Bank of Finland Monthly Bulletin

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Bank of Finland Monthly Bulletin BANK OF FINLAND MONTHLY BULLETIN ...... _--_.__ .. __ .... _......•...•.. _---------- Vol. 42 No.8 AUGUST 1968 TAXATION REFORMS In order for fiscal policy to sene the aims investments were made within the firm. A of e~onomic growth efficiently, the principles new, perhaps highly competitive firm or a of taxation must be devised in such a way firm with a different distribution of assets that they do not adversely affect the economic did not 'have access to the same source of allocation of resources nor the functioning finance. of the financial market. A major reform, The new law reduces the scope of this passed by Parliament in June and effective tied-up form of finance by limiting the from 1969, concerns the taxation of business maximum right of undervaluation to 50 per income (see also Bulletin No.3, 1968). The cent. Visible reserves are thus disclosed by new law replaces the previous regulations cutting out the undervaluation of inventories, in an attempt to mould the tax treatment but they cannot be treated as current and of business income into a consistent and taxable returns at once without causing unambigous whole, where concepts are based financial difficulties for firms. It is there­ on modern views in business economics. A fore stipulated that such new reserves can central aim of the reform - which has been be transferred to a special account, a business under preparation for years - was to create development fund, which a firm can use for a fiscally neutral taxation, which would not acquisition of assets within ten years. A discriminate between different types and firm can, however, transfer from the fund structures of enterprises nor set obstacles to to its own assets a tax-free amount equalling their expansion. the initial cost of buildings, machinery and The previous legislation affected the struc­ equipment purchased in 1968-1973, if such ture of firms' financing as well as their investment is considered to promote economic investment decisions in a way not necessarily growth, competitiveness on foreign markets conducive to economic growth. In the first or employment. place, there 'were very liberal rules regarding According to the earlier law taxpayers the undervaluation of inventories, which could include in their stocks those goods made it possible for many firms to accumu­ ordered at a fixed price but not yet deliv­ late hidden inventory reserves and thus to ered. The new law will permit this only defer the payment of taxes. This would lead under exceptional circumstances. to cases where tax considerations made it worthwhile to expand inventories, and it also meant an advantageous form of self-finance ------------_._- - given the high tax rates -provided that On page 18, Public Finance in 19~:.__ J 12708-67 2 No.8, I968 The previous legislation allowed for the time in such a way that the balance to be deduction of interest paid on borrowed written off is an accounting aggregate, capital, although with certain restrictions in independent of the physical lives of the local government taxation. Dividends, or particular objects. compensation for own capital were not Rules of apportioning items of expenditure deductible. In order to treat financing by and income to a given tax year have been equity and by debt more uniformly and to made more precise in the new law. An lessen the double taxation of dividend income associated law was passed allowing taxpayers first as a corporate profit, then as personal to offset losses incurred in a given year income of the recipient, the new law against profits made in the five following stipulates that 40 per cent of dividends and years (a new establishment can carQ- over the like can be deducted from business in­ eventual losses made during the first five come in State taxation. The stockholder years of operation within the first ten years). can further deduct 15 per cent of dividends, Similarly, an individual is allowed to spread liable to taxation, from his personal income a bulk income, received in one year but tax, as previously. Dividends paid out to earned for a longer period, over several years companies are taxed as business income to avoid undue progl'essivity. only in the distributing company. - The Two earlier tax laws, passed in December new law does not yet remove the double 1967 and effective from 1968, must be taxation entirely, but the way has been mentioned in this connection. The first one opened in the right direction. concerned wealth taxation; the main revision This notwithstanding, it is deemed quite was to abolish double taxation and to exempt imperative that new