Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda August 16, 2016 Page 1





Led by Commissioner Donahue



VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (08/02/2016 Regular Meeting)



1. Presentation of James Monroe Historical Legacy Project by Bill Saul of the Monroe County 200 Legacy Project Committee.

2. Resolution in honor of Arthur Love’s 100th birthday. Resolution offered by Commissioner Hoffman, supported by Chairman Lievens.

3. Resolution in support of the Michigan Department of Natural Resource’s regarding Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund grant proposal to purchase approximately 680-acres of Crystal Waters, LLC property in Township, Monroe County for a state game area.

IX. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Finance Committee Report (08/16/2016)

A. The Finance Committee recommends to the Full Board to approve the 08/17/2016 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $398,838.18.

2. Approval of Non-Claims

A. Check Register dated 08/05/2016 in the amount of $661,627.52. B. Check Register dated 08/12/2016 in the amount of $757,027.57.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Agenda August 16, 2016 Page 2

3. Physical Resources Committee Report (08/16/2016)

A. The Physical Resources Committee recommends to the full Board to adopt the 2017-2021 Capital Improvements Program report as submitted and refer the report to the Administrator/CFO as part of the 2017 recommended budget.


1. Letter from Sergeant David Buchko, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, dated August 11, 2106 requesting approval to accept the Safe Communities Grant, Fiscal Year 2017 in the amount of $74,000 from the Office of Highway Safety Planning with a County match of $4,687 to fund unreimbursed fringe cost to be funded from Sheriff’s Office budget. The award will be used to fund approximately 800 hours of overtime for safety belt and impaired driving enforcement.

2. Letter from Sergeant David Buchko, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, dated August 11, 2016 requesting approval to submit a grant application to the Office of Highway Safety Planning for the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) for Fiscal Year 2017. Monroe County’s award allocation for Fiscal Year 2017 is $161,169 with a County match cost of $118,000 funded from Sheriff’s Office budget. This grant is used to support the Sheriff’s Office’s Traffic and Safety Division.

3. Letter from Sergeant David Buchko, Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, dated August 11, 2016 requesting approval to submit grant application to the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards for funding for Justice Training Grant Funds-Monroe County Annual Training Plan 2017 in the amount of $46,241.42 requiring a minimum 25% match from the County or $17,591.42 at 38%.







The County of Monroe will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the learning impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting upon one week’s notice to the County of Monroe. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the County of Monroe by writing or calling the following: Human Resources - 125 East Second Street, Monroe, MI 48161 - Voice (734) 240-7295 and TDD (734) 240-7300 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 1

I. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners was held in the Board Chambers in the City of Monroe on Tuesday, August 2, 2016; the meeting was called to order by Chairman Lievens at 6:00 p.m.

II. ROLL CALL Roll call by Clerk as follows:

PRESENT: EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Wilmoth led the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV. OPENING PRAYER Lisa Sanders, Deputy Clerk, Monroe County Board of Commissioners led the Opening Prayer

V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Commissioner Donahue, supported by Commissioner Hoffman to approve the agenda for August 2, 2016 as presented.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

Motion carried.

VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (07/19/16 Regular Meeting) Motion by Commissioner Turner, supported by Commissioner Donahue to approve the minutes as presented for Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Regular Meeting and waive the reading of the minutes.

Motion carried.

VII. PUBLIC COMMMENT—Jim Worful, 14595 Lulu Road (between Wells and Secor) in Ida advised the Board that the Road Commission has neglected digging out the ditches for the 16 years that he has lived there and the properties flood on the south side in that section each year. The road floods each year in the spring. He has called the Road Commission every year and put in a work order and has been told they are on a schedule. Mr. Worful also commented on the lack of road grading that Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 2

this section receives. This year he spoke to Randy Pierce, Managing Director of the Monroe County Road Commission and was told this section was extremely low priority and they are not on any schedule.

Chairman Lievens advised Mr. Worful that this will be addressed and Commissioner Hoffman will follow up with the Road Commission.


1. Michigan Department of Natural Resources Presentation-Presentation by Jennifer Olson, Public Land Matters Biologist, Southeast Region and Zachary Cooley regarding Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant proposal to purchase approximately 680-acres of Crystal Waters, LLC property in London Township, Monroe County.

Zachary explained the proposed plans for the purchase and use of Crystal Waters which is the old London Sand Quarry in London Township. The plan is to create a new game area in the County. It would offer hunting, fishing, hiking, kayaking and a shooting range for hunters to be able to site their guns prior to hunting season.

Jennifer Olson explained how the funding works and the grant process in order to purchase the property. It’s about a 2 year process. They applied for the grant in April. They have one more opportunity in September to upload any further documentation/support and are asking the Board of Commissioners for a Resolution or letter of support. They should know by the end of 2016 whether or not the grant has been approved.

Chairman Lievens, without objection from any Commissioner, on behalf of the Board, directed staff to proceed positively forward and draft a Resolution to be reviewed and voted on at the next meeting.


1. Finance Committee Report (08/03/2016)

A. The Finance Committee recommends to the Full Board to approve the 08/03/2016 Accounts Payable Current Claims Report in the amount of $435,970.97

2. Approval of Non-Claims

A. Check Register dated 07/22/2016 in the amount of $679,311.39 B. Check Register dated 07/29/2016 in the amount of $717,856.92

Motion by Commissioner Oley, supported by Commissioner Hoffman to approve the Consent agenda as presented.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 3

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

Motion carried.

X. COMMUNICATIONS Board Action: 1. Letter from Aundrea Armstrong, Human Resources Director, dated July 28, 2016 regarding a request along with a recommendation to fill two Juvenile Detention Specialist positions at the Youth Center with funding from the 2016 Youth Center Budget.

Motion by Commissioner Turner, supported by Commissioner Donahue to approve the request to fill two Juvenile Detention Specialist positions at the Youth Center with funding from the 2016 Youth Center’s budget.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

Motion carried.

2. Letter from Peter Navarre, Chairman, Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority, dated July 28, 2016 recommending the appointment of Jerry Welch to the Emergency Medical Authority Board with a term expiring December 31, 2017. This seat was vacated by Mike Carder’s resignation.

Motion by Commissioner Oley, supported by Commissioner Donahue to accept and place on file the communication from Mr. Navarre and approve the appointment of Jerry Welch to the Monroe County Emergency Medical Authority Board with a term expiring December 31, 2017.

Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 4

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

Motion carried.

XI. OLD BUSINESS – Appointment of members to the Monroe County Retiree Health Care Trust Board

Motion by Commissioner Brant, supported by Commissioner Hoffman to approve the members as proposed by the Chairman along with the waiver of the residency requirement for Mr. Rever.

Legal Advisor, Tom Graham, asked for a 2/3 majority (6 votes) for this motion.

Roll call by Clerk as follows:

AYE NAY EXCUSED Mark Brant Jerry Oley Al Potratz David Hoffman Gary Wilmoth Dan Donahue R. Mark Ellsworth Jason Turner Henry Lievens

Motion carried.



XIV. ANNOUNCEMENTS—Michael Bosanac advised the Board that IT and tech staff continue to work on the issue with the Central Dispatch fiber optic multiplexer. The part did not come today. New supplier is sending it overnight so it should be received tomorrow. This is the highest priority of the organization to get this operational. Upgrading will take place and a back up part will be available if this ever happens again. Mr. Bosanac answered Commissioners’ questions.

911 calls are coming in and calls are going out. Emergency vehicles are being dispatched using portables and mobiles.


Commissioner Ellsworth: Wishes they had known about the multiplexer issue before now so they could have answered questions. Great job in the parade. It was fun to walk it for the first time Good luck to everyone tonight. Monroe County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting Minutes August 2, 2016 Page 5

Commissioner Wilmoth: Enjoyed the parade also. Commissioner Oley: Pass.

Commissioner Turner: Exercise your right to vote today. The polls close at 8:00 p.m. Win or lose he appreciates everyone who supported him and even those who didn’t.

Commissioner Donahue: Thank Zachary and Jennifer and the folks from MUCC for the great report. Anytime we can improve the quality of life for the citizens and the area is good. Sounds like a wonderful game area.

Commissioner Brant: Pass

Commissioner Hoffman: Game area would be a win-win for the County; Thanks a lot for the Veterans Affairs report.

Commissioner Potratz: Excused

Commissioner Lievens: He went out to Irish Hills to watch the Bedford High School marching band. Exhausted just watching them practice. Thanks for the Veterans report. He will be watching to see what happens with the game area.


Motion by Commissioner Brant to adjourn at 6:35 p.m., supported by Commissioner Hoffman.

Recognition of Arthur Love Celebrating his 100th Birthday WHEREAS, it is a pleasure for the Monroe County Board of Commissioners to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplish- ments of Mr. Arthur Love as he celebrates his 100th Birthday; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love was born on September 6, 1916 in Detroit, Michigan to proud parents, Sarah and Harry Love, and graduated from Northwestern High School in Detroit. He has two brothers, Sol and William and a half-sister, Shirley still living; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love worked briefly for Ford Motor Company before being drafted into the Army. He served as a pilot in the United States Army Air Forces attaining a rank of Captain during World War II. He was stationed in the South Pacific and during one of his missions he witnessed the mushroom cloud from the atomic bomb explosion over Hi- roshima, Japan on August 6, 1945; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love married Margaret Tjernstrom in 1948. They established their home in Detroit, Michigan where they raised their two children, Susan and Keith; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love retired from Sun Oil Company where he worked as an accountant. He and his wife Margaret moved to New Port Richey, Florida in 1979. He enjoyed fifty-eight years of marriage to Margaret, until her passing in 2007; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love enjoys doing crossword puzzles, playing cards, especially pinochle and euchre and watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. He enjoys the company of his children, Sue and Joe Lopez and Keith and Cheryl Love and grandchildren, Colin and Catherine Love; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love now resides in Ida, Michigan with his daughter and son-in-law, Sue and Joe Lopez, and enjoys playing cards at the Mabel Kehres apartments and at the Bedford Senior Center; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur Love will celebrate his 100th birthday on September 4, 2016 with a party in the Community Room of the Ida Public Library; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that on this 16th day of August, 2016, on behalf of the citizens of Monroe County, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners wishes Arthur Love continued good health and the enjoyment of life beyond his 100th Birthday. The Board of Commissioners also thanks him for his service to our country as it extends this acco- lade of recognition and celebration to Mr. Arthur Love on celebrating his 100th Birthday.

Resolution offered by Commissioner David C. Hoffman Resolution supported by Chairman J. Henry Lievens

J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Al Potratz, Vice-Chairman David C. Hoffman District 9 District 3 District 1

Mark Brant Dan Donahue Jason R. Turner District 2 District 4 District 5

Jerry Oley Gary Wilmoth R. Mark Ellsworth District 6 District 7 District 8 COUNTY OF MONROE, MICHIGAN



WHEREAS, the County Board of the Commissioners of the County of Monroe, State of Michigan, (County Board), supports recreation, wildlife and waterfowl management and preservation, and wildlife and waterfowl game areas in the County of Monroe, Michigan; and

WHEREAS, there is located within London Township in Monroe County, Michigan, a large natural area containing approximately six-hundred and eighty 680 acres, which is known as Crystal Waters; and

WHEREAS, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division (DNR) has inspected Crystal Waters and determined that it contains approximately seven (7) water bodies and both wooded and non-wooded land areas suitable for hiking, hunting, and other recreational activities; and

WHEREAS, the County Board believes there to be a need for further public recreation, wildlife and waterfowl management and preservation, and wildlife and waterfowl game areas in the County of Monroe, Michigan; and

WHEREAS, Crystal Waters, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, is the sole owner of Crystal Waters; and

WHEREAS, Crystal Waters, LLC, has indicated a willingness to sell Crystal Waters to the DNR, and the DNR, subject to further State approvals, has demonstrated a desire to acquire Crystal Waters; and

WHEREAS, the DNR is required to submit an application titled, “TF16-0115 Crystal Waters Land Acquisition” to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to seek funding and approval for the DNR to acquire Crystal Waters; and WHEREAS, the DNR, as part of its proposed acquisition of Crystal Waters and in order to submit its application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, has sought the approval and support from the County Board; and

WHEREAS, on August 2, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., at the Monroe County Board Chambers, on the First Floor of the Monroe County Office Building Addition at 125 East Second Street, Monroe, Michigan, the DNR and the County Board held a public hearing and public notification of the proposed acquisition of Crystal Waters and of the required submission of the application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund in order to acquire Crystal Waters; and

WHEREAS, the County Board has received no negative comments, and knows of no negative reasons why it should not support the DNR acquiring Crystal Waters and the DNR submitting its application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to authorize the DNR acquiring Crystal Waters.

NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Board, on behalf of itself and the County of Monroe, Michigan, does hereby support the acquisition of Crystal Waters by the DNR, and further supports the DNR making application to the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund to authorize the DNR acquiring Crystal Waters.

This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at a regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners held at the Monroe County Board Chambers, Monroe County Courthouse, Monroe County, Michigan, by a vote of the majority of the membership of the County Board of Commissioners on the 16th day of August, 2016.

This Resolution was offered by Commissioner ______, and supported by Commissioner ______.

A roll call vote was taken and this Resolution was passed by a vote of: ______


Those Commissioners voting in favor: ______









Those Commissioners voting against: ______





Those Commissioners abstaining: ______

The Resolution was declared adopted.

______J. Henry Lievens, Chairman Monroe County Board of Commissioners


______Sharon Lemasters, Monroe County Clerk

WTG/db COUNTY\resolution.crystallake



I, Sharon Lemasters, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected and acting Clerk of the County of Monroe, and I do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of the Resolution adopted by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners of the County of Monroe, State of Michigan, at a regular meeting of the County Board held at the Monroe County Board Chambers, Monroe County Courthouse, Monroe County, Michigan, on the 16th day of August, 2016, is a true and accurate reproduction of the original of that adopted Resolution.

