UDC 94(470) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-16-21


© 2016 P.H. Akieva

Akieva Petimat Hasoltovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, History Department, Akhriev Ingush Scientific-Research Institute of Human Sciences, D. Malsagov St., 11, Magas, RI, 386000, Russia. Е-mail: [email protected]

In the article the author gives a comparative historical analysis of Ingush mythological and epic themes about the final cosmogonic act – the creation of Man, which illustrates their semantic meaning commonality with worldviews of ancient peoples of Asia Minor and the ancestors of the Nakh peoples of the Central Caucasus. Thus the creation of Man was the culmination of the divine demiurge activities in the process of establishing the world order.

Keywords: creation of Man, substance, blood, earth, ant, bird prototype, eagle, ancient Ingush beliefs, single mythological image.

References al Cycles of Chores of Chechens and Ingush in the Medieval Period]. Grozny, 1979. 1. Dalgat B. Pervobytnaya religiya chechentsev i 10. Tutaev A. [Extracts from Galgay Calendar]. ingushei [The Primitive Religion of Chechens and Ingush]. Yandieva M.D. Ingushetiya i ingushi [ and In- Moscow, 2004, 240 p. gush]. Nazran; Moscow, 1999. 2. Tankiev A.Kh. Dukhovnye bashni ingushskogo 11. Akiev Kh.A. [Checkered Pattern in the System of naroda [Spiritual Towers of Ingush people]. Collection of Pagan Worldview of Vainakhs]. Iskusstvo narodnykh articles on national culture. Saratov, 1997, 294 p. promyslov Severnogo Kavkaza [Art Crafts of the North Cau- 3. Tankiev A.Kh. Boaram – ingushskaya estetika casus]. Proceedings of the region. scientific-practical conf. [Boaram - Ingush Aesthetics]. Nazran, 2011, 180 p. Nalchik, 1989. 4. Grabovskii N.F. [Economic and Family Life of 12. Akiev Kh.A. [What the Reliefs of the Thaba-Yerdy Mountain Aria Inhabitants of the Ingush District]. Ingushi Temple Tell About]. Nravy, traditsii i obychai narodov [Ingush People]. Col. art. and essays on History and Culture Severnogo Kavkaza [Manners, Customs and Traditions of of Ingush People. Col. A.Kh. Tankiev. Saratov, 1996, the Peoples of the ]. Proceedings of conf. pp. 106-126. Pyatigorsk, 1997. 5. Akhriev Ch. Izbrannoe [Selected]. Col. A. 13. Dakhkil'gov I.A. Ingushskii nartskii epos [Ingush- Malsalgov. Nazran, 2000, 313 p. Nart Epos]. Nalchik, 2013. 6. Yakovlev N. [Ingush People]. Ingushi [Ingush Peo- 14. Tsaroeva M. Tusholi – poslednyaya boginya-mat' ple]. Col. art. and essays… Kavkaza [Tusholi - the Last Goddess-mother of the Cauca- 7. Genko A.N. [From Cultural Past of Ingush People]. sus]. Rostov-on-Don, 2012, 94 p. Zapiski kollegii vostokovedov pri Aziatskom muzee AN SSSR 15. Vasil'eva O.A. [Calendar and Religious Holidays]. [Notes Collegium of Orientalists at the Asian Museum of the Ingushi [Ingush People]. Ed. M.S.-G. Albogachieva, Academy of Sciences of the USSR]. Leningrad, 1930, vol. 5. A.M. Martazanov, L.T. Solov'eva. Moscow, 2013, pp. 331-342. 8. Madaeva Z.A. Narodnye kalendarnye prazdniki 16. Agieva L.T. Etnografiya ingushei [Ethnography of vainakhov [Folk Calendar Holidays of Vainakh]. Grozny, 1990. Ingush]. Maikop, 2011. 9. Uzhakhov M.R. Godichnye tsikly khozyaistvennykh 17. Krupnov E.I. Srednevekovaya Ingushetiya [Medie- rabot chechentsev i ingushei perioda srednevekov'ya [Annu- val Ingushetia]. Moscow, 1971.


