[שנועש ?H or]; Em !{שמש ΟΡ? Tm: ANTE mun Tm» wmcn ls NOT-GOD Nothing is. Naming becomes. Nothing is not.

THE FIRST TRIAD WHICH IS GOD I AM. ] utter The Word. ! hear The Word.

THE ΑΕΗ; The wm is broken up. There is Knowledge. Knowledge is Relation. These fragments axe Creation. The bxoken manifesls Light} 7 Tm: SECOND TRIAD wmcu rs GOD GOD the Father and Mother is concealed in Genemtion. GOD is conceaxed in the whirling enexgy or Nature. :ס"- : ?תנומסתו :in gathering?תונוחמצ GOD is sideration: the Mirror of the Sun and of me Hem.

TRIAD ?”הטנוס THE

< preparing Wavcring: flowing: flashing. ?טפשמהמ :Stability


Ο! Ihe heart of N.O.X. the Night of . mu: Duality: Energy: Death. Dealhz Begening: the supponas of 0! Tu beget is to die; ω die is (ο beget. Cast the Seed into the Field of Night. Life and Death are two names of A, Km thyself. ,alone is enough ?ןנחתמ Neither ?B !{םכמש THE CRY OF THE HAWK? name: it is Do ?;«ןמוסש Hoot ham 3 secret wm Thou Wiim Four Woxds: NaughtAOne—Mnny—All. nou—cnim Thy Name is holy. Thy Kingdom is come. Thy Will is done. Here is the Bread. Here is the Blood, Bring ns through Temptation! Deliver us from Good and Evil! That Mine as Thine be me Crown of the Kingdom, even πον. . .One ?םהוש These ten words are four, (he Name 1“ !{שנענ1- THE OYSTER? of An. A.». are one wm. the ?עמטומ The Mother ofthe Child.‘ The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is ω the Many. This is the Love of These: creation-panuxition is the Bliss of the One; milieu-dissolution is the Bliss οί the Many The Au, thus interwoven of These, is Elise ?‘is beyond Bliss אצמש The Mm delights in uniting wm. the Woman; .from the cmn-1 ??:חותפ the Woman in A . -. A axe Women: the סו ?עמטומ The Aspixams ω A A,-. are Men. ?Δ !{ןפש/חו]


Soft and hollow, how thou dost overcome the hard and full I !! dies, it gives itself; to The: is the fruit! Be thou the Bxide; thon shalt be the Mmher ?!וסאמות To all impressions thus. Let them not over- come the: ; yet let them breed within thee. The least of the impressions, come to its perfection, is Pan. Receive a. mcus-nnd lovers; thou shall bear but ohe Child, This child shall be the hei: of Fate the Father, ?B !{טעװ THE BATTLE OF THE ANTS?

That is not which is. The only Word is Silence. The ₪, Meaning of that Word is not. Thoughts are false. Fatherhood is unity disguised as dualily, Peace implies war. Power implies war. Hmnony implies wan Victory implies ₪. Glory implies war. Foundation implies ₪. Alas! fox lhe Kingdom wherein all these are at wax. ?f !{שיגמ-] CAVIAR? lhe One exploded ?םמשש The Word was into one thousand million worlds Each world contained a thousand million spheres Each sphere contained a thousand million planes Each plane contained a thousand million stars. Each star contained a many thousand million things, or these the reosoner took six, and, preening, sai This is the One and the All. These six the Adept harmonized, and said: This is the Heart orthe One and the All. These six were destroyed by the Master of the Temple ; and he spake not. by the Magus ?ןוק The Ash them: ms burnt into The Word, or all this did the Ipsissimus know Nothing. ?”?שישק yf Woe/flaw,quam, ä,,L/ezu/WJMW MM ?Z ושמש-] THE DINOSAURS

None are They whose number is Sim‘ else were they six indeed, SevenE are these Six that live not in the City et me Pymniids, under rhe Night of Pan. ?ןבס-₪. There was There was Sidnnnhn. There was Krishna. There was Tnhnri. There was Mosheh. There was Dionysus.’ There was Mahmud. ??םתמשש Bin the Seveneh rnen called fer enduring unto The End, at The End was Naught to endure.s Amen. mum !! STEEPED HORSEHAIR

Mind is a disease of semen. All that a mn is ox may be is hidden "πω". Bodily functions are parts of the machine; silent, unless in dis-ease. ’.ι ' ?«!:םמצע ,But mind, nem at ease This I persisleth not, posted: not (blough momenfly, finally is ?:ןובשחב ,gensmians dead. Thercfole is man only himself when last to himself in The cnmming, ?e !{םושש THE BRANKS?

Being is the Noun; Form is the Adjective. Matter is the Noun; Motion is the Verb‘ VVhetcfore hath Being clothedilselfwithForm? ?mm Matte: manifested itself in ששאמ ΜοΙΞοπΡ? Answer ποι, ο silent one! Fox THERE is no ‘wherefore,’ no mecsuse: The nam: o( THAT is not known; the Pm- noun interprets, that is, misinterpxets, it. Time and Space are Adverbs. .the Conjunction ?!ופצנו Duality ?«ןופצמש ?וצופ The Conditioned is Fame! of The Axtide also market}: Division; but [he is the sound um endeth in the ?!השמישש" Siienee. Destroy therefore the Eight Pans of Speech; the Ninth is nigh unto Truth. This also must be destroyed before thou emulus! into The Silence. Aum. ?I !{ונממ/ח)


