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The BG News September 16, 1998

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 16, 1998" (1998). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6365.

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* ^^ University/ hires 2 new police officers ,\M/oJVL'. HIGH: 76 * ■*■ Vf _LOW: 61 □ The new officers will and John Stewart of Deshler to incorporate a more definitive assigned to either foot, bicycle or police officer in Kenton as well were hired Aug. 7. program on the hiring proce- vehicle patrol, he said. as with the Bell Security Service, patrol the campus by James Wiegand, director of dures for new officers. According to Richard Gul- which has contracts with busi- bicycle, foot or vehicle. public safety, said based on the "My goal is to have a top- lufsen, public information offi- nesses and public service agen- selection process. Dotson and notch recruitment program and cer, to be eligible for the position cies in northwest Ohio. In addi- Stewart were the best candi- testing procedures to hire the candidates must have at least a tion, he was the loss prevention dates. He said the process best officers for the University," two year degree or an equiva- ED By SARAH BEDNARSKI supervisor at Kohl's Distribution The BG News included a written exam, inter- Wiegand said. "I want to hire lent. He said the new officers views, background checks and a them as soon as I can." both have degrees from Owens Center in Findlay. The University police depart- psychological exam. Currently, the officers are Community College. Stewart served four years as a ment has hired two officers to the Wiegand said they are plan- being trained through the "Field "The two new officers bring patrolman with the Deshler force. With the addition, the total ning to hire an additional Training Officer" training, Wie- the number on the force up to Police Department. In addition, 41 number of officers is 19. officers by early 1999. Currently, gand said. The training lasts 12 19," he said. he was a member of the Elmore Anthony Dotson of Findlay he said he is working with others weeks, after which they will be Dotson was an auxiliary Police Department. ■ BG volleyball slams Oakland in three games. An inside look

■ G. Michael Graham recaps historic week in his column. Are you

■ Shamblin leeds INVESTIGATING women's soccer team. our dorms Today marks the first day of a three part series investigating how safe the residence halls are at the University. Today's series at home? begins with a look at past trends in theft and burglaries. The series ■ Mother shoots triplet will continue with a story about sonskilling two and her- the new policy installed for night Burglaries still constant problem in self, in a murder suicide. entry into the halls. Friday's story will be a step-by-step view of how easy it can be to gain access into any residence hall. most University residence halls ■ Swissair 11 Ts voice recorder was recovered. Towers placed third and fourth on the ies, we're running about normal, but 22 that trend. Burglaries on-campus over list, followed by McDonald North, West burglaries (the number recorded in cal- the same period remained constant, with By BRANDI BARHITE and and East halls. endar year 1997] is too many anyway." 22 reported in both years. MIKE WENDLING According to Richard Gullufsen, pub- According to the Ohio Revised Code, Newman said that students should The BG News lic safety information officer during the burglaries are defined as trespassing in not prop doors. Students should also 1997-98 academic year, a total of 37 bur- an occupied structure by means of force, properly lock room doors and accompa- University dorms are supposed to be glaries were reported at residence halls stealth or deception with the intent to ny all guests to their rooms. She said that a home away from home, but how safe is That number is significantly higher than commit a theft or any other felony. By this year residence hall staffs have initi- that home? the burglary total from previous years; contrast, theft is obtaining control over ated "community contracts." These con- "If students follow safety procedures, however, about a dozen of those bur- property or services with the intent to tracts are designed to establish rules and then I believe students are safe (in their glaries occurred over last year's winter deprive the owner of them. Thefts are regulations to ensure both safety and ■ Check out both city dorm room)," said Linda Newman, break. further separated into petit thefts and comfort for students. and campus police blot- associate director for Educational Initia- It is likely that those crimes were per- grand thefts, with petit thefts generally Newman said the University can put ters. tives in the office of Residence Life. "The petrated by the same person or persons, involving property valued at less than the regulations in place, but students safety of the building is up to all the res- Gullufsen said. He also said several sus- $300. Thirteen grand thefts and 33 petit must follow through to ensure safety. idents." pects have been identified and the case thefts were reported in residence halls Gullufsen emphasized the resident's Rodgers Hall was the top target for has been given to the District Attorney during the 1997-98 academic year. role in preventing crime, as well. He esti- ■ Man arrested for burglars during the 1997-98 academic for consideration. According to preliminary FBI reports, mated about 90 percent of burglaries in year, with 13 reported burglaries. The videotaping up "They gained access to the build- burglaries, both nationwide and in the residence halls could be stopped by resi- second hottest spot was Kohl Hall, with ings," Gullufsen said, in reference to the midwest, went down by about 3 percent women's skirts. 9 burglaries reported. The Offenhauer suspects. "If you discount those burglar- from 1996 to 1997. The campus bucked • See SAFE, page six.

Opinion 2 Freebies! Assessment Page Three 3 World and Nation 4 Local 5 to evaluate BGPD Sports 7 G An assessment team rect procedures, Lt. Linda Agate 8 McCooi has been taking copies will come to the Uni- of reports and filing them. versity to evaluate the "The (accreditation assess- ments) are a set of 436 standards BGPD. the police have to follow. When "Become the kind of they come, they will tour the „- building and go through the files person who brightens By WENDY SUTO to see that we are doing what we a room just by enter- The BG News said we were doing," McCooi ing it.* A team of assessors will visit said. the Bowling Green Police Divi- He said the city police divi- • sion soon to determine whether sion is the only accredited police anonymous . > J&b « or not the division is qualified to department in northwest Ohio. meet the standards of law They are also one of only about enforcement. thirty accredited police agencies WEBSITE "They will examine all aspects in Ohio. of the police division's policies McCooi said the team looks Visit our new website and procedures, management, for recruitment records, training soon for interactive Above: Students crowded Info the Lenhart Grand operations and support ser- procedures, the availability of 24- reporting and updated Ballroom on Tuesday for the 1998 Merchant's Fair. vices," police chief Tom Votava hour communication, emergency news: Exhibitors included: Ace Hardware, Falcon House said. telephone lines and management Sporting Goods, Cosmos Coffee House, and Papa The last time city police was operations. WWW. John's Pizza. assessed was in 1993 when it was As part of the on-site accredi- a five-year cycle, Votava said. It tation assessment, agency has now been changed to a three- employees and members of the year accreditation cycle. community are invited to offer Left: A student samples the various snack foods avail- "This ensures the police comments at a public informa- able at the Kroger's exhibit. The fair also offered department is meeting a nation- tion session Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. at If you have a news tip or pizza, pop, candy and other snack Items. ally accredited program, guaran- the Bowling Green Junior High have an idea for a story, teeing we are a professional law School auditorium. call anytime and ask to enforcement agency," Votava "We strive to be the best, not speak with an editor. said. "It shows our policies and to be as good as. If other agencies procedures meet the highest choose not to do this, that is their standards." choice," Votava said. "We believe BG New* Photo*/JASON SUGGS In order to prove that the divi- this community deserves the 372-6966 sion has been following the cor- best possible service." page 2 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998

Opinion Editor Natalie Miller Opinion mHM 372-2604 Role models are created, not born PEOPLE ON THE It seems like we are having a she could effectively do their Look around you at the people shortage of role models. Maybe job? I think it has more to do you can actually interact with - STREET this has been going on for a with the public's perception of people on your own team, in If you knew a nuclear bomb was while, but it's more apparent what we want in a figurehead. your own sphere and your own lately. Instead of looking up to We want a leader that represents family. They aren't perfect, but going to hit next week, what would those we've elected, we are look- the best about this country. Right you don't expect them to be. ing up to professional athletes now, we may have a man repre- So don't make the president you do between now and then? like Sammy Sosa and Mark sentative of part of the popula- your hero when he is only the McGwire. tion, but we are ashamed that he president. Find a more honor- I don't see anything wrong is not the flawless icon we want able personal hero, based on the with honoring people's achieve- to look up to. personal attributes you admire. ments, but what constitutes an So who should we hold up as Do not expect someone to be appropriate role model? Who do you have a responsibility to role models? Is there anyone faultless because they excel at should we be looking up to? live up to their conceptions of impeccable enough for our gru- sports, were elected to office or Should we really look up to who you are? eling standards? It seems as if appear on the big screen. politicians in the first place? everyone in the public eye has Personally, I'm sick of the These are people forced to make On the other hand, don't something negative about them. Ryan Gibbs elected officials or American time and attention wasted on Stacy McAfee hard decisions and represent us. Maybe it's because there are peo- defaming Clinton, and keeping heroes have a responsibility to Graduate Senior And the political system is so ple constantly scrutinizing and him from doing anything pro- their public? The president is not Sociology Fashion Mrch. tangled that it makes honest investigating every aspect of ductive for my country. He was only part of the government, but "Probably go to "Travel and live life politicians hard to find. ( I think their lives. never my role model, and I don't the representative head of our class." to the fullest." most of the honest ones get elim- Any new rumor is of some feel any disappointment about country, by which other coun- inated during campaigns, or interest because our own person- his actions. I will be extremely tries judge us. don't want to run at all.) al lives are dull in comparison. disappointed in this country if How important is character to I don't think people should be We need role models if only to we spend more time dragging you? I think you value it in your role models solely based on their make ourselves feel better. We out this issue. I think our stan- friends and co-workers, and cer- position. But sometimes posi- can look at those who've dards for a president need to be tainly in people close to you. The tions inherently come with screwed up and feel better about examined: what is most impor- things we admire in people are expectations. We want a strong, ourselves. We can be inspired by tant in a leader? Are we making pretty similar: honesty, courage, competent leader. What else those whose accomplishments this into a huge deal because we determination, creativity and should be involved in a charac- are exceptional. But can we cre- need more entertainment? sense of humor. ter evaluation? Should it include ate a role model and be truly sur- Because we need something to Joe Fisher Are we expecting too much sexual behavior, health, religion prised when they act like the gossip about? (Cigar sales may Freshman from those we place on a or marital status? How would imperfect human being they are? take off.) Or is it because our Physical Therapy pedestal? Does being in a certain we feel about a leader who I'm not saying it's right, but own expectations are unrealis- "Go home and position entail changing your smoked or was overweight? Any there are no perfect humans that tic? spend time with image to fit what people want to chance people would elect an will remain on a pedestal. There my family." see? If how people see you and atheist or a child molester? are many good, low profile peo- Natalie Miller can be reached al how you are are different, then Would this matter to how he or ple we can look up to instead. [email protected] True Collegiates Jason Lady