18. Antologiya ingushskogo fol'klora [Anthology of In- 28. Desheriev Yu.D. Sravnitel'no-istoricheskaya gush Folklore]. Col. by I.A. Dakhkilgov. Nalchik, 2003, grammatika nakhskikh yazykov [Comparative and Historical vol. 3, 350 p. Grammar of the Nakh Languages]. Grozny, 1963. 19. Muzhukhoev M. [Research of Medieval Cultural 29. Kramer S. Istoriya nachinaetsya v Shumere [History Monuments of the Chechen- Ingushetia] Pamyatniki epokhi Starts in Schumer]. Moscow, 1991. rannego zheleza i srednevekov'ya Checheno-Ingushetii 30. Tumanov K.D. O doistoricheskom yazyke [Monuments of the Early Iron Age and Medieval Period of Zakavkaz'ya. Iz materialov po istorii i yazykoznaniyu Chechen-Ingushetia]. Grozny, 1981. Kavkaza. [On the Prehistoric Language of Transcaucasia. 20. Muzhukhoev M. Iz istorii yazychestva vainakhov From the Materials on the History and Linguistics of Cauca- [From the History of Pagan Vainakhs]. Sovetskaya sus]. Grozny, 2011. etnografiya [Soviet ethnography], 1985, no 2. 31. Antologiya ingushskogo fol'klora [Anthology of In- 21. Braun I., Klimov G. Ob istoricheskom gush Folklore]. Col. I.A. Dakhkil'gov. Nalchik, 2006, vol. 4, vzaimootnoshenii urartskogo i iberiisko-kavkazskikh 360 p. yazykov [The Historical Relationship of Urartu and Ibero- 32. Antologiya ingushskogo fol'klora [Anthology of Ingush Caucasian Languages]. Tez. dokl. AS Gruz. SSR. Tbilisi, Folklore]. Col. I.A. Dakhkil'gov. Nalchik, 2003, vol. 1, 344 p. 1954, pp. 50-51. 33. Dudarov A.-M.M. [On the Issue of Settlement of In- 22. Dzhaukyan G.V. Vzaimootnosheniya gush in Late Medieval Period: GIalgIay koashke]. Dudarov indoevropeiskikh, khurrito-urartskikh i kavkazskikh yazykov A-M.M., Kodzoev N.D. K drevnei i srednevekovoi istorii [Relationships of Indo-European, Hurrito-Urartian and Cau- ingushei [On Ancient and Medieval History of the Ingush]. casian Languages]. Erevan, 1967, p. 216. Nalchik, 2011, pp. 134-210. 23. Kotovich V.M. [Some Family Names on the Link- 34. Kerlot Kh.E. Slovar' simvolov [Dictionary of Sym- ages of Population and the Near East in Ancient bols]. Moscow, 1994. Times]. Srednyaya Aziya, Kavkaz i Zarubezhnyi vostok v 35. Akieva P.Kh. [Prototype of Bird in the Ingush Cul- drevnosti [Central Asia, the Caucasus and Foreign East in tural and Historical Tradition]. Aktual'nye problemy Ancient Times]. Moscow, 1983. kavkazovedeniya v XXI veke [Actual Problems of Caucasian 24. Melikishvili G.A. Urartskie klinopisnye nadpisi Studies in the XXI Century]. Proceedings of Intern. scien- [Urartian Cuneiform Inscriptions]. Moscow, 1960. tific-practical conf., dedicated to the 165th anniversary of 25. Melikishvili G.A. Nairi-Urartu [Nairi Urartu]. Tbili- Ch.E. Ahriev. Nazran, 2015, pp. 24-29. si, 1954. 36. Morrhu N. Ansestral Connections. Art and an Abo- 26. Chikobava A.S. [Problems of kinship Ibero- riginal System of Knowledge. Chicago, 1991, p. 148. Caucasian languages]. Istoriko-lingvisticheskie svyazi 37. Golan A. Mif i simvol [Myth and Symbol]. Moscow, narodov Kavkaza [Historical and Linguistic Ties of the Peo- 1993, 376 p. ples of the Caucasus]. Mes. rep. nat. conf. Makhachkala, 38. Piotrovskii B.B. Vanskoe tsarstvo (Urartu) [King- 1965, pp. 7-27. dom of Van (Urartu)]. Moscow, 1959. 27. Tsereteli G.V. K voprosu ob otnoshenii urartskogo 39. Ardzinba V.G. [Nart Story about the Birth of Hero yazyka k iberiisko-kavkazskoi gruppe yazykov [On the Issue from Stone]. Drevnyaya Anatoliya [Ancient Anatolia]. Mos- of Relation of Urartian Language to the Iberian-Caucasian cow, 1985, pp. 128-168. Language Group]. Tbilisi, 1953.

UDC 908 DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-22-28


© 2016 T.M. Akimova

Akimova Tatiana Mikhailovna − Candidate of Historical Science, Associate Professor, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Gorkogo St., 87, Vladimir, 600000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]


The article deals with the economic situation in the Vladimir gubernia in 1917; Introduced by the Temporary Government in March 1917 the system of supply of the population with food through the food committees is analyzed, the activities of Zemstvo government to overcome the food problem in the province is researched. Despite the positive experience, the Zemstvos were abolished by the new authorities, gradually being replaced by the Soviets and could not help in the fight with the comiming star- vation.

Keywords: zemstvo self-government, revolution, war, food crisis, food committees.

12. Zhurnaly chrezvychainogo Vladimirskogo References gubernskogo zemskogo sobraniya [Logbooks of

Eemergency Vladimir Zemsky Provincial Assembly]. Vla- 1. Vestnik Vremennogo pravitel'stva. 1917, 30 March dimir, 1917. (12 Apr.), no 20 (66). 13. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 1190. In. 1. File 5. 2. Vestnik Vremennogo pravitel'stva. 1917. 25 Apr. 14. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 387. In. 1. File 51. (8 May), no 39 (85). 15. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-25. In. 1. File 5. 3. GAVO (Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Vladimirskoi oblasti) 16. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 378. In. 1. File 195. [SAVR (State Archive of Vladimir Region)]. Fund R-359. 17. GAVO [SAVR]. File 192. In. 1. File 1. 18. GAVO [SAVR]. File 191. 4. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-26. In. 1. File 1. 19. GAVO [SAVR]. File 202. 5. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 378. In. 1. File 196. 20. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 205. In. 3. File 169. 6. Zhurnaly soveshchanii pri Vladimirskoi gubernskoi 21. GAVO [SAVR]. File 168. zemskoi uprave za sentyabr'–oktyabr' 1917 g. [Logbooks of 22. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-359. In. 1. File 6. Sessions at Vladimir Provincial Rural (Zemstvo) Council in 23. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 796. In. 2. File 23. September-October 1917]. Vladimir, 1917. 24. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 1187. In. 1. File 8. 7. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 390. In. 2. File 252. L. 88; File 25. Zhurnaly ekstrennogo vladimirskogo gubernskogo 303. L. 91–94, 254–257 t., 389–401. zemskogo sobraniya 8–11 yanvarya 1918 g [Logbooks of 8. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 796. In. 2. File 23. L. 150 t.; Fund Emergency Vladimir Zemsky Provincial Assembly 8-11 387. In. 1. File 51. L. 18 t.; Fund 1187. In. 1. File 8. L. 13. January 1918].Vladimir on Klyaz'ma, 1918. 9. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 205. In. 3. File 278. 26. Mysl'. 1918. 25 January. 10. Mysl'. 1918. 9 January. 11. Golos naroda. 1918. 19 January.