The oi Hallucinations has Law and Reason; but in Truth there is no bond between the Toys of the Gods, This Reason and Law is the Bond orthe (ἔπεα! Lie. Tmlhl erieth the Lord orthe ??ותוא !Truth Abyss of Hallucinnlions. There is no Silence in that Abyss: {or all that mm call Silence is Its szech. This Abyss is also called ‘Hell,’ nnd ‘The Many.’ [is name is ‘Cunsciousness,’ and 'The Univexse: among meh. But THAT which neither is silent, nor speaks, xejoices therein, ?IA !{טימש-]


Concerning the Holy Thneein-Nnughh Ναί:, Hadil, Ra—Heor-Khuit, are only lo be understood by the Master uf me Ten-pie, They are above The Abyss, and contain all contradiction in themselves. Below lhein is a seeming dnslily of and ; (has: axecalled Fati-sund Mother, but it is not se. They axe called Brother and Sislex, 11111 11 15 not so, They we called Husband and Wife, but 11 is not so. The xeflection ofAll is Pan: lhe Niglu of Pan is xhe Annihilnlion nr 1118 All. Cast down through The Abyss is me Ligm, the Rosy Cross, the 111511118 at Union that deslxoys, that is The Way. The Rosy Class is the Ambussadox of Pan. How infinile is me distance from This ω That! Ye! All is Here and Now. Nnr is there any !9 There oi Then; fox all that is, what is in but :: manifestation, that is, a pm, Ihalis, a falsehood, of THAT which is not? Yet THAT which is not neither is nor is not That which is ! ?is perfect; therefore the Law of !«ופמש ldemily is but a πε. Forlhexe is no subject,? !(וסוטמש ?and there is no predicate; nor is conlxadiclory oi either or these things.? Holy, Holy, Holy are these Truths that I utter, knowing them lo be but falsehoods, broken miiiois, troubled watexs ; hide me, 0 our Lady, in Thy Womb! for 1 may not endure the raptum. [n this utterance of falsehood upon falsehood, whose commdiclories are also raise, it seems .which l huma not were [me ?וזװװן as Blessed, unuuemblyblessed, is this last oi me illusions; let me play the man, and thrust it from me! Amen. ?B] [שממ] THE DRAGON-FLIES?

10 is the cry of [he lower as ΟΙ οΠΙ-ιε higher. In figuxes they an: 1001 ;” in letters they are Joy. w Fox when 511 is equilibrated, when all 35 beheld }111111 1111110111 111, there is joy, joy, joy nm is 1<111 one facet of a diamond, every other face! whereof 15 more joyful 1111111 joy use", xxm/xu u‘ PILGRIM-TALK

Ο than that sellest out upon The Path, false is the Phantom that thon seekest. When thon has! it thou shall know all binemtss, [hy ω". fixed in the Sedem-Appia, Thus has! then been luud along That Path, whose terror else had driven thee far away‘ Ο than that suidest upon Ihe middle of The Path, no phantoms mock thee, For the slxide's sake thou slxidesl. Thus art thou lured along That Path, whose fascination else had driven [hee far away. Ο thou that dmwest toward the End of The Path, effort is no more. Faster and fuste! (lost thou fall; thy weariness is changed into Inefiable Resi. Fox [here is no Thou upon That Path: Ihm! hast become The Way, ΚΕΦΛΔΗ ΙΔ ONION-FEELINGS

?!ונס )is lhe Practical Joke o ?טפשמב The General at lhe Expense of lhe Palliculai, quolh FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed, But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Soxrow. Those next. lo them laughed, seeing ihe Uni- versa! yoke, Below these cenain disciples wepl. Then certain laughed, Olbers nexi wepl. Others next laughed. Next others wepL Next others laughed. Last came those lhal wepl because lhey could not see the Jake. nnd those that laughed lest they should he thought ποι ω see lhe joke, and thought il safe to acl like FRATER PERDURABO. But lhough FRATER PERDURABOlangl-led openly, He also :! the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed no: wept. ?.did He mean what He said אש 23 ΚΕΦΑΛΗ IE THE GUN-BARREL

Mighty and erec! is (his Win of mine, this Pyramid oi fire whoss summi: is lost in Heaven, Upon it have i bumcd me corpse oi my desires, .of my wm ?«ונמא Mighty and erect is this The seed thereof is Thai which I have and it is ?!!!טומהמ borne within me from los! within the Body oi Our Lady oi the Stas. I am not !; I am but an hollow lube ω bring down Fire from Henven‘ Mighty and mhweiious is this Weakness, this ,me into Her Womb ?«!טשפש Heaven which this Dome which hideth, which absorbed}, Ms, Iam lost, the Love ?טוגThis is The Night "₪86- through which ! am no longa I. ?ΙΣ ןטפשמו-] THE STAG-BEETLE?

Death implies change nnd individuality; ir thon be THAT which hath no person, which is beyond me changing, even beyond change- lessness, what hasl thon to do with death? The hinh of individuality is ecstasy; so also is its death. ln love the individualily is slain; who Ioves not love? .or it} ?«!;םש Love death therefoxe, and long Die Daily. ?ΙΖ !{עסשה-] THE SWAN n?

