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3-10-1917 Spanish American, 03-10-1917 Roy Pub Co.

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UniTWiltr 1MSM-AMER- --LL I CAM Y il' " With Malice toward None, with Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right " " Volume XJV. ROYrMoRirCoÚNTivNEW MEXicorjSÁTURDATÍ March" 1071917.' ' "Number 7

Mrs St Brain Wind Storm , No NewJZoimty Land Loan Club

Misj Eugenia Roy was called It will not be necessary to date WOODROW WILSON Alvarado County, the county The . Federal Land Bank of to the bedside of her Grandmoth- events on the Mesa from the we all wanted and ought to have Wichita Kansas, District No. 9 er, Mrs. St Brain, at Springer, storm nine years ago when Roy President of the United States had, died the usual natural deaf.h States of Kansas, New Mexico, last Friday. She returned Mon- Wood was blown away or the in the Legislature last week. Oklahoma and Colorado. day for a few hours to arrange Easter storm four year ago, or It was licked into shape by cur .February 23 1917. ' for the care of the Roy and the big snow storm 6 years ago. Representative, Frank Roy, as- Mr. R. C. Grunig, returned the same day to be with The wind storm of Tuesday sisted by parties from here in Roy, New Mexico the old lady in what i$ with the accompanying dust is Lwhom wh had confidence and who Dear Sir: We beg to acknow- to be her last days on earth. bad enough to reckon from and knew what ought to be. It was ledge receipt of your favor of tho Mrs. St Brain is well known forget the others. It is remark- presented on its merits and not 26th inst., requesting information here and held in highest esteem able that very little damage re- being a political scheme and only concerning Farm Loans v and by her many friends. sulted from it but the dust is asking for mere justice, it foünd method of obtaining same, which swept clean from the streets and scant sympathy in the legislative as you no doubt are aware, must Later: Mrs. St Brain died Mon the houses have been subjected mill. be taken up through the forma- day night and the body was tak- to dusting since to make it hab- The measure passedthe lower tion of a local Association to be en to Mora for interment. Miss W Vk - itable. And then to have such an house by a vote of 22-2- 3, the organized in your locality, and to Roy has been absent all the week 's ideal day following seems like Speaker casting the deciding be known as a National Farm in attendance at her deathbed carrying contrasts to the extreme vote for it. Loai Association, which shall be and fun eral obsequies. even for the weather man. This however was after its formed with not less than ten death sentence been pro- members, organization with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilstrap, of had the Sunday morning the thermoi-- i nounced in by a greater number of members the Roy Telephone Exchange, the Senate the eter registered 2 above and it passing of a resolution no being advisable. is suggested are the proud and happy parents that It was a mighty cold morning. It more County Bills would be con- you make inquiry as to the of a baby girl born Wednesday that moderated in the 'afternoon to sidered this session. organization of a National Farm She is a rally super-bab- y and the the extent that we accepted an Loan Association in your locality center of attraction of a lot of It is well understood who invitation to go riding with Car- If the formation of such organiz- aunts and uncles as well as many "Spragged'.' the Senate and why los Branch and Miss Worley. It ation is. not being seriously con- friends. and it will likely bo remembered was a fine ride and we have pro- when the time comes hat the sidered at this time, it might be mised not to tell about getting We had a letter from J. C majority can and will rule. Its a well to discuss with your neigh- hung up on a "High Center" but lo- Beem, Police Judge in the city of long lane that has no turn and bors and other parties in your anyway it was cold enough to qualified Waterloo, Iowa, last weelc. He those who selfishly believe their cality, who ar2 for make the fire a positive luxury membership in calls us down for saying they "Vested Rights" are imperish- a National Farm when we returned at the end of Association advisability had 30 degrees below zero weath able will have another guess Loan the thirty miles, er there says it is untrue - that with an object leeson in of perfecting an organigation of Carlos has a fine Studebaker such an Association, that your it was only 28 below but even at civilization. car and is a genial host but it is community may avail themselves that they were glad to look for- The history of other states hardly to be expected of him advantages and opportun- ward to spring. shows that the range interests of the that he .would fail to entertain a ities offered by the Federal Farm We are not saying anything ut have had to go before the farmer lady merely to keep the car out 70-mi- 'go be- Loan Act. that le wind and its just as the indian had to of the ditch. attendant evils. which swept this fore the cattle and sheep man The Federal Land Bank of organi- mesa Tuesday. and it will be ío here and by the Wichita is perfecting its Wm. G. Johnson, Tost master came token the sooner it comes zation, and as soon as all require- - has purchased the A. R. Davis; the better for all as history i merits 0f law and of the Federal The Roy fixed up a husky has residence property in Roy and also proven many a time. ' Farm Loan Association have been team and Challenged Mills Sun- ' will hold it as an investment. met we will be prepared to re- - day to try to win back the penant The property wp.s sold to satisfy This is the face of a man strong, courageous, ' Our eastern friends who are ceive applications for Farm Loans as champions of the Mesa at that i a mortgage and the several worrying about our safety should through duly organized associa- - popular game. They almost won patient and kindly, a man Mortgagees made It a bargain save up ineir worries unui weu- - - but not quite, however they re- Always alert to the aspirations of his fellow-ma- n cwuouui '""" to .get the. deal settled. Mr. tell is time.Qld. Mexico .tipn and that of your local duced the Mills lead materially and sympathetic toward their fulfillment, Johnson has one of the best resi- is about as likely to start 'serious i National Farm Loan Association 10-1- 3 wite a score of which they Never complacent toward I dences in town and will try to the encroachment trouble with us as they are with have been perfected in accord- - intend to rub out before the Base of privilege nor tolerant of rent this one and make it pay social wrong; Texas and all know that is a joke ance with the law, we will be in Ball season opens. ' for itself. Always seeking to , enhance the dignity of Better waste your sympathies on position to make loans, the inter- - The game was played at Roy labor and better the state of the toiler; poor benighted Old Mexico, the est rate of which, we are author- and a large crowd of rooters from 51-pe- Clarence Wright was down Never lending an ear to'the sophistry of ex- Goat of the most heartless spoli ized to sa will not exceed r both towns witnessed rt from Dawson this week helping ploitation or the blandishments of expediency; ation ever attempted by man cent in any locality within The lineup was survey some lines for fencing with a lust for the property of this district. MILLS Always patient to hear and weigh, to ap- in LaCinta Canyon where his spoilers of Old praise and analyze, and passionate to find the others. , The The literature and blanks being Claud Smith and Ed Smith, " ranch is located. He carried a way of right; Mexico are the men to be feared sent you will be found to contain guards, James Sersam and How- chain all day and then walked to JNever premature in purpose nor prejudiced not the so called Bandits. full information and detailed in- ard Dikeman, . forwards, C. P. Roy in the evening which proves in judgment, and never headlong in decision structions concerning these mat- Smith center. that he is not growing old. Clar- Campfire Girls .Such is Entertain ters and other matters mentioned . ROY WOODROW WILSON. . , ence is still night Marshall of The Camp Fire Girls, of Roy, in your letters. We will be glad Sylvan Floersheim and Verriie the Dawson camp. under the direction-o-f their lead- to give you any additional Infor- Kenoyer, guards, Earl McMinimy er, Miss Phoebe Russel, will give mation that you might request. and Dr. Hofer, forwards, C. L. Mrs. E. B. Holmes and daugh- an entertainment at the Roy Very truly yours, Justice, center. ter, Gordon returned home Wed- ' Light vs Power 640 Homesteads School House, the evening of St. T. J. Guilfoil Sec. nesday after a very pleasant -o-- 1 r Patricks Day Mar. 17th. . . The meeting called for the 12th visit with relatives in Oklahoma. Miss .Anna Hern, has resigned Register Receiver, , The program will, in a very They A householder was dismayed will be postponed and will be an- herosition as Cashier at the are well and report a fine Clayton, New Mexico, amosing and interesting way,,' " one night by the sudden extin nounced later. Goodman Store in Roy and left time and Homer, has really been Sirs: In respones to your in- give you a nation wide organiza- dismissed guishment of the electric lights Sunday for her mother's home iñ as cook this time, quiry of February 10, 1917, you tion equalling in importance the in "his house. Unable at that Mr. E. L. Barbey, of Wagon Wagon Mound where she will are instructed to reject, subject Boy Scouts movement. , Wm, Baum sends hour to secure the services of an Miss take a vacation for some time, a Postcard to the usual right of appeal, : all An admission fee of 25 cents Mound and Essie Tackett, from Hot expert electrician the household- "Miss Gladys Hern accompanied Springs saying they applications to make additional for adults and 15 cents for child- of Springer were united in mar er hit upon the happy scheme of her for a visit. are getting, baths and benefit. entries under the proviso to Sec. ren under 12 years will be charg- riage at the Methodist parsonage detaching the batteries from his Seems to think they have more 3 of the stock-raisin- g act based ed. Proceeds to help girls to in Raton Tuesday afternoon. doorbells and connecting them the Mrs. Crull, of Solano water there than money. ' upon an original entry upon some things they need money The young, couple returned to- - Ethel with his electric feed wires welcome caller at this office which the period of residence for. Springer Tuesday evening and was a But no light resulted. Next day Thursday. She and her mother Mrs. Slusher and son came has not been completed, and will you want to have a good left Wednesday morning for Roy the experts came to remedy the If some weeks ago from home from Columbus Wednes- not be completed within the next time, learn the when? where the groom is at present returned trouble, and seeing the hapless what? Oklahoma where they went last day where they have been visit- six months after filing the appli- why? and how? of the most at- employed as a cement worker expedient of the owner; remark- s ing Mr. Slusher, who . is in the cation. society in town and and plasterer. The newly mar- fall for Mrs. Blickenstaff health ed: tractive little receiving no benefit they return- employ of the U. S. this winter Very respectfully, and at the same time help along ried couple are well known to lo- "Don't you know that it takes ed and will start Saturday for They went out to the homestead financially a deserving effort for cal people, who join us in extend- ' 500 times more power to produce (Signed) D. K. Parrott, California to try that to start farming. higher civilization, attend this ing best wishes. Southérn . light than to produce Acting assistant Commissioner it takes s Springer Times. climate. Birthday Party noise?" ' Washington D. C. entertainment. There is the whole situation in Published by request of the Mr. Ivers, who has recently Last Saturday was Miss Phoebe Fred Brown returned from a nut shell. We are troubled Clayton Land Office. House Bill 357 is the title'1 of purchased a ranch in La Cinta Russel's birthday and the girls of Santa" Fe. He is not pleased w'ith low-volta- statesmen, the-tin- the bill introduced by Frank Roy Canyon, was in town Saturday her Tequezquite Mesa Camp with the treatment accorded dry'cells of whose brains C. K. Herendeen sefids us our for making the road from Roy to .with his father, L. G. Iver'swf Fire, planned and executed a county bill by the Senate but he are just powerful enough to make some spare change from our old Wagon Mound a State Road. It Oklahoma City, who visited here surprise for the occasion. They has through so many ' unceasing racket, while great home, What Cheer,. Iowa, and been of ought to pass, He-w- ift secured for a time. read the the of the - S-- these County attempts that he is dynamic minds that might flood will continue to read- the news of Roy in the S-- from Boy Scouts and the two organi to disappointment. the world with legislative light bnt wants "Inside Info" about accustomed Land Notices now till warm weather and will zations went together to her and wisdom are disconnected tne mesa wnicn' of course, we then return to enjoy the life of home with and fteedin.s for a L. H. Brock returned to the We call áttention to the eleven from the' machinery of govern-- ave hm "Dow.n in the Moun- feast, a box of splendid i the ranch Ameri ment, mesa Monday, arriving with an land notices appearing for the can Beauty Ex tains." roses and an unlimit J. Floersheim writes us from emigrant car from Argyle, Iowa first time in this issue. If those ed supply of admiration and loy- Hot Springs, Arkansas that they where he spent the winter. His who pay for Ihem will examine alty for their leader of the Camp Preaching Roy Mrs. Mary Waters was called are getting along fine and its a father died there recently and them carefully and advise us if at Fire. . from her school work last Friday great place. He gets the S-- Mr. Brock: is returning to his they find any mistakes it will It was a very pleasant Thi3 Sunday Mr. Hearn will affair to attend the funeral of a baby and New Mexican but wants homestead here bringing his save them and us both trouble morning and evening. We all around and all who took part back with him ex- in final proof mistakes preach brother at the - parental, L. I. more news. We wired him to daughter we the as are in it as well as the recipient welcome everyone to the ser- of Taylor home near Sprfnger. She "Send flowers" for the new tend sympathy 'in his bereave- easier corrected now than after their offering are happy vices.. over it. returned Sunday. county. ment, v '. the publication is completed.



DE BACA LAID TO REST WfitlEÍJOF. L1IDDLE AGE By MARY BUSINESS SUSPENDED DURING A thrilling mystery story about a GOVERNOR'S FUNERAL. Mrs. Quinn's Experience Four Former Governors Acted as Pall Ought to Help You Over man who lost his courage and the ROBERTS bearers, and Church Service at Vegas Largely the Critical Period. girl who helped him tofind it again Las Attended. RINEHART Waattrn Nawipapar Union Niwi 8rvlee. Lowell. Mass.-"- For the last three.-year- Vegas. waa I nave been troubled with the East Las Business sus é wit J Vegas during quango vk bug fuiu pended in Las the fu the bad feelings neral of E. C. de Baca, governor of common at that New Mexico. Governor Lindsey and tima I was in a CHAPTER I. awkward and strangely speechless. that this coming back, so tragically wmcn mistrusted night air, even on five íórmer governors, Messrs. Geo. very nervous condi- Unexpectedly. Sidney yawned. He considered, was depending on an en a hot summer evening, was closing Its Curry, W. C. McDonald, L. B. Prince, tion, with headache The Street stretched away north waa outraged. tlrely problematical going away. Noth windows. By shifting his position, the H. W. Hagerman and M. A. Otero, and pain a good and south In two linea of ancient "If you're f Ing, that early summer night seemed man was able to see the girl's face. acted as pallbearers, the funeral deal of the time so I and waa unfit to do my booses that seemed to meet In the dis- "Don't be silly. I love having yon. more unlikely than that Sidney would Very lovely It was, he thought Very was attended by many members ol well-wor- work. A tance. had the n look of an up reading. ever to friend It I sat late last night I be free live her own life. The pure, almost radiant and young. the Legislature and state officials. A asked yon me to try old coat, shabby but comfortable. It wonder what think of this: One Street stretching away to the north From the middle age of his almost crowd estimated at 6,000 people filled Lydia E. PinkhamV was an Impression of home, really, of the characters In the book I was and to the south In two lines of houses thirty years, she was a child. There the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Vegetable Com- that It cave. There was a house across reading says that every man who that seemed to meet In the distance, had been a boy In the shadows when where the funeral service was held. ..- pound, which I did. and a little way down the Street, with who cares for a woman leaves his mark hemmed her In. She bad been born In he came up the Street Of course there Resolutions commemorating the and it has helDed me in every wav. Í : clear-eye- so nervous, no a card In the window that said "Meals, on herí" the little brick house, and, as she was would be a boy a nice, d life and services of Governor Ezequlel am not nearly headache twenty-flT- e cents." The Nottingham "Every man! How many men are of so It was of ber. Her hands had chap C. Baca, eulogizing or pain. I must say that Lydia E. It de his sacrifices Compound is curtains were pinned back, and Just In- supposed to care a woman, any- smoothed and painted pine floors Pinkbam's Vegetable the for the sioney was looking at the moon. in the performance of the executive remedy sick woman can take. window a throaty was put up best any " side the baritone how?" her hands had the twine on With that dreamer's part of her that duties, expressing profound sorrow Mrs. Margaret Quinn, Rear 259' singing : "Well, there's the boy who likes her which the morning-glorie- s In the yard she had inherited from her dead and and tendering sympathy to his wife Worthen St, Lowell, Mass. Rome ta tha hunter, horn from the hill; when they're both young." covered the fences; bad, Indeed, with gone father, she was quietly worship and family, were introduced and Other warninsr avmntoms are a lena And tha sailor, bom from tha ae. A bit of Innocent mischief this, but what agonies of slacking lime and add ing the night But her busy brain unanimously adopted in the Senate of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches. Drummond For perhaps an hour Joe Joe straightened. Ing blueing, whitewashed the fence It was working, too the practical brain and House. The Senate resolution backaches, dread of Impending evil, Vi Mn tsJi r ! frit a n nei1ríf fíM been wandering down 1 ennnri aympivsB-wev- had the Street "Then they both outgrow that fool- self I that she had got from her mother'i waa introduced by Senator Smith of Wiillivii svuiiuB its mío col Of squared of the heart, sparks before the eyes, His slender shoulders, and ishness. After that there are usually "She's capable," Aunt Harriet had side. Union, and the House resolution by resolute at eight, by nine had taken on irregularities, constipation, variable two rivals, and she marries one of grumblingly admitted, watching from "What about your washing?" she in- Representative Fardue of Guadalupe. inquietude, a disconsolate droop. Prayer meet " appetite, weakness, and them that's three. And her sewing machine Sidney's strong quired unexpectedly."