doctor Strange, To paz, and Rintrah. travel up walls and across ceilings. The on Ghost Rider 111.) They were searching for ingredients for bike can also travel on the surface of wa­ Ye ars later, in Brooklyn, New Yo rk, a spell that would free To paz, who was ter. The motorcycle has a special batter­ Daniel Ketch and his sister, Barbara, possessed by a demon. Ghost Rider al­ ing ram that enables the motorcycle to were visiting Cypress Hills Cemetery on lowed the sorcerer to try to take some of burst through materials of up to Incredi­ Halloween Eve. They accidentally stum­ the Soulfire burning on his head, but the ble Material rank without harming the bled upon a confrontation between pain was too much for Ghost Rider and rider(s). some of the 's mob and mem­ they had to stop. Ta lents: Daniel Ketch and Ghost Rider bers of a group led by the mysterious Doctor Strange and company then are accomplished motorcycle riders. Deathwatch. helped Ghost Rider track down a villain Ghost Rider is a Weapon Specialist with Barbara and Daniel were discovered known as the Killer. They soon his chain, giving him a + 2CS when us­ and Barbara was mortally injured by a learned that the Zodiac Killer was work­ ing it. crossbow bolt fired by one of Death­ ing for demons from another dimension. Contacts: The new Ghost Rider has watch's men. Meanwhile, the members Ghost Rider captured the Zodiac worked with Wolverine, Spider-Man, the of a teenage gang, known as the Cy­ Killer, but he turned out to be a dopple­ , Moon Knight, the Pun­ press Pool Jokers, grabbed a mysteri­ ganger of the true Zodiac Killer, who had isher, the , and Doctor Strange. ous attache case that the two gangs already escaped. were fighting over. After this adventure, Daniel was cap­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The frightened Daniel hid himself and tured by Johnny Blaze, who still had Daniel Ketch is a confused young man his sister in a nearby junkyard. They hid some sort of mystical link with Ghost who is deeply troubled by his transforma­ next to a motorcycle that was too new to Rider. Johnny Blaze planned to hold tion into Ghost Rider. He is beginning to be in the junkyard. His hand covered by Daniel until he turned into Ghost Rider, accept the transformation, but at the same his sister's blood, Daniel vowed that he and then he was going to kill the demon. time he is shutting everyone out of his life. would do anything to save her. The gas Meanwhile, Blackout and Deathwatch Ghost Rider is only interested in venge­ cap on the motorcycle started glowing; killed a number of people, hoping to ance against those who have spilled the when Daniel touched it he became the draw Ghost Rider out. This caused the blood of innocents. He will try to punish new Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance. motorcycle to seek out Daniel and acti­ wrong-doers, but he will not try to actively Ghost Rider attacked Deathwatch's vate the transformation. Ghost Rider kill them. While pursuing his enemies he is men , but Deathwatch got away. Ghost and Blaze then fought each other. Dur­ relentless and stubborn, refusing to give Rider then took the injured Barbara to ing the fight, a blast of Soulfire went up until the villain is punished. the hospital and disappeared. The through Blaze's shotgun and directly in­ HISTORY: scared Daniel Ketch soon discovered to Blaze without harming him. Long ago, when demons ruled the Earth, that when night fell, and the blood of an Somehow, this changed the shotgun so the demon named Zarathos was wor­ innocent was spilt nearby, he trans­ that it could fired blasts of Soulfire that shiped as a god. Zarathos's lust for hu­ formed into Ghost Rider. could actually harm Ghost Rider. Badly man souls brought him into conflict with During the following weeks, Death­ wounded by the blasts, Ghost Rider es­ the demon lord Mephisto. Zarathos and watch's organization and Ghost Rider caped Blaze and went after Blackout. Mephisto fought, but Mephisto ended up clashed many times. Ghost Rider soon Johnny Blaze followed close behind. capturing the living flame that was the discovered that the mysterious attache Blackout's rampage was brought to a halt essence of Zarathos's soul. case from the cemetery contained canis­ by an allied Ghost Rider and Blaze. Dan Over the centuries, Mephisto enjoyed ters of a virulent mutated biotoxin that Ketch and Johnn Blaze have formed an joining Zarathos's soul to a variety of could be spread through the air. Ghost uneasy alliance, both trying to learn more weak human souls. Several years ago, a Rider was able to stop Deathwatch and about the Ghost Rider. stunt cyclist made a deal with Mephisto, his follower Blackout from releasing the plague. During the fight, Ghost Rider's 24 East and West Coast Avengers as al­ cially effective at calming Mister Im­ lies. mortal. STATISTICS: Limitation: is either un­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: able or unwilling to speak. When in Ashley Bertha danger, she alerts her fellow team­ F PR(4) TY(6) mates by blowing a high-pitched A TY(6) TY(6) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: whistle. Although she was a great success, S PR(4) RM(30) Ta lents: None. Ashley Crawford seems bitter to­ E TY(6) IN(40) C ontacts: She can call on any of R TY(6) TY(6) ward the modelling industry. Her the Avengers. I GD(10) GD(10) identity as Big Bertha is the perfect P TY(6) TY(6) outlet for her frustrations. Ashley ADDITIONAL NOTES: Health: 20 I 82 Crawford is an uptight professional, Ka rma: 22 I 22 while Big Bertha is an obese, fun­ Resources: EX(20) loving woman ready to take on the ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Popularity: + 15 (as famous model world for what she believes is right. Dinah Soar is an enigma. Because Ashley Crawford) I 0 (as Big Bertha) she does not speak and chooses to DINAH SOAR remain aloof in her actions, it is diffi­ BACKGROUND: cult to delve into her personality. On Real Name: Ashley Crawford STATISTICS: the surface she appears frail and Occupation: Ex-professional model sad, as if burdened by tremendous F TY(6) turned adventurer inner turmoil. A RM(30) Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record S TY(6) Identity: General public does not E EX(20) R TY(6) know about her identity as Big Ber­ STATISTICS: tha I TY(6) P TY(6) F GD(10) Place of Birth: Unrevealed A GD(10) Marital Status: Presumably single Health: 62 Karma: 18 S TY(6) Known Relatives: None Resources: PR(4) E EX(20) Base of Operations: Milwaukee, Wisconsin Popularity: 0 R TY(6) I TY(6) Past Group Affiliations: Great BACKGROUND: P TY(6) Lakes Avengers Real Name: Unrevealed Health: 46 Present Group Affiliations: Adventurer Occupation: Karma: 18 U.S. citizen with no KNOWN POWERS: Legal Status: Resources: TY(6) criminal record Body Transformation: By unknown Popularity: 0 means, Ashley has the Remarkable Identity: Secret ability to transform her body, caus­ Place of Birth: Unrevealed BACKGROUND: ing herself to become immensely Marital Status: Unrevealed Real Name: Unrevealed obese. (She weighs in at around Known Relatives: None Occupation: Adventurer 1,000 pounds.) While in this trans­ Base of Operations: Milwaukee, Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no formed state, she has the following Wisconsin criminal record abilities: Past Group Affiliations: Great Identity : Secret Lakes Avengers Place of Birth: Unrevealed • Body Armor: Ashley's billowy flesh becomes toughened, yet plia­ Present Group Affiliations: Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None ble, granting her the equivalent of KNOWN POWERS: Remarkable Body Armor. She has Base of Operations: Milwaukee, Wings: Dinah Soar can at up to In­ Wisconsin developed the Power Stunt of catch­ credible airspeed (20 areas per ing bullets shot into her great mass Past Group Affiliations: Great round). As a Power Stunt, she has Lakes Avengers and hurling them back at her attack­ developed the tactic of soaring over Present Group Affiliations: ers for Poor Blunt damage. opponents and buffeting them to the • Leaping: She can jump at Un­ ground with her wings. Tr eat this as KNOWN POWERS: earthly ability, making leaps of up to a Charging attack. Gateway: Through unknown means, 100 feet. Hyper-Sonies: Through some form of Doorman has the Incredible ability to Ta lents: Ashley is a talented model sonics that registers above the limit transform himself into a type of inter­ whose face has graced the covers of of normal human hearing, Dinah dimensional gateway, allowing oth­ many famous magazines. She can Soar has the Remarkable ability to ers to pass directly through him. also pilot conventional aircraft. instill peacefulness in an otherwise Thus, for example, if Doorman were Contacts: She can count both the enraged person. This power is espe- to stand against a steel wall, others

25 could pass through him and exit on Fla tness: His entire body is only KNOWN POWERS: the other side of the wall just as if about one inch thick, enabling him to Immortality: Although Mr. Immortal they had walked through a normal flow through narrow openings, such can be killed through normal means, doorway. He cannot use this power as beneath a door. he always returns to life within 1-10 to let himself pass through obsta­ Plasticity: 's body is pliable, rounds at full Health. Because his cles. It is likely that this power is tied allowing him to absorb tremendous body regenerates lost parts as it to the Dimension, al­ impacts. His unusual physiology heals, his very atoms would have to though this has not yet been proven. grants him the equivalent of Body be scattered across space for him to Levitation: Doorman can move Armor, providing him with Remark­ be permanently slain. During the through the air at Typical airspeed (6 able protection from physical at­ time of his "death," Mr. Immortal has areas per round). tacks and Excellent protection no bodily life signs and truly is dead Ta lents: None. against energy attacks. for all practical purposes. Contacts: He is known to both the Ta lents: None. Ta lents: He is trained in Martial Arts East and West Coast Avengers. Contacts: Like the other members B and Acrobatics. of his team, Flatman can call on any Contacts: He can look to any of the ADDITIONAL NOTES: of the Avengers for aid. Avengers for help.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Doorman appears to be your typical young American male. He is always ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: eager to aid his fellow teammates, Flatman is the Deputy Leader of the As the leader of the Great Lakes and enjoys being a superhero. Great Lakes Avengers, a position he Avengers, Mister Immortal is good at takes very seriously. His calm, fun­ making quick and intelligent deci­ FLATMAN loving attitude counterbalances the sions; however, his rashness and hot-blooded side of the team's lead­ overconfidence can get his team in­ STATISTICS: er, Mister Immortal. to more than they can han­ dle. He is known to display a violent, F GD(10) almost berserker, rage when battling GD(10) MISTER A foes. Thanks to the calming power of S TY(6) IMMORTAL Dinah Soar, Mr. Immortal's tantrums E GD(10) are quickly ended. R GD(10) STATISTICS: I TY(6) P TY(6) F EX(20) HISTORY: Health: 36 A IN(40) The Great Lakes Avenger's first pub­ Karma: 22 S TY(6) lic appearance was at the Milwau­ Resources: TY(6) E GD(10) kee Farmers and Merchants Tr ust Popularity: 0 R TY(6) I TY(6) building, where they stopped a rob­ BACKGROUND: P PR(4) bery and came to the attention of Real Name: Unrevealed Health: 76 . Hawkeye decided to in­ Occupation: Adventurer Karma: 16 vestigate the so-called "Great Lakes Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no Resources: TY(6) Avengers" along with Mockingbird. criminal record Popularity: 0 Seeing potential in the members, Identity: Secret Hawkeye became the temporary Place of Birth: Unrevealed BACKGROUND: leader of the Great Lakes Avengers. Marital Status: Presumably single Real Name: Unrevealed The team successfully aided the Known Relatives: None Occupation: Adventurer Vision in rescuing the Base of Operations: Milwaukee, Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no and She Hulk from That Which En­ Wisconsin criminal record dures. The team still trains hard, Past Group Affiliations: Great Identity: Secret though Hawkeye's return to the Lakes Avengers Place of Birth: Unrevealed West Coast Avengers has put Mock­ Present Group Affiliations: Marital Status: Presumably single ingbird in the trainer's spot for these Known Relatives: None fledlig heroes. Whether they will be­ KNOWN POWERS: Base of Operations: Milwaukee, come an official, fully-contracted Elongation: He has the Remarkable Wisconsin franchise of the Avengers remains to ability to elongate any portion of his Past Group Affiliations: Great be seen. body to a maximum distance of 3 ar­ Lakes Avengers eas. Present Group Affiliations:

26 I l

27 . . .

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• Known Relatives: Arnold Thomas ALETA Invulnerability: Due to her body's nonphysical nature, Aleta is im­ (father), Mary (mother) STATISTICS: mune to poisons, diseases, and Base of Operations: the spaceship radiation, and she can survive in a Captain America II, located in an al­ F EX(20) vacuum. ternate future, 3015 AD. A EX(20) Ta lents: Aleta has not revealed any Past Group Affil iations: Guardians S GD(10) special talents. of the Galaxy E RM(10) Conta cts: Aleta is a member of the Present Group Affil iations: R GD(10) Guardians of the Galaxy. In the 20th I GD(10) century she can depend on the KNOWN POWERS: P GD(10) Av engers for aid. Te lekinesis: Vance can proj ect Health: 60 beams of force that inflict Incredible Karma: 30 ADDITIONAL NOTES: damage with a one-area range. As a Resources : EX(20) Power Stunt, he can do Excellent Popularity: 50 damage to everyone within the same area. BACKGROUND: Equipment: Real Name: Aleta Body Armor: Vance's newest suit of Occu pation: Adventuress body armor is laced with adaman­ Legal Statu s: Citizen of Arcturus IV tium, giving the suit a Material rank Identity: Secret Strength of Monstrous. This pro­ Other Known Aliases: None vides Vance with Monstrous protec­ Place of Birth: Arcturus IV tion against most forms of attack, Marital Status: Married except mental and magical attacks. Known Relatives: Ogord (father), ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: If one attack does more than Mon­ Salaan (mother), Stakar (husband), Aleta is a and warm woman strous damage, or if edged weapon Ta ra, Seta and John (children, de­ who can also be a dangerous war­ damage equals Monstrous or more, ceased) rior. She currently hates her hus­ the suit ruptures. Until the suit is Base of Operations: the spaceship band , Starhawk, and has fallen in sealed back up, Vance suffers Typi­ Captain Americ a II, located in an al­ love with Va nce Astro. She hates cal damage every round while his ternate future, 301 5 AD. Starhawk because she blames him skin is exposed the air. Past Group Affil iations: Guardians for the deaths of their th ree children. Shield: Va nce now owns the unique of the Galaxy shield that belonged to Captain Present Group Affil iat ions: VA NCE ASTRO America in the 20th century. The shield is made of and KNOWN POWERS: STATISTICS: . The shield is a CL3000 Light Body: Aleta's body is com­ material, making it immune to any­ posed of solid light particles; she is F EX(20) thing but psionics and magical at­ able to control light and use the fol­ A EX(20) tacks. Vance can use this as a lowing Power Stunts: S TY(6) shield, but he is still subject to Slam • Solid Light Beams: Amazing E GD(10) and Stun effects. Vance can th row beams of force (solid light) with a R EX(20) the sh ield, doing Good damage, up 20-area range. I GD(10) to one area away.

• Flight: Create light discs that en­ P GD(1 0) Ta lents: Vance is a trained space­ able her to fly at Shift Z speeds in Health: 56 ship pilot. He is also trained in Phys­ outer space, and Monstrous Karma: 40 ics, Astronomy, Electronics, speed in a planet's atmosphere. Resources: EX(20) Engineering, and Chemistry. He is Aleta's Agility increases to Popularity: 100 in the future proficient in Martial Arts Band E. her flight speed (up to a maximum Conta cts: Vance is a member of the of Unearthly, without changing BACKGROUND: Guardians of the Galaxy. He can rely her Health score). Real Name: Vance Astrovik on aid from the Av engers when visit­ • Light Objects: Create temporary Occu pation: Former astronaut, now ing the 20th century. objects of solid light, such as adventurer shields and grapples, with Legal Statu s: U.S. Citizen ADDITIONAL NOTES: Amazing Strength and possess­ Identity: Not known to the general ing a material rank of Amazing. populace of Earth • Phasing: Unearthly phasing that Other Known Aliases: None does not affect electronics. Pla ce of Birth: Saugerties, New Yo rk Marital Status: Single

28 ------. "if - , - . -' _� _ ,.:_ ___ _ .___ �______. ___ " __  ...:..�' ��_: . ..::·:::,'.L�r�'�._;:_.

ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : Eq uipment: BACKGROUND: Va nce is a quiet and intense man Energy Cannon (Unique We apon): Real Name: Martinex who gets moody at times. He was Charlie-27 has recently come into Occu pation: Former technician, very bitter about being forced to live possession of a large energy weap­ now adventurer his life in a containment suit. He also on that can do Monstrous Energy Legal Statu s: Legal citizen of Earth had a tendency to be short­ damage, with a five-area range. It colony on tempered. The recent discovery of takes a Strength of at least Remark­ Identity: Public, not known to the Captain America's shield and the able rank to wield the gun. general populace of 20th century bloom ing relationship with Aleta Ta lents: As a former soldier, Charlie- Earth have made him more relaxed and 27 has the Guns, Blunt We apons, Other Known Alia ses: None tolerant. Va nce's self-confidence Sharp We apons, Martial Arts B, Pla ce of Birth: Cerberus Center, has also increased . Va nce has also Wrestling, Military, and First Aid tal­ Pluto started to emulate the original Cap­ ents. Charlie-27 has also trained in Marital Statu s: Single tain America's feelings about free­ Zero-G Combat. Known Relatives: None dom and liberty. Conta cts: Charlie-27 is a member of Ba se of Operation s: the spaceship the Guardians of the Galaxy, and he Captain America II, located in an al­ CHARLIE-27 has some influence in the Jovian mil­ ternate future, 30 15 A.D. itary. In the 20th century he can de­ Pa st Group Affiliations: Guardians STATISTICS: pend on help from the Avengers. of the Galaxy Present Group Affiliation: F EX(20) ADDITIONAL NOTES : A GD(1 0) KNOWN POWERS: S IN(40) Heat and Cold Generation: Martinex E IN(40) can shoot beams of heat from his R GD(1 0) right hand, and beams of intense I GD(1 0) cold from his left hand. These P TY(6) beams can do up to Shift X damage. Health: 110 Martinex can use each type of beam Karma: 26 only four times a day. Martinex Resources: EX(20) shoots the beams with Excellent Popularity: 100 Agility, and they have a one-area range. BACKGROUND: ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : Body Armor: Martinex's silicon body Real Name: Charlie-27 Charlie-27 used to be the most easy­ provides him with Unearthly protec­ Occu pation: Former soldier, now going member of the team. Recent tion against temperature extremes. adventurer problems with the flirtatious Nikki His skin has recently mutated, re­ Legal Statu s: Legal citizen of Earth have caused Charlie to become ducing his protection against energy colony on Jupiter more moody and quicker to anger. attacks to Good rank. His body also Identity: Public, not known to the When in battle he is confident and provides him with Feeble protection general populace of 20th century adapts well to any situation. To pro­ against physical attacks. The Body Earth tect himself from his recent emotion­ Armor itself is com posed of a materi­ Ot her Known Alia ses: None al problems, Charlie-27 has returned al that has Good Material ran k Pla ce of Birth: Galileo City, Jupiter to his military mode of thinking. Strength. Marita l Status: Single Ta lents: Martinex is a trained space­ Known Relatives: Charlie-26 (fa­ MARTINEX ship pilot, and has Remarkable Rea­ ther, deceased), Mabel-17 (mother, son when dealing with Engineering, deceased) STATISTICS: Physics, Computers, and Electron­ Base of Operation s: the spaceship ics. Captain America II, located in an al­ F GD(10) Conta cts: Martinex is a member of ternate future, 301 5 A.D. A GD(1 0) the Guardians of the Galaxy. In the Pa st Group Affiliation s: Guardians S RM(30) 20th century he could depend on the of the Galaxy E GD(10) Avengers. Present Group Affiliation: R EX(20) I GD(10) ADDITIONAL NOTES : KNOWN POWERS: P TY(6) Body Armor: Charlie-27's dense Health: 60 flesh provides him with Remarkable Karma: 36 protection against physical and Resources: RM(30) gravity attacks. Popularity: 100

29 ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : -2CS). Nikki can fire both weapons Base of Operations: the spaceship Martinex is currently the leader of each round, at different targets. At Captain Americ a II, located in an al­ the team, but he feels that he is not the same time she can also be using ternate future, 301 5 A.D. up to the task. He is not a very good her Acrobatics to actively dodge at­ Past Group Affiliation s: Guardians fighter and he attempts to avoid tacks. of the Galaxy combat. Recent changes in the indi­ Ta lents: Nikki is a Marksman and a Present Group Affi liation: viduals of the teams, and recent Weapons Master with her blasters. events, have caused him to become She is also proficient in Martial Arts KNOWN POWERS: rather worried about the future of the A and E. She has the Acrobatic tal­ Resistance: Monstrous Resistance Guardians. ent, and she can pilot a spaceship. to poisons, diseases, and radiation. Conta cts: Nikki is a member of the Starhawk's suit provides him with in­ NIKKI Guardians of the Galaxy. In the 20th definite life support. century she can call for aid from the Light Control: Starhawk can manipu­ STATISTICS: Ave ngers. late light energy from any . He can project Unearthly beams of heat F GD(1 0) ADDITIONAL NOTES : or force, and penetrate energy fields A RM(30) by jamming their wavelengths. S TY(6) Solar Sails: Shift Z flight speed in E GD(10) outer space, and up to Monstrous R GD(1 0) speed in a atmosphere. Starhawk's I GD(10) Ag ility rank increases to match his P TY(6) speed, up to a maximum of Unearth­ Health: 56 ly (this does not increase his Health Karma: 26 score). Resources: EX(20) Extra-Sensory Perception: Starhawk Popularity: 100 can sense concentrations and ex­ penditures of energy in the space­ BACKGROUND: ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : time continuum. This sense is Real Name : Nicholette Gold Nikki is a carefree and flamboyant ranked at CL 1000. Occu pation: Adventuress girl who loves to flirt with any hand­ Phasing: Unearthly phasing ability Legal Status: Legal citizen of Earth some male. She enjoys using her ac­ that does not affect electronics. colony on robatics during combat, while doing Precognition: Starhawk has already Identity: Public, not known to the trick shots with her blasters. lived through his life several times. general populace of 20th century Each time, things are slightly differ­ Earth STARHAWK ent, and are thus in an alternate time Other Known Aliases: None line. His precog ability is Amazing. Pla ce of Birth: Solstice, Mercury STATISTICS: Ta lents: None. Marital Statu s: Single Conta cts: Starhawk is a member of Known Relatives: None F EX(20) the Guardians of the Galaxy, and is Ba se of Operations: the spaceship A GD(10) on good terms with the Avengers in Captain Americ a II, located in an al­ S IN(40) the 20th century. ternate future, 3015 A.D. E RM(30) Pa st Group Affiliation s: Guardians R AM(50) ADDITIONAL NOTES : of the Galaxy I MN(75) Present Group Affiliation: P MN(75) Health: 100 KNOWN POWERS: Karma: 200 Resistance to Heat: Unearthly pro­ Resources: EX(20) tection versus ultraviolet radiation, Popularity: 100 Monstrous protection against heat­ based and infrared energy attacks. BACKGROUND: Pro tected Senses: Nikki's eyes have Real Name: Stakar Incredible protection versus bright Occu pation: Adventurer light. Legal Statu s: Legal citizen of Arc­ Eq uipment: turus IV Blasters: Nikki wears a small but Identity: Secret powerful blaster on each wrist. The Other Known Aliases: None blasters do Remarkable Energy Place of Birth: Arcturus IV damage, or they can be set for a stun Marital Statu s: Married effect (make Endurance FEAT roll at Known Relatives: None

30 ROLE-PLAY ING NOTES: trol . He can make the arrow ret urn to The ship has a teleportation system Starhawk comes across as an aloof him or vibrate at various frequencies keyed into the Guardians' badges and arrogant being with no humani­ while in flight. (which are also communicators) . ty. Starhawk is also cursed with liv­ As a Power Stu nt, Yo ndu can The teleporter has a Power Rank of ing his mistakes over and over cause an arrow to dart around a vic­ Incredible, with an Incredible range. again, as he is forced to live his life tim and confuse him. If Yo ndu makes The ship also possesses four laser over again in an endless cycle. Re­ an Incredible FEAT roll versus the weapons that cause Amazing dam­ cent changes in his memories have target's Intu ition, the target cannot age with a Remarkable range. The made him slightly nervous about his move from that area, and all FEAT lasers are fired by a targeting com­ knowledge of the future. rolls are at -2CS. puter with Amazing accuracy. Yo ndu's arrows can also affect an VONDU intangible foe when he makes an In­ credible FEAT roll versus the oppo­ HISTORY: nent's Intangibility Power Ran k. A STATISTICS: The Guardians of the Galaxy is a successful roll causes the opponent team of superhumans and aliens F EX(20) to become solid for 1-10 rou nds, and that operate in an alternate future, the victim must make an Endurance A EX(20) during the 31 st centu ry. They are FEAT roll on the Stun column, at a - S EX(20) dedicated to protecting the people of 2CS. E EX(20) the Milky Way Galaxy from any R TY(6) Ta lents: Yo ndu is a trained woods­ threat. men and hunter. I IN(40) The Guardians were formed in Contacts: Yo ndu is a member of the P RM(30) 3007 A.D., when the alien Guardians of the Galaxy, and while Health: 80 attacked the Earth colonies on Mer­ in the 20th century he can expect Karma: 76 cury, Pl uto, and Jupiter. The Badoon help from the Av engers. Resources: EX(20) then attacked and took over Earth, Popularity: 100 killing most of the inhabitants and ADDITIONAL NOTES: enslavi ng the su rvivors. BACKGROUND: Charlie-27, a soldier on solo duty, Real Name: Yo ndu retu rned to find his Jovian home Occupation: Former hunter, now overrun by the Badoon. He escaped adventurer by way of a teleport tube, and arrived Legal Status: Member of the Zatoan on Pluto. He joined forces with Mar­ tribe of Centauri IV tinex, the only surviving Pluton ian. Identity: Unknown to the general They destroyed Pluto's industrial populace of 20th century Earth complexes and then took a teleport Other Known Aliases: None tube to Earth. Place of Birth: Plysa Forest, Cen­ At the same time, Vance Astro and tauri IV, Beta Centauri System Yo ndu were arriving on Earth . A cen­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Marital Status: Single tury earlier, Va nce Astra had been an Yo ndu is a very spiritual and medita­ Known Relatives: None American astronaut placed in cryo­ tive person. A gentle soul, he tries to Base of Operations: the spaceship genic suspension and then sent off avoid actually killing someone with Captain America II located in an al­ in the first manned interstellar flight his arrows . His recent encounter ternate future, 30 15 A.D. to the Centauri star system . He ar­ with Photon , the last female member Past Group Affiliations: Guardians rived to find a Earth colony already of his race, has caused him to be­ of the Galaxy in the Centauri system. While he had come withdrawn and depressed. He Present Group Affi liation: slept during his ship's flight, humans now acts quite mechanically and had discovered the secret of faster­ emotionlessly whether in conversa­ KNOWN POWERS: than-light travel. tion or combat. Empathy: Yo ndu can form a rapport Bitter over his wasted centu ry of with the local flora and fau na of a re­ sleep, Va nce went ahead and began Special Equipment: gion. This Unearthly rank power can surveyi ng the system as he had Captain America II: The Guardians allow him to sense unnatural fea­ been assigned to do a century earli­ of the Galaxy usually travel in an tures in a wilderness, or locate spirit­ er. He met and made friends with spaceship capable of interstellar ual and psychic forces. Yo ndu, one of Centauri IV's natives. travel. Equipment: The system was attacked by the Ba­ Ya ka Arrows (Unique We apon): Yo n­ doon, who destroyed the human Control RM(30) du uses a bow that fires arrows settlement and all of Yo ndu's people. Speed CI3000 made of yaka, a sound-sensitive ma­ Vance and Yo ndu escaped and cap­ Body RM(30) terial. Yo ndu can whistle and control tured a faster-than-light ship and Protection RM(30) an arrow's flight with Incredible Con- headed for Earth.

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Vance and Yo ndu were captured caused the yo unger version's teleki­ to the computer's planet. There they when they arrived on Earth, but they netic powers to surface much soon­ could build a new life. Giraud, the were subsequently rescued by er than they originally were sup­ newest Phoenix, also went there and Charlie-27 and Martinex. Banding posed to. This caused a split in the al lowed psionic dampers to be together, and calling themselves the time line, meaning that the Guard­ placed on him to control the raven­ Guardians of the Galaxy, they swore ians now existed in an alternate time ous of the . to drive the Badoon out of the Milky line. The younger Astro would be­ The Guardians then once again Way Galaxy. come Marvel Boy, and join the New set out for adventure, with a stow­ In 3015 A.D., the Guardians, with Warriors. This Astro would never be­ away aboard. The stowaway was a the aid of the Defenders from the come a member of the Guardians. young girl named Replica who had 20th century, the Guardians led a re­ Upon arriving in their own time, the ability to change her shape. She volt that drove the Badoon out of the the Guardians set out to find the had been helping the resistance Solar System and the immediate shield of Captain America. During fighters on Haven during the revolu­ surrounding space. The Guardians their search, they became embroiled tion. She asked if she could become then set off in their first spaceship, in a battle with the Stark, an alien a member of the Guardians. The Captain America, looking for adven­ race that had built its whole society other Guardians reluctantly allowed ture. During their travels they were around the technology To ny Stark her to become a probationary mem­ joined by the Mercurian colonist had used to create the ar­ ber, even though Nikki does not trust Nikki and the two physically-melded mor. Replica at all. Arcturans, Starhawk and Aleta. The Guardians finally found the The Guardians next encountered Later on, the Guardians went back planet where the shield rested, but a futuristic alien version of the Te rran to the 20th century to find the power­ they then had to fight the criminal hero of the 20th century, Ghost ful being known as . Korvac group known as Force. They suc­ Rider. This version of Ghost Rider was a criminal of their time period. ceeded and gained the shield. The exists on the planet Sarka, a planet Most of his body had been replaced computer running the planet re­ ruled by a theocracy called the Uni­ by mechanical parts. He accidental­ vealed itself to be the computer versal Church of Tr uth. Autolycus, ly encountered 's vast ship, brain of the Ave nger once known as Ghost Rider's secret identity, was a and then was brave enough to link the Vision. The computer now called priest of a religion outlawed by the his mind with the ship's computer. itself Main Frame. Universal Church of Tr uth. This new This gave Korvac immense men­ The Guardians then found a lost Ghost Rider was killing the leaders tal and physical powers that dwarfed Earth colony on the planet Haven. of the Universal Church. even those of Galactus and other The colony had originally consisted Detecting the Guardians' ship in powers of the universe. Korvac went of mutants who had fled persecution orbit around the planet, he trans­ back in time to the 20th century. on planet Earth. Over the centuries, formed into Ghost Rider and formed Starhawk sensed the increase in inbreeding caused most of the colo­ his flying Death-Cycle. He flew up to Korvac's powers, and that he had nists to be born without any mutant investigate the Guardians, fearing traveled back in time. powers. By the time the Guardians they were more Universal Church al­ Starhawk talked the other Guard­ found the planet, all most the entire lies. Ghost Rider injured Starhawk, ians into going back in time to stop population consisted of normal hu­ but was then calmed down by Aleta. Korvac. The Guardians stayed with mans. The humans were tyrannical­ Unfortunately, Replica was a mem­ the Avengers during this time, and fi­ ly ruled by a council consisting of the ber of the Universal Church of Tr uth. nally located Korvac after several only nine mutants left on the planet. Seeing that she wore the religious months. Korvac easily defeated the The council was led by Rancor, a symbol of the Church, Ghost Rider Guardians and the Avengers, but he direct descendant of Wo lverine. once again attacked the Guardians. was then betrayed by the wo man he While the Guardians led a bloody Eventually, the Guardians negoti­ loved. The Guardians then returned revolution against the mutant rulers, ated a truce with the Ghost Rider to their own time. Starhawk took Giraud, a resistance and also left Sarka behind them after Before they left, Astro Vance con­ leader to a nearby volcano. There, escaping the Church's wrath. tacted his younger self, to convince Giraud allowed the cosmic being Special Note: Firelord, who had the boy not to become an astronaut. known as the Phoenix Force to meld once been one of Galactus's her­ This way the boy would not grow up with him. This newest version of the alds, is officially a reserve member and eventually be confined to a con­ Phoenix destroyed the whole planet of the Guardians too. He is the cur­ tainment suit. The meeting between in its hunger. rent Protector of the Universe in this these two versions of one person Luckily, Starhawk had Main alternate timeline. caused a psychic backlash. This Frame teleport the entire population


STATISTICS: duced to 0 Health and Shift 0 Endur­ tached on the back of his body, ance, he does not die but just starts which enables him to phase at the F EX(20) healing. His head, alone and iso­ Excellent rank. A EX(20) lated, has a Health total of 32, and it Regeneration/S elf-Repair Circuits: S IN(40) regenerates its lost Health with In­ Hodge's mechanical body restores E IN(40) credible speed (40 Health points a 40 points of Health to his cyborg R GO(10) minute). Thus Hodge's head almost body every minute, or 4 points per I EX(20) always remains active and immortal. round. It is unknown whether this P EX(20) Psionic Reflection: Hodge, through ability allows Hodge to regenerate Health: 120 unknown technology or as a part of lost Health if his head is removed Karma: 50 the deal with N'Astirh, is immune to from his body or not. Resources: AM(50) psionic attacks. He reflects any at­ Popularity: -10 tacks back upon the attacker with Weapon Systems: the same force that was used Bolas: Excellent strength Grappling BACKGROUND: against him. attack. The bolas that Hodge uses Real Name: Cameron Hodge EqUipment: are made out of Remarkable Materi­ Occupation: Former lawyer Cybernetic Body: All of Hodge's oth­ al Strength metals. Identity: Publicly known er powers are derived from his cy­ Laser Blasters: Hodge's body con­ Legal Status: Citizen of the United bernetic body, which was tains laser batteries that inflict Re­ States with no criminal record constructed by the Right. The cy­ markable energy damage upon their Other Known Aliases: Commander borg body is shaped like a spider's, victims. of the Right having eight legs and a low squat Legs: Hodge's body has eight Place of Birth: Unrevealed torso, but it also has other attach­ spider-like legs, each able to inflict Marital Status: Single ments, such as weapon systems Excellent edged damage. Known Relatives: None and a -like tail. The cyborg Molecular Adhesive: Hodge can Base of Operations: Genosha body grants Hodge the following spray this substance on his oppo­ Past Group Affiliations: Public rela­ powers and equipment: nents in a one-area range. The stuff tions for X-Factor, The Right, Body Armor: Incredible protection adheres to the victims, acting as a Genoshan government against physical and energy attacks. Remarkable Grappling attack, and Present Group Affiliation: Computer Interface: Hodge can di­ negating any standard missile at­ rectly access computers by using tacks (such as Archangel's neural KNOWN POWERS: his cyborg body. This grants him Re­ disrupter feathers). Immortality: Because of a deal with markable ability to access and re­ Saw Blade: Contained in his body is the demon N' Astirh, Commander ceive computer information. a circular saw blade that can attack Hodge is apparently immortal. If re- Phasing: A mechanical unit is at- anyone within a one-area range and deals Excellent edged damage. Scorpion Ta il: Hodge's enormous cy­ bernetic tail can pin down opponents with Remarkable strength, which counts as a Grappling attack, and in­ flicts Incredible puncturing/edged damage with its pointed tip. Spikes: Spikes are thrown from the mountings on Hodge's underside, causing Good edged damage (on the Throwing Edge column). Te ntacles: Hodge's primary attack uses 1-10 tentacles of Remarkable Material Strength, which are able to Entangle up to two targets with Re­ markable strength. Hodge's tenta­ cles can stretch up to 75 yards or two areas away by using a Monstrous Elongation power. Ta lents: Law, Advertising, Public Relations, Leadership (his current mental state negates these talents). Contacts: Former Genoshan gov­ ernment officials, the Right.

33 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: San Francisco, where they hooked trolled the Worthington fortune. Cameron Hodge is dedicated to the him up to an elaborate device that By now, the other members of X­ eradication of all mutants. He will not would amplify his powers. The plan Factor had realized that Hodge was stop until the perceived threat of mu­ was to force Rictor to cause an earth­ their enemy. They engaged the Right tants has been erased forever. quake at the San Andreas fault to in a battle and learned that Hodge was Hodge rationalizes that all he does cause catastrophic damage to Califor­ actually the leader of the group. to eliminate mutants from the planet nia. The Right believed that when the Cameron Hodge made a pact with is for the good of mankind, even if it public found out that a mutant had the demon N'Astirh. He would pro­ involves the death of those he pro­ caused all the destruction that it would vide it with mutant babies and fesses to protect. furtherdi scredit mutants in the eyes of Hodge was told that he would not die the public, but X-Factor foiled their in his next battle with the mutants. scheme. Warren Worthington's fiancee, Hodge contacted a genetic engi­ Candy Southern , was kidnapped HISTORY: Cameron Hodge was the roommate neer, Dr. Frederick Animus, who lat­ and Hodge killed her to get back at of Warren Worthington '" in college. er became known as the Ani-Mator, Worthington . Also in that battle, An­ Worthington was under the impres­ and commissioned him to find a way gel beheaded Hodge in a rage. sion that they were good friends, but to prevent mutations from occurring. Cameron Hodge surfaced again on actually, Hodge was insanely jealous Instead, Animus defied his employ­ the island of Genosha. Apparently, the of Worthington's good looks, pres­ er's orders and created creatures promise from the demon gave him im­ tige, and wealth. When it was re­ with combined characters of hu­ mortality. His head had survived the vealed later that Hodge's roommate mans and animals, which he called battle with the Angel, and it was now was actually the mutant X-Man, the his "Ani-Mates." Animus planned to attached to the form of a large me­ Angel, it only fueled the hatred. All use these creations as a slave race chanical spider with a myriad of me­ those feelings attributed to for mankind, but one of his Ani­ chanical powers. He instigated the Worthington were transferred to in­ Mates, Bird-Brain, escaped and was X-Tinction Agenda in order to lure all clude all mutants, whom Hodge befriended by the New Mutants. the mutants from the X-Men, X-Factor, came to believe were a threat to the They accompanied Bird-Brain back and New Mutant teams to Genosha, freedom of normal humans and to the island where Animus had con­ where he would be able either to sub­ therefore should be destroyed. ducted his experiments. There they jugate or kill all of them. His plan suc­ Hodge became a lawyer, but then were captured by the creatures they ceeded in luring them all to his island, turned to advertising and public rela­ had intended to free. but instead of a triumph, it was his tions and became a highly success­ The New Mutants subsequently greatest disaster. ful member of a leading New Yo rk escaped only to be recaptured by His first captives were Storm, advertising agency. Meanwhile, he members of the Right, including Boom-Boom, Wo lfsbane, and War­ secretly created an organization de­ Hodge. The Right had arrived on the lock. He attempted to siphon off voted to the destruction of all mu­ scene to discipline the defiant Ani­ Warlock's shapeshifting power so he tants, the Right. Hodge was the mus. Bird-Brain and other Ani-Mates could change his spider-form at will. leader of the group and was known rescued the New Mutants and bat­ Wolfsbane foiled that plan, but War­ as the Commander. tled the Right. In the combat, the lock died anyway. Worthington, still believing that New Mutant called was Then the rest of the mutants be­ Hodge was his friend, turned to him killed. Infuriated, another New Mu­ gan arriving on the island to rescue to help with come up with a way to tant, Magik, exiled Animus and all their captured comrades. It became combat the growing prejudice the involved members of the Right to apparent to the government of against mutants. They came up with the dimension Limbo. Hodge nar­ Genosha as well as to the mutants the group, X-Factor. The original rowly escaped that fate and, be­ that Hodge was planning to take members of the X-Men, the , cause of this incident, rededicated over the island and use it as his base , Marvel Girl, and Iceman the cause of the Right to destroy mu­ for the extermination of all mutants. agreed to join the group. X-Factor's tants, not to contain and discredit Hodge's body was destroyed by concept, a group of supposed mu­ them. the brothers Cyclops and Havok. tant hunters who would in fact make The Angel's wings were damaged The body parts, his severed head in­ contact with mutants and train them in a fight with the Marauders, and cluded, were buried during the col­ in the use of their powers, quickly Hodge arranged to have the dam­ lapse of a skyscraper. Whether the backfired on the group. It actually in­ aged wings amputated. Then, he villainous Cameron Hodge survived tensified people's hatred of mutants, convinced Warren Worthington to has yet to be determined. Regard­ just as Hodge had planned. change his will, to give most of his less of his current state, Hodge's The first physical display the Right fortune to X-Factor if he were to die, head is immobilized under the re­ committed was the kidnapping of Ric­ with Hodge as the executor of the mains of the Genoshan Citadel. Un­ tor from his native Mexico, where he estate. Soon after, Wo rthington less some outside force helps him, was responsible for a devastating seemingly committed suicide in an Commander Hodge is trapped for earthquake. The Right brought him to airplane that exploded; Hodge con- the foreseeable future.


