Wednesday, February 15, 1984 Texas Tech University, Lubbock Vol. 59 No. 93 8 pages Panel to study impact Chernenko meets with of nuclear waste sites world leaders By GILBERT DUNKLEY "We'll be reviewing the methodology university Daily Reporter (of federal and state projects) to deter- By The Associated Press mine whether it is appropriate or is do- A five-member expert review panel ing what it ought to be doing," Nelson that includes Texas Tech architecture said. MOSCOW — The Soviet Union buried professor Harold Nelson has been com- Brodie stressed the importance of the Yuri Andropov at the Kremlin wall Tues- missioned by the Texas State Depart- panel's work in Deaf Smith and Swisher day in a Red Square state funeral. The ment of Agriculture to study the social counties. "These areas have prime Communist Party's new leader, and economic impact of building agricultural land and they are among the Konstantin Chernenko, delivered the repositories for high-level nuclear waste top agricultural producing areas in the eulogy and then conducted his first in Texas. state, so naturally we are concerned," meetings with world leaders. The panel has been established in she said. Chernenko spent 30 minutes with Vice response to a need for local input in the "This is a project that will affect the President George Bush, who represented decision-making process involved in area for thousands of years," Brodie President Reagan at the funeral. Bush building nuclear waste repositories in said. "We'll be asking farmers and said Chernenko agreed there is a need Swisher and Deaf Smith counties, Julie others what they think about putting for the two superpowers to "place our Brodie, a spokeswoman in the natural nuclear waste dump sites in the area." relationship upon a more constructive resources office of TSDA, said Tuesday. Nelson said he and his counterparts Pattl-" Other panelists include Glen Johnson, will be making recommendations to Chernenko, 72, who has not had wide Michigan State University professor of TSDA as the department's and DOE's foreign policy experience, also met with agricultural economics, and Sally work progresses. Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Ger- Schauman, chairman of the department Federal plans to establish nuclear many, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of of landscape architecture at the Univer- waste repositories in West Texas salt India, Prime Minister Margaret That- sity of Washington at Seattle. deposits have encountered overwhelm- cher of Britain and other leaders in Schauman previously was chief of ing opposition from farming interests in Moscow for the funeral. landscape architecture for the Soil Con- the area. Chernenko called Andropov "an ar- servation Service in the U.S. Depart- Former Tech doctoral student and dent champion of peace" in a eulogy ment of Agriculture. Pakistani geoscientist Muhammad delivered from the reviewing stand atop Panelist Stanislav Kasl of the depart- Nasir Gazdar has warned that drilling the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, founder of ment of epidemiology and public health into the southern High Plains to establish the Soviet state. at Yale University is an expert in repositories could disrupt the Ogallala Andropov was buried among other epidemiology and psychological stress. Aquifer. That could lead to contamina- heroes of the Soviet Union with a ringing Kasl was a member of the Behavioral tion of the region's water supply by salute of gunfire. His widow sobbed at Effects Task Group of the President on nuclear waste, Gazdar said. the graveside. Factory whistles sounded the Accident at Three Mile Island. While the state of Texas cannot bar the throughout the Soviet Union to mark his Wes Churchman, the remaining federal government from building the burial. panelist, is from the school of business at repositories, it can put obstacles in the Chernenko led the ceremony, which in- the University of California at Berkeley. way of the DOE. cluded music and speeches. Churchman's specialty is applied Andropov headed the KGB, the Soviet mathematics and operations research, Senate Bill 1018, sponsored by State secret police and intelligence agency, for Brodie said. Sen. Bill Sarpalius and passed in the last 15 years before becoming Communist Nelson, an assistant professor in the session of the Texas Legislature, gives Party leader in November 1982 after the Tech department of architecture and the state stricter control over all mining death of Leonid Brezhnev. He later planning in the College of Engineering, operations within its boundaries. assumed the presidency, a post said the panel will have its first meeting • a Brezhnev also held. Feb. 24 in Austin. SB 1018 gives the executive director of Andropov died Thursday at 69. Nelson said panelists will be emphasis- the Texas Department of Water Chernenko was named Communist Par- ing the "human" side of the site selection Resources authority to closely monitor, ty leader, the top position in the Soviet • studies being conducted by the U.S. by issuing permits, "any vertically Union, on Monday. Department of Energy and the Texas oriented excavation, whether con- Dignitaries from more than 100 coun- Department of Agriculture. structed by drilling or mining techni- tries came to Moscow to pay their The schedule being followed by DOE ques, where the depth of the excavation ,^. respects and meet the new Soviet leader. calls for the department to recommend a is greater than its diameter, (and where) -4/5 "The passing away of Yuri final repository site to the president by the excavation penetrates into, or The Ustveralty Daily / Roe Robertaso Vladimirovich Andropov has evoked March 21, 1987, Steve Frishman, a through the base of, the uppermost Strolling Along deep sorrow in the hearts of Soviet peo- spokesman in Governor Mark White's of- water-bearing strata, and the primary ple," Chernenko said. "A glorious son of fice, said Tuesday. There also is an op- purpose of the excavation is the Dean Fisher, a senior chemistry major from Midland, class. Sunshine an; blue skies made walking to Tiles- the Communist Party, an outstanding tion to request an extended date for the transport of workers and materials to leisurely strolls by the English Building on his way to day's classes mor enjoyable than usual. political figure, a person of great soul recommendation, Frishman said. and from a destination." and kind heart has departed from life." Chernenko, hospitalized last spring with pneumonia, coughed several times, often wiped his nose with a handkerchief Council candidate supports single-member districting plan and faltered at one point during the eight-minute speech. Speeches by Chernenko, Foreign By GILBERT DUNKLEY to register under both plans because a been under-represented by past city of winning a council seat are poor in an stead of having it subdivided, with one Minister Andrei Gromyko and Defense University Daily Reporter federal appeals court has not yet ruled councils. at-large election. group representing north Lubbock and on a city-sponsored appeal of a single- "When it comes to elections they (can- "We'd like for the police and the another representing west Lubbock and Minister Dmitri Ustinov stressed two Pedro Mora, a 39-year-old Texas Tech member districting plan ordered by U.S. didates for city council) go to the east sheriff's department to install more so on," he said. themes: a Soviet desire for peace and law student, has filed his candidacy for District Court Judge Halbert 0. Wood- side (of Lubbock) and promise this and Crime Eye cameras in stores around the Mora faces the challenge of Gilbert determination to maintain the armed the city council and prepares to continue ward Jr. promise that, but all they want are the city," Mora said. He credited the in- Herrera in his south Lubbock district, might of the Soviet Union. Chernenko his 10-year struggle to win elective office If no ruling is made by April 7, Wood- votes," Mora said Tuesday. "They make stallation of such cameras with "some reiterated that the Soviet Union was in Lubbock. ward's original ruling will be binding promises during the campaigns and then impact" on the number of armed rob- "I believe he (Herrera, if elected) will ready for peaceful talks, "but we will not Mora, who firmly supports a single- and municipal elections will be con- forget about them." beries in Lubbock the past two years. do more harm to the office than good," be scared by threats." member districting plan for Lubbock, fil- ducted according to the new single- Running a low-budget campaign on the would like us to settle what the city Mora said. "He's uneducated — that's The funeral procession from the House ed his candidacy for District 3 under the member districting plan. issues of crime reduction and on a solu- has been battling for 10 years — that is, his main weakness — and he will just be of Unions, where Andropov's body had lain in state since Saturday, began just at-large voting plan and for District 2 Mora, a Democrat and father of six, tion for Lubbock's water problem, Mora the water problem," Mora said. "The a puppet," Mora said. under the single-member districting said there is a need for minority said he believes he will win a seat on the Post-Justiceburg site has been on the Attempts late Tuesday by The Univer- before 11:30 a.m. Andropov's coffin was borne by a gun carriage pulled by an plan. representation on the city council city council if the single-member distric- drawing board for 10 years now," he sity Daily to contact Herrera for a Candidates for city council filing for because areas of Lubbock with large ting plan survives. said. response to Mora's charge were olive drab armored personnel carrier and escorted by goose-stepping soldiers. the April 7 city elections have been asked black and Hispanic populations have But Mora said he believes his chances "We'd try to get a more unified city in- unsuccessful. Economist sees need for decision-making research By REAGAN WHITE Three or four different kinds of advice ing among goods that are readily There is a much larger fluctuation in economist who thought labor did not Solving that problem will require ex- University Daily Reporter about what treatment would best help available, and has a consistent set of the sales of durable goods than consumer behave rationally in perceiving the dif- tensive retraining of economists, who the economy currently can be heard values to help him choose the better pro- goods, while agricultural indicators ference between real wages and money will have to research the grass roots of Understanding how consumers make within different branches of the gover- duct, he said. march slightly out of sync because of wages. The business cycle, Keynes the economy to find out why people make decisions is the primary improvement ment, Simon said. A popular new theory is labeled "ra- weather and other variables that do not thought, was caused by the money illu- the economic decisions they do, he said. that needs to be made in economic Economic forecasting has made much tional expectation," which says a person affect most economic areas, he said. sions of labor, and nourishing the Information on how businesses form theory to better supply the basic human progress since the second world war, and will try to make decisions rationally and Business indicators fluctuate the most. economy weakened by this mispercep- expectations still is sketchy, and to get needs of our society, Nobel laureate the advent of the modern computer has that each person has an inner model of The fluctuations can be accounted for in tion was the way to save it. the job done, the order of magnitude of Herbert Simon said in a lecture Monday aided the construction of bigger; better how the economy works to help him a variety of ways, including price varia- The rational expectationalists think the research is going to have to increase night. models of the economy than were possi- make those decisions, Simon said. tions, short-term interest rates, money the grain of irrationality is found in by a factor of two, he said. Speaking on "Consensus and Con- ble in the past. A major criticism of that theory is that supply and money velocity, he said. business, which is not really aware of A part of economic theory is seeing troversy in Economic Theory Today," The very best models now can predict man does not have a good model of how The current cycle is in about a 10 per- what prices as a whole do. They think how opinions change. Simon said there is a great deal of both in the future little better than chance. That the economy really works. The sup- cent depression, which is about 90 per- this is the cause of the business cycle, Economists know that if a person's the field. illustrates the great difficulty of using porters of the theory respond that man cent capacity. Simon said. choices are very good or very bad, they Economics is thought of as the economic theory successfully, Simon does have a good enough intuitive Ninety percent capacity means the The mainstream of economic thought do not average the two, but rather try to "gloomy science," and that feeling has said. knowledge of how the economy works to economy is operating at about $150 is not the cause of controversy, but get an infallible plan that will offer some been noticable in all fields during the There is a broad consensus among the make the theory valid for large groups of billion a year below capacity, which is rather differences of opinion about how security, he said. past decade because of the recent major schools of economic thought con- people, he said. not much to the people in Washington, he people form opinions about the future of economic troubles such as the gas cerning the basic premises in the field, Simon said the "business cycle" is the said. the economy, he said. Simon said he is arguing for better crunch, inflation and unemployment, he said. semi-periodical fluctuation of economic Controversy in economic theory comes "We don't have a clear idea why we economic analysis than we have now for Simon said. Most economists assume that an performance. The size of the fluctuation from attempted explanations of the think what we think about the future with several reasons, one being that the cur- "Much of the enthusiasm felt in the economic decision maker uses subjec- varies. business cycle, away from the respect to the economy," Simon said. "If rent policy of trading high unemploy- last two decades by professional tive expected utility when deciding what Most economists agree there is a mainstream of economic thought, he the problems in economic theory derive ment for low inflation results in a loss of economists has dissipated into a feeling to buy. Thus the "economic man" will business cycle because there are many said. from uncertainty, we need to be conduc- productivity, with costs comparable to of disarray," he said. try to maximize the utility for consump- economic indicators that move up and If you take a model of a perfectly ra- ting empirical research into these the federal deficit. Economists today offer all kinds of ad- tion, or make the most profitable deci- down together. The cycle sometimes tional economy, and add a grain of irra- questions." Also, there is no simple road to a vice on what to do to fix the situation, sion, he said. overheats, sometimes slows down and tionality, you get all the fluctuations of Traditionally, economists have always strong economy, and much more basic much like different doctors have various Another assumption most economists sometimes idles between the two as it is the business cycle, he said. tried to get facts about future economic research needs to be done to help realize ways to fix back trouble, he said. make is that the economic man is choos- now, he said. John Maynard Keynes was a classical demands. this goal, he said. 2 February 15, 1984 VIEWPOINT The University Daily Plea made to spare pass-fail option injury. The highest GPA's I have seen are found among a few friends MEN,116 FINALLY REAGAN WHITE of mine who seem to specialize in doing virtually nothing except ruin the possibility of a favorable curve. DEFINED OUR How do YOU spell abuse? If you are a professor and this item of news spoils your lunch, The Faculty Senate has decided abuse is spelled "P*A'S*S°- you need to find a profession where work, and not intelligence, is F*A•I'L," and they want to abolish it. They're talking pretty admired. Try construction. OBJECTIVES HERE rough. I think they mean business. Students who "blow off" tests after getting sufficient points to One of the arguments they have against pass-fail is that pass the course are abusing the policy, eh? I say the policy that IN LEBANON. students "do little or no work to squeeze by." forces students to take courses they can satisfactorily complete Any person who thinks students taking courses pass-fail are with so little effort abuses the students. They have to PAY for WERE TO HOLD ON the only ones doing just enough work to squeeze by has no the privilege of sitting through this class. business being a faculty senator. A short order cook, perhaps, Professors who are so full of hot air as to believe it is the TO 6EMAYEI:5 but little more. students who are abusing the policy will, of course, have an urge Possibly what peeves the profs is the fact that students taking to rise. Just as the English teacher in Muleshoe dreams of Tech, classes pass-fail are not having to squeeze quite as hard as the English professor at Tech dreams of Harvard. KITCHEN, HIS students getting a grade for the course. Apparently, professors But if the professor is not going to Harvard, then why not bring enjoy seeing students sweating and being squeezed. Harvard to Tech? BASEMENT For professors who adamantly agree that students need to This is the essence of the resolution to abolish pass-fail. The sweat, I would suggest a change of career. The United States professors want to force the students to strive for the "ex- ULLIP HIS DEN, , Marines are looking for a few good men; I'm sure such profs cellence" they believe flits around institutions like Harvard, and could find dozens of friends in the Marines who think similarly which would be found here, too, if students would just take about things. things more seriously. Other instructors feel cheated that pass-fail students do little Excellence surely is worth striving for, but removing the op- or no work. Again, the person who feels this "do-little" attitude tion now given to students to take a breather in one relatively is a disease confined to pass-fail students needs to, himself, be unimportant class is nothing more than an effort to force confined if for no other reason than to prevent self-inflicted students to take the class as seriously as the professor does. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