! suppose you've A bill appropriating a total of $10,- - dizziness. ing corner was over; the at the church "Why do they always outgrow that young arms at this humble spring task. 000 for the use of Mrs. Margarita C. If yon need special advice, write to emptied. boy Street The wiped the foolishness?" Ills voice was unsteady. "She's wonderful!" her mother bad Baca, widow of Governor De Baca, the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. warm band of his hat and slapped it "Oh, I don't know. One's Ideas said, as she bent over her handwork was passed by the House of Repre- (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Ah t on his head again. change." She was not strong enough to run the sentatives by a vote of 31 to 11. The alian-thu- s Street, an old , Across the under Sidney was fairly vibrant with the sewing machine. total is equivlaont to the sum Gover- Make the Liver tree, was the house be watched, a zest of living. Sitting on the steps cf So Joe Druinmond stood on the pave- nor De Baca would have received in small brick, with shallow wooden steps the little brick house, her busy mind ment and saw his dream of taking salary had he lived through the two and of the Mid- Do its Duty curious architecture was carrying ber on to where, beyond Sidney in his arms fade into an Indefi years of his term. ' dle West sixties a wooden cellar door Nine times in ten. when the liver the Street with Its dlngy lamps and nlte futurity. The bill provides that $5,000 shall the stomach and bowels are right beside the steps. In some curious way going to blossoming, allanthus, lay the world Tm not give you up," he be paid Mrs. De Baca in a lump sum CARTER'S LITTLE It preserved an air of distinction among was one day to lie to her said doggedly. "When you come back, re- that hand. within thirty days, and that the LIVER PILLS Its newer and more pretentious neigh- Not ambition called her, but life. I'll be waiting." maining $5,000 shall be paid to her bors. The taller houses had an appear- gently but firmly com- - The boy was different Where her The shock being over, and things in quarterly installments of $250 pel a lazy ance of protection rather than of pat- liver toyf IPADTPDs future lay visualized before her, heroic only postponed, he dramatized his grief each. do its duty. ronage. It was a matter of t, deeds, great ambitions, wide charity, a trifle, thrust his bands savagely Into lniTTLE Cures Con. r .r I II I perhaps. No windows on the Street he planned years with her, selfish, con- his pockets and scowled down the House Passes Lea County Bill. tipation, In--. itia were so spotlessly curtained, no door- tented years. As different as smug, sat- street Sidney smiled up at him. Santa Fé. All restrictions now Im digestion, mat so accurately placed, .no "yard" In isfied summer visionary, palpitat- "Good posed by law on Sick from night Joe." Christian Science Headache,4 w jgsrf the rear so tidy with morning-glor- y ing spring, practice New he was for ber but she "Good night I say, Sidney, It'i in Mexico are removed and DUtrest After Eating. Tines over the whitewashed fence. was for all the world. more than half an engagement Won't by a bill introduced in House by the SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. The June moon had risen. When the By shifting! his position his Hps you kiss me good-night- Representative Barnes of Bernalillo girl came out at last, she stepped out came close to her bare young arm. It She hesitated, flushed and palpi tat county, which provides that "the laws Genuine must bear Signature Into a world of soft lights and waver- tempted him. Ing. Perhaps, after all, her first kiss of the state regulating practice of ing shadows, fragrant with tree blos- "Don't read that nonsense," he said, would have gone without her hear-t- medicine and shall not be soms hushed of Its daylight sounds. his eyes on the arm. "And I'll never gone out of sheer pity. But a tall fig construed to affect or limit in any The house had been warm. Iler brown outgrow my foolishness you, Sid- ure loomed out way the practice of religious about of the shadows and the Tiiie Is Palm Beach. hair lay moist on her forehead, her thin ney." approached quick tenets of any with strides. church in ministration Nowhere Is the sand more like a white dress was turned In at the Then, because he could not help "The roomer I" Sidney, to the sick or suffering by It cried and mental or deep, warm dust of yellow gold; no throat She stood on the steps and he bent over and away. spiritual House kissed her arm. backed means." The passed where Is there a margin of the earth. threw out her arms In a swift gesture She was just eighteen, de- "D n I" by a large majority and Joe's the roomer the bill to create splashed with spots of brilliant to the cool air. From across the Street votion was very county pleasant She thrilled The roomer advanced steadily. Lea out of the eastern plains color; .sweaters, parasols, bathing; the boy watched her with adoring, to the touch of his lips on When he doorstep, Sidney districts Chaves Eddy, her flesh; reached the of and despite suits, canvas shelters blue, green, humble eyes. All bis courage was for but she drew arm away. was demurely alone, the strong protest her seated and quite of a delegation nurple, pink, yellow, orange, scarlet those hours when he was not with her. "Please I don't like sort The roomer looked very warm. from the Pecos valley. De that of He The Baca vibrating together In the sharp sun- "Hello, Joe." thing." carried a suitcase, which was as it county bill is now ready for the gov "Hello, Sidney." light like brush marks on a high-key- ed "Why His voice was husky. should be. The men of the Street al ernor. A 'coal oil inspection bill, s notr a canvas by Sorolla; nowhere-ha- He crossed over, emerging out of the "It Isn't right Besides, neigh- ways own luggage, except veteran the carried their measure which has appeared flesh such living, glittering beauty shadows Into her enveloping radiance. bors are always looking out win- the younger Wilson across way, in. past of the the various forms at Legislatures, as the flesh of long, white, lovely arm His ardent young eyes worshiped her dows." His tastes were known to be luxurious. The New Roomer Hesitated. was Introduced in the House by Rep- on which flush out, cold and dripping, as be stood the pavement The drop from her high standard of "Hot Isn't it?" Sidney Inquired, been laundry, resentatives Gonzales and Llewellyn. sending things to the from the sea ; nowhere does water ap "I'm late. I was taking out bastings right and wrong to the neighbors' curi- after a formal greeting. She Indicated you The Senate has prepared bills pro- and what do do about your stock pear less like water, more like a flow- for mother." osity appealed suddenly to her sense the place on the step just vacated by viding time manner of ings ?" . the and the ing waste of liquid emeralds and "Oh, that's all right" of humor. She threw back her head Joe. "You'd cool off out here. "Buy ones 'em away election to be held next November on bettr cheap and throw sapphires, held perpetually in cool so- Sidney sat down on the doorstep, and and laughed. He joined ber, after an The house Is like an oven. think the prohibitory Two im I when they're worn out" There seemed amendment. lution and edged with a thousand the boy dropped at her feet She set- uncomfortable moment But he was should have warned you of that before portant bills of general to be no reserves with this surprlslni Interest were glenming, flouncing strings of pearls. tled herself more comfortably and very much In He you took the room. These little houses passed by They earnest sat bent young person. the House. were H. Collier's Weekly. drew a long breath. forward, turning his new straw hat in with low roofs are fearfully hot" "And buttons?" 61, to require the purchase of goods "How tired I am I Oh I haven't told his hands. The new roomer hesitated. He did "Use safety pins. When they'rs and supplies for public institutions you. Celery's Many Virtues. We've taken a roomer I" She "I thought perhaps," said Joe, grow- not care to establish any relations with closed one can button over them as from dealers resident in New Mexico, was half apologetic. The Street did There is but little enlightenment af ing red and white, and talking to the the people in the house. Long eve- well as " and H. B. 33, repealing the three-dolla- r approve will help forded In the every-da- y culinary liter- not of roomers. "It some day, when nings in which to read, quiet nights In "I think," said Sidney, It la road tax. hat "that we're older, "that ature on the many uses of that dell-- with the rent It's my doing, really. you you might marry which to sleep and forget these were quite someone be willing to time took a little cari clous plant known as celery. Proba Mother Is scandalized." me, Sid. I'd be awfully good to you." the things he had come for. of you. If you will give Katie, our Highway Men to Ask U. 8. Aid. was upright now, state bly no other plant Is so well adapted Joe sitting bolt hurt her to say no. Indeed, But Sidney had moved over and was maid, twenty-fiv- e cents week, she'll Santa Fé. The convention of It she a to cooking in so many different styles tittle white. could not bring herself to say It In all smiling up at him. He folded up awk do your washing and not tear your highway officials adjourned after a two-da- y as celery, a vegetable can also "Is he youflgr her wardly on the low step. He seemed things to ribbons. session with addresses by that short life she had never willfully And I'll mend be eaten raw. "He's a good bit older than yon, but inflicted a wound. And much too big for the house. Sidney them." good roads advocates and experts of because she There is hardly any other vegetable that's not saying he's old." was young, and did not realize that Imd a panicky thought of the little Sheer stupefaction was K. Lc the state and elsewhere. The associa- twenty-on- of which every part can be brought Joe was f , and sensitive of there Is a short cruelty, sur- room upstairs. Moyne's. After a moment : tion recommended legislation to se s like the good nccount. The trimmings bis youth. geon's, mercy "I don't mind heat I I suppose I "You're really rather wonderful, Miss cure funds under the federal aid law that is in the end, she can be used for flavoring purposes, or "He'll be crazy about yon In two temporized. don't think about it" said the roomer, Page. Here am L lodged, fed, and a new highway commission law, washed, for soup and broth, while the seeds are days." rather surprised at himself. Ironed and mended for seven dollars the commission to have three mem- "There is such a lot of time before carefully preserved for similar uses, She broke Into delightful laughter. "I'm afraid you'll be sorry you took seventy-fiv- e bers, appointed by the governor, no we need think of such things I Can't and cents a .week I" not In you the roomy' county official being eligible, or celery salt which In It- "Ill fall love with him we Just go on the way we are?" "I hope," said Sidney severely, "that or state The roomer smiled in shadow. to appoint a state high self forms an ideal table condiment "i n nor. very nappy tne way we the you'll put what you save In the bank." the committee "I'm beginning to think that you are He was still somewhat dazed when way engineer, and road work to be are." Fire dooms 30 structures every hour; "Why, Joel" sorry." he went up the narrow staircase to done by contract or force account at His quick mind grasped 720 structures every day. She leaned over and put a tender the fact that his swept and garnished room. Never, the commission's discretion. It is al It was girl's bedroom hand on his arm. the he had taken. in all of a life that had been active so recommended that the county road Other things he gathered aft- A messenger boy is a novelty la "I don't want to hurt you; Joe, had that until recently had he been so con board system be abolished, and the but ernoon from the humming a sewing moving pictures. I don't want to be engaged yet 'don't of scious of friendliness and kindly inter county commissioners spend road I machine, from Sidney's businesslike want to think about marrying. There's est He expanded under Some of funds under expert supervision. way of renting the room, from it such a lot to do in the world little the tired lines left his face. first the glimpse of a woman in a sunny There's such a lot to see and be." "JMew underwear for yours tomor "Dry" Resolution Filed. window, bent over a needle. Genteel row, K. Le Moyne," he said to himself, Santa Fé The "dry" resolution Old Fashioned "Where?" he demanded bitterly. poverty was what it meant and more as he unknotted his cravat "New un passed by both houses of the Legis- 'Here on this Street? Do you want the constant drain of disheartened, more derwear, and something besides K. for lature has been filed with the Secre- Ideas time to pull bastings for your middle-age- d , women on the youth and a first name." tary of State and is now effective. mother? Or to slave for your Aunt courage of the girl beside him. Harriet? to run up down He pondered over that for a time, The resolution bears neither the sig Or and K. Le Moyne, who was living his are being supplanted daily carrying taking off his shoes slowly and think nature of the late Governor de Baca stairs, towels to roomers? own tragedy days, and better things. Marry those what with ing hard. "Kenneth, King, nor that of his successor, Governoi by newer me and let me take care of poverty and other things, swore a Kerr" you." quiet None of them appealed to him. And, Lindsey. It was submitted to Gov This is particularly true oath to be no further weight on the Once again her dangerous sense of after all, what did it matter? The ernor de Baca, but waa not signed efficiency girl's buoyant spirit He had no In old where health and humor threatened her. He looked so heaviness came. over him. by him before his death, and Gover- tention of letting the Street encroach Sidney concerned. boyish, sitting there with the moon did not sleep much that nleht nor Lindsey decided not to affix hla are on him. He bad built up a wall be- She lay light on his bright hair, so inadequate awake, gazing into the scented signature. However, as the approval tween himself and the rest of the darkness, her to carry out his magnificent offer. Two arms under her head. or rejection of Legislative resolutions In of thous- world, and he would not scale But Love come hundreds or three of the Btar blossoms from the It had Into her life at last A by the governor is not made necessary he held no grudge against Let oth- man only Joe, ands of homes where cof- tree had fallen on his head. She lifted it of course, but it was by the constitution, as In the case ol ers get what they could out of living. - them carefully away. not the boy himself, but what he stood Legislative bills, the fact that the reu- fee was formerly the table Sidney, suddenly practical, broke in for, that thrilled her had an "Let me take care of myself ' asked her olutlon does not bear executive will for a on his thoughts: ' to be his wife. drink, you now find while. I've never lived my own life. signature does not affect it. "Where are you going to get your The desire to be loved I There was Ton know what I mean. I'm not un meals?" 'coming to Sidney a time when love Two Mall 8acka Stolen. happy; but want to do something. I "I hadn't thought about It I can would mean, not receiving giving Albuquerque. Postal inspectors are And some day I shall not anything but stop In somewhere on my way down- the divine fire Instead of the pale flame searching for clues to the identity of big; I know can't do that but some- P0STUM I town. I work in the gas office I don't of youth. At last she slept the thief who stole a sack of regis- thing useful Then, after years and believe I told you." A night breeze came through the win tered mail from the mail transfer of Roomer!" years, If you still want me, come "We've Taken a I'll "It's very bad for you," said Sidney, dows and spread coolness through fice on the Santa Fe railway station It promotes health and back to you." the :an be certain of that He Is tall and with decision. "It leads to slovenly little house. The ailanthus tree here. got efficiency, and the old time rery solemn. His hair Is quite gray He drew a long breath and up. habits, such as going without when waved in the moonlight and sent All Joy gone out sum- nerve-frazzle- d coffee drink- ver his ears." the had of the you're in a hurry, and that sort of sprawling shadows over the, wall f Legislature Passe Indebtedness Bill, "What's his mer night for him, poor lad. He thing. The only thing is to some- namef have K. Le Moyne's bedroom. Santa Fé A bill providing for cer er soon gives place to the K. Le Moyne." glanced down the Street where Pal- one expecting you at a certain time." a tificates of Indebtedness to cover clear-think- er Interest In the roomer died away, mer Howe had gone home happily with "It sounds like marriage." He was alert, who deficit of $120,000 in the state salary boy fell Into ecstasy of content Sidney's friend Christine. Palmer lazily amused. Who Is this K. Le Moyne, any- rhe the and institutional funds, thus enabling drinks delicious Postum that always came with Sidney's pres-inc- e. would always know stood with "It sounds like Mrs. McKee's board way? Why not a guess make the state to pay up arrears in state and knows His inarticulate young soul was Christine. But Sidney' was not like ing house at the corner. Twenty-on- e now as to his identity, and see salaries and appropriations for the in iwelllng with thoughts that he did not A fellow did not even caress her meals for five dollars, and your ticket how close you come that to the truth stitutions, was passed by the House tnow how to put Into words. was easily. When he had only kissed her is good until It Is punched. But Mrs. when the climax Is reached. It and goes to the Governor for signa- "There's a Reason lacy enough to plan conversations with He trembled a little at the McKee doesn't like It If you miss." That's what makes good story arm1 a ture. Another bill ready for the ex- Sidney when he was away from her. memory. ' "Mrs. McKee for me," said Le Moyne. interesting, and, believe us, this ecutive Is one amending the garnish- But, at her with her soft skirts "I shall always want you," he said. "I dare say I'll be fairly regular to my serial Iso thrilling. to cbana in price, quality feet ment law, the chief feature of which jouchlng him as she moved, eager Only yon will never come back." metis." or lzt efpacKpe. her is a clause allowing the garnishment ace turned to him, he was miserably It had not occurred to either of them It was growing late. The Street (TO BD CONTINUED.) of salaries of state officers. THE SPANISH-AMERICA- Catarrh for Years German Plot' Against United States Berlin's Order to Its Mexico City Minister to Form a German-Me- xi