F GD(10) A GD(10) S GD(10) E RM(30) R GD(10) I MN(75) P MN(75) Health: 60 Karma: 160 Resources: IN(40) Popularity: 0 (General Populace) I

- 5 (knowledgeable sorcerers)

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Kaluu Occupation: Black Sorcerer, recent­ ly Doctor Strange's mentor for a ' - short time. Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Kaluu's existence was re­ vealed to the world in Morgana's bi­ ography of Doctor Strange. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Kamar-Taj, Tibet Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Kamar-Taj, lat­ er the dimension of Raggador; cur­ rently mobile. Past Group Affiliations: The An­ cient One, Doctor Strange Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Magical Ability: Kaluu is a Master Level Sorcerer of the Black School of Chaotic Magic. Kaluu has access to most magical powers and spells. He has considerable knowledge of the spells contained in the Book of the Vishanti and the evil . The following magical spells and abilities are always available to him:

Personal: Universal: on the planet. Image Projection: Monstrous ability Eldritch Bolts: Amazing energy at­ Wa ve: Amazing damage to all within to create and control duplicate im­ tack with a 12-area range 12 areas. All victims of the wave ages of the caster. Kaluu can create Eldritch Blast: Amazing force dam­ must make Agility FEATs to remain and control (with successful Psyche age to all within one target area, standing. and spell FEAT rolls) up to 8 images. range of 12 areas. Shape-Shifting (Unlimited): Amazing. Kaluu casts all other Universal spells Mental Probe: Amazing ability to with Incredible ability. Shield-Individual: Amazing magical probe another's mind to determine protection against physical, energy, the person's identity and pertinent Dimensional: and magical attacks for the caster. information; 12-area range. Dimensional Aperture: Kaluu has a Shield-Great: Monstrous magical Paralyze: Unearthly mental attack protection against physical, energy, Monstrous ability to open rifts to oth­ that paralyzes victim for 2 + 1 d1 0 and magical attacks for one area er dimensions, needing a successful rounds unless the victim makes a FEAT roll to get into an unfamiliar di­ Kaluu casts all other Personal spells Psyche FEAT roll. This spell could mension. If the FEAT roll fails, he with Incredible ability. be used by Kaluu to affect anyone

35 must wait one day before trying to justifies the means. He also believes eled to the dimension of Raggador. enter that dimension again. that there is nothing wrong with us­ Kaluu accidentally trapped himself Link: Kaluu can link his mind with ing his powers to create a comfort­ in thi� dimension, unable to escape. other magic-users to gain a + 1 CS able life for himself. The Immortal Kaluu continued his studies in Raggador for several cen­ ?n spell.s cast for every magic-user In the link. This also gives him a turies before he was able to return to + 1 CS to Psyche FEAT rolls made HISTORY: Earth. during the link. Kaluu wields this Kaluu, and the youth who would Centuries passed before Kaluu spell with Unearthly ability. someday be called the escaped the dimension of Raggador. � Kaluu attacked the Ancient One and All other Dimensional spells he may ere born over 500 years ago in th � his pupil, Doctor Strange. Kaluu use are of an Amazing Power Rank. Village of Kamar-Taj , in the moun­ tains of Tibet. Kaluu and his friend stole the Book of the Vishanti and Black Sorcery: were fellow students of the mystical memorized its contents. In a final battle with Doctor Strange, Kaluu's Riding �he Storm: A special spell of arts. attempted spell of suspended ani­ almost Instantaneous transportation Kaluu somehow met Varnae an mation was reflected back on him. that works by harnessing the power ancient , who imparted to The Ancient One then exiled the of a storm and its lightning. This Kaluu certain knowledge from the suspended Kaluu to another dimen­ spell is considered evil because it Darkhold (a powerful book of black sion. draws precious rain away from an ar­ magic). While Kaluu continued delv­ Recently, the alien Urthona ea that desperately needs the mois­ ing into the black arts, the other captured some of Doctor Strange's tu e. Kaluu's Unearthly ability with youth concentrated on lawful magi­ � friends and threatened to kill them if this spell enables him to travel any­ cal practices. Strange did not destroy various where on planet Earth. They both planned to use their a?ilities to help their people, but in magical talismans that protected Black Sorcery power is derived from different ways. Kaluu planned to turn Earth from other-dimensional mysti­ the t�pping of others' life forces (i.e., t�e village into a far-reaching em­ c�1 . A tormented Strange sacrifice) and the manipulation of pire, so that his people would not be­ did that, and he then fell into despair the natural environment in certain come enslaved by a more powerful as the ancient evil from beyond once ways. Kaluu can cast other such evil country. The other youth simply again invaded Earth. spells with Amazing ability. planned to use his mystical powers The Book of the Vishanti was one Necromancy: Kaluu is also an expert to protect his people. of the items Strange apparently de­ at the art of summoning the spirits of To gether, they cast a spell that stroyed, allowing Kaluu to regain his the dead, with Monstrous ability. � . ?rove disease, poverty, and suffer­ reedom. SenSing what was happen­ /mmortalJty: Kaluu has rendered Ing out of the village. In addition, it Ing, Kaluu sought out Doctor �imself immune to the effects of ag­ granted the people immortality. Strange and offered to become his Ing, but he can still be killed by nor­ Over time, Kaluu was able to sub­ mentor in the black arts. mal means. tly gain mental control over most of Doctor Strange agreed to Kaluu's Photograp hic Memory: Kaluu appar­ Kamar-Taj's population. The peace­ tutelage and began the war with the ently has a photographic memory ful youth attempted to warn the vil­ ancient evil. Using a variety of black that allows him to retain a perfect lagers of Kaluu's power lust, but it arts and rituals, Doctor Strange and memory of anything he reads or was too late. Kaluu used his mystical Kaluu beat back the tide of evil. Fi­ sees. powers to paralyze the brave youth, nally, in a far-removed dimension Ta lents: Kaluu is a highly trained and then placed him in the village Doctor Strange faced the master of sorcerer, an expert on any form of square. the evil ones, Shuma-Gorath. black magic. He also knows Martial Over the next few years, Kaluu led Strang� defeated Shuma-Gorath by Arts A, Philosophy, and the Stamina !he people of Kamar-Taj in conquer­ absorbing the being's powers and and Business/Finance talents. godhood. Unfortunately, this caused Contacts: Ing the nearby lands. Kaluu's recent alliance Meanwhile, the paralyzed youth Strange to lose sight of his own hu­ with Doctor Strange means that he gathered mystical forces to help him manity. can call on Doctor Strange for aid if ' defeat Kaluu. Unfortunately, these Kaluu, with the aid of the alien sor­ he is fighting an evil force. summoned forces created a pesti­ cerer Enitharmon the Weaver helped Strange recover his humani� ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: lence that wiped out all the villagers. Kaluu somehow managed to es­ ty and return to normal. Kaluu is a pragmatic and reasonable cape, as did the then young Ancient Kaluu and Doctor Strange then man who views the world around parted company under good terms. � One (somehow protected by Kaluu's him �rom coldly.realistic and cyni­ paralyzation spell). ��Iuu plans to simply savor life now, cal viewpoint. He IS not truly evil he Kaluu fled the and trav- living off money made while subtly simply believes that the end t�uly manipulating the stock market.


F RM(30) A EX(20) S RM(30) E RM(30) R TY(6) I TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 110 Karma: 18 Resources: PR(4) (Personal) I IN(40) (as member of ) Popularity: 20

BACKGRO UND: Real Name: Richard Rider Occu pation: Adventurer Legal Status: U.S. Citizen Identity: Secret ; known to S.H.I.E.L.D., Fantastic Four, and the New Warriors Other Known Aliases: None Pla ce of Birth: Queens, New Yo rk Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Charles and Glo­ ria (mother and father), Robert (brother) Base of Operations: Ta ylor Fo unda­ tion Penthouse in New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Champi­ ons of , the New Warriors Present Group Affi liations:

KNOWN POWERS: Flight: Up to Shift X Speeds. Nova needs an agility FEAT to make tight turns at higher than Remarkalbe speed. Body Armor: Remarkable protection from physical and energy attacks. Eq uipment: Uniform : Kid Nova's original uniform provided him with a six-hour air sup­ ply, Excellent Radio Reception, and Excellent protection from hard vac­ uum and extreme temperatures. His current uniform is also equipped in the same manner; though it lacks the vacuum protection, the helmet has Good Infra-Red Sensors. Ta lents: Kid Nova knows Martial Arts Type B. Conta cts: In the past Kid Nova has worked with S.H.I.E.L.D., and he is currently working with the other members of the New Warriors.

37 ADDITIONAL NOTES: pathic link with Rider to pinpoint managed to defeat this final Skrull Zorr's location and teleport him to invasion, with the help of the Spa­ the starship, where Rhomann used ceknight of Galador, Rom. his computer's energy to destroy Rider had been gone from Earth Zorr. Rhomann then apparently close to a year, and he missed his died. family and friends. He decided to re­ Rider began a career as the super turn home, even though it meant giv­ hero named Nova. Nova encoun­ ing up his powers, since the tered a number of super villains, in­ Xandarians desperately needed the cluding and . Nova powers to protect them. Powerhouse turned out to be an am­ Rider returned home, but soon be­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: nesiac Xandaran sent to find Rho­ came disenchanted with his boring Kid Nova is a brash young man who mann Dey. Nova also soon came life after all the excitement he had is overjoyed by the fact that his into conflict with the mysterious be­ seen. He became more alienated powers have returned. Kid Nova ing known as the . from everyone and dropped out of loves a good fight, and he loves to Months later, Nova found himself high school. Barely able to keep a flirt with pretty women. Kid Nova has and two allies, Crimebuster and the steady job, Rider turned toward developed a bad temper to cover his Comet, teleported back aboard the weight lifting, perhaps hoping to re­ insecurities with his non-super iden­ Nova starship. The ship was being gain his lost powers. tity. He hates being called Kid Nova. piloted back to Xandar by the Sphinx Recently, Dwayne Ta ylor (a.k.a. and Dr. Sun. The Sphinx planned to Night Thrasher) attacked Rider and use Xandar's fantastic computer threw him off a roof. The fear of HISTORY: system to find out how to rid himself death reactivated Rider's powers. Several years ago, Richard Rider of his cursed immortality. Night Thrasher told Rider that he was an ordinary student at Harry S. Reaching Xandar, they discovered planned on forming a new crime Tr uman High School. This all the Xandar system was being invad­ fighting team, and he wanted Rider changed when he was hit by an in­ ed by a Skrull fleet. During the con­ to join. visible beam sent to Earth by Rho­ fusion of battle, the Sphinx landed Soon afterward, Fi restar and mann Dey, a Centurion in the Nova on Xandar and hooked up to the Marvel Boy were recruited by Night Corps militia of the planet Xandar. computer system. The link greatly Thrasher. Their ranks were filled by Rhomann Dey had followed an alien increased his powers, and the the accidental arrivals of criminal named Zorr to Earth. Mor­ Sphinx decided that instead of dying and Speedball on the scene of a tally wounded during the battle, Rho­ he would destroy the Earth. Luckily, fight with a resurrected Te rrax the mann used his starship's technology the Fantastic Four were able to con­ Ta mer (a former Herald of Galactus). to transfer his powers to a random vince Galactus to destroy the power­ Since then, Rider has remained a human, in the hopes that the human maddened Sphinx. member of the New Warriors. would use the powers to stop Zorr. Meanwhile, Rider stayed on Xan­ The New Warriors have done bat­ Rider went into a coma after being dar and helped defend the planet tle with the , Psionex, hit by the ray and was taken to a hos­ from the . Nova and his allies, Star Thief, Midnight's Fire, the pital. While Rider was in the coma, named the of Xandar, Forces of Nature, and the White Rhomann telepathically explained fought the Skrull armada for several Queen and her Hellions. the situation to the youth. Upon months until the fleet withdrew. When Nova first re-appeared, a lo­ awakening from the coma, Rider dis­ The starfleet followed cal newscaster mistakenly called covered a Nova Corps suit that Rho­ the Skrulls to make sure the retreat him Kid Nova. Much to Rider's cha­ mann had teleported to him. Rider wasn't a trick. The Nova Corps were grin, the name has stuck. Speedball soon found that he could fly and that betrayed by an Earth criminal is the only person who can get away his strength had been increased. named Diamondhead, who had with calling him "Kid" to his face. A few days later, Zorr went on a been helping Xandar. The Nova Nova has the potential to become a rampage through midtown Manhat­ Corps were dimensionally displaced great hero once he conquers his tan. Using his new powers, Rider at­ and the shape-shifting Skrulls took temper and insecurities. tacked the dangerous alien. The their place and returned to Xandar in barely alive Rhomann used his tele- disguise. Nova and the Xandarians



Normal Armored F EX(20) EX(20) A GD(10) GD(10) S EX(20) IN(40) E RM(30) IN(40) R PR(4) PR(4) I TY(6) TY(6) P TY(6) TY(6) Health: 80 /110 Karma: 16 Resources: GD(1 0) Popularity: 0 BACKGROUND: Real Name: Malcolm Knight Occupation: Legal Status: Citizen of Great Brit­ ain with a criminal record Identity: Public Place of Birth: Unrevealed, pre­ sumably Liverpool, England Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Leo (brother), Edgar Fogg (adoptive father) Base of Operations: Liverpool, En­ gland Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Fogg Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: As Malcolm Knight, he has no powers. When he changes into his alter ego, however, his superhuman abilities can be utilized. Alter Ego/Armored Form: Malcolm can instantly transform his skin and clothes into a suit of heavy armor that grants him Incredible protection from physical attacks. His armored form also provides the following: • Growth: In his armored form Knight has an uncontrollable Feebl� Ta lents: Knight gains a + 1 CS when FOGG growth power, making him 8 feet tall using his sword in combat. and + 1 CS to be hit. Contacts: Kingpin, various Liver­ STATISTICS: • Sword: A golden sword can be pudlian mobsters. snapped out of a housing in his left F ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: GD(10) . The weapon is made of Un­ A Despite the fact that he makes a liv­ RM(30) earthly material and inflicts Remark­ S ing as a contract killer, Knight sees GD(10) able Edged damage on living and E . EX(20) nonliving targets. himself as an honorable man He R TY(6) Limitations: lives by his word, or the precise Because Knight is par­ I wording of the contract under which GD(10) ticularly vulnerable to electricity, at­ P TY(6) tacks of this nature are + 2CS he is currently working. His world is ' Health: 70 against him. Additionally, when divided between two things: Fogg s Karma: world of killing, and his own peaceful 22 Knight is unconscious or sleeping, Resources: home life in Liverpool. Knight tends GD(10) he automatically reverts to his nor­ Popularity: 0 mal human form. to suppress his emotions on the job and simply "follows the contract." 39 BACKGROUND: Ta lents: When using his strangula­ Arranger, formerly the Kingpin's Real Name: Thomas Fogg tion attack, Fogg gains a + 2CS due right-hand man. Out of desperation, Occupation: Enforcer to his Wrestling skill. the Arranger contacted Spider-Man Legal Status: Citizen of Great Brit­ Contacts: Kingpin, various Liver­ and pleaded with him for help, but ain with a criminal record pudlian mobsters. the web-slinger refused. The Arrang­ Identity: Public er then called and the Place of Birth: Unrevealed, pre­ ROLE-PLAY ING NOTES: Chameleon, asking for protection sumably Liverpool, England Thomas Fogg has proven himself to and was refused in both cases. Marital Status: Single be a cruel, cold-hearted psychopath. As the Arranger was on the phone Known Relatives: Evelyn (sister), He takes great pleasure in killing, with Detective Farrow, promising to Edgar (father) but not before taunting and terrifying turn state's evidence against the Base of Operations: Liverpool, En­ his victims. He is a reliable contract Kingpin, Fogg was hovering outside gland killer who enjoys his line of work. his window. The detective promised Past Group Affiliations: Ally of to call back in the morning, but the Knight Arranger realized he would not live Present Group Affiliations: HISTORY: that long. Fogg readily agreed, as he Yo ung orphans, Malcolm Knight and oozed through the window and KNOWN POWERS: his brother, Leo, were adopted by an strangled the Arranger to death. Like his partner in crime, Fogg ex­ old alcoholic named Edgar Fogg and Spider-Man arrived on the scene, hibits no powers in his normal, hu­ raised in Liverpool. Malcolm and was ambushed by Knight and man form. Knight's only friend was Thomas Fogg. Knight and Fogg escaped as Alter Ego/Gaseous Form: At will, Fogg; they became accomplished the police arrived. Fogg can instantly transform himself bullies in their younger days. Al­ However, Spider-Man tracked into a green, semi-solid mist, grant­ though Malcolm tried to behave Knight and Fogg to England. Unfor­ ing him the following abilities: tunately, Spider-Man again met de­ • around Evelyn Fogg, Thomas's sis­ Density Manipulation: He can ter, his friendship with Thomas mat­ feat; Knight was about to kill him control his density with Good ability, tered more than anything to him. when Evelyn Fogg happened upon enabling him to change his density the scene and begged Knight to 0 As adults, Malcolm and Thomas from Shift to normal body density. became contract killers for a Liver­ spare the hero. Spider-Man was He can also solidify his hands and hurled into the river, where he hit his pudlian mobster. They accepted a face while maintaining his body in its contract on Professor Henry Lewis, head and suffered temporary amne­ misty form. sia. • a prize-winning physicist whose Elongation: Fogg has the power to gambling problem led to serious Leo Knight pulled Spider-Man stretch his misty form (either his from the river. He took Peter Parker's 1 debt trouble. At the North Umbrage whole body or parts of it) up to area Energy Research Laboratory, costume, hoping no harm would away. At Incredible rank, this power Malcolm and Thomas came upon come to his brother Malcolm if Peter enables him to attack characters in the professor late one night. Thomas could not remember who he was. adjacent areas. Strangulation is his Fogg shot Professor Lewis, who fell However, Leo later changed his favorite attack form. The victim of a back against his delicate machinery. mind and returned Peter's costume. successful strangulation attack must A strange power was released. The Eventua"y, Fogg realized that succeed at an Endurance FEAT roll two killers were caught in the energy Leo's amnesiac friend was Spider­ against Fogg's Strength to remain backlash, which supposedly re­ Man and decided to finish the job of conscious. Failure indicates an auto­ duced them to their quantum struc­ killing him. Arriving at Leo's house, matic Stun result. Fogg also inflicts tures. Although the laboratory Fogg threw Spider-Man outside and normal Strength damage in addition exploded, Malcolm and Thomas strangled Leo, who was mistakenly to unconsciousness. walked away unscathed, but not un­ thought to be dead. Knight blamed • Flight: In gaseous form, Fogg can Spider-Man for his brother's murder, (4 changed. fly at Poor airspeed areas per The two hitmen became what they but when it was revealed that Fogg round). had attacked Leo, Knight turned on • each were in their minds' eyes. Vision Restriction: While Fogg Malcolm Knight could now become a his partner in a rage. In the end, elongates his misty, opaque form, knight in shining armor, and Thomas Spider-Man knocked them both out the vision of anyone surrounded or Fogg was now as slippery and elu­ with an exposed power cable. attacked by him is restricted to that sive as the mists enshrouding Lon­ At the time of this writing, Knight person's area alone. don. They made no attempt to keep and Fogg are both under arrest and Limitations: Fogg automatically re­ their powers secret from their em­ probably in prison in England for the verts to his normal, human form ployers, who now valued the strange murders they have committed. when sleeping or unconscious. Be­ killers very highly. Given their powers, however, it is cause he is vulnerable to electricity Recently, Knight and Fogg accept­ quite possible they will escape. for some reason, attacks of this na­ ed an assignment in America. The Whether they remain partners is an­ ture are at + 2CS against him. Kingpin hired them to eliminate the other matter. 40


F FB(2) A FB(2) S FB(2) E FB(2) R TY(6) I GO(10) P MN(75) Health: 8 Karma: 91 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Cassandra Webb Occupation: Professional medium Legal Status: American citizen with ----' no criminal record Identity: Publicly known Place of Birth: Salem, Oregon Marital Status: Widowed Known Relatives: Jonathan Webb (husband, deceased) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Precognition: Because a wide varie­ ty of possible alternate futures di­ verge at any one point, with all leading to different conclusions, it is impossible to be absolutely accurate in divining the future in the Marvel Universe. However, Madame Web has the Incredible ability to scan these alternate futures up to a week in advance; the most probable fu­ tures appear more "luminous" than others. She must be in physical con­ tact with the person or object whose future is being read. Postcognition: She has the Incredi­ ble ability to see the recent history of an object or person. Madame Web is required for success if she is spe­ cellent rank power to establish mind­ must attempt a Power Rank FEAT, cifically checking for psionic activity; to-mind communication between with the color result determining the otherwise, a yellow result is neces­ herself and other individuals, and to length of time scanned: sary. She can also use this ability to read the surface thoughts of such in­ • Green: Within one day. detect latent or active psionic dividuals. Willing targets and those • Ye llow: Within one week. powers in people within the same ar­ with a Psyche lower than her's can • Red: Within one year; more than a ea as herself. A green result on a be contacted with a green FEAT re­ year in the past gives only a general power rank FEAT roll is required to sult. Subjects of equal Psyche re­ "feeling" of the subject's history. detect the psionic abilities of a char­ quire a yellow FEAT result, and Psionic Detection: Madame Web has acter whose powers are known to those with mental powers or psionic the Remarkable rank power to de­ him or her, and a yellow result is screening require a red result. tect the use of paranormal abilities. needed to uncover the latent, or as Those who are unwilling with a high­ Each round she is in range of psionic yet undiscovered, psionic powers of er Psyche are impossible FEATs. activity, she may attempt a Power a character. Range is limited to 64 areas (or Te lepathy: Rank FEAT roll. Only a green result Madame Web has the Ex- about 1.5 miles). She has developed 41 the Power Stunt of using this ability and model he had hired to imperson­ her Spider-Man's true identity as Pe­ as a Typical Intensity Mental Probe. ate Ms. K.J. Clayton, the newspa­ ter Parker! Much to Peter's relief, Equipment: Madame Web is cy­ per's publisher. In the Globe's Madame Web promised to keep this bernetically linked to a web-like life­ conference room, Dockery intro­ information secret, and has appar­ support system. This strange device duced Belinda as the real Ms. Clay­ ently done so to this day. attends to all of her bodily needs by ton. (The Globe staff had never met Not long after their first encounter, augmenting her weakened auto­ Ms. Clayton.) After apologizing for Spider-Man and Madame Web met nomic nervous system. Through being so secretive about herself, once again. After being roughed up simple cybernetic commands, she Belinda/Ms. Clayton explained that by the , Peter Parker can move her chair to an upright or she had come forward to turn control checked into Greenwich Hospital for reclining position and control the of the newspaper over to Rupert x-rays and treatment. While there, machine's robotic arms, which take Dockery. Peter overheard a trio of goons talk­ the place of her own useless limbs. Dockery's hoods then burst into ing about killing someone in a race. Madame Web is totally dependent the conference room and grabbed Although he hobbled after them, Pe­ upon her immobile life-support sys­ the phony Ms. Clayton. Spider-Man ter was too injured to catch the sus­ tem for her survival. crashed through the window and pects. Also in the hospital, however, Ta lents: None. pursued the kidnappers, but Dock­ was a man who had received a run­ Contacts: She has helped Spider­ ery blocked his way just long enough ning injury preparing for the upcom­ Man upon occasion. for them to escape. Disappointed, ing marathon. Peter realized that the Spider-Man discovered a scrap of three gunmen were planning to kill ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: paper that had been dropped by the someone running in the race, but he Although Madame Web's true moti­ victim. On it was a picture of Ma­ had no idea who the target might be. vations have never been revealed, dame Web. Since there would be 16,000 run­ she has in the past shown great con­ After web-swinging across town, ners stretched over 26 miles of cern for those who come to her for Spider-Man confronted Madame streets, Peter realized he needed help. Furthermore, it has been allud­ Web. From the bizarre psychic, help. ed to that she has nurtured the psi­ Spider-Man learned that the card be­ Madame Web was expecting his onic powers of others, but exactly longed not to Ms. Clayton, but to an call, but she had bad news: the "psy­ who she has helped and why is as actress and model named Belinda chic vectors" were not in proper yet a mystery. Bell, who was in grave danger. Fol­ alignment for her to peer into the fu­ lowing Madame Web's cryptic clue ture. She could not say who would about jumbled railroad trains, be shot or where. However, she HISTORY: Spider-Man arrived at the Hickory promised to contact Peter if she After discovering her paranormal Dockery To y Store in Lower Manhat­ found out. abilities as a child, Cassandra Webb tan. (He realized Madame Web had Although he was injured and had strengthened them through rigorous seen a toy train in her vision.) The no idea where to start, Peter Parker practice. Having been blind since web-head saved Belinda, who was realized he had to try anyway. As birth, Cassandra was delighted to about to be killed by one of Dock­ Spider-Man, he went to the starting find that her psychic powers more ery's henchmen. From Belinda, line of the race. While web-swinging than compensated for her blindness. Spider-Man learned that the real Ms. past a pay phone, a young man hold­ As an adult, Cassandra decided to Clayton was also in danger. ing the receiver called out to him, use her gifts to help others and to Even though the Globe staff had "It's for you, Spider-Man. Sir." At first support herself by becoming a pro­ witnessed the phony Ms. Clayton Spider-Man thought the guy was jok­ fessional medium. Sadly, decades give control to Dockery, his nefari­ ing, but when he took the phone, he later she was stricken with myasthe­ ous plan would only be complete found Madame Web on the other nia gravis, a horrible disease that when both women were dead . end of the line. The psychic vectors erodes the central nervous system, Spider-Man arrived at the penthouse had realigned. Madame Web knew Daily eventually incapacitating the entire office of the Globe to find it that two men armed with automatic ablaze. After smashing through a rifles were waiting on a water tower body. Before his death, her hus­ 50 band, an electronics engineer, de­ window into a smoke-filled room, he yards from the finish line. Their signed an immobile life-support saved Ms. Clayton. On the street be­ intended victim was named Barney system to provide for her vital life low, Spider-Man found Rupert Dock­ Wicker, a congressional candidate functions. She is now completely de­ ery and subdued him by turning over scheduled to greet the winner of the pendent upon this machine. his limousine, tearing off a door, and marathon. Spider-Man suddenly re­ A murderous plot to take over the pulling the terrified man out. Dock­ alized that the race the hitmen were Daily Globe first brought Madame ery quickly confessed. referring to was not the marathon Shortly after setting things right at but a political race. He arrived at the Web and Spider-Man together. A Daily businessman named Rupert Dock­ the Globe, Spider-Man re­ water tower just in time to stop the ery had hired five masked hoodlums ceived a startling phone call: Ma­ assassins. to kidnap Belinda Bell, an actress dame Web's powers had revealed to 42 [ MARVEL BDV


F GD(10) A GD(10) S TY(6) E GD(10) R GD(10) I GD(10) P IN(40) Health: 36 Karma: 60 Resources: PR(4) (Personal) IN(40) (as New Warrior) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Vance Astrovik Occupation: Student, adventurer Legal Status: U.S. Citizen Identity: Secret, but known to the Thing, the Avengers, and the New Warriors Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Saugerties, New Yo rk Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Arnold Thomas (father), Mary (mother) Base of Operations: Ta ylor Founda­ tion Penthouse, New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: New War­ riors Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Te lekinesis: Marvel Boy is a mutant whose telekinetic powers have just begun to develop. At this point his Power Rank is Incredible and he can do the following Power Stunts: • Levitation: Good speed • Psychokinetic blasts: one-area range blasts that inflict up to Incredi­ ble Force damage. Force Fie/d: field in front of himself or another person that provides In­ credible protection against physical and energy attacks. • Manipulate objects with Incredi­ every extra power used each round. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ble Strength Ta lents: Vance's Reason is Excel­ Marvel Boy can increase his lent when dealing with computers Power Rank up to Monstrous, at the and any matter associated with cost of one Health point per column space exploration/sciences. He has shift every round he does this. If he studied the exploits of super heroes increases his Power Rank to Mon­ and villains, and he has Excellent strous, he must also make an Endur­ knowledge in this field. ance FEAT roll on the Stun column. Contacts: Va nce could probably ask He can use more than one Power for aid from Captain America or the Stunt per round, at Incredible rank, Thing. Vance is currently a member but at the cost of one Health point for of the New Warriors. 43 ------, --

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ROLE· PLAYING NOTES: fled from their time period, They Warriors, as they became known, Va nce is a bright young man with a eventually confronted Korvac who soon included Namorita, Speedball, flair for science. He is a good team beat them easily. Korvac then lost and . They have encoun· player and a brave fighter. He will not because he was betrayed by the tered a number of super villains so hesitate to increase his power, caus­ woman he loved. far, including Te rrax, the Mad Think­ ing him a bad headache and some During their stay, Vance Astro er and Primus, the Forces of Nature, internal bleeding, if the need is sought out his younger self. Vance and Psionex. great. Va nce is having a hard time wanted to warn his past self not to In the past, Vance had been physi­ dealing with his father, who is a bigot become an astronaut, so that some­ cally abused by his father, who is and hates Vance's mutant powers, day he would not be encased in a bigoted toward mutants in general. protective containment suit that he His father recently found out about could never take off. Va nce's activities with the New War­ riors. Vance's father struck him, and HISTORY: The of meeting his future In an alternate future time line, self caused the younger Astrovik to Vance retaliated with his powers, Vance Astrovik will change his name develop his telekinetic powers many vowing that he would never let his fa­ to Va nce Astro, and become a fa­ years before the older Astro had. ther hit him again. Va nce secretly mous astronaut, In this alternate fu­ This caused Astrovik's time line to feels very guilty about striking his fa­ ture he will become a member of the diverge from Astro's. ther with his telekinetic powers. Guardians of the Galaxy, a small A few months after meeting his fu­ Va nce is fascinated by space and group of people who have vowed to ture self, Astrovik decided to use his the future exploration of the last protect Earth and the Milky Way Gal­ powers to try to join the Avengers. frontier. He is also intrigued by super axy from all thoso who would destroy He was told by Captain America that heroes and villains, and their ex­ liberty and freedom (see the "Guard­ he was too young and needed more ploits. Va nce has a high regard for ians of the Galaxy" entry) . experience before he could join, Em­ Captain America, which borders on At one point, the Guardians trav­ barrassed and angry, Marvel Boy left hero worship. eled back in time to the 20th century the Ave ngers' Mansion and ran into Vance has the potential to become and enlisted the aid of the Ave ngers. Night Thrasher and Kid Nova. Night a good leader, thanks to his person­ They traveled back to stop a power­ Thrasher convinced Astrovik to join ality and abilities. ful being named Korvac, who had a group he was forming. The New




F IN(40) A GD(10) S IN(40) E IN(40) R PR(4) I PR(4) P PR(4) Health: 130 Karma: 12 Resources: GD(10) Popularity: -5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Wilhelm "Willie" Lohmer Occupation: Nazi agent Legal Status: Unrevealed Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Married to Wa rrior Wom­ an, though this is disputable because the wedding was interrupted before the final vows were spoken Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Former mem­ ber of Super-Axis, former partner of War­ rior Woman Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Wilhelm Lohmer was injected with a Na­ zi version of the Super-Soldier fo rmula that produced Captain America. As a re­ sult, his physical abilities were greatly enhanced. Leaping: The formula also gave Master Man I the power to leap at Shift X ability, enabling him to jump up to 1 area across, 10 areas up, or 15 areas down. Resistance to Fire and Heat: Master Man I can withstand heat and flames of up to Monstrous Intensity without ill effect. Ta lents: None. Adolf Hitler. When Warrior Wo man ar­ Contacts: The Third Reich, the New rived on the scene, Hitler hastily decided Reich. that she should marry Master Man I, who HISTORY: readily agreed. Warrior Woman consid­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: The story of Wilhelm Lohmer's early life ered Master Man I to be a blundering After being transformed into Master has never been told. He was a loyal Nazi oaf, and she scorned him. At her lead­ Man, the weakling Willie Lo hmer be­ soldier, but he was physically weaker er's command, however, she reluctantly ame an arrogant fighter. He is not par­ than his comrades. It was precisely for � agreed to the marriage. ticularly smart, and his hot temper this reason that he was chosen to be After the wedding ceremony, and as usually leads him into a fight before he subjected to the Nazi version of the part of the celebration, Hitler planned to has time to assess the situation. He plac­ Super-Soldier formula. Although the for­ execute the Invaders, who had recently es his own welfare above that of anyone mula was a derivative of the original been captured with the help of Master else, except Warrior Wo man, whom he Super-Soldier serum that gave Captain Man I and Warrior Wo man. The final vows truly loves. America his powers, Master Man I were never spoken, however, because Un­ gained abilities exceeding those of Cap­ ion Jack and arrived on the scene tain America. and rescued the Invaders. Although Hitler Master Man I became a favo rite of

45 himself proclaimed Master Man I and War­ of the New Reich. The meeting was in­ KNOWN POWERS: rior Woman to be man and wife, the fact terrupted by an alarm- had bro­ Recently, Herr Nacht was injected with a remains that they never actually spoke ken free. recreated version of the formula which their wedding vows, and it could be ar­ Herr Nacht convinced Master Man I to changed Willie Lohmer into Master Man gued that they were never legally married. return to the lab alone and fight Namor. I. Herr Nacht's physical abilities were As the allied guns pounded Berlin With Master Man I gone, Herr Nacht ex­ greatly increased. Whether he benefits near the close of the war, Master Man I pressed his love for Warrior Woman, and from any superhuman powers has yet to and Warrior Woman were placed in sus­ persuaded her to leave her husband. be revealed. pended animation in separate, secret Back in the lab, Namor was defeating Ta lents: Herr Nacht owns a large corpo­ laboratories within the city. Through the Master Man I and Doktor Kraus's thugs ration, and he is well versed in the ways foresight of , these two with the help of Namorita, Union Jack, of Business/Finance. hidden facilities had been built for this and the elderly Lady Crichton, who had Contacts: The New Reich. very purpose. Baron Strucker knew that been the costumed hero called Spitfire Hitler's regime would fall, so he devised during World War II. During the fight, ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: a way for the two greatest warriors of the Master Man I inexplicably reverted to his Herr Nacht is an intelligent, charismatic war to be preserved, ensuring that "the true form as the weakling Willie Lo hmer. man who wants to be the ruler of the dream" would be reborn in the future. At that moment, Herr Nacht arrived in united Germany. He is proud to the point After Baron Strucker's funding ran out, costume as Master Man II, with Wa rrior of being arrogant, and he is totally confi­ Herr Nacht took over the financing of Mas­ Wo man at his side. Overwrought at los­ dent in his own charms and abilities to ter Man I and Warrior Wo man's preserva­ ing his powers and being rejected by his the extent of underestimating others. tion. Herr Nacht's father was involved in beloved, Willie Lohmer threw a switch Herr Nacht is infatuated with Warrior the project from the beginning, over 40 that blew up the lab along with himself, Woman , and wants her as his wife. years ago. Over those years, the project Warrior Wo man, Master Man II, and was technically managed by Doktor most of the thugs. No bodies were every Kraus, a German scientist whose life had recovered, however. Presumably, Willie been saved by Herr Nacht's father. Lohmer survived the blast. Whether or HISTORY: Not much has been revealed about Herr Recently, with the reunification of Ger­ not he will regain his powers remains to Nacht's background. Because of his fa­ many, Herr Nacht decided it was time to be seen. awaken the slumbering warriors. Be­ ther's past, Herr Nacht became involved cause Master Man I's preservation unit in the project to preserve Master Man I was hidden on the west side of Be rlin be­ MASTER MAN and Warrior Wo man. From photographs fore the war ended, he was continually given to him by his father, Herr Nacht fell monitored by Doktor Kraus, and was II in love with Warrior Wo man. easily revived. On the other hand, War­ Determined to have Warrior Woman STATISTICS: rior Woman was secured on the east as his bride, Herr Nacht ordered an as­ sociate of his father, Doktor Kraus, to du­ side of Berlin, and was separated when F EX(20) the Berlin Wa ll was erected. Although plicate the formula that created Master GD(10) automated machines kept her in sus­ A Man I. The process was successful. IN(40) pended animation, it was believed by S With the reunification of Germany, AM(50) Doktor Kraus that she would suffer brain E Herr Nacht decided it was time to revive GD(10) damage when awakened. Master Man I R Master Man I and Warrior Wo man. He TY(6) was willing to take the risk, and threat­ I was determined to use their powers to P TY(6) ened Doktor Kraus with bodily harm if he form a New Reich, with himself as the Health: 120 leader. Somehow he knew that Master did not quickly and successfully revive 22 his beloved. In order to ensure success, Karma: Man I would revert to his normal form as Resources: RM(30) Willie Lohmer, which eliminated him as a Doktor Kraus gave Warrior Wo man a 0 transfusion of artificial blood from the Popularity: rival for Warrior Woman's affections. II, android Human To rch, who had recently Do nning a costume as Master Man been kidnapped by Kraus's thugs. BACKGROUND: Herr Nacht convinced Warrior Woman to As Doktor Kraus was reviving Warrior Real Name: Herr Nacht (first name unre­ ally with him. Wo man, Namor the Sub-Mariner broke vealed) During a battle at the laboratory where into the lab and began a battle with Mas­ Occupation: Businessman, aspiring Warrior Woman was revived, and where ter Man I. As Namor was about to defeat ruler of Germany Namor and the Human To rch were being Master Man I, he was knocked uncon­ Legal Status: Unrevealed held captive, a disturbed and rejected scious by Warrior Wo man , who had Identity: Secret Willie Lo hmer blew up himself, Wa rrior been successfully revived. Place of Birth: Unrevealed Wo man, and Master Man II. No bodies After Namor was securely placed in a Marital Status: Presumably single were found in the wreckage, however. containment device in the laboratory, Known Relatives: None Nacht may yet be alive and well, and Doktor Kraus took Master Man I and Base of Operations: Berlin, Germany again plotting the birth of the New Reich. Warrior Wo man to meet their mysterious Past Group Affiliations: Ally of Warrior benefactor, Herr Nacht, who revealed Woman, leader of the New Reich his plans to place himself as the leader Present Group Affiliations:



Zabo Hyde F EX(20) RM(30) A GD(1 0) GD(10) S TY(6) AM(50) E RM(30) AM(50) R RM(30) RM(30) I GD(10) GD(1 0) P GD(10) MN(75) Healt h: 66 1140 Karma: 50 1115 Re sources: GD(1 0) Popularity: -30

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Calvin Zabo Occu pation: Former medical re­ search scientist, now professional criminal Legal Statu s: Citizen of the United States with criminal records in both identities Identity: Secret Pla ce of Birth: Tr enton, New Jersey Marital Statu s: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: IV, former partner of the , Batroc, the , and the Scorpion Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Alter Ego: By consuming different mixtures of his transformation po­ tion, he can be Hyde or Zabo at will. He usually carries vials of the potion with him at all times, changing from Hyde to Zabo to elude pursuit after crimes. Body Armor: As Hyde, his trans­ ance against those who would of unleashing the bestial side of hu­ formed flesh provides Incredible thwart or betray him. Hyde believes manity. protection from physical attacks and himself to be the true personification In order to finance his incredibly Excellent protection against energy of evil, and he is filled with a burning expensive research, Zabo systemat­ damage. hatred of humanity. He has difficulty ically robbed his various employers. Resistances: Hyde possesses Ex­ remaining calm even when alone, He managed to avoid criminal prose­ cellent resistance to fire, heat, cold, and in battle his ferocity makes him cution by changing employers often. corrosives, and toxins. nearly unstoppable. However, his bad reputation caught Ta lents: Zabo is trained in Chemis­ up with him. Zabo applied for work try and Biochemistry. In his form as with a noted surgeon, Dr. Donald Hyde, he still possesses this knowl­ Blake (alias Thor), but was refused edge. HISTORY: employment based on his past mis­ Conta cts: The Masters of Evil. A brilliant medical research scien­ tist, Calvin Zabo became oddly in­ deeds. Zabo became furious and vowed vengeance upon the lame trigued by the story of Dr. Jekyll and ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: doctor. Calvin Zabo then turned his As either Zabo or Hyde, he is an ego­ Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Steven­ full attention to his research. maniac willing to commit any crimes son. Believing the fictional account to be true, Zabo devoted his life to Several months later, Zabo discov­ necessary to further his evil endeav­ ered the formula to transform him- ors. He obsessively seeks venge- finding a chemical formula capable

47 self into Mr. Hyde. The chemical for the ship and Captain America. Hy­ now had Jarvis, the process is hormonal in nature, caus­ de, however, wanted to go through , and Captain America ing the cells of his anatomy to in­ with the plan, and cared nothing for as hostages. He turned them over to stantly manufacture mutated the money: he simply wanted Cap and the cruel hands of , who hormones that induce a physical the rest of New Yo rk City's population started beating the butler to death. transformation encompassing his dead. When Batroc realized this, he Hyde was having great fun, until the entire figure. Miraculously, over 200 secretly loosened the chains holding , Thor, Ant-Man, Doctor Druid, pounds of bone and muscle tissue Captain America, who freed himself and Captain Marvel all arrived to are added to Zabo's body. After and dove into the harbor. help their friends. Hyde found him­ about 30 seconds, the entire meta­ As Hyde was busy steering the self heavily outmatched, and he was morphosis is complete. ship, Batroc attacked him from be­ knocked unconscious by Thor. The The transformation is excruciat­ hind. The former partners began a rest of the Masters of Evil were sub­ ing. As his form mutates, Zabo's skin fight to the death. As Hyde began to sequently defeated. is forced to stretch over his growing squeeze the life out of Batroc, Cap­ Most recently, Calvin Zabo was body. This distortion alters all of his tain America boarded the ship and having a drink in a Manhattan bar, physical characteristics. Hyde and attacked Hyde. During the fight, Hy­ and recovering from a head wound Zabo have different finger prints, de broke a pipe and was hit by a given to him by the Hulk that pre­ while Hyde's facial structure is dis­ high-pressure stream of liquified vented him from transforming into torted to the point that he is frozen in gas. Covered by a thick coating of Hyde, when he insulted a waitress. a perpetual sneer. Zabo's personali­ the freezing liquid, Hyde fell over the The huge leader of a biker gang saw ty is also distorted. As Hyde, he is side and sank in the harbor. Captain the incident, and he threw Zabo out overcome with savage anger and America tried to find him, but Hyde of the bar. Determined to have re­ bestial ferocity. was gone. Cap caught Batroc, who venge, Zabo re-entered the bar and Hyde chose Dr. Donald Blake to tried to escape during the confusion, hit the biker over the head with a bot­ be the first to suffer his wrath, but and returned the super-tanker to tle. This time Zabo threw himself out was defeated. In addition to Thor, his Roxxon officials. the window in an attempt to escape enemies include Captain America, Mister Hyde survived his encount­ the enraged bikers. Zabo fled to a , Spider-Man, and espe­ er with Captain America and Batroc, nearby parking garage and hid. cially the Cobra, a former partner and later joined with the Masters of Meanwhile, Dan Ketch (alias the who betrayed Hyde by leaving him to Evil IV, whose members included . Ghost Rider) arrived at the garage, rot in prison. The Cobra is also the , Baron Helmut Ze­ where he planned to store his motor­ only person to know that Mister Hy­ mo (the leader), Blackout, , cycle for a while. The attendant, de is actually Calvin Zabo. Grey , Moonstone, Jack, happened to be a friend of On one occasion, Spider-Man had Screaming Mimi, Tiger Shark, Tita­ Dan's. As Dan and Jack talked, the just captured the Cobra, when Hyde nia, , the , angry bikers rolled into the garage. attacked, wanting revenge against and Ye llowjacket. When Jack refused to let them pass, his ex-partner. After a long and fero­ While the Avengers were away, the bikers attacked. Dan and Jack cious battle, Spider-Man defeated Baron Zemo and his Masters of Evil were subdued and locked in the at­ Hyde by knocking him out a high broke into Avengers' Mansion and tendant's office. window, causing him to plummet to captured Jarvis, the butler. The Bar­ As the bikers searched for him, the street below. The indomitable on's plan was then to capture the Calvin Zabo strained to overcome Mister Hyde was not killed, but Avengers one-by-one as they re­ his head wound and transform into merely stunned. He and the Cobra turned to headquarters from their Hyde. He succeeded, at the same were then easily captured and taken various errands. time Dan Ketch transformed into the into police custody. They quickly captred the Black Ghost Rider. Mister Hyde attacked During his long career, Mister Hy­ Knight and Captain Marvel. The the leader of the gang, and was de has also teamed up with Batroc Wasp, Captain America, and Hercu­ about to smash a car full of innocent the Leaper. They succeeded in hi­ les realized something was up inside teenagers, when the Ghost Rider in­ jacking a Roxxon super-tanker and their headquarters. Wasp and Cap terfered. When Hyde met the Ghost capturing Captain America, whom wanted to wait and investigate the Rider's Penance Stare, he began to they chained to the prow of the ship. situation, but would have transform back into Zabo, then fled. The tanker was filled with 50,000 none of that, and he rashly charged The Ghost Rider rammed Hyde with tons of liquified natural gas. As it into the building. He was immedi­ his motorcycle, and both of them cruised through the harbor, Batroc ately attacked by the majority of the went flying out of the garage onto and Hyde set it on a collision coarse Masters of Evil, and savagely beat­ the street below. As the police ar­ with the docks of New Yo rk City. The en. Captain America tried to enter rived, both Hyde and the Ghost resulting explosion would likely lead the mansion to help his ally, but was Rider vowed revenge, then went to the total destruction of the entire captured by the building's own de­ their separate ways. metropolis. fense systems. The Wasp managed Batroc only wanted a huge ransom to escape.