FM receives only $31,000 of its total the deck continues in his unabashed To the editor: Scott Parker Evolution are taught" create tensions Senate budget from student services fees. Good search for fame and glory. Please, Mr. The views expressed by senate resolu- Kelby Sue between religious groups. Thinking such To the editor: God, is this man, the chairperson of the Morrison, spare us from your self- tion 19:34 concerning KTXT and the High Janice Young as this has created notorious events in The current flap over funding of finance committee, for goodness sake, so righteous bleatingst How about attacking Riders do not reflect the views of the en- The College of Home Economics: history like the Children's Crusade, the KTXT-FM and the High Riders has left ignorant and/or egotistical that he some real issues for a change, such as tire senate. This resolution has only been Bethann Bell Spanish Inquisition, the Jewish me extremely disgusted with the un- doesn't even bother to check the facts the lack of adequate means of entrance through the first reading, and a senate The Graduate School: Holocaust, and the religious friction that disguised pomposity, egotism and before he sponsors a resolution? His to many of the older Tech buildings for committee and has not yet been Carl Beson exists in Ireland and the Mideast to this demagoguery of the co-sponsers of the egotism is also evident in his desire to students in wheelchairs, the lack of ade- presented before the student senate for a Chuck Graves day. Such religious intolerance as this Student Senate resolution to cut funding "petition the Student Services Fee Ad- quate commuter parking, seating ar- vote. James Scott should be frowned upon by society, and it for KTXT-FM and the High Riders. They visory Board ... and to call them on the rangements at athletic events, etc. There We, the student senators, are responsi- Dirk Wilson should be given a place no less contemp- have embarrassed themselves, the Stu- carpet about these two instances." He are many pressing needs of students at ble for representing the students who The Law School: tible than racial or ethnic bigotry — the dent Senate, and Texas Tech University also stated that the "matter would be Texas Tech that should be addressed elected us. We cannot represent you if we J. Wayne Morrison one breeds upon the other. Next time the in the eyes of the public. J. Wayne Mor- closed as far as the radio station was con- without "creating" issues. Granted, they do not know what your views are, so if The best way to contact the senators is members of "Koinonia" decide to hold a rison's comments at the Thursday public cerned and that the committee would be may not be as glorious as KTXT-FM and you have any views that you wish to ex- to contact the Student Association office rally, they should be wearing sheets and meeting, as reported by Damon Pearce confident in their stand on the resolu- the High Riders, but the needs are there, press concerning this resolution or any (742-3631) and leave a message for the burning crosses — like good Christians! in the Friday, February 10th University tion." Whew! Is this man on an ego trip, nevertheless. Or are you so blind to your other bill or resolution, you should con- senators representing your college. With regard to religious programming Daily, are those of a roan so in love with or what? own ambition and egotism that you can't tact the senators representing the college Randy Gee, Senator, on KTXT-FM, I am very much in favor of his power and the sound of his own voice I realize that such a position of high see them? Come down off your high and in which you are enrolled. College of Engineering Robin Fred's "Rationale..." He presents that it is sickening. He is truly a legend in respect and authority (snicker, snicker) mighty pedestal, Senator, and take a look I have noticed that the identity of the in a rational way the imprudent decisions his own mind. His disappointment that no looks good on a resume, but let's face it, around. After all, you were elected to senators representing the different col- of the Student Senate in cutting off fun- representative of KTXT-FM showed up J. Wayne Morrison is a man with a solu- represent the students, weren't you? Or leges is not known by many of the ding to KTXT because of religious pro- to grovel at his feet is evident. His claim tion in search of a problem. The issue did God himself appoint you? students. With this, I am including this gramming. I am not in favor of the pro- that "we fund their station 100 percent" here is not separation of church and list of senators. Religious Freedom gram, regardless of the measly $1.25 a is clearly refuted by the fact that KTXT- state; it is whether this loose cannon on Jim Kendrick The College of Agriculture: week it costs to broadcast, feeling as I do To the editor: Clay Holcomb that such a program violates the Contrary to public opinion, the doctrine The College of Arts and Sciences: precious doctrines or separation of of separation of church and state is com- Chuck Alexander Church and State, and Religious plementary of, and not contrary to, that Moody Alexander Freedom; however, I would rather have of religious freedom. Without the one, we Alison Bennett the station with the program than to have are without the other. The first amend- Susan Bernard no station at all. I am in favor of an alter- ment may guarantee to everyone his Cliff Blankenship nate program that would not be offensive religious freedom, but it also prohibits Amy Bourret to anyone's religion. This program would the establishment of one by the state. The Frank Fallon present, in an objective and unoffensive first amendment also guarantees to Shelly Fischer manner, the religious doctrines, everyone his freedom of speech; Suzanne Griffin theology, and philosophy of several however, the Supreme Court decision of Mike Johnson faiths represented at Tech. This would Schenk vs. The United States makes Jim Noble create an understanding between the clear the fact that this freedom ends Steve Thompson students and a respect toward differing when it disregards the freedom of others. The College of Business Administration: religious beliefs. Consideration would This letter will deal with two subjects: Lisa Seville also be given to Agnostics and Atheists, the manner in which the spokesman for Kelley Cooper who would also have a say with regard to the religious group "Koinonia" used his Mark Davidson their beliefs. The program would not be freedom of speech by promoting Nolan Dees sponsored by any one church or religious religious bigotry on the free-speech area Gary Fredrick organization, as is the case with the pro- last Wednesday, and the cutting off of Kathy Gray gram in dispute, but by the student body. funds for KTXT-FM because of religious Brett Hilliard In this manner, religion can be discussed programming. David Howard in a stimulating way — and after all, Jim Shelton what is a university-operated station for, The College of Education: With regard to the first issue, I believe if not to stimulate the student body in- Mark Blankenship that the spokesman for "Koinonia" was tellectually? Furthermore, because the Tiffany Burke speaking in a manner that was program would be sponsored by the stu- Susan Jones disrespectful toward the religious beliefs dent body, the doctrine of separation of The College of Engineering: of many students listening to him and at- church and state would be abided by, and Danny Boone tending the University. Statements like thereby, our religious freedom will be Kevin Crooks "Mohammed was a false prophet" and truly guaranteed. Randy Gee "it is because Christians are not the Salt Danielle Lang of the Earth that false doctrines like David E. Walker