There is 3 Swan whose name is Ecslas the Nenh, il ?ס) from the Deserts ?”חתפבש wingelh through the blue; it wingeth over the fields ai !₪; at its coming they push forth the green. In all the Universe this Swan alone is motion- less: it seems to move, as Ihe Sun seems to move; such is the weakness of our sight 0/1701! cries! thou? Amen. Motion is relative: there is Nothing that is slilL Against this Swan I shot an arxow; Ihe while ;blood. Men smole me ?{סמוג breast poured ,Pure Fool ?ג then, perceiving that 1 was but .let me pass ?!(ןפצ Thus and not mherwise ! came to Ihe Temple of the Gxaa], ?IH !{שעג-] DEWDROPS? and death is life m comm ?;{אוה, Verily, Iove is not again; the stream flowelh ?!!!"ותסמו Man the old life is no mm ; them is ?!«םמוקמש ;\ new life πω is not his. Yet that life is of his very essence; ii is more He than all that he nalis He. In the silence of a dewdxop is every tendency of his soil], and of his mind, and of his body; it is the Quintessence and the Elixir of his being. Thexein are the fomes that made him and his father and his fathex’s father before him. This is the Dew of !mmorlality, Let lhisgo free, even as n will; thou an not .vehicle of It ?ןזוס its master, but REM/ill le THE LEOPARD AND THE DEER

The spots of the leophrd are the sunlight in ?:ןמשיש the gl.-Ade ; puxsue thou the deer at thy piens-uc. The dappling of the deer is the sunlight in the leopard do ?{ןסוח concealed ?;םש the khuu feed at my pleasure. Resemble all that suxxoundelh thee; yet be Thyself—and take thy pleasuxe hmong the living. This is that which is wxiuen—LurkI—in The .Law ?םחרמ Book ?κ [םכמע-! SAMSON

HE ?![ושפתנש ;The Universe is in equilibrium that is without it, though his falce bc but a .the Univexse ?שמשמ lenha, can Be not caught within that web, ο child of Freedom! Be not entangled in the mmm lie, ο child ormmz ΚΕΦΑΛΗ ΚΔ ΤΗΕ BLIND WEBSTER n is not necessary to understand; it is enough to Adore, The god my be or clay: adore him; he be- comes GOD. We ignore what created us; we adore what :(nothing but (:01 ?טפשש we create. Let That which causes us !0 crane is mu true mher nnd mother; we Citate in our own iunge, which is theils. Let us exe.-ste therefore without fair; {ox we can create nothing that is not GOD. ΚΕΦΑΛΗ KB


The waiteis oi the hest eatiug-huuses mael: the whole world; they estimate every elient at his proper value. This I know certainly, because they always me with profound respect. Thus they ?ןוסב] have tinttered me into praising them thus publicly, Yet it is true; and they have this insight he- cause they serve, and because they eau have no personal interest in the attairs or those whom they serve. An absolute monui-ch would be absolutely wise and good. But no man is strong enough to have no interest. Thexeforc the best king would be Pure Chance. Ιι is Pure Chanoe that («195 the Universe; therefore, and only therefore, life is good. ?(Kr (23 !תפטעמ SKIDOO?

What man is at. ease in his Inn? Get out. Wide is the world and cold. Ge! cut. .invitiate ?גוו Thou hast become Get out, way thou ?![וב not get out by ?סנומ] But thau camest in. The Way out is THE νυν. Ga οιιι. ??{תועסמ" For OUT is Love and ΝΜ... and Get OUT. mnon hast T already, first get UT.“ Then get Ο᾿ And so at last get OUT. ?κΔ אשמ/\!] THE HAWK AND THE BLINDWORM?

This book would ttanslate Beyond-Reason into the words or Reason, Explain thou snow to them of Andaman. The slaves or teason eall this book Abuse-of- Language: they ate right. Language was made to: men to eat and drink, make love, do hatter, die. The wealth of the ?:טפשמש a language eonsists in its pootest tongues have wealth of Conuctes. Therefore have Adepts pmised silence; at least it does not mislead as speech does Also, Speech is a symptom ot Thought. yet, silence is but the negative side of Tmth; the positive side is beyond even silenced Nevettheless, One True God etieth may! And the laughter oi the Death-muleis akin,

Go round to the Nonh and repeat ; but scream BABAADN. ?;«ץ Go mund to the West and repeat; but EPSZC. South and repeat; but bellow ?וצופ Go round to \PYXH‘ Completing the cixcle widdexshins, xetire to lhe tenue, nnd raise thy voice in the Pninn, wm. these words IO πω with the signs of N. ο. x, Extend the arms in the fem of n ïm., and say low but clear: ΠΡΟ MDT ITI‘I‘EC OI'HCQ MOT TEAETAPXAI ΕΠΙ ΔΕΞΙΑ ΟΤΝΟΧΕΟ EHAPICTEPA AAIMONEC ΦΛΕΓΕ! PAP ΠΕΡΙ MOT () ACTI-IP ΤΗΝ ΠΕΝΤΕ KAI EN THI CTHAHI 0 ACTH? ΤΟΝ ΕΞ ECTHKE. Repeat the Cxoss Qabalistic, as above, and end as then didst begin. ?'-|κ !{םיסמנ-] THE ELEPHANT AND THE TORTOISE?

The Absolute and (he Conditioned together make The One Absolute. The Second, who is me Founh, me Demiurge, whom all nations of Men call The Fixst, is a lie grafted upon a lie, a lie multiplied by a lie. Fourfuld is ΗΕ, me Elephum upon whom the of the ?:שקמ Uhivexse is poised: but the Toxloise suppons and cavers all. ?תששמ”This Tortoise is sixfold, the Holy These six and roux axe mi, lo, the One mani- fasted that xetums into the Naught un- "Manifest The All-Migmy, the All-Rulu, the All- Knowex, lhe All-Fathex, adored by all men and by me uhhmed, he mou accurséd, be than abolished, be Ihou annihilated, Amen! κΕΦΑΛΗ KZ THE SORCERER

A Sorcerer hy the power or his had .himself ?!ס subdued all things Would he travel? He could fly through space .sms ?ןווס more swiftly man Would he eat, drink, and take his pleasure? Thu: was none that did not instantly obey his bidding. In the whole system of ten million times ten million spheres upon the two and twenty million planes he had his desireu And with all this he was but himself. Alas! ?KH [ששג/₪ THE POLESTAR? love is ס) ??ןמפוש Love is all vinue, since the but love, mi the pain of love is but love, Love taketh no head of that which is hat and of that which is. ?שושת love, and presente ?שושת Absence love. ever from height to height of ?!חסשת Love ecstasy and {nilelh new, The wings of love amp not with time, nor slacken for life or for denth. Love destroyeth self, mung self with that All ?ןוממו which is not-self, so that Love and None in One. !sitnotsoï. . . NoP. . . Then thou art not Ios! in love; speak not of love. Love Alwainelduh: Love Alway Haldeneth.