Three can-Japane- se iNo Keiier Alliance Against the United States if the Break medicine lor it, but they did me no Came Between the Kaiser's Government and Washington. Bottles good. In reading one of Dr. Hart mnn'a hnnka entitled "Winter Catarrh.' good PERUNA I discovered that Peruna was Washincton. Following is the text of the instructions sent for catarrh. After I had tanen oniy three bottles of Peruna I was cured oy German Foreign Minister Zimmermann at Berlin to Minister von n oatarrh. I now StJvil. SVSrV Made ths in Mexico City, ordering the to propose to body troubled with osttrrh to take Dr. Eckhardt latter Carranza nartmsns rsruna, as i the projected alliance between Germany, Japan and Mexico: Me our for oatarrh. , 1 "Friends to whom-- recommend Pe' "Berlin. Jan. 19. 1917. On the 1st of February we Intend to P I good far O'O'Q'Ojkuuui) WeU. runa tell me that it is also begin submarine unrestricted. In spite of this it is our In- headache, dizziness, and pain In th warfare United of America. Mr. Elf Lefevre, Jr, 854 Brush stomach." tention to endeavor to keep neujral the States St, Detroit, Mich., writes: "I had Those who objeot to liquid medí "If this attemDt is not successful we propose an alliance on tne tsA.n with rntarrh for a. num. cines can now procure Parana Tabs H Little Stick of tiihlA we together and ber of year. an4 ha3 been taking lets. following basis with Mexico: That shall make war together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and VAy ...... s s 1L. I. .1 i tL ! ft I . o) COLT DISTEMPER it Is understood that Mexico is xo reconquer me losx lerruory m new WW Tou can prevent this loathsome disease from running Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left to you for settle- i La through your stable and our all the oolts suffering with ' It when you begin the treatment No matter how young, ment. ' Makes the Whole World Kin I SPOHN'B Is safe to use on any colt It Is wonderful how or horses fellfcf III It prevents all distempers, no matter how colts . "You are Instructed to inform the president of Mexico of the at any age are "exposed.1 All good druggists and turf The goods houses and manufacturers sell IPOHN'I at BO cents above in the Greatest confidence as soon as it Is certain that there and 1 a bottle; $5 and 110 a dosen. 8POIIN MEDICAL No climate affects it for Flavor CO, Chemists aad Bacteriologists, Goshea, lad., U. S. A. will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the president of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate the package protects it Lasts SWAMP-ROO- DRUGGISTS PRAISE DR. KILMER'S T with Japan suggesting adherence at once to tnis plan; at tne same time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan. WMGLEY'S goes to all Customers Always Satisfied With Results "Please call to the attention of the president of Mexico that parts of the world in the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t is one of the For I have been' selling Dr. in all seasons, to all classes. re- compel England to make peace a few months. best proprietary remedies on our shelves Kilmer's Swamp-Roo- t and have never SOLDIERS IW EUROPg and dunni the eighteen years that we ceived a single complaint. Every one that ZIMMERMANN. have bandied and sold it, it has been the has ever used Swamp-Roo- t seems to be wholesome means of accomplishing a great deal of perfectly satisfied with the results. My Fresh, clean, good; according to the words of praise wife and brother-in-la- have both used The document supplies the mlfslng fa- always. , received from our patrons who have tested it and the results obtained were very link to many separate chains of cir- and delicious it and proved its value in the conditions Swamp-Roo- t is very reliable vorable. a GERMAN URGED cumstances, which until now .have lor which it is recommended. preparation and worthy of praise. f seemed to lend to no definite point di- Very truly yours, Very truly yours, appetite and CHAMBERLAIN GRAY DRUG CO., Inc. It sheds new light upon the frequent- It aids JAPANESE GlBtS IM TOKYO CHAS. MEYERS, Druggist, By C. E. Gray, Manager, AIID ly reported but Indefinable movements 30, 1916. Steamboat Springs, Colo. June 30, 1916. , Vernon, Colo. MEXICO JAPS gestion, quenches thirst, June of the Mexican government to couple J - rf Its situation with the friction between Prove What Swamp-Ro- ot Will Do For You keeps the teeth clean the United Slates and Japan. Bend ten cents to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Binghamton, N. Y, for a sample size bottle. 10 FIGHTAMERICA It adds another chapter to the cele- and breath sweet It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, brated report of Jules Cambon, French telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. ambassador In Berlin before the war, 5HCEP HERDER IN AUSTRALIA . Regular fifty-cen- t and one-doll- size bottles for sale at all drug stores. . of Germany's world-wid- e plans for stir- Teutonic Intrigue Against U. S. ring strife on every continent where 15 feet out of Eloquence Appreciated. A salmon often Jumps they might aid her In the struggle fqr In going up fulls of a in Official Document "Are you in favor of prohibition r the water the Shown world domination which she dreamed replied iBroncho Bob, "I've river. "Well, Held by Wilson. was close at hand. ;ot only one objection to it. Old Crim- . It adds a climax to the operations of Three son Gulch is goln to be kind o' dull Important to Mother I I OX DRIVE H IN siwwwm I carefully every bottle of Count von Bernstorff and the German with Inducements to the tem- Examine ZW 1 i all the iUKTORLA. that famous old remedy embassy In this country, which hava fitter . . a Ui.innarr.uitntiv perance orators shut off." Washlng-:o- n PLAN TO RECONQUER STATES for Infants and , and see that It been colored with passport frauds, Star. charges of dynamite plots and Intrigue, every the full extent of which never has been Signature of Kalser's Foreign Minister Offered Car- v If yon wish beautiful, clear white C&zMU published. meal" a clothes, usb Red Cross Bag Blue. At all In- Use for Over 30 Years. ranza Financial Support in Attempt í5X m good grocers. Adv. Emphasizes Our Perils. - 1 Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria to Regain Texas, New Mexico Y- - """""j and Arizona President Has It gives new credence to persistent A In Is who boy f- on Mexl dealer British East Africa The father teaches his ' Copy of Instructions Out- reports of submarine bases n for cotton and silk hos- idelity needn't w.orry much about the can territory In Gulf of Mexico; More Power. A Delicate Situation. the market lining Detalla of Gi- the iery. other lessons. It takes cognizance of a fact long rec would you like to be an egg "Well, how do you like your new gantic Plot. "How ognized by American army chiefs, king?" cook?'; - Death! HEALTHY CHILDREN cojoe from healthy- Washington, March 3. Senator that If Japan ever undertook to In "The egg business is too uncertain. "We are highly pleased with her, Diet, Exercise or mothers. And United It probably get egg king's has been put mothers will Swanson of Virginia announced In the vade the States When the hens busy the but a temporary quietus , 'An eminent medical authority writes senate today that he had been au- would be through Mexico, over the power wanes. I'd much rather be nn on our family arguments." that most of our city folks die of a thick- thorized by the president to state the border and into the Mississippi valley oil king. He can regulate the demand "How is that?" dis- ening of the arteries or of kidney Zimmermann note of January 19, 1917, to split the country In two. by cutting off the supply." "You Ree, we haven't found out yet ease. The kidneys become clogged and Inviting Mexico to Join Germany In It recalls that Count von Bernstorff whether she sympathizes with the en- filter the poisons from the blood, passports was very do not war against the United States as pub- when handed his Is golden, an honest man tente or the central powers and w trouble follows' another, high Silence but and one lished this morning was textually cor- reluctant to return to Germany, but any- to express an opinion that damages the heart, arteries In trouble never tries to conceal don't dare blood pressure strength. expressed a preference for asylum In leave." kidneys. Usually danger signals an's rect thing from his creditors. might cause her to and its regulating "and assisting all her Cuba. are backache, pain here or there, swollen natural functions, and In putting in gives a new explanation to the feet or ankles, rheumatic twinges or perfect order every part of the female Washington, March 3. The West- It pots appearing before the eyes. system. lessens pains and bur- ern Newspaper Union was enabled to repeated arrests on the border of men It the , "The veiy best remedy is this: Eat dens, supports and strengthens-- weak, reveal last Friday morning that Ger- charged by American military authori nursing mothers. meat but once a day, or not at all. Plenty many, In planning unrestricted subma- ties with being German Intelligence exercise, drink pure It's an Invlgoratlngv restorative' tonic, of outdoor and and counting Its conse- agents. water, frequently. Before meals take a a soothing and bracing nervine. rine warfare quences, proposed an alliance with Last of all, It seems to show a con- little Anurie, the great urio acid neu-trali- Castor oil Is good for children or adults, and .especially good for aged people. A Mexico and Japan to make war on the nection with General Carranza's re that is easily obtained at the exports drug store. When you. have dizziness, pleasant form of a vegetable laxative that United States if this country should cent proposal to neutrals that drusj In- chills, dragging is to be had at any store, was of food and munitions to the entente or sweating, worry, or vented by Dr. Pierce, who put together not remain neutral. pains in back, try this wonderful enemy Mayrappie (podophyllln), aloes, lalap. Japan, through Mexican mediation, allies be out off, and an Intimation to urio acid, which Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, Ask at any drug store for' Pleasant Pel- was to be urged to abandon her allies that he might stop the supply of oil, N. named A nunc. money. Y., discovered and lets," and they can be had for little In attack on the United so vital to the British navy, which Is An uric, more potent than lithia, dissolves They, contain no calomel and are of veget and Join the - exported from the Tamplco fields. uric acid as hot water does sugar." able constituents, therefore harmless. , States. Mexico, for her reward, was to re- What Will Congress Do? Everything happens for the best, The springbok of South America ceive general financial support from congress will do, and Tiow tooth-ich- e. What r Mex- possible exception of a will clear from 80 to 40 feet In a single Germany, reconquer Texas, New CERTAIN-TEE- D stands out sljr with the members congress who openly have bound. ico and Arizona lost provinces and of Germany In their for quality, satisfaction, and victorious peace terms sympathized with LfiSU share In the president economy. Any product bearing the name CERTAIN- - One must fight as an archangel for Germany contemplated. opposition to clothing the YOU MAY FREE to protect TEED will measure up on all of these points. These are cold facts. TRYCUJICURA freedom, but in freedom one must live wkh full authority Amerl Details of the. Plot. can rights will regard the revelation Samples to Any- as a saint Serbian Proverb. Mln-Cit- That's the Rule Free Details were left to German of Germany's machinations to attack Certain-tee- Certain-tee- one Anywhere. later von Eckhardt in Mexico United States Is the subject of the d d - the . Two of t Exalted. ' ' who by Instructions signed by Ger- keenest Interest. confidence the .. We have so much in. "My face Is my fortune," said the man Foreign Minister Zimmermann Such a proposal as Germany In- Roofing Paints Varnishes proper- ' ' ' wag direct- and wonderful sqothlng apd healing stage beauty. . at Berlin January 19, 1917, Btructed her minister to make to Mexi Is the eflclenttrp. of roof. It is snltsble are good, dependable product made by Y" Mex- buildings, expert paint men, guaranteed to ties of Cuticura Ointment for all skin ;."rermlt me.,", replied the soap king, ed to propose the alliance with co borders on an act of war, If, actu- tor factories, office farm and oí- suggest Intra, etc for residence it la made la gire satisfaction. supplemented by hot, baths "to extend the compliments a selfr ico to General Carranza and a Certain-tee- d troubles ally, It Is not one. . slate unrffcced ahinglea. The enormou resources of Soap that we are ready made man to a self-mad- e woman I" that Mexico seek to bring Japan Into Ño now the CERTAIN-TKE- costa lento btiv, Iras Products Corporation, and its extenslr. with Cuticura - " doubt exists here that tolar.andleaaperTearofllfe. CERTAIN- - organization for distribution of CKR-- plot. ' .. . to send samples on request They are London Answers. the ; T' persistent reports during the last two TEED la light welght,clean, san- - . v m TAlJi-THJi- .producía mana i These instructions were transmitted Itary, and fire retardant. It will . YJl 1 possible to take aavaniag. oi Ideal the toilet. years, operations of German weather-tight- . 3 matt- - for of the not dry ont and la . 1 Jereryec la burin?, to through Ctfunt vote If9 1 Free sample each by mail with Book. r Seen In a Better Light'. Von Eckhardt agents not alone In Mexico but ail U yon are building, or neeasv VX, facturing and selling. ' ' Germa'n a'mbas-- . new pay yon to In-- Dept. L, "You don't hear much nowadays Bernstorff, former and West roof, It will íT employ a professional painter, joni Address postcard,. .Cuticura, through Central America the CERTAIN-TEE- sadoiv here, now on his way home to estimate before I T ,., tniArMta will be bent serrad If ron Sold everywhere. Adv. about malefactors of great wealth. Indies are based oh fact deciding upon any type of roof. In.l.t on CHllTllN-TJIU- nsinis Boston. Germany a Vfonduct "And for a very good reason." . under safe. Is now no'' doubt whatever fat sale by dealers, everywhere. VSvf aad Tarnishes. v' ., ' There v '.-- couii. " from his'enemi'ea by the ... j... i r CERTAIN-TEE- D Learn to do with dil igence 'what you "Yea?" :' ? tnat tne proposea auiance wrnini. me PRODUCTS CORPORATION try' against which he was plottjug Roofing Mfg. Cragg Varnish Co- City Paint Color Co. wljh lease.'. ) "It would be In poor, taste to can a was known to high Mexican, offl- Cwaeral Co, - Mound would do v v ' lco a of v .great war. distinguished millionaire malefactor clals;wiip are for their lilwsskM. fisclu.H. Niw OrUsss. 1st Asf Im. Ksaus CHr. Sssttls.lMliss.aih, Atbats, - ríie,' Love is probably the Only thlB; that health after he had Offered hlsserv- Pictures World Dominion.' Among them are , Grsaa Kapiss, Sett Lsat Utr, list Mksm, Ussstsa, Usñáa, Maesa, eraser, namaa . by has more lives than a cat, , Ices free of charge to the government" Germany pictured to Mexico Rafael" Zubaran, Carranza's minister broad Intimation England and the en- to Germany, and Luis Cabrera, Car- tente allies defeated ;. Germany ; and ranza's minister of finance. Quinine That Dóeo Hoi her allies triumphant and in world The The Harid.of Mexico. domination by tha instrument oí un- IFarii HaitÉ Waittel fJcrvGiicncoo or restricted warfare. It that the proposal had Cauco when re 50,000 A copy of Secretary Zlmmermann's taken definite form Zubaran . .Western Canada Farmers require American to Mexico City from Berlin re . Ringing Head VJ Instructions to Von Eckhardt, sent turned farm labourers' at once. Urgent demand sent out for farm in through Von BernstorfT, Is in posses- cently. His return from his foreign effect, LAXATIVE BROMO help by the Government of Canada. Because of Its Tonic and Laxative sion of the United States government. post was covered by the fact that Car causing aipio- - QUININE can be taken by anyone without nervousness The document has been in the hands ranza had called hi many of his Employment or ringing In the head. It removes the cause of Colds, Grip and of the government since President Wil- mats for "conferences." Good Wages Gteady Headache. Used whenever Quinine is needed. son broke off diplomatic relations with It was declared by a high Japanese Low Railway Fares Im Only Onm Germany. It has been kept secret authority on Wednesday night that If hut rcsstzmhsr there while the president has been asking the German proposal of an alliance Pleasant Surroundings Comfortable Homes 19 congress for full authority to deal with ever reached Tokyo It was regarded as No Compulsory Military Service Germany, and while congress has been merely a new ebullition of German romo (ilumino hesitating. It was in the president's "kultur" and that It was thrown in tne Farm hands from the United States are absolutely guar- Bethmann-Hollwe- g belonged. bands while Chancellor von wastebasket where It is to se- oooorfoil nn Bnfh nrnnnsal- had anteed against conscription. This advertisement was declaring that the United mJLUHa HW1.. vm "v B I . 13 ana en- Thst tho Original States had placed an interpretation on been made to the embassy here cure farm help to replace Canadian farmers who have the submarine declaration "never in- that If It had been no attention would listed for the war. by Germany" and that Ger- have been nald to It ' tended investi- Iromo pyinino many .had promoted and honored He said : "The whole Idea was abso A splendid opportunity for the' young man to Loiativo friendly relations with the United lutely DreDosterous." agricultural offerings, and to do so with gate Western Canada's States "as an heirloom from Frederick In order to make an alliance ' neces- little expense. . Hia Signztssro ca Every Box the Great" Germany, he added, It would be at but Of Itself, If there were no other, It sary for Japan to break from the allies Only Thoso Aooustomod to Farming Hood Apply tt World Ovw U to negotiate a separate peace with CT OurmVd a Cold Is considered a sufficient answer the and QRgm plaint that the the Teutonic powers. But above all For particulars as to railway ;rates and districts requiring labour, lit Com Omy. German chancellor's apply United States "brusquely" broke off re- that, he said, the Japanese sincerely or any other information regarding Western Canada to giving "authentic" rea- desired friendly relations with the lations without W. V. DENNETT, Room 4, Bee Bldg Omaha, Nebr. sons for its action. United States. Canadian Government Agar ' THE SPANISH-AMERICA-

