University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico Historical Newspapers New Mexico) 3-10-1917 Spanish American, 03-10-1917 Roy Pub Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news Recommended Citation Roy Pub Co.. "Spanish American, 03-10-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sp_am_roy_news/208 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Spanish-American, 1905-1922 (Roy, Mora County, New Mexico) by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact disc@unm.edu. 1 " 4 UniTWiltr 1MSM-AMER- --LL I CAM Y il' " With Malice toward None, with Charity for All, and with Firmness in the Right " " Volume XJV. ROYrMoRirCoÚNTivNEW MEXicorjSÁTURDATÍ March" 1071917.' ' "Number 7 Mrs St Brain Wind Storm , No NewJZoimty Land Loan Club Misj Eugenia Roy was called It will not be necessary to date WOODROW WILSON Alvarado County, the county The . Federal Land Bank of to the bedside of her Grandmoth- events on the Mesa from the we all wanted and ought to have Wichita Kansas, District No. 9 er, Mrs. St Brain, at Springer, storm nine years ago when Roy President of the United States had, died the usual natural deaf.h States of Kansas, New Mexico, last Friday. She returned Mon- Wood was blown away or the in the Legislature last week. Oklahoma and Colorado. day for a few hours to arrange Easter storm four year ago, or It was licked into shape by cur .February 23 1917. ' for the care of the Roy home and the big snow storm 6 years ago. Representative, Frank Roy, as- Mr. R. C. Grunig, returned the same day to be with The wind storm of Tuesday sisted by parties from here in Roy, New Mexico the old lady in what i$ with the accompanying dust is Lwhom wh had confidence and who Dear Sir: We beg to acknow- to be her last days on earth. bad enough to reckon from and knew what ought to be. It was ledge receipt of your favor of tho Mrs. St Brain is well known forget the others. It is remark- presented on its merits and not 26th inst., requesting information here and held in highest esteem able that very little damage re- being a political scheme and only concerning Farm Loans v and by her many friends. sulted from it but the dust is asking for mere justice, it foünd method of obtaining same, which swept clean from the streets and scant sympathy in the legislative as you no doubt are aware, must Later: Mrs. St Brain died Mon the houses have been subjected mill. be taken up through the forma- day night and the body was tak- to dusting since to make it hab- The measure passedthe lower tion of a local Association to be en to Mora for interment. Miss W Vk - itable. And then to have such an house by a vote of 22-2- 3, the organized in your locality, and to Roy has been absent all the week 's ideal day following seems like Speaker casting the deciding be known as a National Farm in attendance at her deathbed carrying contrasts to the extreme vote for it. Loai Association, which shall be and fun eral obsequies. even for the weather man. This however was after its formed with not less than ten death sentence been pro- members, organization with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilstrap, of had the Sunday morning the thermoi-- i nounced in by a greater number of members the Roy Telephone Exchange, the Senate the eter registered 2 above and it passing of a resolution no being advisable. is suggested are the proud and happy parents that It was a mighty cold morning. It more County Bills would be con- you make inquiry as to the of a baby girl born Wednesday that moderated in the 'afternoon to sidered this session. organization of a National Farm She is a rally super-bab- y and the the extent that we accepted an Loan Association in your locality center of attraction of a lot of It is well understood who invitation to go riding with Car- If the formation of such organiz- aunts and uncles as well as many "Spragged'.' the Senate and why los Branch and Miss Worley. It ation is. not being seriously con- friends. and it will likely bo remembered was a fine ride and we have pro- when the time comes hat the sidered at this time, it might be mised not to tell about getting We had a letter from J. C majority can and will rule. Its a well to discuss with your neigh- hung up on a "High Center" but lo- Beem, Police Judge in the city of long lane that has no turn and bors and other parties in your anyway it was cold enough to qualified Waterloo, Iowa, last weelc. He those who selfishly believe their cality, who ar2 for make the fire a positive luxury membership in calls us down for saying they "Vested Rights" are imperish- a National Farm when we returned at the end of Association advisability had 30 degrees below zero weath able will have another guess Loan the thirty miles, er there says it is untrue - that with an object leeson in of perfecting an organigation of Carlos has a fine Studebaker such an Association, that your it was only 28 below but even at civilization. car and is a genial host but it is community may avail themselves that they were glad to look for- The history of other states hardly to be expected of him advantages and opportun- ward to spring. shows that the range interests of the that he .would fail to entertain a ities offered by the Federal Farm We are not saying anything ut have had to go before the farmer lady merely to keep the car out 70-mi- 'go be- Loan Act. that le wind and its just as the indian had to of the ditch. attendant evils. which swept this fore the cattle and sheep man The Federal Land Bank of organi- mesa Tuesday. and it will be ío here and by the Wichita is perfecting its Wm. G. Johnson, Tost master came token the sooner it comes zation, and as soon as all require- - has purchased the A. R. Davis; the better for all as history i merits 0f law and of the Federal The Roy Boys fixed up a husky has residence property in Roy and also proven many a time. ' Farm Loan Association have been team and Challenged Mills Sun- ' will hold it as an investment. met we will be prepared to re- - day to try to win back the penant The property wp.s sold to satisfy This is the face of a man strong, courageous, ' Our eastern friends who are ceive applications for Farm Loans as champions of the Mesa at that i a mortgage and the several worrying about our safety should through duly organized associa- - popular game. They almost won patient and kindly, a man Mortgagees made It a bargain save up ineir worries unui weu- - - but not quite, however they re- Always alert to the aspirations of his fellow-ma- n cwuouui '""" to .get the. deal settled. Mr. tell them.it is time.Qld. Mexico .tipn and that of your local duced the Mills lead materially and sympathetic toward their fulfillment, Johnson has one of the best resi- is about as likely to start 'serious i National Farm Loan Association 10-1- 3 wite a score of which they Never complacent toward I dences in town and will try to the encroachment trouble with us as they are with have been perfected in accord- - intend to rub out before the Base of privilege nor tolerant of rent this one and make it pay social wrong; Texas and all know that is a joke ance with the law, we will be in Ball season opens. ' for itself. Always seeking to , enhance the dignity of Better waste your sympathies on position to make loans, the inter- - The game was played at Roy labor and better the state of the toiler; poor benighted Old Mexico, the est rate of which, we are author- and a large crowd of rooters from 51-pe- Clarence Wright was down Never lending an ear to'the sophistry of ex- Goat of the most heartless spoli ized to sa will not exceed r both towns witnessed rt from Dawson this week helping ploitation or the blandishments of expediency; ation ever attempted by man cent in any locality within The lineup was survey some lines for fencing with a lust for the property of this district. MILLS Always patient to hear and weigh, to ap- in LaCinta Canyon where his spoilers of Old praise and analyze, and passionate to find the others. , The The literature and blanks being Claud Smith and Ed Smith, " ranch is located. He carried a way of right; Mexico are the men to be feared sent you will be found to contain guards, James Sersam and How- chain all day and then walked to JNever premature in purpose nor prejudiced not the so called Bandits. full information and detailed in- ard Dikeman, . forwards, C. P. Roy in the evening which proves in judgment, and never headlong in decision structions concerning these mat- Smith center. that he is not growing old. Clar- Campfire Girls .Such is Entertain ters and other matters mentioned .
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