BLOOM COUNTY By Berke Breathed VISITOR'S PASS By Marla Erwin


•Editor Robin Fred Managing Editor Jim Cason News Editor Alison Gollghtly THE UNIVERSITY DAILY Lifestyles Editor Kent Pingel Sports Editors John Kelley, Lyn McKinley Copy Editors Donna Huerta, Kay Miller News Reporters Robin Rynn Chavez, Gilbert Dunkley, Steve Kauffman, Damon Pearce, John Reid, Kevin Smith, Laura Tetreault, Greg Vaughn, Reagan White Second class postage paid by The University Daily, Journalism Building, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Lifestyles Writers Jan !Miley, Kristl Froehlich 79409. Sports Writers Colin Killian, Chip May Publication Number 766480. Librarian Gay Noland The University Daily, a student newspaper at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas is published daily except Editorial Assistant Sarah Luman Saturday and Sunday, September through May, and bi-weekly June through August except during review, examination Head Photographer R.J. Hinkle and vacation periods. Photographer Ron Robertson As a student activity. The University Daily is independent of the academic department of Mass Communications. Artist Marla Erwin Subscription rate is $25 per year for non-students, and $1.20 per semester for students. Single copies are 20 cents. Work Study Students Melinda Everett, Pam Lloyd, Carla McKeown, Sandy Murillo, Pete Wilkins Opinions expressed in the University Daily are those of the editor or the writer of the article and are not necessarily Newsroom Director Mike Haynes those of the University administration or of the Board of Regents. Advertising Manager Jan Children Advertising Sales Staff Sally Bland, Tom Burgess, Lori Cheadle, Leslie Colket, Peggy Cruse, Mike Herrick, Lynn Lackey, William Lee, Lori Lohrenz, Jimmy Orr, Mickey Shivitz, Todd Smith, Kim Wedeking Production Manager Sid Little Production Staff Mary Jane Gomez, Mary Isaacson, Charlene Conlin, Lorraine Brady, Bret Combs