Dated: ______, 2016 ______Sharon Lemasters, Monroe County Clerk

WTG/db COUNTY\certification.2016 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 1 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 003787 PAYMENT DATE: 08/17/16 PAY­THROUGH DATE: 08/09/16 Vendor Name Amount Count ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­

000000010345 FIRST ADVANTAGE BACKGROUND SER 260.26 1 000000010502 ACTION WALLPAPERING AND PAINTI 300.00 1 000000010740 AIRGAS GREAT LAKES 205.57 1 000000012816 RED AUSTIN'S FUNERAL COACH SER 1800.00 1 000000020004 B & L OFFICE MACHINES 549.55 3 000000020005 BS&A SOFTWARE 18486.00 3 000000020065 BBC LIGHTING & SUPPLY 82.35 1 000000020072 BAKER'S GAS & WELDING SUPPLIES 1135.75 29 000000020405 BEDFORD TOWNSHIP SEWER O & M 190.00 2 000000020600 MATTHEW BENDER & CO.,INC 2567.83 1 000000020877 BIZSTREAM 1680.00 1 000000021060 THE BOOK NOOK 21.99 1 000000021200 BRENT'S LOCKSMITH 587.30 1 000000030009 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 2308.80 3 000000030015 CABELA'S 6175.95 1 000000030357 CARRIAGE CLEANERS 699.90 3 000000030526 CARTER LUMBER 715.04 13 000000031179 COMPASSIONATE COMPANIONS, INC. 7200.33 1 000000031830 COUNTY AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE 23193.88 15 000000031844 CORRECTIONAL HEALTHCARE COMPAN 5139.12 1 000000031933 CRYSTAL FLASH LIMITED PARTNERS 840.59 3 000000031955 CUMMINS BRIDGEWAY, LLC 2805.08 1 000000040007 DMC TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC 825.00 2 000000040245 DELL MARKETING L.P. 9.44 1 000000040280 DES MOINES STAMP, MFG CO. 53.20 1 000000041814 DR. GREEN LAWN SERVICE 885.32 1 000000042380 DYKEMA GOSSETT PLLC 7315.75 1 000000042390 DYNAMIC DUMPSTER & CONSTRUCTIO 5400.00 1 000000050080 ETR ASSOCIATES/FL EDUCATOR 429.20 1 000000060205 FIDLAR TECHNOLOGIES 2997.23 8 000000060790 FRAME'S PEST CONTROL, INC. 56.00 1 000000070050 GEAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 284.00 1 000000070200 GENERAL LINEN/UNIFORM SERVICE 15.00 1 000000070335 GOVERNMENT BUSINESS SYSTEMS 89.63 1 000000070345 GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF SOUTHEA 171.85 5 000000070369 GORNO FORD, INC. 16625.00 1 000000070623 GRAPHIC SCIENCES, INC 1362.45 1 000000070955 GUARDIAN GUARD SERVICES 3431.46 2 000000080904 HOUSE ARREST SERVICES, INC. 5716.50 1 000000080922 HR STAFFING TEAM, LLC 3200.00 2 000000090380 InfoGeographics, Inc 670.00 1 000000100012 J PODSCHLNE CONSTRUCTION LLC 982.70 2 000000100050 JACK'S LAWN SERVICE 293.56 1 000000100451 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC. 390.00 1 000000100525 JOHNSTON LEWIS ASSOCIATES INC 11650.73 1 000000120175 LAKESIDE TELECOM 720.00 2 000000120231 LAMBERTVILLE DO IT BEST HARDWA 17.08 1 000000120771 LEXISNEXIS RISK SOLUTIONS 50.00 1 000000130012 MCELHENEY LOCKSMITHS INC. 772.96 1 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 2 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 003787 PAYMENT DATE: 08/17/16 PAY­THROUGH DATE: 08/09/16 Vendor Name Amount Count ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­

000000130020 MT BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES INC 4357.95 3 000000130180 MANPOWER, INC. 1489.60 2 000000130450 McKESSON GENERAL MEDICAL CORP 127.79 1 000000130700 MELLOCRAFT 3275.53 10 000000130897 PMRH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 24.00 1 000000130899 PROMEDICA MONROE REGIONAL HOSP 1439.00 2 000000130905 MERCY MEMORIAL MACOMB PHARMACY 107.40 2 000000130915 MESSINA CONCRETE INC 1445.10 1 000000131009 ST CLAIR COUNTY IT/GIS 100.00 1 000000131049 MI ASSN CO ADMINISTRATIVE OFF. 190.00 1 000000132050 MILLCRAFT PAPER COMPANY 940.50 1 000000132065 MILLIMAN, INC. 5373.50 1 000000132190 MONROE CAB 40.00 2 000000132850 MONROE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1062.50 2 000000133050 MONROE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CO. 418.11 2 000000133130 MONROE LOCK & SAFE 38.00 1 000000133600 MONROE VETERINARY CLINIC 1065.00 5 000000133660 MONROE WHITE SEWING CENTER 19.95 1 000000140490 NORTH EASTERN UNIFORMS & EQUIP 276.45 2 000000150348 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY, INC. 102.97 1 000000160001 PAAM 265.00 2 000000160251 PEERLESS SUPPLY CO. 173.47 3 000000160425 PERSPECTIVE ENTERPRISES, INC 201.99 1 000000160980 PLATEMATE 159.50 1 000000161075 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 1651.42 1 000000161700 PROFESSIONAL VILLAGE PHARM. 2215.68 3 000000170160 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS INC 158.80 1 000000180004 RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL RESTORAT 1715.00 1 000000180860 RNA OF ANN ARBOR 13070.00 2 000000180915 ROCKWOOD AUTO PARTS, INC. 2677.31 5 000000181030 ROTO ROOTER SEWER CLEANING 314.58 1 000000190001 SEMCOG 7055.00 1 000000190405 ST. PIERRE ACE HARDWARE 57.25 3 000000190510 SCHALL AUTOMOTIVE, LLC. 1514.61 10 000000190900 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORP. 820.05 2 000000191336 SENTINEL TECHNOLOGIES INC 3770.00 2 000000191500 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 317.13 1 000000191600 SIEB PLUMBING & HEATING 4352.72 5 000000191803 SIMPLEX GRINNEL LP 1235.30 1 000000191900 SIRCHIE FINGER PRINT LABORATOR 235.00 1 000000192105 SMITH MEDICAL PARTNERS 743.39 2 000000192421 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 865.67 8 000000192510 START'S AUTO PARTS 710.93 3 000000192788 STATE OF MICHIGAN 11403.62 1 000000192848 STERICYCLE 89.16 1 000000192892 STEVENS DISPOSAL 1471.00 1 000000193070 SUPPLYDEN INC. 1006.89 1 000000193251 DELUXE FOR BUSINESS 157.12 1 000000200745 TOLEDO BEACH MARINA 779.30 8 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 3 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 003787 PAYMENT DATE: 08/17/16 PAY­THROUGH DATE: 08/09/16 Vendor Name Amount Count ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­

000000200810 TOLEDO CLINIC INC 28.08 2 000000201550 TREAD­MILL INC. 20.00 1 000000210100 UNDERGROUND SECURITY COMPANY 2246.90 1 000000220050 VAN BELKUM COMPANIES, LLC 7715.00 1 000000229900 WADDLE'S TIRE SERVICE, INC. 1600.00 1 000000230401 THOMSON REUTERS 1335.76 1 000000230891 WYANDOTTE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 69.90 1 000000400170 CITY OF MONROE 707.16 2 000000451200 MONROE PUBLIC SCHOOLS 838.00 1 000000509850 PETTY CASH 149.35 1 000000509855 PETTY CASH 40.00 1 000000700020 CAMMIE O. ANDERSON 1843.75 1 000000700499 AMY L BOISVENUE 1106.25 1 000000700523 PENELOPE KREPS 351.05 1 000000700690 NICOLE L. LINDSAY 589.00 1 000000710190 FLOREINE MENTEL 42.28 1 000000710286 CONNIE VELLIQUETTE 32.78 1 000000720357 DAVID DELPIOMBO 225.00 1 000000720776 HUNTER LAWN SERVICE & SNOW REM 2620.00 1 000000721010 JMC RESTORATION SERVICES LLC 2675.00 1 000000721374 YOLANDA MORALES 320.00 1 000000721501 TOD O'LONE 225.00 1 000000721675 MARIA RUVALCABA 25.00 1 000000721680 MARYANN RUSSELL 248.00 1 000000721951 SPARTAN AGRICULTURAL CONSULTIN 2750.00 1 000000721978 JANICE A STUCK 186.00 1 000000722329 DAWN WILKENS 960.00 1 000000722360 DAVID L. WOLF, D.O., PLLC 280.20 1 000000731914 BARBARA SEGUR 73.44 1 000000750000 CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER 1253.20 6 000000750019 K & Q LAW PC 1852.06 1 000000750021 JAMES BARTLETT 665.60 4 000000750059 BRITTANY BRAUNLICH 1154.40 5 000000750077 RONALD BRUCE 832.00 3 000000750089 LESLIE CARR 899.60 10 000000750098 ALEC JOHN CHABALOWSKI 1081.60 7 000000750183 DAWN TUCKER­DAVIS 754.81 1 000000750210 GINA MARIA DONNELLY 3941.00 13 000000750260 CHRISTOPHER GARRETT FLEMING 1055.60 5 000000750269 MARY GANTZOS 3468.40 21 000000750325 JOHN GONTA 7997.60 25 000000750335 DAVID GRENN 1882.40 7 000000750361 REBECCA LYN HICKS 1929.20 10 000000750362 HYDER LAW FIRM PC 176.80 2 000000750363 TROY M. HAWKINS 83.20 1 000000750368 CHRISTINA D HILLS 1149.20 11 000000750416 LISA D. JANOS 1227.20 6 000000750420 STEVEN TODD JEDINAK 1908.40 18 000000750442 JASON KACZMAREK 2672.80 21 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 4 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 003787 PAYMENT DATE: 08/17/16 PAY­THROUGH DATE: 08/09/16 Vendor Name Amount Count ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­

000000750447 JOEL D. KERSHAW 119.60 3 000000750450 SAJID A KHAN 2189.20 8 000000750497 TIMOTHY LAITUR 2178.80 15 000000750507 LENNARD,GRAHAM & GOLDSMITH 7291.67 1 000000750516 JASON HENRY LIEVENS 4350.32 16 000000750584 MATTHEW P. MUNDRICK 2735.00 18 000000750587 MELISSA MATIASH 5668.00 23 000000750591 TINA MARIE MULLINS 291.20 2 000000750607 KYRSTEN NIEMIEC 244.40 1 000000750609 ANN L. NICKEL, PLLC 847.60 10 000000750645 BRETT C PERELMAN 3655.60 14 000000750685 MICHAEL P. REISTERER 104.00 1 000000750702 JESSICA RICHILEAU 598.00 5 000000750714 THOMAS RICHARD RUDDY 1466.40 6 000000750726 TRACIE ROBIN SCOTT 1323.80 1 000000750732 BRIAN SELBURN 815.52 1 000000750749 MICHAEL A SMITH 1045.20 3 000000750751 RUSSELL A SMITH 2761.20 13 000000750784 GARY D STRAUSS 1833.91 1 000000750795 EDWARD F. SWINKEY, PLLC 2615.60 7 000000750800 CHERYL SWEENEY 358.80 7 000000750815 DENNIS P. ULRICH 1404.00 5 000000750819 H. MATTHEW VITITOE 2693.86 4 000000750869 MARIA ZAGORSKI, LLC 332.80 4 000000820622 PATRICIA BEACH 22.68 1 000000821259 MICHAEL BROWN 187.92 1 000000821765 DONNA CHERBA 47.52 1 000000821767 JASON CHILDRESS 8.92 1 000000822015 GEORGE WM. COSTELLO, JR. 21.60 1 000000822398 JAMIE DEAN 115.56 1 000000822630 CAROLEE GOODNOUGH 12.42 1 000000823378 STEPHANIE GARRETT 51.30 1 000000823580 DEANNA GOWER 97.79 1 000000823850 MARI­LYN HAMMOND 89.10 1 000000823855 MARK HAMMOND 151.38 2 000000824648 LELAND JORDAN 29.45 1 000000824698 SUSAN KANDES 43.34 1 000000825464 CHERYL LOHMEYER 691.32 1 000000825715 SUSAN MARTINEZ 289.06 3 000000825745 JEFF MCBEE 64.26 1 000000825751 ANDREW M. MCCAIN 27.54 1 000000825796 MITCHELL A. McFADDEN 77.76 1 000000825801 CHELSEY INGELS 74.07 1 000000826434 MADONNA OSBORNE 56.16 1 000000826502 ALEX PARRISH 16.05 1 000000826590 JACK PENWARDEN 30.24 1 000000826695 DANA PHIPPS 118.54 1 000000826865 JENNIFER POUPARD 115.32 2 000000826919 DAWN RAFKO 73.44 1 [RAP205] OPTIMUM PAYMENTS SUMMARY PAGE 5 OFFICE: 001 RUN: 003787 PAYMENT DATE: 08/17/16 PAY­THROUGH DATE: 08/09/16 Vendor Name Amount Count ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­­­­­

