PLATE 1. ACACIA KOA HAWAIIENSIS Rock Koa. Tree about 80 feet tall , with (liameter of trunk about -1 feet; growing in the Kipuka Puaulu, near Volcano Kilauea, Hawaii; e levation 4000 feet. '§JJiT577PWFi7TiB'"]NI1f '. , I ":', I; I :1 , . ~ i;I. :;:' BOTANICAL BULLETIN No.5. JUNE,1919 Territory of Hawaii :' ~:' BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, AND FORESTRY , • J. " ,. I " DIVISION OF FORESTRY C. S. JUDD, Superintendent , , h The Arbores~ent Indigenous Legumes of Hawaii BY JOSEPH F. ROCK Consulting Botanist I ') i i i I , I ISSUED JUNE 9, 1919 HONOLULU, HAWAII .... <& ,'aug; WJ'S5Fl'7RTTEiRP"-;Zr .1'! 'la-arm;; m. Nt" rtf .1 , ' , ., ;') ;:: " , , LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. HONOLULU, HA WAIl, Feb. 24, 1919. Board of Com11lissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, H ono/It/u, Hawaii. GENTLE"lEN : I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of a paper entitled "The Arborescent Indigenous Legumes of Ha waii," by Mr. Joseph F. Rock, Consulting Botanist of the Division of Forestry and also Botanist of the College of Hawaii, and to recommend that it be publiohed as Botanical Bulletin No.5 of the Division of Forestry. In this paper Mr. Rock has brought together botanical infor mation concerning the few endemic arborescent species of the family Legu11linosae found in the Hawaiian Islands which should , .1 be of particular interest because of the fact that it includes I descriptions of the well-known koa. Very respectfully, . c. S. JUDD, Superintendent of F orestr}'. , Approved: ~ , Board of C01llmissioners of Agriculture and Forestry, February 27, 1919. J ,j " 1 i ! ' . , " I .... eN gRP'fi"""!*C'lTTii72'..... zr ':1 W' ,.
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