UDC 902/904 DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-28-35


© 2016 A.L. Boyko, I.N. Skirda

Boyko Andrey Leonidovich − Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, B. Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

Skirda Irina Nikolaevna − Competitor, Department of Archaeology, Historiography and Source Studies, Karazin Kharkov National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkov, 61022, . E-mail: [email protected]

In 1902 the XIIth Archaeological convent took place in Kharkov. The Don department of the Preliminary committee of the convent participated in the preparation and carrying it out. This organization, being created in 1900, conducted large- scale archaeological studies with the support of local troop authorities. The focus was made on the ways of gathering infor-

18 ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1 mation for the convent. The archaeological excavations were limited with insignificant funding from Moscow Archaeological society. Materials obtained in the course of these works were published in the proceedings of the convent and were repre- sented on the exhibitions in Kharkov. Today these materials are the part of the funds of Don Museum of Cossacks History in Novocherkassk.

Keywords: Archaeological convent, Don Department of preliminary committee, scientific survey, archaeological excavations, church antiquities.

References 11. Yakovlev A. [The Flat Graves of the Stone Age on River Chir in Don Region]. Trudy Khar'kovskogo 1. Serykh D.V. Vserossiiskie Arkheologicheskie s"ezdy Predvaritel'nogo komiteta po ustroistvu XІІ kak forma organizatsii otechestvennoi arkheologicheskoi nauki Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings of Kharkov Prelim- vo vtoroi polovine XIX − nachale XX vv. [All-Russian Archaeo- inary Committee for Organization of XIIth Archaeological logical Convent as the Form of Organization of Domestic Ar- Convent]. Vol. 1. Kharkov, 1902, pp. 143-146. chaeological Science in the Second Half of XIXth Century - the 12. Timoshchenkov I. [Report on the Archaeological In- Beginning of XXth Century]. Kazan, 2014, 188 p. spection of Ancient Fortification near Ryginoy Gully (of 2. Popov Kh.I. [Information about the Ancient Monu- Don region)]. Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Pro- ments Located in Don Host Lands]. Trudy I ceedings of XIIth Archaeological Convent in Kharkov]. Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings of First Archaeolog- 1902. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905, pp. 569-576. ical Convent]. Vol. 1. Moscow, 1869, pp. 166-183. 13. Kharlamov V.A. [Report on the Archaeological Re- 3. Krylov A.L. [About the Old Times of Don Region]. search in the First Don and Donetsk Districts (of Don re- Trudy VI Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings of VIth gion)]. Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings Archaeological Convent]. Vol. IV. Odessa, 1889, pp. 26-73. of XIIth Archaeological Convent in Kharkov]. Vol. 2. 4. Boyko A.L. [Archaeological Activity of Commis- Moscow, 1905, pp. 576-583. sion for Organization of Don Museum (1890-1920)]. Tr. IV 14. Bogachev V.V. [Report about the Searches, Pro- (XX) Vserossiiskogo arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Kazani duced in The Kobyakovoe Fortification and the Adjacent [Proceedings of IVth (XXth) All-Russian Archaeological Locality in the Yourta of the Aksay Cossack Village of Convent in Kazan]. Vol. 5. Kazan, 2014, pp. 115-117. Cherkass District, Don Region]. Trudy XII 5. [Records of the Moscow Preliminary Committee's Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings of XIIth Archaeo- Meetings]. Dvenadtsatyi Arkheologicheskii s"ezd v logical Convent in Kharkov]. Vol. 2. M., 1905, pp. 583-585. Khar'kove v 1902 g. [The Twelfth Archaeological Convent 15. Shepeleva L.V. [Bogachev and his report about the in Kharkov in 1902]. Moscow, 1902, 34 p. works on Kobyakovoe Hillfort]. Rubikon [Rubicon]. Collec- 6. Otdel pis'mennykh istochnikov Gosudarstvennogo tion of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists. Rostov-on- istoricheskogo muzeya [Department of Written Sources of Don, 2005, issie 35, pp. 87-91. State Historical Museum]. Fund 17. In. 1. File 435. 16. [Fortifications of Don Regional Army]. Trudy XII 7. [Records of the meetings of Kharkov preliminary Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceedings of XIIth Archaeo- committee. 1902]. Trudy Khar'kovskogo Predvaritel'nogo logical convent in Kharkov. 1902]. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905, komiteta po ustroistvu KhІІ Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda pp. 585-586. [Proceedings of Kharkov Preliminary Committee for Organ- 17. Boyko A.L. [Don Department of the Prelimi- ization of XIIth Archaeological Convent]. Vol. 1. Kharkov, nary Committee of the XIIth Archaeological Convent]. 1902, 631 p. Problemy istorii i arkheologii Ukrainy [Problems of 8. [From the Head of Don Museum H.I. Popov]. Trudy the History and Archaeology of Ukraine]. Kharkov, XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Khar'kove. 1902 [Proceed- 2012, p. 93. ings of XIIth Archaeological Convent in Kharkov. 1902]. 18. Izvestiya XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905, 590 p. Khar'kove 15–27 avgusta 1902 goda [News of XIIth Ar- 9. Trudy Donskogo otdeleniya Predvaritel'nogo chaeological Convent in Kharkov 15−27 August 1902]. komiteta pro ustroistvu XІІ Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Kharkov, 1902, 238 p. Khar'kove [Proceedings of Don Department of the Prelimi- 19. Popov H.I. [Ust-Medveditsk Transfiguration Con- nary Committee on Organizing XIIth Archaeological Con- vent]. Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Khar'kove. vent in Kharkov]. Novocherkassk, 1900, 38 p. 1902 [Proceedings of XIIth Archaeological Convent in 10. [Proceedings of Don Department of the Preliminary Kharkov. 1902]. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1905. Committee for Organizing XIIth Archaeological Convent in 20. Popov H.I. [Kremensky Ascension Monastery]. Kharkov]. Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda [Proceed- Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Khar'kove. 1902 ings of XIIth Archaeological convent in Kharkov]. 1902. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1905, pp. 563-568. 19 ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1

[Proceedings of XIIth Archaeological Convent in Kharkov. 21. Popov H.I. [Starocherkassk Efremovskiy Convent]. 1902]. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1905, p. 167. Trudy XII Arkheologicheskogo s"ezda v Khar'kove. 1902 [Proceedings of XIIth Archaeological Convent in Kharkov. 1902]. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1905, pp. 168-170.

