THE UNIVERSITY DAILY Wednesday, February 15, 1984 Texas Tech University, Lubbock Vol. 59 No. 93 8 pages Panel to study impact Chernenko meets with of nuclear waste sites world leaders By GILBERT DUNKLEY "We'll be reviewing the methodology university Daily Reporter (of federal and state projects) to deter- By The Associated Press mine whether it is appropriate or is do- A five-member expert review panel ing what it ought to be doing," Nelson that includes Texas Tech architecture said. MOSCOW — The Soviet Union buried professor Harold Nelson has been com- Brodie stressed the importance of the Yuri Andropov at the Kremlin wall Tues- missioned by the Texas State Depart- panel's work in Deaf Smith and Swisher day in a Red Square state funeral. The ment of Agriculture to study the social counties. "These areas have prime Communist Party's new leader, and economic impact of building agricultural land and they are among the Konstantin Chernenko, delivered the repositories for high-level nuclear waste top agricultural producing areas in the eulogy and then conducted his first in Texas. state, so naturally we are concerned," meetings with world leaders. The panel has been established in she said. Chernenko spent 30 minutes with Vice response to a need for local input in the "This is a project that will affect the President George Bush, who represented decision-making process involved in area for thousands of years," Brodie President Reagan at the funeral. Bush building nuclear waste repositories in said. "We'll be asking farmers and said Chernenko agreed there is a need Swisher and Deaf Smith counties, Julie others what they think about putting for the two superpowers to "place our Brodie, a spokeswoman in the natural nuclear waste dump sites in the area." relationship upon a more constructive resources office of TSDA, said Tuesday. Nelson said he and his counterparts Pattl-" Other panelists include Glen Johnson, will be making recommendations to Chernenko, 72, who has not had wide Michigan State University professor of TSDA as the department's and DOE's foreign policy experience, also met with agricultural economics, and Sally work progresses. Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Ger- Schauman, chairman of the department Federal plans to establish nuclear many, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of of landscape architecture at the Univer- waste repositories in West Texas salt India, Prime Minister Margaret That- sity of Washington at Seattle. deposits have encountered overwhelm- cher of Britain and other leaders in Schauman previously was chief of ing opposition from farming interests in Moscow for the funeral. landscape architecture for the Soil Con- the area. Chernenko called Andropov "an ar- servation Service in the U.S. Depart- Former Tech doctoral student and dent champion of peace" in a eulogy ment of Agriculture. Pakistani geoscientist Muhammad delivered from the reviewing stand atop Panelist Stanislav Kasl of the depart- Nasir Gazdar has warned that drilling the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, founder of ment of epidemiology and public health into the southern High Plains to establish the Soviet state. at Yale University is an expert in repositories could disrupt the Ogallala Andropov was buried among other epidemiology and psychological stress. Aquifer. That could lead to contamina- heroes of the Soviet Union with a ringing Kasl was a member of the Behavioral tion of the region's water supply by salute of gunfire. His widow sobbed at Effects Task Group of the President on nuclear waste, Gazdar said. the graveside. Factory whistles sounded the Accident at Three Mile Island. While the state of Texas cannot bar the throughout the Soviet Union to mark his Wes Churchman, the remaining federal government from building the burial. panelist, is from the school of business at repositories, it can put obstacles in the Chernenko led the ceremony, which in- the University of California at Berkeley. way of the DOE. cluded music and speeches. Churchman's specialty is applied Andropov headed the KGB, the Soviet mathematics and operations research, Senate Bill 1018, sponsored by State secret police and intelligence agency, for Brodie said. Sen. Bill Sarpalius and passed in the last 15 years before becoming Communist Nelson, an assistant professor in the session of the Texas Legislature, gives Party leader in November 1982 after the Tech department of architecture and the state stricter control over all mining death of Leonid Brezhnev. He later planning in the College of Engineering, operations within its boundaries. assumed the presidency, a post said the panel will have its first meeting • a Brezhnev also held. Feb. 24 in Austin. SB 1018 gives the executive director of Andropov died Thursday at 69. Nelson said panelists will be emphasis- the Texas Department of