F PR(4) A RM(30) S RM(30) E IN(40) R IN(40) I EX(20) P IN(40) Health: 104 Karma: 100 Resources: IN(40) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Weapon Legal Status: Unrevealed Other Known Aliases: Maria Pym, Sodam Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile, usu­ ally a laboratory of AIM Past Group Affiliations: Servant of AIM Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Force Field: Modam can manipulate her pSionic energies to surround herself with an Incredible rank per­ sonal force field. Mind Control: Modam can override the conscious mind of another being at Good rank. The target may at­ tempt a Good Intensity Psyche FEAT roll to avoid this effect. If the roll is missed, Modam controls the con­ scious actions of the character, who has no memory of the time he is con­ trolled. The victim gains another Psyche FEAT roll in an attempt to break control each time he is placed must succeed at a Psyche FEAT or with a higher Psyche are impossible in a Karma-losing or life-threatening be knocked unconscious for 1-10 FEATs. situation. Initially, Modam must be rounds. Psi-Screens and force fields Equipment: Modam's hover-chair within 1 area of her victim, but after operate against this attack. provides her with an exoskeletal control is established she can influ­ Te lepathy: Modam has the Excellent shell of life-supporting machinery. It ence the target telepathically at a rank ability to establish direct mind­ has the following statistics: range of 64 areas (about 1.5 miles). to-mind communication between Multitasking: Her computerized herself and others at a range of up to Control EX(20) brain allows her to use any two of her 64 areas. Willing targets and those Speed RM(30) abilities, either psionic or those de­ with a Psyche lower than Modam's Body RM(30) rived from her hover-chair, at once. can be contacted automatically. Protection PR(4) Synaptic Disrupter: This form of Subjects of equal Psyche require a mental attack projects blasts of psi­ yellow FEAT result, and those with Besides monitoring both bodily and onic force at Incredible Intensity and mental powers or psionic screening mechanical functions and transmit­ range (1 1 areas). If hit, the victim a red result. Those who are unwilling ting this data to AIM headquarters,

49 the hover-chair grants Modam other been subjected to experiments de­ the custody of officials at the Vault, abilities: signed to increase the intelligence of but was presumably freed by mem­ • Flight: Anti-gravity generators in apes; these experiments had bers of AIM. the hover-chair enable Modam to fly caused her brain to expand. She Most recently, Modam was sent to at Remarkable airspeed (15 areas pleaded with her husband to end her bring Diamondback, , per turn) up to a maximum flight ceil­ misery. , and to a luxury ing of 19,000 feet. Refusing to kill his wife, Dr. Pym liner for a mysterious cruise. All four • Headband: This device aids Mo­ returned with her to the Avengers' of these women had been, or are dam in focusing her psionic energy. compound, where he feverishly currently, members of the Without it all of her mental powers worked to find a cure that would re­ Society. During the assignment, Mo­ are reduced by -2CS. verse the expansion of Maria's artifi­ dam hijacked the serpent saucer, • Plasma Cannon: This laser­ cially enhanced brain. He was and Diamondback's apartment was guided weapon is capable of inflict­ making progress, and had just com­ demolished. Flying the serpent sau­ ing Incredible energy damage. pleted a mobile support system for cer, Modam took the women to the • Te lescoping Arms: Her titanium­ her, when Maria rendered Dr. Pym lUXUry liner off the coast of Florida. steel arms have Amazing Material unconscious with a blast of knockout On the way, each costumed woman Strength and can elongate up to 1 gas. Maria escaped to AIM head­ was given an invitation and area. quarters, where she underwent fur­ $100,000 in cash. Limitation: Because her muscula­ ther mutations, becoming the Captain America discovered ture is atrophied and her head is gro­ creature called Sodam: Specialized Diamondback's ruined apartment, tesquely enlarged, Modam is Organism Designed for Aggressive and became concerned for his physically dependent on the exo­ Maneuvers. In a battle with Dr. Pym, friend's safety. Cap contacted Pala­ skeleton provided by her hover­ Hawkeye, and Mockingbird, Sodam din to see if he had any information chair. If the chair's systems was eager for victory, but she was or­ concerning Diamondback, but Pala­ malfunction, she is extremely vul­ dered to retreat by the secret rulers din had little knowledge of her nerable. of AIM, who were reluctant to endan­ whereabouts. The two men then Ta lents: None. ger their creation further. went to the hospital, where two Contacts: AIM agents around the A number of months later, at AIM's members of the Serpent Society world first International Weapons Exposi­ ( and ) were tion, the creature resurfaced as Mo­ being treated for the wounds they re­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: dam: Mobile Organism Designed for ceived in their fight with Modam. Aggressive Maneuvers. After having From Rock Python's description of undergone extensive mutation, in­ Modam, Cap realized that AIM was ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: cluding the addition of cybernetic involved, and he decided to fly to While Modam must have once been implants, Modam emerged from the their headquarters on a small Carib­ a normal person with a normal per­ alteration as the latest bean island. persuaded Cap son's emotions, she is now a biome­ product of AIM's research. to let him come along. chanical organism devoid of such For her first mission, Modam was During the flight, Cap received a "flaws." Modam is totally loyal to her sent to acquire Quasar's quantum homing signal coming from a tracer AIM creators, and she is eager to bands. She placed a strange device Diamondback had activated in her prove her abilities. within the Statue of Liberty that emit­ costume. As the Avenger's ship ted a power to attract Qua­ closed in on the luxury liner, Modam sar's attention. Upon arriving at the was launched to deal with the in­ HISTORY: scene, Quasar mistakenly believed truders. Modam used her powers to Although Modam 's origin is as yet the device to be a bomb, when in put the pilot, , in a unrevealed, it has been alluded to fact it was designed to act as a mag­ trance, which caused the ship to fall that she is Maria Pym, the deceased net for his quantum bands. As Qua­ into a power dive. Captain America wife of Doctor Henry Pym. Accom­ sar was held fast against the device, could not pull the ship out of the panied by the rest of the West Coast Modam moved in for the kill. Though dive, forcing himself, Paladin, and Avengers, Dr. Pym discovered that she assailed his mind and blasted John to eject. As the three men float­ his wife was alive and being held away at him with her plasma bolts, ed toward the ocean, Modam de­ captive in a Bratislava prison, which Modam could not force Quasar to stroyed their parachutes with her also served as partof that country's surrender. Overcoming Modam's plasma cannon, plunging them into superhuman research complex. mental attack, the cosmic Avenger the ocean. Paladin disabled Mo­ Dr. Pym found his wife attached to lashed out and blew Modam's arms dam's headband and damaged her a huge life-support system. Al­ off. He then broke free of the mag­ hover-chairs gyroscope, causing her though she was alive, she was not netic device and towed his attacker to flee. Modam's current where­ unchanged: Her brain was freakishly into Earth's upper atmosphere, abouts are unknown. large and encapsulated in a glass where Modam was rendered uncon­ dome. Maria explained that she had scious. Modam was given over to 50 MUTANT LIBERATION FRONT


Members: Stryfe, Dragoness, Fore­ Eq uipment: DRAGONESS arm, Kamikaze, Reaper, Strobe, Su­ Body Armor: Remarkable protection mo, Te mpo, Thumbellina, Wildside, against physical and energy dam­ STATISTICS: Zero age. Paralysis Ray: From his armor, Stry­ F EX(20) The MLF has been organized by the fe is able to fire a Paralysis Ray of A RM(30) mysterious overlord, Stryfe. Its pur­ Excellent rank energy. S GD(10) pose is to perform terrorist acts in re­ Ta lents: Leadership. E RM(30) sponse to crimes against mutants. Conta cts: None known. R GD(10) The MLF has stolen a quantity of trit­ I GD(1 0) ium, which is a key part in the con­ ADDITIONAL NOTES : P GD(10) struction of hydrogen bombs. So far, Health: 90 they haven't threatened to use it. Karma: 30 The MLF also has two other mem­ Resources: TY bers, Rusty Collins and Skids, whom Popularity : -5 they rescued from a government de­ tention building. These two are BACKGROUND: slightly hesitant about the MLF's Real Name: Unknown methods but have stayed with the Occu pation: Te rrorist group because of their rescue. Identity: Secret Legal Statu s: Unknown STRVFE Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown STATISTICS: Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None F RM(30) Base of Operations: Madripoor A EX(20) ROLE-PLAYING NOTES : Past Group Affiliations: Mutant S RM(30) Stryfe is an arrogant and cruel man, Liberation Front (MLF) E IN(40) fanatically dedicated to the cause of Present Group Affiliation: R RM(30) mutants and against humans. He I RM(30) runs the MLF with an iron hand, en­ KNOWN POWERS : P RM(30) forcing his will upon the others by Flight: Flies by the use of leather Health: 120 strength and violence. Recently, it wings at Good air speed. Karma: 90 has been revealed that Cable and Fire Generation: Incredible intensity Resources: IN Stryfe are the same person. up to a three-area range. Popularity : -20 Fire Pro tection: Incredible protection IN BRIEF: from fire and heat attacks. BACKGRO UND: Little is known of Stryfe's past before Ta lents: Aerial combat. Real Name: Unknown his leadership of the Mutant libera­ Conta cts: Stryfe, MLF. Occu pation: Leader of under­ tion Front became known. He has ground organization demonstrated a considerable skill at ADDITIONAL NOTES : Identity: Secret keeping the disparate personalities Legal Statu s: Wanted by U.S. au­ of the MLF working together well. thorities In an incident in Madripoor, the Other Known Aliases: Cable MLF fought the New Mutants and Place of Birth: Unknown Cable with Dragoness, Sumo, and Marital Status: Unknown, pre­ Kamikaze. Their presence here indi­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES : sumed single cates that the MLF has more than Dragoness is an arrogant villainess, Known Relatives: Unnamed son, just the United States on their quite confident in her ability to van­ deceased minds. They seem to be interested quish any foe. This tends to produce Base of Operations: Mutant Libera­ in forming a worldwide organization overconfidence in battle. tion Front Headquarters to fight for the rights of mutants eve­ Past Group Affiliations: Leader of rywhere. IN BRIEF: Mutant Liberation Front (MLF) In a shocking twist, it was revealed Along with Sumo and Kamikaze, the Present Group Affiliation: that Cable and Stryfe, two sworn en­ nonhuman-looking Dragoness emies, are actually the same per­ fought the New Mutants and Wolver­ KNOWN POWERS: son. How they were able to fight face ine in Madripoor and was eventually Force Bolts: Incredible force energy to face in Madripoor has yet to be ex­ defeated. Nothing else is known of bolt. plained. her past.

52 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: FOREARM Forearm is a serious man, intent on Kamikaze is a fearless fighter and STATISTICS: doing his job efficiently and well. He has been known to brag about his ignores pain; indeed it actually powers. He is often reckless and F EX(20) seems to make him more deter­ overconfident during battle. A EX(20) mined to get the job done. S RM(30) IN BRIEF: E RM(30) IN BRIEF: Kamikaze, along with Oragoness R TY(6) Forearm participated in the MLF's and Sumo, fought the New Mutants I GO(10) acquisition of the tritium and was and Wolverine in Madripoor. Other P TY(6) hurt by a lucky shot from one of the than what was learned in that battle, Health: 100 guards. It didn't slow him down at little is known of this explosive vil­ Karma: 22 all. He was one of the members cho­ lain. Resources: TY(6) sen to go on a mission to Genosha, Popularity: -5 the results of which have not been REAPER revealed yet. BACKGROUND: STATISTICS: Real Name: Unknown KAMI KAZE Occupation: Te rrorist F EX(20) Identity: Secret STATISTICS: A GO(10) Legal Status: Unknown S GO(10) Other Known Aliases: None F GO(10) E EX(20) Place of Birth: Unknown A EX(20) R TY(6) Marital Status: Unknown S GO(10) I TY(6) Known Relatives: None E RM(30) P TY(6) Base of Operations: MLF Head­ R TY(6) Health: 60 quarters I GO(10) Karma: 18 Past Group Affiliations: Mutant P TY(6) Resources: TY Liberation Front (MLF) Health: 70 Popularity: -5 Present Group Affiliation: Karma: 22 Resources: TY(6) BACKGROUND: KNOWN POWERS: Popularity: -5 Real Name: Unknown Multiple Attacks: Forearm has four Occupation: Te rrorist arms that can be used for two at­ BACKGROUND: Identity: Secret tacks a turn for Typical damage or Real Name: Unknown Legal Status: Unknown once a turn for Incredible damage. Occupation: Te rrorist Other Known Aliases: None Body Armor: Typical protection from Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unknown physical and energy damage. Legal Status: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Ta lents: Forearm has Martial Arts B. Other Known Aliases: None Known Relatives: None Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. Place of Birth: Unknown Base of Operations: MLF Head­ Marital Status: Unknown quarters ADDITIONAL NOTES: Known Relatives: None Past Group Affiliations: Mutant Base of Operations: Madripoor Liberation Front (MLF) Past Group Affiliations: Mutant Present Group Affiliation: Liberation Front (MLF) Present Group Affiliation: KNOWN POWERS: Paralyzing To uch: Incredible ability KNOWN POWERS: to paralyze any being. This power is Flight: Excellent air speed. channeled through his flail. Explosive To uch: Remarkable force EqUipment: The flail Reaper uses is damage upon touching the victim. specially designed to house and re­ He must be in flight and able to move lease his power. his arms for this power to work. Ta lents: Reaper has a Weapon Spe­ Ta lents: None known. cialty with the flail. Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. Contacts: Stryfe, MLF.



ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ADDITIONAL NOTES: ADDITIONAL NOTES: Reaper enjoys his work, looking at it more as fun than as a job.

IN BRIEF: During a mission, Reaper took on the leader of the New Mutants, Ca­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ble ' and almost paralyzed him. Ca­ Strobe has a personality that is ble was just able to swing his arm every bit as fiery as her powers. around and knock Reaper out. Reaper was one of four members IN BRIEF: chosen to go on a mission to Strobe fought the leader of the New Genosha, the results of which have ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Mutants, Cable, and melted one not been revealed yet. Sumo likes to tout his own powers of his hands in their encounter. and is proud of his huge size. His Little else is known about this hot vil­ main battle tactic is to leap abou , STROBE lainess. � landing on as many people as pOS�I­ STATISTICS: ble, and crushing them beneath his SUMO weight. F GD(10) STATISTICS: A GD(10) IN BRIEF: S TY(6) Sumo, along with Dragoness and F E RM(30) Kamikaze, fought the New Mutants RM(30) A TY(6) R TY(6) and Wolverine in Madripoor. Follow­ S I TY(6) IN(40) ing Stryfe's orders, they attacked E P TY(6) AM (50) their foes but were beaten. R TY(6) Health: 56 I TY(6) Karma: 18 P Resources: TY GD(10) Health: 126 Popularity: -5 STATISTICS: Karma: 22 Resources: TY BACKGROUND: F TY(6) Popularity: -5 Real Name: Unknown A GD(10) Occupation: S TY(6) Te rrorist BACKGROUND: Identity: E RM(30) Secret Real Name: Unknown Legal Status: Unknown R GD(10) Occupation: Te rrorist Other Known Aliases: None I GD(10) Identity: Secret Place of Birth: P EX(20) Unknown Legal Status: Unknown Marital Status: Health: 52 Unknown Other Known Aliases: None Known Relatives: None Karma: 40 Place of Birth: Unknown Base of Operations: MLF Head­ Resources: TY(6) Marital Status: Unknown quarters Popularity: -5 Known Relatives: None Past Group Affiliations: Mutant Base of Operations: Madripoor Liberation Front BACKGROUND: Present Group Affiliation: Real Name: Past Group Affiliations: Unknown Mutant Occupation: Te rrorist KNOWN POWERS: Liberation Front (MLF) Identity: Present Group Affiliation: Secret Energy Aura: Strobe has the ability Legal Status: Unknown Other Known Aliases: to surround herself with an aura of KNOWN POWERS: None Amazing heat energy, giving her the Place of Birth: Unknown Leaping: Remarkable leaping ability . . Marital Status: Unknown following abilities: . used to charge his foes by Jumping • Can melt inorganic objects with Known Relatives: None on them. Such attacks hit with Re­ Amazing ability by touching the . Base of Operations: MLF Head­ � markable ability and inflict Amazing • quarters Amazing protection from physical damage. Past Group Affiliations: MLF (Mu­ attacks by inorganic objects. Ta lents: Wrestling, Leaping. Ta lents: None known. tant Liberation Front) Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. Present Group Affiliation:


KNOWN POWERS: THUMBELLINA WILDSIDE Flight: Typical Air Speed. Time Tw isting: Te mpo has the Mon­ STATISTICS: STATISTICS: strous ability to cause time to move at different rates for different sub­ F TY(6) F EX(20) jects . To date, her single Power A PR(4) A GD(10) Stunt is to enable her allies to move S GD(1 0) S GD(10) faster than their foes. This has the E RM(30) E EX(20) following effects: R GD(10) R EX(20) • Te mpo's allies can take five I TY(6) I TY(6) actions to one for their opponents. P TY(6) P TY(6) • Te mpo's allies can Dodge with Health: 50 Health: 60 Monstrous ability. Karma: 22 Karma: 18 Resources: TY(6) Resource s: TY(6) Limitation: When Te mpo uses her Popularity: -5 Popularity: -5 Power Stunt, her allies must make an Endurance FEAT each turn or BACKGROUND: BACKGROUND: suffer exhaustion. Failing the FEAT Real Name: Unknown Real Name: Unknown causes all abilities to decrease Occupation: Te rrorist Occupation: Te rrorist -1 CS. These column shifts are cu­ Identity: Secret Identity: Secret mulative and last for 24 hours. If En­ Legal Statu s: Unknown Legal Statu s: Unknown durance reaches Shift 0, a check for Other Known Aliases: None Other Known Aliases: None heart attack and death is req uired. Place of Birth: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Ta lents: None known. Marital Statu s: Unknown Marital Statu s: Unknown Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. Known Relatives: None Known Relatives: None Ba se of Operations: MLF Head­ Base of Operation s: MLF Head­ ADDITIO NAL NOTES : quarters quarters Past Group Affiliation s: MLF (Mu­ Past Group Affiliation s: Mutant tant Liberation Front) Liberation Front Present Group Affiliation: Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: KNOWN POWERS: Reduction: Thumbellina has Re­ Specialized Invisibility: Wildside has markable shrinking ability and can the Amazing ability to make himself reduce herself to one inch in height. and up to a dozen allies invisible. At this height, she is -2CS to be hit This only applies to eyesight; elec­ and + 2CS to hit larger targets. tronic monitoring still picks up him. Ta lents: Demolitions, Repairl This power is probably psionic in na­ Tinkering. ture and could be overridden by an­ Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. other psi-mutant as a Power Stunt. Ta lents: Acrobatics, Tu mbling. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. ROLE PLAYING NOTES : Te mpo must be dedicated to the ADDITIONAL NOTES: cause of the MLF because every time she uses her power, it puts her allies in danger of dying from a heart attack. ROLE- PLAYING NOTES : Thumbellina likes to use her powers IN BRIEF: to fix mechanical objects, but she Not much is known of Te mpo before doesn't use them much in combat. she surfaced with the Mutant Libera­ tion Front. Her accent places her ori­ IN BRIEF: gins in the Deep South of the U.S, Thumbellina participated in the MLF but where exactly hasn't been re­ mission in which they placed a bomb vealed. As a member of the MLF, her in a facility. Thumbellina went along main function is to slow her foes and to fix the wires of the bomb. She allow her allies to move quickly. rarely goes out in combat situations.


ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: KNOWN POWERS: ADDITIONAL TEAM NOTES: Wildside is an exuberant character, Gateway: Zero has the Monstrous prone to excessive behavior. He ability to create dimensional door­ plays the fool for the MLF, trying to ways to any place that he has been bring levity into tense situations. before. He can hold these doors open as long as he wishes. He can IN BRIEF: transport himself and six others in Wildside was involved in the MLF's this fashion. acquisition of the tritium. Wildside Ta lents: None known. allowed himself to be injured in a Contacts: Stryfe, MLF. battle, so the leader of the MLF, Stry­ fe, ordered him to stay back from ADDITIONAL NOTES: their second documented incident. Not much is known about the history of Wildside.



F TY(6) A TY(6) S TY(6) E RM(30) R TY(6) I TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 48 Karma: 18 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: -5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Occupation: Te rrorist Zero is a silent villain, taking orders Identity: Secret from other members of the MLF Legal Status: Unknown without protest. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown IN BRIEF: Marital Status: Unknown Nothing is known about the past of Known Relatives: None the man known as Zero. He teleports Base of Operations: MLF Head­ members of the MLF where they quarters want to go, when they want to go Past Group Affiliations: Mutant there, providing the terrorist organi­ Liberation Front (MLF) zation with an awesome surprise Present Group Affiliation: strike ability.



F GD(10) A TY(6) S EX(20) E RM(30) R GD(10) I TY(6) P GD(10) Health: 66 Karma: 26 Resources: MN(75) Popularity: -30 (undersea realms)/O (elsewhere)

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Naga Occupation: Despot Legal Status: Citizen of Lemuria, le­ gally dead Identity: Publicly known in Lemuria, the general populace of Earth is un­ aware of his existence Place of Birth: Lemuria Marital Status: Unrevealed, married at least once, probably several times Known Relatives: Merro (son, de­ ceased), Llyra (daughter-in-law) Base of Operations: Lemuria Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Resistance to Cold: Naga possesses Excellent protection from cold tem­ peratures and cold-based attacks. Swimming: He can move through water at Poor speed (2 areas per round). Wa ter Breathing: Tw in gills located on his neck enable Naga to breath • water (fresh or salt). He requires wa­ Energy Shield: He could manipu­ could be transformed into another ter to breathe, and he suffocates in late energy to provide himself with object of Monstrous Material open air in five minutes without spe­ Incredible protection from physical Strength or less. To use this power, cial means of survival. He can see attacks and Unearthly protection Naga had to touch the matter to be underwater as well as a human sees from energy attacks. transformed, which couldn't weigh • Enhanced Psyche: When using on land, and he can withstand the in­ more than 75 pounds. • Mind Control: Naga could com­ tense water pressure at the ocean's the Crown's powers, Naga's Psyche was considered to be Monstrous. mand anyone with a Psyche less bottom. • Equipment: Enhanced Strength: Naga's than Monstrous. However, those with an Amazing Psyche needed on­ Serpent Cro wn: The majority of Na­ Strength increased to Amazing, rais­ ing his Health to 96. ly succeed at a Green FEAT to resist, ga's powers were derived from wear­ • ing the Serpent Crown of Set. The Image Generation: Naga could while characters with Incredible or following powers were granted to create illusions of whatever he de­ Remarkable Psyches needed a suc­ Naga upon wearing the evil god's sired. Seeing through these images cessful Ye llow FEAT roll to resist. crown: required a successful Ye llow Psyche Anyone with a Psyche of Excellent • Bolts of Mystical Energy: Naga FEAT at -3CS. or lower could resist control only by • succeeding at a Red FEAT. Duration could project energy bolts of up to Levitation: Naga could levitate varied from days for Poor or less Unearthly force and range (60 ar­ himself and others at Good rank. • Psyches to only a single combat eas). Matter Tr ansformation: Matter of Monstrous Material Strength or less round for Incredible or Amazing 57 Psyches. Crown, a receptacle for the mystical Eventually, the Questor Karthon • Mind Reading: He could read the power of Set. As Atra and the Devi­ took the Serpent Crown from Prince surface thoughts of anyone within 3 ant emperor Phraug fought over the Namor of Atlantis, the Sub-Mariner. areas. To reach deep into a person's Crown, the alien Celestials detona­ Karthon brought both of them to his mind, Naga had to succeed at a ted a massive weapon, sinking Le­ master in Lemuria. Naga mistakenly Green Psyche FEAT. If he concen­ muria beneath the waves. The believed the Crown would restore trated on a particular person and Celestials caused the skeletons of his youth, but it did not. However, he succeeded at a Ye llow Psyche FEAT, Atra and Phraug to be preserved, once again possessed its other Naga could reach the subject's mind with both gripping the Serpent powers. In a show of might, Naga no matter what the range. Crown as a warning against the per­ used the Crown to destroy all of the • Reduced Aging: While he wore ils of lusting for power. Questors except the terrified the Crown, Naga was able to live for The Lemurians discovered the Karthon. The mad emperor then bat­ centuries. Crown and its skeletal owners when tled Namor in the arena before all of • Te lekinesis: The Crown provided they settled the sunken continent, the Lemurians. Naga used the Naga with Monstrous rank telekine­ but they avoided the evil remains. Crown to open a great chasm in the sis. As a Power Stunt, Naga once Naga, however, was told by Set to ocean floor and mentally command­ used this ability to open a chasm in take the Crown for himself. Arriving ed Namor to hurtle himself into it. the ocean floor. at the site, Naga ordered one of his As the end seemed near for the • Te leportation: He could teleport cronies to pry the Crown from the Sub-Mariner, Naga was struck down himself and others at Unearthly bony hands of the skeletons. When from behind by the sword-Wielding rank. he did so, the lackey dropped dead. Karthon. Previously, to break Na­ Ta lents: None. Undaunted, Naga took the Crown mor's spirit, Naga had slain Contacts: Llyra. and placed it on his head, thereby Karthon's sister and used his powers gaining tremendous powers. of illusion to disguise her corpse as ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Set was so pleased with his stu­ the body of Namor's beloved, the La­ While he lived, Naga was a tyranni­ dent that he revealed to Naga a way dy . After learning the true cal ruler who would go to any lengths to treat the Serpent Crown with cer­ identity of the corpse, Karthon was to retain power over his people. His tain fish oils, which preserved Na­ so enraged that he murdered his despotism was characterized by the ga's youth for as long as he wore the emperor, and saved Namor's life. continual murder, torture, and im­ Crown. Thereafter, Naga lived for The Sub-Mariner had the fallen prisonment of those of his subjects centuries in the prime of health and Serpent Crown placed upon Naga's whom he regarded as enemies. Na­ vitality. However, wearing the Crown corpse, so it could ensnare only the ga had always been touched by in­ enhanced Naga's reptilian mind of a dead man. As a result of sanity, and his madness escalated features-his skin grew scaly, his the chasm's creation, tremors trig­ over the centuries. outer ears fell away, and his skull be­ gered an underwater earthquake came more serpent-like in shape. that swallowed Naga and the Ser­ The influence of the Crown even mu­ pent Crown. HISTORY: tated the entire Lemurian race, mak­ Recently, Ghaur, head of the Naga was of the water-breathing, ing their skins scaly as well. priesthood of the Deviants, and Lly­ blue-skinned species of humanity Over the following centuries, Na­ ra, the Empress of Lemuria, formed called homo mermanus. Five hun­ ga ruled as a diabolical tyrant. With an alliance and reconstructed the dred years ago, he was born in Le­ the powers of the Serpent Crown, he Serpent Crown in an immense new muria, a sunken continent in the crushed most rebellions with ease. version. They planned to sacrifice Pacific Ocean. It has never been re­ However, a group of young Lemuri­ the seven "Brides of Set"­ vealed how Naga became emperor ans with telepathic powers were the Andromeda, Dagger, the Invisible of Lemuria or how he first came to exception. They formed a dissident Woman, Marvel Girl, the Scarlet worship the ancient serpent demon movement, and eventually were Witch, She-Hulk, and Storm-to em­ Set. However, it is certain that Set re­ able to steal the Serpent Crown power the giant Serpent Crown and garded Naga as a valued servant while Naga slept. The rebels fled. bring Set phYSically to Earth. How­ with the potential to conquer the USing a serum that enabled them to ever, as Ghaur mentally probed world in the dark god's name. As a breathe air, they founded a small city deeply into the Crown, he uninten­ sign of his favor, Set gave Naga's within an Antarctic cavern. The Le­ tionally released the spirit of Naga, face reptilian features, mimicking murian dissidents became known as who claimed the power of the Crown Set himself. the Ancients. as his own. Naga and Ghaur fought Ages ago, before the sinking of Lacking the Crown, Naga began a battle of wills, and finally they and Lemuria, the continent was popu­ to age. Fearful of his approaching Uyra suddenly vanished. Freed of lated by normal air-breathing hu­ doom, the despotic emperor formed mental domination, the Brides of Set mans, as well as the race called the a group of warriors called the Ques­ hurled the Crown into an immense Deviants. At this time, the alchemist tors to recover the Crown, but for sea cavern, where it remains today. named Atra created the Serpent decades they failed. 58 NIGHT THRASHER


F EX(20) A RM(30) S GD(10) E RM(30) R GD(10) I GD(10) P IN(40) Health: 90 Karma: 60 Resources: IN(40) Popularity : 3

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Dwayne Ta ylor Occupation: Chairman of the Ta ylor Foundation, adventurer Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Legal Status: U.S. Citizen Place of Birth: Unknown Known Relatives: Chord (legal ), Ta i (legal guardian), mother and father (names unreveal­ ed, deceased) Base of Operations: Ta ylor Founda­ tion Penthouse in New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: New Warriors Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Mental Barriers: For some reason, Night Thrasher has mental barriers that provide him with Unearthly re­ sistance against telepathy and men­ tal probes. Equipment: Armor: All of Night Thrasher's abili­ ties come from his armor, which pro­ vides him with Good protection against physical attacks and Excel­ lent protection against heat and fire attacks. • Hydraulics: Hydraulics in the suit Wrist: A red result on the Grap­ • 3 Plastique Packs in Right Hip provide Night Thrasher with Good pling column indicates that Night Casing: Remarkable Explosive Leaping ability, and they enable Thrasher can use the wire to Concussion damage in 1 area him to run 3 areas per round. The strangle his victim. If the victim • 3 Napalm Gel Packs in Right Hip hydraulics also add a + 1 CS to needs to breathe, he must make Casing: Incredible Energy dam­ Strength, up to a maximum of Ex­ an Endurance FEAT roll each age in 1 area plus cause fires that cellent. round or become unconscious for burn with Good intensity until put Offensive Capabilities: The armor 1-10 rounds, and dead 10 rounds out. • 3 Cordite Packs in Right Hip Cas­ has the following built-in offensive after he is unconscious, if Night Thrasher keeps strangling him. ing: Excellent Explosive damage. capabilities: Since the wire is adamantium, it • Magnesium Flares in Left Hip • Cayenne Pepper Spray in Right Casing: Remarkable Intensity Wrist: Make an Endurance FEAT does Typical Edged Weapon damage each round and can cut Light. roll or spend 1-5 rounds blinded • Smoke Pellets in Left Hip Casing: and choking, -2CS on all FEATs through armor of less than Mon­ strous Strength Material rank. Good Intensity Smoke. • Adamantium Garrote Wire in Left 59 • Incendiary Caps in Left Hip Cas­ Business/Finance, Criminology, then busting them. Giving his name ing: Good Intensity flame. Detective/Espionage, Computers, as Night Thrasher, Dwayne joined • Ball Bearings in Left Hip Casing: and Electronics. Night Thrasher also them on their crusade. Requires Agility FEAT rolls or the has the Heir to Fortune and Leader­ One night, while was victims fall down. ship talents. infiltrating a gun-running operation, • Spur Jacks in Left Hip Casing: Contacts: Night Thrasher has a va­ the police accidentally came upon Punctures normal tires. riety of contacts in the business them. Scared that the police were • 8 inch spring lock blade in Right world. He has a number of paid in­ fixing to shoot his sister, Midnight's Forearm: Does Good Edged dam­ formers on the streets of New Yo rk Fire started to throw a blade at them. age. City, constantly spying for him. He Dwayne stopped him before he had also seems to have some shady con­ a chance to throw it, and a gun battle Helmet Assembly: Night Thrasher's tacts that can get him such informa­ erupted. Silhouette was hit and bad­ helmet has the following built-in tion as security codes to various ly injured in the spine. Dwayne, who equipment: • computer systems. had fallen in love with Silhouette, Vo ice of Remarkable was heartbroken, as was Midnight's Intensity ADDITIONAL NOTES: Fire. Midnight swore to get revenge • Infrared Vision of Good Intensity • on Dwayne someday. Te lescopic Vision, Excellent Dwayne left them, believing that range • Silhouette was dead. Realizing that Camera Attachment and Film­ he needed more of an edge, Dwayne Pack trained even harder and used his • Breathing Apparatus with 5 min­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Night Thrasher is an intense young parents' money to create his armor ute air supply and weapons. He then decided to • man who has vowed to make all Enhanced Hearing of Excellent create a special team so he would Intensity criminals pay for what they do. He has a temper that sometimes gets have some backup. He recruited Backpack Assembly: Night Thrash­ away from him when he is fighting. Marvel Boy, Kid Nova, and Firestar. er's backpack contains the following Night Thrasher has trouble relating They were also joined by Speedball weapons: to the other New Warriors. They feel and Namorita, and became the New • 2 detachable Escrima Sticks that that he is too pushy, and they are Warriors. do Remarkable Blunt damage. getting tired of his berserk rages. Soon after they formed the team, • Machine Pistol is hidden and Midnight's Fire made an appear­ shielded in the backpack (Excel­ ance and tried to frame Dwayne with lent damage). the murder of two policemen. In a fi­ HISTORY: nal battle with Midnight's Fire, Dway­ Skateboard: Night Thrasher carries Little is known of Dwayne Taylor's ne overcame his fear of his a special skateboard. The skate­ life before he became Night Thrash­ and beat him in a battle. Dwayne board can be locked to his backpack er. His parents were apparently very then discovered that Silhouette was assembly or to his right forearm. The rich when they were killed by crimi­ still alive but crippled. She re­ skateboard is Good Material nals for some as yet unexplained nounced her brother's actions and Strength and can be used as a reason. Dwayne's guardians, Chord turned him in to the police. shield for Good protection against (an intelligent man who has a mili­ Since then Night Thrasher and the physical attacks. A spring-blade ca­ tary background) and Ta i (an older New Warriors have successfully bat­ pable of Good Edged damage is hid­ oriental woman with martial arts tled a number of super villains. den in the front of the skateboard. skills) support Dwayne's vow to Dwayne has a lot of trouble inter­ Night Thrasher can increase his make all criminals pay for their acting with the other New Warriors, speed up to Good, and has Good actions. and anybody else, for that matter. He Control and Good Body while riding Dwayne trained himself to be a is a good strategic leader, but he the skateboard. skilled fighter before he began his lacks the warmth that a trusted lead­ Ta lents: Night Thrasher has the career. On his first outing he met er needs to command loyalty from Guns Ta lent and he is a Weapons Midnight's Fire and his sister, Silhou­ his people. Master. He knows Martial Arts Types ette. These two were taking out crim­ A, B and E, Acrobatics, Tu mbling, inals by gaining their confidence and



F UN(100) A UN(100) S AM(50) E CL3000 R IN(40) I IN(40) P CL3000 Health: 3250 Karma: 3080 Resources: CL 1000 Popularity: 90

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Odin Occupation: Monarch of Legal Status: Citizen of Asgard Identity: Publicly Known Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: (w ife), Thor (son), (foster son, de­ ceased) Base of Operations: Asgard Past Group Affiliations: Gods of Asgard .. . Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Illusory Duplication: Odin ca� �end out a image of himself within a CL3000 range. Invulnerability: Odin has Excellent resistance to physical and energy at­ tacks. In Asgard, Odin has CL3000 resistance to aging, disease, fire, cold, corrosives, and toxins. Dimension Travel: Unearthly rank. Enchantment: Shift Z ability to gift a Th rudstock: This is a mace made of target with Unearthly powers. other Asgardians with stern kind­ a CL 1000 Strength Material that ness, like a father. He has a tenden­ Energy Bolts: Shift Z intensity blasts of pure magical energy. does Shift X damage. cy to anger quickly if someone . .. Ta lents: Odin has at least the Lead­ disputes his rules or commands. Regeneration: Shift Z Healing bliity. �. ership and Asgardian Occult talents. Spirit Va mpirism: CL3�00 ablllt to � Contacts: Odin can call on all absorb all Asgardian life forces Into Asgardians for aid, and he is also on himself and combine their ability HISTORY: ranks with his. The Asgardians re­ good terms with many rulers of other Odin was born many eons ago, to a pantheons of gods. main in a coma until he releases race of gods called Asgardians. their souls. Odin is the grandson of Buri, the first ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Equipment: Asgardian, who supposedly c�me . . Odin's main goal is to protect Asgard Armor: Odin wears a SUIt of magical out from underneath the ice of Nlffle­ and its people at all costs. Humans armor that provides him with heim (an extradimensional realm). are of secondary concern to him. He Amazing protection from physical Buri somehow sired Bor, who then does realize that Earth and Asgard and energy attacks. married a female giant named Be­ are tied together, and he will act if Gungnir: This is a magical spear stia. Bor and Bestia had three sons, Earth is threatened by a major disas­ made of Uru (CL3000 Material Viii, Ve , and Odin. ter. In this case he can even call on Strength) that does Amazing dam­ The three brothers led the Asgar­ the leaders of other pantheons. Sur­ age. dians in a war against the Frost Gi- tur is his mortal enemy. Odin treats 61 ants, and killed the giants' leader, millennium, in return for the Celes­ Worlds. 's demons battled the . The remaining Frost Giants tials agreeing not to seal the pas­ Asgardian armies on Earth, while were exiled to the other-d imensional sages to Earth. Surt ur battled Odin, Loki, and Thor world of Jotunheim. Odin went ahead and began plan­ in Asgard City. Odin enlarged him­ The brothers then set out to ex­ ning a way to stop the Fourth Host self and grappled with the huge Sur­ plore another of the Nine Worlds, from destroying Earth, if they decid­ tur. The two combatants fell into a Muspelheim. This demonic realm ed to. He made a powerful suit of ar­ huge crevice that supposedly led to was ruled by the gigantic Surtur. The mor, called the . He also Muspelheim. The crevice then brothers learned that Surtur some­ transformed the legendary Ring of sealed up behind them. day intended to destroy the Nine the Nibelung into the Destroyer's Baldur the Brave was chosen to Worlds with his huge sword, which weapon, the Odinsword. rule Asgard in Odin's absence, while would ignite the Eternal Flame of In the 20th century he became Thor decided to remain the guardian Destruction. The three Asgardian concerned by his son Thor's arro­ of Earth. About this time, Seth, an brothers merged into one giant be­ gance. He decided to teach him hu­ Egyptian god, declared war on ing and destroyed Surtur's sword . mility by giving him a mortal form , Asgard and the other pantheons. Fleeing Surt ur's hordes, the broth­ that of a crippled surgeon named Thor and some allies attacked ers came to the Nexus between Donald Blake. He then stripped Thor Seth's Black Pyramid, the source of Asgard and Muspelheim. Odin went of his memories. A few years later, Seth's power. Thor and his friends through the Nexus, but his brothers the successful surgeon was visiting successfully invaded the Pyramid stayed behind to make sure that Sur­ Norway on vacation. Blake stumbled and discovered that Odin was being tur could not follow them. Viii and Ve into a cavern where Thor's magic held prisoner there. told Odin to rule Asgard well, and hammer had been left, in the form of Odin was freed and returned in then the Nexus disappeared in a a wooden cane. Blake hit the cane time to Seth's defeat. Odin flash of light. A few moments later, against a boulder in anger, and he then resumed his leadership over young Odin found himself possess­ was magically transformed into Asgard. Odin explained that he had ing his brothers' powers. This collec­ Thor, and the cane became his ham­ been fo rced to defeat Surtur by tive power is known as the "Odin mer again. physically merging with Surtur, in an Power." Occasionally Odin must en­ Ye ars later, he informed Thor of effort to stop , the destruc­ ter a year-long sleep so that the Odin his true identity, and allowed Thor to tion of the universe. When Ymir, the Power can be recharged. This sleep retain his immortal form perma­ Frost Giant, attacked Asgard, he let is known as the "Odin Sleep." nently. Recently, he granted Thor's Surtur gain control of the joint body. Odin married the Asgardian god­ request to merge with a human, Eric The fire elemental and the frost el­ dess Frigga, but he felt that he need­ Masterson, so that the human would emental fought over who would have ed a son of who was of both Asgard not die of mortal injuries. the privilege of destroying the uni­ and Midgard (Earth). He mated with At one point, Odin sacrificed his verse. Thor recovered the Tw ilight the goddess of the Earth, Gaea, who right eye to the sentient Well of Wis­ Sword, Surtur's sword, from the Sea bore him a son. The son, named dom, Mimir, in return for knowledge of Eternal Night. While the two ele­ Thor, was then raised by Frigga. on how to delay the Ragnarok, the menta Is fought over the Tw ilight Odin led his people in another war end of Asgard. The eye later grew Sword , Thor opened a dimensional against the Frost Giants of Jo­ larger and became sentient. The eye aperture that sucked both of them in­ tunheim. After slaying the leader, told Thor many stories about his to the Sea of Eternal Night. There , Odin adopted Laufey's son, past and Odin's. The truth of many of the two would remain trapped for­ Loki, who was normal-sized. Loki these stories has yet to be verified. ever in suspended animation, so was raised alongside Thor, but he al­ When the Fourth Host of the Ce­ that Ragnarok would never occur. ways resented his foster brother. lestials arrived, Odin drew all the life Odin was able to separate himself Odin later learned of the coming of forces of the Asgardians into himself from Surtur's body before it was the Third Host of the Celestials. The except Thor. Odin's spirit then en­ drawn through the dimensional rift. Celestials were a race of aliens with tered the Destroyer armor and at­ Odin then resumed his normal phys­ great powers who had influenced tacked the Fourth Host. The ical form . Odin apPointed the evolution of human life on Earth. Celestials easily destroyed the De­ as his representative while he slept The Third Host was to judge humani­ stroyer. the Odin Sleep and re-energized ty's worthiness to survive when the The Celestials ended up judging himself. While Odin slept, events on Fourth Host was to arrive a millen­ in humanity's favor, when Gaea pre­ Earth soon caused Thor to kill Loki. nium later. sented the host with 12 genetically The dimension-shattering reper­ Odin, , and Vishnu met the advanced youths, the Yo ung Gods. cussions of Loki's death awoke Odin Third Host, who were about to seal The rem aining pantheons of gods from the Odin Sleep prematurely. the interdimensional passages be­ granted Thor the power to resurrect Odin was forced to have Heimdall tween Earth and the various realms Odin, who then restored the other banish Thor for eternity because he of the gods. The gods agreed not to Asgardians. had willfully killed Loki. interfere with the Celestials for one Recently, Surtur attacked the Nine

62 ______� ...L__ _ � __ " ______


F MN(75) A MN(75) S AM(50) E MN(75) R RM(30) I IN(40) P IN(40) Health: 275 Karma: 110 Resources: UN(1 00) (as a Squad­ ron member) Popularity: 40

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Zarda Shelton Occupation: Government agent, former missionary of the Utopians Identity: Publicly known Legal Status: Citizen of Utopia Isle, now honorary citizen of the United States with no criminal record Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Utopia Isle Marital Status: Widowed Known Relatives: Howard Shelton (husband, deceased) Hyperion (fi­ ance) Base of Operations: Squadron City Past Group Affiliations: Golden Agency, Squadron Supreme Present Group Affi liation:

KNOWN POWERS: Flight: Excellent air speed. Invulnerability: Remarkable resist­ ance to physical and energy attac ks, as well as heat, cold, toxins, aging and disease. Equipment: Shield: Amazi ng protection from physical attacks. She can fl ing the shield to do Amazing Blunt damage. Ta lents: Leadership skills and an Amazing grasp of philosophy, poli­ tics, and natural sciences. Contacts: Squadron Members, Quasar. ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Zarda is the appointed emissary of the Utopians. As such, she must present a sterling example of her people for the less-developed na­ tions of the world. The Utopians were a peace loving, knowledge­ seeking people, and it has been left to Zarda to exemplify these values to the citizens of Earth.