Qiurch. Directory . The Spanish -- American Ml Pay by Check 'and Save a Surplus Try Pineapple Juice IiSSUlCTKRHIl AUODHT IT. 1911. for tomach Trouble Prairie View UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL IRVIN OGDEN, SP Pineapple juice la now scientifically Meets Sunday 10, A. M ago You can accomplish far more in a recognized aa having great medicinal each at EDITOR ANO PUBLISHER value and when properly combined pepaln pnd ingrediente the at Christian Ohurcn. Your The Ladies Needle Club met business way with a checking account , with other mixture is one of the finest things you la necessary. than you can with actual cash. can use for stomach trouble. present Sibteriplioa $1.50 Per Year with Mrs. Lawrence Butler last u you remark- Let tell about the . Rev. G. B.IHall, Supt We able results that are bclnis obtained ' week. It was out first Club an P1NKAP-PL- B . Entered as second-clas- s matter at'tht ' through the use of NATOL , (., n'vcrsary and new officers were With a checking account you KNOW PKPSIN COMPOUND, which we pustolike in Kny, New Mexico. Will sell at iOc and $1.00 per bottle with elected, Mrs. Freeman Pres Be where the money goes, which enables a 'positive guarantee of benefit or Y. P. S. C. E. Josie money back. All drugs Uta aluo t dent Mrs. Edna Grunig Secre you to REGULATE your expense, In II. M. IIenson, President Glad Viss Li GniNica, Sec'y. tary. The usual good time was this way you can accumulate a reserve lijan North and Meets at the Christian Church, enjoyed by all and delicious re which will be safely conserved for you South. to Conduct. In 1SG1 the real estate value of th Hoy, N. M every Sutidav even- WILSON preshments were served by our in this bank. southern Btatos wus under $2,000,000,' ing at 7 o'clock. and Hostess. Next meeting will be Checking 0C0, while that of tho northern stales A cordial welcome extended to with Mrs. L. E. Deubler. Paying with cash leaves only a memory exceeded $0.000.000,000. The banking all visitors. JjMARSIlML forgotten capital of thi South was $47,000,000, Account record. Ne transactions are $330,000,000. B. Weisdorferand family spen for that cf tho North The I when you pay by check. .Every check bears importa of the South in 18R0 wore CATHOLIC Sunday A. Butler home at the 0. You a record of the date, the amount, and the $31,000,000, of the North for the same yoar $331,000,000. Mass once each month at the person to whom the money is .The white popula Mr. Emil Weisdorferand fam name of the tion cf tho seceding states was 6,000 Catholic Church. Dates announc- safely by mail and comes ily and Ben Grunig and family paid. It goes 000, of the North 21,000,000. ed in advance. a Mmm spent Sunday with Johnn Weis "back with the payee's endorsement a3 Rev. Fr. Ánt. Celeier. dorfers. legal receipt. Uncle Eben. Priest in charge, i peace ' "People Is gittin' so suspicious," said Mrs. Butler there Thurs Unelo you PÍEPAEEDMSS Edith Eben, "dat can't be polite day with Mrs. Edna Grunig. to a stranger wlWjt bis takin' alarm Methodist Episcopal Church ancL . dat you's gineter try to sell him some-thin'.- " SERVICES ON UOY CIRCUIT ; prospers We have heard some complaint ROY TRUST & SAVINGS ' that therexhasn't been enough 1st k 3d Sundays at 7.30 P. M winter weather, wonder what Absent-Vlndedne- V8t"'ÍCiSÍ BANK Our they think this blizzard, an Intellect follows our Interest. after Aad to'concentrato on any subject we other one like this and some of . MEX. find ROY, , NEW must or crcato some real interest BAPTIST Joe Vigil came home from Daw us will be soliciting help to cro in It. The creative minds of the world son Friday and will be home for little chicks. T inventors, composers, artist3, even Second Sunday in each month. chet boots for our magnates a time, He has been plastering $100,000.00 to Loan Industrial are so abuorbed Services 11 A. M., 7.30, P. M. C.N. ROARK at 9 percent in their idouls and ambitions taat they there for some weeks. Clayton New Mex. eci "abucnt," to persons without ( 'OLzfz5!Qf We have the above amount of idea.i or ambitions. CHRISTIAN ' The native people had a big LAND PLATS of. all kinds money to loan on farms on this -- Abstracts of U. S. Land ROY ... dance at the Hall Saturday night SOLANO mesa. 9 percent lpercent com- Office Records, MAPS. Services 2d Sunday of each -- nr- 5lQR ion mission- no inspection fees. Roy month at 11 a. m. 8,00 PM. The High School Boys Bas Prompt Attention Insóector will be here in about ket Ball team has accepted a 4th Sunday of each! month at Brother Hearn of Roy preach 30 days. 'File applications now. challenge 11.00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m. . to go to Springer for ed here Sunday morning. We two games in the near future. Worth While Quotation. Communion service at the morn hope to have him come back a-- To be protected Is is more "won L. HAYES Real Estate Co. Arrangements made J. ing service. are that gain soon. derful than than being; loved. Peggy Springer will play return games In "Persuasive Peggy." Offiice with F. H. Foster, U.S. !T;ÍriL'U::í.." SOLANO here later. Several young people at of the Commissoner, ROY, N. M. Services 1st Sunday each month The Roy boys are sure they tended singing at Miss Hazel at 11 a. m. . can win and are bending every Shanks Sunday evening. Those PLEASANT VIEW effort in the way of "Prepard-ness- " present were Messrs Harry First Sunday each Month at 3, toward that end. Hughes, Burton and Clifford o c c p.m. , Thomas, Earl Ross, George MILLS A copy of the Report of the Hepburn. Ralph . Thompson. THE MEYERS CO. INC. 3rd Sunday at 11.00 a. m. 8PM. State Game Warden, Trinidad C. Misses Fay and OrphaRoss, Lola Goeral Distributors Our Albuijerque, New Mexico O de Baca is on our desk and is so Neuman, Rhoda Livingston, Ger- O. W. Hearn, Pastor. attractive that we have asked to trude Bowman, Vivian Williams have copies sent to friends in Bertha Rhinehart. eastern states. The mountain Carload of Seeds scenes are among the finest in Mr. and Mrs. Neuman, F. M. the state or in the world fortha1 and Adam Troupe made a trip to matter. Claytonton Monday. Will Arrive Soon 1 of Reaákg like It There was no Literary Friday FOR TRADE-Max-- well and t , SALE OR night night on accout of the Auto, in good Red Top, condition. snowstorm. , Black Amber, All For 9.10 Will sell cheap for cash or will CANE SEED, trade for anything I can use or Roy West has returned home Orange sell. Reason for selling, I need Tom Dawson where he has been 111 lTr.infS. working. , the money and dont need the car E2 IjSUZj Hog, Big German . and Hhsmrs ccmpanion Inquire at Anderson Garage. Thi frmily vwkty r& Aircrica. Clifford Thomas took dimner 12 Groat 'Sjria'j or Crju.ia in 131 T. aul i Siberian MILLET 250 Short Stoniv, a t.ivjs;nd Anicln with Earl Ross Sunday. fieBestTwol and SuKes'imi, a ttvui.r.( Fuany-ian- , Optimistic Thought. Squeal r-- i- Pisui tor all aet. Life is too short to be spent In nurs- I firalltie fag --food Z!2 111 - -- J ing animosity or registering wrongs. Mr. Charley Stanley has pur This Car is on the way- The Demand will . and Issues of in-- 12 IjJ t Rent:-T- chased him a Ford Car and 4 be very Brisk and we advise placing your McCalis Eagaáne For he Ogden House, C$k rVi;CALL'3 IUGAZINB AL, to right now days. ISSUES AND West Roy, Enquire at this office. tends ride order with Us At Once, 12 A CjiCtt FAITE! The Fashion AUTHORITY follox-- d Voile Lumsden left last week by milliona ui American women. You Miss will get the 12 iaor.;hi iaaue ot' Laura Whiteman was in for Raton. Prices will be Right McCall's. m.jkintl dm mre! a "de partme-.t- " tut tiMkam nuueaziae from her ranch Monday. The is every month of 1S17. after a long visit in - JACK P. MILLS fid tersti- $9.10 Cimarron the first of the. winter. Ptturo for . . . i U. S. Commissioner John McCrystal was in town 9 anwraran Fillings, Proofs and all a wWijj Monday from Red River his ranch VJiTHE YOUTH'S COMPANION for 5Í waeka. and th-- 17!: Home Calendar. land Goodman's matters. all is going well with him and he 1 1 tin Otter is t mw Youth a Companion satnontxm on!.) every any IS-- o . Also Surveys and Plats. . "THE STORE THAT BUYS YOUR PRODUCE" MAGAZINE month for one rear; also choice of is well pleased with the open MuLau Ureas faltera rKtt tor Z cents extra w covor BiaUinK. Prompt Attention THE YOUTH'S OOMPANION. St. 3, QOSrON, MASSACHUSETTS 9 winter. , m 31c 301 Pl Office at Solano, New Nexico. 1-- is rebuilding hig bean Jr. ' Itat ef Ohio, City of Toledo. V , 8wd Off Sermon. Lucm County. . threcher this week preparatory ' raak J. Ctaoaoy . Til man Is always woadur Makes oath that ho td threshing a lot of cane seed arr9 George Ray Orders the S-- A lo senior partnor of the Arm of T. J. Int what other think of hita Mt tat Chenoy ft Co.. dolni buainou In tho City for W? H, Guthman. chancea ara taa others nerer give aim seat to hi. brother Betfand fam of Toledo, Couatyrand 8taU atbrOMld. a and that said firm will pay the tarn of Ihetiiat. ily at Mayfield. Kentucky. They ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and evtry caoo of Catarrh that cannot bo m n v m m r jr Mm f i m r have formed habit and want cured by tho use of HALL'S CATARRH Jack Cummins, of Solano is a Blood Rhode Island Red the Full would MEDICINE. FRANK 1. CHENBT. family to read the thinjfi Geo, Bworn to befora mo and aubacfibed In new addition to bur of Chickens, Hens $1.25 Roosters aty preaencoi this (th day of December, Wed- nerer think to write to them. A. D. ISM. A. W.' OLEA SON, readers. He checked in $3.00. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicina la taken la nesday while in town. 5T5 - Co. Floersheim Mercantile ternally and acts through the Blood on tho Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Sand for testimonials, free. Victor Reichwald, whose home SIGN OF GOOE DIGESTION, F. J. CHENBT at CO., Toledo. O. Ji:st a Few foys Bold by all druggists, 76c. stead adjoins ou,s, and who left When you see a cheerful and happy Hall s Family Pills for constipation. ! seven years ago, and who now old lady you may Knew that she has Pm Momin Time P i Subscription Cffw C': lives at 505 Rush St. Chicago, jjood digestion. If your digestion impaired or if you do not relish your Felonry 2Slh. sends for a year f the S-- and IT )"n htvi' !'! a dose Chamberlain's " ''. meals take of un mili!", ii tinii .fir. ti" "t. Dahy Thought. professes in us still. htom-ac- i.N !' W.IPt (' interest lll'l Inn"'! Tablets. Tiiey strengthen the ...i::i - Many delight more in giving of pres-- , Him-- i !Mknr t'i 'M Colora aad improve the digestion and cause Uiiii In prim fur iv,w yti'r (i ents than In paying off debts. Sir Ycsr Ch:::3 cf tlinefy - Fcur (04) Styles ixaauiUie Mrs. L. K. Mitchell is down on a gentle movement of the bowels. r rtutiiitr y, -- ii Phlllo Sydney. t :l . nt'iii.llrt iif ' t of "Hmngmr" Bicycler, shown In full colur In outbi new Cntaloeue lust off tliejiress. Them Obtainable everywhere. iii'mv are eiihty-thre- e (Si) others, also, sliown at prices ramritig- - from 011.73, B ranch spending the - 913.75, $13.7 her after Th rei'!sr ut for W- i'iut í!. ' up. There is a MEAD Bicycle for mvmry rider, at a price made possible only by our H.DO " yen . '." "i'iits '0 !: !'1 winter in Dawson. i'IÍ "i I) SjiillllSll "'I, V'l". .1 ut wril? TODAY for this new Catnkisrw of "Ranirer" Ktcycles. ! .".i !'. CrVfl :ti F Mi'inth; bill until j , VI III Iff nlfln lüktfikblffl'TY Tire anil Sundrws at, vricrt ao low the Kilt (UlimM vou. Also, li :.--( i .i offer rillnwl t rii ln' n'i i,' " full particulars of our irent new to deliver to you ail charm your choice of arty E. nTi.f .iUW-C!- vnmid Miss Jean Ogden visited her J. WILDMAN I'.tit'on. u:i 'ir. ly ins' of the 94 kindsof RANGER" Bicycles you may select, for OAK MONTH'S fRUU TRIAL. y in ill, "lily, I7.': I'.v nii ir This wonderful offer is almdutdu genutn. Noone criticises your choice if it's a "Kuniter" th old home out on the claim Sun- J;'i.:'.'. S:i':rs'! !! v- t most popular, largest selling Bicycle ia the country. L iuiiitiiv. Iiv m:,l fitily, ".iii; I y ("l idlt-lip-Whee- with Constcr-Brake- Inner Tunes. ETco leav- U'-tl- 4.'M). !s day for the first time since Real Estate, Loans ' at TIRES, LI1PS, trie LiilhtUul IMUU. all the iicni st i,lrn Bicycle equipment ' In and Sundries, as well as the Acpinr runs nnu Lomtnnntiott utters fur agO, and tax- Hi'i' I"'1', "'i ' . Bicycle ing it seven years it i'.'liy 'ml Tliit " - refitthnr old all shown fully illustrated, at HALF VSL'AL PRICES. Our new liiiytpr, I.'MiM m ii ;, ,. ,Ai; Kit;- and Insurance 'iríí Catalogue is the lunrest ever issued by any Bicycle concern. Even if you do not need a new ' ed her memory to recall the Ili'uit Tn'iii-s- ÍH.'y ''It k'HP'i's .:'y Bicycle now. or Repair Ports. Tires, etc. , for your old Bicycle, you , ' need this Catalogue to tell yon j ri r i:i v.í !i "")' r M tlie prices you should pay when you do buy. scenes of early childhood. n:in'i I ;tr flinl iv'iiy ii'I.'n l.i', Office at Residence", lili its reirninr i ii:i!t -,! ii RIDER AGENTS 17IHTED 'ii.ik( Tin' Ti!i;" vi'i th ni'" i i i to your Boys : particular atyle suited own needs. and yountr men in parts country ROY, N. M. In r.t w'hi-I- . - all of the are Iwju'ii l riding- 'Ranters" and taking orders from their friends. They make a good commission every Edgar Floersheim has been i'.l fí if ti l,.e in'M U, on purrha. l.v anle and so can you. Our great output. prfected methods and machinery enable us to sell lum- mill ri'linl.'ii'.v ii. 'quality" Bicycles at prices below nil competitors. suffering from an attack of . vk Keffla IVe Tlwii'i.-- of rn.iHi m-KM- M MOTORCYCLE AND AUTOMOBILE X V.:"' . SUPPLIES. Onr big. new Catalogue also give, large him das jaarpjj eqj eonncid sao.r, s.inttnvrst v!i ! ÍSS. space to these lines pnces. 1 housands of ' bago whice make s walk like Miniiii'iil m:l tii'iirnia'i"!' M!,"i'li": atjowest our Bicycle" customers of a generation ago padilBi Xijaanbajj jsora pun are now buying their Auto" Sundries o us, because they know "Mead" Quality and Drices are enough invalid but has j0p( I'hc Tiiiiim n.iili (lay l':i ill t'fly t , always right. a sure rjj pa 'sjbsX XU9Ai) ueqj ejoin Mlvn'ii me ni' tli fiL'r. Vn íl.ti'ilil joj r US 0'- - from vonr ni'di-- tMl.iy. JPTf A ,t0?tol r?quMt t a cost of one will bring you the not stopped him carrying d9 pi3X oj enupuoo Xup jomo 'y:iti!i' :iy I. catalogue. VO NUT ilUY until you get it and our wonderful new ct prices. HiitiJiTli!oiis a:'ff l.i MEYERS CO. offers and paadoj 8jj ipiq. eoajj jaqqiu tjipii TlniKS Aifi'iit. or il.rni to The T'.me. .' THE INC. the mail on his route. your . L. MEAD CYCLE CO. Suiddesj Xq so9j poeiiiiaitor. Ctneral Diitributon J. ; CHICAGO, ILLIflOSS parsing Albuq'ierqtiD. New Mexico THE SPAKISH-AMERICAN- ,

KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION - NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION LOCAL Department of the Interior U S. Land Department of the Interior U S Land Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Clayton, New Mexico, Off ice at Clayton, New Mexico OUUe atClayton New Mexico, COWS FOR SALE:-T- wo good March 1, 1917. . Mar. Í, 1917 Feb. 6 11)17, milch cows- - one Notioe is hereby given Emory S fresh, the other that Notice is hereby given that NOTICE Is hereby given that Judy of Roy New Mexico who on Oct. to be fresh Tiffht away. Enquire Robert A Price of Roy, N. M who on Charles W. Mc Neill, of Mosquero-N- . 4th. 1912, made HE No. 014006 for at the SA.Office. Á7 June 5. 1913 made MB No. 016044 for M, who on July 26, 1911 mudo Des- SEJ and SWJ of Section 10 Twp. 19N Wj-NK- i; NJ-SW- J Sec, 12 ert Land Entry, No. 0135U5 for Lot 1, Unjr. 23 K. N. M P Median has filed NWJtaad y Twp20N Range 2óE. NMP Meridian has Section. 22, Towuship. 18N. Range 28E. notioe of intention to make three year k7 filed notice of intention to make 'three N M. P. Meridian has lilod notic nf Dr.H.S. Murdcch, proof to establish claim to the intention to make three-yea- r proof land above described, before F. H. Fos- tTriE rjiitVEHSAL CAR vear, proof, to establish claim to, the FT under Dentis- ter U. S. Commissioner, at Roy, New land above described, before act of March 4th. IMS t- to on Apr. 18 19 17. 320,817 II. Foster, U. S. Commissioner, at his establish claim to the lurid above Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers described, of Springer, N. M.. will be in Claimant names as witnesses: office at Roy, N. M. on Apr. 17 li)17 before F. II. Foster, U. S. since August 1. l!)l(i, Rov; Roy- Videl C. Martinez M. N. Baker Claimant names as witnesses: Commissioner at N. M., on the -' These figures 320,817 represent the nctual number of ' Earl Eaum ' (). J. F. Arnett P L Gunrt 21st day of March 1917. Geo. Cable cars manufactured by us since August 1st, 11)16 und de- ; .All of Roy New Mexico. livered by our agents to retail buyers. IrvinOgden Sr. R C Gronig Claimant names as witnesses: soon J. F. Smith, R. D. llames. ' PAZ VALVERDE, Register. This unusual fall ana winter demand for Ford Cars All of Roy Net Mexico 4.-- Sherman Racy W. 7 makes it necessary for U3 to conline distribution only to T. Loftln, those Agents who have orders for immediate delivery PAZ VALVERDE, All of Mosquero Southwestern Hotel 310 7 ' rather than permit any a tren t to stock cars for later PAZ. VALVERDE HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. We issue this notice bu.vers protect themselves 7 3-- of1 that ray RepiHtep to attend the Dental need3 against delay. you-p- buy When the child is subject to If i an to a Ford car we advUe this community. attacks you to place your order and take delivery now. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of croup, see to he KOTICE TOR PUBLICATION it that cats a light Immediate order will have prompt attention, evening meal, as an overloaded Ktom-au- h ISOLATED TRACT ISOLATED TRACT Palay In buying may cause you to wait several months. FOR may bring on an attack, also watch PUBLIC LAND SALE PUBLIC LAND SALE NOTICE PUBLICATION Dont be disappointed Place vour order today wit- h- for the first symptom hoarseness, Department of the Interior. F. S. BROWN, Agt. ROY GARAGE. S. Land of V. S. and give Department of the Interior, U. U. S. Department the Interior, Land Chamberlain's Cousrh Reme PRICES;-Runab- out. Land Office at Clayton,. N. M. 346, Ford Motor Co.- - Office Clayton. New México Office at Clayton, New Mexico, dy as soon as the child becomes hoarse at "C" Jan. 17, 1917 Jan. 29 1917. Touring Car, $.'i(0.. Coupelet, $"05,' e March 1, 1917 Obtainable everywhere. Town "C" Feb. 1, 1917. Feb. 8, 1917 Nutice is hereby given Car, $595, Sedan. $M5, f,o,b, Detroit, . that, as direct- Notice is hereby given that, as directed Notice is hereby given that David ed by the Commissioner of the General by the Commissioner of the General C. Field, of David, N.M. Who on May Optimistic Thought Land office, under provisions of ec Land ódice, under provisions of Sec. 18, 1910. made Desert Entry no. 011373 Every light has its shadow and ev- 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application, ery 2455, R. Si pursuant the application shadow hath a succeeding mora to Brown Mexico-Seria- l for Ni-SW- J Sec. 17 T 18N R 30E NMP of Joe of Sab!uoso,,New log. of Ralph. R. ELazen of Mosquero New Meridian has filed notice of in- No. 022970. we will offer at Mexico Serial No. 021040, we will offer tention to make final proof, Under NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION public sale, to the highest bidder, but at public sale-- , to the highest bidder, Act of March 4th. 1915. at not less than 1.50 per. ere. at 10 Department of the S. Land but at not less than $3,50 per acre, at o'clock A. M. on 18th day. of May to establish claim to tha land above de- Interior U. the Office 10 o'clock. A. M.r on the 23rd day of 1917 . at Clayton, New Mei next at this offices. the following scribed, before Juanita, G, Gonzales 1917 follow- Mar. 1, 1917 May next,, at this office, the tract of land;NWi-NW- l Sec 24' T 17N U S Com, at Gallegos N M on the Notice is hereby given that Alexan- ing tract, of land; NWJ-NE- J R25EN M M 16th,-3- ay of April 1917. der Arnold of Solano N. M. who on Sec; 12,. T 19N.. R. 28E. N. M. P. M, The sale will not be kept. oen but June 23, 1911. made Entrv The sale will not kept open, but "will Claimant names as witnesses: Homestead la be declared closed when those No. 013438 forWJ-NW- i c. will be declared closed when those pre- paesent at the named A. C. Smith, J. R. Guinn, , hour haveceasee 34 T.J-SE- sent hour namett have ceased Charle P. Field Pierce Field and J Seo. 33 T. 18N.R atjthe bidding. The person making the high 26 E. N. M. P. Meridian has filed notice bidding. The person making the high- bid will All of David New Mexico. est be requered to immediately of intention to make Three Year proof est bid will be required to immediately pay to the Receiver the amount there- PAZ VALVERDE to establish claim to the land above FAIRVIEW PHARMACY pay to the Receiver the ammount of 7 Register described, before F. H. Foster Ü. S. thereof. Any persons claiming The Roy Drug Store adversely the Commissioner at his office in Roy N.M. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to on Apr. 16 1917. i above- - pescribed land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on For best resulta mail your Claimant names as witnesses: Pure Drugs, Chemicals and file their claims, or objections, on or the time designated for alo designated for sale. films to Lafayette Studio. J. M, Finch Henry Stone of Roy before the time PAZ VALVERDE 3-- Patent Medicines . PAZ VALVERDE, Register. 