. . . May be: 1 ναίω it but to write Hex...... mime. ?ΚΘ !{םשג/חי] THE SOUTHERN CROSS?

Love, I love you! Night, night, cover us! Thou art night, 0 my love; and there axe no sun: but thine eyes. Dark night, sweet night, so warm and yet so fresh, so seemed yet so holy, com me, cover me ! m mc be no more! Let me bc Thine; let me be Thou ; !:) me be neither Thou nor !; let them he love in night and night in love. N. ο. x. the night of Pan; and Laylah, me night before His threshold! ?Λ [שילשש

JOHN-A-DREAMS? moms are imperfections of sleep; even so is ?שטנש or ?;םקוממש-. consciousness the ?םחומ Dreams aue imputities in the cam-hum blood; even so is consciousness a disordcx enira Dxeams are without propoxlion, without good ?«וחמשי sense. without (mih; so also is mess. Awake from dream, the truth is known:” awake from waking, the Tmth is—The Unknowns


Consciousness is a symptom or disease. All (ha! moves wen moves without will. -all intention is con ?;םש All shiirutness, all nary to case. Practise a thousand times, and it becomes dimeutt; .». thousand thousnnd, and it he. comes easy; a Ilmusand thousand times a thousand lhousmd, and it is no longer Thou nm (loath it, but It nm doeth itseir through mee. Not until then is that which is done well done. Thus spoke FRATER PERDURABO as he ieupt from mek to mek of the momiue without ever casflng his eyes upon the ground. ?‘(A אשומו] ΒΑΡΗΟΜΕΤ?

A black lwo-hcaded Eagle is GOD; even '.ι Black Triangle is He, In His claws He a sword; yea, a sharp sword is held ?ספסופמ therein. up in me Great Fire; yet ?וניווח) is ?[םשב This not a feather is scorched. This Eagle is swallowed up in the Great Sen; yet not a feather is waned. So flied: He in (he air, .upon the ω... at His pleasure ?[שושת and So spake IACOBUS BURGUNDUS MO- LENSIS "' the Grand Master oflhc Temple; and of the GOD Ihn! is Ass-headed did he dare not speak. ?AA !{םימש-]


Esch act of man 15 the twist and double or an hare. Love and Deathare the greyhounds 11151 course him, God bred the hounds and taketh His pleasure in the sport. This 15 the Comedy of Pan, that mun should think he humeeh, while those hounds hum him, This is the Tragedy of Man when facing Love and Dam he turns m ω. He is no mure hare, but honn There ut: ne 611151 comedies or tmgcdics. Cease then to be Ihe mockery of God; in snvngery or love and death live zhou and die ! Thus shall His laughter be thrilled through with Ecstasy. ΚΕΦΑΛΗ ΛΕ VENUS OF MILO

Lire is as ugly and necessary as the famule body. Death is as baaulil‘ul and necessary as the male body. The soul is beyond male ...: female as it is beyond We and Death. and the Veni axe but ?ם"פממ Even as the diverse developments of One otgnn, so also ate Life and Death but two phases of One State. 50 also the Absoxnte and the Con- dilioned are but forms of THAI: What do I love? There is nu forms no being, to which : do not give myself wholly up. Take me, who will! ?ΛΣ [טפשממ-] THE STAR SAPPHIRE?

Let the Adept be armed with his Magick Rood [and provided with his Mystic Rosa] In the centra, let him give the L, V. X. signs; ox if he know them, if he will and dare do them, and cm keep silent about them, the signsof N. o. Χ. being the signs 0] Puer, Vir, Puella, Mulier. Omit the sign 1. R. Then let him advance to the East, and make me Holy Hexagram, saying: PATER ET MATER UNUS DEUS ΑΚΑΚΙΤΑ. Lex him go mund ω the South, make me Hexaglam, and say: MATER ET ?!{סט FILIUS UNUS DEUS ΛΚΑΚΙΤΑ᾿ Let him go round to (he West, make the Holy Hemgmm, and say: FILIUS ET FILIA UNUS DEUS ARARITA. Let him go round to (he North, make the Holy Hexagram, and then say: FILIA ET PATER UNUS DEUS ARARITA. 45



Thought is the shadow of the eclipse oi Luna. Samadhi is the shadow ofthe eclipse of 501. axe the nun-ego and ?מממ The moon and the the ego: the Sun is THAT‘ both 3186246824- ?:וטאשה Both eclipses rue .itsellis Light ?!!!ןתשפ ing me; (he ΚΕΦΑΔΗ ΛΗ LAMBSKIN

?;אמסא ,Cowan Tyle! Sweax lo hele all. This is the mystery. Life! Mind is the mim. Slay mind. Let the corpse of mind lie unburied on the :Great Sea ?!ותוא edge Dealh' This is the mystery. Tyle! Cowan, skidoo! ?ΛΘ !{טפשש ΤΗΕ LOOBY?