63 all of the country's problems. As a Members of the Squadron , includ­ gesture of good faith, the members ing the Power Princess, boarded a HISTORY: of the Squadron revealed their true space ship to battle the mysterious Zarda, who is known as Power Prin­ identities to the people of the world, foe. assuring them that the Utopia Pro­ Unfortunately, all efforts to fight cess to the wo rld at large, is from would succeed. One member this growing white entity failed. Their Utopia Isle on the alternate dimen­ gram of the group, Nighthawk, disagreed universe was saved when Arcanna's sion Earth, home to the Squadron son, Benjamin, traded places with Supreme. She came to the United with the majority and began plan­ ning to thwart the Squadron's plans. the white being, who turned out to be States during Wo rld War II as an em­ During the year that the Utopia Thomas Lightner, the Nth Man, who issary of her genetically altered peo­ Program was put into action, Hype­ had been turned into a living hole in ple. She quickly joined the Golden Agency, a small battalion of cos­ rion's arch-foe, Master Menace, space. He had devoured seven uni­ banished him to another dimension. verses before happening across the tumed heroes organized by the War A doppleganger Hyperion, created Squadron's universe. Department. During this time, she by the Grandmaster from inorganic The infant Benjamin Thomas fell in love with a sailor, Howard Jones was slated to become this uni­ Shelton , whom she rescued from material, took the real Hyperion's place on the Sq uadron by faking am­ verse's next Sorcerer Supreme. He death. After the atomic bombings of nesia. Power Princess took over opted to trade places with the white Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the Utopi­ leadership of the Squadron at this being and thus stop Lightner from ans left Earth to settle on another planet. They feared that the Earth time because of Hyperion's memory devouring worlds. As a conse­ loss. quence, the powers of Sorcerer Su­ would be destroyed in an inevitable The fake Hyperion became infatu­ preme were conferred upon Thomas nuclear war. Power Princess is the ated with Power Princess and se­ Lightner. Benjamin left the Squad­ only Utopian left on the Earth. ron's dimension, set on undoing all Zarda eventually became the cretly murdered the elderly Howard Shelton by sucking the oxygen out of the damage that Lightner had common-law wife of Howard his lungs. Power Princess had no caused in the Nth man's form. Shelton . As a normal human, Ho­ idea that her husband had been On the way back to their Earth, the ward aged while Power Princess did Squadron was transported to the not. He became an elderly man murdered and eventually began re­ sponding to the evil Hyperion's ad­ main Marvel Universe Earth by the while Zarda remained as youthful as vances. The real Hyperion finally new Sorcerer Supreme of their di­ ever. escaped the dimension that he had mension, Thomas Lightner. He obvi­ Power Princess became the only member of the Golden Agency to been banished to, and attacked his ously didn't want the Squadron duplicate self. The evil Hyperion was arou nd to challenge his newly ac­ continue on with the Squadron Su­ killed, but hung on long enough to quired powers. preme, of which she was a fou nding confess to Power Princess that he member. The Squadron ran into Quasar Power Princess, as well as most of had killed her husband and that he and they were taken to Project Pega­ truly did love her. In the battle, the sus. They consulted with Reed Ri­ the rest of the Squadron, suc­ real Hyperion was blinded, appar­ chards to see if his time machine cumbed to the enthralling power of ently permanently, so Power Prin­ could help, but that attempt failed. the entity known as the Overmind. This collective mind entity, working cess continued to be the Squadron's Then, Dr. St range came to Project Pegasus to send them home magi­ together with the demonic being leader. In time, Power Princess and the cally. But Lightner had laid a magical Null, the Living Darkness, used the real Hyperion fell in love and made trap for the Squadron that caused Squadron as pawns to rule the Earth . Only one member of the plans to marry. half of their bodies to stay on Earth Nighthawk had been building his and the other half to be flung into the Squadron retained his freedom; Hy­ own supergroup, the Redeemers, to space between dimensions. They perion managed to travel to another stop the Squadron 's Utopia Pro­ were rescued from this horrible Earth and recruit the superteam known as the Defenders to help him. gram. The Squadron lost the final death by Quasar and Dr. Strange. battle with the Redeemers and Hy­ Power Princess and the ot her To gether, the Defenders and the perion promised that the Utopia Pro­ Squadron members trapped on Squadron finally defeated the Over­ gram wo uld be discontinued. Earth are now waiting for Arcanna's mind and Null, freeing the Earth from thralldom. The next great test of the Squad­ son, Benjamin, to finish repairing ron occurred when a wh ite being of Nth Man's destruction through the This battle left the Squadron's immense size began to grow and dimensions. Once Benjamin returns world in an economic and political threaten to devour the Sun. The to Earth, the Squadron should be mess. The Squadron decided to able to return home with Benjamin's take over America for a year and im­ Squadron mounted a last-ditch effort to save their world with the techno­ help. plement their Utopia Program . They logical help of one of their greatest intended to use their powers to solve enemies, Master Menace.

64 ASVLUM Present Group Affiliations: ADDITIONAL NOTES:

STATISTICS: KNOWN POWERS: Gaseous Body: Asylum's body has F TY(6) been transformed into noncorporeal A GD(10) mists, providing her with Unearthly S TY(6) protection against all forms of at­ E RM(30) tack, except mental attacks. Appar­ R TY(6) ently Asylum's head is still solid, so a I TY(6) Red result enables an attack to hit P IN(40) her normally. Health: 52 Mental Attack: Anyone engulfed in Karma: 52 Asyl um's mist (a Remarkable Grap­ Resources: FE(2) (Personal) pling attack) is subject to an Incredi­ RM(30) (as member of Psionex) ble Intensity mental attack. She assaults her victim's brain with a BACKGROUND: twisted version of an inner truth or Real Name: Unknown an inner lie. Every round the attack Occupation: Former mental patient, is successful, her victim is unable to currently employed by Genetech do anything. Legal Status: Unknown Ta lents: Asyl um has exhibited no ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Identity: Secret; Asylum's existence talents. Asylum's new form apparently pre­ is unknown to the general public Contacts: Asylum can depend on vents her from talking. She seems to Other Known Aliases: None help from Genetech, but she can't enjoy causing other people mental Place of Birth: Unknown really depend on the other members stress and anguish by using her Marital Status: Single of Psionex very much. powers. She is fairly passive when in Known Relatives: None battle. Asylum simply engulfs her Base of Operations: Genetech Re­ victim in her gaseous body and at­ search Facility, Sayville, Long Island tacks him mentally, ignoring every­ Past Group Affiliations: Psionex one else unless they attack her.

65 CORONARY ADDITIONAL NOTES: KNOWN POWERS: Lightning Sp eed: Amazing ground STATISTICS: Speed Equipment: F TY(6) Wrist Blades: Blades on his wrists do A GD(1 0) Good damage and are coated with S TY(6) an Amazing intensity knockout drug. E EX(20) Ta lents: Impulse has no talents. R GD(1 0) Contacts: Impulse can depend on I TY(6) help from Genetech, but he can't re­ P IN(40) ally depend on the other members of Health: 42 Psionex very much. Karma: 56 Resources: PR(4) (Personal) ADDITIONAL NOTES: RM(30) (as member of Psionex) Popularity: 0 BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Former medical stu­ dent, currently employed by Gene­ tech ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Legal Status: Unknown Coronary is a vicious young man Identity: Secret; Coronary's exist­ who seems to enjoy using his ence is unknown to the powers to hurt and manipulate other general public people. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown IMPULSE Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None STATISTICS: Base of Operations: Genetech Re­ search Facility, Sayville, Long Island F EX(20) Past Group Affiliations: Psionex A AM(50) Present Group Affiliations: S GD(10) E IN(40) KNOWN POWERS: R TY(6) Body Control- Others: Coronary is I TY(6) able to psionically manipulate a per­ P PR(4) son's metabolic processes with In­ Health: 120 credible ability. For example, he can Karma: 16 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: cause inte nse migraines, muscle Resources: PR(4) (Personal)1 Impulse is a violent youth with a sar­ spasms, and an extreme upset RM(30) (as member of Psionex) castic sense of humor. He seems to stomach. He can cause up to Excel­ Popularity: 0 enjoy hurting other people, and he lent damage each time he uses his attacks wildly in combat. power. BACKGROUND: Glass Body: Coronary's body has Real Name: Unknown MATHEMANIC been changed into some sort of Occupation: Former street gang glass composition. Any one Blunt at­ member, currently employed by STATISTICS: tack that does Incredible or greater Genetech damage causes him to shatter. Legal Status: Unknown F PR(4) Phasing: Coronary has an Excellent Identity: Secret; Impulse's exist­ A TY(6) rank phasing power that doesn't af­ ence is unknown to the S PR(4) fect electrical circuits. general public E GD(1 0) Elongation: He can stretch his limbs Other Known Aliases: None R IN(40) up to 1 area away with Febble ability. Place of Birth: Unknown I GD(1 0) Ta lents: Coronary has the Medicine Marital Status: Single P IN(40) talent. Known Relatives: None Health: 24 Contacts: Coronary can depend on Base of Operations: Genetech Re­ Karma: 90 help from Genetech, but he can't re­ search Facility, Sayville, Long Island Resources: PR(4) (personal) ally depend on the other members of Past Group Affiliations: Psionex RM(30) (as member of Psionex) Psionex very much. Present Group Affiliations: Popularity: 0

66 BACKGROUND: ADDITIONAL NOTES: Real Name: Unknown PRETTY Occupation: Former student, cur­ PERSUASIONS rently employed by Genetech Legal Status: Unknown STATISTICS: Identity: Secret; Mathemanic's ex­ istence is unknown to the general F GO(10) public A EX(20) Other Known Aliases: None S TY(6) Place of Birth: Unknown E RM(30) Marital Status: Single R TY(6) Known Relatives: None I TY(6) Base of Operations: Genetech Re­ P IN(40) search Facility, Sayville, Long Island Health: 66 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Past Group Affiliations: Psionex Karma: 52 Pretty Persuasions is a disturbed Present Group Affiliations: Resources: TY(6) (Personal) woman who enjoys using her RM(30) (as member of Psionex) powers to cause others pain. She KNOWN POWERS: Popularity: 0 constantly curses in vile street lan­ Math Te /epath: Mathemanic is a ge­ guage, and she has a nasty temper. nius mathematician who now has BACKGROUND: telepathic powers. He psionically at­ Real Name: Unknown tacks by projecting abstract mathe­ Occupation: Former exotic dancer, GROUP HISTORY: matical information into his victim's currently employed by Genetech Harmon Furmintz graduated from brain with Incredible intensity. Each Legal Status: Unknown Stanford University in 1933, at the Secret; Pretty Persua­ round that the victim is unable to Identity: age of 15. In 1940 he was one of the sion's existence is unknown to the make a Psyche FEAT roll versus this candidates for Project Rebirth, general public power, the victim is overwhelmed by which created Captain America. He None the information and cannot take any Other Known Aliases: was rejected because he was a he­ Unknown actions. Place of Birth: mophiliac. When Captain America Single Te lekinesis: Excellent rank. Marital Status: debuted, Furmintz knew that he None Ta lents: Mathemanic is a genius Known Relatives: been created by the project that Fur­ Genetech Re­ level mathematician. Base of Operations: mintz had been rejected for. search Facility, Sayville, Long Island Contacts: Mathemanic can depend Later on, Furmintz began his ge­ Psionex on help from Genetech, but he can't Past Group Affiliations: netics career by studying with Ho­ really depend on the other members Present Group Affiliations: ward Stark. Furmintz served as one of Psionex very much. of Reed Richard's college profes­ KNOWN POWERS: sors. Furmintz felt that it was unfair Psionic Attack: Pretty Persuasions ADDITIONAL NOTES: that all around him super heroes can stimulate a person's pleasure were being created while he went centers in their brain. She uses this nowhere. power with Incredible intensity, and Ye ars later, Furmintz created the during that time the individual can­ Genetech Foundation, in the hopes not do anything until he makes a of creating his own super heroes. successful Psyche FEAT roll versus When the New Warriors appeared, the intensity of this power. Furmintz hired the Mad Thinker to Psionic We apons: Pretty Persua­ gather information on the New War­ sions can create a variety of psionic riors and their powers. energy weapons. Such created The Mad Thinker succeeded, but weapons can do up to Incredible did not give Genetech the secret ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: physical damage. She usually cre­ identities of the New Warriors. The Mathemanic has a rather laid-back ates a whip, which can also grapple Mad Thinker had grown to like the and arrogant attitude about every­ with Incredible Strength. New Warriors and he even warned thing and everyone. He does not Ta lents: Pretty Persuasions is a them about the information he pro­ hesitate to attack someone, but he trained dancer. vided to Genetech. attacks them with a telepathic burst Contacts: Pretty Persuasions can of mathematical information. He is depend on help from Genetech, but not a very good physical fighter. He she can't really depend on the other is fascinated and awed by abstract members of Psionex very much. mathematical facts and theories.

67 The New Warriors invaded a dropped him from a high altitude. Some time after their initial en­ Genetech facility on Long Island, Coronary's body apparently shat­ counter with the Warriors, Coronary and they were surprised and ren­ tered when he hit the ground. (who was reassembled after his de­ dered unconscious by a group of Furmintz's assistant, Wa lter Ro­ feat) and Mathemanic exhibited super human youths that went by sen, saw the errors of their methods noted increases in power. All the the name Psionex. They woke to find and promised that they would be Psionex members began acting ag­ themselves captives of Furmintz and more responsible in the future. He gressively and soon made their es­ his proteges. Furmintz described his realized this when he saw how vi­ cape from Genetech. life, and he told the New Warriors cious and insane the members of The New Warriors arrived to stop that the members of Psionex had Psionex were when under stress. Psionex, but the battle was interrupt­ been given their powers from the in­ Since there was nothing more the ed by Te rrax. Furmintz attempted to formation the Mad Thinker had pro­ New Warriors could do, they left, assimilate Te rrax's power and be­ vided about the New Warriors. hoping that Rosen would keep his come a superhero but he only gave The perpetually late Speedball promise. Te rrax a new host body. After a was able to free the New Warriors Psionex has no real leader, and lengthy battle, Te rrax was defeated from their power-damping cell, and they really don't cooperate or use by the New Warriors with help from they then soundly beat Psionex. teamwork when they are fighting. the Fantastic Four and Mathemanic. During the battle, one member of Furmintz began noticing his opera­ Impulse was apparently killed in bat­ Psionex, Coronary, was carried aloft tives' more behavior and be­ tle, and the whereabouts of the other by Namorita. When Coronary gan suffering bouts of depression Psionex members are currently un­ caused Namorita to have stomach over his creation of super-powered known. pains, Namorita accidentally delinquents.


F IN(40) A RM(30) S RM(30) E AM (50) R TY(6) I EX(20) P GD(10) Health: 150 Karma: 36 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Eugene Milton Judd Occupation: Professional adventur­ er Identity: Secret (known to the Cana­ dian government) Legal Status: Criminal record, par­ doned by Canadian government Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth : Saskatoon, Sas­ katchewan, Canada Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Headquarters Past Group Affi liations: Beta Flight, , Alpha Flight Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Body Armor: Remarkable (30) Body Armor against physical attacks. Ta lents: Puck has superb gym nastic skills, which are the source of his Fighting and Agility skills. He has Excellent Reason when dealing with any urban problems. Puck is fluent in English, Chinese, and several oth­ er languages. Contacts: Alpha Flight, Wolverine.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Eugene Judd is a man who lives for and revels in adventure and excite­ HISTORY: ment. First as a soldier of fortune, Eugene Milton Judd was born in then as the hero Puck, he enjoys the 1914 and led an adventurous life as thrill of battle and the exhilaration of a soldier of fortune. He was tall and winning a good fight. However, this powerfully built, with much athletic doesn't mean that Puck rushes talent. blindly into confrontations. Living In 1939, Judd became fascinated the adventurous life for most of his with the mystical Black Blade of life has taught Puck the importance Baghdad. On finding it, he kept it for of caution in the appropriate situa­ himself. When he touched the blade, tion. the earthbound spirit named Razor was released.

69 Apparently it was as much Judd's size, enabled Razor to escape from and learned how to manipulate the dishonest thoughts as the touch that Judd's body. Judd grew to his full Dream dimension. released the sorcerer. Razor had height but also aged all the years he Puck was able to escape the been imprisoned in the blade long had lived. Alpha battled Razor while Dream dimension when Alpha Flight ago by his fellow Persian sorcerers Judd knew that he needed to im­ was tricked into it by Llan the Sorcer­ to prevent him from killing any more prison the sorcerer again. Using his er. The Sorcerer had created an al­ people with his mystical sword, the "light," Judd once again drew Razor ternate Manhattan, completely Black Blade of Baghdad itself, which inside him. Judd returned to his populated by warped versions of had originally been a gleaming white dwarfish size and youthful appear­ super-heroes, in order to trap Alpha scimitar. In ki lling people, Razor had ance. Flight there while he continued his absorbed their life forces, the so­ Alpha Flight journeyed to the site conquest of Earth. With Puck's help, called "light" that their sou ls pos­ of a previous battle, the Ebony Fire­ Alpha Flight was able to escape the sessed, using it to increase his own fountain, in an effort to cure the two dimension and return to Earth to de­ power. His fellow sorcerers had used tw ins, and , of mys­ feat Llan. the magical light shining off the terious ailments. During a fight with The victory was not without a mystically-forged white scimitar to dark , Puck was hurled into the price, however. The injuries Puck ac­ imprison Razor. Razor was now a Ebony Firefountain. Loki, who was cumulated in the Dream dimension -like manifestation of mystical manipulating events from afar, ar­ appeared once he returned to Earth. force. His evil had corrupted the ranged to have the Ebony Firefoun­ As they were cured with Dreamworld sword over the centuries, turning it tain remove the demon Razor from substance, the magic didn't stay be­ black and making it possible for him Puck's body. yond the Dream dimension. to escape it one day. For reasons known only to him­ While in the hospital, trying to re­ By passing the blade through a self, Loki negated the effects of time cover from his injuries, Puck's height person, Razor could steal part of on Puck's body, so he retained his had mysteriously shrunk by two feet that person's life force and add it to youth while growing to full size. But when he was captured by two min­ its own, in the process reducing the Judd's face looked as if he were ap­ ions of the Master. Throughout his victim's height. Razor began to use proaching his real age of 74 years. stay in the hospital, the Master's the power to steal Judd's life force, Puck was se parated from Alpha slaves had been injecting Puck with reducing him to the size of a dwarf. Flight at this pOint and the team as­ an enzyme derived· from the flesh­ Judd fought back against Razor, and sumed he was killed in the battle. manipulator Scrambles's blood and used the "light" of his own soul to Actually, Loki teleported Puck to the Puck's blood from a former stay at imprison Razor inside him. Himalayan Mountains, where he the hospital. The enzyme "read" The presence of Razor within his spent his time wandering and pon­ Puck's previous blood as from a body has greatly extended Judd's dering his existence. dwarf and was forcing Puck's body life and he has aged little over the Eventually, Puck decided to back into that shape. years. search for the Doorway Between While being held prisoner at the Little is known about the interven­ Worlds, a mystical portal in the Hi­ Master's interdimensional complex, ing years from the imprisonment of malayas that opened onto other Puck was subjected to further treat­ Razor to Puck's joining Beta Flight. It worlds. Instead he found his old ments to make him into a mate for is known that Judd spent a year in teammates in com bat with the entity Marrina. When Alpha Flight found Spain with another famous adven­ known as the Dreamqueen. him, he was a shifting mass of flesh, turer, the author Ernest Hemingway, While helping Alpha Flight fight barely even resembling a human be­ where he learned to become a bull­ the Dreamqueen, Puck sacrificed ing. Walter Lankowski, using the fighter, despite his size. himself in order to hold the villainess Master's equipment, molded Judd's James MacDonald Hudson had in her own dimension while Laura DNA back into its previous form, Judd paroled from prison to join Be­ Dean closed the portal with her new­ which also turned Puck back into a ta Flight. At that time, Judd prom­ ly discovered power. During his time dwarf. Puck's tissues were con­ ised Hudson that he would never kill in the Dreamqueen's dimension, densed in this process of genetiC another human being. He eventually Puck was tortured mercilessly by the manipulation, which caused his joined Alpha Flight after dropping Dreamqueen. When she was done body to become denser. His body is out of sight for a while. torturing him, she wo uld renew his now similar in strength and density In a battle, he was forced to kill the body to ready him for more torture. to compressed rubber. After gaining menace known as Deadly Earnest. The Dreamqueen again fought Al­ these new powers, he rejoined Al­ That, along with other pressures, pha Flight and at the end of the bat­ pha Flight. such as his feelings for Heather Hud­ tle was banished to a distant limbo son , and his wish to return to normal dimension. Puck escaped his prison



F EX(20) A EX(20) S UN(1 00) E MN(75) R TY(6) I TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 215 Karma: 18 Resources: FE(2)

Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Soldier Legal Status: Citizen of the planet Dakkam Identity: Unknown on Earth Place of Birth: The planet Dakkam Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile, for­ merly the planet Dakkam Past Group Affiliations: Member of the Elite of Dakkam, former ally of Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Body Armor: Quantum's super-hard skin provides him with Amazing pro­ tection against all forms of damage. Resolve mental attacks normally. Flight: Quantum can fly at Shift Y air­ speed (100 areas per turn) in atmos­ phere and CL3000 (near-light) in the vacuum of space. Flame Sheath: When flying, Quan­ tum can create an aura of Incredible Intensity flames around his body. Hyper- Te leportation: Quantum has the power to occupy multiple posi­ tions in space at nearly the same Invulnerability: Quantum possesses ADDITIONAL NOTES: time. In effect, he can teleport with CL 1000 resistance to heat and gravi­ great rapidity back and forth among tational forces. many different locations, remaining Life Support: With this power at Shift in one spot for a mere fraction of a Z rank, Quantum can survive in hos­ second. Due to the phenomenon of tile environments indefinitely without persistence of vision, a human ob­ requiring food, water, or air. server sees Quantum appear in Limitation: Because he relies upon many different positions simultane­ light from the closest star, dense ously, and may mistakenly assume smoke or darkness negates Quan­ that Quantum has created dupli­ tum's Hyper-Teleportation power cates of himself. Though he pos­ and renders him unconscious for 1- sesses this ability at Monstrous 10 turns if he fails a Red Endurance rank, Quantum can teleport himself FEAT. only a maximum of six inches away Ta lents: None. from his previous position. Contacts: Aquarian, Graviton.

71 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: powers. To ward this end, a platoon the other. The two aliens fought, and Quantum is a brave soldier, totally of militiamen, including Quantum, when Graviton interfered in the loyal to the ruling Elite of Dakkam, were elected to serve as test sub­ struggle, the resulting clash of great the Fatherworld. Though he wields jects. forces propelled Quantum off the great powers, he uses force only on Known as the Elect, each of the levitating mass of rock. As Quantum those who interfere with his quest to soldiers was placed inside an incu­ fell to Earth, the Avengers escaped. find the missing members of his pla­ bator capsule and launched into or­ Because of his superhuman toon. His unyielding determination bit around the Earth's sun. Sensors powers, Quantum survived the tre­ to find his comrades has brought monitored their bodies, waiting for mendous fall. He abandoned his alli­ him into conflict with several super signs of cellular enhancement. ance with Graviton, and has heroes, causing him to be labeled a When Quantum was awakened, maintained a low profile while villain, when in fact, he is fueled by he discovered that his strength had searching for his comrades, the none of the motives associated with increased a hundredfold, and he missing Elect. most super criminals. was virtually impervious to injury. He Recently, Quantum's quest now had the power to quantumize brought him to an encounter with his spatial coordinates, allowing him Quasar and Aquarian. After discov­ to materialize his body in different lo­ ering that Aquarian was a Dakkami­ cations within his probability field for te, Quantum hoped that Aquarian HISTORY: Little is known about the early histo­ mere fractions of a second each. might be one of the Elect. Quantum ry of the enigmatic alien called Quantum also discovered that his told Aquarian of the Elect and how Quantum. The origin of his super fellow platoon members had gone, he came to Earth. Aquarian assured powers is closely tied to that of an­ apparently having hatched before Quantum that he was Dakkamite, other Dakkamite named Wundarr, him. He searched for his comrades but not one of the Elect. Quantum who later became known as the pac­ tirelessly, finally flying through the suddenly came to the conclusion ifist super being called Aquarian. sun itself. Upon emerging, he no­ that Aquarian was the original Wundarr was launched into space ticed a gravity beacon from Earth Dakkamite to transform, the one the as an infant by his father, who mis­ and answered its call, hoping it was scientists observed . Calling Aq uari­ takenly believed the planetwide de­ set by the missing Elect. an a traitor to the Fatherworld, struction of Dakkam was imminent. Unfortunately, the beacon was Quantum attacked. Spending the interstellar voyage in sent by the criminal Graviton, who Before the pacifist came to harm, suspended animation, Wundarr and enlisted Quantum, along with the fe­ Quasar interfered and defeated his vessel were eventually caught by male alien named Halflife and the Quantum by altering the probability the gravitational pull of Earth. The electromagnetic entity called Zzzax, field surrounding the alien. Quantum young Dakkamite was bombarded in his war against the West Coast was stuck between two discrete by cosmic rays from the Earth's sun, Avengers. Quantum went along with quantum levels, freezing him with which granted him certain superhu­ Graviton 's plot in exchange for a three intangible images. man powers. promise of help in locating the Elect. Out of compassion, Aquarian Scientists on the planet Dakkam Quantum, Halflife, and Zzzax asked Quantum to join his group of noticed the superhuman powers of helped Graviton defeat the West followers, but the infuriated soldier Aquarian. After presenting their ob­ Coast Avengers, who were made refused and flew away. Until Quasar servations to the ruling Elite of prisoner at Graviton's headquarters, uses his powers to reverse the ef­ Dakkam, the scientists were ordered a mass of rock suspended in the fects upon Quantum, the alien will to undertake an experiment to deter­ atmosphere. The Avenger es­ apparently remain as three intangi­ mine the viability of endowing caped and convinced Halflife and ble images. Dakkamite soldiers with similar Quantum that each was out to kill



F RM(30) A GO(10) S MN(75) E MN(75) R GO(10) I GO(10) P GO(10) Health: 190 Karma: 30 Resources: FB(2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Elvin Oaryl Holiday Occupation: Adventurer, student Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record, still a minor Identity: Secret Place of Birth: New Yo rk City Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Edna Staples (grandmother, legal guardian), moth­ er is deceased and whereabouts of father is unknown Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Avengers Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Body Armor: Rage's toughened skin provides him with Incredible protec­ tion against physical attacks and Re­ markable protection versus energy attacks. Lightning Speed: He can run at Re­ markable land speed (6 areas per round). Ta lents: None. Contacts: Rage can rely on any of the Avengers for help.

ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Beneath all that bone and muscle, predominately white neighborhood ers for Fisk Biochem climbed out. Rage is really just a kid named Elvin in New Yo rk City on his way to trade Unaware of Elvin clinging to the Holiday. Before his transformation, some comic books with a friend. A creek bank below, the two workers he was a puny boy who was often group of white boys spotted Elvin poured a barrel of toxic waste into mistreated by the neighborhood bul­ and began to beat him, figuring he the stream. Elvin was covered in the lies. Now he fights vigorously for the had probably stolen the comic horrid liquid. Somehow he managed downtrodden people of the world books. Elvin ran down a dead end aI­ to get home to his Granny Staples' and against prejudice. For the most ley and hid from the bullies in a house, where he was staying until part, Rage is intelligent and soft­ stream of foul water. After his pursu­ his parents got back together. Gran­ spoken; however, he is quick to take ers left, Elvin struggled to climb the ny Staples was a retired nurse, and brash and brutal action when faced bank of the creek, but he was ex­ she decided to care for Elvin herself, with injustice. hausted from holding his breath un­ rather than take him to a hospital. der the polluted water and lay there Elvin did indeed get better; in fact, HISTORY: moaning for help. he got better than he had ever been One day, when Elvin Holiday was on­ After a few moments, a van before. He kept getting bigger and ly 13 years old, he passed through a backed down the alley and two work- stronger, until he discovered his body

73 was impervious to just about anything. most. Before slamming the door on Sandman, and Rage. All other When the transformation was com­ his way out, Rage made a final state­ Avengers, excluding the West Coast plete, the scrawny boy had changed ment that left the Avengers deep in Avengers, were considered to be in into a huge, burly, bald man who ap­ thought, "I just want to use my the inactive reserves. peared to be in his mid-30s. powers to make life better for man­ The Avengers held a press confer­ Realizing that nobody could push kind, and if you don't know it, most of ence on the steps of their headquar­ him around anymore, Elvin decided mankind is the little guy who never ters to announce the results of their to go back and teach the bullies a gets the benefit of your heroics." meeting. The conference was inter­ lesson they would not soon forget. Recently, while destroying a crack rupted by the Te trarchs of Entropy, However, Granny Staples told him to house in Brooklyn, Rage noticed a who accused the Avengers of help­ never come back if he left to seek beam of energy streaking up into the ing Ngh escape the Dimension of vengeance with hatred in his heart. sky from the streets of Manhattan. Us­ Exile. The primary team of Avengers Elvin pleaded with her, saying God ing his great speed, Rage ran through was immediately transported to the had transformed him so he could be the subway and arrived at the sight of alien dimension to be punished, the Lord's sword of vengeance. the energy blast just in time to be while the reserve substitutes, includ­ Granny Staples confided to Elvin sucked through a dimensional gate­ ing Rage, were left behind. that she believed he was being way created by Thor. The Avengers As Rage struggled to help his new saved for something special, and had transported themselves, Ms. Zhu­ friends, the home of his grandmoth­ that the Lord would never have kova, Dr. Estivez, and a Russian hero er was invaded by Ngh and his alien meant for him to be consumed by named Ramskov in order to neutralize cohorts. Ngh planned to use Granny hatred for ignorant children. Elvin the uncontrollable powers Ramskov Staples to force Rage to be his agent saw the wisdom of her words, and had gained at the Chernobyl incident. inside the Avengers. Rage, however, from that point on he has used his As fate would have it, Rage was also led Quasar, She-Hulk, Black Widow, power to help those in need, fighting transported to the other dimension, and the Vision to Granny Staples' for the downtrodden and weak under which happened to be a prison world home, where they confronted Ngh the name of Rage. for psychotic alien criminals governed and the alien criminals. During the One day not long ago, while the by the enigmatic Te trarchs of Entropy. battle, the primary team of Avengers Avengers were busy rebuilding their Rage helped She-Hulk, Captain returned with the Te trarchs and an­ mansion in Manhattan, Rage went to America, Iron Man, Thor, and Sersi other being called Ahh. As it turned the construction site in order to battle and defeat a horde of alien out, Ahh and Ngh were two halves of "sign up." He was confronted at the creatures. When Ramskov's condi­ the same being, with Ahh represent­ entrance by Jarvis, the Avengers' tion had been stabilized, Thor once ing the good half and Ngh the evil. butler, who told Rage that becoming again opened the gateway to return When the halves joined, a third be­ an Avenger was a much more com­ everyone to Earth. Unfortunately, ing appeared and quickly deprived plicated process. Accusing Jarvis of the alien criminals, led by Ngh the the Te trarchs of their power to pass giving him the runaround, Rage Unspeakable, followed the Avengers between the realities. The incredibly pushed his way past the butler and into the Earth dimension, and hid in powerful being then left, and the was intercepted by Captain Ameri­ the steeple of the Chapel of St. Jude Avengers hurled the Te trarchs back ca. Asking him why there were no the Lesser to wait for nightfall. through the dimensional gateway. black Avengers, Rage accused Cap In the meantime, Rage was of­ In the end, Ngh's alien cronies of bigotry and discrimination. Re­ fered, and accepted, membership in were rounded up by a drug dealer minding Cap that he was supposed the Avengers for his valiant effort in named L.D. 50, whose crack house to be a champion of fairness, Rage the Dimension of Exile. Shortly had been destroyed by Rage at the advanced pointing a finger at the thereafter, the Avengers were forced beginning of the story. Whether L.D. Avenger, and told Cap that he had to undertake a two-day meeting to 50 will use his new allies to seek re­ been quick to judge Rage by his ap­ develop a new charter because their venge against Rage remains to be pearance alone. original charter had recently been seen. Sersi, who happened upon the revoked by the United States gov­ In the short time he has been with scene, mistook Rage's angry ap­ ernment. After allowing for a truly in­ the Avengers, Rage has grown into a proach for an attack upon her be­ ternational membership, the hero with a lot of potential for great­ loved Cap, and she blasted Rage Avengers accepted a new charter ness. Being the youngest and least with her eye beams. As the other with the . It was de­ experienced Avenger has not Avengers joined in the fight, Captain cided that the new primary team stopped him from holding his own America stopped them and ex­ would consist of Thor, Sersi, Vision, against Dr. Doom and his robots or plained the misunderstanding. An Quasar, Black Widow, and She­ the and the Subterra­ angry Rage accused the Avengers Hulk, with Captain America serving neans. Rage is certainly an Avenger of worrying more about battling as "chair-being." Seven reserve to watch in the future. super-villains and building their substitutes were also chosen, in­ headquarters than about the people cluding Spider-Man, Black Knight, of the city, the ones who need them , Hercules, Captain Marvel,



F RM(30) A IN(40) S RM(30) E IN(40) R GD(1 0) I MN(75) P RM(30) Health: 140 Karma: 115 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: William Ta lltrees Occupation: Former soldier, con­ struction worker, now professional adventurer Identity: Secret Legal Status: U.S. citizen with no criminal record Other Known Aliases: Thomas Thunderhead Place of Birth: Wolf Point, Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Thomas (father, deceased), Rebecca (mother, de­ ceased), William (uncle) Base of Operations: American Southwest Past Group Affiliations: Present Group Affi liation:

KNOWN POWERS: Enhanced Senses: Red Wolf has en­ hanced sight, hearing, and smell all at Monstrous rank. Tracking: Monstrous ability to track. We apons: Red Wolf carries two weapons. The first is a six-foot-Iong wooden coup- (fighting staff) that can be used as a bludgeon or as a javelin to cause 10 pOints of blunt damage and be thrown up to 3 ar­ eas. The second weapon is a flint­ edged tomahawk that can inflict 10 points of Edged damage or 16 points of Blunt damage. Both items have ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Remarkable Material Strength. Red Wolf is a stern, no-nonsense Ta lents: Red Wolf has Wrestling, type of superhero. In a fight, he pre­ Throw We apons, and Acrobatics. He fers to get the job done as quickly has had Military training and can and as efficiently as possible, with track at Excellent ran k. no wisecracks or extra remarks. Red Contacts: Rangers, Ave ngers, Dr. Wo lf takes his duty as Owayodata's Strange, Black Crow. agent on Earth very seriously; he tries to act as a link between the old Indian ways and the modern world.

75 from Owayodata to try to bring Corrupter. He remained with the peace between the white and red loosely organized group that be­ HISTORY: peoples. How he eventually died has came known as the Rangers. The Among the Cheyenne Indians of the not yet been recorded. Rangers were eventually pitted American Plains is the widespread In the latter half of the 20th centu­ against the West Coast Avengers by belief in Owayodata, the Wolf-Spirit. ry, another man assumed the man­ a demon in 's form. This spirit, one of the Native Ameri­ tle of the Red Wo lf. Will Ta lltrees, With the disappearance of the real can gods, is an entity on of son of Thomas Ta lltrees, a Chey­ Shooting Star and 's depar­ the Asgardians or Olympians. He enne tribal leader, grew up on a res­ ture, the Rangers disbanded. generally chooses to imbue his es­ ervation hearing tales of the Red William Ta lltrees faced his past in sence and attributes within a human Wo lf from the spiritual leaders of the the desert and was almost found host, rather than to physically mate­ tribe. Once he reached adulthood, wanting. The boy who fell from the rialize on the earthly plane. Within Ta lltrees left to enlist in the U.S. Ar­ helicopter came back as a character the bloodline of a certain Cheyenne my. During his time in the Army, he called the to avenge his fami­ family, Owayodata has often chosen allowed his fellow soldiers to de­ ly's death against Ta lltrees. Lobo to manifest himself, creating a quasi­ stroy a village in and let a was killed in the fight and Red Wo lf superhuman champion of the peo­ young man fall to his death from a was critically injured. Owayodata ple called the Red Wolf. How long helicopter. visited Ta lltrees as the doctors oper­ the Wolf-Spirit has been manifesting After serving his time, he became ated on him and forced the hero to himself in this way is not known, nor a construction worker in New Yo rk confront and conquer his guilt. The why he has chosen this particular City. Returning home, Ta lltrees wit­ Wolf Spirit then granted him en­ bloodline. nessed his father being intimidated hanced powers and abilities to aid The first Red Wo lf was said to into selling his property by a corrupt him in his fight for justice. have tamed the first horse and driv­ businessman, Cornelius van Lunt. While meditating in the wilder­ en his people's enemies, such as the That night, Ta lltrees became the ness, Red Wolf heard gunshots and Sioux, from the plains so that the sole survivor of the of his investigated . He fo und joyriders hav­ Cheyenne would have a land of their family at the hands of Lunt's hench­ ing target practice with a mother wolf own. The first Red Wo lf about whom men. Swearing vengeance, and her cubs. He stopped the men, there are historical details is the Ta lltrees donned the ceremonial but stayed his hand from further vio­ young full-blooded Cheyenne who garb of the Red Wo lf kept by his lence as he picked up the only sur­ was raised by a kindly white couple tribe's spiritual leaders; he then per­ viving cub. He has started training after his tribesmen were massacred formed the ritual dance he had wit­ this cub to become the new Lobo. by the U.S. calvary. The couple nessed as a yo uth. He was visited Recently, Red Wolf teamed with named him Johnny Wakeley. by Owayodata and imbued with the Black Crow and Doctor Strange to Wakeley became an orphan again god's spiritual legacy. stop three angry members of the In­ when Indians slaughtered his foster Ta lltrees soon found a wolf cub dian of gods from exacting parents. Pursued by renegade mem­ that he named Lobo and trained to ve ngeance on the white man for bers of his own tribe, Wakeley st um­ be his companion, as in the legends centuries of oppression and cruelty. bled into a spot where the of the previous Red Wo lves. Stalking The three rogue gods and all the ceremonial garb of the Red Wolf was van Lunt back to New Yo rk, Red Wolf vengeful spirits of wrongfully-slain buried. There, he was visited by the exacted vengeance from him with Native Americans were finally per­ spirit of Owayodata. Bidden to don the aid of the Avengers. Upon his re­ suaded that they could not mold the the ceremonial garb and given the turn to the southwest, he began a ca­ modern world into their image of the totem of power, the coup-stick, Wa­ reer as a masked vigilante and past, so they gave up. keley became the latest incarnation champion of freedom. This encounter bolstered Red of the Red Wo lf. A wolf, Lobo, joined Red Wolf was one of the heroes of Wolf's desire to forge a new bond be­ him at the burial place. As the Red the American Southwest who re­ tween the Indian nations and the Wolf, Wakeley used the great skills sponded to a distress call from Rick modern world. and prowess that he had acquired Jones to rescue the Hulk from the



F GD(1 0) A GD(1 0) S RM(30) E RM(30) R GD(1 0) I EX(20) P RM(30) Health: 80 Karma: 60 Resources: PR(4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Rintrah Occupation: Apprentice to Doctor Strange Legal Status: None Identity: Rintrah 's existence is un­ known to the general populace. Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: An unknown dimen­ sion Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Doctor Strange's Sanctorum in Greenwich Village Past Group Affiliations: Doctor Strange and friends, Enitharmon the Weaver Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Magical Abilities: Rintrah is currently a Discipline of the Order School of Magic; he knows only a handful of spells. He has the potential to some­ day become a powe rful sorcerer, once his training with Doctor Strange is over.

Personal: Alteration-Appearance: Rintrah can change his physical features with Dimensional: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Remarkable ability. He cannot Dimensional Aperture: Excellent Rintrah is a brave soul who is very change his approximate size or Ta lents: Rintrah has the Mystical headstrong at times. He believes im­ weight, but he can disguise the fact Background talent. plicitly in the power of good over evil. that he is a easily. Contacts: Rintrah is currently serv­ He has trouble believing that the Astral Projection: Good ing as Doctor Strange's apprentice. forces of good can sometimes have Shield-Individual: Excellent personal In the past Rintrah has served as the setbacks. He is more than willing to protection against physical , energy apprentice of the alien wizard known sacrifice himself for the life of an­ and magical attacks. as Enitharmon the Weaver. other.