000000827115 DANIEL ROCK 9.83 1 000000827643 EMILY STABILE 63.72 1 000000828225 GRETCHEN VANDENBERGHE 37.58 1 000000828528 KIRRA WERSTEIN 20.52 1 000000828536 CHRISTOPHER WESTOVER 45.74 1 000000828680 CEILIA WODARSKI 216.12 2 000000870331 CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF SHIAWASS 1014.79 1 000000872010 VISTA MARIA 9747.95 1 000000872040 WOLVERINE HUMAN SERVICES INC 103.44 2 000000902121 BUCK & KNOBBY EQUIP CO INC 3780.00 2 000000902213 CARTER LUMBER 140.33 2 000000902251 C.S. BURGE 90.00 1 000000902599 GERKEN PAVING, INC. 818.33 1 000000903006 KUHLMAN CORP. 800.00 1 000000903107 LENAWEE COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIO 7537.58 2 000000903181 MENARDS 28.35 1 000000903213 STONECO, INC. 308.05 2 000000903239 MONROE COUNTY ENTERPRISE FUND 36132.85 8 000000903518 PEERLESS SUPPLY CO. 116.42 2 000000903814 STEVENSON BUILDING & SUPPLY CO 160.00 1 CTY HEALTH Saginaw County Dept of PH 500.00 1 FAIRVIEW MAGELLAN HEALTHCARE 1.80 1 **** TOTALS: 398838.18 687 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - 08/04/16 PAGE 1 Company 01 County of Monroe

PARAMETERS FOR PAYMENT RUN NUMBER 003785 ------Company code 01 Office code 001 Discount type A Run schedule A Priorities 000 TO 000 Select type Type codes Bank code Checks? Y Transfers? Y BACS? Y Drafts? Y Manuals? Y Others? Y Vendor ------NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 2 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

AT&T MOBILITY 000000010026 07252016 5184492 08/01/16 138.05 0.00 138.05 28724631971 5184656 08/03/16 2451.21 0.00 2451.21 2589.26 0.00 2589.26 000000499158

THE ASU GROUP 000000010200 JULY 2016 5184484 08/01/16 6179.89 0.00 6179.89 6179.89 0.00 6179.89 000000499159

THE ASU GROUP 000000010200 MO0S003829 5184482 08/01/16 140.00 0.00 140.00 140.00 0.00 140.00 000000499160

ALTURA COMMUNICATION 000000011040 258863 5184487 08/01/16 2368.69 0.00 2368.69 256982 5184501 08/02/16 2368.69 0.00 2368.69 4737.38 0.00 4737.38 000000499161

REPUBLIC SERVICE OF 000000020010 002100227 5184491 08/01/16 2923.00 0.00 2923.00 2923.00 0.00 2923.00 000000499162

BATTERY WHOLESALE 000000020180 05-021134 5184590 08/03/16 72.16 0.00 72.16 72.16 0.00 72.16 000000499163

BEDFORD SENIOR CITIZ 000000020400 60803125152 5184645 08/03/16 18473.20 0.00 18473.20 18473.20 0.00 18473.20 000000499164

BERLIN SENIOR CITIZE 000000020750 60803125154 5184643 08/03/16 1094.31 0.00 1094.31 1094.31 0.00 1094.31 000000499165

CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 000000030009 DBW8694 5184647 08/03/16 20315.40 0.00 20315.40 CXT4171 5184649 08/03/16 7504.00 0.00 7504.00 CHN2054 5184654 08/03/16 1496.00 0.00 1496.00 CVP3326 5184655 08/03/16 111.65 0.00 111.65 29427.05 0.00 29427.05 000000499166

CENTER FOR CREDENTIA 000000030529 S. GOANS 5184462 07/29/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499167

CENTURY LINK 000000030539 081516 5184615 08/03/16 82.09 0.00 82.09 82.09 0.00 82.09 000000499168

CENTERPOINT ENERGY S 000000030541 20016066461 5184486 08/01/16 2246.95 0.00 2246.95 2246.95 0.00 2246.95 000000499169

CHARTER COMMUNICATIO 000000030566 082216 5184611 08/03/16 89.98 0.00 89.98 082216 YC 5184612 08/03/16 102.36 0.00 102.36 072216 FIN 5184613 08/03/16 101.17 0.00 101.17 07222016 5184614 08/03/16 251.80 0.00 251.80 545.31 0.00 545.31 000000499170

COMCAST CABLEVISION 000000031085 07/25-08/24 5184463 07/29/16 204.90 0.00 204.90 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 3 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

COMCAST CABLEVISION 000000031085 072116 5184597 08/03/16 365.15 0.00 365.15 570.05 0.00 570.05 000000499171

COMCAST 000000031086 44374581 5184550 08/02/16 1213.10 0.00 1213.10 1213.10 0.00 1213.10 000000499172

CRYSTAL FLASH LIMITE 000000031933 879718 5184500 08/02/16 297.89 0.00 297.89 879713 5184604 08/03/16 385.00 0.00 385.00 879636 5184609 08/03/16 11.34 0.00 11.34 694.23 0.00 694.23 000000499173

D & P CABLE INC 000000040009 080116 5184538 08/02/16 19.95 0.00 19.95 080116A 5184606 08/03/16 40.95 0.00 40.95 080116B 5184607 08/03/16 19.90 0.00 19.90 80.80 0.00 80.80 000000499174

DTE ENERGY 000000040600 081916 5184616 08/03/16 14848.84 0.00 14848.84 14848.84 0.00 14848.84 000000499175

DTE ENERGY 000000040603 081616 5184617 08/03/16 169.64 0.00 169.64 081716 5184618 08/03/16 33.66 0.00 33.66 08172016 5184619 08/03/16 37.43 0.00 37.43 240.73 0.00 240.73 000000499176

DUNDEE SENIOR CITIZE 000000042250 60803124658 5184644 08/03/16 15370.54 0.00 15370.54 15370.54 0.00 15370.54 000000499177

EVIDENT, INC. 000000050586 107676A 5184593 08/03/16 803.10 0.00 803.10 803.10 0.00 803.10 000000499178

FIFTH THIRD BANK 000000060211 1207 5184464 07/29/16 300.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 000000499179

FRAME'S PEST CONTROL 000000060790 124703 5184598 08/03/16 55.00 0.00 55.00 123631 5184599 08/03/16 71.00 0.00 71.00 126793 5184600 08/03/16 240.00 0.00 240.00 366.00 0.00 366.00 000000499180

GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 000000070345 37351 5184456 07/29/16 19.16 0.00 19.16 37343 5184457 07/29/16 24.02 0.00 24.02 37344 5184458 07/29/16 18.65 0.00 18.65 37342 5184505 08/02/16 17.22 0.00 17.22 37350 5184506 08/02/16 9.22 0.00 9.22 37294 5184631 08/03/16 52.91 0.00 52.91 141.18 0.00 141.18 000000499181

JETS PIZZA 000000100240 2067 5184556 08/02/16 55.43 0.00 55.43 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 4 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

55.43 0.00 55.43 000000499182

LAKE ERIE TRANSIT CO 000000120125 520 5184502 08/02/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 521 5184503 08/02/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 000000499183

MICHIGAN GAS UTILITI 000000131350 1661251097 5184541 08/02/16 1333.93 0.00 1333.93 0504049554 5184596 08/03/16 19.44 0.00 19.44 072516 5184620 08/03/16 45.26 0.00 45.26 081516 5184621 08/03/16 70.04 0.00 70.04 072516. 5184622 08/03/16 47.85 0.00 47.85 08152016. 5184623 08/03/16 64.36 0.00 64.36 081816 5184624 08/03/16 63.53 0.00 63.53 081516. 5184629 08/03/16 42.68 0.00 42.68 1687.09 0.00 1687.09 000000499184

MICHIGAN WORKS! 000000131611 7892 5184461 07/29/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499185

SYSCO DETROIT LLC 000000131804 607210088 5184551 08/02/16 -105.15 0.00 -105.15 607140098 5184552 08/02/16 -45.41 0.00 -45.41 607080736 5184594 08/03/16 674.32 0.00 674.32 607220752 5184595 08/03/16 870.87 0.00 870.87 1394.63 0.00 1394.63 000000499186

MILLCRAFT PAPER COMP 000000132050 CSI1277469 5184657 08/03/16 2518.63 0.00 2518.63 2518.63 0.00 2518.63 000000499187

MONROE ALUMINUM PROD 000000132168 11381 5184648 08/03/16 2597.36 0.00 2597.36 9217 5184650 08/03/16 25.65 0.00 25.65 2623.01 0.00 2623.01 000000499188

MONROE CO. OPPORTUNI 000000132600 60803124838 5184642 08/03/16 9968.67 0.00 9968.67 9968.67 0.00 9968.67 000000499189

MONROE COUNTY SALVAT 000000132619 072116 5184507 08/02/16 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 1000.00 0.00 1000.00 000000499190

MONROE WATER DEPT. 000000133650 072916 5184591 08/03/16 13909.51 0.00 13909.51 13909.51 0.00 13909.51 000000499191

NICKLES BAKERY 000000140380 592315 5184540 08/02/16 9.56 0.00 9.56 592138 5184584 08/03/16 79.52 0.00 79.52 592070 5184585 08/03/16 117.60 0.00 117.60 592194 5184586 08/03/16 136.18 0.00 136.18 592017 5184587 08/03/16 99.40 0.00 99.40 591972 5184588 08/03/16 150.84 0.00 150.84 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 5 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

NICKLES BAKERY 000000140380 592139 5184589 08/03/16 109.72 0.00 109.72 592288 5184628 08/03/16 48.46 0.00 48.46 751.28 0.00 751.28 000000499192

PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, 000000161170 9048710 5184531 08/02/16 56.27 0.00 56.27 9055474 5184537 08/02/16 56.27 0.00 56.27 9072083 5184627 08/03/16 56.27 0.00 56.27 168.81 0.00 168.81 000000499193

QUILL CORPORATION 000000170300 7380138 5184455 07/29/16 163.54 0.00 163.54 163.54 0.00 163.54 000000499194

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000192730 A. HARRIS 5184630 08/03/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499195

U.S. BANCORP EQUIPME 000000209970 309164341 5184626 08/03/16 349.51 0.00 349.51 349.51 0.00 349.51 000000499196

ULINE 000000210006 78700744 5184454 07/29/16 97.49 0.00 97.49 97.49 0.00 97.49 000000499197

UNITED PARCEL SERVIC 000000210200 EY9780306 5184603 08/03/16 11.22 0.00 11.22 11.22 0.00 11.22 000000499198

U.S. FOODSERVICE INC 000000210260 1036808 5184601 08/03/16 1646.92 0.00 1646.92 1103924 5184602 08/03/16 2706.48 0.00 2706.48 1157423 5184625 08/03/16 1476.05 0.00 1476.05 5829.45 0.00 5829.45 000000499199

VERIZON WIRELESS 000000220156 9768769525 5184451 07/28/16 156.12 0.00 156.12 9768769525A 5184452 07/28/16 -150.00 0.00 -150.00 9768769525B 5184453 07/28/16 52.04 0.00 52.04 58.16 0.00 58.16 000000499200

WRIGHT EXPRESS UNIVE 000000230877 46342794 5184610 08/03/16 10790.50 0.00 10790.50 10790.50 0.00 10790.50 000000499201

STACEY BAUMIA 000000300238 14-40949-FH 5184513 08/02/16 75.00 0.00 75.00 75.00 0.00 75.00 000000499202

MITCHELL BROWER 000000300313 13-40426-FH 5184515 08/02/16 120.00 0.00 120.00 120.00 0.00 120.00 000000499203

KARMA BAKER 000000300321 15-242219FH 5184512 08/02/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499204

JULIE BOOKS 000000300323 15-41895-FH 5184514 08/02/16 30.00 0.00 30.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 6 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

30.00 0.00 30.00 000000499205

RENEE CAMILLERI 000000300328 13-40773-FH 5184516 08/02/16 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 000000499206

RICHARD CICESO 000000300352 15-242156FH 5184517 08/02/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499207

SCOTT CLARK 000000300403 15-242064FH 5184518 08/02/16 110.00 0.00 110.00 110.00 0.00 110.00 000000499208

DESIRE DAVIS 000000300417 14-41081-FH 5184519 08/02/16 36.50 0.00 36.50 36.50 0.00 36.50 000000499209

RANDAL DIGBY 000000300441 08-37340-FH 5184520 08/02/16 180.35 0.00 180.35 180.35 0.00 180.35 000000499210

MARIE DURHAM 000000300496 06-35640-FH 5184521 08/02/16 12.80 0.00 12.80 12.80 0.00 12.80 000000499211

KELLY DUVALL 000000300500 13-40720-FH 5184522 08/02/16 93.25 0.00 93.25 93.25 0.00 93.25 000000499212

JUDY GIBSON 000000300710 06-35494-FC 5184523 08/02/16 101.26 0.00 101.26 101.26 0.00 101.26 000000499213

CONNIE GONCIN 000000300723 11-39185-FH 5184524 08/02/16 136.44 0.00 136.44 136.44 0.00 136.44 000000499214

KEVIN GUILLIAM 000000300752 13-40199-FH 5184525 08/02/16 108.89 0.00 108.89 108.89 0.00 108.89 000000499215

PENNY GUTIERREZ 000000300770 09-37524-FH 5184527 08/02/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000499216

HUSSEIN ITAWI 000000300940 14-41165-FH 5184528 08/02/16 30.00 0.00 30.00 14-41119-FH 5184529 08/02/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499217

MARLON MARTIN 000000301208 14-41404-FH 5184530 08/02/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000499218

RHEA MARTIN 000000301217 14-41194-FH 5184532 08/02/16 60.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 000000499219

MICHIGAN STATE POLIC 000000301255 09262008 5184498 08/02/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499220

MONROE CO SHERIFF 000000301290 06072011 5184495 08/02/16 250.00 0.00 250.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 7 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

250.00 0.00 250.00 000000499221

CARMEN REAU 000000301721 14-41315-FH 5184533 08/02/16 60.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 000000499222

SHERRY REYNOLDS 000000301734 10-38073-FH 5184534 08/02/16 6.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 000000499223

CLARENCE SCOTT 000000301842 13-40596-FH 5184535 08/02/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499224

VANCO SERAFIMOUSKI 000000301846 15-242252FH 5184536 08/02/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499225

MICHAEL AND LISA SPE 000000301852 13-40558-FH 5184542 08/02/16 30.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 000000499226