Only loobies find excellence in these wonis. n is thinkable that A is nat-A ; to reverse this is but to revert !0 the normal. ?ens ,ןוסקא ?by forcing the Main m accept ץא ofwhich one set is absurdity, the other !"₪,? :ι new function of brain is established.? Vague and mysterious and all indefinite m the contents or this ncw consciousness; yel they nte somehow vital. By use they be- come luminous. ?.bucomcs Experience סטג-:₪50" This urts the laden-footed Soul to the Et. puience m' THAT of which Reason is the blasphemy. But whhout !₪ Expeiiellce these words m the Lies oh Lobby. Yet a Looby ω thee, and a Booby to me, a Balassius Ruby m GOD, may be!



.perfect ?שגומ) In v. vs V. v. v, is the Great ?ןס Thexeiore none is am pertaineth net mvvmv In any may he menlresl ; yel in one hnlh he given ?!וגוט chosen to manifest; and this one His ring ns n Seal ei Aulhomyto lhe wm; ol lhe Au, Am. through (he colleagues of FRATER PERDURABO. But this concerns themselves and (heir ad- ministration; it concerned! none below the grade of Exempt Adept, and such an one nnly by command. Also, since below the Abyss Reason is Lord, m men seek by :xperimem, and not by Questionings. ?MB !םינשמש DUST-DEVILS?

In the Windofthe mind arises the turbulence“ called x. n breaks; down shower the hnrren thoughts. All life is choked. This deser! is the Abyss wherein is the Uni- verse, The Stars are but thisnes in that waste. Yet this desert is ι... one spot nceursed in a world of bliss Now and again Travellers cross the desert; rhey eerne from lh: Great Sea, and ω the Great Sea they gn, As they go they spill water ; om: day they win irrigate the desert, nu ir flower. See! five footpxims oi a emel: v.V. vi v.v, κΒΦΑΔΙ-κ MI‘ MULBERRY TOPS

Black blood upon the alter! :₪1 πω msue of angel wings above! Black blood of [he sweet (ruit, [he bruised, The Wheel ?!(שפחו-!!!the violated 1115811815 a-spinning in the spire. Death is the veil of Life, and Life of Death; for both are Gods. This is that which is written: “A feast for Life, and uguale:feast fox Death !" in . The blood is the life of lh: individual: offer men blood !

“There is no grace: there is no guilt: This is the Law: DOWHAT THOU ΜΠ : ” Ein/m !}₪ um :12 3:11, and ?:ןווי/::ג :]! me: ABRAHADABRA. ?ה\װװן in with woc; with ??חמש I 1 now go fonh, and with thanksgiving, To do my pleasuxe on the earth Among the legions or the living. H: gay/110,111.

The Chinese cannot help thinking that the octave has 5 notes. The nime necessary anything appears to my mind, the more certain it is um I only assert a limitation. a coxpse in my ?{סטומ with Faith, and ?;[סקפ I I drank and danced nu ?;שמשמש arms on night with Doubt, nnd found her a virgin in the morning.

?ΜΗ !{םיגוח-] ΜὁΜΕ RATHS”

The eaxly bird catches me Worm; and me twelve-year old prosiiiuie attracts the am- bassadori Neglect not the dawnrmedilalion!

; eggs {etch the highest prices??וסוסמ” The first me flower of virginity is ssisemed by the pandax. Neglect not the dawn-meditation!

Early ω bed and mly ω rise Mikes i min healthy and wealthy and wise: But late to watch and early ω pray Brings him across The Abyss, they say. Neglect not the dawn-medilalion! ΚΕΦΑΛΗ ΜΘ


Seven are the veils of the dancing-girl in the harm of rr. Seven are the names, and seven are me lamps beside Her bed, ;Hex with drawn swords ;טשו ?:םשגפמ Seven No Man may come nigh unto Her. Xn Her wine-cup are seven streams of me .Seven Spirits οε cod ?:(תופס bleed Seven m the heads or THE BEAST whereon She name The head of an Angel: me head or .». Saint; the head or a Posl: the head or An Adultex. oils Woman: the head of a Man of νὼ... we head of a Satyr: and the head or a Lion— Serpent, Seven letters hath Her holiest name; and it is

This is the Seal upon the Ring nm is on the Foxefingex of IT: and it is the Seal upon .whom She hath slain ?:(תונפומ the Tombs Here is Wisdom. Let Him that hath Unde!- standing count the Number at Our Lady; for i: is the Number of .». Woman; and Her Number is An Hundred and Fifty and Six, κεΦΑΔΗ N


In the {crest God me! the Stagheetle. "Hold! -God‘ “For I am All ?ףשוחו ”(Worship me . . . ?גווGreat, All-Good, ₪591- The ₪5 axe but spaxks {mm the forges or My smiths ...... ,and Amen,"st the Sieg-bestia ?«!הצ ,Yea“ "all this do 'l believe, and that devoullyl" “Then why do you not worship Me?” “Beuuselmxealandyouare only imaginary.” But the leaves of the forest mstled with the laughter of the wind, Said Wind and Wood: "They neither of them know anything! ” ?NA !{ןשעו1- TERRIER-WORK?

Doubt, Doubt thyself. Doubt even if thou doublest thyselli Daub! all, Doubt even if (hon doublest all. It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt (hen: lay some deepest. certainty. ο kill it! Slay the snake! The horn of the Doubt-Geat be exalted! Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss or Mind, until thou unearth me fox THAT. On, hounds! Yoicks! Tally-ho! Bxing THAT co bay! Then, wind the Mort!