Universal: ADDITIONAL NOTES: Eldritch Bolts: Excellent energy damage with a one-area range

77 chards. They traveled to Urthona's was the flame from a demon's head. home planet and confronted the ali­ The search for the demonic fire en wizard. led Strange and Rintrah to the new­ HISTORY: Rintrah is an intelligent being from During the battle, it appeared as if est version of the Ghost Rider. They Strange had destroyed his magical then battled the mysterious villain another dimension. He resembles a books and mystical talismans. In ac­ known as Zodiak, who was appar­ gree n-skinned minotaur of myth. tuality, the books and talismans ently backed by mystical masters Rintrah's magical potential some­ were saved by the magical entity from another dimension. During the how bought him to the attention of Agamotto, one of the Vishanti. Aga­ battle, the heroes were able to drive Enitharmon the Weaver, an other- di­ motto later returned the unharmed back Zodiak, plus gain a piece of mensional sorcerer. Enitharmon items to Doctor Strange. flame from a demon from Zod iak's took Rintrah in and began training home dimension. him as an apprentice. Strange and Rintrah were able to beat Urthona, and free his captives, During the battle, Rintrah dis­ Rintrah first encountered Doctor Wo ng and To paz. They then re­ guised himself to look like To paz, Strange when Strange asked Eni­ turned to Earth. Rintrah remained and he made To paz look like him. tharmon to repair his Cloak of Levita­ Rintrah chivalrously insisted on do­ tion, which had been torn in a battle. with Doctor Strange and accompa­ nied him on several adventures. ing this, hoping to protect To paz. After he repaired the Cloak, Enithar­ Rintrah was a staunch supporter Rintrah subsequently took a mortal mon told Rintrah to return the Cloak of Strange's during the troubling blow intended for To paz from the to Strange. times that followed. As Earth was in­ mad Zodiak. Rintrah found Strange just after vaded by a number of evil entities Doctor Strange and To paz were the sorcerer's physical body had from beyond, Doctor Strange was last seen flying off with the wounded been badly wounded in a battle with forced to turn to black magic to help Rintrah, toward the nearest form of a demon sent by an alien mystic from Strange's own dimension . Mor­ defeat them. During this time, medical aid for the dying being . Strange allied himself with the black They arrived back at Strange's tally injured, Strange had been Kaluu. home, where Strange promptly used forced to release his astral form and After defeating the dark forces, a spell to remove any taint of black take possession of the bodies of two magic from Rintrah's grievous of his friends, Morgana Blessing and Strange attained godhood and sl ow­ ly became detached from humanity. wound. Strange then used his earth­ Sara Wolfe. While in these two other Kaluu, Enitharmon, and Rintrah ly medical abilities to operate on the forms, Strange was just able to beat were able to return Strange to his old wounded Rintrah. Luckily Rintrah re­ Urthona's demon. During the battle, Urthona transported Strange's self. Rintrah then returned with Eni­ covered, but he is still weak from his tharmon to his dimension. recent brush with death. house, and everything inside it, to Eventually, Rintrah returned to A day later, Rintrah and Strange's his home planet. Earth and asked Strange to accept other friends watched Strange per­ Rintrah found Strange just after in­ tense surgery was performed to him as an apprentice. Strange form the ritual necessary to free To ­ agreed and Rintrah is currently liv­ paz from her possession. To the save Strange's physical body. Still ing with him in Strange's home in surprise of everyone but Strange, inside Sara Wo lfe's body, Strange's Greenwich Village. they discovered that the demon pos­ astral spirit asked Rintrah to allow him to project his spirit into Rintrah's Recently, Rintrah has been help­ seSSing To paz was not Ullikummis. It body. Rintrah agreed, allowi ng both ing Doctor Strange search for a cure was actually Mephisto's daughter, Mephista. Upon being summoned Strange's and Rintrah's conscious­ for To paz, one of Doctor Strange's other allies. To paz had been pos­ forth from To paz's body, Mephista nesses to inhabit one body at the same time. sessed by an ancient demon of Su­ promised all the heroes that she was mer. The spell required to banish the going to kill them and take their Rintrah's shared body then took demon requires a number of unique Strange's healing body and bor­ so uls to her father. ingredients. One such ingredient rowed a spaceship from Reed Ri-



F GO(10) A GO(10) S TY(6) E RM(30) R GO(10) I EX(20) P AM (50) Health: 56 Karma: 80 Resources: GO(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Jimaine Szardos Occupation: Airline stewardess Identity: Secret Legal Status: Former citizen of , now naturalized citi­ zen of the United States Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Margali Szardos (mother), Stefan Szardos (brother, deceased), Kurt Wagner (foster brother) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affi liations: X-Men Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Magical Ability: Amanda Sefton is a practitioner of some form of the Fa­ erie School of Magic. This means that her spells cannot affect cold iron or metallic constructs. Living beings that are partially mechanical or me­ tallic ( or the Reavers, for example) cause a -2CS to all her Universal: Ta lents: Am Sefton has the spell effects. Amanda has pro­ Te leportation: Remarkable teleporta­ Mystic Background and Occult Lore gressed beyond the Apprentice tion for caster with a two-area range. Ta lents. level, but she has not reached the Shield-Individual: Remarkable pro­ Contacts: Amanda Sefton can call next level of Mastery. She has ac­ tection against physical, energy, and on aid from her mother, Margali cess to the following spells all the magical attacks. Szardos, a powerful sorceress. She time: Bands: Grappling attack with Incred­ is a trusted companion of the X- Men. ible strength and a range of five ar­ Personal: eas. ADDITIONAL NOTES: Fligh t: Amanda can cast this spell Mystic Bolts: Incredible force or en­ with Excellent ability, granting her ergy damage. flight at a maximum of six areas per Shape Shifting-Unlimited (Self and round. Others): Remarkable. Nature Control (Water and Earth): Equipment: Amanda can manipulate, move, and Costume: Recently Amanda started control up to two tons of earth or wa­ wearing a special X-Man costume te r with Remarkable ability. The created by Moira McTaggert. The range for her spell is three areas. costume provides Excellent protec­ tion against physical and energy at­ tacks. 79 ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: death. Jimaine, who had long ago the wand was an evil entity that took Amanda Sefton is a competent fallen in love with Kurt, followed him over its owner's mind. Margali re­ young woman who has led a very to America and watched over him vealed that the wand had hoped to strange life. She is a brave woman secretly. She became the airline gain control over Strange. Upon re­ who is willing to fight to the very end stewardess Amanda Sefton, and ar­ turning everyone to the physical for her friends, the X-Men. ranged to accidentally meet Kurt. plane, Strange destroyed the wand. She is a determined but soft­ She mystically disguised herself so Amanda continued her relation­ spoken woman who only reveals her he would not recognize her, and they ship with Kurt as well her career as powers when they are absolutely began dating each other regularly. an airline stewardess, while she ig­ needed. Due to her unique life histo­ Margali eventually took her re­ nored her magical studies. When ry, Amanda is very accepting and venge on Kurt by exiling him to a the mystical Dire Wraiths invaded open minded when confronted with pocket dimension she had created . Forge's skyscraper headquarters in strange people and beings. The dimension resembled hell as Dallas, Amanda helped drive the depicted in Dante's Inferno. Aman­ Wraiths off. Amanda and Kurt kept da, pretending to be Margali, kid­ seeing each other for a long time, but they finally parted as friends. HISTORY: napped Kurt's fellow X-Men and Amanda Sefton is actually Jimaine Doctor Strange. Amanda then sent Recently, Amanda joined a group Szardos, the daughter of a powerful them to the same dimension that of former X-Men and X-Men allies in sorceress known as Margali Szar­ Margali had sent Kurt, hoping that protecting Muir Island from an inva­ dos. Margali also had a son, Stefan, they would be able to help Kurt. Kurt sion by 's Reavers. and she took in the orphaned Kurt finally confronted Margali in this They were warned of the attack by Wagoner (who would one day be­ pocket universe and convinced her Freedom Force, who also joined in come of the X-Men). of his innocence. Amanda then re­ the defense of the island. During the Margali raised the children in a vealed her true identity to Kurt. battle, Stonewall of Freedom Force small Bavarian circus, where she Later, Amanda Sefton heard a ru­ was killed. Unknown to Amanda and pretended to be a simple fortune tell­ mor that Dr. Strange needed a new the other members of the Muir Island er. While Kurt worked on becoming a apprentice, because had left X-Men, they were soon under the circus performer, Margali trained Ji­ him. She went to Strange and asked mental influence of Legion. maine in magic. The brooding Ste­ to become his new apprentice, as Meanwhile, the multiple personali­ fan eventually left the circus to make did every crackpot in the world who ties of Legion were actually under his own way in life. heard about the rumor. Strange ar­ the control of the mysterious The small circus was taken over ranged for all the petitioners to meet Shadow King. The Shadow King was by a rich Te xas millionaire, who or­ at one spot, where he told them that the first mutant villain that Professor dered Kurt to be placed in the freak he currently had no wish to take on X encountered, years before Xavier sideshow. The anguished Kurt quit an apprentice. formed the original X-Men team. the circus and headed toward Win­ Amanda's mother, Margali Szar­ They fought a telepathic battle in the zeldorf, West Germany, where Ste­ dos, appeared and attacked astral plane, which apparently end­ fan lived . There Kurt discovered that Strange. Margali was angered that ed in the Shadow King's death. Stefan had gone mad and killed two Strange had refused to take on her In actuality, the Shadow King had children. daughter as an apprentice. Strange become a being of mental energy, Tw o days after leaving the circus, cast a spell to force himself and able to possess the bodies of others. Kurt tracked Stefan down and tried Margali into the astral plane. Margali It has recently been revealed that to capture him. During the fight, Kurt warped the spell so that all the the Shadow King is also the true accidentally broke Stefan's back, WOUld-be apprentices were also power behind the Club. killing him. Civilians discovered Kurt forced into the astral plane with After months of being controlled with Stefan's body, and because of them. by the Shadow King, Amanda and Kurt's demonic appearance, they as­ Strange and Margali battled with the inhabitants of Muir Island were sumed that he had killed the two all their mystic forces. Strange soon freed by the combined efforts of Pro­ children. Kurt was saved from the realized that Margali's powers came fessor X, the X-Men, and X-Factor. mob by the pSionic powers of Profes­ from her wand. Strange tricked The Shadow King was apparently sor X, who asked Kurt to join his new Margali and took the wand from her. killed, and much of Muir Island was team of X-Men. Kurt agreed and Margali immediately regained her destroyed in the batt/e. went to America with Professor X. true mortal form , that of an old wom­ Margali blamed Kurt for Stefan's an. She explained to Strange that



F GD(1 0) A RM(30) S AM(50) E AM (50) R EX(20) I RM(30) P IN(40) Health: 140 Karma: 90 Resources: RM(30) Popularity: 25

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Sersi Occupation: Actress, dancer, form­ er stage magician, hedonist Legal Status: Citizen of Olympia, naturalized citizen of the U.S. with no criminal record Identity: Although Sersi's existence as an Eternal is public knowledge, it is generally disbelieved Place of Birth: Olympia, Greece Marital Status: Unrevealed, but pre­ sumably single Known Relatives: Helios (father), Perse (mother) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: of Earth, Avengers Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Invulnerabilities: Sersi has CL 1000 Resistance to Heat, Cold, Energy, Electricity, Radiation, To xins, and Disease. She does not age. Though she is affected by Stun and Slam re­ sults, only a Kill result that scatters • Flight: She can fly at Shift X air­ her atoms over a wide area of space minds of humans, Eternals, and De­ can harm her. speed (50 areas per round). viants at Excellent ability. • Image Generation: Sersi can cre­ • Immortality: Like all Eternals, Ser­ Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Sersi can manipulate Cosmic Energy at ate illusions affecting all five senses si's life force is augmented by cos­ at Unearthly rank. Amazing rank, allowing her to per­ mic energy. She has total mental • Levitation: By mentally manipulat­ form the following: control over her physical form and ing gravitons (subatomic particles bodily processes even when asleep • Metabolism Boost: By bolstering her metabolism with cosmic energy, carrying the force of gravitational at­ or unconscious. As a result she is traction between atoms), Sersi can immortal, and can die only through Sersi does not tire from physical ex­ levitate herself along with other per­ an injury that disperses her atoms ertion. sons or objects at Shift X ability. through space, or if her mental con­ • Energy Beams: At Amazing rank, she can project beams from her • Matter Tr ansmutation: With the trol over her body is somehow bro­ eyes or hands. This cosmic energy Unearthly ability to rearrange atoms ken and she is then fatally wounded. and molecules, Sersi can change a • Te lekinesis: She can use her mind can be used as force, heat, light, and creature or object's shape (turning a to lift objects at Incredible rank or possibly other forms of electromag­ netic energy. man into a pig, for example). She create an Excellent rank force field. can even transmute one substance • Te lepathy: She can read the Psionic Abilities: Using the vast into another by rearranging sub­ minds of humans and Eternals at Ex­ powers of her mind, Sersi has the atomic particles. cellent rank, but cannot read Devi­ following abilities: • Mind Control: She can control the ant minds. 81 -�" ,,�,,:".-),.--- --"'-.r�I'OF- ..--- " ' , r, . . 1 .�"'II: • � . " . -". _....IIIIL._ ...... I.II..... __ :::.LI.J .. . __ -..� - • . , ..__ �.� r�-��· _____ �...L_ �Il ..� ...... � __

• Te leportation: Sersi can psionical­ Returning from the Trojan War, and their visits to Earth. Iy teleport herself at Shift Z rank, but Odysseus and his crew landed on When the Eternals decided to must succeed at a Red Psyche FEAT the Mediterranean island of Aeaea, leave Earth, their collective con­ roll to do so. If the roll is successful, where Sersi lived in a villa. Some of sciousness in the form of the Uni­ she arrives at her destination, but went ashore to explore, and Mind decreed that a small number of must succeed at a Red Endurance Sersi was pleased to have them as Eternals who were particularly in­ FEAT roll or be paralyzed with pain dinner guests. The ravenous sailors volved with Earthly matters, includ­ for 1-10 turns. No Karma can be gorged themselves with little regard ing Sersi, remain behind. Although spent on either of these ro lls. for manners. Becoming drunk, they Sersi prefers not to involve herself Uni-Mind: Like all Eternals, she can menaced the beautiful Eternal and with the Eternals' battles against the join the Uni-Mind (see Uni- Mind). her servants. Disgusted, Sersi trans­ Deviants, when those conflicts re­ Ta lents: Sersi is a talented dancer formed the sailors into pigs. Her an­ quire her participation, she always and connoisseur. ger having passed, Sersi took a joins her fellows and proves to be a Contacts: Sersi is currently an liking to Odysseus when he came to formidable . Avenger and can call on any of her see about his missing men. She On one such occasion, Sersi fellow teammates. She is also a turned the pigs back into sailors at joined her fellow Eternals to battle member of the Eternals, though she his request, and bid them welcome the Deviant Priest-Lord Ghaur, seldom meets with them except in once again. Though initially reluc­ whose army attacked Olympia, the times of trouble. Sersi has many so­ tant, Odysseus and his crew ended Eternals' mountaintop retreat and cial connections around the world. up spending an entire year feasting sanctuary. Ghaur acquired his army and celebrating at Sersi's villa. through heinous means. As part of ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Sersi also visited Camelot during the Deviant religion, those citizens Sersi seeks and enjoys everything the reign of King Arthur Pendragon . found to be genetically unclean were pleasurable in life. She is well known While there, she helped to expose consigned to die in the sacred flame fo r throwing unusual and memora­ the mutant Maha Yogi, who was at pits. For countless years, Deviants ble parties. Even in mortal combat the time impersonating the then­ walked solemnly up the tem ple she never wavers from the finest of missing sorcerer Merlin. steps to face their fate in the flame social graces. Since joining the In recent years, Sersi has been liv­ pits, all at the command of Ghaur Ave ngers, however, Sersi has be­ ing in Manhattan. She rents a large and his priests. come more responsible. She is a apartment on Manhattan's West In actuality, however, the Priest­ staunch ally, willing to lay down her Side and a huge loft in Soho. She is Lord had been taking the best of the life for friends and innocents. famous in New Yo rk City social cir­ Deviants for millennia, condemning cles and elsewhere around the world them to death under false pretenses, as a hostess of lavish and bizarre and then secretly storing them in HISTORY: parties. stasis coffins where their minds Born to Helios and Perse, Sersi is a When the Eternals and another were slowly wiped clean. The mil­ third- or fourth-generation member evolutionary offshoot of humanity, lions of Deviants supposedly sent to of the Eternals, evolutionary off­ the Deviants, decided to reveal their the fire pits suffered absolute thrall­ shoots of humanity who possess in­ existence to the rest of the human dom so that Ghaur's dreams for con­ definite life spans and superhuman race, Sersi publicly revealed herself quest over the Eternals might come powers. Although she is at least to be an Eternal. The general public, true. Ghaur's army was defeated, 4,000 years old, Sersi is still consid­ however, tends not to believe in the however, when the machinery grant­ ered a yo ung woman by her fellow existence of these hidden races of ing them life was sabotaged by Eternals. superhuman beings. , the leader of the Eternals on Even though Sersi has always At one time Sersi had a close rela­ Earth, and Wa rlord , a rebellious loved the pursuit of pleasure, and tionship with Professor Samuel Deviant. she has been known for giving unfor­ Holden, a man with a strange insight Most recently, at Captain Ameri­ gettable parties since the days of an­ into how the origins of the first Devi­ ca's invitation, Sersi joined the cient Greece, she has always been ants, Eternals, and humans were in­ Avengers. Although her prime moti­ equally dedicated to her work. Hav­ tertwined. In his lectures, Professor vation for joining was the desire for a ing spent centuries developing her Holden spoke of how the god-like romantic relationship with Cap, Ser­ talents for psionically rearranging Celestials descended from space si has become a dutiful and reliable and transmuting matter, Sersi has and tampered with the genetic struc­ Ave nger. However, she is not alone gained greater mastery over this dis­ ture of early primates, fostering two in her desires, for the former mem­ cipline than any other Eternal. She offshoots of the human species­ ber of the Serpent Society called had already perfected her pSionic Eternals and Deviants. For some Diamondback also has her eye on abilities by the time of her meeting reason, the Professor's audience Cap. As of this writing, the conse­ with Odysseus (the legendary hero quickly forgets this knowledge when quences of this potentially explosive known to the Romans as Ulysses) in the lecture has ended. Only Sam love triangle have not yet unfolded. the 13th Century B.C. Holden remembers the Celestials

82 SET


F UN(100) A MN(75) S ShX(1 50) E CL 1000 R ShZ(500) I ShY(200) P CL3000 Health: 1325 Karma: 3700 Resources: CL10 00 Popularity: -1000

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Set Occupation: God Legal Stat us: None --' Identity: Known to general public as mythological entity Place of Birth: Earth Marital Status: Inapplicable Known Relatives: Gaea (sister), At um (nephew) , Damballah (off­ spring), Sligguth (offspring) Base of Operations: Set's dimen­ sion Past Group Affi liations: Inapplica­ ble Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Set can use all powers and magical spells at Shift Z rank, but he is trapped in his own pocket dimension and cannot come to Earth without assistance. However, his power can still reach those on Earth, due to his mystical link with the Serpent Crown. Set has the ability to cast the following powers through the Ser­ pent Crown: Handbook of the Marvel Universe. HISTORY: Ta lents: None. Set was one of the very first living Mental Probe: He can peer into the Contacts: Llyra, Naga, , beings to arise on the planet Earth. mind of the wearer of the Crown at Amazing rank, or the mind of anyone and Ghaur. As such, he is one of the Elder Gods within 4 areas of it at Incredible rank. of Earth and one of the most power­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ful demons known to exist. While on Mind Control: Set can attempt to Brooding within his other­ dominate the conscious mind of the Earth, Set manifests himself as a wearer of the Serpent Crown at dimensional realm, Set is deter­ huge seven-headed serpent. Set was created when the very Amazing Intensity, or anyone within mined to make the Earth his own. He hungers for the life energies of the embodiment of all potential life 4 areas of it at Incredible Intensity. people of Earth, but first he must be forces on Earth, known as the Demi­ Te lepathy: Set has the Unearthly ability to mentally communicate with summoned to the planet in physical urge, seeded the virgin planet with ethereal energy. A number of ethere­ the wearer of the Crown or anyone form. To this end he is capable of de­ vising incredibly elaborate and devi­ al beings were spawned, including within 6 areas of it. ous schemes, typically involving the Set, Chthon, and Gaea (who was Note: Once the Crown is actually Serpent Crown. Several times he much later known as Mother Nature worn , Set can bestow virtually any or Mother Earth). Though originally power upon the wearer. For more in­ has come close to his objective, but has always been thwarted. ethereal, these awesome entities formation about the Serpent Crown, can take on physical form. see Volume Six of the Gamer's Even though Set was already one 83 of the mightiest of the Elder Gods, the animals that provided him with ra, a Lemurian high priestess of Set , he desired power over his fellow vast amounts of power, Set took to form an alliance. To gether, they gods, and thus decided to spawn his mental control of all reptiles, and in­ constructed the Serpent Crown in a own progeny upon the Earth. He fa­ duced in them a burning desire to gigantic new form that was su ppos­ thered such beings as Damballah hunt and kill mammals. Gaea chal­ edly indestructible. They used its and Sligguth. lenged Set to appear before her. He awesome power to control the minds This was not enough, however, so did, appearing on the Earth in the of the seven Brides of Set­ Set decided to slay the Elder Gods in form of a gigantic serpent. Andromeda, Dagger, the Invisible order to consume their mystical en­ Set attacked Gaea, but she sum­ Wo man, Marvel Girl, the Scarlet ergies and add them to his own . moned her son, who quickly obliter­ Witch, She-Hulk, and Storm. When Set devoured the first of his ated Set's head. Absorbing demonic At Ghaur's command, Andromeda victims, he committed the first mur­ energies from Set, Atum became the and She-Hulk swam beneath the sea der in the history of the Earth. Con­ Demogorge once again. But Set was to the Altar of Neptune's Wrath, sequently, by subsisting off the life not yet defeated, and grew two where they recovered a fragment of energies of fellow sentient beings, heads back in place of one. A fero­ Set's immortal life force. Set began his degeneration from a cious battle then ensued, lasting for Set's resurrection was interrupted true god into a demon. an undetermined amount of time. In by the Avengers, who erupted upon Set was not alone in his hunger. the end, Set retreated to his pocket the scene. Ghaur forced the Scarlet Other Elder Gods followed his exam­ dimension with seven heads, which Witch to use her probability power ple, and it was not long before all of he has retained to this day. Having on the fragment of Set , giving it the Elder Gods degenerated into de­ expended or lost most of his energy, enough power to "hatch ." As the mons except for Gaea. Set cannot ret urn to Earth without Avengers watched in horror, the Gaea feared the war of the de­ assistance. Once again victorious, seven-headed god exploded from mons wou ld destroy all life on Earth. Atum returned to the sun. his own dimension to tower above She therefore summoned and mat­ Untold millions of years later, Set them all. ed with the Demiurge, and bore her saw to the rise of the Serpent Men, All hope seemed lost. However, first child, the sun god named At um. reptilian beings in semi-humanoid Doctor Strange, Quasar, Thor, and She sent her son to Earth to save the form that can change shape to re­ the Thing dove into one of Set's planet from the demons. Relentless­ semble humans. It still remains un­ mouths and traveled to his pocket di­ ly, Atum started slaying the demons, clear whether the Serpent Men are mension , forcing Set to retreat from absorbing their physical forms and the actual progeny of Set, or wheth­ Earth in order to battle them. Aware energies into himself, and thus er he created them by affecting the that they were hopelessly out­ transforming into his other identity evol ution of reptiles on Earth. Under matched, Thor left Set's dimension as Demogorge the God-Eater. Set's instruction, a group of Serpent and went to ask Atum for help, but Eventually, Demogorge succeed­ Men led by the Lemurian alchemist At um refused to become the ruth­ ed in cleansing the Earthly plane of named Atra created the Serpent less Demogorge. Thor would not re­ all demons except Chthon, Set, and Crown , an object of immense mysti­ lent, however, and intentionally a smattering of Set's progeny. Fail­ cal might. However, when the conti­ angered At um, provoking his trans­ ing to defeat the Demogorge in com­ nent sank, the Crown was lost formation into Demogorge. Thor was bat, Set created a pocket dimension beneath the waves. then absorbed by Demogorge, but and escaped there with some of his Later, the sunken continent of Le­ he was able to take temporary con­ offspring (including Damballah and muria was repopulated by a water­ trol over their merged form. Sligguth). Demogorge reverted to breathing, bl ue-skinned species of Upon returning to Set's dimen­ his form as At um, and chose the humanity called homo mermanus. sion , Thor (in Demogorge's body) heart of Earth's sun as his home. The emperor of these people, called tore Set's seven heads off and Many millions of years later, dur­ Naga, was a devout worshiper of the hurled them to seven different areas ing the Mesozoic period of Earth's ancient demon Set, who regarded of the multiverse. When Demogorge history, Set drew psychic energy Naga as a valued servant with the regained control of his body, he was from the violent passions of the dino­ potential to conquer the world in the impressed by Thor's bravery, nobili­ saurs, even though he was st ill in his dark god's name. As a sign of his fa­ ty, and selflessness, and freed him. pocket dimension. However, Gaea vor, Set instructed the emperor to At um returned to the sun, while Doc­ realized that dinosaurs represented take the Serpent Crown for himself. tor Strange, Quasar, the Thing, and a dead end in life's progress, and With the powers of the Serpent Thor returned to the Earth. Because that mammals were destined to Crown, Naga crushed most rebel­ Set's consciousness was gone, his evolve into sentient beings. There­ lions with ease. Eventually, however, pocket dimension imploded, obliter­ fore, she reluctantly chose to let the he was killed and his body and the at ing the rest of Set's body before it dinosaurs die out so that mammals Serpent Crown were swallowed by could regenerate its heads. It st ill re­ could become the dominant crea­ an underwater earthquake. mains to be seen if one or more of tures on Earth. Recently, Set commanded Ghaur, Set's heads will regenerate a new Infuriated at the thought of losing a priest-lord of the Deviants, and L/y- body and return to Earth.




F RM(30) A RM(30) S GD(10) E EX(20) R GD(10) I EX(20) P GD(10) Health: 90 Karma: 40 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 0

KNOWN POWERS: None. Ta lents: Martial Arts A. Contacts: Punisher.

ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Yuriko is determined to eradicate the group called Eternal Sun and will go to any lengths to accomplish that SHIGERU EZAKI YURIKO EZAKI goal.



F RM(30) A EX(20) S EX(20) E EX(20) R GD(1 0) I EX(20) P TY(6) Health: 90 Karma: 36 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 0

KNOWN POWERS: None. Ta lents: Martial Arts A. Contacts: Punisher.

ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Phillip is dedicated to wiping out the Eternal Sun society.


85 - , -..-"..,z-. , ..-- � i. _ - <,I" �.:: '1 I. • � --±.!:; ,".-'- ���

MANZO gade Japanese soldiers who had his imprisonment. During the battle, refused to surrender. During his bat­ both Shigeru and Sojin were killed STATISTICS: tle with the renegades, Ezaki's mask as they were on the way out of the fell off, revealing his identity to Ri­ complex. Deciding that she couldn't F GD(1 0) chards and to the leader of the rene­ face her husband again, Yuriko ac­ A TY(6) gades, Kantaro Umezu. Richards companied Phillip to the U.S. S GD(10) forcibly enlisted Ezaki's aid in track­ Yu riko and Phillip, with new com­ E EX(20) ing down Umezu and his renegades. panions Manzo and Rikichi, lived in R EX(20) They finally gave up after being con­ a New Yo rk apartment, downstairs I TY(6) tinually harassed by the . from Frank Castle, the Punisher. The P TY(6) However, over the next decades, Sunrise Society were once again af­ Health: 46 the former renegades formed them­ ter the Shadowmasters but now us­ Karma: 32 selves into the Sunrise Society, a ing high-tech assassins in battle Resources: GD(1 0) highly powerful group of Japanese in­ suits. The Shadowmasters man­ Popularity: 0 vestors under the control of Umezu, aged to defeat the group of assas­ who had escaped capture. Mean­ sins that attacked them at their KNOWN POWERS: while, Ezaki and Richards continued apartment with the help of the Pun­ None. their friendship and Ezaki started to isher and the Black Widow. Yuriko Ta lents: Gun skill at the Excellent tutor Richards's son Phillip along with discovered that all the assassins rank. his own son Sojin and daughter, Yuri­ have her father's face. The Society Contacts: Punisher ko, in the art of ninjitsu. has cloned him and uses the trained After spotting Ezaki in a newspa­ clones as their new killers. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: per photo, Umezu sought revenge The Shadowmasters fled to Manzo is protective of his "niece," for his past humiliations. He killed in search of a new master to teach Yuriko, and has a dry sense of hu­ Richards and kidnapped Ezaki's them the ninjitsu art of the Shadow­ mor. family in order to trap the Shadow­ masters. They become the pupils of master. Ezaki saved his family but Hatsu Ya kamoto. The Sunset Socie­ was apparently killed during the res­ ty changed its name to the Eternal cue. Sun and still pursued the Shadow­ HISTORY: As the years passed, Sojin mar­ masters when the Punisher came to The Iga Province of Japan is the ried and was blessed with two chil­ Japan, at the request of Ya kamoto. birthplace of the martial arts masters dren. He learned the art of aikido, The Punisher had gone through a of ninjits u, known as the Shadow­ the least violent of the martial arts. training camp with the master's masters. While the true origin of this Yuriko met a man named Naoichi, daughter and Ya kamoto wanted the legendary race of Japanese warriors whose father resembled a member Punisher to bring his art of ninjitsu to is shrouded in mystery, Japanese of the old group of Japanese rene­ the United States. tales say that the Shadowmasters gades. Over the years, further inves­ Yu riko, Phillip, and Manzo reintro­ are half human, half demon and pos­ tigation failed to uncover any new duced themselves to the Punisher sess mystical powers. For centuries, clues, so Yu riko, against her better after he recognized them as the peo­ the Shadowmasters served as judgment, married Naoichi. Phillip ple he had helped on the streets of guardians and protectors of the Iga went back to the U.S. and studied New Yo rk. Kath ryn Ya kamoto was al­ Province. chemistry. so there. The Shadowmasters With the surrender of the Japa­ All this changed when Yu riko planned an attack on the new Eter­ nese at the end of Wo rld War II, U.S. looked at an old scrapbook while her nal Sun base complex. Army Captain James Richards took husband was away on a business The local officer of the Eternal Sun command of the Iga Province, over­ trip. The fires of revenge burned turned out to be Iris Green, a hustler seeing the government. The mayor within her. She finally decided to fol­ whose trail the Punisher had been of Ueno, a smal l town in Iga, was low her father-in-law as he went on following for a long time. The Sha­ Shigeru Ezaki, one of the last true another of his mysterious business dowmasters infiltrated the head­ Shadowmasters who still regularly trips. She found the Sunrise Socie­ quarters in order to destroy their patrolled and practiced his art. ty's base. Phillip Richards returned records and inflict as much damage Ezaki's tengu demon mask protect­ to Japan to help Yuriko and Sojin as­ as possible-they blew the whole ed his identity, allowing him to con­ sault the Society's headquarters to complex up. In retaliation, the Eter­ tinue to practice his art when all get revenge for their fathers' deaths. nal Sun assassinated the elder martial arts were forbidden. In the confrontation between the Ya kamoto. Richards and Ezaki became Sunrise Society and the novice Sha­ The Punisher and Kathryn fol­ friends following a daring rescue dowmasters, it was learned that Shi­ lowed Iris Green to the U.S., but the from the path of an oncoming jeep of geru Ezaki had been captured and Shadowmasters stayed in Japan to Ezaki's son Saiih, by Richards. The had been subjected to the Society's continue their fight against their fa­ debt of honor was repaid when Ezaki cloning experiments for the time of thers' killers. hid Richards from a group of rene- 86 -..,.. SIF


F MN(75) A RM(30) S IN(40) E UN(1 00) R GD(10) I IN(40) P AM(50) Health: 245 Karma: 100 Resources: GD(1 0) Popularity: 15 (50 in Asgard)

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Sif Occupation: Warrior of Asgard, Shield-Maiden Identity: Publicly known in Asgard and on Earth, but most humans do not believe she is actually a goddess Other Known Aliases: None Legal Status: Citizen of Asgard Place of Birth: Asgard Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Heimdall (broth­ er) Base of Operations: Asgard Past Group Affi liations: Gods of Asgard Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Invulnerability: Sif has Excellent re­ sistance to physical attacks, heat, cold, radiation, pOison, and aging. Sif has Typical resistance versus other forms of energy attacks. Immune to Diseases: Sif is immune to all terrestrial diseases. Equipment: Enchanted Sword: Sif possesses a magical sword enchanted by Odin. She can use the flat of the blade to do Monstrous Blunt damage, or use the edge to cause Incredible Edged damage. By spinning the sword , Sif can travel between dimensions. In this manner she could formerly trav­ el between Asgard and Earth with Monstrous ability; she can still travel ADDITIONAL NOTES: ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: to other dimensions with Good abili­ Sif is a brave and beautiful warrior­ ty. Failure of the FEAT roll means goddess. She is a brave and honor­ she ends up in a random dimension. able person, loyal to her people and her liege to the end. She is a mighty Ta lents: Sif is a Weapons Master with all forms of swords. fighter, but at the same time she can be compassionate and merciful. She Contacts: Sif is one of the greatest Asgardian warriors; she is a close is in love with Thor, greatly ad miring friend of Thor and . his nobility and courage.

87 - • ... .� -- • - - �-- --- � --- "I>' -- - - - . �� . - .... � . .J.' - .,-r. =_ " - I I I r" . '. , . • • • : - - ._ �. _ .� ·L �� .._. _� _ �_- .• • .._ . _ � ___

people often come between the two and Sif spent some time together on lovers. In the past, Sif has tried to ad­ Earth. Once back in Asgard , Sif and HISTORY: just to living on the mundane Earth. Bill defeated the Titanium Man, the Sif is a beautiful warrior-goddess of Unfortunately, Sif prefers the maj­ Russian villain, who was leading a the Asgardian pantheon. Heimdall, esty of Asgard. group of disgruntled American war her brother, is the of At one point, Thor's former mortal veterans wearing the Credit Card Asgard 's Rainbow Bridge, which lover, , was dying. Sif Soldier battlesuits. connects Asgard and Midgard merged her life force with Foster's, Sif and Bill eventually returned to (Earth). reviving the dying woman. Sif did Earth. Sif finally came to forgive When Sif was a child, she pos­ this partially so that she could try to Thor, after realizing that was sessed long golden hair. She often understand Thor's attraction to mor­ to blame for Thor's brutality. Sif was played with young Thor, Odin's son, tals, especially Jane Foster. also impressed by Thor's heroism and Loki, Thor's adopted brother. Sif Soon afterward, Foster was sepa­ when he entered 's realm to res­ and Thor fell in love while they were rated from Sif, when Foster was ex­ cue some mortals' souls stolen by quite young. Jealous, Loki cut off all iled to a limbo-realm called the the death goddess. This also caused of Sif's golden hair while she was Runestaff of the Possessor. Sif and Sif to accept Thor's guardianship of asleep. Thor eventually rescued Jane Foster Earth and Asgard. Guessing that Loki had something and reunited her with her mortal When the Egyptian death god, to do Sit's loss of hair, Thor angrily love, Kevin Kincaid. Seth, attacked Asgard, Sif fought demanded that Loki restore her Thor and Sif later came to the aid along with the other brave Asgardian golden locks. The scared Loki con­ of the alien champion, Beta Ray Bill. warriors. During the battle, , the tacted two dwarven craftsmen, Beta Ray Bill was the guardian of a Celtic god of Lightning, saw Sif and Brokk and Entiri (who would later large space fleet that carried the sur­ developed an attraction for her. create Thor's hammer), and viving members of his race in sus­ Later, when the Frost Giant Ymir asked them to create new hair for pended animation. Sif, Beta Ray Bill attacked Asgard, Leir arrived in Sif. Loki was either unable, or unwill­ and Thor drove off a horde of Sur­ Asgard planning to ask Sif to marry ing, to pay the enough gold tur's demons that were attacking him. A worried Sif agreed, once two to create golden hair. The dwarves Bill's fleet. During this time, it was conditions were fulfilled . decided that "for the price of discovered that Beta Ray Bill was al­ The first condition was that Leir naught" they would make "strands so worthy of receiving the powers of help her find Thor and bring him of naught." Thor when the alien picked up back to Asgard. Leir agreed and The dwarves created magical Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. Odin cre­ they traveled to Earth in search of strands of hair from the blackness of ated Storm Breaker, a hammer with Thor. The trail led from Earth to the the night. The strands of darkness the same enchantments as Thor's Black Galaxy, where they finally took root the moment they were Mjolnir, and gave it to Bill. found Thor. Leir got them back to placed on Sit's head, and then be­ Beta Ray Bill and Sif found them­ Asgard in time to witness the final gan to grow out. Thor found that Sit's selves attracted to each other while battle between Ymir and Surtur, new black tresses made her even the war with Surtur raged on. During which heralded Ragnarok. more attractive, disrupting Loki's this time, Thor had fallen under an Thor and Odin were able to per­ plan to ruin their relationship. enchantment that caused him to fall manently postpone Ragnarok, sav­ For a time, Thor and Sif had a fail­ in love with the Asgardian Lorelei. ing the universe. Leir then had to ing out. Many years later, Thor be­ Thor was so blinded by the spell that face Sit's second condition: to de­ gan his career as a super hero on he even struck Sif in anger. feat Sit's chosen champion in battle. Earth, and fell in love with the mortal In a final climactic battle with Sur­ Thinking that Sif would ask Thor to Jane Foster. Their affair eventually tur, Thor, Loki, and Odin defended be her champion, Leir was stunned fell apart, due to the vast differences Asgard. Meanwhile, the Ancient when Sif acted as her own champi­ in their backgrounds. Casket of Winters had been opened on. Sif easily bested the arrogant Odin arranged for Thor to meet on Earth. The warriors of Asgard , led Leir. the now adult warrior-goddess, Sif. by Sif and Bill, protected Earth from Since then, Thor and Sif had con­ They became close companions and Surtur's demons and the renegade tinued their close relationship. The fell in love again. They promised to Dark Elves working with Surtur. Sur­ recent exile of Thor's soul to Mephis­ someday marry each other. tur and his forces were defeated on to's realm has greatly upset Sif. Unfortunately, Thor's feelings of Asgard and Earth . responsibility to the Earth and its Before returning to Asgard, Bill




Normal Blob Form F TY(6) RM(30) A GD(10) EX(20) S TY(6) EX(20) E GD(10) IN(40) R GD(10) GD(10) I PR(4) PR(4) P TY(6) TY(6) Health: 32/1 10 Karma: 20 Resources: PR(4) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Edward Cross Occupation: Student activist, Nazi skinhead Legal Status: U.S. citizen with a criminal record Other Known Aliases: Eddie the Cross Identity: The general public is un­ aware of his transformation Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Presumably single Known Relatives: Chaim Cross (fa­ ther) Base of Operations: New Yo rk City Past Group Affiliations: Various racist skinhead organizations Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: A/ter Ego/B/ob Form: Eddie can transform himself into an amoeba­ like mass of flesh. He reverts to his normal form when rendered uncon­ scious. In his blob-like state, Skin­ head has the following abilities: • Elongation: Skinhead has the Ex­ cellent ability to stretch pseudo­ pods of his flesh up to 2 areas away to make close combat at­ tacks. hind only a pile of bones. Once skeleton to have the same statistics • Growth: In his altered form, Skin­ engulfed, the target is held (as in as Eddie in his normal form, without head has a Poor Growth power, wrestling) with Excellent the benefit of body armor. making him roughly a ten-foot­ Strength. Each round the victim is Ta lents: While in college, Eddie ma­ diameter blob and + 1 CS to be hit. trapped inside, he suffers Excel­ jored in Mideastern studies and was • Plasticity/Body Armor: His elastic lent rank damage from Skin­ an A student. body can withstand virtually any head's corrosive bodily fluids. Contacts: None. impact, granting him Amazing • Wall-Crawling: At Good rank, protection against physical at­ Skinhead can ooze up vertical ADDITIONAL NOTES: tacks and Incredible protection surfaces. versus energy attacks. Limitation: Skinhead's skeleton • Rotting To uch: Skinhead has the floats at the center of his massive Excellent ability to quickly devour form, and could be attacked by the flesh off anyone he engulfs someone who has been engulfed by within his huge body, leaving be- Skinhead. In this case, consider the

89 ROLE-PLAY ING NOTES: by a scene on the lawn outside, him into a quivering puddle of flesh. Eddie Cross is a racist filled with where Eddie the Cross was leading fled the scene, and hate. Ironically, he is himself a Jew a group of skinheads in a cross­ Spider-Man pursued him, realizing who was tormented as a boy be­ burning demonstration. As things that the police would blame Rocket cause of his heritage. Eddie, the vic­ began to get out of hand, Peter Racer if he were not present to give tim of racism, became a racist changed into his Spider-Man cos­ his side of the story. In the mean­ himself. Eddie sees his horrible tume and arrived on the scene just in time, Eddie the Cross disappeared. transformation as the ultimate sacri­ time to prevent the Rocket Racer Eddie returned to his gang's hide­ fice toward racial purity. He believes from charging headlong into the out in a junkyard in Long Island City, himself to be the last hope for white skinheads and starting a riot. With where he quickly engulfed and dis­ supremacy, and now calls himself the aid of his jet-board, Rocket solved his comrades, claiming that it Skinhead, the White Redeemer. Racer escaped Spider-Man's grasp, was time for them to join him in mak­ however, and attacked Eddie the ing the ultimate sacrifice for racial Cross. Spider-Man quickly inter­ purity. Standing above the smolder­ vened, and pulled Rocket Racer ing bones of his friends, Eddie the HISTORY: Edward Cross is the son of Chaim away from the scene just as the po­ Cross renamed himself Skinhead, Cross, a rabbi living in Queens. As a lice arrived. the White Redeemer. young Jewish boy, Edward was Realizing the skinheads would Ta pping into the university's com­ picked on against because of his probably be back to cause more se­ puter system, Rocket Racer discov­ heritage. As he grew older, he be­ rious trouble, Rocket Racer and ered Eddie's home address. came a fierce Zionist to defend that Spider-Man staked out the Hall of Through contacts at the police sta­ heritage, but as a man he became Afro-American Studies on the E.S.U. tion, Peter Parker discovered the what he most hated-a Nazi skin­ campus. Just as they suspected, the same information. Rocket Racer ar­ head. Just as an abused child grows skinheads came back and planted a rived at the home first, and confront­ to be an abusing ad ult, Edward bomb that blew up the building. ed Eddie's father. Cross, the victim of racism, became Infuriated, Rocket Racer attacked As the saddened rabbi told of his a racist himself. Spider-Man when the web-slinger son's transformation into a racist, While attending Empire State Uni­ tried to calm him down, and then Eddie, in his form as a blob of flesh, versity, Edward became the leader took off after the skinheads. The ber­ crashed through the window and at­ of a group of militant students. Shav­ serk Rocket Racer ended up pursu­ tacked. Rocket Racer was knocked ing his head and permanently scar­ ing Eddie the Cross into Dr. Swann's unconscious, and Skinhead was ing his face with the tatoo of a Nazi laboratory. As Rocket Racer was about to engulf his father when swastika, Edward took the pseudo­ about to pummel Eddie senseless, Spider-Man arrived . After being nym of "Eddie the Cross." Spider-Man crashed through the knocked around by the nearly inde­ Late one afternoon, in Dr. Evan window and gave Rocket Racer a structible blob, Spider-Man noticed Swann's research lab at Empire shot to the jaw. Eddie's skeleton floating at the cen­ State University, Peter Parker (alias As the two heroes struggled on ter of his horrid form. The web­ Spider-Man) was working after the floor, Eddie searched for a weap­ slinger jumped into Skinhead, hours to develop a new and im­ on to kill them both, and found Peter purposely allowing himself to be en­ proved webbing. Unfortunately, his Parker's jar of corrosive webbing. gulfed, and punched the creature's labors were in vain, for he only pro­ Raising it above his head, Eddie was skull. Skinhead was knocked uncon­ duced a batch of corrosive liquid that about to throw the jar when one of scious and reverted to his normal dissolved whatever it touched into a Rocket Racer's micro-rockets shat­ form as Eddie Cross. smelly puddle of goo. tered the container, spilling the At the present time, Skinhead is Before Peter could dispose of the acidic contents all over the young probably incarcerated at the Va ult in­ chemical waste, he was distracted racist. The toxic chemicals had a stallation (a prison for superhuman horrible effect on Eddie, dissolving criminals) in Colorado.



F IN(40) A RM(30) S GD(10) E RM(30) R TY(6) I GD(10) P GD(10) Health: 110 Karma: 26 Resources: GD(1 0) Popularity: 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Counter-terrorist Legal Status: Unrevealed Identity : Secret -.-/ Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: Unrevealed Base of Operations: Global Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Te leportation: Due to a biochemical reaction, Solo can instantly teleport himself and his clothing and equip­ ment to a maximum of CL3000 range (10,000 miles). He can take along anything else he is touching with a total weight of no more than 400 pounds. Each time he teleports, Solo must succeed at a Green En­ durance FEAT or be confused and unable to act on the following turn. Passengers must succeed at a Green Endurance FEAT or be disori­ ented for 1-10 turns. It takes Solo's metabolism time to Strength, if it is a living being. In the the Wall-Crawling power at Feeble realign after he teleports between lo­ latter case, the creature takes an rank. cations. He must wait 1-10 turns to equivalent amount of damage. Combat Knives: He is armed with "recharge." In order to teleport be­ Equipment: Solo carries a wide vari­ four of these blades strapped to his fore this time has elapsed, Solo ety of weapons and other items costume at various locations. Each must first succeed at a Red Power strapped to his costume: can be either thrown or used in Rank FEAT. He can attempt this Automatic Rifle: Solo carries this hand-to-hand combat, inflicting 10 FEAT only once while recharging, weapon in a holster strapped across pOints of damage in either case. and failure indicates that he must re­ his back. It has a range of 7 areas Grenades: Solo carries two of each charge for an additional 1-10 turns. and inflicts 15 points of damage. of the following types of grenades If Solo should accidentally rema­ One clip of ammunition holds 20 strapped to a bandolier worn across terialize in a solid object, he must at­ shots. his chest and back: tempt a Power Rank FEAT. A Ye llow Body Armor: Solo's costume is made • Concussion: Inflicts 40 points of result is required for success, mean­ of bullet-proof, quilted Kevlar, and Blunt damage to all in the same ing he instinctively teleports to an­ provides him with Good protection area. other location and falls unconscious against physical attacks and Poor • Flash: Creates an Amazing Inten­ for 1-10 turns. Failure denotes that protection versus energy attacks. sity flash of light. Those facing the he suffers damage equal to twice the Climbing Cla ws: These allow Solo to flash are blinded for 1-10 turns if object's Material Strength or actual climb vertical surfaces as if he had they fail an Agility FEAT roll.

