BULETINUL INSTITUTULUI POLITEHNIC DIN IAŞI Publicat de Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi Volumul 66 (70), Numărul 3, 2020 Secţia MATEMATICĂ. MECANICĂ TEORETICĂ. FIZICĂ PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES IN REVEALING THE WORKING MECHANISMS OF BRAIN. PART III BY NICOLAE MAZILU1,2, 13707 Dauphin Dr, NE, Canton, OH 44721, USA 2Timotei Cipariu, #1, Focșani, Vrancea, 600004, Romania Received: July 1, 2020 Accepted for publication: September 17, 2020 Abstract. The living brain is physically modeled as a universe, analgous to the existing physical model of the universe. While in the physical model the gravitation prevails, in the brain universe the electricity prevails, but the mathematical description we provide is essentially the same in both cases. What is imperiously necessary in this approach is, first, a metric description of matter, then, of course, the physical interpretation of this description. These issues were treated, in their essentials, in the previous two instalments of the work. The object of the present episode of the work is a classical space image of the matter, as described from a „central‟ point of view. This image is connected with the concept of memory, for which we uphold the idea that in classical physics it has a well-known counterpart: the inertia. It is accomplished based on a general approach of the motion, suggested by generalizing Kepler‟s classical model of motion. Keywords: inertia; memory; matter density; Euclidean reference frame; torsion of space; Kepler‟s laws; celestial matter; neurons. Corresponding author; e-mail:
[email protected] 10 Nicolae Mazilu 1. By Way of Introduction: a Synopsis of Bygone Ideas The series of works already publishedin this Bulletin [(Mazilu, 2019, 2020); these articles will be cited here as I and II respectively], or in the course of publication from now on, intends to fill an important gap in the physical science: a missing physical theory of brain.