GREG STANDRIDGE 000000301867 04-33813-FC 5184543 08/02/16 85.00 0.00 85.00 85.00 0.00 85.00 000000499227

ANNE STEHLE 000000301898 10-38635-FH 5184544 08/02/16 140.00 0.00 140.00 140.00 0.00 140.00 000000499228

DAVID STONER 000000301913 12-40071-FH 5184545 08/02/16 12.50 0.00 12.50 12.50 0.00 12.50 000000499229

WILLIAM THEES 000000302112 11-38776-FH 5184546 08/02/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000499230

MINDY WAGNER 000000302359 02-31865-FH 5184547 08/02/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000499231

JAMES YINGER 000000302499 12-40054-FH 5184548 08/02/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499232

CHRISTIE ZELENSKI 000000303001 08-36994-FH 5184549 08/02/16 150.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 000000499233

MONROE COUNTY FINANC 000000500251 2988 5184459 07/29/16 2217.73 0.00 2217.73 2989 5184460 07/29/16 7188.67 0.00 7188.67 3004 5184504 08/02/16 560.00 0.00 560.00 9966.40 0.00 9966.40 000000499234

MONROE COUNTY LIBRAR 000000501250 080516 5184651 08/03/16 53682.11 0.00 53682.11 53682.11 0.00 53682.11 000000499235

MONROE CO.MENTAL HEA 000000501330 AUGUST 2016 5184479 08/01/16 83150.25 0.00 83150.25 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 8 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

83150.25 0.00 83150.25 000000499236

MONROE CO. TREASURER 000000502080 JBOR776-795 5184473 08/01/16 579.18 0.00 579.18 579.18 0.00 579.18 000000499237

MONROE COUNTY LAND B 000000511000 66057 5184579 08/02/16 1870.00 0.00 1870.00 1870.00 0.00 1870.00 000000499238

TREASURER OF STATE O 000000550218 07/01/16 5184563 08/02/16 798.80 0.00 798.80 07/15/16 5184564 08/02/16 843.08 0.00 843.08 07/22/16 5184565 08/02/16 19.69 0.00 19.69 07/29/16 5184566 08/02/16 759.07 0.00 759.07 2420.64 0.00 2420.64 000000499239

COMMISSIONER OF TAXA 000000550219 07/01/16 5184567 08/02/16 360.40 0.00 360.40 07/15/16 5184568 08/02/16 383.41 0.00 383.41 07/29/16 5184569 08/02/16 352.98 0.00 352.98 1096.79 0.00 1096.79 000000499240

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000602052 07/01/16 5184570 08/02/16 33901.02 0.00 33901.02 07/15/16 5184571 08/02/16 35448.98 0.00 35448.98 07/22/16 5184572 08/02/16 2070.07 0.00 2070.07 07/29/16 5184573 08/02/16 34191.62 0.00 34191.62 66139 5184574 08/02/16 6.79 0.00 6.79 65876 5184575 08/02/16 254.72 0.00 254.72 105873.20 0.00 105873.20 000000499241

TRINITY PUMPWORKS LL 000000722105 16-2469A 5184608 08/03/16 8973.00 0.00 8973.00 8973.00 0.00 8973.00 000000499242

MONROE BANK & TRUST 000000731310 43434 5184635 08/03/16 186.00 0.00 186.00 186.00 0.00 186.00 000000499243

RICHARD ROOSEN 000000731860 43440 5184636 08/03/16 45.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 0.00 45.00 000000499244

ROBERT WARNER 000000732305 43423 5184634 08/03/16 46.50 0.00 46.50 46.50 0.00 46.50 000000499245

WEBER & OLCESE 000000732309 43422 5184633 08/03/16 48.50 0.00 48.50 48.50 0.00 48.50 000000499246

MANNIK & SMITH GROUP 000000903267 62450 5184468 08/01/16 2681.88 0.00 2681.88 2681.88 0.00 2681.88 000000499247

AT & T 000000903800 73428931005 5184450 07/28/16 480.11 0.00 480.11 480.11 0.00 480.11 000000499248

SALENBIEN TRUCKING & 000000903817 PAY APP#2 5184469 08/01/16 190831.50 0.00 190831.50 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 9 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

190831.50 0.00 190831.50 000000499249

JEREMY KNAPP ANIMAL CNTL 9684 5184448 07/28/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499250

MOLLY FISHER ANIMAL CNTL 9827 5184449 07/28/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499251

LORI LEICHT ANIMAL CNTL 9823 5184470 08/01/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499252

SUE KANITZ ANIMAL CNTL 9704 5184637 08/03/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499253

SHELLY ALEXANDER ANIMAL CNTL 9785 5184638 08/03/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499254

JULIE ALEXANDER ANIMAL CNTL 9859 5184639 08/03/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499255

KIM FULLER CLERK/REGIST 16-242549FH 5184489 08/01/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499256

SOUTH ROCKWOOD POLIC CLERK/REGIST 04142009 5184497 08/02/16 250.00 0.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 000000499257

NATALIE DUVALL CLERK/REGIST 06-35406-FH 5184555 08/02/16 201.47 0.00 201.47 201.47 0.00 201.47 000000499258

SOUTH ROCKWOOD POLIC CLERK/REGIST 07232009 5184496 08/02/16 391.25 0.00 391.25 391.25 0.00 391.25 000000499259

CHARLOTTE TULLOS CLERK/REGIST 10-38666-FH 5184562 08/02/16 9.16 0.00 9.16 9.16 0.00 9.16 000000499260

DAVID SMITH CLERK/REGIST 14-41291-FH 5184539 08/02/16 130.00 0.00 130.00 130.00 0.00 130.00 000000499261

TODD BRUNNING CLERK/REGIST 15-242353FH 5184553 08/02/16 193.72 0.00 193.72 193.72 0.00 193.72 000000499262

BARRI PITCHER CLERK/REGIST 15-242376FH 5184559 08/02/16 126.81 0.00 126.81 126.81 0.00 126.81 000000499263

JOHN HOULE CLERK/REGIST 15-242390FH 5184558 08/02/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000499264

ANDREW EDELBROCK CLERK/REGIST 15-41882-FH 5184557 08/02/16 106.27 0.00 106.27 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 10 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

106.27 0.00 106.27 000000499265

THOMAS SPAS CLERK/REGIST 15-41988-FH 5184561 08/02/16 15.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 15.00 000000499266

LINDA SMITH-WALTZ CLERK/REGIST 16-242504FH 5184560 08/02/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000499267

CHRISTINA COVERT CLERK/REGIST 16-242727FH 5184577 08/02/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499268

ROBERT OTT DCWITNESS (A) 7/16/ 5184472 08/01/16 26.00 0.00 26.00 26.00 0.00 26.00 000000499269

ON DUTY GEAR LLC MANTIS 14737 5184605 08/03/16 2000.00 0.00 2000.00 2000.00 0.00 2000.00 000000499270

CORELOGIC TAX SERVIC TREASURER 85310M 5184465 07/29/16 4.49 0.00 4.49 4.49 0.00 4.49 000000499271

TIMOTHY J MCAFEE TREASURER 85312M 5184466 07/29/16 10.82 0.00 10.82 10.82 0.00 10.82 000000499272

NORMAN BLACK TREASURER JBOR # 11 5184490 08/01/16 885.33 0.00 885.33 885.33 0.00 885.33 000000499273

STRAHAN FAMILY LTD P TREASURER JBOR # 12 5184476 08/01/16 434.05 0.00 434.05 434.05 0.00 434.05 000000499274

JOHN HARMON TREASURER JBOR # 7 5184481 08/01/16 507.95 0.00 507.95 507.95 0.00 507.95 000000499275

THOMAS & JESSICA WEN TREASURER JBOR # 9 5184493 08/01/16 437.75 0.00 437.75 437.75 0.00 437.75 000000499276

STRAHAN FAMILY LTD P TREASURER JBOR #13 5184478 08/01/16 707.25 0.00 707.25 707.25 0.00 707.25 000000499277

WILLIAM WARD TREASURER JBOR #16A 5184477 08/01/16 75.42 0.00 75.42 75.42 0.00 75.42 000000499278

CASSANDRA N. DEITRIC TREASURER JBOR #2 5184475 08/01/16 485.60 0.00 485.60 485.60 0.00 485.60 000000499279

STEVEN & NITA MESSER TREASURER JBOR#1-1A&B 5184488 08/01/16 753.90 0.00 753.90 753.90 0.00 753.90 000000499280

JOHNO P. NORIAN TRUS TREASURER JBOR776-795 5184471 08/01/16 518.32 0.00 518.32 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 11 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

518.32 0.00 518.32 000000499281

JASON W. MCCREARY TREASURER JBOR7760450 5184467 08/01/16 969.26 0.00 969.26 969.26 0.00 969.26 000000499282

JOHNO P. NORIAN TRUS TREASURER JBOR776795 5184474 08/01/16 1123.44 0.00 1123.44 1123.44 0.00 1123.44 000000499283

ROLAND M. BALL TREASURER JBOR # 10 5184581 08/02/16 587.35 0.00 587.35 587.35 0.00 587.35 000000499284

NANCY SANDERS TREASURER JBOR # 13 5184580 08/02/16 1096.25 0.00 1096.25 1096.25 0.00 1096.25 000000499285

JEFFERY V JEFFERS TREASURER JBOR # 17 5184494 08/02/16 1085.35 0.00 1085.35 1085.35 0.00 1085.35 000000499286

FRANCIS & BARBARA AB TREASURER JBOR # 2 5184582 08/02/16 1145.41 0.00 1145.41 1145.41 0.00 1145.41 000000499287

DAWN R. O'SULLIVAN TREASURER JBOR # 3 5184508 08/02/16 1192.61 0.00 1192.61 1192.61 0.00 1192.61 000000499288

MICHAEL & EMILY RINN TREASURER JBOR #1 5184511 08/02/16 325.07 0.00 325.07 325.07 0.00 325.07 000000499289

GEORGE ROSE TREASURER JBOR #11 5184509 08/02/16 583.58 0.00 583.58 583.58 0.00 583.58 000000499290

WILMER & GALE WITT TREASURER JBOR #12 5184510 08/02/16 678.11 0.00 678.11 678.11 0.00 678.11 000000499291

JENNA & SUZANNE E. R TREASURER JBOR #8 5184526 08/02/16 373.10 0.00 373.10 373.10 0.00 373.10 000000499292

LINDSAY R. SMITH & TREASURER JBOR #9 5184576 08/02/16 1287.14 0.00 1287.14 1287.14 0.00 1287.14 000000499293

COBBLESTONE REAL EST TREASURER JBOR# 4 & 5 5184578 08/02/16 5320.82 0.00 5320.82 5320.82 0.00 5320.82 000000499294

ROBERT & KAREN RUSH TREASURER JBOR#6-6A&B 5184499 08/02/16 3860.08 0.00 3860.08 3860.08 0.00 3860.08 000000499295

TEK-ENVIRONMENTAL&CO TREASURER 16-8440 5184660 08/03/16 4607.50 0.00 4607.50 4607.50 0.00 4607.50 000000499296

JACOB KATZ TREASURER J-017 5184658 08/03/16 805.63 0.00 805.63 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/05/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/04/16 PAGE 12 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003785 Payment Date 08/05/16 Pay-thru Date 08/03/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

805.63 0.00 805.63 000000499297

SHAUN KRUMN TREASURER JBOR #11 5184646 08/03/16 1194.42 0.00 1194.42 1194.42 0.00 1194.42 000000499298

AARON & ROBERTA HUDS TREASURER JBOR #13 5184653 08/03/16 104.78 0.00 104.78 104.78 0.00 104.78 000000499299

MICHAEL J. FISCHBACH TREASURER JBOR #7 5184641 08/03/16 439.50 0.00 439.50 439.50 0.00 439.50 000000499300

GARY & JANICE CONANT TREASURER JBOR J-020 5184659 08/03/16 452.32 0.00 452.32 452.32 0.00 452.32 000000499301

KELLY J SMITHSON TREASURER JBOR#1,2,&3 5184632 08/03/16 3729.50 0.00 3729.50 3729.50 0.00 3729.50 000000499302

NICHOLAS & SUZI PILL TREASURER JBOR#4,5 &6 5184640 08/03/16 719.98 0.00 719.98 719.98 0.00 719.98 000000499303

DENNIS & JOANN MEHKI TREASURER JBOR#8,9&10 5184652 08/03/16 154.12 0.00 154.12 154.12 0.00 154.12 000000499304

HUNTINGTON NATIONAL TREASURER MTT15003552 5184583 08/03/16 1011.49 0.00 1011.49 1011.49 0.00 1011.49 000000499305

BANK BNK001 - TOTAL 661627.52 0.00 661627.52 *

OFFICE 001 - TOTAL 661627.52 0.00 661627.52 **

NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - 08/11/16 PAGE 1 Company 01 County of Monroe

PARAMETERS FOR PAYMENT RUN NUMBER 003789 ------Company code 01 Office code 001 Discount type A Run schedule A Priorities 000 TO 000 Select type Type codes Bank code Checks? Y Transfers? Y BACS? Y Drafts? Y Manuals? Y Others? Y Vendor ------NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 2 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

AT & T 000000010000 JULY 2016 5184860 08/10/16 2567.83 0.00 2567.83 7342402605 5184866 08/10/16 126.01 0.00 126.01 JUL 2016 5184885 08/10/16 36.76 0.00 36.76 JUL.2016 5184888 08/10/16 197.49 0.00 197.49 082216 5184889 08/10/16 2795.61 0.00 2795.61 5723.70 0.00 5723.70 000000499306

ALZHEIMER'S & DEMENT 000000011076 60804094411 5184847 08/10/16 924.00 0.00 924.00 924.00 0.00 924.00 000000499307

AREA AGENCY ON AGING 000000012654 60804035458 5184848 08/10/16 1077.42 0.00 1077.42 1077.42 0.00 1077.42 000000499308

ASH SENIOR CITIZEN C 000000012750 60809015254 5184844 08/10/16 1363.44 0.00 1363.44 1363.44 0.00 1363.44 000000499309

CHARTER COMMUNICATIO 000000030566 080116 5184890 08/10/16 190.42 0.00 190.42 082416 5184891 08/10/16 124.51 0.00 124.51 314.93 0.00 314.93 000000499310