91 • Frag: Inflicts 30 points of Edged know what country, religion, or politi­ assassination of Symkaria's prin­ damage to all targets in the same cal ideals he represents, leaving him cess and prime minister. area. free to strike anywhere. After Spider-Man captured We il, • Knock-Out: This grenade re­ Solo made his first recorded ap­ however, Solo threatened to kill the leases Excellent Intensity knock­ pearance in West Germany, where terrorist. Impressed by Spider-Man's out gas. All in the same area who terrorists had seized a foreign em­ persistence in defending We il, Solo fail an Endurance FEAT fall un­ bassy and taken several of its ambas­ allowed the terrorist to live with the conscious for 1-10 turns. sadors hostage. West German"y's promise that he would be put out of • Smoke: Excellent Intensity smoke expert counter-terrorist unit, the commission. fills one area. All FEATs within the Grenzschutze Gruppe 9 (GSG9), had Solo later appeared at a train sta­ area are at -2CS. already surrounded the building and tion in Barcelona, where terrorist Machine Pistol: Solo carries this was plotting an assault when Solo leader To ro Mendoza's men had de­ weapon in a holster at his side. It has made his move. In a pulse of crack­ tonated a bomb, killing numerous a range of 6 areas and inflicts 20 ling light, Solo teleported into the em­ citizens, including women and chil­ points of damage. A single clip of bassy and blasted away, killing all of dren. From his fortress in the north ammunition holds 6 shots. the terrorists without harming the of Spain, Mendoza and his Cascan Sub-machine Gun: Solo wears this hostages. Before vanishing, he left a Separatists th reatened that death firearm in a holster at his side. It has note that read, "While I live, terror would follow death, until autonomy a range of 8 areas, inflicts 25 points dies." These words would later be­ was granted to the rebel Cascan of damage, and can be fired with one come his battle cry. province. Government troops were hand at -2CS. A single clip of ammo Later, the terrorist outfit called U L­ reluctant to assault the fortress, be­ for this gun holds 7 shots. TIMATUM devised a scheme to de­ cause they realized that Mendoza Limitation : Solo's teleportation is stroy the famous Arc de Triomphe in would simply escape through hidden preceded at his destination by flash­ Paris, . After foiling their plan, tunnels, and his vengeance would ing globules of plasma (the phase of Solo went after ULTIMATU M's lead­ be even more terrible. Solo decided matter comprised of energy), which er, Major To ler Weil, and became to take matters into his own hands. sometimes alert observers to his im­ caught up in the SymkarianlUnited Using stealth and his climbing pending arrival. States conflict that would come to be claws, Solo successfully penetrated Ta lents: Solo is skilled in the use of called the "Assassin Nation Plot." the fortress's defenses. However, he

Guns and Thrown Weapons, grant­ In pursuit of We il, Solo uncovered was caught off guard and captured (., .,"\ ing him a + 1 CS with both. He has an stronghold at a by a young boy with an automatic ri- also received training in Martial Arts "closed" ski lodge on the border of fle. The boy was a loyal follower of B, C, and E. Symkaria and . Solo found Mendoza, and was preparing to Contacts: Solo has adventured with and attacked We il inside. Coinciden­ leave on a suicide mission to drive Captain America, , and tally, at the same time, Captain an am bulance full of explosives into Spider-Man. America, Silver Sable, and Spider­ a government military base. The boy Man were fighting to gain entrance led Solo, at gunpoint, to the en­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: from the outside. Unfortunately, af­ trance of Mendoza's headquarters. ter penetrating ULTIMATUM's exter­ Solo made his move, knocking the nal defenses, Captain America boy unconscious, then teleporting thought Solo was one of the terror­ into Mendoza's lair. A burst of ma- ists and flung his shield at him, chine gun fire eliminated the terrorist ROLE·PLAYING NOTES: which distracted Solo and allowed leader. Solo is a grim man, determined to We il to escape. Captain America Unable to teleport immediately, extinguish terrorism wherever it is eventually remembered seeing So­ Solo blew a hole in the wall of the for­ found. Why he became obsessed lo's file, but their methods brought tress with a grenade, then escaped. with this violent attitude is as yet un­ them into conflict more than once Seeing an opportunity, government revealed. By the number of body during the affai r. troops then moved in and took the bags left in his wake, however, it is a Members of ULTIMATUM later de­ terrorist stronghold. The boy, named certainty that Solo's actions support cided to destroy Ellis Island, the his­ Carlos, and several terrorists used his battle cry, "While I live, terror toric gateway for immigration into Mendoza's secret tunnels and came dies!" America. After Spider-Man captured out near Solo. The boy took a shot at the terrorists, Solo appeared and Solo, which just missed his head. shot them all, thinking he was doing Before his comrades forced him to the web-slinger a favor. Spider-Man retreat, Carlos swore to have re­ HISTORY: allowed Solo to join in his search for venge against Solo. Whether the Virtually nothing is known about the We il. Spider-Man wanted to capture young terrorist ever succeeds re­ early life of the man who would be­ Weil so that he could testify on be­ mains to be seen. come Solo, which is exactly the way half of the United States in proving Solo's current whereabouts and he wants it. Solo donned a mask and that the U.S. was not involved in the activities are a mystery. costume so that terrorists would not 92 SPIDER-SLAV ERS


The Spider-Slayers are robots designed Present Group Affi liations: gled up Peter in its unbreakable steel to hunt and either capture or kill Spider­ coils. Man. The various inventors of the KNOWN POWERS: Smythe mistakenly believed that a mi­ Spider-Slayers kept Spider-Man's spec­ Robotic Construction: The Mark I Spider­ nor flaw had caused the machine to en­ tacular talents in mind: Each robot is Slayer was built in a general humanoid tangle Peter rather than the spider, and equipped with powers meant to nullify or fo rm. For locomotion, it rolls on a steel thus Peter's secret identity as Spider­ overcome the superhuman abilities of ball attached to the end of each of its two Man was safe. Quite impressed, Jame­ Spider-Man. legs. The Spider-Slayer is immune to son agreed to hire Smythe and his To date, Spider-Man has been assault­ disease, gas attacks, psionic attacks, invention to capture Spider-Man. Flus­ ed by eight different models of Spider­ and could possibly survive in a vacuum. tered by his failure to escape the robot's Slayer. The first four robots and the Mark Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ coils, Peter Parker left for school, where VI version were designed by Spencer or construction provides it with Remark­ he nervously watched and waited for the Smythe, an inventor who sold several of able protection from physical attacks approach of the robotic hunter. his deadly machines to J. Jonah Jame­ and Excellent protection versus energy He did not have long to wait. With Ja­ son, the editor of the and a attacks. meson at the controls, the robot plodded man who often has a grudge against Elongation: The Mark I Spider-Slayer toward the building. Peter fled and just Spider-Man. Jameson hired Dr. Marla can stretch its arms and legs with Feeble had time to change into his Spider-Man Madison, with whom he fell in love and ability, allowing it to reach up to 1 area costume before his tireless pursuer later married, to build the Mark V Spider­ away. found him. Eventually worn out, Spider­ Slayer. Spencer Smythe's so n, Alistair, Remote-Control Guidance: All functions Man's reactions slowed, and the Spider­ built the last two Spider-Slayers, Mark of the robot can be remotely controlled Slayer ensnared him in its steel coils. VII and VIII. Statistics for all eight from a portable control panel up to a Unable to break free, Spider-Man used models are given below. range of five miles. The controller can the suction power of his fingers to open a see, hear, and speak through the robot's metal plate in the robot's chest, then ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: face. The controller's face appears on a used his scientific skills to figure out the The following Spider-Slayers do not video screen in the Spider-Slayer's face. operation of the machine's inner work­ have personalities of their own. Each is Slick Surfa ce: The Mark I Spider-Slayer's ings. By the time Jameson and Smythe simply a mindless machine. Consider surface is Amazingly slick, making it im­ arrived on the scene, Spider-Man was the personality of the controller when de­ mune to Spider-Man's webbing. gone. termining how a Spider-Slayer reacts in Spider Detection: The Spider-Slayer can any role-playing situation. For example, detect arachnids or creatu res with J. Jonah Jameson only wanted to cap­ spider-like abilities (namely Spider-Man) MARK II ture Spider-Man and not kill him, but at Shift Y range (160 areas or about 4 .--../ STATISTICS: Spencer Smythe grew to hate the wall­ miles). crawler and wanted to see him dead. Circling the front of the Mark Steel Coils: F GD(10) I Spider-Slayer's chest are 20 small A TY(6) holes. Each hole contains a steel cable S IN(40) MARK I of Amazing Material Strength. The steel E IN(40) cables can be extended from the robot's STATISTICS: R TY(6) chest to entangle any single target with­ I ShO in the same area as the robot. The con­ F GD(10) P ShO troller of the Spider-Slayer must attempt A GD(10) Health: 96 an Agility FEAT roll, and any hit is con­ S EX(20) Karma: 6 sidered to have entangled the target. E IN(40) Resources: Inapplicable Wa ll-Crawling: At Feeble rank, the Mark I R TY(6) Popularity: Inapplicable Spider-Slayer can climb vertical surfac­ I ShO es. P ShO BACKGROUND: Ta lents: None. Health: 80 Real Name: Inapplicable Contacts: Inapplicable. Karma: 6 Occupation: Robotic hunter specifically Resources: Inapplicable designed to track and kill Spider-Man ADDITIONAL NOTES: Popularity: Inapplicable Legal Status: Inapplicable Identity: Inapplicable BACKGROUND: Place of Birth: Spencer Smythe's labo­ Real Name: Inapplicable ratory, New Yo rk City Occupation : Robotic hunter specifically Marital Status: Inapplicable designed to track and capture Spider­ Known Relatives: Inapplicable HISTORY: Man Base of Operations: Spencer Smythe's In the offices of the Daily Bugle, Spencer Legal Status: Inapplicable Smythe demonstrated the uncanny abili­ laboratory, New Yo rk City Identity: Inapplicable ties of the first Spider-Slayer to J. Jonah Past Group Affiliations: None Place of Birth: Spencer Smythe's labo­ Jameson, , and Peter Parker Present Group Affiliations: ratory, New Yo rk City (alias Spider-Man). Smythe explained Marital Status: Inapplicable that his robot was programmed to sense KNOWN POWERS: 1/ Known Relatives: Inapplicable spiders, and gave Peter Parker a spider Robotic Construction: The Mark Spider-Slayer was built in a more hu­ Base of Operations: Spencer Smythe's in a glass case to hold. After sensing Pe­ laboratory, New Yo rk City ter's spider powers, however, the robot manoid form than the Mark I. Like its counterpart, the Mark II is immune to Past Group Affiliations: None ignored the real spider and quickly tan- 94 SPIDER-SLAYERS

disease, gas attacks, psionic attacks, the pushed him aside. However, Spider­ turns. and could possibly survive in a vacuum. Man dodged the beam and escaped to a Leaping: The Mark III has Remarkable Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ phone booth , where he quickly looked leaping ability, enabling it to jump 2 ar­ or construction provides it with Remark­ up the address of Smythe's laboratory. eas up, 3 areas down, or 30 feet horizon­ able protection from physical attacks With the fearsome Spider-Slayer tally. and Excellent protection versus energy breathing down his neck, Spider-Man ar­ Lightning Speed: The Spider-Slayer can attacks. rived at the laboratory. The robot run, jump, and climb walls at Amazing Destructo-Beam: The Mark II can fire an smashed through a wall to follow him in­ land speed (8 areas per round). energy beam from its forehead of Incred­ side, but suddenly Smythe found that Remote-Control Guidance: All functions ible Intensity, but only Typical range (2 the controls were malfunctioning, and of the robot can be remotely controlled areas). The controller's Agility is used to then the Mark II exploded. Just as from a portable control panel up to a determine the results of an attack, rather Spider-Man had guessed, because the range of five miles. The controller can than the robot's. robot was so sensitive to spiders, the see, hear, and speak through the Mark Remote-Control Guidance: All functions hundreds of arachnids in Smythe's col­ Ill's two huge eyes. The controller's face of the robot can be remotely controlled lection caused it to short-circuit. appears in the Spider-Slayer's eyes, from a portable control panel up to a which are really two video screens. range of five miles. The controller can Spider Detection: The Mark III Spider­ see, hear, and speak through the robot's MARK III Slayer can detect arachnids or creatures face. The controller's face appears on a with spider-like abilities (namely Spider­ STATISTICS: video screen in the Spider-Slayer's face. Man) at Shift Y range (160 areas or Sp ider Detection: The Spider-Slayer can F EX(20) about 4 miles). detect arachnids or creatures with Spider- Sense Nullifier: The robot has the A AM (50) spider-like abilities (namely Spider-Man) Amazing ability to nullify Spider-Man's S EX(20) at Shift Z range (400 areas or about 10 innate power to detect danger, called his E IN(40) miles). Spider-Sense. Th is allows the Mark III to R TY(6) Wa ll- Crawling: Suction cups on the feet blindside Spider-Man. I ShO of the Mark II Spider-Slayer enable it to Wa il-Crawling: The Mark III can scale P ShO walk up vertical surfaces at Good rank vertical surfaces at Good rank ability. Health: 130 ability. We b-Cutter: Incredible Material Strength Karma: 6 Limitation: While the Mark II's ability to pincers on the Mark Ill's face enable it to Resources: Inapplicable detect spiders is greatly enhanced over cut Spider-Man's webbing. Popularity: Inapplicable that of the Mark I, the Mark II must make We b-Shooter: The Mark III Spider-Slayer a Typical Intensity FEAT roll when in the can fire Amazing Material Strength BACKGROUND: same area as a large group of arachnids webbing up to 1 area away to entangle Real Name: Inapplicable (at least 20) or it short-circuits because its target. It can use this webbing as a Occupation: Robotic hunter specifically of its extreme sensitivity. designed to track and capture Spider­ swing line, allowing it to travel at 3 areas Ta lents: None. Man per round. Contacts: Inapplicable. Ta lents: None. Legal Status: Inapplicable Contacts: Inapplicable. Identity: Inapplicable ADDITIONAL NOTES: Place of Birth: Spencer Smythe's labo­ ratory, New Yo rk City ADDITIONAL NOTES: Marital Status: Inapplicable Known Relatives: Inapplicable Base of Operations: Spencer Smythe's laboratory, New Yo rk City HISTORY: Past Group Affiliations: None After his first failure, Spencer Smythe HISTORY: built a second Spider-Slayer designed to Present Group Affiliations: Once again, J. Jonah Jameson hired be twice as sensitive to spiders and Spencer Smythe to build a robot capable much stronger. After an impressive dem­ KNOWN POWERS: of defeating Spider-Man. This time, how­ onstration in which the robot crushed a Robotic Construction: The Mark III ever, Smythe had an ulterior motive: He foot-thick wall, J. Jonah Jameson Spider-Slayer was built in the form of a wanted to use the robot to steal a com­ agreed to hire Smythe once more. huge, eight-legged spider with two large plex computer element and frame eyes. Like all Spider-Slayers, the Mark III With his face in the machine's viewp­ Spider-Man for the crime. late, Jameson tracked Spider-Man to his is immune to disease, gas attacks, psi­ Smythe gave Jameson a portable apartment, and commanded the robot to onic attacks, and could presumably sur­ remote-control, which he used to track walk right up the wall of the building. Ja­ vive in a vacuum. down Spider-Man and engage him in a The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ meson assumed Spider-Man was bur­ Body Armor: fight. Unknown to Jameson, Smythe glarizing the apartment, and did not or construction provides it with Remark­ was at the master controls in his labora­ realize that the web-slinger lived there. able protection from physical attacks tory, and subtly controlled the flow of the Spider-Man evaded Jameson's initial at­ and Excellent protection versus energy battle until Spider-Man and the robot attacks. tack, and fled into the city. were in the laboratory containing the Impatient with Jameson's handling of Ethyl Chloride: It can release a blast of computer element Smythe wanted to things, Smythe took control of the ma­ Incredible Intensity knockout gas, affect­ steal. Spider-Man was knocked uncon­ ing all targets within the same area as it­ chine and trained its deadly destructo­ scious, allowing the robot to escape with beam upon Spider-Man. Jameson self. Those who fail an Endurance FEAT the computer element. Although things objected to using the weapon, but Smy- are rendered unconscious for 1-10 looked bad for the web-slinger, Spider- 95 AJaER-BLAVEI=tB 1

Man eventually defeated Spencer Smy­ lowing it to reach up to 1 area away and Marital Status: Inapplicable the and his latest Spider-Slayer. grapple opponents. Known Relatives: Inapplicable Spider Detection: The Mark IV Spider­ Base of Operations: Dr. Marla Madi­ Slayer can detect arachnids or creatures son's laboratory, New Yo rk City MARK IV with spider-like abilities (namely Spider­ Past Group Affiliations: None Man) at Shift Y range (160 areas or Present Group Affiliations: STATISTICS: about 4 miles). Wa ll- Crawling: The Mark IV can scale KNOWN POWERS: F EX(20) vertical surfaces at Poor rank ability. Robotic Construction: The Mark V robot A RM(30) We b-Shooter: The Mark IV Spider-Slayer is humanoid in form, and is the only S RM(30) can fire Amazing Material Strength Spider-Slayer built by Dr. Marla Madi­ E IN(40) webbing up to 1 area away to entangle son. For locomotion, each of the Mark R TY(6) its target. V's feet is equipped with a steel tread, I ShO Ta lents: None. upon which the device thunders along P ShO Contacts: Inapplicable. the ground. As with previous models, the Health: 120 Mark V is immune to disease, gas at­ Karma: 6 ADDITIONAL NOTES: tacks, psionic attacks, and could pre­ Resources: Inapplicable sumably survive in a vacu um. Popularity: Inapplicable Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ or construction provides it with Incredi­ BACKGROUND:Real Name: Inapplica­ ble protection from physical attacks and ble Remarkable protection versus energy Occupation: Robotic vehicle specifi­ HISTORY: attacks. cally designed to track and kill Spider­ Out to utterly destroy Spider-Man, Spen­ Flash Beacon: From a device in the cen­ Man cer Smythe sent three humanoid robots ter of its chest, the Mark V can produce a Legal Status: Inapplicable desig ned to look like the , Sand­ Remarkable Intensity flash of light capa­ Identity: Inapplicable man, and Kingpin to physically and men­ ble of blinding all targets in front of and Place of Birth: Spencer Smythe's labo­ tally exhaust Spider-Man. Smythe then within the same area as the robot for 1- ratory, New Yo rk City attacked in his newest Spider-Slayer, 10 turns. Marital Status: Inapplicable hoping to defeat Spider-Man while he Grapple-Claw: The Mark V is equipped Known Relatives: Inapplicable was defenseless. with a metal claw attached to the end of Base of Operations: Spencer Smythe's Riding in his huge machine, Smythe a steel tentacle, which it can shoot from laborato ry, New Yo rk City grasped Spider-Man in one of the robot's its chest to grab or grapple a target in the Past Group Affiliations: None tentacles and began to mercilessly ham­ same area as itself. Both the claw and Present Group Affiliations: mer the hero into the walls and ground. the tentacle have Remarkable Material Dazed and weakened, Spider-Man had Strength. KNOWN POWERS: virtually given up when he began to think Heat Generation: The Spider-Slayer can Robotic Construction: The Mark IV about his love for Mary Jane. Finding in­ instantly raise the surface temperature Spider-Slayer is a much larger version of ner strength, Spider-Man burst free of of its body to Amazing Intensity, ena­ the spider-like Mark III. The Mark IV has the metal tentacle and subdued Spencer bling it to incinerate Spider-Man's eight powerful legs, two large eyes, and Smythe. webbing upon contact. If the webbing a dome-covered cockpit in which the fails to get a red result on a FEAT roll pilot/controller rides. The Mark IV and against its Material Strength, it is de­ any passengers are immune to disease MARK V stroyed . and gas attacks. Though the machine is Impulse Beam: An apparatus in the Mark unaffected by pSionic attacks, passen­ STATISTICS: V's chest can fire an Excellent Intensity gers inside can be. While the machine's energy blast up to a range of 2 areas. functions would be unimpaired, it is un­ F TY(6) Large Size: Standing just over eight feet likely that passengers could survive very A PR(4) tall, the Mark V is considered to have long in an oxygen-deficient environ­ S IN(40) permanent growth at Feeble rank, and is ment, such as underwater or in a vac­ E AM (50) thus + 1 CS to be hit. uum. The Mark IV is a very strange R TY(6) Oil Nozzle: The Mark V can sq uirt oil, vehicle with the following statistics: I ShO P ShO creating a Remarkable Intensity slick ar­ ea. Anyone moving on the ground in the Control EX(20) Health: 100 area must succeed at an Agility FEAT or Speed EX(20) Karma: 6 fall down. Body RM(30) Resources: Inapplicable Remote-Control/Cybernetic Helmet: The Protection RM(30) Popularity: Inapplicable controller of the Mark V must wear a spe­ cially designed helmet, which enables Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ BACKGROUND: him to instantly command the robot at a or construction provides it with Remark­ Real Name: Inapplicable range of up to five miles. The controller's able protection from physical attacks Occupation: Robotic hunter specifically face appears on a video screen in the and Excellent protection versus energy designed to defeat Spider-Man Spider-Slayer's head. attacks. Legal Status: Inapplicable We b-Cutter: A steel tentacle secured in Elongation: The Mark IV Spider-Slayer Identity: Inapplicable the Mark V Spider-Slayer's chest is can stretch its Remarkable Material Place of Birth: Dr. Marla Madison's lab­ armed with Incredible Material Strength Strength legs with Incredible ability, al- oratory, New Yo rk City pincers that enable it to cut strands of 96 Spider-Man's webbing. The web-cutter laboratory, New Yo rk City Slayer after Spider-Man. During the en­ has a range of 1 area. Past Group Affiliations: None suing battle, the spider-shaped robot Ta lents: None. Present Group Affiliations: was destroyed and Spider-Man was Contacts: Inapplicable. knocked unconscious. Smythe took the KNOWN POWERS: hero to his laboratory, where he locked ADDITIONAL NOTES: Robotic Construction: The Mark VI one of Spider-Man's wrists to ­ Spider-Slayer was built in the form of a cuffs; Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jame­ huge, eight-legged spider with two large son were now chained together, and the eyes. It is immune to disease, gas at­ bomb was ticking. tacks, psionic attacks, and could pre­ Smythe did not prevent the pair from sumably survive in a vacuum. leaving. With an angry and frightened HISTORY: Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ Jameson in tow, Spider-Man left to find a Apparently having given up faith in or construction provides it with Remark­ way of removing the handcuffs. His ef­ Spencer Smythe, J. Jonah Jameson able protection from physical attacks forts were futile, however. With time run­ hired Dr. Marla Madison to build the and Excellent protection versus energy ning out, Spider-Man realized that Mark V Spider-Slayer. Remotely control­ attacks. Smythe was the only one who could re­ ling the robot by means of a cybernetic Leaping: The Mark VI has Remarkable move the cuffs, but upon retu rning to the helmet, Jameson sent the robot to follow leaping ability and can jump 2 areas up, laboratory, Spider-Man and Jameson Peter Parker, figuring that Peter would 3 areas down , or 30 feet horizontally. found that Smythe had finally died of his lead him to Spider-Man. Peter's spider Mental Control and Guidance: Through illness. Luckily, Spider-Man found the sense warned him that he was being fol­ unrevealed means, Spencer Smythe power source that electronically kept the lowed, and he quickly broke off his date was able to mentally control all functions shackle locked. With seconds to spare, with Mary Jane and sent her home in or­ of the robot up to a range of one mile. He Spider-Man deactivated the power der to change into his costume. could see and hear through the Mark source and the handcuffs. Spider-Man was cornered by Jame­ VI's two huge eyes. Unlike all previous son's Spider-Slayer in an alley, but he models of Spider-Slayers, the control­ was able to dodge the charging robot, ler's face did not appear on video MARK VII which rammed into a wall. While Jame­ screens in the robot's head. STATISTICS: son struggled with the cybernetic hel­ Spider Detection: The Mark VI Spider­ met, Spider-Man escaped. Slayer can detect arachnids or creatures F GD(10) Jameson and the Mark V eventually with spider-like abilities (namely Spider­ A RM(30) caught up with Spider-Man at Rockefel­ Man) at Shift Y range (160 areas or S RM(30) ler Plaza, where the web-slinger was en­ about 4 miles). ' E IN(40) gaged in a conflict with the Will 0 the Wa ll-Crawling: The Mark VI has the R TY(6) Wisp. Jameson caused much mayhem Good ability to scale vertical surfaces. I ShO at the Plaza; eventually a statue fell on Web-Shooter: The Mark VI Spider-Slayer P ShO the Mark V, wrecking it. can fire Amazing Material Strength Health: 110 webbing up to 1 area away to entangle Karma: 6 its target. It can use its webbing as a Resources: Inapplicable MARK VI swing line, allowing it to travel at 3 areas Popularity: Inapplicable STATISTICS: per round. Ta lents: None. BACKGROUND: Contacts: Inapplicable. F RM(30) Real Name: Inapplicable A AM(50) Occupation: Robotic vehicle specifi­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: S EX(20) cally designed to defeat Spider-Man E IN(40) Legal Status: Inapplicable R TY(6) Identity: Inapplicable I ShO Place of Birth: The laboratory of Alistair P ShO Smythe (Spencer Smythe's son) in New Health: 140 Yo rk City HISTORY: Karma: 6 Marital Status: Inapplicable Believing Spider-Man had killed his son, Resources: Inapplicable Known Relatives: Inapplicable a vengeful J. Jonah Jameson sought out Popularity: Inapplicable Base of Operations: The laboratory of Spencer Smythe, and hired the inventor Alistair Smythe in New Yo rk City to use his latest Spider-Slayer to hunt BACKGROUND: Past Group Affiliations: None down Spider-Man. However, Smythe Real Name: Inapplicable Present Group Affiliations: now hated both Jameson and Spider­ Occupation: Robotic hunter specifically Man; he now knew he was dying be­ designed to track and defeat Spider­ KNOWN POWERS: cause of exposure to Robotic Construction: The Mark VII materials he had used to build the vari­ Legal Status: Inapplicable Spider-Slayer is shaped much like a ous models of Spider-Slayers. Smythe Identity: Inapplicable one-man flying saucer. It is the first tricked Jameson into fastening a strange Place of Birth: Spencer Smythe's labo­ Spider-Slayer built by Spencer Smythe's pair of handcuffs onto one wrist. Laugh­ ratory, New Yo rk City son, Alistair. The Mark VII rests upon ing hysterically, Smythe told Jameson Marital Status: Inapplicable eight tentacle-like legs, which are re­ that the cuffs contained high explosives Known Relatives: Inapplicable tracted into the body during flight. The set to go off in 24 hours. Base of Operations: Spencer Smythe's cockpit is covered by a glass dome. The Smythe sent the Mark VI Spider- 97 Mark VII and any passengers are im­ ventor, Spider-Man learned where to find Control GD(10) mune to disease and gas attacks. While the young villain. Speed GD(1 0) the machine is immune to psionic at­ After rescuing Mary Jane's aunt, Body IN(40) tacks, those inside are not. The vehicle Spider-Man learned from her that Alistair Protection RM{30) is not designed for space travel; its en­ had flown away with Mary Jane in his gines are not powerful enough to break Spider-Slayer. Spider-Man caught up Access Claw: This apparatus is used to free of Earth's gravitational pull. It has with Smythe, and saved Mary Jane from lift Alistair, who is a paraplegic, into the the following statistics: the clutches of the Spider-Slayer. The Mark VIII's cockpit. web-slinger defeated the robot by caus­ Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ Control EX(20) ing it to crash into high voltage wires. or construction provides it with Incredi­ Speed RM(30) Due to the machine's insulation, Alistair ble protection from physical attacks and Body EX(20) survived, but he suffered severe shock Remarkable protection versus energy Protection GD(10) damage: He is now a paraplegic and is attacks. unable to digest solid foods. Chemical Tracer: Alistair Smythe devel­ Body Armor: The Spider-Slayer's exteri­ oped a chemical tracer that he can spray or construction provides it with Excellent from his Spider-Slayer onto a target, protection from both physical and en­ MARK VIII then track the target at Shift Z range ergy attacks. (400 areas or about 10 miles). STATISTICS: Elongation: From holes running along its Elongation: The Mark VIII can elongate sides, the Mark VII can extend and re­ its legs and arms at Unearthly rank (5 ar­ F RM(30) tract the following Remarkable Material eas), and its neck at Monstrous rank (2 A GD(10) Strength steel tentacles: areas). Its Incredible Material Strength S AM(50) • Grapple-Claws: The Spider-Slayer is fingers can also be elongated at Re­ E AM(50) equipped with two of these, one on markable rank (1 area) to entangle foes. R TY(6) each side. Each grapple-claw can ex­ Ethyl Chloride: It can release blasts of In­ I ShO tend up to 1 area away to grab its tar­ credible Intensity knockout gas from its P ShO get. Use normal grappling rules to hands, affecting all targets in the same Health: 140 resolve attacks and damage. area as its hands. Those who fail an En­ Karma: 6 • Laser-Tentacles: Each side of the durance FEAT are rendered uncon­ Resources: Inapplicable Mark VII is also armed with a Remark­ scious for 1-10 turns. Popularity: Inapplicable able Intensity laser-tentacle, each of Headlight: Its faceplate can be used as which can be extended up to 10/ to an Excellent Intensity beacon. BACKGROUND: fire in any direction. Slick Surface: The Mark VIII Spider­ Real Name: Inapplicable • Steel Whips: These deadly weapons Slayer's surface is Amazingly slick, mak­ Occupation: Robotic vehicle specifi­ can lash out from both sides of the ing it immune to Spider-Man's webbing. cally designed to defeat Spider-Man Spider-Slayer to whip or entangle Ta lents: None. Legal Status: Inapplicable their targets up to 1 area away. Contacts: Inapplicable. Identity: Inapplicable Flight: The Mark VII can fly at Remark­ Place of Birth: Alistair Smythe's labora­ able airspeed (1 5 areas per round). ADDITIONAL NOTES: tory, New Yo rk City Resistance to Ele ctricity: The Spider­ Marital Status: Inapplicable Slayer is insulated against Amazing Known Relatives: Inapplicable damage electrical attacks. Base of Operations: Alistair Smythe's Slick Surface: The Mark VII Spider­ laboratory, New Yo rk City Slayer's surface is Amazingly slick, mak­ Past Group Affiliations: None ing it immune to Spider-Man's webbing. HISTORY: Present Group Affiliations: Tr acking Sy stem: Alistair Smythe has Alistair Smythe built the most recent created a number of electronic tracers, model of Spider-Slayer, the Mark VIII, KNOWN POWERS: enabling him to use his Spider-Slayer to which he used to stalk Mary Jane and Robotic Construction: The Mark VIII track targets wearing a tracer at a range Peter Parker in Pittsburgh. Riding inside Spider-Slayer takes the form of a very of five miles. his towering robot, Alistair caught up tall humanoid. It is the second Spider­ Ta lents: None. with Spider-Man and began to pummel Slayer built by Alistair Smythe. The con­ Contacts: Inapplicable. the hero senseless. Distracted by a fee­ troller rides within the machine's chest ble attack from Mary Jane, Alistair tu rn­ cavity, and his face appears on the ro­ ADDITIONAL NOTES: ed his attention to her. Clutching Mary bot's faceplate, which is actually a video Jane in a huge tentacle, Alistair was screen through which the controller can about to kill her when Spider-Man over­ see, hear, and speak. The Mark VIII and came his injuries and dealt the robot a any passengers are immune to disease fatal blow. and gas attacks. The robot itself is also Furious at what might have happened immune to psionic attacks, though its to Mary Jane, Spider-Man ripped apart passenger is not. While the robot's func­ HISTORY: the Spider-Slayer and pulled a terrified tions would be unimpaired, it is unlikely In an attempt to get revenge against Alistair from the wreckage. Presumably that the controller could survive for very Spider-Man for the death of his father, Alistair Smythe was taken to prison. long in an oxygen-deficient environ­ Alistair Smythe used his own Spider­ Whether or not he is still there has yet to ment, such as underwater or in a vac­ Slayer to kidnap Mary Jane and her Aunt be revealed. uum. The Mark VIII is a type of walker Anna. With a clue from the Kingpin, who vehicle with the following statistics: had recently employed Alistair as an in- 98 STELLARIS


F RM(30) A EX(20) S GD(10) E RM(30) R EX(20) I TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 90 Karma: 32 Resources: IN(40) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Destroyer of Celestials Identity: Secret; Stellaris tried to trick everyone into thinking she was a man Other Known Aliases: None Legal Status: Unknown Place of Birth: Supposedly an un­ named planet destroyed by the Ce­ lestials Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: All supposedly dead Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: No natural powers known. Equipment: Living Armor: All of Stellaris's abili­ ties and powers stemmed from her living suit of armor. The armor's power supply was somewhere in the suit of armor, and it was apparently of a cosmic level. Stellaris could somehow mentally control the shape of the armor and its built-in equip­ ment. The following is a brief list of the equipment and abilities the ar­ mor was imbued with. armor. Such weapons could do up up to CL1000. In an atmosphere, • Body Armor: The armor always to Shift Y energy or force damage. she was limited to a Monstrous provided Stellaris with Shift X pro­ • Physical Enhancement: Stellaris speed. tection from all forms of attack. could use the armor to increase • Life Support: The living armor pro­ Stellaris was still subject to Slams any or all of her physical attrib­ vided Stellaris with CL 1000 life and Stuns while in the armor. The utes. Any of her FASE attributes support. armor itself seemed to be made of could be raised to Unearthly. This • Self Destruct: Stellaris stated that a material that has a Material did not increase her basic Health she could order her living armor to Strength rank of CL10 00. Weaker score. self-destruct in a CL5000 explo­ areas of the armor, such as joints • Sensors: Stellaris could order the sion, powerful enough to destroy (needing a red result to hit) were suit to form any sort of detection a whole planet. It is not known if only of Shift Y Strength Material or sensor device, with a Shift Y Stellaris could have actually done rank. Power Rank. that. • Weapons: Stellaris could form any • Flight: Stellaris's living armor al­ • Computer Ta p: Stellaris could use sort of energy weapon from her lowed her to fly in space at speeds the armor to plug into any sort of

99 computer system and take any When Thor and Hercules left for data she needed, no matter how the Black Galaxy, Stellaris was fol­ good the security of the computer lowing close behind them. When HISTORY: s stem. This is a Shift Z ability. Thor and Hercules encountered the . � . Most of Stellaris's history is un­ Limitation: The more equipment, 's ship in the Black � known or clouded by mystery. Even en ancements, and weapons Stel­ the origin she revealed is unclear Galaxy, Stellaris was able to gain en­ lans ordered the living armor to take since it was obvious that she was th� try unnoticed. Stellaris freed and be­ on, the bulkier the armor got. This final force that activated the birth of friended Nobilus, a mentally :-va� only a sign of increasing power; a new . unstable New Immortal created from It did not seem to penalize Stellaris's She first appeared on Earth fol­ cell samples of Thor. While Nobilus abilities or agility. When the armor held off the High Evolutionary's New lowing. a replicoid sent there by the had no special abilities working, it re­ Celestlals. The replicoid was sent to Men and Thor, she plundered the sembled a light suit of clothing. Earth to deliver a message to Thor. ship's computer system. Ta lents: Stellaris was a Marksman The Celestials wanted Thor and Her­ In the computer system she found and an expert in Martial Arts Type E, the location of a mysterious red Ce­ . cules to go to the Black Galaxy im­ Acr?ba.tlcs, Tu mbling, Astro­ mediately. lestial within the Black Galaxy. navigation, and Computers. Before the replicoid even had a Elated, she grabbed Nobilus and Contacts: Stellaris was a loner all of chance to give Thor the message took off for the location of the Celes­ h�r life, though she briefly be­ Stellaris attacked them both. During tial, hoping to kill her first Celestial. fnended Nobilus before she died. the battle, the Avengers arrived to The High Evolutionary, Hercules, help Thor battle Stellaris, and the re­ Thor, and the High Evolutionary's ADDITIONAL NOTES: plicoid was mortally injured. The re­ New Immortals followed behind her. plicoid was able to deliver the Everyone arrived in time to wit­ message to Thor just before Stellaris ness the beginning of the birth of a destroyed it. new Celestial. The organiC Black Stellaris then attacked Hercules, Galaxy was apparently the matter from which the new Celestial was to �ome�ow sensing his past connec­ tion with the Celestials. Thor was fi­ be created from. nally able to defeat Stellaris in single The vengeful Stellaris powered up combat, and discovered that Stel­ her suit to its maximum level and laris was a woman. She threatened charged the forming Celestial. A ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: huge explosion occurred and Stellaris was a bitter and driven to order her living armor to self­ destruct and destroy the Earth in the seemed to destroy the whole Black woman who hated all Celestials and Galaxy. Thor and the other un­ anyone who associated with them. explosion. Thor reluctantly let her go. harmed observers saw that the new Her true form and sex were hidden Celestial had completely formed . by her armor. Stellaris talked with a During the battle, Stellaris re­ vealed that her race had been The explosion caused by Stellaris guttural slang and deep voice that seemed to have provided the final made many think she was a hulking judged unfit by the Celestials, and � had been destroyed. She never ex­ energy necessary for the new Celes­ male . She was actually a beau tial to be born. A robot analyzer tiful and graceful woman. plained how she happened to sur­ vive, or where she got her suit of made the final comment that Stel­ living armor. laris's living armor was exactly like the armor worn by all the Celestials.



F RM(30) A RM(30) S GD(1 0) E EX(20) R IN(40) I EX(20) P RM(30) Health: 90 Karma: 90 Resources: AM(50) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Stygorr Occupation: Lord of the Sub-Space Zone Legal Status: None Identity: Existence is not known to general Earth populace Other Known Aliases: Stygorr the Nightlord Place of Birth: Sub-Space Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Sub-Space Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Flight: Excellent air speed (10 areas per round) in an atmosphere, and Unearthly air speed (40 areas per round) in outer space. Body Armor: Stygorr has Incredible protection versus all forms of energy attacks and Remarkable protection against phYSical attacks. Invulnerability: Stygorr is immune to poisons, diseases, and radiation. Life Support: Stygorr does not need to breathe and he can survive in a vacuum. Energy Blasts: Stygorr can trans­ mute his body from positive to anti­ matter. Stygorr can release the resulting energy charges as beams of energy that cause up to Amazing energy damage. He can also release the power in one blast that inflicts In­ credible force damage to everyone within one area. Ta lents: None revealed. Contacts: None revealed.

101 . - t:.. c· - - . ---- ,

ADDITIONAL NOTES: The gravity and energy of the Sub­ policeman, and Shiner took his gun. Space Zone would tear the city block Shiner then tried to blow his way apart if it entered the area. If the city into the with dyna­ block touched any part of the anti­ mite, then later tried to enter using a matter Earth, it would cause a huge wrecking ball. The Human To rch explosion that would completely de­ stopped his attempts, so Shiner stroy the city block and everyone threatened him with the gun. The ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: trapped on it. mob then realized that Shiner had Stygorr is an arrogant being who be­ While Reed Richards worked des­ gone over the edge and they turned lieves that he cannot be defeated by perately on a solution, the people on against him. Shiner got away and anyone. He is paranoid and thinks the floating block began a mob riot hid in a building that he was sup­ everyone who enters his realm is an led by an arrogant engineer, Lew posed to help tear down. enemy. Shiner. Shiner was infuriated be­ Meanwhile, Reed had figured out cause he thought the FF had trans­ a way to use Stygorr's power blasts ported the city block into outer space to propel the city block into the Dis­ as part of some experiment. Shiner tortion Zone and back into normal had been supervising the demolish­ space. Reed had the Invisible Wom­ HISTORY: ing of an old building when the city an use her force field powers to push Several years ago, the Fantastic block was transported. the condemned building off the Four battled an alien menace known Stygorr, the alien lord of the Sub­ block, directly at Stygorr. No one had as the Ebony Seeker. Just before the Space Zone, noticed the approach­ any idea that Shiner was hiding in Ebony Seeker destroyed the Earth, ing city block and presumed it was the same building. the heroes managed to defeat him. an attack. He flew out to meet the Sue did as Reed asked, and as The cost of their victory was the city block and began blasting away the building headed for him, Stygorr transportation of their headquarters, at the protective containment field started to turn his body into anti­ and several blocks of downtown Reed had placed around the block of matter. At the exact moment of trans­ Manhattan, into the . land. The containment field was cre­ mutation, Lew Shiner tumbled into Luckily, the city block was slowly ated by the machine that secured Stygorr and merged with him. A drifting toward the Distortion Zone, the portal to the Negative Zone that huge explosion occurred, appar­ the interface point between the Neg­ Reed had built a long time ago. ently killing Shiner and Stygorr. The ative Zone and the normal universe. Reed Richards and the Thing ven­ power of the blast was enough to Unfortunately, the city block would tured out into the Negative Zone and send the city block through the Dis­ also be passing close to the gravity attacked Stygorr, but he ignored their tortion Zone and back into the Posi­ wells of the Sub-Space Zone and the attacks. Meanwhile, inside the field, tive Matter Universe. anti-Earth. Either of these might de­ Shiner led a mob against the FF's Stygorr's present condition and stroy the entire city block and its pas­ Baxter Building. The mob captured a whereabouts are unknown. sengers.