Five and foxty apprentice masons on of work! Fifteen fellow-craftsmen om of work! Three Muster Masons out of work! All these sat on their haunchcs waiting The Report of the Sojcumexs; [or THE WORD was lost. This is the Report of the Sojonmers: THE and its number is ?!,ש/ם” WORD was An Hundred and Eleven. Then said each AMO;"‘ {or its number is An Hundred and Eleven. Each took the Trowe'l from his LAP,“ whose number is An Hundred and Eleven. Each called moreoveron the Goddess NINA;" {ox Her number is An Hundxed nnd Eleven. Yet with all this went The Work awxy; for THE WORD OF THE LAW 15 ΘΕΛΗΜΑ. ?NE !{טעמ ΤΗΕ DROOI’ING SUNFLOWER?

The One Thought vanished; an my mind was tom to rags: — my! my! my head was mashed intn wood pulp, and thereon the Daily Newspaper was printed Thus wxcle I, since my one Love was tern irnrn me. ! cannot work: I cannot think: 1 seek distraction here: I seek distraction there: but this is all my mm, that I w/m !₪; haw: !₪; and !₪; may 1 ”gain? ! must have money to get to America. 0 Mage! Sage! Gauge thy Wage, or in the Page of thine Age is written Rage! 0 my darling: We shenid not have spent Ninety Pounds in that Three Weeks in Paris:...... Slash the Breaks...... on thine arm ₪1 a pole- axe!


??םש Dirt is matter in the wrong Thought is mind in the wrong ?[₪, Matter is mind; so thought is dirt. Thus argued he, the Wise One, not mindful that all place is wrong. T ?:ג For not until the PLACE is perfected by saith he PLACET, The Rose uncrucified dropped: its petals; without the Rose the Cross is a dry stick. \Vorship then the Rosy Cross, and the Mystery of Two-in-Onc. And worship Him that swore by His holy T that One should not be One except in so {at as it is Two, I am glad that LAYLAH is afar; no doubt clouds love. unto The End, 0 FRATER ??.םמש wm Thou PERDURABO, o Lamp h. The Abyss? Thou hast the Keystone of the Royal Arch; yetlheAppranlices,insleadofmakingbxicks, in their hair, and think they ?פװגשפ pm the axe Jesus Christ! and comedy of THE ?!ונפש ο sublime GREAT womn ?Ne !{טעו1- THE TAILLESS MONKEY?

Them is no help—but. hotch pol I—in the skies When Astacus sees Cxab and Lobster rise. Man that has spine, and hopes oiheaven~to~be, Lacks the Amoeba’s immortality. What pmtoplusm gains in mobile mirth Is 1055 ni the stability of earth. Matter and sense and mind have had their day: Natuxe presents the bill, and all must pay. If, as I am not, I were (me to choose, How Buddhahood would battle with The Booze! My certainty that destiny is “good” Rests on its picking me {or Buddhahood. XVa-e I a dmnkard, I should |hink I had Good evidence that fate was “bloody bad.”

π onxy the Archbishop of Canterbury were to go naked in me succis and beg his bread! The new Christ, like the old, is me {mm or publicans and sinnexs; because his name is ascetic. Ο if everyman did No Matter What, pmvided that it is the one thing that he will not and cannot do! ?ΞΔ !ששג/ש THE FOOL’S KNOT?

ο Fool! bagme: of both I and Naught, re- solve this Naughty Knot‘ o: Ay! Ihis ι and o-xo imo: For I owe “ι” aye to Nibbana’s 0833 I ray—Fe, the dissolulion of the House or God—for Pé comes «Rex O—nflex Ayin that ".in Ain, that is o ?!טסקט triumphs over THE ס) ?סאג-₪; OP—us, the Work! the EYE!“ Thou Naughty Boy, thou openest THE EYE OF HORUS to the Blind Eye that weeps!“ The pright One in thine Uprighmess re- ioiceth—Death to all Fishes I“ Hamm-x ΞΒ TWIG?“ The Phoenix hath a ΕΗ! for Sound; Fire for Sight; 3. Knife fox Touch; two cakes, one for taste, the other for smell. He standeth before the Altar of the Universe at Sunset, when Earth-life fades. He summons the Universe, and crowns it with MAGICK Light ω replace the sun of natural light. He prays unto, and gives homage to, Rance:- Khnil; to Him be than sacrifices. The first make, blunt, illustxates [he profit drawn from the scheme of incarnation, The second, mix! with his life’s blood and eaten, illuslxales the use of [he lower life to feed the higher life. He (hen takes the Oath and becomes free— Imcondifioned—(he Absolute. Burning up in the Flame of his Prayer, and bem again—the Phoenix! ΚΕΦΑΛΗ Er MARGERY DAW

1 love LAYLAH. I lack LAYLAHi "\\/1161635 lb: Mystic Grace?” says: thou? !is no ?!,שמש Who told thee, man, that , and I Hadil? I destroyed all things ; they me reborn in other shapes. ?gave up all fox One ; mis One nm. given up ן its Unity for all?? ;DOG backwards ω find con ?טשפומ] I now GOD barks Think me not fallen because ! love LAYLAH, and [₪ LAYLAH. 1 am the Master of the Universe; then give in a but, and LAYLAH ?«(ונמש me a heap naked! Amen.