7 Roy, New Mexico, J, W. Arnold W. S. Arnold Register - of Solano N, M. -I- PAZ VALVERDE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Perodicals and Stationery 0 7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOK. PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Department of the Interior Department Office at Clayton, N. M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. of the Interior, U. S. Lani S. Office Clayton, N. M. Office at Clayton, New March 1, 1917 Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Eastman Kodaks and Supplies U. Land at Mexico, Office at Clayton, New Mexico, Mar. 3 1917 Feb. 6. 19J3. Notice is hereby given that Notice is given that Marga- Notice is hereby given that GroverC. Till of Mills N. M. Who on Mar. 3, 1917, Perfumes and Toilet Articles hereby given rita T. Naranjo beir and for the heirs Lewis A, Nugen of Roy, New MexLeo Dec. 9, 1912 and June4, 1913 made HE Notice is hereby that Robert E. Anderson of Mills N. M. of Juana C De Trujillo deceased of who on March 10th. 1314 made Home- No. 015276 and 015988 for SWJ, 1912 1913 1913 Entry, No. 0175N3 Section 6 Town- Who on Sept 27, and June 6, Roy NM Who on Nov. 21 u'.ade stead for SI Section made HE No. 015048 and 01G084 forWJ HE No 016077 for the SE1-NW- J, 2 Township 20 N. Range 27E. N. ship 21N. Range 25E. N, M. P. Dr. M. D. Gibbs, Prop. NEJ, and EJ-N- Sec. 8 Twp Ni-'N- Sec 12 T 18N RJ6E M. P. M., has filed notice of intention Meridian has filed notice of in- 1 to make Three Year to proof, to 21N. Range 2oK N. M,' P. and Lot 7 Sec 6 and Lots and 2 Proof, estab- tention to make three year lish claim to the land above Meridian has filed notice of intension Twpl8NPíg 27K N M P M has described establish claim to the land above before F. H. Foster, U. S. Com. at his final year proof described, before F. H. Foster, U, S. to make three to filed notice of intention to, make thrie office in Roy N. M on Mar. 21 1917. the above des- Commissioner, at his office at Roy, establish claim to land HOME year final proof, to establish claim to Claimant names as witnesses: before F. H, FosU-- r THE RESTAURANT N M on the 18 day of Apr. 1917. cribed he land above described, before WH B. F. Emerson J; W. Johnson Jr. U. S. Commissioner at RoyN. Mex. Roy, New Mexico ü M Claimant names as witnesses: willcox, S com: at Roy N M. M.. Farris. C. C. Nugea 17, Apr 1917. Meats A. D. Hutford E. F. Cheney on. Regular "Short Orders on Apr, 17, 1917 All of Roy New Mexico Claimant names as witnesses: C D. Cheney R. E. Anderson A place to eat for Ladies and Gentlemen claimant names as witnesses: PAZ. VALVERDE,. Register. Hut-for- Ed Cheney 7 a-- .' AD Manuel Naranjo David Gonzales All of Mills N. M, ' GCTill CD Cheney We endeavor at all times to serve the public with the Charles Rarnum Salome Naranjo PAZ VALVERDE, All of Mills NM best things on the market to eat, at a price consistant All ef Roy Ner Mexico 4-- 0 7 Register i NOTICE FOR PAZ VALVERDE, Register. with our policy. We respectfully solicit your patronage PAZ VALVERDE, PUBLICATION ! 3-- 7 when in Roy, knowing we can serve you better and Deimrtment of the Interior U.S. Land Office at Santa Fe New Mexico NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION give you more for your money than anyone else. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Feb. 6, 1917 Open 6 A.M. to 12 P.M. Notice is hereby given Department of the Interior U. S. Land that John W, Wyre of. Roy New Office at Clayton, New Méx., Remember J. F. ARNETT Prop'r. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Mewico who on Nov March 11917 . 0 Office at Clayton, New Méx., 25 1913 made 11. K. No. 01?26H for NKJ-N- Notice is hereby given that When you want to Mar. 3, 1917 Sac. 13 Twp. 28 N of Roy, New Mexico Notice is hereby given that Charley Hnff. 2liE,. SWJ 7 and Brígida Pacheco look good and feel' good and Be SWK.Sec. 21. 1912 made HE. No. D.. Cheney of Mills, New Mexico Who Sec. lit Township Who on March FOR tjUJCO 20NRane27E Township Good come to the NOTICE PUBLICATION PjflGiapjilQ 23, 1913 014489 for NEl Seotion 32 on Nov. 25 1912 and J une made NMP Meridian, has filed notice of Ut S 19.v. Rante 26E. N. M. Department of the Interior For H E Nos 015221 and 010338 for WJ; tention to make Thisee Year Proof, to l of inten- Indigestion Sand i S 17 T 21N R25ENMI". as filed notice Roy Barbér Shop U. S. Lani Office at Santa Fe N M establish claim to the land above de- make three Year Proof, to Few people realize as the enjoy tha Merinian, has filed notice of intention scribed, before F.. H. V. " tion to where you can pass off the luscious pineapple tbat ill its juice Foster f ptallth claim to the land above Mareh 0 1917 Nature has provided a valuable medi- to make three year final proof to estab- Coiur. at Roy,. N M.onUie22d dsy F. H Foster, U S time and enjoy your self; Ycu cine. Chemically tbe juice oí fresh described before Notice is hereby given thajCharles pineapple ia aim liar to certain dlnes-tiv- e lish claim to the land above described oí Mar. 1917 Comr. at Roy, New Mexico, on wont take the blues waiting for D, Horn, of Mills. N, M. who, on Feb ferments which nature manufac- before F H Foster,. U S com, at Roy Claimant names, as witnesses: tures In the stomach and utMixcs in April 16, 1917 a shave; you can play pool and 6 1914 made H E 020629 for SEJ: - the digestion, and in case of Indiges- N M on the 17th day of Apr. 1917 B. G. HaJl Lypbu Cur bey as, bdchln- -. E-s- tion, heartburn, nauiü. C. Kidd, E. W. Claimant names as witnesses: hold your turn; smoke the best NEl: and Sec Í, Twp 21N nick headache and similar distress, Claimant names as witnesses: E. Ivey " S. Lope Rng 24E NMPM, has filed pineapple juice, mixed with pepMQ R E Anderson A D Hurford All ot RÓV New Mexico! S. B. Gallegos J. Cigars, eat the finest Candy in and certain ether ingredient, forma Cordova notice of intention t make Three a wenderfully effective tor G C Till Ed Cheney J. B. Garcia, Juan labio town,, and the best of all be in auktitut Pax, Valverde Years Final Proof, to establish these materials. M a-- All Roy New Mexico pine- All of Mills N n of above A aclentldo comblaattoa of si: Register VAl VERUS the best Barber Shop in town; claim to the land described apple Mulce, pepsin and othsr medi- PAZ VALVERDE, PAZ o F. H. Foster. II. S. Com mlsato er, at cines Ii put up under the nam of 3-- 4-- HMTQL PINEAPPLB PEPSIN 7 M9-4--7 Rejigtw. Rey'N. M on 15th Now Come On , tiiofflce at the iy la one of the finest ; ttns NanCfi FOR PÜBLlCATíOw ' Uay, 1817 tar stomach disorders. Tnt first dose WHEN TO TAKE CHAMftERLAIN'S You're Next! ... relief. A One appetite then trines . TABLETS. Claimant nanies as witnesses: proves beyond Question that the stom- la once mere In excellent condi- ach When you feel dull and stupid after Department of the Interior U.S. Land S.H. Jenkins, ' tion. Any leadlas drue etore will GCTill v- CW Daniels give you a guarantee f prompt re- eating. Oflhe at Clayton, New Mexico. Thó$: FSavage lief and benefit money back. Get Cheney PtNK-AI'f'L- K Feb. S. 1917 ADHurfard a 6e er ll.M bottlet of N.ATUI. Whea constipated or bilious. States YOU PRESS THE BUTTON PKP31.S COMPOUND today a Notice ia' hereby given that L. Ger- Years . in Uaited you have a sick headache. Nine All of Mills New Mexico When , tiedf-ecock- Roy New , , WE DO THE REST trude of Mexico Law Clerk ., , Whea you have a soar stomach. Land Office as Reg-iater- 3-- 1 4--7 Franctoco Delgado, Palnfuf Sunlena. widow of Guy R. Hegecock of Roy , When yot belch after eating. and Contest man. equipped to finish your one ounce camphor gum We are Dissolve of When you have indigestion. N. M. Who oa April 20 1910 and July In two oeaces of kerosene and apply 1914 films by the best mothods and When nervous 'despondent. 24, made HR No. 011143 and Addl to your bunion freely. You will be or Gen. Land Practice vn'nl fViam nn tha heat No. 018149 for SKt Sec 2 and NWi-N- Winer surprised to And how quickly U takes When yon have no relish lor yoar ' Contests, Final Calling the Children. Sec. 11 Tp. 20N Kng 2QEN.M.P Entries, Velox, in the least possible time. Don't shout at the children wkea the soreness out. Palntkir them with meals. Meridian, has filed notice of Proofs, Plats and Abstracts Uniform Prices. ' they are out of dors and you wish Iodine, to which a very little glycerin When yo.r liver is torpid. intention promptly attended to. them to come to the house. Call them has been added, la, ;chaps, the best Obtainable everywhere. - to make Five Year Proof, to establish Klk Drug Store with a small belt or whistle. The means to a cure, in tha meantime, claim to the land above described, be 1st National Bank Bid?. Notice for Republication Office Tueumcari,' N, M. sound will go farther than the voice easy shoes, rather rang, jhould bo fore V. H. Foster U. S. Comr. at CLAYTON, N. M. carries, and there will be no strain oa vorn, with a pad of felt under the i i Roy, Mora Co. new Mexico on the 22 the vocal cords. , folnt to prevent any friction. Department of the Interior U. S. Land day of Mar 1917 Office at Clavton New Mexico Claimant names as witnesses: Veb. 9, l!17 C. E, kidd T. O. Scott Notice is hereby given that Jose.L. G. R. Abernathy E. F. Ivey Sanchez Roy New Mexico, who Telephone Co. of bn All of Roy New Mexico. Roy Nov. 21, 1913 made H. E. No 0(6931 j ' Pa. Valverde Register for SJ-S- WJ-SE- J; SEJ-SK- -i Sec. 1 - ' Prop's 2-- a-- ' , Gilstrap Bro's, C. U. Stbong. County Treasuier Tom J. Tati.or. Jr.. Altsrtsetoi . T 20N H 25E and Lots 9, 10 andll Ser tibn 6 Tewnship 2i)N Range 2(1 E. N. M r- -i .'

N. M. 1 Office and Exchange, ROY, MORA ABSTRACT COMPANY P. Meridian", has filed notice of inten-- Professional Cards " Mora, New Mexico tion to iiiiike linal lhrt-- eai LONG-DISTANC- PHONE at Springer. land Connects with E Proof, to establish claim to the Completellndex to All Lands and Town Property in above düsci ibed bot'oio Kegister and j ' lieceiver, U. S. Land Ollice Clayton Mosquero, Mills, Abbott," Taylor Springs . ' Mora County. B. Solano, New Mexico on April 18 1017. J. LUSK Rural-Communi- ty Lines con- and intermediate points. Titles to Bands in the Mora Grant are being Claimant names as witnesses: Eflicient Secvice- - .straightened out and we are also prepared Attorney at Law Roy City Exchange, JuanCasiuis- - Thomas Manzanares ; nected. . to furnish Abstracts on these Lands. Bernardino Sanchez Fidel Montoya Prompt und Careful Attention WE HAVE A REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE DEPAR1MENT All of Roy New Mexico. Given all Business Entrusted Mgr. Pa. Vaiverda to me - J. E. Gilstrap, Alt Matters entrusted to us tlúiputphed with Prom) tnes srd Acci t Your Business Kespeolfully Soliciii'1 2-- 3 17 Reyister. ROV NEW MEXICO THE 8PANISH-AMERICA-

FOREIGN NEWS TO DATE Nine men, all said to have bean FILIBUSTER KILLS WILSON TO NATION Mexicans, were executed in Agua TJ. L. BOU Prieta. "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS IT8 SHAPE" FOR Mm IN PARAGRAPHS The sale of all spirits and other NEUTRALITY BILL S3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 & $3 Ann wuMtN alcoholic liquors has been prohibited APPEALS TO PEOPLE IN CRISIS Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas In Denmark. CAUSED BY FILIBUSTER OF hoe. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. Shoes In the World. It was unofficially reported at Ot- IN SENATE. The Best Known CAUGHT FROM THE NETWORK OF TWELVE MEAS. TWELVE and the retail price b stamped on the bot- tawa that the government has virtual- SENATORS BLOCK L, Douglas name ROUND ABOUT W. tom of all (hoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and WIRES URE FOR PROTECTION OF I ly decided to prohibit the exportation the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The WORLD. THE of potatoes from Canada. U. S. CITIZENS AT 8EA. Close retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no mora in San President Declares Situation at I Dreher, a German citizen and Francuco than they do in New York. They are always worth the Pablo of Sixty-Fourt- h Congress to. Be a friend of Jose Miguel Gomez, the price paid for them. J Unparalleled In History of is rjnaranteed by rebel leader, was arrested at Havana yhe quality of W. L Douglas, product more DURING THE PAST WEEK than yean experience in making fine shoes. The smart by charged com- ENDS Modern Government. 40 detectives, with 64TH CONGRESS styles am the leaden in the Fashion Centres of America. plicity in the revolution. ' factory Mass.. They are made in a at Brockton, t4,00i , ., The idea that Japan might desert by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and 1 OF IMPORTANT EVENTS Wtstera Newspaper Union News Snrvlce. supervision experienced all working with honest RECORD the entente and Join Germany in wa- of men, an " PRE8IDENT SIGNS $685,000,00f determination make the best shoes for the price that CONDENSED FOR BUSY ging war on the was Washington, March to money United States can buy. characterized as "utterly preposter- BILLS PASSED BY SENATE Wilson Sunday night issued the fol- PEOPLE. lowing statement, "'to the Ask yonr shoe dealer for W. I Douglas shoes. If be can- high government addressed you want, no ous" by a official at AND HOUSE. Nation": not .apply joa with the kind take rf her Tokio. make. Write for interesting booklet explaining how to Testera Nwppr Union news Service. The termination of the last session of ret shoe. of the highest standard of quality for the prioe, u 1 Boys' Shoes 81xty-fourt- by postage The British Prize Lffndon the h Congress by constitu- return mall, free. ABOUT Court at Western Nwsptpr Union News Service. Best Is the World THE WAE postpone tional limitation discloses a situation LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas refused to the confiscation unparalleled In history of coun- $3.00 $2.50 $2X0 Twenty thousand Turks were slain Sixty-fourt- h the the name and the) retail pries in the cases of the stéaraers Kanka- Washington, March 6. The try, perhaps unparalleled In the his u W. 1. Douglas Shoe Co.i by 5,000 prisoners stamped on the bottom. President the British, and kee, Hocking and Genesee, Wl flying Congress expired at noon 'Sun- tory or any modern government, in IDS Spark St., Brockton, mass. and a large quantity of war supplies day without a vote having been the Immediate presence ol a crisis the American flag and alleged to be fraught with more subtle ana taken. German-owned- . reached in the Senate on the armed oossibllities of national dan All Out of Proportion. Mills Idea. Turkish forces in their retreat from neutrality bill. Just as the bands of ger than any other government has Inmate The Judge didn't treat me MlUy A good story always sears The steamer Frederick VIII., with known whole history oi its on Tuesday had reached the clock pointed to the noon hour within the square. repenting. Count von Bernstorff, former Ger- international relations, the Congress Azlalyah, about fifty-tw- o miles north- Senator Hitchcock readta portion of has been unable to act either to safe Guard How's that? Billy Tes, especially If It Is to man ambassador to the United States, country - west of Kut. President Wilson's address asking, for guard the or to vindicate- the Inmate I'm only twenty, and he you as a secret Buffalo Postti and his party on board, sailed from elementary rights of Its citizens. armed neutrality law declared the gave me the same sentence as that old On the east bank of Narayuvka Halifax for Copenhagen. and More than five hundred, oí the five river, In Galicia, storming de- President's request had been defeated hundred and thirty-on- e members of the man over there. German News dispatches from Holland to two houses were ready and anxious to blew by twelve men in the most reprehen- Guard What was that? tachments up Russian positions London newspapers emphasize act; the House of Representatives had AT the sible filibuster in the history of a civ- acted, by an overwhelming majority, Inmate Life. From the Stat of IM and took 170 prisoners. the continued indignation aroused ilized government but the Senate was unable to act, be- Hope, Sing Sing Penitentiary. Negotiations 'looking to China's en- cause a little sroup of senators had ' among the Dutch by the recent des- The administration bills which trance Into the war against the cen--' determined that It should not. truction of the Dutch ships by the failed of passage when Congress ad- no by which de Red Cross Bar Blue makes tbe laundress tral powers now are in progress at The Senate has rules H German submarines. journed sine die at noon are: - bate can be limited or brought to an happy, makes clothes whiter than snow. CIDyOilGUE Peking and in all the entente capitals. end; no rules by which dilatory tactics All good grocers. Adv, "Vive J'Amerique" and "Vive Wil- President Wilson's bill authorizing of any kind can be prevented. A single In the fighting In the Ancre region son!" were shouted by thousands American ships to arm to repel Ger- member can stand in the way or ac If cross, feverish, constipated, physical en- A Good Sign. the British on Friday captured 128 crew ex- tion if he have but the when Capt. Allen Tucker' and the man submarines; empowering the The result, in case, is a "Is the world really getting better?" give "California Syrup prisoners. Berlin reports the repulse durance. this of the American steamer Orleans ecutive lo supply arms, ammunition complete paralysis alike of the legisla "Of course it Is," replied the cheer of of local attacks near Souchez and in tive and of the executive Drancnes oi Figs."; stepped off the gangplank' of the and gunners and to employ "other in- ful Individual. "It's true thnt there is the Ancre region. the government. steamer at Bordeaux. strumentalities and methods" to pro- This Inability of the Senate to act a terrible war raging In Europe, A laxative today saves a sick child British troops have made additional The war may easily extend over tect Americans and American vessels has rendered some of the most neces which we may soon be drawn into, and tomorrow. Children simply wiH not t, sary session impossi- progress northwest of Pulsieux-au-Mon- mili- on the high seas. legislation of the play to empty another winter, so far as purely ble at a time when the need for it was Mexico is still unsettled, and Cuba is take the time from their north of the Ancre, and in the tary factors are concerned, according The army bill carrying $337,000,- - the most Dressing and most evident. trying to have a revolution, but the bowels, which become clogged np with region of Warlencourt, south of the to a statement by Gen. B. 000 for the enlargement, further The bill which would have permitted comic this year was waste, liver gets sluggish ; stomach Frederick such combinations of capital and of sale of valentines Ancre and toward Bapaume. Maurice, director of military opera- equipment and support of the land organisation In the export and Import smaller than ever known before." sour. In the Val Putna, Berlin records the tions for the imperial general staff, in, forces of the nation during the next trade or tne country as me circum Look at the tongue, mother 1 If eoafr stances of International competition Russians made five fruitless attacks London. fiscal year. have made imperative a bill which ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev

