In Limelight! I
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ja woman bound hands, feet and around the neck, securely roped in a NATIONALS CAPTURE box, and the box sawed in half, and TWO\ not a drop of blood spilled, while a 1 TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY committee and hundreds in the aud- STRAIGHT GAMES AND WIN | ience kept their eyes glued on the 7: TO—9:25 j box, and the woman conies out O. K | | unscratehed that's the trick. LOCAL BASEBALL TOURNEY i ——-I two P ATI IE Winning straight games, the I NEWS § I Nationals, composed of picked play ers from the Moose and Alaska Ju- JACK WILSON ; TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY neau teams, won 1 tie annual Fourth william i of July baseball tournament from " = fox. the Americans, made up of the Ft Us = = P II. ICE ORCHESTRA and American Legion players. The IN LIMELIGHT! presents i | Nationals won Sunday in a hectic __ contest II to 13 and took yesterday’s stands Out m Front m Past h> krcj) ) (pu I mu gliing II <• Slum' game 4 to 1. Monday's game was the best of Week’s Circuit Drive A small crowd TOXICHT disappointingly the two, although that played Sun- turned out Sunday afternoon to day was the biggest thriller as it was Making. of First i witness the demonstration in doubt until the last frame. The Work by four Juneau teams, but (1. Jack Wilson 'AIOW BAXTER |Aid crowd at Monday’s game was the CHICAGO, July those who attended were far from f f largest ever attending a game at thy the Cuba, became the outstanding j disappointed. present city park. f iature of last week’s home run T T E I) I N” II*- ILIJ W *1.1 < III ill II * It'll IUIU ittei'H when he counted twice in I S U Vaille Too of “irong ! conditions were ideal for one 1 elief lulling. Bnttomley. of the THE BIG COMEDY OF THE YEAR! Vaile was too much for the Anicr- the finest displays of technical train Cardinals, first sackcr, continues to OWEN DAVIS leans in the final game, lie hurled by | ing that has been exhibited any- ;j tad which lead I10 has held since one of the prettiest games seen here r where. All teams were well trained lie opening. Ruth registered one frcm "Stuff of Heroes” by Harold Titus this year and but for over eagerness! Adapted and performed their work so smooth- nd now lias a total of 20. ITanush by two infielders in the fourth ly that only a technical mind could in-j’ f Detroit made three, (ioslin of WITH ning would have been credited with decide which team was the best. j* Vashington made two, Cochrane of * a shutout contest. 1)0KO FI IA DK\ ORE Al ATT AIOORE Three problems were presented to ’liiladelphia one, Gehrig, of tile Van lie allowed but five hits, and for I EDMUND LOWE I WARD CRANE—WILFRED LUCAS—ADDA GLEASON— the teams and then each team dem- ees, tlirec, and Harper of the Mill- LIMITED" seve n innings held the Americans jj in, 1 onstrated the correct application of ^ ies two. Anthony l.azzeri of New \ TURNER SAVAGE—VIRGINIA MARSHAL—CAMEO hitness. He struck out seven bat- = first aid for that particular injury. ’ork has 11 homers and follows FOX COMEDY-That tors and walked hut two. Until the HHUSC The first problem was: Simple frac- tuth in the American League. Brings Gales of Directed William Beaudine Scenario Julien Joscphson nintIt inning he had Issued not a, lfl@ D$%A99 by by --— ture of lower jaw, compound fracture single pass. He was given almost Laughter of middle right thigh, bleeding freely OAWfi I \ v v ith that on tears; a perfect support, a wild heave1 by Mac : coined laughs verge bright red blood from over fracture | 10-20-10—Logcs 50c Spadden being the only inisplav to'I WW iw on the front and to the inner side drama that skids and slides around the funniest mar the game and Mac’s game and I of the thigh, patient conscious in batting made tip for his momentary situations imaginable state of shock. If you miss this one, you will miss more thrills and more delightful = 2. Severe to li ft lapse. Problem injury — romance than you tvei saw crammed into one picture before. eyeball, broken kneecap of right leg. Win In First NEWS AND ANOTHER COMEDY dislocated right shoulder, treat for Yesterday’s game was won in the shock. first canto by the Nationals. Moe = Problem .1 Simple fracture of 111 ■ started for the Americans and in thej\ Vins World’s Lightweight Coming Thursday middle left collar bone, lacerated opening frame was nicked for three ! 0-2.