Aft> TO TOP JT ALL OFP,H£S A c***r tivs6AM> A*>F#Tt*A A/V& A **«*«• of* Tom Wickman Jay Terveen toHo/i /CfciPiE/zr/ »#*r MO**- ccva> **> Freshman Freshman Acfc rofiT YEAH-loo 8A*> Business Undecided / RXK-Uf* VtESlWtTS "Max out all my cred- "Go to Vegas, get At&r CtoS€* TO FiCTIOrVAL it cards." married, go home, OU£Sj v say goodbye to mom, go to Hawaii. surf and hula dance. fLSu. The BG News YwJ> HE MS Bowling Green since 1920" /A/ 2000/ Al/ArtrlVG rV&TE- 210 West Hall \ Bowling Green State University GUT Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 Phone: (419) 372-2601 E-mail: [email protected] DARLA WARNOCK Editor-in-Chief SARAH BEDNARSK1 NATALIE MILLER Managing Editor Opinion Editor African heritage is a blessing BRANDI BARHITE KIM WILFONG Assistant Managing Editor Copy Chief Welcome back students, faculty be approved by anyone who is name tag or label that one may put and staff! I hope you all had a nice white. on or take off. Whether he likes it MIKE WENDLING TOD McCLOSKEY summer. As for me. I spent what- It Is a sickness that has made a or not. as long as he is black and I Chief Reporter Sports Editor ever was left of my summer read- slave out of the African man. a mean BLACK, his black tail is from ing "Out of America" by Keith Rich- slave of colonial masters and Africa. I don't care If he was born JASON SUGGS JOHN WENZEL burg. I had a burning desire for exploiters of ail caliber, including in the or not. he is Photo Editor Entertainment Editor school to start so that I can share businesses and governments. I do AFRICAN!!! Unfortunately, this my opinions on this book with my not blame anyone for being chick- Uncle Tom has yet to realize that TARA CANNON Bowling Green community. en-hearted about the responsibili- he is not wanted In this country Graphics Editor As an African. I am greatly ty of being black. Being black in and all the fake smiles are Just the United States has been a chal- attended by his book. While I can- that. FAKE. not deny that Africa as a whole has lenge for me and coming to BG Melissa Navmik . Special Projects Editor its shortcomings. I detest Mr. Rich- made me realize how black I am Keith Richburg thanks his lucky stars his forefathers were Ana Periera . .Wire Editor burg for lashing out at my mother- and it Is not easy. I feel I have to Brian Taylor . .Assistant Opinion Editor land Mr. Richburg just threw never prompted any European work twice as hard to prove that I enslaved and brought to America stones at his father's house by descendent to self-denial. A crime am not Just a quota, that I am wor- so he could be born an American? Denise Domanski . .Assistant Copy Chief being compelled to say that, hav- Is a crime, no matter the reason or thy of being here. I feel I have to This insults the struggles of many G. Michael Graham . Assistant Sports Editor ing lived in Africa for three years the perpetrator. educate the community on what It great blacks in this country and Stephanie Schneider . .Assistant Graphics Editor and seen its horrors, he can no Now. there Is enough proof to feels like to be black, on my cul- insults my efforts for a more toler- Scott Zimmer . Assistant Graphics Editor longer bring himself to proudly excuse Mr. Rlchburgs cowardice: ture and on things that matter to ant BG. To those Americans who Scott Fauber . Assistant Photo Editor claim an African-American Identi- The other black is all evil. Not his me. but I must confess, it is an seek identity by reclaiming a stolen ty. Instead, he concludes that he Is blend of black. The irony is. as added load on my shoulder yet I African heritage. Mr. Richburg quite simply, and gratefully, an much as many blacks want to carry It with pride. replies that " to romanticize Moth- American - a black American. make a distinction between blacks, I don't expect Mr. Richburg to er Africa as a black Valhalla, where Africa is poor and doomed by Its other races have made up their be compassionate because he hap- blacks can walk with dignity and Copyright e 1998. The BG News. Bowling, Green. Ohio. Reprinting or any mate- friendship and leadership. The mind long ago that less than 100% pens to be black. The tragedy of pride, is nothing short of fanciful. rial from this publication without the permission of The BG News It strictly prohlbtted. The BG News li an Independent publication rounded In 1920 and Is realization Is painful. I can under- white is black. Tiger Woods pre- America Is that when It comes to In short, thank God I am an Amer- stand It. As opportunistic as the ferred to be Asian, Michael Jack- knowledge (or ignorance) of other published dally during the academic year and weekly during the tummer ican." I am right there beside him semester. Opinions expressed In columns and letters to the editor are not nec- very African leaders he blames. Mr. son preferred to be white. Funny cultures and countries, the races giving my thanks. We Africans enough. Michael Jackson doesn't are Just about even. essarily those of the student body, faculty. University administration or The BG Richburg rejects the continent and don't need people like him so Newt. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Fall 1998 1C News staff. The feel any whiter since he fixed his Books like this make me mad Its people. Africa Is not a big deal. thank God he is not one of us. BG News encourages In readers to notify the paper of any errors In stories or They are as bad as the rest of the nose. The image the mirror shows because while I struggle to fit in photograph descriptions. Decisions made by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editori- world if not worse. European wars him every morning is that of a here at Bowling Green, there are al gosxd are final. and history are full of cooperation black rich man, fighting to dis- morons out there that are thank- Bonlke Odegbamt is a graduate with the enemy and all other tance himself from himself, from ing their stars for slavery. Africa or student and can be reached at crimes against humanity. It has anyone who looks like him. and to African identity Is not simply a omobaniObgnet. bgs u. edu L mr mmnmm m Let's all eat worms PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Andrew Bell hei was aboul lo , .it a worm, bul li<- dropped it "You don't want to eal thai!" said ( hrisb' C ullen, .1 25 year-old museum guide. 'It's been on the floor." So she fished out anew cheese-covered worm and handed it to the 5-year-old "Tastes like a cheese doodle," Andrew said. Wr.Jnp.sday,^mnr.r \h, 1998 Cheese-covered meal worms are just one of many treats awaiting the brave-hearted, strong-stom- ached visitors to The Insectarium. The museum is tilled with thousands of butterflies, moths and other insects — some alive in naturalized habitats, the rest mounted on the walls. The museum wants to teach children that insects do more than just sting, bite and annoy — they're also a vital part of the ecosystem. UPCOMING "Without bugs the world would be very different," museum director Maureen Kennedy said. "It'd "UpcoMing la . eerviee to our readen borrowed daily via the Uni- be a lot dirtier, and probably not as pretty." 'WfcSTS versity web page. The calendar of eventa on the web oaf r has . more Holdup man improves his penmanship complete Hating of event, and can be aceeaaill through "". DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) — A man wanted in several holdups appears to be working on his penmanshi| Police have been looking for the man since Sept. 9, when he handed a note to the clerk at a convenienc Wednesday, 9/16/98 1338 to schedule your sitting. Officers and advisors Round- store. The clerk said he could not make out the words. The man threatened to shoot the clerk and got awa Portraits are taken from 10 a.m. table (8 - 8 p.m.) with $50. Capt. Dave Heesch said the man's handwriting apparently has improved because clerks in three mor Graduate students of Tech- to 6 p.m. Community Suite. This is a nology coupon book sales chance for all organizations to holdups over the next five days had no problem reading his note. opening day (10 a.m.) NAACP Voter Reg/Member- come together, meet and talk. All Spiderman climbing to top of legendary burglars list Wednesday, 9/16/98 ship Drive (11 a.m. - 3 p.m.) organizations are encouraged to come. It promises to be very MIAMI (AP) — He is known as Spiderman, a burglar so daring and so strong that he can scale the sides Union Foyer. high-rise condos, so sure-footed that he sometimes wears sandals on the job, so discerning that he can tell o beneficial. USG Senator Voting (9 a.m. - tume jewelry from the real thing. 6 p.m.) Women's Center Brown Bag Investigators say he has committed at least 133 burglaries over the past 4 1/2 years, stealing jewels, car Union Foyer. Lunch (Noon - 1 p.m.) credit cards and the occasional laptop computer. 107 Hanna Hall. The Brown Study Strategies (8:30 - 8:30 Now police believe Spiderman has been unmasked. Windows 98/95 — Introduc- Bag Luncheons will be every p.m.) Derrick James, a muscular, 33-year-old former Army paratrooper, was arrested and jailed without bail tion (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Wednesday, noon-1:00 p.m. dur- 1103 Offenhauer W. High charges of breaking into the ritzy Bristol Towers on Miami's Brickell Avenue. Pemberville Library. Find out ing the fall semester. This session school students can learn to Spiderman has become something of a folk hero like other Florida jewel thieves such as Jack "Murph t the differences between Win- is "DESSERT AS WOMEN'S improve their performance and Surf" Murphy, the surfing champion who stole the 563-carat Star of India sapphire in 1964. dows 95 and Windows 98 and CULTURE'' with Lucy Long ways to prepare themselves for then progress to creating, copy- from Popular Culture. A smor- college. Class meets through ing, moving and deleting files. gasbord of tidbits, crumbs and October 7. Fee. For more infor- Become acquainted with the morsels of thought on food, gen- mation or to register call Contin- taskbar and work with various der and most of all desserts! uing Education, International At applications. Fee. For more infor- Please bring yourself, your lunch Summer Programs at mation call Continuing Educa- and a friend! 419/372.8181. tion, International & Summer T H Z II' I s 5 1 | 1G » i? 13 Programs at 419/372.8181. Education Abroad Infoi ' ' ' ; President Advisors Reception 14 ,. tion Session (4 - 5:30 p.m.) (7 p.m.) * Print Sale (9 a.m. - 11 p.m.) 1103 Offenhauer W. Discover BG CR|SS 17 „ „ Ballroom, Union. Students are the many overseas education TBA. able to buy posters and prints programs available to BGSU stu- NEWS 20 22 from their favorite movies, tele- dents. For more information call Faculty Artist Series: Nancy P3 ." . .'" 79 ACROSS PUZZLE j. vision, and cartoon shows. the Education Abroad Office at Buck, viola (8 p.m.) I 1 Bossy bellow " 419/372.0479. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore 4 Infield cover, lor 30 31 short 68 Sports venues 69 One ot Nixon's : Alpha Omicron Pi Raffle for Musical Arts Center. 8 Spoke snake 34 ■ L nicknames 14 Aussie bird 1 Prizes (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Word 97 — Introduction (6 - 70 Outermost point ' - 15 Largest land 3h :i&■ 40 41 Union Foyer. 9 p.m.) Gospel Choir First Meeting 71 At sixes and _ 1 mass 72 Dates regularly 16 Take a put) Pemberville Library. Learn (8 p.m.) 73 _ Paulo. Brazil *? 43 44 ■ w 49 50 17 Allow 1 " Far East Merchandise Sale the basics of this widely used 1040 Moore Musical Arts 18 Reasons f DOWN 3\ , ■ 19 Principal 1 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) word processing program. Class Center. New members are wel- t Singer Ethendge commodity | * 2 Breakfast Lib 57 Education Steps. meets again on September 17. come to come out and meet the 20 Wise, neighbor concoctions 16 21 Fastidious Fee. For more information call old and see what the Gospel 3 Upfront monies - 22 2000 lbs. ■ M 4 Most tanned 1 j. Senior Portraits (10 a.m.) Continuing Education, Interna- Choir is all about. We invite you 23 _ of Marmara - :i &4 28 West Hall (basement). Any tional & Summer Programs at to sing praises and have fun 24 Rainbow color 5 Pale tSb ■ 419/372.8181. while doing it!! 26 Smooch 6 Capital of Saudi '- senior graduating in Dec, May 30 Fashion Arabia ^ 7, 32 VIP in a will 7 More doughy 8 Pasts or August must attend to be 33 Water too wen /i r NAACP Multicultural Convo- Public Skating (8 - 10 p.m.) 34 Set taxes 9 Involved with included in the historic 1999 Key cation (6 - 8 p.m.) 36 Baseball stat 10 (By) loot P r 37 'Scarlace- slar 11 Sucker © 1998 Tr.bune Media Servioaa. mc "For the ana* era. look on Yearbook. Please call 1-800-969- Cow Room (Mac Quad). All riynia received. Ice Arena. Paul 12 Dining area 1 the wrb:i www.bffnrwa.cofn 38 Resting on 13 iwccdie 40 Greek letter ending? 42 Block Sea arm 25 Barry, Robin or orders 45 Jewel Maunce 48 Stars over 47 Most likely 27 S promise France 51 Easy gait 28 _ Luis Obispo. 49 Endurance PAGE THREE is intended as an Bowling Green State Normal Colle 5? Inato CA 50 Hitman irreverent look at The University. We 54 Altercation 29 Schuss or 53 Alternative to at The BG News consider it an off- tions in 1914, the sarre y; 55 Smidgen slalom sweefums 56 Small bays 31 Ignore 57 Very short time beat page where we try to offer some- entered into WWI. 58 Paddle 35 Saturation 60 Enthusiastic thing for everybody. Opinions 59 Author Deighton 39 Farm laborer vigor expressed herein are solely those of 61 Source olpoi 41 Clumps ot grass 63 Dads 62 Mischievous 42 Muhammad's 64 Subsist our staff. Have a nice day. child son-in-law 65 New Tostament 63 Release 43 Bronx tourist bk conditionally attraction 66 Roberts or Idle 44 Make a choice 67 Invent lads 46 Soda-shop lODAY'S lllilIKI 11: OF THE WAY