The University Daily NEWS February 15, 1984 — 3 CAMPUS BRIEFS MOMENT'S NOTICE Druse gain way to sea after attack CANTERBURY CLUB Moment's Notice is a service of The multinational force, said the Allied Shiite Moslem Tech University Day scheduled University Daily for student and Canterbury Club will have a sack despite U.S. bombardment lunch with discussion at noon today in Ricketts fired 11 rounds militias took control of University Day at Texas Tech, Feb. 24, will offer prospec- university organizations. Publication By The Associated Press and repeated attacks by of all announcements is subject to the the University Center Executive Room. Lebanese jets. An army from its five-inch guns Moslem west Beirut on Feb. tive students a taste of the academic and social aspects of judgement of the UD editors and ARTS AND SCIENCES STUDENT 6 after a series of street COUNCIL communique said its before dawn on Syrian-held college life. availability of space. Anyone who battles. wants to place a Moment's Notice Applications for Arts and Sciences Stu- BEIRUT, Lebanon — soldiers retreated after be- territory, at the request of More than 2,000 people are expected to participate in the dent Council are available in the second should come to the LTD newsroom on Druse insurgents launched a ing "outnumbered and the Lebanese command. event, most of them high school students. Registration will the second floor of the Journalism floor dean's off ice in Holden Hall and are The Marine base at the due today. surprise offensive Tuesday The shelling at nightfall begin at 8 a.m. in the University Center Courtyard. A Building and fill out a form for EACH outgunned." airport was hit by mortars DAY THE NOTICE IS TO APPEAR ARTS AND SCIENCES COUNCIL and captured a strategic The victory gives the was the fourth U.S. naval welcome and general assembly will start at 9 a.m. in the The Arts and Sciences Council will from the southeast at 6:45 Notices of meetings may run twice, mountain corridor from bombardment since Presi- University Center Theater. the day before and the day of the meet at 5:30 p.m. today at Town and Druse a long-sought corridor a.m., and the Marines meeting. Notices concerning applica- Country Apartments, Sun government troops. A U.S. dent Reagan announced a Afterward, prospective Tech students may receive to the sea. answered with a 36-round tions may run three times. SIGMA DELTA CHI warship opened fire twice — week ago his decision to in- academic advising, review potential majors and inquire The Society of Professional Jour- U.S. Marine spokesman barrage of 81mm mortars, ACS-SA nalists, Sigma Delta Chi, will meet at 7 during the Druse attack and Maj. Dennis Brooks said the crease U.S. air and naval ac- about academic requirements. ACS-SA will meet at 8:30 p.m. today in Giese said. Five hours p.m. Thursday In 209 Journalism again when Lebanon's destroyer Claude V. tion against units firing into Afternoon programs include tours of the campus and in- 101 Chemistry Building. Building. earlier, rockets hit the ter- Defense Ministry came the Beirut area or attacking dividual college facilities. Thirty-minute bus tours of the JUNIOR GREEKS LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Ricketts hit artillery posi- minal area of the Marine en- The Junior Greeks will meet at 8 p.m. SERIES under fire, American of- the peacekeeping force. campus also will be available. tions in the Syrian- campment, but there was no today in the Phi Delt Lodge Rational Self Counseling Part D will ficers said. controlled central moun- In Washington, Navy Tech's six colleges and many academic departments and SOCIETY FOR PROFESSIONAL be held today at 3:30 p.m. in the Univer- response. The Marines fought a mor- Secretary John Lehman said departmental clubs will operate booths in the University HEALTH CAREERS aity Center Green Room. Speaking will tains with 42 rounds from its The Society for Professional Health be Paul Knipping. For more informa- tar duel at daybreak when such shelling was intended Christian-controlled radio Center Ballroom. Student organizations will have booths in five-inch guns after Careen will discuss Army scholarships tion telephone the Dean of Students of- their base came under fire to bolster the beleaguered stations in Beirut said the the University Center Courtyard for visitor browsing. for medical training at 7 p.m. Thursday fice, 742-2192. nightfall. PRE +LAW SOCIETY from the southeast — five government of President Ricketts blasted Druse The day's activities will Conclude with a two-hour swimm- in 101 Biology Building. The half-hour bombard- TEXAS TECH TOASTMASTERS Pre-Law Society will hear a speaker hours after a rocket attack. ment was in retaliation for Amin Gemayel. But strongholds that had been ing and dance party beginning at 8:30 p.m. at the Texas Tech from the University of Houston Law The Texas Tech Toastmasters will No Marines were injured, presidential spokesman given artillery support for Aquatic Center. meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 254 School at 8 pm. today in 105 Law School. renewed shelling attacks STRAPS U.S. spokesmen said. Larry Speakes said Lehman the Druse offensive to cap- For more information, contact the Office of New Student Business Administration Building. against the Lebanese FASHION BOARD Student Texas Recreation and Park Lebanon radio said Defense Ministry in Yarze was "incorrect," and that ture the corridor. Relations, 742-1480. Fashion Board pledges will meet at 5 Society will meet at 8 p.m. today in 108 p.m.; executives will meet at 5:15 p.m.; Plant Science Building. Syrian-backed Druse near U.S. Ambassador Naval fire was only to sup- and members will meet at 6 p.m. today SCA INC. COLLEGIUM BONWICKE militias controlled a mile- Reginald Bartholomew's port Marines and other Nabih Berri, leader of the Mahon library hosts lunch bunch in 76 Holden Hall. Style show tryouts will SCA Inc. will have a populace meeting long corridor between the Americans in Lebanon. Shiite militia, Amal, called be after the meeting. at 6:30 p.m_ Thursday in 207 University residence, Brooks said. Speakers from The Museum of Texas Tech and the Texas ASAE & MECH AG Center. Chouf Mountains southeast U.S. Air Force Capt. Jack The Druse surprise attack the firing "a big mistake" Tech Natural Sciences Research Laboratory will be part of ASAE and Mech Ag will meet at 6:30 WOKEN IN COMMUNICATIONS of Beirut and the Aley Moun- Giese, also a spokeman for dealt the Lebanese army its and urged a U.S. neutral role p.m. Thursday in 107 Agricultural Women In Communications will meet tain ridge east of Beirut the Mahon Library's Lunch Bunch Program this spring. Engineering Building. at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in 111 Mass Com- the Americans in the second defeat in nine days. in Lebanon. The free talks will be from 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS munications Building. ASSOCIATION AG COUNCIL library. Participants may bring their lunches. The Agricultural Economics Associa- The Ag Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Robert Owen, collection manager for vertebrates at the tion will have a mixer at 7:30 p.m. today In 311 Agricultural Sciences research laboratory, will speak Feb. 21 on "Peru and Thursday at 3318 26th Street. Building. `Bubble Boy' remains in stable condition IDEAS AND ISSUES Trinidad," basing his remarks on a scientific collection trip. Ideas and Issues will meet at 5 p.m_ to- HOUSTON (AP) — David, several days until Tuesday, medication it is." quantity of antibiotics he is INTERIOR DESIGN CLUB "Dreams for The Museum" will be presented March 6 by day in the University Center SOS Con- the 12-year-old "bubble boy" she said. David will continue receiv- receiving; or whether he was Clyde Jones, director of the Tech museum; Garold Barney, ference Room. Interior Design Club will hear a PRISM speaker at 6 p.m. Thursday in 111 Home born without immunity to She said doctors do no know ing ulcer medication and cor- passing blood in his urine. interim curator of education; and Future Akins, a museum PRISM will hear a speaker at 7:30 to- Economics Building. Refreshments will disease, is in "serious but what caused the ulcer. ticosteroids for several weeks. The boy, whose last name staff member. day in 155 Business Administration be served. "The bleeding from the never has been disclosed, was Building. PROGRAMS FOR ACADEMIC SUP- stable" condition with an Steven Bradley, museum curator, will talk April 10 on "A TECH ACCOUNTING SOCIETY PORT SERVICES ulcer, vomiting and diarrhea, ulcer has stopped," she said. Griffin said she did not know born without immunity to Yankee Looks at Texas Art," an assessment of contem- Tech Accounting Society will hear a Programs for Academic Support Ser- a spokeswoman for Baylor "David is now receiving ulcer how much blood the boy had disease and until last week porary Texas art. speaker from Deloitte, Haskins and Sells vices offer a workshop, "Guidelines for at 7:30 p.m. Thursday In the University the Non-Traditional Age Student: How to College of Medicine said medication intravenously. I lost; specifically how doctors had spent his entire life inside A talk on "Wild West Shows" will be presented May 15 by Center Coronado Room. Deal with Examinations," at noon to- Tuesday. don't know what kind of discovered the ulcer; what a series of sterile room-size day, and a study skills group, "Develop- Kristine Fredriksson, curator of history for the museum. She SOPHOMORE SERVICE HONORARY Bleeding from the ulcer had will discuss her research project on the children of wild west Sophomore Service Honorary will ing Useful Study Habits," at 7 p.m. today meet at 5 p.m. today in 4 Holden Hall. in the southwest corner basement of the been stopped, but the boy was shows. FRESHMAN COUNCIL Administration Building. unable to eat and was being YOUR For more information, telephone 742-2442. Applications are now available for STUDENT ASSOCIATION Freshman Who's Who. All interested Campus organizations applying for fed intravenously, Susannah Freshmen go to the University Center funding from student service fees must Griffin said. turn budget requests in to the Student LiViNg PLACE Student Association Office to fill out an The boy had been able to eat a Landscape team sweeps awards application. All applications are due Association office in the University S confer by 5 p.m. today. some food normally for Three Texas Tech landscape architecture teams involving Friday. 13 students have swept the top three awards in recent com- petition in Dallas. * LEASE Now FOR Joe Rokiek, chairman of the department of park ad- COLUMBIA ARTISTS PRESENTS ministration and landscape architecture, said the teams FIRST TIME IN AMERICA * FREE RENT placed first, second and third for their master plan design THE AND concept for a 1.5-mile section of Dallas' Woodall Rodgers NEW SPECTACULAR • 2 Bedrooms • 2 Large Freeway. Ideal for Swimming Treescape Dallas Inc. sponsored the Jan. 16 competition. • Roommates Pools Other schools participating in the event were Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Arlington. • 1 Bedroom • Large um State Closets Rodiek said the student design plans focus on the impact Stepsaver for the environment has on the motorist, the occasional Serious Students • Security pedestrian and people working in tall office buildings. Lighting Treescape Dallas Inc. is a non-profit organization involved 0 ThSon11316 in improving the Dallas environment. Direct From Budapest COMPANY OF 100 Indiana Visiting Latin professor to speak 701 N. INdiANA Charles Fantazzi, a professor of classics and Italian at the DANCERS - CHORUS - ORCHESTRA University of Windsor, Canada, will visit Texas Tech to Sponsored by village 747-2696 speak on "Renaissance Latin Love Poetry: The Petrarchan February 1 and Classical Backgrounds," at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in 6 6, 1984 Holden Hall. The public is invited to attend. 8:1 5 p.m. Center Theatre trap Fantazzi, who received his Ph.D in comparative literature Tickets: TTU Students $3.00 Others: $6.00 from Harvard, has produced critical editions of Sannazaro's All seats reserved. For more information call the U.C. Ticket De Partu Virginls and Juan Luis Vives' In Pseudodlalecticos, Booth: 742-3610 several articles on Latin and Italian poetry, and numerous reviews in Phoenix, Choice, Saturday Review and other journals. Amethyst Fantazzi's visit is sponsored by the department of classical and romance languages and the department of English. For more information telephone 742-1555. February Birthstone Dad's Association gives awards Jumpsuits!! Select an unmounted Amethyst from a A senior from each of Texas Tech's six colleges has been large selection of shapes & sizes. named a 1984 recipient of the Tech Dads Association Scholarship-Leadership-Service Award. We'll mount it for you in a Students and their respective colleges are Tar-luny Brun- Here is just one of a son, education; David Smith, engineering; Julia Haisler, 14 Kt. mounting, with or home economics; Dean Hawkins, agricultural sciences; whole array of jumpsuits, without a diamond. Elizabeth Smith Painter, arts and sciences; and Mary Skoog, business administration. rompers and pant suits in We also have Amethyst rings with diamonds already The awards, given annually to students who have combin- ed academic excellence with outstanding public service and the Junior Department at mounted in a variety of styles. community leadership, will be presented at the Dads Association's Mid-Winter Trustees Meeting at noon Saturday Skibells. The variety in • Amethyst & 16 Diamond Ring in the University Center Coronado Room. fabrics, styles and colors Amethyst 4.45 ct., Diamonds .53 et. Retail $2,000 COST $500. offers a selection sure to 0 • Amethyst & 16 Diamond Ring render something perfect Amethyst 1.12 ct., Diamonds .71 ct. Color Analysis Retail $1,940 COST $485. q(Cor OFF WITH for any fun Spring oc- • Amethyst & 6 Diamond Ring THIS COUPON $15 casion. Pictured is a Amethyst 1.57 ct., Diamonds .22 ct. Retail $840 COST $210. ties Includes: • Skincare • Make-up Colors & Application khaki, crinkled cotton • Amethyst & 16 Diamond Bracelet • Swatches for easy shopping Amethyst 2.45 ct., Diamonds .51 ct. • jumpsuit with a surplice Personal Booklet Retail $2,400 COST $600. Call Camille at 794-7755 Expires 3-1-84 neckline and pleated 50 - 6007o OFF Retail Everyday! sleeves and belt. Custom Designs & Repairs Sizes 3-11 90 - Day Layaway The "Science of Mind" Center presents a free lecture on $86 "Rebirthing" THACKER Or "Releasing negative emotions associated with birth" dEWELRY 82nd & Quaker • 10 - 5:30 Mon. - Sat. • 794-7766 Thurs., Feb. 16, 1984 at 7:30 pm 2245 19th Street Roaring Springs Amarillo VISA 200 Broadway 8th St. & Polk For more info. call 792-6355 or 762-0131 South Plains Mall Sunshine Square 50th & Salem 348-3971 373-5256 4 — February 15, 1984 NEWS The University Daily KTXT-TV to host Students have fond memories of professor favorable, with many (professors) are all Tech Architecture Library, By REAGAN WHITE chitect with WMW Ar- dedicated to teaching, but almost doubIng the current University Daily Reporter chitects for 19 years. students abandoning Calvert was a teacher with multiple-choice answers for not with the same intensity collection. Gifted architect and pro- both high expectations and enthusiastic half-page Walt was." Calvert was a fan of Frank fund-raising festival Lloyd Wright. Although he fessor Walter Lee Calvert high demands for his responses. The first year the home died recently, ending 21 students. According to many Calvert even received economics and family used Lloyd's philosophy of By ROBIN RYNN CHAVEZ Programming during Festival donations. The winners of the years of service to Texas of his former students, his Christmas cards from ex- management department simplicity in design, he did University Daily Reporter '84 will run the gamut from the award will be selected by a opera of Maria Callas to -Best committee of KTXT advisory' Tech and the Southwest. intense style of teaching students, a form of support was established, Calvert not imitate. Calvert stressed Festival '84, the annual fund of Live From the Grand Ole members. Winners will be an- Calvert's award-winning enabled him to get students that was important to him. A taught a sophomore drawing to students the importance of using a theoretical basis drive to raise programming Opry." nounced on March 9, the fifth design for The Museum of excited and involved in Faculty Recognition award lab without pay because the dollars for South Plains public Non-musical specials in- night of Festival '84. Texas Tech heads a long list design. from the Mortar Board in department did not have of design to avoid imitation. broadcasting station KTXT- clude "Magic!" with Harry Payne said funding by local of creative achievements in Although some people 1977 occupied a prominent adequate funding to pay a TV, will kick off on Channel 5 Blackstone, Nova's "Miracle business is growing. Lubbock and throughout the were intimidated by his in- place on his office wall. teacher's salary. Calvert did not use a text on March 3 and will continue of Life, "Hindenburg: Ship of state. tensity, he still managed to The Architour, an annual Calvert spent long hours for many of his classes, but through March 18. Doom," and "The Impossible She attributed the small Calvert designed Lubbock generate respect and loyal- field trip to allow students to working on material for his instead used outlines he An on-air goal of $165,000 Dream: Balloons Across the underwriting from local mer- fire stations 9 and 10, Plain- ty. He expected better than see architecture in settings lectures. He often devoted 35 wrote containing the exact has been set for this year's Atlantic." All in all, Festival chants to profits gained from view's First Presbyterian his students' best. across the United States, to 40 hours preparing for information he wanted festival. That is $10,000 more '84 has something to offer network advertising. Church and Lubbock's Our His own love and en- was put together entirely by each lecture, and his vaca- students to learn. than last year's goal of everyone, Payne said. Lady of Grace Catholic thusiasm for his subject Calvert for the benefit of his tion time each year was $155,000, which was met with During Festival '84 the first Payne said all contributions Church, along with many often rubbed off on his students. spent traveling to gather in- These outlines probably contributions from 3,970 in- "PeeBee Awards" will be from the private sector are other works of art and students, which was evident Calvert was dedicated to formation for his courses. would have been used by dividuals and families and 307 presented live on Channel 5 to returned to the public through design. by the teacher evaluation excellence in education. His collection of books and Calvert to write books he businesses. recognize outstanding South the qualtiy educational and To keep in touch with his forms seen by his Cora Mckown, professor of slides, which cost him had in mind, but he was so The festival is the primary Plains supporters of public cultural KTXT programming. subject as a teacher, Calvert associates. home economics and family thousands of dollars each busy he may never have funding source for the station. broadcasting, she said. She said that because of con- remained a practicing ar- The forms almost all were management, said, "We year, will be donated to the written the books. It is supplemented with under- "There are three categories siderable budget cuts that writing from businesses and of recognition for the award," have come about during the corporations and ongoing Payne said. "There is an in- Reagan administration and an direct mail solicitations, said dividual award, a corporate or increase in programming Lubbock fire marshal to retire after 30 years Karen Payne, KTXT-TV business award, and a costs, meeting the monetary Saturday after 30 years with rently is assistant fire mar- of six who perform fire conducted by the department. director of development. category for public relations goal of Festival '84 will be By KEVIN SMITH the fire department. shal, a position he has held prevention inspections and in- In making the appointment, The 16-night event will and advertising." crucial to maintaining the University Daily Reporter Fire Chief Tom Foster has since February 1979. vestigate fires. Last year Foster expressed confidence feature an array of special Payne said supporters are level of programming she said Lubbock Fire Marshal named John Anthony to In assuming his new posi- more than 5,100 inspections of in the new fire marshal, who shows and activities judged on their contributions people have grown to expect Robert Stokes will retire replace Stokes. Anthony cur- tion, Anthony verill head a staff commercial buildings were has been with the department highlighting public television. of time, talent and financial from Channel 5. since 1959. "John has been an impor-

