[שנועש ?H or]; Em !{שמש ΟΡ? Tm: ANTE mun Tm» wmcn ls NOT-GOD Nothing is. Naming becomes. Nothing is not. THE FIRST TRIAD WHICH IS GOD I AM. ] utter The Word. ! hear The Word. THE ΑΕΗ; The wm is broken up. There is Knowledge. Knowledge is Relation. These fragments axe Creation. The bxoken manifesls Light} 7 Tm: SECOND TRIAD wmcu rs GOD GOD the Father and Mother is concealed in Genemtion. GOD is conceaxed in the whirling enexgy or Nature. :ס"- : ?תנומסתו :in gathering?תונוחמצ GOD is sideration: the Mirror of the Sun and of me Hem. TRIAD ?”הטנוס THE < preparing Wavcring: flowing: flashing. ?טפשמהמ :Stability THE TENTH EMANATION The world, xm.-MH A THE SABBATH OF THE GOAT Ο! Ihe heart of N.O.X. the Night of Pan. mu: Duality: Energy: Death. Dealhz Begening: the supponas of 0! Tu beget is to die; ω die is (ο beget. Cast the Seed into the Field of Night. Life and Death are two names of A, Km thyself. ,alone is enough ?ןנחתמ Neither ?B !{םכמש THE CRY OF THE HAWK? name: it is Do ?;«ןמוסש Hoot ham 3 secret wm Thou Wiim Four Woxds: NaughtAOne—Mnny—All. nou—cnim Thy Name is holy. Thy Kingdom is come. Thy Will is done. Here is the Bread. Here is the Blood, Bring ns through Temptation! Deliver us from Good and Evil! That Mine as Thine be me Crown of the Kingdom, even πον. ABRAHADABRA. .One ?םהוש These ten words are four, (he Name 1“ !{שנענ1- THE OYSTER? of An. A.». are one wm. the ?עמטומ The Mother ofthe Child.‘ The Many is as adorable to the One as the One is ω the Many. This is the Love of These: creation-panuxition is the Bliss of the One; milieu-dissolution is the Bliss οί the Many The Au, thus interwoven of These, is Elise ?‘is beyond Bliss אצמש The Mm delights in uniting wm. the Woman; .from the cmn-1 ??:חותפ the Woman in A . -. A axe Women: the סו ?עמטומ The Aspixams ω A A,-. are Men. ?Δ !{ןפש/חו] PEACHES? Soft and hollow, how thou dost overcome the hard and full I !! dies, it gives itself; to The: is the fruit! Be thou the Bxide; thon shalt be the Mmher ?!וסאמות To all impressions thus. Let them not over- come the: ; yet let them breed within thee. The least of the impressions, come to its perfection, is Pan. Receive a. mcus-nnd lovers; thou shall bear but ohe Child, This child shall be the hei: of Fate the Father, ?B !{טעװ THE BATTLE OF THE ANTS? That is not which is. The only Word is Silence. The ₪, Meaning of that Word is not. Thoughts are false. Fatherhood is unity disguised as dualily, Peace implies war. Power implies war. Hmnony implies wan Victory implies ₪. Glory implies war. Foundation implies ₪. Alas! fox lhe Kingdom wherein all these are at wax. ?f !{שיגמ-] CAVIAR? lhe One exploded ?םמשש The Word was into one thousand million worlds Each world contained a thousand million spheres Each sphere contained a thousand million planes Each plane contained a thousand million stars. Each star contained a many thousand million things, or these the reosoner took six, and, preening, sai This is the One and the All. These six the Adept harmonized, and said: This is the Heart orthe One and the All. These six were destroyed by the Master of the Temple ; and he spake not. by the Magus ?ןוק The Ash them: ms burnt into The Word, or all this did the Ipsissimus know Nothing. ?”?שישק yf Woe/flaw,quam, ä,,L/ezu/WJMW MM ?Z ושמש-] THE DINOSAURS None are They whose number is Sim‘ else were they six indeed, SevenE are these Six that live not in the City et me Pymniids, under rhe Night of Pan. ?ןבס-₪. There was There was Sidnnnhn. There was Krishna. There was Tnhnri. There was Mosheh. There was Dionysus.’ There was Mahmud. ??םתמשש Bin the Seveneh rnen called fer enduring unto The End, at The End was Naught to endure.s Amen. mum !! STEEPED HORSEHAIR Mind is a disease of semen. All that a mn is ox may be is hidden "πω". Bodily functions are parts of the machine; silent, unless in dis-ease. ’.ι ' ?«!:םמצע ,But mind, nem at ease This I persisleth not, posted: not (blough momenfly, finally is ?:ןובשחב ,gensmians dead. Thercfole is man only himself when last to himself in The cnmming, ?e !{םושש THE BRANKS? Being is the Noun; Form is the Adjective. Matter is the Noun; Motion is the Verb‘ VVhetcfore hath Being clothedilselfwithForm? ?mm Matte: manifested itself in ששאמ ΜοΙΞοπΡ? Answer ποι, ο silent one! Fox THERE is no ‘wherefore,’ no mecsuse: The nam: o( THAT is not known; the Pm- noun interprets, that is, misinterpxets, it. Time and Space are Adverbs. .the Conjunction ?!ופצנו Duality ?