TODAY THURSDAY Partly cloudy Partly Cloudy



I SHRi I ft:M\ 7-11(1 7-Ml S:IHI T05—I 9:(MI—I 9:3(1 10:00 11:11(1 11:30 BROADCAST STATIONS (J) News I iCBSNews Wheel-Fortune Jeopardy' 1 Nanny The Wedding (In Stereo! Public Eye i Ste-e. = Chicago Hope iFt 1" SaM News I late Show ' News 1 iABCWIdNews Enl Tcmqr1 Hollywood Sq Oharma i Greg [Two Guys-Girl Drew Carey It Drew Carey n 20*20 (Season P'emere) JX News ? |wghtline » © . 1 1 s> •«-» NBC Newt Grace Under IFresier 1 Dateline ii Slew n 3rd Rock-Sun 3rd Rock-Sun Late Night With Cow News [Tonight Show Breakthrough 'Business Rpl IfcuatlUH WWI Jim lehrrr Anyplace Wild p Stereo) JT Performance at 1 MM House Into the Rising Sun 5 Charhe Rose ii« Siceo) 3T Newshour Wtlh Jim Lehrer Arthur Read Rainbow Anyplace Wild kl MAN (l rertormmce 11 White House kilo the Rising Sun X Monty Python Charlie Rose c €3 Home Improve Iliad Aboul You Seinfeld 1 Home Impiovp ■ Beverly Hills 90210 3 Party ot Five "Moving On It News I [Newsradio I Simpsons 1 Jerry Springe' CB PocKet Watches Wrist Watches Wnst Watches (Let'-. P- . IB Simpsons H .Simpsons ' Frastei [Home Improve Sanllnal Neighcorhooo Watch' jt |5tar trek: Voyager |tn Smto.l it [News Fftsh Prince IFraiitf E CABLE STATIONS AHC 8'iCjryiej' i'9S3 Dramai Gary Cooper LaurenBacae Movie: eae 'Hwtoatar7aMia\ciri*r»"(1953.Cceriecly)Belry G'aDle Movie .••' - .-"-.• "'vCr. ■.••-: tfang II Up" wbgu COfll |0ne Might Stand|UaU Ma Laugh | Daily Show "B |Stein's Money Jeff Fonrontiy |Jetf Foiworthy [Brett Butler [Drew Carey South Park « Upright Citiien Daily Show Stein's Money DISC I**1.* Fon'OecH P' ""Gimme Shelter W !wild Dtecovery: Dtess-Omne' Discover Magazine Lost ei Time" Would You Believe It' Justice Files Women at Risk" (R; recruits: E>rc |Mov» 1985 Comedy'Dan Av'Cya :- S'ereo iMovte: • • • B'e :v 8u,*r :19'5. Western.Gent- Hactiman aaywa The fnscD KKT I1W9 Comedyi Gene rVBoei » passionate about alternative music? curious about radio? ESPN <* Close Suonscrntcr Major League Baaeball Teams to Be Announced iLwei X I Major League Batatfll Teams to Be Announced 't wbgu 68.1fm bg's student-run. non-commercial fm radio cut Outrageous' ICWlMaM 'Slio»-Funny Show-Funny Oh No1 Mr. Bill lUfe, Camera IMovie: Jusl My ImigralKT "(1992. Comedy-Oramai Jean Smut. family welcomes you to join the college radio experience HBO |Mdvie t* '-• Comeoyl Judae Reirvtold PC 1 Movie ee'- WhoAnl'"tl99e Comedyi Jack* Chan. NR'X Ox "The Routine tRi Stereo) X Chris Rock I [Real Sei 21 new DJ training Art oi Tattooing.R 20th Century iR,' [Wraih ot God: OisaaWri l/odcm aaaWlafP Weapons at War Tank Busle's information nite: MTy Jams Countdown Fanatic iTwisted Toons Eye Spy Videos ISay What? [ Live'") (In Stereo) TnNUttiR 'Chris Rock Mv Fanatic IUTVNM ej; |Spo<1sNaws llndians' Game Major League Baseball Minnesota twirs at Cievelana Indians Fiom Jacoos Field iLive) FOX Sports News FOX Sports News 9:15 pm 121 west hall SCI f I [Quantum Leap Sightings Star Trek The Menagere" iPan 2 of 2) I Seaguesl 2032 (In Stereo) X V -Dreadnaughi (RI |ln Stereo) I SightmgnH I Star Trek l

TI_C i Renovation [Renovation Home Again IRI Home Again 0 iTornado Ri |Deadly forces' James Gang iTST Blast Masters Eiplosion Tornado :Ri Deadly Forces T»JT laby |EN £R Confidential (In Stereoi S Movie: • . lawnmcaier Mar- 2 Beyond CyMrspace" 11996) Babylon I 1"i? 0a]q-:J Edgi " Secret KGB UFO > TOON Batman Series jBatman: Series Freakaiwd! Deiler'i Lab Cow I Chicken lAnimaniKa Bugs'* Daffy [Torn and Jerry FKntstonesX IScoobyOoo Deitefs Lao Co* 1 Chicken September16 USA Hercules: Legendary Jrnys Xena: Warnor Princess (Si Stereo) Walker. Teias Ranger (In Stereo) Movie: .i . Pace Story "(1985. Drama) Jack*Chan (InStereolI < York Undercover (In Stereoi

yH, Iwomen Fksl IRi IMy GenVation" Sei Appeal [Pop-Up Video Before They Were Rock Stars (R •afore They Were Rock Stars la ILegands "Steve Ray Vaughan" |R)

• .. P?ge 2 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998

Opinion Editor Natalie Miller opinion mnm 372-2604 Role models are created, not born PEOPLE ON THE It seems like we are having a she could effectively do their Look around you at the people shortage of role models. Maybe job? I think it has more to do you can actually interact with - STREET this has been going on for a with the public's perception of people on your own team, in If you knew a nuclear bomb was while, but it's more apparent what we want in a figurehead. your own sphere and your own lately. Instead of looking up to We want a leader that represents family. They aren't perfect, but going to hit next week, what would those we've elected, we are look- the best about this country. Right you don't expect them to be. ing up to professional athletes now, we may have a man repre- So don't make the president you do between now and then? like Sammy Sosa and Mark sentative of part of the popula- your hero when he is only the McGwire. tion, but we are ashamed that he president. Find a more honor- I don't see anything wrong is not the flawless icon we want able personal hero, based on the with honoring people's achieve- to look up to. personal attributes you admire. ments, but what constitutes an So who should we hold up as Do not expect someone to be appropriate role model? Who do you have a responsibility to role models? Is there anyone faultless because they excel at should we be looking up to? live up to their conceptions of impeccable enough for our gru- sports, were elected to office or Should we really look up to who you are? eling standards? It seems as if appear on the big screen. politicians in the first place? everyone in the public eye has Personally, I'm sick of the These are people forced to make On the other hand, don't something negative about them. Ryan Gibbs elected officials or American time and attention wasted on Stacy McAfee hard decisions and represent us. Maybe it's because there are peo- defaming Clinton, and keeping Graduate heroes have a responsibility to Senior And the political system is so ple constantly scrutinizing and him from doing anything pro- their public? The president is not Sociology Fashion Mrch. tangled that it makes honest investigating every aspect of ductive for my country. He was "Probably go to politicians hard to find. ( I think only part of the government, but their lives. never my role model, and I don't "Travel and live life the representative head of our class." to the fullest." most of the honest ones get elim- Any new rumor is of some feel any disappointment about country, by which other coun- inated during campaigns, or interest because our own person- his actions. I will be extremely tries judge us. don't want to run at all.) al lives are dull in comparison. disappointed in this country if How important is character to I don't think people should be We need role models if only to we spend more time dragging you? I think you value it in your role models solely based on their make ourselves feel better. We out this issue. I think our stan- friends and co-workers, and cer- position. But sometimes posi- can look at those who've dards for a president need to be tainly in people close to you. The tions inherently come with screwed up and feel better about examined: what is most impor- things we admire in people are expectations. We want a strong, ourselves. We can be inspired by tant in a leader? Are we making pretty similar: honesty, courage, competent leader. What else those whose accomplishments this into a huge deal because we determination, creativity and should be involved in a charac- are exceptional. But can we cre- need more entertainment? sense of humor. ter evaluation? Should it include ate a role model and be truly sur- Because we need something to Joe Fisher Are we expecting too much sexual behavior, health, religion prised when they act like the gossip about? (Cigar sales may Freshman from those we place on a or marital status? How would imperfect human being they are? take off.) Or is it because our Physical Therapy pedestal? Does being in a certain we feel about a leader who I'm not saying it's right, but own expectations are unrealis- "Go home and position entail changing your smoked or was overweight? Any there are no perfect humans that tic? spend time with image to fit what people want to chance people would elect an will remain on a pedestal. There my family." see? If how people see you and atheist or a child molester? are many good, low profile peo- Natalie Miller can be reached al how you are are different, then Would this matter to how he or ple we can look up to instead. [email protected] True Collegiates Jason Lady

