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Commercial Energies of the Colonists Are Uamercifully Top the Creva

Commercial Energies of the Colonists Are Uamercifully Top the Creva

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HMBmawKm** umii > i APUIC to lead l» <)> n>e»ter. If the Senate thiUitht tha ci i:m or tim ii rmcxi coot. you pay you did sot vote for thoaa tMtliUoai la tu Coait Calendar.Thla Oajr. TKLEGK IHTKLLlQEMf S* c ur» i on* be wanld the*. tba Thf Brnata raaotution. to allow the " NEW YORK HERALD. snpgtoted proper prefer a <^«eUl clerk to eu* yoa Me ! Mr. Burroughs immediately aaepended Bi rimi Coiiar. U.neral Tm.-NN.tl, N to 41, motion (o I bat rfNi be made by aoasa mhur Senator K uprrnie Court waa Ukri up. kli remark*. kMltttod for aa iDntut, u4 aalctag tha MS tt to 41. It ||, « Mr Fotii Doird that tba tbe t»W« Mr. BiiLt raid that 'he eVrk *u tki It with all hi* forne at Ror1hw' r tb*- present, which motion we* n* gatlted -ayes 19, J udget war* old mm and had much writing. Moiy'i hi44. Fortunately. it oaly touched hi* 881 to 887 837* 888 278 *80 u*3 r 20 V r Cutui n-markrd the reeolutlou waa to the J A M K a Q OHOUfl BRSIBTT. that giro glancing off and ktrtklng Clark'* deak, missingahcula«r I'hitkd States Distbjct Coi-bt .Noo. 41, >9,41,1^ V r. l<»*Tei>. atter a faw remarks relative to the pro- a clerk to think for tha Jadge* Tba aon»tttuUoa the reporters la Ita dli#et racge. to The of the Revenue Collection Bill. ot * 6T. PROrMKTOH and Passage priety the nation morrd thai the unmeet ba refer- ugkt to be r*f< rmrd. and nil Jadgee eat off, whoa old Mr. Rioav at on ra jumped ap and ruahad at Mr. Common Plus -No* 80. #9,10#, 119, red to a select oommittee of vbioh Mr. Clay should ba agv or bod befcite rrndu than want for daty Bart hat Mr Goff. of a Beted lro«. 122,127,116,141,. * ought twi, strong 142.168 180 188. 166. 188 iiAll. V t ««it per evrv.tl P*' «* cbail man Mr THuMrMm. of Pern w*a to a HKHALU. KMTOI1*MK norry httr aaeh worker, caught bin by tba coat oolLar aad bald hta, drum Cot bt.-Noo 120. ST. 86, 8T. #T,100, Ml, 41, The California Constitution before 1 ba Vice PaKiiurnr said the motion eonld only ha fl on tha Court, which waa nn honor to thareactiona* til was rurblcg at Mr. Burroughs. Both gentUinea 81, 8# 2 4#. 14 111. 116. 122. ISO. S 27. 184. I'M K H tKHLV HKItALD,/9r Ctrcm+tio entertain* d anauimoas consent, as the rule e 18*,1*M66» a r 'll V* by provi- oaatry. aad the Houae Improperly 146. 10# h * »', t* yubhikt'i eve/ y Hat dun, fl» (1 that select committees "ball ba elected. Mr. i Immediately apologised, 47.163, 164,166,166,167, 16», 160,161, 1M, 16C SSu.r ««..«»., tcr Arcid.tt.». in I""'"' Congress. ui(i.4iiii*ald,bj tha adoptloa of a rulo In Court, than both. excured 173. '"V. « P«- Mr. Ki'on that b« bad twu to 170,172, * >> »<-* <. »<> <»> «»< « >>" *»OULLAH «M.( «C., «C. objected. stating prepared. p roiittiog >a»yrr»to apoak only hoara. baainaan Mr 8roar spoke deliberately and deferred tba and designed setimiUing ad soon aa opportunity of- i>ad acruu/ula'rd He waa aorry that Mr. < 'artar had eofureof the Houee; nor waa Mr Burroagh**airrut Th« Uaf«« Street Biplotlon^I mhMv * <>:*/. V HHKALu.4O,,t// 6«- paiJ Jnr sion of California Tha delivered la a loud tone, oeoaaioned literally .omwuunialMAi. remark*, M«ut»< m.:rv. did aot furnish them with Mae srouads of eea* NO K tstigat on. we eould have shown, a« wa now chow by the place to he printed, and the further cooatderationord«-radot to keep la tha wrong Mambora oould dlaagree among Toaonro. (C. W ) Fab 13,1860. statements arconipaa>ia( this. that hU atsteatosis were be all The buiciddl knite may tba wai until to-morrow. t h. uiaaWea. but not tha court. Tha mantfeeto ef tha Annexation Aaaoclation of thl* nntiue in esseatial partloalare. 1 eould alee have shown AMl'HEMENTS THIS IVfKINQ. disregarded. subject postponed < no* of aa CUNTSAL iMIIICi. Mr. Kowi eb. The waa not that eca*e attaek made by aatd Meatcocaery terminate the scene. The President has laughter produead by oity. to tha paopla of Canada, haa appeared in tba opoa me, I »u compelled to have him arrested. aa* at hu ITALIAN Ol'ERA HOUSE, Aator P1m« -Dow Qiotinii, Tha Vlre President also laid before tba Senate, a r to the court, but by (ha and ohaate a. 1 released leaned his a wooden one it tamparata diaerpect The document la of eonaldarable urgent awliciUM' liim, apoa payment of the eosie upon cabinet; and message from the President. stating that tba Informs likt>n uaga and manner in whlah Mr. Carter arowad Ma ItUrptmUnt. length, and the n.m ot tlPO since whieh Ume be has had a groat OWEKT TiitiTICl, Raweij. Littlb Diviiy. 