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B 11 x 17 University Center Theatre University 2 .4. sponsored by University Plaza Center Program UNIVERSITY Free Admission The University Daily LIFESTYLES February 15, 1984 — 5 Pageant lacks Club admires horse, of course By The Associated Press Most of his 1,100 members, including Alan Young, who played Wilbur Post, Mr. Ed's owner, have joined in the past year. Word of DALLAS — Singers have fan clubs. the club is spreading, Burnett says. student response Athletes have fan clubs. Saturday morning "Most people just love Mr. Ed. That's all cartoon heros have fan clubs. And now a talk- there is to it," he said. ing horse has a fan club. "Right now, Mr. Ed is not very heavily syn- You remember the horse, of course, the dicated. He's actually shown in more foreign famous "Mr. Ed." countries than in U.S. cities," he said. KRISTI The source of this unusual course is a "I have no idea why that is. But it presents 25-year-old self-proclaimed "Edhead" who an interesting challenge for me." publishes a newsletter for the 1,100 members Burnett works at part-time odd jobs and of his Mr. Ed Fan Club. FROEHLICH James Burnett hopes to revive the dead hopes to make it big someday as a promoter. He's worked with rock musicians on concerts, talking horse by returning the once-popular handling some publicity, and Mr. Ed television show to the airwaves. believes the Mr. Ed Fan Club may lead to bigger career Burnett's campaign to syndicate the show, endeavors. which went off the air in the 1960s, is run from I never thought it could happen here at Texas Tech. his tiny apartment in the Dallas suburb of "He's something that was once very I knew this is an apathetic campus as far as political con- Cedar Hill. popular," Burnett said of the white talking Hungarian State Folk Ensemble troversies, national issues and foreign affairs are concerned. Although he never had watched the show, horse, who liked bowling, driving a milk truck But I never anticipated that there would be a lack of interest he founded the club in 1974 — by accident. and sneezing "Wilburrrrr!" The Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, a Thursday. Advance tickets cost $3 for — especially here in Texas where southern belles abound — "I decided I needed the ultimate fake "I have a chance to promote him and bring dance troupe representing the Tech students and $6 for all others. All in a beauty pageant. I never cease to be amazed. return address. So I used the 'Mr. Ed Fan the show back," he said. "I think I've really Hungarian people, will perform in the tickets will cost $6 the day of the show. An unusually popular pageant each year is the Miss Texas tapped into something unusual." Club' because I thought it would be complete- University Center Theater at 8:15 p.m. Tech Pageant, sponsored by the Society of Professional Jour- ly absurb for Mr. Ed to have a fan club," The fan club, Burnett said, "Is a part-time nalists/Sigma Delta Chi Last year, 25 contestants were Burnett said. job and a full-time debt." entered in the competition. This year, with the entry deadline "Then in 1979 I decided to make a T-shirt "There is a whole generation of young peo- on Friday, the organization has had a total of fdrum roll with the return address on it and people stop- ple who have never even heard of Mr. Ed," please,) ZERO applications filed. ped me on the street and said they wanted to Burnett said. "I'm out to re-Ed-ucate the DONATE BLOOD PLASMA What happened? Usually the fraternities, sororities and join," he said. public." $15 NEW DONORS $15 other clubs on campus nominate lots of women. What's so dif- WILL BE PAID S10 FOR YOUR ferent about this year? Surely they don't think there are no rgrrga. iPr Wan; 1st DONATION WITH THIS COUPON worthy candidates. I see millions and trillions of them every- Wit? AND YOUR TECH I.D. day. They're just walking around campus making other girls PLUS $5 00 FOR A TETANUS SHOT jealous. So I know it can't possibly be for lack of appropriate BANDY'S BABY DOLLS Regular Donor Fees: candidates. 2 for 1 Happy Hour 4-8 Daily 58.00 1st Donation Featured on Wednesdays $10.00 2nd Donation Maybe it's the money. There is a $50 entry fee, but in the in calendar week past there has been a $40 fee. Is $10 such a big difference? WET-T- SHIRT CONTEST UNIVERSITY BLOOD-PLASMA, INC. $15 With inflation and the cost of living on the rise, even pageants • 1 st, 2nd & 3rd place cash prizes each week $15 2414-B Broadway-Lubbock, Texas 79401 • Finals March 14th Phone 763-4321 - Hours: 9:30-4:00 aren't exempt from raising prices. • • •GRAND PRIZE • •• What would happen if no one entered? That could lead to in- Las Vegas Weekend And Life Size Trophyl teresting possibilities. Especially for the full-page picture of 1st Runner-up Complete Waterbed! $5 Entry Fee Miss Texas Tech that usually goes in La Ventana. I don't 2nd Runner-up Gift Certificate) 34th & Ave H 763-3636 know, white space isn't so bad. Or even better, what if just one person entered? The StbiztriesmitAbisMigit suspense of who might win would be tremendous. The au- LUNCH AT O'MALLEY'S dience would be on the edge of their seats waiting for the an- "An institution- nouncement. What a night. Oh, wait. I've got an idea. Let a guy enter the competition. not institutionalized" It would bring new meaning to the word MISS. It might even Rag ((ea giectiteivid be more exciting. Especially if there was a bathing suit category. I know plenty of guys who would love the chance to Permanent Hair Removal wear a bikini in public. Okay. Let's be serious for a moment. The pageant is an ex- 25% off all- electrolysis thru February cellent opportunity for beautiful women to win the recogni- ptheAn tion and prestige that comes with the title. Not to mention a tiara and flowers. Plus, whoever sponsored the winner would Call about otifirap Specials have some bragging rights. It would show that they were a good judge of personality and beauty. Yes, I do have an ulterior motive for the appeal. For those who may not have guessed already, I'm a member of the Call for appointment Serving Superior Sandwiches with the best of spirits society sponsoring the pageant. We have big plans for the 793-7388 3008 - 50th Suite jEj 762-2300 Open 11:00 am Daily 1211 University event, but without contestants it leaves us stuck in the cold.


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6 — February 15, 1984 SPORTS The University Daily Earhart accepts leader's role for netters Athletic adviser By CHIP MAY Southwest Conference should "From that point, I started his teammates. position," he said. "It doesn't University Daily Sports Writer help him this season," Tech playing tennis 365 days a matter to me what position I coach Ron Damron said. year," he said. The senior thinks Tech's get, as long as I am able to get takes Baylor job As the only senior on the The squad returns four let- During his career, he has squad should match up evenly there." Ed Mooney, academic counselor for the Texas Tech men's Texas Tech tennis team, termen and introduces five excelled at almost every level with other Southwest Con- Overall, the senior says he athletic department, resigned Monday to become academic David Earhart has an impor- freshmen. The team is in which he has participated. ference schools and may sur- plays tennis for fun. counselor at Baylor. tant responsibility. represented by players from Earhart formerly was the prise some people. Mooney, who was an All-Southwest Conference and When he enters the court, four countries: New Zealand, third-ranked junior player in "I feel tennis is something honorable mention All-America linebacker for the Raiders in his teammates expect him to Brazil, Canada and the United Texas. He was nominated for "I think we are pretty good that I've always enjoyed," he this year. The players on the 1967, will remain at Tech until March 9. He said the move is set a good example and to lead States. the McFarland Award honor- said. "It's fun to look back and strictly for professional reasons. the team. "We are young, but have a ing the outstanding junior in team are real even and give us see what I've accomplished a lot of depth," Earhart said. "It's just too good of an opportunity for me to pass up," Earhart has all the lot of talent and have strong Texas and also was named the over the years. Mooney said. "I have nothing but praise for the people I've qualifications. backgrounds. They all have outstanding athlete in West Yet he also has a personal worked with at Tech. My decision was based on my future "David is one of the hardest had lots of international ex- Texas. goal to strive for. "I also think playing tennis and the future of my family." workers on the team right perience," Damron said. During high school, Earhart is something the Lord wants Mooney replaced Bob Thomas in the spring of 1980 and was now. He is our senior captain Earhart, a Corpus Christi took All-America honors. last "I would really like to win a me to do. I'm not just saying responsible for overseeing the academic progress of all male and is our team leader. His native, first handled a racket year he was voted the Arch spot in the Southwest Con- that; that's what I really Earhart athletes. four years of experience in the when he was 11 years old. Lamb Spirit Award winner by ference tournament in any feel." "We hate to see Ed go," said athletic director John Conley, who made the announcement for Mooney. "He had a good relationship with the faculty, players and coaches. We wish him well." During Mooney's four-year stay several Raider athletes WESTERN -cr -vot\i‘o were named to All-Academic teams. Following the 1982 LIMEY'S STORE GRP.FF111 season, tight end Buzz Tatom, safety Chuck Alexander and er 1 FCC wide receiver Bryan Williamson were named to the 2431-34th St. - Open Thurs. Night till 9 pm SCM.1-` Academic All-District team. 1 "I'll miss the people in the athletic department and all the ALL - MEN & LADIE'S ALL LEVIS & CGNIE people I have worked with on campus," Mooney said. JUSTIN ROPERS WRANGLER 0 se 1 $0,0 CASH PRIZE Tech sports information director Joe Hornaday said the Asst. Colors \N\io \N11-\AHE, BEsA athletic department will begin looking immediately for a Reg. $89.99 $6995 Denims 95 G IRD replacement. pr. $14 pr. Master Card ° Visa ° American Express AEROBIC OA\AEROB\C SUIAS A Good PLAcE 7:11EA117,"Chtink ANd Hold CONVERSATION. WEAR 1N\N FREE. HAPPYY HOUR FREE PRO-VEIN PUNCH FOR p_4[114rbqiq FOR Highballs FROM -1 AO "11 65' BEER 5_7 p.m. 1 EVERYONE Bonquot \MAN 20 M\NU1ES WORK Rooms Hopp*. HOW Avallobla 4 30-6 30 SPEC\PIAHROUG\-\001 AHE N\G\-\A YARD50 LINE k RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Great eafia "GU•IS \NEP.RNG \NORKOU1 Steaks • Chicken • Seafood 12th & GO SI OFF Slide Rd. 793-5050 GET HAPPIER! OS At Santa Fe's THE DOOR" HAPPIER HOUR 10 pm Every Night Mon. - Sat. $ 80 Per Month! FREE Chips and Queso for the munchies PLASMA DONORS NEEDED 2 for 1 on everything (including beer) at CARE FOR LIFE OF LUBBOCK 2415-A MAIN STREET & 747-2854