UDC 63.3(0)62.4Pol DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-35-38


© 2016 A.O. Bulgakov

Bulgakov Aleksandr Olegovich – Postgraduate Student, Department of Russian History, Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, B. Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. Е-mail: [email protected]

In this article, the author considers the options for post-war reconstruction of Poland, proposed by three different Polish political camps. The author explores the issues associated with implementing the options presented in the context of under- standing the mechanisms of the historical process expression that finally influenced all three options of the resolution of the Polish question. In particular, the important role was played by the coordinated joint decision of Lublin Poles and represent- atives of the moderate wing of the Polish emigration, with the active participation of the pro-Soviet and pro-American par- ties.

Keywords: Poland, PCNL, The Polish emigrant government in London, American poles, “Instructions”, “The Memorandum Lange”, “Address of the PCNL to I. V. Stalin”, the post-war reconstruction of Poland, borders of Po- land, United the Polish government References 3. RGASPI. Fund 17. In. 128. File 709. 4. Sovetskii Soyuz na mezhdunarodnykh konferentsiyakh perioda Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny, 1941–1945 gg. T. 2. 1. 1. Isakov S.G. Ostzeiskii vopros v russkoi pechati Tegeranskaya konferentsiya rukovoditelei trekh soyuznykh 1860- Yazhborovskaya I.S., Yablokov A.Yu., derzhav – SSSR, SShA i Velikobritanii (28 noyabrya – 1 Parsadanova V.S. Katynskii sindrom v sovetsko-pol'skikh i dekabrya 1943 g.) [The Soviet Union at International Confer- rossiisko-pol'skikh otnosheniyakh [The Katyn Syndrome in ences During the Great Patriotic war, 1941-1945. Vol. 2. The Soviet-Polish and Russian-Polish Relations]. 2nd ed. Moscow, Tehran Conference, the Allied Powers – USSR, USA and 2009. Great Britain (28 November – 1 December 1943)]. Moscow, 2. Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial'no- 1984. politicheskoi istorii (RGASPI) [Russian State Archive of Socio-political History]. Fund 17. In. 128. File 713.

UDC 94(47):94(477) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-39-42


© 2016 M.A. Isakova

Isakova Marina Alekseevna – Postgraduate Student, Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, B. Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. 20 ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1

Е-mail: [email protected]

We consider the fate of the aviation heritage of after its collapse, primarily the state of Southwestern and Romanian fronts aviation assets, which were placed on the territory of Ukraine. The detailed analysis of V.G. Baranov activi- ty, who was the head of the Ukrainian aviation, on the organization of a secret evacuation of aviation equipment from Ukraine to the Don aircraft fleet in 1918 is given.

Keywords: air units of the Russian army, Southwestern and Romanian fronts, the Ukrainian People's Republic, the Ukrainian state, Pavel Skoropadsky, “Ukrainization”, Baranov V. G., Don aircraft fleet, evacuation, trains.

7. Aviatory-kavalery ordena sv. Georgiya i

Georgievskogo oruzhiya perioda Pervoi mirovoi voiny References 1914-1918 gg [Aviators Awarded with the Order of St. 1. 1. Donskaya volna, 1919, no 30. George and St. George's weapons during the First World 2. Maraev R.V. Ukrainskii vozdushnyi flot v War 1914-1918]. Biograficheskii spravochnik. Moscow, Grazhdanskoi voine [Ukrainian Fleet in the Civil War]. 2006. Aerokhobbi, 1992, no 2, p. 5. 8. Khairulin M., Kondrat'ev V. Voenlety pogibshei 3. Maraev R.V. Aviatsiya getmana Skoropadskogo imperii. Aviatsiya v Grazhdanskoi voine [Military Pilots of [Aviation of Hetman Skoropadsky]. Aerokhobbi, 1993, no 1. the Lost Empire. Aviation in the Civil War]. Moscow, 2008. 4. Savin V.S. Aviatsiya v Ukraine. Ocherki istorii 9. Maraev R.V. Raboche-krest'yanskii vozdushnyi flot [Aviation in Ukraine. Essays history]. Kharkiv, 1995. Ukrainy [Workers 'and Peasants' Air Fleet in Ukraine]. 5. Nezabytye mogily [Unforgotten Graves]. Moscow, Aerokhobbi, 1994, no 1. 1999, vol. 1. 10. Sergeev A.V. Geroicheskie gody Krasnogo 6. Alabin I.M., Sudravskii V.D. Donskoi generalitet v vozdushnogo flota [The Heroic Years of the Red Air Fleet]. izgnanii. Opyt bibliograficheskogo slovarya [Don Generals in Moscow, 1926, p. 94. Exile. Experience of the Bibliographic Dictionary]. Moscow, 11. Sergeev A.V. Kak sozdavalsya Krasnyi vozdushnyi 2001. flot [How the Red Fleet Was Created]. Moscow, 1926, p. 31

UDC 947.9(470.6)+002.2(470.6) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-43-47


© 2016 A.H. Kurmanseitova

Kurmanseitova Aminat Hasanovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Karachay-Cherkess Humanities Research Institute, Lenina St., 17, Cherkessk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 369000, Russia. Е-mail: [email protected]

The censorship of Noghai books printed by the Dagestani state publishing house in 1930-1938 is considered. The author states that Noghai books published by the Dagestani State publishing house were subjected to both the preliminary and sub- sequent censure. The manuscripts prepared for publication, after reviewing and approval by the censor and Party organs were sent to the printing house for printing, and then the book passed subsequent censorship, and only after that it got to bookselling network. The policing of the vernacular literature impeded the establishment of book publishing in Noghai lan- guage.