*.« Fortce OWE'.' M*t> TO TOP \T *LL 0FFft&S A &&AT Hus6AM> ArU) FXTmA AAfl> * *HBMl op /*!Vt7HE pfiEst nur Tom Wickman Jay Terveen ttofttVC touPlEWt <*AT Mdfti. CouO>K*J Freshman Freshman Ask Fofi? YBAH-lOO BAt> Business Undecided I KJEAL-UK ftESIUNTS "Max out all my cred- "Go to Vegas, get At&r s€A T© FICTIONAL it cards." marriea, go home, OMBSJ say goodbye to mom, go to Hawaii, surf and hula dance. The BG News YoJ t*£MN THE WrW£ rWSA UftMGE... "An independent student voice serving Bowling Green since 1920" /A/ 200O/ FQA. -fiver Guyi 210 West Hall Bowling Green State University tSter Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 tFtny Phone: (419) 372-2601 E-mail: [email protected] DARLA WARNOCK Editor-in-Chief SARAH BEDNARSKI NATALIE MILLER Managing Editor Opinion Editor African heritage is a blessing BRANDI BARHITE KIM WILFONG Assistant Managing Editor Copy Chief Welcome back students, faculty be approved by anyone who is name tag or label that one may put and staff! I hope you all had a nice white. on or take off Whether he likes It MIKE WENDUNG TOD McCLOSKEY summer. As for me. I spent what- It Is a sickness that has made a or not. as long as he is black and I Chief Reporter Sports Editor ever was left of my summer read- slave out of the African man. a mean BLACK, his black tail is from ing "Out of America" by Keith Rich- slave of colonial masters and Africa. I don't care if he was born JASON SUGGS JOHN WENZEL burg. I had a burning desire for exploiters of all caliber, including in the United States or not, he Is Photo Editor Entertainment Editor school to start so that I can share businesses and governments. I do AFRICAN!!! Unfortunately, this my opinions on this book with my not blame anyone for being chick- Uncle Tom has yet to realize that TARA CANNON Bowling Green community. en-hearted about the responsibili- he is not wanted in this country Graphics Editor As an African. I am greatly ty of being black. Being black in and all the fake smiles are Just the United States has been a chal- jffended by his book. While I can- that. FAKE. not deny that Africa as a whole has lenge for me and coming to BG Keith Richburg thanks his Melissa Nayrnik . Special Projects Editor its shortcomings. I detest Mr. Rich- made me realize how black I am Ana Periera ..Wire Editor burg for lashing out at my mother- and It is not easy. I feel I have t>. lucky stars his forefathers were enslaved and brought to America Brian Taylor . Assistant Opinion Editor land. Mr. Richburg just threw never prompted any European work twice as hard to prove that I Denise Domanski . .Assistant Copy Chief stones at his father's house by descendent to self-denial. A crime am not Just a quota, that I am wor- so he could be born an American? being compelled to say that, hav- is a crime, no matter the reason or thy of being here. 1 feel I have to This insults the struggles of many G. Michael Graham . .Assistant Sports Editor ing lived in Africa for three years the perpetrator. educate the community on what it great blacks in this country and Stephanie Schneider . .Assistant Graphics Editor and seen its horrors, he can no Now. there Is enough proof to feels like to be black, on my cul- insults my efforts for a more toler- Scott Zimmer . Assistant Graphics Editor longer bring himself to proudly excuse Mr. Richburg's cowardice: ture and on things that matter to ant BG. To those Americans who Scott Fauber . Assistant Photo Editor claim an African-American identi- The other black is all evil. Not his me. but I must confess, it is an seek identity by reclaiming a stolen ty. Instead, he concludes that he is blend of black. The irony is. as added load on my shoulder yet I African heritage. Mr. Richburg quite simply, and gratefully, an much as many blacks want to carry it with pride. replies that " to romanticize Moth- American - a black American. make a distinction between blacks, 1 don't expect Mr. Richburg to er Africa as a black Valhalla, where Africa is poor and doomed by its other races have made up their be compassionate because he hap- blacks can walk with dignity and Copyright C 1998. The BG New*. Bowling Grmi, Ohio. Reprinting of any mate friendship and leadership. The mind long ago that less than 100% pens to be black. The tragedy of pride. Is nothing short of fanciful. rial from this publication without the permission of The BG News Is strictly prohibited. The K News Is an Independent publication rounded In 1920 and is realization is painful. 1 can under- white is black. Tiger Woods pre- America Is that when It comes to In short, thank God I am an Amer- stand it. As opportunistic as the ferred to be Asian. Michael Jack- knowledge (or ignorance) of other published dally during the academic year and weekly during the summer ican." I am right there beside him semester. Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor are not nec- very African leaders he blames. Mr. son preferred to be white. Funny cultures and countries, the races giving my thanks. We Africans enough. Michael Jackson doesn't are Just about even. essarily those of the student body, faculty, University administration or The BG Richburg rejects the continent and don't need people like him so News. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Fall 1998 BG News staff. The feel any whiter since he fixed his Books like this make me mad Its people. Africa Is not a big deal. thank God he is not one of us. BG News encourages Its readers to notify the paper of any errors in stories or They are as bad as the rest of the nose. The image the mirror shows because while I struggle to fit In photograph descriptions. Decisions made by the Editor in-Chief and the Editori- world If not worse. European wars him every morning is thai of a here at Bowling Green, there are al Board are final. and history are full of cooperation black rich man. fighting to dis- morons out there that are thank- Bontke Odegbami is a graduate with the enemy and all other tance himself from himself, from ing their stars for slavery. Africa or student and can be reached at crimes against humanity. It has anyone who looks like him. and to African Identity is not simply a L '.'JlUr " WMtik>wMBMBS8& Let's all eat worms PHTLADEI PHIA (AP) — Andrew Belchei was aboul local .1 worm, bul he dropped it "You don't want to eal that!" said (hn-.ii C'ullcn, a 25-year-old museum guide. 'It's been on the floor." So she fished out a new cheese i oyered worm and handed it to the 5-year-old. "Tastes like a cheese doodle," Andrew said. Wednesday, September l&, I9VH Cheese-covered meal worms are just one of many treats awaiting the brave-hearted, strong-stom- ached visitors to The lnsectarium. The museum is tilled with thousands of butterflies, moths and other insects — some alive in naturalized habitats, the rest mounted on the walls. The museum wants to teach children that insects do more than just sting, bite and annoy — they're also a vital part of the ecosystem. UPCOMING "Without bugs the world would be very different," museum director Maureen Kennedy said. "It'd "Upcovaine; Kvrata" in a service to our reader! borrowed daily via the Uni- be a lot dirtier, and probably not as pretty." II. vis versity web page. The calendar of events on the web page haa a more Holdup man improves his penmanship complete listing of events and can be accessed through ■'". DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) — A man wanted in several holdups appears to be working on his penmanshi| Police have been looking for the man since Sept. 9, when he handed a note to the clerk at a convenienc Wednesday, 9/16/98 1338 to schedule your sitting. Officer* and advisor* Round- store. The clerk said he could not make out the words. The man threatened to shoot the clerk and got awa Portraits are taken from 10 a.m. table (6 - 8 p.m.) with $50. Capt. Dave Heesch said the man's handwriting apparently has improved because clerks in three mor Graduate students of Tech- to 6 p.m. Community Suite. This is a nology coupon book sales chance for all organizations to holdups over the next five days had no problem reading his note. opening day (10 a.m.) NAACP Voter Reg/Member- come together, meet and talk. All Spiderman climbing to top of legendary burglars list organizations are encouraged to Wednesday, 9/16/98 ship Drive (11 a.m. - 3 p.m.) MIAMI (AP) — He is known as Spiderman, a burglar so daring and so strong that he can scale the sides come. It promises to be very Union Foyer. high-rise condos, so sure-footed that he sometimes wears sandals on the job, so discerning that he can tell O beneficial. USG Senator Voting (9 a.m. - tume jewelry from the real thing. 6 p.m.) Women'* Center Brown Bag Investigators say he has committed at least 133 burglaries over the past 4 1/2 years, stealing jewels, ca: Union Foyer. Lunch (Noon - 1 p.m.) credit cards and the occasional laptop computer. 107 Hanna Hall. The Brown Study Strategies (6:30 - 8:30 Now police believe Spiderman has been unmasked. Windows 98/95 — Introduc- Bag Luncheons will be every p.m.) Derrick James, a muscular, 33-year-old former Army paratrooper, was arrested and jailed without bail tion (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) Wednesday, noon-l:00 p.m. dur- 1103 Offenhauer W. High charges of breaking into the ritzy Bristol Towers on Miami's Brickell Avenue. Pemberville Library. Find out ing the fall semester. This session school students can learn to Spiderman has become something of a folk hero like other Florida jewel thieves such as Jack "Murph t the differences between Win- is "DESSERT AS WOMEN'S improve their performance and Surf" Murphy, the surfing champion who stole the 563-carat Star of India sapphire in 1964. dows 95 and Windows 98 and CULTURE" with Lucy Long ways to prepare themselves for then progress to creating, copy- from Popular Culture. A smor- college. Class meets through ing, moving and deleting files. gasbord of tidbits, crumbs and October 7. Fee. For more infor- Become acquainted with the morsels of thought on food, gen- mation or to register call Contin- taskbar and work with various der and most of all desserts! uing Education, International & applications. Fee. For more infor- Please bring yourself, your lunch Summer Programs at mation call Continuing Educa- and a friend! 419/372.8181. tion, International & Summer 1 2 3 i B 6 it i to ii 1? 13 Programs at 419/372.8181. Education Abroad Informa- ' President Advisors Reception 14 15 16 tion Session (4 - 5:30 p.m.) (7 p.m.) CROSS Print Sale (9 a.m. - 11 p.m.) 1103 Offenhauer W. Discover 1/ te 19 Ballroom, Union. Students are TBA. BG the many overseas education able to buy posters and prints ?0 21 22 programs available to BGSU stu- NEWS _ I I from their favorite movies, tele- dents. For more information call Faculty Artist Series: Nancy ?:\ 24 25 78 ACROSS PUZZlf 79 vision, and cartoon shows. the Education Abroad Office at Buck, viola (8 p.m.) 1 Bossy bellow i - 30 31 31 419/372.0479. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore 4 Inliold cover, for 68 Sports venues short = " Alpha Omicron Pi Raffle for Musical Arts Center. 69 One ol Nixon's 34 35 y- 8 Spoke snake nicknames Prizes (10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Word 97 — Introduction (6 - 14 Aussie bird 70 Outermost point " 15 Largest land ■ W •0 41 Union Foyer. 9 p.m.) Gospel Choir First Meeting 71 At sixes and 1 mass 72 Dates regularly Pemberville Library. Learn (8 p.m.) 16Takeapuf1 73 _ Paulo, Brazil 42 43 44 f| 47 M '.3 so 17 Allow Far East Merchandise Sale the basics of this widely used 1040 Moore Musical Arts ? IB Reasons DOWN >l ^4 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.) word processing program. Class Center. New members are wel- 19 Principal V Singer Ethendge commodity I Education Steps. meets again on September 17. come to come out and meet the 2 Breakfast A • •-.-> 20 Wise, neighbor concoctons Fee. For more information call old and see what the Gospel 21 Fastidious " 3 Uptront monies 1 n 6? Choir is all about. We invite you ?2 2000 lbs. 4 Most tanned I n Senior Portrait* (10 a.m.) Continuing Education, Interna- 23 _ ol Marmara 24 Rainbow cokx 5 Pale ■63 b4 6b 6' tional & Summer Programs at to sing praises and have fun ■ ■ 28 West Hall (basement). Any 6 Capital ol Saudi 419/372.8181. while doing it!! 26 Smooch ; senior graduating in Dec., May 30 Fashion Arabia R 70 32 VIP in a will 7 More doughy 8 Pasts or August must attend to be 33 Water too well n r /3 NAACP Multicultural Convo- Public Skating (8 - 10 p.m.) 34 Set laxes 9 Involved with included in the historic 1999 Key cation (6 - 8 p.m.) 36 Baseball stat 10 (By) loot r 11 Sucker © 1998 TrDune Media Services, Inc 37 'Scartace" star All injiiis received "For the innrn, look on Yearbook. Please call 1-800-969- Cow Room (Mac Quad). Ice Arena. Paul 12 Dining area 1 the web: 38 Resting on 13 Tweedle 40 Greek letter ending? 42 Block Sea arm 25 Barry. Robin or orders 45 Jewel Maurice 48 Stars over 47 Most likely 27 $ promise France 51 Easy gait 26 _ Luis Obispo. 49 Fndu ranee PAGE THREE is intended as an Bowling Green State Normal Colle 52 Incite CA 50 Hitman irreverent look at The University. We 54 Altercation 29 Schuss or 53 Alternative to lions in 1914, the same yj 55 Smidgen slalom sweet'ums at The BG Sews consider it an off- 56 Small bays 31 Ignore 57 Very short time beat page where we try to offer some- entered into WWI. 58 Paddle 35 Saturation 60 Enthusiastic thing for everybody. Opinions 59 Author Deighton 39 Farm laborer vigor expressed herein are solely those of 61 Source ot poi 41 Clumps ol grass 63 Dads 62 Mischievous 42 Muhammad's 64 Subsist our staff. Have a nice day. child son-in-law 65 New Testament 63 Release 43 Bronx tourist bk. conditionally attraction 66 Roberts or Idle 44 Make a choice 67 Invent tacts 46 Soda-shop TODAY'S 1YI3IISITE OF THE OAY

TODAY THURSDAY Partly cloudy Partly Cloudy


W 1 l)\ISI> \Y SEPTEMBER 16.1998 I 6:041 1 6:30 7:110 7:30 1 8:00 1 8:30 ''.(HI 9:30 10:001 10:30 1 11:00 1 11:30 ■ BROADCAST STATIONS CD Ne.s CBS liens Wheel-Forti - Jeopardy' 1 Nanny Tne Wedrjng" (In Slereoi :: i . Chicago Hope R) ll" Stereo News :: [Late Show 1 O) Km ir ABC Wld News Enl Tcnigh' Hollywood Sq DharmalGreg [Two Guys-Girl Drew Carey ¥ Drew Carey 1 20»20 (Season Premerei S News ft JNightline 1 ro Nm 1 NBC News Grace Under Frasier <* Dateline [In Stereo) ft 3rd Rock-Sun 3rd Rock-Sun Late Night With Conan News" |Tonight Show ® Breakthrough Business Rpt Newshour With J m Lehrer . Anyplace Wild (In Slereoi.» Performance at I (Me House mto the Rising Sun :■ Charlie Rose lin Stereo) 3T €E Newshour With Jim Lclwer I Arthur .s Read Rainbow Anyplace Wild (In Stereo! 1 Performer*, at White House nto the Rising Sun :: Monty Python Charlie Rose J. © Home Improve. IMad About You Seinfeld 1 Home Improve ' ■nut) Hills 90210 i Party of Fin Movng On' I News I [Newsradio S Simpsons Jerry Springer MM . ea • Poc«ei Wjtchts Wrist Welches Wrist Watches iLeft n Progress'

esrs Simpsons Simpsons * ifiMrtr B IMomt Improve Sentinel Neohoomooo Watch" I IStar Trt*: Voyager (In Slereoi ft INews Fresh Prince IFrasier ' I CABLE STATIONS " ' Movie ee« Ho»'oMarryaWr*ona"e"(t953 Comedy! Betty Grate "Living ft Up' AMC Movie •# itnonfioar now.DramaiGaryCooper LaurenBacan Movie: *•*'.- A Sriotii Jetl Foiwonhy jjett Foiworthy wbgu COM One Night Stand 'Make Me laugh |Dail|Show R |Stems Money •rett Bullet [Draw Carey South Park I [Upright Citiren Daily Show Stein s Mono-, 0,5C |Wmgs 1 a-Sock P 'Gimme Shelter P Wild Discovery: Dms-Omw Discover Maganne Lost «i Tme Would You Believe ll? Justice Files -Women ai R • recruits: £HQ Movie t- ,; Jr Srereo iMovie ■- Moviem'j'rneFriscoK«f'it979 ComedyiGen«Wilder « passionate about alternative music? curious about radio?