1'kgli is.destitute of or the leant animation tlon railed for by tba resolution ol the Senate relative sentimenta. (Laughter ) aad wiitten with ability. It etataa tha oaN of Canada, ot !.< ln-ita »na>nst me. I ba«e bosa eagafsd la tbo Ju (» 1 B A M. vitality, to boiler mskiu* flfteea aad hostility correspondence bad wltb Guatemala, Central Mr. Cl«tki amd would leara Meaara Fowlar and and. on faeta, praaentatha aoneluaton that tha buiiicS'f forotst. year*; daring suited to the great interests at stake. The chief and the Mosquito government, would be ebaer-America,t to nettle tha matter between themaalvea. CarerHa arguing that teiiie period, the eiplosion in Hague strest was the tret at THEATRE, Broadway. Thb only remedy whioh oan relieve Canada from the of aa> boil' r« made by ma. It is aot true that I Mads aay Li»t La« ». SraawuitAlli>difficulty hedges the chief of the nation, and the fully commnniaatad aa soon as it was found to ba oom- thcught the demand tor a clerk reasonable. tie bolitr before It wsat to aa with the int. rest. and alteratiois ia Savaaaah, lUM eve the when the d'ttut be patible public politleal disadvantage* Impoecd up mcommercialher Hiatf < tn«ry, and the whole was doae accordiag to tho SURTON'V TUEATRk ChtmUii lUni-Domir mo of great day cuuj> will Mr Dot glass tha would be raferrad by If ons hundred *1 hoped massage HW YORK LBU1ILATVU. by tha natur* of the elroumataaaa* of her praaent d'rtction, of Mos'fomtry. ponads of stsaa N.MY WIU'I Ckcomj Fuist, attempted is at hand. All this has been predicted, to the Committee on Foreign Relations and that the are pot upon a boiler oa'eolatsd for hat forty, tho maker, committee would the lanate. poeition la to be foand la a friendly separation of tha ny should not Ihi censoiad if aoeideats nappeas. I ask *. « n L we are inquire whether newspaper carta ATI OH THBATRE, Obtkut nun- SriaiT or thb and standing upon the very precipice of Its were full sad fair lnvcstlgatioa into the facts of this ease, so far a*- . trna, that six months ego treaties were ISM. Iron aad Ita annexation to tha FoV»t*IH N»I*d Mu>TCtt. reports Atuitr, province Eaglaad. WW . m. i Q|ILlILl February IS, 4 am i)»in riuvu U!ilU4n. jcttiiituiuii. id ii liiai made to the States ad I't'obtijic jiiasiciijr giving United Important the iutiit asaoLVTioaa. United 8tatei. N# reference ia mad* to Earl Orey'a The un>li r*i«ned wm foreman of th* boilar ukm (or OLTHI'lU TUEATHE, Broadway.Dri.icAT* G aou»D can save us? the chanceuituuvity"that tapes, among which was the exclusive right ta makevan|a M>»ri It il.iMB Ik Walker. at the tin* the Montgomery butlei . Upon "single M«»ic 11 oh> -I i.viob Cvloiii-Tmi Uirici Sum. canal across tha Isthmus of Niearagualgiiarantylog Tha Committee of tba Whole, Mr. Flak in the ohalr, despatch. wm built lor Mi.'latlor. In uo ln-taaee were Mr. Ifentgo-. sways a piece of human frailty," is this nation to to the United States ita exelnsive use forever. whether agala took up the alavery reaolntlona; the qneetloa Tha government organ threataa* executive mery'a direction* unobeyed ia the ooaatructloa of th* boiler. CEXISTV'8 Ol'SUA Hot8*.IrHiorux Hixtiilr, such treaties have been and whether tha u ttaud by hiui. a* *11 order* had to be carried oat by ate. rest its dearest hopes at such a crisis? Or, is the suppressed, j, on the adoption of the reaolntlona offered Mr. with the annexationist*; while the HoaInterferenceMr. brie* foreman JOH> K. ViLtll. VIKil'f N t*'.'BEUM. Aaritit* ri Ar> important advantage* once secured to us, are to ba by be>g E«k«mu. great unity given «p to another country compensation. Laymond, Newfoundland, evidence, btruie the Coroner'* Jury, that the tab**, la oae more heard its organs? On motion of Mr Kootk, the message was laid on tha oOWed by Mr. Watari, and they were adopted. neuncea the proc**dlog* of the association *trictl Imtan'-e, cm* X of aa inch