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et The University Daily SPORTS February 15, 1984 - 7 Americans relish first gold medal CLASSIFIED SECTION

DEADLINE 11 A M. DAY PRIOR TO PUBLICATION 1 Day $3.00 By The Associated Press Sweden, Finland, the Soviet those 43 one-hundredths of a RATES BASED ON 15 WORDS OR LESS 2 Days $4.50 Union and others. It was the second. 1984 WINTER CASH ADVANCE OR VISA & MASTERCARD 3 Days $5.25 NO REFUNDS Americans' turn Monday As the medals were 4 Days $6.00 SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia - night. presented, a chant of "US-A" 5 Days $6.75 For four nights no American Debbie Armstrong, a went up, the same ryttunic had stood there. 20-year-old from Seattle, stood chant so familiar from Lake Feb. 7-19 On Monday night, one stood on the thin orange rug in the Placid ceremonies four years in the spot reserved for the center of the platform, reci- ago. Sarajevo, TYPING gold. pient of the United States' first Before the gold medal was To her right, another stood gold medal of the Games for placed around her neck, a Yugoslavia SHERRY'S Word Processing & copies, 8th end Slide area. IBM Display writer, in the spot reserved for the her victory in the women's grinning Armstrong shuffled Graduate School accepted- Sherry Smith, e€ 797-0680 silver. Had it not been for 43 earlier in the her feet, raised her hands, and up TYPING done by executive secretary. IBM $ 1 80 one-hundredths of a second, day. threw her head back and word processor Fest, dependable, profes- another would have been Teammate Christin Cooper stared into the sky. sional. Cell Ann 797-5284. HONEYCOMB APARTMENTS there, in the spot reserved for of Sun Valley, Idaho, stood Michel Rudigoz, the coach metal fence and squeezed moving." ACCURATE and fast Spelling corrected. Correcting Selectric III. Mrs. Cook, the bronze. beside her, winner of second of the U.S. women's team, was among the crowd in the cold Close behind them, atop the 794-7125. Semester Leasing For four nights, hundreds place and the silver. standing by himself after the night air were Armstrong's shoulders of a male U.S. ski ACCURATE and all work guaranteed Spell- had stood behind the waist- To Armstrong's left stood ceremony with misty eyes. parents. team member, was a smiling, ing corrected. IBM Correcting Selectnc III. Cell Vickie, 741-1548. 763-6151 1612 Avenue Y ' high blue metal fences in front Perrine Pelen of , win- "To see those two flags fly- "We're awfully excited," clear-eyed and picture-taking EFFECTIVE Resume Writing/General Typing of the Winter Games awards ner of the bronze, which ing together was like winning Dolly Armstrong said. "We Tamara McKinney - 43 one- Service. Experienced. Effective. Excellence in quality; executed with professionalism. platform, cheering and wav- Tamara McKinney of Lex- twice," he said. didn't come here with any ex- hundredths of a second away 799-3424 *************** :LUBBOCK INDOOR ARCHERY* pectations. It was very from Armstrong and Cooper. PROFESSIONAL typing. Paper,, resumes, ing the flags of East Germany, ington, Ky., had missed by Pressed against that blue SerenclpIty Student Complex „ • S.W. side of Monterey * thesis, dissertations. Experienced in scien• .sr Conesitort radicand with ceneryno. *Mein tific and medical terminology. Call Tina, fr Shopping Center Closets. row crest end fumes', corm* Mn 4 747-1479. and aa con4monmg, cable TV hook ups, on * • 20 Yd. Range campus bus be, two blocks sat of Utmersr:, ,* • Bows and Accessories * ML'S word power. wordprocessing. Fast, on 5th. Network SOCutity and 3444.• ei4mit t • Weekdays 4:00-10:00 * accurate. spelling corrected. Medical and I Effideralii. 1 and 2 todicana 10:00-10:00 * legal experience. Call Meredith. 797-6323. 705-7579 Sat. it Sun. 12:n 0. 10 :0 e * North Carolina No. 1 despite loss TOP 20 REASONABLE & reliable Located in S.W. ** * * *4. Lubbock. Call Sherry at 793-1556. By The Associated Press unanimous No. 1 pick in recent Paso round out the Top Ten. newcomers in this week's poll TYPING done In my home $1.00 per page WANTED: Studious roommate, non- 1. N. Carolina (21-1) for standard size typed paper. Call smoker. Excellente neighborhood. weeks, received a little All five teams were in the Top are No. 17 Indiana, which tied 745-2219 Washer/dryer. fireplace, 2 car garage. BARGAINS! pressure in the polls this week. Ten last week but in different LSU, No. 19 Duke and No. 20 2. Georgetown (21-2) TYPING-all needs Former teacher. Depen- Everything furnished except bedroom fur- TYPEWRITERS, STEREOS, 3. DePaul (18-1) dable. Diverse. Fast Correcting electronic niture. Available March 1. 0200 plus Yr the WEDDING SETS, DIA- The North Carolina Tar Georgetown received six first- order. Temple, which made its first machine. Call Jennifer at 794-6080. bills. Usa: 796-0180 Brier 9pm. MONDS, GUNS, ETC... Heels remained No. 1 in the appearance of the season in 4. Houston (21-3) MONEY LOANED!!! place votes while No. 3 DePaul FAST and ACCURATE TYPING. I8M I HUBERS PAWN SHOP weekly Associated Press Top and No. 4 Houston each earned Kentucky remained in sixth the rankings. 5. UNLV (22-1) typewriter, Twelve years experience. Call 805 BROADWAY Kathy at 799-4019. UNFURNISHED 20 poll despite losing 65-64 Sun- one first-place vote. place but Texas-El Paso drop- 6. Kentucky (18-3) I Open 9 am-6 pm 6 days JOURNALIST will improve writing, gram- FOR RENT a week day to the then-unranked Arkansas' win boosted the ped from No. 7 to No. 10. The Duke raised its record to 7. Illinois (19-2) mar, spelling. Or type as is. Resumes, too. ge Arkansas Razorbacks. 19-4 Razorbacks to 14th place Fighting Mini moved from 19-5 with an 89-84 win over 8. Memphis St. (17-3) 793-3981 . • TYPIST, fast and accurate. 01.50 per FOR rent: Nice 3 bedroom tourist stove & Maryland. The loss dropped 9. Oklahoma (20-3) refrigerator_ 795-3134 Georgetown moved to the in the poll. Arkansas was eighth to seventh, Memphis double-spared page. pica type. 792-6493, * HARD LUCK DRIVERS No. 2 spot with a 67-51 win over ranked early in the season but St. from ninth to eighth and the previously 13th-ranked 10.UTEP (21-2) 5743 Amherst. HOUSES for rent 3 small two-bedroom. * Special Rates on Auto Insur- * TYPING-close to Tech. IBM Selectric II- large two-bedroom, large three bedroom. Brigham Young. DePaul drop- fell from the national rankings Oklahoma from 10th to ninth. Terrapins from the Top 11. Purdue (17-4) All across street from Tech. Call * ance Low Down payment, * correctable $1.25 page. Call Tricia ped from No. 2 to No. 3 even after losing back-to-back Twenty. 12.Tulsa (20-2) 747-3181 or 793-9258. 799-7310 * Low monthly Payments. * though the Blue Demons games to Rice and Kentucky. Purdue and Tulsa remained 13.Wake Forest (17-4) * Chuck Hawkins Ins. 3202 47th St. 799-8711 in the 11th and 12th spots, Louisville, Auburn and 14.Arkansas (19-4) * defeated Notre Dame. The Houston Cougars, who Spann Typing Services * Office Hours 9 am to 9 pm * The No. 4 and No. 5 teams play Texas Tech Thursday, respectively, while Wake Georgia Tech also fell from 15. Washington (17-4) "Your complete typing service" 7*************** also switched, with the moved up one spot after exten- Forest, Arkansas, the poll this week. 16.Syracuse (15-5) Houston Cougars moving to ding their Southwest Con- Washington, Syracuse, In- 17.(tie) Indiana (19-5) • Typing • Proofreading the fourth spot and Nevada- ference winning streak to 35 diana, LSU, Duke and Temple The Cardinals lost to LSU (15-5) • Word Processing • Resumes! Multi letters SERVICE Las Vegas dropping to No. 5 games. complete the Top Twenty. unranked Virginia 50-45 while 19.Duke (19-5) • Binding • Xerox copies EXPERIENCED Accountant-Tech Grad.- Will with a 22-1 record. Kentucky, Illinois, Memphis Auburn fell to No. 6 Kentucky 20. Temple (18-2) 3130 34th Street 799-0825/ 799.3341 do income tax returns In my home. Very North Carolina, the State, Oklahoma and Texas-El Teams joining Arkansas as 84-64. "Same low typing fees since 1975 - reasonable. 793-8154. OPEN Saturday 10 5 HAVING problems with Political Science? Need an experienced tutor? Then call 747-6039 . The Typing & Resume Professionals PROFESSIONAL pre-employment counsel- WEST COPY CENTER ing, resumes & letters. Contract typing. Armstrong's slalom win PH.D. Consultant By appointment. • Typing & Word Processing-Accuracy Guaranteed *Self-service -- Full-service Copying 795-5000 *Resumes $ 4. 