ESPN UpClote Sportscenter Major League Baseball Teatis lo Be Announced (Lrvei tt jMajcr League Baseball Teams to Be Announced " wbgu 88.1 Im bg's student-run. non-commercial fm radio family welcomes you to join the college radio expenence 'A'.' Outrageous- 1 Can't Believe [Show-Funny Show-Funny Oh No'Mr Bill ILile, Camera [Movie: JuslMy «njg«iarW'(l992.Comedy-Oramal Jea- Smart 700 Club Movie: et vv. Wii ! 1988 Comedy Judge Remnon PG " Movie .1 Who Am l'-i. 1999. Comedyl NR « 0a The Routine" |R| tin Stereo) ir Chris Rock It. [Real Sen 21 I MBC; new DJ training Fdiies fl Part 3 20th Century iR, Art Ot Tattoo | Wrath ol God: Dinners Modern Marvels IR) Weapons al War Tan< Busiers" H information nite: MTV (5 X Jams Countdown FfflafC [Twisted Toons Eye Spy Videos [Say Wtial? JTolal Request Live iR) (In Slereoi TrueLile-R) [Chris Rock Mv. Fanatic [Lovelme Mafor League Baseball VrnesowTwmsatCievelanalndians From Jacobs F*u (bve) 9:15 pm SC Sports News Indians' Game FOX Sports News FOX Sports News 121 west hall SCIFI Quantum Leap i.lo Sighting-. Star Trek The Menagerie'(Part 2 of 2) IE Seaquesi 2032 m S!ereo) JC V Oreadnaught' (R) (In Stereo) JC Sightings |R)3£ Star Trek Renovation jRanovalion Nome Again iR Home Again R Tornado IRI [Deadly Forces Jamas Gang (R) Blast Masters: Explosion Tornado R Deadly Forces nn BabyionS V r ignis ol T-ansilion |ER ER Contder.'. Movie:* . 1 jvinmonerVav2 BeyondCyoerjpace"*(1996: Babylon i "The Ragged Edge'' K Secret KGB UFO Files IRi Batman Series 'Batman Series Free* void' [Darter's Lab Cow A Chicken Amnvaniacs Bags A Daffy [Tom and Jerry Flmtstones TC jScooby Doo Outer's Lab [Cow A Chicken fob* 1 16 September USA Hercules. Legendary Jrnys Xena Warrior Princess (In Slereoi Walker. Tens Ranger ir Stereo) Movie •• . fVceSfoo/'(i96$.Drama)JackieChap (InStereo)jr. Nm York Undercover I VHI Women First IR jMy Generation Sei Appeal |Pop-Up Video Before They Were Rock Stars (R) Before They Were Rock Stars II [Legends Steve Ray Vauqhan' (R) RuPaul [Fashion TV page 4 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998

W The BG News Tk "IT Editor-in-Chief, The BGNews Darla Warnock orld & JN ation 372-6966 ye on Woman shoots triplet sons, self 1 T\- W ^ □ A woman who was despondent over a piled from staff and wire reports failed relationship shoots triplets, then ■ APPEAL ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ herself. State receives appeal from General Motors COLUMBUS (AP) — General Motors Corp. is appealing a state decision that 20,000 Ohio workers laid off because of a strike at a GM The Associated Press plant in Flint, Mich., are eligible for $30 million in unemployment compensation. PHILADELPHIA — Miguelli- Ohio's Unemployment Compensation Review Commission na Eslevez had been alone with received the appeal Tuesday but took no action. The three-member her 2-year-old triplet sons since panel can disallow it, agree to hear it or send it back to the Ohio the boys' father moved out, Bureau of Employment Services for further consideration. A decision apparently returning to the is expected in the next few weeks. Dominican Republic and another GM contends Ohio workers are ineligible because, as members of woman. She was 19, had no job the United Auto Workers, they shared in benefits negotiated to end and spoke little English. the strike. Fred Newsome, a bureau hearing officer, ruled last month On Monday, after trying to the Ohio workers were not directly involved in the strike and GM buy rat poison to kill herself and could have kept its Ohio parts plants open until the strike ended July the boys, police say she shot each 29. of her sons in the head with a Unemployment benefits are paid from a $2.2 billion trust fund semi-automatic pistol and then financed by employers. GM would save money through lower rates turned the gun on herself. Police if the benefits are denied. found her body in the second- floor bedroom of her rowhouse CONVICTED and two of her sons dead nearby. Man convicted of strangling granddaugh- The third boy was hospitalized in critical condition. ter for licking icing off cupcakes Friends grieve in front of the home where Miguelliana Estevez shot her three children and The boys were identified as HOUSTON (AP) — A man has been convicted of strangling his 3- self, Monday. Franklin, Frankelly and Fabian, year-old granddaughter because she licked icing off cupcakes. or "Franky." Fabian survived the About two months ago, Earlier this month, her mood Marguerita Diaz said in Sf a David Andrew Douglas, 49, a restaurant dish washer, faces either shooting but was declared brain recalled a friend, Joselyn Perez, brightened a little after Sanchez ish. a death sentence or life in prison following Monday's conviction in dead by doctors at St. Christo- Ms. Estevez became despondent called and said he wanted to the Jan. 10, 1997 murder of Shelby Lynne Barrackman. Diaz told her to seek help. pher's Hospital Tuesday after- after finding another woman's work things out. Douglas acknowledged drinking at his daughter's house, where On Monday, police noon. Hospital officials said he underwear in Sanchez's suitcase. he was supposed to care for Shelby, and claimed he blacked out and On Saturday Ms. Estevez Estevez placed two of her chil- did not remember anything about the rest of the day. remains on life support. Confronted with the evidence, went to Paulina's Grocery. dren on a bed and shot eachjonce His attorneys claimed that a confession he gave police was The tall, thin woman had Sanchez said he was leaving her "She said she wanted to go to in the head, then put the Hird coerced. come here three years ago from to marry the other woman in the Roosevelt Boulevard and throw boy on the floor next to he land Prosecutors said Douglas became angry when he found Shelby the Dominican Republic with her Dominican Republic, Perez said. herself in front of the cars, take shot him in the head, and finally had eaten the icing off cupcakes she found in the kitchen, and boyfriend, Franklin Sanchez. Ms. Estevez was devastated. her children with her," shot herself. became angrier when his scolding made her cry. "He squeezed the life out of a 3-year-old girl," said prosecutor Casey O'Brien said. The child's body was found later that day in a nearby field. Reason for planet Jupiter's rings discovere MURDER I □ Scientists say that mystery of Jupiter's faint rings, that allow us to say this theory Dust grains and particles! ^ Insurance executive killed on city street revealing they were formed when works." said Joseph Burns, the comets and asteroids' (Irawnlby HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — An insurance executive on a business Jupiter's rings are dust cosmic debris smashed into four Cornell University astronomy pro- Jupiter's strong gravity stream trip from Cincinnati was killed while walking along a city street. kicked up from its small inner moons, scientists said fessor who arrived at the explana- toward its irrcmilarly sria|>{| Mark Lewis, a group sales manager at The Hartford, was found small moons Tuesday. tion for the rings. moons at about 25 m! dead on a sidewalk in one of the city's most dangerous neighbor- The rings — which are nearly It was long thought that the - 100 times the speed ol a I hoods about 11 p.m. Monday. invisible to even the best tele- only ringed planet was Saturn, Veverkaaaid. ' ''l|| scopes — clearly show their rela- Witnesses said Lewis was walking alone when he got into an The Associated Press with its prominent, icy bands, but They created explosive" djwl argument with another man. Lewis was struck in the head and fell tion to the moons' orbits, scientists the Voyager spacecraft revealed in clouds that eventually turned into backward into a fence. PASADENA. Calif. The said. 1979 that Jupiter also was sur- orbiting rings so tenuous that the Lewis, 51, died from hemorrhaging in his neck, police said. Galileo spacecraft has solved the "Pictures are the smoking gun rounded by rings. stars shine right through them.

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t> h Wednesday, September 16, 1998 The BG News page 5 Investigators conclude power outage caused Swissair crash □ Investigators say the mean most likely a very severe laboratory in Ottawa. voice recorder stopped power incident," said Dana Hugh Waterman, a former Doiron, a spokesman for Cana- pilot and retired aircraft safety six minutes before the da's Transportation Safety Board expert with the U.S. Federal Avi- crash. in Halifax. ation Administration, said the Doiron said the cockpit voice pilots may have turned off the recorder will still be able to pro- The Associated Press recorders in an effort to find the vide valuable information about source of the smoke. the situation the crew faced. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — The "Automatically the system But without recordings from cockpit voice recorder aboard wouldn't work that way" and the last six minutes, investigators Swissair Flight 111 stopped six shut down at the same time, minutes before its deadly crash will never learn what, if any- thing, the two pilots said to each Waterman said. — at the same time as the flight other after their last communica- The safety board said experts data recorder, crash investigators tion with air traffic controllers. have confirmed a series of irreg- said Tuesday. That conversation ended with ularities in systems on the plane The finding provides further the pilots declaring an emer- prior to the last six minutes of evidence that the MD-11 suffered gency because of smoke in the flight. a crippling systems failure at that cockpit and saying they must "Developing a valid under- moment on Sept. 2, shortly land immediately. standing of these anomalies will before it plunged into the North The flight data recorder, require extensive examination of Atlantic off Nova Scotia, killing which was recovered from the wiring and aircraft components all 229 people on board. ocean floor several days before that have not yet been recovered Associated Pteu photo "They are on separate power the cockpit voice recorder, is from the wreckage," the board The HMCS Moncton, front and the US Navy fleet support ship USS Grapple, right, conduct recov- buses (systems) so ... it would being examined by experts at a said. ery operations at the crash site of Swissair flight 111.

POLICY for the police blotter: The News will run. without exception, all POLICE BLOTTER citations Issued by the city and campus police departments. Complaints from resi- Today's city police blotter includes items from Monday and dents or students concerning a police matter will not be identified by name. Any ques- Tuesday tions, please call the editor at 372-6966. CITY In the 14400 block of Sandndgc Rd . * (>n Kidge St. and Thurstin Ave. a non- tion. Monday block of Wolfly St, Monday $13 32 m gas, Monday In the 800 block of S. Main St, an intoxicat- transformer blew and a resident had no power, ■niury motorbike accident occurred between A man, in the 1000 block of E. Wooster St. A woman reported her cell phone was Monday. two people, Monday. ed man assaulted a female, Tuesday. tried to obtain a driver's license using someone stolen in the 500 block of F Poe St, Monday. In the 1000 block of S Main St, a woman else's license, Monday HTM warned for unauthorized plates and no A woman. In the 10 block of Bowling Green In the 1000 block of S Main St, Hethiiu In the 300 block of liberty St, a woman license plate light, Monday. A man, in the 500 Mock of Napoleon St. St., found a drivers license in her nhn .ift',mon In the 100 block of F. Washington St, Kyan purse was stolen from her car, Monday In the 1000 block of F Wooster St. a In the 400 block of i: Woosier St. Tht- Mr was threatened with her life by Toledo gang were not, Monday Undahl was cited for having expired registra- A female had her bicycle stolen in the 300 woman reported a man had failed to pay Blade paperbox was missing, Tuesday members, Tuesday.

CAJVIPT JS Todc,y's citY P°lice blotter includes items from Friday, Saturday

In Founders, a suicide attempt was report- ed her art supplies stolen from her locked lock- Fnday la ting liquor laws. Saturday At the Education building, a woman ed, Fnday er. Prlday for speed, Sunday At East Hall, a man reported someone had At Dunbar, some unknown persons had set reported seeing a man break a window of the off the Bn extinguishers, Saturday. building, Sunday At the Kappa Kappa Gamma house, a On S. College St. screams were heard near- At West Hall, a bicycle was reported stolen, struck him after exchanging words. Saturday by, Friday Fnday In the Theta Chi house, Gregory Bruke was In Lot 9, an unknown per tried to break woman reported her bicycle was stolen from ii ted tor underage possession of alcohol, Satur- into a vehicle, Sunday In the Fine Arts building, a student report- In lot 6, a woman struck another vehicle. In Founders, a student was found for vtfr day On Alumni I>r. Micnad Ei was cited the rack. Sunday