Keywords: Dagestani state publishing house, book censorship, Noghai book, Glavlit, North-Caucasian regional lit- erary office, Dagestani literary office.



1. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Respubliki Dage- 17. Rukopis' khranitsya v semeinom arkhive S.Kh. stan (TsGA RD) [Central State Archive of the Republic of Kalmykovoi [The manuscript is kept in the family archive of Dagestan (CSA RD)]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 2719. S.H. Kalmykova]. 2. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 3577. 18. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 3536. 3. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 3576. 19. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund R-192. In. 4. File 2717. 4. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 1867. 20. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P- 1. In. 1. File 4128. 5. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Stavropol'skogo kraya 21. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P- 1. In. 1. File 3895. (GASK) [State Archives of the Stavropol region (SASR)]. 22. Kurmangulova Sh.A. [Basir Abdullin and the for- Fund R-948. In. 1. File 15, 1935. mation of the genre of the novel in Noghai literature]. 6. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 1417. Aktual'nye problemy chechenskoi i obshchei filologii 7. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 1528. (Desherievskie chteniya - 2014) [Actual problems of Che- 8. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 4154. chen and General Philology (Desherievskie readings - 9. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 1537. 2014). Proceedings of Intern. scientific. conf. Grozny, 2014, 10. GASK [SASR]. Fund R-948. In. 1. File 3. p. 199. 11. GASK [SASR]. Fund R-948. In. 1. File 12. 23. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 3916. 12. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund R-192. In. 6. File 7. 24. Istoriya Dagestana s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh 13. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund R-192. In. 4. File 4. dnei [History of Dagestan from Ancient Times to the Present 14. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 1935. Days].M.Sh. Shigabudinov and others; edited.: A.I. Osmanov 15. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund P-1. In. 1. File 3544. (chief. ed.) and others : 2 vol. Makhachkala, 2005, vol. 2, p. 655. 16. TsGA RD [CSA RD]. Fund R-192. In. 1. File 2473.

UDC 902.2(470.24) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-47-51


© 2016 I.V. Lisuchenko

Lisuchenko Igor Vasiljevich – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Law, Humanities and Social Disciplines, Stavropol Branch of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Dovatortsev St., 66g, Stavropol, 355000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

The article is devoted to the analysis of “the Story of the Сalling of the Varangians”, which data should be used, howev- er, with caution. During serious internal strife, apparently complicated by internal intervention, Slavs and Finno-Ugrians from Ladoga called the Prince-alien. The widespread opinion in the science on the Scandinavian (Swedish) origin turnes out very controversial. Taking into consideration other data, it can be supposed that it was a Slavic Prince from the southern Baltic.

Keywords: Prince, the calling, the Legend of the calling of the Varangians, pagan gods, Vikings, southern Baltic.

References Europe. 2010. Prerequisites and Ways of the Old Russian State 1. Lavrent'evskaya letopis' [The Laurentian Chronicle]. Formation]. Ed. E.A. Mel'nikov. Moscow, 2012. Polnoe sobranie russkikh letopisei (PSRL) [Complete Collec- 3. Ipat'evskaya letopis' [Hypation Chronicle]. PSRL. tion of Russian Chronicles]. Moscow, 1962, vol. 1, no 1-2. Moscow, 1962, vol. 2. 2. Stefanovich P.S. ["Legend of the Vikings calling" or 4. Kirpichnikov A.N., Lebedev G.S., Bulkin V.A., Origo gentis Russorum?]. Drevneishie gosudarstva Vostochnoi Dubov I.V., Nazarenko V.A. Russko-skandinavskie svyazi v Evropy. 2010 god. Predposylki i puti obrazovaniya epokhu obrazovaniya Drevnerusskogo gosudarstva (IX–XI Drevnerusskogo gosudarstva [The Ancient States of Eastern vv.) [Russian-Scandinavian Communication in the Era of 22 ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1

