Friuli: A Frontier Region Immigration in Italy The Fosse Ardeatine Massacre RIVISTA John Ruskin in Venice 2018-2019 The Magazine of Dear readers n this issue we go from the North to the South of Italy exploring the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Ia beautiful garden on Lake Maggiore and then to Sicily to focus on migration issues. We stop in Venice on the way, visiting the Ruskin exhibition at the Palazzo Ducale and, on a more sombre note, the Fosse Ardeatine in Rome. Ancient Rome is the subject of a new book which you will find reviewed on page 21. Back in England we look at Italian influences on London life, review an exhibition about Italian connections in Hull and consider the complexities of adapting an Italian libretto to be Vanessa Hall-Smith Linda Northern sung in English. As usual we include a summary of all the events that have taken place in the course of have given such valuable and constructive feedback. the year. We are handing over to Sandra Fox and Philippa Leslie and wish them every success in their new role. This is the last issue of Rivista that we will edit – after We hope it will be as rewarding and as much fun for five years it’s time to move on. We remain enormously them as it has been for us. grateful to our contributors, to all those involved in the production of Rivista and to you, our readers, who Linda Northern and Vanessa Hall-Smith Cover photo: Detail of mosaic in San Vitale, Ravenna showing Emperor Justinian 1 Contact British-Italian Society Events and Membership Secretary Elisabetta Murgia
[email protected] Rivista Editors
[email protected] Rivista is published by the British-Italian Society No 401 2018/19 Designed by JASDesign
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