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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19000-8 - Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC) Paul J. Burton Index More information Index Abydus (Greek city), 104, 242 Adranodorus (Syracusan politician), 336, Acarnania (region in western Greece), 92, 93 337 Achaean League Aemilius Lepidus, M. (pr. 218 bc), 192, 193 amicitia with Rome, 2, 102–05, 174, 181–86, Aemilius Lepidus, M. (cos. I 187 bc), 210, 231, 206–07, 209–16 242 beneficia to Rome, 174, 181–83 Aemilius Regillus, L. (pr. 190 bc), 196 breakdown and dissolution of amicitia with Aenus and Maronea (Greek cities) Rome, 345–51 taken by Antiochus III, 193 bc, 342 expansionism of, 209–13, 226, 232 liberated from Pergamene control, 168 bc, and embassies from L. Flamininus, 296–99 Pergamum, Rhodes, and Athens, 198 bc, Aetolian League 102 alleged perfidiousness of, 269–78 attempts to broker peace between Rome and amicitia with Rome, 90–94 Boeotians, 196 bc, 202 breakdown and dissolution of amicitia with joins Rome’s war on Nabis of Sparta, 195 bc, Rome, 269–78 206, 209 involvement in murder of Bracchyles of embassy to Rome, 193 bc, 209–10 Boeotia, 206, 233, 239 absorbs Sparta, 192 bc, 209–10 performance at the battle of Cynoscephelae, absorbs Messene, 191 bc, 210 271 absorbs Elis, 190 bc, 210 refuses to join Rome’s war on Nabis of Sparta, treaty of alliance with Rome, 190sor180s bc, 206 81, 181–86, 206 treaty of alliance with Rome, 211 bc, 80, 81, and embassy from Q. Caecilius Metellus, 84, 90–94, 185, 269–78 185 bc, 211, 226 treaty of peace with Philip V, 206 bc, 91, 202, and embassy from Ap.
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