«ןופצמש ?וצופ The Conditioned is Fame! of The Axtide also market}: Division; but [he is the sound um endeth in the ?!השמישש" Siienee. Destroy therefore the Eight Pans of Speech; the Ninth is nigh unto Truth. This also must be destroyed before thou emulus! into The Silence. Aum. ?I !{ונממ/ח) WINDLESTRAWS? The Abyss oi Hallucinations has Law and Reason; but in Truth there is no bond between the Toys of the Gods, This Reason and Law is the Bond orthe (ἔπεα! Lie. Tmlhl erieth the Lord orthe ??ותוא !Truth Abyss of Hallucinnlions. There is no Silence in that Abyss: {or all that mm call Silence is Its szech. This Abyss is also called ‘Hell,’ nnd ‘The Many.’ [is name is ‘Cunsciousness,’ and 'The Univexse: among meh. But THAT which neither is silent, nor speaks, xejoices therein, ?IA !{טימש-] THE GLOVV-WORM? Concerning the Holy Thneein-Nnughh Ναί:, Hadil, Ra—Heor-Khuit, are only lo be understood by the Master uf me Ten-pie, They are above The Abyss, and contain all contradiction in themselves. Below lhein is a seeming dnslily of Chaos and Babalon; (has: axecalled Fati-sund Mother, but it is not se. They axe called Brother and Sislex, 11111 11 15 not so, They we called Husband and Wife, but 11 is not so. The xeflection ofAll is Pan: lhe Niglu of Pan is xhe Annihilnlion nr 1118 All. Cast down through The Abyss is me Ligm, the Rosy Cross, the 111511118 at Union that deslxoys, that is The Way. The Rosy Class is the Ambussadox of Pan. How infinile is me distance from This ω That! Ye! All is Here and Now. Nnr is there any !9 There oi Then; fox all that is, what is in but :: manifestation, that is, a pm, Ihalis, a falsehood, of THAT which is not? Yet THAT which is not neither is nor is not That which is ! ?is perfect; therefore the Law of !«ופמש ldemily is but a πε. Forlhexe is no subject,? !(וסוטמש ?and there is no predicate; nor is conlxadiclory oi either or these things.? Holy, Holy, Holy are these Truths that I utter, knowing them lo be but falsehoods, broken miiiois, troubled watexs ; hide me, 0 our Lady, in Thy Womb! for 1 may not endure the raptum. [n this utterance of falsehood upon falsehood, whose commdiclories are also raise, it seems .which l huma not were [me ?וזװװן as Blessed, unuuemblyblessed, is this last oi me illusions; let me play the man, and thrust it from me! Amen. ?B] [שממ] THE DRAGON-FLIES? 10 is the cry of [he lower as ΟΙ οΠΙ-ιε higher. In figuxes they an: 1001 ;” in letters they are Joy. w Fox when 511 is equilibrated, when all 35 beheld }111111 1111110111 111, there is joy, joy, joy nm is 1<111 one facet of a diamond, every other face! whereof 15 more joyful 1111111 joy use", xxm/xu u‘ PILGRIM-TALK Ο than that sellest out upon The Path, false is the Phantom that thon seekest. When thon has! it thou shall know all binemtss, [hy ω". fixed in the Sedem-Appia, Thus has! then been luud along That Path, whose terror else had driven thee far away‘ Ο than that suidest upon Ihe middle of The Path, no phantoms mock thee, For the slxide's sake thou slxidesl. Thus art thou lured along That Path, whose fascination else had driven [hee far away. Ο thou that dmwest toward the End of The Path, effort is no more. Faster and fuste! (lost thou fall; thy weariness is changed into Inefiable Resi. Fox [here is no Thou upon That Path: Ihm! hast become The Way, ΚΕΦΛΔΗ ΙΔ ONION-FEELINGS ?!ונס )is lhe Practical Joke o ?טפשמב The General at lhe Expense of lhe Palliculai, quolh FRATER PERDURABO, and laughed, But those disciples nearest to him wept, seeing the Universal Soxrow. Those next. lo them laughed, seeing ihe Uni- versa! yoke, Below these cenain disciples wepl. Then certain laughed, Olbers nexi wepl. Others next laughed. Next others wepL Next others laughed. Last came those lhal wepl because lhey could not see the Jake. nnd those that laughed lest they should he thought ποι ω see lhe joke, and thought il safe to acl like FRATER PERDURABO. But lhough FRATER PERDURABOlangl-led openly, He also :! the same time wept secretly; and in Himself He neither laughed no: wept. ?.did He mean what He said אש 23 ΚΕΦΑΛΗ IE THE GUN-BARREL Mighty and erec! is (his Win of mine, this Pyramid oi fire whoss summi: is lost in Heaven, Upon it have i bumcd me corpse oi my desires, .of my wm ?«ונמא Mighty and erect is this The seed thereof is Thai which I have and it is ?!!!טומהמ borne within me from los! within the Body oi Our Lady oi the Stas.
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