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300 E. WOOSTER 354-4280 So find out why these 4 pizzarias You Do THE MATH outperform the national chains. 32 oz. (ACTUAL SIZE) page 6 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998 Man arrested for videotaping under women's skirts Web page keeps former 3 A man was arrested Gene Kelley, 50, of Toledo, Linda McCooL was released from the Wood was arrested at the Black Swamp "He was hitting all the big fes- County jail and is scheduled to at the Black Swamp Arts Festival over the weekend tivals," McCool said. appear in municipal court on Ohioans close to home Festival and was after two women told police a Kelley concealed his camera Oct. 7. □ There is a World former Ohioans about how charged with man with a small, shoulder- in a bag, which had a hole cut in In a similar case, a Cleveland Wide Web site dedicat- much they want to return. strapped bag had been following the top to allow for taping, man was accused of using a hid- "In the 1980s, our economy voyeurism. them. McCool said. He would hold the den camera to videotape up the ed to homesick was hurting. People left," he Police searched Kelley's car bag by the shoulder strap, keep- skirts of women at a Cleveland Ohioans. wrote in an open letter on his The Associated Press Saturday and found several ing the camera near ground level Indians game in June. The man site. "My college and high school BOWLINC CMm - Poke videotapes, which he said he and pointed up women's skirts, allegedly hid his 8 mm video friends moved all over the coun- The Associated Press say a man used a concealed made at festivals including she said. camera in a leather bag, dropped try to find work. Now, I'm happy video camera to get pictures Riverfest in Toledo and the Ann He was charged with one the bag next to women at Jacobs STEUBF.NVILLE, Ohio — It to say, they're moving back. And under women's skirts at outdoor Arbor Arts Festival in Michigan, count each of voyeurism and Field concession stands and may not be a visit home, but Rick I encourage them whenever I can." festivals in Ohio and Michigan. said Bowling Green police Lt. possession of criminal tools. He videotaped their underwear. Platt says he has the next best thing for ex-Ohioans who miss He said more than 5,000 peo- SAFE their former state. ple visit the site in an average Platt runs a World Wide Web week. In August, they came from Continued from page one. According to the Uniform site known as Homesick Ohio. It more than 40 nations. Crime Report that the Depart- Burglary Complaints Reported in Residence includes information on Ohio The most popular section of dents locking their door when ment of Public Safety sends to Halls for the 1997-98 Academic Year traditions from county fairs to the site is known as Jobs In Ohio they go to eat or go to the bath- the FBI, the on-campus crime high school football and links to and points visitors to classified room. Resident Halls Burglaries ads and other career resources. level has remained fairly steady sites with information about "An unlocked door is an open Bob Wellington, who left over the past few years. In the other Ohio events. invitation to theft," Gullufsen "Maybe it's a Midwestern Youngstown in the early 1980s calendar year 1994, 238 petty said. "The best way you can pro- KxM?.. ^X 9 thing, but people from Ohio care and settled in Florida, is using tect yourself from someone thefts were reported. That num- /Orfenhauer West ..\.\. 5 a lot about their roots and their the site to look for work in north- entering your room and stealing ber dropped to 223 in calendar / /Offenhauer East \..\ 2 hometowns," said Platt, in east Ohio. your property is to lock your year 1995, and to 194 in 1996. In charge of Alliance 2000, an eco- "We wish to come back to be door." 1997, the theft rate leveled off, / /McDonald North \..l 2 nomic development agency in with family," he wrote via e- Cliff Sweinhagen, president with 194 petit thefts also report- McDonald West LJ 1 this Ohio River community. mail. "When I move back to of the Resident Student Associa- ed that year. \ \Compton J...1 1 The page is part of a Web site Ohio, 1 wonder if someone in Florida will put out a site for tion, believes that the residence Those numbers reflect the Tlatt runs known as \ Batchelder ./../ 1 homesick Floridians." halls are "relatively safe." total number of petty theft 1 RickOhio.Com. It also includes "I think the PED system, "I look at the small-town Ohio crimes committed on campus, \£rout ••/-Mi sites for Ohioans living in all 50 while it may be inconvenient, 1 life-style, and realize that is what SigmaChi ••••■■^•V^fftk- states and e-mail addresses for brings a measure of safety to the and include things such as bicy- Gamma Phi Betar^JK^^. 1 I want," wrote Neona McDaniel, halls," Sweinhagen said. "I think cle thefts. 74 former Ohio residents who a Canton native who lives in Ten- the resident advisers and the These Resident Halls reported no burgmKSMcDonald East, want to talk about their old nessee. "I want my son to grow Tomorrow: The new Resi- Ashley, Chapman, Founders, Anderson, ThSlNDnSatuima Alpha home state. up knowing his relatives. I want night guards do an excellent job, Epsilon, Alpha Omicron PI, Phi Gamma Delta. S|^^. Sigma Platt said he gets about 15 or the slow-paced life that comes and they also bring a measure of dence Life policy: Is safety being Phi Epsilon, Pi Kappa Phi. safety to the halls." compromised for convenience? 20 e-mail messages a week from with small-town living."

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discuss issues for the year. \ \ ^ <& Sponsored by Please RSVP to the Office of Student Lifeife \"3- \ ^^the Office of Student Life by Tuesday, September fS. ** Student Affairs n* t. f h Tod McCloskey Sports Editor The BG News Sports 372-2602 Volleyball destroys Oakland □ Falcons' consistent down five straight kills and BG never looked back, improving play leads to victory. their record to 6-3. Blocking was a major key for the Falcons' success. By NICK HURM "We wanted to block an aver- The BG News age of two a game," BG head A Week for coach Denise Van De Walle said. There is one word to describe "We had eight blocks, so at least the Ages in the play of the Falcon Volleyball we met that goal." team last night — impressive. Davis had a big defensive 1998 BG beat their opponents, the game leading the team with five The second week in Septem- Golden Grizzlies of Oakland, in blocks. ber 1998 will always be remem- three straight sets (15-6, 19-17, "I felt really good," Davis bered as a week of history. It's 15-11). said. "I thought the blocking only fair that I give certain icons The Falcons got off to a quick really picked up the defense." recognition. start in game one, taking a 10-5 Murphy helped lead the The three events in six days lead. Both Heather Murphy and offense, putting 22 kills down. from Tuesday, Sept. 8 to Sunday Lori Kemerer played well at the She also added 13 digs. night reminded fans from coast start, pounding down multiple Heather Greig played the role to coast just why the American kills. BG had a consistent game, of Charlie Hustle, diving all over games are played and what they only making four errors. the place, picking up 14 digs and TRULY stand for. Game two turned into a vol- also leading the team in assists Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire leyball marathon. After getting with 47. and Joe Paterno are names that out to a 14-10 lead, Oakland gave Oakland coach Ben Schulte will be mentioned far and wide up four straight points to the ral- was impressed with BG's play. for the next few months. lying Falcons. At one point, there "They turned on good defense Let's recap the historic week: were 10 straight sideouts. At the and went to their strength and Tuesday. Sept. 8 - At 9:18 p.m., climax of play, Krista Davis played real smart," Schulte said. it happened. McGwire crushed a spiked down the game-winning "They're not seniors but they low fastball from Chicago's Steve point to lead the Falcons to the play like seniors." Trachsel just over the left field win. Melissa Lewis was another wall to break Roger Maris's "The feeling on the court was bright spot for the Falcons, record of 61 homers in a season. I positive even though we were adding 16 kills along with two was sitting in the Student Union down," Kemerer said. "I think aces. when it happened. I'll never for- every single one of us felt we This is the second straight get the crowd of BG students' were going to win it." year BG has started off 6-3. reaction as well as his famous Game three started much like The next challenge for the Fal- trot around the bases. BO Newi Photo/ JASON SUGGS the previous one. After trailing 5- cons will be this weekend's I'm glad for him just like the 0, BG came back to tie the game James Madison University Clas- rest of the country. However, I BG'i Krlata D»vi» (14) attempt* a block as Melissa Lewis (7) looks. BG was a 3-0 winner Tuesday. al S-K. Murphy wont on to put sic Tournament in Harrisonburg, believe his 10-year-old son Matt was the driving force. Matt lives out in California with his mother but he spent his summer vaca- Kemerer sets example for volleyball team tion as bat boy for the St. Louis □ BG's starting middle ence honors as the Freshman of Right now Kemerer is 11th with be out there all sion IV state championship team Cardinals. It showed me how the Year. 56 solos, just five shy of Keisha of the time." as a freshman. She returned to much kids are an inspiration to blocker Lori Kemerer "That is impressive," BG Wilkins for 10th. She is also 11th Kemerer has the staff semifinals as a .sopho- people. has an impressive coach Denise Van De Walle said. on the career kills list with 692. been impress- more. In her junior and senior Saturday, Sept. 12 - Joe Pater- "That only goes to one player in Kemerer has shown (hat she is ing people for seasons, the Archers only made if no's 300th win is a memory I'll record and high expec- the whole conference." definitely capable of defending a while with to the district championship store forever. I can't forget my tations. One week before receiving at the net. If her game needs any her play on the game. romp on the Beaver Stadium Freshman of the Year honors, improvements, it is in her back- volleyball Kemerer is an Industrial Tech- Field trying to fight through the Kemerer sealed the race by earn- line defense. court. She has nology Education major. media and football players to see By MATT STEINER ing credit as MAC Player of the "Defense is the weakest part been playing Kemerer "I want to be a high school the painting of him and his wife The BG News Week. of my game," Kemerer said. "My high level competition since she shop teacher," Kemerer said. "I and to hear his speech afterward. "That surprised me more than goal this year has been to work played for the Fort Wayne Vol- like working with wood and (During the speech, I was just off Volleyball, for Lori Kemerer, is anyone," Kemerer said. "It gave on that." leyball Club in the eighth grade. working on engines. I'm known to his right tape recording it.) I'll all in the family. me a lot to live up to last year Her work appears to be pay- With five years experience at the as the mechanic on the team. If also never forget looking up at "We're family," Kemerer said. and this year. I've set the goal to ing off. In the opening week of club and four years starting for something needs to be fixed, the crowd and watching all the "We spend a lot of time together. live up to that standard and tried the 1998 season, Kemerer earned her high school varsity team, they give it to me." different faces with different I would consider them sisters. to improve on what I was able to the MAC Defensive Player of the Kemerer has an abundance of This aspiring shop teacher has reactions to the historic day They're my best friends on and do- Week award. experience. experience under her tool belt (especially the Perm State stu- off the court." Since that year, Kemerer has "Club is a higher level of vol- and would like to build a MAC dents who painted the numerals She not only shows love for continued to play well. She has "It was very surprising," leyball than high school," championship for herself and her: 300 on their stomachs). her teammates, but her playing inched her way up four Bowling Kemerer said. "Defensively, I Kemerer said. "If I wouldn't volleyball family. Paterno truly symbolizes the makes her love for the game evi- Green career lists and is current- amazed myself. Coach (Van De have played club, then I would- "We did good last year and word teamwork. When his dent. ly in the top ten in two cate- Walle) was really surprised." n't have been able to get a schol- we are going to do a lot better grandchild handed him the Kemerer is BG's starting mid- gories. Van De Walle also likes arship. It is a faster-paced game this year," Kemerer said. "Hope- game ball in the pressroom after- dle blocker, a position that she She is eighth all-time in block Kemerer's floor defense. so it prepares you more for the fully, (we will) get into the MAC wards, Perm State, led by Pater- has held since her freshman year. assists with 230, ninth all-time in "Last year we would take her college game than high school tournament and a get a champi- no, was rewarded for all its hard In fact, in the fall of 1996, Kemer- total blocks with 286 and is on out and replace her with a defen- does." onship ring." work in the last 48 years. er not only started as a freshman, the verge of breaking into the top sive specialist," Van De Walle At Antwerp (Oh.) High To put my career in perspec- she won Mid-American Confer- ten on the solo blocks list as well. said. "This year, she deserves to School, she was part of the Divi- tive, when I started almost five years ago working for the Times- Bulletin (a small newspaper in Krista Shamblin it the ton© Van Wert, Ohio), I had no idea I senior on the second-year BG women's soccer team. would be writing an article this Shamblin leads young Falcon team Her leadership and fearless big so soon. But, it was great to her education and play soccer. throughout her career, Shamblin attitude on the field have get the experience early in life. □ Krista Shamblin She also received offers to play attacks the ball with aggres- been two keys to the Fal- Sunday, Sept. 13 - Sammy brings leadership to a basketball at some smaller sion and takes no fear in cons' overall improvement. Sosa moves past Maris and ties team filled with under- schools. challenging a bigger play-, McGwire with 62 home runs. I After spending only two years er. didn't see that but I am thrilled classmen. there, she transferred to BGSU "I think that when I am for Sosa and the Cubs. I am and immediately made an on the field, I have an instinct ■■ ■ s somewhat pulling for the Cubs impact on the team. of where the ball is," Shamblin to make the playoffs. He should By PETE STELLA "I am happy that I made the said. "When I see the ball, I confine to go yard since teams The BG News transfer to Bowling Green," always think that I am going to can't pitch around him.Remem- Even though she stands just Shamblin said. "The girls are get to it, no matter what it takes." ber, Chicago started off 0-14 last Outside of soccer, Shamblin is year so they deserve success. 5'4", senior forward Krista great and there isn't one person Shamblin is a towering figure on on this team with a bad attitude. majoring in business and pre- Now as a favor to society, I'm law. She hopes to attend law asking you to relish these the soccer field. Everyone is out to make the team Last fall, Shamblin was named better and not themselves." school when she finishes her moments and tell your kids undergraduate work at BG. about them. The youth of today the team's Offensive Most Valu- This year, Shamblin is off to a able Player and was second on good start, earning four points "Krista is a great need to be reminded about the player and a good good of sports not the bad. the team in scoring with 12 on two goals that she scored dur- points. She tied for 10th in the ing the record-setting game person," coach Believe me, there are many Tom Piccirillo MAC in goals per match and also against Robert Morris earlier this more great moments in sports to said. "Her mind earned a MAC Player-of-the- month. come. I just wonder where I'll be is there during the week for her efforts in the team's "This is the best team that I when they occur. (Man, the game and she has last two games of the season. have ever been on, attitude and thought of graduation in 2000 is great scoring experi- scary because it comes closer Her successful career began at skill wise," Shamblin said. "We ence that she brings to the team." every day.) St. Bernard-Elwood Place High are getting better every day and I Shamblin and the women's School outside of Cincinnati, enjoy being with the girls on and soccer team faces its first MAC G. Michael Graham is the where she excelled at soccer and off the field." competition this week with away Assistant Sports Editor of the BG basketball. She decided to attend In spite of the fact that she is games at Toledo Thursday and News. He can be reached at Lincoln Memorial University in one of the smaller players on the Eastern Michigan Sunday. [email protected]. Harrogate, Tennessee to continue field, and always has been BG News File Photo page 8 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998


