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SIGCHI Conference Paper Format EPC Exhibit 136-19.2 April 4, 2013 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dewey Section To: Caroline Kent, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. General Division From: Rebecca Green, Assistant Editor Giles Martin, Consulting Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Via: Michael Panzer, Editor in Chief Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc Re: 583–584 Angiosperms: Proposal for discussion Immediate reuse of numbers Number Previous meaning New meaning 583.43 Minor orders of Hamamelididae Dilleniaceae 583.98 Campanulales Euasterids II Relocations From To Topic 583.2 583.68 Cytinaceae 583.2 583.83 Rafflesiaceae 583.22 583.24 Canellaceae, Winteraceae (winter's bark family), wild cinnamon 583.23 583.292 Amborellaceae 583.23 583.296 Austrobaileyaceae 583.23 583.298 Chloranthaceae [583.26] 583.25 Aristolochiaceae (birthwort family) 583.29 583.28 Ceratophyllaceae (hornworts) 583.3 583.296 Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, magnolia vine, star anise [583.36] 583.975 Sarraceniaceae (New World pitcher plant family) 583.43 583.34 Eupteleaceae 583.43 583.393 Trochodendrales 583.43 583.395 Didymelaceae 1 583.43 583.44 Cercidiphyllaceae (katsura trees) 583.43 583.46 Casuarinaceae (beefwoods), Myricaceae (wax myrtles), bayberries, candleberry, sweet gale (bog myrtle) 583.43 583.73 Barbeyaceae 583.43 583.786 Leitneria 583.43 583.83 Balanopaceae 583.43 583.942 Eucommiaceae 583.44 583.38 Platanaceae (sycamore family), plane trees 583.44 583.42 Myrothamnaceae [583.45] 583.738 Urticaceae (nettle family), Cannabaceae (hemp family), Moraceae (mulberry family), Ulmaceae (elm family) [583.48] 583.46 Betulaceae (birch family), alders, filberts (hazelnuts), hornbeams; comprehensive works on ironwoods [583.49] 583.46 Juglandaceae (walnut family), butternuts, hickories, pecans 583.5 583.93 Theligonum (Cynocrambe) [583.62] 583.43 Dilleniaceae [583.62] 583.44 Paeoniaceae (peony family) [583.62] 583.782 Crossosomataceae [583.624] 583.5 Asteropeiaceae [583.624] 583.58 Ancistrocladaceae, Dioncophyllaceae [583.624] 583.68 Diegodendraceae, Dipterocarpaceae [583.624] 583.782 Strasburgeriaceae [583.624] 583.83 Bonnetiaceae, Caryocaraceae, Clusiaceae (Guttiferae), Elatinaceae, Hypericaceae, Lophiraceae, Medusagynaceae, Ochnaceae, Quiinaceae, garcinias, mammee apple, mangosteen [583.624] 583.94 Oncothecaceae [583.624] 583.975 Marcgraviaceae, Pellicieraceae, Pentaphylacaceae, Tetrameristaceae, Theaceae (Ternstroemiaceae, tea family), camellias, Stewartia [583.625] 583.44 Peridiscaceae [583.625] 583.68 Bixaceae (annatto tree), Cistaceae (rockrose family), Cochlospermaceae [583.625] 583.782 Stachyuraceae [583.625] 583.83 Flacourtiaceae, Lacistemataceae, Scyphostegiaceae, Violaceae (violet family), pansies [583.626] 583.64 Caricaceae (papaya family), papaws [583.626] 583.83 Achariaceae, Malesherbiaceae, Passifloraceae (passionflower family), Turneraceae, granadillas, maypop [583.627] 583.63 Begoniaceae, Datiscaceae, begonias [583.628] 583.5 Frankeniaceae, Tamaricaceae (tamarisk family), alkali heath [583.628] 583.975 Fouquieriaceae (candlewood family), ocotillo [583.65] 583.83 