Formation of the Ancient Russian State (IX-XI centuries)]. Controversial issues]. Readings devoted to memory of V.T. Scando-Slavica, 1978, vol. 24. Pashuto. Moscow, 1992. 5. Puzanov V.V. Obrazovanie Drevnerusskogo 18. Ivanov V.V., Toporov V.N. [Rarog]. Mify narodov gosudarstva v vostochnoevropeiskoi istoriografii [The For- mira [Myths of Nations of the World]. Vol. 2. Ed. S.A. mation of the Old Russian State in East European Historiog- Tokarev. Moscow, 1992. raphy]. Izhevsk, 2011. 19. Mel'nikova E.A. [Rurik, Sineus and Truvor in An- 6. Tatishchev V.N. Col. of works. Moscow, 1993, vol. 1. cient Historiographical Tradition]. Drevneishie gosudarstva 7. Boguphali II episcopi Posnaniensis Chronicon na territorii Vostochnoi Evropy. Materialy i issledovaniya Poloniae, cum continuatione Basconis custodis 1998. [Oldest States in Eastern Europe. Materials and Re- Posnaniensis. Monumenta Poloniae Historica. Lwow, search 1998]. Moscow, 2000. 1872, vol. 2. 20. Lisyuchenko I.V. «Postrigi» v vostochnoslavyanskoi 8. Galli Chronicon. Monumenta Poloniae Historica. knyazheskoi srede kak odin iz aspektov obosnovaniya prava na Lwow, 1864, vol. 1. verkhovnuyu vlast' [“Monastic Tonsure” in the East Slavic 9. Gurevich A.Ya. Istoriya i saga [History and Saga]. Princely Tradition as an Aspect of the Right to Justify the Su- Moscow, 1972. preme Power]. Kul'turnaya zhizn' Yuga Rossii, 2010, no 3 (37). 10. Blok M. Koroli-chudotvortsy [Kings-Miracle Work- 21. Mel'nikova E.A. [European Context of the Old Rus- ers.]. Moscow, 1998. sian Statehood Formation]. Drevneishie gosudarstva 11. Froyanov I.Ya. Myatezhnyi Novgorod [Rebellious Vostochnoi Evropy. Predposylki i puti obrazovaniya Novgorod]. Saint Petersburg, 1992. Drevnerusskogo gosudarstva 2010 [The Ancient States of 12. Kirpichnikov A.N., Dubov I.V., Lebedev G.S. [Rus- Eastern Europe. Prerequisites and Ways of the Old Russian sia and Varangian]. Slavyane i skandinavy [Slavs and Scan- State Formation 2010]. Ed. E.A. Mel'nikova. Moscow, 2012. dinavians]. Ed. E.A. Mel'nikova. Moscow, 1986. 22. Kostomarov N.I. Istoricheskie monografii i 13. Rydzevskaya E.A. [Yaroslav the Wise, in Old Norse issledovaniya [Historical Monographs and Studies]. Vol. I. Literature]. Kratkie soobshcheniya Instituta istorii Saint Petersburg, 1872. material'noi kul'tury (KSIIMK) [Brief reports of the Institute 23. Klein L.S. Voskreshenie Peruna [Resurrection of of History of Material Culture]. Vol. VII. Ed. S.N. Bibikov. Perun]. Saint Petersburg, 2004. Moscow; Leningrad, 1940. 24. Vita Vulframni episcopi Senonici auctore Pseudo- 14. Rydzevskaya E.A. [Information about Staraya Lado- Iona. Passiones vitaeque sanctorum aevi Merovingici. Ed. ga in Old Norse literature]. KSIIMK. Vol. XI. Ed. M.I. B. Krusch et W. Levison. Hannover; Lipsiae, 1910. Artamonov. Moscow; Leningrad, 1945. 25. Gorskii A.A. Rus': Ot slavyanskogo Rasseleniya do 15. Fomin V.V. Narod i vlast' v epokhu formirovaniya Moskovskogo tsarstva [Russia From Slavic Settlements to gosudarstvennosti u vostochnykh slavyan [People and Pow- Moscow Kingdom]. Moscow, 2004. er in the Era of the Formation of Statehood of the Eastern 26. Vasil'evskii V.G. Trudy [Works]. Vol. I. Saint Pe- Slavs]. Otechestvennaya istoriya, 2008, no 2. tersburg, 1908. 16. Lovmyan'skii G. Rorik Frislandskii i Ryurik 27. Bibikov M.V. K varyazhskoi prosopografii Vizantii «Novgorodskii» [Rauric Frislandsky and Rurik of “Novgo- [To Byzantine Varangian Prosopography]. Scando-Slavica, rod”]. Skandinavskii sbornik. Vol. VII. Tallin, 1963. 1990, vol. 36. 17. Molchanov A.A. [Ancient Scandinavian 28. Litavrin G.G. [Comment]. Sovety i rasskazy Anthroponimical Norse element in the dynastic tradition of Kekavmena. Sochinenie vizantiiskogo polkovodtsa XI Rurik clan]. Obrazovanie Drevnerusskogo gosudarstva: veka [Tips and Stories of Kekaumenos. Composing of the Spornye problemy [The Formation of the Old Russian State: Byzantine Commander of XI century]. Prep. the text, intr., trans. and comm. of G.G. Litavrin. Moscow, 1972.

UDC 378 DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-52-55


© 2016 Kh.A. Matagova


Matagova Khatmat Abuevna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of the , Faculty of History, Chechen State University, A. Sheripova St., 32, Grozny, Chechen Republic, 364000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

The article attempts to trace the fate of the teachers of the Chechen-Ingush state pedagogical / teachers training Institute from among the Chechens and Ingush during the eviction in 1944-1957. Their fates developed in different ways, but none of them left evidences of their lives’ tragic pages. Today it is necessary to restore and study the biographies of the scientific elite of the Chechen and Ingush peoples in eviction, as, despite the circumstances, they continued to live and work for the good of the people and the state.

Keywords: eviction, university professors, Chechens, Chechen-Ingush State Pedagogical Institute, higher educa- tional institutions of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

