Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-08-1883 J

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Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-08-1883 J University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-8-1883 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-08-1883 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 09-08-1883." (1883). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ? r J Caá VOL. 5. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO: SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1883. XO. J 27 banc wou'd diigre. and in this way TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. get tho lnsii.r t!.re the Supreme TEN THOUSAND MEN JAS. A. PHILLIPS PüNlSraGJOLYGMSTS. of J, J, FITZGERRELL, THE POPULAR PALACE (!iurt the L'iiiteJ State. By OF BUSINESS. The steamer City of New York from Western AssoclatedlPras. Oonaral WasUra AgsnOor urns, Admiral Pierre, of tbe Utah fomniisMone rs Trarh the Australia, two lajs Wüina ir To Embark at Tealon for the Seat commander The riil lili ninrnlnir. rrencb fleet in Madagascar, has bees THE LIV K ManjOUrrifd Mina Thin The Colean embassy left this after- - of War in l.ina, recalled to Marseilles, and arrived in s noun for the cant. aying condition. J. L. DRV FANCY dispatch says Gatzert &Co or Two. A Fort Koss tho bark Jay Gould Says Go and It is reported at Boston that tbo ship i - Windermere, from Newcastle, New "Let her Raphael was in s terrible atora tho O South YYalvs, with coal for San Fran Stop for Nothing." ifth of August, and her captain and Real Estate The SDlrit Letter of the cisco, is ashore two miles below town uree men were badly injured. and a AU hand are saved and tho vessel is Two eoal trains on Lehigh Val- - DRAPERS Edmonds Bill Is Being lims. Whisky and Poker and the Narrow the GOODS total toy roaa couidea at fcaston. ra., vaster Executed. Go ape to Ufaren from day. One engine was damaged and AND ver. ! Ban tweive cars wrecked, nobody i& Br Wwlrt Associated Fret. Louisiana. bun. Notary Public Conveyancer. D KiparW-- I't-apl- Henderson's woolen mills at Merri- - STAPLE OfirUII that 30,000 Df.nvek. September 7. Tho New's J HOUSEHOLD niac. Xi. U., occupied by Jobs Holland. by Earthqaakp l'ui blo Mtecial savs that Rsubon Mey Bafa Elasae. g IYrUhre tbe Arthur at blanket manufacturer, buraed yester- TAILOES, ers. aged 6 years, a child of an employe By Westers Associated Prese. day. Sixty operators ! Datarla. at the Crown mills, was run over and are throws out by a Wasihmotom, September 7. The of employment. THE BEST OF GROCERIES terribly crushed at noon today president morning 10 RANCH PROPERTY, CHICAGO. team of mules drawing a sand wagon arrived this at The funeral ef Ivan Teurvenoff took Warh f lae I'tah ( tMMlMlti. Both one was o'clock on tho Washington exprest of placo in the Russian church at Paris to hips were mangled and & your Br Wraiern l'rr . wagon the Baltimore Potomae railroad, day. Count.Orlorff and many journal- Reserve orders for Aixrllrl broken. liie driver ol tne brought i11piálinntci.a .September 7. Moore, arrested, which down the western and ists were present. Orants and Cattle for Sale WAsniNOTON. The named was but at the northern passengers. The run from xsJlB.t7 following communication bus brea re trial it was shown that bo was not to Fortv-fiv- e as walking slowly Baltimore, forty miles, was made i n Celebrated Hevellat Hilled. to buy, county and tern- - Jimmie," blame the team was forty-fou- r WANTED ceived from the Utah Comiuiscion at and the etiild was running loose in the minutes. 1 he train consist Sy Weatera Associated Press. turiai 1',-n- Salt Lak City: ed of livo heavily loaded cars, besides IlARTKOKD. Seutember 7. Julia for sale the finest confirmed streets. the ons placed tho disposal of Mr. I HAVE M. of Joseph Mallor, who fell from the at the R. Smith, a well known novelist, was awl pntented grant property In tbe territory of To II. It. Teller, Secretary the president. At depot private sec re New Mexico. Wormy of tbe atten- . Mary's hospital yester the killed at her summer residence New iminclito Interior, sir: 1 Laye tie honor to in roof of the St some attendants of tho at tion o( capitalists. day died this evening. tary Pruden and Hartford tnis morning. Sha was driv form you, relatite to the registration white house net tho president, and with MAGNIFICENT RANCH for BR0WNE&M1ANZANARES ing her husband when the l.ersea ale near aultuble a voters m last, the olection for Tbe Warb. taking carriages