50 and up Cover Letters gives U.S. 1000th medal 4902 34th St. 793-2451 Lots of Parking Summer Games. Terrace Shopping Center Easy access from Tech COPY RIGHT COPIES By The Associated Press The USOC figures include Mon, -Fri. 8-6, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 1-5 2415 Main '/2 Block from Texas Tech everyone who has received a LARGE 3 bedroom home, 3 full baths, den gold medal while representing All the kitchen, corner lot. Washer & dryer furnish Self-serve 4C ed. 0425. March 1. 3520 32nd St. SARAJEVO, Yugoslavia - HELP WANTED We serve 5C Debbie Armstrong became the United States in Olympic RESPONSIBLE Tech student needed to share three bedroom house, 82nd end In- 762-2612 events, Paul said. Each ATTENTION FORMER STANLEY KAPLAN the 1,000th American athlete diana. Washer/dryer. Rent $175, Split STUDENTS IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR member of a team, including utilities. Call 745-9406. to win an Olympic gold medal WEEKEND TAPE CLERK. CALL 799-6104. when she triumphed in the relay teams in track and Best ASK FOR MARILYN. women's giant slalom at the swimming, is counted. DRIVER'S wanted: Must be 18, have In- FOR SALE FREE Only one U.S. athlete, Eddie surance. 054 8thour possible. Apply Winter Games Monday, accor- Domino's Pizza. 711 University. Pregnancy Testing Eagan, has won gold medals 1976 HONDA 750F, mint condition. Com- ding to the United States PART-time cashiers with experience. After- pletely stock. Must see to appreciate. Call in both the Summer and Houses, noons, evenings, and weekends. Apply at $750. Call Carlos. 742-5542 245 Wells. Olympic Committee. Payless Cashweys Inc. 102 E. 50th. E.O.E. Campus. 793-9627 Winter Games - in boxing in Bob Paul, the USOC's TUTORING: Math 138: native dialect with 1980 DATSUN 200-SX. Very good condi- Lubbock Right To Life historian, said Armstrong, 20, the 1920 Summer Olympics teaching skills; MWF-pm, TTH-am. On cam- tion. Must sell. $4,600 or best offer pus. Steady 799-2916. 796-1530. from Seattle, was the 72nd and in bobsled in the 1932 Winter Olympics. Condos, BACK editions of Texas Tech yearbook, La U.S. competitor to win a gold Ventane. A must buy. Plenty of 1981. 1982 and 1983 copies let, Earlier editions in the Winter Olympics. Paul The actual number of Olym- ATTENTION COUNSELORS scarcer. 103 Journalism Building. PROBLEM PREGNANCY said there have been 928 U.S. pic events won by the United Career Counseling Career Marketing FOR Sale: Terminal & modem, just $375. Abortion procedures and gold-medal recipients in the States is 671. Apartments Buslons for sell io a master's level or Model: Hazeltine 1410. Call 744-8275 referrals-Free above :consoler. Must be qualified to IDay or nightl. Interpret psychological tests, New "OLD BLUE" Reliable 1962 VW Bug. Pregnancy Testing. Business just of the ground. Husband $600. 792.6867, evenings-weekends. transferring. Mum sell. 745-8574. Lubbock, TX. 792-6332 ,fr• ***** ********0 Are in a INSTANT CASH 4 DON'T SELL your class rings or 10 S and 14 Karat gold jewelry until you FURNISHED have checked with us. Pregnancy Counseling Highest prices always paid. Service of Lubbock FOR RENT S Llf88OCK GOLD & SILVER CO. S the UD Mon-Sat. Open 793-8389 401 3 34th Oam-Spm • S We pay with ceshl 792-9227 10:00-2:00 Mon.-Sat. 2 BEDROOM, excellent for roommates. S $300 a month Call 765-5184. Free pregnancy tests AVAILABLE now and March 1, efficiency 4930 S. Loop 289 2078 Classified Section! Living Inn, 1 block from Tech. Designed for MISCELLANEOUS Over 60 Menu students: bookcase. dishwasher, disposal, 15 WORDS (or less) party grills. pool. laundry, & security lights. 762-5149. PERSONALS Items under DUNGEONS and Dragons players wanted ONLY $3 PER DAY EFFICIENCY. 2018 Main Downstairs. for weekend games neer campus. New $170 plus electricity. 747-2495 LOOKING for Texas Tech student who OR 5 DAYS $6.75 character classes. spells etc. available Call $4.00 IDEAL for students! Share expenses. Fur- wants to live In private home with my Classified Mail Order Form (Additional words, 10C per day, per word.) John 763-9641 nished 4 BR & 2 baths with garage apart- mother. Free room in exchange for a low er- FOUND on campus Large reddish-brown ment and storm cellar. Close to town and rands. Must be kind, honest, and have very female dog. mixed breed. waver hair. CROSSWORD PUZZLER Tech. $600 per mo. References required outgoing personality. Vivian Hanes, Owner puhleeze cell 799-2951. 762-5248 from Bern to 5 - 30 pm. 817-281-2608. Name Phone No. TEXAS Tech La Ventena Yearbook. Order LARGE clean 1 bedroom 2214 35th ROOMMATE needed. Nicol Private 1984 edition in 103 Journalism Building. Funished or unfurnished. S215 per month. bedroom. Share house. Built-ins, den. Non- ACROSS DOWN Address Price 318.95. Call for information. smoker. 0185, deposit, 795•0775. I Perch Amen to Prekrous Puzzle Plus utilities. $150 deposit. Call 742-3388_ 795-0872, 797-6646. 4 Core 1 Portion 792-6867: evenings-weekends. 'TAO 8 Mineral 2 Maiden loved SW E 41 1-' City State Zip LARGE one bedroom duplex. 2323 14th spring by Zeus inisivL,IitsFIKALELstA It Manifestation 3 Couple A 0 0 AES Ertic Street. $210 a month plus bills. One block 12 Sicilian 4 Memento from Tech Fenced yard. Available im- volcano 5 Bible book E I' E P 9 TALLS. Please print your ad one word per box: mediately 797-5055. 13 Ordinance abbr. R E EOUCAt 0 14 Symbol for 6 Individual UPSEE ONE bedroom apartments. $240/month, tantalum 7 Chore P RMANE T E EV°E plus electric. $100 deposit. Carpeted and 15 Lubncale Skillet TENANT walk-in closets. Very nice. Right across 17 Property 9 Stroke L AL 0AR R 0 W 1 2 3 4 5 from Texas Tech. 2619-19th St. 19 Vase 10 Venerationtion PEALP E A OWE, 747-6021 21 Twitching 11 Stupefy STO 0 L 0 w 23 Lock opener 16 Kind of type PARK Terrace. 2401 45th, across from i_iNE T MEESE FEE' 6 7 8 9 10 24 Tidy abbr Klapp Park. 2 bedroom at $360. Gas heal in 26 Headgear 18 Spread tor most 795-8174 or 747-2856. Semester 28 Negate drying 36 Evil person 11 12 13 14 15 lease available 31 Fish trap 20 Scold 37 Goddess of 53 Immediate 33 Tear 22 Funny picture heeling 55 Pellet QUAKER Pines, 16th and Quaker 1 35 Female ruff 25 Gratuity 39 Haul 57 Pronoun 16 17 18 19 20 bedroom et $265. Pool. laundry 36 Exist 27 Baker's 40 Stitt 59 Footlike part 799-1821 or 747-2856. Semester lease 38 Ceramics product 43 Unit of 60 Rubber tree available 41 Printer's 29 Born currency 61 Beverage (All ads must be prepaid and be received by 11 a.m. the day before the first insertion.) measure 30 Deep 46 Seed 63 Pronoun QUAKER Pines, 16th St. and Quaker Nice 42 Help yearning 48 Solt food 67 Symbol for neighborhood. Close to Tech and Med 44 Also 32 Negative 50 Approach, silver Date ad begins School. New carpet end furniture One 45 Affirmative 34 Li I with lever 52 Has on ones 69 A tide 47 Let fan bedroom-$265, 2 bedroom-$350 plus 49 Emerged Date ad ends electric. 799-1821, 747-2856. victorious 2 111 MW Maid Make checks payable to: 51 Community Bun sum PUIDOSO: Lovely three bedroom two bath 54 Once around ■ Total days in paper home in Alto Village. Sleeps 12, cable TV, track ' hilii 111 hi THE UNIVERSITY fireplace, washer & dryer. 505-257-9077 56 Recent Mr. Wright or 796.2714. 58 Tiny Ms NI Mil id Classification 59 Part of Id Idid id iii " TREEHOUSE, 2101 16th. 2 bedroom at Church ■ Check enclosed for $ DAILY $350 Fireplace. pool and sun deck. 62 Roman 1111111114111 744-7482 or 747-2856 Semester lease bronze WM 11 Id available. 64 Culling tool II ill El Charge my 0 VISA MasterCard 65 Guido'S high. Id hi ilium liki■id note 66 Shakespesr- lid Id id hi MI IN No, Expiration Date Ian king ilidillidid■ ATTENTION TECH 68 Male deer 70 Weight of Sid hil id Id ill STUDENTS India hi II 71 Fails behind did Newly completed 72 Abstract ' II being Mail with payment to: THE UNIVERSITY DAILY, luxury townhomes in Southwest Lubbock CROSSWORD PUZZLE COURTESY OF... Classified Dept., P.O. Box 4080, Texas Tech Univers- for sale or lease. Ex- ity, Lubbock, TX 79409. cellent tax benefits ANCAKE OUSE for your parents. P H Financing available. OPEN LATE 6th & Ave Q Call 742-3384 for additional information or come by Contact J. Michael DOWN 6th ST. TO PANCAKE HOUSE 102 Journalism Bldg., Tech Campus. Hewitt 795-6200 or 799-7779 after 2:00 pm.