together, vast to th* MEl.ODEOH- W Mirc'a BKRikadihi. through representative table for ru a< end etatemant tba present. Mr. WATcaa then mored aa a rubatitnte for the cone titutional measured them, aad found hi* ia relation Time must echo a reply to the interrogatories. Ma. (-LAV'S coveaoMnr. to that untrue. tfi^Leo,) MI BBS CORYBLL. New S 1850. we the answers Tba 8enate then resumed the consideration of Mr. " offered by Mr. Raymond, the rerlutlona FRANCIS BLA.NKC York, Tliurariay, februarj t, and, if mistake not, will Ncvra from the Cape of Uood Hope* The rad-niruri boiler maker*, wera ia th* employ of Clay'a resolutions. t< offered by Mr. Dox reeolutionahereofore Meiiare Mi ,v vt alker at the time th* hollar to the deeply implanted Mr Divia of Mlaaiufnd tiarlns fh« flnAP nM. Boctok, Keb. 18-12 M. llpau Moatgomery The Constitution or correspond Mr. Fuao supported the reaelutlona of Mr. Dox, and we* built for «r 'iaylor. and *ay there war* aa alterations Klavcry ItatttloiioTbe that, like a vital seed, rests in the sentimentheart ceeded to addreea the Senate at length upon the We have, by the arrival, last evening, of the btrk Ar made in iliti boiler before it went to SavannaX a* *tat*d bw California* queation of and In to Mr. Clay, aid be ahould vote tbem, even if they did praise kirn. (Mgnod.I of the nation. Hound by his promises, pledged by slavery, reply thur Pickering, from the Capa of Good Hope, advice* to JOHN 37 VH, DOH11TT. to our stated that ha bad barn bitterly dlfappointad in tlbe patriotism of Gen. Taylor. Cl'i.Lir, According telegraphic despatches, Ust his oath of the President must call view of tba course that Senator. Ha the 34th of Dec. The eont*«t between the and JABK3 F1N£N, WM, ANMUtfFS. office, around adopted by Meiara. Dati« nod Stoat were in favor of Mr. Dox'g people evening, the President has submitted the him men to the necessities of the hour. bad hoped front him some plaa of settlement, government etlll continued; but the latter had thus National Collection of equal They upon which the patriotic, on all sidea, aemethlng Brait/'i Da|acrr*o» ©I California to Congress. This will bringconstitutionthe were for a less could Instead Mr. Bluiuiuhi opposed the adaption of the far triumphed, In conaequenoe of trairor*, who bad lur- type*. M and »/7 Broadway. ooraer of Faltoa *traet. tolerably strong dangerous crisis; agree of that, ha bad prwent- t of Mr. Doi'i resolution* and ritiieu* arc rt ipoctfully Invited to tall and whole and territorial to a crisis. ed a schema the North *ub*tluttoniwuiu who l-ousiueraoie ii' Stranger*'-f slavery question but are weak essentially conceding to Mr. Komd i-ald be iu of the |v»rniD>bi supplies. the *p*cim*n*. they totally, wholly, unqualifiedly all that waa claimed by the South. Mr. Davis took explained. and la bfor With the admission of California, the territories th« solutions of Mr. Dox, m between them and thoee of prevail* at Cape Town; half of tbe shops are shut,iwnnt lor occasion. The California question is tba extreme Southern that « Hatha . K. Carroll's must also be on a ground, inaiitlng slavery Ir. Raymond, bat wea to the paasage of both; budD»(« suspended. and many of the merchant* are Vapor J, HMUeatrit organized fair and just basis. laden with evil or All la ao recoKniaed la the oonatitution. as to make it ao b opposed Tepur. Su'rbur. and Iodine Bath*, 36 Barclay (treat, fruit, good. depends upon institution of the United States, and not of ut of the two evil* would chooae tha least. Ha would their with a »lew of if tbe hecuDimt u«*d Dr*. Now that the crisis is upon us, hopes of a simply ,,ika a* little aa operation* leaving contracting IK2&.) by Matt, Runai,(ea'.ibli.bed taking it at a proper season, and in a proper way. the State In whieh it exists. He at some polaon poealble. B< yd, Smith, Dixon, aad other emiaeut medio*! g'U. of the w hole increase. proceeded Mr. Hiimumi tha of the lubatltata convict* are landed. In the meantime, Mitehd aar the resolutions the committee. Ha convict* are (till in the at St. Simon* aitea*** if th* atilf Bo. tince the introduction of Mr. Clay's compromise slavery now exlats in California and New Mexico by adopted by eooped up Neptune pain*, *km, Joint*. Sound, practical men are wanted tor the law, tbe affirmative