BASEBALL QB Jay Fiedler. Waived S Kerry AL Glance NL Glance, Sub-St indings. !ne East Division S98K By The Associated Press American League Cooks. Released LB Armon W L Pet. GB compiled from wtrc sources KANSAS CITY ROYALS—Signed All Times EDT Williams from the practice squad. x-NewYork 104 45 .698 — Tony Muser. manager, through East Division HOCKEY Boston 84 65 .564 20 £ next season. W L Pet. GB National Hockey League Toronto 81 70 .536 24 x-Atlanta 97 _ I MLB National League 55 .638 Baltimore 77 73 .513 27 1/2 New York 84 68 .553 13 MILWAUKEE BREWERS— PHOENIX COYOTES—Signed D Tampa Bay 59 90 .396 45 Philadelphia 70 81 .464 26 1/2 Announced that their Class AA Keith Carney to a multlyear con- Indians beat Jays Central Division Montreal 60 92 .395 37 farm team will be located in CLEVELAND (AP) — Manny tract. W L Pet. GB Florida 50 102 .329 47 Ramirez hit three homers for his Huntsville. Ala. next season. COLLEGE Cleveland 83 66 .557 — Central Division first 40-homer season and drove in PITTSBURGH piRATES-Added BUTLER—Named Ben Weaver Chicago 71 78 .477 12 W L Pet. GB five runs Tuesday night as the the Altoona Curve of the Eastern Kansas City 69 80 .463 14 men's golf coach. x-Houston 97 55 .638 Cleveland Indians moved closer to League to its minor league affili- Minnesota 65 85 .433 18 1/2 Chicago 84 67 .556 12 1/2 the AL Central title by beating the ates. CINCINNATI—Named John Reis Detroit 57 •93 .380 26 1/2 St. Louis 74 77 .490 22 1/2 Toronto Blue Jays 7-5. BASKETBALL women's golf coach. West Division Milwaukee 71 81 .467 26 Ramirez homered in consecu- Women's National Basketball JUNIATA—Announced the res- W L Pet. GB Cincinnati 70 82 .461 27 tive at-bats in third, fifth and sev- Association ignation of women's tennis coach Anaheim 81 69 .540 — Pittsburgh 68 82 .453 28 enth, becoming the sixth Indians Texas 80 70 .533 1 West Division WNBA—Assigned F Kristin Folkl Greg Mahosky and named Ann player to hit 40 homers in a sea- to the Minnesota franchise and G- Seattle 69 80 .463 11 1/2 W L Pet. GB son Ramirez, who didn't bat F Nykesha Sales to the Orlando Houck as replacement. Oakland 69 81 .460 12 x-San Diego 95 56 .629 _ again. Joined Albert Belle. Rocky franchise. SACRED HEART—Named Tara San Francisco80 70 .533 14 1/2 Colavito. Al Rosen. Jim Thome and FOOTBALL Fisher women's lacrosse coach and x-clinched division title Los Angeles 77 74 .510 18 Hal Trosky. National Football League Thomas Ciccarone men's and Tuesday's Games Colorado 72 80 .474 23 1/2 He also dealt another blow to Late Game Not Included MINNESOTA VIKINGS—Signed Arizona 60 91 .397 35 the Blue Jays' hopes in the AL women's fencing coach. Seattle 12. Minnesota 7 wild-card chase. Toronto, which Kansas City 6. Oakland 3 x-clinched division title dropped four games behind Chicago White Sox at Detroit (n) Tuesday's Games Boston, lost its second straight Reds upend Milwaukee, 5-1 Cleveland 7. Toronto 5 Late Games Not Included after winning 14 of 16. CINCINNATI — Barry Larkin In Cincinnati on Aug. 9. Karl Tampa Bay 8. Anaheim 1 Houston 6. NY. Mcts 5, 12 innings. 1st game Cleveland won its third straight and Bret Boone homered and Mike allowed 13 hits and struck out one Texas 6. Baltimore 5 N.Y. Mets at Houston. 2nd game (n) and fourth in six games, reducing Remlinger pitched six strong in six-plus innings. Boston 9. NY. Yankees 4 Pittsburgh 8. St. Louis 6. 1st game its magic number to two. The Innings as the Cincinnati Reds Wednesday's Games Pittsburgh at St. Louis. 2nd game (n) Danny Graves pitched three defending AL champions would beat the Milwaukee Brewers 5-1 Toronto (Clemens 18-6) at Detroit (Powell 3-7). 7:05 Montreal 7. Florida 4 scoreless innings for his sixth clinch a tie for the division title Tuesday night. p.m. Cincinnati 5, Milwaukee 1 with their next victory or the next save. Minnesota (Tewksbury 7-10) at Cleveland (Nagy 13- Remlinger (8-15). in his second Atlanta 3. Philadelphia 0 10). 7:05 p.m. loss by the Chicago White Sox. start since making six relief Cincinnati got a run in the first San Francisco at Arizona (n) Ramirez hit his first two homers N.Y. Yankees (Pettitte 16-9) at Tampa Bay (Saun appearances, allowed one run and on an RBI single by Paul Konerko, Colorado at Los Angeles (n) ders5-14). 7:05 p.m. off Dave Stieb (1-2). pitching in four hits in six innings, struck out after Boone had reached base on a Chicago Cubs at San Diego (n) Cleveland for the first time since Boston (Saberhagen 13-7) at Baltimore (Erickson four and walked none. fielder's choice and Dmitri Young Wednesday's Games pitching a no-hitter against the singled. 15-11). 7:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Pulsipher 2-2) at Cincinnati (Tomko 12- Indians on Sept. 2. 1990 at Cleve- All five Reds runs were off Scott Anaheim (Finley 11 -7) at Texas (Stottlemyre 3-4). 11). 12:35 p.m. land Municipal Stadium. Karl (9-10). who hasn't won in Larkin s leadoff homer in the 8:05 p.m. Philadelphia (Loewer 6-7) at Atlanta (Smoltz 15-3). seven starts since beating the Reds third, his 16th, made it 2-1. 1:10 p.m. — ~W 1 RUSH ZAE Read! Visit the library regularly! 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Financial Management Association Officer's & Advisors Turning Points Informal Meeting • Thurs. Sept. 17 Reception; Rou ndta ble 1 An informal discussion group about eating dis- The BG News 7:00 p.m BAA 1009- Free Pizza and Pop SERVICES OFFERED An opportunity tor officers and advisors orders, weight issues and normal eaing. Be- HELP WANTED to meet and kick off another successful ginning Classified Give Back loBGSU year with sludsni organizations' Oct 7. Wed, 3:30-5 Visit the University Ambassadors Info Night JUMP at this new offer" SKYDIVE BG. just Wed. Sept. 16,6-8pm Community Suite. Union To register call 372-2061 Ads Thursday. Sept. 17th 6 8pm BA 102 10 mm. from campus is now offering a first Co- sponsored by Counseling Center Plastic Recyder for Fiber t Pipe Industry Applications are available at Mien jump one daydass during the week (M-W-F) m Senior Portraits & Student Health Service Alumni Center and the Student Lite Office. addition to our regular weekend classes. Call Senior Portraits needs part feme production workers. 372-6977 tor student special inlormanon. 352-5200 Walkrfig distance from campus. Senior Portraits THE BIGGEST POSTER SALE. Biggest and V/WC accepted. Carl WcJf Studios is now on campus taking Apply in person. lUf Wi V-«- »tll urn LmwinpK «>rf> »ltrrwn>cni> Officer's 4 Advisors best selection Choose from over 2000 441 Pike Street. 353-7383 Pregnant'' Free pregnancy tests. senior portraits daily from I0am-6pm. Any .1(1. "kill "III.) i« Jl.*l|l «■ (hf Km. l>l l.( fl.a t» i« Ihr tvi.i- <>| m, nthrf to meet and kick off another successful MALS. BLACK LIGHT. SCIENCE FICTION. llOOO's POSSIBLE TYPING Part Time. clothes and m a cap and gown provided by the PERSONALITIES, LANDSCAPES. KIDS. kjulh pnKnlr.1 «M* year with student organizations> studio. Sessions last about 15 minutes and the At Home. To* Free 800-218-9000 Wed. Sept 16.6-6pm Community Suite, Union Preschool-Day Care Program in home has PHOTOGRAPHY. MOTtVATIONALS. MOST Ext T-2076 tor Listings. Mi.- IV< V»- italic- ihc ii«hi 1'i.l.vlinr IKIMMR $6 sitting fee can be charged to the Bursar. IMAGES ONLY M, |7, AND U EACH! SEE openings for 3-5 yr. olds. Quality child care that Please call 1-600-969 1338 to schedule a sil- ■it irM—- .mi .-lixii^nviH h j* ilunc Imml lit I* is fun, safe 6 educational by an experienced US AT THE UNIVERSITY UNION-2ND I i.iuii h*i. HhMMfM l..l.< Senior Portraits ting. Portraits are taken m 28 West Hall. Don't preschool teacher Call 354-6461. FLOOR GRAND BALLROOM ON MONDAY (2000 Tuition Reimbursement III n.HK. \ll ..IWITIV.IHKM- Jit Mlhjfll hi rilllHI/ .111,1 Senior Portraits be left out of the Historic 1999 Key Yearbook. SEPTEM8ER 14TH THROUGH FRIDAY Untied Parcel Service ffw .ll Senior Portraits SKYDIVE NOW. Only 10 mm. from campus at SEPTEMBER 18TH. The hours are 10 a.m.-6 We are currently looking tor permanenl part- Carl Wolf Studios is now on campus talung SKYDIVE BG. Student & group discounts. p.m. This sale is sponsored by UAO time employees who are interested in working senior portraits daily from 10am-6pm. Any VISA 6 MC accepted 352 5200 SPRING BREAK PLAN NOW from 3 to 5 hours per day. senior graduating in Dec., May or August Cancun, Jamaica, Mazadan, WE OFFER should attend Portraits are taken m your dress Tutor available In physics, chemistry, math. geology, astronomy. Call Steve al 353-2022. & S. Padre. Early bird savings WANTED 'Excellent entry level pay ol CAMPUS EVENTS clothes and in a cap and gown provided by the until Oct. 3i. Campus sales reps $8 50/S9 SO per hour, and can earn studio Sessions take about IS minutes and wanted. Earn free trips * cash up to Ii2.45v*i3 45 per hour with the $6 sitting fee can be charged lo the Bursar PERSONALS 1.800.SURFS.UP progression. AUDITIONSI Please call 1-800-969-1338 to schedule a sil- 1 male roomate needed immediately Own 'Full time benefits tor part time work) Rftlaftonships or ting. Portraits are taken in 28 West Hall Don't bedroom. $l80/mo Call 3S4-0414 or email 'Advancement opportunities' The Road-lmprov be left out of the Historic 1999 Key Yearbook. nogalskQbgnet 'Holidays and weekends off1 Rm 121 W«ti Hall Class of 1999 Call (419) 891-6820. EOE. Stpl. 16*17.9-11pm Class ol 1999 Take A Bile Need i to subis 2 bdrm apt. 8200/mo. Furn.. Sport Management Alliance Class of 1999 and on the move for Health & Joy newly carpeted. Own room. Water & gas ind. Call 352-0604 1 si General Meeting with questions Senior Portraits are now being taken. Don't be Register Today in rent. Close to campus. 353 7462. ABSOLUTE SPRING BREAK" 2 FREE TRIPS Wednesday. Sepl. 18.1996 left out of the Historic 1999 Key Yearbook. Por- Call 372-WE LL (9355) ON .ONLY 15 SALES and EARN «» Ja- BA Bldg Rm 104 Contemporary Weight Management Program maica. Cancun. Bahamas, Florida. Padre) Low traits are taken in both your dress clothes and a SUB-LEASER NEEDED CIRCLE K Free Pizza' Free Pmal Free Pizza" cap and gown the studio provides The sitting Nutrition & exercise awareness Prices' Free Meals, Parties & Meals' "Limited Uadarahlpl Friendship! Service! Wednesday 3 30-5 00pm Ouiet Efficiency O f f e r will only take about 15 minutes and your mem- 2i5EastPoe Do you want to make a difference m the world? ories will last forever. The low $6 lee can be Begins October 7 1800-426^77 iChwww sunsplasnlours com 00 you want to help others and make (nendi at $230Tno No utilities charged through the Bursar Portraits are taken Thursday's at KAMIKAZE'S Call Scon/evenings BG 24 NEWS OPEN TRY-OUT the fame time? Come see what Circle K is all in 28 West Hall (Basement) Please call about! Our (all open house will be held Wed. WANTTOTRAVEL*GET BGSUCREDIT? Dimers from 7-9 pm 1-600-737-7572 ext.315 Weather anchor needed for Tuesday and 1 800-969 1338 m advance to schedule a sit- Dollar pitchers all night long Thursday broadcasts Sept. 16. at Opm in the Union, Ohio Suite 3rd Attend one of over 140 colleges m the U.S. ting 'Portraits make great Christmas gifts * floor suite. without paying out-of-state tuition' Go for the fall or the academic year' Credits transfer' Must be of sophomore status. Preference giv- Tuesday's at KAMIKAZE'S en to returning members or those with meteor- Great expenencel See the country) Hawaii) A Free Cash Grants! College. Scholarships. swing coming.... Class of 1999 laskai Business Medical bills. Never Repay. Toil ological experience. Class 0(1999 Freel-800-218 9000E»I G-2076 SUBLEASER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY THE NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE Quiet 1 bdrm on 2nd SL Class 0(1999 Wednesday's at KAMIKAZE "S Sign up at the BG 24 newvooom m the base- INFO SESSION: Friday's and Saturday's $345/mo.. furnished efficiency Senior Portraits are now being taken. Don't be Friday, September 18th at 2:30 p.m. Karaoke with Rich Ivtchels ment of West Hall if interested left out ol the Historic 1999 Key Yearbook. Por- at KAMIKAZE'S Dawn at Newtove Realty 352 6553 Call Jim Foust (372-7077) wifh any questions 3rd If of the Student Union in the State Rm BO's and 90's dance from 10 2 traits a/e taken in both your dress cloches and a For more details call the co-op program a( cap and gown the studio provides. The sitting 2 2454 will only take about 15 minutes and your mem- ories will last forever. The low S6 fee can be LOSE WEIGHT!! charged through the Bursar. Portraits are taken ■^r in 26 West Hall (Basement) Please call No diets, No drugs 1 800-969-1338 m advance to schedule a sit- ting. 'Portraits make great Christmas gifts.* All natural calorie btocker RIDES Come to the GOSPEL CHOIR'S Get started for $32 00 FIRST MEETING"! 1-800-995-0223 (24hrs) Wednesday, September 16,1998 @8:00pm In Rm. 1040 Moore Musical Arts Bldg ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income to assemble Now open Campus World Trave ' For New and Old Memabers!!! products at home. Infor 1-504-646-1700 Airline tickets, spring breaK trips EVERYONE WELCOMED! DEPT OH 6255. rafting trips, skiing tnps 352-7889 f**#AiB»? HEY SPORTS FANS! Pro licensed wrestling T's * Slonc Cold. Goldberg, and NWO Wolfpack Imprinted sportswear & uniforms for... •Fraternities 'Sororities "Intramural Teams "Fundraisers *Group Discounts Full line Sporting Goods MLB Jerseys - 20% off A *Mesh. prc-game jerseys for various teams Among many services we provide... 'Replace In-Linc Bearings and Wheels *Re-Grip Baseball Bats and Tennis Racquets *Rclacc Baseball Gloves

