Candidates Present Platforms Behney/ Carey/ Riehle/ Slattery/ Off-Campus Guilfoyle Marshall Gancio Cooper Comm

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Candidates Present Platforms Behney/ Carey/ Riehle/ Slattery/ Off-Campus Guilfoyle Marshall Gancio Cooper Comm ...Olympics-Page 12 VOL. XIV, NO. 91 an independent student-newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1980 Militants demand Shah THE McNALLY POLL Bush leads, in exchange for hostages Asked of all ND/SMC students: “Whom would you prefer as the Republican nominee?” Carter holds (AP) - Inspired by a message of support from Ayatollah Ruhollah m Khomeini, the young militants holding the U.S. Embassy in Black type ~ J&n 1980 Red type = Feb. 1980 Tehran vowed anew yesterday they will not release their American hostages until the “fugitive” shah is handed over to Iran. by Ed McNally and Jim Gates I he militants’ reaffirmation of their tough stand raised new BUSH 14 % 39% questions about the prospects for an early release of the hostages. Electoral victories in Iowa and Puerto Rico have propelled The U.N. investigative panel on Iran,whose work might be crucial REAGAN 16% 21.5% to resolution of the crisis, continued to mark time in Switzerland. former diplomat and congress­ Iran's president and foreign minister both insisted there is no deal man George Bush to a 20 point guaranteeing freedom for the hostages in exchange for the U.N. 11%'—+ 14.5% ANDERSON lead over Ronald Reagan in the inquiry. And both Khomeini and President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr Republican presidential race reiterated Iran's demand for extradition of the ousted shah. 7% 14.5% Baker and Notre Dame and St. Mary’s One of the co-chairmen of the five-member U.N. commission, according to a campus-wide poll taken last weekend. Mohamed Bedjaoui, Algeria’s U.N. ambassador, unexpectedly left 5 % * -9.5% CONNALLY Geneva, Switzerland, tor New York yesterday. The commission Congressman John Anderson members had been scheduled to fly from Geneva to Tehran of Illinois has moved into third Wednesday, but U.N. Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim at the - '> %'♦" 3.5 % CRANE place in the G O.P. rankings last minute delayed their departure until this weekend. here, replacing Tennessee Sen­ Waldheim told reporters at the United Nations that Bedjaoui was ator Howard Baker. returning because he had “urgent business’’ in his diplomatic Asked of all ND/SMC students “Whom would In the Democratic contest, mission in New York, but a U.N. spokesman later said Waldheim you prefer as the Democratic nominee?” both President Carter and Cali­ and Bedjaoui would meet today. fornia Governor Jerry Brown i f have made slight gains, appar­ ently at the expense of Senator B ia c k n p * • > n . n m Redmm**#**. im o Edward Kennedy, whose over­ 6 ‘(The United States) must deliver up fugitive all support here has dropped by seven percentage points. CARWIIP — »% In a New York Times I CBS Mohammed Reza and the assets he has stolen.: News poll released February 13.5% ---------- 31% KENNEDY 20. three reasons were cited for Bush’s sudden climb against 8% — * H% BROWN Reagan: Reagan’s age, the Presumably they will discuss the obstacles that caused Waldheim L___— ------ ----------- J prominence given Bush after to delay the commission’s departure. Iran’s foreign minister, .his Iowa victory, and the rise in Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, indicated yesterday they might now arrive the importance of foreign af­ even laier than the weekend, telling the Iranian news agency they fairs. The suggestion is that would be coming to Tehran “early next week.” Speakers claim injustices Bush, former CIA head, UN Well-placed sources at the United Nations who asked not to be ambassador, and China envoy, identified said the delay was necessary because Bani-Sadr needs nay be benefiting from the more time to marshal various groups in Iran behind a settlement of same voter preoccupation with the crisis. in draft registration international events that has The commission is to carry out a “fact-finding” mission hearing helped President Carter. A Iranian charges of mass murder and corruption against deposed by Earl Rix past injustices associated with partial explanation for the am­ Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and of U.S. interference in Iranian the draft and the conflict bassador’s better than average affairs, and hearing American grievances over the hostage-taking. Prof. James £tewart, former between social justice and eco­ support h jre might be the The approximately 50 hostages spent their 110th day in captivity director of Black Studies at nomic reality. Times poll finding that Bush yesterday. Notre Dame, said last night that Stewart was followed by Rose has particular favor over Rea­ In statements Wednesday demanding return of the shah, neither the inequities of the draft Marie Hengesbach, director of gan among college-educated Khomeini nor Bani-Sadr said the hostages’ freedom ’is reflect the