COMCAST CABLEVISION 000000031085 06102197895 5184867 08/10/16 105.17 0.00 105.17 105.17 0.00 105.17 000000499311

CONSUMERS ENERGY 000000031502 082616 5184886 08/10/16 326.84 0.00 326.84 326.84 0.00 326.84 000000499312

CRYSTAL FLASH LIMITE 000000031933 879717 5184686 08/08/16 446.96 0.00 446.96 879712 5184744 08/08/16 43.16 0.00 43.16 879716 5184816 08/09/16 1211.93 0.00 1211.93 1702.05 0.00 1702.05 000000499313

DE LAGE LANDEN 000000040228 51189047 5184881 08/10/16 686.85 0.00 686.85 686.85 0.00 686.85 000000499314

DTE ENERGY 000000040601 90229600 5184706 08/08/16 206.03 0.00 206.03 206.03 0.00 206.03 000000499315

DTE ENERGY 000000040603 082316 5184748 08/08/16 32.88 0.00 32.88 082616 5184887 08/10/16 82.03 0.00 82.03 114.91 0.00 114.91 000000499316

FRENCHTOWN SENIOR CI 000000061050 60804011440 5184853 08/10/16 1529.75 0.00 1529.75 60804011438 5184854 08/10/16 16196.14 0.00 16196.14 17725.89 0.00 17725.89 000000499317

GOODWILL INDUSTRIES 000000070345 37359 5184882 08/10/16 43.04 0.00 43.04 43.04 0.00 43.04 000000499318

INFINITE ASSET RISK 000000090370 001 5184868 08/10/16 250.00 0.00 250.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 3 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

250.00 0.00 250.00 000000499319

LAKE ERIE TRANSIT CO 000000120125 520 5184685 08/08/16 40.00 0.00 40.00 40.00 0.00 40.00 000000499320

LIVING INDEPENDENCE 000000120967 60809122150 5184845 08/10/16 36328.50 0.00 36328.50 36328.50 0.00 36328.50 000000499321

LOWE'S COMPANIES INC 000000120986 080216 5184865 08/10/16 326.26 0.00 326.26 326.26 0.00 326.26 000000499322

SYSCO DETROIT LLC 000000131804 608030636 5184723 08/08/16 187.52 0.00 187.52 608030637 5184725 08/08/16 1067.90 0.00 1067.90 607292007 5184726 08/08/16 22.49 0.00 22.49 608030638 5184749 08/08/16 1196.17 0.00 1196.17 2474.08 0.00 2474.08 000000499323

MILAN SENIORS FOR HE 000000131835 60804044607 5184851 08/10/16 872.52 0.00 872.52 60805103524 5184852 08/10/16 2327.50 0.00 2327.50 3200.02 0.00 3200.02 000000499324

MONROE FAMILY YMCA 000000132435 081216 YMC 5184754 08/09/16 682.98 0.00 682.98 682.98 0.00 682.98 000000499325

MONROE COUNTY LEGAL 000000132550 60804044242 5184849 08/10/16 16282.65 0.00 16282.65 16282.65 0.00 16282.65 000000499326

MONROE CO. OPPORTUNI 000000132600 60808043056 5184855 08/10/16 844.30 0.00 844.30 60804103413 5184856 08/10/16 303.98 0.00 303.98 1148.28 0.00 1148.28 000000499327

MONROE SENIOR CITIZE 000000133450 60809094430 5184846 08/10/16 26714.95 0.00 26714.95 26714.95 0.00 26714.95 000000499328

NICKLES BAKERY 000000140380 592418 5184732 08/08/16 49.16 0.00 49.16 49.16 0.00 49.16 000000499329

NORTHERN TOOL & EQUI 000000140504 35836840 5184864 08/10/16 22.01 0.00 22.01 22.01 0.00 22.01 000000499330

PITNEY BOWES 000000160952 AUGUST 2016 5184738 08/08/16 20100.00 0.00 20100.00 20100.00 0.00 20100.00 000000499331

PRAIRIE FARMS DAIRY, 000000161170 9081107 5184714 08/08/16 57.85 0.00 57.85 9081106 5184731 08/08/16 98.90 0.00 98.90 156.75 0.00 156.75 000000499332

ROSE PEST SOLUTIONS 000000181001 90240652 5184709 08/08/16 56.00 0.00 56.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 4 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

56.00 0.00 56.00 000000499333

SOUTH COUNTY WATER S 000000192299 APR JUNE 16 5184747 08/08/16 45.80 0.00 45.80 45.80 0.00 45.80 000000499334

STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 000000192422 1596497821 5184665 08/04/16 29.80 0.00 29.80 1602399971 5184666 08/04/16 147.37 0.00 147.37 9740727975 5184820 08/09/16 47.69 0.00 47.69 9740680170 5184821 08/09/16 625.18 0.00 625.18 9740727975 5184827 08/09/16 4.99 0.00 4.99 9740884578 5184832 08/09/16 128.49 0.00 128.49 1604885641 5184837 08/09/16 140.78 0.00 140.78 1606432901 5184839 08/09/16 83.96 0.00 83.96 1609008101 5184840 08/09/16 46.74 0.00 46.74 1614336541 5184841 08/09/16 139.99 0.00 139.99 1394.99 0.00 1394.99 000000499335

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000192705 JULY 2016 5184817 08/09/16 34665.37 0.00 34665.37 34665.37 0.00 34665.37 000000499336

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000192730 A. MICHAEL 5184879 08/10/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499337

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000192730 P. BEELER 5184883 08/10/16 115.00 0.00 115.00 115.00 0.00 115.00 000000499338

UNUM LIFE INSURANCE 000000209900 SEPT 2016 5184861 08/10/16 8569.98 0.00 8569.98 8569.98 0.00 8569.98 000000499339

YINGER PHARMACY SHOP 000000250015 JULY 2016 5184712 08/08/16 45.50 0.00 45.50 JULY.2016 5184728 08/08/16 299.72 0.00 299.72 345.22 0.00 345.22 000000499340

AUTO OWNERS INSURANC 000000300197 14-40986-FH 5184696 08/08/16 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 000000499341

CABELA'S 000000300320 15-242424FH 5184697 08/08/16 200.00 0.00 200.00 16-242589FH 5184698 08/08/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 220.00 0.00 220.00 000000499342

CAPITAL ONE BANK 000000300324 14-40893-FH 5184699 08/08/16 81.00 0.00 81.00 81.00 0.00 81.00 000000499343

CHASE CARD SERVICES 000000300344 08-37289-FH 5184700 08/08/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499344

DETROIT AUTO AUCTION 000000300435 04-34147-FH 5184701 08/08/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 5 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

DETROIT AUTO AUCTION 000000300435 12-39428-FH 5184702 08/08/16 30.00 0.00 30.00 55.00 0.00 55.00 000000499345

DRM MAINTENANCE & MA 000000300475 10-38200-FH 5184703 08/08/16 150.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 000000499346

FARM BUREAU INSURANC 000000300610 14-41069-FH 5184704 08/08/16 140.44 0.00 140.44 140.44 0.00 140.44 000000499347

FIRST DISTRICT COURT 000000300635 16-242837FH 5184673 08/08/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499348

LATITUDE SUBROGATION 000000300663 10-38732-FH 5184711 08/08/16 455.00 0.00 455.00 455.00 0.00 455.00 000000499349

HUNTINGTON NATIONAL 000000300903 12-39601-FH 5184705 08/08/16 300.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 000000499350

KENNY'S MARKET 000000301033 11-38751-FH 5184707 08/08/16 55.25 0.00 55.25 55.25 0.00 55.25 000000499351

KOHL'S CORPORATE LOS 000000301053 12-39934-FH 5184708 08/08/16 90.00 0.00 90.00 90.00 0.00 90.00 000000499352

LOUIS DVORKIN & ASSO 000000301144 10-38202-FH 5184713 08/08/16 60.00 0.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 60.00 000000499353

MICHIGAN MUNICIPAL R 000000301256 15-242049FH 5184715 08/08/16 300.00 0.00 300.00 300.00 0.00 300.00 000000499354

MONROE CITY POLICE 000000301272 14-41658-FH 5184718 08/08/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499355

MONROE COUNTY COMM. 000000301278 08-36994-FH 5184719 08/08/16 120.00 0.00 120.00 12-39786-FH 5184721 08/08/16 400.00 0.00 400.00 01-31028-FH 5184722 08/08/16 200.00 0.00 200.00 15-41862-FH 5184724 08/08/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 770.00 0.00 770.00 000000499356

MONROE COUNTY FRIEND 000000301280 15-242408FC 5184727 08/08/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499357

MONROE LIQUOR PLAZA 000000301283 10-38675-FH 5184733 08/08/16 55.25 0.00 55.25 55.25 0.00 55.25 000000499358

MONROE CO PROSECUTOR 000000301285 13-40353-FH 5184729 08/08/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000499359

MONROE CO SHERIFF 000000301290 15-242149FH 5184730 08/08/16 565.00 0.00 565.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 6 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

565.00 0.00 565.00 000000499360

NON PROFIT INSURANCE 000000301443 13-40341-FH 5184735 08/08/16 200.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 000000499361

MANTIS 000000301500 11-38745-FH 5184716 08/08/16 123.97 0.00 123.97 15-242428FH 5184717 08/08/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 173.97 0.00 173.97 000000499362

PROGRESSIVE INSURANC 000000301680 12-39975-FH 5184736 08/08/16 25.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 000000499363

SPEEDWAY GAS STATION 000000301861 14-41043-FC 5184740 08/08/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000499364

TONY'S COUNTRY STORE 000000302099 12-39432-FH 5184741 08/08/16 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 000000499365

TRACTOR SUPPLY 000000302118 14-41498-FH 5184737 08/08/16 35.00 0.00 35.00 35.00 0.00 35.00 000000499366

WALMART 000000302327 13-40781-FH 5184739 08/08/16 80.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 000000499367

DUNDEE TOWNSHIP TREA 000000400216 JULY 2016 5184826 08/09/16 29.70 0.00 29.70 29.70 0.00 29.70 000000499368

MONROE CHARTER TOWNS 000000400256 OR#66347 5184843 08/10/16 506.30 0.00 506.30 506.30 0.00 506.30 000000499369

BEDFORD PUBLIC SCHOO 000000450250 60808011730 5184850 08/10/16 7547.88 0.00 7547.88 7547.88 0.00 7547.88 000000499370

MONROE COUNTY 000000500002 081216 35A 5184755 08/09/16 50.19 0.00 50.19 081216 39A 5184756 08/09/16 23764.48 0.00 23764.48 23814.67 0.00 23814.67 000000499371

MONROE COUNTY LIBRAR 000000501250 PAY 8/6/16 5184862 08/10/16 155285.46 0.00 155285.46 CKS 8/12/16 5184863 08/10/16 90461.65 0.00 90461.65 245747.11 0.00 245747.11 000000499372

MONROE CO. TREASURER 000000502080 JBOR#13/14 5184753 08/09/16 774.65 0.00 774.65 774.65 0.00 774.65 000000499373

PETTY CASH 000000509820 CHIT 88-93 5184870 08/10/16 673.46 0.00 673.46 673.46 0.00 673.46 000000499374

MILAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 000000510099 JULY 2016 5184859 08/10/16 16413.82 0.00 16413.82 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 7 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

16413.82 0.00 16413.82 000000499375

BEDFORD TOWNSHIP 000000510201 JULY 2016 5184825 08/09/16 1409.10 0.00 1409.10 1409.10 0.00 1409.10 000000499376

ERIE TOWNSHIP 000000510204 JULY 2016 5184828 08/09/16 2547.27 0.00 2547.27 2547.27 0.00 2547.27 000000499377

FRENCHTOWN TOWNSHIP 000000510206 JULY 2016 5184830 08/09/16 660.00 0.00 660.00 660.00 0.00 660.00 000000499378

MONROE TOWNSHIP 000000510211 JULY 2016 5184831 08/09/16 33.00 0.00 33.00 33.00 0.00 33.00 000000499379

SUMMERFIELD TOWNSHIP 000000510213 JULY 2016 5184833 08/09/16 130.35 0.00 130.35 130.35 0.00 130.35 000000499380

LUNA PIER CITY 000000510300 JULY 2016 5184823 08/09/16 52.80 0.00 52.80 52.80 0.00 52.80 000000499381

MONROE CITY 000000510302 JULY 2016 5184822 08/09/16 4175.16 0.00 4175.16 4175.16 0.00 4175.16 000000499382

PETERSBURG CITY 000000510303 JULY 2016 5184824 08/09/16 158.40 0.00 158.40 158.40 0.00 158.40 000000499383

CARLETON VILLAGE 000000510400 JULY 2016 5184834 08/09/16 377.85 0.00 377.85 377.85 0.00 377.85 000000499384

DUNDEE VILLAGE 000000510401 JULY 2016 5184835 08/09/16 4862.53 0.00 4862.53 4862.53 0.00 4862.53 000000499385

SO. ROCKWOOD VILLAGE 000000510404 JULY 2016 5184836 08/09/16 1999.50 0.00 1999.50 1999.50 0.00 1999.50 000000499386

CAIC PRIMARY ACCOUNT 000000550050 081216 57 5184757 08/09/16 196.90 0.00 196.90 196.90 0.00 196.90 000000499387

MONROE CO. EMP. RETI 000000550200 081216 339 5184758 08/09/16 1189.37 0.00 1189.37 081216 33D 5184759 08/09/16 629.40 0.00 629.40 081216 PST 5184760 08/09/16 848.08 0.00 848.08 081216 RET 5184761 08/09/16 13744.28 0.00 13744.28 081216 RTC 5184762 08/09/16 1473.58 0.00 1473.58 081216 RTD 5184763 08/09/16 731.98 0.00 731.98 081216 RTS 5184764 08/09/16 9058.51 0.00 9058.51 27675.20 0.00 27675.20 000000499388