[(M-MH ΞΒ SIC TRANSEAT — "Αι last 1 lifted up mine eyes, and beheld; and lo! the flames of violet were become as tendrils of smoke, as mist ut sunset upon the marsh-lands. ”And in the midst of [he moon-pool of silver was me Lily of white and of gold. In this Lily is uii honey, is. this my :₪ flowerelh at me midnight. In this Liiy is au perfume: in this Lily is all music. And it enfolded me." Thus the disciples that watched found a dead body kneeling at the altar. Amen! lumma EF THE PRAYING MANTIS

?ג Say: God is One." This x obeyed: {ox“ thousand and one limbs a night {or one thousand nights and one did I alii:-n the Unity‘ and ?עמשו-!;” Bu! “night” only means Unity and GOD are not worth even her blemishes. ΑΗΒ." is only sixty-six; but LAYLAH con-mem up to Seven and Sevemy." “Yea! the night shall cover all; the night shall cover all." ΚΕΦΑΔΗ Ez SODOM-AFPLES

: have bought pleasant uiues, and thus soothed ?םמששmy lack of 1- Light is my wallet, and my heart is also light; and yet I know that the clouds will gathu closer 101 the false clearing The mixage will fade ; then will the desert he lhirsliex than before ο ye who dwell in the Dark Night 01 the Soul, bewzue most of all or every hexald 0] the Dawn! ο ye who dwell in the City 01 the Pyramids beneath the Night 01 PAN, remember that ye shall see no more light but That or the great fite 11111 shall consume you ausr m ashes!


This is the Holy Hexagxam, Plunge from the height, Ο God, and interlock with Mm ! ο Man, and intexiock ?ושפחת Plunge {mm the with Beast l The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of ΕΠ"; the Blue Triangle is ehe ascending tongue of prayer. This Interchange, Ihe Double Gift of Tongues, the Word of Double Power—ABRAHA- DABRAl—is the sign of the GREAT \VORK, fax the is ac- complished in Silence. And behold is not that Woxd equal to Cheth, that is Cancer, whose Sigil is ea? This Work also eals up itself, accomplishes its own end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is perim in itself. Linie children, love one another!


FRATER PERDURABO isof the Sanhedrim of the Sabbath, shy men; He is the Old Goal himself, Shy women. ?do all adore him; the mole \lley תנמוסמ detest him the more do they adore him.? Ayl let us offer the Obscene Kiss! Let us seek the Mystery oi m: Gnarled Oak. and om.: Glacier Tommi To Him let us οοτα ιψ oux babes! Around Him in us ame in the mad moonlight! But FRATER PERDURABO is nothing but ?!«תטשפומ AN EYE; what eye hone Skip,wilchcs! Hop,eoads! Take your plea- sum!—for the play of me Universe is the pleasure or FRATER FERDURABO.

?on !{םששח-]


Shcmhamphorash! all hail, divided Name! —!over-rasit ?שחנו uxm it once, 0 The Univexse \vexe swallowed up in flame ᾽εγιωιιιτιᾖπψιωωευι ! cosmic crash ?םוס Nor deem that thou amid May find one thing a{ all those things the same! The world has gone w Everlasting smash.

No! if creation did possess an aim (n (lees not.) it were only ω make hash or «has most “high ” and that most holy game, Shemhamphomsh !


When NOTHING been-n2 conscious, it made a bad bargain. This consciousness acquired individuality: a wmse hurgsin, The Hermit asked for Iove; wolsl bargain of an And now he has let his ;311 go ω America, to have “success" in “life”: blank los. Is there no end to Ihis immortal ache That haunts nit, haunts me sleeping ox awake? π x had Lnyinh, how could 1 forget Time, Age, and Death? lnsufl‘crablc rm: ?:טקשמ I an hennit, how could x ?שטופ The pain of consciousness, lhe sum of thought? Even were 1 THAT, there siiii were one sore εροι᾽ TheAbyssthatstretcliesbelweenTHAT ?םיסור and sun, the first step is not so far nwn The Mauretania sails on Saturday! 91

?of !שממו PHAETON?

Ne, Yes. Perhaps. ο ! Eye, L Hi ! v? No. ?!«שאטופ ,[geldes ?:שמשת Hail! all ye hoxses! Ye shall surpass the planets in their courses How? Not by speed, nox strength, nox power ιο slay, ...succeeds me ΜΞ ?װןגן BM by the snam ?OZ !{ם'גוג/;!! THE SUELIME AND SUPREME SEP- TENARY IN ITS MATURE MAGICAL MANIFESTATION THROUGH MAT- TER: AS !Τ IS WRITTEN: AN HE- GOAT ALSO [.טעומ .S/fstyny/Jf ?0H !{םינג/\!] WHEEL AND—W018!?

The Great Wheel or Samsai-as .[the Law [Dhamma ?סו The Wheel The Wheel or the Tam. The Wheel of lhe Heavens. The Wheel of Life. All rhese Wheels he one; yer or all rhese the .alone avails thee ooh ?םאס Wheel or rhe seiously. Meditate long and broad and deep, 0 man, upon this Wheel, revolving ir in rhy mind! Be lhis rhy (ask, lo see how each ₪4 springs necessarily from euch other card. even in due order [rom The Fool umo The Ten of Coins, the Wheel olDesliny ?!{חטש/Then, when lhou [5 thou perceive THAT Will ?מפץפפ ,complete which rnoved it hrsl. [There is no sm or hash] And lo! lhou m past lhrough the Abyss. ?oe !{םיגתמ THE ΒΑΕ BULLIER?

Some men look into their minds into their memories, and find naught but phin und shame. These then proclaim “The Good Law" unto mankind, Thesepreach renunciation, “virtue,"cowaxdice in every fonn. These whine eternally. ?!!!לשומלSmug, toothless, hairless Cools, -811165- culaled Buddha, come ye to me? I have a nick to make you silent, 0 ye ibamus-al- the maum! Nature 1'1 wasteful; but how well She can

afford . Nature ü false; but I’m a bit of a lia! myself: Naluxe ir useless; but [hen how beautiful she is! Nature ir emel; but I too am a Sadist. The game goes on; it my have been me mngh for Buddha) but it's (if anything) we (lull for me. ?שיאפ Viens, been negxe! Denne-nmi tes encoxei 95 ?π !{טפשש BLACKTHORN?