Total Sports Source fltj^: Community of Christ Lutheran Church 1045 N. Main 353-3411 Bowling Green, OH 1124 East Wooster Street From pre-game to post-game, we've got you covered" elp wante HEY SENIORS - S U University Dining Services 55 $5.20/hour No weekends. HERE'S A ^w -J Monday to Friday == - j 12 noon - 3:30p.m. or 1 -4p.m. BRIGHT IDEA! UNIVERSITY Hjring 2to 3 students. SERVICES Prout Dining Hall at the Student Union. crvaoN or ifcoew AWAM Call 2-7947 BGSU students only.

JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 319 E. Wooster Street Call 1-800-969-1338 (Across from Taco Bell) RENTALS--354-2260 to schedule your APARTMENTS FOR RENT • 602 Second, Fum. Eff. $260. per mo. SENIOR PORTRAIT • 602 Second. 1 BR. Fum. Apt. $300. per mo. • 610 Second. 2 BR. Fum. Apt. $350. per mo. and up • 828 Seventh, 2 BR. Unfum. $423 per mo. • 724 S. College, 2 BR. Unfum. $400 per mo. and up Sitting ai/ailable 10am - 6pm Daily • 831 Seventh, 2 BR. Fum. $300 per mo. and up • 751 High St. 2 BR. Fum. $300 per mo. and up in 28 West Hall (Basement) 'Length lease negotiable*

—I — > page 10 The BG News Wednesday, September 16, 1998

1 BLAKELY ASSISTED LIVING CENTER CUB HAKE EASY MONEY GO ON SPRING Printing pressmen. AB Dick equip Flexible AAAA.I Early Specials' Cancun $ Jamaica' 7 Trek mountafi bike 22" aluminum Irame. RENTLV HAS TWO PART-TIME POSITIONS BREAK FOR FREE! USA Spring Break oilers hours. Send resume to. Jack Smith. 1544 nights Air & hole! From $3991 Includes Free Excell condition (400 OBO Call 352 2535 AVAILABLE FOR PERSONAL CARE ASSIS Cancun. Bahamas. Jamaica, and Florida ConneauiAve..BG. lood. Drinks. Parties' 1998 Better Business Bu Ask lor Stave. TANTS FLEXIBLE HOURS. EXCEPTIONAL packages and is currently accepting applica- reau Award Winner i springbreaktravel com Spring Break '99-Sell trips Earn cash & go Trumpet lor sale Used 2 yri. PAY AND BENEFIT PACKAGE WE ARE tions for campus sales representatives. Call 1 800-678-6386 free1" Student Travel Services is now hiring Good condition $350 or best oiler LOOKING FOR MATURE INDIVIDUALS i 888-SPRING-BREAK. campus reps. Lowest rates to Jamaica. Mex- AAAA.i Early Specials' Panama City' Room Cal Kale 372-1274 THAT CAN WORK INDEPENDENTLY IN A Model and talent agency is looking tor a local ico, and Florida. 800-648-4849 or with kitchen $1291 Includes 7 Free Parties' RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENT EXPERI model and talent booker/salesperson. You www Daytona $149 New HoUpot-South Beacr ENCE WITH OLDER ADULTS PREFERRED. must be sell-motivated and good with people $1291 Cocoa Beach $149< spnngbreak- BUT NOT NECESSARY PLEASE APPLY AT Tutors needed: Math, or FIN. ACCT. Physics. £ (/) Must be available 3-5 days a week. 1 800-678 6386 FOR RENT 600 STERLING DR.. N BALTIMORE OHIO 4ig?5790l1or419-2gg-3435. ENG. BIOL. CHEM. All subjects Disability ser BETWEEN 9 00AM ANO 5.00PM. EOE vices. 372-6495. ask lor Peggy. AAAA.i Early Spring Break Specials' Baha- NURSING ASSISTANTS mas Party Cruise' 6 Days $279' Includes Most University Dining Services/Management In- 1 a 2 bdrm. furnished apis BLAKELY CARE FACILITIES CURRENTLY Wood County Nursing Home is currently re- Meals' Awesome Beaches. Nightlrlel Departs formation Specialist. Primary Responsibilities HAS OPENINGS FOR PART-TIME ACTIVI cruiting responsible, dedicated nursing assis- from Florida' 1998 B8B Award Winner' spnng- 352-7454 TIES ASSISTANTS WE ARE LOOKING FOR tants. We are looking lor quality, caring individ- Perform system backup ol al computers (IBM 1 800-678 6386 ENERGETIC. OUTGOING INDIVIDUALS and IBM Compatibles. MAC. Re-organue hard uals. 1 BR sublease «320rmonth No sec. dep. Win WHO CAN WORK INDEPENDENTLY IN A drives, upgrade menus, upgrade software. As- AAAA*' Spring Break Travel was 1 ol 6 small Ws want the best! subsidize istmo rent.Man372-1261 RESIDENTIAL ENVIRONMENT WITH OLD- Applications will be accepted from Stale sist programmer with answering user computer businesses in the US recognized by Better ER ADULTS. PLEASE APPLY AT 800 STERL- Tested or Test-Ready Nursing Assistants, and Questions. Delivery and pickup of Gnt- Business Bureaus for outstanding ethics in the 217 South College- 1 5 blocks from Hanna ING OR.. NORTH BALTIMORE.OH. EOE. people interested in taking classes to become hrvOiebold RDT registers Assist programmer marketplace' springbreaktravel com Hall. 3 BR House 12 mo lease, tenants pay aJ STNAS Fulltime, part-trme, and conongant with developing Excel Spreadsheets. Other du- 1-800-678-6386 utii sec. dep. parental guarantee req., no Cal lover naeaed In kohl housekaapmg. play- nes as assigned. Mon-Fri to be arranged pets. »57S7mo Rent collected quarterly positions are available on an three shifts. Bene- CARS $100-$500 ing w/ 10 cats, nftnlng arranda. aic About around class schedule Pay Rate (590vhr fits include: POLICE IMPOUNDS Available immediately. [••] 10-15 hourt par mt Fianitjia. $8/t». Cal Questions? Scon Backwood 372 2883. For more Information or lo elgn a lease. •10 Pad Holidays Hondas. Chevys, Jeeps. & Sport Linda at 372-7282 Of 352-3477. contact Arbor Enlerprleee al 3S4-2BS4 * 2 Weeks Vacation (After only i year) Volunteers In Progress Utli ties. MUST SELLI Locally owned and managed. CflurcNI Suparmarnat n Hiring a part-tuna po- •15 Paid Sck Days CAMPUS BROTHERS-Would you like lo 1-800-522-2730x4558 sition. Flax aehaxMai 28625 N. Dixia Hy

48 Oz PITCHER $3.50 NEWIPVE ALL IMPORT BOTTLES $2.00 Rentals > CO Find It In The MAY/AUGUST 2000 HOMECOMING EVENTS $ Holiday Ski Trip BG News! GRADUATES to Steamboat Springs Have you ever wanted to ... Paint The Town 5K Fun Rpn/1 Mile Walk January 2-10, 1999 B&B be an Air Force officer Truck and Auto Repair Y£ after only 3 Sunday, September 27 semesters in the Jrip include** nights 10% Discount ROTC program? At 3:00 pm in wojry con/fc*, 4 out of 5 •HI Student ID da\rnuJr_Pa|qt^ lift tic kemsWdfeucWTiore. •Oil Change $19.99* Receive $1000 per most vehicles $ semester for tuition 3-Point Shootout & • Low Shop Rates and books? Free Throw Contest • Engine Service • Transmission Work ■j-. be a pilot or a Monday, September 28 • Brakes f* navigator? 5:00 -8:00 pm Conklin Courts 13040 Bishop Rd B&B FoTTnore information, Bowling Gieen OH receive an additional 353-2526 • i.tap For more Information, contact Cat Cramp $150 every month? call Cat Cramp @ 372-7481 Free Towing if we $ at 372-7481, or stop by the SRC. do the [Ob! ^ have a guaranteed INTRAMURALS BGSU rr job after graduation? FITWELL CENTER LnJramurAl. Entries.Dji- [it] Then come lo an informational FITWEIL 4 Player Volleyball (CR) 4AA A A A A A _, aV. meeting for lood. free September 28 .' Watch BG 24 News! beverages and [tee information Flag Football (W & CR) about the Air Force, scholar- September 29 ships, and ROTC. Special Flag Football (M) offer ends CHOLESTEROL SCREENING September 30 November 15, 1998 FREE • FREE • FREE lea Hockey (Greek & Indpt.) Hi Stop by the Fitwell Center to get your October 6 free screening. THURSDAY, SEPT. 24 Weekdays at 5:30 P.M. ROOM 260 Entries due by 3 pm in 130 5 30. 10:30. and 7:30am PERSONAL TRAINING ANDERSON ARENA AVAILABLE Perry Field House. on cable channel 24. Call Capt. Bob Scholl at 372-2176 or email See what's happening in the The Fitwell Center is campus and surrounding [email protected] Hi located in the SRC on the Ik community on Bowling Greens only live television news source' mezzanine ievel. \\___Fira BGSU Oueaoont/Story Ideas 3783997 I