F TY(6) A GO(10) S PR(4) E GO(10) R TY(6) I PR(4) P GO(10) Health: 30 Karma: 20 Resources: GO(10) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Jacob Eichorn Occupation: Assassin Legal Status: Unrevealed Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Partner of Stone Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Rott.ing To uch: Styx has the Amazing abil. ity to cause organic matter he � to�c es. to instantly rot and decay. !hls inflicts Amazing damage to liv­ Ing creatures, and affects organic �aterials (wood, rope, cloth, etc.) as If Styx were attempting to break the item with Amazing Strength. Victims of this power must come into direct c�ntact with Styx's flesh. When Styx wlshe� to touch something or some­ result, Jacob Eichorn was injected one without harming it, he wears a with a mutated cancer compound. pair of gloves. Styx's power stimu­ Although he developed an immunity lates the pleasure centers of his HISTORY: The early history of Jacob Eichorn is to the disease, Eichorn became a liv­ b�ain and, unfortunately, the more ing cancer himself with the ability to hiS power is used, the more intoxi­ a mystery. For unknown reasons, he became a homeless derelict. Even­ kill organic matter by touch. cating it is for Styx. Eichorn's mind was also affected Elongation: Styx has the Feeble abil­ !ually, he was approached by a med­ � Ical research firm seeking homeless for he took the name Styx after th ity to elongate his fingers up to 1 mythical passage to Hades. He area. people to participate in experiments for new pharmaceuticals. The pay quickly developed a twisted affinity Ta lents: None. !or death, finding that only by bring­ Contacts: Stone, Jonathon Caesar. was good, and the danger promised to be minimal. Eichorn readily Ing death to others could he find happiness and release. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: agreed. Unfortunately, one of the scien­ It is unclear how Styx came to be Styx teeters upon the brink of com­ associated with Stone. Apparently, plete lunacy. He lives only for death, tists was pursuing his own unauthor­ Stxx did something for Stone, for which is his sole pleasure. Without ized research by explori ng the theory that the human body can de­ which Stone is forever grateful. By �is partner's guidance, Styx would helping Styx control his deadly urg­ likely become a raving psychotic velop immunity to cancer by con­ trolled exposure to the disease. As a es, Stone figures he is repaying his killer, totally out of control. debt. 103 STONE opponent. Treat this as a Remark­ Peter Parker's wife, Mary Jane. Cae­ able rank ensnarement attack. sar once kidnapped her, then hired STATISTICS: • Gas Pods: He can shoot pods up Styx and Stone to eliminate a trou­ to 2 areas away which explode blesome Spider-Man. As Mary Jane F EX(20) upon contact, releasing Excellent Parker and Jonathon Caesar watch­ A GD(1 0) Intensity tear gas that fills 1 area. ed the sunset, they saw Spider-Man S GD(1 0) • Knockout Darts: Stone can fire a web-swinging toward them. Caesar E RM(30) burst of small darts at any one tar­ called his two new operatives, and R TY(6) get in the same area as himself. Styx and Stone went into action. I TY(6) Tr eat this as a shooting attack with Standing on their -hopper, P TY(6) any kill result treated as a the pair of killers swooped down Health: 70 instead. The darts are upon Spider-Man, but the web­ Karma: 18 coated with a Remarkable Intensi­ slinger's spider-sense warned him, Resources: GD(10) ty knockout drug. and he dodged a chain fired from Popularity: 0 • Net: He can shoot an Excellent Stone's cannons. But Stone was un­ Material Strength net to entangle daunted, and next fired gas pellets BACKGROUND: a target in the same area as him­ and a sonic blast, which brought Real Name: Unrevealed self. He can also use the net to Spider-Man to the ground in Central Occupation: Assassin catch falling objects. Consider Park. Before the web-slinger could Legal Status: Unrevealed this to be a Remarkable ran k en­ get in any good licks, Stone blinded Identity: Secret snarement attack. him with a strobe burst. Place of Birth: Unrevealed • Nova Beam: At a range of up to 3 Meanwhile, Mary Jane escaped Marital Status: Unrevealed areas, Stone can shoot a beam of from Jonathon Caesar and took his Known Relatives: None Incredible Intensity heat energy. gun. After hitting Spider-Man with Base of Operations: Mobile • Sonic Beam: He can fire a beam his nova beam, Stone captured him Past Group Affiliations: Partner of of coherent sonic energy that acts with a of adhesive gel. Styx was Styx as an Incredible Intensity force at­ about to touch the mask of a blind Present Group Affiliations: tack at a range of up to 2 areas. and weakened Spider-Man, when • Strobe Burst: Stone can produce Mary Jane opened up with Caesar's KNOWN POWERS: an Amazing Intensity flash of light automatic pistol. Running from the None. capable of blinding everyone with­ spray of bullets, Styx and Stone re­ Equipment: Stone's powers are de­ in the same area as himself. treated to their turbo-hopper and rived from his high-tech weaponry Ta lents: Stone is a Weapons Spe­ fled the scene. Caesar was sent to and equipment: cialist with his shoulder cannons, prison, but he has recently been re­ Tu rbo-Hopper: Stone controls this granting him a + 2CS to hit and a + 1 leased on parole. flying platform with his feet, allowing to his initiative with the weapon. Once again a free man, Caesar him to keep his hands free. It is Contacts: Styx, Jonathon Caesar. has turned his attention from Mary equipped with a rope ladder, which Jane Parker to Spider-Man, wanting Stone uses to raise and lower Styx to ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: revenge for the web-slinger's inter­ and from the ground. The turbo­ Stone is a rough and ready individ­ ference. Again, Caesar hired Styx hopper has the following statistics: ual, willing to take on even the and Stone to kill Spider-Man. toughest job, such as killing Spider­ Styx and Stone caught up with Control EX(20) Man, if the price is right. He often be­ Spider-Man in an abandoned sub­ Speed RM(30) comes irritated at his partner when way tunnel, where the wall-crawler Body EX(20) Styx cannot control his urge to snuff was fighting a desperate battle Protection o the life of anything he meets. Stone against Ve nom. A three-way fight en­ is the leader of this villainous duo, sued, in which Stone's shoulder can­ Shoulder Cannons: Fixed to a metal providing direction for Styx's deadly nons were crushed by Ve nom before harness, a pair of multi-purpose can­ touch. Styx's rotting touch apparently killed nons rests on Stone's shoulders. He Ve nom 's symbiotic costume. With can make the following attacks with Stone weaponless and Styx stunned this unique weapon: HISTORY: from the pleasure of his kill, Spider­ Man easily captured the duo and • Adhesive Gel: He can fire a glob of Virtually nothing has been revealed goo to strike one target up to 1 about Stone's background. At some turned them over to the authorities. area away. Tr eat this as an Incredi­ point in his life, Stone became in­ Apparently, Styx and Stone are still ble rank ensnarement attack. debted to his partner, Styx. in custody. • Chain: Stone can fire a length of Currently, Styx and Stone are a Remarkable Material Strength two-man assassination team em­ chain from his cannons up to 1 ar­ ployed by Jonathon Caesar, a psy­ ea away in order to entangle an chotic who has an obsession for



F TY(6) A GD(10) S TY(6) E EX(20) R TY(6) I GD(10) P IN(40) Health: 42 Karma: 56 Resources: FE(2) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Pamela Douglas Occupation: Former editor, now an adventuress Legal Status: U.S. Citizen Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: Heather Douglas (cousin) Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Eternals of Titan Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Te lepathy: Amazing rank. Mind Control: Amazing rank. Mind Blast: Remarkable intensity with a maximum range of one area. Kinetic Bolt: Excellent damage with a three-area range. Force Field Generation: Sundragon can create a force field that provides Amazing protection against phYSical and energy attacks, and CI1 000 pro­ tection versus plasma attacks. Navigation Sense: Unearthly. Te leport: Sundragon can teleport herself and up to two other people with Unearthly ability. She must know the other people she is tele­ porting quite well, and she can even F EX(20) life support, and provides them with teleport people she knows to her lo­ A UN(1 00) Amazing protection against energy cation if they are within range. S UN(1 00) and physical attacks. Tr ansport: Sundragon rides a large E UN(1 00) Ta lents: Pamela is a trained journal­ dragon made of stellar matter, which R TY(6) ist. she controls mentally. The dragon I GD(10) Contacts: Sundragon can rely on has the following statistics: P RM(30) help from the Eternals of Titan, Health: 320 , the Gargoyle (Isaac Karma: 46 Christians), and the sentient stellar cloud known as Cloud. Sundragon is The dragon can fly at CI3000 speed. currently traveling with the dragon The dragon surrounds its passen­ and the Titan named Demeityr. Isaac gers with a field that protects them Christians has recently returned to from the vacuum of space, provides Earth. 105 ADDITIONAL NOTES: Moondragon was defeated. She was caused when she entered the plas­ able to calm down Isaac Christians's ma column. soul and make amends. Isaac's soul Not only did they teleport them­ now existed in a red crystal that he selves out of the plasma column, but had once picked up in Doctor they also teleported Demeityr to the Strange's house. Pamela put the Dance ship. The Dance then let necklace with the crystal around her them go free, apparently done with ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: them. Sundragon is a simple woman who neck. Moondragon's personal space­ Demeityr joined their little tour and is awed by the changes that have craft then arrived to whisk all three they left for parts unknown. As the taken place in her life recently. She away to the Titan moon. The Eter­ months went by, Moondragon's is a kind woman who is truly thrilled cloned body matured at an acceler­ by the wonders of the universe she nals made Pamela feel welcome there, while they waited for Moon­ ated rate, but not fast enough to suit is now exploring. dragon's clone to reach gestation. her. An encounter with the living During this time, Pamela began to nebulae, Cloud, who had also been fall in love with a Titan named De­ a Defender, angered the arrogant HISTORY: meityr. Moondragon. A few days later, A few years ago, the arrogant psi­ When gestation day arrived, Moondragon became angered by onic known as Moondragon came Moondragon and Pamela discov­ the intimacy Pamela and Demeityr under the influence of the evil being ered that once the baby clone was shared. She mentally assaulted known as the Dragon of the Moon. imprinted with Moondragon's soul, them and then forced her body into She attacked her fellow Defenders, the baby would be given to the care complete maturity. who defeated her at the cost of the of the Priests of Shao-Lom and Pa­ Moondragon then attacked De­ lives of several members. Moondra­ mela would be returned to Earth. meityr, Pamela, and Isaac, and tele­ gon's body turned into a statue Both Pamela and Moondragon vi­ ported them outside to die in the which then crumbled into . olently objected to these terms. At vacuum of space. Luckily, a nearby Moondragon's soul, though shat­ first, it looked as if they would have star held part of the consciousness of tered, somehow survived and was to give in to the powerful Eternal the living nebulae, Cloud. Cloud set adrift. Her soul finally found leader, Mentor. Then Isaac Chris­ saved them and then used her sanctuary in the mind of her closest tians's soul spoke up and asked powers to activate the rest of Pame­ living relative, her cousin, Pamela Mentor to remand the two women in­ la's dormant powers, and to give her Douglas. Moondragon also some­ to his care. Mentor had come to a new form. She also formed a body how contacted the computer called know and respect Isaac Christians, out of stellar matter for Isaac's soul to ISAAC, who helps run the Eternal so he agreed. inhabit. She then created a dragon colony on Titan, a moon of Jupiter. Pamela, the cloned infant of out of stellar mass, that Pamela could ISAAC started creating a clone of Moondragon, and the soul of Isaac control and use as a form of travel. Moondragon. Christians then started on a tour of They then confronted Moondra­ The weakened soul of Moon­ the galaxy in Moondragon's space­ gon, who confessed that she felt as if dragon then began to contact her ship. Just after leaving Titan, their no one really cared for her, and that host, Pamela. At first Pamela spaceship was pulled into a giant everyone loved Pamela. Pamela thought she was going mad, espe­ ship belonging to the mysterious and the others forgave Moondragon cially when two clawed hands and a Dance. Moondragon told Pamela and told her that they loved her. man wearing a mystic crystal began that the powerful race moved To uched by their love, Moondragon attacking her. She escaped and through the universe and performed realized her error of her ways and Moondragon was finally able to initi­ a variety of seemingly random acts. promised not to make the same mis­ ate contact and explain what was No one knew why. takes again. happening to the scared young The Dance members started forc­ Pamela, now calling herself Sun­ woman. ing Pamela and the others into a dragon, Demeityr, and Isaac re­ At first Moondragon had no idea column of fusion-level plasma. sumed their exploration of space where the hands came from, but she Somehow, Pamela and Moondra­ while Moondragon headed back for soon learned they belonged to the gon's mental powers awakened and Earth. Recently, Isaac left Sundra­ disembodied soul of Isaac Chris­ saved them from death. Pamela's gon and the others to return to Earth. tians. Known as the Gargoyle, Isaac powers were either awakened by The current whereabouts and condi­ had been one of the Defenders Moondragon's efforts, the close call tions of Sundragon and her traveling seemingly killed when the corrupted with death, or some mutation companions are unknown.


F TY(6) A GD(10) S TY(6) E IN(40) R TY(6) I AM(50) P UN(1 00) Health: 62 Karma: 156 Resources: PR(4) I CL 1000 (in own realm) Popularity: 0

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Margali Szardos Occupation: Fortune teller, sorcer­ ess Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: Margali of the Winding Road Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Unknown Known Relatives: Stefan Szardos (son, deceased), Amanda Seftonl Jimaine Szardos (daughter), Kurt Wagner (foster son) Base of Operations: A pocket di­ mension known as the Winding Road Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Equipment: Magic Wa nd: All of Margali's power originated from the mysterious wand she possessed. The wand itself was only made of a material with a Good Material Strength. When the wand was taken from Margali, she revert­ ed to her true mortal form, that of an old woman. While possessing the wand, Margali had the following pects she wished. Margali was a powerful sorceress magical abilities: Summoning: Margali had the ability who has the ability to call on the fol­ Magical Ability: Margali possessed a to summon Doctor Strange's mystic lowing spells at all times: Mastery Level of Master of the Eye of Agamotto and to make it fol­ School of Faerie Magic. This meant low her commands, even if Doctor Personal: that her spells suffered a -2CS when Strange actively resisted. Alteration-Appearance: Unearthly. aimed at cold iron or metallic ob­ Spell Control: Margali had the ability Growing: Unearthly. jects, or organic beings who were to warp any spell cast by anyone Invisibility: Unearthly. partially metal in form. near her. USing this ability, she could Shield-Individual: Unearthly. Pocket Dimension: Margali was the change the general parameters of Shape-Shifting-Unlimited: Unearthly. sole ruler of a small mystical pocket the spell's effect (range or duration, Transformation-Others: Unearthly. dimension. She could people the di­ for example). This ability was Un­ mension with various beings of her earthly and had a one-area range. Universal: making, and she could make the di­ Conjure: Unearthly. mension take on any physical as- Eldritch Beams/Bolts: Unearthly.

107 /IIusion: Unearthly. Margali raised the children in a hell as depicted in Dante's Inferno. Matter Rearrangement: Unearthly. small Bavarian circus, where she Amanda, pretending to be Margali, pretended to be a simple fortune tell­ kidnapped Kurt's fellow X-Men and Dimensional: er. While Kurt worked on becoming a Doctor Strange. Amanda then sent Dimensional Aperture: Unearthly. circus performer, Margali trained Ji­ them to the same dimension that maine in magic. The brooding Ste­ Margali had sent Kurt, hoping that Any other spells she casted were of fan eventually left the circus to make they would be able to help Kurt. Kurt Monstrous rank. his own way in life. finally confronted Margali in this Ta lents: Margali was a highly train­ The small circus was taken over pocket universe and convinced her ed sorceress, possessing the Mystic by a rich Te xas millionaire, who or­ of his innocence. Amanda then re­ Background, Occult, and Scholar of dered Kurt to be placed in the freak vealed her true identity to Kurt. Antiquities talents. side show. The anguished Kurt quit Later, Amanda Sefton heard a ru­ Contacts: Margali can definitely de­ the circus and headed towards Win­ mor that Dr. Strange needed a new pend on aid from her daughter, zeldorf, West Germany, where Ste­ apprentice, because Clea had left Amanda Sefton/Jimaine Szardos, fan lived. Kurt discovered that him. She went to Strange and asked and she can probably depend on Stefan had gone mad and killed two to become his new apprentice (se­ Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler). It has children. cretly compelled by Margali), as did not been revealed if she has any Tw o days after leaving the circus, every crackpot in the world who contact with any mystic entities or Kurt tracked Stefan down and tried heard about the rumor. Strange ar­ sorcerers, besides Doctor Strange. to capture him. During the fight, Kurt ranged for all the petitioners to meet accidentally broke Stefan's back, at one spot, where he told them that ADDITIONAL NOTES: killing him. Civilians discovered Kurt he currently had no wish to take on with Stefan's body, and because of an apprentice. Kurt's demonic appearance, they as­ Margali Szardos appeared and at­ sumed that he had killed the two tacked Strange. Margali was an­ children. Kurt was saved from the gered that Strange had refused to mob by the psionic powers of Profes­ take on her daughter as an appren­ sor X, who asked Kurt to join his new tice. Strange cast a spell to force ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: team of X-Men. Kurt agreed and Margali was a self-assured women, himself and Margali into the astral quick to anger and vengeance. She went to America with Professor X. plane. Margali warped the spell so was very confident and seemed to Margali blamed Kurt for Stefan's that all the would-be apprentices enjoy flaunting her mystical powers death. Jimaine, who had long ago were also forced into the astral plane fallen in love with Kurt, followed him with them. and knowledge. Margali was a regal Strange and Margali battled with person who was used to people to America and watched him. She all their mystic forces. Strange soon obeying her every wish and com­ became the airline stewardess mand. Without the wand, Margali Amanda Sefton, and arranged to ac­ realized that Margali's powers came became a gentle, older woman who cidentally meet Kurt. She mystically from her wand. Strange tricked had no interest in power or com­ disguised herself so he would not Margali and took the wand from her. mand. recognize her, and they were soon Margali immediately regained her dating each other regularly. true mortal form, that of an old wom­ Margali eventually took her re­ an. She explained to Strange that venge on Kurt by exiling his mind the wand was an evil entity that took HISTORY: and soul to a pocket dimension she over its owner's mind. Margali re­ Margali Szardos is a powerful sor­ had created. She did this during a vealed that the wand had hoped to ceress whose origins have yet to be birthday party held by the X-Men for gain control over Strange. Upon re­ completely revealed. Margali had a Kurt. Margali magically placed a turning everyone back to the physi­ son, Stefan, and she also took in the special gift among Kurt's other cal plane, Strange destroyed the orphaned Kurt Wagner (who would presents. When Kurt touched the wand. one day become Nightcrawler of the present, a crystal likeness of him­ Thrilled to be freed of the wand's X-Men). Margali trained her daugh­ self, his mind and soul were taken influence, Margali is currently living ter, Jimaine Szardos/Amanda Sef­ out of his body. a quiet life. ton, in the mystical crafts. The prison dimension resembled

108 STATISTICS: ---' Original Hela-Cursed Current F UN(100) RM(30) MN(75) A EX(20) EX(20) EX(20) S MN(75) AM(50) MN(75) E MN(75) IN(40) MN(75) R GD(10) GD(10) EX(20) I GD(10) GD(10) EX(20) P RM(30) RM(30) GD(1 0) Health: 270 140 245 Karma: 50 50 50 Resources: EX(20) PR (4) GD(1 0) Popularity: 50 30 60

Sigmund Siegfried Thunder Frog F RM(30) IN(40) AM (50) A GD(10) GD(10) RM(30) S EX(20) IN(40) AM (50) E RM(30) IN(40) MN(75) R TY(6) TY(6) GD(1 0) I TY(6) TY(6) GD(1 0) P TY(6) TY(6) RM(30) Health: 90 130 205 Karma: 18 18 50 Resources: FE(2) EX(20) GD(1 0) Popularity: 2 2 0

Alternate Future Marital Status: Single (Thor, Blake, Te lepa thy/Animal Communication: F AM(50) Jarlson, Sigmund), Divorced (Mas­ While fighting Fafnir, Siegfried acci­ A RM(30) terson), Married (Siegfried, Dargo) dentally tasted some of his blood. S MN(75) Known Relatives: Odin (father), This granted Siegfried with the abili­ E MN(75) Gaea (mother), Loki (foster brother, ties to read minds and understand R EX(20) deceased); Sieglinda (Sigmund's and speak with normal animals, with I GD(10) sister), Gunthra (Siegfried's wife); Good Intensity. P EX(20) Salla (Dargo's wife); Kevin (Master­ Leaping: The Thunder Frog had Health: 230 son's son), Marcy (Masterson's ex­ Monstrous Leaping ability (5 areas). Karma: 50 wife) Equipment: Resources: GD(10) Base of Operations: Asgard, New Mjolnir (Unique We apon): Thor's Popularity: 25 York City hammer, Mjolnir, is made of Uru, a BACKGROUND: Past Group Affiliations: Asgar­ mystical metal of CL 1000 Material. Real Name: Thor; Sigmund, dians, Avengers Thor's Fighting rank is Shift Y while Siegfried, Dr. Donald Blake, Sigurd Present Group Affiliations: using the hammer. The hammer Jarlson, Eric Masterson, Dargo Kyto does Unearthly Blunt damage, and KNOWN POWERS: Thor can throw Mjolnir up to 10 ar­ Occupation: Warrior and adventurer Invulnerability: Thor has Excellent (Thor, Sigmund, Siegfried), general eas. No one can forcibly take the resistance to physical attacks, heat, hammer away from Thor, unless he practitioner and surgeon (Blake), cold, radiation, toxins, aging, and construction worker (Jarlson), wishes it. Thor can do the following disease. Typical resistance to en­ Power Stunts while using Mjolnir: freelance architect (Masterson), cor­ ergy attacks. • Alter Ego: Striking Mjolnir on the porate worker (Dargo Kyto) Illusion Detection: Thor adds a Legal Status: Prince of Asgard and ground, or a hard surface, trans­ + 1 CS to his Intuition when dealing forms Thor into his current mortal honorary American citizen (Thor), with illusions. mythical figures (Sigmund, form. If Thor is kept away from the Invulnerability: A special enchant­ hammer for over one minute, he Siegfried), missing American citizen ment was placed on Siegfried by the (Blake and Jarlson), American citizen automatically reverts back to his former , Brunnhilde. This en­ mortal form. While he is in his (Masterson), Citizen of North Ameri­ chantment provided Siegfried with ca Urban Center 65 (Dargo Kyto) mortal form, Mjolnir looks like a Unearthly Invulnerability against any simple wooden cane. Striking the Identity: Secret (all) form of physical damage, unless he wooden cane against a hard sur­ Other Known Aliases: None was attacked from behind. face reverts Thor back to his im- Place of Birth : A cave in Norway 109 mortal form. The statistics of mine into which dimension the lightning, or on command, Mjolnir Thor's mortal forms are as fol­ victims arrive in. This power costs can release a blinding burst of light lows: Thor all his remaining Karma of Incredible intensity.

points. • Magic Detection: This detection Dr. Donald Blake • Flight: Amazing air speed. Thor power senses the use of Asgar­ F A S E RIP does this by spinning the hammer dian magic with Good Intensity. FE PR TV TV GD GD RM around and then throwing it. As it • Life Force Drain: Thor can draw Health: 18 takes off, he grabs hold of the out the life force of an Asgardian Karma: 50 hammer's leather thong and rides god, utterly destroying that im­ behind the hammer. mortal. This power drains Thor of Sigurd Jarlson • Deflection: Remarkable protec­ all his remaining Karma points, tion against physical, energy, and and he loses all his Health points F A S E RIP magical attacks. Thor does this by except for 10. UN EX MN MN GD GD RM spinning the hammer in front of Armor: This suit of battle armor is Health: 270 himself. made of a CL 1000 metal and pro­ Karma: 50 • Weather Control: Unearthly con­ vides Shift V protection against Eric Masterson trol, including producing Mon­ physical and energy attacks. strous intensity lightning bolts. Gauntlets: These gauntlets of F A S E RIP Thor can shoot lightning bolts CL 1000 metal cover Thor's hands TV PR TV GD EX EX GD from Mjolnir without having to and arms, providing Shift V protec­ Health: 26 summon a storm. tion against contact powers. The

Karma: 50 • Air Control: Create winds of up to gauntlets are primarily used to pro­ Monstrous intensity. This air con­ tect Thor's hands from Mjolnir's ex­ Frog trol can be used to provide Mon­ cess energy. F A S E RIP strous protection from projectiles Belt of Strength: When Thor wears GD GD FE TV GD GD RM to everyone within 1 area. The air this magical belt, his Strength is in­ Health: 28 control ability can also be used to creased by + 1 CS. When removed, Karma: 50 carry others with him in flight with Thor's Endurance is reduced by - Incredible speed. 2CS for 24 hours. Dargo • Worthiness: Only a pure and no­ To oth-Grinder and To oth-Gnasher: F A S E RIP ble person is able to pick up Thor owns two large pet war goats, TV GD TV GD EX GD EX Mjolnir and use it. This person who pull his war chariot. Their statis­ Health: 32 must have at least Excellent tics are as follows: Karma: 50 Strength. A machine of Remark­ able Strength can pick up Mjolnir, F A S E RIP RM GD RM IN TV GD GD • Automatic Return: When thrown, but it cannot use it. So far, only whether it hits or not, Mjolnir flies Odin, Thor, Captain America, Health: 110 back to the spot from where it was Dargo, and Beta Ray Bill have Karma: 26 thrown. been able to pick up the hammer. Powers: Incredible Flight and Excel­ • Dimension Travel: Unearthly rank • Unfettered Might: This special at­ lent running. power to travel between Earth and tack does Shift V damage and Attacks: The goats can ram (charg­ Asgard. Mjolnir can also open an surrounds Mjolnir with a blazing ing rules) or attack with their front aperture to a special pocket di­ blue aura. If Thor is wearing his hooves (doing Remarkable physical mension where Thor keeps his Belt of Strength, damage is in­ damage plus Excellent Energy/ battle armor and his Belt of Might. creased to Shift Z. Unless he is Electrical damage). Thor can also place his hammer in wearing his special gauntlets, the pocket dimension, and have it Thor suffers Incredible damage Needless: Siegfried and Sigmund return to him at the beginning of when he uses this attack. This at­ used a magical sword enchanted by the next round, as long as he tack causes Thor to lose one-half Odin, named Needless. The sword hasn't moved more than 2 areas of his Karma points. was made of a material with Un­ away from where he originally • Power Absorption/Reflection: earthly rank Material Strength. The opened the dimensional aperture. Mjolnir can absorb energy and sword could do Monstrous Edged • Dimensional Rift: By focusing all visual psychic attacks up to damage, or Amazing Blunt damage of Mjolnir's energy, Thor can cre­ CL 1000 intensity. Thor must then with the flat of the blade. ate a rift in the fabric of the uni­ release the energy from Mjolnir Ta rn Helm: This special helmet was verse, breaking the barriers the next round. He can release it possessed by Siegfried. Anyone between dimensions. Anyone or in any direction he wants. He may wearing the helmet could make him­ anything caught nearby will be also reflect the energy back to its self look like someone else with forced into the rift by a Shift Z en­ source with Excellent Agility. Amazing intensity. ergy backlash. Thor can deter- • Light Emission: When calling forth Ta lents: Thor is skilled in Asgardian lore. In combat he receives a + 1CS 110 when usi ng swords or a + 2CS when ed a child of Asgard and Earth , his eye and threw it in the Well of using Mjolnir. Donald Blake pos­ which is why he mated with Gaea, Wisdom. This eye at tained senti­ sessed the Medicine talent, and Eric the Earth Mother. Gaea gave birth to ence, and grew to a large size. The Masterson possesses the Engineer­ Thor in a small cave in Norway. A eye eventually to ld Thor many sto­ ing and Architecture talent. few months later, Odin took the baby ries about himself and Odin, none of Contacts: Thor can call on aid from to Asgard to be raised by his wife, which Thor remembered. The eye his fellow Asgardians, and his moth­ the Asgardian goddess Frigga. Thor told Thor that he was not the first er, the earth goddess Gaea. Thor did not learn that Gaea was his Thor, the previous one having been has been a member of the Avengers mother until many centuries later. killed during the last Ragnarok while since they first formed. Over the The young Thor was raised with fighting the Midgard Serpent. years, Thor has met and gained the Loki, his step-brother. Loki had been The eye also told Thor that Odin respect of most of the super heroes the son of the Frost Giant leader had once stripped Thor of his godly of Earth . A number of gods from oth­ Laufey, who had been killed by Odin. essence and placed it in two succes­ er pantheons are friends of Thor's. Even when they were growing up, sive mortal forms. These two incar­ Loki was jealous of Thor's powers nations were the two Germanic ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: and popularity. This jealousy grew heroes of legend, Sigmund and his The original Thor was an honorable into an all-consuming hatred . son Siegfried. In these two mortal warrior, who believed it was the duty When Thor was eight years old, guises, Thor played an important of the powerful to protect those Odin sent him to Nidalvellir, the land part in Odin's schemes to regain the weaker. Unfortunately, Thor some­ of the dwarves. Thor was to order powerful cursed Ring of the Nibe­ times acted arrogantly, and his the dwarves Brokk and Entiri to cre­ lung. Sigmund was killed by the war­ headstrong temper and brash ways ate three special items for Odin. One rior Hunding, but Thor was then born often got him in trouble. He acted as of these items was the Uru hammer as Siegfried. Earth and Asgard's guardian, but he called Mjolnir. Loki somehow sabo­ Siegfried was the son of Sigmund rei uctantly acted against other taged the creation of the hammer so an d his lover Sieglinde. Siegfried Asgardians if Earth's need was that its handle was made too short. gained the Ring of the Nibelung after greater. The original Thor used a for­ Odin enchanted the hammer with killing the giant Fafnir, who had tak­ mal speech pattern (a form of many powerful magicks, including en the form of a dragon. (This Fafnir pseudo-Shakespearian), and had a one that made it impossible for any­ should not be confused with the tendency to make long monologues one to lift the hammer unless he or dragon Fafn ir whom Thor has fought during combat. His alter-egos spoke she were truly worthy. Odin pro­ several times over the years.) normal ly. claimed that Mjolnir was intended for Siegfried also gained the Ta rn Helm, Sigmund and Siegfried were both Thor's use someday, when he had which enabled its wearer to magi­ very arrogant, with a tendency to act proven himself worthy to wield it. For cally appear as someone else. Dur­ without thinking. Both were very the next eight years Thor trained to ing the battle with Fafnir, Siegfried brave, sometimes to the point of stu­ become a mighty warrior, and he accidentally tasted some of Fafnir's pidity in ignoring danger. performed many heroic deeds. Odin blood, which gave him the ability to The futuristic Thor is a brave then presented Mjolnir to him, and understand the speech of ani mals. It young man who is not as serious as declared him to be the greatest war­ also gave him the ability to read the the original Thor. His speech is rior of Asgard . minds of those nearby. sometimes grand (but not pseudo­ In the Ninth Century, A.D., Thor Siegfried then fell in love with Shakespearian), mixed with futuris­ went to the Earth for the first time. Brunnhilde, a Valkyrie who had been tic slang ("Say, flash that!"). While on Earth he promoted his wor­ stripped of her godly abilities by The new Thor, Eric Masterson, is a ship am ong the Vikings. Later on, Odin when she had disobeyed his simple architect who is rather the Norsemen and Germanic people commands. Using the last of her stunned by the changes in his life. would also come to worship Thor powers, she enchanted Siegfried so He lacks the confidence that the and the other Asgardians. While on that he could be harmed only by at­ original Thor had, since this is all Earth, Thor encouraged his wor­ tacks from beh ind. new to him. He often regrets that his shipers to glorify the ways of com­ Siegfried was eventually killed by new life as a hero often overshad­ bat. One day, Thor discovered that Hagen, the son of Albreich, the ows his personal life. Even though some of his Viking worshipers had dwarf who had originally created the he is not the original Thor, Master­ killed the defenseless inhabitants of Ring and placed a curse on it. Odin son is just as brave and noble. The a Christian monastery. then resurrected Siegfried as Thor, most important person in his life is Shocked by the fact that some of but Odin wiped out all memories of his son Kevin. his more fanatic worshipers were his two mortal identities. ki lling innocents in his name, Thor As the centuries passed, Thor had left Earth and cut himself off from his many perilous adventures in HISTORY: worshipers. Over time, the worship Asgard. But over time Odin became Thor is the son of Odin, lord of the of the gods of Asgard died out. concerned with his son's headstrong gods of Asgard, and Gaea, the eld­ At one point, Odin had plucked out ways and lack of humility. After Thor est goddess of the Earth. Odin want- 111 broke a truce by chasing a monster Blake was surrounded by a blaz­ one named Beta Ray Bill. Bill had into the land of the Frost Giants, al­ ing light, and then he fo und his body been converted into a super-cyborg most causing a war, Odin decided it transformed into a powerful form . and given a sentient spaceshi,p was time to teach Thor a lesson. The cane had been transformed into named Skuttlebutt. Bill was to guard Using the body of a young medical a mighty hammer. Blake instinctively the fleet on its long journey. The fleet student as a template, Odin created knew that he had become the leg­ was being closely followed by a a mortal body for Thor. This mortal endary Thor, even though he still horde of Surtur's demons. body was given a lame leg, and then had no memory of his former life. Upon entering the Milky Way Gal'­ Thor, stripped of all his power and Thor attacked the Kronans, who axy, the fleet was discovered by a memories, was sent to Earth to live fled from his power and strength. S.H.I.E.L.D. hyperspatial probe. in the mortal body. He appeared on Fearing that the whole planet was in­ Nick asked Thor to fly out. and the campus of the New Yo rk State habited by men like Thor, they called investigate. Beta Ray BII'Iwas awak­ College of Medicine, with a false his­ off the invasion. For several years, ened by Skuttlebutt when Thor tory and background implanted in Blake acted as the heroic Thor, and breached the hull of the ship. his mind. Thus did the life of Donald his memories slowly returned. Fi­ The two fought, and during the Blake begin. nally, Odin restored Thor's complete fight Thor was separated from his Blake applied himself to his stud­ memory and revealed himself. hammer, causing him to turn back in­ ies with great care, and eventually Thor spent the next few years to Don Blake. Bill picked up the graduated with top honors. Blake maintaining his Blake identity and wooden cane (Mjolnir) and struck a soon gained a reputation as a caring his medical practice. During this wall of the ship. Bill was then trans­ family doctor and a brilliant surgeon. time, Thor saved the Earth many formed into an alien version of Thor, He opened a private practice in New times, fighting many super villains. holding Mjolnir. This happened be­ Yo rk City and hired a nurse named Thor helped found the Avengers, a cause of Odin's enchantments, de­ Jane Foster. As time went by, the two group to which he still belongs. Later signed to bestow the powers of Thor began to fall in love. on, he gave up his Blake identity per­ upon anyone worthy enough. Odin Odin, knowing that such a love manently. had thought that Thor was the only could only end in despair, became The love affair between Thor and one worthy enough, but Bill was also worried. About that time, Odin sens­ Foster continued for many years. It worthy. ed the arrival of an alien space ship eventually ended when Jane Foster Skuttlebutt landed on Earth, and in the Solar System. The ship was a fell in love with a mortal man, Kevin Odin then summoned Thor to scout ship for a main invasion fleet Kincaid. Their engagement was cut Asgard. The summons carried Bill to of the alien Kronans. They planned short when Foster lay dying. Sif al­ Asgard instead. Odin then summon­ to land on Earth and scout it out for lowed herself to merge with Foster, ed Blake to Asgard and transformed the main fleet. Odin magically al­ saving the woman's life. The two him into Thor. Thor and Bill made up, tered the ship's course so that it were later separated when Foster but Bill refused to give up Mjolnir; would land in Norway. was sent to a limbo-realm called the Bill felt that he had taken it in fair Working quickly, Odin placed a Runestaff of the Possessor. Thor, combat, and he needed the hammer compulsion in Blake's mind causing Sif, and Kevin Kincaid were later to protect his people. him to suddenly go to Norway for a able to rescue Foster, and the two Odin ordered a trial by combat, vacation. While walking along the mortals were then married. which Bill won. But Bill felt guilty Norwegian coastline, Blake came , leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., about taking the hammer that had upon the Kronan ship and he was later helped Thor set up a new iden­ been made especially for Thor, so he discovered by the aliens. Losing his tity as Sigurd Jarlson, a construction returned it to Thor. Odin then or­ walking cane during his flight from worker. In this identity, Thor simply dered a new hammer to be made, the aliens, Blake took refuge in a pulled back his hair, wore glasses, with the same enchantments and cave. and dressed like a normal human. materials as Thor's. Odin gave this A secret door opened up in the Meanwhile, in a distant galaxy new hammer, Storm Breaker, to Bill. back of the cave, and he found a known as the Burning Galaxy by its Thor, Beta Ray Bill, and Sif then chamber containing nothing but a peaceful inhabitants, Surtur was went to Bill's armada and drove off gnarled wooden walking cane. Un­ making his first move toward Surtur's demons. Since then, Bill known to Blake, the chamber was Ragnarok. Surtur caused the core of has helped protect Earth and Asgard where Thor had been born so many the Burning Galaxy to explode, cre­ from Surtur and other menaces. centuries earlier. ating enough energy to re-forge his Surt ur then joined forces with the Exploring, Blake found that the Sword of Doom. The disaster de­ renegade Dark Elves. The Dark only other way out was blocked by a stroyed most of the alien empire. Elves and Surtur's demon army at­ huge boulder that he could not The survivors fled in a fleet of ten tacked Earth, after opening the An­ budge at all. Frustrated, and scared thousand starships, hoping to find a cient Casket of Winters on Earth. by the thought of the eventual arrival new home. The armies of Asgard and Earth, of the aliens, Blake struck out at the The aliens were all put into sus­ along with a number of super he­ boulder with the wooden cane. pended animation, except for the roes, drove the invaders back.

112 Meanwhile, Thor, Loki, and Odin Thor arrived in time and secretly embroiled in a battle with the Egyp­ protected Asgard from Surtur him­ captured Loki before the evil god re­ tian god of death, Seth. While Seth self. The three gods mingled their vealed the deception. Meanwhile, and his armies attacked Asgard di­ essences, which increased their discovered Surtur's sword. rectly, Thor and some of his friends powers so that they might be able to Loki had hidden the sword and was attacked Seth's Black Pyramid, the defeat the demonic fire elemental. using a machine to drain magical en­ source of Seth's powers. Thor dis­ During the battle, a great deal of ergy from the sword. covered that Seth's powers were Asgard was destroyed , including the The magical energy had provided backed by the captured Bes, the Rainbow Bridge. Loki with the power to transform Egyptian god of luck. Thor also Surtur and Odin grappled with Thor into a frog. Vo lstagg destroyed found and rescued the lost Odin each other. They two combatants the machine, which freed Thor from from the pyramid. Odin had been then fell down a huge chasm, which the spell and transformed him back captured by Seth after separating then closed up. into his normal form. Thor then from Surtur during the long fall and While Beta Ray Bill and the Asgar­ talked the Asgardians into making battle with Surtur. dian army prepared to return home, Baldur their new leader. Odin and Thor's allies returned to preparations were made to select a Hela, who had guessed that Thor Asgard to stand in the final battle new leader since Odin had disap­ had sent Kurse to Hel, cursed Thor against Seth and his army. Odin peared. Lorelei, with the help of Lo­ that so his bones became as brittle granted Thor a portion of his power ki, enchanted Thor and caused him as a normal human's. She also and left him behind in Seth's dimen­ to fall in love with her. Loki planned cursed him so that he could not die sion, to battle the arriving Surtur. to get Thor to choose him as the new from his injuries. Thor grew a beard As Surtur and Thor fought, the leader. Thor broke free of the en­ to conceal the facial scars caused by nearby Black Pyramid was de­ chantment, but the incident had Hela, and donned a suit of battle ar­ stroyed. The resulting energy back­ st rained Thor's relationship with Sif. mor to support his fragile body. lash thrust the grappling foes Luckily, Sif later realized what had Despite the curse, Thor was able through time and space. Meanwhile, happened and forgave Thor. to kill the Midgard Serpent. Thor sur­ Odin led the surviving Asgardians in Thor, Baldur, and some Asgar­ vived the battle, even though the a desperate battle with Seth and his dians then traveled to Hel, the realm prophecies said that he should die in army. While Od in was busy fighting of the Asgardian death goddess, He­ the fight too. He survived partially Seth, killed the death god la. They went to rescue a number of thanks to Hela's curse. with the Black Knight, whose body Earth souls that had been unrightful­ Unfortunately, his body was com­ had been cursed to become a living Iy taken by Hela. Thor and his allies pletely broken and battered, still magical blade. were able to save the souls, but alive, but unable to move and in a Thor and Surtur then arrived in Thor's face was badly scarred in a great deal of pain. Loki sent the De­ Asgard, and Thor managed to st un fight with Hela herself. stroyer armor to torment Thor, but in­ Surtur. Odin then absorbed Surtur's Thor returned to Earth and re­ stead Thor was able to send his life essences, imprisoning the de­ turned the souls to their mortal spirit into the Destroyer armor and mon within his own body. bodies. While on Earth, Thor also command this ultimate weapon. After the battle, Thor returned to became involved in the 's Thor then traveled to Hel, plan­ his life on Earth. Unfortunately, it be­ Second Secret Wars. The Beyonder ning to force Hela to free him of the came harder and harder to commu­ resurrected the leader of the Dark curse. Hela was stunned by his new nicate and travel between Earth and Elves, increased the Elf's powers, form , as the Tfto r Destroyer set Asgard. Asgard drifted into the Neg­ and re-named him Kurse. Thor was about obliterating Hel. Thor pretend­ ative Zone and was apparently stuck able to beat Kurse, and send him to ed that the basic soul of the De­ there. Odin imbued Mjolnir with the Hel, where he caused Hela many stroyer had taken over, which meant ability to contact Asgard one last problems. that he acted like he was going to de­ time. Meanwhile, the gods of Asgard stroy Hela and Hel. The desperate On Earth, Thor was having many began the Great Althing, to chose a Hela had no choice but to return problems of his own. Unknown to new leader. Thor tried to return to Thor to his original body, and in re­ him, his body had been infused with Asgard, but before he could he turn, release him from her curse. a portion of his evil step-brother's could, he was turned into a frog by Thor made Hela promise never to power. This had happened when Loki. Thor then helped the frogs of take a soul she was not entitled to by Thor, Loki, and Odin had mingled Central Park defeat their enemies, the ancient laws, before he agreed their essences during Surtur's first the rats. Thor the frog then regained to return his soul to his original body. attack on Asgard. This caused Thor his hammer, and turned into a frog­ The frightened Hela agreed and sent to have unexplained moments of like humanoid, the Thunder Frog. Thor back to Asgard. Thor arrived in weakness during stressful situa­ In Asgard, Harokin, an Asgard time to save Asgard from an inva­ tions. Thor also became friends with warrior, pretended to be Thor. This sion by the Frost Giants, who were the architect Eric Masterson and deception postponed Loki's attempt secretly backed by Loki. Masterson's son, Kevin. to become the new leader of Asgard. Thor and Asgard next became During this time, the mysterious

113 attacked Thor several tered Thor's mind. Thor accompa­ Susan saved Marcy and Kevin, but times, trying to gain a cell sample nied Dr. Strange on this journey. In­ she died from the blast. from the god of thunder. Finally, side Thor's mind, they discovered an The enraged Thor drew out all of Mongoose kidnapped Eric Master­ evil version of Thor, whom the real Loki's life force with his hammer, de­ son and left a trail that led Thor to Thor was able to defeat. They then stroying the evil god forever. This Wundagore, the High Evolutionary's discovered that it was actually a por­ broke Odin's sacred rule forbidding home. Thor saved Masterson and tion of Loki's evil essence. Asgardian gods to kill each other. joined with the High Evolutionary's Thor and his friends became Contacted by Heimdall, Odin's in saving Hercules and the plagued by more problems, which representative, Thor begged that High Evolutionary from the mysteri­ Thor soon found were caused by Lo­ Masterson be spared and that Earth ous Black Galaxy. ki. Thor and Masterson were briefly not be left unprotected. Heimdall During the recent Evolutionary separated by a Celestial while they agreed, and then Thor's soul was Wars, Hercules and the High Evolu­ were involved in the birth of a new eternally banished. The demon lord tionary evolved to a higher state and Celestial in the Black Galaxy. Mephisto somehow captured Thor's then had disappeared. After this they journeyed to soul and now holds it captive in his Masterson accompanied Thor and Asgard with the help of Sif. At the realm. helped him free Hercules and the time, Asgard was the scene of a tre­ On Earth, Masterson soon discov­ High Evolutionary from Celestials mendous battle between the fire ele­ ered that he could now assume Thor's holding them prisoner. They re­ mental Surtur and the ice elemental mighty form by striking his cane on a turned to Earth, while the High Evo­ Ymir. This battle signaled Ragnarok, hard surface. The new Thor appar­ lutionary turned Wundagore into a the end of the universe. ently still has all of Thor's powers, but spaceship and headed for the Black Following Odin's plan, Thor recov­ only has the experience, mind, and Galaxy. Unknown to Thor, a cell ered Surtur's sword from the Sea of spirit of Eric Masterson. sample was obtained from him be­ Eternal Night. He then confronted Another version of Thor exists in fore Wundagore left. the two elementals. Unfortunately, 26th-century Earth, in the alternate Hercules, Thor, and Masterson he was weakened by his separation time line inhabited by the Guardians were then viciously attacked by from Masterson, and was easily of the Galaxy. By this time, the gov­ Mongoose using weapons he had stopped by the two creatures. Mas­ ernments of Earth had fallen and the stolen from Wundagore. Mongoose terson willingly merged with Thor corporations had taken over. almost killed Thor using a powerful again, even though it meant giving A rebellious cult of workers hoped energy beam. Masterson took a kill­ up part of his life. to someday be free of the tyrannical ing blow for Thor, giving Thor and While Ymir and Surtur fought over rule of the corporations. They tried to Hercules a chance to defeat Mon­ the sword that would light the Eter­ find someone who could lift a holy goose. Unfortunately, Masterson nal Flame of Destruction, Thor weapon (Mjolnir). Government was dying from his wounds. opened a dimensional rift that forces attacked a cult meeting one Thor used his hammer to contact sucked them both into the Sea of night, causing a skeptical cultist, Odin, and begged Odin to spare Eternal Night, placing them both in Dargo Kyto, to reach for the hammer. Masterson at any cost. Odin reluc­ suspended animation forever. To his amazement, Dargo found him­ tantly agreed, merging Thor and Thor then returned to Earth and self transformed into a futuristic ver­ Masterson together, body and soul. found himself once more plagued by sion of Thor. They now share the same life, much Loki and his evil designs. Loki kid­ This new Thor destroyed the evil as Blake and Thor had. Unlike that napped Kevin, Masterson's son, and corporation, which was secretly case, the two were separate beings. then stole the 's Asgardian­ backed by Loki. During the battle, a While Thor and Masterson dealt given powers. More powerful than revealed that the real Thor had with their new condition, more prob­ ever before, Loki attacked Thor been held for centuries in some sort lems arose. Masterson's private life when he came to rescue Kevin. After of prison dimension (Loki wanted to suffered from his time away as Thor. Kevin was taken out of harm's way, make sure that Mjolnir didn't get Masterson eventually gave up custo­ Thor beat Loki but could not bring back to its rightful owner). dy of his son, Kevin, to his ex-wife himself to kill his step-brother. Dargo attempted to open a mysti­ Marcy. While Eric thought it was The arrogant Loki surrendered cal gateway and throw the hammer best, his secretary, Susan Austin, and then shot a magical blast at through, hoping the weapon would disagreed, as she had come to love Kevin and Marcy on the streets be­ find its way back to its owner. Some Eric and Kevin. low. The Enchantress, Loki's ally, time later, the hammer returned to Thor's spells of weakness came feared Odin's wrath for her aid to Dargo. Dargo has since served as more often, almost causing his Loki and she mind-controlled Susan the Thor of his time period. death several times. Thor asked for Austin to make her take the blast. help from Doctor Strange, who en-

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F TY(6) A GD(10) S TY(6) E EX(20) R GD(10) I IN(40) P IN(40) Health: 42 Karma: 90 Resources: TY(6) Popularity: 3

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unknown even to her­ self Occupation : Legal Status: Unknown Identity: Secret Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: India Marital Status: Single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Currently Doc­ tor Strange's Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, mobile the rest of the time Past Group Affiliations: Jack Rus­ sell (Werewolf), Doctor Strange and his allies Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Psionics: To paz is a powerful psy­ chic whose abilities are constantly growing. She has the following psi­ onic powers, at Incredible rank: Te lep athy: To paz has Typical Te le­ pathic abilities, plus the Mental Probe Power Stunt. Psionic Attack: Incredible range and intensity. Empathy: Incredible rank. Emotion Control: To paz can cause or drain an emotion in other beings. She can affect everyone in her area, but she can only affect one emotion at a time. Te lekinesis: Incredible range and in­ Ta lents: To paz has the Occult Lore ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: tensity. and First Aid Ta lents. To paz is a gentle woman who mostly Healing: To paz can heal herself and Contacts: To paz is a close friend of uses her powers to heal others. She others, using her Psyche score to re­ Doctor Strange, , and Rintrah. has a gentle but sarcastic sense of place the injured person's Endur­ humor that appears at odd mo­ ance rank. She can heal any number ADDITIONAL NOTES: ments. She is not the type of cos­ of people, but she can only heal tumed hero who goes out to capture each person once per day. She is villains. She will sometimes accom­ even able to reunite a body with its pany Doctor Strange on a mission, if soul, if the two have become sepa­ he feels that it is not a dangerous rated. mission.