Salicaceae (willow family), cottonwoods, Populus (poplars and aspens), Salix [583.66] 583.975 Ericales, Clethraceae (pepperbush family), Epacridaceae, Ericaceae (heath family), Monotropaceae (Indian pipe family), 2 Pyrolaceae, Saurauiaceae, azaleas, blueberries, cranberries, crowberries, heather, huckleberries, kalmias, kiwi (Chinese gooseberry), mountain laurel, rhododendrons, sourwood, wintergreens [583.67] 583.68 Thymelaeaceae (mezereum family), daphnes, spurge laurel [583.67] 583.975 Diapensiaceae, galax [583.674] 583.975 Ebenaceae (ebony family), Sapotaceae, Styracaceae (storax family), Symplocaceae (sweetleaf family), persimmons, sapodilla, star apples [583.675] 583.975 Primulaceae (primrose family), Myrsinaceae, Theophrastaceae, auriculas, coralberry, cyclamens, loosestrife, primulas, shooting stars [583.69] 583.395 Buxaceae (boxwood family) [583.69] 583.83 Dichapetalaceae, Euphorbiaceae (spurge family), cassavas (maniocs), castor-oil plant, copperleaves, crotons, crown of thorns, heveas, manchineels, mercuries, poinsettias, rubber tree, snow-on-the-mountain, tallow tree, tung tree [583.72] 583.44 Saxifragales, Saxifragaceae (saxifrage family), Crassulaceae, Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family), currants, houseleeks (live- forevers), pickaback plants, Ribes, stonecrops (orpines, sedums), Virginia willow [583.72] 583.79 Francoaceae [583.72] 583.825 Brunelliaceae, Cephalotaceae, Cunoniaceae [583.72] 583.85 Parnassiaceae and brexias [583.72] 583.94 Vahliaceae [583.72] 583.96 Byblidaceae [583.72] 583.972 Hydrangeaceae (hydrangea family), deutzias, mock oranges (syringas) [583.72] 583.984 Escalloniaceae and escallonias [583.72] 583.985 Bruniaceae [583.72] 583.986 Paracryphiaceae [583.72] 583.988 Pittosporaceae (hedge laurel family) [583.75] 583.58 Nepenthaceae (Old World pitcher plant family), Droseraceae (sundew family); Venus's flytrap; comprehensive works on pitcher plants, comprehensive works on carnivorous plants 583.76 583.63 Anisophylleaceae 583.76 583.64 Brazilian spiderflowers 583.76 583.975 Lecythidaceae (Brazil nut family) 583.763 583.83 Rhizophoraceae [583.77] 583.63 Coriariaceae [583.77] 583.74 Stylobasium [583.77] 583.786 Rutaceae (orange family), Anacardiaceae (mango family), Burseraceae (incense tree family), Meliaceae (mahogany family), Simaroubaceae (ailanthus family), cashew, chinaberry tree, citrus fruits, cork trees, hog plums (Spanish plums), hop tree, orange 3 jessamine, pistachio, poison ivies, rue, smoke trees, sumacs, tree of heaven, varnish trees; comprehensive works on balms 583.78 583.37 Sabiaceae 583.78 583.79 Greyiaceae and Melianthaceae 583.79 583.64 Tropaeolaceae (nasturtium family) 583.79 583.822 Zygophyllaceae (lignum vitae family), creosote bush 583.79 583.825 Oxalidaceae (wood sorrel family), shamrock 583.79 583.83 Erythroxylaceae (coca family), Hugoniaceae, Humiriaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Linaceae (flax family), Malpighiaceae, wild mango (dika) 583.79 583.975 Balsaminaceae (balsam family), impatiens, jewelweeds (touch- me-nots) 583.82 583.42 Gunneraceae, gunneras 583.82 583.73 Elaeagnaceae (oleaster family) 583.82 583.74 Polygalalceae (milkwort family) 583.82 583.76 Vochysiaceae 583.82 583.83 Podostemaceae (riverweed family) 583.82 583.96 Hippuris (mare's tail) [583.84] 583.942 Garryaceae, Garrya [583.84] 583.972 Cornales, Cornaceae (dogwood family), tupelos (sour gums) [583.84] 583.988 Araliaceae (ginseng family, ivy family), Torricelliaceae (Toricelliaceae), wild sarsaparilla, comprehensive works on ivies [583.849] 583.9882 Apiaceae 583.85 583.478 Aextoxicaceae 583.85 583.94 Icacinaceae 583.85 583.982 Aquifoliaceae (holly family), maté 583.86 583.73 Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family), ironwoods, jujubes [583.88] 583.44 Medusandraceae [583.88] 583.47 Santalales, Santalaceae (sandalwood family), Balanophoraceae, Loranthaceae (mistletoe family), Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Viscaceae [583.88] 583.788 Dipentodontaceae [583.88] 583.982 Cardiopteridaceae (Peripterygiaceae) [583.89] 583.38 Proteales 583.93 583.99 Menyanthaceae, bog myrtle (buckbean) 583.94 583.95 Convolvulaceae (morning glory family), Cuscutaceae (dodder family), dichondras, sweet potatoes (yams) 583.94 583.972 Loasaceae 583.94 583.975 Polemoniaceae (phlox family), Jacob's ladders 583.95 583.96 Acanthaceae (acanthus family), Bignoniaceae (catalpa family), Buddlejaceae, Gesneriaceae, Globulariaceae, Lentibulariaceae (bladderwort family), Martyniaceae, Myoporaceae, Orobanchaceae (broomrape family), Pedaliaceae (sesame family), Plantaginaceae (plantago family), Retziaceae, Scrophulariaceae (figwort family, snapdragon family), 4 Trapellaceae, African violets, butterfly bushes, calabash tree, foxglove, mulleins, Penstemon, plantains, trumpet creepers, unicorn plants 583.95 583.972 Hydrostachyaceae 583.95 583.985 Columelliaceae 583.98 583.95 Sphenocleaceae 583.98 583.99 Brunoniaceae, Campanulaceae (bellflower family), Donatiaceae, Goodeniaceae, Lobeliaceae, Stylidiaceae; bluebells, Campanula, Indian tobacco 584.32 584.35 Aloes, day lilies 584.32 584.352 Hostas (plantain lilies) 584.32 584.355 Bluebells, hyacinths, lily of the valley 584.34 584.324 Peruvian lily 584.35 584.32 Petermanniaceae, Philesiaceae 584.35 584.6 Stemonaceae 584.35 584.69 Taccaceae 584.35 584.86 Philydraceae, Pontederiaceae [584.353] 583.324 Alstroemeriaceae 584.354 584.6 Velloziaceae (tree lily family) 584.354 584.86 Haemodoraceae (bloodwort family) [584.356] 584.326 Smilacaceae [584.357] 584.69 Dioscoreaceae (yam family) [584.37] 584.6 Triuridaceae 584.38 584.69 Burmanniaceae [584.64] 584.724 Araceae (arum family) [584.68] 584.9 Typhaceae (Sparganiaceae), Sparganium (bur reeds), Typha (cattails and bulrushes) 584.72 584.86 Water hyacinths 584.74 584.73 Najas (naiads) 584.8 584.9 Centrolepidaceae, Flagellariaceae, Restionaceae 584.86 584.9 Mayacaceae, Rapateaceae, Xyridaceae (yellow-eyed grass family) Expansions New location Topic 583 Angiosperms (flowering plants) 583.38 Nelumbonaceae (lotuses) 583.68 Sphaerosepalaceae 583.685 Bombacaceae (silk cotton tree family), balsa, baobabs, basswood, cacao, jute, kapok, kola nuts, Sterculia, Tilia (lindens, lime trees) 583.822 Krameriaceae 583.99 Calyceraceae 583.952 Nolanaceae 584.32 Liliales 5 Discontinuation From To Topic 584.66 584.6 Pandanales The current exhibit follows from three previous exhibits: (1) EPC Exhibit 135-17.1
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