AuBtro-Germa-n Austro-Hungaria- The to business judgment of whole erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat against positions on reports n espionage bills prevent' the the the The recent that the country approved and demanded has S5.000 Petro-gra- d to IDE heartily, full of cold or sore the heights north of the valley. government has deter- communication of information the ranea. bas throat censor- or any other children's give ft says the fighting continues north mined to make every effort to main- enemy, to establish a strict The ooDosition of one or two sena ailment Jacobeni-Klmpolun- teaspoonful Syrup of of the high road. tain diplomatic relations with the ship and otherwise to regulate the tors has made It impossible to Increase of "California in war. the membership of the Interstate Com- Figs," then don't worry, becanse It Is Rumanian detachments were forced United States is corroborated by In- conduct of citizens time of merce Commission or to give it the al- OF 5 perfectly harmless, and In a few hours to withdraw, Petrograd says, from a formation reaching Berne from The sundry civil appropriation bill tered organization necessary for its ef height north of the river Zaval. carrying millions of dollars for mis- ficiency. all this constipation poison, sour bile Vienna. bill, which should cellaneous departmental purposes, In- The conservation and fermenting waste will gently Germnn naval and military leaders The prominence which Chancellor have released for immediate use the cluding many large items for coast de- which are still move out of the bowels, and yon have In ton- Bethmann-Hollwe- g mineral resources On. His Western Canadian Farm. Berlin estimated that the total von gave his - in prepared- locked up- in the nubile lands, now that a well, playful child again. A thor- nage sunk during February would not ' fense and other phases of address to the Reichstag to discus- their release is more Imperatively nec ough "Inside cleansing" Is ofttlmes all exceed 500,000 and expressed satis- ness for war. . essary than ever, and the bill which It is getting to be a long drawn out sion of relations with the United is necessary. faction with the achievements of the The general deficiency appropriation would have made the unused water Story, the way that Western Canadian that It should be the States is regarded at Berlin as indi- power of the country Immediately first treatment given in any sidiness. submarines. The announcement was bill authorizing emergency expendi- Industry, have both farmers have made money. Many of cating his purpose to prepare the Ger- available for Beware fig syrups. made by the German admiralty that tures requested by the administra- failed, though they have been under them a few years "ago, came to the of counterfeit man public for the eventuality which oonslderation throughout the sessions Ask at the store for a 50-ce-nt bottle of 1,000 troops bound for Salonlki per- tion within the last few days. country with little more than their Is looked forward to in many quar- of two Congresses and have been "California Syrup of Figs," which has ished when the Italian transport Mi- The White House has intimated tttat twice Dassed by the House of Kepre- - few household effects, probably a team ters. sefitatlves. two, suff- full directions for babies, children of nas was sunk Feb. 17. an extra session might be called in army of horses and a cow or and "We want 2,000 American tractor The appropriations for the few all ages and for grown-up- s plainly British headquarters in France re- June. have failed, along with the appropria icient money to do them for a plows for the use of a civilian army printed on the bottle. Adv.. port: "During February we captured tions for the civil establishment ol the months, until they got a start. Hun- of night plowers which we are about government, the appropriations for the out, who 2,133 German prisoners, including Approve $685,000,000 Bill for Navy. mlltary academy at West Point and dreds of such can be pointed to enlist throughout the British Isles," provid- general deficiency bill. splendid homes, well Man's Prerogative. thirty-si-x officers. The following vil- The navy appropriation bill the today have said Sir Arthur Lee, director general it has provea impossiDie to exteno. machinery "Do you think women enght to lages also were either captured or sur- ing a fund of $535,000,000 for new powers shipping board to equipped farms, the latest of food production in London. This the of the case smoke?" rendered to us by the withdrawal of warships, submarines, submarine meet the special needs of the new situ- and an automobile. Here is the new department, which is the out- ation Into which our commerce has "I should say not It's hard enough Lebar-qu- e, chasers, patrol boats and guns, ammu- of A. B. Merriam, formerly of Devil's the Germans: Ligny, Thilloy, been forced or to Increase the gold re as It is to tell who's the mas f the growth of Germany's submarine cam- nition and other equipment, was sent system Lake, N. D. He didn't leave there be- Warlencourt, Pys, Mlraumont, serve of our national banking house." Detroit Free Press. paign, aims at the enlistment of sev- to the President after a conference to meet the unusual circumstances of cause the land was poor, or farming Petit Mlraumont, Grandcourt, the existing situation. eral hundred thousand civilians to report had been approved by both financial not a success, for all who know that Serre and Gommecourt." every It would not cure tne difficulty to cultivate available bit of soil. Senate and House. Conferees had call the Sixty-fift- h Congress In extra country are aware that it is an excel- HIGH COST OF UVING WESTERN ex- ordinary session. The paralysis of the country. wanted to expand, SPORTING NEWS agreed to reduce the number of remain. purpose and lent He Senate would The cheap land The Wyoming National guards are Jack'Brltton and Tommy Robson tra submarines from fifty to twenty, the spirit of action are not lacking to take advantage of the This is a serious matter with house- now now. The Congress Is more definitely offers. And that at Fort Russell twelve-roun- d making provided for that Western Canada keepers as food prices are constantly fought a draw at Law- the total number united In thought and purpose at this thirty-eigh- story appealed to hundreds Three Spanish steamers sailed from rence, Mass. t. The Senate conferees moment, I venture to say, than it has same has going up. To overcome this, cut out Galveston war zone, carrying yielded the provision for enlarging the been within the memory of any man of others who have bad like success the' high priced meat dishes and serve for the A bill passed recently by both now In Its membership. There is not cotton. N. drydock, which Sen- purpose, with Mr. Merriam. But his story, and your family more Skinner's 'Macaroni Houses of the Montana Legislature to Charleston C, only the most united patriotic de- ob- but the objepts members have In view he signs it, too, is : and Spaghetti, the cheapest most Fire destroyed $75,000 worth of permit boxing in Butte was vetoed by ator Tillman had fought hard to are perfectly clear and definite. "I came, to Alberta in the Spring of licious and most nutritious of all foods. print paper when the Franzen paper Gov. Samuel Stewart. tain. But the Senate cannot act unless its Mfg. Co, Omaha, 1909 from Devil's Lake, North Dakota, Write the Skinner Milwaukee, Wis. The Senate also adopted the House leaders can obtain unanimous consent. Nebr for beautiful cook book, telling warehouse burned at Henry Hall of Steamboat Springs Its majority Is powerless, helpless, In locating on my farm near Dalroy resolution providing for a bond issue extraordinary how to prepare In a hundred different Robbers got from a vault of the captured the ski long distance cham- the midst of a crisis of six head of horses it of $150,000,000 to expedite construc peril when only definite and decided "I arrived with ways. It's free to every woman. Adv. First National bank at Batona, Fla., pionship at Steamboat Springs by a action can make the nation safe or and two head of cattle and about tion of naval vessels. That complet ag- $16,000, and an unestimated amount jump of 203 feet. This beats the shield It from war Itself by the $1,500. Since then, I have increased year ago by ed approval of the administration's gression of others, action is impos- The Patient's View. of securities. world's record made a sible. my live stock to seven head of horses, naval program. . "I'm afraid," said the doctor eahnly, Foodstuffs 1 Potatoes, butter, eggs Ragnar Omvedt of the Norge Ski Club Although as a matter of fact the four head cattle, and about one hun- Although the bill authorizing the representatives of the of "that I shall have to operate," of Chicago. nation and the four-roome- d and some vegetables continue to be President to arm American ships and nation stand back of the executive dred head of hogs, a "Afraid!" growled the patient. Miss Hattie M. is the latest off- unprecedented unanimity of spir- good modern Im- "weak" and "easier" on the Chicago otherwise protect Americans on the with house, barn with all "Afraid you'll have to operate I Tou spring of Peter the Great to add glory it, the Impression made abroad will, of grinder, elevator, markets, following the boycott.' high seas would have passed the Sen- course,- be (that It Is not so, and that provements, a feed know darn well you're hoping you'll to her sire, money for her owner may fanning mill, have in- - Reports submitted to the bureau of ate by an overwhelming majority this other governments act as they chopper, .etc. I have to." Detroit Free Press.- and a championship for herself. Un- please without fear that this govern- creased my original capital at least food inspection of the health depart- legislation, a modified form of which ment caff do anything at all. We can- heralded, almost .unnoticed, she was more since coming here. ment show that there are more than was parsed by the House on Thurs- not explain. The explanation Is incred- four times entered in the Grand circuit duelling ible. ' the feeding of hogs during 50,000,000 pounds of beef in the var- day, was killed by a filibuster con- "From 1916 to emerge as champion of the The Senate of the United States Is year, a gross return of A ious cold storage warehouses In Chi- of ducted by grpup of Republi- the only legislative body in the world the last I had Mother's Burden a small ' ' pacers. ! act when majority Is $5,000. cago. ' can and Democratic senators. which cannot its A mother who suffers kidney trou- ready for action. "I first started grain farming, but , '.' . ble, finds to keep up her dally Adjt Gen. Harry P. Gamble of the GENERAL . ,. As a last resort the large majority A little group of wilful men repre-'... it hard during the past four years I have made Lameness, backache, sharp Colorado militia and Maj. Arthur H. Approximately $2,500,000 was "ex Republican senting no opinion but their own have work. ol the and Democratic rendered the great government qf, the hogs my specialty, and you may see pains when stooping and "blue", ner- Williams, staff officer, left Denver for pended in the campaign to senators' favoring the Wll drew up a United- helpless and contempti- States "- tfy.the foregoing statement for 1916 vous or dizzy spells, make home life Fort D. A. Russell,' Wyb: to inspect President Wilson,' it was announced to country to the ble.- - manifesto the, and remedy,?- - that have not done so badly. ! ' dreary. Active kidneys bring back headquarters qf the Democratic ,The There is but cine, rem I the men of Batterr B and Battery C, at world stating that the: armed ship bill edy. The "remedy is that the rules of "Land has Increased at Jeast twenty vigor, health and a pleasure in fam- " ' (he"; SióusS by'at- - be so It weak Colorado field artillery. has been passed by: the Senate shall altered that pet1 cent in value during the past few ily duties. If the kidneys are applicátions have been can act.' The country 'can- be relled-- try box of Doan's Kidney PlUs. Olof H. Ahlgren. of Chicago, made Numerous most a unanimous vote and that more 'upon to draw the moral. I believe that years, now selling for Item- $25 to $35 a seventeen wills before he 'got one to made foi passage on the first armed than two-third- pf te' Sjenite favpred the' Senate can be relied upon to sup- taxes of about per acre, with nominal v A Colorado Cate " - ply means of action save . sis- steamship of the American line to conferring power.-upo- rreBi- the and the suit him. Now his mother, three iuh ine country from disaster. $2T a quarter section yearly. v. Mrs. P. . J. Cole- New port, Da-lcq- 1401 ters and a brother aro contesting ,the sai) ,from, the York officials dent to deal with thd. Gertnári sub WOODROW WILSON. ..f'The climate liere is better than ta man, B. 12th ' ' St., Pueblo, Colo., lejtt out, of the company announced. marine nfenace by measures short i of we do not Have so much af- seventeenth, because he them " in that says: "I wss .; ." ,wtth pain giving his $250,000 estate to his James W. Gerard, former American war. . .?"' China .Votes to Break With Kaiser. dry wind; the winters are similar to flicted all an d 'weakness tf ' ambassador at Berlin; Balled Feb 27 President Wilson went to the cap 'Peking,' March 5. The cabinet d Dakota. ... - across the small ot ' ,... , : ... my on. the steamship 'Infanta Isabel from ítol at 9:30 o'clock and signed the elded that China should join the Unit- "As for iarmlng In general, the grow- my back and in Vv-..-- ' hips., If .l stooped. WASHINGTON r Üoruna, Spain, for - Havana. The naváfappropriation and, other bills feeding of live ,ts more - ed States in breaking' oft relations ing and stock It was awfully hard The $535,000,000 naval appropriat steamer ls expected to reach that port passed in the final hours, of Congress. grain fármlng, con- Tor me to straight- with Germany. This decision was sure than the if en. Mornings, when bill was., passed ,by the- Senate - ; tion March t op 9. - Administration leaders, said the Pres ,;8ubmitted' to the President, who re tinued year after year, and If every I, got up my back ca)l. .. , Friday withoua, roll ' Capt, Ident alsb signed , the bill making the will was stiff and lame John Wallace, betterknown as fused to approve the cabinet "s action, farmer' follows thls;he be ahead me JSysrs' and bothered In accordance, "with , a congressional . Crawford, a noted Indian fighter "bone dry" clause in, the,. postal, bill saying- - power of the grain growers in the .long run. through day. Jack such rested entirely Picture, all the Wil- early-fronti- 1. Doan's, Kidney resolution signed by President of er days, died at, his effective July . ... v .... . with him.; premier Tuan Chi Jul im- Taking everything into consideration, son, April 21 will be designated as a home at Wood Hwren, Long Island, mediately resigned and left for Tien I feel satisfied with my success In atom ' gtnce then, I have collection ' - h a d no further day for the of funds in the He was stricken with pneumonia more Zlmmermarm Admits Mexican Plots. Tsln, accompanied by several other Alberta." toy kidneys." ' ' trouble from back or United States for the' relief of suffer- a month ago. Min- resigna- (Sgd.) A. E. MERRIAM. than Washington. German Foreign members of the caMhet. The Get Doaa's at Aay Since, BOc a Bo ing Ukrainians. 'jury, Dalroy, Alberta,' Jan. 12th, 1917. The New York federal grand ister Zimmermann's frank, admission tion of the entire cabinet is expected. kpSdi!LV Germany, in a note delivered to the which has spent five days probing the that Germany did seek to ally. Japan Parliament virtually is unanimous in There will be the greatest demand DOAN'S State Department Friday by Dr. Paul alleged spy plot by which American and Mexico with her to war against favor of tbe opinion of the cabinet. for farm labor In Western Canada dur- FOSTER-MILBUR- CO, BUFFALO, N.Y. Ritter, Swiss minister, promises the newspaper correspondents were sent the United States caused no surprise The leaders of all the political parties ing the early spring, and, In fact, all release of the Yarrowdale prisoners to England as "observers" in the in to American officials though It may be are adversely criticising the Presi Beason until November, and the high- wages paid. on March 7, saying quarantine regula- terest of Germany, indicted Albert A, said they did not expect so full and dent's position. The vice president of est will be There Is an pffGBIPPEP$ guarantee tions will have been complied with Sander, Charles W. Wunenberg ,and free an acknowledgment of the ex- the republic supports the action of the absolute 'by the Canadian 1 lCXt TABÍ.ITS Government that those who go to will onenvraVMitai by that date. . George Vaux Bacon. posure. cabinet J li, MOM Canada for this purpose need have no wmMOUI signed A dispatch from Madrid says is President Wilson tie Indian it fear of conscription. Advertisement bill the Porto Rico that James W. Gerard, former British prive Back Enemies. Wilson Sworn In as President. WKmKMWB appropriation and stated HAIR BALSAM who 5. prepa- . bill giving residents of the island citi- American ambassador at Berlin, London. The British troops In their Washington, March. With Resounding. ' A toilet preparation of merit. zenship changing its form of gov- is now on the way to the United movement in the area rations complete for the formal Inaug Help to radio t dandruff. and forward Ancre "They say China is going to break ForRMtoritMr Color and ernment. States, carries with him a message in France have made another advance uration today, Woodrow Wilson was BtMuty to Gray or Faded Hair , with Germany, too." 60Q. and li.oo at ProjrKistw. for- King Alfonso to Wil- along two-mil- e sworn in as' twenty-nint- h Conservation of the country's from President east of Gommecourt a President ol "Well, If there is such a big. break two-third- s at 12:04 p. m. Sun- ests as a means of insuring a future son. front of about ot a mile, the United States as thnt In China, it will be some paper supply was urged In a state- That James Wickersbam, Republi according to the official report from day. He wijl take the oath again to- smash." ' HIDE ai:J FUR SHIPPERS ment by Carl Vrooman, assistant sec- can, was, delegate to pon-- headquarters. Nearly 200 prisoners day. Chief Justice White of the 1 Write for illustrated trappers' (raids retary of agriculture. captured, United States Supreme Court .admin gress over Charles Sulzer, Democrat, were Heard on the Train. ' and pnce lint, furcel pout map o) x United States sent free write today. A portrait of William Jennings by a plurality of twenty-si- votes, was istered the oath which started the you use?" "What kind of coal do BOLLES & ROGERS arrived at the State Depart- at Juneau, Alaska, by the ter Five Negroes Shot In Eaton. President on his second term of four ' Bryan declared "Egg." ' Neb. negroes years. The ceremony place 613 S. 13th SL Omaha, ment to be bung In the diplomatic re- rltorial canvassing board after It had Eaton. Five were shot took it "Egg? How do you get it by the room with when Amos Shepherd Claude the President's room at the capítol ' ception the portraits of oompleted the canvass of the votes here and dozen?" Boston Transcript v W. N. U., DENVER, NO. 17. ither former secretaries of state. cast at the November election. Bright engaged in a pistol duel. and was marked by its simplicity. THE SPANISH-AMERICA-