AFLAC 000000550204 081216 52 5184765 08/09/16 3285.92 0.00 3285.92 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 8 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

AFLAC 000000550204 081216 55 5184766 08/09/16 1890.73 0.00 1890.73 5176.65 0.00 5176.65 000000499389

MONROE COUNTY-MICHIG 000000550205 081216 50 5184767 08/09/16 3939.81 0.00 3939.81 081216 51 5184768 08/09/16 425.77 0.00 425.77 081216 56 5184769 08/09/16 162.80 0.00 162.80 4528.38 0.00 4528.38 000000499390

AIG VALIC 000000550207 081216 05 5184770 08/09/16 200.00 0.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 200.00 000000499391

ING, INVESTMENT SERV 000000550209 081216 02A 5184771 08/09/16 376.71 0.00 376.71 376.71 0.00 376.71 000000499392

UNITED WAY OF MONROE 000000550215 081216 31 5184772 08/09/16 391.00 0.00 391.00 391.00 0.00 391.00 000000499393

MISDU 000000550225 081216 22 5184773 08/09/16 3100.47 0.00 3100.47 3100.47 0.00 3100.47 000000499394

POLICE OFFICERS ASSN 000000550231 081216 U07 5184774 08/09/16 264.44 0.00 264.44 081216 U18 5184775 08/09/16 201.87 0.00 201.87 466.31 0.00 466.31 000000499395

HEALTHEQUITY, INC. 000000550234 AUGUST 2016 5184746 08/08/16 27.65 0.00 27.65 081216 HSA 5184776 08/09/16 2316.04 0.00 2316.04 2343.69 0.00 2343.69 000000499396

LARRY VANWASSHENOVA 000000550238 081216 46 5184777 08/09/16 185.00 0.00 185.00 185.00 0.00 185.00 000000499397

COMMAND OFFICERS ASS 000000550239 081216 U09 5184778 08/09/16 497.50 0.00 497.50 081216 U16 5184779 08/09/16 349.50 0.00 349.50 847.00 0.00 847.00 000000499398

MONROE COUNTY COMMAN 000000550241 081216 09A 5184780 08/09/16 80.00 0.00 80.00 80.00 0.00 80.00 000000499399

MONROE COUNTY TPOAM 000000550242 081216 04A 5184781 08/09/16 390.00 0.00 390.00 390.00 0.00 390.00 000000499400

TPOAM 000000550243 081216 U04 5184782 08/09/16 2418.00 0.00 2418.00 081216 U11 5184783 08/09/16 217.00 0.00 217.00 081216 U13 5184784 08/09/16 124.00 0.00 124.00 2759.00 0.00 2759.00 000000499401

MONROE CO DEPUTY SHE 000000550244 081216 01A 5184785 08/09/16 560.00 0.00 560.00 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 9 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

560.00 0.00 560.00 000000499402

POLICE OFFICERS ASSN 000000550245 081216 U01 5184786 08/09/16 2985.00 0.00 2985.00 2985.00 0.00 2985.00 000000499403

POLICE OFFICERS ASSN 000000550246 081216 U10 5184787 08/09/16 2300.90 0.00 2300.90 081216 U17 5184788 08/09/16 346.32 0.00 346.32 2647.22 0.00 2647.22 000000499404

POLICE OFFICERS LABO 000000550247 081216 U12 5184789 08/09/16 815.60 0.00 815.60 815.60 0.00 815.60 000000499405

MO CO CORRECTION OFF 000000550248 081216 10A 5184790 08/09/16 582.15 0.00 582.15 582.15 0.00 582.15 000000499406

LOCAL 517, UTILITY W 000000550250 081216 U02 5184791 08/09/16 672.00 0.00 672.00 672.00 0.00 672.00 000000499407

MONROE CO CORRECTION 000000550252 081216 17A 5184792 08/09/16 96.25 0.00 96.25 96.25 0.00 96.25 000000499408

ROOSEN, VARCHETTI & 000000550256 081216 46 5184793 08/09/16 453.75 0.00 453.75 453.75 0.00 453.75 000000499409

MICHIGAN NURSES ASSO 000000550265 081216 U03 5184795 08/09/16 276.25 0.00 276.25 276.25 0.00 276.25 000000499410

UAW LOCAL 723 000000550270 081216 U06 5184796 08/09/16 743.80 0.00 743.80 743.80 0.00 743.80 000000499411

POLICE OFFICERS ASSO 000000550273 081216 U14 5184797 08/09/16 572.66 0.00 572.66 572.66 0.00 572.66 000000499412

MONROE COUNTY ASSIST 000000550274 081216 14A 5184798 08/09/16 165.00 0.00 165.00 165.00 0.00 165.00 000000499413

DAVID RUSKIN, CHPTR 000000550275 081216 46 5184799 08/09/16 105.69 0.00 105.69 105.69 0.00 105.69 000000499414

GREAT-WEST 000000550280 081216 03 5184800 08/09/16 8839.00 0.00 8839.00 8839.00 0.00 8839.00 000000499415

MICHIGAN EDUCATION S 000000550284 081216 MES 5184801 08/09/16 120.00 0.00 120.00 120.00 0.00 120.00 000000499416

AXA EQUITABLE 000000550285 081216 04 5184802 08/09/16 1253.00 0.00 1253.00 1253.00 0.00 1253.00 000000499417

KRISPEN S. CARROLL, 000000550290 081216 46 5184803 08/09/16 82.11 0.00 82.11 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 10 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

82.11 0.00 82.11 000000499418

MONROE CO.RETIREE HE 000000550325 081216 CRH 5184804 08/09/16 868.83 0.00 868.83 081216 DRH 5184805 08/09/16 564.58 0.00 564.58 081216 RHC 5184806 08/09/16 7956.21 0.00 7956.21 081216 SRH 5184807 08/09/16 6943.74 0.00 6943.74 16333.36 0.00 16333.36 000000499419

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000601047 JULY, 2016 5184669 08/05/16 109465.48 0.00 109465.48 109465.48 0.00 109465.48 000000499420

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000601950 JULY 2016 5184819 08/09/16 20.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00 000000499421

STATE OF MICHIGAN 000000602054 551-471038 5184808 08/02/16 18606.00 0.00 18606.00 18606.00 0.00 18606.00 000000499422

ROBIN COLLINGSWORTH 000000821875 JULY 2016 5184677 08/08/16 38.88 0.00 38.88 38.88 0.00 38.88 000000499423

TILMAN CRUTCHFIELD 000000822248 JUN JUL 16 5184734 08/08/16 12.50 0.00 12.50 12.50 0.00 12.50 000000499424

STACEY GOANS 000000823525 JULY 2016 5184680 08/08/16 36.72 0.00 36.72 36.72 0.00 36.72 000000499425

CARI GRAHL 000000823645 JULY 2016 5184681 08/08/16 111.78 0.00 111.78 111.78 0.00 111.78 000000499426

KRISTINA HENRY 000000824093 JULY 2016 5184682 08/08/16 45.36 0.00 45.36 45.36 0.00 45.36 000000499427

SHELLY JOHNSON 000000824585 JULY 2016 5184684 08/08/16 9.72 0.00 9.72 9.72 0.00 9.72 000000499428

JULIE HINDALL 000000825748 JULY 2016 5184880 08/10/16 9.72 0.00 9.72 9.72 0.00 9.72 000000499429

TRACY BOUDRIE 000000870222 0716FST-TS 5184810 08/09/16 267.67 0.00 267.67 0716FST-TYS 5184811 08/09/16 267.67 0.00 267.67 535.34 0.00 535.34 000000499430

PAUL & STEPHANIE SAN 000000871915 0716FST-AS 5184813 08/09/16 267.67 0.00 267.67 267.67 0.00 267.67 000000499431

MATT & VALERIE SLEDG 000000871941 0716FST-ND 5184812 08/09/16 241.36 0.00 241.36 241.36 0.00 241.36 000000499432

DETROIT EDISON 000000902307 30967240004 5184662 08/04/16 118.92 0.00 118.92 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 11 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

DETROIT EDISON 000000902307 30967240016 5184663 08/04/16 39.12 0.00 39.12 31609690001 5184664 08/04/16 73.59 0.00 73.59 DUE8/25/16 5184688 08/08/16 286.79 0.00 286.79 DUE8/25/16A 5184689 08/08/16 203.19 0.00 203.19 DUE8/25/16B 5184690 08/08/16 166.08 0.00 166.08 DUE8/25/16C 5184691 08/08/16 48.13 0.00 48.13 935.82 0.00 935.82 000000499433

AT & T 000000903800 DUE8/22/16 5184687 08/08/16 44.83 0.00 44.83 44.83 0.00 44.83 000000499434

SCHUMAKER BROTHERS 000000903819 453337 5184661 08/04/16 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 10000.00 0.00 10000.00 000000499435

Water & Sewer Constr CA CONSTRUCT REIMB-FEE 5184809 08/09/16 150.00 0.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 000000499436

JANE MARTIN ROSS CLERK/REGIST 12-35817-DO 5184672 08/08/16 500.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 000000499437

ISAAK M. MIRANDA CLERK/REGIST 15-41840-FH 5184742 08/08/16 325.00 0.00 325.00 325.00 0.00 325.00 000000499438

SALVATION ARMY ARC CLERK/REGIST 16-242660FH 5184743 08/08/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499439

SALVATION ARMY ARC CLERK/REGIST 16-242661FH 5184745 08/08/16 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 000000499440

BRONSON MACBLAINE FAMILY COURT 1122108 5184695 08/08/16 562.00 0.00 562.00 562.00 0.00 562.00 000000499441

RONALD FEAR & JOHN P TREASURER JBOR #J-024 5184668 08/04/16 280.99 0.00 280.99 280.99 0.00 280.99 000000499442

RICHARD & AMY SCHRAD TREASURER JBOR#010/11 5184667 08/04/16 2379.05 0.00 2379.05 2379.05 0.00 2379.05 000000499443

BRENDA SMITH TREASURER JBOR# 15-04 5184671 08/05/16 140.56 0.00 140.56 140.56 0.00 140.56 000000499444

DEREK & SHELLY CORRI TREASURER JBOR#R15-03 5184670 08/05/16 140.99 0.00 140.99 140.99 0.00 140.99 000000499445

MITCHELL & ASHLEY KI TREASURER JBOR#01&02 5184676 08/08/16 1885.37 0.00 1885.37 1885.37 0.00 1885.37 000000499446

WILLIAM GALLAN TREASURER JBOR#01,01, 5184679 08/08/16 1486.95 0.00 1486.95 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 12 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

1486.95 0.00 1486.95 000000499447

JEFF & EMILIE LAROUX TREASURER JBOR#15-05 5184674 08/08/16 140.95 0.00 140.95 140.95 0.00 140.95 000000499448

MYRON & NANCY SMOLIN TREASURER JBOR#15-06 5184675 08/08/16 141.32 0.00 141.32 141.32 0.00 141.32 000000499449

DANIEL J. SELBY TREASURER JBOR#3/3/07 5184693 08/08/16 700.85 0.00 700.85 700.85 0.00 700.85 000000499450

MICHAEL A. STEFFY TREASURER JBOR#H15-01 5184694 08/08/16 369.96 0.00 369.96 369.96 0.00 369.96 000000499451

ANDREW TREDWAY TREASURER JBOR#H15-05 5184710 08/08/16 173.80 0.00 173.80 173.80 0.00 173.80 000000499452

JENNIFER MARTINEZ & TREASURER JBOR#H15-09 5184750 08/08/16 1037.53 0.00 1037.53 1037.53 0.00 1037.53 000000499453

DOUGLAS R. SHARP TREASURER JBOR#H15-10 5184751 08/08/16 502.67 0.00 502.67 502.67 0.00 502.67 000000499454

LISA D MICHAUD TREASURER JBOR#H15-11 5184752 08/08/16 455.05 0.00 455.05 455.05 0.00 455.05 000000499455

W FRONT PROPERTIES L TREASURER JBOR#R15-07 5184692 08/08/16 4590.23 0.00 4590.23 4590.23 0.00 4590.23 000000499456

RANDY A & ROBIN A VI TREASURER BOR #5 5184838 08/09/16 966.27 0.00 966.27 966.27 0.00 966.27 000000499457

JACKIE & BOB QUEEN TREASURER JBOR # 4 5184829 08/09/16 536.31 0.00 536.31 536.31 0.00 536.31 000000499458

BLAIR T & DIANE F RE TREASURER JBOR #2 5184814 08/09/16 2201.60 0.00 2201.60 2201.60 0.00 2201.60 000000499459

TIMOTHY M & KRYSTINA TREASURER JBOR #2 5184818 08/09/16 1652.54 0.00 1652.54 1652.54 0.00 1652.54 000000499460

MICHAEL MCKEE TREASURER JBOR #5 5184815 08/09/16 399.48 0.00 399.48 399.48 0.00 399.48 000000499461

DUSTIN KIERSEY TREASURER JBOR #7 5184842 08/09/16 1079.57 0.00 1079.57 1079.57 0.00 1079.57 000000499462

ROBERT T & ROBERT S TREASURER JBOR#R15-01 5184794 08/09/16 94.52 0.00 94.52 NON-CLAIM RUN 08/12/16

[RAP215] PAYMENT REGISTER - Checks 08/11/16 PAGE 13 Company 01 County of Monroe

Office 001 Main Bank BNK001 National City Bank Run 003789 Payment Date 08/12/16 Pay-thru Date 08/10/16

Vendor Vendor Invoice Voucher Invoice Gross Deduction Net Payment Name Number Number Number Date Amount Amounts Amount Number

94.52 0.00 94.52 000000499463

R & P INVESTMENTS, I TREASURER #13/18/19A 5184869 08/10/16 2875.40 0.00 2875.40 2875.40 0.00 2875.40 000000499464

JENNIFER L. YOUNG TREASURER JBOR # 11-A 5184857 08/10/16 1930.01 0.00 1930.01 1930.01 0.00 1930.01 000000499465

SHAWN A & LISA A SIM TREASURER JBOR #17-A 5184858 08/10/16 368.08 0.00 368.08 368.08 0.00 368.08 000000499466

MILL RACE PARTNERS L TREASURER JBOR-2016 5184884 08/10/16 2238.46 0.00 2238.46 2238.46 0.00 2238.46 000000499467

BANK BNK001 - TOTAL 757027.57 0.00 757027.57 *

OFFICE 001 - TOTAL 757027.57 0.00 757027.57 **

Monroe County Capital Improvements Program

2017 - 2021

Prepared by the Monroe County Planning Commission and Planning Department

2016 Capital Improvements Committee:


The Monroe County Capital Improvements Program includes proposed project descriptions as submitted by department heads and other County officials. Project forms were provided, including sections for project description, project justification, planning context, ranking of need, cost estimate, basis of cost estimate, and alternative funding sources. The forms, as filled out, are shown, with only minimal editing. A table showing the major points of each project nomination is shown below. Some projects have been resubmitted from previous editions of the CIP, as necessary.