of the t»beu the gentleman from brie (Mr Kord) had baen Bay. Letter writer* that If government resolutions inio the Senate of the United for taking propoeltion. little more and bad out and predict The Ucailaihe hai afflicted aa States, who can read the tbe ground that all tke laws of Mexico explicit, potuted where, there a yom long,. signs of the times,eventmenand abolishinga«raming l what part of the resolutions, tbe poiaou exlated. to land the convlot*, will be great attempt*K''d lady, tliatjou n o*t aurely baro become tond of it, t the settlement oi the e.vcitiug question of slavery, as slavery are null and void, having been passed by would hot centime to euffer, when it ean be gather in the crop with prudent, foresight and not of Tha motion of Mr. Waters waa lost. outbreak.you efeetuallr regards the new territories, we think a better and possessed competent jurisdiction authoritiesHe Mr. Pav»n moved that tbe resolution* of Mr. gi t rid ot by a i ttle or two of i>unlr»'e Arable Kluir. also ot _ mm hb ano blessed success. It is true that Mr. Clay has defended tbe institution slavery itself.all histo- be tubsiituted for those offered the from a, of feltrea year* atanding, have baaa removed more charitable public sentiment has been ry, ancient and modern, ahowed tbe wherav- bj majorityR*tlond Intelligence Cape Haytieu, by it, aiid the nerie* teaiored to their priatin* vi^or; done much to avert the evils but it Ktbiopean. 0 r the select their Mr. aud lile ienew*d. it tails ia threatening er found, in the condition of bondsmen had v committee, through chairman, Boston, Keb. 13, 1350. lEcreaaed, It Yoar oae*.appetit*yov. in ail lections of the country. The patriotismexhibited Slavery ord. are welcome to it Ofhe*, 143 Fulton ttreet. remains to be seen if his and bean the aause of to tbe gratnitoaaly. that conciliatory prudent only permanent blessing Mr. Ford offered aa a substitute for tha ra»olutUaa The brig Adelphi. from Cape Haytien, Jan. iWth. ha* iT'ce, We an Institution >, wbo bad refuted to trade uader the new ina,the the hair or akin; it can be waahad immediately without Northern; consequenceaspect, so that the one jbject of the whether tha inatltatloa ot Tbe bark Harriet T. Bartlett. which arrived thi* the eolor. aad baa no bad odor It 1* applied, or aoldl administration, great nest, in questions connected with tbe Institution of queition aad at B'B tiaturbing is, that many, in this region especially, who alavary avrry 1* compatible with tbe conatitutioa. frcm ha* on board a* wboleaale retail, BATCHKLO Wig Faetery.* WO/ which all after events are to be hatched, may be (ball be referred. Adjourned. Mr. of citizens ot Western New morning Smyrna, paaeenger*< treat Oopv the addreae. considered that the South had not a particle Colt, York, for aoch Gieonna Tnerecello and Professor Metro llaral> previouslymade as comfortable »e possible for those who a: u amendment to the General Kailroad Law, aa will Capt. of n^ht to assume the stand which it has on the Ilouae or Rcpicaantatlves. al How railroads to be built wherever there la capital two Hungarian* who fought under General Bern They persist in being its incumbents. 11 6IIUICIU AFFAIRS. slavery question, are now willing to admit the Wash inotofc, February, 18,1860. -ady and willing to build them are about thirty yeers old and make a One appearance. The Kevenue Collection Bill has passed both Mr Croaa, of Ucephen U Jackson and other*, for a BONBV MAKHKT, existence of tquity in their demand, to a certain BILLS HlrORTKD. .w to confirm the title to certain property In the They were helped on to Smyrna by tba Turkish houses of Congress, and will soon be a law. The on 8< F(b 13.41 P. on j the creva*** below Algiera have proved have a fine is and augurs well for the a diu ior lunncr eziesoiog lie iimt ror locating me ij ugaa returning from the country weet of tbe Miaale- top :h* market, and the bear* opportanity to gratifying, aberration, or of " euaii misrepresentations any representations ppi. out a uome ill niv i or« again. Several bav* been rained. «u planter* unavailing.put out ooLtraou. Look Island and Hudson River of the slavery agitation. We cannot expectsettlement Virginia military laud fittuU, puw

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