ate door, the main corridors of the FOE WILSON senate and through the' rotunda of the THICK, GLOSSY HAIR 15GB" is capítol to the plaoe set for the oath The dangerous m taking. On reaching the Inaugural NEW MEXICO stand, Woodrow Wilson took a place FREE FROM D'fiDFiUFF cold is the neglect- LIVER, BOILS MADE PRESIDENT directly In front of Edward D. White, the chief Justice of the United States, ed cold. Get a box o-f- and the chief clerk of the Supreme STATE NEWS co.urt, James D. Maher. The sergeant Girlsl Beautify Your" Hair! Make It sick at-ar- congres Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try For headache, bad breath, Chief Executive Inducted Into of the senate and the sional committee on arrangements were , the Moist Cloth. . . Sour Stomach and Western Newspaper Union News Service, CASCABA WQUININE Office With Due Ceremony. immediately on the left of the presl constipation. inwiim rcvaivTe. A Í0-2- - Try as yon will, an application dent. The vice president, the associ March 2 Meeting- New Mexico Cat- after tle and of Danderine, you cannot find single ate Justices of the Supreme Court and Horse Growers' Association a Thsj old family remedy-- In tablet at Albuquerque. form safe, sure, easy the members of the senate sat upon bis - trace of dandruff or falling hair and to take. No PATRIOTISM MARKS DAY March 2 Meeting- no Get a 10-ce- box now. THE New Mexico opiates-- unpleasant after effects. right. wooi Growers Association at Albu your scalp will not ltcb, but what will Cures colds in 24 hours Grip In 3 No odds how bad your liver, querque. days. Money back If stomach . When all were assembled Chief Jus- please you most will be after a few It foils. Get July 6 Annual Reunion Cowboys' the genuine box with Red Top and or bowels; how much your head tice White, having in his right hand the of weeks' use, when you see new hair, Vice President Marshall First Take uumuun ai jas vegas. aches, how miserable and uncomfort- open Bible upon which the hands of fine and downy at first yes but real- Al Any Drue Store the Oath Imposing able you are from constipation, indiges- Inaugural Pa many former presidents have rested. Five persons were Injured In uto ly new hair growing all over the 'biliousness rade Is Largely Military In tion, and sluggish bowels Its advanced to Woodrow Wilson and ad accidents at Silver City. scalp. . you always get the desired results NatureFlags and Illumination. ministered to him this oath, which Is A grain elevator mill A little Danderine Immediately dou- MICE GARRY ' and flour have DISEASE with Cascarets. - Imposed by promised bles beauty your No differ- the Constitution of the been Clovis by June 1. the of hair. By Using Don let your stomach, liver ' By KM These Pests and EDWARD B. CLARK. United States: RoswvjU citizens have protested ence how dull, fadqd, brittle and bowels make you miserable. - Washington, CTCIDIICI Take March 5. Woodrow "You do solemnly swear that you against the creation of Llano county. scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with V I kMltiieJ Cascarets put an end to the Wilson has been Inaugurated president will faithfully execute the office of Danderine, and carefully draw It A Holateln Association was formed ELECTRIC PASTE headache, biliousness, dizziness, .nerv- oi we united States for the second president of the United States and through your hair, taking one small at Portales by Roosevelt county dairy U. 8. GoTen.msnt Buys ousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, time, and Thomas It. Marshall haa will to the best of your ability, pre strand at a time. The effect is Im- It men. ) BOLD EVERYWHERE ISe and SUN backache and all other distress; come Into his own as vice president of serve, protect and defend the Consti mediate and amazing your hair will your organs March 5 was set W Federal Judge cleanse inside of all the we united states for the second time tution of the United States." be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an Decline of Divorce In Japan. In Colin Nehlott tnr iha lirowlno- nf bile, gases and constipated matter company with the chief executive. Woodrow Wilson said la a firm appearance of abundance; an Incom- Half of the population of Japan Is which is producing . For voice, grand and petit jurors at Santa Fe. the several nights prior to the in- "I do," and he became for the parable luster, softness and luxuri- from twenty to sixty-fiv- e years of age, A 10-ce- box means happi- auguration, Washington second There are health, was a flood of time president of the United at this time in Roosevelt ance, the beauty and shimmer of true and one-thir- d of the entire population ness and a clear, head for months. light. Thousands of American citizens States of America. county something over 400 automo hair health. Is married. The ratio of divorces for No more days of gloom and distress came to the capital of their nation Then the president delivered his In biles, or about one to each four fami Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'g every 1,000 population has decreased you will from all over If take a Cascaret now and the United States to wit augural address and on Its conclusion lies. Danderine from any store and prove 3 to 11-- but even at present It Is a All stores sell Cascarets. ness the ceremonies he made way Mrs. then. Don't attending the In his with Wilson to An Innovation in the Silver City that your hair Is as pretty and soft source of deep anxiety on the part of forget the children their s auguratlon. The of coun- little situation the Normal School is the new class In as any that It has been neglected or unmarried statisticians. Maynard need a cleansing, too. try .In reference to foreign Adv. Its relations cookery which hae been organ Injured by careless treatment that's Owen Williams, In the Christian Her- added more than Jus a touch of .serious lzea especially for boys. alL Adv. ald. In silence danger Is concealed. Wom- ness and a distinct flavor of patriotism en are seldom renlly dangerous. to the entire proceedings. Washington Twenty-on- e Mexicans cleaded not Seventh Age of Man. Is a city of rings at all times, but It guilty for the Columbus raid, at Dem "He Is a very old man, Isn't he?" Denver Directory Pimples, boils, carbuncles, dry up and became ten times a city of fines one ing, and were held to the federal "Well, he Is In the second dance-hood.- " disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden any before the ceremonies of Inaugu I ; ' grand jury at Santa Fé in April. Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. Adv. ration. J. L. LaDrlere, architect, and a bro President Wllsondrove from the White ther-in-la- of the late Governor E. C. GAVE HIS CANE AWAY! Let It Go at That House to the capítol with his wife at his de Baca, died of heart trouble at Al "Flubdub is bothering all his friends side. In the carrlaee with him were buquerque. He was 57 years old. Mr. S. P. Benton, Kerrvllle, Texas, to take stock In an alleged mine." two members of the congressional com writes: "For years to The twenty-thir- d .reunion of the several prior didn't ask me." mittee which had general charge of 1906 'lie Scottish Rite Masons closed at Sania I suffered from kidney and rheu "Why, he hns pestered me half to the ceremonies, and of which Senator matlc troubles. Was ver Elastic Graphite Paints Fe, when the thirty-secon- d degree bent and death. And yet he hasn't asked you, Overman of North Cnrolina Is chair- ' Shlnp;le Palnta, Waterproofing was conferred on the second section forced to use a Paints. THE eh How do you account man. NEW ROOF Elantlo Cement. Our goods have for that? of the class. cane. For these stood the test. Ask your dealer or write us. "Dunno. I take it as a trlnute to mj Vice President Marshall, with Mrs, disorders I am Anastaclo Chaves Quemado, THE ELASTIC PAINT & MFG. CO. Intelligence." Louisville Courier-Jou- r Marshall in the cnrrlnge with him. was of So glad to say I used county, 1737 ISdi Stnet DENVER. COLO. nal. escorted in like manner to the capítol corro killed his wife with a D o d d ' s Kidney knife weapon Big Crowds, Many Flags. and then turned the on Pills, which proved From an early hour the sidewalks himself, cutting his throat. Both died to be the nrnnpr Immediately. were crowded with persons waiting to remedy. I am 64 DYSPEPSIA w Nature's most healthful sweet, finest qnallty. , see the president and "the first lady Congregation Montifiore, which re . years old, feel pure. Qood-size- d sample, honey , I 'v Guaranteed of the Innd" pass along the avenue to cently sold Its temple site at East Las once booklet and price list sent postpaid cm receipt Thomas R. Marshall. Xjliw--. fln and of lüoent. THE COlOkMDO HONE! PHOOlCfBS' the place of the oath-takin- All the Vegas to the government for past- again as ASSOCIATION, 1424 Marktl Street. Cele. i a stand Oesr, . windows commanding a view of Penn his carriage and was driven slowly to office location, will build a new tem straight." as an arrow. Dodd's Kid A1IKSTI0H sylvania avenue also were crowded the White House at the head of the ple in the near future. ney Pills deserve great credit." Be Enquire for the with onlookers. The red, white and procession formed In honor of-th- In sure and get "DODD'S." the name J. H. WILSON The secretary of agriculture has for Wilson Never Break Trace Tape's Diapepsin" settles sour, blue was everywhere In evidence. The augural ceremonies. with D s disor- Í SADDLERY CO. mally approved the Cllfton-SnrinKer- - the three for diseased, only foreign flngs to be seen In Wash- deranged Guaranteed DENVER gassy stomachs in five Luncheon Deferred for' Parade. vllle highway project, according to an dered, kidneys: Just as Mr. ington were those flying from flag In years past preslflentlal party Benton did. No minutes it! the the announcement made by the district- - similarly named article W. H. NEYEU BaTllatot Jime , poles of the foreign embassies and always has entered the White House will do. Adv. , .. . HI an forester at Albuquerque. uaaiaiora, renders, uoods. Tou don't want a slow remedy when legations which, even though they are for luncheon prior to, the review of faero and Tanks All MADI and your located In the city of Washington, are parade from of doubts about the cacacltv of the Probably. HHPAIRHÜ. Bast equipment and stomach is bad or an uncertain the the stand in front quickeat guaranteed aervlce In Colo- municipal well Clovis peace-lovin- g one or a harmful one your stomach recognized as being foreign territory. the executive mansion. This Invaria at have been Are we a people because rado. BBA80NABLH THRMS. dissolved by the test runs ra Is too valuable; you mustn't injure it Vice President Marshall was resworn bly In the post caused such a delay which show we chew chewing gum, or do we chew 1831 Broadway latosa. a pumping ISO,-00- DENVEB, COLO. Pape's Diapepsin Is noted for Its Into ofjlce before the Inauguration of that It was decided this year to do that it has capacity of It because we are peaceful? gallons every twelve hours. speed in giving relief; its harmless- - the president. The exercises took place away with the luncheon feature. IT 11 DEVELOPING ness; its certain unfailing action in In the senate chamber. The legisla President Wilson with Mrs. Wilson, Since New Year a total of 2.134 ar iVOdakS and PRINTING tive day of March 3. so far as the sen the Vice President and Mrs. Marshall plicatlons. for public have Bend for Catalogue and regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. lands been Finishing TU (Utmik ate was concerned, been PAIN? NOT A BIT! Price List. Dnnr Fkata Ca., Its millions of cures in indigestion, had continued and tVo members of his cabinet wept received by the Santa (Fé land office, Eastaua Kedak Ce 121 Kta Street, Dorar, Calaras by recesses until the hour of 12 noon immediately to Inclosed struc one dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach the little of six in New Mexico, the appli LIFT YOUR CORNS trouble has made it famous the world of the calendar day March 5. ture, much like a sentry box, which cations covering over a million acres, Everything The president 'pro tempore of the had been built In the middle of the Electrical over. A banquet that will be a combina OR CALLUSES OFF senate presided at the ceremonies pre- great grandstand In front of the White motors, lamps, wire, supplies, electric Keep this perfect stomach doctor in tion of a chuck wagon feed and á pumps, washing machines, clean- ceding the administering of the oath to House and from which the chief exe vacuum your home keep it handy get a large small-hou- r ers. cabaret, Is to be one of the 1 the vice president-elec- t. The president cutive viewed the paradera. No humbug Apply few drops fifty-ce- case from any dealer and big events of the stockmen's meeting The Headrle & Bolthoff Mfi. & Supply Co. of the United States, the members of It was the gravity of the situation then lift them away then if anyone should eat something in Albuquerque March 20, 21 22. Just y DENVER, COLORADO the cabinet, the foreign ambassadors In connection with our foreign affnlrs and which doesn't agree with them; if with fingers. Bipert Instruction pre- guests Camp Deming, it Is stated, will not y. men become they ea lays like lead, ferments and other notable occupied seats which gave to the Inaugural ceremo- r.i. C. A. paring to what be torn down, but left under a guard repair men, chauffeurs, gas; causes head- nies their serious tone and patriotic garage managers, a a t o and sours and forms Twenty-fourt- salesmen, Complete The parade of day was rom the h United Status This new drug an compound eta. ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa features. the is ether AUTO equipment for practical largely military In Its nature, although Infantry after the state troops return, discovered by a Cincinnati chemist It work. Mi successful rear. tions of acid and undigested food-reme- mber Graduates in demand. there were In the procession many Its hospital will be maintained in Is called freezone, and can DAK AND MUUI, as soon as Pape's Diapepsin SCHOOL Bniire cost lío. bodies which In a sense might be said definitely. now be obtained in tiny comes in contact with the stomach all DENVER, COLO. Send for Folder. to represent the spirit of Industrial bottles as here shown at - i. ,M- such distress vanishes. Its prompt Las Vegas did honor to her distin sswisiisui.isssssasjaus- auj preparedness of the United States for dc-- d very little cost from any ness, certainty and ease in overcoming guished when a crowd which any eventuality which might come. packed the Santa Fe platform drug store. Just ask for the worst stomach 'disorders is a rev station - - Make-u- p of the Procession. freezone. Apply a drop or ií.'iíf i-i- lation to those who "try it. Adv. Htood with bared heads to receive the At the forefront of the parade as It body of Gov. E. C. De Baca from the two directly upon a tender the capítol were, of course, the corn A Giveaway. left special funeral train th,at bore It from or callus and instant- ft president and fhe vice president of the ly soreness disappears. Mrs. Blabbltt J, don't like her at J v Santa Fé. the J United States with their guards of Shortly you will find the all, ttenr. 'She's a deceitful woman, Trappers in McKlnley county honor. Major General Hugh L. Scott, have corn or callus so loose that The other day she tried to get me to done well all Is one of U. S. army, was the grand marshal of winter. This you can off, root ay something against you. 5 parts lift it . : the occasion. George It. LInkins was the best of the state for the and all, with the fingers. Mrs. Goddeigh She did! How? g H the marshal of the civic organizations capture of the animals Not of Mrs. B. Why, whe asked me to tell a twinge pain, which took part In the marching cere which put velvet In the pocketbook her confidentially what I really soreness or irritation; not monies. wnen their hides are properly taken Evening Tran- even the slightest smart- thought of you. Poston Immediately preceding the carriages eff and dried. ' script ing, either when applying FOR BEST RESULTS of the presidential and vice presiden- Mrs. Charles Greenclay'of East Las freezone or afterwards.' Yon should use Barteldes' Tested Seeds for tial parties and of Col. Robert N. Har- Vegas, who was summoned to Denver up Field and Garden. Write for our new catalog This drug doesn't eat bigger, better and more attractive this year per, Inaugural chairman, was the fa several weeks ago o assist In .caring the corn or callus, but our fiftieth anniversary. mous United States Marine band. The for her mother, Mrs. T. M. Tishler, so they loos- THE BARTELDES SEED CO., DENVER, COLO. I shrivels them Green's president had as his guard of honor who was seriously Injured when en and come right out. It (CO years satisfactory service.) the squadron of the Second United struck by an I automobile, fell and is no humbug It works FOR YOUR States cavalry. broke her ankle. like a charm. For a few plan now 1917 CROP August Flower The Vice President and Mrs. Mar Herculano Garcia, proprietor of a cents you can get rid of ev- ' shall were escorted by the Black Horse saloon in Barelas, one of the two ery hard corn, soft corn or Let us assist you by sending our When the stomach and liver are In troop of the Culver Military academy, places raided by Undersherlff Woot- - corn between the toes, as well as pain New SEED BOOK and Price Us. working In ninety-ni-ne food order, Indiana, the state of which the vice Our seeds always please. THE PIONEEI-BAINE- S caaes out of every hundred general ton of Albuquerque and a force of ful calluses on bottom of your feet. It good health prevails. president and his wife are natives deputies, was fined $20 "and costs by never disappoints and never burns, SE CO, I Sis ass Lswresc Sis.. DENVER. COLO. Green's August Flower has proven The West Point cadets and the An Justice of the Peace W. W. McClel- - bites or 'nflames. If your druggist blessing and has been used all over the napolis cadets took part In the proces 45 Complete Stores In One during last fifty odd lan. He was charged with keeping a hasn't any freezone yet, tell him to clvlliied world the Woodrow Wilson. to these young sol Everything for weir and house furnishing. years. It is universal remedy for sion, In addition disorderly house. J get a l'ttle bottle for yon from his and nerv- weak stomach, constipation dler and sailor organizations there wan house. adv. Writo or call ous indigestion. A dull headache, bad In the senate chamber. At twelve A new industry for New Mexico has wholes le taste in mouth in the morning, or as large a representation of the forces the warn- pro tenipore ad- been discovered by the people in that "tired feeling" are nature s o'clock the president of the United States as properly could the A Definition. ings that something Is wrong In the ministered the oath of office prescribed La Lande section, and although it may digestive apparatus. At such t mes be spared from post and garrison duty. "What Is an effective blockade?" will qu'ckly by law to the vice president-elec- t' not last indefinitely, It is bringing In Green's August Flower a In addition there were troops from "It happens when you don't tip the correct the difficulty and stablish Immediately following the taking of eastern money while it does. It is the normal condition. At all druggists or Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, waiter." k Windsor Hotel bottles. the oath of office by Mr. Marshall, the shipping of live rabbits to the parks dealers', 23c and 35c Maryland, Virginia, and some other ' STEAM HEAT newly elected eastern cities, 50 cents apiece senators of the United states of the Union representing the of at I ISffc ind Lsriaer. DENVER were O. B. La Lande. s" - States sworn Into office. Then National Guard. . F. t V!, 6 Blocks From Union Deóot the vice president made this announce- feature of Mrs. We solicit your patronage and eater to Green's A patriotic and picturesque The funeral Anna Moran at FRECKLES reopie. mevator ano Dea semes. KATBoi Wo, ment: "The sergeant-at-arm- s of the ceremonies attending the Inau- Taiban was noteworthy on account of 160 and II .1! with nrlvate bath II Do ner nl.u of the Kow Is the Tim to Get Bid of These tVBPBCLU. WBHKLy BATHS COS TO K.UU senate will carry out .the order of the guration was supplied by the rapidly tne age and the Ufe events of the de- Usly pote. Flower There'a no lonet-- r the t need of senate for the Inauguration of the pres- - August thinning ranks of the Grand Army of ceased. Mrs. Moran was 81 years old feeling- aahamed of your freckles, as the ELATERITE ROOFING ident of the United States." Republic. In years past the sol- come some prescription othlne double strength Is the and had to New Mexico guaranteed to remove theae homely spots. president-elect- , accompanied Fibre Roof Repair Cement, Roof Coating and The by diers of the war between the states six or seven years ago, had proved up Simply get an ounce of othlne double waterproofing. The materials that do the work. Cat eA SMAfsl tlsVMHfY strength your druggist, the chief justice of the United States, have made the entire length of the line on a homestead and up to a few from and apply a For roof repairs on all farm buildings, barns, than Smallpox. Army little of It night and morning and you stock aheds, chlckec aheda, etc., ask you deal- TYPHOID experience ass qenwnw ran the joint committee on arrangements, of march, but this year the distance weeks ago had hearty. should soon see that even the worst freckles er for It. If supply, been hale and have begun to disappear, lighter he can't write Bs. Refnse IJg gUUU justices of while the all substitutes. THE ELATERITE . Varclnitlnn. the associate the Supreme which they tramped was shortened. ones have vanished entirely. Is seldom WESTERN Fireman Moore, employed by the It ROOFING CO, EqtútaUa Bldg, Colo. caer, sMnsnffleme, you Court, the foreign ambassadors and of pa that more than one ounce is needed to com- Denver. Be vaccinated NOW by yon ,.zzr.i They added to the picture the Santa Fe railway, out pletely gain vital thin boose fell of the cab clear the skin and a beautiful your family. !i is more tog ministers plenipotentiary, the members by , drogeUt. or rade as they moved the presidential engine olear complexion. " ? of his at Crocker, south of San He sure to ask: ror strength yoohsÍTyplHildf telling of Typhoid VscrlM, of the senate, preceded by the vice reviewing stand with their old flags the double DIALIONDS Typhoid Curlers. Marcial, when the locomotive broke othlne. as this la sold under euarantee of results from as , and danger from president and secretary of the senate, money back if It falls to remove freckles. snd ARTISTIC JEWELRY BERKELEY, CAL. above them. away THC CUTTEt LABORATORY, from the tender. Moore was run Adv. MANCIACTDHrNO S..S, sen, uceasa the holdover members of the house of night Washington was aglow taewiciaa mxmss a ssauas usssa At over by the cars. He died at San Mar- representatives, preceded by the off- fireworks and with the combined i. "lth cial, where he was taken for medical Loglo&l Conclusion. m. unmm DATHFITC Watson Coleman icers of the house who have Just relin- effects of gas and electric light Illumi- 18th ft Curtis, Oenver, Cela, E- i . - -la tj?"ijr.i;: treatment. "I feel all gone to pieces this morn- OR OALL OATALOQ ai u .