In order for the Planning Commission, Board of Commissioners, and the Physical Resources Committee to properly evaluate the need for a given project, input from the requesting department is needed giving specific information on what needs the project will meet, what problems it will solve, and what benefits can be expected to accrue. The Project Worksheet is used by departments to describe and justify requested projects. Each sheet sets forth the following sections, each requiring a response:

PROJECT DESCRIPTION The department is asked to give a brief description of the project including location, size, capacity, etc.

PROJECT JUSTIFICATION The department is asked to explain why the project is needed, what benefits the project will provide, and what consequences would result if the project is not funded.

PLANNING CONTEXT This section asks the department to indicate how the project fits in with an overall program. Is the project part of a long-term program plan? Is the plan a document which has been approved outside of the department? When was the plan prepared?

RANKING OF NEED The ranking of need represents the relative need for each project over the next six years. In determining the rankings of capital improvement proposals, consideration has been given to the timing of the proposal, the projects’ relation to the County’s Comprehensive General Development Plan, population projections, the available sources of local funding, possible funding aid through various grantor agencies, etc. The capital improvement projects shown on the subsequent pages are listed under the following five need categories:

1. Committed to project / project already begun 2. Project urgently needed this year 3. Project urgently needed, but not necessarily this year 4. Project is important, but not urgent 5. Project is optional

COST ESTIMATE A blank table is provided for the department to indicate costs of the various stages of the project to date and throughout the multi-year planning period. These stages or elements are: planning/design, site acquisition, site improvements, construction, equipment, other, and contingency. There is a line for annual totals, and a grand total.

BASIS OF COST ESTIMATE The department is asked to note the criteria upon which the cost estimate was based, from the following choices: Cost of comparable equipment of facility, rule of thumb indicator/unit cost, cost estimate received from vendor/engineer/architect, bids received for project, and preliminary estimate (“guesstimate”).

COST IMPACT ON OPERATING BUDGET This section asks how the proposed project will impact on other aspects of the department’s budget over the five year planning period, for payroll and fringes, professional services, maintenance, equipment and supplies, and other costs.

ALTERNATE FUNDING SOURCES Possible methods of financing the proposals contained in this Capital Improvements Plan are, in some cases, indicated along with the individual project descriptions. The method ultimately utilized, however, is decided solely at the discretion of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners. Possible financing methods include the following:

1. Capital Project Fund: County would appropriate funds for capital improvements. The balance in the fund may vary greatly. 2. Building Authority: Primarily used for major projects. Previously used for the jail, Youth Center, etc. 3. Special Millage: Levies additional property tax for a special purpose. Requires voter approval. 4. Federal Aid/State Aid: Grants, loans. 5. Capital Improvement Bonds: Bonds issued by the County for which it pledges its full faith and credit. Requires voter approval.

YEARS REQUESTED Many worthy projects may go unfunded in their first and subsequent years of being requested. The far right column of Table 1 shows the number of years each project has been requested, including the present year. Some projects that have been submitted for multiple years may have undergone minor changes from year to year.


DEPARTMENT/ RANKING ESTMATED COST COST COST # YEAR PROJECT OF NEED TOTAL COST TO DATE 2017 2018-2021 REQUESTED Buildings and Grounds Courthouse Annex Roof Urgently $80,000 0 $80,000 0 1st Replacement Needed This Year Courthouse Exterior Urgent, Not $80,000 0 $80,000 0 9th Preservation Necessarily This Year Youth Center Roof Urgently $65,000 0 $65,000 0 1st Replacement Needed This Year Enterprise-Wide Conservation Urgently $35,000 0 $35,000 0 6th Projects Needed This Year Stoner Kemmerling Facility Roof Urgently $32,000 0 $32,000 0 15th Replacement Needed This Year Employee Parking Lot Asphalt Urgently $28,000 0 $28,000 0 8th Paving – Edison Lot Needed This Year Carpet Replacement Program Urgent, Not $30,000 0 0 $30,000 2nd Necessarily This Year Animal Control Incinerator Urgent, Not $49,200 0 0 $49,200 2nd Replacement Necessarily This Year Asphalt Paving of Drive and Important, but $25,000 0 0 $25,000 10th Service Area (Animal Control) not Urgent

Museum Rooftop Air Urgent, Not $47,600 $25,000 $22,600 0 8th Conditioning/Ventilation Units Necessarily This Year Museum Boiler Urgent, Not $45,000 0 $45,000 0 1st Necessarily This Year Courthouse Baggage X-Ray Important, but $60,000 0 0 $60,000 1st Scanning Unit not Urgent

Central Dispatch Emergency Medical Service Urgent, Not $108,695 $74,051 $8,661 0 5th (EMS) Enhancement Project Necessarily This Year Parks & Recreation Nike Park Disc Golf Course Important but $17,100 0 $17,100 0 9th Not Urgent

Nike Park Asphalt Pavement – Urgent, Not $55,000 0 0 $55,500 12th Drive and Parking Necessarily This Year Waterloo Park Playground & Important but $20,000 0 $20,000 0 2nd Equipment Replacement Not Urgent

DEPARTMENT/ RANKING ESTMATED COST COST COST # YEAR PROJECT OF NEED TOTAL COST TO DATE 2017 2018-2021 REQUESTED Parks and Recreation (continued) Nike Park Basketball and Important but $26,500 0 $26,500 0 13th Volleyball Facilities Not Urgent

Foreclosure Fund Land Important but $40,000 0 $20,000 $20,000 3rd Transfers into County Parks Not Urgent

Habitat Area Development at Important but $55,500 $40,000 0 $15,500 2nd County Parks Not Urgent

Planning Aerial Photography Urgent, Not $60,000 0 0 $60,000 4th Necessarily This Year Sheriff Main Jail Cell Doors & Locks Urgently $221,600 0 $177,120 $44,480 1st Needed This Year Closed Circuit Television Urgently $145,856 0 $145,856 0 1st System (Main Jail, Dormitory, Needed This Animal Control) Year Youth Center Replace Electric Stove & Steam Urgently $17,468 $17,468 3rd Table Needed This Year

*Museum projects are funded 100% through millage revenue approved by the electorate in August 2012.

REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUESTS The review process is a determination of those projects which will be scheduled in the published capital improvement program, the timing of each, the allocation of funds to be made to each project, the priority ranking of projects, and the sources from which capital financing is to be provided.

The review process includes a brief evaluation by the submitting department to spell out the criteria, an evaluation by the coordinating agency (Planning Commission) to determine the project’s relation to the County’s Comprehensive Plan and to study its effect on other governmental entities.

A method of prioritization within departmental groups has been established, and it has been weighted to give priority to criteria of greater importance (i.e. Safety, Health, and Environmental). This task is carried out by a committee of the Monroe County Planning Commission, with substantial input from the department heads and the Director of Buildings and Grounds.

PROJECTS OF MOST URGENT NEED The Planning Commission’s Capital Improvements Subcommittee, consisting of four Planning Commissioners, met with submitting department heads to discuss and prioritize the projects. The following criteria were used in prioritizing the recommended projects:

Category Points Weight Total 1. Public Safety ...... 0 to 10 ...... 10 ...... 100 2. Public Health ...... 0 to 10 ...... 9 ...... 90 3. Environmental Quality...... 0 to 10 ...... 7 ...... 70 4. Efficiencies/Payback ...... 0 to 10 ...... 9 ...... 90 5. Number of People/Geographic Area Served ...... 0 to 10 ...... 5 ...... 50 6. Productivity Enhancements ...... 0 to 10 ...... 8 ...... 80 7. Property Protection/Timeliness of Project ...... 0 to 10 ...... 7 ...... 70 8. Cost Sharing ...... 0 to 10 ...... 10 ...... 100 9. Quality of Life (added in 2013) ...... 0 to 10 ...... 10 ...... 100 Maximum possible score per member ...... 750 Maximum possible score for all 3 members ...... 2,250


1. Public Safety Projects which enhance and protect the safety of the public. Higher scores are given to projects which have a significant impact on public safety and welfare. Projects may be aimed at improving public safety through improvements to law enforcement equipment and facilities, corrections, criminal justice, emergency management activities, or similar programs. Projects may also be focused on public safety in terms of protecting the public from hazards, and may include sidewalk and entry repairs and traffic safety improvements. Examples include: communication equipment, jail and courtroom improvements, specialized public safety equipment, removal and repair of dangers and hazards on public property. 2. Public Health Projects which are focused on improving and protecting public health. Highest scores are given to projects that are focused on providing public health services, medical services, preventative projects, and facilities which provide health education or healthy activities. Examples include: public health related facilities and equipment, medical equipment, outdoor recreation facilities, trails and walkways, sanitation and disease prevention projects 3. Environmental Quality Projects which protect and preserve environmental quality, including water and groundwater quality, air quality, protection from hazardous materials, and natural resource protection and enhancement. Higher scores should be given to projects which result in a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment and which prevent pollution and damage to the environment. Examples include: Energy efficiency projects, sewer and water projects, chemical storage facilities, recycling projects, natural area improvements, water and air quality improvements 4. Efficiencies/Payback Projects that have a specific payback period, by which the cost of the project would be covered by monetary savings over a specified period of time. Also included are those projects which may not necessarily have a specific payback period, but which represent an investment in improving efficiencies which would realize savings on an annual basis. Examples include: lighting and hvac upgrades, energy efficiency projects, window replacement, vehicle upgrades

5. Number of People Served/Geographic Area Served Projects which serve a large segment of the community or a large geographic area. Projects which serve a large majority of the public would receive a higher score than projects which serve only a very limited group. Likewise, projects that serve a large geographic area would score higher that projects limited to a single, small location. Examples include: traffic safety projects, public outreach programs, emergency management projects 6. Productivity Enhancements Projects which are designed to improve the productivity of County employees and programs. These projects tend to save money in the long run and improve the efficiency of providing public services. Projects which are designed to improve or enhance the productivity of County workers should receive high scores under this criteria. Examples include: lighting, interior design improvements, indoor air quality, major equipment and software upgrades 7. Property Protection/Timeliness of Project Projects which have the result of protecting and preserving County properties and facilities as well as projects which will wind up costing significantly more if their implementation is delayed. Projects scoring high under these criteria are those projects which take actions to protect county property from the elements, from vandalism, and from normal wear and tear, but which go beyond the routine maintenance which should be worked into the normal county budget process. Projects that cannot be deferred without incurring additional costs should be given a higher priority than projects that can be deferred. In addition, certain worthwhile projects tend to be deferred from the capital improvements program year after year due to the fact that they are deferrable when compared to more urgent projects. Projects which have been deferred repeatedly for this reason may be considered for higher priority in future years. Projects which are considered routine maintenance will not receive points under this criteria and may possibly not even be considered for inclusion in the capital improvements plan. Also discouraged will be those projects which lump together several small projects in order to qualify for the dollar value ($15,000) threshold which defines a capital improvement project. Examples include: major roofing and mechanical improvements; parking lot surfacing and repair; non- routine painting, siding and drainage work; infrastructure improvements 8. Cost Sharing Projects which are eligible for partial funding through cost-share grant programs or which have other outside funding or financing sources. These projects should be given priority over projects which are fully borne by County funds. Examples include: federal grants, state grants, CDBG grants, private foundations, low interest loans, revolving loan funds, bonding issues. 9. Quality of Life This final category covers a wide range of project characteristics which may improve the quality of life as experienced by residents, visitors, those doing business with the County, and employees of the County. The term “residents” includes, in addition to general County residents, those who may be living in County facilities such as the Monroe County Jail, the Youth Center, and Fairview. These are

factors that improve personal satisfaction with the cultural or intellectual conditions under which people live.

SCORING OF PROJECTS The four members of the Subcommittee scored all projects according to the criteria, using a score of 1-10 for each category. These scores were then multiplied by a weighting factor to reflect the level of importance of each category in the criteria list. The maximum possible score for each project would be 750 points for each member, or 3,000 for all 4 members. The scores were then totaled, and scores ranged from a high of 2,345 to a low of 1,215.

RANKING OF PROJECTS Projects are ranked on the following pages, with individual and cumulative costs. The three tables show: Table 2, ranking and costs for projects requiring funding in 2017; Table 3, ranking and costs for projects requiring funding after 2017; and Table 4, all projects ranked with total costs, including 2016 costs for projects, and also costs after 2017. It is recommended that these projects be implemented in the order of ranking as funding permits.

The purpose of displaying projects in these tables is to more clearly identify those projects in the immediate year out vs. all projects that are included over the five-year planning horizon.