“)-10 .">0 cents which mixed with two 111 10 Rounds from Coges wound on top of bead, blood oozing, singles, passed GLORIA SWANSON in “WAGES OF VIRTUE” Jack left hip dislocated, treat for shock. produced three earned runs. Kansas. | in tic second Rocky Number one team was composed son, who replaced him stellar hall. He al- 'ilillllllliillllllillllillllllHiiiilllllllllllliliilllllllllillliilllllilllllllllliililllllllllllllF THURSDAY from the A. J. mine and included: inning, hurled CHICAGO, July 0. In a down- Joe lowed liul four hits, funned eight mr of fans Jack Brown, Knrnosl Hazelton, p rain, 20,000 saw Sammy NOW AT TERRELS Riva, August Tie Ron, Allen Anderson men and walked none. Two hits » andell, sheik of Rockford, 111., win a allowed the “A Thief in Paradise” and Kdwurd Smith. earned a ! and dropped throw y ie world’s tit lo from They lightweight (ID RACES Mi Craves, from Eugene, Ore, to hint in the of 98 in each Nationals score off Ip Kansas in a in with glade problem. hamplon Rocky anil an experienced operator, former- wasn't an earned Number two team made of the third hut it Mind bout lo a decision which up run.!,., open- ly at the American In the Beauty Shop, boys from the mill were all dressed opening frame, ilarragar ,, I legalized boxing here. DORIS KENYON, AILEEN PRINGLE, RONALD COLMAN, has accepted a position at Miss Ter- was out at first. Nowell POLL CROWD in while were Karl singled Mandell won from six to of Tlieye Hunter, eight rail's shop. CLAUDE GILLINGWATER, ALEC FRANCIS Two walks filled the Tom and Leslie ('ashen, Harry Sabin. \ cleanly. bugs y ie rounds and oul boxed and out- Brown and sent Busier Hewitt and llazen Fuller Singles by Kearney K meraled Ilia veteran title holder. Old papers voi sale at Tne Empire. More than a thousand happy, noisy AND THE H MAT CLASSIC DANCERS The mill team received 99 per cent three men over the pan. Both men weighed in at 135 In the third the scored k ids and a lair crowd of grown ups on the first pro Mum and 100 on each Nationals p Minds Tilt* Ixmt was staged under was " alt'hcd llic hoys and girls id' Ju NOTICE OF SALE of the others. another. Smith out, Jackson y ie of 1 lie Order of auspices Loyal Nil 2G10-A 11 aau Iheir running ability from the mine to (lallwas. ltig MacSpadden singled, jy oose and I tie White Sox baseball display all of the Number three leant I subsequently vestiges was a mile to puterday ufternoon at Hie City Park, In the District Court for the Dis- was composed of Ora (loss, Sam Mi- He out attempting p trk last Saturday afternoon. ; i wounit left him. llis reappearance '1 he races held under the direction trict of Alaska, Division No. slead, Lee Johnson, I). Richards, Kd- steal hut Little Mac dropped Cough- One, (..I llm : lave was ;• triumpl many f starter M. Sides kept the en «t Tunesn. Attractions ward Maher and J .1 Allen. This lin's throw. Kearney doubled over h "In di'i-s" r < !1 pyin-r UNITED STATES OF ’u; That was the liisiasni of the crowd at a high AMERICA. learn received 911, 95 and 98 reaper center scoring him. J IRS. THOMPSON I, s .0 itch for two hours. I Libellant, vs. FLOATING FISH lively for the problems. end of the Nationals’ scoring. 1 : OFF ON TRIP TO I TRAP, License No. 26-165, known Ills mi :»!■:»* The Scout team of Score On Fluke At Theatres | Boy composed of races were: 1 ;- The judges tho as Booth Fisheries the Hold .vyr-K u if" .. The Americans scored their loir- Trap No. 4, Kdward Hat-nick, David Ramsey, Clar- ARCTIC REGION , 1 Bradford, Lee and Charles l;i !'. ill .” : Harry its lead, hearts, pots, spillers, S "A Thief run in the fourth on a fluke. Little .—- — -------—1 ence Dunn, Clayton Policy, Arthur c I lahin, aldy assisted later In lh< is co-fearur-d v.\ I: H-iri- !<• r Mac went out, Valle to Brown, Huh nets, webbing, house, winches and .liaison and Karl Lag“rgrin received Mrs. 11. J. wife of as ■ante crover — Thompson, Winn. ■ ■ , by Ail. n Pringle nt the Paler- for to short and Mac other gear and equipment there- a perfect score on all problems and erts popped Big slant Thompson, Weather Bureau, j H3XXV9 MOHi, on, and about 500 salmon In suld i „NI aSXXntt nights beginning Thursday. collided, the ball are as Jihree won the prize of $00.00. and Manning drop-jp ft tills morning on the Princess The races and winners AT PALACE TONIGHT. trap, Libellers. : R. D. Stewart as master of cere ping safely. Henuing singled past A lice for Prince Rupert, enrotite to f dlnws: ( .. NOTICE if short to seenud.