10. Ermekbaev Zh.A. Chechentsy i ingushi v References Kazakhstane. Istoriya i sud'by [Chechens and Ingush People

in Kazakhstan. History and Fates]. Almaty, 2009. 1. Nekrich A.M. Nakazannye narody [Punished Na- 11. Ibragimov M. Chechentsy: vyselenie, vyzhivanie, tions]. New York, 1978. vozvrashchenie (1940–1950-e gody) [Chechens: Eviction, 2. Bugai N.F. K voprosu o deportatsii narodov SSSR v Survival, Return (1940-1950)]. Grozny, 2015. 30–40-kh godakh [To the Issue of USSR Peoples Deporta- 12. Istoriya Chechni s drevneishikh vremen do nashikh tion in 30-40th]. Istoriya SSSR, 1986, no 6. dnei [History of from Ancient Times to the Pre- 3. Bugai N.F. Pravda o deportatsii chechenskogo i sent Days]. Grozny, 2008, vol. 2. ingushskogo narodov [Truth about Chechen and Ingush 13. GARF [SARF]. Fund 8080. In. 1. File 1730. Peoples Deportation]. Voprosy istorii, 1990, no 7. 14. GARF [SARF]. Fund 2306. In. 70. File 3863. 4. Bugai N.F. L. Beriya – I. Stalinu: Soglasno Vashemu 15. Abazatov M.A. Checheno-ingushskii narod v Velikoi ukazaniyu... [L. Beriya – J. Stalin: According to your Or- Otechestvennoi voine Sovetskogo Soyuza [Chechen-Ingush Peo- der…]. Moscow, 1995. ple in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union]. Grozny, 1943. 5. Uralov A. (Avtorkhanov A.). Narodoubiistvo – 16. Abazatov M.A. Checheno-Ingushskaya ASSR v ubiistvo checheno-ingushskogo naroda [Manslaughter- Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine Sovetskogo Soyuza [Chechen- Murder of Chechen and Ingush Peoples]. Moscow, 1991. Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Great 6. Belaya kniga (Iz istorii vyseleniya chechentsev- Patriotic War of the Soviet Union]. Grozny, 1973. ingushei 1944–1957 gg.). [White Book (From History of Che- 17. GARF [SARF]. Fund 2306. In. 70. File 8985. chens and Ingush People Deportation)]. Grozny; Alma-Ata, 18. GARF [SARF]. Fund 8080. In. 4. File 66. 1991. 19. Shamsadov M. – pervyi chechenskii matematik s 7. Sigauri I.M. Ocherki istorii i gosudarstvennogo vysshim obrazovaniem [Shamsadov M. - First Chechen ustroistva chechentsev s drevneishikh vremen [Essays on the Mathematician with Higher Education]. Infoportal History and State Organization of the Chechens from An- «Chechenskaya entsiklopediya». Chechenskie khroniki [Info cient Times]. Moscow, 1997. portal “Chechen Encyclopedia”. Chechen Chronicles]. 8. Shakhbiev Z. Sud'ba checheno-ingushskogo naroda Available at: (accessed 15.12.2014). [The Fate of the Chechen-Ingush People]. Moscow, 1996. 20. Mal'sagov D.D. O nekotorykh neponyatnykh 9. Akhmadov T.Z. Pervye chechenskie vrachi: Iz mestakh v «Slove o polku Igoreve» [About Some Confusing istorii stanovleniya zdravookhraneniya v Chechne [The First Places in the “Tale of Igor’s Regiment”]. Izv. Checheno- Chechen Doctors: From the History of the Healthcare For- Ingush. NII istorii i literatury. Grozny, 1959, vol. 1, iss. 2. mation in Chechnya]. Grozny, 2009. 21. Serdalo, 1998, 14 Nov.

UDC 94(410) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-56-60


© 2016 A.I. Nadolinskaya


Nadolinskaya Anastasia Igorevna – Postgraduate Student, Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, B. Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

The article considers the tasks of Conservative Party regarding Ulster Problem. The analysis is undertaken on the materials of the Conservative Party General Election Manifestoes from 1945 to 1987. The ways of solving the problems in the region are explored step by step. The author pays attention to the features of Conservative Party General Election Mani- festoes. Based on the policy of the Conservatives in Northern Ireland, the author divides the Manifestoes into two periods, which were based on particular reforms in various spheres of life in the region. Both periods are examined in detail.

Keywords: Conservative Party, Conservative Party General Election Manifesto, Ulster Crises, Northern Ireland, Stormont, M. Thatcher.

10. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto References 1966. Available at: http://www.conservative- (accessed 05.03.2013). 1. Davydov I. Sobytiya v Ol'stere [Ulster Events]. 11. Svanidze L.N. Velikobritaniya: konservatory i Nauka i religiya, 1969, no 6. problemy poslevoennogo razvitiya 1945–1955 godov [Great 2. Orlova M.E. Modernizatsiya i mirnyi protsess v Britain: Conservatives and the Problems of Post-war Devel- Severnoi Irlandii [Modernization and Peace Process in opment in 1945-1955]. Moscow, 1984, pp. 74-75. Northern Ireland]. Polis, 1998, no 2. 12. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto 3. Rose P. How the Troubles Came to Northern Ire- 1964. Available at: http://www.conservative- land. London, 2002. (accessed 17.05.2013). 4. Hennesey T. A History of Northern Ireland 1920- 13. Stepanenko O.A. Modernizatsiya v sotsial'no- 1996. Hampshire, 1997. ekonomicheskoi sfere kak faktor politicheskogo 5. Bardon J. A. History of Ulster. Belfast, 1992. uregulirovaniya Severoirlandskogo konflikta [Moderniza- 6. Smith J. Making the Peace in Ireland. Edinburgh, tion in the Socio-economic Sphere, as the Factor of the Po- 2002. litical Settlement of the Northern Ireland Conflict]. Teoriya i 7. Liem de Pea. Raskolotyi Ol'ster [Sundered Ulster]. praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya, 2012, no 11. Transl. from Engl. by B.P. Likhachev; ed. A.D. Kolpakov. 14. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto Moscow, 1974, 235 p. February 1974. Available at: http://www.conservative- 8. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto (accessed 29.06.2013). 1945. Available at: http://www.conservative- 15. Orlova M.E. Severnaya Irlandiya: opyt (accessed 15.06.2013). preobrazovanii v raskolotom obshchestve [Northern Ire- 9. Conservative Party General Election Manifesto land: the Experience of Reforms in the Split Society]. 1955. Available at: http://www.conservative- Moscow, 1994, p. 34. (accessed 02.03.2013).

UDC 908+297 DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-60-65


© 2016 M.N. Osmanova

Osmanova Milena Nurievna – Candidate of Historical Science, Researcher, Oriental Studies Department, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Dagestan Scientific Centre RAS, M. Yaragskogo St., 75, Makhachkala, RD, 367030, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]


In the present article the manuscript and old-printed Qurans which had been found and described by Dagestani re- searchers-orientalists at the time of archaeographic expeditions in the different regions of the Republic of Dagestan are con- sidered. The author emphasizes that the Quran, being the most read and copied book in the whole Muslim World, is repre- sented in almost every book collection. These are private and Mosque collections of manuscripts and early printed books in Arabic, Persian, Turkic languages, unique manuscript holdings. The greatest number of Qurans were concentrated, usually in Mosque collections. The majority of Qurans dates back to XIX - early XX century.