TABLE 2 Proposed Projects and Costs for 2017 Only

2017 Cumulative

PROJECT NAME Cost 2017 Cost 1 Museum Boiler - B&G* $45,000 $45,000 2 Museum Rooftop Air Conditioning/Ventilation Units - B&G* $22,600 $67,600 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Enhancement Project - 3 $8,661 $76,261 CD 4 Main Jail Cell Coors and Locks $177,120 $253,381 5 Enterprise-Wide Conservation Projects - B&G $35,000 $288,381 6 Closed Circuit TV System in 3 Bldgs - Sheriff $145,856 $434,237 7 Courthouse Annex Roof Replacement - B&G $80,000 $514,237 8 Carpet Replacement Program - B&G $30,000 $544,237 9 Youth Center Roof Replacement - B&G $65,000 $609,237 10 Stoner Kemmerling Facility Roof Replacement B&G $32,000 $641,237 11 Courthouse Exterior Preservation - B&G $80,000 $721,237 12 Employee Parking Lot Asphalt Paving – Edison Lot - B&G $28,000 $749,237 13 Foreclosure Fund Land Transfers into County Parks P&R $20,000 $769,237 14 Nike Park Disc Golf Course P&R $17,100 $786,337 15 Waterloo Park Playground & Equipment Replacement P&R $20,000 $806,337 16 Nike Park Basketball and Volleyball Facilities P&R $26,500 $832,837 17 Replace Electric Stove & Steam Table - Youth Center $17,468 $850,305 Total 2017 Cost $850,305

*Museum projects are funded 100% through millage revenue approved by the electorate in August 2012.

TABLE 3 Proposed Projects and Costs after 2017 Cost Cumulative After Cost After PROJECT NAME 2017 2017 1 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Enhancement Project - CD $34,644 $34,644 2 Main Jail Cell Coors and Locks $44,480 $79,124 3 Aerial Photography - Planning $60,000 $139,124 4 Courthouse Baggage X-Ray Scanning Unit - B&G $60,000 $199,124 5 Nike Park Asphalt Pavement – Drive and Parking P&R $55,000 $254,124 6 Animal Control Incinerator Replacement - B&G $49,200 $303,324 7 Foreclosure Fund Land Transfers into County Parks P&R $20,000 $323,324 8 Asphalt Paving of Drive and Service Area (Animal Control) - B&G $25,000 $348,324 9 Habitat Area Development at County Parks P&R $15,000 $363,324 Total Cost After 2017 $363,324

TABLE 4 Monroe County Capital Improvements Program All Proposed Projects Ranked with Cumulative Costs 2017-2021

Total 2017 Cost After Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative

PROJECT NAME Cost Cost 2017 Total Cost 2017 Cost After 2017 1 Museum Boiler - B&G* $45,000 $45,000 $0 $45,000 $45,000 $0 2 Museum Rooftop Air Conditioning/Ventilation Units - B&G* $22,600 $22,600 $0 $67,600 $67,600 $0 3 Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Enhancement Project - CD $43,305 $8,661 $34,644 $110,905 $76,261 $34,644 4 Main Jail Cell Coors and Locks $221,600 $177,120 $44,480 $332,505 $253,381 $79,124 5 Aerial Photography - Planning $60,000 $0 $60,000 $392,505 $253,381 $139,124 6 Enterprise-Wide Conservation Projects - B&G $35,000 $35,000 $0 $427,505 $288,381 $139,124 7 Closed Circuit TV System in 3 Bldgs - Sheriff $145,856 $145,856 $0 $573,361 $434,237 $139,124 8 Courthouse Baggage X-Ray Scanning Unit - B&G $60,000 $0 $60,000 $633,361 $434,237 $199,124 9 Courthouse Annex Roof Replacement - B&G $80,000 $80,000 $0 $713,361 $514,237 $199,124 10 Carpet Replacement Program - B&G $30,000 $30,000 $0 $743,361 $544,237 $199,124 11 Youth Center Roof Replacement - B&G $65,000 $65,000 $0 $808,361 $609,237 $199,124 12 Stoner Kemmerling Facility Roof Replacement B&G $32,000 $32,000 $0 $840,361 $641,237 $199,124 13 Courthouse Exterior Preservation - B&G $80,000 $80,000 $0 $920,361 $721,237 $199,124 14 Nike Park Asphalt Pavement – Drive and Parking P&R $55,000 $0 $55,000 $975,361 $721,237 $254,124 15 Animal Control Incinerator Replacement - B&G $49,200 $0 $49,200 $1,024,561 $721,237 $303,324 16 Employee Parking Lot Asphalt Paving – Edison Lot - B&G $28,000 $28,000 $0 $1,052,561 $749,237 $303,324 17 Foreclosure Fund Land Transfers into County Parks P&R $40,000 $20,000 $20,000 $1,092,561 $769,237 $323,324 18 Asphalt Paving of Drive and Service Area (Animal Control) - B&G $25,000 $0 $25,000 $1,117,561 $769,237 $348,324 19 Nike Park Disc Golf Course P&R $17,100 $17,100 $0 $1,134,661 $786,337 $348,324 20 Waterloo Park Playground & Equipment Replacement P&R $20,000 $20,000 $0 $1,154,661 $806,337 $348,324 21 Habitat Area Development at County Parks P&R $55,000 $0 $15,000 $1,209,661 $806,337 $363,324 22 Nike Park Basketball and Volleyball Facilities P&R $26,500 $26,500 $0 $1,236,161 $832,837 $363,324 23 Replace Electric Stove & Steam Table - Youth Center $18,093 $18,093 $0 $1,254,254 $850,930 $363,324 All Totals $1,254,254 $850,930 $363,324

*Museum projects are funded 100% through millage revenue approved by the electorate in August 2012.

Date: August 11, 2016

To: Chairman J Henry Lievens, Monroe County Board of Commissioners

From: Sgt. David Buchko

Ref: Safe Communities Grant – FY2017 (October 01, 2016 to September 30, 2017)

The Office of Highway Safety Planning has selected Monroe County to receive $74,000.00 to address traffic safety concerns in Monroe County. The award will be used to fund approximately 800 hours of overtime for safety belt and impaired driving enforcement. Monroe County has participated in this grant program for many years.

There are no matching funds required for this grant program. However, the grant award only covers a portion of the retirement fringe rate resulting is an additional cost of approximately $4,687.00

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval to accept the award.

Any questions please contact Sgt. David Buchko at 734-240-7716.


Sgt David Buchko

cc: Sheriff Dale Malone Major Jeff Kemp Chief Deputy Heath Velliquette

Date: August 11, 2016

To: Chairman J. Henry Lievens – Monroe County Board of Commissioners

From: Sgt David Buchko

Ref: Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) grant application for FY 2017 (October 01, 2016 through September 30, 2017)

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval to submit a grant application to the Office of Highway Safety Planning for the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) for FY2017 (October 01, 2016 through September 30, 2017).

Monroe County’s award allocation for FY2017 is $161,169.00 – unchanged from FY2016. This grant is used to support the Sheriff’s Office’s Traffic and Safety Division.

A copy of the letter from the Office of Highway Safety Planning with the County’s allocation is attached.

If you have any questions please contact Sgt David Buchko at 240­7716.


Sgt David Buchko cc: Sheriff Dale Malone Major Jeff Kemp Sgt. David Buchko Sgt. Daniel Zdybek



August 3, 2016

Sheriff Dale Malone Monroe County Sheriff’s Office 100 E. Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161

Dear Sheriff Malone:

Subject: Fiscal Year 2017 SRP Application

Enclosed is the Secondary Road Patrol and Traffic Accident Prevention Program (SRP) Grant Application for FY 2017 (October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016). Appropriate forms to certify compliance are also enclosed. The application, quarterly financial report, semi-annual program report, annual program report, and contract adjustment requests are also available on the SRP Web site at under SRP Forms.

Completed applications must be received by the Office of Highway Safety Planning (OHSP) by September 1, 2016. Applications received after that date may jeopardize the county’s eligibility for funding. Estimated SRP program funding for FY 2017 is $9,300,000.

Your county’s allocation for FY 2017 is $161,169, based upon anticipated revenue. Allocations are subject to change throughout the year based upon actual revenue collected.

Public Act 416 of 1978, as amended, requires a “Maintenance of Effort” (MOE) by the county as outlined in Section 77(1), which states, in part:

An agreement entered into under this section shall be void if the county reduces its expenditures or level of road patrol below that which the county was expending or providing immediately before October 1, 1978, unless the county is required to reduce general services because of economic conditions and is not merely reducing law enforcement services.

Monroe County’s Maintenance of Effort is 36.0. County level of effort must not include positions and expenditures funded from SRP. If the number of county-funded road patrol officers is less than your MOE requirement, your application cannot be processed. Should your county subsequently come into compliance during the year, a partial year application may be submitted.

If you have any questions, please contact Julie Roth at 517-284-3121 or Kara Rueckert at 517-284- 3091.


Michael L. Prince, Director Office of Highway Safety Planning

Enclosures (6)


Date: August 11, 2016

To: Mr. J Henry Lievens, Chairman of the Monroe County Board of Commissioners

From: Sgt. David Buchko, Training and Grants Coordinator

Ref: Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards 2017 Application for Justice Training Grant Funds – Monroe County Annual Training Plan 2017.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office is requesting approval to submit the 2017 Application for Justice Training Grant Funds – Monroe County Annual Training Plan 2017 in the amount of $46,241.42 to the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards. There is a 25% match required for this grant. This application includes $17,591.42 as an in-kind match – wages and benefits for County instructors. This amount is 38% of the total grant. If awarded, the grant period will be January 01, 2017 through December 31, 2017

The Sheriff’s Office has been awarded this grant many times before. The funds are used to provide training to certified police officers in Monroe County.

The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards will make award notifications in December 2016.

If you have any questions please contact Sgt. David Buchko at 240-7716.


Sgt. David Buchko

cc: Sheriff Malone Major Kemp Chief Deputy Veliquette Sgt David Buchko File

MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail PERSONNEL Salary and Fringe Benefits

Course Hourly Dev. Prep. Inst. Admin. Total Fringe Instructor Name Assignment Rate Hours Hours Hours Hours Salary Rate Fringe Total Cost Grant Share Match Share Grant Development and Sgt David Buchko Adminstration 33.32 40 80 3,998.40 0.8809 3,522.21 7,520.61 $ 7,520.61 Dep Matt Torongeau Range Instructor 28.70 0 5 20 717.50 0.8809 632.05 1,349.55 $ 1,349.55 Dep Michael Bomia Range Instructor 28.70 5 20 717.50 0.8809 632.05 1,349.55 $ 1,349.55 Dep Matt Brodie Range Instructor 28.70 5 20 717.50 0.8809 632.05 1,349.55 $ 1,349.55 CO Sgt Juanita Belair CPR/First Aid 28.75 5 20 718.75 0.8809 633.15 1,351.90 $ 1,351.90 CO Sgt Julie Massengill CPR/First Aid 28.75 5 20 718.75 0.8809 633.15 1,351.90 $ 1,351.90 Defensive Tactics/Ground Major Jeff Kemp Fighting 41.87 5 20 1,046.75 0.8809 922.08 1,968.83 $ 1,968.83 Defensive Tactics/Ground Dep Tim George Fighting 28.70 5 20 717.50 0.8809 632.05 1,349.55 $ 1,349.55 ------TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 17,591.42 $ - $ 17,591.42 MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail CONTRACTUAL Contractor Fees Hourly Dev. Prep. Inst. Admin. Contractor's Name Course Rate Hours Hours Hours Hours Total Cost Grant Share Match Share Washtenaw Community College MCOLES Firearms Standard Police Academy Education Component $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL CONTRACTUAL $500.00 $500.00 $0.00 MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail TUITION Cost per Student Number of Training Provider Course Students Cost per Student Total Cost Grant Share Match Share

Wayne County Regional Academy Emergency Vehicle Operation 114 225.00 $ 25,650.00 $ 25,650.00 APA Michael Roehrig Legal Update 114 21.93 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -

TOTAL TUITION $ 28,150.00 $ 28,150.00 $ - MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail TRAVEL Employee Mileage Lodging Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Course Rate Rate Total Grant Match Employee Name Miles 0.36 Amt. # 75.00 Total # Cost Total # Cost Total # Cost Total Airfare Cost Share Share - - - - - $ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ - TOTAL EMPLOYEE TRAVEL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail TRAVEL Contractor Mileage Lodging Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Course Rate Rate Total Grant Match Contractor Name Miles 0.36 Amt. # 75.00 Total # Cost Total # Cost Total # Cost Total Airfare Cost Share Share - - - - - $ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ ------$ - TOTAL CONTRACTOR TRAVEL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail TRAVEL Student Lodging Breakfast Lunch Dinner # for Course/Date # # Rate Lodging # for # of Breakfast # for # of Lunch # of Dinner Grant Match Dinne Student Totals Lodging Nights Total B'fast Days Cost Total Lunch Days Cost Total Days Cost Total Total Cost Share Share 75.00 r - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ - - - - - $ -

TOTAL STUDENT TRAVEL $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail


Course Description Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Grant Share Match Share $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -



Course Description Quantity Unit Price Total Cost Grant Share Match Share ------

TOTAL EQUIPMENT $ - $ - $ - MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS Applicant Name, Grant Title 2017 Proposed Budget Detail

Personnel Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ 17,591.42 $ - $ 17,591.42

Contractual Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ -

Tuition Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ 28,150.00 $ 28,150.00 $ -

Travel-Employee Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ - $ - $ -

Travel-Contractor Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ - $ - $ -

Travel-Student Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments:

$ - $ - $ -

Supplies & Operating Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ - $ - $ -

Equipment Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ - $ - $ -

GRANT TOTALS Total Costs Grant Share Match Share Comments: $ 46,241.42 $ 28,650.00 $ 17,591.42