Rachel Van Dyken | 256 pages | 31 Jul 2014 | Little, Brown & Company | 9781455554140 | English | United States The Bet PDF Book

But let us first read what he has written here Plot Summary. The dialogues were witty.. Kacey is sitting across from the one man she gave her heart to, and he is wanting a huge favor from her. The one means of being saved from bankruptcy and disgrace is the death of that man! Community Reviews. Fifteen years ago, a party was thrown at a banker's , where many intellectuals such a journalists and lawyers attended. Hero is supposed to be 23, talks like he's 30 and has owned and run a millionaire's ranch for years. Kacey has a history with Jake's older brother Travis they have a somewhat shaky past and she has never been able to forget the way he teased and taunted her. External Sites. . Maybe the old banker realized the vanity and emptiness of his life; we will never know. It's important to live and not get s hung up on the past. I wondered what the hell was going on - was this a story about a man whore turning himself around for the heroine or was it a story were she falls for the 'love of her life's' brother? Kind of reminded me a bit of the old film, Sabrina. This was a standalone book with no cliffhanger ending! Definitely an enjoyable mostly lighthearted read about childhood friends who finally with some well meaning family manipulation realize they are meant for each other. She talks to us perfect matches, previews her next book, Lists with This Book. Still here? Jake and Travis each have their own hiccups. Jeffy's Foster Home! Then, Shrek makes a huge mess of poop in the bathroom and Goodman has to clean it up again. So YAY!!! It is possible that the banker struggles with his decisions for the rest of his life as he does choose to hold onto the lawyer's last letter, but it is equally possible that he simply forgets about the lawyer in a few years time, locking away all thought of him from his mind. The Requiem. A series of hot encounters ensue and a whole host of miscommunication, secrets and unrequited love explodes when this couple meet again. In the first year the books he sent for were principally of a light character; novels with a complicated love plot, sensational and fantastic stories, and so on. He said he was going to marry her! If they find not one mistake I implore you to fire a shot in the garden. Friday The 13th! Kacey's world was turned upside down after a fateful night where she not only loses her best friend but also her parents. Ward No. So there was that. She then goes to the bathroom as Jake takes a seat next to Boyle. The Bet Writer

Fifteen Years Ago Trying to make no noise, he took from a fireproof safe the key of the door which had not been opened for fifteen years, put on his overcoat, and went out of the house. But when you put three seriously hot adults together then surely there needs to be some heat in there somewhere - there was none. They were childhood friends, but after a falling out they hadn't spoken in a few years. Mar 31, Heather rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Fans of humorous romance. External Reviews. Like I want more of the other brother too. This wiki. Guy's phone about how he attacked the host and told him how he needs to make Chef Pee Pee win. He knew this at the firm age of like ten! I hate weak heroines. Kacey is approached by her childhood friend, now millionaire Jake Titus who asks her to return to their childhood home and pretend they are engaged for the sake of his ill grandmother. But Kacey wasn't counting on Jake's older brother Travis still being there. I wondered what the hell was going on - was this a story about a man whore turning himself around for the heroine or was it a story were she falls for the 'love of her life's' brother? A Malefactor. A swoony guy, a heroine who's NOT a ditsy idiot and someone that I could be friends with, a great family dynamic, a crazy grandma, and it's all about the Yessss! Shelves: love-you-forever-and-ever , addicted-to-this-author. In the first year the books he sent for were principally of a light character; novels with a complicated love plot, sensational and fantastic stories, and so on. Precious's Pillow Fort! II The old banker remembered all this, and thought: "To-morrow at twelve o'clock he will regain his freedom. Apr 10, Tricia rated it did not like it. What is the author trying to show through the characters and their development? April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Movies - 1 - D7. . And don't forget to mark it as a spoiler, because for som …more Please, post your thoughts about the book in the review section, this is for questions only. Edit Storyline A woman makes a bet with her husband that she can get the next man she sees to propose to her. Jake objects to this saying he is just embarrassing her for fun, like he always does. I'm sure deliberately hurting your best friend and ruining the friendship would be considered a low even for scums. He wondered if she could hear his heart hammering in his chest. Bowser Junior's House Party! After chapter one I was hooked! But Grandma has a plan and they all seem to be falling for it. Sign In Don't have an account? An Enigmatic Nature. The brothers are 21 and 23, but one is about to be CEO of a multi-million dollar company and the other has been the successful owner of a wealthy ranch for many years. The ne'er do well brother, who we are told is 21, has taken over his parent's multi-million dollar company, is stalked by paparazzi and tabloid reporters and has been in multiple scandals with strippers. Travis is definitely on my list of book boyfriends which is forever long. View all 7 comments. . View all 44 comments. I hope this book continues and we see more into their lives, the ranch life and stuff and the empire Jake's building :P and maybe a baby for all I care! A Doctor's Visit. The Lottery Ticket. A Country Cottage. But you ask, why four and not five? Black Yoshi's Kids! But by the end you realize there was never any competition. The lawyer is seen to be persistent, intelligent and self-motivating. Think you know what I mean. The Bet Reviews

She leaned in, now completely relaxed from drowning half of her wine already, and whispered, "To conquering old fears. His hair was already streaked with silver, and seeing his emaciated, aged-looking face, no one would have believed that he was only forty. In the beginning, Kacey and Jake's interactions were adorable. But Jake seemed like the type where if he really wanted something, he'd find a way to make it happen. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Details if other :. Goodman then goes into the kitchen and Bowser then walks in and then he lays down the rules for him about being a slave to Bowser. View all 12 comments. In Trouble. Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly. Mainly because. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. It was nice and refreshing to read a book for a change that a didn't have an annoying heroine--or hero for that matter and b didn't have cheesy as hell dialogue. Sometimes you just need a light read to listen to that will make you laugh and smile. Bonus points for this Travis Titus : 1 he was sentimental kept stuffed animal he named after her 2 he kept her parents memories alive 3 his fear of big bad bears 4 he finally right hooked his brother 5 his determination to surprise her and make her happy 6 his use and love of Benadryl!!! Make sure to check this one out.. The Restraining Order! A Woman's Kingdom. They could also be ridiculously immature and it was so much fun. All that the unresting thought of man has created in the ages is compressed into a small compass in my brain. The old banker was walking up and down his study and remembering how, fifteen years before, he had given a party one autumn evening. He was sitting at the table. Old Age. Only trouble is Kacey is supposed to be engaged to Jake. He made up his mind to go in.

The Bet Read Online

You would marvel if, owing to strange events of some sorts, frogs and lizards suddenly grew on apple and orange trees instead of fruit, or if roses began to smell like a sweating horse; so I marvel at you who exchange heaven for earth. The lawyer loses fifteen years of his life and I throw away two million. A Classical Student. Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Buy Study Guide. Originally, the banker was willing to bet on five years When Amy returns, Jake announces that he and Amy will dance to the Steerage Jig from Titanic, which Boyle then says is romantic with Jake objecting yet again. This book was full of tough topics but was done in a lighthearted and funny way. . Bowser Junior's 7th Birthday! She arrives for the first time since her parents died. Difficult People. The Post. I cherish my reads. She gave her virginity to B1 her best buddy in high school and the scum only trifled with her and swiftly moved on to other conquests the next day breaking her heart in the process. View all 3 comments. Jake, Travis' six year old brother, likes Kacey too, and makes a bet with Travis that she would be marrying him. The banker does feel some contempt for himself, but the story does not give the reader much more detail than that. LitCharts Teacher Editions. For more of my reviews, please visit A woman makes a bet with her husband that she can get the next man she sees to propose to her.

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