issues of shares should from wealth tax the assets of an enterprise be encouraged without delay. The law there­ whenever the shareholders are individually fore abolishes completely the double taxation taxed for their shares. on new emissions of shares made in 1969- 1978: the total amount of dividends payable The second law dealt with the taxation on them can be deducte.d in State taxation of farm income. Taxable farm income was from a company's taxable income during six previously assessed according to estimated successive years. In addition, dividend income farm yields, adjusted for differences in soil, up to 400 marks is exempt from personal location etc. and averaged over three years. income tax during the above-mentioned ten In the new law the taxable farm income is year period. to be determined for each taxpayer as the difference between actual returns and costs. As regards the depreciation rate on fixed assets, the new law confirms the use of the What still remains to be done is a codi­ degressive method of depreciation, where fication and simplification of the personal annual instalments are calculated as a per­ income tax system, as well as the alignment centage on the value outstanding, and ex­ of indirect taxation with the principles com­ tends its use also to buildings, which so far monly used in other countries. The ultimate have been written off by the straight-line aim is to build up a modern, internally method in equal instalments. Degressive tim­ consistent fiscal system, which neither retards ing is considered to be in better harmony economic expansion nor harms the competi­ with modern technological development and tive position of Finnish industry 011 inter­ need for innovation. Depreciation rules for national markets. mobile fixed assets are simplified at the same July 22, 1968 No.8, 1968 3 BANK OF FINLAND Mill. mk 1967 1968 Dec. 30 I June 30 June 28 July 8 July 15 July 23 I, I I I I I \ BALANCE SHEET I Assets Of'dinary note COfJer •••••••••• 0 •••••••• 798.8 775.8 1470·9 1357·3 1387.6 1476.1 Gold ............................... 188.8 149·8 191.3 191.3 191·3 191.3 For~ exchange ................... 512.3 550.8 I 155.1 1041.2 1074·0 I 161.7 Foreign bills ....................... 72·5 54·9 78·4 78.7 76.2 77.0 Foreign bonds '" .................. 25·2 20·3 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.1 Supplementary note COfJer .............. 1130.7 892.1 860.1 871.7 780.5 833.1 Inland bills discounted In foreign currency ..............• 122·5 34·7 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 In Finnish currency .............. 140·7 82·3 133·5 121·4 124·9 133·9 Rediscounted bills .................. 867·5 775·1 694.8 718.5 623·8 667·4 Other assets ••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• 707.7 556.6 532.1 447·7 480.1 308.0 Finnish bonds ..................... 370·5 362.8 316.2 235·1 273.1 98.1 Cheque accounts ................... 4·0 4·4 3·1 4·8 2·5 2.6 Finnish coin ........................... 12·3 15·1 17·3 17·1 17·3 17·3 Other claims •••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• 320·9 174·3 195·5 190·7 187·2 190.0 I Total 26 2 I I 37. 2224·5 2863.1 2676.7 2648.2 2617.2 , Liabilities Notes in circulation .................... 1052.1 1062.1 1101·5 1060·9 1 0 39.9 1020.8 Liabilities payable on demand ........... 139.6 99.0 129.9 Ill.l 109.7 Il2·4 Foreign exchange accounts '" ........ 74·7 50.8 86.1 71.5 69·9 73·7 Mark accounts of holders abroad ..... 14.1 13·5 12·7 13·2 13·5 13·6 Cheque accounts Treasury ••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••• 4·4 2·3 0.0 2·9 1.4 2.8 I Post Office Savings Bank .......... 17.2 5-4 3·0 3·9 0·3 0·9 Private banks .0 •••••••••••••••••• 9·8 6.1 15·1 7·5 II·9 8.2 Other •••••••• 0 ••••••••• 0 •••••••• 1.8 1·3 1·4 0·9 1.3 1.6 I Other sight liabilities 00 •••••••••••••• 17.6 19·6 II.6 II.2 II·4 II.6 Term liabilities ..............•......... 553.1 379·3 782.4 653·1 649·3 634.6 Foreign ........••.................. 339·5 204·0 290.8 159·5 159·5 159·5 Finnish ........ " .................. 213·6 175·3 491.6 493·6 489.8 475·1 Equalization accounts .................. 4 22•0 239.8 377·5 378.8 375·7 374-5 Bank's own funds ..................... 470 .4 444·3 471.8 472.8 473.6 474·9 Capital ............................ 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 Reserve fund ....................... 129.5 129.5 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 Profits undisposed .................. - - - - -- I Earnings less expenses .............. 40·9 14·8 21.8 22.8 23.6 24·9 Total 2637.2 2224·5 2863·I 2676.7 2648.2 2617. 2 STATEMENT OF NOTE ISSUE Right of Dote issue Ordinary cover ......................
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