Keywords: collection of books, the Quran, Arabic language, Islam, handwriting, manuscript, inscriptions on mar- gins, lithography, book-cover.

References khalif byl ubit vo dvortse za chteniem sobstvennoruchno

perepisannogo Korana. Obagrennyi ego krov'yu Koran na 1. Shikhaliev Sh.Sh. Torzhestvo svyatosti i krasoty: protyazhenii vekov khranilsya v Stambule, zatem v Korany Dagestana [The Triumph of Holiness and Beauty: Samarkande, v spetsial'no postroennoi dlya nego mecheti. Qurans of Dagestan]. Moscow; N. Novgorod, 2008. Smert' khalifa Osmana vyzvala mnogoletnyuyu 2. Khalidov A.B. Arabskie rukopisi i arabskaya grazhdanskuyu voinu v Khalifate [At the initiative of the rukopisnaya traditsiya [Arabic Manuscripts and Arabic Caliph Osman the consolidated text of the Quran was com- Manuscript Tradition]. Moscow, 1985. posed, recognized as canonical. According to the legend the 3. Omarov Kh.A. [Lists of Qurans kept in Oriental Caliph was killed in the palace while he was reading the Manuscripts Fund IIAE: Overview and Description]. Islam i Quran rewritten by himself. Dipped in his blood Quran over islamskaya kul'tura v Dagestane [Islam and Islamic culture the centuries was kept in Istanbul, then in Samarkand, in the in Dagestan]. Moscow, 2001, pp. 67-81. specially built for it a mosque. The death of Caliph Osman 4. Shikhsaidov A.R. [Daghestanians - Copyists of Arabic brought longstanding civil war in the Caliphate]. Islam. Manuscripts]. Shikhsaidov A.R., Tagirova N.A., Gadzhieva Entsiklopedicheskii slovar' [Islam]. Moscow, 1991. D.Kh. Arabskaya rukopisnaya kniga v Dagestane [Arabic man- 10. Shikhaliev Sh.Sh. Arabograficheskie sochineniya po uscript book in Dagestan]. Makhachkala, 2001, pp. 36-76. sufizmu na kumykskom yazyke v kontekste razvitiya 5. Osmanova M.N. Kazan' – tsentr musul'manskogo dagestanskoi sufiiskoi literatury [Arab Graphical Works on knigopechataniya v Rossiiskoi imperii v XIX – nachale Sufism in the Kumyk Language in the Context of Develop- KhKh veka [Kazan - the Muslim Center of Printing in the ment of Dagestan Sufi Literature]. Vestn. IIAE, 2014, no 41, Russian Empire in the XIX - Early XX Century]. pp. 71-79. Islamovedenie, 2013, no 1, pp. 54-63. 11. Alibekova P.M. Ob arabskikh staropechatnykh 6. Osmanova M.N. Kazanskaya staropechatnaya kniga knigakh biblioteki Shakhshaevykh iz Batlaicha [On the Arab v Dagestane [Kazan Black-letter Book in Dagestan]. Vestn. Blackletter Books from the Library of Shakhshaevs from Instituta yazyka, literatury i iskusstva im. G. Tsadasy, 2013, Batlaich]. Vestn. Dagestanskogo nauchnogo tsentra, 2013, no 4, pp. 51-58. no 50, pp. 96-103. 7. Shikhsaidov A.R., Gavrilova L.K., Orazaev G.M.-R., 12. Barkov F.A., Lyausheva S.A., Chernous V.V. Navruzov A.R., Zakariyaev Z.Sh., Shikhaliev Sh.Sh., Religioznyi faktor v mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii na Osmanova M.N., Magomedova Z.A., Malamagomedov D.M. Severnom Kavkaze [The religious factor in intercultural Arkheograficheskaya rabota 2007 g. [Archeographic Work of communication in the North Caucasus]. South Russian Re- 2007]. Vestn. Instituta IAE, 2008, no 4, pp. 177-184. view TsSRIiP IPPK SFU and ISPR. Rostov-on-Don, 2009, 8. Shikhsaidov A.R., Orazaev G.M.-R., 238 p. Navruzov A.R., Zakariyaev Z.Sh., Osmanova M.N., 13. Bobrovnikov V.O. Katalog rukopisei i Shikhaliev Sh.Sh., Magomedova Z.A., Malamagomedov staropechatnykh knig na arabskom, persidskom i tyurkskom D.M. Arkheograficheskaya rabota 2009 g. [Archeographic yazykakh iz Kabardino-Balkarii [Catalogue of Manuscripts Work of 2009]. Vestn. Instituta IAE, 2011, no 1, pp. 125- and Early Printed Books in Arabic, Persian and Turkic Lan- 136. guages from Kabardino-Balkaria]. Pis'mennye pamyatniki 9. Po initsiative khalifa Osmana byl sostavlen svodnyi Vostoka. Saint Petersburg, 2005, no 1(2), pp. 239-303. tekst Korana, priznannyi kanonicheskim. Po predaniyu,

UDC 94 (470+571) "17/1917" DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-66-69



© 2016 E.V. Steglenko

Steglenko Elena Vladimirovna – Lecturer, Department of Historical and Political Science, Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University, B. Sadovaya St., 33, Rostov-on-Don, 344082, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

Currently popular among the ideologues of Cossack revival the work written by E.P. Savelev on the history of the Don Cossacks of the last century is analyzed. This work is proved to be scientific and it carries considerable ideological burden. The research considers the Cossacks as a special nation whose historical roots go back to ancient times, with the glorious battle history and exceptional service to Russia. The policy of Russia in relation to the Don is held in critical manner, the historical background for the Don Cossack identity is given.

Keywords: Don historiography, Cossack , identity, Cossack subethnos, national Cossack myth.

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