
ISSN 0321–3056 ИЗВЕСТИЯ ВУЗОВ. СЕВЕРО-КАВКАЗСКИЙ РЕГИОН. ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1 HISTORICAL SCIENCE AND ARCHEOLOGY UDC 94(470) DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-16-21 MYTHOLOGY AND INGUSH NART EPOS ABOUT THE CREATION OF MAN © 2016 P.H. Akieva Akieva Petimat Hasoltovna – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher, History Department, Akhriev Ingush Scientific-Research Institute of Human Sciences, D. Malsagov St., 11, Magas, RI, 386000, Russia. Е-mail: [email protected] In the article the author gives a comparative historical analysis of Ingush mythological and epic themes about the final cosmogonic act – the creation of Man, which illustrates their semantic meaning commonality with worldviews of ancient peoples of Asia Minor and the ancestors of the Nakh peoples of the Central Caucasus. Thus the creation of Man was the culmination of the divine demiurge activities in the process of establishing the world order. 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ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 2016. № 1 The article deals with the economic situation in the Vladimir gubernia in 1917; Introduced by the Temporary Government in March 1917 the system of supply of the population with food through the food committees is analyzed, the activities of Zemstvo government to overcome the food problem in the province is researched. Despite the positive experience, the Zemstvos were abolished by the new authorities, gradually being replaced by the Soviets and could not help in the fight with the comiming star- vation. Keywords: zemstvo self-government, revolution, war, food crisis, food committees. 12. Zhurnaly chrezvychainogo Vladimirskogo References gubernskogo zemskogo sobraniya [Logbooks of Eemergency Vladimir Zemsky Provincial Assembly]. Vla- 1. Vestnik Vremennogo pravitel'stva. 1917, 30 March dimir, 1917. (12 Apr.), no 20 (66). 13. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 1190. In. 1. File 5. 2. Vestnik Vremennogo pravitel'stva. 1917. 25 Apr. 14. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 387. In. 1. File 51. (8 May), no 39 (85). 15. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-25. In. 1. File 5. 3. GAVO (Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Vladimirskoi oblasti) 16. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 378. In. 1. File 195. [SAVR (State Archive of Vladimir Region)]. Fund R-359. 17. GAVO [SAVR]. File 192. In. 1. File 1. 18. GAVO [SAVR]. File 191. 4. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-26. In. 1. File 1. 19. GAVO [SAVR]. File 202. 5. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 378. In. 1. File 196. 20. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 205. In. 3. File 169. 6. Zhurnaly soveshchanii pri Vladimirskoi gubernskoi 21. GAVO [SAVR]. File 168. zemskoi uprave za sentyabr'–oktyabr' 1917 g. [Logbooks of 22. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund R-359. In. 1. File 6. Sessions at Vladimir Provincial Rural (Zemstvo) Council in 23. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 796. In. 2. File 23. September-October 1917]. Vladimir, 1917. 24. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 1187. In. 1. File 8. 7. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 390. In. 2. File 252. L. 88; File 25. Zhurnaly ekstrennogo vladimirskogo gubernskogo 303. L. 91–94, 254–257 t., 389–401. zemskogo sobraniya 8–11 yanvarya 1918 g [Logbooks of 8. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 796. In. 2. File 23. L. 150 t.; Fund Emergency Vladimir Zemsky Provincial Assembly 8-11 387. In. 1. File 51. L. 18 t.; Fund 1187. In. 1. File 8. L. 13. January 1918].Vladimir on Klyaz'ma, 1918. 9. GAVO [SAVR]. Fund 205. In. 3. File 278. 26. Mysl'. 1918. 25 January. 10. Mysl'. 1918. 9 January. 11. Golos naroda. 1918. 19 January. UDC 902/904 DOI 10.18522/0321-3056-2016-1-28-35 PARTICIPATION OF THE DON DEPARTMENT OF THE PRELIMINARY COMMITTEE IN THE WORK OF THE XIITH ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONVENT IN 1902 IN KHARKOV © 2016 A.L.
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