115 sort of mystical force. To paz has recently returned to A few months later, the demon New Yo rk and is once again staying Mephisto kidnapped To paz and with Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange HISTORY: brought her to his realm. Mephisto is currently trying to free To paz from To paz grew up in the streets of India, informed To paz that on her upcom­ Ullikummis, an ancient demon who with no memory of her parents. ing 21 st birthday, her powers would has taken up residence in To paz's When war broke out, To paz was cap­ reach their peak, making her power­ soul. tured by authorities and placed in a ful enough to destroy even the de­ The spell to banish the demon prison camp. There she met the sor­ mon lord. Mephisto then tried to kill needs a number of special ingredi­ cerer Ta boo, who trained her and her, but the desperate empath ents, including the soul fire from the bought out her latent powers. Using gained control of her powers and head of a demon. Strange, To paz, her powers, To paz and Ta boo were blasted him apart. and Rintrah tried to obtain this ingre­ able to escape the camp. As To paz Mephisto later reformed himself dient from the newest version of the grew up, she acted as Ta boo's famil­ and sent demons to attack To paz.The Ghost Rider. iar for his sorcery. demons stole the part of her soul that They were unable to remove the To paz and Ta boo ended up in contained her powers, and then they fire from Ghost Rider, because of the southern California, where Ta boo imprisoned her in bedrock. She lay great pain it caused the vengeful he­ tried to force Jack Russell, a were­ imprisoned as her 21 st birthday ro. To paz and her friends then wolf, into giving him the book of passed. Later, when Mephisto tried to helped Ghost Rider battle the myste­ black magic known as the Darkhold. hold Franklin Richards captive, the rious Zodiak, whose masters were Russell had no knowledge of the young boy released an energy burst apparently magicians from another book, so Ta boo ordered To paz to kill that freed To paz's body. The rock­ dimension. During the battle, Russell. Sensing the goodness in encrusted form of To paz escaped to Strange was able to gain the demon­ Russell, To paz refused. Ta boo then Earth and battled Doctor Strange. ic soul fire off evil demons from an­ ordered To paz to leave him forever. Sensing a human body within the other dimension. Ta boo later attacked To paz and shell, Doctor Strange freed her and To paz and Strange then flew to stole a portion of her soul. Ta boo was took her to his home in Greenwich seek aid for Rintrah, who had taken killed soon afterward, and the miss­ Village. To paz still lacked the em­ a deadly blow from Zodiak that had ing portion of To paz's soul returned pathic portion of her soul, causing been meant for To paz. Back at his to her. For a time, To paz lived with her to lose control over her own home, Strange was able to save Rin­ Russell and his family, and the two emotions and her sanity. trah, using his magical abilities and fell in love. Unfortunately, the two The alien sorcerer Urthona some­ his medical skills. were never able to admit their feel­ how gained the misSing part of To ­ The heroes had already gained ings to each other. paz's soul and contacted her. He one of the other three items needed Russell and To paz later encoun­ offered to return the piece of her soul for the exorcism spell-some were­ tered the vampire lord, , in if she would betray Doctor Strange. wolf fur, which they had obtained Transylvania. Right after the con­ The maddened To paz agreed and from Jack Russel. They then ac­ frontation with the undead lord, To ­ helped Urthona transport Strange's quired the final ingredient, a talon of paz's powers began to weaken. home to the alien's home planet. a vampire obtained while the vam­ To paz went to India, hoping that she Urthona then captured To paz and pire was in bat form. They got the tal­ could restore them there. While in Strange's servant, Wong. on from Strange's brother Victor, India she met Doctor Glitternight, Strange, wounded by one of who had recently become the vam­ who somehow stole the dark side of Urthona's attacks, sent his soul, in the pi ric hero known as Baron Blood. her soul after putting her in a trance. apprentice Rintrah's body, to As Rintrah, Morgana Blessing, To paz recovered, and some of her Urthona's planet. The battle between and Victor looked on, Strange began powers returned. Meanwhile, Glit­ Urthona and Strange's soul caused casting the exorcism spell over To ­ ternight used the dark part of To ­ the release of To paz's soul portion. To ­ paz. To everyone's surprise, except paz's soul to create a magical beast paz regained her powers, and Strange, the demon in To paz was under his control. Glitternight's Strange defeated Urthona.To paz and not the Sumerian demon named Ulli­ beast trailed To paz back to Califor­ her friends then returned to Earth. kummis. It was actually Mephisto's nia, where it was destroyed by Rus­ Afterward, To paz stayed for a bit daughter, Mephista. Drawn forth sell in his werewolf form. with the Sisters of Glastonbury To r, from To paz's body by Strange's Later, Glitternight returned and female ancestors of the women who spell, Mephista vowed that she turned To paz into a harpy. She re­ looked after King Arthur after his fi­ would kill them all and take their sisted and eventually was able to re­ nal battle with . During her souls back with her to her father's turn to her human form. Glitternight stay, the Sisters helped To paz gain realm. The outcome of the battle is later vanished in battle with some more control over her powers. not currently known.

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F GD(10) A EX(20) S GD(10) E TY(6) R TY(6) I EX(20) P TY(6) Health: 46 Karma: 32 Resources: GD(10) Popularity: - 5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Unrevealed Occupation: Assassin, professional criminal Legal Status: Citizen of the United States with an international criminal record Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Presumed single Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: None Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: None. Equipment: All of Tr ick Shot's abili­ ties are the result of his equipment: Bow: He uses a compound bow of Good Material Strength. It can fire arrows up to a range of 6 areas. Quiver: Tri ck Shot's quiver holds up to 24 arrows of varying effects: • Blunt: With a rounded point, this arrow attacks on the Shooting column and inflicts 15 points of damage, but Kill results are treat­ ed as Stun results. • Circling: This arrow can turn up to 360 degrees to hit targets around for 1-10 turns. 15 points of damage on the Shoot­ corners or behind Tr ick Shot; it in­ • Hypodermic: The victim must suc­ ing column. flicts 15 points of damage. ceed at an Excellent Intensity En­ Ta lents: Tr ick Shot is a Weapon Spe­ • Entangling: Upon contact, the ar­ durance FEAT or be knocked out cialist with the bow. As a result, he rowhead explodes, surrounding for 1-10 turns. has Incredible Agility and Excellent the target in a net of Remarkable • Razor: Tr ick Shot uses this arrow Reason for all FEATS concerning Material Strength. for assassinations. It inflicts 25 shooting, handling, and designing • Flame: As this arrow streaks points of damage on the Shooting bows and arrows. By succeeding at through the air, it bursts into column with a Bullseye result be­ a Green Agility FEAT, he can fire two flame, emitting Good Intensity ing treated as a Kill result. arrows in one round. With a Ye llow heat. It is often used to ignite com­ • Smoke: This arrow fills 1 area with FEAT he can fire three arrows, and bustible materials. Excellent Intensity smoke. All by making a Red Agility FEAT he can • Gas: Knock-out gas fills 1 area. All FEATs in the smoke-filled area fire four arrows in one round. Tr ick those in the area must succeed at suffer a -2CS penalty. Shot also has experience as a circus an Incredible Intensity Endurance • Ta rget: This arrow is commonly performer. FEAT or be rendered unconscious used for target practice. It inflicts Contacts: Hawkeye.

117 - :i,. ''" .

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ADDITIONAL NOTES: Clint and injured him severely; he criminal ways, Tr ick Shot decided to was about to kill Clint when Tr ick turn over a new leaf. As his first good Shot intervened. After driving the act, Tr ick Shot came to the aid of away, took Hawkeye, who had recently had a Clint home in order to heal him and ransom put on his shooting arm by continue his training. Crossfire. Tr ick Shot knew that After several more months of in­ Crossfire had hired numerous crimi­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: tensive training, Trick Shot decided nals to hunt down Hawkeye, and he Though noble at heart, Tr ick Shot that Clint Barton was ready to be­ arrived just in time to save the can be a ruthless killer if the price is come his partner in an extortion Avenger from the deadly projectiles right. His greed has driven him to racket. For their first exploit, Tr ick of a group of juggling villains called use his talents as an assassin and a professional criminal. Shot took Clint to the home of a crim­ the Death-Throws. inal called Marko, who happened to Tr ick Shot bandaged Hawkeye's be the man who loaned money to the wounds and told him about the ran­ Swordsman. Tr ick Shot killed Marko som placed on his shooting arm. HISTORY: while trying to get money from him. However, Hawkeye was still suspi­ Almost nothing has been revealed As the two archers fled the scene, cious of his former trainer; he about the early life of the man who Clint killed his brother, Barney Bar­ slipped away into the city sewers would become known as Tr ick Shot. ton, who had been working as one of while Tr ick Shot was not looking. Un­ His professional career began when Marko's bodyguards. Dismayed by fortunately, Crossfire had previously he joined a traveling circus as an what he had done, Clint turned on seen to it that a homing device was archer. While with the circus, Tr ick Tr ick Shot, and the two men fired at placed on Hawkeye. Alone in the Shot came to know Clint Barton, the one another. Clint was impaled sewers, the injured Avenger was boy who would later become the against a tree, where Tr ick Shot left tracked and surrounded by the costumed Av enger called Hawkeye. him after swearing to one day return , the Death-Throws, Clint had been training with an­ and kill him. Bullet Biker, Bobcat, Mad-Dog, Ra­ other circus performer called the What Trick Shot did for the next zorfist, and Crossfire. Swordsman in the art of throwing few years is unknown. However, it is Meanwhile, Tr ick Shot met Mock­ knives. The Swordsman quickly no­ assumed he hired out as a merce­ ingbird, Hawkeye's wife, and joined ticed that Clint's skill with the bow nary and assassin for well-paying cli­ her in the search for her husband. surpassed his talent for throwing ents. As time progressed, Tr ick Shot Luckily, Mockingbird was able to use knives, and he felt that Clint would was presented with the grim news her S.H.I.E.l.D. training to patch in­ be more valuable if trained as an from his doctor that he was dying of to the same frequency used by archer. Thus, Clint began training cancer, and that he had only a short Crossfire's homing device. Thus she under Tr ick Shot's tutelage. time to live. Determined to die a no­ and Tr ick Shot arrived on the scene Over the next few months, Clint ble death, Tr ick Shot sought out Clint just as Hawkeye was about to be at­ began to show considerable prow­ Barton, who was by now the famous tacked by a horde of costumed vil­ ess as an archer, while the Swords­ hero called Hawkeye, so he could lains. man developed a gambling problem force Hawkeye to fight and kill him in Though the fight was fierce, the that quickly landed him deeply in a duel. Tr ick Shot trapped Hawkeye heroes defeated all of the villains, debt. In an attempt to get the money on an island in Greece, where they but not before Tr ick Shot was gravely to pay his debts, the Swordsman fought. Hawkeye would not kill his injured. As he was loaded into an robbed the carnival owner and former trainer, however. The two ambulance after the battle, Tr ick knocked him unconscious. Clint archers made peace, and went their Shot revealed his desire to turn over happened upon the Swordsman as separate ways. a new leaf to Hawkeye. Whether he he was counting the money and real­ Not long ago, Tr ick Shot was told fully recovers and continues to pur­ ized what his former mentor had by his doctor that his cancer had sue the life of a crimefighter remains done. The Swordsman attacked gone into remission. Forsaking his to be seen.

118 U-MAN


F EX(20) A RM(30) S MN(75) E AM(50) R GD(10) I TY(6) P EX(20) Health: 175 Karma: 35 Resources: GD(1 0) Popularity: -5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Merrano Occupation: Warrior, former scien­ tist Legal Status: Citizen of Atlantis, wanted as an Identity: Merrano's existence is not generally known to the populace of Earth Place of Birth: Atlantean capital city Marital Status: Unrevealed Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Former ally of Nazi Germany during World War II, member of the defunct team known as Super-Axis Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Resistance to Cold: U-Man possess­ es Excellent protection from cold and cold-based attacks. Swimming: He can swim at Good speed (4 areas per round). Wa ter Breathing: Tw in gills located on his neck enable U-Man to breathe water (fresh or salt). He requires wa­ ter to breathe, and he will suffocate after 20 minutes in open air unless he has some special means of sur­ vival. He can see underwater as well the people of Atlantis and especially whom he secretly despised. as a human sees on land, and he Namor, the Sub-Mariner. Since be­ As an adult, Merrano worked as a can withstand the intense water coming one of 's lieutenants, research scientist in the Atlanteans' pressure at the ocean's bottom. Merrano is more level-headed and Antarctic city. However, an insatiable Ta lents: Having been a research responsible toward Atlantis. lust for power grew within him. In a scientist, U-Man has knowledge of desperate grasp for power, Merrano Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. allied himself with Nazi Germany. He Contacts: Attuma. betrayed the Atlantean city's loca­ HISTORY: tion to the Nazis, who quickly ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: Early in the 20th century, Merrano launched an attack, severely dam­ Originally, a burning hatred and a was born as a full-blooded member aging the Atlantean fleet, destroying lust for power consumed Merrano. of the aquatic race of beings known the Atlantean Hall of Science, and During that time in his life, he would as homo mermanus. As a boy, Mer­ leaving Atlantis's emperor in a co­ go to any lengths to gain the power rano was a playmate of young ma. Acting as emperor, Namor ban­ necessary to wreak vengeance upon Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, ished Merrano for treason.

119 Exiled from his homeland, Mer­ him. Merrano did not resist, and be­ Sersi, Quasar, and ) re­ rano wholeheartedly joined the Na­ came a willing ally of the Japanese sponded to the danger, as well as zis in their insane effort toward world spy. also brought Baron five members of the Soviet People's conquest. Merrano believed a Nazi Blood , Master Man, and Warrior Protectorate (, Vostok, victory would bring him enough per­ Wo man under her dominion. After Fantasma, , and sonal power to fulfill his dream of re­ forming this unholy alliance, Lady ). The two hero groups arrived venge against Prince Namor. Lotus named the group the Super­ at the submarine at the same time, Combining his own advanced At­ Axis. and battled one another. However, lantean scientific knowledge with For their baptismal assignment, they soon joined forces when the en­ that of the Nazis, Merrano invented Lady Lotus sent the Super-Axis to raged Atlanteans attacked. a way to increase his size and . Using her psychic powers During the fierce battle, a stray strength to the point where he ri­ to speak directly to their minds, Lady shot fired from U-Man's weapon hit valed the Sub-Mariner. Ta king the Lotus commanded the Super-Axis to the submarine, forcing it to surface. name U-Man, he became the living wreak havoc at the largest railroad The terrorists docked at St. John's, equivalent of one of Germany's dev­ terminal in the country. Newfoundland. Meanwhile, the astating U-boats. Everything was going as planned combined might ofthe Avengers and U-Man often came into conflict until Captain America, the Human the People's Protectorate forced the with Namor and Namor's allies, the To rch, Miss America, the Whizzer, Atlanteans to retreat. small strike force of adventurers and the Sub-Mariner arrived on the The leader of the terrorist group, called the Invaders. On one such oc­ scene. From her hideout in China­ known as the Peace Corpse, de­ casion, U-Man took command of a town, Lady Lotus watched the battle manded access to the island's facili­ fleet of Nazi U-boats with orders to rage within her crystal ball. Fearing ties in order to repair the sub, or they intercept and destroy Prime Minister the national guard would soon ar­ would execute one hostage every Winston Churchill's flying boat, the rive, she ordered the Super-Axis to five minutes. Ta king charge, Captain Berwick, which was due to land for a retreat. America refused to negotiate, and rendezvous with the H. M. S. Duke of The Invaders followed the Super­ the terrorist shot Stingray (who had Yo rk, a British battleship. Fortu­ Axis to Riverview, a giant amuse­ been captured), apparently killing nately, just as the flying boat was ment park in Chicago. Lady Lotus him. At that moment, five members about to touch down on the waves, it ordered the villains to destroy the of Alpha Flight (Guardian, , was warned and began to climb into rides, in the hope that they would kill , Puck, and Diamond Lil) arrived the air. However, the Berwick's pon­ American servicemen on leave and took charge, claiming that the toons skimmed the water, giving U­ there. As U-Man went about disman­ Canadian government had autho­ Man just enough time to grab hold. tling the support structure of a roller rized control of the situation to them. Peering from a window, the Prime coaster, he was ambushed by the Captain America and Red Guardian Minister watched in dismay as U­ Sub-Mariner and knocked into a reluctantly agreed to let Guardian Man started to tear off a wing of the huge, lighted sign. The electricity take charge. plane. Luckily, the Sub-Mariner ar­ rendered U-Man unconscious. The In order to buy time, Guardian rived at that moment. After a brief Invaders successfully kept any civil­ agreed to let the terrorists begin re­ battle on the wing of the Berwick, the ians from being killed, and rounded pairs on the sub. In the meantime, two Atlanteans fell into the sea. up the rest of the Super-Axis. Lady the three groups of heroes began to Namor had nearly defeated U­ Lotus, however, was not captured . develop a battle plan. They success­ Man, but he was forced to leave the The Invaders would come to de­ fully recaptured the ship, but upon villain and go to the aid of Winston feat U-Man time and again. The final entering the missile control room, Churchill's plane, which had been end to Merrano's plans for venge­ they found that two of the terrorists caught in a Nazi weapon that pro­ ance came with the defeat of Germa­ had wired themselves directly to the duced a spiraling headwind. With ny in 1945. Unfortunately, U-Man missile launch system. Just as the the help of the other Invaders, the was never captured and tried as a heroes were deciding what to do, U­ Sub-Mariner freed the Berwick from war criminal. Man and the Atlanteans attacked the strange weapon and brought it in Recently, U-Man aided the Atlan­ once again. During the mayhem, the for a safe landing. U-Man and his tean warlord Attuma in his failed at­ submarine's warheads detonated, men managed to escape during the tempt to conquer the surface world. sending all of the heroes, villains, confusion. Later, U-Man, Tyrak, and Orca, and citizens of the small island to an Later during the war, U-Man was along with a number of Atlantean alternate dimension. After a long or­ inexplicably drawn from his watery warriors, intercepted and attacked a deal in the alien realm, all of them domain to the streets of Manhattan's large group of heroes who had "in­ were returned safely to Earth. Mer­ Chinatown, and a place called the vaded" their underwater realm. A rano's present whereabouts and ac­ "House of Lotus." An enigmatic Jap­ Soviet nuclear submarine, named tivities are unknown. anese woman called Lady Lotus, us­ the Wa terwind, had been taken over ing her psychic abilities, had brought by terrorists. Five members of the U-Man to her, and now controlled Av engers (Captain America, Vision,



F EX(20) A IN(40) S RM(30) E IN(40) R IN(40) I GD(10) P EX(20) Health: 130 Karma: 70 Resources: EX(20) Popularity: 5 (25 in Canada)

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Dr. James MacDonald Hudson Occupation: Petrochemical engi­ neer, later government agent, later ...... freelance adventurer Identity: Secret, known to Canadian government Legal Status: Citizen of Canada with no criminal record Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: London, Ontario, Canada Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Heather McNeil Hudson (wife) , Ramsey McNeil (father-in-law), Claire McNeil (mother-in-law) Base of Operations: Alpha Flight Headquarters, To ronto Past Group Affiliations: Alpha Flight, supervisor of Gamma and Se­ ta Flight Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Mechanical Augmentation: Vindica­ tor's powers come from his integra­ tion with his battlesuit. His battlesuit has been integrated with his flesh, making a working synthesis of the two. ing in respect to the earth's rotation, protection of ordinary citizens. Force Blasts: Incredible rank force thereby moving at air speeds rang­ When the battle situation becomes with a range of 10 areas. ing from Shift Z (near the equator) to too intense for his human half to Communications with Cybernetics: Incredible (at the poles). bear, the mechanical portion of his Amazing rank. Ta lents: Hudson has the profession­ persona takes over. When this hap­ Force Field: Amazing strength al skill of Engineering and the scien­ pens, all emotions and feeling are against physical and energy attacks. tific skills of Physics, Computers, suppressed. Energy Detection: Amazing (50) de­ and Electronics. In the past, he had been easily tection, identification, and tracking Contacts: Hudson served the Cana­ manipulated by government agents, of electromagnetic energy at any dian government through much of because of his political naivete. wavelength within 20 areas. his life and has many high-ranking Si nce his return from "death," he is Computer Links: Remarkable (30) political connections. He was a good more aware of the deceit that was mental connection and com munica­ friend of Wolverine. perpetrated against him in the past tion with computer systems. and is therefore much more suspi­ Flight: Shift X air speed. ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: cious when it comes to orders from Tr ansport: Vindicator can stop mov- Vindicator is a man dedicated to the governmental liaisons.

121 who had formed a team of his own Roxxon's Samuel Higgins, as­ called Omega Flight. In the battle Signed to deal with this situation, against them, Guardian's suit was HISTORY: called in one of their para-ops, Wind­ James MacDonald Hudson created severely damaged, and in order to shear, to help fix the problem that an armored suit that would enable its defeat Box, he had to tear even Hudson had become. Eventually, wearer to bore through the earth. more circuits out of his battlesuit. He Box, Diamond Lil, and Forge all be­ When he heard that the company tried to deactivate the suit, but just came involved in the assault on this that he was working for, Am-Can as Heather entered the room, the mechanical monster, all unaware Petro-Chemical, was going to sell suit exploded and everyone as­ that it was in truth Hudson at the the suit to the United States for mili­ sumed that James MacDonald Hud­ center on the machine. When they tary purposes, he destroyed all the son had died. reached Hudson's unconscious plans for its construction and made However, instead of being killed in body, was able to off with the cybernetic helmet. the explosion of his suit, Guardian wake up Hudson's human side by in­ Hudson was quickly invited to join was teleported at faster-than-light terfacing with the machine part of his Department H, a top secret research speed through the space-time con­ being and bring up images of Hud­ and development agency. James tinuum, finally coming to rest on son's wife, Heather. was inspired when he learned of the Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. His reunion with his wife was a dis­ formation of the Fantastic Four. He Unable to maintain his battlesuit's appointment; the years spent in hi­ intended to gather a team of his own system and succumbing to the bernation and his fusion with his for Canada; its first member was Lo­ harsh atmosphere, he collapsed. battlesuit have drained away much gan, who later became Wolverine. He awoke to find that an alien of his emotion. Logan helped create the team, but race, the Qwrlln, had saved him by Upon returning to Alpha Flight, fell in love with Heather in the proc­ using their advanced technology. Hudson resumed using his old code ess. Instead of causing problems Unfortunately, they were unfamiliar name of Vindicator because his wife with his friend's marriage, he opted with the human race and took the was known as Guardian at this point. to leave and accept an offer from battlesuit's circuits as part of Hud­ The Canadian government ap­ Charles Xavier. son's natural body. They created a proached Vindicator, asking him to At first, Hudson's code name as a natural synthesis between the me­ take over as leader of Alpha Flight costumed agent was "Weapon Al­ chanical and biological parts of from his wife. The officials assumed pha." Under this name, he attempt­ Guardian. that they could manipulate James ed to carry out his orders to bring At this point, Hudson discovered much easier than Guardian. James, back Wolverine to Department H by that the he had been flung thou­ finally understanding how these force. He failed in his task, and al­ sands of years into his past. The people had been controlling him, most killed the X-Men's ally, Moira Qwrlln placed Hudson in a cryogenic took this information to Heather and, McTaggert. The guilt-ridden Hudson stasis chamber so that he could with this revelation, the Hudsons took the name "Vindicator," believ­ sleep until he had caught up to his were reunited emotionally as well as ing that he had to vindicate himself correct time. physically. for his rash action. The Canadian When he woke up from his lengthy During a battle with Headlok, a government finally accepted Wolver­ sleep, the Qwrlln had mysteriously creature that controlled minds, his ine's resignation from Alpha Flight. vanished, leaving behind the rem­ teammates forced the mechanical Eventually Alpha Flight was cre­ nant of their civilization and a space­ portion of Vindicator's brain to take ated with the members Aurora, Sas­ craft to return Hudson to Earth. control. When the computer part of quatch, Northstar, Shaman, His spacecraft landed in the him took over, he was able to over­ , and Vindicator. The team ocean off of British Columbia after ride Headlok and defeat him. This was officially disbanded when De­ spending two months in space. The left him in a totally mechanical state partment H went under due to finan­ craft was found by a Roxxon Oil Re­ in which he referred to himself as cial problems, but the members search Rig and the comatose pas­ "this unit." Fortunately, this was only reunited to fight the mystical Beasts. senger was remanded to the temporary; Vindicator has since re­ After defeating Tu ndra, one of the company's custody. turned to his normal state. Great Beasts, the members decided While the organic portion of Hud­ Vindicator seems to have control to continue acting as a team per­ son's brain slept, the mechanical over how much of his mechanical forming altruistic missions. They section began communicating with nature is visible. At times, the area were joined by two trainees from Be­ Roxxon's Denver Facility's Com­ around his body shines with the glint ta Flight: Marrina and Puck. Having puter Network through the medical of metal; at other times it is totally come to terms with his guilt over in­ monitoring device. After two years, flesh. The reason for this has yet to juring McTaggert, James Hudson he was able to control and subvert be explained. took the new code name Guardian. Roxxon's Cyberweb. Hudson uncon­ Months later, Heather was taken sciously created a series of mechan­ prisoner by Delphine Courtney, a hu­ ical defenses designed to protect his manoid robot serving Jerome Jaxon, body.



F EX(20) A GD(10) S IN(40) E IN(40) R GD(10) I GD(1 0) P TY(6) Health: 110 Karma: 26 Resources: GD(10) Popularity: -5

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Frieda Ratsel Occupation: Nazi agent Legal Status: German citizen Identity: Secret Place of Birth: Unrevealed Marital Status: Married to Master Man I, though this is disputable Known Relatives: None Base of Operations: Mobile Past Group Affiliations: Former member of the Super-Axis, former partner of Master Man I, partner of Master Man II Present Group Affiliations:

KNOWN POWERS: Wa�ri?r Wo man was exposed to a vanatlon of the Super-Soldier formu­ la that produced Captain America. As a result, her physical abilities were greatly enhanced. She has no superhuman powers, but relies solely upon the attributes of her genetically-perfect body. Ta lents: Frau Ratsel is so skilled at hypnotism that she can force a vic­ tim to reveal any information he knows, unless the victim succeeds at a Ye ll w Psyche FEAT roll. Only � Woman held complete and unwaver­ F�ieda learned of the missing ingre­ IS one roll attempted per victim per ing loyalty to Adolf Hitler. Currently, dient, and decided to try the formula day. Frau Ratsel has Excellent Rea­ she is the ally of Herr Nacht, the sec­ on herself. As she was preparing the son regarding espionage. She is a ond Master Man. compound, Frieda was interrupted Wea�ons Specialist with her whip, by her officer, who forbade + granting her a 2CS to hit. She can her to take the form ula. Frieda used use the whip to make grappling at­ her whip to disarm the officer and HISTORY: tacks. unintentionally hurled him int� the The early life of Frieda Ratsel is a Contacts: Third Reich, New Reich . apparatus she was using to make mystery. It is known that she became the formula. The device exploded, a valuable Nazi spy during . World ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: and the blast transformed her into War II. As part of her duty, she kid­ Frieda Ratsel is a sadistic, brutal the mighty Warrior Woman. napped and interrogated an Ameri­ woman. She hates most men, and At the sight of her, Adolf Hitler was can soldier named William "Biljo" of!en displays her contempt for . very impressed, and hastily decided White, who knew information about Wilhelm Loh mer, the original Master that she hould marry Master Man I, the Super-Soldier form ula. After suc­ � Man, by �eferring to him as a stupid who readily agreed. Warrior Wo man cessfully hypnotizing the private, oaf. DUring World War II, Warrior

123 considered Master Man I to be a From her hideout in Chinatown, Lady Wall was erected. Although auto­ blundering oaf, and scorned him. At Lotus watched the battle rage within mated machines kept her in sus­ her ruler's command, however, she her crystal ball. Fearing the national pended animation, Doktor Kraus relented to the idea of marriage. guard would soon arrive, she ordered believed that she would suffer brain After the wedding ceremony, Hitler the Super-Axis to retreat. damage when awakened. Master planned to execute the Invaders, who The Invaders followed the Super­ Man I was willing to take the risk, and had recently been captured with the Axis to Riverview, a giant amuse­ threatened Doktor Kraus with bodily help of Master Man I and Warrior ment park in Chicago. Lady Lotus harm if he did not quickly and suc­ Woman, as part of the celebration. ordered the villains to destroy the cessfully revive his beloved. In order The final vows were never spoken, rides, in the hope that they would kill to ensure success, Doktor Kraus however, because Union Jack and American servicemen on leave gave Warrior Wo man a transfusion of Spitfire arrived on the scene and res­ there. As Warrior Wo man wreaked artificial blood from the android Hu­ cued the Invaders. Although Hitler havoc in the fun house, she was at­ man To rch, who had recently been himself proclaimed Master Man I and tacked by Miss America. During the kidnapped by Kraus's thugs. Warrior Wo man to be man and wife, fight Warrior Woman grabbed the As Doktor Kraus was reviving War­ the fact remains that they never actu­ hero's ankle, and was flown into the rior Wo man (and causing serious ally spoke their wedding vows, and it sky. By making a sharp turn, Miss harm to the Human To rch), Namor could be argued that they were never America flung Warrior Wo man into a broke into the lab and began a battle legally married. huge sign, rendering the Nazi un­ with Master Man I. As Namor was Later during the war, Warrior conscious. The Invaders successful­ about to defeat Master Man I, he was Woman (along with Master Man) was ly kept any civilians from being knocked unconscious by Warrior drawn to America by the psychic killed, and rounded up the rest of the Woman, who had been successfully powers of Lady Lotus, who wanted Super-Axis, who were all taken into revived, apparently without serious to force the couple to join her villain­ police custody. Lady Lotus, however, brain damage. ous group called the Super-Axis. was not captured. After Namor was securely placed in Master Man and Warrior Women re­ As the allied guns pounded Berlin a containment device in the labora­ sisted, vowing they would always re­ near the close of the war, Master tory, Doktor Kraus took Master Man I main loyal to Adolf Hitler. Master Man I and Warrior Woman were and Warrior Woman to meet their Man, however, was quickly cowed placed in suspended animation in mysterious benefactor, Herr Nacht, into submission when Lady Lotus separate, secret laboratories within who revealed his plans to place him­ used her psychic powers to assault the city. Through the foresight of self as the leader of the New Reich. him with spectral images of Captain Baron Strucker, these two hidden fa­ The meeting was interrupted by an America, the Human To rch, the Sub­ cilities had been built for this very alarm-Namor had broken free. Mariner, Spitfire, and Union Jack. Af­ purpose. Baron Strucker knew that Herr Nacht convinced Master Man ter her whip was transformed into a Hitler's regime would fall, so he de­ r to return to the lab alone and fight huge snake, Warrior Woman too was vised a way for the two greatest war­ Namor. With Master Man I gone, subdued, but she never truly gave riors of the war to be preserved, Herr Nacht expressed his love for up her devotion to Hitler, and she ensuring that "the dream" would be Warrior Wo man, and persuaded her swore revenge against Lady Lotus. reborn in the future. to leave her husband. The Super-Axis also included U-Man After Baron Strucker's funding ran Back in the lab, Namor was de­ and Baron Blood, neither of whom out, Herr Nacht took over the financ­ feating Master Man I and Doktor resisted Lady Lotus's leadership. ing of Master Man I and Warrior Wo m­ Kraus's thugs with the help of Na­ For their baptismal assignment" an's preservation. Herr Nacht's father morita, Union Jack, and the elderly Lady Lotus sent the Super-Axis to was involved in the project from the Lady Crichton, who had been the Chicago. Using her psychic powers beginning, over 40 years ago. Over costumed hero called Spitfire during to speak directly to their minds, Lady those years, the project was technical­ World War II. During the fight, Mas­ Lotus commanded the Super-Axis to ly managed by Doktor Kraus, a Ger­ ter Man I inexplicably reverted to his wreak havoc at the largest railroad man scientist whose life had been true form as the weakling Willie terminal in the country. With his saved by Herr Nacht's father. Lohmer. At that moment, Herr Kraus great strength, U-Man began to rip Recently, with the reunification of arrived in costume as Master Man II, up railroad tracks, while Baron Germany, Herr Nacht decided it was with Warrior Woman at his side. Blood killed the engineers of a loco­ time to awaken the slumbering war­ Overwrought at losing his powers motive, causing it to derail and erupt riors. Because Master Man /'s preser­ and being rejected by his beloved, in a fiery blast. Master Man and War­ vation unit was hidden on the west Willie Lohmer threw a switch that ap­ rior Wo man did their part by destroy­ side of Berlin before the war ended, parently blew up him, Warrior Wo m­ ing tracks and signalling systems. he was continually monitored by Dok­ an, Master Man II, and most of the Everything was going as planned, tor Kraus, and was easily revived. On thugs. No bodies were ever recov­ until Captain America, the Human the other hand, Warrior Wo man was ered, however. Presumably, Warrior To rch, Miss America, the Whizzer, and secured on the east side of Berlin, Woman is still at large, allied with the Sub-Mariner arrived on the scene. and was separated when the Berlin Master Man II and the New Reich.



F RM(30) A MN(75) S TY(6) E GD(10) R TY(6) I TY(6) P TY(6) Health: 121 Karma: 18 Resources: UN(100) (as a Squad­ ron member) Popularity: 40

BACKGROUND: Real Name: Stanley Stewart Occupation: Former postman, gov- --' ernment agent Identity: Publicly known Legal Status: Married Other Known Aliases: None Place of Birth: Unknown Marital Status: Married Known Relatives: Madeline (wife), Tina (daughter) Base of Operations: Squadron City Past Group Affiliations: Squadron Supreme Present Group Affiliation:

KNOWN POWERS: Hyper-Running: Shift X land speed (750 mph) and resistance to air fric­ tion. Acceleration rate is 1.5 mph per foot traveled. Hyper-Endurance: While running, Whizzer's Endurance increases to Unearthly rank, though his health doesn't increase. Hyper-Speed: Unearthly power in­ creases his reaction time 100 fold. This power functions while he is run­ ning. Power Stunts include the fol­ lowing: • Delivering 100 Typical blows per turn. • Perceiving and catching high ve- locity objects with Unearthly ease. Airwalking: Remarkable speed by rapidly fanning his arms and legs. Wa terwalking: Unearthly speed by skimming along on the surface ten­ sion of the liquid.

125 Weakness: For each minute spent defeated the Overmind and Null, verse's next Sorcerer Supreme. He using his powers, Whizzer must freeing the Earth from thralldom. opted to trade places with the white spend an equal time resting in a This battle left the Squadron's being and thus stop Lightner from hypo-metabolic trance. If prevented world in an economic and political devouring worlds. As a conse­ from resting, he is unable to regain mess. The Squadron decided to quence, the powers of Sorcerer Su­ his full powers and incurs a -2CS on take over America for a year and im­ preme were conferred upon Thomas all of his physical powers and stats plement their Utopia Program. They Lightner. Benjamin left the Squad­ until he does rest. intended to use their powers to solve ron's dimension, set on undoing all Ta lents: Good knowledge of the all of the country's problems. As a the damage that Lightner had U.S. Postal Service. gesture of good faith, the members caused. Contacts: Squadron members, of the Squadron revealed their true On the way back to their Earth, the Quasar. identities to the people of the world, Squadron was transported to the assuring them that the Utopia Pro­ main Marvel Universe Earth by the ADDITIONAL NOTES: gram would succeed. One member new Sorcerer Supreme of their di­ of the group, Nighthawk, disagreed mension, Thomas Lightner. He obvi­ with the majority and began plan­ ously didn't want the Squad ron ning to thwart the Squadron's plans. around to challenge his newly ac­ Nighthawk had gathered his own quired powers. group of dissenting heroes and vil­ The Squadron ran into Quasar in lains, who were named the Redeem­ space and they were taken to Pro­ ROLE-PLAYING NOTES: ers. In the climactic battle between ject Pegasus, hoping to find a way Whizzer is a devoted family man the Squadron and Nighthawk's Re­ back to their own dimension. There who places his family before his du­ deemers, Nighthawk along with they consulted with Reed Richards ties to the Squadron. While trapped to see if his Time Machine could on the main Marvel Earth, he has be­ many people on both sides of the battle were killed. The Squadron help them return, but that attempt come upset at his separation from gave up and conceded defeat. They failed. his family, resulting in rude, abrupt promised to dismantle the Utopia During the group's stay at Project behavior. Program and return the fate of Amer­ Pegasus, a race between all the ica to the average person. speedsters on Earth was organized The next great test of the Squad­ by the Elder of the Universe known ron occurred when a white being of as The Runner. Whizzer participated HISTORY: immense size began to grow and in the race to the moon on a special­ Stanley Stewart is a native of the threaten to devour the Sun. The ly constructed racetrack, but he was other dimensional home of the Squadron mounted a last-ditch effort beaten by the Eternal Makarri and a Squadron Supreme. He gained his to save their world with the help of strange being known only as Buried powers by passing through a fog one of their greatest enemies, Mas­ Alien. bank of unknown origin. After this ter Menace. Then, Dr. Strange came to Project event, he could run at superhuman The Whizzer was one of the four Pegasus to send them home magi­ speeds. He became a costumed he­ heroes who flew into space with a cally. But Lightner had laid a magical ro and eventually became a found­ device designed to contain the grow­ trap for the Squadron that caused ing member of the Squad ron ing creature. He ran on a treadmill half of their bodies to stay on Earth Supreme. that generated the locomotion nec­ and the other half to be flung into the Whizzer, as well as most of the essary for him to move through space between dimensions. They rest of the Squadron, succumbed to space. He ran until his feet bled. Un­ were rescued from this horrible the enthralling power of the entity fortunately, all efforts to fight this death by Quasar and Dr. Strange. known as the Overmind. This collec­ growing white entity failed. Their uni­ Whizzer and the other Squadron tive mind entity, working together verse was saved when Arcanna's members trapped on Earth are now with the demonic being Null, the Liv­ son, Benjamin, traded places with waiting for Arcanna's son, Benjamin, ing Darkness, used the Squadron as the white being, who turned out to be to finish repairing the Nth Man's de­ pawns to rule the Earth. One mem­ Thomas Lightner, the Nth Man, who struction through the dimensions. ber of the Squadron retained his had been turned into a living hole in Once Benjamin returns to Earth, the freedom, however; Hyperion man­ space. He had devoured seven uni­ Squadron should be able to return aged to travel to another Earth and verses before happening across the home with Benjamin's help. recruit the superteam known as the Squadron's universe. Whizzer isn't taking this separa­ Defenders to help him. To gether, the The infant Benjamin Thomas tion from his family very well; he is Defenders and the Squadron finally Jones was slated to become this uni- currently always on edge.