Manual on Danube Navigation Imprint Published by: via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Vienna
[email protected] Responsibility for content: Hans-Peter Hasenbichler Project management: Martin Paschinger Editing: Thomas Hartl, Vera Hofbauer Technical contributions: Maja Dolinsek, Simon Hartl, Thomas Hartl, Brigitte Hintergräber, Vera Hofbauer, Martin Hrusovsky, Gudrun Maierbrugger, Bettina Matzner, Lisa-Maria Putz, Mario Sattler, Juha Schweighofer, Lukas Seemann, Markus Simoner, Dagmar Slavicek Sponsoring: Hedwig Döllinger, Hélène Gilkarov Layout: Bernd Weißmann Print: Grasl Druck & Neue Medien GmbH Vienna, January 2013 ISBN 3-00-009626-4 © via donau 2013 Klimaneutrale Produktion Erneuerbare Energie Nachhaltiges Papier Pflanzenölfarben The Manual on Danube Navigation is a project of the National Action Plan Danube Navigation. Preface Providing knowledge for better utilising the Danube’s potential In connection with the Rhine, the Danube is more and more developing into a main European traffic axis which ranges from the North Sea to the Black Sea at a distance of 3,500 kilometres, thereby directly connecting 15 countries via waterway. Some of the Danube riparian states show the highest economic growth rates amongst the states of Europe. Such an increase in trade entails an enormous growth of traffic in the Danube corridor and requires reliable and efficient transport routes. The European Commission has recognised that the Danube waterway may serve as the backbone of this dynamically growing region and it has included the Danube as a Priority Project in the Trans-European Transport Network Siim Kallas (TEN-T) to ensure better transport connections and economic growth. Vice-President of the European Prerequisite for the utilisation of the undisputed potentials of inland naviga- Commission, Commissioner for tion is the removal of existing infrastructure bottlenecks and weak spots in the Transport European waterway network.