í. quished office by virtue of the expira- nations. In addition searchlights WRITE FOR Batas reasonable. HlgWtréferenoes. Besserrtoea. The part that New Mexico could tion of their terms, and other distin- showed the heavens here and there, L. play In time of v war in supplying "What do you think Is the matter?" THE A. WATKINS "HOUGH onSXtn3?JZS&2& guished góests made their way to the one great shaft of light Illumi and United State "I suppose is because I am broke." MERCHANDISE COMPANY armies with arms and it - Oi T Inaugural stand. nated the apex of the Washington iei iir 0Ke rt munitions, is told In report made sVnTr vora Inauguration of the President monument while another lighted up the. APPENDICITIS to the Secretary of ; The pope la said to live at the Vati The procession, headed by the presi and brought Into bold relief the dome War by a board REPAP.ED nOOFMQ of officers, headed by Col. J- - can on a very simple diet, as simple dent-elec-t, wound Francis 100 square : 1 through the east sen of the iauItoL ( feet to roll orlce r mil. nlv It.HL Kernan, Twenty-eight- h infantry. as that of the poorest trudesmnn. ply ÍI.15; 8 ply pitch, and. tarred felt. THE SPANISH-AMERICA-

enter your apparan in said caus on In the District Court or beforw th 21 t day f April 1917 jaugroent will be rendered in said cause of the State of New Mexico Appel.&'Co. against you each J. and of you by default Sitting within and for the County of SHíPrice Remains at The name of the plaintiff's attor- $15 Mora. ., ney is John P. Sinus, and his office PLOERsnrm Mercantile Co. and Poatoffice address is 17-- 18, Bar. ' Roy,WewMex. A Corporation, Plaintiff nett Building, Albuquerque, New-Mexic- o. Our Fabrics are the Same ts No 2470 Roy Land and Livestock Company, Witness my hand and the Seal High Grade, Pure Woolens. N SELZ SHOES ICLOTHESMAKE STETSON HATS a corporation, Frartk Roy and Clara of said Court on tltis 3d day cf THE MAN P. Roy his wife. Manuel B, Gallegos, 1917. 4MW we That's jYiy save you For the Baby, the Boy, Letusmakeyour Remigio Chavez, Tomas Riviera, and We have other Hata Haquel Riviera, his wife,, Baum Broth Girl, Man and tailored-to-measur- the the Wing suit, made (SEAL) g) $10. on your and Caps but for' Quality ers a partnership composed of William PEDRO A. ORTEGA, , the Woman. to your measure, form and Wear, II, Baum, and James S, Baum, Will District Clerk, Suit.' By A. High-Gra- di style, fit and cloth Ham H, Baum and Stella Baum his Milnor Rudolth, Deputy. A Shoe We Recommend Stetsons that always gives Satis guaranteed. wife, the unknown heirs of James S, Samples now on Baum deceased, B, N, Patton and An faction. na Branch Patton his (born An RANK FOOLISH. display. $1.00 to $6.00 wif, na Branch) Pablo P, and Be Suits Made to Order $2.50 to $5.00 Branch, You occasionally see it stated that $15.00 and up. II-- atriz Branch his wife, and, all un colds do íot result from cold weather. known persons who may claim any in That is rank foolishness. Were it true terest or title plaintiff adverse to the colds would 1 as prevalent in midsum- in Mens Spring Wear Ladies Spring Hats the real estate hereinafter described mer as in midwinter. The microbe that Defendants, We are receiving our Spring We have part of our spring causes colds flourishes in damp' cold weather. To get rid cold line and more coming. Styles, of a take line of Underware, Hose, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. is Notice of Suit . It More Shirts, Suits, Ties, etc. , prices and quality are the best effectual and is highly recommended in the state. Come in and in- To Kemigio Chavez,, the unknown peoplo who And the prices are going to by have used it for many spect them whether you buy heirs of James S, liaum, deceased, and yoars as occasion required, and know be right. or not. all unknown persons who may claim any its realralue. Obtainable everywhere. u interest or title averse to the plaintiff lhan m NSJjmi in the realestate hereinafter described and to Land Com- CHILDRENS DRESSES Men's overalls! Itoy and Live Stock High Cost of Paper pany a Corporation, . Frank Roy and READY-MAD- E work coats jump KABO CORSETS Clara F.Roy his wife, Manuel B.Galle-go- s, Does Not Stop El Paso Morning ers, pants etc. a And Baassiers. All right designs, Qual A well Tomas Riviera, Raquel Riviera his Times' Great Bargain We maintain our high quality and low price in spite of the choice line to se selected Line his wife, ty goods, Fast Colors, a of both to Baum Brothers a partnership, " Offer. great advance in cost of woolens; in pite of the fact that lect from and the composed of good Line to select from choose from. William H, Baum and other tailors are selling cheaper qualities at higher prices; prices are right. James S. Baum, William H. Báúm and Tli V. Pain Mornlnr Time riM 75c to $2.00 $1.00 nnimcrd a irruí bargain dubcrijaiun in spite of the fact that other tailors are offering cotton mix- $1.50 to $4.00 to $3.0 Stella Baum his wife. B. N; Patton liilce, irnod only durluir Ihc iiioiitii oí and Anna Branch Patton his wife (born February. ed fabrics the price of all-wo- ol fabrics. The niter le for both new tr.d renewal. Anna Branch), Pablo P Branch and snlisrrlitlon. 4 The resillar rate of The Times Is (ROC Beatriz R Branch, his wife, per year, 75 cents per month, Lnicltsh tili-IIo- and per year. cents r Be Maasured Today -- Defendants month, for Spnnlsti litlon; but during- Vt Jo month of l elirnary the fdlowinif rcalt.v You and each of you are hereby reduced prices are orrerert; KiirIIsIi edi- All Samples Co o year, tiy 300 Wool Appel and Sunday, for ono tion, d;iily notified that the plaintiff Floersheim in;nl only dnlivored by carrier or Mercantile Company a corporation, has aireut. ' i:. Spanish edition, daily and New SuiKiuv. tor one year, by mll only, ;t.W; ROY, Mexico. this day filed suit in the above named tiv carril r or :ii:eiit, 14 iw. Tl.i subscriber Court against you and ave m arly SO pe.' r ent. GOODMAN each of you, the It U art exceptional lisrraJn, berau"' general nature of which action is to The Tlitits In worth the 1 price. The No Rest for Mamma. Tim.'i pays for, :n:l publishes, more news quiet the title of the Plantiff in and to and special features every d.iy In Ihn Mercantile As bedtime year, than any oilier vo In est Obliging Grandmother. comes and curtains fall, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0. 10, 11, 12, i;ier$ Emjloyer my irksome cares seem Tixsx. ie Mevlci) anil Arizona rornlitned. :'I let Miss Smith off put to rout, as, and 13, all in Block 10 of the" town of Contpli'O Asoeialed iTi'sj service, ':uv-erni- three days to eco the last of her wcrn and weary uto bed I crawl, from Roy, Hie world" and corresponden' In Company New Mexico, and to Mriii-- my household forever bar west Tfxa. New and Arizona, and grandmother. , What's happened to duties tired ut. But, as news of Mexico, with the bejt and foreclose all right title, claim .in- toy'lirr her?" Cashier "She wrote this morn- snug between the sheets I He, tfnd features that Lmlns produce, make The terest Sonthwe-it'- s " heavy lids and demand of you and each of Times "The ONK HIU , ing to ay she expects to be baclt to- have ceased to wink from A "The Store that Buys Your Produce" you, to paper to he approi'iuted by , morrow, as, her grandmother is dying baby's crib there comes a cry. "Mam- adverse plaintiff, in and to said evrv enllKhtened family. premises. rlpnons are payahM to any as as enn ma, please dot mo . And vnn v . si'bsi fast she "Passing SJiow. a dwink.". j i vfcJ IIWVI1ICU Tt'jii s aifeut. Ak your puMMiuMer or that unless you and each of you shall soon ill. crt to I'liu ViUii'S. County Dead SPRINGER Since the County question is

settled, now is the titrn tj. start , The Basket Ball Boys will the greatest question before the SHIMS REOOKD journey to Springer Friday people, ot Roy. This is that the Bf morning where the? will Lock town of Roy should have a Four , Horns" with the fast Springer - mt- per Anguja, Ad Agusta" Years pigh School, Roy will If team for two games, one Friday IV Volume Roy, Mora County, New Mexico, - never be álownóf much note un- Saturday, MARCH, 10 1917 Number I2 and one- Saturday. Springer til it has a Four Years High has the reputation of having a School. If Roy had two more fy)y Schools Record. fast team ajso of having a heavy Visitors Miss Roy Nature team. But although our Boys are years of H. S. it would be worth Published every week by as mucl) to the people a's a new small in Stature thiadoe? not pnt THE MANUAL TRAINING CLASS. Mrs. W.H. Wilcox' Mrs. M.D. Mjss Roy returned Monday county. This II. S. question ROY HALL Editor. No force of nature is so dyna fear in their heart's as they say. Gibbs and Mrs.C. Taylor visited afternoon from Springer, where should every Clara Martin 1st. Assistant. mic as hnman will. Because they they are going to faring home de qut forward and - Clifton Downing 2ik1. Assistant the High School onedaylastweek she was called to the bedside of- one should work just ás hard ' decreed 'themselves stronger the Bacon. Reporters -- Students We are ery much pleased that ht r grandmother, who is serious for more High School as they All than adverse circumstances, the The Boys who wil! makt? Ae trip there are people in Roy who have y ill. Miss Roy came back just are Roy Hall, Ernest Cocljran, did for a new county. School Board deaf, the dumb, the blind and the interest enough in the school to dng enough to secure a substi Floers- F. A. Roy, Chairman. crippled from Homer to John Claude Brashears, Lester pay us a visit, -- tute to teach her pupils during And you poor simps Remigio LorEZ, Secretary. Milton to Alexandria Stevens, heim, Cravens dlumlee, Benny yet see the 0 F. S. herv absence, he returned to Stevens ' all around you, who think their Brown, Member. from to Helen Keller, Branch and Kenneth Hall. Clara Martin was absent Tue. Springer the same afternoon, as fducation is completed when haverizeu above the handicaps Rev. Hearu Wili go along to Teachers their is little or no hope for her and restrictions of au improvident act as chaperon and to serve the they have a college training, and J. 6. Kussell, Prin. Julian Montoya was absent grandmother's' recovery. destiny andilived to achieve fame Boys game as Ref ree. have lea'rned how to hold down Clara. 7th and SthGrades. tn the Russell, Tuesday. ' ' a single job. Eugenia Roy, 5th and (ith Grades. and might. Miss Roy was called to Springr Lena Lusk was absent Tueseay That's the mly one they wil Mary Waters 4th Grade The Ninth Grade has complet The Tenth Grade are having Lorrine Lowry 2nd and 3rd Grade Friday because of the illness of-h- er afternoon. hold down, you may be sure, and ed the small Algebra- and taken an amusing as well as difficult Dan Jenkins 2nd Primary grandmother.Mrs. Ogden tau- The cyclone Tuesday mustx ' probably they wont hold that. up the advanced Algebra, which time trying to understand Geom- Myra DeFreeS Jst Primary Monday. have blown several away, as they, Because the man right below ght her room is not quite so easy. etry. have not been to school sience. them is on his way up, and The Basket Ball Girls learned ON TO SPRINGER - We (,'ive below a report of the attend "Has-Been's- locomotive can make rings Monday evening that they would " fatten on repu The tenth grade started theiu anee in each room of the school, for up Roy, for High engine,every It's to more tation'; s" on ped-gre- around a stationary each week, If you will watch this not play Springer Girls. The "is fetd compositions in Latin this week, re School or a back seat, day in the week. ' port yon will be able to keep in dose Grandmother of the Coach of the "Isser's" costitute the with this plus Caesar we have'nt above touch With your school a World's Workers. - Understand the parts and as resul H. S. Girls, Miss Roy, not being At the close of business hours mi.y, uiutj lur uifciiicsa. jo- - juu- be more able to you, until by always being fitted judge of its present expected to live, last Tuesday, local real estate dont bcleive us come and see. and futiivi needs. Every thought marks a line on for the job higher up, you reac was still "rising" v yonr brain. The more you think Ed- thi top. And then begin a Hijih School 16 Roy Hull nas been elected 7th Hth Bal'l the deeper you sink it. Think over again to learn the things and Grade 26 There will be a Basket Wheat has now had two oppor it itor of the'"Record" 5th and (ith 3H Grade same thing ., often enough, yon have forgotten in the mean game at Springer Friday between tunities for getting up '. It the 4th Grade :io grove World's Model Mountain. the Roy II. S. boys and the could grow "up" or be blown and eventually it becomes a 'In- while. 2nd and 3rd Grade 30 Mount Shasta, uecordlnj; to nn Soringer H. S. boys. There will up. an instinct. H;ei.'(l, was tho first liiountnin he has Second Primary 30 dian The man who thinks made by Creator us his master-- First Primary 25 also be a game betweon the the ' graduated from the school of life The wind has been moving When good thinking, 9fficient pleci', and with thl ns u iiiodel he de- Total 221 Springer H. S. girls and the Roy has more pnibably fallen off th Several New Mexico farms over thinking becomes habits, they signed tl.e' otlier mountains of the high school girls the s.ime day. world, nays the National Geographic rear platform. into Oklahoma the last few days. automatically lead togood work, 1 ... The teams plan to stay overnight Magazine. The ascent of Shasta clean Hvingandefficientmethods. difficult, competent guides Is and qlny games on Saturday The ninth Grade Spanish Class b it with Keeping' everlastingly at it Mrs 'Waters the third and four not perilous. .With the little town of also -- if they don't, get beaten has cliased Villa out of the coun Slsson as a base, there is a good doesn't bring success any more th grade teacher "was called to ' 93pnr too badly on Frida.y. try. .. : horseback trail to Timlierllne camp, than everlasting hammering Springer P;iday, because of the 11 OP P!P pny Sunseiajuf avoh,, mi overnight rest six miles away, f death of her brother. en 8tn passim oq UBta ibjb aqj i't.'irtlng front this ciinip very early drives nails. The . everlasting A man in lenncssee lose ins uoinnclaioo S.tnno main no UIP im pmoAV aq pbb BdBj no eap the next morning, the experienced course. Hut ! part is all right, of s.e.iattx'n.nva i riumi i.upoou no.i u'l lifé through being kicked by a OH.. (mm poBsjji isnf) eqs vwuntsihiepr can make the aticent and' A big Basket Ball game was ntta 1 TBwqninyna linjpnLAV,, to that must be added a sense dead mule. He was taking the uoiissnfj ubs return to tilssou In it day. g,j,ii(i.iv; em poiltnta plan in advance, pulled off here Snnday between ..íjuiiai jus',: animal a wagon to of direction, a am tt08 o.Ano.C put!,, from narrow Roy and Mills, , ,Bdraei pn' of dis- Roy was defeated djmts ..'Siinspid bury when hind ..Biaqj iCot antidotes for the poison pis ots joj tuoinmui it the stiffened B9AOJS bb3 inojij AviLvTii daaji dv c Bn os by a score of 10 to 13, tiD Koq ati) pajapjo anoijilaiei i. oiii ;,cav jo Aoia 'mt couragement, i and the other i am legs recoiling with great force 'Baqaead 'BJBad 'BadtlB uoaj3 jo pui oqs usqoaia jbav paAOJdmf jnoX aanpoa general ..1 oji.w .'..louunj atj poipia joj aub jo pioq 593 ii )a ion op pue' things that a skilled .'vp oqs struck him over the heart caus n obb noA" uaqAv ;bij s aiqnoaj iuo pt.iaAas 'uioqi uplnoq '3n 'pío jbbX ano ?sboi b b n u)un poo win battle, Claude Brashears was absent ing 1X a3AB8 aqi pawMSUB ,,'saji,, relies upon to a in 'pitiilNjapun Apua.t .i,n jo ptio.itl 'uotn almost instant death. AABaq 1B9 ?; opoqa oq a lei lou oa íVtlOA" ÍUOUiB , Tuesday morning. ; p.UUlblll V UOrrBZMAlO JO S3Ut addition to mere continual J.HIIOIK.U Slit 08.S ;jb3-o- 3 tt( ? ejB noí the liHl daan eq) ino eanpojut. oj jiibaí ,i.iiio ojn A'atn Jti'l 'puno.iS o, uo ooj) Otnil AQV 'J3A0 1TB 11 JDHMOlI T1ÍBO V V 8,, assaults. Horse sense workshavoc nq3ijq?Jiq em papen (orqMBjrj i 1110.1J oa.a'oi) t) ph R.ith Depew was adsent Mon- IIJIP'J jiiiui tiox '1 13RAV joj o3onod jo ssani eqi joS 8AI3 nOA" 8UIIJ Í.I9A3 J 10331 0 with many an epigram. And n oh uim e main lias Ail H BWinpuaas etjj jo isora uuqj B uonipuoD poo8 u Xqtiq d3ai oj iv.x day because of illness. 'KiittjpiHAV ojii A".t) asm itself, it's the best epigram there tin; huí noj aym ssaatetiq joaq v bba ntn Baq oqx iiooqas qSq c ti (ídnd isinq .sjojdop Suipjoab ar.qj ' .:..i. 1.1 1.7 s pauptipu ',oa Adl 'soa A"q ! eBíjnd ou om is. Use that, plus brains, plus nes3 joj suq jo93 uaHJAV ABBsa an tit 3umooj aqx eejj maqj jo pmoqs Tillie Branch was absent Mon- IKttit JSUI10.C atu paupud uiopsiM uP XqA 'Bjjnjj jBipaija jaqio pn mnBian 1 nd see what betenninh tion day. tiioj ..'i'VlP 0J napldu oss 'CilAV 'saiaaaq3DBi.q 'sajjaaqdsBj pu gaijjaq .Bjaiiittqj ;jDilraai aqi -- happens. . A1BJ59 B3dBj3 'BJBod saqaBa:t 'sapJtltt Oí pntisHTj riAcq uqfc imA 'piiKqojoj qgaoj sb enpipotn opBoe3 tpna Aq q AUatitl Alpa'JOU noddt!q egoqV tQrt;njin osjnoT wciD--H nojq bA51 jaatt qapjM ssv jtoq pOXOi)Bap Oq, UDD S. .The and grades StUJiS GB31U Jl '83 Helen Uruce has quit H. ninth Tenth DAOut oav puy ;j9 sips.irj n uaUjas v jou o; jsopjsti BaunijotKira - C)U( )er.m 'jjhiI jno op )mta sqj ivtrj in uoq 'piiB 'vptrn-r-'- '"Ttii otj work and is working huhe Home tiok t.err Final Examination in JOip r iiC(Jduij . ;a.;;:ih Moqirrnir.i 'jq.i r. jo oq Ui '(V- - ... '!'' ' Algebra :H5MX Restaurant. Friday. A,a 3