the party were driven ran away. tbe citr, for fancy stock Juae Eartbanaha'a nomo. president as he walked farm, for wblch tbero isa fine opening Id tbe nicmberii of the legislature, aisrmblv Ily Western A.sociated Press. Iho territory. through the depot appeared in excel Impartan Meeting-- . anil oOicrs, tho 6lb day of Batavia. September 8. According by I HAVE a number of confirmed and XjLS 1ST. other held lent health and greatly improved the By Weston Associated Press. unoontlrmrd VEGAS, IvT., and to the otlicial report of the resent disas- journey. (rants for sale. the present month in this territory, ter, not yet published, the number of New York. Runt 7 A innoiil mf . I HAVE several stock ed cattle ranches the full proceeding of this commission nativet killed at Bantam, Batavia and From the Scat af War. in? of the llnvitr & Rio I iramla for sale. Browne, neces- Lampong is 30,000. The holders will be held October 6, Colo Manzanares & in connection therewith, u from estimated at Bv Western Associated Press. at I HAVE improved real estate. Co., sity delayed fur Home time. However, number of Europeans lest is unknown. 7. rado Springs. Plans for the improve- Tho garrison and Dutch president at London. Sent. The Times' Paris ment of the company's finances and INVESTMENTS for salo that will special says both, governments pay from to 40 cuut on we think it proper to say in advance of lelokbeloug were saved, lerriblo dis that the credit will be presented. ii ior Investment. SOCORRO, our regular report that the law known tress Telokbulong, as is ol r raneo and China, are equally desi we prevails at it rous of securing a peaceful solution of HAVE t'2.000 in (rod to loan on & as the tdnaund's act, so far as have unapproachable by sea, owiug to tne approved real Garrard Salmon been responsible for its execution, tne ionnuin Question if it can be enact Reerjtlt far Ueayea. estate security. bay beinc filled with banks of pumice By Western Associated Press. has been carefullv but rigidly enforced stone. telegraph liuo from Batavia ed with honor. The general sentiment A BARGAIN is offered in two de- person The favors the hope all the issues in GreKNSBOKO. Ala... SnntAmlinr 7 sirable pieoos of business property, one on this year as it was last. No to Telvkbelong was destroyed. that avenue, in polygamy has been permitted to volved may be submitted to the arbi Frank Shelby, colored, was banged for HailroaJ the other on Urand avenue. wife murder On Terms, 1,M) cash down, ballaneeon time to V Tote at any election, or to be voted for A tration of England. today. the scaffold he purchaser, Apply for particulars. Jolly Time. said he was prepared go God, suit for any oilier, and while only thcee cor- By Wostsru Associated press. ine l'ost s I'aris special says that to to who rections prosecutions Rgalnst polyg- orders have been sent to Toulon and wouiu uo mm justice. Lie met his late $50 TO $200 will buy choice lots in T Real Estate in Ciket Clikk, Moutana, September 7, without a tremor. Homeru's addition, between tbe denot and amy vnder the act of 180',' have been other nayal stations to have the taund house, eu The third section of the Villard party transports ready ü either sido of the railroad AND secured, nearly or quite 13,000 persons iu war for the embarkment aca. arrived time to witness a by the part of September of Reag-n-. have been disfranchised on account of by Crow Indians, which hund- lattar Won't polygamic practices through operations dance in 10.000 men for China. By Weitern Associated Press. $30 TO $300 will buy choice resilience LIVE STOCK by reds took part. Tho ceremonies were lots in the San Miiruel. Falrvlew. Hm-n- a vimn of law as administered the commis- conducted tonight by Two Belly. Washington. SeDtember 7. Mr. bill Bite and Baca additions. Call and see plats. sion. Ten suits for damages have been Chief From lb Recent Eruption. The town was alive with Indians and By Western Associated Prest. New.assistant secretary of the treasury. $300 $1.500 instituted against tue commission by members of the tribe were estimated at said today the published he had to certain Mormons whoso names were Washington, September 7. The fol reDorts bio portious of the city, ;Su,rSeither for cash or on JOBBERS OF no less than 5.000 persons. On the open resigned were untrue. He had not re- the installment plnn a low BEOKEES GROCERIES, rejected at the first registration and who lowing dispatch has been at at rate of Interest.
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