Danube Navigation

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Danube Navigation pistribüted t0 the C0 u n ci1 C. 4 4 4 (a) M. 164 (a). 1 9 2 5 . VIII. and the Members of the League.] v ' — G e n e v a , August 20th, 1 9 2 5 . LEAGUE OF NATIONS REPORT ON DANUBE NAVIGATION SUBMITTED TO THE ADVISORY AND TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSIT OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS BY WALKER D. HINES (with the aid of Major Brehon Somervell) TABLE OF CONTENTS. Part 1. P ag e I Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 11 II, P a s t a n d P r e s e n t U t i l i s a t i o n o f t h e R i v e r .......................................................................................................... 11 Freight traffic ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Total for 1911, 1923, 1924. Increase expected in 1925. Exports, imports and internal traffic of riparian States. Traffic by flag, 1923 and 1924. Comparison with traffic on Rhine Passenger traffic ..................................................................................................................................... 14 III. T h e R i v e r F l e e t s , t h e i r N a t i o n a l i t y a n d C a p a c i t y ................................................................................ 15 Pre-war situation. Present situation. Changes brought about by the war. Present Danube Fleet by flag. Introduction of self-propelled barges. Greater division of shipping interests. Co-operation among navigation companies. IV. S c h e m e o f A n a l y s i s ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 V. T h e G e n e r a l C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f D a n u b e T r a f f i c ........................................................................................... 17 Maritime Danube. Fluvial Danube. VI. G e n e r a l E c o n o m i c C o n d i t i o n s g r o w i n g o u t o f P o s t - W a r P o l i c i e s .......................................... 1 8 General depression in Europe. Export and import prohibitions. Effect of the break-up of Austria-Hungary. Protectionist policy of new States. Commercial Treaties. Competition of other trade routes. Sea routes. Railways. VII. Roumanian Production of Cereals for Export ..................................................................... 19 Decrease in 1924 in Danube traffic originating in Roumania concurrently with increase in other Danube traffic. Importance of Roumania in total Danube traffic. Comparisons of Roumanian pre-war and post-war production and export of cereals. Reasons for decrease in exports : Increase in internal consumption. Division of large estates. Price control and export taxes. Crop prospects for 1925. Only important increase is in lumber. s' d- N. 250 (F.) + 200 (A.) 9/25 + 3000 (A.), 3000 (F.) 10/25. Imp. Réunies S. A., Lausanne. — 4 — Page VIII. T h e T e r r i t o r i a l W a t e r s , e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e S .H .S . S t a t e .............................................................. 21 The S a v e .......................................................................................................................................................... 21 Volume of traffic. The Bega River and the Canals ........................................................................................................... 22 (1) The King Peter Canal. (2) The Prince Alexander Canal. (3) The Bega River. Volume of traffic. Provisions of Peace Treaties regarding the international character of the Bega. The question of according, without prejudice to the principle, access to territorial waters in cases where the States’ interest wrould be promoted ............................... 23 Claim of S.H.S. State that exclusive domestic enjoyment is necessary to develop domestic shipping. Claim of foreign navigation companies that S.H.S. domestic service is at times inadequate. The practical situation as to the Roumanian part of the Bega ...................................... 23 Traffic permits granted by Roumanian Government to foreign companies. In reaching Roumanian part, companies must use S.H.S. tugs through latter’s territory. IX. The Right of a State to exclude absolutely all Foreign Interests from its C a b o t a g e o r s t r i c t l y I n t e r n a l T r a f f i c .............................................................................................. 24 The question of principle ..................................................................................................................... 24 The claim of Roumania and the S.H.S. State that they are permitted to forbid cabotage. Complaints of foreign shipping companies regarding their total exclusion from cabotage in Roumania and S.H.S. State. Interpretation of relevant clauses of Danube Statute lies with C.I.D. The question of permitting, without prejudice to the principle, participation in cabotage if advantageous to the S tate .............................................................................. 25 (1) Injury to domestic shipping. (2) Promotion of public convenience. Infrequency of passenger services between Roumanian ports and between S.H.S. ports because of their cabotage policy. Advantages of permitting limited cabotage. Refusal to permit transportation of foreign companies’ own employees or supplies 27 X. The River’s Physical Problems ....................................................................... 27 Detailed development in Annex V. Usual draught of vessels on Danube. General situation compared with pre-war. Controlling depths at a few critical points. Ratisbon to Vienna .............................................................................................................................. 27 Rhine-Danube Canal. Passau-Hofkirchen. Hofkirchen-Ratisbon. Passau to Vienna hydro-electric possibilities. Vienna to Budapest ...................... ... 27 Devin-Szap. Austrian-Czech frontier Hungarian-Czech frontier. Budapest to Moldava .............................................................................................................................. ' Fajz. Mouth of Tisza. — 5 — Page Iron Gates S ection ........................................................................................................... 29 Needs for improvement. Plans for improvement. Possibilities of execution of new projects. Administration of Services. S.H.S. Roumanian accord. Principles to be followed in forming service at Iron Gates. Dues complaint by S.H.S. Syndicate. “ Vaskapu. ” Sulina Channel............................................................................................................................................... 32 Development of tributaries as feeders to traffic on main river .......................................... 32 The General Principle of Dues on Danube Navigation ........................................................... 32 Comprehensive plan for improvement................................................................................................. 33 Responsibility of C.I.D. Technical department of C.I.D. not organised. Necessity for prompt action. XI. Frontier Form alities ...................................................................................................................................... 33 Effect of the increase in the number of frontiers. Summary of formalities for a loaded barge proceeding from Germany to Roumania. Ratisbon, Passau and Vienna. Czechoslovakia. Hungary — entrance and exit. S.H.S. State — entrance and exit. Roumanian frontier. Formalities for cargo moving upstream ........................................................... 35 Germany gives option of paying duty at frontier .................................................................... 35 Transit traffic ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Principles established by Danube Statute. Present practice regarding formalities. Time lost and resulting economic waste ....................................................................................... 36 Approximate total delays. Possibility of improving the position. Engelhartszell complaint already remedied .............................................................................. 36 The stop of all tows in Bratislava ................................................................................................ 37 Possibility of substituting bonds or other alternative. The stop at Budapest ............................................................................................................................. 37 Conflict in reports from Hungarian authorities and navigation companies. The double stop at the Hungarian-S.H.S. fr o n tie r..................................................................... 37 No objection in principle to combining the two frontier offices. Suggestion that Batina should be selected. Frontier delays increased by attitude of local functionaries .................................................. 38 Extra fees for services outside office hours....................................................................................... 38 Disadvantage as compared with rail traffic. German duties on certain ships’ supplies ......................................................................................
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