”.is eternal warfare ?:(שמשמ The priee Speaking as an Irishman, I prefer to say: The pxice of eternni warhre is existence And melancholy as existence is, the price is well worth pnying. it! To ?;שמ ls there a Government? Then I’m Hell with the bloody English! “ο FRATER PERDURABO,howunworthy axe these sentiments!" “D’ye wan! a clip on the [:\-»?”” ?IA] !שילשה-] LOUIS LINGG? in yam sense of the ?:םשמש am not an 1 word: your brain is too dense for any known explosive to affect it. 1 am not an Anarchist in your sense of the ! PoiicemanietiooseonSociety ?{םש :word While there exists the hurgess, the hnnring man, or any man wilh ideals iess than Shelley’sandself-disciplineltsslhanLoona’s —in short, any man who rails far short of MYSELF—I am against Anarchy, and for i-‘endaiisrn, Every “emancipalox” has enslaved the frem ?;m !{םיעט BORTSCH?

Witch‘moon that tumes! all the streams ω blood, I take this hazel rod, and stand, and swell! An Oath—beneath this blasted Oak and bare That mars ns agony above the flood Whose swollen mask munas an atheisl's ?!(ואצמת What oath may stand the shock of (his offence: “There is no I, no joy, no permanence”?

Witch-moon of blood, eterna] ebb and flow Οί bafiied birth, in death still lurks a change; And all (he leopzlxds in thy wouds that lange, ,glow ?עפשוהש And all the vampixesin their Bleeding on blood-thirst-thcse m not so strange And fierceas life’s unfailing shower. These die, ?:ןמומש them through ?!:ונממ Yet lime 99 Hear then the Oath, witch-moon m' blood, dread moon! Let all my slryges and thy ghouls attend! He that endurelh even ιο the end Hath sworn that Love’s own coxpse shall lie at noon hopes, and spend ?טחמ Even in me coflin All Ihe force won by its old woe and stress In new annihilating Nothingness.

?תחקופ This chapter is called Imperial and A Pnuic War. ΚΕΦΑΛΗ m‘ ΤΠΕ BLIND PIG”

Many becomes two: two one: one Naughtr What comes to Naught? what: shah the Adept give up his hermit life, and go eating nnd drinking and making merry? Ay! shnii he not do so? he knows that the Many is Naught ; and having Nnnght, en- joys that Naughl even in the enjoyment of the Many. Fox when Naught becomes Absolute Naught, it becomes again the Many. And this Many and this Naught axe identical; or phases of some ?:סוטמש/they are not 85 one deeper Abseuce-of-Idea; they are not aspects of some further Light: they are They! Beware, 0 my brother, lest this chapter den ceive thee! ?ΠΔ !{שעמ THE AVALANCHE

Only through devotion to FRATER PER- DURABO may this book be understood. How much more mm should He devote Him- self to for the understanding ol the Holy Books of SEAHMA? Yet must he labour undexground etunally. The sun is not for him, nor the flows-s, no: the voices of the birds; {or heis past beyond all these. Yea, verily, oft-times heis weary ; it is well that me weight of ms Karma of the Infinite is with him. Therefore is he glad indeed; rox he hath finished THE WORK; and the reward comm-rieth him no whiz, κΕΦΑΔΗ m: BORBORYGMI

! aisttust any thoughts utteted by any man whose heaith is not mhust. symptoms οί ?שבוע All othet thoughts m disease. Yet these ate oiten beautiful, and may be true within the cixde οί the conditions of the speaker. And yet again! Do we not find that the most robust οί men express no thoughts at all? They eat, dtink, sleep, and copulate in silences What better proof cf the fact that all thought is dis-ease? οί our?טפושש We are Strassburg geese; the tent comes from the disotdet οί our bodies. tastes ?סװז We like it; this only proves that also are depmed and debauched by our disease ?HF !{וצמ/ש

TAT? Ex nihilo N, L H. I. L fit. Ν. the Fire that twislelh itself and bumeth like a scorpion, L the unsullied (wax-flowingwater. H. the interpenetrating Spim, without and within. [s not its name ABRAIIADABRA? Ι. the unsullied ever-flowing air. L. the green fertile earth. Fierce axe (he Fires of the Universe, and on their daggers they hold aloft the blending heart of earum ?תא” Upon me eaxlh lies water, sensuous and Above the water hangs air; and «have air, but also below fire—and in all—the fabric of all being woven on Its invisible design, is ΑΙΘΗΡ. ΚΕΦΑΛΗ rlz MANDARIN-MEALS There is a dish of sharks’ fins and or sensing, well se! in birds’ heus . . . oh! -sohme most exquisite of Chow ?ג Aïso there is Chow. These did I devise. But I have never tasted anything to match the

which She gave me before She went awn: ?.E. v !?ח. ?,ω !!!«ח/ג 111-1 !םכסמש GOLD BRICKS?

Teach us Your secret, Master! yap my Vel-wos. Then for the hardness of their heaxls, and for the sonness at their heads, i taught them Magicka But...... alas! Teach us You real :ecrel, Master! how ω become invisible, how ω aoquirc love, nnd oh! beyond all, how io make geld. But how much gold win you give me fax the Secret of Infinite Riches? Then said uie (memos: and most foolish: Master, it is nothing; but here is nn hundred thousand pounds, ω accept, and whispered in ?:עגפמ This did I his ear ihis ”₪; A SUCKER IS BORN EVERY MINUTE. ?ne [םתיג/ש UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT?

?.am annoyed aim: me number 89 ן I shall avenge myself by writing naming in? this chapter. ?ו ,That, too, is wise; {or since i am annoyed could not write even a reasonably decent lie

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