8 — February 15. 1984 The University Daily Recreational Sports

Articles on this page are provided by Tech Recreational Sports and paid for by the Advertiser below. Dawn Kelley, editor.

Scoreboard Instant Scheduling

Basketball Men's HIghlife 41 Grot 30 The following schedule of playing times is available for in- No Salt 36 Wells 4th 35 Players 47 Sizers 38 tramural softball teams beginning Tuesday: XJ As 46 Leas Filling 30 Woodchucks 64 Fun Bunch 31 Attack 35 Hawaiian Punch 33 Mason-Dixon 59 Tastes Great 34 Rodeo Club 51 .Ento Club 20 Cannibals 86 ...... Delta Sigma Pi 23 Campus Adv. 26 Farm Boys 46 SBA IV 43 Tramps 13 23 League Day Ttme No. m League Chaos 51 C37 Double T B 62. Delta Ups.-Blue 23 Pikes Men Blue Knights 26 KK Psi 17 Connection 65 Abusers 51 Greek I(A) Sun. 4 pm. 6 Town draw 64 Pennies 42 Swish 43 Gotcha 37 II(A) Sun. 5 p.m. Jammers 61 Alarm 53 Gang Green 57 Cpurs 34 III(A) Sun. 4, 5 p.m. 5 Penetrators 42 Leas Filling 28 Rubenoweitz's 59 Bachelors 52 IV(B) Sun. 6 p.m S Cajuns 41 Bud Men 31 9th St. Dynasty 84 Transients 37 V(B) Sun. 6 p.m. 5 Secret Whale 51 .Has Beens 46 Dunk ensteins 68 Remus' Boys 38 VI(S) Sun. 7 p.m. 5 SOS 39 The Masons 33 Jokers 57 &etcher 40 Women Residence Ran I Weymouth 6 61 Phi Dell 4 4I Heartbreakers 42 Weeklings 30 Toes. 6 p.m. 8 Yaz 48 Dekes 36 U Sun. 9, 10 p.m. 6 Dribblettes 29 Globetrottettes 20 III Basketeers St Draft 49 Silk WBF Zoombaettes F Wed. 5 p.m. S MDs 63 Great White Hope 35 IV Tues. 8 p.m. 6 DGs 37 ACh1032 V IEEE A 112 Delta Ups.-Gold 32 Pi Ph1 33 TN Delts 28 Sun. 9, 10 p.m. S Biohazards 43....Kappa Kappa Psi 39 VI Wed. 10 p.m. S KA Theta 35 Alpha Phi 8 VII SPE 144 ACHE 34 WS0 WBF Delta Sigma Pi F Wed. 5 p.m. 5 Kolnonia 13 44 SPE A 28 Hoopsters 43 Mesquites 37 ASME 64 Campus Adv. 28 Horn 36 Sleepers 35 Thurs. 6 p.m. 6 High Fives 68 Who Dats 42 TSH 25 Nadi 20 II Mon. 8, 9 p.m. 6 Phi Delts 337 B Team JV 26 Thurs. 8 p.m. 6 Malfeasance 35 Pine Riders 29 ry Mon. 7, 8, 9 p.m. Heist 56 Indoor Soccer Tough Enough 37 Tues. 7,3 p.m. 6 Slam Dunkers 65 Pikes 4 Tekes 2 Silver Bullets 47 VI Wed. 8, 7, 8 p.m. 6 Zeros 65 Easy 45 Friends of Abdul 3 Titans 1 Longnecks 37 Pikes D 34 Lightfoots 2 .Spot 1 Who Cares 2 Delta Ups. I 1

Real Deal 81 Reamers 25 - Mixed Nuts 5 Delta Ups. II 0 Tues. 5 p.m. 8

Generics 57 Bad News Bearers 26 ll KA 2 Meekers 1 Thurs. 7 p.m. 6 Fubar 30 KA C 12 a Thurs. 7 p.m. 6 Low Profile 54 All Salt 37 Pounders 4 IEEE 0 The Mountaln.s 3 Sigma Nu 1 Wed. 6 p.m. 6

Tide 62. Most Difficult 45

SAE E Dogs 47 Ras 16 4 Tortuga 5 Phi Delt A 0 Gotcha team members grab a defensive rebound dur- to win 43-37. Mon. 7,8 p.m. 6 Them Guys 46 Confederates 38 a Tues. 8,9 p.m. 6 Dribblers 49 IFFFAl. Second Wind 0 .Housemen 39 ing their game against Swish last week. Swish went on Mon. 7 p.m. 6 Wed. 8, 10 p.m. 6

xg Mon. 6, 7, 9 p.m. 6

ti Wed. 9, 10 p.m. IM BRIEFS ti Wed. 9 p.m. 6 Women Greek I Sun. 6 p.m. U Sun. 5p.m. 5 WSI course offered softball begins Tuesday in the Rec Sports Office. Registration deadline is Feb. 23. Play will begin March 4 Residence Rail I Wed. 7 p.m. 6 Rec Sports will offer a water safety instructor course from and conclude with the all-university championship game at the 4-7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Feb. 27-March 30, Club Tues. 7 p.m. 6 at the Aquatic Center. end of April. Instant scheduling will be used, so teams should U Wed. 7 p.m. 5 Prerequisites are a current advanced lifesaving certificate register as early as possible to get the playing times they want. open Sun. 4 p.m. 5 and swimmer-level ability in the front crawlstroke, back A rules clarification clinic will be from 5-6 p.m. Feb. 29 in the II Tues. 9 p.m. 5 crawlstroke, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and Rec Center Classroom. Several important rule changes have Thurs. 9 p.m. 5 sidestroke. Students who successfully complete the course been made in the co-rec rules.

Co-Rec - Tues. will be eligible to teach in the American Red Cross "Learn to Softball was the largest intramural participation sport last 7, 8, 9 p.m. 6 t4 Tues. 5 p.m. 6 Swim" program. Course fee is $12.50. Registration is ac- year, with 330 teams participating. Sun. 5, 8 p.m. cepted at the Aquatic Center, 742-3896. Sun. 8 p.m. 6

in the Women's Gym. Training clinics will be from 6-8:30 p.m. Feb. 27-March 1. o Tues. 6 p.m. S Prospective umpires should attend all the clinics. The season Thurs. 6 pm. 6 Mon. og 9 p.m. 5 Photography workshop slated begins March 4, and clinics will continue from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wed. 8 p.m. 5 Participants will learn the basics of photographing scenery, March 19 and 20 in the Rec Center Classroom. Umpires must Mon. 6 p.m. 5 Tues. wildlife and other outdoor subjects at the outdoor photography attend one of the last two clinics. g 5, 6 p.m. S Sun. workshop at 7 p.m. March 1 in 205 Student Rec Center. Basic Umpires will be paid for attending training clinics provided I 7 p.m. 6 instruction will be given on film speeds and ways to avoid com- they meet the requirements set by the intramural staff. First- Campus Community mon errors. Participants should bring their own cameras. year umpires receive $5.25 per game. Men Sat. 10 a.m. 5 Registration wit be accepted at the Outdoor Shop, 206 Student Call Denise Kopriva at 742-3351 for more information. II Sat. 11 a.m. 5 Rec Center, or by calling 742-2949. There is no charge. III Sat. 11 a.m., noon 5 ry Sat. 10 a.m. 5 Injury clinic continues Fun run winners announced Mike Generaux of the Mountains heads the ball during Winners of the Health of Life two-mile fun run were Joe Co-Flee Sun. 3 p.m. 5 Rec Sports' weekly injury clinic will continue at 7 p.m. today II intramural indoor soccer action Thursday in the Ramos with 10:21 and Tim Green with 10:25 in the men's divi- Sun. 3 p.m. 5 in the Rec Center Classroom. sion and Nancy King with 12:21 and Maura Braithwaite with Men's Gym. The Mountains defeated Sigma Nu 3-1. Dr. Robert Yost, orthopedic surgeon at the Tech School of 13:20 in the women's division. Medicine and a sports medicine authority, has conducted the Four-mile winners were Carl Wolfe with 22:06 and Roger free clinic for four years. Keesley with 22:13 in the men's division and Jackie Lynch with 30:27 and Tracy Baugh with 32:36 in the women's division. A Coming Soon... Kaepas on sale total of 110 runners participated. DON'T FORGET. Event Entry Due The Rec Center Sport shop has leather and nylon Kaepa turf Men and Women's Intramtirals shoes on sale for $26. Shoes will be on sale through February Backpacking offered INJURY CLINIC Chess Feb. 21-23 especially for intramural softball players. The Sport Shop is A backpacking workshop will be at 7 p.m. Thursday in 205 Backgammon Feb. 21-23 open from noon-9 p.m. Monday-Friday. Student Rec Center. Slow-Pitch Softball Feb. 21-23 7 P.M. TODAY The workshop will feature a presentation on types of equip- 3-on-3 Volleyball March 6-8 ment, packs, boots, tents, accessories, costs, meal planning Saturday Morning "Live" Softball registration begins and wilderness etiquette. Backpacking sites will be suggested. SRC CLASSROOM Co-Rec Volleyball Feb. 18 Team registration for men's, women's and co-rec slow-pitch There is no charge.

Everything for the Student, Professor and Classroom

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