inequities of the the women’s center at thesouth Republicans. contingent on it. But the embassy militants made the connection society in the final presentation Bend YMCA, who discussed Anderson, who is now recog­ clear. of draft lectures on campus. women and the draft. nized by 60 percent of the In a statement broadcast on Tehran Radio, the militants said the Speaking to a crowd of about Stewart began by denying a students, is benefiting from United States “ must deliver up fugitive Mohammad Reza and the 40 people last night in Galvin assets he has stolen.” Auditorium, Stewart discussed [continued on page 10] [continued on page 4\ Candidates present platforms Behney/ Carey/ Riehle/ Slattery/ Off-Campus Guilfoyle Marshall Gancio Cooper Comm. by Michael Mader by Tom Jackman by Gary Cuneen by Mary Fran Callahan by Maryellen Bradley Staff Reporter Campaign Staff Reporter Campaign Staff Reporter Campaign Staff Reporter Election of the off-campus “We are offering specific and A tone of anger crept subtly SBP hopeful Jim “Slatts” Slat­ commissioner will be held Mon­ researched ideas that are feas­ into Bob Carey’s voice as he With election day around the tery and VP ‘Uncle Kieth” day, the same day as the ible in this campaign. The other discussed his platform after the corner, it is time everyone Cooper are running what they regular Student Government candidates are not so specific in SBP/SBVP forum Wednesday began thinking about whom call a “ serious campaign in a elections. Voting will take their proposals,” said Tom night, an anger borne of the they are voting for, so here is a different manner.” Though place in the Huddle from 11 Behney and Frank Guilfoyle widespread student apathy on , closer look at one presidential nine out of their thirteen plat­ a.m .-3:30 p.m., according to Wednesday night in an inter­ campus best exemplified by the candidate, Paul Riehle. form proposals are jokes, the Shannon Neville, current o-c view with The Observer. poor turnout at the forum. Paul Riehle and running mate candidates insist on the serious­ commissioner. _ , Social life, security, and Carey’s main objective is to Don Ciancio carry with them ness of their campaign. Students who at present living changes in dining hall service reverse that apathy during his much experience and stress this Their four “serious propo­ on campus, but who are moving are the main issues in the administration, a hope based in their -campaign., Riehle is sals” are: off campus next semester, will student body elections, accord­ not on his platform, but on his Keenan’s hall president and is - increased campus security be able to ote in their dorms ing to Behney and Guilfoyle. theory of massive reorganiza­ connected with the HPC and (primarily more lighting) when they cast their ballot for Most important among these tion and amalgamation of the the CLC, while Ciancio is the - more awareness of Off SBP/SBVP. is the issue involving the im- present set-up of student go- president of Planner Hall and Campus needs This is the first time students [continued on page f ] [continued on page [continued on page 5] [continued on page J ]. [continued on page5] Campus Friday, February 22,1980 -page 2 Friday, February 22,1980 1 1 :1 5 LECTURE, “generalization of executive skills,” dr. Tito shows no improvement; ann 1. brown, u. of Illinois, HAGGAR AUD. spons: dept, of Psychology. sends messages to world leaders 12pm NAZZ, lunchtime concert: eric barth and wally timperman, LAFORTUNE. LJUBLJANA, YUGOSLAVIA In Belgrade, it was disclosed same unspecified ones doctors (AP) - President Jos ip Broz that the #2 man in the Yugoslav mentioned in earlier advisories. 12:15pm BIOLOGY TRAVELOGUE SERIES, “ soviet central Tito’s doctors indicated yester­ state government had for the “The general state of health of asia,” dr. theodore j. crovello, nd., GALVIN AUD. day that the gravely ill Yugo­ first time sent his own mess­ President of the Republic Josip slav leader’s condition was ages to foreign governments. Broz Tito remains grave,"said l-3pm EXHIBITION, brigid mast and tess panfil, paintings, stable but dangerous. Government spokesman Mirko an official translation of the drawings and prints, ISIS GALLERY. Kalezic said Tito had been too two-sentence medical report. ill to sign messages he himself They said the bulletins issued 2pm MEETING, discussion regarding floe boycott referen­ had approved in early February by Tito’s doctors since Feb. 10 dum, representatives from campbell’s soup, open to public, Chamber for sending to key world lead­ gave little reason to think the LITTLE THEATER. ers. Yugoslav leader could survive. Kalezic said Tito had author­ But they said a limited recovery 2:30pm LECTURE, “the photon-a unique tool for studying music ized Lazar Kolisevski, Vice might be possible if his con­ cd,” dr. j.f. owens, florida state u., 220 NIEUWLAND. President of Yugoslavia’s col­ dition remained stable for spons: physics dept. lective state presidency, to send roughly two weeks.
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