Water Chernenko was named Communist Par- ing the "human" side of the site selection Resources authority to closely monitor, ty leader, the top position in the Soviet • studies being conducted by the U.S. by issuing permits, "any vertically Union, on Monday. Department of Energy and the Texas oriented excavation, whether con- Dignitaries from more than 100 coun- Department of Agriculture. structed by drilling or mining techni- tries came to Moscow to pay their The schedule being followed by DOE ques, where the depth of the excavation ,^. respects and meet the new Soviet leader. calls for the department to recommend a is greater than its diameter, (and where) -4/5 "The passing away of Yuri final repository site to the president by the excavation penetrates into, or The Ustveralty Daily / Roe Robertaso Vladimirovich Andropov has evoked March 21, 1987, Steve Frishman, a through the base of, the uppermost Strolling Along deep sorrow in the hearts of Soviet peo- spokesman in Governor Mark White's of- water-bearing strata, and the primary ple," Chernenko said. "A glorious son of fice, said Tuesday. There also is an op- purpose of the excavation is the Dean Fisher, a senior chemistry major from Midland, class. Sunshine an; blue skies made walking to Tiles- the Communist Party, an outstanding tion to request an extended date for the transport of workers and materials to leisurely strolls by the English Building on his way to day's classes mor enjoyable than usual. political figure, a person of great soul recommendation, Frishman said. and from a destination." and kind heart has departed from life." Chernenko, hospitalized last spring with pneumonia, coughed several times, often wiped his nose with a handkerchief Council candidate supports single-member districting plan and faltered at one point during the eight-minute speech. Speeches by Chernenko, Foreign By GILBERT DUNKLEY to register under both plans because a been under-represented by past city of winning a council seat are poor in an stead of having it subdivided, with one Minister Andrei Gromyko and Defense University Daily Reporter federal appeals court has not yet ruled councils. at-large election. group representing north Lubbock and on a city-sponsored appeal of a single- "When it comes to elections they (can- "We'd like for the police and the another representing west Lubbock and Minister Dmitri Ustinov stressed two Pedro Mora, a 39-year-old Texas Tech member districting plan ordered by U.S. didates for city council) go to the east sheriff's department to install more so on," he said. themes: a Soviet desire for peace and law student, has filed his candidacy for District Court Judge Halbert 0. Wood- side (of Lubbock) and promise this and Crime Eye cameras in stores around the Mora faces the challenge of Gilbert determination to maintain the armed the city council and prepares to continue ward Jr. promise that, but all they want are the city," Mora said. He credited the in- Herrera in his south Lubbock district, might of the Soviet Union. Chernenko his 10-year struggle to win elective office If no ruling is made by April 7, Wood- votes," Mora said Tuesday. "They make stallation of such cameras with "some reiterated that the Soviet Union was in Lubbock. ward's original ruling will be binding promises during the campaigns and then impact" on the number of armed rob- "I believe he (Herrera, if elected) will ready for peaceful talks, "but we will not Mora, who firmly supports a single- and municipal elections will be con- forget about them." beries in Lubbock the past two years. do more harm to the office than good," be scared by threats." member districting plan for Lubbock, fil- ducted according to the new single- Running a low-budget campaign on the would like us to settle what the city Mora said. "He's uneducated — that's The funeral procession from the House ed his candidacy for District 3 under the member districting plan. issues of crime reduction and on a solu- has been battling for 10 years — that is, his main weakness — and he will just be of Unions, where Andropov's body had lain in state since Saturday, began just at-large voting plan and for District 2 Mora, a Democrat and father of six, tion for Lubbock's water problem, Mora the water problem," Mora said. "The a puppet," Mora said. under the single-member districting said there is a need for minority said he believes he will win a seat on the Post-Justiceburg site has been on the Attempts late Tuesday by The Univer- before 11:30 a.m. Andropov's coffin was borne by a gun carriage pulled by an plan. representation on the city council city council if the single-member distric- drawing board for 10 years now," he sity Daily to contact Herrera for a Candidates for city council filing for because areas of Lubbock with large ting plan survives.
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